#i know maturity in people is slow but it felt like a way to force Hiyori to pursue a medical career
avidvampirehunter · 9 months
So he really never learned to stop pushing people away, huh. Never a happy middle of not being too clingy, and not pushing them away "for their own good." Nope. Never learned it. 'Kay.
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libbyfandom · 9 months
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(((This one got kind of, I don't know how to describe it other than I made my own heart sink. Yikes.)))
Possible Triggers: To cover it, there's one explicit sentence about SA. And Mizu has a breakdown.
“My son told me he spotted that Onryō that was seen outside the village.” You hear an older man’s voice a couple tables away as he sits down.
A second one answers, “The guards said he had a woman with him.”
The first man speaks quieter, in a hardened voice. “Truly?”
“Yes. The poor thing was following so close to it. Do your u think she’s controlled by it?”
You take a sip of your tea slowly, staring out the window as the last of the sun’s rays pull away from the street outside.
“But Onryō don’t enslave people, only torment or kill them, don’t they?”
“Maybe this one desired the girl for worse things.”
There’s an eerie lull in the two men’s conversation, imagining the horror of a demon growing in strength and lust for evil.
Your eyebrows furrow, and you stop the condescending sigh that’s rising in your chest.
“How would it even do that?”
Out of the corner of your eye you see the second man lean closer to his companion. “Maybe he ate her heart.”
Your fingers tighten on your cup, your mouth forming a thin line from how your body is slowly tensing up in anger.
“Think about it,” he continued, painting the scene. “The heart chakra is the center of compassion, empathy, forgiveness. An Onryō?” He chuckles darkly, shaking his head. “It’d tear it right from her chest and swallow it into his empty stomach. Instantly she’s tied to it forever, forced to follow the monster that has her heart and suffer it’s desires.”
You take a shaky breath through your nose, setting your cup down. Your stomach is tensing from the urge to find the nearest teapot and just upend the burning liquid over their heads with a impassive face as they scream and burn.
You’re about to stand up when a hand, slender but rough, wraps around your shoulder. A kasa blocks your side view of the men. A familiar pair of lips find their way to the spot behind your ear. “I’m done. Let’s get back to the room,” they murmur.
You try to tilt your head around her large hat to set your hardened eyes on the men again. You estimate if you could successfully make it over there before she grabs you.
You turn and look into blue eyes hidden by orange lenses.
“I’ve heard worse,” she utters plainly, glancing outside to see a passing guard. Her hand goes to the hilt of her sword.
The ends of her fingers trail down from your shoulder to press over your heart, feeling it beat under her touch.
A murmur. “Let’s go. Now.”
She guides you with a hand on the small of your back through the tables. You turn and stare with barely contained disgust at the men as you pass by, and it infuriates you when they don’t even notice.
Only a handful of steps away from them the first one blows out a deep breath. A low laugh. “Maybe if we follow the screams of a woman being savagely raped by a monster in the night we can kill it.”
Mizu’s steps slow to a stop.
Your lungs forget how to breathe.
Her hand wraps around your waist with the lightest touch.
The tearoom is so quiet. Your head slowly turns and see that the men are the last ones in there.
“Go back to the room,” her voice is so calm you feel an icy flush dart from your ears, down your neck and rapidly crawl over your spine. It’s that instinctual alarm when a dangerous being is near.
And now, after you felt your own moment of quivering anger, you’re forced to remember what true rage matured by decades of time looks like.
Her grip tightens to a painful point, and you wince. “Now.”
Her thumb flicks the first several inches of her sword out of the sheath, the metal reflecting the red glow of candlelight.
Her eyes are staring straight ahead, but you know where her attention is now.
When you hesitate too long, she shoves you toward the door. You stumble, your head turning back to glance at the oblivious men. So unaware.
When you stare back at Mizu, her face is impassive. The candlelight in the tea house lights up the orange of her lenses, obscuring your ability to see her eyes anymore.
It’s just flames.
You’ve been pacing your room since you got back. The sky outside has lost the last traces of light.
The last time Mizu’s face was that eerily blank was months ago out in the woods. Ringo was off gathering herbs for dinner when Mizu sat beside you in front of the fire. She hadn’t said a word to either of you for hours.
Her hand had gone to your knee. “You asked me about my mother once,” she had started.
You hesitated, catching on to the weight of this impending conversation. “Yes.”
And then it all came out. She didn’t look at you once, staring into the fire the entire time. You don’t recall her even blinking as she laid everything out bare for you. Her hand clenched tighter and tighter on your knee as she spoke, her arm quivering.
There was only a few seconds between when she finished and Ringo appearing in the tree line again, shouting happily about what he found. You didn’t get a chance to say anything, her hand leaving your knee cold as she quickly retreated to the other side of camp without a word.
Your eyebrows furrow as you silently chew at your nail, your other arm wrapped around your middle.
‘Maybe I should go find Ringo.’
The two of you should go back and look for Mizu. It’s been too long.
You take several hurried steps toward the door when you hear the window slide open behind you, and the chill of the wind rushes in.
You turn, watching Mizu’s blood soaked body climb through the small window. Her sheath makes a muffled thump as she throws it into the room so she can heave herself in.
The blood soaked sheath leaves a short streak of red along the floor from where it slid to a stop.
Mizu’s feet settle on the ground, and she leans back against the open window with a neutral expression. It’s not like the one before, this one is her natural resting expression that isn’t devoid of life. A relief.
Her indifferent expression is normal. The blood soaking into her clothes is normal. The blood splattered across her face is normal.
Her red rimmed eyes are not normal.
She tilts her chin up at you and quirks an eyebrow as your gaze meets.
As if to say, ‘What?’
You silently walk closer, and you see how she leans back against the window as you do. Her bloodied hands clench around the windowsill.
Her eyes harden as you get closer, her jaw clenching. Warning.
But your eyes remain soft, open, unguarded. You reach out and cup the sides of her torso. Unafraid.
Your hands slowly smooth down her sides to her waist and back up. Back down. Again and again. Around her back where you’ve memorized each scar.
She silently, desperately tries to grasp for the last of her stoicism. But her grinding teeth begin to chatter, chest hitching with broken breathes. Her knuckles turn white with how hard she’s gripping the windowsill behind her.
You pry one hand off the window, and it takes several pulls on her wrist before she lets go.
Without breaking eye contact, you stare into her eyes as your hand guides hers to press against your heart. You fold your arms over hers, hugging her arm to your chest as your hand presses down on hers until she feels your heartbeat under her palm.
Constant and unwavering.
A singular, strangled sob tears from her tight throat and she’s crumpling. Tears burn down her cheeks as her form doubles over with the force of her soul finally finding the weak point to break the dam.
It’s you, it’s you, it’s always you and your love for her isn’t it?
Your hand still holds hers tight to your heart as you follow her shaking frame sinking to the floor.
Blood is soaking into your clothes at every point she touches you.
Her head is hanging down between her shoulders, heaving in air more and more and more until she unclenches her jaw and release an ear splitting scream so loud your own teeth clamp shut.
All you can do is hold her until the screaming stops.
When her muscles finally unclench, and her breathing is only a little ragged, you guide her down to lay on her back with her head on your lap.
She blinks up at you, exhaustion lining her wet face. It’s quiet again, so now you’re able to hear how your breathing is in sync.
Her hand, now cracking with dried blood, reaches up and curls around your wrist. Staring intently into your eyes, she guides it under her haori to her own heartbeat.
Blinking away your own tears, you lean over and press your lips to hers.
She closes her eyes as the weight of your hand settles there, and stays.
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justwinginglife · 1 month
Is this how I request? I'm a boomer, I dunno how to work these fancy gagits xD
Bbuutt you know what would be an amazing oneshot? Jealous!reader BUT Hoshina loves seeing her assert her dominance over other girls so he doesn't stop her (unless she's going too far)
I know you're busy so take your time with this ^.^
I love how this was your first request for me and I answered most of your requests first LOL. Finally coming back around to this one. Mature content mentioned.
One of Soshiro's favorite things about you was your attitude. He loved the way your eyes burned bright, the way your lips dripped with sass, the way you spoke your mind about whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. He thought it was sexy when you told people off, and even sexier when you told him off. And he let you run wild most of the time because it was entertaining; it would be all the time if you didn’t know how to use your fists, and if he wasn’t nervous that you’d use them freely if provoked enough. 
One time, a dog bit you and you bit it back. Soshiro was both shocked and amused, the dog was less amused and more shocked. Either way, that was the day Soshiro discovered he had a biting kink. After that, he frequently nibbled and chomped on any accessible part of you to elicit a bite back. And when you did bite him, he felt like he was a dog, wagging his tail, overjoyed from the delicious attention. 
But as sexy as he thought you were, he knew you could get a bit too rowdy at times and the situation could quickly spiral out of control. He didn’t mind being the one to leash you, it was his intention to stay by your side at all times anyway. He was obsessed with you. And he counted himself lucky that you were also obsessed with a bastard like him. After all, he was the only person you’d ever listen to; even your commanding officers held no sway over you. It was just lucky for them that you happened to agree with their decisions most of the time. But you made damn sure they knew when you disagreed. 
Sometimes you teased Soshiro that the only reason he was a Vice Captain was because the promotion was out of gratitude from his superiors for him keeping you in line. Some days, he’d pout, going off about all the reasons why he deserved to be Vice Captain besides babysitting a little shit like you. Some days, he’d smirk, telling you he’d put you in your place right then and there on the conference table or in the training room, wherever you were. But every day, you enjoyed his banter. You wondered why no one else’s company was as valuable to you as his. Sometimes, half the shit he said drove you crazy and if anyone else had said them to you, you’d knock their teeth out. But for some bizarre reason, your heart ran marathons in your chest every time he talked to you, whether he was saying something annoying or not. And you didn’t have the time or energy to waste figuring it out, so you gave into the feeling. You let yourself love him. 
But you sure as hell didn’t let anyone else love him. 
He’d been getting rather popular lately and lots of news reporters had been poking around the base trying to snag an interview with him. Sometimes he gave them the time of day and sometimes he didn’t. But either way, it drew attention to him. Attention that you didn’t like. 
You thought you had finally established to everyone in the Third Division, no, to everyone in the entire Defense Force that he was yours. And he let you. But now, thanks to all the paparazzi, you found yourself having to defend your place by his side to all of Japan. To all the horny women (and a few horny men) looking to get a bite out of your man. 
But it had been slow at work lately, and the kaiju that had been popping up were unimpressive, leaving you bored. Maybe this was a way to vent your energy. Let them come at me, you thought to yourself. 
The opportunity came sooner than you would’ve liked. But you were ready all the same.
You were out running errands with Soshiro over the weekend and you asked him to take your groceries up to check out. You just wanted to grab a drink from the fridge real quick and you’d meet him up there. When you found him, he was getting hit on by the cashier.
It didn’t matter that he said no, it didn’t matter that he tried to shake her off, she continued with her pursuit of him regardless, and it pissed you the fuck off. He had finally finished paying and she had written her phone number on the receipt. When you saw that, you went up to her, wrapped a possessive arm around his waist, and then splashed the fresh soda you had just grabbed into her face. Then you slammed the exact change for the drink down on the counter and snarled at her, “Don’t ever talk to my man again,” before hauling Soshiro out of the store, leaving her stunned and him smirking. You, of course, immediatley ripped up the receipt with her number on it and Soshiro, wanting to tease you a bit, asked as innocently as he could, “Aww, but what if I needed to return something?” You glared at him and ignored him the whole ride home until he was literally begging on his knees for you to talk to him again. Once you’d seen the sorry sight, you immediately went back to acting like the whole event had never happened, humming happily as you cooked dinner. Soshiro questioned if you were ever even actually mad at him and if you purposely gave him the cold shoulder just to see how much he’d whine for you. He wasn’t wrong but you’d never admit it.
Another time, you were in a movie theater with Soshiro, simply trying to watch some romance together in peace. The couple in front of you was trying to fuck and when the girl threw her head back to moan, she caught sight of your boyfriend. She had the audacity to ask if he wanted to join, completely ignoring you snuggled up against him so that no one could mistake you for anything less than his girlfriend. You ripped the blanket off of them, snapped a photo of their half naked bodies mid-fuck, and showed the theater manager, getting them banned from the place for life (for shits and giggles, you even coaxed some free movie tickets from the manager to make up for such a “traumatizing experience.”) And then, when the bitch thought that was the worst you could do to her, you went and posted her shame online and let the internet do the rest of the work. Soshiro thought that last part was a little cruel, but the worse the crime against you, the harder you fought back. You didn’t feel remorseful in the slightest.
On a good day, you’d just stick your tongue down Soshiro’s throat, forcing whoever was hitting on him to awkwardly make their exit. On your worst day, you drove a cab driver’s car into a river because she had left the car unattended, keys still in the ignition, to step out and give Soshiro her number. When asked why you did it, you simply shrugged, saying you were in the mood for a swim. It was a good thing Soshiro had friends in the police department. Not that you needed them, he was sure you could gnaw your way through the cell bars anyway. 
But each and every time someone would flirt with Soshiro, he was grateful for it, because it turned him on watching you assert yourself over all these other women, and, having pent up energy after such frustrating encounters, you’d take it out on him, reminding him who he belonged to. He was having the time of his life. He’d only stop you if you were on the verge of injuring someone physically (you injured a lot of them psychologically) but part of him wondered if he’d still find that attractive. He did get horny whenever you beat a kaiju to a pulp. He wondered if that made him just as fucked up as you. You were a match made in heaven. 
And though he teased you relentlessly about your jealousy, you never failed to remind him just how envious he could be as well. 
If someone touched you during a sparring match, and they kind of had to if they were going to win, he would lose it. If someone asked for your name just to put it on your food order, he’d give them his instead, snarling that they had no business talking to his girl like that. And it wasn’t just the men. Hoshina was convinced that every woman was a lesbian and they were into you. If someone walking by stopped to comment on how they liked your hair or your lipstick, he’d immediately turn you around and steer you in the opposite direction, calling over his shoulder to them that it was too bad that your hair and your lipstick would be fucked up by the time he was finished with you. And you’d let him fuck you up too because his jealousy turned you on just as much as yours turned him on. For him, you turned into a raging, filthy slut.
And, after watching his possessiveness get the better of him, time and time again, you finally figured out why you worked so well together, why you were so obsessed with each other, why thoughts of him consumed you on a daily basis.
His crazy matched your crazy.
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whereforarthur · 2 months
Ménage à trois
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A/N: Getting back into writing due to my recent obsession with the British YouTube scene, especially ArthurTv and ItalianBach. There is a lack of ItalianBach imagines and I figured I’d try and fill that void.
Pairing: ItalianBach x Gf!reader x ArthurTv
Summary: As ItalianBach’s girlfriend you are asked to gather fanfics of the boys to discuss on the podcast, not knowing what could possibly happen…
Word Count: 6.4K
Rating: Mature 
Category: Smut with Fluff at the end
Content Warnings: threesome, blowjob, pussy-eating, vaginal penetration, kinda overstim, praise, degrading, reader on the pill, unprotected sex, cum in pussy, cum on pussy, lil bit of choking, kinda forceful at times
italicized text is fan fictions y/n is reading
After 2 years of being the girlfriend to ItalianBach, you have grown to admire his uprising and the more and more fans that began to accumulate. Of course, you were proud of your boyfriend's success, but along with it came hundreds of thirsting fans. The number of thirst traps and edits that would now pop up on your FYP was insane. You couldn’t blame them though, to be fair you were dating a Greek god of a man.
So you were quite surprised when Isaac asked you to gather some imagines and fanfics to discuss on the next episode of the Bach and Arthur Podcast.
“Are you sure you want to torture yourselves,” a blush began to rise on your cheeks as you asked Isaac, “Some of those imagines can get pretty naughty.” Having spent your fair time on Tumblr in the past you knew of the kind of filth that people could write up.
Isaac laughed at the blush that rose on your cheeks when you asked him. “Of course, love I’m sure it can’t be that bad and I think it would be great laughs for the pod.” He replied.
You couldn't help but feel a peculiar mix of excitement and trepidation as you thought about the idea of finding hot fanfics about your boyfriend and best mate.
But you hadn't expected to find a treasure trove of fanfics and smut featuring ArthurTv, the charismatic co-host of his show. The explicit scenes had taken you by surprise, You felt a guilty thrill as you realized that the raw passion in the stories had your pulse racing.
Her eyes were transfixed on the words that danced before her, a particular imagine that had caught her attention. It was of Arthur, the charismatic yet enigmatic star of the screen, a man whose allure was as vast as the universe itself.
The image painted a picture of Arthur in a state of sublime surrender, his powerful form bent to the will of unseen hands.
"Arthur looked so gone with each bounce, his chest rising and falling so dramatically with each breath, his eyes half lidded and completely dumbified, the way his lips twitched slightly as though he needed to say something but couldn't between all his high whimpers and moans which had you racing towards your climax."
Her hand wandered down to her thigh, tracing the contours of her skin as she delved deeper into the narrative. The fabric of her shorts grew damp as her arousal grew in response to the erotic tale. Each word she read was a caress, a whispered promise of the intensity that awaited her if she dared to let go.
But she knew she had to move on. There was a podcast to prepare for, after all. With a shaky exhale, she closed the tab and opened the next link. The effort to shake off the excitement was Herculean, but she managed, focusing instead on the task at hand. The next fanfic began innocently enough, a gentle romance blossoming between Arthur and another character. She forced her breathing to even out, her racing heart to slow, as she willed her thoughts back to the podcast. The words on the screen swam in front of her eyes, the aftershocks of the previous story lingering in the air like a seductive perfume.
This new tale took a surprising turn, however, as Arthur's love for lingerie began to emerge.
"A side that made him seem like a menace, almost like he was a horny teenage boy who had been left alone with his female celebrity crush, becoming touchy and needy."
Her cheeks flushed as she read about his tender exploration of his partner's body, his eyes lighting up with wonder as he revealed the secrets hidden beneath layers of fabric. It was a stark contrast to the raw, unbridled passion of the first story, and she found herself drawn to this more intimate side of Arthur. Her own hands grew curious, wandering up to her chest, feeling the soft fabric of her shirt. She closed her eyes, picturing Arthur's hands, so adept at uncovering secrets, working their magic on her.
You tried to convince yourself it was just the novelty, the thrill of the forbidden. But as you scrolled through page after page of steamy content, you couldn't help but feel a wetness between your legs that had nothing to do with the innocent curiosity of reading fanfiction. Your mind began to wander, imagining the scenarios playing out in the stories, with you as the unseen participant. The way Arthur’s mischievous smile would curve into something more seductive when he looked at you. It was wrong, you knew, but the allure was undeniable.
It was like a switch had been flipped in your mind, and suddenly, you couldn't get enough of the idea. The thought of being the one to bring that passion to the surface, to be the one they both craved, was intoxicating.
The sudden sound of the key in the lock jolted her out of her reverie. Her boyfriend, Isaac, was home. She took a deep breath, willing her pulse to slow and her cheeks to return to their normal color. She had to compose herself; she couldn't have him finding her in such a state. Quickly, she minimized the browser and closed her laptop, hoping the evidence of her arousal wasn't too obvious.
"Babe, what’s got you so frazzled?" He said as he entered the living room, his voice a pleasant mix of curiosity and confusion. But as she looked up at him, she saw a glint in his eye that suggested he knew exactly what you'd been reading. A smirk played on his lips, and your heart skipped a beat.
You looked down at your laptop, feeling a sudden jolt of excitement and nervousness.
“Find anything good?" he asked, his voice low and teasing.
You swallowed hard, your mind racing. "Just the... stuff you asked me to look f-for the podcast," you managed to reply, your voice wavering slightly.
He sauntered closer, his eyes darkening as he leaned against the desk. "Oh, I know exactly what you've been looking at," he said, his voice dropping an octave.
Isaac’s smirk grew wider as he approached you, his eyes never leaving yours.
His eyes scanned the first imagine, a grin spreading slowly across his face as he read aloud, "Submissive ArthurTV smut." The title alone was enough to make you blush, and you found yourself eagerly waiting to hear his reaction.
As he read further, his smile turned into a puzzled frown. "These are all about Arthur?" he asked, looking through the opened tabs on your laptop. You nodded sheepishly, realizing your oversight in not mentioning the focus of the fanfics. "Well, I guess I'm not as popular as I thought," he said, trying to keep the sting out of his voice. Isaac looked at you, his expression unreadable. He took a sip of his coffee before finally speaking, "Well, I'm not surprised. Girls do seem to go crazy over his cuteness."
Having read all the imagines and smut all ready in perpetration, you couldn’t help but giggle and blush at Isaac. “Oh, you have no idea just how crazy they get over the boy.” Twiddling your thumbs as your gaze drops to the floor, nervous for Isaac to read them.
He leaned over the back of the couch, his fingers tracing the line of your neck. "You know, I've always wondered what you thought about Arthur," he murmured, his breath warm against your ear.
"What do you mean?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. Isaac’s hand rested on your shoulder, his thumb brushing against your skin in slow, deliberate circles.
You had always found Arthur attractive, but you had never allowed your thoughts to wander beyond the realm of friendship. Your relationship with Isaac had been a happy one, filled with love and laughter, and the occasional podcast recording. But here you were, with your body responding to the illicit thoughts that the fanfics had planted in your mind. The room grew warmer as you felt Isaac’s hand slide down your arm, his fingertips grazing the inside of your elbow, sending sparks through your body.
He chuckled softly, his grip tightening ever so slightly. "You know, the way the fans write about us. The... fantasies they have." His voice was a seductive purr, sending shivers down your spine.
"Fantasies, huh?" you replied, trying to keep your voice even as your heart thudded in your chest. He leaned closer, his eyes searching yours, a silent question hanging in the air. "I guess everyone has their fantasies," you added, trying to sound nonchalant, but the tremor in your voice betrayed your excitement.
He chuckled again, a sound that sent a thrill through you. "Yeah, they do," he said, his thumb now tracing lazy circles around the inside of your wrist. His eyes never left yours as he spoke, and you could see the mischief in them. "And what about you?" he pressed, his voice dropping another octave. "What do you fantasize about?"
You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his gaze on you. You had never been one to shy away from your desires, but this was new territory, even for you. "I... I've had a fantasy," you began, the words spilling out of you before you could stop them. "A threesome, with you and Arthur."
Isaac’s eyes widened, the smirk on his face morphing into something more serious. "Really?" he said, his voice thick with surprise and a hint of excitement. "You've thought about that?"
You nodded, unable to tear your gaze away from his. The idea had consumed you since you'd first stumbled upon the fanfics, growing from a simple curiosity to a full-blown obsession. The more you read, the more you found yourself craving the kind of passion that seemed to exist only in the minds of the writers and their devoted readers. "I can't stop thinking about it," you admitted, your voice barely a murmur.
Isaac’s hand stilled on your wrist, his eyes searching yours. For a moment, there was silence, the air in the room thick with anticipation. Then, he leaned in, his mouth capturing yours in a kiss that was both gentle and demanding. You melted into him, your body responding instinctively to his touch. The taste of him was familiar, yet the context was alien, a heady mix that made your head spin.
As your kiss deepened, his hand slid down to your thigh, his thumb rubbing small circles that made you squirm.
You didn't know how this conversation had turned into this, but you didn't want it to stop.
"What if we made it a reality?" Isaac whispered against your lips, his breath hot and demanding. "What if we invited Arthur over tonight and made your fantasy come true?"
Your mind raced. Would Arthur really be up for that? Was he even attracted to you? The thought was exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure. You had known Arthur for only a couple of months, but the idea of sharing an intimate encounter with him was something you had never dared to consider. But the way Isaac was looking at you, with a mix of hunger and excitement, made it feel like anything was possible
“You think he'd be okay with it?" you asked, your voice shaking with anticipation.
Isaac’s grin grew, and he gave your thigh a firm squeeze. "I think he'd be more than okay," he said confidently. "You know he's always had a thing for you?”
The revelation sent a shiver down your spine. Arthur had always been flirty, but you had dismissed it as part of his charm. Now, the way he'd looked at you during podcasts, the lingering touches, and the way his eyes followed you around the room, took on a new meaning. You had been so wrapped up in your own life that you'd missed the signs that were staring you in the face.
Isaac’s hand slid up to cup your cheek, his thumb tracing the line of your jaw. "We can make it happen," he murmured, his voice a seductive promise. "But only if you're sure."
You nodded, your heart racing. The thought of being with both of them was thrilling and terrifying, but the excitement won out. "Call him," you said, your voice a breathy whisper.
Isaac pulled away, his eyes alight with excitement. He grabbed his phone and dialed Arthur’s number, his eyes never leaving yours. You watched him, your chest heaving, as he spoke in hushed tones, laying out the plan. You could only catch fragments of the conversation, but the way his eyes darkened and his voice grew lower told you that Arthur was on board.
As Isaac hung up, he turned to you, his gaze intense. "He's on his way," he said, his voice thick with desire. "Are you sure about this?"
You nodded again, unable to form coherent words. The anticipation was almost too much to bear. You could feel your body reacting, your core tightening with need. Your stomach was a whirlwind of butterflies as you thought about what was to come. You'd never been with two men at once, and the idea of it was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. You tried to calm your racing thoughts, but the anticipation was too much. You took a deep breath, feeling your chest rise and fall with the effort.
When the doorbell rang, your heart skipped a beat. Isaac gave you a reassuring wink before heading to the door. You could hear the muffled sound of their greetings, and then Arthur’s voice grew clearer as he entered the room.
"Hey, gorgeous," Arthur said, walking over and kissing you on the cheek. His lips lingered just a moment too long, sending a thrill through your body. Isaac sat down next to you, his hand resting possessively on your thigh. The tension in the room was palpable, a delicious cocktail of excitement and nerves.
"So, Isaac here tells me you've been reading some... interesting fanfics about me," Arthur said, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down your spine. He had a mischievous glint in his brown doe eyes, one that told you he knew exactly what was going on. You felt your cheeks heat up again, but instead of looking away, you met his gaze, letting him see the desire in your eyes.
“They were just for the podcast," you protested weakly, though the tremor in your voice gave you away. Isaac chuckled, his hand squeezing your thigh in a silent message of support.
Arthur’s eyes searched yours, a smirk playing on his lips as he sat down across from you. "Is that so?" he said, his tone teasing. "But they turned you on, didn't they?" he said, his voice low and seductive. You felt your face flush even hotter, but you didn't deny it. There was something about the way he said it that made you feel like you were sharing a naughty secret, something thrilling and taboo.
Isaac leaned back into the couch, his hand sliding up to rest on the back of your neck. "You can tell us, babe," he murmured, his thumb tracing lazy circles that made your pulse race. "It's okay to be turned on by a good story."
You took a deep breath, the words sticking in your throat like a guilty confession. "Yes," you finally managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. "They did turn me on." Isaac’s hand tightened around your neck, his thumb still tracing circles.
The two men exchanged a look, a silent communication that seemed to carry more weight than any words could. Arthur's smile grew, his eyes darkening with desire. He took a seat on the opposite end of the couch, his gaze never leaving yours. "Well, if you liked the stories, maybe we could give you a taste of the real thing," he said, his voice like velvet.
You could feel the tension between the three of you, a heady mix of excitement and nerves. Arthur leaned in, his hand landing on your other thigh, his fingers playing with the hem of your shorts. "Is that what you want?" he whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
You nodded, unable to find the words to express the tumult of emotions within you. The fanfics had been a catalyst, igniting a desire you hadn't even known existed. Now, with the two men you had fantasized about so intimately right in front of you, it was like stepping into a world you had only ever dared to imagine.
Isaac's hand slid up to the nape of your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair as he pulled you closer for a kiss that was anything but gentle. His tongue danced with yours, tasting and claiming, as Arthur's hand began to inch higher up your thigh. You could feel the heat radiating from both of them, their desire a palpable force that made you feel alive in a way you hadn't in ages.
Breaking the kiss, Isaac whispered, "Take off your shirt," his voice a gruff command that sent a thrill through your body. You complied, the fabric slipping off your shoulders to reveal your lacy black bra. Arthur's eyes widened, his hand pausing for a moment before he reached out to trace the edge of the fabric with a fingertip.
The touch was electric, sending a jolt of desire through you. You watched as Isaac's gaze drifted down to your chest, his eyes dark with lust. He leaned in, his teeth grazing your neck as he unclipped your bra, freeing your breasts. Arthur’s eyes locked on them, his pupils dilating with hunger.
Isaac’s mouth found one of your nipples, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud before taking it into his mouth and sucking gently. You gasped, arching your back, your hands tangling in his hair. Arthur took the opportunity to kiss along your collarbone, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin. You could feel the bulge in his pants pressing against your bare leg, his hand now resting on your hip.
The anticipation was unbearable, the room spinning with the heady scent of desire. Then, Isaac pulled away, his eyes locked on Arthur's. "Your turn," he said, his voice a rough growl. Arthur's eyes met yours, and you could see the challenge in them. You leaned in, your heart racing, and kissed him for the first time.
It was nothing like you had ever experienced before. Isaac's kisses were familiar, a dance of love and comfort that you had shared countless times. Arthur's kiss was something else entirely—it was wild, raw, and consuming. His lips were soft, yet firm, demanding your attention as his tongue slid against yours. You felt a jolt of electricity as your bodies melded together, his hand cupping your face with a gentle urgency that made your knees go weak.
Isaac’s hand slid down your back, his fingers tracing the contours of your body as he watched the two of you, his desire evident in the way his chest rose and fell. You could feel his arousal pressing into your side, a constant reminder that this wasn't just a kiss between you and Arthur, but a shared experience among the three of you.
Arthur's hand moved to your bare shoulder, his thumb brushing against the sensitive skin as he deepened the kiss. You moaned into his mouth, the sound lost in the mingling of your breaths. His other hand found its way to your breast, his touch firm yet gentle, teasing the nipple until it stood at attention. You couldn't help but arch into his touch, the sensation making your toes curl.
Isaac's hand slid down to your waist, his fingers unbuttoning your shorts with a deftness that spoke of experience. He tugged them down, revealing the dampness of your panties. Arthur broke the kiss, his eyes dropping to the exposed flesh, his breath hitching in his throat. "You're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice hoarse with need.
You felt Isaac's hand slide over your bare skin, his thumb hooking into the fabric of your panties. He tugged them down, leaving you exposed and vulnerable, yet incredibly turned on. You watched as Arthur's eyes followed the movement, his hand now resting on the bulge in his pants, his fingers tracing the outline. The sight of him, so obviously affected by your shared intimacy, was intoxicating.
"Take them off," Isaac murmured, his voice thick with need. You obeyed, standing up to shimmy out of your shorts and panties, leaving you in nothing but your heels. Arthur's eyes roamed over your body, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. You felt a thrill of power at being the object of their desire, the center of their attention.
You sat back down on the couch, sitting in between the two boys. Isaac groaned as you pressed against him, his hands sliding up to cup your breasts. Arthur leaned in, his mouth finding your neck, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin. You moaned, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through you. Isaac's mouth found your other nipple, sucking hard, his teeth grazing the tender flesh.
You felt Arthur's hand slip between your thighs, his fingers toying with the slick folds of your sex. You were wet, so wet, and the feeling of his touch was almost too much. Isaac's hands roamed over your body, his fingertips teasing the edge of your ass, his thumbs tracing the line of your hips. You could feel their arousal, the thickness of their cocks pressing against you, and it only made you want more.
Isaac's mouth found yours again, his tongue delving deep as his hand began to rub you in slow, deliberate circles. You gasped into the kiss, your body responding instinctively to his touch. Isaac's hands moved to your ass, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh as he rocked his hips up into you, his hardness teasing your wetness.
You could feel the fabric of the couch beneath you, rough against your skin as Arthur's fingers slid deeper, his thumb circling your clit with expert precision. Isaac's mouth traveled down your neck, planting kisses along the way, his breath hot against your skin. Your hips began to move in time with Arthur's hand, the friction building into a crescendo of pleasure.
“Let's switch things up," Arthur murmured, his voice thick with desire. He gently pushed you back until you were lying on the couch, his eyes never leaving yours. He knelt between your legs, his hands on your thighs, spreading them wider. "I want to taste you," he said, his gaze burning into yours.
You felt a thrill of excitement at his words, the reality of the situation hitting you like a wave. You nodded, unable to form coherent words, as Arthur's hands guided you closer to the edge of the couch. Isaac watched, his eyes hooded with lust, as Arthur leaned in, his breath hot against your center. You could feel the anticipation building, the tension in the room almost tangible.
Arthur's tongue flicked out, tasting you for the first time, and you moaned, your hips bucking upward. He chuckled, the vibration against your clit sending sparks of pleasure through your body. His tongue delved deeper, exploring you with a hunger that was both surprising and thrilling. He was so attentive, so eager to please. Isaac's hands were on your breasts again, pinching and teasing your nipples as he watched Arthur devour you.
The sensation was overwhelming, the combination of Arthur's skilled mouth and Isaac's firm grip on your body pushing you closer to the edge. You reached down, your fingers tangling in Arthur's hair, guiding him as he licked and sucked. You could feel the tension building, your muscles tightening as the first waves of orgasm began to crash over you. Isaac leaned down, his mouth finding yours as Arthur's tongue swirled around your clit, pushing you over the edge.
“Arthur, I'm going to cum," you gasped, the words barely making it past the lump in your throat. Arthur's eyes flicked up to meet yours, a wicked smile playing on his lips as he redoubled his efforts. You could feel the warmth spreading through your body, the tension coiling tighter and tighter until you couldn't hold it in anymore. You moaned, the sound muffled by Isaac's mouth, as you came, your body shuddering with pleasure.
The two men pulled back, their gazes locked on you as your orgasm washed over you. You felt a warm glow spread through you, a sense of satisfaction that was new and exhilarating. Isaac's hand slid down to cup your face, turning it so he could kiss you again, deep and slow, as Arthur's thumb lazily circled your clit, sending aftershocks through your body.
When your breathing had evened out, Isaac whispered, "Now it's our turn." He slid out from under you, standing up and unbuckling his belt. Arthur followed suit, his eyes never leaving yours as he stripped out of his clothes. The sight of the two of them, fully aroused and ready, was like something out of your wildest dreams.
Without a word, you reached out and took Arthur's cock in your mouth, the velvety softness of his skin against your lips sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. Isaac watched with rapt attention, his hand moving to stroke his erection as he took in the sight of you pleasuring his podcast partner. The sensation was foreign, yet exhilarating, and you found yourself eager to explore more.
Isaac knelt beside the couch, his eyes on your bobbing head as he stroked himself. His cock was thick and veined, the tip glistening with precum. You felt his hand on your thigh, his thumb brushing against your still-sensitive clit, sending shockwaves through your body. You moaned around Arthur's cock, the vibration making him gasp.
"Fuck, you're so good at that," Arthur groaned, his hand tightening in your hair.
"Arthur, she's incredible," Isaac said, his voice thick with desire. "Her mouth is magic." Arthur groaned in response, his eyes rolling back as you took him deeper, the sound of your gagging only adding to the intensity of the moment.
The praise sent a jolt of excitement through you, making you want to show them just how good you could be. You took Arthur deeper into your mouth, your cheeks hollowing as you sucked with all the passion and skill that Isaac had enjoyed.
Isaac leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. "You're going to make him cum so hard," he whispered, his hand sliding down to your ass, his fingers teasing your opening.
The dual sensations of Arthur's cock in your mouth and Isaac's fingers on your ass were driving you wild. You felt yourself getting wetter, your pussy begging to be filled. Isaac noticed, his hand moving to stroke your clit as he whispered more dirty words of encouragement.
"That's it, baby," he murmured, his voice a low growl of approval. "Take him all in. Show him how much you want this." Your eyes watered slightly as you took him deeper, the tip brushing the back of your throat. You felt a thrill of power as Isaac's hand tightened in your hair, guiding you, his breathing growing ragged. You had never done this before, but something about the moment made it feel incredibly right.
You felt Isaac's breath against your ear, his words sending shivers down your spine. You could feel his arousal pressing against your back, his hand still working magic on your clit. Arthur's hips began to buck, his cock sliding in and out of your mouth in a rhythm that matched the strokes of your hand. You could taste the saltiness of his precum, a hint of what was to come.
Suddenly, Arthur's body tensed, and with a guttural groan, he came. You felt the warmth of his cum fill your mouth, and you swallowed eagerly, not missing a beat. The salty taste was surprisingly delicious, a testament to the power of the moment. You pulled back, licking your lips, watching the aftermath of pleasure play out on his face. Isaac's hand slid away from your clit, giving you a moment to catch your breath. Isaac leaned in, watching with hooded eyes as you continued to pleasure Arthur, drawing out every last drop of his release.
Arthur leaned back, his chest heaving, a look of pure bliss etched on his features. You couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the power you had over him, the way he had lost control in your mouth. Isaac chuckled, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Good girl," he murmured, his hand tracing the line of your jaw.
You looked up at Arthur, his cock still semi-hard in front of you. "Can you go again?" you asked the question dripping with curiosity and desire. He blinked, a lazy smile spreading across his face. "For you?" he replied, his voice still thick with arousal. "Always."
Isaac chuckled, his hand guiding his erection closer to your mouth. You eagerly took him in, his taste a heady mix of desire and power. As you began to suck, Arthur's cock grew harder, the anticipation building. You felt him shift behind you, his fingers ghosting over your ass before he positioned himself at your entrance.
With a single, smooth thrust, Arthur entered you, filling you up completely. You gasped around Isaac's cock, the sensation of being filled by two men at once was unlike anything you'd ever experienced. Isaac's hand tangled in your hair, guiding your movements as Arthur began to move, his strokes long and slow, drawing out the pleasure.
"Look at her," Isaac said, his voice filled with pride. "Taking us both like a champ."
Arthur's hand smacked down on your ass, the sound echoing in the quiet room. You yelped, the sting turning into a rush of heat that only added to your arousal. He leaned down, his breath hot against your ear. "That's it, baby," he murmured, his voice thick with lust. "You're so fucking sexy."
You could feel his cock pulsing inside you, his hips moving in a steady rhythm that had you on the edge of another orgasm. Isaac's eyes never left yours as you took him deeper into your mouth, his thumb tracing your bottom lip. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the air, a testament to Arthur's passionate strokes.
Arthur's hand tightened on your hip, his other hand sliding around to your throat. He didn't squeeze, but the mere presence of his touch there sent a shiver down your spine. It was a silent claim of dominance, one that had your body responding in ways you didn't fully understand. You felt Isaac's cock swell in your mouth, his breathing growing ragged.
The three of you moved in a symphony of passion, each touch and stroke building upon the last. You could feel Arthur's cock twitching, his movements growing more urgent. Isaac's hand in your hair tightened, his hips jerking as he approached his climax. You could feel your orgasm building, the tension coiling tighter and tighter.
Suddenly, Isaac's hand left your hair, his fingers sliding down to trace your cheek. "Look at me," he ordered, his voice strained. You obeyed, your eyes locking with his as he began to spurt into your mouth, filling you with his warmth. You swallowed, the salty taste of him mixing with the pleasure of Arthur's cock inside you. Isaac's eyes never left yours, the intimacy of the moment searing into your soul.
Arthur's pace quickened, his breaths coming in harsh pants as he felt his release building. He leaned over you, his hand sliding up to cup your breast, his thumb flicking the nipple. The two men watched each other over your body, their expressions a mix of lust and possessiveness. Arthur's strokes grew more erratic, his breathing ragged. "I'm going to cum," he warned, his voice tight. You felt your orgasm building, the pressure in your core threatening to shatter you.
“Come for us," Isaac murmured, his hand sliding down to stroke your clit in time with Arthur's thrusts. The combination was too much, and with a scream that was muffled by Isaac’s mouth on yours, you came again, your body convulsing around Arthur's. He followed you over the edge, his cock pulsing deep inside you as he filled you with his release.
For a moment, the three of you stayed like that, panting and trembling, lost in the aftermath of your shared climax. Then, Arthur withdrew, his cock glistening with your juices.
You felt boneless, your muscles turned to jelly as Arthur pulled out, his breathing ragged. Isaac helped you up, his arm around your waist as you swayed slightly. "You okay?" he asked, his voice a low rumble of concern. You nodded, a lazy smile on your face, still reeling from the intensity of the experience.
The three of you stood there for a moment, panting and sweaty, the air thick with the scent of sex. Isaac leaned in to kiss you, his tongue claiming your mouth in a way that left no doubt who you belonged to. Arthur's hand rested on your shoulder, his own need for dominance sated for the moment.
The three of you collapsed onto the couch, breathing heavily, your bodies sticky with sweat and cum. You felt a sense of euphoria wash over you, a heady mix of satisfaction and disbelief.
“Damn, that was incredible," Arthur murmured, his voice heavy with satisfaction. You nodded, unable to find the words to express the tumult of emotions coursing through you. You felt used in the best possible way, claimed by two men who had given you pleasure beyond anything you'd ever known.
Arthur stepped closer, his hand tracing the line of your spine as he leaned in to kiss you. "You're both incredible," you managed to say, your voice a hoarse whisper.
Arthur stepped back, his desire still evident in his eyes. "Let's get you cleaned up," he said, his voice still thick with lust. You nodded, your legs wobbly as Isaac helped you to your feet. He led you to the bathroom, the two of them following close behind. The warm water of the shower washed over you, the steam filling the room as they lathered your body with gentle, soothing strokes.
They took turns washing you, their hands gliding over your skin with a tenderness that belied the intensity of what had just happened. You felt cherished, desired, and utterly consumed by them. Isaac's hands lingered on your breasts, his thumbs flicking your sensitive nipples until you gasped. Arthur's soapy hands roamed down your back, his fingers tracing the lines of your ass before slipping between your cheeks.
You took a deep breath, feeling both sated and overwhelmed. "Guys," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper. "I... I can't handle anymore tonight." You felt a twinge of regret, but your body was begging for a break from the intensity of the evening.
Isaac's arms tightened around you, his lips brushing against your ear. "Sshh, baby," he soothed. "You've been amazing. We'll save the rest for another time." His words were like a warm blanket, wrapping around you and easing the tension that had built up in your muscles.
Arthur nodded in agreement, his eyes still dark with hunger, but understanding in your exhaustion. "You've done more than enough," he said, his voice a soft rumble that sent shivers down your spine despite your satiation. "Let us take care of you now."
When you were clean, they helped you out of the shower, wrapping you in a soft, warm towel. Isaac's arms circled you from behind, his chest pressing against your back as he kissed your neck. Arthur took the towel from you, his eyes never leaving yours as he dried you off, his touch lingering in all the right places.
They led you to the bedroom, the soft light from the bedside lamp casting a warm glow over the rumpled sheets. Isaac laid you down, his hands smoothing over your skin as Arthur climbed in beside you. They surrounded you, their warm bodies a comforting cocoon that seemed to chase away any lingering nerves or doubts.
You snuggled closer to Isaac, his arm wrapping around your waist as he pulled you against his chest. Arthur's hand found your thigh, his fingers idly stroking the soft skin as he leaned in to press a gentle kiss to your cheek. You felt safe, cherished, and more alive than you had in a long time.
You looked up at Isaac, your hand sliding up to trace the line of his jaw. He opened his eyes, the intensity in them replaced with a soft, affectionate gaze. "Thank you," you whispered, the words barely carrying across the pillow.
He smiled, a gentle curve of his lips that made your heart flutter. "For what?"
You shrugged, feeling a little shy. "For making this happen. For making it feel...right."
Isaac leaned in to kiss you, his lips soft and reassuring. "You're welcome," he murmured. "Now get some rest. We've got a podcast to record tomorrow."
You chuckled, the mundane thought of the podcast a stark contrast to the erotic whirlwind of the evening. Arthur's hand slid up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing away a stray lock of hair. "Sleep tight, love," he whispered, his voice thick with affection.
“I can't believe we're going to talk about this on the podcast," you said, a hint of nervousness in your voice.
“Don't worry," Isaac assured you, his thumb tracing small circles on your hip. "We're not going to spill the beans about what happened here. That's our little secret." Arthur nodded in agreement, his hand still resting on your thigh. "But we will definitely talk about the fanfics," he added with a wink.
The three of you lay there, the tension of the evening slowly unwinding. The air was still heavy with the scent of sex and desire, but now it was tempered with a warmth that was almost comforting. Isaac’s chest rose and fell steadily beneath you, his heartbeat a reassuring throb that lulled you closer to sleep. Arthur's hand continued to move in lazy circles, his breathing evening out as his eyes drifted closed.
The podcast was going to be interesting tomorrow, you thought with a small smile. But for now, you were content to bask in the afterglow of your newfound reality. This was a night that would go down in history, not just for the podcast, but for the three of you.
Ménage à trois (Part 2)
A/N: Let me know what you guys think my first time writing in a while, I am going to open my requests to imagines of the British YouTube scene. Let me know if anyone would be interested in that!
A/n: Big shoutout and thanks to @g-xix and @live-laugh-lenney for letting me reference and use some of their brilliant smut in this imagine
Smuts references:
Submissive ArthurTV smut
arthur loves lingerie
126 notes · View notes
roxxie-wolf · 2 months
𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒪𝓇𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓈 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒
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Pairing: Human!Alastor x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your parents want you to marry someone of their choice, but you already have eyes on someone else. Will you follow what your parents think is best for you or will you go with what your heart desires.
Word count: 3.0k
Warnings: human!alastor x fem!reader, slow burn, this story may contain mature sexual content. Your in your late 20's, Alastor is in his early 30's, you still live with your parents idk. If I forgot anything else please let me know.
Note: Here’s chapter 11. I tried my best on this one. Enjoy.
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣𝟣
The sun's rays pierced through the curtains, casting a warm yet unwelcome light on the room. It was the day after the revelation of your arrangement with Brian, and the bed felt like the only sanctuary from the reality that awaited you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you stared blankly at the ceiling, a canvas for the storm of thoughts raging in your mind. You had held onto the belief that your parents understood you, that they would never force you into a life you didn't want. But that belief had shattered, leaving you to question everything you thought you knew about love and family.
In a week, you would be leaving the familiarity of your home, tasked with the heavy burden of packing up not just your belongings, but your entire life. The thought of stepping into a new house, a new life with a man you didn't love, was more than daunting—it was suffocating. And then there was Alastor, the one who had unknowingly captured your heart. *How could you face him? How could you utter the words that would inevitably build a wall between you?*
The decision weighed heavily on you, a burden you wasn't quite ready to share. You knew you had to tell Alastor, yet the thought of possibly never seeing him again after the confession was paralyzing. The fear of losing him was a stark contrast to the knowledge that he deserved the truth.
You rose from the bed, your movements automatic as you made your way to the bathroom. After brushing your teeth you removed your clothes and stepped into the shower, warm spray was a temporary refuge, a place where your thoughts could run as freely as the water. *How should I tell Alastor? Should I invite him over again and then tell him?* The questions circled endlessly, each one a reminder of the inevitable conversation that loomed ahead.
As you stood there, the water enveloping you, a plan began to form. You would invite Alastor over, create a space of warmth and familiarity, and then, with all the courage you could muster, you would tell him. It wouldn't be easy, but in your heart, you knew it was the right thing to do.
You finished showering, you got dressed and headed downstairs. You passed by your parents and headed out. The cool morning air was a refreshing change as you stepped outside, leaving the tension-filled atmosphere of your home behind. You wandered towards town, your eyes scanning the crowd for a glimpse of Alastor, but he was nowhere to be found.
Deciding to make the most of your day, you lost yourself in the rhythm of the town's life. The morning slipped into afternoon, and the streets buzzed with the energy of people going about their day. It was during this bustle that you spotted him—Alastor, moving swiftly through the crowd, a determined stride in his step.
Quickening your pace, you followed him, weaving through the throng until you were close enough to reach out and tap his bicep. "Hm, oh hello darling," Alastor's voice was a welcome sound, and you looked up at him as his glasses slipped down his nose slightly. He slowed his pace to match yours. "Hello Alastor, what are you doing around here?" your curiosity mingling with a tinge of anxiety.
Alastor's gaze met yours, a brief connection before he turned his attention forward, adjusting his glasses. "I’m actually heading back to work, my dear. Do you want to come with me?" His invitation was casual, yet it held an undercurrent of warmth.
You hesitated, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. The thought of revealing your impending arranged marriage loomed over you, a shadow threatening to darken the moment. Yet, walking beside him, looking up at Alastor, you realized that this could be an opportunity—a chance to spend time with him, to find the right moment to share your truth. With a nod, you accepted his offer, your heart whispering a hope that perhaps, in his company, you would find the strength to face what was to come.
The radio station stood before you, a beacon of Alastor's world, and as you two approached, you felt a flutter of excitement. "Come on darling," Alastor's voice was warm, his smile inviting as he held the door open for you. "Thank you," you murmured, stepping inside and taking in the surroundings with wide, curious eyes.
"Hello, welcome," the lady at the front desk greeted you two cheerfully. "Hello there," Alastor responded with a polite smile, and you found yourself smiling and waving back, caught up in the friendly atmosphere.
"This way," Alastor took your hand and lead you down a hallway. Arriving at a door crowned with an 'on the air' sign, and he ushered you in first. The room had all the equipment poised for the next broadcast, an empty table on one corner and two chairs waiting like silent audience members.
"So this is where you work," you turn to Alastor, who was already looking at you, his smile a mix of pride and joy. "Yes indeed," he lowered himself to your level and adjusted his glasses,a familiar gesture that spoke of his thoughtful nature. "Do you want to see me work?" He put his hands behind his back, his voice holding an offer of sharing a piece of his life with you.
The question hung in the air, a simple yet significant invitation. You nodded, eager to witness the man you cared for in his element, to see the passion with which he approached his work. It was a chance to understand him better, to connect with him on a deeper level, and perhaps, to find the right moment to share your own burdensome truth.
As Alastor's voice filled the room, a blend of warmth and professionalism, you found yourself lulled by the soothing cadence of his speech. Your eyelids grew heavy, his voice a gentle lullaby that threatened to coax you into slumber right there in the studio. With a start, you shook your head, rubbing your eyes to ward off sleep. You couldn't afford to drift off, not when there was so much left unsaid between you.
Throughout the broadcast, you watched him, admiration and affection blooming in your chest. The sight of Alastor, so engrossed in his work, so clearly in his element, sent a flutter of butterflies through your stomach. It was a happiness you longed to share, but the weight of your secret—a future bound to another—anchored your joy.
When the broadcast ended, and the 'on the air' sign dimmed, night had indeed fallen. Alastor stood, stretching slightly before making his way over to you. He leaned down, his hands resting on the backrest of your chair, his presence a comforting solidity in the quiet aftermath of his show.
The moment was intimate, the studio a bubble away from the world outside. It was now or never. With a deep breath, you steeled yourself to break the silence, to shatter the peace with the truth of your situation. The words were there, at the tip of your tongue, a confession that would change everything. Yet, as you looked up into Alastor's eyes, you found a silent question. *Were you ready to let go of this moment, of the possibility of what could be, for the stark reality that awaited you?*
Alastor's piercing gaze bore into your own, sending shivers down your spine. It was as if he could see right through you, uncovering every hidden thought and emotion buried within your soul. His intense scrutiny made you feel exposed, vulnerable, and yet strangely exhilarated.
As the silence stretched between you, broken only by the sound of your own heartbeat, Alastor finally spoke. "How did I do?" His voice was low and smooth, sending a shiver down your spine. You were caught off guard by his sudden question, struggling to find your voice.
"You did great," you managed to reply, offering him a small smile. His eyes flicked down to your lips and then back to meet your own, his face hovering just inches from yours. The air between you crackled with an undeniable tension, a palpable connection that seemed to draw you closer together.
"Alastor, I have to tell you something," your voice barely above a whisper. Alastor's eyes, filled with curiosity, urged you on. "Please do tell, dear."
You turned your gaze away, a futile attempt to hide the turmoil within. With a deep breath, you closed your eyes and let the truth spill out. "I’m in an arranged marriage, and I just found out yesterday." The words tumbled out in a rush, a confession that seemed to hang in the air.
A thick blanket that seemed to muffle the world. When you finally dared to look at Alastor again, his eyes were fixed on you, intense and searching. "Well, how long do we have?" his voice steady.
"A week," you murmured, your eyes dropping to your lap, unable to bear the weight of his gaze. But Alastor was gentle yet insistent, his hand lifting your chin, compelling you to face him. "Let’s make the best of it, don’t you think, darling?" His words were not a question but a promise.
"I’m going to be married," you whispered, the reality of your words sinking like stones in the quiet room. Alastor cocked his head to the side, his expression unreadable for a moment. "Well, the way I see it, you’re not married to him yet. So that means you’re not yet taken," a hint of mischief in his tone.
You looked at him, puzzled and slightly taken aback. "Don’t you care that I’m going to be a married?" Your curiosity piqued by his nonchalant demeanor.
He shrugged his shoulders, a casual gesture that belied the depth of his feelings. "It's not that I don't care," he began, his voice low and earnest. "It's that I care too much dear. Right now, you're here with me, and that's all that matters. We can't change the past or predict the future, but we can live in the present. And in this present moment, you're not married, you're free, and you're with me darling. That's enough for now."
His words were a balm to your troubled heart, a reminder that despite the looming uncertainty, you still had the here and now. And for the next week, you would make every moment count.
With a darkening intensity in his eyes, Alastor glanced towards the closed door before returning his gaze to you. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as Alastor's gaze lingered on your lips, a silent invitation hanging in the air. You understood all too well what he desired, but caution warred with desire within you.
"Alastor…” you began, your voice barely above a whisper. He looked at you, his eyes questioning. You took a deep breath, “I don't think now is the right time," you warned him softly, trying to resist the pull of his magnetic presence. Despite the heat rising between you, you knew that giving in to temptation could have far-reaching consequences.
But Alastor merely smiled, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "It's okay, darling. No one is coming in without knocking first," he reassured you, his voice a seductive whisper. And before you could protest further, he closed the distance between you, his lips brushing tantalizingly against yours.
The world seemed to stop as you kissed Alastor. His hands were gentle yet firm on your neck, deepening the kiss. You reached up, your hand finding his wrist as you stood from the chair. Alastor's back arched as he reached down, swiftly lifting you. You wrapped your legs around his slim waist, your fingers threading through his soft hair.
He carried you effortlessly, setting you down on the empty table. He stood between your legs, grabbing the back of your thighs pulling you closer to the edge of the table. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, your heart pounding in your chest. You could feel his heartbeat matching yours, the rhythm a silent testament to the connection between you two. The world outside ceased to exist, it was just you and Alastor in this moment, lost in each other.
You entwined your legs around his waist, attempting to draw him nearer to you. His hands found their way to your hips, his body gracefully arched. Tilting your head back, you bared your neck to him, inviting his lips to traverse a path of moist kisses.
Alastor lifted your dress, revealing your thighs and panties. His hands gripped your hips as he kissed your neck. Your hands remained still on the table as he exposed your right shoulder, marking it with bites as he ground against your clothed core. A whimper escaped your lips as you felt him against you.
Alastor's lips met yours, prompting your hands to caress the back of his neck. Another whimper escaped you as he bucked his hips against yours. Your hands pulling at his hair elicited a groan from him. His hands went under your knees picking them up pulling you even closer to him. Your position shifted, reclining on your elbows as you gazed into his eyes, intense with desire. Breathing heavily, the air thick with anticipation.
He positioned himself above you, burying his face in the curve of your neck breathing in your scent. With your legs wrapped around his slender waist, you pushed him closer. Alastor's hands were placed on either side of your waist on the table as he traced kisses along your neck and collarbone. Just as he began to move against you, there was a soft knock at the door.
He paused, looking at the door and then at you. Disengaging, he assisted you off the table and you quickly straightened your attire. Alastor, fixing his glasses and approached the door, opening it to reveal the woman from the front desk standing there. "Yes?" His voice remained composed. "I was just checking if you were still around," the woman observed his tousled hair and then glanced past him at you. "Ah, it's time to depart. You go ahead; I'll lock up," Alastor smiled.
Alastor closed the door as the woman turned around to leave, his mind racing with thoughts of what could have happened if she hadn't interrupted. He turned back to you, his expression inscrutable as he walked back towards you.
"Let's get you out of here," his voice low and controlled. You nodded, feeling a rush of embarrassment and excitement at the illicit encounter that had just been cut short. Alastor helped you straighten out your dress, his touch strangely gentle despite the intensity of the moment that had just passed between you.
As you both made your way out of the secluded room and towards the exit, the air crackled with tension. Alastor's presence felt like a shield around you, his silent strength a reassuring presence in the face of the unknown. You couldn't help but steal glances at him as you walked, his tall frame moving with a fluid grace that stole your breath away.
Once outside, the cool night air hit you like a slap in the face, bringing you back to reality. Alastor's hand was warm in yours as you two made your way to his car. "Would you like me to take you home, darling?" his eyes meeting yours with a gentle concern.
You nodded, the gesture simple. He opened the passenger door for you, and you slid into the seat. He closed the door with a soft thud and walked around to the driver's side.
The engine came to life with a purr, the silence in the car was a canvas for your thoughts, each one painting a stroke of what had transpired back at the radio station with Alastor. Your heart raced, a tumultuous beat that seemed to echo in the quiet space between you.
"You alright, dear?" Alastor's voice sliced through your reverie, a gentle inquiry that brought you back to the present.
"Yes, everything is alright," your voice a calm veneer over the storm of your heartbeat. You turned to look at him, his profile illuminated by the passing streetlights. The night wrapped around you like a cloak, the stars above a silent audience to the unfolding story below.
Alastor's car came to a gentle stop a short distance from your house, just as you had requested. "Thank you for the ride, Alastor," you turn to him with a smile that held a world of gratitude.
"It's my pleasure, my dear," his own smile a mirror of warmth and affection. Before you stepped out of the car, you leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips—a fleeting touch that spoke volumes.
As you made the short walk to your home, Alastor remained in the car, his gaze following you until you were safely inside. The reality of your impending marriage loomed over him, a shadow that was both a reminder and a challenge. Despite the initial denial, the feelings he harbored for you had taken root, growing stronger with each passing moment. And as he sat there, the quiet of the night around him, he acknowledged that these feelings were not just a passing fancy—they were there to stay.
The silence of the house seemed to amplify your thoughts as you ascended the stairs, bypassing your parents without a word. Anger still simmered within you, a bitter reminder of the marriage arranged without your consent, without regard for your feelings.
In the sanctuary of your room, you collected your clothes with mechanical movements, your mind elsewhere as you prepared for a shower. The water cascaded over you, but it did little to wash away the dread that clung to your skin—the dread of an unwanted future, of a life as someone's wife that you hadn't chosen.
Climbing into bed, the soft sheets provided little comfort against the harsh reality of your situation. The thought of marriage, of a domestic life bound to a man you didn't love, loomed over you like a dark cloud. It was daunting, a path laid out before you that you felt powerless to change. But you knew that no matter what the week held, the journey with Alastor, however brief it might be, was a chapter you would cherish forever.
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🌸𝒫𝓇𝑒𝓋𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈🌸 🌸𝒩𝑒𝓍𝓉🌸
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list so you be updated every time. I do try to proofread but if I missed something please let me know.
Also I sometimes tend to make minor changes to the chapters.
Thank you! For reading I hope you enjoyed it.💖
TAGLIST: @magictoebean @little-slyvixen @bitchywitchygardener @diffidentphantom @catticora @cloverresin20 @phoenix666stuff @minamilinaqueen @kelakat @itsfeyahh
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sunfyresrider · 1 year
The Company Party
Aegon II Targaryen x Assistant!Fem!Reader
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Summary: You’ve worked for your boss since you graduated college, and to say he was the best superior you’ve had would be an understatement. After a heated argument at a company event, you both discover some things about each other. Tags: Aegon is a childish rich boy, mutual pining but you’re both oblivious, jealous boy, arguing to eventual smut, p in v, cunnilingus, cringe after talk (pls hes too funny.) Author’s Note: this is just self-indulgent, 5am ramblings of an insane woman (me).
You’ve worked as Aegon Targaryen’s assistant for one year, one excruciatingly long year. You’ve spent more than 75% of your time following his every order like a dog. Unfortunately, you didn’t hate it all that much. It wasn’t like you had a social life you were missing by working. You had sorta become friends in a way or like a partner in crime minus the crime.
He was the perfect boss in a lot of ways. Aegon truly cared about his customers, or well you. There wasn’t a day he forced you to work late, you did that by choice. He always paid you more than he should, gave you more time off than he should and treated you better than other superior you had worked for previously. He also massaged your shoulders once when you said they hurt…
You should be used to it by now, little gestures of appreciation. He always pats you on the back if you impress him enough. He’ll compliment your hard work, your outfit, and sometimes he’ll completely paused in his steps to gaze at you and tell you that you had beautiful eyes. He tells you he’s grateful for you, you’re funny, you’re one of the nicest people he’s met… but it’s all platonic. A very disheartening fact of the matter.
Yet, while knowing this, every single time Aegon does anything you’re immediately turned into a blushing mess. An instant mood improver, a very minor turn on. Maybe it was because you haven’t gotten laid in a century and could be considered a born again virgin. Or maybe you were secretly falling in love with him and refused to admit it to yourself.
At some point you would have to face your feelings, not right now though. You were at a huge event for the company, the goal being to seek out new investors. You didn’t have to come considering he always does the majority of the talking but he also rarely goes anywhere without you. Aegon always needs an eyewitness, just in case.
The rooftop bar is extravagant, more so than what you’re used to. Maybe you should have opted for something other than a black dress with heels… rich people seem to appreciate modesty. Odd, considering they are the ones to buy the most hookers and cheat more frequently. You took your seat at the bar, deciding to drink away your boredom.
“Hey stranger,” the voice from your right caught you by surprise, you whipped your head around to glance at them. “Oh my god, Jacaerys?!” your mouth gaped open in shock. His smile stretched ear to ear, “It’s me, alright! What the hell are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that! My boss has me tag along to all of these events.” You beamed, thinking of Aegon. It was good seeing a familiar face, you two used to date, briefly, in your second year of high school. Though, he had long since grown out of his awkward stage and was fully matured with a sharp jawline to prove it. “I work for the company running this event. It’s kinda my job to be here.”
He blushed, basking in all the attention he was receiving. “We should catch up! I haven’t seen you in years man!” Jacaerys scooted his seat closer, his cheeks lightly flushed. “I’d love that.”
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You were talking to him for what felt like hours, turns out it was only twenty minutes, when you felt someone step behind you, their body lightly pressing against yours. “You remember mrs-” Jacaerys words slowed to a stop as he looked above you.
You turned around, your frown quickly turning into a wide smile. “Mr. Targaryen, how can I help you?” He smiled lightly, nodding in your direction. His gaze turned to Jacaerys and his soft smile fell flat. “Who are you?”
The question came out with an icy tone, which made your eyebrows furrowed together. “Jacaerys Velaryon, marketing director for Driftmark Corporations and you are?” he inquired, his words slow as he kept his eyes locked with Aegon.
“Richer than you. Are you purposely distracting my assistant from doing her job?” Your eyes widened; he had never been this outwardly rude before. “Maybe. She would probably prefer working for someone who doesn’t have a stick up their ass.”
You gaped at the insult, “What the f-” Aegon chuckled, baring his teeth as if he were a wolf. “Little dogs always bark the loudest,” he spat. Your morals told you to defend your old friend, your hormones were telling you to keep watching your boss telling someone off.
Jacaerys was silent for a moment, his fists clenching and unclenching before he spoke, “I see you work for one of these guys… If you ever want to move to a company that treats their workers fairly, please don’t be afraid to reach out.” He slipped you a business card with his information on it.
Aegon scoffed, “We’re leaving… Now!” He snatched your arm and practically dragged you out the door and into the car. You were eerily silent, still trying to process whatever the fuck just happened. Once inside, he looked over at you, his eyes wide and bloodshot. You could see the anger bubbling under the surface.
He gripped the steering wheel tight, his knuckles turning white. You swallowed the lump in your throat, not knowing what to say to make this situation any less tense. You’ve never seen him angry, not even when his half-sister tried to take his spot as ceo.
The rest of the drive was silent, an awkward tension in the air since you had no idea what to say. You were also a little ticked off how quickly he chased Jace away, granted it was kinda hot. He pulled into your parking garage, parking his luxury car in the far back. You know, just in case anyone tried to break in.
Aegon hopped out of the car silently, opening your door for you. “You don’t need to walk me up to my apartment,” you spoke plainly. “Yes I do,” the tone of his voice was more serious than you’d ever heard it before. Once again, the silent treatment was back on as you walked to your floor.
He walked you all the way inside, even letting himself into your home without your permission. “I pay you too much to live in a rundown apartment.” You closed the door behind you, finally he had said something to make you snap, “What is your problem tonight?!”
“It’s not a problem, just an observation.” You scoffed, “you know exactly what I meant.” His jaw tightened, his nostrils flaring, he looked like he wanted to say something but not too much. “You’re my assistant and you’re meant to be by my side at all times, but you were too busy flirting it up with my competitors.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, “I wasn’t flirting with anyone! I was catching up with an old friend!” Aegon’s brows furrowed, he strode towards you, so he was barely a foot away from you. “Oh please! You were practically swooning. Also, you never call me Mr. Targaryen!”
“Are you serious right back!” You spat back, pushing his chest. Unfortunately, Aegon still had enough energy to argue back. “I just don’t want to lose my assistant to a lesser man!” You scoffed; "you've been a fucking douche all night because you’re jealous?!” His jaw fell slack, eyes widening in surprise. “I didn’t say-”
“Dude, are you genuinely blind?! I’ve been pining after you since you hired me, following you around like a fucking dog, doing everything you say and them some! I’ve even thought about having your babies!” The last statement took him off guard, he looked at you like you had two heads. His gaze flitted back and forth as if he were looking for any signs of joking.
Now you were embarrassed, “I didn’t mean that last part-” Aegon stepped closer grabbing you delicately by your arms, eyes still searching for any sign of disapproval. “You think about having my babies?” The question was quiet and desperate, his pupils dilated.
You felt your heart drop in your chest, you swallowed the lump in your throat. You nodded slowly, “maybe.” You stared back up at him, trying to telepathically make him kiss you. You’ve tried this manifestation method before, it did not work.
“I can do that.” His lips were on yours before you could register his words. The kiss was fiery and passionate, even better than what you expected. Your eyes fluttered shut as you relished in the moment. Aegon wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush against his.
You bit back a whimper, reaching up to intertwine your fingers in his silver hair. Aegon pulled away, his breaths coming out ragged as he gazed at your swollen lips. He wasted no time kissing you again, his tongue dancing across your bottom lip.
His hand moved to grip your ass, squeezing lightly as he picked you up off the ground. You let out a squeal of laughter, gripping onto his shoulders to prevent you from falling. Aegon dropped himself on the couch, keeping your leg straddled around him.
You took the liberty to start unbuttoning his dress shirt, ripping off his bowtie and revealing his toned torso and chest. Aegon was quicker, pulling your dress above your head and throwing it across the room.
His eyes widened when he realized you were braless, his fingers kneading your perky breasts. His lips molded with yours once more, you nipped at his lip, tugging it between your teeth and causing him to groan in approval. Aegon moved your panties to the side, groping your inner thigh and spreading your legs wider across his lap.
His cock was already straining against his pants, but Aegon didn't seem to want to rush. He gently kissed down your jawline and to your neck, licking and nibbling at your ear. Your breathing became shaky, your core growing wetter as he took a nipple in his mouth and began to suckle on it.
"Aegon," you whined. You reached down, wrapping your fingers around his hardness, causing Aegon to moan into your ear. He lifted you up, unzipping his pants and pushing them down along with his boxers.
His member sprang out, bouncing as he pushed you back onto the couch. His cock was definitely the biggest you’ve seen thus far. You gasped when he rubbed himself against your slick, he kissed you again, this time deeper as he slowly thrust his hips forward and entering you.
“Oh fuck!” You moaned loudly, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Fuuck you’re so tight,” Aegon thrusted forward, his top hitting the sweet spot inside you almost forgot existed. Your moans grew louder as he pounded into you, his grunts echoing through the living room.
You clawed at his back, pulling him closer as he thumb moved to do circles around your clit. “You’re such a good little assistant for me, hm? Taking my cock so fucking well.” Aegon gripped your ass with one hand, holding you still. He took the opportunity to slow his pace and roll his hips in circles, dragging his cock along your walls. “Mmm sgood,” you slurred.
You rolled your hips against his, earning you a pleased groan. His finger moved faster around your bud, “think you deserve a reward huh?” Your eyes began to roll into the back of your head as his movements quickened. “Yes, yes, yes,” you whimpered.
“Yes, who?” The coil in your stomach began to tighten as he moved his fingers away, “Yes Sir! Please!” Aegon growled into your ear, kissing you again as he sped up once more. The low noise sent shivers down your spine, causing your cunt to clench around him.
“That’s my girl,” he groaned before plunging deep inside you, making you cry out into the kiss. You threw your head back and moaned, your thighs beginning to shake as ecstasy washed over you. You completely tightened around him, your pussy fluttered around him as you rode your orgasm out.
Aegon’s movement stalled for a moment, letting you catch your breath before he flipped you onto your back. Aegon lifted your legs above his head, “you’re so perfect, I think you deserve more than that.” He licked a strip up your slick, pressing a kiss to your sensitive bud.
He used his fingers to spread you apart, greedily licking along your walls and lapping at your sweet juices. You let out a deep moan, your fingers tangling in his silver hair pulling him closer. Your mouth hung open, eyes half lidded as he devoured you.
His tongue skillfully circled around you, his lips sucking at your swollen bud. “Taste so sweet,” he mumbled, sending vibrations that sent tingles down your spine. You began to grind against him, desperate for release. Aegon took it as an invitation to move his hands to grip your hips and begin to fuck you with his tongue.
Your juices were dripping down your thighs, covering his face in a glossy sheen. You felt a new wave of heat wash over you as he pressed his tongue inside you, curling and twisting it. You rolled your hips, fucking yourself against his mouth as your second orgasm began to build.
He groaned against you when your legs began to clench around him, the vibrations sending you over the edge. Aegon continued to lap up your juices, causing you to jerk your thighs around him. His head finally lifted up, a strand of your slick connected from his bottom lip to his chin.
You pulled him towards you, crashing your lips together, he wasn’t wrong you did taste sweet. Aegon grinder against you, wetting his cock before he quickly plunged into you once more, filling you to the brim as he went. You let out a loud cry, gripping onto his back. “You still want more?” He spoke breathlessly.
His thumb returned to your sensitive bud, circling it slowly as he thrusted into you. You squirmed beneath him, his grunts echoed off the walls. “P-please please, sir.” You whimpered, the sound of skin slapping echoing in your living room.
His hips snapped forward, dragging his cock against your sweet spot. “Tell me how badly you want it.” Aegon's eyes flashed up at you, his hips slowed to a teasing pace. "I-I want it so bad," you gasped as he thrusted harder. “I- want to have your b- babies.” Aegon’s thrusts were quickening their pace, "please give it to me sir."
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. His rough thrusts become sloppy. You could feel your third orgasm beginning to rip through you as he circled around your bud. “P-please cum for me, sir.” Your words sent Aegon over the edge, his eyes rolling into the back of his head and his soft moans filling the room. You could feel his cock pulsating inside you, his warm cum filling you to the brim.
Your thighs quivered as your orgasm came crashing down on you, your breathing became labored. He leaned down, kissing you lovingly as his hand caressed your cheek. You could feel his cock slowly softening inside you as he slowly pulled himself out.
Aegon pulled away from your lips and trailed kisses down your jawline and neck. His voice mumbled, “I wish you’d told me sooner.” You couldn't help but giggle silently, petting his hair. “Hm, couldn’t let you fuck me for free could I?” He scoffed, propping himself up to gaze at you with his baby blues.
"This pussy is priceless," he murmured against your lips. “Oh god,” you groaned, how his cringe captivated you, you would never understand. Aegon rolled off you, cuddling close and wrapping his arm around your waist.
You stared at the ceiling, feeling a sense of calmness you haven't felt in forever. "So... does this mean you want to be more than my assistant?" His fingers ran through your hair, “and have my babies for real?” Aegon's voice sounded almost child-like, You giggled quietly, "is that our new contract?" He stared at you for a moment, his eyes lit up with something you hadn’t seen before. "It’s a deal," Aegon smiled brightly.
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nanaminokanojo · 1 year
–one night of fooling around with the annoying campus king gojo satoru (he thinks so), turns into...well, something else more long term
CHARACTERS: gojo satoru x you | geto suguru | jjk characters
GENRE: college au | eventual smut | smau | smau + prose | everything in between | ons | fubus to lovers | aged-up characters | idk where this is going
⚠️ TW/CW: strong/mature language | 🔞 | mentions of alcohol, smoking, etc. | this will most likely have narrations | god-awful pet names | will add more if something arises
<<prev part 30 next>>
A/N: This contains prose.
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You and Satoru both dissolved into easy laughter amidst the distant chatter of their guests and the faint pink lights coming from the other side of the lake. He couldn't help the giddy feeling in his chest seeing you clutching onto the arm of his montsuki, eyes alight with mirth. The pair of you are far from the parameters of your agreement; just two friends, having fun under a fleeting canopy of rosy blooms...and maybe, just maybe, even beyond that.
Satoru glanced over his shoulder, wrenching his blue gaze from you. He took a moment to truly appreciate the view before him. He had gotten so used to it – seeing the sea of pink slowly taking over the cold white of winter. He had a private view of it, not having to go to parks like other people to witness it every year, but he never really felt anything profound about it until that moment. Sharing the view with you made all the difference.
"Do you like it?" he asked, voice quiet.
He heard your laughter, like chimes in the gently blowing wind. "That's an understatement."
Turning, he looked at you, beyond surprised to find you beaming at him. "Y-yeah?"
"Of epic proportions." 
Once again, he found himself admiring the view like it was the first time he was seeing it, but not the trees this time but you. He didn't know what possessed him at that time. It was spring then, too, and he knew he messed up when he asked if he could kiss you, and Suguru almost fell onto the sidewalk from laughing too much. But he had to save face and go along with it, and maybe that was a mistake considering how you've formed this impression of him that was far from how he wanted you to perceive him.
Funny how everything goes his way on anything except when it involves you.
Go slow, he thought. This was a step forward for him. At least you weren't just seeing him through a single lens seeing as how you reacted to his little surprise. He didn't really peg you for someone who appreciated the simpler things in life. If he knew you liked these things, then he would've done more of it to win you over.
He smiled to himself. And maybe it wasn't too late to actually start doing that if it meant he'd get to see you smiling happily because of him or something he did for you.
You sighed in contentment. "I love it. Thanks for having me over."
"You can come over anytime. Just say so."
You snickered. "Don't say that, or you'll be forced to take me here every weekend."
Satoru grinned back at you. "I don't see how that's to my disadvantage, sweet cheeks." He couldn't help being cheeky with you, but that seemed to have broken the spell of enjoying a great conversation with you. "I get to spend time with you."
"You're getting clingy, Gojo."
"Satoru," he whispered, his voice being carried away by the wind.
"Earlier..." He looked at you, seeing the confusion on your face, and decided against it. "Nothing."
You smirked at him. "Yes, earlier, what was your mom saying? You mentioned me to her – how did she put it? – once or twice?"
Satoru rolled his eyes at you. "In passing, probably. She's making such a big deal out of it."
"I...I didn't mean to make it sound like you're inconsequential, Y/N. All I'm saying is she likes to tease me a lot 'cause all I ever talk about are Suguru and Ieiri, and I guess I didn't realize that until she brought it up. I –"
"Satoru, you're rambling."
You paused. He didn't know what that meant, but he liked how you say his name outside of the times you were in bed. Just like you did earlier.
"You're too surprised when you asked me to call you by your name."
"So, you heard me?"
You nodded. "I guess it's better to address you that way if I am to come here every weekend." You chuckled. "I don't wanna be summoning the whole clan."
He felt his cheeks heating up, thankful for the dim lighting, and like the blood that rushed into his head, he couldn't stop the involuntary step he took towards you or the way his hands seemed to have developed minds of their own to cup your face. Not even the way he leaned forward and claimed your lips with his.
Satoru pushed you against the trunk of the cherry tree, planting one hand firmly against the rough bark just beside your head, pressing his warmth into yours.
It was just the two of you, or it felt like that to him, with no one else in your little bubble and nothing to worry about. He smiled against your mouth when he felt your fingers clutching at the fabric of his robe, taking it slow, taking all the time in the world with you.
Slow is good. He liked slow. It's worth it if it's you.
You both pulled away after a few moments, your lips raw and moist from the kisses you've shared, pupils blown out despite the lack of light. You just stared at each other before Satoru leaned his forehead against your shoulder.
"You know what?"
"What?" you asked.
He snickered. "I was supposedly conceived on this very spot." Again, he couldn't help it.
You rolled your eyes, already aware of what he's gonna say, but you bit the bait just that one time. "So?"
"Wanna make babies here with me?"
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TAGS LIST: @arxliana @neeneee @charlie-xo @aelynaneedsalottathing @arizzu @cloudxp @justpuddinglol @mikkies @nyfwyeonjun
81 notes · View notes
georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Rebuild Your Ruins, Part 9
Summary: Steve takes you in. And you have a new job
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Saeta!Reader
Rating: mature
Warnings:  language, mentions of sexual assault (not details), mentions of kidnapping, mentions of sexual content, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.3K
Series Masterlist
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Steve groans, rubbing a knot in his shoulder while you cower off in a corner. You didn’t think the giant would hurt you, but you weren’t used to Vikings. They had plucked you out of your home, and forced you to be a healer for them. His fingers dig into a spot in his shoulder, and you bite at your lip. It was in your nature to want to help his ailments.
“You can lay down,” he motions his head over to the one bed in this stupid tent. You shake your head, starting to squat down on the ground, “Please, don’t do that. Lay down on the bed.”
“That’s your bed.”
He sighs, you are going to be difficult for him. He is tired, sore, and he also worries about Aesir. He’d never seen Bucky look more scared. It took that moment for Steve to realize she meant more to him than just a lay. It’s why he waited so long to be with her.
“In the bed.”
“No,” you stub up, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Get in the bed.”
“I don’t want to sleep in the bed with a Viking because…you’re going to touch me. I don’t want to be touched. I’m tired of men touching me!”
His mouth turns into a straight line as he lets out a slow breath of air. “I’m not going to touch you. I’ll sleep on top of the furs,” you hesitate. The bed did look comfortable. And all the furs…they look amazing.
“If I have to, I will put you in this bed. You need sleep.”
“You won’t touch me?”
“Not if you don’t want me to. I’m not like that. I don’t need to touch someone when I…I’m not a sexual fiend,” he doesn’t want to spend all this time on getting some girl in the bed. But he couldn’t have you sleeping on the cold ground. You’d wake up frozen, and then he’d have a body to deal with.
“But you’ve had sex? And it was your choice? Because Rollo tried to take that away from me and the goddess,” Steve’s eyes follow your steps over to the bed, and you gently climb in. Burrowing yourself under all the layers of furs. It feels amazing. Cozy and warm, something you haven’t felt since you were brought to the strange countries of the north.
“I’m sorry,” Steve whispers as he walks over to the bed. “Can I get under one fur? It is quite cold?” It is his tent, and you don’t want to make him uncomfortable, so you nod your head. He asked. You couldn’t let him freeze to death.
The giant of a man picks up only one cover, and crawls into the warmth. Moaning uncomfortably when his back settles down, and you jolt up, “Please, just lay down.”
“What is wrong with your shoulder?” He cuts his eyes over at you, groaning again as he tries to turn his back to you. “Take off your shirt.”
“I thought you didn’t want me to touch you,” he snorts out a laugh, but it’s quickly replaced by a groan of pain.
“I don’t want you to touch me, but clearly, I need to touch you. Take your shirt off and let me look at your shoulder,” you wait patiently as he situates himself with much difficulty, and removes his shirt where a nasty bruise had painted his entire shoulder black.
“Oh, dear!” You jump into action. Going to your satchel of things, and then you sit behind him. Fixing him up the best way you know how. “What happened?”
“Aesir was struck.”
“You love her?” His bright blue eyes peek at you over his shoulder, but he shakes his head no. “Everyone does.”
“No, they don’t. They fear her. Respect her. She's the daughter of Lagertha and Ragnar, and so much more. People believe she is a descendant of Thor. Granddaughter of Odin. Ravens.”
“They follow her around,” you mumble. You saw the little one eyed beast come into the tent. “She’s stubborn. But that doesn’t explain your bruises.”
“You have no idea how stubborn she is. She was struck, and I saw a shift in Bucky. Ari continued to fight around them, but Bucky — he went to her. Damn near got hit himself, and would have been killed. But I stopped it. Getting a bit of some dull pain myself.”
“It’s deep,” your eyes roll up to meet him before quickly looking back down at his back. “You’re a good friend to them. You don’t find it odd?”
“What? That my best friend is in love with a girl who loves two men equally. And you say there’s two babies. One for each of them. You know how they did it?” You shake your head no with a bit of a smirk, continuing to work out the other knots in his broad back. He was beautiful. Blackened ink draped his skin just as much as Bucky and Ari. Even Aesir. He clearly wanted to be covered in his story.
“They…they had her at the same time. It’s how they know that those kids are both of theirs. It would be weird, two husbands, and only one was the father. Ow,” he turns back to glower at you.
“The Mountain and White Wolf will love any child that Aesir produces. That’s how much they love her. Odin is not happy at the delay. Do you believe that she’s Thor’s daughter?”
“Ragnar and Floki themselves say her appearance to them is weird. That a streak of lightning led them right to her. She was always destined for greatness.”
“Fighting wars with men that would rather stick their cock in you when you can’t move. They don’t mind having her as an ally, but want to take from her when she can’t fight back,” Steve’s eyes soften at you. He hated Rollo as much as the next. He would pay for trying to hurt her and the babies. “She’s with child. He could have hurt the babies, or marked them before birth.”
“Rollo is an asshole. He knew better. We don’t fight wars, we raid. Not all greatness comes on the battlefield. Mmm,” he whimpers, dropping his head back to look at the ceiling. “Some greatness comes from healing and comfort. Aesir can’t do that.”
“But she can take two men at once,” Steve chuckles while you move back to your spot. “Did you ever want her?”
“No. I had her, but we were just figuring sex out.”
“Is it not weird that you had your best friend’s wife’s pussy before him?” Steve shakes his head, laying back onto the mattress. He lets out a satisfied sigh. This felt so much better. He could move without being so stiff.
“Is it not weird seeing her after you’ve seen her naked?”
“Aesir and I weren’t always naked. Sometimes she was leaned against a tree,” your nose turns up in a snarl, and Steve can’t help but laugh. “You’re not born into our world, huh? A Christian?”
“I was stolen from a village in England. I had special talents so I was forced into this, rather than the flesh that they wanted. I was better suited out here than laying on my back.”
“You think we’re all sex fiends?” He cocks his brow up, while he looks at you. You don’t answer, just nod silently.
“In your world you’d be forced to breed with some pudgy sweaty man that bathed once a month. Laying underneath him while he pumped you full of children. Or you would have been whisked away to serve your God. All the while you’re lower than a man. Here you can be our equal. You think Bucky and Ari tell Aesir what to do? She may sink to her knees fast with Ari, but she controls them. They stand beside her, instead of in front of her. She’s every bit as capable as they are.”
“I don’t think you understand,” he turns to his side. Bending his arm at the elbow as he looks over your features.
“What would have happened if you were caught getting fucked before you were married?”
“I would be labeled a whore. I wouldn't be suitable for marriage. A public display of humiliation would have been put upon me.”
“The woman you hold in such high regards was caught several times with me inside of her. She wasn’t punished. She was celebrated by two men. One she gets to be a brat with, and the other makes her weak. But she wasn’t told she was a terrible human because she has desires of the flesh. I’ll admit there are some such as Rollo that think it is their right to take. But I assure you, there’s more of us that would kill a man that was taking from a woman. It wouldn’t be her fault for crimes against the skin, it would be his. You see your backwards thinking now. What do they call you, girl?”
“Saeta,” Steve gives you the sweetest crooked smile, and you hide your face in the furs. They feel so warm and heavy.
“Sweetie suits you. You’re stronger than you realize though. Don’t sell yourself short. And get some sleep. I heard a big Mountain has claimed you as his babies’ doctor,” his finger lifts over his one fur, tapping you a bit on the nose, and you scrunch it up, and Steve giggles.
“Where do you live, Saeta?”
“Close to the docks,” he understands your fear of being touched now. Forced to move here, and then they force you to be a healer, all while not giving you the proper care to live here. You are grown, and weren't taken in like Aesir.
“I want you to live with me.”
He blows out an exasperated breath, this time giving you a tap to your forehead, “Quit fighting me. Are you uncomfortable right now?”
What an odd question. You are laying in the bed with him, comfortably and with heavy eyes, and he starts poking your face. “No, I’m not uncomfortable.”
“My home isn’t much, but it’s damn sure warmer than the docks. I always have more furs than this. I’m a bit of a hunter. And, I offer you my protection. Plus, it’s closer to the Mountain and White Wolf’s home. You can be right there with Aesir when she gives birth to two giant babies.”
“Wait…I won’t…they don’t want me working with…I’d just be with Aesir?”
“She’s a bitch sometimes, but it’s mostly bark. I’ve seen her with her mother, she’s quite soft. But yes, what Ari and Bucky want they will have. Ragnar has already agreed since there’s two babies in her womb that you should be with her all the time. She’ll hate it, but it beats her being wheeled around. You’ll have all of our protection,” his soft blues meet your own, and even though there is a part of you that wants to scream yes, anything to get away from the flea infested area, you have questions.
“What…what am I to you?” His head tilts to the side, unsure of your words. Steve was blunt, much like the other Vikings. “I don’t want to be used for your pleasure.”
“Saeta, I have been with one woman. And you can ask her, I don’t take. If this progresses into something that’s one thing. But you can safely lay in the same bed with me, and I won’t touch you.”
“Will you touch yourself?”
Steve chuckles, stretching his arms above his head, “You’re funny. I am but a man, and sometimes men need a certain type of touch. I promise to not be openly stroking my cock in front of you. If you saw it, you just might want to join me.”
“I wouldn’t,” your voice is flat as you turn your back to him.
“I’ll remember you said that. Get some sleep. We’ll journey back soon.”
“And I’ll live with you.”
He lets out a low rumble, flipping the opposite way of you, “Good choice. It was either me, or the with the goddess and her mountain and wolf. You’d get to hear them have Aesir in every which way. Her being with child will not stop them from filling their needs. And hers. Pleasure isn’t only for the man, Saeta. Remember that. And if it is just for the man, he’s doing it all wrong.”
It gives you something to ponder. You had never heard anything about taking a man, except when you were of age to marry. And all you were told was you would take your husband, whenever and however he wanted. But judging by the talk of the village, Aesir was more than satisfied with her two men. And the care that they gave her. It was like she was a precious gem.
You peek over your back, looking at Steve’s broad shoulders. His bruise was deep, but you knew in time it would heal with your help. He is already sleeping soundly. His lungs fill with air deeply, and you see him as more than just a Viking, but a kind man. One that would rather his back be to you, instead of crowding your space. The docks hadn’t been kind, but he was offering you a sanctuary. And for that you are thankful.
Feeling at peace with becoming a goddess’ personal nurse. And you knew she would test you every step of the way. A brat was how Steve described her. There could be worse fates for you than to follow the wife of a mountain and a wolf. The daughter of Thor that was housing two future Vikings, and you they were bound to be as fierce as their parents. And you would be greatly rewarded by the gods.
Snuggling deeper into the furs you find a solace of warmth. The steady breathing of Steve lulls you to sleep, and for the first time since coming to their world, you feel relaxed. You aren’t shivering. You feel at peace. Cared for, and that was the best feeling in the world.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @whimsyplaty92 @sgtjaamesbaarnes @thebuckybarnesvault @harrysthiccthighss @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @ashychangeling
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miss0atae · 28 days
Random Thoughts about I Saw You In My Dream (EP 7):
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I have to admit something since myatb and tldhlb have both ended, I saw you in my dream became the series I’m the most anticipating in the week. I just can’t shake the sweet feeling I have when I’m watching it. Just like dreams, this series is making me be on the cloud nine, just elevating with the slow burn romance between Yu and Ai. For the 48 minutes the episode lasts I’m like suspending. I can’t describe it well how it makes me feel. It feels like the taste of cotton candy, but not the too sweet kind, it' more like the fluffy colorful one bought by a loved one. The one you don't want to end too fast because it's just so good. I know it’s not the taste of everyone, but as for me, I love it. It’s the kindness and sweetness I love seeing in some romance stories.
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So when the episode started, we discovered Wann's love confession was just a dream and I've never been so happy. Usually, you're frustrated when you discover it's just a dream. I remember how it was when I was watching the Sign and they did that trick so many times. However, this time, it was great to know it didn't really happen and Ai could prevent it because he knew it could happen. He didn't want to hear Wann' confession because he doesn't feel the same as him. Also, he doesn't want to see the look of hurt on Yu's face. He didn't prevent the hurt, but at least he avoided having to reject Wann and for Yu to hear to this love confession.
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I feel kinda bad for Wann. You can see he is truly interested by Ai, but unfortunately he can't answer his advances. Ai only cares about one person and it's Yu. It has been this way for a while now. The dreams just made it more visible because they have only Yu and Ai as the main characters. I can say I'm really glad the different gods of dreams are helping these queer people realizing their love is closer than what they think and they should act upon this attraction (as it was the case in My Marvellous Dreams is You or in Century of Love). So why am I'm feeling bad for Wann? It's mostly because he thinks he has a chance, not because Ai is responding well, but because Yo, the supposed friend of Ai, makes him think he will win his heart. It's never easy to be rejected and I feel like the blow is harder when you thought you had a chance.
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Yo was such a bad friend in this episode. It seems he can't read the room. I get it, he wanted to help Ai and Wann get together. He does have the best of intentions. I don't mind a cupid, if they are doing their job well. Unfortunately, it felt like Yo was forcing all the situations to happen. You could see how uncomfortable Ai was every time he had to be forced to share a space with Yo. It happened multiple times during the episode: when they had to do kayaking, when Ai was serving food at the camp or when Yo wanted to exchange his bed place with Wann so he could be close to Ai. I'm glad Ai told Yo that it was not acceptable and he couldn't let him continue doing this. Yo is so bad at managing his relationships, either friendship or romance.He is hurting the people close to him by acting this way. When things are too difficult to handle, he prefers to pretend like nothing happens. That's why his relationship with Ing is so strained and he can't really see it. I believe it has something to do with his past and the loss of his parents… We'll probably see more about this, in the next episode.
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Thankfully, we also got the chance to see Ai and Yu progressing in their romance. Yu had such a difficult time accepting Wann was trying to get close to Ai. However, it was pleasant to see him trying to deal with this in a relatively mature way. Indeed, he experienced jealousy, but he never did anything to hurt his relationship with Ai. He still did his best to be caring. They even got to flirt a little bit. You can see how Ai is feeling so much more comfortable with Yu. He is always smiling and eager to spend time with him. I also like how sweet and gentle Yu’s voice is when he is talking to Ai. Let’s not talk about the love confession. I was anticipating this moment and it may not have been a big and grandiose love confession, but it was fitting with what we know about them. I’m so glad they could share their feelings and I can’t wait to see them navigating the ups and downs of this new relationship.
I also wonder what the dreams will do to influence it. Why is next Wednesday so far away?!
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fuzzykazeki87 · 3 months
La Seine (Kaze to ki no uta Short Story)
Seine river, Paris, France - 1886
Years have passed since Serge took Gilbert away from the slums.
Even though he and Pascal had to use a little force, Gilbert finally couldn't help but give in.
Now, Serge was being pulled by an impatient Gilbert all the way. He held his top hat down by the brim slightly with his other hand, the sound of their loafers tapping fast on the streets of Paris and several passersby who would look in their direction.
"G-Gilbert, slow down!"
Serge shrieked when they almost hit a merchant who shouted at them.
“D-Désolé!” he apologize quick with a swift move glancing at the old man over his shoulder before shifting back on the energized Gilbert's back in front of him.
Suddenly the world felt like time was moving slowly. He admired Gilbert's wavy golden hair which was starting to get a little longer than before bouncing under the top hat he was wearing, the knee-length frock coat that hugged Gilbert's slender body and created a beautiful curve even from the back.
Both of them are both 19 now. They had entered the stage of true maturity after being forced to become adults after they escaped from Lacombrade 3-4 years ago. Serge's piano skills led him to a musical career and performing in front of many people as a young pianist who became quite famous (and also because he's phsically charming), while Gilbert had completely recovered from the effects of the drugs that almost killed him. He had half forgotten about Auguste thanks to Serge. He tries to take a job that suits what he likes, in Art.
They finally arrived at the Pont Neuf bridge. Gilbert suddenly stopped his track as if he put on the brakes and let go of Serge's hand causing the dark-skinned man to get throwned off, losing his balance and-
Gilbert, regained his conscious after hearing a loud thump and some gasps. He quickly look to the side and his green eyes widen immediately; Serge, laying on his face on the ground, grunting mostly in pain, his hat was an inches far from him and fingers slightly twitching.
Well....that's the opening.
"I'm sorry."
said Gilbert muttering with his pink rose petal-like lips slightly pouted and his sharp eyebrows furrowed as he cleaned Serge's slightly dirty face with his hands, by gently patting them and rubbing.
Gilbert rarely expresses or shows emotions. He almost looked like a puppet being moved by strings, but this time, Serge could see and feel his emotions.
He scrunched up his nose when the blond brushes off the bridge of his nose, his other hand cupping his jawline firmly. These gestures of Gilbert are very affectionate.
"I was too excited, didn't I?", the beauty says with a slight smirk and he put Serge's top hat back on his head.
"Ah..you're always too excited."
Gilbert raise an eyebrow and he turn away scoffing, elbowing Serge's stomach.
The dark skinned boy laugh nervously while rubbing the spot where Gilbert hit him. They approached the barrier wall of the bridge and leaned forward looking down the Seine.
"This is my first time seeing the Seine." said Serge softly with a smile. He felt two sharp eyes glued on him from beside him, "Really?"
"Yeah, I only know about the city of Paris, but never the Seine...La Seine."
"I only heard and read about the Seine River in the library when we were at school, but never actually came here. Even when we were living in our first apartment, even though it was in Paris, we could never come here."
Serge said while continuing to look down at the lively and calmly flowing Seine river.
"Because, we were stressed out with such poor amount of pennies." add Gilbert bluntly and Serge couldn't help but snorts, covering his mouth.
"What? It's true! Ne te moque pas de moi ! (Don't laugh at me!)", Gilbert said with cheeks flushed red, embarassed deeply and shoves Serge to the side as he continue to hold in his laugh.
Serge rub his eyes as his cheeks were hurting from trying not to laugh and he wave his hand defensely at the blond, "Okay, okay, sorry. P-Pardonnez-moi de rire. (P-Pardon me for laughing.)" he said a bit breathlessly.
Gilbert scowl and turn his face away for a moment, but he roll his eyes playfully and formed a small smile. He turned his face back to Serge,
"Well, actually I have been here several times. It's just that at that time I was little and didn't understand anything. As time went by, I became fascinated by Paris and the Seine river.
One of the hearts of France is the Seine river... it's like a heart, it wouldn't live without a heart." Gilbert said while looking straight ahead with the wind blowing over the two of them. The gust of wind made his golden hair underneath his top hat seem to dance in the air.
Serge who looked at him felt breathless, his mouth slightly agape.
Truly perfect beauty.
"...I used think of myself as Paris, but without a Seine so I feel lifeless.
But, who would have thought, that I had now found my Seine and it was standing right next to me now."
Serge's breath hitched and red color slowly raising up in both of his cheeks when he realize what does the blond referring to.
The blond smile and walked up to Serge, standing right in front of him. The brown eyed stunned when Gilbert suddenly cup his face gently with both hands, holding his jaw.
Gilbert's thumbs traced Serge's chin with his eyes following the movement. His hands slide down Serge's high collar, resting on his firm chest underneath the layers.
"Yeah, it's you. Happy now?"
I am Gilbert's Seine.
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doesposts · 3 months
The lost generation
Part 1 - The Last Time
Even after two hundred years, he would recognise those steps. As soon as he heard the rhythmic beat of her heels against the cobblestones, he felt his heartbeat speed up. Time slowed down and the rain hitting his face no longer bothered him. His legs led him towards her on their own. She was standing at the Jumpin’ Goat bar, holding an umbrella in her hand and looking at her watch. He hadn't seen her for over two years, he had heard rumours that she had settled in Wales, supposedly in the forest away from people. It didn’t surprise him, she may have been a popular girl at school, but she was more of a loner, like him.
„Lily,” he choked out at last, as if in a voice not his own. She turned slowly towards him, she was dressed head to toe in black. Evidently she was returning from a funeral. She had not changed over the years. She continued to be beautiful, perhaps even more beautiful, more mature. She looked him straight in the eye, she wasn’t frightened, she didn’t run away, she stood confidently with a poker face - as befitted a Gryffindor, only her eyes showed what she really felt. He could see in them that she was surprised by his presence, annoyed even. She tightened her hand on her umbrella.
„Serverus” she finally said emotionlessly. He swallowed his saliva and took a step towards her. She did not step back, as he expected she stood still, unmoving, calm. As if they weren’t at war and he wasn’t a Death Eater. „ What are you doing here ? „ She asked, putting her hand in her pocket, where she probably had her wand. He swallowed his saliva.
„I”m shopping," he lied. He could see in her eyes that she knew it was a lie. She furrowed her eyebrows and shifted from foot to foot. „ And you?”
„I”m coming back from Edgar’s funeral,” she said confidently, but he knew it came with great pain. He knew exactly what had happened to Bones. Ha, he himself had put his hand to it. They cared about ending the rebellion - what the Dark Lord called the Order. That’s why, by this year, they were hunting down members of the Order in a more fierce way. They had a list and one by one they eliminated people from it. Bones, the same as Longbotton, Meadowes and Potter, was an Auror. Snape had to admit that he was a very good one. However, reckless. They attacked him just after he teleported away from his girlfriend. „ But you probably know that," she chuckled mischievously. Of course he knew when the symbolic funeral of Bones was. It was literally a revue of Aurors and Order members.
„Lily… I… did „ he began to stammer. She looked at him intensely. He sighed at last. „ What are you doing here ? Really. London is dangerous now „ Lily shrugged her shoulders and breathed heavily.
„We are currently living here with James „ she said softly. He felt the anger rising in him. He couldn't believe Potter was stupid enough to live in the most dangerous city for her. „We had no choice,” she added after a moment, touching her belly as if unwillingly. He saw the ring on her hand and felt himself gathering vomit. He’d heard that she’d married Potter two years ago, but he preferred to think it was just a silly rumour.
„Why? „ He asked angrily. Lily looked at him puzzled.
„We moved last week… our house burned down,” she said confidently, but he could hear her voice breaking down. Crouch had carried out a series of attacks on houses belonging to the Order last week, but Severus didn’t think that one of them would be the one belonging to Lily. „We’re living temporarily with Sirius until the new house is ready for use."
„Oh „ he chuckled to himself. So that’s why he didn’t see Black recently „ he thought, he knew exactly where Black lived. He'd been stalking him for a few months, waiting for a good time to strike. The fact that Lily was now living with the bastard didn’t make his task any easier. „ So…”
„How about you? „ She asked with a forced smile. Severus looked down at his hands. He preferred to talk about her. All he wanted to do was look at her and hear about her life.
„Well, you became a healer ? „ he changed the subject. Lily’s eyes seemed to light up for a split second.
„Yes, I became one,” she said proudly.
„I am glad to know that it was your dream.”
„Yours once, too „ she said sadly, tucking a falling strand of her hair behind her ear. It was shorter than at school, now it reached her shoulders. „ Life had turned out strangely. We used to have the same dreams and plans. You remember „ he looked into her eyes, so beautiful, looking at him with sadness and disappointment.
„I will never forget that „ he whispered. „ I will always, always remember … „ he grabbed her hand. She squeezed it slightly. He moved his palms over the smooth skin of her palm. He smiled broadly, for the first time in years. They stood like that in silence for a long moment. He played with her rings on her ring finger. A beautiful emerald surrounded by diamonds, he thought, that must have cost a fortune. But after a while he stopped touching them, preferring not to think who had given her this jewellery. „ I didn’t have time to go to the course, but I’ll do it. When we finish this war then… then I Lily will become a healer and save people. Yes „ he looked into her eyes. „ Just like we planned together."
"I have to go" she said, collecting her hand. "I hope … that you find happiness and peace" she smiled weakly and started to walk. He grabbed her by the elbow. She looked at him shocked.
"Stay. Lily … stay. You're not safe with him" she tried to take her hand away, but he clenched it even tighter. „ Stay with me I will protect you. You’ll be safe. I love you „ he shouted desperately. „ I have always loved you. We can still work it out. We’ll work together at the hospital. And Potter… He’s an Auror, he won’t live long, you know what we do …
„I know exactly what you’re doing,” she growled with fury in her eyes. „ Like me, like my friends. How dare you talk about James. My husband puts his life and health at risk every day because „ she pushed him with all her force. „ You guys want to get rid of muggles and rule the world. Every day for eight years I've been dying of fear for my friends and my husband, and you have the nerve … You have the nerve to tell me to stay, that you will save people after the war. What about those who are alive now. What about them! Do you know how many patients I've had die this week? Twenty five and that's because of your attacks. You think I could be with you… with you. I have a husband I love. I'm carrying his child. How can you even… „ she shouted.
„You’re pregnant „ he interrupted her suddenly. Lily clutched her stomach and took a step backwards. She looked at his hand in which was the wand. He didn't know when he pulled it out and started pointing it at her. Only now did he notice the terror in Lily's eyes. She pulled the wand herself and slowly stepped backwards. It was as if they had gone back in time only the surroundings were different.
„Yes, the third month, not showing yet „ she said breathlessly.
„You”re pregnant with him,” he shouted. „ Have you completely lost your mind. How can you be such a stupid, dumb bitch „ he growled. „ Just now in the middle of a war. You … You have decided to have a child. You wrote a death sentence on yourselves …"
A tear trickled down her cheek. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Lupin, who was probably looking around for Lily. However, he hadn't spotted them yet.
"I truly wish you to found happiness … Good luck Severus," she whispered, before teleporting away.
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sugolara · 5 months
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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They had a long road ahead of them and Katsuki only felt agitated as the minutes passed by with Denki’s slow driving. He knew the male was only being cautious, but he seriously just wanted to reach the warehouse and return to F/n and have her in his arms.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away when he saw the girl sob her eyes out, her eyes never leaving what was left of Hanta. He almost felt like he could cry as he saw his friend, his teachers die and the way Toga pounced on her, making her watch every second as Tomura batted his friend's head, angered him.
It angered him so much that all he could see was red but when he heard the girl let out a whimper, his eyes drastically moved to her form. He felt sick, hurt, like he wanted to just hug her and he wasn’t one for touch, but seeing the aftermath of her staring at the mud, hands clenching the dirt with a look he’s never seen, was just devastating.
And although he has yet to confess what he feels for her, just like Izuku, he wants her to know that he sees her. That he knows she’s there and that he wants her to notice him just like she does with his rival and Shoto. He can’t deny the girl is pretty and has every feature that he would want in someone.
Everyday when he woke up, his mind had thought back to the girl. Even when he spent the first month with her, he always seemed to look at her. He didn’t know it at first, only presuming that the girl irked him for being good at everything, but he’s been…slowly developing feelings. 
He still remembers that feeling he had when nails stabbed her back, and of course he was concerned as he thought she was bit, but after they removed the nails, he felt his heart fill with relief. 
He found it strange at first, then bothersome and now that he’s here realizing and practically declaring war with his childhood friend, he almost feels giddy. Like he can’t believe he actually has a romantic side and it was just waiting to be poured out and drown F/n in it. 
He scoffed at himself, sitting in the small kitchen watching the trees go by. He almost sounded like Izuku, hell he even felt like him for just thinking about something sappy for the girl. 
But, the question that really got to him, was what if she rejects him? With all they’ve been through, how many dangers they faced and not to mention the countless times she saved him, would it all disappear the moment he confessed? 
He’s matured over the years and wasn’t the same angry kid who lashed out at everything. No, he was someone who could, in a way, control his anger including his feelings. So if she rejected him, then that’s on her. At least he put it out there and the feelings would disappear just as she's disappearing from his life. 
But, that brought up another question. What if she were to accept Izuku or god forbid Shoto. He knows Izuku can be romantic as he saw with Ochaco back at school, but Shoto? The dude was braindead when it came to feelings or jokes or anything that he wouldn’t understand, therefore needing someone to interpret it. 
He added an airy chuckle at the thought. His piercing red eyes staring at the few dead bodies that they pass by. 
Though, the blonde did have to give Shoto some credit as he also matured. Yet still, if Katsuki had to compete for F/n then it would be with Izuku. With how dense Shoto is, there is no way she would return his feelings and if he did manage to spill out his hearts, he would most of definitely fucked it up.
Oh, if only he knew. 
“I say we stop here, check out that small gas station.” Eijiro said looking to the right where the building resided, “There has to be something, even if it's small.”
Denki slowly pulled in next to the building, careful to not hit any of the vehicles in the way, “The place looks ransacked. The windows, doors and even the side of the wall is broken.”
“It doesn’t hurt to try.” The red-head narrowed his eyes and got out of the RV with Denki. Ever since the tragic incident, he’s been on edge especially with the amount of pressure Tomura’s group had added. Every scavenging team has felt stress and who knows just how long they can take it.
Katsuki shortly got out of the RV, his gun hitting his side with every step he took. He looked around in case a dead was near, but for the most part it was quiet. He then turned to the building where Denki and Eijiro peeked through the busted windows. 
He too looked inside, shining his flashlight only to see a rotter get up from its sitting position. The blonde sniffled from the cold air and let the rotter get close to him where he then pulled his knife and stuck it into its head. 
His blade and the window were covered in blood, though thankfully, he wasn’t, “Let’s get this shit over with.”
The other two nodded in determination and with Denki holding the door open, they all got inside where he then took watch. It was a small gas station, so they weren’t expecting a lot of dead to be roaming or any products around. 
His foot stepped on the rotter's head, the skin, blood and maggots sticking to the bottom of Katsuki’s boot. He sneered before wiping it on the tile floor, the squeak emitting the room, “This place smells like shit.”
Eijiro let out a huff when he jumped over the register, his eyes looking underneath the counter where a shelf of storages displayed, “Watch for that corner, there's a breach.”
Katsuki shined his light to where the other male pointed. It appeared like someone had crashed into it before driving away as he could slightly see the track marks. He then proceeded to look around the floor, noticing for any marks that a human had been here, but it was difficult to tell as the marks were sloppily placed. 
He muttered underneath his breath, the fog escaping his mouth, “Maybe she would know.”
“Who would know?” Denki had accidentally startled the blonde as he whipped around ready to plunge his knife into him until Denki let out a silent shriek, “Woah! It's me, chill out!”
“The hell do you think you’re doing, idiot!?” He placed his blade down to his side, glaring at the one in front, “You’re supposed to keep watch, so get to it.”
The other male scoffed, ignoring Katsuki’s glare, “Look, I would have, alright? But I feel useless just doing that. I want to  be productive and I’m tired of being watched when we do runs. How about for a change, you or Eijiro do it.”
To say Katsuki was shocked was an understatement. However, as he looked at a tired and what he could see a hint of a depressed Denki, he let out a sigh and gave him his knife, “Watch out for any creepy crawlers and don’t get your ass bit, otherwise I will kill you.”
Despite feeling down, Denki smiled, “Aye, aye, captain.”
Katsuki only rolled his eyes, heading to the front where he could see the RV, useless cars, trees, and litter flying from the wind. 
“You guys want cigarettes?” Eijiro chuckled as he held a pack, placing it on the counter before bending down and grabbing more, “There a lot if you each want your own.”
“Don’t be stupid.” Katsuki said, his eyes looking outside, “Take it. We can use it to start a fire or something.”
Denki teasingly looked at Katsuki, “Is that really what you're going to use it for?”
Katsuki whipped his head back around, “Don’t make me regret putting you there!” 
“Jeez, alright!” He picked up a box of empty crackers and then aimlessly threw it behind him. He hesitated to speak for a moment since it was a touchy subject but he had to say something, “..So…what are we going to do about Shoto?”
Eijiro stopped his movements, slowly glancing his way. Although he could only see his back, he knew he was worried from the tone. He breathed in, “Whatever Nezu has planned, he'll let us know. We can’t do anything unless… We have to wait for him.”
Katsuki wanted to let out a scoff. Wait for Nezu? Shoto was most likely dead or  better yet held in captivity slowly dying from a torturous death. He was sick and tired of waiting, what good did that ever do to them anyway, “I say we blow the damn place until they're all dead.”
The other two looked his way before looking down. They had to agree with him. Tomura’s group was the reason their friends and many people died. They weren’t strong yesterday, but if they kept practicing then they would totally beat them.
Practicing? More like practicing for death.
Denki also had another thing to say, his eyes casting down to his hands, “..I know…their bodies aren’t there…but they’re holding a funeral.”
Katsuki’s hands twitched, his eyes still looking outside. The funeral he mentioned was to be planned the day they returned which wouldn’t be until three days, give or take. Three days until they returned and he couldn’t help but to think back to F/n who sat in Hanta’s room, going crazy from having to wait to say her goodbyes. 
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allsadnshit · 2 years
Something difficult about learning the importance of feeling your feelings instead of just analyzing them is how jarring and overwhelming it is to let the full force of them come into your body and day instead of just drowning them out or trying to dilute them for comfort. It's natural to want to self soothe, it's natural to want to feel better. BUT... if you avoid feeling your feelings long and often enough then you become someone who's constantly at the edge. You're bursting at the smallest things and if something big happens you're totally blown into a episode probably more difficult to handle than you are prepared for because there's so much beneath everything and you haven't learned any safe or helpful ways to be present with that and it can just put you into a fight flight or freeze state.
I grew up in a household where my parents very seldom "felt" their feelings and if anything everyone was pretty casual drinkers and kept extremely busy with work and social life and I only ever saw the adults around me slow down and be present with negative emotion when they had no other choice and things came to boil.
I felt that being mature looked like that, and that people around me would like me more and appreciate how easy it was to be around me if I demonstrated a similar approach to emotions and prided myself in how much I could take without flinching and how well I could swallow a bad feeling instead of needing any time or care that someone else would feel burdened to do. I felt "low maintenance" and like I was more lovable for that.
I could not have been more wrong! All that ended up happening was the people who flocked to me were people who wanted my affection and care and knew they didn't have to do any work or giving in return, and so I became surrounded by people who were happy to leave me alone if I was struggle or return to me when I was available for them in a pleasant way only. And I started having massive panic attacks so severe I was scared and genuinely didn't know what was going on. I hit my limit but didn't even know it and was thrown into a situation where I had to start unpacking and letting out years of pain that was totally unacceptable for the people I had chosen have close to me in my life. It was a perfect storm of all the wrong choices that even if necessary for a time, led me to a place where I would have to pick up pieces by myself in a really isolated way.
I mourn so much for the ability to react in the present. So many of the people who needed to hear my voice and my feelings are long gone from my life because I chose to let them come and go without my honesty or confrontation so now I am left to clean up the mess by myself and as angry as I am at them, it was ultimately my own choice who I let in and how little responsibility I allowed them to have for their actions. And it's lonely and it's overwhelming and I can only do my best now to be kind to myself and to forgive myself for this deep hole I dug myself subconsciously for a lifetime.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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Raging Waters and Shaking Ground
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: future ABO, Viking Col, fae Dom, war talks, Big Bad™️ people! It's getting rough here! panic attacks, talks of death, talks of slaughter, talks of arranged marriage, talks of sexual ownership (slavery), dub con (Meg on Col), MF hate, losing hope, slow burn ☠️ rating: mature ☠️ ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dom had been thinking all their time together that someday he would end up exactly where he was but he certainly thought he'd enjoy it more. On their way back to the great hall they'd stopped into their private hut and Kol'son had brought something to him. A safety net of sorts. A comfort item for them both. He'd raised a rope between them, tickling Dom's nose and rolling his bottom lip between his teeth as if he were nervous and the siren whimpered. The Viking had been threatening this for weeks but they had both hoped it would happen for play between them, not because they were stressed and having to act as if the boy was only what his title suggested- something Kol owned.
He'd still nodded though, pulling his wild hair behind his shoulders and leaning his head back. Without meaning to he pressed his chest out and a soft growl escaped his lover that had his breath catching in his throat. The chieftain had tugged at his tunic, pulling the v of his collar further down. His lip popped free of his teeth slowly, the soft pink shiny with spit. His hands shook when he tied a knot in the necklace he'd given Dom, the only thing showing his nerves. They both felt like they were about to go into battle and in a way they were but it calmed some of the raging storm inside them to share a moment like that.
Knuckles brushed against cool pale skin and Kol made quick work of the makeshift collar and leash while he tried not to wonder if the jewelry had ever been used like that before because it certainly seemed perfectly made for it. The other end was curled around his wrist and kept tight, his fingers teasing around it just to watch it pull his thrall closer. "You know you're more than this." The man sighed, his voice barely above a whisper. If he was too loud they might be heard by the intruding clan but they felt mostly safe. Harald wouldn't know this small random room was his. His stomach soured at the thought of Megna and her father making his parents bedroom a mess, they would think that was his and she might just walk right in. Fuck.
"I know daidí." Dom soothed, he could tell his love was fighting so much, there was more on the leader's mind than anyone should have to face so the selkie soothed what he could and hopped to wash the rest away later with even more love.
"You'll be my wife." The Viking vowed, his voice trembling with the rest of him. Neither could admit they were starting to have trouble believing it but instead they pressed close and shared a softer kiss than normal. "We're going to get through this and I'll make love to you. You'll give me beautiful children. We'll-"
"'Ush love. I know." Dom tried to quiet his nervous rambling, the more he talked the more it sounded like a dream and not their future. Their breath felt hot they were pressed so close but they stayed as long as they could until a voice floated through Dom's mind and he knew they had to go. Modig was getting worried.
That had been an hour before at least and the fae felt strange. He wasn't in his normal spot in the great hall, he was forced to stand behind his lover- serve him and the newcomers who were causing all this strife. When they'd first entered he thought everything would explode into a battle but Harald had stepped close and pulled Kol into a tight hug. He'd fucking called him son as if the wedding had already happened and Dom was left to take a step back and let his master take control. Megna was gorgeous, dark hair and fox eyes and a body the siren would never have. She reminded him of a few of the thralls he knew his man had bed before they met and it drove him just a little crazy.
What surprised him most was how amazing his leader was at what he hoped was still lying. With how calm the meeting started Kol had just… gone along with it. They were laughing and drinking and reminiscing about things the boy could barely understand and through all of it Megna was sat next to his mate with her hand on his thigh. Of course she barely ate anything. She was a bird of a woman unlike him. Gods he couldn't handle it. Perhaps if he just sang for everyone he could end the torture, but there was a chance showing his power would get them all killed.
"Thrall! Boy! Yes you, come!" Dom's brows furrowed when the enemy chieftain called him closer and his scowl depended when the bastard found the rope attached to him and tugged. He wanted to cut it and run for the sea but when his eyes met his lover's those blue orbs pleaded for him to help. The stench of alcohol hung heavy in the air and his nose wrinkled but he stepped close until the man gripped his chin and pulled him down. He felt Kol almost snap but his gaze caught the bitch getting his attention so Dom was left to fend for himself. "You… Come." He had to fight not to curse the human and make some catty comment that Harald probably didn't know how to make anyone do that but he must have thought it loud enough because he heard Mod snort from where he sat too far away.
Kol couldn't stand the way Harald was pawing at his thrall, he wanted to pull his sword on the man but he knew it would devolve into a war he couldn't finish so he held back. At least for now. His boy was strong enough to handle himself. He hated the thought of looking away but Megna was vying for his attention and he had to give her at least a little. After all, it wasn't her fault her father was insane. She probably didn't even want him. "I've heard stories of your… prowess Kol'son, are the rumors to be believed?" She purred, her dark gaze raking over his body. Well… maybe she did want him. Fuck.
"In battle?" His voice broke and he took a drink to soothe himself but her smile grew and her hand wandered higher until he choked.
"Of course. Are you… rough in battle?" She asked, her pink tongue flicking out to wet her soft bee stung lips and he knew before Dom he'd have been all over her. Her tits were remarkable, her waist tiny, she was objectively gorgeous but his cock couldn't even think to swell. If anything the higher she touched the more it tried to crawl back inside him. He was quite sure his balls had already shriveled to pre-maturity and he prayed his lover could bring him back to life with his far better mouth. Fuck- if he thought about that she might think she's turning him on. Of course she must have seen a change in his expression because she brushed his dick with her pinky and so much of him wanted to hide with his thrall and cry. Bathe and cry. Gods when would it end?
Dom could hear the girl and his stomach turned but the man examining him like a prized horse was already making him sick. He caught the sound of a cup clattering and his lover spluttered about something. When he tried to look he could see her whispering in his ear but even with his sensitive hearing he couldn't catch it over the man near him. "You're a fine piece but not worth much for slaving. I was wondering why Bjørn asked for you in the-"
Whatever he was about to say was cut off by Inga stepping close and ripping him away from the human. "I'm so sorry sir, I need his help. Helga will tend to you." The selkie was shaking, he felt dirty and overwhelmed but he knew whatever secret was about to be spilled was important. He tried to step closer to them again but Helga pushed around him to take a giggling seat on Harald's lap. When he was finally able to lean around his leader's throne again his words froze on his tongue. Megna had a hand on what was his and what looked like her tongue in Kol'son's ear. The thing that truly broke him though was the sight of his leash abandoned on the floor and the palm that had been holding it was resting on the girl's arm. "With me Dom. Now."
When he couldn't seem to make his feet move she crooked a finger at someone and Dom was grabbed around the waist and carried off. "No wait- he said- he- why's Kol- let me GO!" His vision went blurry with his rage at the situation and himself. He may have just ruined their chance at fixing this. His lover was doing almost too well at charming the family and he almost broke it all but he'd never been very good at controlling his emotions. He was from the sea and like the waves he was wild and erratic. He couldn't help it. None of this was fair, he was a gods damned prince and should have an army at his disposal. But it was starting to seem as if he had truly nothing.
"Calm yourself Damhnaic. You let too much truth show." Tom's voice in their own tongue soothed something in his chest and as he blinked a few times and breathed deep the world came into focus around him. Somehow they had gotten him all the way to their room.
"He was touching 'er." He whimpered low, his eyes welling with tears. "Is she prettier 'an me?"
Tom's brow arched, he couldn't believe after all they'd been through he was having to deal with questions like that. He was made to protect. He was meant to battle and keep the prince safe but he could do nothing with this. "I… no? I don't- She's not exactly-" He felt flustered. He could tell by the scent in the room his kin was close to heat again and he hoped that's where this awful conversation was coming from.
"Not at all love. Besides, she's being forced on him. Kol doesn't like-" Inga tried to help but he couldn't help the panic.
"Doesn't like wha'? Gorgeous women? Tits?" Dom almost shrieked.
"Who doesn't like tits? I mean they're not my favorite thing but-" A new voice entered the room and he looked to find Modig. The nymph was obviously rethinking his words. "What's going on? Are you letting them win already?"
Dom huffed and shook his head, wiping his cheeks and trying to shake himself off. "No. Course not. Daidí needs me." He tried to exit the room but Mod stepped back into the doorway and blocked his way.
"Actually he asked me to keep you safe here. He thought it best he deal with this on his own." Even the madman knew how awful his words would affect the boy but he wasn't expecting to have to catch him as he tried to make a run for it. He didn't know why he'd been sent to destroy his friend's heart but he'd always had trouble reading Kol'son's mind. All he could do was try and soothe the prince and wait for something else to happen. He just prayed they wouldn't be left without explanation too long.
"You sent your pet away. Do you not wish to share?" Harald asked, a small smirk on his face.
Kol tried not to growl but he was near done already. He'd barely been able to keep Megna off him but she'd finally accepted he wanted to keep her pure for her wedding night. He'd barely been able to say it without both laughing and gagging but she'd excused herself for sleep and to let the men make plans. Now he was left with her father, the man who was systematically trying to destroy his life. "He's mine. You know how it is."
"Indeed, if I had such a treasure as a true fae I wouldn't give it up either."
Kol choked on spit and the audacity of the man who'd tried so hard to steal his mother and had gotten his father killed. After a moment he decided not to even dignify the statement and instead he took a long drink and sighed. If they didn't get down to talks then the night might never end. Or it might end in blood. He just wanted to get back to his boy, he'd only kept him away to keep him safe. He couldn't stand seeing him touched by anyone else. "What can I do to make you leave?"
"Submit to my rule, marry my daughter, call me father, and give your thrall away. Megna will come second to no one." Harald glared, tossing a piece of fruit into his hateful mouth as if he hadn't just ruined every hope Kol had.
"I don't want to war with you. You know we wouldn't survive it. Megna would never be happy with me. I could never love her. What else can I do?" He thought he saw a sliver of hope in the idea that the man cared so much for his daughter's happiness. Perhaps they could come to some arrangement.
"I don't care. She'll be happy because I tell her to be. I don't love her mother and she doesn't love me. Grow up boy, we're leaders. Well… I am. You need to stop believing in fairy tales of love. Besides, it's not that I want happiness, I just don't want Kolvidur's son to have any. Your father stole my fairy tale so I shall have yours."
"Hey you can't have-"
"Please boy, no matter how pretty I don't fancy cock. I don't want your thrall. You just can't keep him. When I take your crown I know exactly what to do with him."
Kol'son's stomach soured, his heart breaking in his chest. This man was taking everything because his mother fell in love with his father. He was starting to think he wasn't the one who needed to grow up. He did however notice, Harald didn't know of his boy's cunt. Perhaps he could at least keep Dom safe. "They're both dead Harald. You have a beautiful family and a thriving clan. You decimated my village, you've shown you can come at any time and destroy my life. Can't that be enough?" At one moment he thought he saw confusion on the man's face but it was quickly erased. "Please… if you promise to take care of my remaining people I'll give you my crown. Just let me and my family leave?"
"No. I've given you my rules. Either you obey or I kill everyone. But worry not boy, you will give me your crown. The morning after tomorrow you will bend to my will and kneel to me in front of both our clans and you will present me your crown and take my daughter's hand. No escaping. Don't worry, I'll keep to my promise of the day and give you one last with your pet. I want you to tell him you can't keep him safe and that I have a perfect new owner for him. I want everyone to know how poor of a man your father made." He smiled and Kol felt gutted. He'd never known a deeper evil. "The first son of the first son is brought to nothing, don't you find it funny?" Kol'son really didn't, but he was so wrecked he didn't even realize how strange it was that the bastard knew their family legacy. He was too lost in pain he didn't see the shared glance between his killer and someone else. He could call Harald nothing less than his murderer, if he had to give Dom up he wouldn't be alive anymore. No matter if his shell was still walking around. He felt like he was sinking in a pit of despair, he couldn't see a way out anymore. Gods he couldn't breathe. He needed Dom, and more than anything... He knew he needed to send him away.
Author's Note/Tags: @manicpixiedreamb0y @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @cole-way-iero28 @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
I hope this was good 😅 Still not feeling my best but I wanted to get something out. Ugh my heart hurts for these boys and I actually know what happens next so I almost want to apologize to all of you. But I won't. I hope you enjoyed! The slow burn might be igniting soon 👀🖤☠️
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lovelessdagger · 11 months
Starlight - Chapter 40: After
Pairing: Din Djarin x OC
Rating: Mature
Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Canon Divergence, Smut
Words: 1.4k
Summary:  Tatooine is the galaxy's own personal hell.
A/N: I suppose this can be considered the final chapter, it is in many respects. I've received many asks about the state of Lumina and Din's relationship, while this ending doesn't say much, I do believe it says everything. The epilogue is next, I am still trying to find the words. I hope I don't disappoint.
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Tatooine is the galaxy’s own personal hell. That much is evident. Emotions once indifferent are now set in carbonite stone. Tatooine is nothing but memory and misery; there is no repentance. Tatooine is a barren wasteland gone to the dogs, and the dogs have died.
Crossing over a sand dune, the Mandalorian leaves heavy prints to track. He walks east towards missing binary suns in the dead of night. 
He wonders about dawn and the possibilities of her unknown light. He cannot stand the sight of stars, finding them to only lead to hell.
Or Tatooine.
He makes way towards a defunct cantina in the distance, a lone figure with a backdrop of sky. It’s a small thing, run down, rotten. The doors open with rusted gears, making him slide in sideways when they freeze.
Tables remain unmoved, flooring worse for wear, half stripped. Some seating is tossed about, booths torn. Dust is visible, windows boarded shut.
At the seventh table lays a rifle leaned against the wood and an empty chair. He glances behind to the entrance.
He doesn’t remember it all being so much bigger than him.
Tatooine’s horizon is the edge of the universe and Lumina is alone. The wind is chilling, dying blows signal the aftermath of a storm. She tugs her cloak tighter. Humming soft under her breath, her legs dangle off the cantina’s back roof.
She looks down, flicking a half burnt cigarette.
“You can’t die from this height.” A voice from behind.
“I know,” she replies over the wind. She turns her wrist. Soreness remains even after bacta. After the first time, Fennec said she was lucky it only sprained. Lumina still isn’t sure if she agrees.
She looks back at her guest, the Mandalorian tall and not so proud. “Care to join me?”
His steps are heavy, his boots drag along the cemented roof and grating piling of sand. He sits beside her without any real poise, swinging his own cape back.
“I can’t say I like what you’ve done with the place,” he says.
“Boba bought the building and shut it down. Was his first major purchase after gaining control of the territory. Won’t tell me what the plan is, but it seems positive.”
“There’s a lot you can do in the middle of no where.”
He agrees. “There is… so why are you here?”
She shrugs. “Why are you?”
He gives no answer.
“You shouldn’t smoke,” Din says instead. “Bad for you.”
She takes a purposeful drag. “I want to give you something.” Lumina digs through the satchel on her left, rummaging past her saber hilt, a lightbulb, and a newly etched data pad. In her gloved hand she presents a large shard of emerald glass. “Here.”
“What is it?”
“Flip it over.”
He does just that, his hands cautious in touching hers and the object of question. Heavier than he suspected, Din turns the hoax gem. The front is an encased remnant bedrock chiseled with a distinct Mando’a inscription.
“Is it…”
“Real? Far as I can tell, yeah.” Lumina runs her index finger over the letters. “Do you know what it says?”
Din gives a half nod, not strong enough to be a statement of commitment, but severely lacking in denial. “It’s scripture,” he says eventually. “We learn of tales of the Mand’alors of past. The formation of the Creed, the strength of our planet, our people. This looks like part of the story of the Taung—the original Mandalorians, it was my favorite. They were forced away from their original home on Coruscant and found solace on Mandalore. This section, it tells of how they felt a calling to the world. Something they couldn’t explain.”
“Sounds like the Force,” Lumina says.
“Where did you get this?”
“Jawas,” she answers. “I went to Peli’s to return the ship I took. Total coincidence they were there too.” Her lips press together, she tosses the cigarette butt off the edge. “I wouldn’t have reached out but—well they’re your people, not mine. Mand’alor.”
Din nods again, though overall more sure. “Thank you.”
The issue of the helmet, the reveal, lingers in the air.
She asks, “Have you spoken to your people since—”
“I see.”
“I know what they’ll say. I’ll be excommunicated… any credibility I have with the Darksaber will be gone.”
“Then you do want it?”
Din hesitates. “Bo-Katan—” he begins to say.
“Is a threat unrealized. That’s what Fennec says.” 
“What do you think?”
“That you should keep an eye on her. She’s hiding more than she lets on. The Darksaber is in your possession now. In a way, you are king. Be wise.”
“Even with this”—Din waves the glass—“there’s no telling if it’s habitable. And if it is, Mandalore hasn’t had a monarch since before I was a foundling.”
“Then they’ll have no expectations.”
“What if I don’t want this?” Din asks. “I’m hardly a mandalorian anymore. This may not be my path.”
“The Force connected you to that sword for a reason,” Lumina says. “You need to restore your faith.”
He snorts. “In the Force?”
“In yourself.”
After a beat Din says, “So what’s the real reason you called me?”
Lumina could choose to be astounded by his attunement to her, a superficial everlasting trait it seems. But on occasion, in the two weeks passed since their last meeting, his words have grown a habit of circling.
Knowing forever is quite the promise, but Din carries loyalty to his own demise with honor.
“I’m leaving tomorrow,” she says. She lights another cigarette. “For good.”
His breathing stops, his hand tenses, his posture shifts. Lumina closes her eyes, inhaling deep through the Force. Her mind is too clouded, she wants to act rationally. She wants to be cordial. A diplomat. Express a gratitude for positive relations and nobility. Proclaim allegiance on behalf of Tatooine to all of Mandalore.
Or she could close up. Bid farewell and leave at that.
Neither feels correct.
“I can’t shake this feeling that there’s something out there,” Lumina says. “Something bigger than any of us realize. It’s more than the Empire. The things Gideon was doing to me… there’s a reason. He may have failed, but with my capture he proved his goals were possible. It’s only a matter of time until someone picks up where he left off. And when that comes, I don’t know how we’ll win.”
“You’re scared of another war,” Din says.
Lumina swallows, cringing at the lump in her throat. “Not just another war. Another clone war, only this time they’re all like me. I have to do what I can.”
The Mandalorian removes his helmet under the moonlight, placing it to the side. He takes a smoke from Lumina’s pack, waiting until she lights the drug to speak. “Where are you going?”
“I don’t know yet. I’m cashing in a promise I’m owed, so wherever the Force takes me.”
He nods. “Will I ever see you again?”
Her head tips back, she looks into the night. The moons and stars are a fragile crystal setting. Wind blows the line out of view. “You’ll see me everywhere,” then, “I’ll see you too. I think it’s the will of the Force that we’re stuck together.”
She can barely hear his response, were she not herself she wouldn’t hear it at all. But it comes, a soft passing through his lips.
The moons reflect beautifully off Din’s armor, symbolic in a way. Bringing her glimmers of light at the universes edge. A performance of intangible wonder for her eyes only. She leans against his shoulder. He’s warm, despite it all.
His lips press against the top of her head.
“I love you,” Din mumbles into her scalp. Three little words finally said.
She smiles, halfway. “I know.” And then, “I love you too.”
Above their heads a white bird soars across the stars. It calls a song and Lumina looks away at her feet off the edge. A small ebony snake slithers along the roofing.
“Darasuum,” she says. “Right?”
His agreement is repetition. “Darasuum.”
For the first time, Lumina thinks Tatooine may not be so bad after all. It isn’t great, few things are, but in the aftermath of apocalypse wastelands can still bloom.
Impossible life has been created before, it can again.
She is proof.
A wave of relief rushes through the planets wind. A renewal, in a way.
Life is separated into two eras.
Before: Living sustained on betrayals and manipulated promises. The Empire, the Sith, the Machine.
After: Her. After there are stars and orchids and auroras. There is rebirth. There is hope.
There is more than the legacy of Anakin Skywalker.
Lumina is sure of it.
This has all happened before. It was inevitable. Nothing has changed.
Epilogue: Starlight
Taglist: @lexloon​ @jay-bel​ @xsadderdazeforeverx​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​ @sarahjkl82-blog​ @annoyinglythoughtfuldestiny​ @hello-th3r3​
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nerdby · 1 year
Click Bait
Rating: M(mature) 18+
Pairing: Loki x OC
Summary: This is a slow burn in an AU where Loki was banished to earth to repent for the crime of trying to take over the world, Loki becomes an honory Avenger. The citizens of earth are just a little critical of the Avengers' decision to play nice with the Trickster God even if he does spend most of his time under house arrest. One day in a fit of boredom, Loki makes the one mistake all celebrities instantly regret and googles himself. Except he doesn't regret it -- not completely. Buried under all of the tabloid articles questioning the Avengers' sanity is a blog dedicated to someone who actually likes Loki. The God of mischief has a fan???? Intrigued and in need of a confidence boost, Loki follows the blog and finds out it belongs to a woman named Bug Spencer.
Author's Note: I have no idea where this is going🤷🏻‍♀️
"I'm going to read your mind."
"I-I beg your pardon?" Loki felt his spine go rigid at the thought of Wanda Maximoff toying around inside his head. She was an Avenger and obviously biased against him, and she was flanked by Bruce Banner -- the Hulk -- and Loki's brother, Thor Odinson, in the interrogation room. The two men stood on opposite sides of the room behind Wanda while she sat across from Loki at a stainless steel table.
One year ago, Loki had held the citizens of Midgard hostage while the Chitauri army lay seige to the island of Manhattan. It had taken Loki one year to convince his father and brother that he had been under someone else's control, and now Odin had sentenced Loki to face Midgard and the Avengers to repent. Loki had gone willingly if only to get as far as from his parents withering stares as possible.
Sensing Loki's apprehension, Wanda smiled and exhaled through her nose. "I want you to tell me what you remember, and then I'm going to read your mind to make sure you're telling the truth." Since joining the Avengers Wanda had become the team's unofficial lie detector. It meant spending lots of time in cramped rooms, listening to the maddening hum of fluorescent lights so it was far from her favorite job in the world. She at least got to meet some interesting people, though, and Loki Laufeyson was definitely interesting. Many of her teammates -- all of them except Thor, really -- were convinced that he was a homicidal dictator. Wanda wasn't so sure yet. "You don't have to be scared, Loki," she said, hoping she sounded reassuring.
"Ha!" Loki laughed humorlessly, disbelievingly.
"Loki," Thor interjected, drawing his brother's attention to him. "Just tell her what you've told me." He understood why Loki was wary of the situation given what Thanos had put him through, but it was unavoidable. The only way to convince the Avengers to allow Loki to remain on Midgard was if Thor could prove without a doubt that his brother was telling the truth, and Wanda was the only one capable of doing so with her powers.
"Right, so she can poke about in my head and--" Loki gestured to Wanda.
Thor cut him off. "This is something you must do, or else I will be forced to take you back to your cell on Asgard."
"Or I can always let Bruce try to convince you," Wanda added. It was an empty threat mostly, but Loki didn't know that. He seemed too put off at the idea of having his mind read to realize she was lying and he obviously had no idea that Bruce abhorred violence under most circumstances. Not that that mattered one bit, given Bruce's condition.
Bruce waggled his fingers at Loki from his spot in the corner. "Hi." Although a small part of Bruce almost felt bad for the guy. What the hell had happened to shake his confidence so completely? This was not the same God of mischief Bruce had encountered a year ago.
Loki slammed his fist down on the table, denting it. Then suddenly he found himself pinned against the wall by a red hot aura that emanated from Wanda's fingertips, which glowed scarlet. She was on her feet now, all traces of kindness gone. Bruce and Thor had both assumed fighting stances. Loki strained against the binds Wanda had created as she rounded the table and came to a halt in front of him, but to his horror they were only growing tighter.
"You will tell us what we want to know or your brother will return your corpse to Asgard once the Hulk is through with you," she told him.
Loki scowled but knew he had no choice since to his dismay, the wretch's bonds seemed to be getting stronger. "Fine," he spat.
Wanda stepped back, releasing Loki from her spell and letting him fall unceremoniously to the floor. "So what do you remember?"
Loki righted his chair which in the commotion had fallen and sat down. "Waking up on a barren moon -- well, not completely barren. I thought it was at first. Then he found me."
"Who?" Bruce asked.
"Thanos," Loki said. "He was strong -- stronger than me, and he had the staff with the mind stone." He shook his head. "He offered it to me and I-I knew something was.....Off but he began to speak of Midgard -- word had begun to spread that Midgard was under Thor's protection. Thanos wanted me to travel to there and retrieve the tesseract for him. He seemed to think my aiding him would be an excellent way to get revenge." His voice shook with bitter resentments.
"You didn't want to?" Wanda asked.
Loki shook his head. "I'm not a fool. I knew he couldn't be trusted and Midgard was the last place I wanted to be after....After everything my brother and I had gone through. Thanos became enraged and then so was I. Then I was here on Midgard...." His voice trailed off, his eyes fixed on some place very far away.
"He used the mind stone on you," Bruce said once the realization dawned on him.
"I think he must have, yes," Loki said, his voice almost a whisper.
The door to the room opened, and Tony Stark entered the room followed by Steve Rogers.
"That's a convenient story," Steve said. "We've been watching all of this, so we know you're a little apprehensive about this next bit. That's why for everyone's safety, we're going to have Bruce restrain you while Wanda reads your mind."
Loki scowled down at the dented tabletop, knowing it was pointless to fight back. If Stark and Rogers were here then there were certainly others as well. Others who seemed well capable of overpowering him. Hatred for himself surged through him as he remembered what Odin had said after Thor had returned Loki to Asgard a year ago.
"All this because Loki desires a throne?"
Loki stood up silently while Stark and Rogers stepped aside, and Wanda and Bruce rounded the table. He put his hands behind his back, and Bruce held him by his wrists. Wanda stood in front of Loki, a full head shorter than he is and reached up towards his temples. The same blood red aura from earlier hovered round her fingertips.
"I know that this is asking a lot, but it will be easier if you relax," Wanda told him.
Loki nodded and looked at Thor, who was standing behind Wanda on the opposite side of the room now. Part of him couldn't help but wonder why Thor had chosen to befriend these mortals. Loki had come to Midgard willingly, knowing he was just as unwanted there as he was on Asgard. It hadn't been until he found out that they had planned to let this -- this witch violate him that Loki had shone even the slightest hesitation, and when he refused he was threatened with death?
They weren't heroes, he wanted to spit. They were hypocrites, but he said nothing and locked eyes with Thor instead.
The first thing Wanda felt once she was in Loki's mind was loneliness -- absolutely crushing loneliness. Then bitter resentment and jealousy. The memories passed in a rapid blur -- fighting, endless fighting: In war, with Odin, with Thor and his friends. Small moments of quiet happiness. Some of them with Thor, but many of them took place with Loki and his adoptive mother, Frigga. Those memories were awash with a sense of warmth and peace. Most of them.
"We just won't tell him--"
She felt for a moment as if she were falling. Then just as suddenly Wanda was overcome with pain but more than that she felt irrationally angry -- furious and terrified. A hulking shadow loomed over her as her fist closed around the handle of the staff whose scepter housed the mind stone.
"I'll make you wish for something as sweet as pain."
Wanda gasped as her eyes snapped open and she grabbed onto the table to keep herself from stumbling. "No, no," she said quickly when she saw the looks of panic on her teammates' faces. "It wasn't him. Loki didn't hurt me." She waved her hand dismissively and straightened herself. She looked at Steve and Tony who were standing in the doorway of the room with Natasha now hovering behind them. "He is telling the truth."
Bruce released Loki who, in spite of himself, was watching Wanda with concern as she reached up and wiped away a tear. Served her right, he couldn't help but think.
Thor crossed the room then and clapped Loki on the shoulder. "You did well."
Loki shrugged him off.
"Alright," Tony said as Natasha ushered Wanda out into the hall. He walked over to where Loki and Thor stood. "Now, that the fun part is over I want to make it clear that you are here on a trial basis and --"
"And if I slip up you'll have him handle me?" Loki scoffed, gesturing over his shoulder at Bruce. "Yes, that's been made quite clear."
"Well." Tony smirked and shrugged. "Him or someone much much worse."
"Stark," Thor warned warily. "Loki has done as we asked of him--"
"For now," Tony countered.
"Thor is right," Steve interjected. From what could he tell, Loki seemed to know as well they did that trying to attack them would not turn out well for him. "That's enough intimidation tactics for right now." He went over to where Loki stood and offered him his hand. "Welcome to earth."
Loki stared at him for a moment. He noted that Rogers had welcomed him not to the Avengers but to Midgard. Feeling his brother's eyes on him Loki shook Steve Rogers's hand and said simply, "Thank you, Captain."
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