#even with where shes at now i think she could kick keefes ass in a purely physical fight
camelspit · 1 year
mm sophie growing up and getting muscles from working in the pastures all day peace and love
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Rainy Days
A/N: You know, I didn’t think I was gonna write a fic today, but the litle gay gremlin that lives in my brain woke up and chose this I guess!
Warnings: Incredibly mild swearing/descriptions of... “violence” but very cartoon-y sort of violence I don’t know if it really counts, slight caps but its just one word
Pairings: Kam
About: Tam’s Winnowing Gala except he doesn’t wanna be there
Other notes: no beta we die like Kenric, Keefe and Tam are friendly in this one because I felt like it, no they aren’t completely in character but is anything I ever write?
Word count: 966
Tag list (tell me if you want to be added or removed): @cadence-talle @ruewen-and-rising @lemontarto @a-lonely-tatertot @catboyruy @percabetn @sewersewersewercouch @everyonehasthoughts @imaramennoodle @enbies-and-felonies @blxckh0les42 @rainbowtay-11 @callas-starkflower-stew @impostertamsong @appalyneinstitute1 @stars-and-splendor @anna-without-an-e @mistythegenderqueermess @we-have-no-bananas-today @we-wont-dissapear @jadenightthewriter @ketterdamkid
Tam sat on the back porch, staring as the rain pounded down hard from the sky. He heard the door open behind him and turned around to see Keefe standing in the frame. 
“So, are you out here because you enjoy getting soaked to the bone or are you mad at someone?”
Tam looked away.
“Bit of both, I guess.”
Tam felt a shift of weight on the porch swing and knew Keefe has sat beside him. 
“Well, in that case you better go ahead and tell your bestest friend in the whole wide world why you’re hiding during your own Winnowing Gala.” 
“First of all, you aren’t my best friend. Second of all I’m not hiding I’m just...taking a breather.” 
The party was being held at some venue, Tam didn’t really know where, Tiergan had booked it for him. The porch was the only place to hide and unfortunately Keefe had found it. 
Keefe clucked his tongue disbelievingly. 
“C’mon man, it’s your party. Get out there and find some girls! If you’re scared to dance I could demonstrate.”
Here he bumped Tam’s shoulder with his own jokingly. Tam just rolled his eyes. 
“Tam, the minute you walk in there everyone’s gonna be swooning over you,” He started doing a crude impression of a girly voice,” ‘Oh Tam! All I want to do is brush out those dreamy bangs of yours and look into those dreamy stormy eyes and dreamy dreamy dreamy! Just marry me now!’ “
Tam rolled his eyes again. 
“They all think I’m a freak in there, I’m the weird shadow twin guy with scary powers who sits in the corner and sulks any time he’s with his team.”
“Oh, you’re fine, Sophie’s powers are scarier than yours and she’s found plenty of love interests.”
Tam didn’t say anything and neither did Keefe for a blissful minute. But all good things come to an end.
“It’d be easier to mingle in there if you knew how to dance. I saw you stepping on the toes of the one girl you interacted with, it wasn’t pretty.” 
“It’d also be easier to not have a Winnowing Gala at all but here we are.”
Keefe again didn’t say anything for a peaceful minute.
“Tam...why did you have a Winnowing Gala if it seems like you don’t want to be here?”
“Everyone else was having one… I… I don’t know, I guess I thought it’d help me fit in, or something.” 
“Eh, fitting in is overrated. I think it’s pretty impossible for anyone in our group to fit in anyway. Kicking the Neverseen’s collective ass kind of makes you stand out.” 
Tam did a sort of half-laugh.
Tam contemplated for a minute.
“Hey, wanna run back to Tiergan’s and hide there?”
“Please,” Keefe responded immediately.
After a long -- exhausting -- walk up the stairs, they had reached the main room of Solreef. It was still raining, whatever venue they were at must’ve been closer than he thought. He didn’t like that.
The house was empty as Tiergan, Prentice, and his siblings were all at the party. They’d realized he was missing soon enough, but it probably gave him about an hour before they’d try to find him. A nice break. A well needed one too, considering he was one step away from anxiety attack at the party.
Keefe immediately began raiding the pantry, as he did any time he came to Tam’s house, but halted when he noticed the somber expression on Tam’s face.
“Okay, what’s wrong Bangs Boy? Your energy is…” he made a vague circular gesture with his arm towards Tam, “off.” 
Tam sighed as he sat on the couch.
“Why do I have to get matched? Like yeah I know I don’t have to but… I feel like I do, for some reason. I’m already biased against, having a good marriage won’t help, it’ll just drag whoever down to my level.”
Keefe sat down next to him.
“Look… not to get all serious or whatever, and if you tell a single other soul I said this I’ll kill you, but whoever you marry will be damn lucky to have you. And if they think their being dragged down? I do not care if it’s your wife, I’ll punt her into the sun.” 
This made Tam laugh fully for the first time that day. 
“You mean it?” Tam asked light heartedly, turning towards Keefe.
“Every word,” Keefe replied, looking down at his lap.
There was a beat of silence.
“Hey Keefe?”
“Hm?” He asked, turning back towards Tam.
“I’ll punt your wife into the sun too, if you want.” 
Keefe laughed. 
“Thank you for the thought, but I don’t really want a wife.”
“Me neither.”
Another silent beat.
Tam didn’t even realize it was happening, but his leg was bouncing, hand sat atop it. He felt Keefe’s hand reach over, as if to remind him to stop fidgeting like Linh always did, instead he grabbed the hand on top of the leg and intertwined their fingers. Tam risked a quick glance up, worried that eye-contact would make Keefe let go. Keefe had his head turned away, but Tam could see the splotchy blush across it.
Tam gripped onto Keefe’s hand slightly harder, before turning completely to Keefe and getting his attention by talking.
“Hey, maybe I could take you up on that dancing offer one day.”
“Well, I’m free today, what about you?” He said with a smirk.
“I suppose I could clear my schedule.” 
“Great. Just don’t step on my toes, please.”
“Maybe now I’ll just do it on purpose,” Tam replied as he stood up from the couch.
“You wouldn’t dare, I have so much dirt on you,” Keefe said, following.
“Oh yeah?”
“But my stormy eyes are dreamy, right?”
“Shut UP!”
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songficsbyrissi · 6 years
Do You Remember (Erik Killmonger x Reader)
“Do you remember, do you remember, do you remember
All of the times we had
Do you remember, do you remember, do you remember
All of the times we had
Let's bring it back” - Jay Sean feat. Sean Paul and Lil Jon
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A/N: I wrote this as a bday gift to @nerd-lovely . Happy birthday love! And I hope the rest of you enjoy it as well! ️ **********************
Erik honked his horn for the millionth time today. “Come the fuck on!” He groaned gripping the steering wheel tight. Not only was he running late from picking his 6 year old daughter Ashanti up from school, but he ran into some bullshit traffic as well. He sighed turning up the radio and rested his head in his hand.
There's nothing left to say
Don't waste another day
Just you and me tonight
Everything will be okay
Erik turned it down and snorted. “What the fuck is this? Where’s my hood shit?”
Before he could change it, a car behind him honked loud as fuck. Erik honked back and rolled down the window.
“I got a horn too, nigga! Don’t you see this fucking traffic in front of me? We all got places to be!”
“Nigga who you talking to like that! I’ll clap your cheeks, nigga!”
Damn it. In words of the Boondocks, Erik found himself in a “nigga moment.” He could either A) get ignorant back or B) ignore it.
What option you think he picked?
“Nigga I’m from Oakland! I’ll clap your cheeks!” He shouted back.
“Shit nigga you pretty as shit. Come clap these cheeks.”
Erik’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. Shit, this nigga gay. He quickly rolled up his window and ignored the catcalling from the car behind him. He was just focused on picking up his daughter. When Erik finally made it to the elementary school, he expected Ashanti to be waiting outside. She wasn’t.
He went into the principal’s office where they informed him she was in her classroom and the principal escorted Erik to her classroom. Erik looked through the window in the door of the classroom and saw his daughter sitting at her desk coloring. He opened the door and bit his lip.
‘Damn why didn’t Ashanti tell me she got a fine ass teacher?’ Erik thought to himself when his eyes fell on you. He could tell you were a little fed up with the little motherfuckers you had to deal with all day but you didn’t show it. Especially since you did love the kids even though they got on your nerves.
You had your hair up in a high puff and your face with a natural makeup look. You were dressed in a yellow blazer, white tank top, blue jeans, and nude heels. Not only did Erik appreciate that his daughter had a black teacher in this predominantly white school, but she had natural hair and having Ashanti see girls that look exactly like her doing big things really mattered.
“Daddy!” Ashanti ran up to him with a huge smile on her face and Erik immediately smiled back, scooping her up in his arms. “You finally came!”
“Yeah I’m sorry, baby girl. Traffic was annoying.” Erik turned his attention to you when you finished talking to the principal and he left the room. “I’m sorry and thank you for staying with her.”
You put your hand up. “It was no problem. I know I’m not supposed to say this but Ashanti is my favorite.”
Ashanti gasped with her eyes gleaming in happiness. “Yay! I’m Miss Y/L/N’s favorite!”
You shushed her, giggling with a finger to your lips. “Shh! It’s our little secret!”
You stuck out your pinky and the little girl’s mouth formed an O in understanding, linking pinkies with you. Erik’s eyebrows furrowed once your last name registered in his brain. The name sounded so familiar but he couldn’t figure where he’s heard it from.
Erik put Ashanti down and told her to sit and wait for him at her desk. She obeyed and his eyes focused on you.
“Your last name is Y/L/N? It sounds really familiar. What’s your first name?”
“Y/N.” You answered curiously.
“I swear I’ve seen you before and that name....”
“You’ve probably ran into me before, which I doubt because when I’m not here, I’m home.” You laughed a little walking back to your desk and he followed behind. When you turned around, you two made eye contact and it finally clicked in Erik’s head.
“Oh shit.” Erik whispered with a small smirk on his face. “I remember you. Y/N from Oakland High.”
You had a puzzled look on your face. “Do I know you?”
Erik’s eyebrows rose to his hairline. “Girl, you don’t remember me? Erik? Erik Stevens?! I led African American Club which I liked to call Nigga Nation. And you were the cute, little nerd that always attended. You were shy but when you said something, it was the smartest shit I’ve ever heard.”
You were shocked as you thought back to high school. “I didn’t think anyone paid attention to me to high school.”
“I did.” Erik stated sitting up in his chair, straightening his posture then cleared his throat. “You still don’t remember? You used to let me cheat off you all the time. I would’ve never passed Physics if it wasn’t for you.”
A grin crossed your face in realization. “Oh I remember that! You were always saying “who cares about physics when the white men is killing us?” You shook your head laughing. “You were so annoying but funny. I liked you.”
“I liked you too.” Erik stood up from his seat. “Hey. I gotta go but maybe we can catch up some time? I don’t have to be just a memory.”
You bit back a smile and wrote down your cellphone number on a slip of paper. You placed it in his hands.
“Well, I’m always free on the weekends so you just let me know when you wanna link up.”
“Aight see you later, Y/N.” Erik smirked at the paper and sent you a wink. You looked away shyly as he grabbed his daughter’s hand and walked out the classroom.
You say back in your chair when you jumped up in realization.
Did he just call you cute? ********************
“Honestly, I should’ve known Ashanti was your daughter when she told her Caucasian classmate that “she had too much privilege to be failing some basic spelling tests.” You giggled popping a spoonful of the large chocolate chip cookie sundae you two were sharing.
Erik chuckled scooping a piece. “Wow so not even by the same last name. It’s by the way she’s young and woke.”
You shook your head snickering. “That’s a funny way to say hotep but yeah.”
Erik gasped dramatically holding his chest in feigned offense. 
“Me? Hotep?”
You nodded in response. “Yes. You were a hotep back in high school and now you projecting that on the poor baby.”
“Well, she’s the only one I got so I gotta make sure she’s good.” Erik sighed and you could detect a little sadness in his tone. Your smile dropped a little as you got serious.
“So Ashanti’s mom.....she’s not in the picture.” You asked slowly and when Erik glanced up at you, you swallowed hard waving it off.
“I’m sorry. I’m getting too personal. I’ll change the subject. So-“
“She didn’t want to be a mother.” Erik cut you off, staring in your eyes sincerely. “We were young in college. She was against abortion but didn’t want a baby. When Ashanti was born, I had to beg her not to put her up for adoption and she just let me have her, but not without letting me know how stupid I was to think I could attend college and raise a child at the same time. She was right. I couldn’t. I had a choice to make and I chose Ashanti.”
“And she didn’t.....”
“She signed over all rights. She didn’t want anything to do with her because “she had plans for the future that she was not giving up for a baby.” Erik chuckled sarcastically. “I haven’t seen her since she walked away from our daughter.”
You reached over and touched Erik’s hand. “Ashanti is lucky to have a father like you. From what I’ve seen, you’ve been doing a great job by yourself.”
“Thanks but sometimes, I be thinking I’m not enough. Every girl needs a mom. It’s a damn shame hers didn’t want her.”
You felt your heart drop at everything Erik told you. You were not necessarily mad at Ashanti’s mother because not every woman wants a child, which is ok but damn, once they come into the world, how could you still want nothing to do with them? How could you just walk away and never care to see how they’re doing? Deadbeat parents are the worst.
“You are enough, Erik. Even though you’re a college dropout, from what you told me, you’re doing well for yourself as a full time contractor and still make time for her. She adores you. You are enough for her.”
Erik stared at you for a while before smirking.
“What?” You began to laugh when he did. “You better not clown me for that cheesy stuff I said. It may be cheesy but it’s true”
“Nah it’s not that. It’s just.....you grew up to be even more amazing than you were back then.”
You beamed at his compliment and pointed your spoon at him accusingly. “See? It’s because of you sayin shit like that.....that’s what made me have a crush on you.” You smacked your forehead realizing what you just said. “Aww shit!”
“She thinks I’m cuteeeeee she wanna have sexxxx!” Erik sang teasingly in Chief Keef’s voice causing you to shush him as you avoided the stares from other patrons in the restaurant.
“Mhm I’m not surprised you did.” He continued in a cocky way and you rolled your eyes. “I was kinda feeling you too, no lie.”
“He thinks I’m cuteeeeeee he wanna have sexxxxx!”
Erik chuckled hard at your horrible impression and you held your stomach in laughter.
“Yo do you remember that one time in Physics when it was mad quiet and this nigga sang that mad loud?”
You nodded vigorously covering your mouth as snickers escaped. “Yes! Mr. Borden kicked him out so quick! He was not having it! I was weak!”
Time flew as you and Erik continued to walk down memory lane. You two kept talking about all the good times you two had in high school and as you guys dwelled in nostalgia, it made you think about how much you missed Erik and you didn’t even realize until he came back and made you remember everything you felt in high school.
“Hey guys. We have been closed since 11 so if you could....” Your waitress walked up to you and you glanced at your phone in shock. 11:22. You groaned loudly turning to her.
“I’m so sorry. We lost track of time. We’ll be out of here quick.” You grabbed your leftovers and Erik apologized as well, dropping extra money to her tip for the trouble. The both of you walked out of the restaurant and walked to your cars which were conveniently parked next to each other.
“Well, even though it has been years, it is never a dull moment with you, Erik Stevens. I had a great time.”
“So did I. The great times don’t have to end again.” He slowly walked towards you with his hands stuffed in his pockets. “Let’s not forget about each other again.”
You tapped your chin in thought. “Mhmmm don’t you think that’s kind of impossible when your daughter is one of my students?”
“Aight smartass. You knew what I meant.”
You giggled. “Yeah I did. We had some good ass times and some good ass memories. Tonight is definitely going down in the books. We really left the restaurant mad late like typical niggas.”
He chortled in reply to your statement. “Yeah We got a lot more memories like that to make again.”
“Yeah we do.”
You looked up and noticed how close he was to you. You bit your lip and closed your eyes. Erik leaned in and pecked you softly. You opened your mouth allowing his warm tongue to invade your mouth. The kiss was sweet but hot and after some seconds passed, you pulled away from each other smiling.
“Text me when you get home, aight?”
“Aight and tell Ashanti I said hi.” You got into your car and drove off.
Erik made his way to his cousin T’Challa’s house where he was babysitting little Ashanti for him. Erik stepped through the door and T’Challa had his arms folded in annoyance.
“Erik, you said you would back by 10! It’s damn near midnight!”
“I’m sorry, T. Time got away from me, but thanks for watching Ashanti for me”.
T’Challa waved him off. “Ahh it is not a problem. I love my little niece even though she is like her father.”
Erik ignored his comment. “Is she asleep?”
“She should be.”
Erik went into T’Challa’s guest bedroom where his daughter laid down playing with her Princess Tiana doll. He shook his head sitting on the edge of the bed and she smiled sheepishly knowing she’s been caught.
“You know you’re supposed to be sleeping, Titi.” Erik scolded softly.
She began to pout. “I know but I couldn’t, daddy! I wanna know about your date with Miss Y/L/N! Did you have fun? Oooh did you kiss her?!”
Erik was taken aback by all of her questions. “Little girl, you getting too nosy! What you know about kissing?”
“Well the princesses in my books get kissed at the end.....”
Erik raised an eyebrow. “What does that have to do with your teacher?”
“She’s a princess, silly!” The little girl declared in a duh tone and gestured towards her collection of dolls which were black princesses. “She looks like my princess dolls so she’s a princess! Just like me!”
‘Damn I did a good job raising her’ Erik thought to himself, mentally patting himself on the back.
“And you’re a prince, daddy. And the prince kisses the princess and they live happily ever after!” She sang and Erik leaned over and kissed his daughter’s forehead.
“There. I kissed a princess. Now grab your stuff so we can go home. You need to sleep, sweetheart.”
“It’s ok if you kissed her, daddy. I want her to be my mommy.” Ashanti wrapped her arms around her father’s neck and he caught her sighing. “And I know you really like her, daddy.”
“Once again, pack up your stuff, princess. I’m not going to tell you again.” Erik kissed her cheek and set her down so she could obey his order. His phone chimed signaling a text. He opened it and it read:
You: I’m home. Good night, Mr. Stevens.
He shot a text back.
Erik: I’m glad you remembered to text me, baby girl.
You: I will always remember you ;)
Erik smirked hard at your text and typed in response:
Erik: Good night, Miss Y/L/N
As Erik drove home with Ashanti asleep in the backseat, all he could think about was seeing you again. He thought back to her questioning and knew one thing for sure.
You were a princess and you were his princess.
Tags:  @lifelover4u @dessianna1 @brattywriters-anonymous @marvelpotterlove @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @ljstraightchaser @slimmiyagi @cancerianprincess @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @vibranium-chakra @nerd-lovely @chaneajoyyy @ohliyaxoxo @chefjessypooh @yourfavoritefavorite @airis-paris14 @ljstraightnochaser @quietstorm-73 @msincognito67 @sociallyawkward18 @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @marvelpotterlove   @destinio1 @madamslayyy @thehomierobbstark
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 5 years
Multiverse Broadcast from the Galactic Alliance
[ @high-chancellor-raask @dib-adrift @addie-bear @perfect-harmonia ]
This was it. The moment he’d been waiting for. The moment he rallied the troops to begin his movement. To finally take down everyone who was ever in his way. Dwicky cackled a bit under his breath. He knew with Dib and Adalet at his side that he would be unstoppable. Irk, every Irk, would fall, and every other planet, every other universe, with it.
And then, once they perfected the collider, a new world would be built. One without the monsters that stole his everything. One where everything was set to rights. A world he could be proud of.
Check and mate.
“We’re on in five, High Chancellor.”
Dwicky nodded, looking at every camera, ensuring every screen was in place. He turned to Dib. “You ready for your big moment, Commander Membrane?”
“Honestly? I’m pretty excited,” Dib replied, giving Dwicky a wry smile. His heart was racing. This was possibly going to be the coolest thing he’d ever done.
Dwicky smirked, looking over at Addie. “And how about you, little bird.”
Addie looked up at him, smiling genuinely for the first time in a while. “Never happier.”
Dwicky chuckled a bit, looking at the camera once given the signal. “Citizens of the Galactic Alliance, and across the multiverse! I’m sure you’re quite surprised to see me back on the air so soon. But I believe things are going too well not strike while the iron’s hot!” He paused for the soldiers below to cheer. “In just a few short moments, our fleet will be heading out with the hopes to take back what is ours. A life without fear! Without false information! A world without our enemies breathing down our necks!
“Together, we will build an entirely new and beautiful universe!” He pumped his fist into the air, urging the cheering on.
But...no cheering came this time.
Dwicky rose a brow. “What’s with the quiet all of sudden? Don’t tell me my two comrades here and I are the only one’s excited?”
“Um…” Leera said from the background. “High Chancellor…”
Harmonia stayed in the background, swearing in Lazurothian. You have got to be kidding me.
Dwicky’s brow furrowed, trying to see what his secretary and everyone else was referring. His eyes widened in horror.
The Galactic Alliance had only been shown doctored videos of what went down on his former ship. However, showing on the screens, all the fucking screens, was every angle of what happened. Keef and Tallest Red, Tallest Red being tortured nearly to death. The little Ada being locked in a room filled with poisoned gas. Dwicky fighting Agent, and then Chance. Him ranting and cackling the whole time.
“What is this?”
“Oh, don’t you remember me telling you?” Dwicky turned, finding Addie looking at him with the most dangerous smirk on her face. “About how if you wanted a nightingale I’d give you phoenix?” She turned to him fully. “Well here the fuck I am, High Chancellor.”
“You!” Dwicky roar stepping toward Addie. “What have you done?!”
“Nah ah ah,” Dib said, pointing his gun at Dwicky’s head. “I think this is more about what you’ve done. Mr. Dwicky.”
“Dib?! What are you doing?!” Dwicky nearly screeched. “Have you forgotten I’m your only shot at getting your universe back?! Your Zim?!”
“Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t,” Dib told him. “But...I can’t seem to find it in me to argue with justice.” He gave Addie a friendly wink. “Also the evidence here speaks for itself. Not to mention the things Addie showed me from her original timeline, you sick son of a bitch.”
Harmonia ran forward, ice shooting from her hands. “Dwight!”
“Not today, Grandma,” Addie said, twirling The Gavel and causing it to make a huge wall of flames. Addie than looked back at Dwicky. “By the way? That piece of trash you gave me?” She twirled The Gavel and slowly it began to morph. Except it wasn’t The Gavel…
Addie swung The Song of Liberty from side to side. “Get better weapons dealers...sir.”
Dib snorted. He had to admit, he really hadn’t done a good job at reading Addie at all at first. He’d never been so happy to be so, so wrong.
Addie began to look around for high place to speak, finding a bit scaffolding to the side. She climbed up on one of scaffoldings, standing high above the crowd, but still in frame of the cameras.
“This is who you voted for!” She told them. “He manipulated all of you through fear and misinformation!” She pointed to the screens. “Is this what the Galactic Alliance is about? Is this the kind of people you want to be?! People who try to kill little girls out of fear?! People who hold grudges against those who actually try to better themselves?!
“My father once told me even if our leaders won’t do the right thing, we always can. And the right thing right now, is for everyone out there to open their eyes and see this fucker for who he really is! All his talk about taking down tyrants and terrorists? He is a tyrant! He is a terrorist! Take a good look at him, folks! Take a good look at those screens! Is this the kind of person you want in charge?!
“And I’m not just talking to the Galactic Alliance,” She looked right the camera, “Everyone out there take a look at yourselves. At your leaders. Do they really have your best interests at heart? Do they ensure your voice is heard? That you have everything you need? Or are you just means to an end? A cog in a machine? Are you tool used for their own gain, only to be silenced any time you try to speak for yourself? If that’s so, then I’m here to tell you, YOU HAVE THE POWER! YOU HAVE A VOICE! Rise up! And take back the freedoms that have be stolen from you!
“And to all the other leaders of the multiverse, take a moment and reflect. Is this who you want to be? Is your goal to lead through fear and hate and lies? Because If that’s the case,” she twirled the bat in her hand before slamming it on the ground. A ring of fire appeared around her. She tried not to show how startled she was, “then I want you to know that justice always prevails.” She twirled the bat again, putting the flames out. “And having me expose you to the masses of the multiverse? That will be the least of your worries!”.
I know you’re watching. And I want you to see.
“You think you’ve won?!” Dwicky shouted. “You really are a stupid little girl.” He rolled up his sleeve, turning a dial on his wristwatch. “Looks like someone didn’t get all my toys, did they.”
Suddenly a giant mob began jumping up onto the stage, crawling for Dib and Addie. Addie gripped the Adalbat, twisting the handle. It burst into bright purple flames. “Dib, let’s-”
She was cut of as a large, roaring purple and pink dragon landed behind Addie, shaking the scaffolding so much she nearly fell off. The dragon caught her by the back of her shirt and sat her back onto the top. Addie looked up. “Cynder?!”
The dragon roared proudly, nudging her affectionately with her snout. Addie grinned, looking at the army surrounding them. “Wanna kick some ass with me.”
Cynder gave an almost ear piercing roar.
Addie smirked. “Hell yeah.”
The cameras cut off, leaving any screen watching in static.
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addie-bear · 5 years
[ @addie-bear @chances-r-high @royal-iris ]
The tattoo had taken quite a bit of time, and the trip to and from K'elemi wasn't exactly a short one. But Addie knew that was thr place to get the best work done for tattoos, and she wanted to make sure thing one was absolutely perfect.
When she got home she'd went straight to bed, but she woke up the next morning to get some training out of the way. Chance's new serum had healed her completely, but she still had to build up a lot of her old muscle on her own. Which she didn't mind. Training always seemed to help clear her mind if any negativity in it.
When Chance woke up, he saw all the signs that Addie had made it home safe. He heard a ping on his tablet, signaling his secretary giving him his schedule for the day. He had some extra time this morning, and so decided to visit one of the many holodecks on the Metallah.
It was still an ongoing job, having him, Iris and Addie move in, and also moving out everything that represented Dwicky. But slowly but surely the place was looking more and more them. Their bedroom was decked out in various splashes of red, lilac and blue, with a huge window where they could see every and any nebula or planet they passed by. Diana chirp from her large, round bed in the corner, stretching before trotting up to Chance and telling him hello.
“Good morning, Diana,” he told the cougar, giving her scratches behind her ear. She purred in response.
Chance got dressed in a tank and some jogging pants, showing off his bright red tattoo on his right arm. The first time the staff saw it they were a little taken aback, but he told them he had it for a reason. And lately...it felt even more special to him. Currently he could already see the stares he was getting from his hair. To others it looked like a plain rainbow, but he knew it wasn’t.
Especially since normal rainbows didn’t typically have pink.
As he walked into the holodeck, he watched as his mate easily beat two of the holo-villains, causing them to disintegrate. He grinned and leaned against the door. “It is really good to see you up and about again,” he said with a grin.
Addie could tell her movements still weren’t as quick as they once were. At least without using her adrunel. It was disappointing and mildly annoying. She needed to get faster. She couldn’t keep relying on her adrunel. Her body had suffered so much damage from the poison and the coma, and she knew she couldn’t just keep adding to it.
She jumped when she heard Chance’s voice, turning around to look at him. It was rare to see him in something that showed off so much of his skin, and she couldn’t help but look him up and down.
Then she noticed the hair. “That’s...quite a combination of colors,” she said. It was impossible not to smile.
He shrugged. He’d given the hair dress specific instructions, which they’d followed perfectly. Now his entire quiff was covered in six colors. a bright orange, a deep purple, navy blue, dark crimson, sunflower yellow, bubblegum pink. His publicist had tried to tell him that it might be a little “too loud.” He told her that she must have never been around Irkens. There was no such thing as too loud.
“You should see my ears,” Chance told her, coming closer to show off the bar in his left ear. One side was gold and the other was gave off a purple and orange shift. There were also two tiny gages in this lobes, both with prints of gears on them. “Though I think you still win.”
Addie snort, holding out her right arm to give Chance a better look. “I do plan on adding symbols for everyone else but...for now I think this is good.”
The new tattoo was one long sleeve, with a colorful aurora and stars as the background. Cascading along the aurora were several symbols, all representing one of the family members she’d lost. A glass of red wine for Uncle Red, a violet soda can for Purple, a dark blue paw print for Uncle Dib-beast, a pink lollipop for Uncle Zim, a sunflower for Uncle Keef, an orange band-aid for Mika, a light blue Ferris wheel for Xander, and then right at her wrist was two rosebuds side by side, one gold and one purple.
“That’s why it took me so long to get home,” Addie told him, running her fingers over the designs. “It took...quite a while.”
“I can imagine,” he said, reaching out and touching it himself. “It looks amazing.”
“Thanks. I kinda wanted it to be an extension of my rose, you know?” She gestured toward the back of her right shoulder, where Chance knew her first tattoo was. “Like I said I plan to add more.”
“Yeah, I know,” Chance said. “You sure you’ll have the room?”
“Yes,” Addie insisted.
“I don’t know, you’re parents do adopt...like everyone.”
“They do. But I don’t think I’ll run out of room. The symbols aren’t that big.” She puts her arm down and grins up at him. “So what brings you here, High Chancellor?”
There was something about the way Addie said his new title that made Chance shiver just a bit. And suddenly he was noticing how much skin she was showing and how form-fitting her leggings were and how her hair looked so sexy tied back and frazzled like it was. “I, uh, had some free time this morning. Figured I’d get some training in. It’s been a while, after all.”
Addie nodded, giving her mate another once over. He really looked so good in a tank top. “I have an idea, then,” she said, twirling the quarterstaff in her hands. “How about we spar. We can get back into practice together.”
“Huh. That’s...a pretty good idea,” Chance said, walking over to where the the sparring weapons were. He found a couple of sparring swords and twirled them in his hands before turning back to Addie. “You sure you’re up for this, Admiral.”
“Oh, you cut off one guys arm and you think your a badass,” Addie teased.
“I mean it was pretty badass,” he replied with smirk. He got into a fighting stance. “Ready?”
Addie positioned her feet, holding the quarterstaff out in front of her. “Bring it, boss man.”
Chance wasted no time charging forward, swinging one of the sparring swords with quick precision. However, Addie was just as fast, blocking with her quarterstaff. Her eyes flashed with a certain mischief.
“That the best you got, Lucky Star?”
“We’re just getting started, Songbird.”
The next moves were smooth and calculated from both sides. It was obvious they’d become extremely familiar with each other’s movements, able to see the other’s attacks coming and being able to counter them perfectly. At one point Chance made to make an upward swipe only to have Addie lean back in an elegant dodge before twirling her quarterstaff to hook on the offending sword and throw it from his grasp and flinging it across the room.
“Sure you’re not going easy on me, High Chancellor?” Addie asked in a teasing tone, pointing on end of her quarterstaff at him.
Chance chuckled. “We both know that if I pulled that shit, you’d already have kicked my ass.” He observed her for a moment. It was hard to analytical with either of his mates, with how goddamn attractive they were, but if he wanted to win this he knew he’d have to turn that part of his brain off. At least for now. Once he’d found his weak spot, he lead with a fake hit from his sword, before hooking his foot behind her ankle and tripping her to the floor. “The real question is...are you going easy on me?”
Addie huffed, but soon she was grinning up at him with full teeth. A quick swing of the quarterstaff and Chance’s other sword went flying away, and then another knocked him off his feet. He grunted at the hard landed. Addie rolled over on top of him, using her weapon to pin his shoulder down. “Never, Lucky Star,” she whispered, leaning in to his face.
Chance stared up at Addie for a moment, easily getting lost in those emerald green eyes. She was absolutely perfect. Beautiful, intelligent and a complete and utter badass. He was already panting from their session, his blood running, and seeing her sitting on top of him with that look on her face only set his body more aflame.
He leaned up and closed the distance between them, one of his hands finding its way around being pinned to come up and cup her cheek. The other one reached downward, running up along her thigh.
Addie wasn’t the least bit surprised by the kiss, breaking it just long enough to toss the quarterstaff away. Her hands found their way into Chance’s hair, pulling him closer so that she could deepen the kiss. She inhaled sharply as their tongues began to glide against each other.
Chance struggled to breath, his hands beginning to roam across Addie’s body. One squeezed a shapely hip while the other wrapped around her waist and back. The temperature of his body continued to rise as their kisses became more heated, and he felt himself become hard. “Addie,” he murmured almost pleadingly between hot kisses, unsure if they should stop or move locations or if this had even been his mate’s intention.
Addie smirked at the sweet sound of her name, breaking from Chance’s mouth completely to trail Chance’s neck with wet kisses and licks. When she got down to his collarbone she gave it a light nibble. “Do you have any idea how badly I want to just rip this shirt off of you?”
Chance inhaled sharply at the attention to his neck, lifting his chin to give Addie more access. He’d accepted long ago that he was the most submissive one among the three of them, and he was fine with that. He’d do anything for his Tallest and his Princess, even beg. He let out a small moan from being nibbled. “I...I would prefer if you didn’t do that. The staff might ask questions.”
“The staff should mind their own business,” Addie said, biting on Chance shoulder a little harder. “Besides, we both know you like showing off who you belong to.” She trailed back upward, biting on his ear.
Chance moaned louder at the attention and at her words, unable to help how his hips lifted up off the floor. “I...I do,” he breathed, both of his hand taking hold of Addie’s hips.
Addie went back to assaulting Chance’s neck with tiny nips and butterfly kisses. “Is there something you want, love?” she asked, rolling her hips to meet Chance’s desperate movements.
“Fuck,” Chance groaned, his grip tightening on Addie’s hips. “Addie, please.”
“Hmm? Please what, my Lucky Star?” Addie teased, her hands slipping down to the hem of his tank top.
“Please...god, I want you, please.”
Addie grinned victoriously, giving Chance one last love bite beneath his chin before lifting up his tank top and tossing it aside. Chance wasn’t particularly hairy, but he did have a bit of a happy trail from his belly button. Addie took a moment to admire her mate beneath her before sitting up to give herself room to pull his jogging pants off.
“You’re so pretty, Chance,” Addie told him sweetly, taking a moment to quickly pull off her own clothes. The air in the room felt cold against her sweaty skin, making her want to get even closer to her mate. She grazed her teeth and lips along his chest. She really meant it. His hair was impossibly soft and his eyes were the brightest, sky blue and his smile seemed to light up a room. He truly had no idea how glad she and Iris were that he existed.
I would say that he’s the only thing Dwicky ever did right...but Dwicky doesn’t deserve any of that credit…
“You’re, uh, you’re pretty easy on the eyes, yourself,” Chance said. What an understatement that was. Addie had always been pretty to him, even when he refused to admit it to himself. And it seemed every time he turned around she only became more ravishing. Right now she looked like a goddess, sitting above him, naked, the light from the ceiling cascading her in ethereal light. He could spend forever looking at her, counting every freckle on her body over and over again.
Addie leaned down and kissed him deeply, her hand trailing down to wrap around his cock. Slowly she stroked him up and down, savoring the desperate little sounds he made.
“Addie,” Chance hissed as he broke away from the kiss. He couldn’t help of how his hips jerked upward, wanting more of the feeling. “Addie, please.”
Addie chortled a little. “I suppose I should indulge you before someone sees the High Chancellor in such compromising position.”
She carefully moved herself until she was hovering over Chance’s member, taking him into her body just slow enough so it wouldn’t hurt. She moaned once they were completely joined, her claws digging into his chest a bit. Once she was settled, Addie lifted her hips just a bit before moving back down. She gasped and her eyes rolled back in her head. “Fuck, I missed this.”
Chance moaned loudly as Addie took him. She was hot and wet, the muscles inside her gripping his cock like she owned him. Honestly, he couldn’t argue that she didn’t. His hands moved to her waist, fingers pressing needily into her ivy colored skin as he moved his hips up to meet her movements. “Me, too. God, me too.” He sat up a bit, giving himself more leverage to thrust up into her.
“Chance,” Addie moaned, her claws digging more into his chest, her head tilting back.. She already felt that tightening with her lower abdomen, spurring her to ride Chance faster.
Chance took advantage of Addie’s exposed neck, leaning up nibbling along her jaw. “Fuck, Addie, you’re...you’re perfect. You’re so amazing. I love you so much.” He increased his pace as much as he could, using his grip on Addie’s hips for leverage.
Addie swore loudly in Lazurothian as her orgasm hit her, her hips rolling with the waves of it. She called out his name a couple times before the feeling finally subsided, leaving her chest heaving and her mind foggy.
Chance came right after her, the feeling of her muscles squeezing around his cock sending him over the edge. He buried his face into the crook of her neck as he moaned his release, his arms wrapping around her to cling to her lower back. He held her there for a moment before he broke into a light chuckle.
“You know...someone could have walked in on us.”
Addie giggled breathlessly. “That would have been a little awkward for everyone, wouldn’t it?” She looked down at him and their eyes met, both reflecting just how much love and devotion they held for each other. She leaned down and kissed him softly, running her fingers through his new, multicolored locks. “I want you forever,” she told him in Irken.
Chance kissed her once more and cupped her face as he replied, “I am forever yours,” in Irken. Then he added in English, “You truly are one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”
“Okay you guys will NOT believe how dumb this team you’ve given me are, and I THOUGHT I WAS BAD AT CODING! Really, it’s ridi-” The taller Irken paused in the doorway, his outrageous flamboyant expression of exaggeration had immediately fell flat. Now, he stood there awkwardly still, wide eyed and silent.
It probably took a good minute before he began blinking profusely, and babbling nonsense about how he was told he could find them there, as if that had any relevance to the situation. It didn’t take long before he turned away completely, hiding his face in his tablet, as if that could make him unsee the attractive curves of Addie or the fact that Iris finally knows what Chance’s dick looks like.
He continued to stare for a long time, blushing furiously, before trying to jump back to the topic at hand. At least, it was the topic that he thought he wanted to be at hand, but his eyes kept peaking over the tablet to look at his mates entangled with each other.
“So uh…. If you’re both done, can the High Chancellor PLEASE assign me people who AREN’T imbeciles? Like…. I mean, only if you’re done….”
Addie and Chance both jumped at the door opening, but upon seeing Iris they immediately relaxed. They watched as he began to rant and rave about his coding team that was helping find the collider, before he trailed off and stared. Addie bit her lip, trying very hard not to laugh at the reaction. Chance blushed furiously, but even he would admit there was something funny about this.
“Well, if that’s the case,” Addie said as she got up and began gathering her clothes, tossing Chance his own before redressing. “Then I guess you need my help. Who better to help with codes than your dad’s protégé?” She looked over at Chance. “Alright with you, High Chancellor?”
Chance finished getting dressed as well and snorted. “I’m surprised it took you this long to ask, honestly,” he said. He made his way toward the door, giving Iris a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “I have to shower and go back to work. You two have fun.” And then he exited.
Addie continued to bite her lip, making her way over to stand by Iris. She then gave him a very sly look. “See something you like, My Tallest?~”
Iris’s mind had run rampant at the rapid fire conversation his mates were having without him, as he stood awkwardly trying to keep up with said conversation. His mind was preoccupied with trying to file away certain images for when he was…. More alone, and less swamped with collider work. Certainly, it’d warrant him actually seeing what kind of bed the Metallah had. Sleep wasn’t exactly the first thing on his mind recently, not with all the stress the week has been causing him.
The kiss was expected, but what he didn’t expect was Addie’s immediate advances. Honestly, he should have, he really, really should have. They have been both trying to tag team him all week it felt, and he was torn between wanting to tease them and wanting to run away from them. It was hard work, denying them basic mate privileges. All in a day’s work when you have a code to complete, honestly. Plus, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it.
In a way, it was his kind of Salvis, not that he really needed to be wooing them any more. It was obvious they all belonged to one another, but the game of cat and mouse was something he could never get tired of.
“I saw plenty, but I think what we should be discussing currently is….” Even as he tried to derail the subject, his eyes did a once over on Addie, thinking about how she was naked literal minutes ago. “The fact that you have plenty of work already, and helping me code shouldn’t be on your list of such things. I would like to kindly decline your offer to help, since I find that such a thing would….”
Again, he found himself trailing off, his eyes going back over her body. Iris knew it was obvious he was staring, and he SHOULD feel more conscious about that fact since he normally would, but the whole situation had been more than jarring to say the least. He didn’t think he could tear his eyes away even if he tried.
“I would find myself being very distracted.” The admittance caused him to get flustered again, looking away once more. Mostly at his tablet, down at the copy of the code he had been trying to crack. Definitely, he couldn’t have any more distractions, but the thought was there and it was tantalizing.
Addie watched him for a moment, still struggling not to laugh. He was very obviously flustered, and also obviously staring at her over and over again. She let out the smallest of giggles before leaning up and kissing him. “Nonsense. I don’t have that much on my plate. Also finding that collider is a top priority, especially since it could lead to us finding Dwicky.
“I’m gonna go shower and get changed. Meet you in the computer room?” She gave him another kiss before heading for the door. She lingered for merely a moment to turn around and add, “Unless you feel like joining me?” She walked away before he could give an answer. He probably wouldn’t join her, but it was fun getting one good tease in before leaving.
The first kiss had him almost licking his lips, and he had to physically force himself not to. Having her comply to code related things had eased some of the obvious sexual frustration from his shoulders, however. It didn’t take long to snap back into work mode, most likely due to the fact he was a workaholic, but he was also just as ready to snap back into being flustered the moment her suggestion had been made.
The tall irken had stood there awkwardly fidgeting for a moment, debating his options very heavily, before giving up any chances at intimacy altogether. Honestly, it really was tempting, every last bit of it. However, Addie was right. The collider took top priority. Straightening his uniform collar and shoulders, he double checked the room behind him real quick. Once he made sure there was DEFINITELY nothing left behind, especially no damning evidence that they had been having sex in there, he turned the lights off and closed the door behind him.
Back to work, and this time he had a date in the computer room, where he totally would not be staring at Addie every couple of minutes. No, not at all. Absolutely not.
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S1E1 - VLD Rewatch
Putting this beneath the cut because it’s a long one! Not every episode is gonna prompt this much talking- I hope
And right off the bat I am being teased
Okay so I do remember being a Dreamworks stan when I first started this series and being so excited that Dreamworks’ name was on it. I knew what Voltron was at the time mainly because of my dad; he’d watched 80s Voltron as a kid and would talk about it occasionally which I think is why he puts up with my fanboy bullshit over this cartoon? Anyway I wasn’t ever going to watch Voltron at first, and the main reason I started the series was for the bonds with the Lions- I was a weird child
When I saw the Kerberos mission I do remember thinking “oh shit this is gonna be boring” and then BOOM aliens. Also, it hurts me watching Shiro in so much pain and terror
I immediately fell for the Garrison trio, no doubt about that. Everything they do is perfect. And Jesus Christ, Iverson is such a dick
Pidge being smug about building her own computer is my life. Also love the scary little sketches of Voltron she did
“That’s NOT one of ours!” PLOT TWIST Shiro’s in there
Lance focusing on a pretty girl instead of the literal alien spaceship is a mood
“Don’t put me under!” God I can’t imagine how horrifying this would be. Imagine going through all that and developing PTSD and then hearing your brain state is about to be altered so that you’re completely under someone else’s control I hate the Garrison for doing this to Shiro
“We need a distraction” BOOM KEEF
I want him to hit me that hard
Bring back the red bandana 2k18
Yeah I immediately shipped Klance regardless of my plans not to ship anything it was inevitable okay I was and still am a sucker for rivals to lovers
The moment Keith smirks and decides to jump the cliff was the moment I fell in love with him
I was a blind dumbass and didn’t actually ship Sheith until s2, but looking back now I think that was more my determination not to get into shipping anything than not liking Sheith because DAMN these two
Poor Pidge
Keith is so pretty
Smart Hunk
Also why would a frequency be shaped like a line of rock outcroppings is that an actual thing
Never did understand that
iS tHiS tHe VoLtRon
“Looks like there's a forcefield around it” no shit
Blue loves you baby #sheslookingatLance
So much screaming
Whenever someone makes fun of the group for screaming so much in the first episode I just
Lance immediately connects with Blue so deeply that he's able to pilot and fight a Galra ship even though he has so little experience and being the “worst pilot ever” according to Keith I love him
“Guess we're all ditching class tomorrow” and the next year?
K/L banter is my favorite kind of banter
“I'm not gonna let it happen again” Shiro, I love you, but this is an entire castle full of aliens as far as you know
“I guess we're going that way” I'd be the asshole exploring every inch of the castle EXCEPT for where it wanted to guide me
One of Coran's first words is fuck
Alexa this is so sad play d
Zarkon it took you 10,000 years and you still only have one lion?
Fuck you, Sendak
I forgot when he didn't look a crazed evil asshole
You forget to mention the Yellow Lion can kick some ass just like Hunk
Keith's so pleased to get Red it's adorable
I would not mind being stuck on the Green lion's planet for the rest of my life at all
Shiro's so fucking cute help me
He unknowingly comforts Pidge with her own father's words I'm crying
Hunk saving Lance and Blue in Yellow by exploding out of the ground will always be my favorite lion moment in the entire show
“Your suits of armor” that don't protect half your vital organs and won't match your lions for most of the show ANYWAY
“They LIED to us!” Or you scared the shit out of them by firing up the tractor beam?
cOmMaNdEr hOLt iS yOuR fAtHeR!?
bY mYsELf?? Keef honey
“Patience… yields focus… Gotcha” GHHHHGHHHHHHH
iTs Me
yOuR bUdDy
fuck me I forgot I'd have to handle seeing Shiro fighting
Not that I don't love Keith as a leader but watching Shiro meeting Black for the first time is hurting my heart
Red is smaller than Blue
“It's been an honor flying with you boys” this line BROKE MY HEART the first time I heard it and it BREAKS MY HEART NOW never tell me Keith is disrespectful or doesn't care about his team he's known this group of rowdy kids for what a DAY and uses what could be his last words to say THAT??? And yes I am going into more detail on this later
Sendak’s “I just shat myself” face when he first sees Voltron is beautiful
The contrast between (most) Galra's cowardice and team Voltron's determination to keep going no matter what kills me
21 notes · View notes
bubblegum-switch · 7 years
Kitziwch – Human Things
Anonymous asked: i've got a request! I honestly just want something with lance getting reCt tbh, so uh. They're in the castle and so, allura and coran are like "lmao whats ticklign" and they want someone to demonstrate it, so they chose keith and lance to do it, first lance is all like scared n, stuff but then keef breaks the awkwardness and just pouncess on lance and coran is there just taking notes with allura And when they're done pidge says something like lmao good blackmail material and they're both SHOOK
Ask and you shall receive, friend :) I hope I did it justice
Title: Kitziwch – Human Things (b/c I can’t title for shit)
Word count: app. 3.6k (Side note: holy shit that’s longer than I anticipated)
Rating: it gets a b i t suggestive at one point but nothing more than like PG-13
Time: Before the end of season 2 I guess maybe, Shiro doesn’t have his Bayard so…
Characters: The main 7 (Keith, Hunk, Lance, Pidge, Shiro, Allura, Coran)
Pairing: pre-Klance
Genre: so fluffy it gave me cavities
Themes: Ticklish!Lance, Pining!Keith, ticklish!Keith, brief ticklish!Shiro to kick off the plot, this scenario is such an oldie but a goodie and I feel honored to write it, f u c k I’m so weak for Lance getting reKt you have no idea, I don’t know what “““correct form””” is but I needed a good opportunity so I could be very wrong but fuck that I don’t really care, it takes like over 1k words to get to the meat of the story I’m so sorry but I needed enough exposition for this prompt, I love using personal experience for help with writing haha…, am I minorly projecting my synesthesia onto fictional characters now is that what is happening, I’m writing this whole thing while over-tired over the course of several late-nights at like 11pm-4am and I think it shows, Ernest Hemingway Mr. Write-Drunk-Edit-Sober would be proud but then again what is editing, my tired ass decided to just fuckin give Lance a special kind of love for it which is why it gets suggestive *winks with both eyes*, fuck I need sleep, I did a surprising amount of research for the title, don’t ask me why Keith is so skilled he just is, Lance is literally a ball of ticklishness help him it’s adorable, I had so many options for endings  I hope I did this one right, there will likely be a part 2 b/c of another prompt I got that this can lead into so…
A/N: Ok so “Kitziwch” [kind of pronounced kitzee-ucx I think] is a word I created to be the Altean word for “tickle” out of the German word “kitzeln” and the Welsh word “Ticiwch” because of reasons you’ll find out at the end of this
At the training deck, Allura was trying to get a better feel for each of the paladin’s combat strengths and weaknesses. She was going to have each one go up and complete a relay of sorts – which was made of an opaque maze (unlike the electrified invisible one), fighting several types of drone-bots, and testing the accuracy of their Bayard. Coran was watching as well, taking notes on each round.
Pidge was up first, and she made it through the maze quickly, but lost time at the flying drones and accuracy due to the short range of her Bayard.
Then it was Lance’s turn. He didn’t get through the maze as fast as Pidge, but more than made up for it with accuracy.
Hunk was about in the middle so far for the maze time-wise, but was able to quickly obliterate the drones. However, his Bayard was not as precise as Pidge’s or Lance’s due to its comparably wide damage-field.
Keith practically danced through the maze, even though he got hung up a few times. He slashed through the drones and had a near-perfect score on accuracy.
Shiro was last to go, and after getting through the maze and the drones he was getting ready for testing the accuracy of his arm.
“Hold it!” Allura rushed to him. “I can’t ignore you Earthlings’ improper form any longer. I have held my tongue but I’ve had enough.”
“Aw, why didn’t you tell us? I would’ve fixed it,” Lance said from the sidelines.
Allura smiled apologetically. “You were all on a roll. I didn’t want to interrupt you, but I just can’t let this finish uncorrected.”
Shiro relaxed his stance. “Sure, Princess how do I stand?”
“Alright Shiro, hold your back in a straight line – don’t hunch over,” she said casually, circling him as he followed her directions. “Hm, good. Now, keep some bounce in your knees – you look too stiff, and if you can’t move freely you can’t evade.”
“Okay,” he replied, trying his best to follow suit. “Am I doing it right?”
She paused behind him. “Here, let me help you angle yourself a bit better.”
She reached forward and put her hands on his sides to adjust him. He jumped a little, but Allura credited it as surprise and shrugged it off. She tilted him to the left a little bit to balance himself, pressing her fingers into his ribs accidentally, and he involuntarily snorted out a surprised laugh.
This time, she quickly retracted her hands. “Everything alright, Shiro? Are you hurt?”
He rolled his eyes good-naturedly and smiled at her. “I’m fine, don’t worry, it didn’t hurt.”
She looked at him quizzically and tilted her head. “Then why did you make that noise? That was a laugh, right?”
“I guess I’m a little ticklish, that’s all,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “That shouldn’t get in your way again, I just didn’t expect it… Allura?”
She looked like she was deep in thought, trying to remember something that was forgotten a while ago. She looked to Coran, who looked back at her, just as confused. “Do you know what he’s talking about, Coran?”
“No, I’ve never heard of that before either. I don’t know what he means.” He turned to the other four paladins. “Can any of you translate? Altean often overlaps with your language, but there’s no word for that.”
“I can try to explain,” Pidge volunteered. “Basically, someone is ticklish, you can tickle someone, and that someone gets tickled. Linguistics aside,” she adjusted her glasses, “basically it’s when someone is touched in a way that makes them laugh. Some people like being tickled, some people hate it, and there are people that are more ticklish than others.” Pidge smirked, “for example, I’m not that ticklish. Shiro, on the other hand… well you’ve seen that he is.”
“Thank you, Pidge,” Allura said, still confused. “I think that helped, but I still don’t really understand it. How can touching someone make them laugh? And can everyone do this?”
“I agree, I’m still confused as well,” Coran piped up. “Can we have a demonstration? I think that might clear it up.”
“Oh yes, I think that would be great, Coran!” Allura agreed. “But how do we get someone to demonstrate it?”
“Well, if you want two people to show you what it is, I recommend some people who you want to see laughing, or to get revenge on. Tickling can be a great form of revenge, sometimes. It can also be a good bonding experience.”
“Alright, Pidge, then I think it should be…” she thought for a moment.
Lance’s eyes were wide, and he was trying to act like he wasn’t affected by this when every iteration of the word made him want to crawl out of his skin. He noticed Keith hiding his face behind his hair a little more than normal. Hunk, however, was completely fine through the whole conversation so far – not even blushing (like Shiro was, oh boy his face was pink).
“Lance and Keith.”
“What?” Lance shrieked, and then cringed at how terrified he sounded. Keith turned his head away so no one could see the grin that was beginning to invade his face, as well as the blush that sat upon his skin.
“Well, I think you two have some differences you need to work out, and Pidge said that tickling can be used as a bonding experience. Plus, Keith never laughs, and maybe I’m considering this revenge for you constantly flirting with me, Lance,” she said brightly, laughing at the end and showing she wasn’t actually upset.
“Yes, I think they would make a good match-up for this ‘tickling’ thing,” Coran agreed. “I can take notes on this to better understand it.”
Allura walked over to where the red and blue paladins were inching away towards the door. “Come on you two,” she chirped, grabbing their wrists and pulling them into the center of the room. She stood them face to face – or as good as she could get them since neither one would meet the other’s eyes – and she retreated back to where she previously stood next to Coran. “Alright… now start… tickling each other?” She glanced at Pidge to see if she had used the word correctly, and was given a thumbs-up in return. She smiled satisfactorily, and waited.
Lance shifted uncomfortably where he stood. Neither paladin moved or looked at the others.
“Why aren’t they doing anything, Number Five?” Coran whispered to Pidge, pen poised above his notepad.
“They must be shy about this, but don’t worry. Maybe they need incentive to get started.” She smirked, before shouting “if neither one of you starts tickling then someone else will tickle both of you!”
She grinned broader when she saw their faces turn redder and Lance nearly squeaked at the threat as Keith huffed through his nose.
Allura whispered to Pidge that she had an idea. “Keith, Lance was complaining about your mullet again yesterday!” she yelled to them in a sing-song.
Keith’s eyes snapped to Lance’s in an instant, biting back a grin. Thank you, Allura, for giving me an opening. “Again with the mullet?” He started inching towards the blue paladin. “When are you gonna let it go?”
Lance began protesting as he inched backwards, hands raised in defense. “No no no she’s lying Keith, I didn’t insult your mullet yesterday… to her anyway!”
“Oh, so you did?” he cracked his knuckles, and Lance squeaked.
“W-well,” Lance’s voice was unnaturally high. He gulped and steeled himself, stopping in place. “It is pretty terrible…”
That was the final straw. Keith yelled “enough with my hair!” and pounced onto Lance, knocking him to the ground.
Keith lay on top of Lance for a moment, blinking down at him and realizing Lance could’ve gotten hurt from that.
“Did that hurt you?” he asked quietly.
Lance fought back a smile, “no.”
Keith’s face finally split into that large grin – one of the first Lance had ever seen on him. “Good, because then this definitely won’t.”
The blue paladin’s eyes grew wide and his face grew pinker as Keith’s words fell from his lips. He didn’t have time to dwell on it much, however, as soon all thoughts were abandoned as he felt hands on his hips and two thumbs brushing over the skin. His breath hitched in his throat as he bit his lip and began to smile.
The pressure from the two digits increased, and he began squirming and laughing in little breathy huffs. “K-Keith come hahahon buhuddy…”
“So you remember me being your ‘buddy’ but not our bonding moment?” he teased, changing to squeezing Lance’s hips causing sharp, shrill laughs and him to buck up and down.
Lance felt what seemed like electricity shoot through his body, and his mind went blank. “NOHOHO KEIHEEHEETH,” he pleaded through laughter.
“If you say so, I’ll stop with your hips…” the red paladin near-growled (which made the boy underneath him blush even harder), and, in keeping with his word, shot his hands to Lance’s stomach. In desperation as his laughter reached a fever pitch, he reached to grab Keith’s hands. Keith was having none of it, grabbed them, and pinned them above his head. Keith held them with just one of his own hands, putting enough weight on them both to not hurt them but keep them in place. He tsked down at Lance before returning one hand to his stomach and scrabbling his fingers wildly, causing the blue paladin to dissolve into hysterics.
Lance couldn’t even protest anymore, for a few reasons (one of which he’d explain to Keith later, much to both of their delights), but mostly because he couldn’t physically form words with Keith’s hands there. However, it became even worse(?) for Lance when the red paladin decided to take it up a notch and stick his hand underneath his shirt to tickle Lance’s bare skin.
Lance’s vision erupted into brightness as his laughter turned silent from the fast, firm fingers digging gently into his stomach.
Keith’s face dusted pinker as he marveled at how soft Lance’s skin was, before realizing that Lance probably needed more air than he was currently getting. He let him laugh silently for a few more moments before letting up.
Lance panted, catching his breath and smiling largely. His relief was short-lived, however, as Keith’s hand crawled up his side, on top of his shirt once again. Lance was back to squirming as he felt his fingers walk slowly up his waist, and ribs, and then finding their target in his left underarm. Lance shrieked as Keith’s fingers danced in the hollow, and skated around the edge.
The red paladin laughed. “You think that’s mean, I’ll show you mean.” Keith let go of Lance’s hands, which instantly shot to grab him again. Keith stopped tickling for a moment to take one wrist in each hand. He maneuvered them under Lance’s back so his own weight was holding them down, allowing Keith to use both hands. He pressed his knees on either side of the blue paladin to keep him in place, and sat on his hips. Keith reached behind him and squeezed Lance’s knees, extracting deep belly laughter and causing his legs to flail around to their maximum allowance.
Keith inched his hands up to Lance’s thighs, and alternated randomly between squeezing and fully tickling and lightly tracing them. Lance dissolved into uncontrollable giggles at the latter two techniques, and let out yelps interspersed with short, barking laughs when he dug his fingers in. The layer of denim was no match for Keith’s teasing touches.
Keith’s fingers drifted from the top of Lance’s thighs to his inner thighs, but due to the quick change in his laughter Keith moved back to save him any embarrassment. Well, any more embarrassment. Keith didn’t fail to notice the… *ahem* lengthening of the individual laughs and how they seemed to become more throaty and less… less like laughs and more like something that under other circumstances he would be thrilled to hear.
Lance didn’t notice.
Keith hoped none of the others did, and he filed it away in his mind for later. He figured it was probably best to move his hands somewhere else.
He brought his hands to Lance’s sides, spidering from his waist to the middle of his ribs as best he could. Lance’s belly laughter returned, but he wouldn’t look at Keith – he kept turning his face away to try to hide – which the red paladin thought was adorable.
Keith laughed along with him. “Alright, I think I can live with that,” he smiled down at him. He wanted to kiss Lance’s blushing cheeks, and he almost did before remembering the other 5 in the room.
He felt Lance’s ribs under his fingertips, and he dug into them a little more, making sure to press in-between the bones. He used both hands to play Lance like a twin piano with keys to the left and right. The blue paladin’s laughter became shrill at his upper ribs, and Keith was a little resentful that he couldn’t really get at Lance’s underarms while he was in this position.
Although, there was a place Keith wanted to try. He moved his hands slowly to Lance’s neck, dragging his fingertips gently the whole way. He began wiggling his digits against the soft skin there, causing Lance to scrunch up and start giggling. He tickled the right side of his neck, and watched Lance try to trap his hand between his head and shoulder. He tickled the left, and Lance did the same. When he tickled both sides of his neck, however, Lance tried to pull his head into his body like a turtle and wrenched his eyes shut.
Keith laughed again. He didn’t think Lance would’ve been able to be taken down by a few light touches on his neck (or his thighs, but that was another matter).
He didn’t want to keep at his neck too long, since that was a dangerous place to linger for a few reasons, but he didn’t want to be done quite yet. He decided to give his neck a break, and figured that it was a gamble for the next spot. Either it wouldn’t be ticklish and he’d have to move fast, or Lance would be even more adorable just by default.
Keith brought his hands to Lance’s ears and lightly brushed his fingers on their undersides on the thin skin and around the outside ridge of each one.
He played his cards right.
Lance’s giggles became effervescent as he scrunched up his face and turned his head from side to side as Keith’s heart melted.
“Nope, you can’t escape it now,” Keith teased quietly.
“Kehehehihith cohohome ohohohon…” Lance whined, but not for him to stop. He just… he couldn’t handle being teased.
Keith stayed tickling his ears for a few moments, before deciding that there wasn’t enough of a canvas to work with. He withdrew his hands, trying to figure out where to strike next. Hm.
“Do you think he’s done?” Keith heard Coran whisper to Hunk.
“He shouldn’t be, he’s forgetting a couple key spots,” he said back.
Keith grinned. Right. He slid off of Lance, who didn’t move right away.
All he did was ask, “are you done?” But not even in a tone conveying annoyance, just simply a question posed as if asking the time.
“Not yet, turn over,” Keith told him, and Lance froze, blush returning to his face.
“Come on, Lance!” Hunk encouraged.
“Yeah, it’s for science!” Pidge supported.
“And inter-cultural studies!” Allura chimed in.
“I’m writing as fast as I can!” Coran yelled in a hurry, apparently marking down everything that occurred.
“Come on, Lance, do it!” even Shiro was getting in on it.
Keith smiled down at him. “Come on, either you turn over or I go back to your stomach…” he raised a claw-shaped hand over him.
Lance groaned and flipped himself over, but Keith caught the smile on his face too. Lance was even biting his lip to keep from grinning more.
Keith sat on Lance’s thighs, facing his feet. He grabbed one of Lance’s legs and pulled his foot back towards him, eventually grabbing onto his left ankle. He pulled off Lance’s sneaker, and held it tighter before descending five wiggling fingers onto his upturned sole.
Lance erupted into laughter the instant Keith made contact.
The red paladin shook his head, chuckling and smiling fondly. He spidered his fingers along Lance’s arch, sliding farther down his legs so he could put more weight on Lance’s calves so he wouldn’t need to hold onto his ankle.
Lance felt fingers dancing as close to the base of his toes as they could get with how tightly they were curled. He shrieked with laughter as he tried to kick his foot out of Keith’s grasp, but it was held tight.
Keith smiled, and laid his leg over Lance’s spare one, holding it down with his weight. He leaned forward, and with the hand that was tickling his foot Keith pulled his toes back and held it in place. He was practically sitting on the back of his knees as he took his now free hand and tickled his stretched-out sole.
Lance continued his high-pitched laughter as he began clawing at the cool tile of the floor. Keith scratched along his cotton-covered arches, and Lance went limp with loud giggles bubbling out of his mouth as if he was a popped bottle of champagne.
Keith could’ve tickled him there forever, if only just to hear him laugh like that until the end of time.
He moved his nimble fingers to his heels and brushed around the edge, and Lance’s laughter became fuller again as he shot up, propped up on his elbows, eyes wrenched shut and face flushed.
Keith snickered at the instant reaction, and he was amazed that Lance hadn’t even said the word “stop” at any point. Keith knew that they were about equal in strength, but Lance never made a move to push him off…
Keith’s thoughts were interrupted as he felt clumsy fingers at his sides. He fought back his own laughter as Lance tried to retaliate. He had managed to bring himself up far enough so he could reach Keith, but he could barely do so.
However, it was enough for Keith’s incredibly sensitive sides. He started losing focus from the light touches, and as he arched his back and removed his hands from Lance’s feet, beginning to laugh himself, the tables were turned. Lance was able to roll out from under him and tackled him, situating himself on top this time.
“Write that down, write that down!” Allura was lightly smacking Coran’s arm out of excitement.
“Is that legal?” Coran asked Pidge and Hunk.
Pidge smiled, “all is fair in love and tickling.”
Coran nodded seriously, and continued jotting it down in his notepad.
Lance smirked down at Keith, who was sprawled out on his back with Lance pinning down his legs with his own. He was panting heavily and his face was deeply colored red, but his eyes were bright and happy.
“You know…” the blue paladin began quietly, and Keith had the impression that the words were not meant for the others to hear. “I could get my revenge right here, right now.”
Keith would’ve been worried, if not for the fact that everything other than Lance’s voice was conveying pure joy.
“Or… we could run back to my room and I could tell you things that would probably be good for both of us.”
Keith nodded quickly. “Yes. Let’s go do that.”
The two jumped up and began running out of the room before they heard—
“Think that’s good blackmail Shiro?”
Lance and Keith froze, and looked back at Pidge with wide eyes.
“I wonder what I can use this for…” she pondered aloud with mock-innocence.
“You were recording that?” both paladins asked simultaneously in embarrassment.
She smirked. “Remember that the next time I ask for the cookie jar,” she laughed. “Because who knows… it might just get broadcast to an entire planet, then they’ll know that the great Blue Paladin of Voltron is incredibly ticklish.”
Lance began walking towards her. “You wouldn’t…”
“Oh, I think we both know I would, and that I’ve had enough of your discrimination against people under 66 inches tall,” she teased in a sing-song voice.
Lance cracked his knuckles, walking closer to her, who didn’t back down. “Keith? Wanna help me here?”
Keith grinned evilly, “it would be my pleasure.”
“Oh my gosh!” Allura cried out, smiling largely and stopping the two in their tracks. “I just remembered something, Coran!”
Her advisor looked at her as well. “Kitziwch, right?”
“Yes!” she smiled, and the paladins could see right through her act. “We do have a word in Altean for that, it’s ‘Kitziwch’.”
Lance and Keith blinked at each other.
“You know, Keith, I think she knew all along. I think she tricked us into this!” The blue paladin said with mock-surprise.
Keith fake-gasped in return. “I think you’re right! But what do we do about Pidge and her blackmail, and Allura?”
“I do not know, there’s only two of us…”
“But there’s also two of them…”
“Fair point, buddy, so what ever shall we do?”
Keith grinned. “I think we have one clear option.”
“Shall we attack to defend our honor?” Lance readied his stance.
Keith followed suit, “absolutely.”
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