#event; Yeon Nen Ball
cherrykadeu · 4 years
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Yeon Nen Highranker Ball;
Despite the severe complications that Nari endured due to a temper tantrum thrown by the infamous Ace of Diamonds Lee Valentina  that had her has the main target of her cruel actions. The results of the said attack were not in Nari’s favor, some of her servants had died in order to protect her from the imps and others, just as Nari, had ended up injured.
The Kumiho had been confused as to why that had happened, not understanding why The Villa District had been her main target since she could not recall a single time in where she had crossed paths with the demon. Fortunately, she was still alive and recovering, as well as the rest of those who had got injured, the damage to her surroundings could be easily fixed, but the deaths of those who had jumped in to defend her had yet to be forgotten and it left a bad taste in Nari’s mouth, a cruel realization that she was still weak and that she had failed to protect those that needed her. That she had failed to protect herself.
That coupled with her encounter with King of Hearts Sayge Ko (ongoing) and the re-emergence of her past now marked in her skin in the form of a club defector tattoo were all reminders of how the 10 in her wrist meant nothing if she did not prove herself worthy of it.
And what a better way to start proving herself than attending a ball, looking her best, appearing strong as if nothing could her knock her down? 
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Nari picked her clothes with a great deal of thought. Once she became a 10 of Hearts, she believed that it would somehow magically erase all that she had ever lived until then, that Cherry would be long forgotten and that Nari would finally have her time to shine. But the truth was that her alias did not bring any change in her behavior, sure certain situations required different sides of her, but Cherry was still Nari and she was not prepared to say goodbye to her just yet.
She arrived dressed in an extravagant red coat, black and gold details making her stand out in the crowd, attracting all the attentions towards her, just like Cherry demanded. Still, she was sure that someone powerful would wear something like this and Nari hoped that one day, she would not need any clothes in order to feel that way.
Taking off her coat, reveals a beautiful long red dress, a plunging neckline that guides the attention to her chest and to the necklace she received as a gift from her dear Zuihuo Joui (@zuihuojoui​) and crafted (ongoing) by her long time friend (@kadeuxhyeonju), delicate butterflies and flowers make the central piece of her entire look, perfectly matching the silver details around the waist of her dress and the small silver flowers decorating her hair.
There is not much covering her face, in spite of her usual reddened lips.  
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Toy Drive Gift;
Nari took her time to think about her childhood, which is something that she did not like to do very often. Then she thought about the day when she had decided to change factions and how rough it was for her to thrive in a new and unknown territory, alone in such a cruel world. Still, there were things that were able to bring her joy, things that made everything easier.
As a small fox and even now, she always liked thick, soft blankets where she could hide herself in during cold weather, so she picked the best ones she could find. Hopefully they would bring enough warmth to whoever received them.  
Nari never liked reading, sue her. So, she bought a few coloring books and pencils, which was something that she used to like doing in her younger years and something that helped her pass the time. But, that was not all, inside of the still uncolored pages, she hid a few tickets for the next play (Lion King) that would take place at The Palace for the first two week of January, as well as some small detailed cards that she came up with before talking with her mentor about her idea, anyone who received them would be able to read:
Trade this card for a free meal at The Fox Den. Heart Territory. No expiring date.
Lastly, Nari decided to arrange a collection of skin care products of good quality. She had always believed, since very young, that a good part of taking care of oneself and feeling good had a great deal to do with the way you treated your own skin. Makeup was great fun but that and rough weather were enough to damage your skin. Besides, it smelled good and who didn’t like to smelling good? 
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kadeuxhyeonju · 4 years
Kadeu, Joker, Highranker’s Ball
31 December 2020, Evening
Drink in hand, Hyeonju strolled through the crowd, keeping eyes peeled for faces he had no desire to greet. He’d already met one and he figured that was enough for one night. He took in the gowns and suits, humming in admiration at some, silently scoffing at others. He greeted a handful of familiar people, customers and acquaintances. He had just finished one round around the grand ballroom when he spotted a woman in a gorgeous, backless gown. Her back was to him and so he was free to gape at the raised scar that raked down the woman’s back. It made Hyeonju’s still tender wounds seem like playground scratches. Wonder what the story behind that is…
The woman turned her head and Hyeonju’s eyes widened in surprise. A story, indeed. He hadn’t seen Ms. Moon since he fixed her locket, but he had seen her off with a changed perception of her. It wasn’t everyday Hyeonju found himself respecting a Diamond. Which meant he may have been a bit concerned—but also very nosy.
“Ms. Moon,” he greeted with a polite bow and smile. “It’s been some time. I hope your locket is still in good condition?” He took a sip of his drink and inquired about something not at all to do with her injury. He did have manners, after all. “I heard your role for the upcoming Palace play.” He offered a genuine disapproving frown. “Something is wrong with the Palace owner’s head, not giving you the main role. Regardless, I look forward to any role you take on. You’ve always had a talent for making a character take flight.” Wow, how long has it been since I cracked a pun like that. Hyeonju smiled in humor.
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kadeu · 4 years
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While the dregs gather in their lackluster attempts at festivity, high society does the season right! Expected in the colors of the season: red, gold and silver; highrankers gather at the Joker to show unity and charity during Yeon Nen. Faction issues are to be tossed aside while they dance within the fabricated crystal ballroom, heated and away from the cold. 
Only the lowranked pretend to be merry while shivering. 
Attendees are asked to bring gifts to add to the toy drive to show the deep consideration they have for Kadeu’s young and underprivileged. As this event is sponsored by The Deck, there is a bar as well as hors d’oeuvres being served by midrankers of every faction. The guest list, carefully curated to only include those ranked eight and above, also comes with a five gold entry fee that serves as a barrier to entry for most midrankers who aren’t serving.
While the first drink of the night is free, all after that must be paid for. In paltry silvers, but paid for none the less. 
A crystal ballroom has been erected at the joker. Guests can delight in seeing the snow fall as they dance within the pyramid shaped structure, safe and warmed. This event begins at 21:00 ( 9PM ) on 31 December 2020. It should be noted that while gifting to the toy drive isn’t explicitly required, the most common question at this event is ‘what gift did you bring’. Hearts in particular like to use their gifts as demonstrations of their wealth. 
If your muse is attending this event, please let an admin know so they can mark them down here!
@fromashanddust — attending.
@phoenixkadeu — attending.
@kadeuyongsun —
@saygeko —  attending.
@generalkwon — attending.
@kadeuxhyeonju — attending.
@cherrykadeu — attending.
@ara-kadeu — attending.
@lukef — attending.
@merirobin —
@shuliing — attending.
@scnreiis — attending.
@kadeu-kol — attending.
@its-max-okay — attending.
@zuihuojoui —  attending.
@passcridae — attending falseranked as a Jack.
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saygeko · 4 years
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Lady Luck, Sayge Kō will be attending the Ball fashionably late as she had to care for injuries she suffered days previous to Yeon Nen. She arrives in a silver low cut gown. With no restriction in colors to wear on this event as it’s not of importance to her kin, she has been free to choose the shades that would wrap her. The sparkle of the sleeveless garment encrusted with small crystals lets everyone know the wealth she represents (and may grant if in a good mood, but she does not anticipate this to happen for the festivities). Resting on her shoulders, she has a coat embroidered with the same gemstone her gown has, to protect her from the cold weather the Winter Ball is embracing before stepping into the ballroom. Down her cleavage lies a silver and crystal necklace gifted to her by her grandfather when she first crossed the portal to Kadeu, a piece of jewelry she holds close to her heart. Her signature makeup has a twist of grey for her sharp eyeliner, and her lips are painted red as always. Silver headpiece rests on top of her immaculate back hair kept down for her own comfort in this occasion, fringe untouched.
For the children, Sayge gifted Magical Music Boxes. Made of ceramic and silver, with handpainted Koi fish on top with a hue of blue. As a child holds the box in their hands and plays the soft melody, they make a wish and pray for good fortune. The box will accumulate the pleas and grant good fortune once the child is old enough to receive the touch of Lady Luck with wealth and prosperity. (Wealth can be collected at the Casinos when they are of age.)
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