#event | fragmemoria
skyfarering · 1 year
gran woke up in a place he wasn't familiar with, feeling anxiety bubble up in his stomach. he's scared and unarmed...nothing like this has ever happened to him. "vyrn? where are you?" there was no answer, of course there wasn't. he's out here all by himself and there isn't anyone he knows here? great.
a feeling in his gut that there was another person he was supposed to call out. he remembers a flash of blue...but no face comes to mind, who was this person he was supposed to call out to? he feels an ache in his heart, it's almost like...another part of him was missing.
gran travels out to the closest city to get some answers, but of course upon arriving no one was of any help. maybe the answers will come to him soon, he takes a seat at the closest bench. giving a sigh...this is too much. taking a break was in his best interest, it will give him some time to comprehend what's going on. though his relaxation was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.
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"don't touch me!" swatting away the offender's hand, why do people need to be so casual with him? turning around to see who it was, "oh...it's you. what do you want? i really don't have time for any of this."
this irritation was so unlike him, but could anyone blame him? pretty sure any person who was in this kind of situation would react poorly. he's hoping that this wasn't an omen...the last thing he wants is to deal with primals. "if this has anything to do with the primarchs...i want nothing to do with it. i've already defeated sandalphon, please just leave me alone."
'i'm just trying to look for what i lost.' he didn't want to say that part out loud, refusing too look vulnerable to this man.
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@deathpacito Starter call
Vincent is stalking the streets somewhat listlessly, crimson eyes sweeping over everything and everyone in the hopes of coming across something maybe familiar. It's not going well really, too much different then what he's used to and too many strange faces.
There's people here so much more colorful and strange then what's familiar, people that make him and his outlandish outfit look almost normal. He just tucks his chin down in his collar and moves onward, trusting his sense of direction to find his way back as he weaves through street after street.
After a time, he stops paying as much attention to the people and where he's going.
Which is of course the point when he rounds a corner and nearly collides with a wall of a man. His sheer dexterity saves him, twisting out of the way before collision, though he has to catch himself on the nearest wall with his claw.
"Ah, apologies. I let my mind wander away from my feet," he says quietly, voice low and gravely. Well, it's not every day he has to actually look up at someone. Strange.
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punisheye · 1 year
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It's getting unbearable, that yawning void in his memory. Something important is missing, but he doesn't know what it is. He hasn't mentioned it to Vash yet, doesn't want to burden him with it, but...
Since meeting that other Livio, and someone else who also seemed to be missing something...
[ text to: Livio ] Yo [ text to: Livio ] I met the other you. he seemed pretty out of it [ text to: Livio ] you able to talk? I got something on my mind
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isolaradiale · 1 year
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Each screen flashes an ominous red across the various screens sitting throughout the room, the artificial illumination only amplifying it with each repeat of those four, little words. Saying this was alarming would be a severe understatement, even alongside the siren which wails in tandem to the voice that leaves their speakers. Only the sound of a frustrated sigh escapes the bespectacled blonde, the reflection in her glasses almost a comical mirror to the annoyance that glares from narrowed, green eyes.
“So, what’s causing it this time—”
It’s a question spoken in urgency, fingers immediately pinching the bridge of her nose. To think one, small change would cause such an unspeakable weakness in their defenses, no matter how temporary it may be. “And to think it’s already managed to burrow their way this deeply again, too, after all this time.” Were it not for the air of pride that clings to her tone, one would be sure to hear an almost exasperation that laces in her tone.
Another string of words, far more concerning than the last. One hand immediately shoots out to press a button, one meant to signal a broadcast to the very citizens they have sworn to keep watch over from the skies as Stars. And yet… no connection can be made. Only the lonesome sound of unnerving silence greets her before pittering out into nothing, as if left adrift in the darkness of space itself with all contact severed. Pleiades is swift to collapse into her chair upon realizing, taking a moment to observe each message blink to life across their computers as arms cross, a finger pressing to her lips in thought.
“I think I can gather what they’re trying to do, but…”
She scoffs, withholding a roll of her eyes in detest, keeping watch as datastreams begin to blip — becoming fragmented with each passing second — from view within the confines of the system.
“Ofiuco. Is it possible for us to buy time for you to manage a way to remedy all this? Before they manage to wipe everything, that is.” The question was pensive, something earnest as she finally offers a glance to address her colleague.
“Ah, you're in need of my services? Perhaps if I take control of one of my other bodies, then... I hope I'm getting paid overtime.”
“When, or if, we somehow make it out of this with minimal, or total, setbacks, it can be discussed then.” It was the least that could be offered as another sigh is let out. “But if that’s the case… I suppose the rest of us must play the supporting role by diverting as much collateral damage as we can manage. At least if we want as smooth of a retaliation as possible.” Wheels roll from her chair, reaching down into a bag to slip out another, more portable, laptop from a bag as a commanding look. “Then shouldn’t we all get to work?”
The sound of footsteps soon fall in sync with the whirring electronic sounds that send the chilling warning throughout the facility. And in the city, only silence reaches over the vast expanse of each ward and branch. Peaceful, a scene so serene that one could not think it possible to disturb — until the sound of white noise lingers softly in the air. Static snow flickers within an instant, only missed by a mistimed blink.
And then… nothing.
Perhaps it was merely a trick of the eyes; something your mind fabricated that leaves you with nothing but a sense of something missing. Maybe it was simply all in your imagination. There was no need to try recalling something that was never there in the first place. After all, were it something of importance to you, you would have remembered it, wouldn’t you?
If you did, would you even truly wish to remember it at all… ?
“Tsk. Dammit, NULL. What’s your…”
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welcome to our newest and 25th event, FRAGMEMORIA. while this event may deal with memories on a surface level, the theme is far more in the aspect of forgetting them and eventually, in turn, coming to the difficult decision between seeking what you feel you've lost and regaining them or possibly running away from them instead of facing or recalling them. this will be the first part of the event, with the second part being posted ONE WEEK from now. this entire event will run until APRIL 28TH, 11:59:59PM EST.
So what's happening?
null, after some time, has resurfaced once more and has chosen to once again breach the defenses of the stars for their agenda. what their aim is going about it this way is unknown, however one thing is very clear: the current target is the memory bank, thus the memories belonging to the people that have been brought into the city of spirale: you. due to this, vital memories have become fragmented or even erased entirely, leaving those affected with a gaping hole in some capacity to it. don't be mistaken, though. just because their memory has been fragmented or has gone missing, that doesn't mean it's been replaced or that they've suddenly become a different person who has lead another life entirely.
What does this mean for us?
essentially, this means that your character will be walking around with holes in their memory, no matter the contradiction that tries to resolve it. maybe as they go about their day, they might feel something is off. that nag that they're forgetting something that itches in the back of their mind, never quite coming back to them no matter how hard they try to remember. or perhaps they don't even care that there feels like an emptiness and carry on their life just as easily, maybe even better for some, as they had before.
maybe an event happened with someone, only for them to remember the event itself but can't recall who was there with them in that moment. or perhaps they forgot something that happened entirely, that period of time just a blank space in their mind. imagine the reasons why you fell in love with someone or becoming their friend suddenly vanishing, leaving you still with that bond between you yet forced to wonder how it all even happened in the first place, no matter how hard you rack your brain for those reasons.
keep in mind that your characters will act as they always have, as this isn't a basis for alternate versions of themselves. they'll still behave and act as they usually would, perhaps with very minimal changes such as treating someone they've forgotten a little more distantly, etc, but ultimately they'd be the same as they always have been.
Are we able to remember our things again at any point?
not at all! once any memory has been affected, it won't come back, no matter how hard they try to remember or others try to remind them of what they're forgetting.
but don't worry, either! remember (no pun intended i promise), this is a two part event, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled during the ongoing event for when the second half goes up.
What kind of memories are affected?
so long as the memory is something of great importance to the character, that's all the criteria that's needed for it to become fragmented or erased. these memories can stem from their canon or isola itself and they don't have to be bad or good memories, just so long as they had a great impact on the person.
How many memories can be affected?
depending on what you'd like to do, you're welcome to have none of your memories affected or up to about three or four. keep in mind that the entire memory of your life WILL NOT be erased at all, only specific memories. regardless, you're welcome to have all your memories hit by this at once or gradually do it over time, whichever suits you best!
Can one person forget something while another remembers it?
absolutely! in fact, things like this are also encouraged. each memory that's affected is on a personal level and not a collective one, so it's more than possible that someone has forgotten something that another remembers which can cause confusion and even conflict. regardless, no matter how much the person tries to convince someone what happened, who was there, etc, those memories will stay erased or fragmented.
I have a question I don't see on here!
feel free to send a message to the masterlist with anything on your mind and we'll answer them timely as to not keep you waiting to participate! we'll do our best to answer accordingly and be as clear as possible.
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blankticket · 1 year
The distinct flicker of disembodied light has already trained Vash's body to react on alert; even moreso, since this one's manifested right in his room. But whether it was his own memory or not—it belonged to someone. Exhausted as he is, it's not like the young pacifist could leave it well enough alone, now could he? Wincing, bracing himself with grit teeth, his hand reaches out. He just can't help himself.
He's holding the barrel of the cross right up against an old man's forehead.
The fight plays out without Vash being able to do much to control it, quickly losing himself in the perspective of the memory's owner. It's a replay of sheer brutality, an introduction of Eye-aligned figures Vash has yet to meet himself, all intent on expediting the condemned priest to his grave. And boy, are they both annoying as hell in what they have to say about it. An arm sprouts out of his childhood friend, for the purpose of hurting him better. Razlo won't quit his grinnin', and Chapel won't shut the fuck up. Everything tastes and smells like iron. Senses disoriented, he feels like he's made of nothing but pain and blood and persistence.
And on the verge of death, and on the verge of forsaking the very principles that drove his soul forward in all this wretched hopelessness, Wolfwood is thinking of him. "Spikey", he'd said t'Blondie, before; here, nowhere in sight. He's an idiot, but he's not stupid enough to be here. There's a woman—shielding children—looking right at him—scolding him as he's surely breathing his last.
Then the old bastard moves to make good on his promise of slaughtering the innocent, making Wolfwood snap up in a flash to bite down on emergency glass. But it's too late, isn't it? Damn reflexes being too slow to save any of them—Punisher shots are fired
—and a miracle puts them to rest. His eye catches geranium-red in his peripheral sight, pupil moving to look, it couldn't be, it isn't, why would he be here, why why why
...Occupying his own body again, chronology of the experience becomes difficult to label. It's a memory from Wolfwood's recent past, but it's simultaneously from a future that might not even happen, and given his other-self's absence, finding that out from his own world might not be possible. Vash groans. He reaches for the landline in his room, since he's not in the mood to handle shattered glass next to his face.
"Hey, Wolfwood? Got somethin' of yours you'll want back." Too damn tired to hide how damn tired he sounds. "Or not. Want you to have it anyway, though—'s a memory. Is now a good time to meet up?"
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sxnburst · 1 year
It can keep being everything for as long as we have, can't it? I... I don't want to let go. Do you?
Who's voice---No, Sun knows who voice that belongs to. When he blinks to focus his eyes from the blinding light, he sees them. He's been here just a couple of times. Once when Nicolette was helping him with his hair and another time when he came in as a surprise visit.
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But if I'm doomed to be hurt no matter what, then I'd rather feel as much good, until then. I'd rather have you, than not at all..
Wang Yi and Nicolette. When was this? Sun watches, eyes squinting and then it dawns on him. This must have been after what happened in the mist. Wang Yi had closed himself off, made himself unreachable and pushed away. A defense mechanism, a way to protect himself, acceptance on who and what he really is and what everyone around him is. He remembers the conversation they had. The argument that transpired because Sun kept pushing buttons.
I...don't want you to g̶̨̒o̷̪͝.
This must have been after...
I'm here. I'm your's.
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And he feels this warm and fuzzy feeling. A sense of understanding, security, care, there's adoration---This was there confession and it was ALL in this one space between the two.
When Sun steps forward, it's NOT him stepping forward into this memory (He can't), but it's him stepping TOWARD Nicolette who just so happened to be right in front of him. After a moment, he's now looking at the Nicolette in front of him. "I think this belongs to you." When he sought her out, he hadn't expected her to look so....
"I think you'll want this back." and even if she didn't, it was a very important piece. Why else would she have forgotten it?
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heclingmuzik · 1 year
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"How was that?" Ismael asks, nearly out of breath. She hasn't MOVED this much in a bit. Well, no, that's a lie. Her running every morning and late at night was exercise that she kept up with. BUT the kind of training that was exertion to the body? Like this? She has to admit it isn't exactly what she expected.
When Byleth had told her to bring her bow and a close-combat weapon, it actually caught her off guard. She didn't have a weapon like a sword or whatnot. Thank goodness for Lloyd's business! And thank goodness for him letting her borrow one.
"I've only just started learning how to handle the sword." She says as she sets the bow and arrows down.
"hey, By..." Something is different. She isn't sure WHAT it is. Was it her? Was it Byleth? Something was.....
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daxned · 1 year
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Her hands stays on the glowing mote that belongs to Eiden. She watches. It's like replaying a movie scene and Eiden here looks so happy. Surprised, overwhelmed and...
Dam-bi looks up at Eiden, hands extending out, "Eiden...Why were you crying?" She asks. She kind of understands. She has a feeling it's because of how happy he is, but...
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hcneycrxsp · 1 year
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She's sweeping around this section of the mistwood. There's a sense of longing and quite honesty speaking, she isn't even sure how she found this place. There's a familiarity to it, but she knows she's never been here before. The mistwood was scary and yet...
"Mmhmmmmhmhmm-mmmhmm," She hums a song. One she doesn't really recognize, but she's humming it and ah, her heart aches. She feels like she wants to cry, but she's not sad. Strange.
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sunsage · 1 year
@sxnburst, hold onto this for me, will you?
The memory shines brightly, almost invitingly, asking to be taken even as its owner is currently indisposed, ironically stuck in the loop of death and rebirth (though right now he can't remember why, exactly, even if it doesn't stop him). Once touched, it sparkles with a variety of emotions: comfort, joy, relief, fear, desperation, pride and through it all, love.
And it starts in...
A giant room under the mountain, filled to the brim with things that might be cursed or blessed or just merchandise (so, both), most of which likely should be back in Celestial Realm instead of in Great Sage's posession. But that's neither here nor there.
"--I'm embarrased to admit it but you already might have done more for this world than I ever have!" Monkey King says and he means it too. Where his, uh, exploits were a little more personal, his student has protected the entire world more than once at this point!
Not that he looks it right now.
"Yeah, well, I'm kind of the one always getting the world in trouble to begin with, so..." The teen shrugs, looking down at the plate in his hands with a frown.
They were working hard on that confidence, but MK still backslides so often... It felt a little weird to deal with, but Monkey King doesn't plan to give up until his student sees just how he is so-
-in danger, MK is in danger and it hurts to move but the inked spear is about to hit him and Monkey King will be dead before he lets his successor get hurt in front of him so he does what he does best and he puts himself between the kid and the curse-
-the curse takes his shape now, though he can't see it, can only feel it in the ink-filled darkness.
"Nice hero speech, bud! But I know better." It mocks him with his own voice, twirling the circlet in its fingers-
-Azure snaps his fingers, columns of light appearing before them. Monkey King knows what that means and he looks back at where MK is because he is worried for him, because he doesn't want to leave him alone again but also because he doesn't want to be trapped-
-inside the scroll again and he knows he will be fine (immortality and all that) but something is wrong and it hurts-
-everything hurts and the city never felt as small as it does now, the walls closing in on him with every breath. Monkey King hasn't really thought of this place as a prison before but now he can't see it as anything else. He needs to get out, now. With the message and the note taken care of, he speeds off towards the edge of the city-
The memory shuts off with a blink.
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twohundredpower · 1 year
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".. wasn't expecting to see you here today. Did Noishe call you over?" despite everything they'd gone through, there was still.. such a significant strain that Lloyd could physically feel between himself and Kratos. The time they spent together here, the ways Kratos tried to mend the trust he'd broken in Lloyd in the past-- none of that ever seemed to be.. enough to build that bridge back up between them. It wasn't due to any lack of trying on his part-- but no matter how many times Lloyd reached out, hoping for the man to take his offered hand, it was almost as if there was something always forcibly keeping them apart.
Whether that was a choice on the Seraph's end, or something Lloyd was doing wrong.. he.. couldn't be sure. But today, with his head still in such a fog, he was in no state of mind to try and find out. Not right now.
Pointedly, the brunette kept his gaze trained away from the man, unloading the rest of the wood he'd been chopping up against the side of the forge. He breathed out a sigh, wiping the sweat at his brow. "Well.. he's in his stable, anyway. Don't worry about bringing him back anytime soon. I know how much he likes to be with you and Martel."
.. but in the back of his mind, Lloyd couldn't help but think of how wrong it felt for things to still be this way. Why couldn't they ever meet each other halfway?
❱❱ :   —   ( @originskey )
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skyfarering · 1 year
actual event info. had a lil thing going on here, so give it a read if you want!
vyrn. won't forget his buddy! he has been around the dragon since he was a baby and basically raised him. any mention of him will be the same as canon.
lyria. sadly...gran will forget his most important person he shares a life with. basically he is just a walking corpse with no memories of the person who saved his life. because of this, there is a good chance he will be very lost and irritated due to said memory loss. wish him luck because he will need it.
sandalphon. good chance he thinks of the new supreme primarch as an enemy, with a certain girl in blue not being in the picture...he feels very bitter feelings against him, whoops!
belial. he does in fact remember belial but literally does not remember meeting him ever. gran thinks he just showed up out of nowhere and has been bugging him ever since.
event fragmemoria pt. 2 | dude, where is my memory fragment?
because belial is a big bully, gran will try and find a way to get it back...problem is that he isn't even aware if belial has it or not. feeling like he's getting bamboozled, he will still be pretty lost. that being said he isn't holding anyone's memory fragments....he is a good boy and knows that memories are incredibly important to people.
capping at 1 for right now! def would be better if you have interacted with gran but new interactions are welcomed!
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Vincent paces the streets of this busy, unfamiliar city, ignoring the sights this time in favor of scanning for tiny fragments of light - data that held memories. Floating data, he couldn't help but sigh at the idea. Maybe Reeve might have an idea on it; the hows and whys and excited ramblings of a technical nature that Vincent wouldn't really keep up with. Vincent was too practical, too behind on the technology available to him before he'd gone to sleep to atone for his sins.
What sins?
The thought and empty memory bring nothing but a piercing pain in his chest, right next to his heart, and the beginnings of a pounding migraine. Not brought by the monsters caged in his body and mind but.... Something else. Something missing.
Chaos stirs in interest again and Vincent sighs as he practically feels the Weapon prodding at the missing chunk. It loss amuses him somehow, the rolling amusement black like a thundercloud. It doesn't seem to bother him that someone can reach into his host's mind and remove pieces without need for physical access.
[Why would it? My mind is my own and yours is so very mortal. So breakable.]
Vincent ignores him as he moves along, keeping sharp eyes moving for anything that looks like data. Like the piece he's so desperately missing, though he doesn't know why. He has to find it, before this hole gaping in his chest opens up and consumes him-
He's moving before his mind registers the shift, tracking the tiny thing floating along up the wall of a building like gravity simply doesn't apply to it. A step, two, three, lengthening into a trot, a run, a leap. Clawed hand catches hold of a windowsill, hauls his body up in a flowing movement. Legs tuck under, launch him up and across the empty air between buildings. A moment of flight, just enough to reach and close his fingers on the tiny flickering sparkle--.
By the time the man slides down the opposite wall and hits the ground on his feet, eyes burning bright glowing gold, the proper pilot of his body is lightyears away, mind pulled to a remote planet covered in sand, bathed in the burning light of double suns...
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schleckermaul · 1 year
XERXES ONLY MANAGES TO REACH OUT TO ZHILAN a few hours after he arrives back home. he didn't take any bags, coming to gilbert's place, hurried as it was, so he doesn't have anything to unpack— it's a restless few hours, spent pacing, a pulsing ache behind his left eyelid. most of him didn't want to reach for his phone in the first place. he's sure there are messages on it, calls and texts, but he hasn't looked at any of them.
   wouldn't it be so much easier? to just ... let things go? to stop talking entirely, to swerve out of the way of any attempts to arrive back within his reach? people will still care, yuri had told him. and yet, xerxes knows he could dismiss them.
   still, the warmth of zhilan's weight on top of him remains. maybe it's the memory of it, then. that he knows how much zhilan revealed, sinking into his hold. and he owes him, too, for all the time spent caring for his wounds, all the trouble he went through trying to take care of xerxes. he can't just— he could. but he can't.
   so, when the front door opens, still left unlocked, xerxes pulls his knees up to his chest. he's sitting on the floor in his room, leaning against the frame of his bed. one of his hands had rested on the gap he'd left in the wood, talking to wang yi, ramming a knitting needle into the ground. now, he crosses his arms on top of his legs, hides his face in the burrow between.
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   listens, for the familiar footsteps up a flight of stairs. it's agonizing. and still, he waits. only moves his head a little, once the door creaks, to be able to give zhilan a smile that vanishes immediately. hiding his face again, lest the guilt reveals itself too much.
' ... hello, ' is eventually muffled into his pants, devoid of any tone. xerxes resists the urge to slam his forehead against his knees. ' thank you. for coming over. '
@archaictold / i already hate it here
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isolaradiale · 1 year
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"It seems like their route and influence has been isolated so far."
A relief, given the ramifications that could transpire were it left rampant without care. Knuckles tap against her cheek as she overlooks the laptop screen, bathed in an ominous glow, produced only by the alerts that linger on each system. "And the data they so graciously lost for us has been recreated and reinforced, more-or-less," she continues, a soft sigh to accentuate the nerves finally settling as a few keys tap.
"Then all that's left is to commence contact and begin the restoration process."
"It'd be easier if we could reboot the damn thing. Ugh, but with that NULL hacker still gung-ho in there..."
"Well, I suppose this solution is the most optimal for Ofiuco's work. All we need i—"
Lights flicker, shifting from the faint glint of crimson, the room awash now with only a beautiful, pristine white. Pushing forth, Pleiades unceremoniously thrusts the laptop in her grasp onto an unsuspecting colleague, hands outstretched only to tap a button without so much as a moment's hesitation.
Technology whirs to life inside the city of Spirale itself. Screens sleepily blink awake one by one, only the sight of varied constellations swirling upon their images with each activation, accompanied by the sound of feedback evening out. And then a voice, at long last, finds its way to those who listen, as well as any who see the text upon the screens mimicking all that follows.
"It has only been a short while since we last contacted you." Audio crackles briefly, stabilizing fully at the last, few words wash over the city. "And, again, we should apologize for the timing. I suppose the circumstances, too. I would ask rhetorically if you recall the name NULL, but seeing the current state you all in the city are in..."
Only a silent roll of her eyes follows after, carrying on with her words.
"I'll be as brief as I can, then. As many of you have likely come to suspect, there has been an issue involving your memories. We are currently focusing on our efforts in containing the culprit who had a hand in this matter. That is to say: you're welcome to dislike us to your heart's content, but at least do so for a reason we've actually caused," she muses, not so much of a plea than to pave a path of current understanding between them. "... which is why we have come to ask for your assistance on your end as we do what we can on ours."
"You may notice small fragments of light-data floating in the various wards and branches. Do not be alarmed by them if you cross their paths. They're quite harmless, really. In fact, they're all your memories which have been affected in this ordeal. Upon approaching one, you will gain insight of the memory and who it belongs to, whether it happens to be yours or someone else's. That being said... we ask you to all come together in order to return them to their proper homes. Simple, no?"
Not entirely, though it was the best way she could phrase it.
"We've taken extra precautions to make sure they cannot be accessed by NULL again going forward. We wish the subjects of Spirale — no... we wish our citizens luck in this endeavor and hope you will cooperate. If not for us, then perhaps for the sake of your fellow people..."
Silence follows after those last, pensive words, lingering in the air before each screen of the broadcast fades back to normal.
Turning to lean against the counter, the woman can't help but let out a small sigh, pulling her glasses from her face to clean the lenses as she looks to Caelum, tending to the personal device that houses Janus.
"You know, when we looked through those deleted memories to figure what they may be after in doing this, not all of them were pleasant. I wouldn't blame many of them for not wishing to have them back or even in returning them... would you?"
"Even painful memories cause us to grow. Janus and I wouldn't be here without ours. And as much as I would like to forget my time working for Null, I think those memories help me here."
Pleiades pauses, glasses still in hand as each word is listened to intently. Her eyes drift away in a thoughtful glance, contemplating the overall picture, before one, last sigh escapes her lips as her glasses return to where they belong on her face.
"I guess it would be difficult to submit and uphold an argument to that. With that in mind, I suppose it's best to consider a last resort were they to disagree. 'Dislike us for reasons we actually caused,' hm? Looks like some may get that cause by the end..."
One shake of her head, a motion of acceptance, as she offers a final glance to her colleague, taking her leave to begin their work once more.
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and welcome to the second part of our 25th event, FRAGMEMORIA! as a note, you're more than welcome to continue doing things involving the first portion while this is out, otherwise, again, the world is your oyster on how you'd like to go about event posts. you can find the first half and its synopsis HERE just in case. again, this event will run until APRIL 28TH, 11:59:59PM EST.
So what's going on now?
it's been revealed to all the citizens that null is the one behind this ordeal, though without a known reason. in that same revelation, it's made known that their memories are now drifting in the wards and branches as fragmented light-data, all waiting to be found! anyone who passes nearby or touches one will gain insight of the memory and what it contains, as well as who it belongs to, allowing them to be able to return it to their proper "home." though just because the stars asked for your cooperation in doing just that doesn't mean it has to be so straight forward... after all, it's possible people might not feel the same as each other on if those very same memories, happy or sad, should be returned or not.
Do we have to have our muses accept the memories back?
not at all! if you believe your muse would refuse accepting a memory of some kind for any reason, then by all means feel free to explore that internal conflict and thought process on it all as much as you'd like.
Can we have our characters play keep away with memories?
this is a very big possibility, too. if you have any reason to believe your character might want to keep a certain memory away from another, that's more than enough reason to play along that route and either act as if you haven't found it or simply by telling them you refuse to return it. whether or not that other character will be happy about that is another story entirely, of course.
How much can we do with those scenarios?
you're welcome to plot and play with the concept to your hearts content! regardless of the route you choose, there's bound to be conflict between each other and, even more, for yourself. it can get as messy or as tame as you'd like when accepting or rejecting these memories, not to mention if your characters are wanting someone else to remember or to keep away a certain memory.
basically, the gist is to have fun with it in a way that you feel develops your muse or how you wish to have them react! there's no right or wrong answer here on how you wanna go about it!
What if I have another question or specific scenario I'm not sure of that's not mentioned here?
as always, our inbox is available or you can ask staff in the discord which we will do our best to get back to when we can!
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blankticket · 1 year
Past the lock screen, Vash is able to navigate through the shattered glass and phone his friend. The reporter is quick to pick up, and it's only then that the Plant realizes that he hadn't planned how to phrase what he needs.
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He's dealing with the king of all headaches, and an empty pit nestled inside his gut. Even if the worst of it has come to pass, he's scared, and can't stand the idea of simply waiting the remaining dread out alone. Selfish, he thinks, but that fear is too strong to change his mind. There was a chance it could be like the pain of post-death recovery—there could be more for him to remember, and there was no bracing himself for it.
"Meryl?" Vash asks, then clears his throat to try to sound steadier. It doesn't help much. "If you're home, could I come over? I'm not—um, I'm not sick or anything, I just. … I don't feel safe."
He bites his lip, hating how feeble he sounded, no matter how much he wanted to appear otherwise. Not for truly believing himself weak in this situation, but for the fact that he knows how badly the sound of it could worry someone who cared. It feels manipulative of him.
"Sorry," he adds, after a shaky inhale. Vash is made acutely aware he's still on the floor. If he wants to come over, the least the Humanoid Typhoon could do was to take a shower— No. The hair on the back of his neck bristles at the concept of being around water, right now. Instead he stays there and waits.
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