#@ ard make it happen!!
birobertkarow · 2 years
stellt euch ein crossover vom spatort, polizeiruf frankfurt und tatort berlin vor. marvel kann einpacken
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would you be willing to write for ryan from the office again? :)
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Ryan Howard is super sick. A new coworker takes care of him and helps him with his congestion. CW: Induced sneezing (non-kink).
So I know canonically Ryan is a selfish, egotistical ass who never learns from his mistakes, but I can just imagine him being a little more subdued and boyish and eager to please when he first starts his fancy corporate job, and even more so if he finds himself miserably sick. For that reason, this story is set within the first few weeks of him leaving the Scranton branch and starting his new role. Mess warning, definitely more than I usually write. It was egg week when I wrote most of this, so no apologies. This also refers to sn*t and other less “pretty” snz words often, because that’s how I imagine Ryan would think about them. 
To the anon who requested, sorry as always for the long wait. Winter sucks the writing juice out of me without fail. At least it’s extra long anyway. Hope this is somewhat what you were looking for. 
Based on this post by @nobodybetterlookatme
Prompts used (from this old prompt list): 
🦠  sniffles
🤧 sick for the holidays
What A Lovely Way to Burn
Ryan Howard scrubbed his hands over his face for the third or fourth time that hour, noting yet again how cold his hands felt against his cheeks. He sniffled, coughed, hating the grating sound it made and how much it hurt his head and throat. He had hardly put his hands down when a demanding itch flared up in his sinuses and he scrambled to grab a tissue. 
"KZZT'choo! KHGGZT'choo!!" The thick, stifled sneezes had unpleasantly shifted all the congestion in his head, and he blew what felt like a gallon of slime out of his nose. 
"You've been in New York for two weeks in the middle of summer, and you're already sick?" came a laughing voice from nearby. Ryan jumped, shoving the nasty tissue out of sight hurriedly. A hot girl, in fact that hottest girl here, the one that had caught his attention from the first day, was standing in front of his desk. Actually, leaning on it would be more accurate. She smirked at him flirtatiously, taking in his barely-unpacked desk and sickly, disheveled appearance. "Happy fourth of July, by the way."
"Yep. Happy fourth of July. Sick for the most random holiday. Call me lucky, I guess," he said, wishing he could pronounce the consonants properly. 
"New York has that effect on people. Sorry about your luck, Lucky. My name's Tiffani. With an I. 
"Nice to meet you, Tiffani with an I. And my name isn't actually Lucky. It's Ryan."
"I noticed." She nodded to the shiny nameplate on the front of his desk that had just arrived that morning. "Well Ryan Howard, VP of Northeast Sales, you are clearly a walking health hazard. What the hell are you doing here if you're sick?"
"I mean you said it yourself," he croaked. "I haven't even been here two weeks yet. It would look so bad if I called in already."
"Hmm." Before he realized what she was doing, her cool hand was pressed against his forehead. She made a soft sound in her throat, then suddenly both her hands were gently cupping his cheeks. 
"You have a fever. Poor thing," she cooed, gently running her thumbs over his cheek bones.
He sniffled wetly, then coughed. "That's no big deal. I just hate that I can't stop coughing and sneezing."
"Aww, honey. You should be in bed," she said sternly. 
"Trust me, I wish I was. But I just… I can't. Now's not the right time."
"Hmm," she said again, scrutinizing him. "If you say so. Have you eaten?"
He shrugged. "Not really. I'm not hungry. I can't taste anything, so–"
"Well that doesn't matter. You still need to eat. Wait here." 
He watched her go, feeling a little breathless from everything that had transpired in the past five minutes, snotty cold notwithstanding.
Tiffani was gone longer than he expected (though he really had no idea what to expect), so he was attempting to work once more when a box of tissues hit him in the arm, nearly making him leap out of his seat. He glanced up to find Tiffani smirking at him yet again, holding a styrofoam takeout container. 
"I said your name twice and you didn't even look up. Are you always this easy to scare?"
"No," he said sullenly. "My ears are all plugged up with everything else. And I was trying to concentrate."
"My apologies. I didn't realize you were so busy and important. Guess I'll take back the stuff I got you if you don't want it…."
He quickly pulled the desperately-needed box of tissues out of her reach. These weren't the crappy industrial office ones he'd been using either–they were the premium lotion ones. 
"No, I want it," he said quickly. "Thank you. For bringing them."
"That's only half of it." She set down the styrofoam container and pushed it toward him. "You need to eat. You'll feel better if you do."
He reached for this offering almost in spite of himself, feeling a sudden, low rumble of hunger. The container was very warm; whatever it was would feel so good on his sore throat. "Where did you get all this?"
"I had it delivered of course."
"But… why?"
"Sucking up to the new VP, why else?" 
Suddenly her hand was pressed to his forehead again, so fast he hardly saw her move. He found himself leaning into the touch almost reflexively, heavy and aching as his head was. 
She clucked her tongue. "If you're going to stay, you need to take some medicine for that fever." She produced a bottle of Tylenol and pushed it toward him with the rest. 
"You really don't need to do all this. It's just a cold." Yet he reached for the pills too, knowing her logic was sound. The next four hours would go much smoother if he was medicated. A thick, rumbling cough escaped before he could swallow the pills, making his chest and throat sear. 
"Since you've apparently caught a cold from hell, I really think I do need to do all this."
"Why, though?" he croaked again, helplessly. "We hardly know each other."
She leaned in, giving him a clear view of the cleavage he'd been trying to avoid staring at until now. When she spoke, her voice was soft and silky. "Because someone needs to take care of the new boss, and that someone might as well be me." She straightened up again, brushing her hair over her shoulder with an air of someone who knew exactly what she was doing. "I'll be keeping an eye on you today. We'll make sure you start feeling better, for all our sakes. No one is getting any work done with you coughing and sneezing in here like you have been." 
Ryan felt himself flush. "Thanks," he muttered, sniffling uncomfortably. 
She was true to her word and checked on him regularly throughout the day. He wasn't entirely sure yet what her role was in the company, but apparently it had a lot of flexibility, judging by how much she was away from her desk. And every time she came, she brought him something else–cough drops, tea, more medicine. He had to admit, she was incredibly good at predicting his needs. He survived the intervening hours in far more comfort than he would have without her help. 
Still, when the end of the day rolled around, he was the sort of utterly exhausted that only working while miserably sick can cause. Half dead on his feet, he slowly packed up to leave, and in the process he nearly crashed into Tiffani, who had snuck up on him once again and was standing beside his desk. In his foggy state he staggered and almost fell, but she caught him by the arm to steady him. 
"You really are a mess, aren't you?" she asked, worry coloring her tone. 
" 'm just sick," he mumbled, coughing wetly to prove his point. "And I didn't expect you to be standing there. What are you doing anyway?" he asked, noting that she was also dressed to leave and carrying her purse. 
"Coming to take you home."
"I'm an adult. I don't need help getting back to my apartment."
"We're not going to your apartment. We're going to mine."
She laughed at the expression on his face at this development.
"You just moved here, and you're a guy, so I'm sure at best you're sleeping on a mattress on the floor. You also probably have no food or medicine at your place yet, which is why you're as sick as you are to begin with. It makes way more sense for you to come home with me. You'll be much more comfortable."
He frowned half-heartedly, but had no argument. She had him pegged perfectly. Nothing sounded better than a real bed and a furnished apartment right now. 
Seeing she had won, she smirked. She proved her powers of observation once more when she prodded the toe of her shoe into the corner of the duffle bag peeking out from under his desk. "What's this? Gym bag?"
"Yeah. Was planning to use the gym here but…" he gestured vaguely at his red, dripping nose.
"Bring that with you, then, and let's go." She grabbed his elbow possessively. "You'll love my place. It's very cozy."
A subway ride and a short walk later, they were arriving at a section of lower-income but still decent housing hidden in the heart of the city. Ryan hardly knew the city yet, and he was too sick and tired to pay attention to where they were going, but let her lead him with gentle pushes and pulls on his arm, trying to look less contagious than he felt. He could tell his fever was creeping up by how hot his ears felt, and all he wanted to do was fall into something resembling a bed and not get up for a long time. He let her lead him into an apartment building, up a few flights of stairs, and through one of the doors off a hallway landing. 
It was a quaint little studio apartment, painted in soft, muted tones with cheerful feminine accents here and there, bright and open. The bed was immediately to the right of the door, separated from the rest of the room by cleverly placed shelving units, giving the feel of it being more than one room while a cozy sitting area dominated the rest of the space. One wall was made up almost entirely of windows, and the sunset leant a lovely, natural glow to the atmosphere. 
"You have a beautiful apartment," he rasped, getting less intelligible by the hour.
"Thank you. I've lived here for three years now. I love it."
Ryan would never be bold enough to take a stranger's bed without being asked, so he made for the large couch, kicking off his shoes and shedding his jacket as he went with another husky cough. His original plan was to sit on the couch and just breathe for a bit, and make an attempt to be good company, but the plush cushions were so comfortable that he sank sideways, almost against his will, until his face met the soft throw pillow on his right. His eyes fell closed of their own accord and he tucked his legs up as well, but he did his best to stay awake for the time being. In his current state, the wide couch felt more comfortable than any bed he'd ever slept in. Yet Tiffani didn't let him get too comfortable, and plied him with medications for the fever immediately. 
"It's been hours since your last dose and you're looking really sick again," she explained, watching as he drank a glass of water with the pills. 
"I can't say I don't feel it," he sniffled, lying back down. 
"Poor thing," she cooed. "I'm glad you can finally rest for a while.
 He listened as Tiffani puttered around putting her things away. Soft music began to play, and then he heard a sharp clicking sound. His eyes fluttered open to see her lighting a candle. At ease immediately, his lids slipped shut again. 
It seemed only a moment passed before he felt her shaking his arm, but when he opened his eyes again, she had changed clothes and showered, and her hair was in a towel. 
"You should get a shower and get out of your work clothes," she said. "You'll feel better when you're more comfortable."
He grunted his assent, his throat too sore to want to talk. He sluggishly levered himself into a sitting position, sniffling as he tried to avoid dripping on himself, then stood, grabbing his gym bag. The urge to sneeze overwhelmed him suddenly:
“Heh’KIHHPT’shoo! Hddd'TSHHHooo! Dihh'IHSHHooo!!
 He almost doubled over with the force of the messy trio. He hardly had time to cover, let alone find a tissue, so his hands were covered in slime by the end. He made a disgusted sound in his throat as he surveyed the mess.
"Bless you. Now you definitely need a shower," Tiffani laughed, unperturbed. "Go get cleaned up. Maybe it'll clear your head a bit too."
He tried to do as he was told, but just as he reached his destination another pair of sneezes snuck up on him, further soiling his hands:
“KIIHHPT-ttsscch! KHHGGT'nxxt!"
“Bless you again,” Tiffani said dutifully.
"Why is this cold getting worse instead of better?" he griped, swiping a tissue from the bathroom counter to scrub at his hands and nose as he continued to sniffle fruitlessly.  
"That's how colds work, silly," she said, rolling her eyes fondly. 
"Will this one seems to suck more than most," he mumbled, shutting the bathroom door behind him at last. 
The hot water did indeed help in many ways, from the aches to the congestion to the tiredness, and he emerged feeling marginally better, especially now that he was wearing soft workout clothes instead of a starchy shirt and pants. He managed to smile at Tiffani from the door of the bathroom, but the first breath he took of non-steamy air brought the sinus irritation roaring back, and he was forced to bury his face into the bundle of clothes in his arms as he exploded into the messiest sneezing fit yet:
Huhh’REHHSHHHoo! ESSHHHyoo! Kuh-hh-HUSSHHHoo! Huh’ISSHHoo! Hh-h… huh’KIISHHoo! Heh-hh… Hiihg’KSSHHoo!”
“BLESS you,” Tiffany said, looking startled now. “That was… intense. Do you feel better at least?”
Ryan could only shake his head as his breath started to hitch once more, eyes red and streaming already: “Hehh'dzz-IHHH'shoo! Heh'KIHHT'shoo! Kihhh'IHHTchoo! Hihh'GEHH-CHOOF!”
Tiffani frowned. “Something is setting you off. You shouldn’t be sneezing so much.”
“Mbaybe idt’s the ca’dle,” Ryan croaked, nodding to the counter where the scented flame was still flickering. “Budt those dond’t usually bother mbe….” 
Tiffani didn’t wait for him to finish and quickly snuffed out the offending flame. Meanwhile Ryan crushed a handful of tissues to his weeping nose, trying to quell the persistent tickle as he staggered his way back to the couch, feeling much worse now than he had before the shower. His head throbbed, his eyes ached, his throat seared. The brief sense of relief the shower had provided was already a faint memory. He felt distinctly foggy as Tiffani plied him with food and fussed around, trying to make him comfortable. He managed a few bites, trying to make her happy. The itching in his nose never fully subsided, though, nor did the dripping, and now his head was also stopped tight with suffocating congestion from the forceful stifling, making him feel even more puffy and achy. He found himself unable to breathe any way but through his mouth, which made him cough more, and of course he had to keep a tissue perpetually pressed to his upper lip. In short, he felt all around disgusting. Wrapped up in his own misery, he didn’t realize Tiffani was talking to him until she nudged his shoulder a while later. 
“Why are you breathing like a dying fish? You really don’t sound good.”
"Kinda feel like I'mb drowni’g," he slurred. “Cand’t breathe. Too congested.”
“I can see that,” she agreed. “Hm…” she glanced over her shoulder. “Do you want to try to get unplugged? I think sneezing might be better than whatever is happening to you right now.”
He was in no state to make decisions, but she was right, anything had to be better than this, so he nodded sluggishly, wondering what she had in mind. He didn’t have to wonder long, for in a moment she was holding a familiar candle under his nose, the same one that had just been burning. The wax still hadn’t hardened completely. 
“Take a deep breath and don’t stifle anymore. Just let it happen.”
He gave her a skeptical look, but took the warm glass jar from her. “You bedder step bagck, then. I dond’t wandt to sndeeze on you.”
She obediently crossed to the other side of the room. When she was out of range, he took a hesitant whiff, nose only inches from the wax. 
The results were instantaneous. His nostrils flared, his chest expanded and his breath gasped as he launched into the messiest, wettest sneezing fit he’d ever experienced. The congestion he’d created from stifling was apparently eager to be released, and everything came flying out at an alarming rate at the slightest provocation. He soaked through tissue after tissue as he sneezed and sneezed and sneezed, needing only a few breaths of the candle to keep himself going. 
Several minutes later he felt significantly emptier, and at last he allowed the sneezing to taper to a stop with a final, tremendous nose blow. Completely exhausted, he let his throbbing head fall back. His nose was much better, but everything else was worse. He couldn't keep from groaning, both from relief and self-pity. 
He felt the couch shift as Tiffani sat down beside him. Her cool hand on his burning face made him moan again as she brushed the damp hair from his forehead.
"Feeling better now?" she murmured. 
He made a non-committal noise. 
"Poor thing. You are so, so sick honey," she cooed. "You're absolutely burning up. You just rest now. I've got you."
Too tired to resist, when she gently pulled him to lay against her chest, he allowed it. Sitting mostly upright kept him from coughing too much, anyway. He found he was very comfortable this way, especially when he realized she was playing with his hair. In no time, lulled by her soothing touch and soothing breathing and soothing heartbeat, he was fast asleep. 
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herzlak · 2 years
ich freu mich schon drauf, wenn in ein paar jahren tatort dortmund endet und ich mich selber dafür auslache, dass ich herzlak die ganze zeit geshippt und ne handvoll leute zum shippen konvertiert hab.
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mothervvoid · 4 months
the daeva in rounderhouse's universe aren't necromancers but the nalka are,,, here's how abel being resurrected can still win-- (< absolutely not going to happen)
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carussell · 8 months
xc skiing world cup in germany and no german tv station broadcasting it🤡
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threoxalted · 1 year
How I know I have problems that need to get checkedTM: currently knocked out due to a cold and thinking that I must be faking being ill despite having a fever and constantly being asked to stay at home... I'm sorry I'm not trying to be irresponsible I will mask up and sanitize my hands every 5 mins at work but you can't make me skip a day of work because my brain will tell me that's lazy and I'm trying to run away from my responsibilities
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sixthsensewulf · 4 months
I have mentioned this before talking about Junior Year was Gorgug's year... But in all honesty....
Gorgug is one of my favourite d20 PCs because of his growth.
He is intelligent. He is smart. He is confident. He is protective. He is strong. He is one of the voices of reason in the Bad Kids (the other one is Riz and occasionally Adaine) . He is the heart of the group. He is also the quieter one of the group.
It's not seeing yourself as smart that just makes me so happy that he has that development throughout Sophomore and Junior Year. It's that lack of confidence that turns into the first Barbarian and Artificer multiclass and it works. It's him going, I need to figure this out in order to help understand and solve this part. He put a satellite into space to contract Elmville to get help. He fixed the Hangman, he created that Solar Lasso. Before deciding to become an Artificer.
Literally Leviathan was mostly Gorgug asking questions which got the others thinking. He is sometimes the catalyst for them to slot the puzzle into place (if that makes sense)
His friendships with the Bad Kids are amazing. He cares about all of them so much. He knows he can put himself in front of the weaker players (Adaine and Kristen) knowing that they have his back. That his team, his friends are going to be there to pick him back up and keep going.
The whole "It's Gorgug, Keep Going". . Yes that is important to the character and his relationship with the rest of the Bad Kids. But if your Barbarian says "I'm here. I'm right here. You can keep going. I've got you. I'll see you on the other side", then you know everything is going to be okay. Gorgug will keep going. You can get back up and keep going.
It's Fabian going straight to hug Gorgug when they reunite during the forest. It's Kristen using her low dex to keep Gorgug alive on a moving airborne ship during Junior Year. But it's also "remember when we died? It might happen again" conversation. It's Fig being in Barbarian class and gifting Gorgug those drum sticks. That helps him work out there is math to being in a rage. It's Riz and Adaine taking on his stress by helping him do 4 years of class in one year, but also there to give Gorgug the support that he needs.
It's Gorgug tanking the blows from the bigger creatures in the Last Stand-ard, especially from the Purple Worm. Since he knows and is comfortable that the others have his back and also dealing with the smaller creatures.
It's Gorgug taking hit after hit from Porter, surviving because of his friends and his will to Keep Going. Him dropping out of rage to help the final moment. It's Gorgug keeping Porter occupied throughout that fight. Even in his teacher's grasp.
It's Gorgug, Keep Going.
Just keep going and everything will be okay. You can get knocked down but get back up and keep going. Keep pushing. Just keep going.
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diejager · 6 months
just hear me out for one second.... what if hunter was a titan?... yk like aot (attack on titan)
reader looks totally normal, nothing indicating that they were something other than human. Even laswell wasnt 100% sure on what reader was. A stirring mystery within 141 that they all collectively decide to ignore.
then one day, they were out on a mission that was going horribly, horribly wrong.. incorrect information, sabotage, dangerous illegal weapons, low ammunition, scarce supplies, severe injuries, etc.. you name it.
141 was backed into a corner. definitely not the first time something like this has happened in their career...but they always manage to find a way out. Always making it back home, injured sure- but safe..alive.
this time it wasn't the case. there was no way out, none. death was knocking on the door and soon they had to answer.....
and unfortunately reader was the first to greet death.. a clean shot to the head by a sniper
one minute reader was laying in a pool of their own blood and the next they turn into this gigantic humanoid beast.
in a fit of rage, reader starts to completely destroy the battlefield. not a damn soul alive besides 141.
bodies scattered from the sea to the forest and heavens above ..nothing but pure gore and blood.
reader standing over the battlefield bloodied from head to toe, watching the devastation below.
(This is really long im sorry)
Cw: implied death, blood and gore, Canon-typical violence, titan!reader, gun violence?, tell me if I missed any.
The last thing Horangi remembered hearing through the angered hisses and growls, Price screaming at Laswell and her informants through the coms to find a way out their thick predicament was the shuddering shot that boomed through the air. The hair of his arms raised when he watched you turn towards the sound, your wide eyes and choked breath. You flinched back and lurched forward, hands grasping at your bleeding throat, choking and gurgling on the blood that rose from your wound. He rushed to pull you into cover, biting his lip at your pained expression, you were choking on your blood, dying by the thing that substained you, that cycled life and oxygen through your body. 
Your words were sputtered, splattered crimson on Horangi’s mask as he fussed over you, your pinched brows and scrunched nose, the angered gleam in your dulling eyes and your bloody and sneering lips. You pushed him away, stumbling forward with one step at a time, risking being shot a second and third time, but you kept marching away from them, ignoring their attempt to stop you and reach for you. 
“B- bast- ard-!” He heard you screech.
He didn’t know if some God or Gods favoured you or if you were extremely lucky for still being alive, a second bullet landing by your feet and a third scratching your arm. You raised a bloody hand, palm facing you, the crease and groves of every fold a dark red, then you bit down on it. Hard. He admired the strength behind your bite, the crunch of your skin breaking under your teeth and red exploding, he could only imagine how painful it was, but you were already in so much agony, your body’s probably numb. 
And suddenly, lighting sparked around you, bright yellow and loud, scarily close to you before one thick and dangerous one struck where you stood. Within seconds, he gaped at the mass of muscles, red fibres interlocking and sticking to ligaments and fat that kept it together, tying themselves to bone and tendons, wrapping away the red and white with a wide array of red and blue, building a system of veins that were finally covered by skin. In your place was a giant —a titan, one that he’d heard through the grapevines of black markets and hushed whispered and rumours from the underworld when he gambled his life away. 
The titan - you - let out a loud scream, head thrown back and arms reeling back, fingers clenched in anger, deep sated vitriol that carried you around them. He could only stare on in amazement as you trampled over the surrounding enemies, bending down to grip a man, your thick fingers clenching around him and squeezing the life out of him, leaving his entrails spilling out of his broken abdomen. You moved around stepping and squeezing them to death, a trail of carnage behind you, bodies strewed about, spines broken and heads rolling. 
He let you go on without a word, his breath stolen away by you when you slumped over, your nape breaking open with a loud hiss, steam billowing up the air from how hot your body ran, you arched out, body curled backward with a loud sigh. Horangi stared at you, unmoving and unbreathing, and only moved when Price rushed to you, climbing your titan body to pull the rest of you out, your arms and lower body still attached to it by thick, red muscle. Your feet stuttered, eyes blinking tiredly while you leaned on Price, groaning and rubbing the tension out of your temples. 
He realised the blood that was supposed to stain your skin and clothes were gone, evaporated in the heat of it. Your wound healed and energy spent, you were tired and grumbling about wanting to sleep, face pinched in irritation or annoyance, something he could feel. And without any complaints from them, Price had called for evac and waited at the LZ, everyone huddled around you, sharing the same amount of awe and surprise in their expression. You were a wonder to him, a beast of legends that Horangi had only heard of, but he had many, many questions and curiosities that he wanted fulfilled.
Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @angelcakes-22 @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mul-pi @danielle143 @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @luvecarson @petwifed @randominstake @heartelysia @jggykhug09090 @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @call-me-nyxx @sans-chara @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @thigh-o-saur @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce
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mistfalldruid · 5 months
Red Leader Comfort
This was requested to me by my bestie @f4ngzx Love ya Ard!! X33
Tord's been through a lot so he would snap and accidentally be a little harsh to others on occasion
Sometimes it happens to you and it kills him
Immediately he goes into a state of regret
If you start crying, Tord will pick you up and run to his office to keep you out of the eyes of the public
He gathers blankets and pillows and little things to make you happy
Tord keeps tabs on you so he has things that calm you in his office
If you let him he will set up a movie and build a fort to cuddle you in
Tord clears his entire schedule and orders Pat or Paul to take care of things
You get to have your loving boyfriend hold you the entire day! :D
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goggles-mcgee · 9 months
Haunted Blessings
This is a ml x dc x dp idea!
Marinette had been fighting an akuma when it happened. It was this little girl named Charlotte who got akumatized because her parents had been ignoring her requests. A friend and party-goer who was at her birthday party explained that 'Lottie' was sad because her parents were too busy to hang out with her and when her special day came, they ignored her wishes. She had wanted a princess themed party with a hired Fairy Godmother that she had seen posters of. Charlotte had apparently taken several of the flyers to put around her house so her parents wouldn't forget what she wanted. They had said they would hire the Fairy Godmother, but the day of the party came, and instead of a Fairy Godmother, Charlotte got a clown...and not a good one either. The clown who was currently stuck in a cage looked like someone bought a cheap clown costume and thought that was that. He didn't even have makeup on.
Charlotte got so upset, and when she had asked her parents why the Fairy Godmother wasn't there, her parents had sheepishly apologized and said the Fairy Godmother was too busy to come to the party. Arnie, Lottie's best friend, said that was a lie because he heard her mom talking to his about how they forgot to hire the Fairy Godmother, and the clown was all they could get last minute. Thus, Charlotte became her own Fairy Godmother. That was her akuma name and theme.
She granted 'wishes', but it was really what she thought people needed. If she hit you with her pixie dust, she could see your wants and needs, apparently. Her parents wanted, no needed, to be by her side and dote on her. That's why they became a king and queen who followed her everywhere. Marinette had been doing her best not to get hit, but Chat hadn't listened to her small plan to distract the akuma while she went back to her house to get some Miraculi that could help and instead he had nearly got them both hit.
Marinette was tired. She had just wanted to hang out with Luka for the day and just have a nice lazy day where she did nothing but lay on the closest surface and lazily existed while Luka played his guitar. But nooooooooo. So there she was trying to escape so she could go grab Vipe-ard (Luka with a new look and name), Honeycomb (Bee! Aurore), and Mossflower ( Mouse! Mireille). They needed help, bad, and her intuition had been screaming that they needed the help of the Snake, Bee, and Mouse. She thought Chat had been covering her, but he got wacked. Who knows how far and all Marinette could do was stare in disbelief and horror as she got hit but the pixie dust.
The akuma cheered but then got quiet and just looked at her for a very long time. Hawkmoth seemed to be trying to talk to Fairy Godmother, but she ignored him. The akuma flew down to her, her eyes filled with tears and said, "You've done so much for us. You're hurting yourself to protect us, and I...I made it worse. I know what you need so I'll help! I'm a good helper!"
Marinette tried to argue or anything, but she was stuck frozen by the power of the pixie dust. She could hear Chat yelling her name before she felt magic gathering at her feet. Before she fell through the now open portal she heard Fairy Godmother one more time.
"You need a break. And help! I'm sending you on a vacation!"
The next thing she knew, she was landing on a roof hard.
Danny would like to state for the record that as much as people liked to think, he knew what he was doing. The fact of the matter was he didn't. I mean, sure, sometimes he did actually know, but when it came to his ghostly powers, everyone and he included were in the dark. There were so many that developed and grew and evolved. Jazz ended up making him a detailed coded list. Now, for the most part, he knew how to use his powers and control them, but some were just so new ans he was just so busy that his newer powers took him by surprise when they acted up.
Case in point being right now. As he was fighting with Walker in the zone because of some shenanigans, he had zoned out when Walker had monologued. Danny had just been trying to free the wrongly imprisoned Infinite Beings from Walker's prison, and apparently, that was a crime, so here he was fighting when he should have been studying again. At some point, Ellie had arrived, and as much as he loved her, because he loved her so much, his Fraid instincts tended to take over if she was near a fight. He needed to protect his little sister-daughter-cousin.
It was a common thing, according to Frostbite. Danny, being the older of the Fraidmates, meant his protective instincts went a little wild when anyone he considered Fraid was in danger or something he perceived to be danger. But since he was a baby ghost still (lame), his instincts weren't easy to work around and talk sense into so he would become one-track minded.
So, really, it wasn't his fault! It was his dumb baby instincts that caused his portal powers to kick in and open a random portal to who knows where and fly like a bat out of hell to get Ellie and himself away from the danger. His portal spit them out thankfully somewhere loaded with ambient ecto, but they hit a roof hard. Not enough to break through, but enough to hurt a little. Both Halfa's groaned in unison, but it was a third groan that made them freeze.
Whilst he still had a hold on Ellie, as she was not fond of his Baby Instincts kicking in, really disliked how clingy he got. She was fine with his usual hugs. She even ought them out sometimes. But his instincts triggered her own set of Baby Instincts, and she hated it. But there was a little window of time where she would just accept it because of her Instincts and wouldn't just kick herself away, so with that in mind, Danny pulled them into a sitting position to look at presumably the only other person on the roof with them.
It was a girl! Probably around his age! She kind of gave off Liminal vibes, but like really really Baby vibes. Like newborn Liminal vibes.
Aaaaaaand his core and instincts have decided she was his responsibility because the next thing he knew, she joined in the cuddle pile courtesy of his levitation.
Great. Just great!
....Why was she dressed like a giant Ladybug?
Maybe the world was laughing at him, but Bruce had been having a relatively quiet night patrol wise. It was just him and Dick tonight, and that always left him in a somewhat nostalgic daze. He was still aware, he was always aware, but it was like his mind had been giving him a break. Most of his kids weren't going to be in the Manor for a while, missions, school trips, or just little forced vacations had them away for a time. So, while the night had been nostalgic, it had also been a touch lonely. Dick had a way of filling up any space he was in but his eldest son could only fill so much.
Bruce loved the chaos that had become his home and life because of his children. Not having them there left him feeling wrong-footed. He missed them.
Maybe it was how he wished to himself that they were home, if only to help make it still feel like home.
Maybe it was the way the carefully patrolled Crime Alley since Jason was on a forced vacation/road trip with Roy, Arsenal and Bizarro.
Maybe it was the way doing so had him reliving his meeting with his brilliant yet jaded second son.
Whatever it was, Bruce and Dick had seen two separate portals open on top of an abandoned apartment complex that was going to be condemned and rebuilt per Red Hood's plans and orders.
There was no hesitation between him and Dick as they both grappled onto the roof. Whatever danger they had been expecting, it wasn't three teens huddled together near the locked door of the roof. All three looked at the two local vigilantes in surprise and open fear. They looked to be in rough shape, and two were 98% metas. The 2% went out to whatever other possibility they could be.
The boy hissed at them and somehow wrapped his arms tighter around the two girls.
Bruce could hear Dick trying not to giggle which made him sigh.
Really...only in Gotham huh?
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dalliansss · 19 days
“Battle on two fronts,” Finrod says. He stands, and moves around the plates of food on the table. The half-touched plate of turkey he sets as Angband, then sets a cake in the supposed place of Hithlum, then sets a platter of lembas in the supposed location of Himring. Then he puts three unopened wine bottles in the place of Dorthonion. “The fighting will be concentrated on the Ard-galen.”
“Thargelion and Nargothrond can sustain a battle of such proportions for a thousand years,” Caranthir says. “But since you are asking all elven realms to put all our strength behind this venture, we will leave the fields and industries untended. The mines and smithies will be overtaxed with the need to constantly put forth weapons and implements of war. Other industries will slow production to a trickle, or even come to a halt entirely. Taxes shall be raised even higher, and the proceeds directed to war. Sumptuary measures shall have to be enacted by all territories, and the aristocrats will be the first to bear the brunt of such edicts. Then it will trickle down to the common families. You are asking everybody to tighten their belts– for an indefinite time. We have wealth, this is true, but wealth will run out if it is not replenished. Economy will take a dip, if not come to a standstill. Say that we win and manage to draw out Morgoth and all of his forces, what happens to us? Both Thargelion and Nargothrond will predictably have empty reserves by then. Currency will mean nothing. Everything will cost triple, quadruple. We will not have enough people to return to the farms, and rekindle other industries. The Eldar do not breed like dwarves and men.”
“Doriath is out of the question,” says Maedhros when the pause grows at the wake of Caranthir’s words. “But Turgon will have to show himself for such a great undertaking. The East will accept no less. Require from us our full strength, then Hithlum will have to give its everything also.”
Fingolfin’s face goes wooden. “Maedhros, neither Fingon nor I even know where Turgon is.”
“The same way we do not know what lies beyond the Ered Engrin. All war bears risk, this is true, but how are we certain Morgoth will even take the bait? What trap shall we concoct that will make Angband spew out everything it hides in its belly?”
“Make Doriath put Lúthien on a pedestal, or something,” Caranthir mutters. Maedhros shoots him a look, and he falls silent.
[hints of war / part 13 of Noldorin Finances / AO3]
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samorasringdust · 2 years
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞®️
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In which you and your best friend, eren jaeger, decide it’s time to get back into the swing of things ;).
CONTENT WARNING: usual smut, cheating, punishment, oral , fingering (f receiving) dirty talk, phone call involved blah blah blah sex :D !!!
a ding pops up on your phone while you make a bowl a cereal. it’s about 6pm so it’s starting to get late, still not completely dark. you pick up your phone while munching on your bowl of cereal to read the message.
oh, it’s eren
“wsp” you reply , not too hype or nun
“wydd.?” he asks
“nun just munching on some cereal” you go sit on your couch and turn on a youtube video to watch in the mean time. you and eren been friends for awhile so he prolly just boutta come by and chill.
“oh ard, i’m boutta slide.” yeah you already assumed he was on his way, nigga be wanting to chill here literally every day.
you just like the message because he already knows you don’t care about him coming over.
at almost the same time your boyfriend texts you.
“wyd bae?” he sends
“nun just boutta chill n smoke with ren, wbu” you reply
you kinda regret sending that because you already know what he boutta say . should’ve just said “nun”, but at the same time you didn’t wanna lie
“y/n you know ion like you hanging out with him..”
“we’ve been friends for so long now i dont see what’s the problem..” you respond with the same tone he did
“i’m not comfortable with you hanging out with other niggas..i didn’t think you was a whore y/n”
the fuck ? now you a whore?? all you doing is hanging out with your friend fuck outta here.
“nigga huh ? i’m a whore for hanging out with my best friend of 3 years? fuck up” you say and put your phone on d&d. that just pissed you clean off, who tf do he think he is ?
“y/n im just saying only whores have boy best friends and i don’t want my girlfriend being a whore”
“y/n hello?”
“fuck outta here go be a slut then”
your boyfriend never approved of you being friends with eren but you didn’t see nothing wrong with it. you’ve been best friends for 3 years and nothing never happened between y’all, well except that time at armins house…
“oh- fuck ren oh my godd” you said while gripping the sheets
“yeah take that shit y/n mhmm” ren said while grabbing a fistful of your hair
okay and it might have been that time at ymir’s…
“eren i’m cum- cumming oh fuck i’m cumminggg”
“yeah gimme all that shit ma, lemme taste you”
“fuckkk baby you gon make me cum again”
“that’s the point jackass”
but those times were all before you and your boyfriend was together, which is why they dont matter, at least to you. as long as your not actively flirting with him or fucking him you dont see the problem. now dont get me wrong, you see the problem with being friends with someone youve fucked while your in a relationship but, your boyfriend fucked his girl bestfriend, while you were together, so you do as you please.
you get giddy as you see erens text, you loved seeing him. aside all of the sexual stuff you two actually had a wonderful friendship. you felt safe with him,you loved him you cared for him ,and he did the same with you. 
“hi ren” you say as you give him a really big hug. his hands squeezed you tightly, you missed him, and he missed you even more. his musky vanilla cologne filled your nose and you loved it. 
“hey baby, i missed you” you felt so happy, he really was your soulmate.
“guess what i got” he says walking towards your room like he lives here himself. your LED lights are on red and you have your PARTYNEXTDOOR playlist going.
“weed im fucking hoping, i need to smoke” you walk with him while letting out a sigh 
“oh shit what happened” he kicks his slides off and takes his shirt off, so now hes just in his whitebeater and sweats. he pulled out your grinder and rolling tray from your side table. this nigga really knew the whole layout of your crib.
“(bf name) getting on my nerves” you said taking your shirt off so that your just in your bra and shorts. eren was never uncomfortable seeing you like this,quite the opposite actually.
“what his bitch ass do this time” hes now pearling the three L’s he rolled, and yall were gonna smoke all three.
“rennn dont call him that, he still my boyfriend” you say punching his arm, he smiles and rolls his eyes.
“but you know he be on bullshit when i talk about you coming over,he then said i was a whore n slut n allat,ion care though” you said twiddling your fingers, “he just pissed me off, im cool though” you said for reassurance.
“a whore? a slut? i will definitely beat him the fuck up tellem stop playing with me y/n”
“you cant beat my boyfriend up ren” you say laughing so hard, you know eren would definitley win too
“why cant i? aint he the same one that cheated?, fuck him” he said lighting the L. his long fingers looked so good holding it, he had a beanie on too, covering his chocolate tresses. 
“because you cant,like i said thats still my nigga” you say lowly, embarrassed of the fact he cheated on you and you stayed with him. you felt dumb but you were in love, dumbly in love.
eren mumbled lowly to himself “bet ima just beat that pussy up, gotta get back at him somehow”
“whatchu say?” you said to him, you heard what he said surprisingly. and it made you tingly.
you and your boyfriend been together for 6 months, the last time you and eren did something was 8 months ago, so for him to be talking about you like this made you warm inside. after you got a boyfriend he stopped all that sexual shit. because you asked him to tho, he don’t care about girls having boyfriends, he’d still fuck them dumb anyday.
he ain’t completely stop tho, it’s eren of all people, shit just in his nature to be sexual.
giving you cheek and forehead kisses,calling you baby , holding your hand, rubbing on your body, cuddling you, allat.
“oh ian say nun” he said smiling hard asshit. he passed the L to you and you mumbled a “whatever” while laughing, he need to chill.
it was about an hour or two later and after smoking those three L’s ren rolled 3 more. you were fried out of your fucking mind. both of you were giggling and laughing about some shit. you was sitting at the bottom of your bed while ren was against your headboard.
“erennnn shut up you so dumb” you say laughing and smiling.
“ian never been dumb baby you know that” he said looking at you. his eyes was so low and red, but still managed to light up and shine when he looked at you. he loved you so much he couldn’t imagine not being friends. you were so easy to talk to so quick to understand him, he loved how kind you were, how you were sweet but aggressive, how you always wanted the best for him. he loved you.
and those moments you two did have, where you allowed him access to your body he loved even more. they were short lived but he loved em. he won’t say he don’t miss em either because he do. he would do anything to take you away from that shitty ass boyfriend of yours and show you somebody who can treat you right.
he know ya boyfriend never fucked you like he did. never had you creaming all over his dick, never made you squirt, never made you cry from it, he know he the only one that can ever make you feel allat, and he loved being the only one.
“you are dumb, a big headed dumb dumb” you say to him goofily.
“stop playing with me for i fuck you up” he say to you seriously. he will drag you right here right now
“what’s up then ? you think i’m scared of you white boy?” you say to him. you both got up off the bed and put your hands up.
you swung first but he just dodged it and grabbed your arm, so you swung again with your other but he just dodged that too. he then put his hand around your throat and pushed you back on the bed.
you hit the bed with a “hmmph” sound, surprised.
the feeling of his hands around your neck made you tingly, really tingly. he was squeezing so tight too, just how you like it.
“ain’t i tell you to stop playing with me ? what ? you wanted me to grip you up like this?” you couldn’t answer him because he’s literally cutting off your air way.
he let go of your wrist and started to caress all over your body. your exposed stomach and legs felt all of him. you started to squirm.
“i ain’t touch you like this in so long, i fucking miss it” he says still rubbing on you.
you should stop him , you feel where this is going but you cant help but let it happen, it feels good, he feels good. using his thumb from his hand around your neck he caressed your lips. back and forth back and forth. looking at them with sin.
“you miss it?” he asked selfishly, he looked in your eyes waiting for you to answer. he felt you squirming under him which already gave him his answer but he still wanted to hear you say it.
you nodded your head yes, quickly.
“ you missed me fucking you ? making you squeal and squirt all over this dick?” you nodded again. if you were pale it would’ve been so obvious that you were blushing right now.
he smirks at your response,”i know you do baby”
“kiss me” he let go of your throat allowing you to sit up. this all happened so fast, one minute you were playing next minute he got you leaking through your panties.
you gave him a peck kiss at first, loving the feeling of his soft lips against yours once again.
then you went deeper, with tongue and touch. you pulled off his beanie and gripped at his hair while he rubbed all over your stomach.
“you hurt my feelings yunno ? when you stop fucking with me for him?” he said while pulling off your shorts. your bottom half was hanging off the bed while he sat inbetween your legs.
“ you let somebody else fuck you, that shit hurt y/n” he pulled your panties off next , pushing your legs open for him to see. you were shuddering under his touch, breathing so hard, already sweating. oh my god you love this man.
“i’m s-sorry” you hiccuped out, this feeling was all too much.
he started rubbing small circles on your clit that made you arch your back. it felt so fucking good to be touched by him again, so so good.
“i love you y/n, but you hurt my feelings, so you gotta be punished okay baby?” he said putting a finger in side your wet folds. “o-okay ren” you responded shakily.
your pussy was sucking him in so good. you were so wet, dripping around his finger as he fucked into you hard and fast. all you could do was moan in return
“ m’ so sorry r-ren” “ i love you ren”
you said trying to get him to relax on the assault he’s doing to your pussy, but all he does is insert another finger. “oh my fucking god your soaking” he grunts. his dick is getting harder than ever, he never thought he would be able to see this pretty pussy again.
“you sorry baby?” he cooed to you, now lapping up your pussy with his warm mouth, making you feel even hotter.
“yes yes! m’ so sorry r-en i won’t do it again i promise!” you scream out. he’s fucking your pussy so hard and fast you can feel your body about to snap.
“you promise baby?” he says licking and suckling on your clit, using his other hand to reach other your bra and grab all over your fat titties.
“oh godd- yes! yes i promiseee” you scream out. you’re getting so close, so so so close it’s gonna snap!
“call him” eren grunts to you “call him and say you done with em” he said slowing his pace. he was gonna get you by any means necessary.
“b-but ren i-“ he now stopped completely. “wait why you stop? make me cum eren please” you beg him. you were so close.
he grabbed your face,”baby you gon call him, tell him you done, and that you mine now, kay? okay.” this was a order, not a question.
you mumbled a kay and reached for your phone, calling your soon to be ex-boyfriend.
eren went back to finger fucking you and eating you out like the last supper. you started to feel your stomach churn and feel your release building back up. you want eren so bad you don’t care if it means leaving your boyfriend. he cheated anyway fuck him.
��hello?” you hear from the other line
“h-hey” you say shakily, trying to control your voice
“came crawling back ? hey what’s going on in the background?” your boyfriend asks.
he hears your heavy breathing and slurping noises, his stomach drops.
“rens fucking me, i- oh fuck, i called to say i’m breaking up with y-you! oh fuck yes eren right there!”
“you fucking bitch” he spat at you over the phone
“f-fuck you oh my god”
you dropped the phone not even bothering to hang up as you ride out your orgasm on erens tongue
“ren im gonna cum!” you say grabbing his hair so hard pushing him into your swollen pussy
“cum baby , show me your mine” he said devouring you from the inside out
“ohhh fuckkkk ren i love you so muchhh”
you said as you squirted all over his face, and he lapped up every single drop.
“that’s it baby yeah justtt like that” you loved when he talked you through your orgasms, you loved him.
eren heard your boyfriend screaming explicatives all over the other line but he just hung up. he finally felt proud that he just got his #1 girl back.
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hathay · 10 months
TIS HAPPENJNG: small teenyyyy little dancing with hobie writing ☺️
warnings; naurn. maybe bad attempt at british dialogue (i’m sorry if this is ooc i just adore this man i can’t help but romanticize him)
ight so setting the scene. imagine forcing hobie to watch a rom com with you, what’s the worse that could happen! he didn’t wanna watch it but after thorough convincing and offering up just jokin through the whole thing he was down for it just for you. you’d both be all comfy sitting on his couch (it’s like a makeshift futon couch), his arm resting around the back of it, fingers messing with the ends of your hair, the both of you sitting so so close. he cracks a joke about how ‘mingin’ these people’s lives are, then a scene comes on and you seem rather enthralled. slapping a hand lightly into him, you tried to get him to pay attention to it. he didn’t understand what all your fuse was about but you wanted him to watch the scene with you, telling him how cute it was, they were just slow dancing together in kitchen but from your perspective it looked so magical, telling hobie how genuine it seemed. he made a comment on how it’s just actin, you’d make a face at him telling him you wanna be able to dance with someone like that. he’d make a small comment like “woulda really?” after giving a small nod and smile, while keeping your eyes on the screen, he’d go “kay then” and grab your hands pulling you to your feet, mumbling something abt “it’s m’job” 
moping a bit at your movie being interrupted you’d question him aloud on what he’s doing, i mean the movies still going hob?? he’d reassure you that the movie will still be there once you’re both done, trust him. laughing a bit you’d ask him if he even knew how to slow dance, after putting a cd in he’d wear that same teasing smile he usually has n tell you “ ‘ow ‘ard could it be?”. he’d take your hands in his, slowly moving y’all’s arms together, moving with the music, as he hums lightly with it. letting go of one of your hands he’d raise it up, twirling you under his arm, and pulling you back into him. slowly trailing his hands up your arms, then back down, loosening you up a bit, “jus’ vibe wit’ me lovie” he’d say in that low teasing voice of his. pulling your body in close to his, he’d move one of your arms to his shoulder, kissing down your arm as he lifted it and squeezing your other one lightly as he put it around his waist. he’d flash you a quick little smile in the dimly lit room giving you a small “don’t get all shy o’me now” at you tryna hide the smile on your face, before putting both his hands around your waist, pulling you in even closer to him. if you tell him you don’t know how to dance, he’d just mumble from where his head is placed by yours telling you just to follow his lead. grinning to himself cause he can feel the heat from your reddening cheeks laying on his chest, as he slowly sways the two of you through the room. “betta then the movie?” he’d say after a few minutes of swaying, listening to the cd playing old slow tunes, your head on hobies chest, hearting his heart thud, sometimes speeding up when you feel him move his head to gaze downwards at you, despite his cool composure. smiling lightly against his chest, “much.” you state, closing your eyes and taking in the moment for all its worth. “good.” hobie responds in a hushed tone against your head, loving the feeling of his senses being completely full, completely full of just you.
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whatsourmotto · 11 days
Looking at the results from this poll:
Loving how noone believes Buck to be even remotely capable of not prancing and boasting about his boyfriend all day long AS HE SHOULD to strangers on the job (the 118 fam is gonna be soooo done)
Our next best bet is Chim appearing from behind a door with a shit-eating grin, mischievous eyes and a good word, NO SURPRISE HERE (it had my vote)
Of course there's a good chance Captain Jerk-ard is going to try to make it into an insult before anything else (fuck him)
Absolutely noone thinks Bobby will say it first but it makes total sense since the probability of having a Dad!Bobby scene from the very beginning of the season is very low while the probability of Buck gushing is very high
Can't wait to see how it'll happen and who will be right !
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 1 year
IN WHICH; ILAND 2 happened and you debuted first place as the leader of LUMIÉRE. Having been told that your group is involved in a lore crossover with ENHYPEN, you navigate work, friendship, and love while trying to make it in an industry filled with animosity and condemnation. When life throws you lemons, you gotta make lemonades chuck it right back!
❥・• chapter 45 — it’s awfully quiet…
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authors note: gamer term lesson with nat! attack damage carry (adc) is a character role that deals a ridiculous amount of damage usually in the late game. the role is crucial for pushing towers and winning team fights in late game when every player has maxed out their upgrades (usually ard the 30min mark). omg gamer heeseung smau next?? 🤔🤔🤔
taglist! @softiehee @annoyingbitch83 @hoon0logy @aernx @heebrry @flower0930 @harperwasstaken1 @haechansbbg @renjunoya @heeheesang @spilled-coffee-cup @jwnghyuns @ocyeanicc @neozon3nha @pshchives @casualzo @captivq @suvgs @iea-tsand @yohanabanana @wonyoungsvirus @shinsou-rii @fluerz @enhaz1 @bbangiez @gothhyucks @l0tisflower @sxftiell @yunwonie @ddazed-lhs @samvagejkflxhrt @alexisalwayshigh @stopeatread @hajimelvr @heart4hees @gyuszie @clairecottenheart @jaylans-stuff @immortal-imagination @kxr0mi @sserafimez @thatoneembarrasingmoment @jiaant11 @beatr2x @mihrosie0209 @jhopesucker @sunnyglower @r1kitti @coffeeew @s00buwu
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dandelionprints · 2 years
Men With Blue Eyes and Dark Hair
Pairing: Tommy x Reader (Y/N)
Summary: It’s Christmas Eve in Birmingham and Tommy can’t shake the dislike he has for the barmaid working at The Garrison. What will he do when they come face to face?
Warnings: bad language, mentions of injury and blood, angst.
Word Count: I got very carried away on this one, 5229
A/N: I created this for @runnning-outof-time Holiday BINGO challenge using the four prompts from the forth line down horizontally; “must include: a kiss, forced proximity, Christmas Eve, angst”. Although this has a slight Christmas theme it’s not too Christmassy so perfect to enjoy at any time of the year! Thank you for creating this challenge, K, I had a lot of fun writing it!
Tag list is here if you’d like to be added to it!
Full credit of GIF to the creator
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The smoke from his nearly spent cigarette billowed out in front of him as he made his way down the cobbled streets, the cold December air nipping at his cheeks. Fresh snow had covered the ground and he couldn’t help but think how much nicer the streets looked when you couldn’t see the dirt and smoke of Birmingham. Snow was still falling, filling in the footprints on the pavement made by other passers by.
He flicked the now burnt out cigarette onto the ground, almost excited to be out of the dropping temperatures and into the warmth of The Garrison.
His stomach was in knots as he reached the entrance, a feeling he wasn’t used to.
“Oh ‘ere he is! How are ya Tommy lad?”
A lanky man with slicked back hair approached him not a second after he stepped through the door and into the bustling laughter filled pub.
“Hello Arthur, nice to see you on your feet for once”
Tommy brushed his coat down removing the flakes of snow that had landed on it as he made his way over to the bar with Arthur in tow.
“Well I thought since it’s Christmas Eve I’d better save the fun for later, besides, that pretty barmaid is working today”
Tommy had hoped she’d decided to take Arthur up on his offer of the night off, a request made by Tommy himself to his brother. Fat chance of that happening, it would be far too convenient.
“Well brother, I’m sure if you give her your best smile then she’ll take you home with her”, Tommy smirked, trying to cover up the tension he could feel spreading across his face. He removed his coat and hung it over the back of the stool.
“Nah I don’t think so, Tom. I ‘eard she likes men with dark hair and blue eyes”, Arthur slapped Tommy across the back before taking a seat next to him, beckoning for the pretty barmaid to come over and serve them.
“I think she likes whoever pays attention to her unless they have dark hair and blue eyes from what I’ve heard”, he reached for a cigarette from his pocket, doing his best to avoid eye contact with the woman who was now walking over to them.
“Same as usual, boys?”, she smiled sweetly at them both, resting her palms on the bar and leaning forwards slightly. Tommy would have missed her smile had he done better at avoiding her approach. Fuck that beautiful smile.
Arthur looked to Tommy, waiting for him to say something but soon realised it wasn’t going to happen.
“Yes please love, make sure you take this and keep it for yourself. You’ve been workin’ long, ‘ard shifts ‘ere at the pub, you could have taken the night off like I told you to!”Arthur gave a side glance in Tommy's direction before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a five pound note.
Tommy snuck a look at his brother. What the fuck was he doing giving her that much money?
Her eyes widened at the sight of the note and she shifted uncomfortably on her feet knowing that Tommy would probably be quite frankly pissed off that Arthur was giving her pay way above her monthly wage, let alone her daily wage.
She hadn’t had much interaction with Tommy, well other than that one evening in the pub but neither of them spoke of it again since that night, but she knew him well enough from the things Arthur would drunkenly tell her when he’d come in to raid the bar.
“Arthur, I really can’t accept this. Thank you so much for the offer but this is way too much, I couldn’t possibly…” she began.
“Now now, I won’t hear of it. You keep it, love. Buy yourself something nice for Christmas”
She shifted her gaze to Tommy who was now looking even more tense than usual, a freshly lit cigarette between his lips. It almost made her jolt when he raised his head and looked at her, his icy eyes of blue almost burning right through her.
“She’s right y’know Arthur. That really is too much”, he held his smoke between his fingers now, not breaking eye contact with her as he spoke, “two shillings would do”
Her mouth dropped open slightly, the embarrassment from this whole interaction causing a fresh flush of red to her cheeks. She pushed the five pound note back towards Arthur as Tommy flicked the shillings onto the bar, looking away from his gaze as quickly as she could.
“Tom, don't be a stingy bastard!” Arthur grabbed the coins from the bar and pushed the note back towards the barmaid who now looked as though she wanted the ground to swallow her up.
“I’m not, two shillings is more than she’s used to. Besides, I heard John only gave her one shilling for her duties the other night”, there was a slight amount of mocking in his tone, one that he hoped would hit a nerve.
“I’m sorry, what?” Her eyebrows furrowed as she turned to Tommy fully now, raising her hands up to settle on either side of her waist.
“You heard what I said, now go and get our drinks. I’m sure Arthur will give you the shillings back at the end of the night”.
Her blood was boiling now. Had he just insinuated that she was a whore? What had John told Tommy? Was he trying to make her feel worthless? If he was, it was definitely working. She wanted to scream in his face that she was anything but a whore, that she’d only ever slept with one man, but something inside her kept her tongue from spilling out all the words she wanted to say. Instead she relaxed her features not wanting Tommy to know that he’d well and truly pissed her off.
“Of course, Mr. Shelby. Right away”
She scurried off to grab their usual brand of Irish whiskey and had half a mind to spit in the glass that she’d give to Tommy. As much as that would bring his secret joy she knew better than to fuck with a Peaky Blinder, especially Tommy Shelby.
Grabbing the bottle by the neck as well as two whiskey glasses she soon returned to the brothers sitting at the bar, both men watching her every move.
“Your drinks, gentlemen. Will that be all?”
She could feel the anger and humiliation from Tommys words only moments ago still simmering under the surface but did her best to keep a smile on her face. She needed this job no matter how shit her boss's brother treated her.
“For now, yes. Oh and uh, Y/N, John said to tell you he had a good time the other night”
What the fuck was he talking about? And when the fuck did he care to remember her name? At this point her mind was racing with questions, ones she knew there was no point in asking especially not to Tommy Shelby. She’d already found out from this whole conversation that he wasn’t in the mood to talk and would more than likely fire her on his brother's behalf right there on the spot if she so much as looked at him funny.
She huffed as quietly as she could before gently nodding to Arthur, picking up the stray empty glasses scattered along the bar as she made her way down to the other end, as far away from Tommy fucking Shelby as she could.
“What the fuck was all that about brother?”, Arthur turned to Tommy now, his face a puzzle of confusion, “She’s a good lass she is! What the fuck are you doing treating her like that? She’s the best worker I’ve ‘ad ‘ere in a long while. And what’s all this business with John?”
Tommy gave nothing away as he stubbed out his cigarette into the ashtray in front of them.
“All these bloody questions. A good worker she may be Arthur, but I know a whore when I see one”, he poured the amber liquid into both of the glasses sat next to the bottle and took a swig from one of them, “anyway, what’s all this fucking mistletoe doing around the pub? It looks like a fucking forest in here”
“Well I thought since it’s Christmas, why not give people the chance to get lucky tonight! Hung it myself I did”, Arthur smiled almost proudly and looked around the crowded room, watching as couples took full advantage beneath the Christmas sprig.
“Yeah I can tell”, Tommy smirked then, downing the rest of the liquid in his glass before setting it back onto the bar.
There was a sound of glass, and a lot of it, breaking followed by a cheer from the merry drunks.
Tommy looked over to the end of the bar where the sudden crash came from to see Y/N crouched down on the floor collecting the shards of glass with a cloth.
What the fuck was she doing picking it up with her hands? Before he could even question what he was doing he stood from his stool and made his way through the still jeering onlookers.
“Eh! You lot! That’s enough, go back to drinking and being merry”, his voice bellowed out across the room, demanding to be heard.
And heard it was. The gabble of noise quietened down the second the crowd had realised who’d spoken the words.
“Fucking dozy one you are aren’t you”, the other barman working that night stood above Y/N, making no effort to hide his sneer as he spoke.
She looked up at the greasy looking man, he always did piss her off and that moment was no exception.
“Eh, you. Mind your fucking mouth and get back to work”.
Little had the barman noticed that Tommy was standing at the entrance of the bar, his best scowl upon his brow.
“Yes Mr. Shelby”, the barman almost jumped at hearing Tommy's voice.
“And don’t fucking talk to her like that, next time I ‘ear you say anything disrespectful I’ll drag you out of here myself. Just because my brother owns this pub doesn’t mean I won’t deal with the rubbish inside”.
The man could only nod sheepishly as he scurried away to serve a group of men who had clearly already had too much to drink.
Y/N could hardly believe her ears. Why the fuck was Tommy Shelby now coming to her aid after making it very clear he didn’t like her? This man was a fucking walking contradiction.
Before she knew it he was down on his knees beside her, taking the cloth full of glass from her hands and throwing it in the bin, the sound of the shards crashing down as they hit the bottom of it.
“Are you okay? Did you cut yourself?”
“I’m fine, Mr. Shelby. Thank you but I can handle this”
He looked at her then, his cool blue eyes staring straight into hers. She could have sworn she felt herself shiver.
“Not with a fucking cloth you can’t, you’ll cut your hands. By the looks of it you’ve managed to drop a whole bottle of whiskey, my whiskey in fact, you need a mop and brush”
Why did she feel like she was being belittled right now? Ignoring the remark about the fact that yes indeed it was his bottle of whiskey, she sighed as silently as she could, not wanting to piss him off even further.
“Yes Mr. Shelby”
She stood and brushed down her dress, specs of whiskey had flicked onto it with the impact of the amber liquid hitting the floor.
He looked up at her now. God she was so beautiful, especially in that red dress. Y/N turned away from him without so much as another word and made her way towards the cellar where copious amounts of alcohol, as well as the mop and brush, were stored.
Tommy decided that now was as good a time as any to grab himself another bottle of his whiskey, he usually kept a stash of them behind the bar. Still crouched down, he scoured the empty shelves but only saw dust and broken glasses. He sighed to himself realising that he’d have to make a journey to the cellar. Did he wait until she came back to go so that he didn’t have to talk to her again? Did he go down and possibly have awkward small talk with her?
“Fuck it”, he said aloud to himself, taking a deep breath in before exhaling, standing upright.
“Ere Tom, grab us another bottle, this one’s nearly done”, Arthur’s voice shouted over the noise of the growing number of people in the room.
“Already on it brother”
Tommy made his start towards the cellar, passing the barman on the way and making sure to give him his best stare as he did. He didn’t know why he’d decided to speak up when he heard the lousy worker insult Y/N but something inside him felt protective of this practical stranger, despite already being burnt by her.
Fuck it, of course he knew why. No matter how much he wanted to pretend to dislike the pretty barmaid, he couldn’t help but admit to himself it was purely envy that was making him act so cold towards her. Why did she spend the night with John and not him?
The cellar lights were on as he entered the doorway, barrels of alcohol piled as high as the wooden beamed ceiling, with yellowing walls from the mixture of damp and cigarette smoke. The room would have been silent if it wasn’t for the gentle sound of humming coming from the other side of the room.
“What song is that you’re humming?” His voice broke the otherwise quiet atmosphere and he made his way over steadily to her.
Y/N was stood over by the small sink in the corner of the room, doing her best to attempt to fill the bucket she’d need to help wash away the sticky whiskey mess she’d made behind the bar.
She startled at the sudden sound of his voice, her hands slipping on the tap causing the water to come spitting out.
“Fuck”, she exclaimed, quickly grabbing the latch to shut it off.
Tommy chuckled slightly. He would deny it if she asked but he loved to watch her get all flustered, the way her hair fell over onto her cheeks, the sudden look of embarrassment on her face.
“What song was that you were humming? Don’t think I’ve heard it before”, he pulled out the carton of cigarettes from his pocket, taking one out and placing it between his lips before offering Y/N one.
She used the back of her hand to brush the hair away from her forehead, water now dripping ever so slightly down her face. She hesitated as she stepped forward to take the smoke from him, placing it between her own lips and allowing him to light it for her.
“It’s called ‘I wanna be loved by you’. It’s a good song, you should listen to it some time”
The scoff that came from his lips did nothing but piss her off more. Why was she even entertaining conversation with this man when all he seemed to like doing was judging everything she said and did?
“What’s the matter, choke on the smoke?”, her arms crossed now. She knew she could very well be treading on thin ice but there was only so much she could take, he clearly thought she was a lesser being to him so why bother trying to be nice.
“Nope. Just thought that maybe you had someone in mind when you were humming it, John maybe?” He took a drag and arched his eyebrow. Maybe now he’d find out the barmaids true intentions with his brother.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Why would it be about John?” The anger in her voice was evident but at this point who the fuck cared. The little jibes he’d made at her this evening still played on her mind as much as she wished they hadn’t.
Tommy took another drag of his cigarette, unfazed by her sudden apparent change of the sweet young woman he’d spoken to earlier.
“I mean, he said you two had a nice chat the other night, shortly after we did that is. Then he showed you the finest sights of Birmingham, along with his cock. Explains why he didn’t come home that night”
Her mouth gaped open with eyebrows raised, even she couldn’t hold back the shock from this new information she was hearing with her own ears. That’s when she felt it, the rage burning from deep within her chest, the sudden urge to lunge at him and give him her best slap across the face.
She made a start toward him, tossing the cigarette that she’d barely taken a drag from before stopping only inches away from his face. He stood before her unwavering, almost finding amusement in her sudden change of character. Fuck she was even more sexy when she was angry.
“Look Tommy. I don’t know what the fuck it is about you and John trying to make out that I’m some fucking whore or something but I’ve had enough! He did no such thing that night, we only spoke at the bar and that’s it. The truth is he got completely out of his skull and spilled his heart out to me about how fucking sick and tired he is of your bullshit, making him do all of the dogs work while you sit up there on your throne of money and power!” She knew there was venom in her words but there was nothing she could do to stop it and at this point she really didn’t care, it was too late to turn back now.
Tommy’s eyes narrowed and his plump lips parted slightly as he tried to take in this new information. Why the fuck hadn’t John said any of this to him and why had he lied about spending the night with Y/N? He could see the fire in her eyes and could tell that she was telling the truth, she wouldn’t have this much rage if she wasn’t.
“And another thing Tommy, I’ve only ever fucked one man in my entire life so if that’s what makes me a whore in your books then so be it! John didn’t go home that night because he passed out in one of the booths. I left him there with a glass of water and a bucket to throw up in before I left, there was no point in trying to get him up cos he was so intoxicated it would be like trying to wake the dead”.
She hadn’t realised it but her hands were clenched into fists causing her nails to dig into the palm of her hand. Fuck she’d had enough, what was it with men and their incessant need to lie?
Tommy was still stood there speechless, unable to form any kind of response to her words which was a first for him. Usually he had an answer for everything but not right at this very moment.
“You know what? I’m done. I’ll find another way to pay my rent, maybe I’ll ask Lizzie if there’s a job going seeing as by the sound of it I’m already pretty fucking good at it!”
She knocked into him as she began her move towards the door but before she could get any further she felt Tommys hand grab her wrist.
“Get the fuck off of me!”
Before he could respond the lights cut out leaving them both in complete darkness, the sound of displeased groans echoing out from the pub above.
The warmth of his skin touching hers gave her chills. Y/N didn’t want to admit it to herself but there was no denying that part of her liked it. She quickly brushed that thought off though as she took the opportunity to pull her arm free from his grasp and do her best to still make her way out of this situation.
She reached out in front of her to try and grab anything that would help guide her out of this crowded room and as far away from Tommy Shelby as she could. She didn’t make it far though as her hand connected with something sharp and it felt like an electric shock had been sent running up her arm.
The sudden sound of glass hitting the floor followed by her shrieks was enough to send shivers down Tommys spine as he now snapped out of his racing thoughts.
“Y/N? Y/N! Are you okay, what’s happened?”
“Oh fuck this hurts”
Although she couldn’t see it she could feel a warmth now spreading across her hand and feel something trickling down her fingers. She clutched at her injured hand with the other and squeezed as much as she could.
Tommy was already fighting his way through the darkness trying to get to her as quickly as he could, bumping into her just a few steps ahead.
“What happened, are you okay?” His hands reached up in front of him trying to grab whatever part of her he could in his panic, until they landed softly on either side of her face. Her cheeks were wet with tears and a sudden rush of guilt swept over his body.
“No I’m not fucking okay, my hands been cut open and I’m pretty sure it’s bad”, she half squealed back at him, doing her best to fight off the pain.
He lowered his hands down softly until they found hers. Even an idiot could tell in the blackness of the room there was a large amount of blood and that something needed to be done to stop it quickly. Without a second thought he reached for his neck and pulled off his tie.
“Here, let me wrap your hand up, we need to stop the bleeding”, his hands were scrambling to search for hers once more and even though she didn’t want to accept Tommys help she also didn’t want to be bleeding profusely, especially not on Christmas Eve.
She winced as the tie was wrapped tightly around the injury, her heartbeat prominently throbbing from the site of the open wound.
“How can a stupid cut on the hand be this painful”, she sniffed, using the back of her free hand to try and wipe away the tears that were flowing.
He smiled to himself, almost relieved that she was talking to him normally again, though she couldn’t see it.
“That’s what deep cuts are like I’m afraid, I think sometimes it’s worse when you can’t see the damage that’s been done”, he finished tying the tourniquet and placed his hand on top of hers.
As if the electrics could hear his words the lights suddenly switched back on, the sound of cheering filling the pub above once more.
He looked up at her and a pang of sadness punched him right in the gut. Her pale, tear stained cheeks stuck out like a sore thumb and the way her chest rose and fell trying to regulate her breathing made him ache. If he hadn’t listened to John and hadn’t just assumed that everything he was saying was true then none of this would’ve happened in the first place.
She finally allowed her eyes to meet his only to find that they looked full of guilt. As much as under the surface she still had so much anger she also almost felt sorry for him. Had he been a dick and assumed she was a whore? Yes. Was he acting that way because she’d rejected him that night? Maybe. Even still, the look on his face made her doubt her anger and instead the emotion that took its place was pity.
“Let’s get you cleaned up”, he said, breaking the silence. She nodded in response and followed him over to the sink, watching as he turned on the water and gently reached for her still throbbing hand, “I’ll leave the tie on, we don’t want more blood coming out. Let’s just get what’s on your fingers and arm off, can’t have you going back out there in that state”.
He smiled as softly as he could though his eyebrows were still slightly furrowed with sadness. Fuck her hand looked bad. Even with the tie covering the worst of the cut he could tell that the glass had cut deep enough to cause quite bad damage.
She winced as his hand once again reached for hers and he began gently running the water over her fingers, doing his best to wipe as much blood off as he could. The red water swirled around the sink and ran down the plughole never seeming to lessen in colour.
He picked up a rag from the side of the sink and began to gently pat her fingers dry. There was still a silence between them that felt uncomfortable.
“Tommy?” Her voice cut through it like a knife, causing his head to shoot up and look her right in the eye. Her soft features were being caught by the light and his breath hitched in his throat for a split second, he had to subtly cough to disguise it as best he could.
She hesitated for a moment before speaking, “has the reason you’ve been so off with me been because I wouldn’t go home with you that night?” Her voice came out quietly, but her words couldn’t have cut through Tommy any clearer.
He opened his mouth to speak but soon closed it as the words he wanted to say escaped him. Tommy Shelby wasn’t known for grumbling over being rejected by a woman and he wasn’t about to start now. Well, he didn’t want to start anyway.
Y/N saw that he wasn’t going to give her a clear answer, of course he wasn’t.
“Tommy. The only reason I didn’t go home with you that night is because you’d had too much to drink, you could hardly keep yourself from falling off the stool”, she paused unsure whether to continue or not, shifting on her feet on the spot, “Besides, how did I know if you were just looking for a fuck or if you really liked me? I’m not the kind of girl to sleep around like I’ve already told you. I’ve also seen the kind of women that you entertain, beautiful women with beautiful dresses and beautiful jewellery and hair pinned neatly in place. I couldn’t be further from any of those things”
“Don’t say that, of course you are, in fact you’re more beautiful than any of them put together. The thing with women, Y/N, those so called beautiful women that I entertain, they’re just a fuck. They have no substance to them, none of them have that I’ve met anyway. All they care about is their fancy cars and the jewels around their neck bought with daddy’s money. You on the other hand, you’re different”
He swallowed hard then, was he really about to admit his feelings for her and reveal the real reason he was acting shitty towards her?
“You see, the other night when we had that chat, I found myself realising that you’re different to any girl I’ve ever known. You actually give a shit, you don’t want to fuck me for my money or for the fact I’m a peaky blinder. You wanted to know Tommy, the real Tommy, not the Tommy that earns all this money or goes to socialite events. I’ve never had a woman be so genuinely interested in what I had to say. I think that’s why I was so jealous of John and wrongly pissed off with you because the thought of you liking him instead of me hurt too much”
He didn’t realise it but he’d been staring at the floor and at pretty much anything he could that meant he didn’t have to look at Y/N, it was unlike him to be so open with anyone let alone a woman he barely knew. When he did decide to look up at her, a smile was on her face, that beautiful fucking smile. His own lips raised at the corners then, unable to hide any longer.
“Maybe that’s why he lied to you, to try and get his own back for making him do all the dog's work. He also told me that night that he knew you were trying it on with me so he obviously saw an opportunity and took it. I wish you’d just told me all of this in the first place instead of being such a dick about it all, I thought you hated me”
“I’m sorry I’m just not very good at the whole opening up thing. I’d rather cover it up like dirt in a tunnel than say how I really feel. Besides, I don’t hate you, not one bit”, he stepped forward closing the gap between them, taking her hands in his.
She winced as he connected with the bloody cut, “Fuck that hurts”, she half laughed and hissed at the same time.
“Shit sorry, I completely forgot”, he dropped his hand loose from hers and gently pulled her into him by the waist, a smile playing on his lips.
Tommy looked up above him and noticed that Arthur had taken the time to hang mistletoe just about everywhere he could, including down here in the cellar. Maybe he was planning on getting lucky tonight? Tommy didn’t care, he just knew that it was the perfect opportunity to do what he’d been aching to for so long.
“I heard you like men with blue eyes and dark hair?” He questioned, their faces only inches apart.
“And where did you hear that?” She asked, a toothy grin now apparent on her face.
“Your boss told me, he’s not very good at keeping his mouth shut”
“I’m glad he can’t because he’s right, I do have a thing for men with blue eyes and dark hair. Even more so for the man standing right in front of me now”, her eyelashes fluttered and the anger and pity from before melted away as his lips met hers.
She’d wanted to do this ever since she laid eyes on him when she started working at The Garrison but never thought he’d give her a second look. After the conversation they’d had that night she’d craved this even more, the feeling of his lips on hers, the way his hands held on tightly to her waist, the smell of cigarette smoke and whiskey on his skin. And here he was, Tommy fucking Shelby liked her. Plain old Y/N who had barely any money to her name and a dingy apartment to call home, it was like all of her Christmases came at once.
They pulled away from the kiss gently and looked into each other’s eyes. The tears once spilling from Y/N’s now gone and only a smile upon her face.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N”
“Merry Christmas, Tommy”
Tagged: @peakypoet @moral-terpitude @lyarr24 @cillmequick @mrkdvidal1989 @shelbydelrey @alasya16 @tommystargirl @elenavampire21 @adaydreamaway08 @slaypussypop-21 @bluesongbird
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