thiskryptonite · 6 years
At dawn, August bathed in the light of day, he used sand and smoothed stones as he’d done in his youth to remove the film of the Otherworld that clung to his spirit like a second skin. It was far from what he’d felt in the past, more perverse, more profane. He wondered what it was about the fae that left them unimpeded by the crossing, but paid it little mind and less until at last the foul aura had been purged along with the sage that the High Queen had slipped into his system.
He spent the next day kicking over stones where he could find them, the chalice rang true to some obscure references he’d found in the past. But none that he had brought with him to Ashbourne. It took some degree of magic and focus, but August managed to pull through and obtain the text where such an artifact had been referenced. It was among references to human lore on a volume of dark artifacts that Isaac had been seeking, the fountain of eternal youth. It promised life eternal for mortals, but absently the words couldn’t ring true. All things came at a price, he thought distantly to his aunt’s crooning laughter: the only thing certain in the lives of us mortals, is death. 
Such a thing shouldn’t exist, not rightly. It was out of the pages of an odyssey, some quest that would never quite be fulfilled. And he was expected to find it within the course of a week. August found Xander once more, eager to find out what the fae had learned since the last time they had spoken. “Do you have any preference on what I should call you now?” August greeted, not sure what to sift from his experience in the fae realm - why Xander? “Feels strange to call you Xander when I know now your name is Vitalis.” Stranger still that the air fae had never told him before, but August had never thought to ask, and in the vastness of the other fae’s life, it was just another detail. 
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thiskryptonite · 6 years
When in Rome
Tagging: Xander Drakos & August Knight
Time Frame: January 13th - 19th, 2019
Word Count: 1945
Trigger Warning: Alcohol, Slavery, Dark Themes
Notes: August breaks away from the party and finds Vitalis (Xander) who proceeds to give him a small tour of some of the ancient world. INCOMPLETE.
The evening had moved past him in a blur, how long had it been? August could not say. Time felt different here, the spring weather made him exuberant and excitable, though perhaps that was the wine and the very fine faerie food he’d indulged in previously. August lay, languid across the lap of someone  he barely knew as the fae recited poetry he implied was a work of his own. August tasted grapes and wine and smiled, despite himself. 
 “The life so brief, the art so long in the learning, the attempt so hard, the conquest so sharp, the fearful joy that ever slips away so quickly - by all this I mean love,” fingers caressed his cheek and absently August cringed. Was he reciting Chaucer? “...which so sorely astounds my feeling with its wondrous operation, that when I think upon it I scarce know whether I wake or sleep.” 
Yeah, he definitely was. Absently August had to wonder how many had succumbed to that tactic. How many had swooned at stolen, honeyed words. Barf. The fae leaned in and from the corner of his eye, August caught the sight of a familiar face and sat up immediately. Hungry for an excuse to get away from this particularly grating plagiarist. “Where are you going?” The fae asked as August stood to leave without so much as a goodbye, “sobriety calls.” August dismissed, not looking back as he made his way towards Vitalis. “Tell me about late Rome? Tell me again about how it fell.”
Xander had been enjoying his time at the sarau for as long as he could; entertaining the other fae that he didn't know well enough to care about. He missed his old friends, but even now, faces were always missing, and the gatherings got smaller and smaller. He nearly ran off to hide until he heard a familiar voice, glancing over his shoulder to see August running after him. "Don't you have someone else to bother?" The air fae tried not to laugh, wrinkling his nose at the question, "Everyone says Rome fell. No one seems to remember that it split into two – while Western Rome fell, Constantinople thrived. Either way, what do you want to know? What it looked like?" He turned to walk backwards, his eyes glowing brighter for a few moments as the reality between the two of them began to morph. "Rome was all....magnificent archways, shining marble – and conquest. Rome was shitty, but everyone seems to love it. If you want beauty, you should've asked for the shores of the Nile, and the golden pathways of Thebes. How much do you know about the ancient world, kid?"
Vitalis’ greeting was predictable, but warm in that it was familiar. The party, however grand and entertaining, was far removed from anything August had yet to experience. The fights were more gilded than the ones he’d experienced, the wine was stronger, the food was richer, and the fae, however blessed among their own. Were embodiments of the disharmonious elements that they each represented. It had been a rich experience, but like any, he began to see the cracks below the surface quickly. The resentment in the eyes of some, the longing in the eyes of others, the sorrow and grief that stained the empty seats. “At the moment? No.” August said, absently wondering where Aria might have gotten off to, but so far everything the witch had seen was -relatively- safe, he was sure she was fine, whereever she was right now.  He followed Vitalis' as the fae's eyes shone more brilliantly, “I know as much as one can find through books and the like, and from what you’ve shown me in the past.” The witch said thoughtfully, “I don’t think there has ever been a great society without some rot, some perhaps more than others, but I would be eager to see the Coliseum, you’ve yet to take me there.” 
"What, you've never been there to see it crumbling a little? They take pretty good care of it – but huge monuments like theaters are always the longest to last. People just live around it. How do you think Cairo grew to be so big? They took stone from the pyramids. It's why they look like they're made of steps. The tops used to be made of pure gold, and the outside was beautiful white stone. Now, it's the old stone underneath that's shown because over time, people just starting taking stones from the pyramids. It's why I hate the human world. They can't take care of the beautiful monuments left behind from their own ancestors. It's ridiculous." Alexander created a new scene around them, one that was filled with the sounds of a typical Agora. The cobbled streets of Rome were dusty and dirty; children running, guards patrolling – it was everything he'd seen when he was there. "Rome was filled with people. They praised the gods they found in Greece; hailed for treasures that they thought would please their gods." The Colosseum was in front of them now, restored in all of its former glory. "Titus took all the credit for finishing it. They used to play out sea battles, believe it or not. My favorites were the gladiators. You know, you'd think they'd be strong and glorious – most of the time they were missing fingers or an eye and some teeth. Definitely not worth your time. Every now and then they'd bring in an exotic from the East, and I have to say they were the attractive ones. Which is why I'd save them when I could. No one that pretty deserves to die like that."
“Sadly no, most of my experiences were scattered between casinos in Vegas, and road trips through the Midwest.” August said easily, “I’d hoped I’d end up in Rome eventually, it was on the list of things I’d like to see, next to the pyramids actually. It is detestable, that such marvels could be created only to be stripped bare.I  read that the ancient Egyptians used slaves to transport the stones from a great distance,” August paused for a moment, he imagined that they were quite the sight to see once. “It seems to be the case for all great human structures that they were built upon the backs of those who endured great and long suffering.” He saw the jewels and the gold in his mind’s eye but somehow underneath, he just saw how it rot. The street that Vitalis transformed before him was bustling, full, exciting. He wondered what magics this era might have offered, if they went back millennia further to ask mythical Circe the legendary secrets of transformation. Absently, August sighed. “They must have been grateful to you,” August chimed, though it was a shame that Vitalis was not able to save more, though August imagined that the air fae much felt the same. “Where did you sit? In the times that you came here.” 
“Vegas and the Midwest?” Alexander found himself laughing, wrinkling his nose as he looked fondly at the young witch. “North America built on top of everything that was once held sacred by a people who had been there far longer than the Spanish and other Europeans who claimed the land. They were curious as to why the land was barren when they got here and built on skeletons.” He waved his hand, getting completely off topic as he tried to steer the conversation back towards Rome. “Slaves were the norm; anyone could become a slave. If you were the son of a noble and were captured by Spartans, you would have no titles in Laconia. You would simply be another Greek tragedy. Gladiators were slaves - and I could only save so many. And the lives they all lived? Some were good, some were not worth saving. I took care of the ones who weren’t.” He pulled August up onto one of the stands, the echoes of the fight reaching even the highest section. “Wherever I wanted. But here was nice.” The people of Rome were just as he remembered, and the colors of the fabric woven in to the clothes of the nobles compared to the middle class was evident as well. “What do you think?” He asked curiously, changing their scenery to the banks of the Nile.
August smiled in return, it was nice to hear the acknowledgment from another. “Colonialism,” August said, the word rolled off his tongue somewhat disdainfully. “My aunt told me our families’ coven had its origins among those people who called the land sacred. My ancestor walked among banks of roses at night, and became known as a man who did such things. The colonists shortened it to just ‘Knight’ for census.” Now an entire coven thrived under it. “Did you have opportunity to see it beforehand?” He imagined desserts that ran uninterrupted for miles, evergreens that rolled the hills and mountains of the Pacific Northwest. He’d always wanted to go north, the thought made him smile despite that it was impossible now. “I suppose,” August hummed as Vitalis went into greater explanation, it was true, when society was stratified class systems made such things common. Practical even. And it wasn’t limited strictly to human society, how else would such pyres of human sacrifice be built. Aptly, August took in the sights as Vitalis unveiled them, sand that rolled through the floor, raucous cheers and laughter that became more contained the higher the two of them climbed. The fae never failed to disappoint, though to him this was just another in a long line of memories - apparently one of lesser interest to Vitalis. The division was clear as they stood at the summit, absently, August wondered where he himself might have sat. Absently he could spy a dark corner, suitable for a social pariah to gaze up at everything that was out of his reach someday he’d say.
It was a relief when the scenery changed, the waters, the richest he’d ever seen. Water rolled across vast and rich, lush sights and settlements and creatures of all forms sculpted the landscape. Lazy amphibians rolled in the muck, or lurked waiting in its depths, monuments in the distance greater and more beautiful than any he’d seen prior; a cornucopia of life as exuberance lifted into the sky. August smiled, it was beautiful, but he was still considering the fae’s question. “I think it is sad,” he hummed lightly before he wandered to the beach, not fearing harm by any of the many-toothed animals that called the banks of the Nile their home. Absently he knelt and felt the grains of fertile sand beneath his fingers, it seemed so real. So powerful was the fae’s magic, but it was still different from what August had expected.
 “The court had many beauties, but here I can say I almost prefer the illusion,” August said, pausing for a moment before he looked at Vitalis- he looked different from what the witch had known him as before. But still he felt the same. He could not help but think he preferred him this way, here, he was in his element, but absently they were frozen in time. It would be too easy to stay here forever, a million questions puddled and pooled in the witches mind, but he was grateful to be with someone he thought of fondly. Someone who answered his questions with only some scathing tones. “But I suspect you feel the same, does it trouble you to bring me here?”
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thiskryptonite · 6 years
Tagging: Aria Fawn, Alexander “Vitalis” Drakos, August Knight
Timeframe: January 13th - January 19th, 2019
Location: Ashbourne, The Otherworld, Faerielands
Notes: Sarau Event, as awarded for completion of task: nostalgia. August receives an invitation to attend a Sarau hosted by High Queen Nymphadora of the Faerielands. August was permitted to bring a +1 and so he opted to bring Aria while Xander escorted them from Ashbourne, through the Otherworld, and into the Faerielands within. 
August had spent the last twenty-four hours preparing, the High Queen had not given him much notice, and no small part of August couldn’t help but feel that the court had decided to do so intentionally. There were a million questions that ran through his mind, though what he should wear was least among them. The Otherworld was dangerous, more so even than Ashbourne, and at the heart of it all, sat the Unseen Realm. A place where, as far as he was aware, few witches had ever been brought to before. Arrogance would’ve liked him to believe that he’d earned such an honor, but Aria had been quick to remind him that there were several other witches that were much more highly esteemed. He’d done a job for a Fae before, in what now felt like another life, but August could not see how the two might be related. What could he possibly offer a Queen?
It was a serious question, he’d asked around and apparently it was customary to offer her something. He did not know what an Earthborn-Fae Queen might desire, but he’d rooted around special through his belongings to find something that was by no means commonplace. His hands closed around the jar as it thumped lightly, a black cloth was draped over and sealed beneath the lid, but there was a warmth that came through the glass still. To say it was taboo would be an understatement, and parting with it was not something August enjoyed doing, but if his offering did not make him suffer in some way, somehow, he doubted it would do very well to appease the High Queen. He’d chosen simple attire for the ceremony, August was an undertaker and truthfully, he didn’t own anything that would come close to the likely impossible standards of such a race, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t at least willing to put in some effort. He even shaved. August tucked the bell jar into the breast pocket of his jacket, it rested over his own heart, the offbeat, rhythmic thumping so close to his own was off-putting at first, but he acclimated quickly. He’d left the funeral home early and was leaving now from his apartment, dusk was approaching, and August needed to make sure he met up with Xander and Aria before they headed into the woods together. August positioned himself near the edge of the wood, in the clearest path to the Sacred Tree and shot an updated text to Xander and Aria about where he was waiting. Dusk was still half an hour away, but August could feel himself tensing and relaxing reflexively. He was nervous, he never got nervous.
Xander had taken his sweet, sweet time to pick out what he was going to bring for the faerie queen. He'd given her many gifts over the centuries he'd been alive, but he always fell back on the golden and jeweled treasures from the ancient world. Humans had made many, many wonderful things. And he'd met so many witches who had gifted him with different objects as well. However, the treasures of Egypt and Greece looked splendid in the faerie realm, and he was always one who drifted towards the glitter and shine of earthly treasures. That didn't mean, however, that he didn't know when to part with them. He'd been going to the Otherworld anyway, but it'd been centuries since he'd taken someone like August along – let alone whoever he was bringing. The faerie hardly looked out for anyone but himself, and it was rare that he even cared for a human's wellbeing. Witches were different, maybe. "August – what did you bring for the Queen?" he asked curiously, walking up in a simple jeans and t-shirt combo. In a moment, however, it shimmered into a black suit, the lapels dusted with what looked like glitter because of course he had to shine. "And who did you decide to drag along to the orgy? I hope they know what they're getting into."
Lately, Aria rarely attended parties . Her wardrobe had old, worn dresses that probably didn’t even fit her anymore. Otherwise she might have not even bothered commissioning something new from Kolya. Even now as she looked herself over in the mirror, she would have taken the thing off and resolved to wear something old and worn that she was comfortable with if not for the fact she was seeing the one and only High Queen in the Faerielands. The dress was high quality and gorgeous, very suitable for a royal faerie audience, there was no doubt about that… but it was not at all Aria’s style. It was far too much for her tastes, even if it might appeal to fae folk. Aria frowned at her reflection as she turned on the spot to see all sides of it. Well, this was it. With a quick goodbye to her Familiar and a dagger strapped to her thigh underneath the dress, Aria left her home and made towards the meeting spot. The dress wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, Kolya had made sure of that, but it felt uncomfortable to know she had something like that on herself. So as she caught sight of August in the distance and his friend, she could only feel her tension rise. To make matters worse, she walked up just in time to hear something about an orgy. “Excuse me?” Aria asked, raising a brow and waiting for the man to turn. “Did you say orgy? Because I did not sign up for that.” She turned her sights to give August a look.
August was pleased to see Xander, and then Aria following a short distance behind him. The fae’s attire seemed boring but was typically deceptive as he all but shimmered into a black suit, it wasn’t anything wholly extravagant and absently August let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He just wanted to make a good impression, and Aria was all but gliding as she walked, August could guess who the tastemaker was behind her attire, but he wouldn’t comment. He looked up at Xander’s question and a small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips, though he supposed that his friend would know best. “I took a guess – I wasn’t really sure what she’d be into, but,” he withdrew the jar from his jacket, there was a light red glow from beneath the black drape, it shimmered with an ethereal light as well when he lifted the drape. “Heart of the beast, still beating.” As if on cue he heard Aria start objecting almost immediately, “Ariana Fawn, a fellow witch.” August said evenly, not at all certain if the two of them had any sort of history together already or not. “Relax, I’m pretty sure the orgy isn’t mandatory.” He was pretty sure, anyways. They started into the forest, headed for the Sacred Tree. His attention directed between the two of them, “did you two also bring an offering for the High Queen?”
Xander huffed out a laugh, glancing at Aria, "Sometimes they're optional." He was mostly joking. Mostly. The fae hummed a little bit, nodding towards Aria, "Call me Xander. I'm your tour guide for the next few hours – so, anyway, now that we're all happy and together, can we get going?" He glanced back at the offering August had mentioned, and he gave a small smile, "She'll like that. She appreciates things that are difficult to part with – shows you mean it." The air fae turned towards the tree, taking it in before he reached out, the Hidden Gateway clear to him as day. "I brought something a little holder than I am. I always bring jewelry; something pure gold with lapis lazuli." He turned back towards his two companions, taking in a breath, "Ground rules for the Otherworld. Don't touch anything, it might bite back. I wish I could say I was kidding, but honestly, who knows what'll happen to you two if you lose me. So don't lose me, got it? And no, I don't want to hold your hand, August. So if you can follow these simple rules, are we ready to go?"(edited)
Aria glared at August. “You didn’t tell me to bring anything!” Muttering unintelligibly to herself, she put out her hand and then worded a conjuring spell. A moment later, a tiny jewelry box appeared on her palm. “I told you to do your research, August and tell me.” She started to take off the large pearl ring was wearing, one ocean pearl nestled into the gold circle around her finger with intricate swirling patterns. “Now my most expensive, antique ring will have to do.” She grumbled as she placed it into the jewelry box and shut it. Aria knew she should have done her own research but with getting a dress appropriate for the hugely important event ready, there’d been hardly enough time to read on the Otherworld, let alone the High Queen. She looked up at the stranger and sighed. “It’s Aria,” she said, correcting August. “Pleasure.” Aria didn’t seem all too excited about meeting Xander but that had more to do with the stress of doing something she’d never done before. Passing this up would be passing up the opportunity of a lifetime when one wasn’t a fae. But Aria couldn’t help the bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that she didn’t know enough of what she was getting herself into. “Ready as I’ll ever be. Lead the way.”(edited)
“Yeah, we should, I really don’t want to know what happens if we’re late.” Approval was a good sign, but he couldn’t be certain until he had presented it to the Queen herself. He tucked the jar away as Aria and Xander got acquainted. Not even Aria and Xander’s jabs could shake him, the excitement was buzzing under his skin like a sort of static. A current that was compelling him onwards, absently he had wondered if it was some work of the Otherworld, some assurance he’d make it there. August of course knew that wasn’t the case, he was a kid in a candy store and wordlessly he approved of Aria’s offering, even though it was never something she’d intended to give up. Maybe the High Queen would even recognize that. “Must’ve slipped my mind,” he breezed, though somewhere he was incredibly jealous at the addition of the golden laurel leaves to her attire, why didn’t I think of that? “Do you know any Fae?” “Super dangerous, don’t touch anything, got it,” August winked, eager to press through the portal and follow through to the Otherworld. Where Arachne called home, where there was still so much that he did not understand. The fae were trapped as well, there could be puzzle pieces hidden beneath the surface of this Sarau, and while he recognized that it was a party. A chill passed through the air as they went through the gateway, a fog rolled over the surroundings; so dense and thick that it could swallow any of them if they wandered more than a few feet from one another. August noted that even though Xander and Aria were only a couple feet from him, already their visage was distorted, grey and distant like a curtain was being drawn between them. They were in the woods, just as they’d been a moment ago, but their surroundings were distorted in a way, like he was looking at the Forest of Eyes as it was reflected in a shallow pond: far and reaching. Shadows crawled and played tricks of light, and August, was exhilarated.
Xander didn't comment on anything else, finding it amusing that August left out important details. He simply made his way forward, the old path familiar as it always had been. "I spent decades here at a time," he murmured, though he didn't care much if they weren't listening. The Otherworld was a lot to take in – and it was easy to get pulled astray by words and whispers of answers people didn't even know they were seeking. For the fae, however, it was almost just as much home as the faerielands were. "It's always spring in the realm of the fae. Constant wind, my favorite, and parties that last weeks. Sometimes it's hard to remember that there aren't very many of us still out there." Xander took in a deep breath, the winter chill hitting his arms, even as his eyes began to glow. His human form was still somewhat present, though his skin was slowly becoming iridescent. Glowing green eyes turned back towards August and Aria, "If you ever try to come here without one of us, you'll get pulled into that," he glanced back towards the fog and distorted vision of a forest. "You can say you have the most self-control out of everyone, but it'll still happen. You just need to hope you survive. Any questions? Hope you feel better about it."
“Just one,” she muttered in response to August’s question. But she didn’t elaborate. The prospect of venturing into the Otherworld had her feeling on edge. And it wasn’t all apprehension for the bad feeling she had. In fact, most of what she felt was pure excitement. It wasn’t everyday the daughter of Ashbourne got to venture outside the norms of town. Her skin tingled and her eyes were alight with attention and elation hidden well beneath her stern visage. Aria had no intention of making it easier for the group to lower their guard by seeming childishly excited. She kept that to herself as well as she could as she followed August and Xander into the gateway. As soon as they were through, Aria held her breath in amazement. The fog lingered between her fingers as she moved them and crept along the folds of her long dress like snakes. It was eerie but it was different. And different was always what she’d longed for. Aria listened to Xander, nodding vaguely afterwards and returning her gaze to her surroundings. “I’m not planning on getting lost or dying today,” she muttered softly. “And how exactly are we finding the place from here?” Part of her hoped there wasn’t too much walking involved. Her heels were higher and thinner than usual.(edited)
For a moment, August thought the shifting gray that has seeped between the three of them was altering his perception, while Aria appeared the same, it was Xander’s eyes as they pierced the gloom of the Otherworld that first caught his attention as he listened to the fae’s explanation, directing his question towards Xander, “so I take it you know the High Queen well, then?” He knew Aria had been concerned about the safety of this venture, and had mentioned bringing along a weapons - just in case. He was happy to see Stevros was not with her, August had no intention of having to summon his own familiar again so he had assumed Aria would have the foresight to leave her own on the other side. “Did you bring anything? You know, in case this goes south?” He didn’t think there was much they could bring that would be in any way effectual against the High Queen, but he was curious, just in case they did need to make a run for it. It was not news to anyone that the Otherworld was dangerous, at least not to him, his aunt, a conjurer like himself, had drilled the dangers of spirits and the other side into his head for years and years. “So it’s even worse somehow than the actual Forest of Eyes. Great.” He looked between the two of them, “we should keep moving, then.”
Xander refrained from rolling his eyes, trying to remember that these two were basically toddlers to him at this point. Despite that, he didn’t really want anything to happen to them. “Aria, isn’t it? I recommend not attempting anything if this goes south. You’ll be horribly outnumbered, and useless against fae glamour that’ll make you spin your head. The queen is...close with all the fae. You learn the ways of tradition really early on, and it doesn’t change.” Xander’s eyes shifted from green to a bright blue, the blue iridescence settling into his skin and glimmering shirt. “You don’t understand that this is literally our world; you should only focus on what the queen wants from you.” The air fae took in a deep breath, a smirk tugging at his features, “We’re almost there. Any questions? Once we reach the palace, you’re going to be left to your own devices. Fae will stare, probably, so don’t get into anything you shouldn’t. And if you want in on an orgy, Aria, you only have to ask.”
“No, I didn’t,” she lied. Xander was not someone she trusted just yet. She looked over to August, wondering if maybe he would understand the subtle look she shot him that yes, she had brought something. But no, she didn’t trust their fae company enough to share she was willing to stab them if things got bad. Aria then looked over to Xander as he addressed her and tried not to roll her eyes. Maybe she’d be more tame when it came to having August with her, but she was not the docile type. If things went south, there would be no holding back with her once reason failed. She tried not to worry about it - reason rarely failed with her. Instead, she tried to focus on admiring all the beautiful colors that seemed to come out of Xander. It was like his own personal aurora and she wished, not for the first time, that she could take a picture of the view. “Good to know,” she muttered sarcastically. Aria nervously pulled a strand of hair behind her ear and inhaled deeply. Staring was something she was rather used to but staring by a bunch of shiny fae while she was wearing something so strange to her and in a place she had no confidence in was new. And some of her excitement gave way to a little more nerves once more.(edited)
He picked up on Aria’s cue, truthfully, he could have guessed that she had brought something. She was the one who had mentioned bringing along something for self-defense, just in case, and rarely had August known her to ever show up unprepared. With their exchange he hoped to provide a follow-up piece of information traded only through their eyes as Aria stated she hadn’t brought any such thing. She was probably right not to trust Xander, but when he’d needed answers and safe passage, it was the air fae who had provided. Just the same, he would not be caught unarmed, either. He couldn't help but wonder what Xander would do, though, in truth, August didn't need to ask. As he'd said, this was Xander's world, this was his home, and this Queen was a friend of his. “Never?” Came August’s question, never was a long time for tradition to remain unchanged, inflexible came to mind. He wondered if it was possible for the High Queen to be close with all the fae under such circumstance, as Xander had stated. “What happens to the fae who try to break or change tradition?” Rigid formality was not something he excelled at, quite the opposite, August had a habit of breaking such things. “Sounds charming,” August rolled his eyes, he was already ready to feel this warmth that Xander had mentioned, “I’m used to getting ogled by fae so shouldn’t be too far of a break from the norm,” August quipped, “seriously though, do you have any ideas why she might have summoned me? – Us?”
Xander only hummed, though he wasn’t ignorant. He chose not to ask what the look was for, as it was most likely none of his business. He laughed a little at her indignant attitude when she rolled her eyes, but he simply figured they’d learn the hard way if they didn’t believe what he said. “We’re not like that, August. I guess I worded that wrong. Tradition keeps us safe; what’s there to change? It’s not like we’re waging wars or doing something outside of tradition.” “Are you? Can’t say I’ve ever met a fae in the water wheel who was mildly interested in you when I’m standing right there,” the air fae’s smile was wicked as he teased August, managing to keep the air light despite the murky fog seemingly closing in around them. “We’re almost there. Stay close, and don’t stray from the path. It gets messier the closer we get,” he murmured, mostly unbothered. He worried for the humans, though. Voices and figures that offered answers were only false prophets, and well, the Otherworld was unforgiving. “Honestly, I don’t know. It’s not really any of my business, either. The high queen does everything for a reason. If she shares that with you, then let me know. You just owe me for getting you here safe in the first place. Anyone else might’ve just let you get lost,” he grinned. “The entrance is up ahead. You can call me Xander; here, I go by my given name, Vitalis. Don’t pick any flowers, also. They might kill you.”
Aria kept herself as close to August as she could without making it obvious the place was starting to chip away at her excitement and play around with nerves more and more. The fog didn’t bother her and neither did the new, strange scenery. Not even the shadows that lurked at the edges of her vision did too much too move her. It was really the voices. The whispers that were filling her ears. Aria did not have a great experience dealing with spirits and whispers when it they didn’t come from Stevros. She was getting wary that they’d get to her or to August before they arrived. Hearing that they almost arrived there quelled her growing worries just a little. “We’re going into the faerielands as the only witches, no defenses and no idea what they want with us… And all we have as backup is our sassy designated tour guide…” A pause. “Sounds great.” Aria smiled to herself and walked past the two boys, eager to get out of the fog and into the place they were meant to be in. Finally - a place unseen by her eyes. She made sure August was right by her before making her way through and finally taking in her new surroundings. Her breath hitched in her throat almost immediately. As long as there wasn’t any trouble for her or August, this was going to be amazing.
“I suppose that makes sense.” August didn't know enough about their cultures or their traditions really to comment, and truthfully, he didn’t need to know what happened to the fae who broke tradition, but rarely could a wheel spin eternally without ever needing a change. Still, the conversation was a good distraction from the spirits that attempted to ebb at his mind. He wasn’t unfamiliar. August had sent enough people to this place to know he needed to be mindful of what was and was not real. His mother screaming for help, then in another instant promising to tell him everything she’d kept from him. There was Cassandra in his peripherals, standing amidst the fog as she leaned languidly against a tree – she was beautiful, she’d always been beautiful, but her head was in the same mangled condition that he’d left it in when he buried her. There were others, but they were distant enough that he could block them out. His father hung with a broken neck, another face he was still trying to forget. More still of people whose names he’d never bothered to learn, faces he only recognized because they recognized him. Nearest the gate, however, there stood Lisa, and for a moment he faltered. He had not seen her die, had not known if he’d succeeded. He’d been too afraid to ever find out, his eyes fixed but he tried to shake her, though her lips never parted, her eyes never wavered, she spoke to him: foolish boy.
He kept his thoughts trained on Xander and Aria, though the Otherworld was beginning to take its toll. “How could anyone ever see past that big head of yours, Vitalis?” August quipped as he tested the Fae’s true name across his tongue, though a smile was pulling at the corner of his mouth. He could feel the warmth of the faerielands, and although he needed to walk right past his aunt lisa, he did not look twice. The faerielands were more than he had ever expected, flowers bloomed beautifully all around them, a magic nature almost calling to him. He suspected that to be their nature and could only imagine the agony that the no touching rule would put Aria through. August marveled at the architecture, the fountains, the stones, the trees, even the lushness of the grass. It had been years since he’d seen anything not draped in the dreary clouds of Ashbourne, dredged in death and misery, this place was bursting with life. He looked to Aria, fully aware that he was in the company of two people who liked to talk a lot, it was nice, although August was still unnerved he did his best not to show it. “Aria we should try and stick together if we can,” though already he had an urge to wander into the nearest well of wine he could find and drown himself(edited)
Xander paused at the threshold, watching August as carefully as he could. His shoulders eased their tension when the witch finally walked into the fae lands. He allowed himself a smile, though he still didn’t feel like he was home. They were all trapped here. One could throw in their everlasting paradise; the prison walls of Ashbourne were only hidden from view. “Maybe one day you’ll come back when we’re all free from this place.” Vitalis turned towards his company, “I know you both think yourselves all powerful and capable, but remember you’re in the presence of our high queen, and you can easily die here. So try not to cause too much trouble.” With that, Vitalis continued to walk, the iridescent faerie reflecting the same blue that littered the water nearby. Since air was his element, a silver glow finally took over his eyes, replacing the earlier blue. It was his true form, and the silver iridescence set in completely. As he walked towards the palace, he motioned to the doors, “This is the only way in or out, really. Don’t wander through the faerielands without someone else. It’s still dangerous - spirits are everywhere. Anyway, the queen will probably summon you. Or, there’ll be a line where you enter to give her your offering.” He turned to face Aria and August, silver glowing eyes shining with mirth, “Good luck. I have other people to see.”
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thiskryptonite · 6 years
Tagging: August Knight & Xander Drakos
Timeframe: January 13th - 19th 2019 (1 day in the faerielands)
Location: Ashbourne // Sacred Tree Portal to the Otherworld
Word Count: 1669
Notes: August informs Xander that Aria has been taken hostage by the High Queen, and what they must do to get her back.
August did not feel the weight of the guards leading his path and following in his step, they were intended to insure he did only as was he was told. No small part of him was humiliated, enraged did not begin to cover it but unfortunately, the witch had little time to be selfish over the matter. Because at this point, he really had no idea what he was going to do. His anger had made him so confident and assured only a short while ago in the throne room, now as August was all but shoved through the Sacred Tree and sent back into the mortal realm, he felt the weight of what needed to be done. The day was unknowable to him at this point, it was light now - morning? When only a few hours ago it had barely been dusk. August looked at his phone quickly, the device was also still trying to get its bearings. Absently he began to make a catalog of contacts he could go to, anyone who might have some indication where he could even begin looking. But the list of people who could reliably get that information was smaller still, nonexistent given how little time the High Queen had given him. Vitalis came through from the Otherworld and August's brow furrowed, was it Xander now and again? "Did you know what her intentions were for us?" His tone was pointed, his eyes leveled, his brow set upon the fae that August had thought was his friend. The fae had told him once that if he was in trouble, to ask him for help. Well he was asking now. 
Xander had of course heard about what had happened; who hadn't? Maybe it wasn't what he had expected, but he had his own tasks to attend to. It just so happened that when he exited the Otherworld, August was still mulling about. The air fae was going to simply ignore him, but the attitude was just too good to pass up. "You know, kid, if I didn't know any better, it'd seem like you were accusing me of leading you into a trap." He walked forward, form back to his human appearance as his gaze was filled with warning, "I'd watch who you accuse, August. If that had been my plan in the first place, I would've delivered you to the Queen myself." Xander stopped when he was only a couple feet away, staring back at August as he searched the young witch's features, "You seem relatively unharmed. And believe it or not, we don't have everything shared with us. I may be loyal to the Queen, but we're not always invited in on the planning. So why don't you tell me what happened, and I'll see what I have to say about it." 
“Don’t talk to me like I’m a child.” August stated flatly, he needed this sage out of his system.“I’ve made no accusations, I recognize that I was the one stupid enough to attend.” this wasn’t worth it, not now. He blinked a few times when he remembered he hadn’t, August didn’t move to step away from the fae, “she’s after this.” His tone eased slightly, he dipped into his pocket again to retrieve the note that the High Queen had passed him in the court. It occurred to August now that Xander was certainly old enough to have some passable knowledge of this obsidian chalice. 
"You are a child. It's almost funny that you think you aren't. Ignorance isn't a good look on you, August." He took the paper from August, moving away so he could read it. He had to double check what he was looking at, the pieces falling into place. He'd heard about this after he'd needed it the most; but had the price been worth it? More questions for Nymphadora, he supposed, and definitely not August. Xander gripped the paper possibly a bit too tight, turning to look at August, "This is something she needs. But I guess that means you couldn't possibly know what it's used for, could you?" He held the note back out towards the witch, a different look of interest on his face, "And she kept your friend." 
“I suppose you’d prefer me reverent, clearly I should be bowing at an alter to your feet.” August said easily, “I should learn my place and accept whatever harsh blow she had planned,” he shook his head, worship was always blind. “Is it your intention to tell me?” August asked plainly, “Because time is of the essence, and while your arrogance is usually entertaining it isn’t right now.” Clearly, Aria was not with him. “Aria saved my life, and hers is forfeit if I don’t return to this spot with that chalice before the end of the week. Likely mine as well. Some party.” 
Xander rose an eyebrow, looking slightly amused at the push back. “Clearly. Because that’s how it’s always been with us, hasn’t it?” He waited a few moments, curious as to if August would rein in the childish anger he could feel radiating off of him. “If you ask me, maybe. But if you’re so intent on making me the enemy in this situation, I wont help you at all. So what’s it going to be?” He asked flatly, holding his ground. August needed him, and while he’d promised to help the young witch before, the air fae was almost curious if the Queen had intended for him to find August first. “Tell me what you know.” 
He felt the air between them shift, no, it hasn't August thought, but he would not back down so easily. The fae's words of course stung, it had indeed been childish to assume anything but  what Xander had made perfectly clear, but that didn't matter now. His brow lost its tension as he was deflated some, though he stepped forward and did not shy away from the fae. August would have questions for him still, but there could be none about where Xander's loyalties lie. He took the paper back. "How should I know? I am but a child." His gaze was serious, but the anger had melted from his eyes, it was rare that he asked others for help "You are not my enemy, but you told me once that if I was ever in trouble, to let you know, and you would help, if you could." - the last time had been a witch, and it had ended in the worst possible way. August's tone remained level, but his eyes were pleading. He was afraid, he couldn't fail, again. "Well I'm in trouble, Xander. I've heard of this object before, but only in obscure references that date back.... A long time. If you know something that can help, then tell me what needs to be done." 
Xander didn't make any change in emotion as he listened to August, still waiting for an actual answer. He didn't have time to play games, and if the other witch wanted to do so, then he'd be stuck finding the chalice himself. Although – Xander almost considered getting the chalice himself. It would've been of great interest to him at one point in time. Selfishly, though. He looked at August, letting out a sigh as he resigned himself to holding his own word. "Okay, okay. So let me get this straight, you need this chalice, and your friend will go free. Fine; let's start with an old friend of mine. Philippe – you and him don't really get along, do you? Either way, he might know something. Otherwise, I'll have to do some digging. Maybe you should too." 
August nodded, that would do fine. He tried to imagine how interest Philippe would be in this cup and wondered what the vampire’s feelings might be towards fae, in general. They’d been strictly forbidden from attending the Sarau. “That about sums it up,” August said easily, “Philippe has probably considered killing me every time we’ve met.” That was the truth. “But he is also fond of Aria, so he might just feel obligated to assist, though, it’s hard to tell. Might just be more motivation for him to kill me. Likely best for you to meet him alone.” August was pensive for a moment. “At any rate, your Queen put sage in my drink before proposing this arrangement, so I need to get it out of my system before I can do much of anything. But there is bound to be a trail somewhere of lesser known fae artifacts that have moved through this town.” August looked for a moment towards the town before he looked back to Xander, “We only have a week to accomplish this, otherwise Aria’s life is forfeit. I’ll see what I can dig up in the meantime.
“He likes me - I’m his only friend, I think. He’s kinda like that kid in class no one talks to, but I did.” Xander was clearly joking, but he was somewhat sure he was Philippe’s only friend. He looked at August, slightly nonplussed about Aria’s fate. It was one less thing he had to worry about; he’d let August deal with that one. “I’ll ask him tonight and we can see each other tomorrow. Be well.”
It was obviously a jest, but somehow, August really doubted that Philippe was capable of having more than one friend. That alone was impressive. But they were both about as old as the wheel so August supposed it probably made some sense that the two would have found each other and stuck. It did add another layer to much of what he'd built up about Philippe in his mind: he'd assumed a great deal about the vampire. Though he was violent, he wasn't as narrow minded as August had originally assumed. They were parting now, August headed towards home, holding up the peace sign. "You as well Xander."
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thiskryptonite · 6 years
Tagging: August Knight & Allison Montgomery
Timeframe: January 13th - 19th (1 day in the faerielands).
Location: Faerielands
Word Count: 4217
Notes: August steals away to a restricted area to see what he can pilfer from the High Queen, but is discovered by Allison. TW: fire, burns, violence @morningsmead
He laughed as another joke was told amidst a small group of fae that lay in various positions and state of undress, their bodies languid across the Grecian lounge, between them a fountain of liquid silver flowed in a pond, it rippled as two fae splashed playfully together. Taller than he would have expected, the silver shimmered across their iridescent skin as they laughed in an almost singsong manner, another mimicked the voice of a mad king who’d existed millennia before while spitting pillars of fire to exaggerate his point. Another played with his hair while four more draped themselves across the smooth tiles. It was warm, springtime, in fact, and August almost felt overdressed. He smiled, and slowly moved away, he was not sure how much time had passed but he’d been enthralled by little more than the aesthetic of it all. Beneath the perfume and the smiles, the wine and the haze, there were half spoken truths and hushed whispers, they were all cursed here, just as the others. August could perceive the magic around him and it flourished, some he recognized, others he did not. When eyes were off him, he slipped from the crowd and into an unoccupied room, the chamber was just as lavish as the ones August had come through. Of course, he went for the books, the collection one of the most extensive he’d ever seen.
Floating from one group to another, Allison couldn’t help but revel in the party. Everyone singing, dancing, fighting, and — a quick glance to the darker corner of the hall revealed other things. She had been avoiding the fae for so long she’s forgotten what it felt like to be among her own kind. The air was warm, much warmer than Ashbourne, and she was grateful part of her had decided to keep a dress, just in case. More revealing than anything else she owned, the light material plunged low down her front and back, held together by sparkling bands at her waist. The slit running up to her upper thigh meant it was easy for her to move but it also meant someone got a flash every so often. She didn’t care. For the first time since she’d been trapped, Allison finally felt at home. She was considering going down to the fighting ring with her third glass of wine when dark hair caught her eye. Following the movement through the crowd, Allison was surprised to see August slip out of the hall and into one of the rooms. Crossing the hall, she went through the same door and closed it quietly behind her, continuing to nurse her wine. “The party not exciting enough for you August? You know, they don’t usually let humans in here. Not as guests anyway.”
Had they been anywhere else, August might have felt the approach of somewhat familiar magic, but as it happened, the young witch was caught unaware. His hand in the proverbial cookie jar, so to speak. He was holding a 15th century manuscript from a witch who recounted their experience through the bonfire of the vanities. He hated humans. “Witch.” He corrected, apples and oranges to some but not for him. The book closed, though August had no intention of reshelving it unless he was going to be forced to. His eyes moved across iridescent skin and those same, ethereal eyes that matched those of her kin. He shouldn’t have been surprised to see Allison here, she was fae after all, but he welcome the intrusion. “Almost too exciting “ he breezed, “your people certainly know how to throw a party - what happens to the humans who get brought here?” He could only imagine.
Laughing, Allison inclined her head. “Fair enough.” The room was beautiful, as opulent as any other and she wasn’t surprised that August had already picked up a book. No doubt the shelves were stacked with one of a kind volumes that hadn’t seen the human work for centuries, if not longer. Moving across the room, she came to stand beside the witch and glanced at the book in his hands. Interesting choice. “It can be a lot,” she admitted. “I haven’t been to one in years. And the humans I’ve seen - well, let’s just say it’s certainly an experience.” She picked up another book and thumbed through the pages . “How are you liking it so far?”
The stillness of the library contrasted the music and clamor of what was going on outside this refuge of peace, in an otherwise bustling party. It was not at all unlike the fae at the party, upon arriving, he’d been the subject of every wayward gaze, in another room he was simply another attendee. In another it was impossible to take a step without someone pawing at him, another whispering with their eyes come hither. Really, it was nice to be alone, or, almost alone anyways. Even if his intention in coming here had been to pilfer from a collection that would hardly miss a few tomes, he couldn’t do that with Allison breathing down his neck.
“My aunt raised me on stories of the Otherworld, and the Fae, too. She told me once that only a fool would trust a Fae, I’m sure if she saw me here now, she’d remind me of such.” August said, she had called him foolish many times. “I think she must have been jealous, in a way; columns of marble and gold, treasures and poetry, and science and magic.” It was a shame, really, that all this was kept away from so many, it made him wonder what would happen to it, should the race continue their decline. “There are parts that I enjoy, and others I don’t, but I think that can be said for just about anything. I think this is my first formal event ever where I was actually invited. Usually I end up crashing.” he looked a bit sheepish, not really ever enjoying admitting to anything that indicated his age. “What kept you away for so long?” August recognized that this was a once in a lifetime chance, and he’d likely never see these halls again, he supposed it was possible to grow bored of it all when you were eternal, but he could probably spend the rest of his days scouring this library alone. But he’d always preferred books to people.@bonefida
“Your aunt sounds like a smart woman,” Allison said, glancing up from the book in her hands. She’d encountered her fair share of superstitions when it came to the Fair Folk, some of which were laughable, but she had no doubt witches had a better idea of what they could do. The book in her hand was talking about some ancient thing or another. A few words jumped out at her, vampire, night, evil, nothing she didn’t already know. She loved a good read as anyone but she hadn’t come here to hide away in the library. “Oh, you know. Things happened. Hearts were broken. People died. The usual.” Allison was never good at holding her alcohol and she was already working on her third. Still, this was a party. She didn’t want to think about the past right now - there was fighting and dancing and art to look at and none of it was happening in this room. “Come on August,  if this is your first formal party then you can’t spend it in here. Let’s go out and dance.”
Whatever his differences with his family were, and contrary to what anyone may have thought. August had loved his Aunt with all his heart. “She was,” he said, the manuscript still in his hands, it had no value here. So why should he leave it behind? His fingers tightened around it slightly as he listened to Allison’s explanation, it was no big surprise, it seemed all their fates to be plagued by the specter of death. Though the Fae perhaps most of all. He was about to voice discontent, make some excuse about too much wine giving him a headache and needing the quiet for now when the door burst open and another fae, eyes ablaze, pushed through. Unlike Allison, he looked displeased to see the witch in their presence, worst so, that August was somewhere notably off-limits to anyone considered a ‘guest’ in these halls. “What’s the witch doing in here?” Came the ragged question, undoubtedly pointed at Allison, though the fae was charging towards August, his hands ablaze. The idiot.
“Fire in a library? Smart.” August retorted, though his own features had contorted some into a scowl, his hazel eyes darkened as he glowered at the creature. Though the fae was menacing in presence, August was not intimidated so easily.
This was why she didn’t visit the faerielands much anymore. Sure, it was nice to drop her glamour and be around her own kind but on the other hand, there were so many fae who refused to leave for fear of the evil humans. She knew it wasn’t as safe out in the world than it was in the faerielands but she also refused to stay trapped. The outside world was beautiful and there were so many more good people than bad - to lump them all together was unfair and judgmental and she wanted no part of it. Which was why she found herself sliding in front of August, hands raised in a defensive position. The room was small and her reaction time had slowed - the charging fae pulled up but one hand just scraped across her jaw. Burning pain followed by an the sudden rise of bile in her stomach had her groaning in pain. “August, don’t do anything. He’s right, you shouldn’t be here.” Turning her attention back to the angry fae, staring into his blazing eyes, she adopted a mockery of a sheepish grin. “It’s my fault. We needed some...privacy and there was no one in here.”
August practically snarled as Allison stepped between the two of them and took the blow that was intended for him. There was a growing trend of women in his life who were throwing themselves into harms way on his behalf, first Aria, now Allison. He was willing to suffer whatever the fire fae had seen fit to dish out, so long as he was prepared for what was to follow. But seeing the blow land upon someone he’d only ever known to be intelligent, kind, and respectful. Well, it was infuriating. He conjured images of witches scorned. What shall I make you? August thought, an eternity was a long time to live as a cockroach. Already he felt himself smile, the other should consider himself fortunate that there were no resources here that August could use. And Allison was here to be a voice of reason. “Why do you stand between us?” The fire fae’s flame extinguished and he stepped away, ashamed? Though, that didn’t seem right, either. Her answer seemed to bring the fae little but disgust, but he was satisfied. “Regardless. This room is off limits to him. You know this already.” The fae stated evenly, but he’d made a motion to leave. “Don’t linger long, there are greater pleasures than...” his disgusted gaze lingered in August, while the witch did little but keep his mouth shut and stare daggers into the other. “that.” the door shut again and August let out a breath. “Thanks for that,” he still held the book in his hands, “guess we should probably head back, huh?” @bonefida
Breathing through the pain, Allison gave the departing fae a sharp nod. He was right - August shouldn’t have wandered into this room and as a good fae, she should have escorted him out right away. She’d seen the disgust and shame mix on his face and it was as if a he’d twisted a knife in her gut. It had been so long since she’d truly been an active participant of the fae culture - maybe she didn’t fit anymore. Her cheek burned where fire had grazed it and she could taste bile in the back of her throat as the skin began to bubble. It would be fine once she went to ground but for now, she’d bear the mark for all to see. Again. “You go ahead August,” she smiled weakly at him. “I suddenly don’t feel much like dancing.” Leaning against the bookcase, she picked up her wine glass and downed the rest of the dark liquid. “And I’d say leave the book,” she added on with a pointed glance at his arms. “But somehow I don’t think you’d hear me. So, don’t get caught. Not here.”@allyourfavesarequeer
The remarks landed on Allison and the fae looked as though she’d been struck, though the fire fae departed, it looked as though the damage had already been done. “Fucking price.” August stated evenly, his eyes still burning into the door where the fae had left. August was not in any rush to incur the ire of more of his kind, but August suspected that they at least would have some time not before anyone else came back through that door. If he hadn’t known Allison from any other fae at the party, he probably would have breezed past and not batted an eyelash. But when he looked at her now he did not see changeling eyes or iridescent skin that reflected and shimmered and caught every stray piece of light. He felt the same presence he always had, a lingering contemplation that pulled him along the same thread of fascination as when she treated the yellow-ribbon meadow with her presence. August couldn’t just leave her, especially not when she’d just save his ass.“That makes two of us,” August breezed as he stepped closer and placed the book on the table adjacent, the book was scorched, evidence that it had survived this long, but only barely. He’d stopped at a page that had dictated verses of Dante’s that, among so many other priceless works, were tossed into the great fire. His tongue had curved around the old latin with ease, it was familiar for most witches, though he did not know how old Allison was, or if she’d recognize it at all. “What a hot head,” August said as he shook and tried to peek at her burn. He was no healer, but his aunt had made sure that he at least knew some first aid. Being magical helped. “People like that have nothing better to do than fill the air with their spiteful opinions, don’t let it get to you. He’s not worth it. He’d have torched everything in here just to get at me if it wasn’t for you. Mind if I take a look?”
She was surprised when, instead of rejoining the party, August stepped closer. Her eyes flickered to the book on the table, an eyebrow raising as she took in the title. Latin wasn’t something she read very often anymore but it was easy to remember and the words came to her easily. For the first time in minutes, August had surprised her again. It was so easy to forget he was young, even by human standards. An old soul indeed. A tired smile spread across her face as he tried to comfort her, grateful for the effort. “Probably not everything. I like to hope he would have stopped short of burning the books. Even the most hot-headed of fae understand how priceless the little information that we have here is. Especially in Ashbourne.” Allison hesitated, before turning her cheek towards August. “It’s not too bad,” she fibbed. “I’ll be able to heal after the party.”
"I think that makes you the optimistic one, of the two of us," August smiled as he stopped short the book not forgotten but reserved for later; he would take in each word, the original had been translated by several different people over the years, finding something like this was a testament to the resourcefulness of the fae. He liked to think that Allison was right, still, August had seen such hatred in the eyes of people before, it was hate that often burned out of control. His hand moved carefully to examine the wound, she was downplaying it. Still, he doubted she wanted to wear that burn on her face all night until she found a healer. "May I?" August asked, he wasn't going to perform any magic without her express permission first, it would be a minor spell, but he could ease the sting. 
The winter season in Ashbourne meant the ground was hard and cold - Allison didn’t relish the idea of spending a night in it. And she was curious what August could do. It wasn’t often she required the help of magic outside of her own. “Thank you,” she said as way of permission. “So,” she started, slightly more subdued than before the intrusion. “How are you enjoying the Sarau? Other than the slight disregard for anyone that’s not fae.” The door to the library was heavy and it muffled most of the music and laughter from the main room. Once upon a time she would have been in the thick of it all but now, the earth fae just wanted to go home and curl up in bed.
With a couple words in soft Latin, August drew the heat from the small burn on Allison’s face. She’d need to see a healer to prevent any scarring, but absently he couldn’t help but feel like the immortal had, at times in her life, had worse. Scars on the heart burned twice as bad. The question was simple, yet complicated due to the nature of the Sarau in general. “I think I’ll be telling tales of this night for the rest of my life,” he winked, “it is beyond... any frame of reference I might’ve had.” He paused for a moment, contemplative. “Pools of liquid metal, music that harmonizes with the air itself, food that tastes richer than I ever thought I’d have.” August thought again, “I grew up with very little, places like this, they were... just out of my reach. I feel out of my depth, but I’m trying to at least look like I belong.” 
The burning heat of her cheek cooled and she reached up to touch it. While the surface was still bumpy and raw, it no longer felt like her face was in an open flame. Once she got out, a quick jump underground would fix it all right up. Ignoring the way it pulled, she shot August a grateful smile. Allison nodded. She could imagine just how overwhelming it all was - her first year in the human world had been very much the same. There had been strange technologies and iron, everywhere. She'd learned quickly to avoid the larger cities and to avoid touching most things for too long. It was partly why she'd kept to the forests and mountains so much. "I missed it," she admitted, a wistful look in her eyes. "Just a little. There's nothing like this anywhere else in the world and nothing in Ashbourne can match the opulence of the fae realms. But you're doing fine." Reaching out, she tugged at her sleeve. "You look very dashing tonight. Still very much not fae but you don't quite stick out like a confused human."
Allison offered him some gratitude, and it was all the repayment he needed. In his mind he'd call them square, though truthfully it was just nice to see the fae smiling again. She seemed to fit in well here, it came as no surprise that Allison had missed these halls in her time away from the fae realm. He could sympathize, though truthfully he wondered why she would ever choose a place like Ashbourne over this. Then again, he supposed that there were bound to be cobwebs in every dark corner. He couldn't help but flush, "thanks, I uh..." his flush deepened, "I got changed like, six times before I finally settled on this." August chuckled lightly, embarrassed that he'd even care about such a thing, "but you look effortless. It's obvious that this is a home for you," he wished the fire fae hadn't chased that mirth away. She'd come in eager to dance, to enjoy the party, but apparently the other had stirred up some unwelcome memories. "I'm glad my meager attempts to blend-in didn't go completely unnoticed." 
His warm flush brought a quick smile to her lips. This might be his only time at a Sarau and she wasn’t going to let him waste it looking after her. There would be time later to mope - for now, she wanted him to put aside the fire fae and actually experience what a real fae party was like. “Well now, we can’t have you hidden away in the library when you look so nice.” Leaving her empty glass, Allison’s skirts swirled around her legs as purposely did not look behind her until she got to the door. If August was quick, who was she to say if he took the book? She hadn’t seen anything after all. Opening the door, the light from the party filtered in and highlighted the damaged skin across her face but she was still smiling. “Come on August - I believe I owe you this dance.”
August sighed when some life seemed to return to the fae, though he wondered how much of it was simply for his own benefit. August quickly slipped the book into his jacket and was quick to follow behind, “Now you’re going to make me blush,” August teased, following her lead easily. The party was in full swell as they returned to the world which the library had offered them a brief reprieve from. The music, the smells, the sights, it was glorious and beautiful and intoxicating and wondrous. And infectious. August smiled, eager to dance, though he doubted he’d meet the expectations of the fae.  “You might have to lead, I am not a great dancer.” 
Allison shook her head. “Don’t worry about it – I’ve got you.” Gently taking his hands, Allison placed one around her waist and held the other. She tuned into the music, counting out the beats in her head until it started over and led August onto the floor, the two of them slipping seamlessly into the music. There was nothing on earth like fae music and it was just one more thing Allison hadn’t realized she’d missed. Relaxing, Allison glanced up at her dance partner and grinned. “You’re doing great August – just go with the music and try not to think too much.”
On the dance floor, it was easy to forget yourself. At least, it was supposed to be, from his experience, but that was not dance in the way that this was. Posture needed to be held, form need to be followed, but at least August was a fast learner. Still, he did not have the reprieve of merely moving for the sake of moving, eyes were upon them, but this was nice in its own way. Like wine out of a glass compared to beer out of a plastic cup, apparently he could enjoy both, though he'd always been something of a lush. "This music is... Surreal." August spoke, amused as he followed Allison's lead easily, he'd found that her steps were easy to trace, he wondered if she'd made them so. A few turns around the room and he was starting to slip more easily into it, relaxing into the steps. "Are all fae so skilled at this dance?"
“This is how I like to dance,” she said as they twirled around the floor. “Others choose to dance differently.” She nodded towards a couple that were dancing decidedly different than them, the two of them entwined so tightly that they looked like one. It was beautiful in its own way but it was Allison’s style. “It all depends on how you want to dance. There are a couple set dances, if you want to call them that, but it’s really not that strict.” As August began to relax, Allison slowly let him lead, adapting to the way he stepped until their dance had changed from her steps to his. “See?”
He felt himself easing back into the world of the Sarau, the library had pulled away whatever familiarity he'd garnered like a great rug that was swept from underneath him. Allison did not seem to mind that August had no real hidden talent for dance, but if this was the fae's preferred style than he could surely adapt. The lights, the music, it was a sort of spell all on its own and as August followed her gaze, it was not hard to see that others found it just as enchanting. Absently he wished it was always so simple, the quiet pace, the familiar presence, but he felt the eyes of the court upon him; them, really. He was an outsider, but for a moment he could have sworn he belonged.
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