#event 05: mistified
spiderstaff · 2 years
'And who's this, Kay? One of your friends?' Piercing red eyes meet Hunter's as the taller man glances down at him. His gaze, though friendly, is somehow still unnerving. Kay, however, seems unbothered, effortlessly pulling both of her parents along behind her.
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"Yeah!" She moves forward to grab Hunter's arm, turning to face them. "This is my friend, Hunter! Hunter, these are my dads! I wanted to introduce you-- isn't this awesome?!"
The blond man is the first to step forward. His smile matches his husband's, though his friendliness comes across as far more genuine as he reaches out to shake Hunter's hand.
'It's good to meet you, Hunter. I'm Peony, and this is my husband, Jim.' Though both have an air of authority about them, the blond, Peony, seems a bit more relaxed.
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'It's nice to see that Kay's making friends. How long have you guys known each other?'
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demoniomano · 3 years
starter - @absurdjustice​ 
As there were no battles going on with the Black Eagles, Lysithea was there at a nearby cemetery on House Ordelia territory where her siblings were dead by experimentation by ‘Those who Slither in the Dark’  during her childhood. Even if it was merely an imprint or not, she had to pay respects to them as she was the sole survivor from House Ordelia.
Edelgard was there as well, possibly in Lysithea’s side for the meanwhile. 
“I guess i start to understand why you hate the crests, Lysithea.” The leader of the Black Eagles only looked at her solemnly. In fact, she was as well, experimented too. The gremory didn’t look but she understands. “I wished not to be born with it. I can’t even live a longer life because of it.” She did bought several bouquets to leave each one to her siblings. Edelgard paid her respects. “If you wish to return to Adrestia, i’ll be in the other side. Take your time.” The leader left as Lysithea only remained but she felt something familiar around the left side as she looked at him. It’s him, she helped his problems at Spirale months ago.
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“How did you get here?” One thing she never realized it was merely one of her random memories caused by the fog but it was very real. She immediately hid her bloodied handkerchief, coming from her deteriorating health due to the crests.
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whisperedshadow · 3 years
starter - @absurdjustice​ 
For what reason why Oichi was there at Ieyasu’s main base was truly unknown but he saw something from the the sister of the ‘Demon King’. The last time she saw him was he was a little-like guy with a cane but now he’s fully grown and mature. Normally, Tadakatsu was supposed to be in his side but he was defeated by Oichi either way.
Mist or not, Ieyasu could be seeing things as both of them never met or a little regarding on Nagamasa’s presence in this place. Right now, he was walking towards Oichi but not hostile. “Unbelievable.” He knew the downfall of Oda but he was surprised to see her survive. ‘The Demon Queen of the Fifth Heaven’ Oichi. If her existence is a sign that Nobunaga could appear any time, he’s not going to leave her. He’s going to take care of her, just like Nagamasa did.
“Very well, i will take care of Lady Oichi.” He had made his mind to take responsibility to her as there was another.
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Oichi had nothing else to do than just standing around but she heard him. Even as an imprint, he felt Nagamasa’s presence but he only looked at him as like, one of her officers.
“You must be one of the Oda’s officers. Don’t worry, she’s safe in my hands.” He made a vow that he will do his very best onto their next battles.
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codecasts · 3 years
           SHE   couldn’t stay here. Not right now, anyway. 
             The bizarre broadcast had cut off right in the middle of the conflict at Savior’s Respite, and in the wake of any sort of resolution, Ritsuka has taken to pacing. Go, she’d all but demanded, torn somewhere between assurance and a plea. Find Achilles. It’s not like I’ll be going anywhere any time soon. Still... Hakuno lingers just outside of Burgatory, trying to get her bearings as well as any remote sense of direction before she does exactly that. Because ultimately, Ritsuka’s right; there’s not much she can do for her now besides give her space and time to regain her composure. Still... She sighs as she glances back inside, bright orange hair still bobbing incessantly to and fro. She’ll wear a hole in a floor that already has worn holes. 
              She can sense him. Somewhere in this vague and bleary landscape, where time and distance mean very little, she can sense him close by. How close was anyone’s guess... but if one were to liken their connection to a string between them, it felt like it was pulled taut— whereas before the pressure was barely strong enough to be considered. It does nothing to tell her which direction she should head in, though... But just as she turns her head back to the nondescript landscape, much like their Burgatory food, he simply appears. 
              If it weren’t for the blood still caked into his skin and armor, you’d never know what had transpired. Perhaps due to his Servant status, he’s healed far more quickly than she or Ritsuka have. Even so... it hurts. She felt his pain, if only for an instant, and the shadow of it flickered briefly across her face. But despite all the negative emotions roiling around inside her — hurt, sadness, fear of his disappointment, a hint of shame at not accomplishing more... It’s all completely overwhelmed by the elation. Her relief is palpable as his form takes a more definite shape, the string’s tug in her chest more of a steady thrum. She’d been patient all this time, resolute in the knowledge that they’d eventually catch up to one another, but now all that conserved energy has all but burst outward as she breaks into a run — eager to meet him halfway. There’s so many things she could say, and should say... but as she rests her hands on her knees, catching her breath with sore ribs that just won’t cooperate, only one thing comes to mind. Despite her borderline horrific appearance, she’s smiling with enough warmth to cut through even Spirale’s mist. 
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        ❛   Achilles... Cutting it a little close, don’t you think ?  Sorry for changing the location on you... No wonder you’re running late.   ❜
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otherworldly-healer · 3 years
Their last meeting had been anything but civil. It happened so quick that she hadn’t really remembered the details. A lot of hurtful words were thrown around. Something about how she was never his friend, and was some sort of dirty commoner or something along those lines. She got angry, called him a stranger, slapped him, and soon after turned into a frog. That last part was not relevant, but still added to the whole absurdity of the situation. So, when she saw that familiar crop top and blue ponytail, back turned to her, she wasn’t immediately certain if she should apologize. Instead she just opted to tap him on the shoulder and either wait for an apology, or an opportunity to make one of her own. 
...But maybe...she’d just be quiet to first see his reaction. As much as she posed as the mature and wise teacher who always knew what to do...friendships were still a bit harder to navigate than Temples.
That was until Regal spun around to reveal a familiar face. At first glance she had thought that Presea had finally joined the rest on the island but...no.
It was Alicia Combatir--not as a ghost on the roof of the Lezareno company either, but in the flesh.
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“...Wh..eh--uh--” The half-elf struggled for the correct response. No. Nothing came to her. “...H-hello.”
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demoniomano · 3 years
starter - @moonlitfighterrika​ 
Lysithea was defeated and holding Hades Omega means either death is the key for her disappointment or just simply side with the Black Eagles. The defeated gremory, along with Rika and Renamon as passerby, trying to persuade to be spared than three of them were corpses. If only she was recruited by Byleth since her academy times, this wouldn't happen but it did now.
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“It’s either you join to my side or be perished. Not only you but including them as well. I’m waiting for your answer.” Edelgard has proven her superiority in combat as Byleth wasn’t present other than Hubert and the other Black Eagles. It did gave Lysithea some time, looking at Rika and Renamon.
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“I suggest we side with her so our lives be intact. If not, then we all would be dying here. So, what’s your answer?” Lysithea respects either answer Rika will provide. Imprints can be very dangerous especially with Edelgard around and several members.
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