#eventually the clain rejoins HIM!!!
merrysithmas · 2 years
mando season 3 (my version)
this season of mando shouldve been 8 eps, an intro, a conclusion, and 6 episodes where we see Din teaching Grogu the six tenants of the Resol'nare (a mando Commandment type scripture).
each ep would have a voiceover of him teaching this small child one of the ancient beliefs of his cherished dying religion as they exist in the wilderlands of space, each episode and its lone ranger&child arc reflecting and exemplifying a specific tenant. this would have been the perfect delivery method of expanding Mando lore to the audience because we, like Grogu, are children to the unshared canon concepts.
it would be a touching, intimate portrayal of this Clan of Two, this man imparting his hidden sacred wisdom of the Mandalorians on his child (in a reflection of how Luke did the same to Grogu with the Jedi/perhaps coupled with flashbacks of Grogu learning those Jedi principles and how they compliment or oppose Mandalorian teachings).
Grogu should have even encouraged Din with the darksaber in his own innocent way- making cute motions to mimick the saber techniques he saw Master Luke use. Showing curiosity towards it. Interacting w Mando - even with the use of CGI (lbr puppetry is seriously limiting their interactions).
then at the end, as Din struggles the entire journey, doing everything within his ability to reach his planet and trek its harzardous ruins, struggling the entire season through pitfalls and hardship we finally see Din reach the Waters to obtain absolution - and understand, because we the audience (like Grogu) learned the tenants, that he deserves forgiveness and is an unknowing paragon of his belief system, moreso than any other Mandalorian we have seen
enter the subplot: Grogu is sick. somehow, someway, getting weaker and more frail. maybe a Force sickness or some weird shit with the Sith that are growing in power in the Galaxy. Din is terrified and believes if Grogu bathes in the Waters its ancient magic will heal him. He fights tooth and nail to get there - not just for his own redemption, but for Grogu's life.
When they get to the Waters they are in fact destroyed as prophesized- and only enough remains for Din's absolution OR Grogu's life. He chooses Grogu - and the water does miraculously heals him.
(we later find out unbeknownst to Din that the water has no special magic, but only is sacred when the Mand'alor blesses it... which he became the moment he gave up his absolution for Grogu's life).
when finally coming face to face with his Clan - we are faced with moral conflict.
Din explains he went to the Waters but he could not be absolved, that Grogu was cleansed instead.
we see Din's clan reject him according to their beliefs, but more painfully for him they reject Grogu (perhaps the leaders of the Tribe do not want the active believers to know absolution exists in the form of the Waters and claim the act was impossible as the mines were destroyed, or perhaps the elders are wary of the Jedi child). This shakes Din's beliefs, and makes him rightfully angry - this child is a Mandalorian, by Creed.
we see the Tribe, although believers and earnest, do have their own limiting prejudices (an occurence in all societies).
this conflict would eventually cause him to part ways with his Clan, willingly, for the sake of a Foundling. to discover the origins of Tarre Viszla and how he balanced his force abilities with his Mandalorian Creed. now truly alone in the Wilds of the Universe with only his individual heart to guide him - we see him following the Creed on his own. a true believer with no guide but his soul. in a reflection of the way that he left the Guild for Grogu.
and like Grogu, we would wonder - what makes a true Mandalorian? The creed? The clan?
or Din himself? the sword suddenly glowing at his hip.
[cut to the Living Waters, dry as a bone, an enormous crackling, destructive sound, a surge of water charging up from the underbelly of the planet. alive once more, only dessiccated before as the Mand'alor did not live.. and now that has changed]
also spoiler alert they resolve their differences and eventually the Tribe rejoins HIM.
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