#event des millenniums tbh
birobertkarow · 2 years
stellt euch ein crossover vom spatort, polizeiruf frankfurt und tatort berlin vor. marvel kann einpacken
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greentrickster · 4 years
Oh, I kinda remember hearing vaguely about that 2012 stuff! 2016, I can guess the reason why, but what happened in 2017...? Not sure lol. Millennium bug? An insect, or an illness? I was born in the grand year of 2002, so I wasn't even a fetus at the time. As for "irrefutably changed"... hmm. That would be nice, but human beings have repeatedly proved themselves to be stubborn as hell. Not sure if changes would last, even from this. From what I remember about Ebola, school was closed down (1/2)
(2/2)for a few months, so we started late, and perhaps ended late as well. However, Ebola faded enough that things returned to normal kind of soon after that particular school year. I can understand why the US seems to be hell-bent on starting things on time to avoid disorientation, but... tbh. This is probably a personal problem, but even though I'm staying at home all the time, in a comfy environment, I'm starting to feel so TIRED. After school ended today I had to lie down for 3 hours. 
2017 was a punch to the gut after the sock to the jaw that was 2016. And the millennium bug was neither of those things - it was a theoretical computer bug or glitch that was potentially going to kill the internet/computers/electric-based stuff once all the computers’ internal clocks flipped over to the new millennium. I don’t know a lot, I was too young to really understand it, but people were scared.
The changes might not be noticeable short-term, but long-term? The world is changing at such a break-neck speed, we’ve grown a little jaded to how fast we’re moving.
Of course you’re tired. You’ve been living in an environment where the majority of the world has been scared and stressed since March. And there’s no real escape from the reality of these events, you can’t just go to the movies or a friend’s house or hang out at the mall or plan a weekend getaway without a heap of planning, if you can at all. Movement between countries is limited, and you’re having your nose rubbed in with just how poorly this is all being handled on a wider scale with your school situation. Pretty much every normal routine you’ve ever had in your life has probably been disrupted at some point in the last six months, and you’re constantly having to adapt to new disruptions. Of course you’re tired. This entire situation is exhausting.
So, here’s a couple of de-stressing techniques from yours truly! They might not help, but hopefully they’ll at least spark an idea for you that can help:
Gently rub behind your ears. That’s actually a connecting point for a lot of muscles in our heads that get a lot of use and not a lot of rest, so they tend to be tension sinks. Gentle rubbing helps loosen the muscles and release that tension.
Get a bar of the darkest chocolate you can find. One of the reasons we like chocolate so much? It actually causes our brains to release the chemicals what make the happy feelings. If you’re feeling way down, break off one square of this chocolate bar and eat it. If you aren’t feeling better in 15 minutes, try another. Make sure this isn’t a flavour of chocolate you usually have for a treat, because, as a bonus effect, your brain will eventually link this exact flavour of chocolate with relaxing, so the taste alone will start triggering the reaction.
Remind yourself that it’s okay to be tired or stressed or however you’re feeling. Your difficulties are not less or more than anyone else’s, they are your own, and they are valid because of this. Beating yourself up for not being ‘as badly off’ as someone else helps no one. Giving yourself the love and support you need to flourish helps everyone.
Um. Whenever I’m feeling really down, I listen to this - I don’t even play these games, and it still makes me feel miles better: https://axcrazy.tumblr.com/post/146347880868/yukisamui-i-noticed-almost-every-character-in/amp
Thanks for the ask!
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