#and dins worries something is really really wrong with him
merrysithmas · 2 years
mando season 3 (my version)
this season of mando shouldve been 8 eps, an intro, a conclusion, and 6 episodes where we see Din teaching Grogu the six tenants of the Resol'nare (a mando Commandment type scripture).
each ep would have a voiceover of him teaching this small child one of the ancient beliefs of his cherished dying religion as they exist in the wilderlands of space, each episode and its lone ranger&child arc reflecting and exemplifying a specific tenant. this would have been the perfect delivery method of expanding Mando lore to the audience because we, like Grogu, are children to the unshared canon concepts.
it would be a touching, intimate portrayal of this Clan of Two, this man imparting his hidden sacred wisdom of the Mandalorians on his child (in a reflection of how Luke did the same to Grogu with the Jedi/perhaps coupled with flashbacks of Grogu learning those Jedi principles and how they compliment or oppose Mandalorian teachings).
Grogu should have even encouraged Din with the darksaber in his own innocent way- making cute motions to mimick the saber techniques he saw Master Luke use. Showing curiosity towards it. Interacting w Mando - even with the use of CGI (lbr puppetry is seriously limiting their interactions).
then at the end, as Din struggles the entire journey, doing everything within his ability to reach his planet and trek its harzardous ruins, struggling the entire season through pitfalls and hardship we finally see Din reach the Waters to obtain absolution - and understand, because we the audience (like Grogu) learned the tenants, that he deserves forgiveness and is an unknowing paragon of his belief system, moreso than any other Mandalorian we have seen
enter the subplot: Grogu is sick. somehow, someway, getting weaker and more frail. maybe a Force sickness or some weird shit with the Sith that are growing in power in the Galaxy. Din is terrified and believes if Grogu bathes in the Waters its ancient magic will heal him. He fights tooth and nail to get there - not just for his own redemption, but for Grogu's life.
When they get to the Waters they are in fact destroyed as prophesized- and only enough remains for Din's absolution OR Grogu's life. He chooses Grogu - and the water does miraculously heals him.
(we later find out unbeknownst to Din that the water has no special magic, but only is sacred when the Mand'alor blesses it... which he became the moment he gave up his absolution for Grogu's life).
when finally coming face to face with his Clan - we are faced with moral conflict.
Din explains he went to the Waters but he could not be absolved, that Grogu was cleansed instead.
we see Din's clan reject him according to their beliefs, but more painfully for him they reject Grogu (perhaps the leaders of the Tribe do not want the active believers to know absolution exists in the form of the Waters and claim the act was impossible as the mines were destroyed, or perhaps the elders are wary of the Jedi child). This shakes Din's beliefs, and makes him rightfully angry - this child is a Mandalorian, by Creed.
we see the Tribe, although believers and earnest, do have their own limiting prejudices (an occurence in all societies).
this conflict would eventually cause him to part ways with his Clan, willingly, for the sake of a Foundling. to discover the origins of Tarre Viszla and how he balanced his force abilities with his Mandalorian Creed. now truly alone in the Wilds of the Universe with only his individual heart to guide him - we see him following the Creed on his own. a true believer with no guide but his soul. in a reflection of the way that he left the Guild for Grogu.
and like Grogu, we would wonder - what makes a true Mandalorian? The creed? The clan?
or Din himself? the sword suddenly glowing at his hip.
[cut to the Living Waters, dry as a bone, an enormous crackling, destructive sound, a surge of water charging up from the underbelly of the planet. alive once more, only dessiccated before as the Mand'alor did not live.. and now that has changed]
also spoiler alert they resolve their differences and eventually the Tribe rejoins HIM.
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merchelsea · 1 month
Could you write something really fluffy about Lando Norris x reader? Maybe something were their relationship is fairly new and it’s only like the 2nd or 3rd race week the reader has been to and she starts to get sick. She doesn’t feel well at all and try’s to hide it from lando so he can focus on the race but he eventually finds out and is all worried and cuteee
worried sick — lando norris
pairing: lando norris x girlfriend!reader
summary: it’s her first time attending a grand prix and also flying and she doesn’t want anything to ruin her boyfriend’s race, but she gets sick in the process.
author’s note: sorry for taking so long to get to the heart of your request (fluff) but i needed to give context to his worriess
word count: 3k
warnings: curse words
masterlist | requests (open)
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you sat on the dinner table, unable to speak. the fork fell from your hand the moment you heard lando's proposal and your eyes followed it's trail.
lando genuinely thought this would be a good idea, but seeing your reaction, with his eyebrows lifted, he may have changed his mind.
you had been dating for quite some time, four months and sixteen days, to be precise, but you were still a little aprehensive about the attention.
from the start, he warned you and gave you an easy way out of his life, but your love overpowered your fears.
even in a relationship, you and lando did everything you could to keep you out of the public eye, and it was working. no one knew about you and him and you liked that. but you were aware that he wanted you by his side while facing the adventures that his job provided him, and that he didn't want to keep you as a secret forever.
so when he made the invitation, it didn't surprise you, but you had to think about it.
you looked at him, he was wearing some jeans and a white hoodie that made him adorable in your eyes. he was looking at you, and you could notice him telling you it was okay to say no with his look.
but there was still a glimpse of hope in his beautiful green eyes, and in your mind you took another look at the pros and cons.
you could scratch out a couple of cons... like the fact that you liked being private. it was true, but you didn't mind not being a secret, and you would never like the idea of having famous and stunning women thinking that your boyfriend was available.
so with a soft look, in that modernly decorated dinning room in his home, you nodded your head.
"i think we could go to china together, yeah." he gave you a confused glance, but refrained from questioning you, afraid you would change your mind.
"great!" he stood up and walked over to you, "i love you," he whispered, pecking your lips before taking his empty plate to the sink.
you watched him come back and sit with you while you finished your own plate. you couldn't say you were hungry anymore, a hundred and one scenarios of what could go wrong in the hard launch of your relationship played in your mind.
lando's presence made it a little easier for you, though. you could only be thankful.
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you had never traveled by plane before, so you were pretty nervous.
china was really far from monaco, and your boyfriend told you that the flight would take 11 hours minimum, so you couldn't help feeling anxious.
he held your hand when he noticed your strange behaviour and you immediately intertwined your fingers together.
"it's going to be okay, love." norris kissed the back of your hand and you walked inside of the plane, hand in hand.
of course lando booked the first class seats. he knew about this fear of yours, so whatever he could do to help you out, he would.
you sat down and lando closed the little blind on the window by his side, so you didn't see how far from the ground you were.
you had your headphones on and lando held you close as the plane started moving. you were still not off the ground but the plane shaking scared the fuck out of you. you closed your eyes and tried to focus on the music. it wasn't easy. it was only when the plain stabilized in the air that you could open your eyes again.
"do you want water, food, anything?" your boyfriend asked as he noticed you were a little more calm now.
"water, maybe." you answered, still not feeling completely safe. "and can you open the blind please, i want to see."
"'you sure?" he asked, his hand already on the end of the blind.
lando opened up the blind and you peeked through the window. you were already far from the ground and instead of feeling anxiety, that view actually made you a little more calm.
"it's beautiful." you whispered, body leaning towards lando so you could see it better.
the british boy's eyes were on you when he whispered back. "it really is." with a smile.
eventually you sat properly in your seat again and talked to lando as time passed.
you fell asleep with and lando carefully laid your chair back, took out your headphones and covered you with a blanket. he laid his chair back as well and watched you as you slept peacefully. you still had nine hours left and he knew you would be awake for the landing, which he didn't want.
you could only manage to sleep for 2 hours and when you woke up, you noticed your boyfriend sleeping. so the next hours were spent playing games in your mobile phone while you listened to taylor swift.
it wasn't as painful as you thought it would be, and it was only when landing that you felt the uneasy feeling come back. lando held you close through it, as he was used to it.
"it's okay, baby." he whispered. "i'm right here." his reassurence meant more to you than he imagined, and it helped as well.
everything went better than expected and you left the airport hand in hand just half an hour after getting out of the plane.
you felt tired, but it was still morning in china. lando seemed okay, he was already used to all the time changes, since he did this for a living.
"what d'you think about breakfast?" he asked as you passed a coffee shop.
lando was driving to the hotel you two would be staying in, and you honestly just wanted to rest. but you could'nt say no to a good breakfast.
"oh, great idea. i'm starving." you said and he chuckled.
"me too." he stated as his hand found place in your thigh. it stayed there until he needed to use it, to change gear.
he parked the car in front of the cute shop and you both walked in.
you both ordered and sat down talking to eachother until the food came. the driver explained the goods and the bads of the race here. and told you what he liked most about china.
you had done some research about the place yourself because you wanted to take profit of your time here.
as lando would probably have some meetings with the team and you would be alone, you decided to visit some interesting places of the city and even near cities.
you ate in a comfortable silence and left for the hotel as soon as you could. his team took care of the check in so you and him were able to just go straight to your room.
you felt yourself a little too soft, but never said anything because you didn't think it was anything serious and worrying him was something you were not going to do.
deciding to take a nap before doing anything, lando wrapped his arms around you and pulled the blanket over your bodies.
"i love the feeling of having you here." he murmured to your ear.
"i love being here with you." you told him honestly, falling asleep some moments later.
lando though it was weird, since you normally took some time to get to sleep, specially in new places.
when you first stayed the night at his place it took you two hours and a really boring movie.
he remembered it could've been caused by the flight or the time difference. the british was now used to it, but it was your first time, and it was a long flight.
he fell asleep thinking about it because, being honest, you were both more than exhausted.
you woke up just a couple of hours later, coughing, and imediately realized you had gotten sick, and were just in the first stages. you got up from the bed and went to the bathroom so you didn't disturb lando's sleep.
"this can't be happening" you whispered to your reflection in the mirror.
'it can be just a cold, everything will be okay in time for the race' you thought to yourself, trying to calm down.
it was frustrating, to be fair. you had been avoiding coming to his races for months, and when you finally decided to come you got sick.
however, you did not want that to get in the way of lando's weekend, so through the next two days, in which your boyfriend had free practices and qualifying, you pretended to be okay. it was not so easy because norris made every effort to make you feel okay there. that means he talked to every one of his mates and asked them to talk to their own girlfriends, to see if they were interested in meeting you, for his delight but not so yours, they all said yes.
so you were not only busy with pretending to be healthy but also trying to be nice to everyone and making people like you.
it wasn't that hard, you all just found something in common, that was your love for fashion and animals, and talked about it. you were pretty satisfied with the outcome of saturday, and so was lando, managing to get himself on fourth position, with two cars ahead he knew he could get out of his way.
he was starting to find your behaviour a little weird, as soon as you got home you took a really quick shower and got yourself comfortable in bed. he asked you if you were not going to get dinner with him and you told him you would just take a little nap, and asked him to wake you up once the food arrived.
the brit did as you said and tried to wake you up, but you told him you were not hungry in the moment. he made you eat anyways, because tomorrow was a big day and you didn't really have the energy to argue with him.
you both had a good dinner and what was his surprise when you got back to your bed and immediately fell asleep.
he tried to push his suspicions away but he was seriously getting worried. he laid next to you and held you close with one arm, the other resting behind his head as he thought. not only about you and your strange sleeping schedule but also about the circuit.
there was this one curve that he just couldn't get right, and he needed to get it tomorrow. or else he'd lose his chance of a podium or even a win.
he would never want to lose a podium, but with you here, the pressure was different. he wanted to do better for you. he needed to, after dragging you all the way to a new country and making you face your fear of planes.
he eventually fell asleep, your body so close to his comforting him and calming his mind that was going probably faster than his car.
you woke up first, in the morning. but, unlike the other two days, where you managed to get it together and pretend you were okay, today you had a huge headache along with an unbearable malaise.
immediately realizing you were not okay, you decided to not go to the track with lando. you were still planing to go, yes, but later on, after you took some medicine and felt better.
he was a little reluctant in letting you all by yourself because something inside him still thought that something was off. sleeping a lot, not feeling hungry, avoiding his touch and kisses (you did that once, but he still took note), it all felt a little weird.
but you convinved him, telling him that he no longer had time to wait for you and you still needed to get dressed and do your makeup.
"i'm going. but message me as soon as you get to the track, please. i want to see your pretty face before getting in the car." he asked you, his beautiful green eyes focused on yours.
you nodded your head and he pecked your lips. smiling, he turned around and left the hotel room. you decided to take a shower to see if it helped in any way.
it didn't.
you grabbed your phone and searched for lando's personal assistant's contact. someone needed to be informed about this, but you didn't want to alarm your boyfriend just before the big moment of the weekend.
he was really sweet to you, and suggested you stayed in bed and watched the race from the hotel. you were a little apprehensive about how lando would feel about this but he tried to calm you down as best as he could, telling you he knew the driver would understand and probably even be more worried than anything else.
he also promised to only tell lando once he couldn't do anything about it. of course you had asked.
was he going to be pissed? probably. did he love you more than anything and would he forget about all the rest in order to check up on you? absolutely.
once he was told about it, the only thing he could do was text you, so he ran to his phone and quickly wrote a message to you.
'baby i was just informed. i'm so sorry for not noticing.'
your heart clenched in your chest as you read his text. it was not his fault and you felt bad for making him believe that it was.
'it's not your fault, lan. and i'm okay'
you added a little heart at the end and sent it, automatically seeing the 'read' under the blue text baloon.
'you sure?? i can get someone to get you to a doctor'
you smiled at the screen, behind that smile was the way he didn't even hesitate to show you he cared and he worried.
'there's no need, i took some medicine and i'm better now. but good luck on the race. i'll be rooting for you.'
on the other side of the screen, lando sighed, he hated that he couldn't do anything about it but knowing you were okay comforted him a little. so he smiled and typed to you.
'thanks babe! i will be coming back to you as soon as i can, promise you.'
you simply liked his message, letting him focus before the race.
on the bed, you watched the entire race, as you always did. and you were so genuinely happy and proud of him for finishing second, that for a couple of minutes you even forgot you were sick.
you watched the podium celebrations and couldn't help but notice that your boyfriend wasn't as happy as he should be. of course he smiled receiving the trophy, and sprayed champagne on the other podium sitters, which were max and checo, but you knew him, and his smile wasn't as wide as usual.
you sat through and watched the interviews on sky sports. it seemed that you were not the only one who noticed his under-excitement, because that was the first thing the journalist questioned.
"so, lando norris. you just came second here in china. first of all, congratulations. second of all i have got to tell you that all of us were expecting a different reaction from you. you don't seem very excited."
he looked at the woman behind the camera atentively, but anyone with functional eyes could see that his mind was elsewhere. he smiled briefly at the end of her statement.
"well, thank you. and yeah, i'm not in the best mood but that has nothing to do with the race. i know i did my best out there and gave everything i could. unfortunately, max was still there, but we'll keep working, as a team, to get to him."
he smiled and the interview continued, as usual he discussed some technical stuff and gave his perspective on some bits of the race.
"right now i just want to go back to the hotel, to my girlfriend, who isn't here because she got sick, and give her all the love she deserves."
he smiled to the camera and left, leaving the space for others. you saw him walking with oscar behind alonso, who was now giving his own interview.
it didn't take long before you got a message from him, telling you he managed to escape some media duties to go back to you.
you smiled to yourself before answering, and then distracted yourself until you heard the door being unlocked.
jumping from the bed, you rushed towards your boyfriend when he arrived.
"easy there, baby." lando pulled you into a hug, one of his hands in your hair while the other circled your body.
"amazing race, my love." you whispered into his neck. he smiled and when his grip loosened, his lips met yours in a quick but lovely kiss.
"you've got me worried sick, you muppet." he smiled, but looking into his green iris you knew he was serious.
"didn't mean to worry you, i'm sorry," he shook his head and softy kissed your temple.
"don't be sorry. but nex time it happens, let me know. i wouldn't have made you go to practices and quali, and you could've rested."
his fingers caressed your hair and he pulled you to lay your head in his chest. you would never know how worried he got, and how he could only rest his mind after having you in his arms.
"i just didn't want you to worry unnecessarily. i thought i could go through it." your eyes made it possible for him to know that you were being honest. he let out a sigh.
"it's not unnecessarily, you stubborn thing. i love you and i care about you, and i wanted to be here for you." you pull your head back and lock eyes with him.
"i love you too. and thank you."
he kissed you again, all smiley.
you both decided to just lay in bed and do nothing for the rest of the day. you ordered dinner hours earlier, so you didn't have to worry about it later.
lando told you all about his race. from the lights out to the checkered flag he talked you through his decisions and his process of thinking in the moment.
he also kept asking you from time to time how you were feeling and if you needed anything.
you realized just how much you loved him and appreciated the way he cared for you.
once he fell asleep, you smiled out of pure happiness for having him by your side. no matter how much you had liked being kept a secret for a while, in that moment all you wanted was for people to know you loved him.
cause you did, more than you thought you could.
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© merchelsea
if you'd like to be tagged in any of my future works, let me know ;)
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Heya so I’ve been watching the new Mandalorian and loving Din and such but I was gonna ask if I can make a request. What about Reader getting jealous of Din and Bo’s relationship growing as friends (because fyi I see Bo liking woman idk? My opinion hahahah) anyways and also how Bo is becoming like more motherly to Grogu and Reader feels like Din can replace her so she decides to just move out of the way and then maybe Din finds out why she is being like this and it ends with comforting loving and reassuring smut? Idk up to you. I love love love your stories. You are my favorite writer
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AN | Ohh but no, this was a good one. Enjoy🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Din x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3.1k
Masterlist | Din, Main
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You tried to hide the scowl on your face as you looked over at the two Mandalorians speaking to each other, clearly in deep conversation. Apparently you weren’t doing a great job because you felt a gentle tugging on the bottom of your pants. You looked down to find Grogu  looking up at you with big eyes filled with concern and his ears downturned. He trilled softly and you let out a small sigh. 
You crouched down so you were closer to his level and lightly scratched the top of his head, “what’s wrong, my small love?”
He let out a small huff of frustration, letting you know that he knew you knew exactly what this was about. Your expression shifted to sheepishly as you shrugged lightly, “it’s nothing, I promise. I’m just being silly.”
Grogu reached out a small hand out and tried to touch your face as best as he could. He really was the sweetest thing being you had ever met and he definitely helped you to forget what you had been annoyed about in the first place. 
That was until several long shadows fell over you and you looked up to find Din and Bo-Katan standing over the two of you. You pulled back from Grogu and almost instantly jumped up, shrinking away from the imposing warriors. 
“Is everything alright?” Bo always managed to be so calm and calculating that it served to unnerve you. You were sure that it wasn’t anything intentional, just how she was, but it still sent a shiver down your spine. There was something incredibly intimidating about her. 
“Y-yes,” you nodded lightly, swallowing back all the reasons things were definitely not alright. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at Din; you could feel his gaze intently trained on you, “of course.”
“Are you s-”
“We should head into town,” Bo cut Din off, whether or not intentionally you weren’t sure, and jerked her head in the direction of the nearby city center, “and settle down for the night. We might be here for a few days. Come on, kid.”
Bo gently scooped Grogu into his arms, holding him in a gentle manner that allowed him to see everything that was going on. He seemed happy to be held and you couldn't help the fact that that made your heart ache slightly. 
He really loved her and she was clearly fond of him. You took your disappointment and compartmentalized it, shoving it to the very back of your mind. Everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about. Right? Right.
The fact that Din followed you closely and kept trying to say something to you wasn't lost on you. You did your best to try and ignore the feeling of nervous butterflies in your stomach. You knew he wouldn’t let things go that easily, so the best you could do was avoid him.
But Din Djarin had other ideas.
That night, once you were all settled into your rooms at the city center’s hotel, you heard a knock at your door. The three of you had all separate rooms, taking advantage of the opportunity to get some space. You closed your eyes for a moment before sighing softly and walking to the door; you opened it after a few beats of hesitation. 
You found Din on the other side, alone for once, and a definite air to him. You could practically feel the expression under the helmet; luckily for you, you’d been privy to getting a glimpse of his face so you could picture it accurately. 
“Din,” you said quietly, acknowledging his presence with a small nod, “what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to talk to you,” and oh. Did his voice have to drop that low and soft? It made you want to run and jump into his arms, “if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” you stepped to the side and let him, slowly closing the door behind you, leaning against it as you watched him go to the window and look out. It was silent between the two of you for a few moments, and you could feel the tension radiating off him, “what did you need?”
You heard him sigh, and the familiar sound tugged up the corner of your mouth into a small smile. He turned back to you, his hands settling on his hips; he was trying to search for the right words and felt like he was falling short, “you’re off…lately.”
“I’m off?” you echoed, “what do you mean? Wait - are you getting rid of me-”
“No,” a firm, resolute answer. He swallowed thickly, “you. You’ve been acting differently lately. Something is bothering you.”
Of course he was right on the money. But you didn’t want me to know that - at least not yet. You tried to plaster on the most natural smile you could, but you were sure it was more of a grimace than anything, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Din. Everything’s fine - we’ve just been busy and I-I’m just tired.”
“I know there’s more that you’re not telling me,” he didn’t say it accusingly - if anything his voice was soft. He was trying to coax you out of the shell you’ve been putting yourself in, “I…I want you to know that you can tell me anything.”
“I know,” and you did. Your heart constricted as he sat down next to you, his gloved hand brushing against yours, “and if there was anything to tell - I would tell you. Promise.”
Okay, so you were a liar. A dirty, kriffin’ liar.
“But you’re not right now,” again, it wasn’t even a question. It was a statement. You hesitated for a moment before shrugging lightly, “whatever it is, you don’t have to go through it alone.”
“Din,” you angled your body ever so slightly so you were facing him, “if there was anything to tell, I would tell you. I swear it.”
He paused for a long moment and you were seriously wondering what he was about to say. It could have been anything; he was a hard read sometimes. But then he stood up and in front of you, putting his hand under your chin and turning your face up to his. The Mandalorian remained quiet and stoic before brushing his knuckles across your cheek. The tenderness of the action was enough to make your eyes burn before they fluttered closed. 
After a few moments he gave you a simple nod before heading out of your room and quietly closing the door behind him.
You felt a sense of conflicted emotion wash over you; from how gentle and tender he was, you’d almost think he had some sort of deep rooted feelings for you as well. Then your mind instantly went to Bo and Din, how the two of them were together, and how Grogu loved them both. It made sense, of course, that the Mandalorians would find comfort in each other and form a deep, close bond. It also made sense that it broke your lovesick little heart.
Your shoulders slumped as you stared out the window, a heavy sigh escaping your lips. You could have just told him then and there. It would have been so easy to do so…and then, if nothing else, everything would be out in the open. Instead you’d chosen the easy way out and lied to him.
At least things couldn’t get any worse, right?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time you were up and dressed the following morning, you found that Din and Bo-Katan were already out and about with Grogu in tow. You grew upset when you realized that they didn’t bother to check in with you before leaving the hotel. You watched across the square for a little bit, watching the three of them interacting happily. Your heart practically fell into your chest when you realized just how much of a little family they appeared to be. 
Along with the hurt came the jealousy and that was a feeling you absolutely hated. There was no reason for it - but your heart felt differently. A part of you, and you hated even admitting this to yourself, hated how well they got along. It would have been easier if they disliked each other or didn’t have just chemistry or…anything. 
But Din had never been yours and would never be yours; it was a fact that you were going to have to accept and live with. 
You turned on your heel and started to walk back, deciding to wait for them to come back and find you.Childish? Maybe. But right now you didn’t care. 
It was halfway back on your trek that you had a sudden realization.
You didn’t have to stay with Din. You weren’t under any sort of obligation to stay with him. In the beginning you’d just sort of fallen into work with him. And you hadn’t really ever hashed out any sort of deal. Which meant…you could just leave whenever. 
It was just an idea…but when you got back to your room, it became more and more tempting. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the end of the day, you’d made a plan. Perhaps more of a semblance of a plan but it was something. 
You found Din and Grogu walking through some of the market stalls, the small one’s eyes lighting up happily with each little thing that he saw. The idea of being away from both of them was heartbreaking; you loved them both terribly.
“Hey,” you caught up to Din and started walking next to him, happy that for once Bo-Katan seemed to be absent. You felt him looking down at you as Grogu chirped happily, “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Oh?” you just knew that he was raising an eyebrow at you but then his voice dropped to something gentle, “tell me.”
“I’ve been thinking,” you were wringing your hands nervously, aware of every little tell that you had, “a-about everything. And I think I’ve decided that I, ugh, I umm…I’m going to stay here.”
“What?!” he stopped so suddenly that you almost tripped over him. You shrugged sheepishly before looking away, “what are you talking about?”
“Just what I said,” you played it off, “I’m going to stay here for a while.”
“But we’re leaving in a few days-”
“You. You are leaving in a few days,” you replied softly, “you, Grogu, and…Bo-Katan. I’ll be staying here.”
“I don’t know how long we’d even be gone before I can come back for-”
“You’re not coming back for me, Din,” you whispered, stealing a little glance at him, “I don’t think you’re understanding…I am staying behind and you are going on. W-without me.”
“What do you mean?” now he just sounded concerned and confused and that broke your heart a little bit, “why would you not come?”
"Because I'm not…" you choked back the emotion that was welling up in your throat, "I'm not going with anymore period. I think it's time that we go our separate ways."
"Separate ways," he echoed as you nodded lightly, "why? What happened? I thought that-"
"You don't need me," you stopped and turned around so you were fully facing him, "you don't need me for anything you have left to do. You and Bo will be just fine together. You're Mandalorians after all. I'm just…me."
"That's not true," he insisted meekly as you stared at your feet, "we do need you."
"For what?" you blinked back the tears as you caught the sad little look on Grogu's face, "you don't need my help with him anymore. I'm not…necessary."
"None of what you just said-"
"It's not, I'm not - this isn't something that is up for debate," and yeah, it crushed your heart go say that to him, "I've gotta go my own way now."
You didn't - and couldn't - let him get another word in or you knew you'd be right back to where you had been. You didn't want to leave them and Din could see that, he knew that and he didn't want you to go. That had to count for something, right?
Even the slight bit of hope his words gave your heart wasn't enough to get you to turn around. Your decision was made.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Din wasn't as convinced that you were set in your way. He wasn't going to just let you get away that easily. You should have realized that by now. 
As you were packing your stuff to leave and figure out a more permanent situation, Din knocked once before letting him. He didn't even give you the opportunity to welcome him in - there wasn't time.
"Don't go."
Your hands dropped the shirt you were holding as you looked at him in shock. Your mouth opened and closed a few times as you tried to figure out where to begin to respond to that, "p-pardon?"
"Don't go," he repeated, taking a few steps closer to you, "stay. With me and Grogu."
"And Bo."
"No," he shook his head. He was a smart man after all and he'd managed to put the pieces together. And come to terms with his own feelings, "this isn't about her."
"Well it involves her," you sighed, scrubbing a hand over your tired face, "you and her and Grogu and your little save the Mandalorians and Mandalore mission. It doesn't have anything to do with me."
"Besides," you turned your back to him and crossed your arms over your chest, "you seem to be doing just fine with her."
"She's a fellow Mandalorian," he came over to where you could almost feel him behind you, "we are stronger together. That is all. She is not…I do not have any feelings for her besides any that are extremely platonic."
"You might want to tell her that."
"She's well aware," he promised and you felt the tension in your shoulders lessen at the feeling of his hand on your shoulder, "it is not me she has an eye on. She knows that you are…mine."
"What?" You turned around and looked at him with wide eyes and a confused expression. He was watching you intently, "Din?"
"You are mine," he repeated as your expression shifted to one of wonder, "as I am yours."
"You…" you vaguely gestured between your bodies, mind reeling as you tried to process what he actually meant, "me?"
"Yes," there was a bit of amusement coloring his voice; he was calm while you were panicking, "I thought you knew."
"No," you managed to choke out, "I-I didn't. I just thought you…thought of me as a partner. Business partner."
"Not just that," he reached over and gently pushed your hair behind your ears, "far from that."
"What about Grogu? He clearly loves her-"
"You are jealous," your entire body burned at his accusation and you swallowed thickly. Why did he have to be so damn perceptive? You couldn't even find it within yourself to lie and deny it.
"Yes," you looked into the black T of his visor, meeting his eyes behind the helmet, "I am."
"There is no reason to be jealous," he promised, "there is only you for me. And for Grogu. Once our business is concluded, it will just be us."
"Promise?" That is everything you had been craving and wanting so desperately, "Din?"
"I promise," he answered softly and you could feel it in your bones that he wasn't lying, "it won't be much longer."
"You'll stay?" He pulled off his clothes and tossed them to the side before gently taking your face in his hands, brushing his thumb along your cheek. You couldn't help but preen into his touch.
"Yes," you whispered softly, "I'll stay."
He made a small sound in the back of his throat before pulling back and walking towards the door. You were confused for a few moments until he switched the lights off, bathing the room in darkness except for the city lights that flowed in through the curtains.
"Do you trust me?" He was looking right at you and you were looking right back. But there was no hesitation in your response - you both already knew the answer.
"Yes," you promised, "I trust you."
He made a small sound before lifting his hands and slowly removing his helmet. Despite the fact that you had seen his face before, the gesture still spoke volumes. You watched as he rid himself of his gloves, followed by his armor and outer clothing. 
When he was done, he made his way back over to you, leaving just enough of a gap between your bodies. 
You couldn't see the details of his face but studied his handsome silhouette. After a moment he reached up and took your face in his hands. You turned your face and leaned into his touch, sighing wistfully.
"You mean more to me than I could ever put into words," he whispered so quietly that you almost didn't hear, "I'm sorry you ever had to doubt that."
"It's okay," you tried to ignore the feeling of butterflies exploding in your tummy as you looked at him with a small smile.
"Once this is all over…" he paused for a moment, as he trailed his fingers along your jaw, "I promise things will be different."
"And they don't have to be different," you insisted, "I just….I just want you."
"You have me," it was a firm, resolute statement, "all of me."
He leaned his face down towards yours, his nose gently nudging yours. You leaned up ever so slightly and met his lips, letting him gently kiss. Finally. After so much time, so much dreaming and wishing and wanting, you finally got to kiss Din Djarin. You’d always wondered what it would be like and now you knew - it was just like magic and tasted even sweeter.
His movements were tentative at first, gentle and testing the waters. When you responded so positively and eagerly to him, he relaxed and grew more confident. You rested your hands on his forearms before gently pulling back. A small, wistful sound escaped your lips as he pressed his forehead against yours. 
“You have me too, Din,” you promised in return and you could see his shoulders relax even in the darkness.
“You’ll stay?”
“Of course,” you stole a quick kiss from him, “I thought that would have been clear now.”
“It was,” he nodded, smiling against your lips, “but I just wanted to be positive.”
“Let me show you how positive I am,” you whispered, feeling bold and electric, “if you’d like me to.”
“Yes,” he agreed, both of you laughing softly, “yes.”
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unofficial-writing · 6 months
Little Clan
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, topics of pregnancy, sickness, etc.
Summary: You recently found out you’re pregnant and you have to tell Din
Word count: Like 700
Translation: Mesh’la (MAYSH’la) - “Beautiful”, Ad’ika (ah-DEE-kah) - “Little one”
You’d been wrecked for the past few days. Spending so much time in bed or throwing up had taken a toll on you, causing your mental state to drop as well and make you more emotional than usual.
Din of course tended to you as if you were dying. He brought you food, did your hair, and basically just stayed with you all day. it wasn’t until today that he had to leave the Razor Crest for a couple of hours. He was hesitant but you insisted you would be just fine.
Up until early that morning, you thought it was just a particularly difficult sickness. But a thought climbed into your mind, which wouldn’t leave until you answered to it. And about an hour ago, you confirmed it. you were pregnant.
There were mixed feelings. How would Din feel about it? you didn’t even know how you felt. You knew Din and you knew he wouldn’t be upset, but it was a subject you never talked about before.
You took a few deep breaths to keep yourself from getting overwhelmed. Now sitting on the floor of the ship, you stared into a strip of metal that was clean enough to see your reflection in. That’s where you had been for at least the past ten minutes. You stayed there, even after hearing the ramp door slide open.
A hand gingerly went to your stomach, turning your head to see your armored Din climbing the ramp and into the ship.
Without greeting him, you turned back to the makeshift mirror, hearing him set Grogu down with a soft “There you go, buddy.” and raising the ramp.
Your heart picked up pace as he approached you, jumping to every possible negative outcome. Most of which were pretty far fetched.
His helmet tilted just slightly to the side. He knew you well enough to know when something was wrong, even on top of an illness. And you were terrible at hiding things from him.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” He kneeled beside you and spoke as softly as he could through a modulator. When met with silence, he removed his helmet and scooped you up, setting you on his cot.
“You can tell me, mesh’la” He assured, lifting a hand to the side of your face. You met his eyes, which gazed back at you with gentle worry.
You sighed. Why were you so scared to tell him? This was Din, your Din who loved you and had no problem reminding you. You savored his touch on your face, feeling his thumb brush over your cheek.
“Din, I-” You started hesitantly. “Im pregnant.” His face changed from concern to shock. Which was rightfully so because you may have just dropped the biggest news on him he’d ever heard.
You’ve never heard him stutter before, but he did then. “Y-you’re what?” He responded. You thought at first he really was upset, but then his expression changed again. A smile started building on his face, bringing the rest of his features following suit.
“You’re not joking with me?” He asked, putting his hands on your shoulder. He now sported a huge smile. You haven’t seen him look like this in a long time. It made your heart absolutely leap.
You shook your head. “No, of course not.” you giggled. Din pulled you into him, pressing tender kisses to the side of your head. He now held you delicately, as if you were fragile now that you were carrying his child.
You wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his neck where you stayed for a long time. “We’re going to have a child, Din.” you finally said, muffled against his neck.
“Our ad’ika.” he replied softly, giving a kiss to the top of your head. Your smile grew. Your little clan would soon have another addition. and both of you were no less than thrilled about it.
196 notes · View notes
thefrogdalorian · 8 months
hi spud! i remembered u did requests & was wondering if maybe u could do like a first kiss scenario w din? 🥺 something soft & yearn-y? aha. no worries if u can't but thanks anyways. 🩷
Hello Senna! Thank you so much for your request! Thinking about a first kiss with Din really inspired me (how does he hide his face from you and still kiss you? What leads up to the moment?? so many questions!!) and this was the result. There is plenty of yearning and some softness sprinkled in but a little angst too (very happy ending though aghhhdkgj). Thanks again and really hope you like it!! 🤍
A New Dawn
Din Djarin x GN!Reader
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Word Count: 5107
Rating: General
Summary:  Travelling through the galaxy with a mysterious nameless and faceless Mandalorian with a reputation as the best bounty hunter in the parsec would probably terrify most people. Instead, over the months you have known Mando, you have discovered his gentler, more affectionate side. Living in such proximity to the man you have an enormous crush on threatens to suffocate you as you determine that he must never find out. But after a job seemingly goes badly wrong on a forest planet, the fear of losing him will perhaps finally be the tipping point for a new dawn in your relationship...
Content Warnings: Kissing, bit of angst when there's brief panic for Din/reader's safety (happy ending though!), allusions to violence (canon-typical, nothing descriptive/graphic).
✯ My Masterlist ✯ Read on AO3 ✯
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Upon that fateful day on which you had entered an agreement with a bounty hunter, you had been under no illusions that there would be much unpredictability given his line of work. That there would be periods of isolation when he left you behind in his ship while he went in search of his latest bounty. You could be alone on that ship for weeks; well, save for the big-eared, bug-eyed green baby, whose care you had been entrusted with, by the mysterious man who was your employer. When agreeing to travel with The Mandalorian, you had expected the randomness of the path that you cut through the galaxy, journeying from planet to planet depending on his latest jobs. The anguish that came with wondering where he was and whether the jobs were going well as you sat in the Razor Crest and cared for his child. Despite how much it had bothered you at first, you had gradually become used to such emotions. You expected them.
What you had never expected was the fondness you had developed for the man.
The first few times that Mando had headed off the ship for a job, you had been almost nonchalant about his absence, barely noticing the passage of time. You passed your days playing with The Child when you were not fast asleep in your bunk. But slowly and surely, he had begun to mean something more to you. You noticed it in his absence most of all. The ship felt empty without his deep voice and you missed his calm, reassuring presence.
It was strange really, considering that you had never laid eyes upon him. In fact, you had rarely seen him dressed in anything less than his full armour, complete with all the weapons he attached to himself almost ritualistically, without fail, every single day. Even if you were merely hurtling through hyperspace, he was still armed to the teeth. Mando had explained that weapons were part of his religion and his armour was like a second skin to him. You were curious, but not judgmental, about his way of life. It was vastly different to your own and entirely contradictory to anything you had ever heard about Mandalorians before. Even the scant information you had overheard about the formidable warriors in the miserable Cantina where you had once been employed had never included anything about Mandalorians being forbidden from removing their helmets in the presence of others. 
Mando had made it abundantly clear, before you ever stepped foot aboard the Razor Crest, that wearing his helmet was a definitive boundary, never to be questioned or pushed. It was his ultimate line in the sand that you were never to cross. You were respectful of his Creed, asking questions with a curious rather than invasive intention which he seemed to appreciate. In fact, rather than driving a wedge between you, his Way had provoked many thoughtful conversations between the two of you.
There were nights you would sit in the cockpit as the brilliant blue trails of hyperspace surrounded you, bonding over your similar pasts. Sometimes, you would wake up in the bunk underneath the tiny hammock that belonged to The Child with no memory of clambering in the previous night. He never admitted it, but you were almost certain that Mando had carried you there himself, putting his impressive physique to use for something other than hauling bounties back to the Razor Crest. 
Amongst it all, you had learned his habits and quirks. You learned the way he liked his caf in the morning. How meticulous he was with polishing his armour until it gleamed so brightly, even in the dark of hyperspace, that you could see every detail of your reflection, right down to your pores. You discovered that he cleaned his weapons, taking them apart and checking every inch of them when he was particularly stressed or his bounties were not as straightforward as he had hoped. 
Most of all, you discovered how incredibly kind and caring the man beneath the hard, intimidating armour truly was.
Although he had weapons strapped to every inch of his body, Mando could be impossibly gentle. You had witnessed evidence of his ruthless efficiency when he returned to the ship laden with several bounties. Sometimes alive, sometimes dead, though he usually prevented you from seeing the more grisly sights. Yet the man you saw most often of all, moving around the Razor Crest with you as you hurtled around the galaxy, amongst the stars was different to reconcile with the violent nature of his profession. 
It was difficult to believe that the hands that had earned him the reputation as the most formidable bounty hunter in the parsec due to their proficiency in neutralising even elusive targets were the very same hands that were impossibly gentle when placing The Child in his hammock. The same hands that had extinguished countless lives had been used to rock the little one after he awoke from the nightmares that frequently plagued him. Nightmares that plagued Mando, too. But you had never been bold enough to bring up the tossing and turning you had heard from his bunk pretty much every night since you had started travelling with him. Despite the relatively personal conversations and information you had gleaned from him, it still felt a step too far. You didn’t want to cause him to shut down by prying, especially not after he had seemed to become genuinely comfortable in your presence and show you the gentler side of his nature. 
You felt so privileged to see such a side to him. It was a side that you had never expected to witness. After all, you had been utterly terrified the first time you encountered him, when he strutted into the run-down Cantina you worked in. He was impossible not to stare at, clad in that unpainted armour that glinted when the light hit it in just the right spot. You had never seen a Mandalorian in the flesh before, but you had heard plenty of legends about them. Mandalorians were famed across the galaxy for their ruthless, lethal accuracy and formidable fighting skills. 
That feeling of gratitude had soon developed into something else, though. A feeling that you would class as affection, albeit affection that was veering dangerously close into the territory of a four-letter word that your mind could not even contemplate. A feeling that would be all too dangerous to harbour for a man who you still felt you knew so little about. 
You were certain that your feelings for Mando were doing untold damage to your health. Living in such proximity to a man you harboured a devastatingly intense crush towards would one day succeed in suffocating you. Your chest ached whenever he was near, knowing that there was no possibility he could ever reciprocate your feelings. You knew that your love would remain unrequited. Above all, you knew that he must never, ever discover the depths of your affection towards him. 
There were more than a few times you had dissolved into tears during a few moments of solitude in the ‘fresher; your salty tears mixing with the hot jets of water from the Razor Crest’s shower. One particular occasion, when your feelings had left you particularly devastated, was the evening when Mando had returned from his latest job, during which he had to terminate the asset after one escape attempt too many. The asset’s termination would result in a lower fee and you knew that was partially the reason for Mando’s frustration. Yet, despite his reputation, you also knew that he did not relish killing bounties, much preferring to lure them back to the ship and freeze them in carbonite. In everything you knew about him, it appeared that Mando did not get a particular thrill from killing people that he, personally, had no qualms with. Although you knew that if anyone ever threatened even one white hair on the wrinkled little head of The Child, Mando would not hesitate to cut them down where they stood. 
That evening, The Mandalorian’s exasperation had been evident from the second he had returned to the Razor Crest, ordering you and The Child to hide in the cockpit while he stored the remains so you would not have to witness such a gruesome sight. You knew immediately that the job had not been easy and your heart ached for him. When Mando had given you the all-clear, you had descended the ladder down to the main hull of the ship with shaky hands and legs. Your trembling limbs did not come from the fact you were descending the rungs one-handed and carefully cradling The Child in your other arm, you were well used to that. No, you were dreading seeing Mando so frustrated… because of the way it made you feel. Seeing him so wound up, knowing that you were the one to put his pieces back together in your own subtle way thrilled you. It was a dangerous prospect. 
“I take it the job wasn’t successful?” You questioned, tone neutral. You attempted to appear as nonchalant as possible as you handed The Child to him. You hoped that taking the little one in his arms would go some way to calming him down.
“No,” Mando responded, definitively. His tone of voice made it abundantly clear that he did not want to discuss the matter further with you. 
“Perhaps I could put The Child to bed, while you take a shower?” You offered, wanting to do anything to soothe his frayed nerves. 
Mando shook his head. 
“I’ll do it, thanks,” he added gruffly.
You nodded before turning your back and climbing the ladder back up to the cockpit to give them their space. There was hardly any privacy in a ship so compact. Sometimes it could feel slightly claustrophobic aboard the Razor Crest, but you and Mando had worked a pretty good system out by now so you did not feel as though you were constantly on top of each other. You learned that he was a surprisingly patient man and did not express his anger in the way one might have expected from one capable of so much violence.
It was no surprise when you descended the rungs a while later to find him standing in front of the weapons cabinet, broad shoulders tensed as he examined his impressively-stocked armoury. You didn’t say a word, wondering whether he was about to tell you to return to the cockpit and leave him alone. Though you hoped that he would interpret your presence as a comforting one, not an invasive one. 
“Could you pass me the cleaning cloth, please?” Mando asked.
“Of course,” you replied, opening the crate where he kept his cleaning equipment. You selected the cloth that you knew he favoured and handed it to him, the corners of your lips curving upwards in a slight, shy smile. 
“Thank you,” Mando said appreciatively as his gloved hand rested on your upper arm and squeezed it gently. You sensed that he was thanking you for much more than passing him the cloth. Something about his touch and the way he said it had sickened you to your core. 
“I‘m gonna take a shower,” was all you managed to say, before you turned away from him.
You had practically sprinted to the ‘fresher then, needing privacy more than anything as you crumbled. As tears streamed down your cheeks, you tortured yourself over and over asking the same question:
How could a man capable of such violence be so gentle with you? 
Your soul was truly tortured by the feelings that you held for this man. 
It was that moment you thought of now. A moment amongst many others, as you sat and waited for Mando to return from his latest assignment. You were accustomed to days turning to weeks and weeks even turning to months on the rare occasion. It was a solitary experience, just you and The Child in the Razor Crest. You would not see another life form for weeks. Nor would you speak to anyone other than The Child. You weren't always certain whether he understood you. Mando always left a comlink with you, but it was reachable only by him. It was strictly for emergencies. In all the months that you had travelled with him, it had never once sounded when he was off on a mission. It had led you to wonder whether it even worked at all.
Occasionally, Mando would permit you to leave the ship but on particularly hostile planets, you were confined to the silver hull of his home, with just your ration packs and the mysterious green child for company.
This particular planet was one of such peril. Thus, Mando had forbidden you from leaving the ship. Although you always respected his demands, for The Child’s as much as your own sake, you adored the little guy, the loneliness was beginning to eat into your gut and make you feel grouchy after such a long period of isolation. Mando had told you that he expected the job to last no more than three days, but it was ten since he had crept out in the dead of night, armed to the teeth in pursuit of a crime lord who had made one enemy too many. 
As you lay back on the bunk, thinking of the man who had unexpectedly left such a deep impression on your heart, The Child began mewling. You instantly sat up, sighing softly as you reached into his hammock and stroked the end of one of his large green ears between your thumb and forefinger. 
“What’s up, buddy?” You questioned, rocking him gently and hoping that you had prevented him from dissolving into gut-wrenching sobs.
The Child just gazed at you with his big brown eyes, expression unreadable. 
“Do you want something to eat?” You asked, often knowing that the way to soothe his heart was through his stomach. 
The Child finally gave some indication of what was wrong with a small nod and you opened the door to the bunk and made your way towards the fortunately still well-stocked cupboards. Fortunately, Mando was fastidious in always ensuring there was enough food for the two of you. You appreciated that all the more as you gave The Child a bar which he wolfed down in only a couple of bites, despite his tiny frame. He had been fed barely an hour ago, but the little guy had a voracious appetite.
With a newly full stomach, you hoped that the little womp rat would finally get some sleep when you returned him to his hammock. Yet, as you lay back on your own bunk, you found that you could not settle.
Time became an illusion after so many days cooped up in the Razor Crest and despite the late hour, according to your chrono, you found that you were wide awake. There was nothing to do except pace around the Crest. 
You must have paced around the Crest enough times to cover the circumference of the planet when you were finally on when a sound caused you to stop in your tracks. It sounded like a faint crackle from where your comlink rested on some crates, forgotten and discarded. Until now. You barely had time to react before it chirped into life, with the sound of a familiar deep voice crackling slightly suddenly blaring from it.
Mando was calling your name.
You darted across the hull and scooped up the comlink from its position on top of the very crate from which you had fished out cleaning supplies. You were startled by the fact that Mando was actually using it. 
“It’s Mando,” he panted, tone desperate. “Listen, things aren’t looking good. If I’m not back by sunrise, take The Child and run. Promise me, you’ll get out of there. Promise m–”
Before Mando could finish and much less, could you even respond, the line went dead.
You stood there, startled by the turn of events. Your mind racing with thoughts. Where would you go? Which supplies should you pack? How far away was sunrise from now? Could you even use a blaster to shoot an enemy down, if needed? What were you going to do without Mando? How would you take care of The Child alone?
You wanted to sink to your knees, shout and scream. That was not an option. You knew that you had to keep going. Mando had wanted you to vow to him, which you would have done in a heartbeat had the line not first been cruelly cut. Even if he could not hear you, you still wanted to pledge your word to him.
“I promise I’ll protect The Child, Mando,” you whispered, clutching the comlink to your chest as tears streamed down your cheeks silently and the realisation that you could find yourself alone in the galaxy once more dawned upon you. 
You spent the next couple of hours packing and then repacking as many bags as you could manage to carry and pathetically practising gripping a blaster. Mando had demonstrated once or twice, in case you ever found yourself in a bind. You were certainly in one now, but the adrenaline coursing through your body made it near impossible to remember such careful, deliberate instructions. You contemplated the fact that he had chosen you for a reason, to care for The Child. Whatever such a reason was, it seemed futile now. You were in no fit state to care for anyone.
The guilt threatened to overwhelm you as you spent a few precious minutes watching The Child sleep, blissfully unaware of the anguished state his caregiver was currently in. Your heart ached for him. The bond he shared with Mando was something beyond words and you knew he would be devastated. How could you manage to take care of a distraught child and keep him safe from the same evil forces that had taken his father? 
You checked your chrono, heart sinking as you realised how close sunrise now was. Your heart thundered in your ears as you ascended the ladder for what was almost certainly the last time, your head peeking over the floor of the cockpit as you saw the pitch blackness of night gradually giving way to the lighter shade of blue that indicated that sunrise was imminent. As soon as the sky was flecked with oranges and pinks, you knew you had to obey Mando’s command and leave. 
You imagined him, frightened and injured, stumbling his way through the thick trees you could just about see from the cockpit, desperately fighting to return to you. You willed him on, hoping against all odds that he would make it back to you, safe and sound. You would berate him for putting himself into such a dangerous position. Then, you would piece him back together and prepare him to do it all over again. You were hopelessly devoted to him. Now, such devotion had placed you in this position. Alone, once again.
Alas, despite a valiant effort, Mando's return was not to be. He had tried his best, but it was not good enough. When the sky blazed brilliant bronze, you knew it was time to go. 
You descended the rungs for the last time, bidding a silent farewell to the ship where you had found so much happiness with such an unlikely companion and his even unlikelier son. You felt a lump in your throat, your eyes filling with tears as the finality of the moment dawned on you. Then, you exhaled and pushed your shoulders back, imagining yourself wearing armour like Mando. You had to do it, for him. You had to grant his dying wish. You had to be brave for The Child.
You were only two paces from the bunk when you heard it. The unmistakable whirring of the Razor Crest’s door opening. It was a sound that usually signified Mando's return. This time, though, it signified your imminent demise.
You were frozen to the spot, then. You were certain that the forces that had gotten to Mando were now here to finish you and The Child off, too. You contemplated reaching for the blaster that was in the bags just a few steps away, but you knew it was futile, given your inexperience. The forces that had murdered your Mandalorian would make short work of someone as inept as you. The best you could do was give yourself up, so that The Child may live. Hopefully, he would be undetected in his bunk, sleeping soundly despite the bloodshed just a few paces away.
You shut your eyes and thought of Mando, wondering if you were about to join him. You braced yourself for a blaster shot that never came. For it was not the alien sounds of a mysterious, threatening entity that your ears detected emanating approaching your position. No, it was not that at all.
Instead, you stood there, aghast as the familiar heavy, even thuds and slight clinking of armour echoed with every step up the ramp of the Razor Crest. The reassuring sound finally reached through your frayed nerves and your eyes flew open as you spun around in disbelief. This was not the end. There was no threat. Instead, there was an instantly familiar sound, one that you had feared you would never hear again. The noise signalled to you that somehow, against all odds, he had returned to you.
“Mando?” You questioned, momentarily terrified that an enemy holding a blaster would appear into view behind him.
“Sorry about that,” Mando huffed and you realised that particular fear was unfounded. “Job got a bit messier than I anticipated.”
The only indication of the gravity of his situation that had necessitated his desperate message was the evidence of numerous blaster shots that his armour had clearly taken, given the black marks on its otherwise pristine surface. The corners of your lips curled up in a knowing smirk. You knew he would spend most of your journey to the next planet cleaning every single plate with painstaking attention to detail. 
“But th-the you used the comlink?” You stuttered, aghast at his sudden appearance in the Razor Crest.
“I did,” he confirmed. “And were you about to leave?” Mando asked as he entered the ship and approached you. You were unable to reply with words, suddenly feeling incredibly choked up. You nodded and gestured towards the bags you had hurriedly packed.
“Good,” Mando nodded approvingly.
“I thought you were…” you shook your head, unable to finish that sentence and vocalise the dark places your mind had travelled.
“Dead.” Mando finished for you.
You nodded again. You would almost be amused by his familiar bluntness were you not still so shocked by his presence.
“I had sharper reflexes,” he shrugged cockily, a simple explanation for events that you were sure were far more complex than he was letting on.
“I thought I was alone. I thought I… I thought I’d have to leave here and never see you again,” you stammered, voice cracking at the thought. “Did you at least complete the job?”
“Yes,” Mando nodded. “Proof of termination was sufficient and I acquired it,” he explained, deep voice slightly hoarse thanks to the force that he had undoubtedly exerted in completing such a perilous job. 
“I don’t know if I want to kill you, or kiss you right now,” you sighed, shaking your head in disbelief at his accomplishment. Then, the realisation that you had finally given voice to your most intimate thoughts dawned on you. You clapped your hand over your mouth, eyes widening in horror. You were utterly mortified.
Mando was unmoving, which only added to your panic. You noticed the way his hands clenched into fists briefly and he sighed deeply. Then he tilted his head slightly and unclenched his fists.
“Close your eyes,” Mando commanded. 
Although his voice was quiet, something about the way he said it struck fear into your heart. There was a darkness to his voice, to his tone that terrified you. You were certain that he was going to punish you for such a remark. You had always been slightly afraid of him despite the gentleness he had shown you. Now, it appeared that those lingering fears were well-founded. He was probably disgusted by you. He had taken you in when you were at your lowest, given you a job, a bunk and a purpose. 
Yet, he had unknowingly given you so much more than that. It didn’t matter anymore, though. Especially not now that you had let your feelings get the better of you. You were convinced that he was going to kick you out, convinced that there was absolutely no possibility that he reciprocated your feelings for him. Mando hated you. You were certain of that.  
“Mando, I’m sorry. I didn’t mea–” you stammered, eyes still widened in horror.
The presence of soft leather against your skin abruptly cut your frantic apologies off, mid-utterance. His glove was warm across your forehead, nose and cheeks as his hand dwarfed your features. The loss of vision that came with his gloved hand covering your eyes stopped all coherent thoughts in your brain. The hiss of his helmet depressurising, a sound you had previously heard only through the door of the ‘fresher, made your heart quicken until it was beating with alarming speed. Then, the feeling of his soft lips moving gently against yours caused it to stop completely.
You were struck by two things. Firstly, the fact that the man you had been certain was dead, was not only very much alive but was presently moving his lips against yours. Secondly, underneath his helmet, Mando apparently kept a moustache. You could feel the bristles of his facial hair tickling slightly as his lips claimed yours in a tender kiss.
You were certain that your heart was going to give out if your knees did not first, momentarily fearful that you would send the pair of you crashing in a tangle of limbs to the hard, metallic surface of the Razor Crest’s floor with a thud. Fortunately, you happened to be kissing the most formidable bounty hunter in the parsec, who soon wrapped his spare arm around your waist and demonstrated, in the way that he held you, all the strength and certainty that had gained him such a reputation. You smirked against his lips as the hand that was not currently covering your eyes trailed up your back, travelling across your body over the coat that you had pulled on in preparation for your imminent departure from the Razor Crest. 
The movement of your lips together was electrifying. It confirmed that the connection you were certain had been building between the two of you was real. It felt so natural, as though you had always been destined to be pulled into each other’s orbits in this way. You felt chills traverse your skin as your brain perceived the scent of his glove, given its proximity to your nose. At once, you could smell the story of his perilous brush with death. There was the distinctive smoky scent of explosions, the sharp metallic smell from his ever-steady grip on his blaster, the earthy undertones – no doubt thanks to days of traipsing through undergrowth, – the musky smell that was unmistakably masculine, unmistakably him and finally, the faint hints of leather. As you registered each scent, you were reminded, once again, of the lethality this man was capable of. A man who was currently kissing you with such fondness and affection.
When your lungs started to burn – from the exhilaration or oxygen deprivation, you weren’t sure – Mando finally pulled away, leaving you breathless and dizzy from the events which had just transpired between the two of you. You smiled and bit your lip in glee, as the realisation of the monumental shift in your relationship that had just occurred hit you. You hoped it had not been a one-off, a fleeting moment of carelessness on his part that he would come to regret.
“You couldn’t kill me anyway,” Mando whispered, his breath hot against the shell of your ear. You were stunned. Clearly, that was not the case. This had been a deliberate, measured action on his part.
Then, the tell-tale hissing sound indicated that Mando had replaced his helmet. You couldn’t help the fact that your heart dropped a little at the sound. After all, despite how much you respected his devotion to The Way, there was always a simmering curiosity about his appearance. Especially having just kissed him. You could still feel the slight scratchiness that lingered on your skin from the bristles of his facial hair, a ghost of the kiss you had just shared; a reminder that it had happened.
Mando removed his hand from your eyes and you mourned the loss of contact, having relished the way that his hand had engulfed your face with its enormous size as it drowned your features. He always seemed to be everywhere, a looming presence over you.
“Mando, I –” you began, but he raised the same gloved hand that had just rested against your forehead, cutting you off once again.
“My name is Din,” he said quietly before he lowered his hand again.
“Oh,” you breathed, stunned that he had entrusted you with such a precious piece of information.
Although, given the fact that he had just kissed you, perhaps it was a logical step. Nevertheless, you appreciated the fact that you finally had a name to put to the deep voice you adored. Din, not Mando, was the man who had just stolen all rational thought from your mind with the gentle touch of his lips.
You smiled then, the first genuine smile that had graced your features since Din had left the Razor Crest ten days previously. Only a few minutes ago, you had feared that he would never return. Now, just when you had been certain your life with him was over, it appeared that it was just beginning.
As the sun rose over the Razor Crest, still surrounded by the trees of the forest planet you had been certain would be the location of an ending, it was clear that a new dawn was here for you and Din. A beginning was upon you, the start of something beautiful.
It was the first kiss you had shared with Din. But you were certain that it would not be your last.
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loquaciousferret · 1 year
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Pairing: Din Djarin/ The Mandalorian x f!reader
Warnings: Descriptions of blood, injury, anxiety, mentions of death. No explicit content. Maybe more so please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 2.1K
Authors Note: Part 2 is already confirmed. Thank you to @lovers-liability and @tightjeansjavi for their help and encouragement with this. I hope you love it.
Thank you for reading! - LF
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You knew something was wrong when the sun began to set. He had assured you he would have an easy hunt today and return long before dark. Your anxiety grew as each star made itself known in the night sky, each passing minute telling you he was in more and more danger.
After what felt like a lifetime of worry, the perimeter alarm sounded to announce someone’s approach to the ship. You hurried to check the cameras and your stomach dropped at the sight before you, Din, clearly very injured, limping towards the ship on shaky legs, clutching his neck.
You rush to open the doors and lower the ramp to take in the scene in more detail. His upper body is a painting of crimson on a hard beskar canvas. Smears of blood of a variety of shades littering his chest and shoulders.
You gasp, reaching out for him. “Din-“
Before you can continue or he can respond, he takes one more wobbly step towards you, and collapses.
You freeze in panic. Grogu cries out from the corner of the room, having leaped from his crib at the sight of his dad returning.
A strangled moan is emitted from Din's helmet. He's not unconscious, yet. But if you don't get to treat him or at least see the condition of his injury, it wouldn't be long before he was.
“Din?" You ask, adrenaline taking over, replacing your fear with an ability to take action. "Din, are you shot?"
“Jus' grazed my neck." He responds, his voice shaky and pained.
"You- Your-" You stutter. "Din, I- You have to remove your helmet. I w-"
"No." He growls.
"Din, I won't touch you. You can lift it yourself, I need to see the wound. I will treat it quickly and you can put it right back on to recover."
"I said, no. Leave me. Bring me a med pack and get out."
You consider his request for a brief moment. He seems in no condition to treat himself. He has already collapsed to the floor, and he lays against the cool metal, hardly able to support his weight on his forearms. You are sure he won't be able to treat himself without passing out. A cocktail of tortured moans and grunts spills from under his helmet.
"Din, you must let me do this. There is no other way."
Grogu continues to cry. He can see his dad is in pain. He can see you are too, pleading with him.
"Take him out of here," Din gasps, "Bring me a med pack, and leave me. That is not a request."
You whimper, terrified with both options, not sure whether to do as he asks or to defy him. After a moment, you give in, rushing to sweep Grogu into your arms and hurrying to Din's quarters to put the baby in the bed. You know you don't have long. You practically toss him onto the bed, "I'm sorry baby, your daddy will be fine, stay here."
You rip a med pack from the wall on the way back to where Din lies. What you see makes your heart stop. A pool of blood is growing around his helmet. He is no longer supporting his weight on his arms, instead he is completely collapsed to the floor, his helmet twisted at what looks to be a painful angle. Laboured, raspy, breaths sound from his helmet.
"Oh, Din." You gasp, dropping to your knees beside him.
He stretches out a hand to reach for the medpack, and you give him a syringe loaded with bacta. He drops it instantly when you place it in his outstretched palm, his hands shaking and weak.
You realise there is no way he will be able to administer his own treatment.
You plead with him again, "Din, please. Please, just let me do this. I will never tell a soul. I w-"
"Stop." He snaps. "I will not let you do this."
"Please, no." You are sobbing now, and he flexes his fingers, stroking your knee.
"Yes, and I am sorry. I am sorry. I really am. Tell me you will look after him."
"N-No, Din. I don't have to look after him. You aren't going anywhere." You argue, in disbelief at what he is suggesting.
"Tell me you will do it." He says, his voice barely above a whisper but somehow still commanding in its tone. "Give me your word, and it's the last thing I will ask of you."
"No." You cry, "Just let me take it off, Din, he needs you. I need you."
He breathes. "I am sorry, truly. But you must not touch my helmet. This is my fate, mesh'la. It is my duty to fulfil it. This is the way."
You start to panic, sobbing, you are confused, devastated, and more than anything, angry at him. You are downright furious that he thinks he can leave Grogu, that he thinks you two can go on without him. And next, you are angry at yourself, for begging him to abandon his beliefs for your own somewhat selfish desire of being with him.
Din has never told you much about his religion other than the basics. But you have picked up bits and pieces. You have heard stories from others, shared around crackling campfires, whispered under night skies from people who suspected what you and Din had, reassuring you that one day you would look into your lover's eyes. And you will, you remind yourself, as long as you can get him through this. Suddenly, you have the answer, and the words escape you before you can fully process the thought.
"Marry me."
"What?" You can't place his tone. If it is shock, then you don't blame him. You are shocked too. The intensity of your feelings towards Din have hit you like a ton-weight tonight. What you had thought was attraction was suddenly proving itself to be profound, ardent, undeniable love.
But perhaps it is a plain rejection of the idea.
"Th- They told me, if we were to be married that I- That-" You splutter, his breathing becoming more and more shallow with each passing second.
"Mhi solus tome." He murmurs.
"What?" You say, unable to hear him clearly or understand his words.
"Repeat it." He instructs.
"Mhi solus tome." He says again, his voice slightly quieter.
You try your best to copy the unfamiliar language. "Mhi solus tome."
"Mhi solus dar'tome." His voice is faint, as if it is coming from the other side of the room.
"Mhi solus dar'tome."
"Mhi me'dinui an."
"Mhi me'dinui an."
"Mhi ba'ju-" His voice trails off, his last syllable turning into a strained exhale.
"Din?" You say. He is completely unresponsive.
You place your hands on his shoulders and shake him lightly, desperate to bring him back to you but scared to cause him more pain or injure him further.
"Din, please-"
He whispers your name.
"Din, please, Din keep going, you have to-"
He whimpers. The sound makes you feel as though his pain is going right through you, too, and you cry harder.
"Din, plea-"
"Mhi ba'juri verde."
You can barely hear his words but you repeat what you could make out.
"Mhi ba'juri verde."
He lets out another hopelessly painful breath.
"Din? What next, Din, keep going for me."
He doesn't respond. Your hands are covered in the blood seeping from his helmet.
"We-" He coughs and you can see that the motion wracks his body with pain.
"Yes, Din? what is it? What next, Din, please, ple-"
"It is done." He chokes out.
You brace yourself to remove his helmet, terrified to discover the severity of the injury beneath. You grip the bottom of the beskar armour and carefully pull.
He cries out in agony.
You sob as you keep going, slowly removing it to expose his skin centimetre by centimetre. His neck is soaked with blood to the extent that you can't even discern his skin tone. As it reaches past his jaw, you see scruffy dark stubble. Then, flushed cheeks and an angled nose. Eyes, of which you don't know the colour as they are screwed shut in pain, but covered with a layer of thick dark eyelashes. A strong brow bone and a few lines of age. Thick, dark hair, plastered across his forehead with sweat, but you can make out scruffy curls.
You can't waste any time looking at him, though, moving on swiftly to frantically wipe blood from his neck and find the source of his injury.
A graze, he had told you. But the sight before you told you something entirely different.
You pick up the bacta syringe from where he had dropped it to the floor and carefully inject it as close to the wound as possible. He doesn't so much as wince, and you are terrified that you may already have lost him. With the thick liquid fully released, you retract the syringe. You spray the wound next, enough so that it closes, and dress it in a thick padded bandage.
Soft breaths still escape his lips but this can only ease your anxieties slightly. Until he wakes up, you are balanced on a precipice, unable to ascertain if you were too late to save him.
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You must have collapsed from exhaustion, spending the longest night of your life, curled into the side of Din, your-
Your husband, Din Djarin.
You remain in a blissful sleep-like state for a mere moment, wondering if it is also a custom of his religion that you will take his last name. You hope it is.
But then you shoot upright, the events and circumstances rushing back of how exactly you went from... well, whatever you were, to spouses, in such a short period of time.
You yearn to feel his warmth, but you are met with cold steel against you.
You yearn to hear his voice, but you are met with silence in the wide-open heart of his ship.
You force yourself to look at him. The lines that were drawn between his brow and across his forehead last night have disappeared, he looks peaceful. He looks beautiful. You take your time analysing his features. You never want to look at anything else now that you have seen him.
A feeling of calm and contentedness washes over you. You don't know why, but you know he is going to be okay. You know he is going to come back to you.
And just like that, he does.
Your name falls from his lips.
His eyelashes flutter and you see him slowly opening his eyes. This seems as though it takes exertion, as he breathes heavily whilst doing so.
For a moment, you panic internally. What if he has forgotten? What if he regrets it? What if he thinks you did this without his consent?
"Din-" You gasp, as he looks up at you and takes you in.
His features flash in a strange expression and you feel as though your suspicions are confirmed.
"Din, I promise, I didn't d- We- I-"
His lips turn up ever so slightly into a reassuring smile.
"I haven't forgotten any of it, my love. I just can't believe you could possibly have looked more beautiful than I already thought you were through my visor."
You throw yourself at him and he grunts but then laughs.
"I-" The tears start again. You are overwhelmed with emotion. Relief and elation numb the hurt, but you don't know how you will ever get over the night you nearly lost him. You know you will never be able to put this feeling into words.
Somehow, you don't need to. It is as though he can read your mind.
"Shh," He says, rubbing your back. "I know, cyare. I know."
You stay like this for a moment until you pull back from him. He removes a glove and strokes a tear from your cheek.
"I'm here now, my love. I will never let you hurt for me like this again."
You nod and sniffle. You believe him.
"Where's the baby?" He asks softly.
"Oh," You say, and you laugh a little, surprised and embarrassed. He was the reason you were here after all, your job was as his caretaker. But for a moment, you had forgotten him. "I put him in your bed last night. I didn't hear him all night . I hope that means he slept through."
"Alright. Go and tend to him. I will get us the hell off this planet. I need to take you to my people."
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Taglist: @silkiers @tightjeansjavi @chaotic-mystery @lovers-liability
Tag because I think you might like this: @deceiver-of-gods
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toasttt11 · 9 months
the trade
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December 23, 2024
It was Christmas Eve and the Hughes were all in Vancouver for Christmas at Quinn’s house, a tradition they have had for the last four years of Charlotte’s life to spend christmas with her.
They were all dressed slightly nicer because of Ellen and they sat down around the dinning room table to eat Christmas Eve dinner together.
Charlotte sat in her usally spot between Quinn and Luke, Jack next to Luke, Ellen and Jim across from Luke and Charlotte.
Luke ran a stressed hand through his curls for the millionth time that night, Charlotte looked up seeing her uncle looking uncomfortable, She leaned over slighty grabbing his hand gently while whispering to him, “Are you okay Uncle Lulu?”
Luke looked down at his four year old niece who was looking at him in concern and felt terrible he worried her, he smiled softly, “Don’t worry Cia i’m okay.”
Charlotte only raised an eyebrow knowing he’s lying, “Daddy’s says not to lie.” She gave him a stern look she has picked up from Ellen.
Luke couldn’t help but let out a laugh at how much his niece just acted like his mother.
The rest of the table looked over at the two, “Everything okay over there sweethearts?” Ellen looked between the youngests ones with a smile.
Luke went to nod but saw the look Charlotte, he took a deep breath, “Actually theres something i’ve been meaning to tell all of you.”
He looked between his family nervously.
Ellen saw how nervous Luke was and couldn’t help but frown wondering what’s wrong.
Jack looked at Luke in concern, “What’s wrong Lukey?”
Luke took a breath squeezing Charlottes hand before blurting out, “I’m not resigning with the Devils.”
The room froze slighty at the words.
“What!” Jack exclaimed knowing the Devils still want Luke so what does he mean he isn’t resigning.
“I got another offer.” Luke explained his eyes focused on his plate not wanting to the faces of his family, keeping a firm grip on his nieces hand.
“Where?” Quinn softly asked seeing how nervous his little brother was and how his daughter was gently holding his hand.
Luke took a hesitant look towards Jack before muttering, “Vancouver.”
“What was that?” Jim asked having barely heard any sound come from Luke.
Charlotte looked up with wide eyes towards her uncle when she head that and tried to keep the smile off her face.
Luke cleared his throat looking up from his plate, “Vancouver.” Quinn eyes widen slighty looking at his brother with shock.
Ellen smiled slighty, Jim nodded his head thinking about the whole thing.
Jack pursed his lips hating to think his little brother won’t be on his team anymore, he absolutely loves having Luke with him, “Vancouver?”
Luke looked at Jack not being able to tell how Jack was feeling about this, “I was going to resign with the Devils it was always my plan but a few months ago i got a offer for the Canucks and honestly there gonna pay me more but i also want to be in Charlotte’s life everyday, i hate missing her milestones and i want to be closer to her.” Luke finished explained looking down at his favorite person, she was grinning up at him.
Quinn felt his face soften when he realized his brother wanted to trade teams so he can see his niece more.
Jack could feel himself understand, He absolutely adores Charlotte with very thing in him but he doesn’t know if he could ever leave the Devils, having been apart of the Devils family for so long now but he is glad that Luke can and will be able to be close to Charlotte.
“I think that’s great honey.” Ellen smiled glad Charlotte will have more family by her and she knows Jack has made a family in his team so she doesn’t have to worry too much about him.
“Well we will be glad to have you moose.” Quinn smiled looking at his little brother, “And you room is more than open for you when you move.” Quinn having had rooms for all his family in his house when he moved into in 2020.
Luke looked hopefully to Quinn, “I could stay here?”
Quinn fondly chuckled, “Of course you can. Do you really think Charlotte would let you live anywhere else?” Quinn knew his daughter will be very happy to see Luke everyday.
“Yup you’re saying here Uncle LuLu.” Charlotte grinned while nodding.
Luke slowly smiled, Jack patted his little brother on the shoulder sending Luke a smile and nod not being mad Luke was trading, of course he was a little sad he won’t have his brother on his team anymore but Jack is also glad that Quinn will be able to have a brother on his team.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Hello,I'm not sure if you've done this but how about, meet Pablo's family for the first time?
Your new family
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"Amor, you look just fine..please don't change again!" Pablo was sitting on the bed letting you show him all the little outfits you had prepared for this dinner with his parents tonight.
"But it's just too red!" you say about to walk away but your boyfriend grabbed your waist before you could do it pulling you in and making you sit on his lap. It was always hard to fight back because he was so much stronger than you but you didn't mind it.
"Red looks so good on your amor..tell me what's this really about huh?" he said tucking a piece of your curled hair behind your ear and you blush sighing deeply.
"I am nothing special..like I'm just a college girl and you're well Pablo Gavi" you say and he let you finish your thought before pulling you closer and kissing your lips.
"First of all amor, you're more than special to me. Secondly, they always wanted me to have a normal girl who grounds me just like you always do. And lastly, to those people out there I'm Pablo Gavi but to you mi amor, I'm your Pablito okay?" he said caressing your face and you felt your heart beating fast against your chest. This was just what you needed to hear right now.
"Mhm.." you just said but he wanted to be convinced you heard him.
"Okay princesa?" he asked again raising up your chin and you gave him a sweet smile.
"Okay Pablito" you say and he nods kissing your lips lovingly before letting you go finish getting ready.
When you arrived, you were very nervous playing with the edge of your dress but the moment Pablo caught that his hand held yours tightly.
He knocked and Belen opened the door with a bright smile on her face. I started to relax slowly but still worried I might say something wrong.
"Bienvenidos! Ai que guapa!" she said touching your hair and you blushed knowing enough spanish to know that she just called you beautiful.
"Mamá, íngles porf" Pablo said the woman nodded welcoming us inside. We took out shoes off and went to the dinning room where Dr. Gavira and Aurora sat.
"Welcome!" his dad tapped his shoulder and reached for your hand to kiss it. You smiled nodding your head before Aurora rushed to give you a hug. Thankfully you've met her before and you were really close friends now.
"You look great amiga. Don't be nervous!" Aurora smiled as we walked to our seats and i blushed smiling and hoping I stop feeling uptight soon.
"No need to be nervous. We are very happy Pablo found someone kind for himself." his dad added and you thanked him for the kind words.
"And very very beautiful!" Belen added and Pablo nodded touching your cheek while you blushed.
Through another hour, y'all ate dinner and chatted about random topics and you really started to feel like apart of the family. They were such warm and welcoming people that it stopped feeling like you just met them.
"And I like to clean the leaves once a week.." you were showing Belen and Aurora how you take care of plants by the window while Pablo looked at you in awe sitting with his father.
"Realmente amas a esta chica chaval." his dad said catching Pablo's attention as he stopped looking at you and turned to him.
"Que obvio eh?" Pablo said and they both laughed.
"Los ojos chico, nunca mienten.." his dad said and Pablo smiled remembering that while looking back at you as your eyes met and you gave him a sweet smile that warmed his heart and he returned it.
"Thank you so much for the dinner, it was delicious Belen. Really nice to meet you Sr. Gavira" you said as you were getting ready to leave for the night and they both gave you a warm hug thanking you for coming by.
"I'll see you tomorrow for shopping amiga?" Aurora added and you chuckled looking at Pablo who begged you to spend his free day together.
"Maybe we do it Wednesday instead huh?" you say and she smiles nodding her head and wishing you both good night.
"Thank you for choosing me princesa" Pablo said as you entered the car and you smiled nodding your head and kissing his cheek.
"You're always my first choice cariño" you smile checking the new messages in the new group chat you were added to titled 'familia' which warmed your heart.
"And you're mine princesa..I'm so proud of you for getting through it. I hope it wasn't much of a bother" Pablo said and you placed your hand on his leg as he drove.
"It wasn't a bother at all..it was such a pleasure and I am so happy they see me as family" you say and Pablo smiles nodding his head knowing he had found the one finally. No other girl did he introduce to his parents but there was no doubt you were here to stay forever by his side.
"I told you they'll love you..it's impossible not to amor" he smiled and you blushed at his comment.
"Stop it cariño!" you say and he chucked finally pulling into the parking of your apartment.
"You wanna sleep over like we planned?" you ask when he didn't turn off the car and he just shook his head which made you confused. Why did he change his mind?
"I want you to come to my home.." he said touching your hair and tucking it behind your ear again.
"Um we can do that tonight too.." you said but were quickly interrupted.
"Forever." he added and now you were shocked. Was he asking you to move in with him!?
"Are..are you sure Pablo?" you asked and he smiled nodding his head while softly caressing your cheek.
"I've been sure for months that we've been together..and after tonight I am even more sure..I want you to be by my side..forever cariño" he said and tears got to your eyes from happiness while he dried them.
"Princesita mia..no tears okay? Let's pack you and go" he said and you both got out towards your apartment happily while holding your hands.
When you arrived to his place, you were feeling new sense of love and a more intimate one. You and Pablo were finally taking a next step and it was so damn exciting and terrifying.
"Um..what about my apartment?" you say and he pulls you in kissing the top of your head.
"We'll sell it together in time. No worries. Come on, let's go to bed princesita" he said pulling you to the bedroom before you could grab your suitcase.
"Pablo, I need a pajama" you say while he started taking off your jumper making you blush.
"From now on, in OUR home..my t-shirts are you pajamas cariño" he said taking off his t-shirt and going to the closer to give you a new clean one to wear. You shamelessly checked out his muscular back. He was really your man! Fuck!
"Here you go cariño" he said giving you one of his newest white t-shirts but you weren't sure if it was alright so you asked him.
"Um maybe you have an older one Pablito?" you say shyly and he raising your chin kissing your lips in response.
"It makes it that much more expensive when my woman wears it" he said and you blushed hard. His woman..he never called you that before.
You wore the t-shirt before crawling in bed with him as he pulled you close starting to play with your hair while you stared into each other's eyes.
"What made you do this now Pablito?" you say and he smiled kissing your forehead lovingly.
"Something my dad said to me today while I watched you with my mom and Rora..he said I'm really in love with you because eyes never lie and he's right. I'm so in love with you cariño" Pablo said and you were a blushing mess leaning in and kissing his lips.
"I'm in love with you too" you say before you both cuddled up falling asleep in each other's arms happy for the start of this new chapter of your life togehter . <33
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saradika · 1 year
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— BLEED FOR ME | part iv
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mand’alor!vampire!din djarin x f!reader
rated e - 4k
haunted hoedown: vampire!au + “i would burn the world for you.” + vampire has a taste for specific blood + revenge + (one-sided) enemies to lovers (+2 secrets!)
tags: vampire!au, drinking blood, reader has scar on shoulder, shared memories, light angst, din is dracula (castlevania)-coded, realizations and confessions, flash-backs/multiple pov, canon-typical violence and death, revenge
a/n: a massive and heartfelt thank you to @friskynotebook and @againstacecilia who beta’d this chapter and helped me out - you are the best! 🥺💕
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It's all white noise. Her voice fading out to nothing, as the word repeats in your mind.
Mate. Mate. Mate.
You think you mumble an excuse. Her hand outstretched, expression worried as you turn - dazed. A tightness in your chest, leaving her sitting as the panic rises, as you all but flee the room.
It's muscle memory that gets you to your room. Your back pressing against the heavy wooden door, as if that alone could keep you safe.
You couldn't be his mate. His soulmate.
There wasn't a mark. The skin on your wrist is bare - that spot of first contact. Where he had touched the night you had arrived, before pulling you to his mouth.
You'd have noticed if his palm bore marks when it had curled around, for they would be reflected on yours, too.
This much you know, at least.
Soulmates were an ancient magic that even the humans knew. Growing more rare, as the years passed. As wars raged and couples were split before they were ever joined.
Your grandparents were soulmates. A chance meeting at a market. Fingers clasped in greeting - the shock when they came back different. Changed, forever.
You used to pull their hands into your laps - to trace the matching, mirrored marks on their skin, when you were a child. Filled with silent thoughts about how lucky they were, to have found each other.
They had been happy.
But how could you be, after everything?
Fennec must be wrong. Perhaps vampire mates were different.
Perhaps it was just the name of your partnership. Perhaps the time that had passed had made you mates of some kind, enough of your blood shared to forge some sort of lasting connection.
You cling to this denial like it's some form of salvation. Of protection.
Time passes, and your breathing slows. You lean into these thoughts. How would Fennec know, if even you didn't? Yes, it had to be no more than a misunderstanding.
If he was really your mate, there'd be a sign. He never would have wanted to hurt you.
But deep, deep down - you know that there's something.
A reason you hadn't felt that urge to flee, when you first saw him. How your hand has stayed, when you could have finished things. Why you can't keep him out of your thoughts and mind.
Why you've softened. It had felt so natural, like winter changing into spring. Something tender blooming in your chest, in spite of the frost.
It frightens you.
There's not much time to contemplate further, before you hear the sounds of boots on stairs. The gait one you've come to know - something sharp and acidic spiking in your chest as you push yourself up.
Rushing across the room to wrench the drawer open - the scrolls scattering across the floor as you rip the hidden dagger and stake free. Holding them defensively against your chest, just as the door opens.
He's there.
It's as if he only just arrived - boots still splattered with mud. His armor streaked with weathered grime and a weariness in the way his forearm braces against the doorframe.
"Cyar'ika." Din rasps, "I'm sorry, I didn't want-"
The words peter off. He seems unsurprised to see you armed, as if his only thoughts are of you. Not what you hold, what you've been hiding.
A long second as he considers something - before his hands are lifting to his helmet. Palms pressing against the curved metal, until it's lifting from his head.
You can't look away, in spite of your distress.
He's achingly handsome, beneath. A puzzle, finally completed with the full curve of his nose. The shape of his cheekbones, where dark hair curls above. And his eyes.
Eyes that seem familiar, eyes that you've seen before-
Finishing his thought, his gaze a heavy weight, "I didn't want you to find out like this."
Your head shakes, "You can't be. We haven't, there isn't a mark-"
He takes a cautious step forward, and you take a large one back. Your hip colliding painfully on the edge of the desk, the chair scraping against the floor as you try to move away from him.
"There is a mark." Din's fingers lift, finding the fastenings of his armor - those maroon eyes still fixed on your face.
Removing his gloves, his gauntlets. Unlatching his shoulder plate, leaving them to rest on the ottoman. Pulling at the knots that attach his sleeves to the tunic beneath.
Baring his shoulder.
He wears a scar like yours. The one that you had gotten that day - when you had thought it had been from when you fell. Patched up with magic, before you had awoken.
It’s a reflection from what you're used to looking down and seeing, curving up his bicep. A smaller, splotchy shape next to it.
It's familiar. You've seen the shape before, etched into the silver pauldron he wears. The design is stylized, but it’s there - you’re not sure how you missed it, before.
"When?" You whisper, eyes fixed on the curve of muscle and skin.
"That morning you've been thinking of." He answers. His voice is different without his mask. Softer, still rich in tone, "When I feed. You go back to it so often."
It twists your stomach, turning you stone-still.
It was real, it was real, it was real-
"Why did you do it?" Your voice breaks over the words, "That town. My home-"
He takes another step closer, and you react like a feral cat. Spitting and hissing to keep away from him, that dagger brandished like a sword. His face is all angles and shadows, sorrow and confusion and so matching yours.
"I was there to help. I was there for you."
Your head shakes, not understanding, "No. You started the fire in the inn. They told me you killed all those people, that vampires ripped apart the houses-"
Nothing was making sense.
"I am strong, but not that strong cyare." His head shakes, "If I wanted to, I could have hurt the townspeople. But there's no reason for me to. I’d never-”
His expression changes into something that tips towards self-loathing, as his words halt. The next comes more slowly.
"I was there, looking for you. I had sensed something when I was nearby-" Din's head shakes, "Your heart. I could hear it. I wanted to see what you were."
Your grip on the stake loosens, drawn in by his words. Another proof of your connection.
"I stayed in the village for two days." He sighs, "And then, I saw you in the marketplace. You were so beautiful and so happy, and it became so clear that this was your home. So I left, instead."
As he moves, there's a clear shot through the doorway. A few minutes ago you would have bolted, but now - now, you find yourself sinking into the chair. Back where this all began.
Remembering that prickle, the hairs on your neck rising, those days before. That feeling of being watched. Nothing more than a brushed-aside moment.
"I left that night. But then, I found myself called back." His eyes fix on yours then - bright, in spite of the long hours away, the days without eating, "I heard your fear and I came."
It feels like you're seeing, for the first time. Bits and pieces through a filtered lens, slowly coming together. But still blurry, enough out of focus that you still can't see the subject.
But how could his story be true? They had warned you not to trust him, didn't they?
You had spent a year fighting with your anger and your grief. You had braved the journey here and lived among the vampires for weeks. All with one goal in mind, and to hear that you've had it wrong is-
It leaves you adrift. A moment where you're more unsure that ever, even though you know more than you ever did.
But deep down, you realize you want to trust him. To believe that he was as good as he seemed. As just - a true ruler, that the way he’s treated you wasn’t simply a ruse.
That he hasn't been playing with you, feigning that kindness for all these weeks.
But where did that leave you? Who could you believe?
"I wish that was true." Your head shakes, voice no more than a whisper, "I really do, Din."
He's silent for a long moment. The creak of his gloves as they curl into fists, as you're both left to your own thoughts. Yours tug at you - curling around your legs, threatening to pull you under and into the abyss.
"I could show you." Din offers, then.
“I could show you what I remember."
His hand extends then, palm facing upright. Reaching out for you to take.
You stare at it for a long moment. Gaze flitting to his shoulder. Across the mark, up the curve of his shoulder, to his face.
"You can see for yourself." He coaxes, and you're able to look into his eyes this time.
To truly see, like you had tried to, so many times before. They're clear, and sorrow swims in them.
Not a monster. Not lying.
You can see for yourself.
Your eyes drop back down to his outstretched hand. And after a long moment… you reach out and take it.
With a jerk of his arm, he pulls you close.
And then - he's biting down.
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There's a hunger. A deep ache that gnaws at your bones. You don't know how someone can live like this. Your limited vision filtered through shades of greys and reds and browns.
A flinch as you shield away from the rising sun, even through your layers. It curls into your joints, searing the thin sliver of skin at your neck as you crouch.
Something like an echo rattling through you, as the ground flickers beneath your feet. Faster than you've moved before, the smoke and the buildings and the flames distorting as they suddenly loom into view.
The growl that rips from your throat comes from deep in your chest. It's jagged against your teeth as your senses heighten, as you move through the streets on pure instinct.
Ducking into the shadows as they pass by, in their leathers and the dark cloaks and the strings of garlic that you can smell from here.
If there wasn't such a tugging in your chest you'd wonder at their appearance. The pure coincidence of this convergence. But there's no time, not now.
Time skips, and then you're crouching down. The human that you had watched, now slumped against the low stone fence.
Rubble strewn around her, scattered beneath the collapsed overhand she had tried to dart beneath - just barely making it to the other side.
Skin sticky and red at the temple and the sight of it makes your stomach clench. An urge to catch the drip with your finger, to bring it between your lips and see if it tastes as sweet as you know it does, deep down.
Instead, your hand reaches out - curling around her bare shoulder. Your touch like a brand, as your body flushes with heat.
So strange, with how cold your skin has become. For a second you almost feel as you used to - watching as the the shade of her skin changes before your eyes.
As the small curls of thought in your mind suddenly flourish. That reason you can been drawn, why her pulse had seemed to call to you.
Your chest aches. Again, you wish for more time.
There's none right now. It's easy to lift them, with the strength that came with your transformation. Her head lolling against your shoulder, cheek pressing to the beskar of your chestplate.
Right above your still heart.
Shoulders curl inwards to shield her from the heat as you move through the wooden arch, the beams above in flame.
It licks at you, almost causing you to stumble. Only determination keeps you afoot. Just enough to get you out - down the path again, and into the forest.
You've become fiercely protective.
Something had lingered after your eyes had first landed, but that small spark is nothing compared to the inferno that rages, now.
It takes all your strength to leave her there, in the grove. Where she's safe - the trees so old and twisting and the weeping branches so thick that surely, she'd be undetected.
But it's not all you must do.
Another flicker of images, passing so quickly you can’t catch them.
Bodies in the streets. Homes collapsed, caved in as if struck by a canon. Left shattered, in ruins.
There’s an echoing shout, a shadow as you flit back in between buildings, looking for any survivors.
A weight in your chest at this sight, repeated far too often. Your heart was too tender before now to tear this thorn bush out at the root.
But town is small, and there are none left. Everyone who could had already fled, and those behind were now gone. Left to linger as ghosts, or to move on.
Another flicker, another small leap in time.
A shadow that you don't see, as you move through down the main road. A pain like you've never known erupting in the small space between your pauldron and the curve of your gauntlet.
So close to your new mark that you're striking out, snarling. Your arm weighed down from the slice from the silver dagger - if you had blood to spill your clothes would be stained with crimson.
A stranger looms in front of you now. Flanked by another. Torches in their hand - the glint of the dagger catching in the light, stained with a black ichor from where it bit into your skin.
The second, smaller - hands wrapped around an ancient, gnarled staff.
Vampire Slayers. You can smell their stench. The acrid taste of magic on your tongue, something you ignored in your search.
“We knew you'd come."
The whisper is low, taunting.
“You always do.”
Fury licks at you. Giving you the strength to draw your blade, the black sword a heavy weigh in your hand. A growl in your throat as you lunge at the first - the dagger held in two hands as it collides with your downward swing.
Another, and then another.
The ache is ignored with your dance, the slow circling of footsteps. The second Slayer murmurs an incantation, but is battered away by the first.
“I shall do this." She hisses, with the turn of her head.
The distraction is all you need - a hand fisting in her robes, the sound of ripping cloth. A burst of strength to pull them forward, as your blade pushes in, and then sweeps.
With a rattling gasp, her cloven body crumples.
Your vision swims then - blooming with a light that arcs across the cobbled street, all but blinding you.
Flames burn against your chest, with the collision of the blast. Your armor takes the brunt, as you shake it off. The tilt of your helmet as you face the witch - a step as your blade rises, ready to strike again.
She flees, then. With another swoop of her hand as words slip from her tongue. Bringing the building down, blocking the path with fallen stone and wooden beams.
Trapping you on the other side of the town. Amongst the ruins and the lives that had been ripped apart, in their quest to hunt you down.
Your thoughts swirl, as the edges of your vision go hazy.
It's calculated. It's too much.
There's too many - their footsteps overlapping as they circle around to box you in.
At your full strength you'd survive a battle like this - but even as your grip adjusts on the hilt, you know you can't last under the rising sun and with the burn of the silver.
You can't save them all, but you can save her. Your mate, someone you never thought existed, and now. And now-
You have to.
It's a promise, an sworn oath that sears into your skin. You'll come back-
But when you do... she's gone.
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The stake and the dagger clatter to the floor.
It's more than you've ever processed. It leaves you weak, wobbly-limbed when he pulls back. An arm curls around your waist as he holds you against his chest, your fingers clinging onto his armor for support.
You see him in a new light. It’s clear now, you had watched that mark bloom across your own skin.
Captured by the swirl of emotions at the end, that desperation - the way it courses through you like an echo. There had been no animosity towards you, in his thoughts. Only... only...
But something eclipses this tender realization - another repetition, a tightness in your chest as you piece things together. Dread creeping in as the last missing piece clicks into place.
Because you knew those whispers. The tones had been in your own ears, those weeks ago. You knew the faces, the ones that flickered in and out of frame as Din had slipped from the city.
The witch. She had trained you. Had told you she passed down all she knew about the monster that had slain their sister.
"It was them," You breathe. "All along."
"Yes." He answers, simply.
Your eyes drop to the mark on his shoulder. Fingers tracing the edge, before they tug at where the fabric pools - revealing the edge of the swooping scar above his elbow. A deep mark, carved into knitted flesh. A final assurance.
"They told me..." The weight grows heavier, the words hard to speak, "They told me it was you. For over a year they told me all the awful things you did."
The fury that courses through you has you trembling - a firm hand guides you to the edge of the bed, letting you collapse against it.
They had been wrong. They had lied.
It leaves you wondering - just how far did those lies go? Your chest is tight as you suck in a breath, preparing to ask the question with an answer you’re afraid to know.
But you must.
“They said they knew you’d come.” You try to make your voice sound firm. It comes out quiet, in the silent room, “Do you think they knew I was your mate?”
Did they know, and yet still they convinced you? Twisting you, when it became clear you didn’t remember? The thought was cruel, something truly vile.
“No. We are more alike than you know.” His voice is hard, a grit of his jaw, “I am a foundling. I lost my parents to raiders when I was young. Brought up by the Mandalorians, before I was changed.”
You breathe out a sound of sympathy, some of your anger waning at his words. The thought of his loss, how it still so clings to him.
“I wasn’t always a good man, but swore that I would protect others when I became the Mand’alor.”
His words grow quiet, “They used that against me. They must have known I was there, and tried to draw me out. You were just caught in the middle. I am sorry.”
Your head shakes.
It’s not his fault. It’s not yours, either.
“We were both manipulated.”
His head turns, his eyes meetings yours for a long moment. There’s a slow nod of his head, the creak of leather and armor as he shifts, as you make room on the bed next to you.
He close now, enough that you can see the fan of his dark lashes as his eyes shut. A deep inhale, taken by instinct and habit, before they open again.
"I searched for you. For a long time. I just needed to know that you were safe.” Din’s jaw works, lost in thought, “But I wasn't able to track you down.”
Before he’s exhaling that sharp breath - coming back, “It was Fennec’s idea to announce that I was looking for a Companion. She picked people from the area, trying to find out news. I never realized-"
Never realized you had been with them, until your memories flickered in his mind.
"We were hidden." Your words are hollow - remembering the days spent travelling.
They had told you that it was for safety. Incantations murmured to keep the caves and abandoned houses near invisible. Always on the move, never staying for too long.
Sacrifices made for the greater good. They had told you, knowingly. You had thought it meant their lifestyle. The crushing weight of revenge, the awareness of what you must do.
Never telling you just how deep that went. How far they were willing to go to rid the world of their own perceived evil.
Unnatural and vile creatures of the undead, in their eyes. The sacrifice of a few was worth it, to take down a creature with infinite lifetimes. But with their obsession, their hands had become soaked in red. Swimming in it. Drowning.
They'd tried to make you kill the other half of your soul.
And you would have destroyed others with it. Ones that had treated you with nothing but kindness, Boba and Fennec and-
"Din." Your eyes are bright, meeting his. Tears of anger pricking at the betrayal - the force of their actions finally sinking in, "They told me to kill you. I almost did, I wanted to-"
He makes a soothing sound, "It wasn't your fault."
"But what if I had? You're my mate, what if-" The full force of the lies are hitting you now, panic rising in your chest at the thought of the loss.
He had looked for you. He had saved you. Din was your soulmate, and in your anger you had almost-
"Cyare," His voice grows firm, "Your thoughts are so open. I could not make sense of your memories until recently, but I could always feel your doubt."
He absolves you, as he reaches for your hand. Your own fingers curling around, entwining in a perfect fit.
“I knew you wouldn’t hurt me.”
His words, his touch, brings comfort. Your grip tightens in his and he meets it with the sweeping of his thumb over your skin. Soothing you, like he always had.
Leaving you both to your thoughts, for a moment longer. For you to focus on the weight in your heart, with just how deeply you have been fooled. As the anger begins to fester, in your long-opened wound. Poisoned down to the marrow.
He had known the beginning, but you knew the end. And together, as the pieces weave together - you think you finally understand.
That picture of deception, now crystal clear.
And you finally believe.
“What happens now?” You hear yourself ask.
Where do you go, from here? Is it too late to start again?
His hand slips from yours, as he stands. The look he gives you is long and solemn, as if he’s committing every detail of your face to memory.
“Now?” Din rasps, a sharp edge to his voice, “Now, I keep you safe. I should have left already.”
He looms above you now, as your hands press against the bedspread. The tilt of his head as his hands brace on his hips, fingers curling around the hilt of his sword.
His anger finally unmasked, with your final realization. Those feelings of protection breaking their way to the surface, sinking it’s claws into his skin.
“Left?” You echo - and you can see it, then - the change in his eyes.
The way your blood, your lifeforce, had infused him - the warm maroon shade shifting towards a bright, blazing crimson.
His lips part in a snarl, baring the points of his sharp canines. As an energy emanates, the room seeming to darken and close in around you.
As he sinks to a knee, all but swearing fealty. Bringing himself down to your level, as his voice drops, each world coming slowly.
“I want to rip them apart. Do you understand? I would burn the world for you, ner runi.”
It’s a confession, his voice so low and so sure. Like this was the only thing that matters, the thudding echo of his emotions jolting through you as you remember his grief at finding you gone.
In this moment, he is the Mand'alor. Beautiful and terrible, and you suddenly understand that fear that the name brings.
And for a second - it thrills you.
Because he is yours.
Because you are his and you never have to be afraid, again.
You nod mutely, and he softens. The ferocity still lingers but the snarl fades - fingers reaching out. Gentle against your skin as he cradles your jaw, mapping the curve of your cheek.
"Tell me that is what you want." His thumb brushes against your skin, achingly gentle. Asking for the permission to protect you, like he had promised.
You know he’d struggle, if you said no. Swallowing down the bloodlust, the guilt at turning a blind eye until it was almost too late.
But he would, for you.
If that is what you wanted. But your anger now has a conduit now, and it burns in your veins.
You know they won't stop, for how many times have they told you that exact thing? Twisted into monsters by their own obsession.
Your chin tips up, as you answer.
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Sorry I mixed up the posting dates on this! I was so sure that today was the 28th! 😵‍💫 The finale (and the smut - thank you for your patience!) will be out on Thurs the 31st! Thank you for reading and I hope you liked the reveal! 💖
cyar’ika - darling/sweetheart | cyare - beloved/loved
ner runi - my soul
(Tags: @dameron-grant-spector, @sugadolly, @writingsofestella, @spaceydragons, @-ohsolovely-, @survivingandenduring, @queenquazar, @alitaar, @dindjarinsslut, @creatureoftheunderworldd, @margowritesthings, @your-slutty-gf, @dindjarins-brown-eyed-girl, @lovers-liability )
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As it Comes Back to Me
Natasha Romanoff x WinterSoldier!Reader
Summary: Your whole life you'd been living for a mission, whether it be protecting your family or fighting just to see the next sunrise. If you didn’t slow down though, you stood to lose someone you couldn’t live without.
Takes place during the events of Captain America: Civil War.
Word Count: 8,000
A/N: I spent way too much time writing this instead of studying for class.
“Hey kids,” you said, walking up to wrap your arms around Steve and Bucky. You’d just  been promoted to Major and had been sent back to the states to escort a fresh round of recruits to the front. There was a big event tonight though which begged for your attention. Howard Stark was showing some new invention or other of his. You’d never been too interested in what the scientists had to say, but there would be plenty of girls out looking to be asked to a dance.
Steve, your little brother–both in age and stature–looked less than thrilled at your return. “What’s wrong, buddy?” You asked, shaking his shoulder.
“It’s not fair,” he protested, shrugging out of your embrace. “I should be heading out with you and Buck tomorrow. I want to fight. I know I can help.” You felt for Steve. If it was him and Bucky standing in uniform and not you, you’re sure you’d be missing out on a whole lot.
“I know, I know. I’m sure you’d give them Nazis real cause to turn and run,” you said, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hold a rifle properly.
“Yeah,” Bucky added. “Ya know you should’ve seen him earlier today. Fought off some punk in an alleyway with a trash can lid. Kicked his ass real good if you ask me.” 
“Bucky,” Steve said. “Ya said you wouldn’t tell.”
“Oh, right. Sorry, what I meant to say was that Steve got beat up and I had to come rescue him.” The soon to be sergeant ruffled your brother’s hair.
“No, I know what you’re really upset about is that I’m stealing your boy here,” you said, nodding at Bucky.
“Yeah, yeah, enough. Now come on, I wanna get a good look at the car. All the posters were sayin’ Stark could make it fly.” Steve began to weave his way through the crowd, giving you no choice but to follow. 
“I’m worried about leaving him here all alone, ya know?” Bucky said, a crease forming between his brow. 
“He’s tough, and he’s smart. Always has been, you know that. Honestly, if they should be sendin’ anyone to fight they should be sendin’ him instead of us. But spirit’s not gonna win a fight, ya gotta back it up with somethin’. Point is, he’ll be fine on his own. Maybe if we’re lucky when we get back he’ll have found himself a nice girl to care for.” You smirked at Bucky. 
He ignored the jab as he waved at a group of nice looking girls. You waved too, flashing a smile and admiring the way their skirts fit. “Hey girls!” He shouted. As they made their way through the bustling crowd, he turned to you again. “I just worry about him. I care about him a lot and I can see how torn up he is about us gettin’ to go when he can’t.” A frown appeared to dim the light on his face. “What if he does something stupid while we’re off?” 
You clapped him on the shoulder and said, “You worry too much Barnes. You ought to save some of that for the war.” 
Giggling, the girls–the names of which Bucky had supplied earlier and which you had promptly forgotten–siddled up. The one nearest to you was a brunette with a yellow skirt and a white flower in her hair. She took your hand and pulled you right up to the front row. “Come on soldier, the show is startin’.” 
You smiled and let yourself get lost among the din and the spectacle. 
From beside you, Steve waved at you and said your name.
He said your name again, and again. You finally tore your gaze away from the TV monitor mounted in the corner of the room. Steve was much, much bigger now; even taller than you. You were still adjusting to the change. Although he still had the same kind gaze that came with naturally always wanting to do what was right, and believing others wanted the same. You wondered if you had been like that once too. 
“We need to get him out of there,” he said. Your gaze flicked back over to the security footage that showed Bucky restrained in a mobile holding unit reinforced with metal supports and bullet proof glass. You had thought he was dead, and turns out Steve had thought the both of you were long gone. And apparently, fate wasn’t done with any of you yet. Bucky looked drastically different. His hair had grown out to his chin and he had lost the boyish swagger and proud glimmer in his eyes. But beneath the bulk and hardened exterior you still saw your friend.
“I know. Something doesn’t feel right about this,” you said. A year ago you had been similarly detained. But you were held in the Avengers Compound and were surrounded by friendly faces. The people here were not so sympathetic. You could feel the passing judgment not just on the Winter Soldier, but on you as well. 
“Maybe we could talk to Tony again,” Steve said. 
From his seat across the table Sam shook his head. “Did you not just hear him tell us he was fully committed to kissing the government’s ass? Steve, I understand this whole ‘peace at all costs’ approach, but I have a feeling we’re not going to get our way by talking this time.” 
“Sam’s right,” you said, mouth twisting into a defeated frown. Through the glass wall of the office you were sitting in you watched a certain Avenger weave her way through the crowded room. You were torn, but Natasha had made her choice. “We’re going to have to consider punching our way out of this one. I got off lucky, but things are different now. The whole world is watching what will happen to him. Compromise isn’t an option anymore.” 
Hands on his hips, Steve sighed. “Well, we aren’t going to be able to grab him and get out of here. And we need our gear back if we have any hopes of not getting locked up in a real cell.”
As if sensing your staring, Natasha looked over. Quickly you averted your eyes and suddenly found the tabletop very interesting. But you knew she had caught you. Just a couple of weeks ago you had been spending your mornings going out on runs with her and your evenings watching her try and fail to play chef. She could go on for hours talking about the world and bringing you up to speed. You didn’t know what was more interesting; that the world had turned upside down or the way her voice sounded as she helped you make sense of it all.
And you both enjoyed the newfound freedom neither of you believed you’d ever see nor deserved. You had thought you knew her well enough to predict which side of the so-called Sokovia Accords she would be on. Turned out maybe you didn’t.
Sharon Carter walked into the sound proofed room, hopefully bringing more news. She seemed to have a soft spot for Steve, and you and Sam by extension. She was also the only person here that seemed to want to communicate with the three of you.
On the screen a man sat down at a table across from Bucky. He shuffled some papers around and faced your friend as if in conversation. You stood with your hands braced on the table and watched intently. A glove covered the shiny metal of your right hand. Under your sleeve, the flexible steel plating melded with flesh just below your elbow.
You knew visual without audio would only get you so far, but you’d be damned if you could figure out how to turn it on. 
“The receipt for your gear,” Sharon said, handing a slip of paper to Sam. 
He took one look at it and scoffed. “Bird costume? Come on.”
“I didn’t write it,” she said, trying to hide a faint smile. Now was not the time for jokes. Noticing the attention on the TV screen she pushed some buttons on a control panel and the audio switched on.
The camera showed a modestly dressed middle-aged man. “I’m not here to judge you,” he told Bucky. “I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James?.” He glanced down at his notes and removed his glasses amicably. From another angle, part of the screen detailed an uncomfortably close profile of Bucky’s face. After a moment of silence, he went on. “I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, James.” 
“My name is Bucky,” he answered, still not making eye contact with the man.
“Who is that man?” You asked, wary of the stranger who was supposedly the only person authorized to make contact with the Winter Soldier.
“He’s a psychologist sent by the United Nations just to conduct a primary evaluation. I’m not familiar with him personally,” Sharon said.
Steve studied the blurry photograph of Bucky that had been taken after he set the bomb off in Vienna. “Why would the Task Force release this photo to begin with?”
“Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?” Sharon supplied.
“Right. It’s a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.” You could see the gears in his brain turning. Steve had always been the intuitive one.
“You’re saying someone framed him to find him,” Sharon said, catching on.
Sam spoke up, unsure of where your brother was going. “Steve, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing.” 
“Sam has a point,” you said. You were all too familiar with the Winter Soldier program. If you didn’t want to be found, you had the ability to make yourself dead to the world. “We were trained to blend in, to hide in plain sight. Even if he had to run, no one man would ever be able to find him.”
“We didn’t bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads,” Steve asserted.
“Yeah, but to your point,” Sharon said, nodding at you. “That doesn’t guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would.” 
“Yeah,” Steve breathed.
So there was a mole in the government, and he was probably in the building. Your gaze narrowed and you watched the people milling about outside your little bubble with a new suspicion. Whoever it was was obviously already ten steps ahead, you would have to wait until he made his next move. Beside you Sam stood from his seat, eyes similarly flicking from the screen to the windows and back. Steve looked like a racehorse ready to spring from its stall. 
From the corner of the room, the conversation continued on through the speakers, even if no one was paying much attention any longer. “Tell me, Bucky. You’ve seen a great deal, haven’t you?” The man asked. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You fear that…if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. Don’t worry.” 
The CIA agent, Captain America, the Falcon, and the Wolf Spider were too busy looking for a threat aimed at themselves to notice what was going on before them.
In the secured, private room five levels below the surface, Helmut Zemo received a message on his phone. A package of his had been delivered. Looking up, he wiped the false pretenses of innocence from his face. “We only have to talk about one.”
For a moment the room was plunged in darkness before emergency lights bathed the building in a red glow. The monitor with the video footage remained black. You looked at Sam. Now was your chance.
Steve looked to Sharon and she spoke without hesitation. “Sub-level five, east wing.”
No sooner than she had finished were the three of you bolting from the office and back the way you had been escorted in. You flew down the stairwell, concerned only for Bucky and getting to him before it was too late. But even super soldiers could only descend a dozen floors so fast. Heart racing, you jumped down the last flight, only to be met with a sign on the wall that read ‘Sub-Level 5; West.’ 
Without pause you pushed through the nearest doorway and wound your way through the maze of hallways. “This way!” Sam shouted. You and Steve rounded on your heels and went sprinting after him down a narrow corridor that served as a connection between the two wings of the building. The soft glow of emergency lighting lit the way, but between flashes the basement levels were pitch black. In the final stretch you overtook him and spilled out into another landing.  
The doors to the room on your right were destroyed. A dozen guards lay spread out on the floor unconscious. The chamber was completely silent, but you doubted the chase truly ended here. You knelt and checked the pulse of the agent at your feet. He was alive. 
“Help me. Help,” a voice cried out from further in the room. You picked up a discarded pistol and tucked it into the back of your waistband.
Steve was closer to the man than you and wasted no time picking him up and pinning him against the wall by his jacket collar. “Get up.” You’d never heard him sound so furious. “Who are you? What do you want?”
“To see an empire fall,” the man replied vaguely. After staring down Steve he turned to face you with the gleam of a predator in his eyes.Your heart pounded in your chest. 
“Steve, we need to find Bucky,” you said.
The echo of footsteps rang down the hall as Sam caught up. Right as he stepped through the door Bucky came lunging out of the shadows, metal fist swinging for Sam’s face. Sam ducked just in time to avoid getting his teeth knocked out. Instead, a fist-sized chunk of the concrete wall blew away into pulverized chunks. But by the time he righted himself Bucky had already launched another attack. This time he grabbed him by the jaw and threw him all the way across the room to crash into the holding unit. The impact was enough to knock him out cold.
Steve looked torn between chasing after Bucky, checking on Sam, and further interrogating the psychologist. 
“Go,” you said, nodding toward Bucky. “I got him.”
Steve launched himself at Bucky and pushed him back out into the hall. 
You pulled the gun and trained it on the guilty party. Outside the exaggerated sound of two super soldiers fighting reverberated back to you. The shuffle of quick footwork followed by the concerning crash of a metal fist colliding with a wall at inhuman speed. 
“Your name. Now,” you demanded.
“My full title is Baron Helmut Zemo. But I think the more important question is, who are you?”
The brawl in the hallway had stopped, and the renewed silence made you uneasy. “Enough with the games.” You flicked the pistol toward the exit. “Move. I’m taking you upstairs.”
He began to pick his way slowly across the room. “Okay, you’ve got me beat. But I just need to know one thing. Steve seems to think you’ve miraculously been returned to him the same as before he became Captain America.” It bothered you, how Zemo felt he had the right to use your brother’s name. “Show me what you hide from them, Wolf Spider. Show me who you really are.”
“Shut up,” you said, annoyed with his riddled speech. But before you could make another move, Bucky came ramming back into the holding room, kicking right at your stomach. The impact forced you to take a knee and as you scrambled to stand up, Zemo pulled a slip of paper from his pocket and began to speak. “Мрамор.” 
Even over the rushes of blood pumping through your veins and the stomp of Bucky’s boots on the ground, you still heard it. Like a heat-seeking missile the word wormed its way into your brain and you faltered.
Panic seized you. You needed to get to Zemo. “Bucky, stop!” You yelled, desperate for any way to get around him for even a second. As you tried to stand he planted a foot and your chest and pushed you to the floor. The air left your lungs in a gust as your back slammed into the cement. The gun went flying from your grip and skittering across the floor. “Dick move, Barnes,” you said in a strained whisper.
“Восемь,” Zemo said, sounding closer now even though you couldn’t see him. You clamped your hands over your ears and screamed. Taking a chance you bashed your metal fist into Bucky’s knee and charged for Zemo. “Жжение.” His voice sent you careening off course as if repelled by his words. Fighting for any last scrap of control you punched the wall until your knuckles left bloody streaks. You counted back from ten in your head, jaw clenched so tight it was close to shattering.
Your defenses broken, Bucky reengaged the fight. You scrambled, narrowly blocking his punches from beating your face in and counting you out. You reassessed and went on the offensive. You’d have to take him out before going for his handler.
Easier said than done.
“Рекрут.” You fought even harder, even as a fog crept up the back of your mind. Where was Steve?
“Снегопад.” Another nail in the coffin. He landed a punch to your face and a deep split opened on your cheek. You barely felt the blood run down to your chin.
“Пять.” You managed to land a right hook on Bucky’s weak side. You capitalized on the small victory. Seizing him by the shoulders you grappled with him for a moment before sweeping his leg from under him. He fell with a thud and you lined up a kick to the side of his head. You’d apologize later.
“Увядший.” The Wolf Spider crawled up the back of your spine, jaws gnashing at your brain for control. Your attention slipped for a fraction of a second. But that was all the time the Winter Soldier needed. He seized your ankle and pulled you to the ground. Before you could get your bearings he clamped his fist around your neck and threw you against the wall.
“послушный.” The Soldier rammed his knee into your stomach and you doubled over in an attempt to suck air back into your lungs. The room spun and the lights blurred together. A male Sokovian accented voice was all you could hear above the ringing in your ears.
An arm snaked around your throat from behind and forced you to stand. 
“An impressive attempt to be sure. But I’ve found that dogs can always be tamed.”
A fading voice in the back of your mind yelled at you to fight. Halfheartedly you tried to twist out of the Soldier’s hold.
“Одиннадцать.” A dam had cemented itself and separated you from your body.
“Пекин.” Your breathing became even and you looked to the man before you for instruction.
“Солдат?” He asked.
“Я готов отвечать.”
Natasha Romanoff walked through the chaos-ridden office, catching up to Tony Stark. Your swift absence hadn’t escaped her notice. She had almost chased after you herself. She’d desperately been wanting to talk to you since the Accords had been dropped in the team’s lap, but you had made yourself scarce since. She could tell that her decision had upset you, even if you were as unlikely to tell her so as you were to turn your back on Steve and Bucky. 
“Please tell me you brought a suit,” she said. Because a fight against three super soldiers would be much easier won with a trick of their own.
“Sure did,” the Iron Man replied. “It’s a lovely Tom Ford, three-piece, two-button.” He stopped his nervous rant. “I’m an active-duty non-combatant.” Fancy speak for the government not being comfortable with his access to the greatest weapon’s system on the planet.
Sharon Carter ran up to them, an earpiece providing information Natasha nor Tony were privy to. “Follow me,” she told them. 
They made their way downstairs onto the ground level. “The Winter Soldier has been unleashed,” Agent Carter said. “He’s on this floor in the lobby, probably trying to escape.”
“That’s a no-can-do from Agent Ross. We need a plan. Nat?” Tony looked expectantly toward the Black Widow.
“Why is it always up to me?” She asked, even as a plan formed in her mind.
“Because everyone knows my job is to look good and provide charity for you free loaders.”
Natasha narrowed her gaze at Tony’s watch. “Which outfit is that a part of?”
“It is as practical as it is fashionable. Glasses too,” he said.
“Tony, you’ll come up on him from behind. Get his attention, and try to disarm him if you can. Carter and I will be right behind.”
“I don’t remember volunteering to be the bait, Romanoff.” 
Natasha motioned for Sharon and they picked their way around the edge of the sun-lit lobby. Civilian workers fleeing for their lives rushed around them in a current, but the women stood as solid as stone. The sound of combat reached her ears before she was able to see into the main lobby. A metal fist pounded against flesh and man after man crumpled to the floor. The snap of a bone being broken and the subsequent screams. 
Natasha rounded the corner into the foyer just as a terrible supersonic blast flooded the area. Tony had stunned the attacker if only for a moment. To her horror it wasn’t Barnes standing there, but you. She couldn’t see your face as you moved to pummel Tony, but she knew what she’d see. A figure of a ghost from the Red Room flashed before her eyes.
A gunshot shook her out of her stupor and she ran after Sharon into the fray. You elbowed Tony in the face before punching him in the gut hard enough to send him flying into a table several feet away. 
Before you could finish the job Sharon ran at you, forcing you to block a kick and a jab. You wound up an answering punch that would’ve cracked her sternum but she ducked away and you missed. As you recovered, Natasha lodged a knee into your stomach before crouching down to jab you in the groin. She didn’t want to fight you, but she would. All it took was one look into your eyes to separate the Wolf Spider from the person she knew you were.
Sharon landed a roundhouse kick to the head but as she wound up for a second assault you caught her leg and hurled her down onto a table. The legs broke underneath with a clatter. 
As you were turned around, Natasha took the opportunity to seize you from behind and flip herself up onto your shoulders. With anyone else she would’ve been able to floor them from this position. But the Wolf Spider intimately knew all of the Black Widow’s moves. All those years ago, you had taught her much of the combat she still used today. 
She rained down blows on your head as you crossed the lobby. She grunted as she threw her fists down over and over in a vain attempt to get you to drop her. Instead you carried her to a table and slammed her down. Before she could recover, you clamped your hand around her neck and choked her out. 
Scrabbling at your metal forearm, Natasha’s face burned red. She felt her windpipe being crushed under your grip. But even under the eclipse of death’s shadow, the scariest thing was what they’d done to you. She knew you’d tear yourself up about it later, and worse she knew no one here would understand.
On the verge of passing out, she managed one last choked whisper. “You could at least recognize me.” Maybe, as Natasha’s heart was shattered in two, she could pass some of that anguish onto you.
If anything you only squeezed harder and she felt the strength waste away from her muscles. 
Seemingly out of nowhere you were shoved off of her. She gasped and pulled as much air in as she could through her bruised throat. All she could manage was to stare up at the ceiling and blink away the spots from her vision.
Rallying, Natasha pushed herself up and saw Tony standing over you with his mechanical gloved hand extended. She coughed and asked, “How?” 
You were on your knees, hands clamped tightly over your ears and fingers digging into the back of your head.
  “Lucky guess,” Tony said. “Think of it like a dog whistle, but for super soldiers. And also like blow your head off levels of loud. Had to estimate the frequency after getting beaten half to death. But it looks like I’ve outwitted the killing machine.”
Natasha was frozen. You’d just about suffocated her, but a large part of her still wanted to yell at Tony and tell him to cut it out. “Does it hurt?” 
“Well, it’s no symphony, I can tell you that.” 
She threw a glare in his direction.
“I don’t know. Ballpark? Somewhere between a migraine and an ice pick through the ear.”
A dozen more security personnel came flooding in. They rounded in a circle around you and half of them readied their guns. The rest assaulted you with tasers. You fell to the floor in a series of violent spasms and Natasha looked away. 
“Let’s get this one ready for transport,” one barked.
“Natasha, are you okay?” Tony asked.
“I’m fine,” she said, voice still raw.
“That psycho almost killed you.” He always got assertive when he was worried. “You see, this is why we need the Accords. To keep chaos from breaking out in refuges of peace for godsake.”
Natasha looked back at where your limp body was being dragged away. She wished she could go back to before any of this started. She was terrified that she had missed her chance to tell you how she felt. “He’s not a psycho.”
“Then you and I have very different definitions of the word.” 
“Stark.” The disappointed voice of Secretary Ross called.
“We have the Wolf Spider in custody sir.” Tony adjusted his tie.
“And Barnes, Wilson, and the other Rogers are all in the wind. One out of four is three less than I expected of you.”
But Natasha had had enough of Thadeus Ross for a lifetime. She walked away wishing that you were by her side instead. Isolated from the beaurucrats and politicians and the bridge with Steve having been thoroughly burned, she felt lost. All around her the pieces of the life she had worked so hard to build lay scattered. The overwhelming urge to hit something surged. How did she get here?
You sat by Natasha under a tree in the forest behind the Avengers’ Compound. The chirping birds and the rustle of wind through the leaves were the only sounds that broke the silence out here. Everything at the compound was a blur of light and rush of movement all the time. You couldn’t get two seconds without someone needing something from you. So you had developed the habit of sneaking out and picking a random direction to pass an afternoon. 
Natasha had a book in her hands. Today her hair was pulled back in a braid and thrown over her shoulder. You liked when she put it up because you could see her face more clearly. 
“He talked a lot about the past, and I gathered that he wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy,” she read. You ran your hand through the grass and dirt absentmindedly. “Are you listening?”
“Yeah, of course.” You had been listening, but not to what she said, but how she spoke it. “It’s just I’ve read Gatsby before. Jay is a dreamer, but he still loses everything. It’s not fair. He didn’t know any better but to follow his heart.”
“That’s not how I see it,” she replied. “Listen. ‘His life had been confused and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was’.” She shifted closer, leg almost bumping your own. Uncomfortable with the proximity bordering on affection you subtly moved away. “Jay is chasing a life that he can no longer have. And in the process he ruins himself, and the woman he loves. He should’ve known better.”
Overhead the branches had become indistinguishable from one another and instead blended together as one entrapment. The fading orange glow cast by the setting sun reminded you to start heading back. The woods would be near impossible to navigate without the light. You stood and reached a hand out to help Natasha up. She grasped it tightly and instead pulled you down to her.
“You should’ve known better.” A haunted despair paled her features.
The crack of fracturing bones echoed throughout the lonely clearing and Natasha cried out. Your hand had begun to squeeze hers tight enough to crush it. You willed yourself to let go but your stubborn metal fist refused to obey. 
“You destroy everything you love, even if you never say the words out loud.”
A bullet hole slowly materialized in the middle of her forehead. Blood seeped down her face and she smiled a bloody smile. 
“You should’ve stayed dead.”
You jerked yourself awake with a gasp. The dream faded from your mind almost immediately, as had the once before where you’d been stuck in a cave, and the one before that where you’d slaughtered an entire family.
You took a second to examine the unfamiliar environment. The cell you were in was bright and clean, and the camera assured there was no privacy. Across from you was an identical unit. In fact, the entire room was just an octagon of prison cells. 
You rubbed at your face, only for the movement to be followed by a metallic clanking. Both of your wrists were manacled with thick iron cuffs which were anchored to the wall with a chain. Your left wrist was chaffed and dried blood coated your hand. Alarm surged through you. 
No, you would rather die than play prisoner and puppet for anyone else again. 
You stood up, suddenly feeling claustrophobic. But when you tried to step away from the wall you were yanked back, not by your wrists, but by a chain around your neck. Coughing, you fell back against the wall and pulled at the tight restraint. All you succeeded in doing was irritating the inflamed skin underneath. 
“Hey buddy, are you okay?”
You snapped your attention to the voice. You didn’t recognize the guy who had spoken, but the man in the cell next to him looked familiar. Your head throbbed as you tried to remember. He had short brown hair and sat hunched over on a bench, just watching. 
“Fine,” you said. Your voice sounded about as shitty as the rest of your body felt. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Scott. You actually don’t know me cause we haven’t met, but I fought with your brother. He’s a really nice guy. Of course you know that.” You shot him a glare. “You know what, I’m just going to shut up now.”
Confusion spun your battered brain around even further. Your brother. You had a brother named Steve. Steve was small so you had to–wait, that wasn’t quite right. Steve’s strength had caught up to the size of his will. He was a soldier. The Soldier. Солдат. A fresh pang wracked your head. No. A captain. Captain America. 
The room felt cold but your hand was clammy. Sweat dampened your hair as if you had caught a fever. You squeezed your eyes shut. Why were these lights so damn bright? Where were you? 
“Hey, what’s going on? I can’t see into the cell. Is he back?”
You knew that voice. You trusted it as well as you may trust anyone. If only you could think harder. You opened your eyes and again saw the familiar-looking man. The name came to you this time. “Clint,” you said.
Hope cleared some of the melancholic fog that had marred his features.
“Where are we? What happened? Where’s Steve?”
When he spoke, it was reserved, but you could tell he was holding back. “Steve called me. The Avengers fought. Some of them are picking up the mess. The rest of us landed our asses in here. You though…you were already here when they brought us in. I wish I could tell you why.”
“It’s Sam,” the man in the unit directly to the right of yours said. He banged on the wall for effect. “You were with me and Steve back in Berlin. Bucky was controlled and he went after us. He knocked me out and by the time I woke everyone was gone. I met up with Steve and Bucky outside, but you were gone. I’m sorry. If we would have known…”
“It’ll come back eventually.” Even if you could barely remember your own name now, somehow you knew this. The memories always came back, especially the bad ones. 
“I should tell you, this isn’t the first time you’ve woken up,” Clint said. Scott looked away. “The first two times you didn’t say anything or acknowledge us. You just pulled away as hard as you could until you made yourself pass out.”
“Great,” you muttered under your breath. So they had all received a front row view of the mindless monster you were. “What is this place, anyway?”
“They call it the Raft. It’s an American prison unit that they dropped into the middle of the Atlantic.” Barton’s voice had taken on an undercurrent of anger. “It’s where they stick the worst of the worst.”
“Is anyone else here?” You asked.
“Wanda. Probably. I don’t know, they put her in a separate transport.” Your heart dropped. Why would they bring her into this? She was just a kid. And with her powers, you could only imagine what they were doing to keep her locked up. 
You didn’t ask if there was a plan. The atmosphere here wasn’t exactly revolutionary. You drew your knees up to your chest and rested as best as you could.
Sometime later–you were sure the room had been built to be purposefully disorienting–the door slid open with a whir. In walked Tony Stark, his left arm in a sling and sporting a terrible black eye.
Clint stood up and began to slowclap, finally finding a target to take his anger out on. “The Futurist, gentlemen! The Futurist is here! He sees all! He sknows what’s best for you, whether you like it or not.”
The goading worked, drawing Tony’s attention away from you. “Give me a break, Barton. I had no idea they would put you here. Come on.”
He spit on the ground in defiance. “Yeah, well, you knew they’d put us somewhere, Tony.”
“Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey.” Stark gestured at the barred cells, gaze catching on you for a moment. “You know, this place is for maniacs. This is a place for…”
“Criminals?” Clint walked closer to the glass of his cage. “Criminals, Tony. Think that’s the word you’re looking for. Right?” The two estranged teammates stood eye to eye.  “That didn’t used to mean me. Or Sam, or Wanda. But here we are.” A long time ago that didn’t used to mean you either. 
“Because you broke the law.”
“I didn’t make you.”
Clint turned his back on Tony. “La, la, la, la, la…”
“Alright, you’re all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don’t understand, why didn’t you think about them before you chose the wrong side?” Realizing he wasn’t going to get anywhere with Clint he walked away. 
Barton rounded on him. “You gotta watch your back with this guy. There’s a chance he’s gonna break it,” he said, slamming on the glass.
“Hank Pym always said, you never can trust a Stark,” Scott said with as much menace in his voice as he could conjure. You wondered how a civilian like him had gotten wrapped up in this fight.
“Who are you?” Stark walked right past him and onto Sam’s unit.
“Come on, man.”
“How’s Rhodes?” Wilson asked, not as willing to bite as Clint had been.
“They’re flying him to Columbia Medical tomrrow. So…fingers crossed. What do you need? They feed you yet?”
You couldn’t see Sam from your cell, but you hoped that he’d tell Stark off too.
“You’re the good cop now?” He asked sarcastically.
“I’m just the guy who needs to know where Steve went.”
“Well, you better go get a bad cop, because you’re gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get information out of me.”
Stark messed with his watch. “Oh, I just knocked the ‘A’ out of their ‘AV’. We got about thirty seconds before they realize it’s not their equipment.” You looked up at the security camera in the corner of your cell. Could he really do that? “Just look,” he went on. “Because that is the fellow who was supposed to interrogate Barnes.” A little picture of a clearly dead man appeared out of thin air. “Clealy, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong.”
“That’s a first.”
“Cap is definitely off the reservation but he’s about to need all the help he can get. We don’t know each other very well. You don’t have to…”
“Hey, it’s alright,” Sam interrupted. You wished you were in his eyeline so you could shake your head no in silent protest. But you didn’t have the energy or mental capacity to pick a verbal fight right now so you stayed quiet. “Look, I’ll tell you…but you have to go alone and as a friend.”
Sam spoke so quietly you were sure without super hearing you wouldn’t have heard. “They went to an old Soviet-HYDRA bunker in Siberia. The fake doctor is going to unleash five more Winter Soldiers.”
“Okay. Wilson, I won’t forget this,” he said with fake malice in his voice to impress the cameras. 
He turned to you next. “Rogers.” He saluted. Shame burned your face. You felt like a wild animal on display. And Tony Stark’s presence wasn’t exactly a comforting one since you presumed he was largely at fault for the team’s current predicament. “You’re not going to go all Terminator on me again, are you?”
You stared at him blankly, not moving from your place on the floor in the middle of the cell. 
“Really? Nothing. I just came up with that one. Any messages from you to your brother I can deliver when I find him?” 
“Tell him after all this he needs to get his ass as far from trouble as possible. Tell him I’m right where I should be.”
“How about I just say you’ll send him a postcard?” He quipped, walking away.
“Stark,” you called. “Lay a hand on Steve and I will find you.” 
He didn’t turn back, but he gave a thumbs up on his way out.
You don’t think you could ever tire of the view before you. For most of your life you never believed you’d travel outside New York City, but here you were on the other side of the world. The waters below the ship were as blue and clean as great artists imagined in their scenes. The current lapped gently at the hull and you let the sound wash through you. Ahead, snow-capped mountains rose into the cloudy sky. The buildings and streets you were so used to being surrounded by in the city were replaced by miles of undisturbed woodland. The sky was overcast, but calm for now. Mist hung in the air and clung to your jacket. Maybe it would storm later, maybe it wouldn’t. You found peace in the apprehension. 
“Hey,” Natasha said. You hadn’t heard her come up. She joined you at the railing and pushed a phone into the water.
“How’s the Good Secretary?”
“I’ve got him chasing his tail in D.C. We are officially in the wind.”
Steve and Natasha had broken you out of the Raft three days ago. Since then you’d decided to split up while the heat died down. He had wanted you to go with him, but you couldn’t look at your brother without feeling crushed by six decades worth of guilt. You still thought he would be safer without you, but you couldn’t escape the disappointed look on his face. Hurting him was like kicking a little puppy.
“Steve would love this place,” you said. Natasha took in the view while you admired her. Her hair was down and flowed past her shoulders. The wind blew strands of it about in a way that told you God indeed played favorites. “He loved to draw. And he was damn good at it too. Kid used to draw everything. Our old apartment, back alleys, the sky. He wouldn’t know what to do if he saw all of this.” 
“You’re worried about him.” 
“Really? Was I being that obvious?” You were tired, but you smiled anyway.
“The first time I met Steve he couldn’t make heads or tails of the shirt on his back, much less anything else humanity had changed. Yesterday, he was piloting the most advanced jet on the planet. Sounds like he’s the same resilient kid you grew up with. Except now he can throw a man a couple dozen yards.”
“I think he could literally be invincible and I’d still worry,” you admitted.
“I think that’s how family is supposed to work. And if it helps, he’s got Sam to watch his back.”
“Why did you volunteer to come with me?” You asked. You bit your lip nervously and scanned the grayish-blue horizon. “I almost killed you. I mean I would have killed you if Stark hadn’t…” You’d opened Pandora’s Box and couldn’t stop all of the guilt from pouring out. “And all those years ago in the Red Room, what I did to you. Why don’t you hate me?”
“Because I know who you really are. And that wasn’t you. Never was.” She said it so fervently that you almost believed her.
“But that’s just the thing. It was me. All of that blood is on my hands. If something happened to you, that would be on me.” And I don’t think I would survive without you. You left the rest unsaid, but it hung in the air just out of reach. “All he had to do was say the goddamn words and I lost it.”
“And you came back.” You found your mind wandering off into the mountains afar. “Hey look at me.” She laid a hand on your shoulder and brought you back from your reverie. Her warm breath fanned across your cheek. “You’re okay. We’re okay.”
“I can’t shake this feeling, Nat.” You heaved a shuddering breath. “That horrible voice is always in the back of my head. I’m so scared that one day it’ll drown me out.” Your eyes hurt from the force of holding back tears. “Please don’t let it drown me.”
Natasha wrapped her arms around you in a supportive hug. “I’ll never give up on you,” she said. “You can always come back to me.” You cautiously hugged her back and draped yourself over her. You concentrated on what was around you. The smell of the sea-salted air, the warmth of her body, the churn of the boat's engine.
You let her go and cleared your throat, rubbing harshly at your eyes. “Me too,” you said. “I mean, I’m here for you. ‘Til kingdom come.” You’d always fight for her. Truth is you had been for a long time now, you just didn’t realize it. 
“You’re not the only one who’s done unspeakable things,” she whispered, as if preoccupied with reliving some awful memory. You weren’t the only one with demons intent on ruining any scrap of peace.
“Aren’t we quite the pair?” You inspected her hoodie and all of its familiarity. “Is that my sweatshirt?”
“No,” she lied, even as she messed with the ends of the sleeves that went well past her hands.
“Mhm. So did you bring any of my clothes for me or…?”
“I didn’t know if I was ever going to see you again,” Natasha said. Her voice was shaky with frustration and pent-up anxiety. “I was so worried. I thought that this would be all I had left to remember you by. I kept thinking that we would get into the Raft and you wouldn’t be there.” 
“I’m sorry,” you said. The week and a half you were locked up for you hadn’t thought about where she might be. You told yourself you were too preoccupied with Steve and Bucky to otherwise focus. But you knew to think about Natasha was to admit you cared deeply for her. That was a battle you weren’t ready to surrender. “I didn’t know.” But maybe now was the time to lay down arms.
“That’s right you didn’t know. You didn’t think. That’s the problem you think you’re invincible and you run headfirst into danger time and time again.”
“I can take care of myself.” 
“Except it’s not just you anymore, Rogers. There are people that care about you and how you act affects them. When you make a stupid move it’s not just you who suffers the consequences.” Her voice cracked under the weight of the words.
“I can’t just sit around when something goes bad. You can’t ask me to do that.” You had so much time, so many lives to make up for. And that came about by means of action.
“I thought that you were dead. Don’t you understand that?” Natasha’s eyes were full of sorrow and accusation. Your cheeks flushed and you stared into the icy waters. She had every right to be mad. “When they dragged you away I was sure they were going to execute you. Again.” 
The reference stung. When the Red Room found out you’d broken your programming they’d practically beaten you to death in front of Natasha before shipping you back to HYDRA. The scars still burned in your dreams.
An apology formed on your lips. “I know,” she said. The bitterness had burned itself out of her tone. What was left you couldn’t describe. A profound understanding, edges brightened by the hope of a fresh start.
An unspoken something lingered in the cool morning air. 
Natasha grabbed your gloved hand and intertwined her fingers with yours. She leaned over and rested her head on your shoulder. A warmth bloomed in your chest. 
You thought that, just maybe, you’d found where you were supposed to be.
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happy-beeeps · 10 months
Day 3: Gloves
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Summary: Din offers the reader his gloves, and their first look at his skin.
Warnings: none, language, briefest mention of past abuse
WC: 1k!
It’s easy to forget how cold space is. In the past few months you’ve been on the Crest, between the baby and the roaring, industrial sized heater, it’s been toasty, almost warm. You’d almost forgotten it could be cold. Until, of course, the ancient industrial sized heater broke.
It wasn’t too bad at first. Mando was quick to find any spare blankets he had on the ship and pass them between you and the baby, hoping to create any semblance of warmth. Then the baby himself helped, as you attempted to rock him to sleep for hours, the green little guy getting fussy from the cold. Now, with the kid settled into his pram and the lack of body heat on your hands, you’ve done it. You’ve remembered how cold space is.
You’re doing ok. You’ve seated yourself on the co-pilot’s chair, knees pulled up to your chest and your hands wrapped underneath your clothes, tucked under your armpits. Your face is half obscured under the neck of your sweater, and you’re attempting to creative some kind of insulation by just continuously blowing your breath against your skin. You haven’t decided if you can die from carbon monoxide poison this way but, fuck it, you’re too cold to care.
Your hands, that’s the issue right now. You hesitate to say agony but—let’s be real, it’s agony. You’ve been frostbitten before, so now your fingers and joints of your hands are aching under the pain of the chill in the ship, and no matter how hard you press your hands to your skin, there’s no relief.
“What are you doing?”
It’s Mando’s—Din’s, as you’ve just recently learned, voice that breaks you from your disassociation, offering the briefest respite from the pain. He’s asking you in a tone that’s equal parts concern, confusion, and jest. Over the past few months you’ve learned it’s his feeble attempt at teasing.
“Trying to warm up, not all of us come with an insulation system,” you poke back, and he settles beside you in his chair, his helmet sending that searing gaze towards you. You shrink into yourself even more beneath it, somehow feeling both intimated and bewitched by it.
Ok, bewitched is just a better word for saying you’ve got a massive-fucking-crush on the guy, but that’s beside the point.
“What’s wrong with your hands?”
“Nothing, what gave you that impression?”
He cocks his head to the side in a way you’ve begub to translate as “really?”
“Just something from when I was younger, it’s nothing.”
He pauses for a moment, then extends his own hand in one of the rare few moments of touch he’s offered. “Let me see.”
You’re in hell. If there is a maker, they’re being cruel. Do you remove your hands from the tiny bit of warmth you have, or reject Din in a rare moment of vulnerability?
The choice is immediate, and you rip your hands from their confine and tentatively place them in his.
They don’t look bad, an angry red at the joints and the cold has made you curl them inwards, but they aren’t blackened or cracked like some of the frostbite you’ve seen. He must notice the difference, and moves to gently trace the joint of one of your fingers. His words are slow, deliberate, “How did this happen to you?”
You melt into his touch, “locked out of my house during a snowstorm a while back, he was an asshole.”
Din tenses at that, just barely noticeable, and pauses his trace. You worry you’ve offended him, and he removes his hands, only to slowly, carefully remove the leather gloves you’ve always seen on his hands. “Here, you take ‘em.”
“Din, please, I can’t, I’ll be fine.”
“I want you to wear them.”
It’s the only encouragement you need, and you pulll them on quickly. You try to conceal how rapidly your heart is beating as you peak at the newly exposed skin of his hands.
He’s tan, tanner than you’d thought, with skin that looks warm and inviting. Calluses dot the underside of his palms, and he brings his fingers together, wringing them slowly. It dawns on you that you’re not sure if anyone has ever even seen his hands.
“How are your hands not always sweating?”
Nice. Real smooth. He’s gonna love that.
“Maybe that’s why I always keep them on.”
“Are we doing humor now?”
“Depends, how am I doing at it?”
You laugh, and so does he, and you decide you’d quite like to hear that sound forever. You stretch your fingers, warming nicely in the suede of Din’s giant gloves.
“Thank you, for these, I needed it.”
“Don’t mention it.” He unwinds his hands, laying them on his knees as he turns his attention back to you.
You’re not sure if you’re high on knowing that you’re wearing Din’s clothes, or the ecstasy of finally having feeling in your fingers, but your hand is quickly going to poke at his, your fingers dotting the smooth contours of his own.
You half expect him to pull back, but he doesn’t, letting you play with his fingers and trace his skin. It seems easy with the barrier of fabric between you. You ignore the fact that your stomach is churning and your brain is going ohshitohshitohshit.
He’s got a scar along the inside of his wrist, you can only see a bit of it, white and gnarled. You reach out to trace it, careful not to go beyond the skin that’s already exposed.
“When I was just learning to use my flamethrower, things got a little…dicey.”
The image of a young Din accidentally torching himself makes you smile, but it’s quickly dimmed by the realization that the man beside is literally wearing clothes that kill people. You flex your hand in his glove and realize, I guess you are too.
“Do you feel better?”
You’re rocketed back to reality by his voice and you nod, “yes, thank you.”
He stands, but not before tapping the bottom of your chin with his thumb and pointer finger, the skin on skin contact rocketing through you. “Keep em’ till we land, they suit you mesh’la.”
He leaves quietly, leaving you sitting in the cold and silent space, thinking of foreign words with pretty sounds and warm suede around your fingers.
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edenalieth · 1 year
Pairing: pixy! Hyunjin x afab reader — read part.2
Genre: faery!au, based on « the cruel prince » universe, smut, slight of fluff and angst
Warnings: he’s short tempered, knife, unprotected sex (be careful!), oral sex female receiving
Words count: 4.2K
Summary: Your eyes couldn’t stop looking at him, your heartbeat was getting quicker, your palms were getting moist. It was the way his jet black hair were tied and contrasting with his porcelain skin, the way his pearl earring was lazily hanging on his pointy ear, the way his shirt was letting you peak at his collarbones and the hem of his chest. Hyunjin was your secret sin, and you were his. Both uncontrollably attracted to each other, almost as much as you despised his nature and him yours.
A.N: hi! I'm back with a new little story :) geez, I really post once every blue moon... as usual, sorry for the possible mistakes and comments/share are always very appreciated. hope you enjoy ♡ – cami, 230619
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He was furious. He could feel his blood boiling under his skin, his knuckles getting white around the silver knife he was holding. How could this even happen ? Servants were supposed to be irreproachable but, despite this obvious fact, his cape was ruined. The green texture of pease pudding was splattered all over the dark velvet. It was his favorite one, a deep blue fabric which looked like a night sky, with little crystals embroidered on the shoulders and bottom. 
Anger still filling his veins, he threw the cutlery on the table. His family and guests were looking at him, some were amused, some were not. His reputation preceded him, he was so full of himself and hated being wronged or humiliated in any kind of way. He wasn’t always like this but Elfhame was a cruel world where cruel people could live peacefully. And he had to keep that mask on. 
Getting up quickly, he grabbed the poor servant shirt by the hem. Plunging his eyes in his, his iris not showing an ounce of compassion. 
« You know that I could slit your throat for that, right ? » Hyunjin said with such a cold voice that the servant started to shiver. He let his left hand slide along his side to find what he was looking for: his dagger. 
« Enough ! ». The low voice resonated against the stone walls of the dinning room. Hyunjin stopped his move, pushed back the blade into its sheath as a grimace of disgust and anger was distorting his face. He scoffed while releasing the man. The young pixy couldn’t go against his father’s authority, especially in front of guests. He would be a dishonor for his own family. Annoyed, he gestured to an other servant to come. The girl quickly executed the order and asked « Yes, my lord ? ». The dark haired boy removed his cape and throw it in her hands. « Clean the mess this incompetent just caused ». His mother was looking at him, visibly worried. It would be a lie if Hyunjin said he didn’t think of beating the man up and go against his father’s will. Some guests would enjoy the show, he could tell just by looking at the elf waving her fan with a mischievous smile on her lips, or that gobelin whispering something to the man next to him. No. He would get his revenge sooner or later and now wasn’t the time. He needed some fresh air more than anything. 
« Dear guests, my apologies but I think I will finish this in my room », Hyunjin grabbed one fae fruit, briefly bowed and went toward the wooden ornate door. The crowd was already whispering and laughing at his behavior and the scene they had just witnessed. He would hear about that later today, his father would probably give him a lesson but he didn’t care anymore. His temper had caused a lot of problems already and he wasn’t going to stop now. The guards opened the door and he headed towards his apartment. 
His steps echoed on the floor which was a real piece of art. Lapis lazuli and black marble, representing the colors of his family, were skillfully mixed creating a contrast with the pale stone walls and the blue shaded stained-glass windows. Definitely a fairy tale like place. However, no matter how beautiful, comfortable or rare the furnitures could be it didn’t satisfied him the way the outside did. Reaching his room, he directly walked to his bookcase and grasped one specific book, opening the secret door behind it. That was his way to escape the manor discreetly and Nature knows how many times he would use it. Not bothering to wear an other cape, he got rid of his leather boots and left with the fruit still in his hand. 
Soon the rough ground of the hidden passage was replaced by the soft sensation of grass under his feet. He hummed peacefully as his papery wings softly vibrated in contentment. Maybe the day wouldn’t be so bad after all. He wandered around the wood as his soul unconsciously led him to his favorite place. It was a small clearing near the lake, to get access to it you had to go through a skimpy path, surrounded by bushes and brambles. Hyunjin had to be careful of his wings, he didn’t want them to get scratched or worse… When he finally got out of here, he was met by a stranger. 
Blankets were scattered on the grass, fruits and wine near by, a diaphanous dress covering your bare skin. You were laying on your stomach, a book in one hand, grappes on the other as you quickly looked at the intruder. He seemed just as surprised as you were. There was no mistaking on who the stranger was. Those long dark hair tied with a silky ribbon, the pearl dangling on his ear, the jewelry on his delicate fingers and his iridescent dark blue wings. It was none other than Hwang Hyunjin. 
Anger started to fill his system for the second time this day. How did you even know about this place ? It was his haven and you were unwelcome in it. His wings started to vibrate, unable to control his feelings. He knew who you were, the new girl. Difficult to miss such an event. Y/N, the girl of the west lands, part of the untamed nation until your family made an agreement with King Cardan and Queen Jude. The queen and you had a pretty similar story, you were a clay girl as well, living with fairies thanks to your dad. Yet, no magic was running in your blood, you were a bastard and not a rightful being of this land. And gosh, Hyunjin despised humans. So weak, stupid and useless. They were like mere insects he could crush under his boots. At least, he could have done that before Jude Duarte became Elfhame’s queen. Nowadays, the few humans living here were respected or, at least, no harm was made to them. Still, who could blame him if he was a bit playing with you… As a mischievous plan was blooming in his mind, you put yourself back up, still sitting on the blankets. 
« What a surprise to see you here, girl of clay ! » Hyunjin first spoke, his voice being soft despite his agitated wings. « It’s a shared feeling Hyunjin. » you replied, not letting your guard down. You knew about him and his anger issues just as you knew about fae and their cruelty. « Can I join you ? » He suddenly asked, a little smile on his face. You nodded, gesturing him to take the spot next to you. He sat with no hesitation. As the silence was becoming louder and louder as seconds passed by, you took back your book. The boy was good at faking his nonchalance but not as good as he thought he was. Side eyeing him discreetly, you could see his fingers fidgeting on the fabric of the blankets. You weren’t sure if you would be able to deal with this awkward situation any longer but you didn’t want to give up this place and let him think that he had won. You were tired of all those arrogant people looking down on you when you were crossing their path. Of course, nobody would harm you in broad daylight but, who knows, accidents can happen anytime at Elfhame… And Hyunjin was probably plotting something. 
As if you had called for it, the dark haired boy suddenly broke the silence. « This is my favorite place. », his voice was calm, imprinted with some peace you had never noticed before as he was looking at the silver shine of the lake. « Yes, it’s pretty pleasant around here. » you replied, putting your book aside for the second time today. « I thought I was the only one knowing about here. Apparently, I was wrong… And, you know what’s unpleasant ? Your presence here. » he added, his dark eyes staring at you, his body creeping towards you, like a feline getting ready to hunt his prey. You frowned at his words, silently challenging each other. Gosh, his siren eyes were intimidating and you could understand why people were kind of scared of him. Despite the danger emanating from him, you wanted to smack his beautiful face but his family had more power than yours. It would be to risky to do so. 
You were brave for a mortal and Hyunjin could feel the adrenaline running through his veins. He had never been this close to you and the proximity of your face, your lips, your curves, the tension… It was appealing to him. Oh, the pixy looked at you more often than he would admit it. Yes, you were the new girl, but it wasn’t so uncommon to see humans around here nowadays and people didn’t pay the extra attention Hyunjin had towards you. He wanted to deny his attraction, he couldn’t fall this low and belittle himself, even after all those weeks of getting mixed feelings every time you were sharing the same space. But, right now, right here, hidden from the real world… He thought it would be nice to play with you. Using the tone on you, that special voice fairies were using to bewitch people of clay, would be easy, even a three years old kid could do this. He came closer and closer, until his fingers were brushing against yours, a mischievous smile floating on his plump lips. 
The moving reflects of water dancing on his face, the frail sound of wave lapping on the shore as his gaze was becoming flirty and playful. Your eyes couldn’t stop looking at him, your heartbeat was getting quicker, your palms were getting moist. It was the way his jet black hair were tied and contrasting with his porcelain skin, the way his dark blue wings were similar to the most precious sapphires, the way his pearl earring was lazily hanging on his pointy ear or the way his shirt was letting you peak at his collarbones and the hem of his chest. Hyunjin was your secret sin, and you were his. Both uncontrollably attracted to each other, almost as much as you despised his nature and him yours. You could feel his breath on your bare shoulders, suddenly full conscious of how see through your dress was, seen the lustful look the boy was giving to you. 
You were a beautiful creature, almost as if you weren’t totally human. Not thinking too much about these weird thoughts and getting impatient, he decided that it was time to hunt. « Why don’t we turn your presence into something worthy, shall we ? » he whispered before casting a spell on you, « I’m starving, I couldn’t properly eat today… Feed me. » he ordered, going back to rest on his forearms, his wings framing his body like a halo. Your eyes went momentally blank, proving that the spell was working, as you took some of the grappes. Grabbing one, you delicately put in on his opened mouth as he kept looking at every single gesture you made. « More. » You diligently executed his wish until he had enough. He made you massage his shoulders, dance on the grass, your clothe twirling around you as if it was made of mist, making you almost fall as he was laughing to the point his stomach hurt. He was enjoying this a lot. Despite the entertainment, he knew what he wanted the most. « Ok, let’s stop a little » he said still giggling. « You must be sweating, right ? Why don’t you refresh yourself and go on the lake ? ». You paused and he thought for a second that the magic wasn’t working until you grasped your skirt and walked in the water. He followed you, not wanting to miss a single second of the show. Watching you from the shore, he admired the diaphanous fabric dancing around your body. You looked like a nymph, leaving him speechless. « Do you enjoy this ? » his voice was less confident and his blood was rushing down there. « Yes, Hyunjin. I love it » you replied, a beautiful candid smile illuminating your face. His breath was becoming heavy as you were lazing around the water and his desire was taking the lead on his reason. « Enough. Come join me on the blankets ». Obedient, you got out. Your dress was totally useless at this point. It seemed heavier, as water was dripping all over your curves, and the fabric was sticking onto your skin. He could see everything, to the small moles adorning your thighs, to your nipples perking up. He wanted to touch you badly, to let his wildest fantasies come to live after restraining them for weeks. He took your hand in his, leading you as he was once again laying down. You were on top of him, his shirt getting wet in the process but he didn’t care. His expression was more serious, his wings weren’t the buzzing mess they were earlier. You looked at him, waiting for him to speak and tell you your next mission. He caressed your face with the back of his hand, brushing his thumb against your kissable lips. Soft and warm. « Y/N. Kiss me. » Did he just told you that ? He had to get a grip on himself, what was wrong with him ? As you were coming closer, he realized how wrong it was. He had to stop all of this and go back to the manor. Now. However… Just one kiss wouldn’t be bad, right ? He would make you forget all this buffoonery with another spell and would never talk to you ever again. He promised himself. Closing his eyes to enjoy the first and last time he would kiss you, he didn’t notice the mocking smile on your face. 
How naive the pixy had been. Fae people were dangerous and cruel but, apparently, the mix of an elf and a human was worse… At first, you thought he just wanted to make a fool out of you. You would let him play a little before giving him a lesson he would remember. Yet, when you noticed the desire in his eyes, looking at your wet clothed body, which built up a fire inside you. And he had fallen for your little role-play. Honestly, you couldn’t blame him. People always thought you were a simple girl and not a half-blooded one and it came with some advantages. It was true, you couldn’t use magic but you were immune to it, you didn’t age like humans and you could lie, something a lot of people were extremely jealous of. Yes. The tone was inefficient on you and the black haired boy was about to know that real soon. 
His eyes still closed, he wondered what was taking you so long. He finally looked at you. You were straddling him, the water from your body soaking his clothes, holding back your laughter because of his confused expression. « Wha-what are you doing ? I asked you something, do it! ». Anger was creeping back, his fist clenched as he was trying to get up. You wondered if his angry face wasn’t even prettier than his usual arrogant one. « Say please ? » you teasingly said. « Excuse m- » 
You made him shut his mouth with your hand and leaned closer. He was furious right now, his wings started to buzz as if a swarm of bees was attacking you. « Behave. I told you to say « please », is it that difficult for someone like you ? You’re used to have everything on a silver plate, I guess. » you scoffed, staring at his dark pupils. He seemed a bit relaxed, when you felt his hand sliding along his waist, looking for his dagger, only to be met by the emptiness of his sheath. 
« Is it what you’re looking for ? » you asked, falsely innocent. You waved the beautiful silvermithery before his wide opened eyes. When did you ?… As soon as you removed your hand, he tried to push you and get his weapon back. Unfortunately, too slowly. You put the blade under his chin, the sharp knife almost wounding his immaculate throat. « You tricked me ! » he screamed, helpless. « You were the one trying to lure me into your trap ! » you defended yourself. He smashed the ground with his fist. You were right and he hated it. « Let me go. » But you didn’t move. « Let me go or I will go to the royal court and complain about your threatening behavior! You will spend the rest of your life in some deserted lands! ». You laughed. He continued his tirade. « And why did the spell failed ? What are you ? ». Your smile quickly faded. «  I’m a half-blooded. My mother is also half-blooded. She’s half human, half elf. And so am I. That’s why it’s not noticeable at first sight, you have to know me for that. ». He was visibly surprised and was scanning every parts of your body. He could see it now. The slightly pointy ears, the purple shade circling your pupil and your skin looked perfect while basic human’s one was more… dull ? Damn it. He had been stupid. He sighed. « What do you want half-blood ? ». 
« I want the same thing as you do. » Not giving him the time to reply, you closed the gap between his lips and yours, kissing him passionately. He tried to resist but gave up easily. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you against his body. He was loosing his damn mind. Intoxicated by your smell, the way your tongue was playfully licking his lips or how your free hands was running down his torso. One thing was still bothering him. The dagger. « Y/N, could you please put this away ? ». He put one of his finger on the blade, pleading. You were hesitant, judging the plus and minus. « I promise I will not hurt you or run away. Please. » He was almost begging, needing to kiss you more, to be free to touch you. Fae couldn’t lie, it was the rule. You obediently granted his wish, not breaking your eye contact. As soon as you did, he sat up not bothering about the fact that you were still on his lap. You felt his hands sliding under your dress to help you remove it. You didn’t protest and let him do so. 
The full view was even prettier. Your naked body was like a painting to him. Masterpieces weren’t meant to be touched, but you were the exception and he let his hands run down your curves, making you shiver. He couldn’t wait any longer as he attached his lips to your nipple, sucking on it desperately, his tongue twirling around it, his hands resting on your ass. You moaned while pulling onto his ribbon to untie it and grab his long silky hair. The sensation was amazing and you started to hump on his still clothed bottom, his boner growing under your core. He pulled away from your sensitive breast to cup your face and kiss you more. His hips started to move in harmony with yours but he wanted to have your skin against his. Quickly unbuttoning his shirt to get rid of it while your fingers were working on his pants, he soon ended up in his birth suit. Crouching back on his lap, you wrapped your fingers around his member and started to move up and down. He whimpered as you were variating the pace of your strokes, your thumb caressing the tip of his dick, already glittering with precum. He had never been touched like that. It wasn’t his first time and faeries loved to devote themselves to drinking session and fuckery but it was only that, no feelings involved, just some bestial instincts. It felt different with you. By the way you were looking at him and his body, your delicate gesture, this intimate place only the two of you knew about. Who would have thought you would be this soft when you threatened him just few minutes ago. Wanting to relieve his blooming feelings, he grabbed your waist and made you roll on your back, taking the lead this time. Spreading your legs to expose your bare core, he slid his fingers along your slit. You were dripping wet and wanted to get more. « Touch me » you begged. He smirked. « You didn’t need to ask ». You felt his middle finger rubbing your clit before entering your vagina. He kept playing with both of it while your walls were getting tighter, your fingers digging into the skin of his back to feel his chest against yours but still being careful of his papery wings. « I want to make one with you » he whispered to your ear, sending electricity through your veins. « Please Hyunjin ». Hearing you saying his name in such a sinful way felt like the sparkle which lit up the fire. His wings were vibrating softly and it turned him on even more when you caressed the part where they were meeting his shoulders. He positioned himself, grinding against you to lubricate his penis with your fluids. He looked at you, waiting for your consent. You nodded, cupping his beautiful face with your hands as he gave you his signature siren gaze. Penetrating you gently, you let out a soft moan quickly muffled by his plump lips kissing you. His hips were working faster, your tongues dancing together into a slippery kiss while your legs were hanging around his waist. The pace was changing, giving you more sensations, feeling his full length hitting your G spot. He broke your kiss just to give you some more on your jawline, neck and collarbones, eager to hear you whine under his touch. And you didn’t disappoint. He could feel your walls ready to clench around his member but he didn’t want to end it yet. At your surprise, he removed himself. « What are you doing ? » you complained, breathless. « Trust me » was his only answer. He intertwined his fingers with yours and made a trail of kisses along your body, going further down until his mouth was on your venus. He gave a first lick to it, tasting you fully. His tongue was dangerously working on your clit, sometimes giving some kitten lick, sometimes using it all. It was totally new to you and you weren’t sure you would be able to take it any longer. « Hyunjin… » you said in a breath. Your legs were starting to shake lightly and you looked at him in despair. You were met by his almond eyes, enjoying the view you were offering him. It was such a sinful yet dreamy scene. That’s when you felt it, the wave of pleasure rushing inside of you, making your legs quiver uncontrollably and moan a mantra of his name. He detached his lips from your sex, giving you some time to take your breath.  His chin was glimmering with your juices and you wondered how you tasted like… « My turn ? » he said with a smirk. « You didn’t need to ask. » He giggled as you answered in the exact same way he did before. 
You softly pushed him on his back, to be able to ride him comfortably. As you positioned yourself and started to move on his dick, he placed his hands on the small of your back to help you keep your balance. A moaning mess, this is what you were reduced to. Hyunjin felt dizzy under your touch and the way his cock was perfectly fitting inside of you, as if you were meant to be, drove him to the edge. It was also your gaze, strangely full of something pretty close to love, your delicate hands running through his hair or touching his chest. Despite your still sensitive bud, you could feel a second wave of orgasm coming for you and he could feel it too. Your walls were getting tighter, making it difficult for him to slide easily inside of you, clenching his length in the most delicious way. Sitting for you to get him fully, he gave few more hip thrust before reaching his climax, shaking between your arms as his face was resting on your breast. Soon you were met by yours and stayed like this, connected for a bit, both panting while his semen was dripping down your thighs. He looked up towards you, a soft smile on his face, his eyes looking like little crescent moons. You gave him a peck on his forehead before he spoke. « Y/N… I’m dying of heat… Should we go take a swim ? » You giggled but happily agreed. Holding your hand he led you into the water, not letting you go. « Did I make my presence worthy of your time, Lord Hwang Hyunjin ? » you teased him, cupping his face with your hands. « More than worthy, half-blood. Let’s meet again… Hmm… Tomorrow ? » He pressed his lips against yours, water refreshing your overheated bodies. « It would be my pleasure. »
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fullsunstrawberry · 2 years
NCT Dream Reaction:
You ask them to kiss you
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Warning* Very Fluffy, Mention of heated kissing in some.
[nct dream masterlist]
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Mark: New Years Kiss
•“Hey, you good bro?” Mark took a seat next to you.
•“Ugh New Years always reminds me of how painfully single I am.” Mark laughed at that. “Why?”
•“I just never have a New Years Kiss” You sigh slouching down in your seat.
•“Just ask anyone, I don’t think anyone would really mind” Mark patted your shoulder before getting up because Jeno called him over.
•You still had an hour to decide on wether or not you were going to ask someone to kiss you.
•But any time you would think about kissing someone your mind went straight to Mark. You found yourself searching for him with your eyes.
•The Countdown started when Mark pulled you up from the couch handing you a glass of champagne.
•You looked at Mark who was already smiling at you.
•“kiss me” you whispered.
•“Kiss me!” you said a little louder this time.
•Mark looked you in the eyes and placed his hands on your cheek. “Happy New Years” He whispered while slowly leaning in.
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Renjun: “The Art of Kissing”
•“Y/nnnnnnn, what are you doing?”
•you rolled your eyes “Renjun i’m reading a book”
•Renjun was the one to invite you over. You were excited till you realized he was practicing for a comeback and wasn’t giving you any attention.
•So you decided to take out your book and read. While occasionally looking up to watch Renjun dance.
•“What book is more important then me”
•“The book is called “The Art of Kissing” You held up the book so he could see the cover
•”Doesn’t sound as good as watching me dance” He scoffs “What could it be about that is more important than watching me dance”
•“You want me to show you?” You got up from sitting and walked towards him.
•You definitely made Renjun blush
•“W-What do you mean”
•“kiss me and find out”
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Jeno: Making Ex Jealous
•You just found out your boyfriend, now ex, cheated on you during most of your relationship. Even though you were already mentally done with him, it still hurt. You needed to tell someone but all your friends weren’t responding to your texts.
•So you decided to go see if Jeno was practicing.
•Which he was, thankfully. Jeno knew your ex boyfriend but they never got along. Your ex works at SM and Jeno didn’t like the idea of you dating someone from his company. He said that it would make things awkward. Now you understand why.
•You peaked in one of the practice room to see Jeno talking with some of his members. Before you could close the door he saw you and smiled, motioning you to come and join.
•When you got closer he could tell there was something up.
•“What’s wrong?” he looked worried and you started to feel bad. You looked at the other members because you didn’t really want to make a scene.
•“Let’s get some food” He takes your hand and drags you out the room
• After closing the door and making sure none of the other members followed you two out, he questioned you “What’s wrong?”
•”So you remember my boyfrie- ex boyfriend” he nods already confused. ”Well turns out he was cheating on me”
•You could already see Jeno getting upset. You didn’t really want to tell him because you knew he would try to do something he would regret later.
•”i’m gonna kill him” He huffs out but when he sees your expression he turns soft.
•”How about instead of me killing him, we go eat in the cafe?” He waits till you nod to grab your hand and lead you to the dinning area.
•This was a bad idea because you saw your ex with another girl. The girl that he was cheating on you with. Jeno noticed and was already getting pissed off.
•You watched as your ex turned around and noticed you holding hands with Jeno. He never liked Jeno and even considered him as a “threat” while you two were dating.
•”Jeno Kiss Me” You whispered
•Jeno didn’t question it, already knowing why you asked. He pulled you into him quickly and you grabbed his shirt pulling him down to kiss you even deeper. You two were practically making out in front of everybody but you really didn’t care.
•You quickly forgot about your ex the second Jeno’s lips were on your own. Jeno was just too good of a kisser.
•Jeno being the gentleman he is- took you into a more private place. AKA a random janitor closet to continue.
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Haechan: Prove It
•Hanging out with all the Dreamies was kind of stressful. Well not for you, but for Haechan it was hell.
•Everyone already knew about Haechan crush on you. He didn’t even need to tell anyone. That’s how obvious it was.
•The only person that didn’t know was you. To be fair, you were blinded by your own crush on him.
•You liked hanging out with Haechan one on one. But hanging out with the Dreamies meant a whole bunch of teasing towards Haechan.
•You loved it! Hey it’s not your fault he looks so damn hot when he is annoyed.
•That’s why you just had to join in when everyone was teasing him.
•“pft I bet you’ve never even kissed someone” Jeno laughed.
•“I HAVE!” Haechan defended
•You couldn’t help but to giggle at this. But that was a mistake because Haechan caught you giggling.
•“Y/nnnn” He whined, hoping that you believed him.
•“I didn’t even say anything!” you defended yourself throwing your hand up into the air.
•“But you laughed! I’m a very good kisser!” He was now only looking at you.
•“Okay, okay, whatever you say Haechan” you said, sarcasm lacing your voice.
•“I am! Why don’t you believe me!” Haechan started getting up, probably to be more dramatic.
•“Then prove it” You shrugged
•This made Haechan do a 180. Instead of being loud and dramatic, he got quite.
•“And how would i do that y/n” He spoke, unsure of how his voice was going to sound.
•You got closer to haechan, looking into his eyes. But your eyes started to travel down until they were on his lips.
•“kiss me”
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Jaemin: Practice Makes Perfect!
• This was perfect! You are finally going on your first date. You were beyond worried. Every time you thought about it, anxiety would fill you.
• You realized that you didn’t know how to go on a date.
• So you did the only thing that you could think of. Asking Jaemin for help.
• You always ask Jaemin for help and this is no different.
•He didn’t agree to help you, until you said you felt comfortable around him and didn’t want to ask anyone else for help.
• He thought about it for a second. Knowing that he wouldn’t able to hide his feeling if he went on a pretend date with you. But he didn’t want you to run to Jeno or Mark for help.
• That’s what lead you to standing in front of Jaemin’s door wearing a sundress.
• Once you knocked Jaemin quickly opened the door. When he saw you he froze. He didn’t expect you to get all dressed up for a fake date. But you were determined to make everything perfect.
• “Wow you look beautiful” He spoke holding out his hand for you to take. This made you blush not expecting physical touch.
• After your amazing pretend date. Jaemin took you back to his dorm and lead you into his room because he didn’t want this to end.
• “Thank you Jaemin, this was amazing” You smiled ready to turn around and leave because this was feeling a little bit too real.
• “Um is there anything else I can teach you before you leave?” He nervously uttered. Just trying to keep you from leaving.
• This made you blush even more because you know he didn’t mean for it to sound dirty but you two were alone in his room after a “date”.
• “Uh well, what if he tries to do more?” You blurted out.
• “How would I help you with that y/n” Jaemin didn’t want to assume you were implying kissing but he couldn’t help but blush.
• “Jaemin can you show me how to kiss?”
• That’s all you had to say before Jaemin was pulling you into him and cupping your face. “Let me show you”
• You were a natural at kissing. Which only made Jaemin deepen the kiss. Slowly pushing you to where you back hit the wall.
• Once you two pulled away to breath again, he spoke “Cancel that date, i’m taking you on a real one”
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Chenle: Just kiss me
• Chenle having his own house was the best. You didn’t have to worry about the other Dreamies teasing you guys every time you hung out.
• Chenle practically invited you over to hangout every day he had off. Which wasn’t a lot but you were grateful you were his number one choice to hang out.
• Hanging out consists of playing video games or board games in his living room. It was never a chill hangout, you guys always had to be as loud as possible.
•Today was no different. You two were playing Mario Kart before you decided to order food.
•When the food arrived, Chenle insisted that eating in the living room was better than the dining room.
•You liked sitting on the floor while eating take out because it felt very “teenager” to you. Since you and Chenle didn’t really have a teenage life. Just immediately going to work instead of partying or going to college.
• “Y/n, look” Chenle giggled spinning an empty bottle of pepsi on the table. Which ended up pointing to you.
• “Looks like we have to kiss now” He laughed
•“Okay” You leaned towards him.
•“What” he gasped. Expecting you to playfully slap him.
• “What, it landed on me! So that means we kiss” You explained as if he didn’t already know how spin the bottle worked.
• “You don’t have to, if it makes you uncomfortable” Chenle assured.
•“Chenle, Just kiss me”
• After he took a good look at your face, making sure you weren’t joking with him, he grabbed you hands to pull you closer to him. With one more look at your face to make sure, he leaned in and kissed you.
• Chenle was very grateful he had his own house.
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Jisung: First Kiss
•You were done with all the teasing from your friends. What’s so wrong with not having your first kiss yet. You are a hopeless romantic. You wanted it to be perfect.
• But not everything can be ‘perfect’.
• That’s why you decided your just gonna get it over with. Then you won’t have to deal with all the stress and anxiety of it all.
• But the problem was you didn’t really know who to ask. You needed to be comfortable with them. You didn’t wanna kiss some random person.
• You first thought of one of the Dreamies, your close to some of them. They probably wouldn’t mind. But which one?
• Jaemin or Jeno…Definitely not they probably had too much experience for you to be comfortable kissing them.
• Mark? nope! you don’t want to be called bro after you kissed someone.
• Haechan? Chenle? Renjun? …They would definitely tease you.
• Jisung? Well he hasn’t had his first kiss yet either. What if he doesn’t want to get it over, with like you do?ughhh it doesn’t hurt to ask.
• You knocked on Jisung’s door hoping he wasn’t out because you didn’t even shoot him a text.
• You heard rumbling on the other side of the door before a very annoyed Jisung opened the door. His eyes softened when he realized it was you.
• “I didn’t know you were coming over” This came out more of a question, rather than a statement.
• “Sorry, I wasn’t really thinking straight.” You uttered.
• Jisung stepped to the side of the door and ushered you into his room. “is there anything wrong y/n?”
• You nervously looked at him “um I don’t really know how to put this but I kind of want to get my first kiss over with”
• This confused Jisung even more “Okay, uh-”
• “I was wondering if you wanted to get it over with too”
• The realization hit Jisung in the face. His face was getting red and he couldn’t look you in the eyes anymore. “Yeah, i do” he paused “I don’t really know how to do this” he continued.
• He took a couple steps closer to you. He then placed his hand on your cheek gently.
• Him being so closed to you almost made you stop breathing. You could of swore you would drop dead if he got any closer to you.
• He started to lean in, closing his eyes when he got closer.
• Finally touching you lips and quickly pulling away. Before he could step away, you grabbed on to his shirt and pulled him back into another kiss.
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815 notes · View notes
softpascalito · 1 year
⋆ Softpascalitos Masterlist ⋆
This is a regularly updated masterlist of all my works, posted on tumblr + ao3! They're sorted by character with warnings/tags, please still read the full descriptions before reading! My entire blog is 18+ / MDNI.
⭐ - my personal favorites ⛓️ - smut 🍂 - hurt/comfort 💌 - fluff
i write for: javier peña, pedro pascal, agent ortega, joel miller, oberyn martell, marcus acacius, dieter bravo, silva, frankie morales, din djarin, agent whiskey, javi g, tim rockford
last update: 5th july 2024 If you have requests/questions/feedback or just want to say hi, feel free to pop into my asks! ✮
I do not give permission to have my work copied, translated, rewritten, put into any AI programs, or reposted without my direct agreement.
✮⋆˙ Main Fics ˙⋆✮
To Dig a Grave - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐🍂⛓️ [20k+]
Summary: Twenty-one years after the outbreak, you come to Wyoming looking for something and end up in Jackson after a stranger saves your life. But he doesn't stay a stranger. Turns out Joel Miller is looking for something too. It feels like a fresh start. But when bad luck seems to follow you, Joel is the only one to turn to, forcing both of you to confront your feelings about your pasts- and each other. Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Age Difference, Smut, More Tags to be added
We got your back - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐🍂 [6k+]
Summary: You work as a new DEA agent alongside Peña and Murphy. A not-so-kind colleague reveals more about you than you would like. Peña takes you under his wing. (Currently being reworked) Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn
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Specials Kinktober 2023 31 pieces of (mostly smut) - read on AO3 / Tumblr Advent Calendar 2023 25 Pieces including moodboards, hcs and fics - read on AO3 / Tumblr
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✮⋆˙ Javier Peña ˙⋆✮
Pregnancy Sex with Javier Peña - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐⛓️ [2.6k]
Summary: You're pregnant, Javier is overprotective. The problem: You're also really fucking horny. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Aftercare, Pregnancy, Established Relationship, PWP
Beyond Saving - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐🍂 [1.3k]
Summary: Javier is on office duty when he learns that someone close to you has passed, causing both of you to spiral. Tags: ❗ Dead Dove: Do not Eat ❗, Mention of Suicide, Grief, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Minor Character Death, Trauma, Mental Breakdowns
Kinktober - Hate Sex - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [2.3k]
Summary: When a raid goes wrong, Javier Peña gets pissed. You expect him to take it out on you. You dont expect him to fuck you so good. Aka a steamy office romance with a side of hate sex. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Hate Sex, Unsafe Sex, Rough Sex, Spanking
Kinktober - Humiliation - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [2.2k]
Summary: Javier takes you home after a night out. You worry about waking Steve who lives upstairs- until Javier notices the way you are staring at his gun. (Thats not code for his dick, Im talking about his actual gun). Aka Agent Peña fucks you on his couch using something other than his dick. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Gun Kink, Rough Sex, Praise Kink, Spanking, Dirty Talk
Kinktober - Tying a tie - Tumblr / AO3 🍂 [1.6k]
Summary: Javier resigns from the DEA. You both reflect on your life in Colombia while you help him get ready. You also discuss what is about to follow. Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, Anxiety, Established Relationship, Crying, Sad Javier Peña
Peluda - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐💌 [1.7k]
Summary: A snowstorm hits Bogotá and you bring back a surprise visitor. Javi is not amused. But, it leads to a realization about himself- and about you. Tags: Fluff, Nicknames, Soft Javi, Snow, Established Relationship
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✮⋆˙ Marcus Acacius ˙⋆✮
Healing Hands - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐⛓️ [2k]
Summary: Acacius returns home with an injury—and you try to care for him. But his ideas of healing (and baths) are a little ... different. Especially when you finally have some time to yourselves. Tags: Explicit, Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Fingering, Creampie, Bathing
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✮⋆˙ Joel Miller ˙⋆✮
Kinktober - Pegging - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐⛓️ [3k]
Summary: You and Joel run into a sex store on patrol. They have everything one needs to give their older, grumpy partner a good pregging. Aka Joel Miller gets his ass fucked for the first time in his life. Tags: Explicit, Smut, Pegging, First Time, Aftercare
Baby, I'm your National Anthem - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐⛓️ [3k]
Summary: You are back from college for the summer and your family happens to throw the annual Fourth of July Barbecue for your street. Your next-door neighbor and dad's best friend Joel Miller is invited—and you decide to wear a bold outfit. It definitely catches his attention. Tags: Smut, DBF!Joel, Age Difference, Semi-Public Sex, Dirty Talk
Kinktober - Nonsexual Ageplay - Tumblr / AO3 🍂💌 [2k]
Summary: When Joel brings back a book on trauma from patrol, something catches your eye. Having had too much of your childhood taken away by the outbreak, you find a way to get some of it back. Aka a soft Joel Miller making his partner feel safe enough to try nonsexual ageplay. Tags: SFW, Past Trauma, Age Difference, Nonsexual Ageplay
Kinktober - Wax Play - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️🍂 [1.9k]
Summary: Joel and you are paired up for patrol. There are a lot of things unsaid, a snowstorm rolling in and some candles. Go figure (or go read i guess). Tags: Smut, Explicit, Hurt/Comfort, Snowed in
Kinktober - Somnophilia - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [2k]
Summary: In 2003, Joel Miller is busy with dishes, paperwork and raising a child, leaving little time for his relationship. When he gets restless and sneaks over to her house, finding his girl asleep, he remembers a conversation they had about consent. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Explicit Consent, Age Difference, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Aftercare, Crempie, Pre-Outbreak
Kinktober - Playing with hair - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐🍂💌 [1k]
Summary: Joel works in construction in Jackson. During his lunch breaks, he always comes home to you. When you notice a talent of his you hadn't known about, he opens up about the past. Tags: Jackson Era, Established Relationship, Bathing/Washing, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Joel play guitar, Good Parent Joel
Kinktober - Massaging - Tumblr / AO3 🍂 [2.2k]
Summary: When Joel comes home after a long day of work, you crave nothing more than him. Until you're both reminded of his age. Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Age difference, Massage, Kissing, Healthy relationships
Kinktober - Familiar Scents - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [2.4k]
Summary: Over the span of many years, Joel Millers scent always stays the same. It starts when he takes you for a hike before the Outbreak- and continues for long after. Tags: Friends to lovers, Age difference, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Fingering, P in V Sex
Kinktober - Tooth Brushing - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐🍂 [2.4k]
Summary: Grief is cruel and just because you and Joel live in the safe haven that is the Jackson community it does not mean you're immune to it. Possibly the saddest (but also kinda best) thing I have written so far. Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Character Death, Established Relationship, Grief/Mourning, Protective Joel, Survivors Guilt
Kinktober - Crossdressing - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️💌 [2k]
Summary: Joel Miller has been wanting to try a different piece of clothing for a long time. It's not until you that he feels supported enough to do so. Turns out, you both really fucking like it. Tags: Smut, Fluff, Insecurity, Soft Joel, Slight Mommy Kink, Jackson Era, Sub Joel Miller
Kinktober - (Public) Help with button - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [2.4k]
Summary: What happens in a dimly lit corner on the lap of Joel Miller at the town dance, stays at the town dance. Almost. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Dirty Talk, Vaginal Fingering, Public Sex, Teasing, Established Relationship, Age difference, Jackson Era
Kinktober - Daddy - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️🍂 [2.6k]
Summary: Joel has been noticing a few things about your relationship that make him wonder about your feelings regarding your father. As you open up about your issues, he's sweet, supportive and makes you feel better in the way only he can. Tags: 2003!Joel Miller, Pre-Outbreak, Smut, Explicit, Hurt/Comfort, Daddy Kink, Daddy Issues, Crying, Fingering, Cock Warming, P in V Sex, Secret Relationship
Kinktober - Free Use - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [1.9k]
Summary: Joel comes home urgently needing some relief. Its a good thing youre there- and the first time Joel makes use of an ... interesting agreement. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Free Use, Rough Sex, Light Dom/Sub, Dirty Talk, Angry Sex, Shower Sex, Baking, Female Reader, Established relationship
Snowy Surprise - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️💌 [2.2k]
Summary: Joel takes advantage of your lunch break on patrol for ... other activities. Afterwards, a promise he made about christmas decorations comes back to haunt him. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Fluff, Soft Joel, Established Relationship, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Semi-Public Sex
Here cums Santa Claus - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️💌 [1.8k]
Summary: Jackson needs a Santa Claus - and Joel is the perfect fit. Getting to have you on his lap is just a bonus. Aka the one where Joel is dressed up as Santa Claus and you get to ride him. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Fluff, Soft Joel, Established Relationship, Fingering, Dirty Talk, P in V Sex, Costume Kink, Riding, Creampie
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✮⋆˙ Silva ˙⋆✮
Kinktober - Armpit + Orgasm Denial - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [1.6k]
Summary: When Silva comes home after a long day on the ranch, he smells amazing. He also distracts you from cooking in a quite special way. Tags: Explicit, Smut, Sweat, Praise Kink, Established Relationship, Oral Sex, P in V Sex
Kinktober - Dancing together - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐🍂 [1.4k]
Summary: When a particularly hard rain hits your little ranch, so does the sadness. Luckily Silva is there to make it better.(This fills a few gaps in Silvas life in a way that ties in with the movie.) Tags: Established Relationship, Domestic, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Parent Silva, Romance, Kissing in the rain, Slow dancing
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✮⋆˙ Oberyn Martell ˙⋆✮
Kinktober - Collaring - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️🍂 [2k]
Summary: Oberyn gets you a special present, one that both of you will enjoy. But things dont always go as planned. Tags: Explicit, Smut, Established Relationship, Safeword Use, Hurt/Comfort
Kinktober - Breeding - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐⛓️🍂 [2k]
Summary: Oberyn and her have been trying for a baby to no avail. Ever the loving viper, he comes up with an idea. Tags: Explicit, Smut, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Breeding, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink
Kinktober - Threesome - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [4.5k]
Summary: You are in charge of serving wine to the dornish folk at the kings wedding. A couple catches your eye and it may not be as one-sided as you thought at first. Aka the steaming hot threesome with Oberyn and Ellaria we all need. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Creampie, Threesome (FFM), Servant Reader, Aftercare, Porn with Plot
Kinktober - Washing hair - Tumblr / AO3 🍂 [1.7k]
Summary: A few weeks after you and Oberyn begin to try conceiving and days before he leaves for Kings Landing, he finds you cooling down in the baths during a hot day. Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Mild Smut, Bathing/Washing, Pregnancy, Established Relationship
Kinktober - Pregnancy - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️🍂 [1.4k]
Summary: Oberyn has been more cautious around her now that the due date is near. He has to realize it's not what she wants. And who can deny the wishes of a pregnant woman? Tags: Smut, Pregnancy Sex, P in V Sex, Oral Sex, Romance, Fluff, Domestic, Established Relationship, Female Reader
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✮⋆˙ Jack Daniels ˙⋆✮
Kinktober Day Eighteen - Spanking + Whipping - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐⛓️ [2.2k]
Summary: When you mess up during a mission, Jack doesn't want to have to report his own girlfriend. Since he is your higher-up, you work out an agreement- a punishment by Whiskey himself. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Spanking, Whipping, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Crying, Established Relationship, Rough Sex, Dom/Sub Undertones
Kinktober Day Twentythree - Deepthroating + Facesitting - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [1.9k]
Summary: You've never deepthroated anyone in your life- but you're eager to make your man feel as good as possible. You receive a proper thank you as well. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Deepthroating, Facesitting, Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Aftercare, Established Relationship
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✮⋆˙ Pedro Pascal ˙⋆✮
Here with me - Tumblr / AO3 🍂💌 [1.2k]
Summary: During his time in Morrocco, Pedro finds himself in need of reassurance. You are happy to help. Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Insecurities, Age Difference
I'll look after you - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐🍂💌 [2k]
Summary: Pedro is sick (but of course he doesn't admit it). You look after him. Hurt/Comfort (but the twist is that you're the one doing the comforting). Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Emotional, Established Relationship
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✮⋆˙ Agent Ortega ˙⋆✮
Agents don't have favorites - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️🍂 [2.6k]
Summary: Agent Ortega visits the Emerald Palace, but finds the woman tending to the horses more interesting than those tending to the men. After he leaves for a while, he comes back to an unwanted surprise. Aka its emotional but also they fuck. Tags: Explicit, Referenced Non-Con Elements, Hurt/Comfort, Smut
Kinktober - Shoe Shining + NTR (Cheating) - Tumblr / AO3 ⭐⛓️🍂 [2.2k]
Summary: Ortega returns to Brimstone. When he gets a shoe shine from a past flame, who is now married, things get complicated. Tags: Explicit, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Cheating, Rough Sex, Spanking, Aftercare, Creampie, Dirty Talk
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✮⋆˙ Dieter Bravo ˙⋆✮
Kinktober - Titfucking - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️🍂 [1.7k]
Summary: Dieter is alone in quarantine and begs you to come join him. Even with a few obstacles, you treat him the way he deserves. Tags: Explicit, Smut, Titfucking, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Kinktober - Watersports - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [1.7k]
Summary: Dieter is on edge because of an upcoming premiere and as his personal assistant, you try to keep him calm as well as sober. There is one thing that may help. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Established Relationship, Semi-Public, Assistant Reader, Alcohol, Watersports, Dom/Sub Undertones
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✮⋆˙ Frankie Morales ˙⋆✮
Kinktober Day Six - Frottage - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [1.4k]
Summary: After a flying lesson, you find yourself drawn to the man in the pilot seat. Luckily for you, Frankie knows exactly what you need. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Dirty Talk, Established Relationship
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✮⋆˙ Din Djarin ˙⋆✮
Kinktober Day Nine - Gloryhole - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [1.6k]
Summary: Din just wants some quick pleasure. You just want to enjoy your job for once. Both of you get more than you bargained for. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Prostitution, Oral Sex, Strangers, Semi-Public
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✮⋆˙ Javi Gutierrez ˙⋆✮
Kinktober Day Twentyone - Lingerie - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️💌 [2.1k]
Summary: Javi usually gets the movie memorabilia he loves so much for his birthday. This year, he gets something infinitely better. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Established Relationship, Birthday Sex, Lingerie, Kissing, Fluff, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Vaginal Fingering, P in V Sex
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✮⋆˙ Tim Rockford ˙⋆✮
Kinktober Day Twentynine - Breathplay - Tumblr / AO3 ⛓️ [2.1k]
Summary: After a successful case, everyone goes out to celebrate. Everyone except your boss, Tim Rockford. But, with an empty office to make use of, you both find your own way to celebrate. Tags: Smut, Explicit, Established Relationship, Choking, Coworker Reader, Female Reader, Office Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Secret Relationship
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alltheirdamn · 7 months
A Bounty for Reward (Mando x f!reader)
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Summary: Revenge tastes so fucking sweet. Warnings: extreme violence, blood and gore, weapons, dismemberment (sorry...), torture, wound care, shower sex, unprotected piv sex, oral (m receiving), fingering, language Word Count: 7.1k A/N: First and foremost, I am so sorry it took me a bit of extra time to get this chapter posted. I am the WORST at writing action-packed scenes and truly spent a week bashing my head against a wall trying to get it right. (it still isn't good lol) But anyway, pls look past the monstrosity that is ~my writing~ and enjoy the karma Kesi deserves.
Din really fucking hated being stuck on a ship with the three Mandalorians. Paz was a part of Clan Vizsla, another house within the Death Watch. While Din hadn’t interacted much with him, the scene in Nevarro was enough to make his blood boil. Paz had never seen Din remove his helmet, but the insinuation he knew had Din on edge. Maybe the apparent relationship between him and the girl led Paz to consider the chances of Din breaking his Creed. Paz wasn’t wrong, but his distaste for Din would cause a problem if it went any further.
All four of them had squeezed into the cockpit of the Gauntlet as they flew towards Oba Diah. For a few hours, there was nothing but silence and building tension between them all. Bo Katan and Koska had removed their helmets early on, proving to be one more thing that set Din on edge. Despite his loyalty to the Death Watch, seeing them so free in their own Clan made him extremely envious. Din had renounced his loyalty but wasn’t ready to completely break free from all he had known.
“So,” Bo Katan said, breaking the silence. 
She turned the pilot's seat around to face Din, a smug grin teasing the corners of her lips. 
“This girl must be something special if you’re killing in her honor,” she smirked. “Let me guess, you broke your loyalty for her, huh? Took off that shiny helmet?”
Din didn’t respond. Bo Katan could see right through him. 
“Does she know what that means?” Bo Katan raised an eyebrow.
“You are no Mandalorian,” Paz growled from beside Din.
Din exhaled heavily, turning his visor towards Paz. While Paz was twice his size, Din wasn’t intimidated; he was just worried that this situation would affect the mission.
“I have done nothing wrong,” Din said.
“Apostate! You have gone against our Creed, and for what? That girl?”
Din was out of his seat, pining Paz against his own with a vibroblade. Paz’s strength outdid Din’s, but Din kept a firm hand on Paz’s cowl to hold him down.
“I am still a Mandalorian!” Din snapped. 
“Your loyalty lies elsewhere,” Bo Katan chimed in. “Unless you and her have taken vows to one another, Paz is correct. You have broken the creed within your Clan. In their books, you are no longer a Mandalorian.”
“I am loyal to my Clan,” Din defended, though it felt like a lie.
“You are loyal to her,” Bo Katan argued.
Paz shoved Din, forcing him to stumble back into his chair. Din knew in his heart his loyalty was to her and her alone, but admitting that aloud to other Mandalorians made the weight of it too heavy to carry. Especially with Paz, that admission would come with a fight in words and fists, and he needed their focus on the mission. Din still needed time to learn who he was without his Creed before he could face any more scrutiny.
“Our focus is this mission,” Din said firmly. “Nothing else.”
“I will not stand beside someone who tosses their loyalty at a woman's feet,” Paz snapped.
“You have come to fight, Paz,” Bo Katan interjected. “You both can sort your issues out after. We will fight in return for Mando’s help, and I will not let the rules of your Clan stand in the way.”
Paz had little else to say in doing so, leaving the cockpit and retreating into the belly of the ship. Din sat defeated, watching the galaxy pass by as they flew closer to Oba Diah. His mind was fixated on Kesi and all the ways he would torture him, though he found his thoughts wandering to the quiet moments spent on the Crest with her. Just this one mission, and he’d be home.
The Gauntlet passed through Oba Diah’s atmosphere a day later. The planet was drenched in an endless array of grey clouds and smoke. As they flew further into the city, it became alight in colors of neon green that seemed to dissolve into the smoky haze surrounding the mountain crags. Din had never seen a city built around a fortress, but that’s what it was: a fortress. Nestled between the obsidian cliffs and mountain crags, they flew closer to a large spaceport where several ships were inbound. Bo Katan slowed the ship as they neared the port, her focus dead set on landing somewhere untraceable. 
“We’ll be lucky to make it out of here in one piece,” she grumbled. 
Koska scoffed at her words, throwing a deadly glare at Din. He knew it was because of his infatuation with killing Kesi that they were all in this predicament, but he didn’t care. He needed this. 
“Once this is settled, my help will be returned,” Din swore. 
“Oh, I know,” Bo Katan said. 
She found a secluded area in the mountain range to land the Gauntlet, giving them enough time to gather weapons and create a somewhat thought-out plan. Din knew that the Pykes were unpredictable, and whatever they were walking into, they needed to keep sharp. He was in full hunter mode now; nothing would prevent him from finding and killing Kesi. 
Paz was quieter towards Din now, instead focusing on loading his large blaster—there was a reason why Mandalorians referred to him as the Heavy Infantry Mandalorian. 
As Bo Katan lowered the ship's ramp, she adjusted her helmet on her head, Koska following suit. Din felt a sudden wave of jealousy washing over him as he observed their nonchalance with the motion, wishing he could feel that free with his armor. He could be as free as he desired with her but not surrounded by Mandalorians who scrutinized his every move and decision. 
“There’s an entrance into the fortress on the eastern edge of the mountain range,” Bo Katan explained. “We’ll move there and secure the surroundings before entering. I’m not sure where Kesi could be located in the fortress, but we need to stay alert and ready for any possible chance of a fight.”
They nodded in agreement and started to hike east towards the entrance. It was no easy trek to the entrance as they encountered unstable ground and falling rocks, but as they neared the fortress, the ground evened out and gave a clear path to the door. Din surveyed the surroundings; his blaster clutched tight as he scanned the perimeter. He gave an ‘all-clear’ sign to the other three, motioning them forward. Paz approached the entrance first, trying his hand at the coded system that kept it locked. Din wasn’t surprised to find it heavily armored, but it didn’t seem to phase Paz as he blasted the system and sent the door flying open. 
“Easy enough,” Paz grumbled, forcing his large body through the door first. 
It was, in fact, not easy. 
The security system of the fortress set off a loud alarm, the entire entrance drenched in red as they sprinted down the hallway. The blaring sound of the alarm drowned out Din’s mind as he raced through the building, his weapon lifted as he readied himself for the fight. Bo Katan and Koska remained further back to guard Din and Paz as they swept through the lower floor, scanning for any indication of straggling spice traders. They came up empty and continued to scour the lower level until they reached an unmanned turbolift. 
“Be ready for the fight,” Din instructed, leading them into the lift. 
Bo Katan unsheathed her duel pistols, followed by Koska lifting her blaster rifle to eye level as they faced the door. Paz was grumbling nonsense as he readied his weapon, training it at the door for when it opened. The turbolift ascended above ground, the lights flickering red as it came to a stop. Din held in a breath as he anticipated the worst, his weapon mirroring the other Mandalorians. 
They knew what awaited them when the doors opened. 
Pykes littered the hallway as the turbolift door opened, their rifles sending a downpour of blasts toward the four Mandalorians. Din ducked under the fire, sending a return of shots that forced a domino effect of Pykes falling to the ground. Paz advanced in front of Din, his large blaster nearly incinerating the remaining smugglers that stood in their way. 
“Good work,” Din panted. 
Paz huffed at his words, stalking forward as they turned down another hallway. Bo Katan and Koska flanked Din’s sides, their helmets whipping back and forth for any other Pykes on their tails. Despite their arguments on the ship, Din was grateful for their help because he knew he wouldn’t have survived this alone.
The hallway opened into a large operations room, the screens covered in static and blinking lights. Bo Katan surged forward to inspect the operation systems, checking for locations within the fortress that might be useful. Paz remained in the doorway, his blaster set to kill in case anyone ventured their way. Once Bo Katan located a map of the fortress, Din’s eyes wildly searched it for any clues. The entire Pyke fortress was a series of mazes that led to various operation rooms or spice mills. Din had a hunch Kesi would be in one of the main operations rooms, so he set his sights on traveling higher to the heart of the building. 
While they gathered information, another grouping of Pykes rounded the entrance, circling them until they were outnumbered. A slew of shots rang out from both sides, some of the shots hitting the hardware within the room and lighting the systems on fire. They had to move now before things got worse. All four Mandalorians fought their way out of the smoking room and maneuvered over the dead bodies as they searched for another escape route. Din led them back into the hallway toward another turbolift, keeping a mental note of which operations rooms he wanted to tear apart, all the while fantasizing about the way he’d torture Kesi. 
The turbolift opened into the heart of the fortress, the hallway lined with Syndicate members waiting to strike them down. Each advanced at a deadly speed, their rifles more powerful than the last group they encountered. Din surged forward, dropping to a crouch as he tore through the bodies with his vibroblade. Din was bloodthirsty as he watched them drop to the ground, their masked faces staring blankly at the ceiling as they continued through the fortress. He was ruthless with each kill, striking some with his blaster while he tore into others with his blade. The other Mandalorians didn’t hold back with their violence, either, their body count adding to his as they moved in deadly silence. 
“Check every room,” Din commanded. “If you find Kesi before I do, you alert me. He’s mine.”
The violence laced within Din’s words forced them to agree in silence as they split up, each tracking the halls on their own. Din moved through the main hallway of the fortress, the alarm still blaring in the back of his mind. His armor was doused in red light as he lurked around the corners, dropping Pykes where they stood. Some of their shots landed against his armor, but they made no impact on the beskar covering his chest or arms. 
He approached the first row of rooms lining the hallway, the metal steel doors taunting him with each step. Din nearly vibrated with rage when he hijacked the last room, the remnants of sabacc tables and spice dirtying the ground. He was losing his sanity with each step, knowing how close he was to finding Kesi and coming up empty every time a new room appeared. Standing in the final empty room, Din let out a frustrated yell, sinking his fist into the metal wall until it dented. 
“Mando!” Bo Katan’s voice broke through the rage-filled thoughts in his mind. 
She appeared at the room entrance, her helmet flicking to the wall and back to Din’s heaving body. He schooled his features, straightening his shoulders as he waited for her to speak. He desperately needed to hear those three words leave her mouth. 
“We found him,” Bo Katan said. 
Din’s vision went red. 
Bo Katan led him down a series of pathways, already covered in bloodshed and death left by her and Koska, till they reached a standalone room. Din clipped his blaster back onto his weaponry belt as he followed Bo Katan through the broken doorway. He wouldn’t need a gun for this death; he wanted to draw out the pain until there was nothing left of Kesi. 
Paz had Kesi pinned to the floor, Koska flanking his side with her blaster raised and aimed at Kesi’s head. Din stepped into the room and motioned for her to lower her weapon. She stepped aside, letting Din take her spot. 
“Leave us,” Din said, angling his head toward the doorway.
“We can kill him right now,” Paz argued.
Din’s helmet snapped toward Paz, and he wished Paz could see the dangerous glare twisting his facial features. Gnashing his teeth together, he waited for Paz to relent and leave.
“He’s mine,” Din snapped.
Paz gave one stiff nod and retreated into the hallway. 
Kesi laughed, exhausted, as he slumped against the wall, his teeth barred and yellow eyes gleaming under the flashing red lights. The color distorted his features, his face shadowed and mocking as he stared at Din. 
“All of this chaos for some whore?” He taunted. 
Din’s fist made contact with the center of Kesi’s face, bone cracking the only noise above the alarm system. This was just the start of what he wanted to do to the vile piece of shit in front of him. Kesi doubled over, groaning and clutching his bleeding nose, and Din took a slow step forward, crowding him against the ground. Lowering himself into a crouch, he gripped Kesi by the hair on his scalp, forcing him to meet the visor of his helmet.
“I’m going to enjoy killing you,” Din growled. 
Kesi spit blood at Din’s helmet, the splatter minimal across the visor. Din wished Kesi could see the murderous grin he had as he watched him writhe under his grasp. 
“You realize the type of people that will hunt you down, right?” Kesi laughed, blood coating his teeth.
“Let them.”
Din unsheathed his vibroblade and angled it at the base of Kesi’s neck. Dragging the tip across the skin, he relished at how the blood slowly pooled to the surface. Releasing his grip on Kesi’s hair, Din reached for Kesi’s hand and bent it sideways, followed by another harmony of cracking bones. Kesi wailed in pain, thrashing against Din’s hold. 
“You touched her once,” Din accused. “That needs to be fixed.”
Steadying the broken hand, Din took the blade to Kesi’s first finger, sawing against the bone until the flesh fell away along with the digit. He paid no mind to the sound of Kesi’s cries as he moved to the next finger, repeating the mutilation until his hand was void of all five fingers. Blood seeped into Din’s glove as he tossed the damaged hand aside, reaching for Kesi’s other to deliver the same torture. 
“Stop!” Kesi begged as Din tore into the first finger.
“Did you stop when she begged?” Din seethed.
Kesi only whimpered, his body shaking with a mixture of pain and blood loss. 
“I didn’t think so,” Din said.
With all of his fingers disposed onto the ground at his feet, Din lifted the blade back to the edge of Kesi’s jaw. The man was practically a heap of flesh and blood, his consciousness slipping with each passing moment. 
“Hell is too good for someone like you,” Din whispered.
He drew the bloodied blade across Kesi’s neck, a gurgled sound seeping from his lips. Din stepped back to watch as it stained his tanned skin and tattered clothes, the color of it darkening with each flash of the red lights in the room. Kesi’s body crumpled to the floor, his eyes staring blankly at the walls. Din wasn’t done yet. 
Grounding the sole of his boot between Kesi’s shoulder blades, he yanked Kesi’s head up and tore into the flesh and bone of his throat until his head fell from his body. 
It wasn’t enough to fix the past, but it was enough to satisfy Din.
The other Mandalorians didn’t question Din when he emerged from the room drenched with Kesi’s blood. Bo Katan gave him a knowing nod, grasping his shoulder as they turned to leave. Din was in a murderous haze as they rewound their way down to the east entrance, still on alert for other Pykes. So far, they were clear as they rounded the path back to the Gauntlet. 
“We need to go back to Nevarro,” Din huffed. 
“I’ll give you a week with your girl, and we'll leave for our mission,” Bo Katan replied. “No backing out now, Mando. You did us a favor, and now you owe me.”
“I understand.”
The ramp lowered to the ship, and they began climbing up. From the corner of his eye, Din spotted a Pyke lurking on the ship's west side, barreling toward them. Din flipped his blaster from his hip, but not fast enough to avoid a sharp pain threading up his abdomen. He heard the remnants of footsteps running down the ramp behind him as everything around him faded. 
You were getting stir-crazy in the confines of the room Karga had stuffed you into. You had the freedom to leave as long as he oversaw your every move, but without Din, nothing interested you. Which was pretty fucking pathetic. Never could you have imagined your life revolving around a man—it was sort of laughable. But you loved him, and that outweighed the unfortunate butterflies in your stomach swirling about. 
You had sat yourself by the window most of the morning, watching the citizens of Nevarro roam about the main street. Though most of the town was filled with bounty hunters and drunken gamblers, you could spot small families occasionally. That pang of jealousy still thrummed inside your heart as you gazed upon them; you hated that you couldn’t have that life. You hated that you couldn’t give Din that same life, too. If he ever wanted to have a family, it wouldn’t happen with you, and that was a truth you’d have to learn to live with. 
As the morning passed into early afternoon, you caught a glimpse of a ship passing through the atmosphere. It was Bo Katan’s ship; you knew that much. Your feet couldn’t carry you fast enough through the inn and streets; your breath ragged as you finally made ground toward the docking port. It wasn’t until you saw Paz Viszla carrying a limp body down the ramp that your body stood paralyzed. 
It was Din. 
“What the hell happened?” You nearly screamed, barely avoiding stumbling into Bo Katan. She kept you at arm's length despite your body fighting against her hold. You tried to conceal your worry, but you failed… poorly. Din’s hand was clutching his side, blood pooling over his glove. You didn’t even have time to understand why the rest of him was caked in dried blood, either, but you had a terrible hunch you knew the reason. 
“A Pyke snuck up on us as we were leaving,” Bo Katan explained, still keeping you feet from Paz. 
You schooled your expression as Paz laid Din on the ground, followed by a pained groan muffled through the modulator. You pushed off Bo Katan, crouching down to inspect the wound. 
“You couldn’t have fucking helped him?” You yelled at Bo Katan. 
She pulled her helmet from her head, her eyes filled with anger as she glared down at you. 
“We barely made it out of Oba Diah alive,” she explained. “They hunted down our ship through the atmosphere and nearly shot us down. You’re lucky any of us survived.”
You shot to your feet, jabbing a finger into her breastplate, followed suit by Koska raising her blaster at you. You paid no mind to the weapon in your face as you barred your teeth at Bo Katan.
“Do you want his help for your own mission?” You cocked an eyebrow. “Then help.”
“He doesn’t want our help,” she argued. “He kept asking for you. So you help him. He’s no good to us if he’s injured, so the sooner he can heal, the sooner he can fulfill the side of his deal.”
You could barely contain your anger as you snapped your head toward Paz. You pointed to Din’s weak body and gave silent instructions to lift him. 
“Bring him to the Crest,” you ordered. “I’ll take care of him. All of you need to fucking leave.”
“Remember, little one, he did this all for you,” Bo Katan said. 
Her words were close to breaking you, but you wouldn’t give her that power. You had hated her from the start, and in that moment, you really fucking hated her. You hated her for the reminder that you were the reason Din had gotten into the mess, and more importantly, you were the reason he was injured. You’d carry that guilt for your life. 
It took both you and Paz to carry Din up the ramp of the Crest, Din moaning with each step. He had mumbled your name a few times as you held his side, forcing tears to sting your eyes. He was alive; that was the important thing right now. Once Paz situated Din on the floor of the cargo hold, you screamed at him to leave and waited until the ramp closed to finally lose your shit. 
You held Din against your body, his helmet tipping to the side, the cold metal grazing your skin. The coldness of it stung, eliciting a wince from your mouth, but you pushed past it as you came to wrap your arm around his shoulder. Glancing down at his side, you peeled his hands away, exposing the gnarly gash. It was still slowly leaking blood, the tear in his pilot suit soaked in crimson colors. The fabric itself was seared away, the weapon that caused it far more violent than a standard blade. 
“Vibroblade,” he choked out, answering your wondering thoughts.
Your eyes shot up to the helmet, watching as it rocked to each side, his focus fading quickly. Your hand squeezed his bicep, forcing him to stay focused on you. You examined the wound again, seeing that it had penetrated through the thickest layer of his skin. It would need more than bacta spray and a med patch, but you would try what you could to suture it. 
Din let out a low groan, his helmet smacking back against the wall. 
“Hey!” You snapped. “Mando, you gotta stay with me, alright?”
“Din,” he sighed. “We’re alone.”
Your head rested against his arm momentarily, your pulse thumping in your ears as you tried to assess the situation. Fingers reaching up under his cowl, you pressed against his jawline, feeling for a pulse under his sweating skin. It was there; it was faint. No matter what, he had to stay awake and alert. 
“Din,” you whispered. “Din, can I take your helmet off?”
He didn’t respond, his muscles growing lax under your hold. 
“Din!” You hissed frantically. 
Without a response and permission, you pressed the latches on either side of the helmet, letting it crash against the metal floor as you tossed it aside. The chestnut curls of his hair stuck to damp, tanned skin, the remnants of battle plastered across his face. His brows were furrowed in apparent discomfort, thick eyelashes fluttering as his eyes remained shut. You swiped a finger over his cheek, collecting a rolling trail of sweat as it fell from his brow. In any other situation, you would be pressing your lips against his urgently, but this wasn’t the time. 
“Din,” you said quietly, “I’ve got to get the bacta spray, okay? I’ll be right back.”
He grunted in response, his lips twitching as if to say something. You halted, waiting for any sound to leave his pursed mouth. But nothing came. Leaving a chassed kiss on his forehead, you found your way to the refresher to grab the med kit, thankful he had restocked it when you arrived on Nevarro. Collecting everything you needed–wound cleaner, bacta spray, sutures, med patches–you rushed back to Din, watching as his chest rose and fell softly. 
“You still with me?” You asked. Your hand came up to cup his cheek, his body leaning into your touch slightly. 
“Hmph,” was all that came from his mouth. 
“Good enough for me,” you sighed.
Eyes roaming back to the gash on his side, you tore away more of the suit’s fabric to make enough room for the wound cleaner. Dumping the liquid onto your hands, you started massaging it against the soft skin covering his ribcage. Din grunted as the liquid stung his open wound, the chemicals working overtime to sanitize the extremity of the injury. It would be a miracle if he came out unscathed from an infection. The more your hands worked around the skin, the more he flinched away. 
“Stop fucking moving,” you snapped. “I can’t help you if you keep jerking away from me.”
You hadn’t meant to be so mean, but it was the underlying worry bubbling to the surface. You weren’t mad at him; you were just mad. Mad that it was your fault he left in the first place. Mad that his fixation on killing Kesi led him to be attacked by the Pykes. Taking a moment to breathe, you wiped your hands on your work pants, the caked-on blood smearing across the linen fabric. That was never coming out, you thought to yourself. 
Realizing you forgot a towel, you improvised, ripping apart your shirt to clean off the skin around the wound. Din winced again, this time his body twitching away from you as you touched him. Reaching a hand up to his neck, you tried soothing him, only for him to respond otherwise. With a violent grip, Din grabbed your wrist, the leather of his gloves digging into the tendons of your forearm. Yelping in pain, you glanced up, seeing his eyes set ablaze in anger and confusion. Twisting your arm harder, he hunched over you, face moving closer to yours with each constriction. 
“Hey!” you cried, “Din, it’s me!”
Still, he was unwavering, the anger too blinding for him to see past. You used all your strength to pry his fingers from your arm, only to be matched with the same strength from his own, pinning you further against the ground. You pleaded silently, watching the emotions stir within the brown of his eyes. Glimpses of reality flickered back and forth, the hold of the past a stronger vice than the present.  
“Din!” You nearly screamed. 
That caught his attention. 
Ripping your arm from his loosening grip, you stared at him in stunned silence, rubbing the finger marks that bruised your wrist. His eyes washed over you, up and down… up and down,  until he settled on your face with an apologetic look. Your name fell off his lips with a broken rasp. 
“Yeah, I know,” you sighed, the anger in you simmering, “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
“I hurt you,” he said, hand lifting to hold your face. 
You batted it away, grabbing the bacta spray and giving his wound a long coating of the medicine. He yelped in pain, the initial shock of the chemicals stunting him from speaking again. 
“No more than getting yourself hurt,” you snapped. You resprayed the medicine, his body flinching from yours. “You should have never done this. I wasn’t worth this.”
“Angel,” He choked through a few breaths. 
“Don’t,” you whispered. “You know I’m right.”
“I needed to do this.”
Frustrated, you laughed, tossing the bacta spray half away across the hold until it clattered against the refresher door. Din’s head turned from the bottle to you, his brows knit with confusion. Peeling away the backing of a med patch, you smoothed it over the wound, rubbing it over and over mindlessly. He winced again under you, this time locking his fingers around yours in an attempt to stop your sadistic behavior. 
“Enough,” he rasped. 
“If you had just let it go, you wouldn’t be hurt. You should have stayed,” you continued, talking through your anger. Your hand smoothed the patch down over and over and over again until he finally squeezed your fingers until the bones ground together. You yanked your hand away, sitting back on your heels as you watched him analyze the bandaged cut. With med supplies covering the ground, half your shirt torn off, and his helmet missing, you could finally see Din piecing together the situation you had been left in. 
He sighed. 
“He deserved to die, angel. I swore I’d go after him, and I’m sorry I got hurt. There would always be that risk of getting hurt, and I’m sorry it happened,” he conceded.
You paused, watching as his eyes batted themselves close. His lips parted slightly, chapped from the oxygen intake over the last several minutes. Every inch of his face was covered in exhaustion and pain, the worry lines in his skin far more prominent than ever. Reaching up again, you thumbed over the small patches of gray in his beard, rubbing it softly as the corners of his mouth twitched into a smile. 
“What’re you smiling for?” You grumbled, pitching the coarse hair between two fingers. 
Peaking out one eye, Din stared you down, capturing you in the dark brown of his eyes. 
“You’re beautiful. And I missed you.”
“And you’re lucky to be alive,” you rolled your eyes. “You’re an idiot. You had me scared that I would lose you.”
Din wrapped an arm around you, hugging you gingerly to his side, exhaling your name. You took careful consideration in not leaning against the freshly cleaned wound, your weight leaning more into his shoulders than anything else. He huffed a long sigh, his lips connecting with your forehead for a long, thoughtful kiss. 
“Thank you for taking care of me. I’m sorry you had to in the first place.”
“You left me no choice.”
Several moments passed without a response from him, the only sound being the light buzz of the cargo hold. His body rose and fell softly with each passing breath, his face finally softening as he rested. As long as his wound was cared for, he could rest, and you would let him. Peeling yourself out of his arms, you cleaned up the mess of supplies in the quiet, retiring to the cockpit to sit in silence. 
Above all else, you were mad at yourself. You could pin your anger on Bo Katan, but it was useless. You could easily pin your anger on Din, but you knew the reason behind his actions. He promised you freedom; he promised you Kesi would be caught, and that’s what you wanted, right? It had been everything you wanted, yet seeing him injured and hurt made you rethink it all. Was this how he felt after the attack on the Crest? 
But this was different. He had the help of three other Mandalorians and still came out injured. This could have been avoided if you hadn’t even been introduced into his life in the first place, but you wouldn’t let your mind roam to those invasive thoughts. Feeding into those thoughts brought you right back to that instinct to run. All you did was ruin everything around you, regardless of Din’s own choices; ultimately, it was your fault. Yes, you were free now, but that didn’t wash your hands clean of the blood on them. 
Hours passed before you heard rustling in the cargo hold. Climbing down from the cockpit, you found Din in the refresher, the sound of water softly echoing beyond the door. His armor and flight suit were piled on the bed, and his weapons belt hung inside the armory across from the refresher. Your eyes lingered on the blood covering the beskar armor, a chill running up your spine at the thought of what he did. Kesi was dead—more than dead, by the looks of it. 
The steam of the refresher left the cargo hold warm and humid, and the idea of warm water on your body seemed much better than staying in the freezing lower deck. 
Stripping out of your torn and bloodied clothes, you slid open the refresher door, the soft hiss of it closing lost beneath the sound of the falling water. Behind the fog and steam, you could see the silhouette of your bounty hunter, his tanned skin glistening from the water. His back was to you, giving you a complete view of his broad shoulders. While his hands worked their way through his damped curls, you could see the flex and movement of his back muscles, along with the scatters of scars that covered his skin in clusters. Small slashes from past battles, memories of bounties, years of fighting… all displayed in an array of darkened marks against his skin. 
Finding your way into the small space, you hugged your body against his, wrapping your arms around his torso. You could feel the way his body tensed and released as he adjusted to your chest flush with his back. He was warm, and you inhaled the lingering smell of gunpowder and sweat on his body. His hands snaked around your arms, fingers trailing down to interlock with yours. Your mouth roamed over his skin, kissing each scar as you moved across the planes of his shoulder blades. His fingers squeezed yours, drawing your own hands to his lips. With each kiss you placed, he left his own on your fingers, his soft lips covering you in tender kisses. 
“C’mere,” he said, pulling you around to face him. 
His eyes were soft in the dim lights of the refresher, his eyelashes covered in water droplets as he looked down on you lovingly. Din roamed his hands over the curves of your body, squeezing your hips as you leaned back to dampen your hair. Feeling him press against you, you pulled him down to meet your lips, the water falling over both your open mouths. Noticing him harden against your leg, you leaned into him, eliciting a soft moan from his lips. 
“Let me take care of you now,” he rasped, his mouth nipping at your jawline. “Let me make things better.”
A warmth spread low in your body in response to his words, wetness growing between your thighs as his hand trailed lower. He brushed a finger up your inner thigh, a shiver running through your body as you bucked against his hand. 
“Din,” you said breathlessly. 
Din had you pressed against the wall in one smooth motion, the cold tile stinging your skin. His hand coaxed your thighs further apart, a calloused finger drawing hard, slow circles around your clit. Keening, your head fell against his chest, your core clenching at each movement of his fingers. He responded to your growing whimpers as he slipped a thick finger between your wet folds, curling it deep inside you until you released a loud moan. Slipping another finger in, Din pushed his hand further against your wet cunt, his thumb finding itself comfortably against your clit. A blinding ripple of pleasure clouded your vision as your nails dug into the tensed muscles of his biceps. 
“Right there,” you panted, hips pushing forward to feel the curl of his fingers in the deepest part of you. 
A growl vibrated through his chest as his fingers moved at a rougher pace, drawing you right to the brink of your orgasm. Letting out an exhausted cry, you clenched around his fingers, grinding your hips against his hand until his fingers were covered in your juices. As he pulled his fingers from you–drawing a small gasp from your lips–he bent down to meet your lips with a passionate kiss. Teasing your own open wider, Din deepened the kiss as your name fell off his tongue in a soft admission. 
He was insatiable. 
But you had other plans. 
Using what little strength you had, you pivoted until he was pinned against the wall, his pupils blown wide with lust. You rubbed your hands over the expanse of his broad chest, fingers curling through the hair that covered his tan skin. You made sure to avoid his bandaged wound, seeing a small stain of blood leaking through the med patch. Kissing over his sternum, you let your weak legs draw you down, a trail of kisses leading the way as you positioned yourself on your knees. The placement of the water behind you hit your back in warm waves, the pressure of it soothing you as your fingers dug into the dip of his pelvic bone. Din let out a soft groan, his eyes never leaving you as your tongue danced over the soft flesh of his stomach. 
He was achingly hard by the time your mouth roamed to his cock, the tip leaking with precum already. Leaving gentle kisses along the length of his cock, you gazed upwards to find him wrecked with wanton need. You were working at an agonizingly slow pace, and he was at your disposal. With the tip of your tongue, you drew a long, steady line from the base of his cock, a deep shudder echoing through his body. His hand tangled itself in your hair, his fingers scraping against your scalp as he urged you to take him in your mouth. Letting him guide his cock into your mouth, you suppressed a moan as it hit the back of your throat. 
“Fuck,” he exhaled. 
He thrust into your mouth, slow at first, then picking up speed as he felt your lips adjust to the girth of his cock. Your eyes stayed trained on him, watching as his jaw fell slack each time you swallowed him. You felt his body as it began to tense up, the peak of his orgasm straining through his muscles as he tightened his grip on your hair. You circled his cock, the sensitivity too much to bear as he finally spilled himself into your mouth. Swallowing hot ropes of cum, you waited until he softened to release him, a string of saliva connecting from the head of his cock to your wet lips. Grinning up at him, you kissed the soft skin of his thighs, sitting back on your heels as the water cascaded over your scalp. 
Your rest didn’t last long as Din reached down, gripping your elbow and yanking you back to your feet. His lips were on you, hot and urgent, as his tongue dipped inside your mouth. He moaned deeply into the kiss, the salty taste of his cum still lingering on your tongue. His fingers dug themselves into the plush curve of your hips, their grip bruising and rough as he laid claim over you. 
You mewled against his lips, your hands tangling themselves in the curls at the base of his neck, tugging softly as you felt his cock harden against your thigh. His mouth roamed down your neck, sucking marks into the skin–marks you knew would still be there tomorrow. You gasped as his teeth sucked down into the sensitive flesh between your neck and shoulder blade, just as his hands urged your thighs around his waist. With little effort on his end, Din hauled you up until your ankles were crossed at his lower back, your thighs widening to brace against his hips. 
“You want me to show how badly I need you, angel?” He whispered, his voice low. “Need me to prove it to you?”
“Please,” you begged. 
Taking himself in his hand, Din coated himself in your slick, splitting you open as he buried himself to the base of his cock. A cry escaped your lips as a hum of satisfaction left his. With a hand on your ass and the other braced against the wall, he thrust into you with violent strokes, each one hitting your core in blinding precision. He knew the exact spot that halted your breathing and left you wordless with nothing but high-pitched whines. 
“This is how badly I need you,” he gritted. “I fucking need this cunt; I fucking need you. Fuck, so good for me.”
You cried out, your body clenching as the ache inside your stomach grew until you couldn’t contain it anymore. 
“Din!” You sobbed. 
He was relentless, his thrusts more brutal with each force into you, and you could feel the tears spilling down your cheeks as you came. Your cunt pulsed hard as you clenched around his cock; his strokes halted as you squeezed around it. There was a choked sound lodged in his throat, and his own body tensed as he spilled himself inside you. His nails dug into the plush skin of your ass, his body grinding against your wet cunt as you continued throbbing around him. He hung his head a moment, mouth open as he panted heavily. Your own body was wracked with pleasure, a sting of pain coursing through your cervix from how cruel his movements were. As he slipped out of you, you could feel the mixture of your cum spill down your inner thigh, the spraying water washing it away as he guided you back onto your feet. The soreness in your thighs now would be thousands of times worse tomorrow, but you didn’t mind. 
You liked the reminder of him. 
“I love you,” he said, kissing your head softly. “I’m sorry for scaring you today, but I’m not sorry for what I did. You’re free now… you’re free.”
Fresh tears clouded your eyes as that realization settled in. You were free, and you were his.
“Thank you,” you sighed. “I love you.”
You glanced up at him, your bounty hunter, eyes aglow as he looked down on you. A gentle smile played on his lips, yet it didn’t fully meet his eyes. You could tell he was in pain as your eyes wandered down to his wound, seeing blood soaked through the med patch far more than you recalled from moments ago. 
“You won’t heal if you keep fucking me that hard,” you teased. 
“I guess I’ll never heal then,” he countered, pulling you flush to his chest. 
You laughed, tilting your head to meet his lips. 
“Let me clean this up,” you said, hands resting on his shoulders. 
“Later.” It was a warning. “I’m not ready to heal up just yet.”
Later, you’d ask him about Oba Diah, but you only wanted him and that taste of pure freedom.
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pedroshotwifey · 7 months
Favorite Bounty chapter 6
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Series masterlist
Pairing: Din Djarin x afab!reader
Word count: 6k
Chapter summary: Was it all just a misunderstanding? Is it too late to find out?
Chapter warnings: Violence ig lmao, angst?, Mando being a sappy bitch, mentions of smut, breeding kink?
A/N: Hey babes! I hate this, but I really hope you like it because it's all I've got! <3
Din can’t remember the last time he felt unsure of his actions. But as he watches the ship in front of your’s blow up, thanks to his missile, he starts to second guess everything he’s ever done that might have led up to this moment. Before he can understand what’s happening, bits and pieces are flying back, right into your junker ship. 
A wave of heat sends your ship back, taking side-paneling with it to expose vulnerable parts of your craft. Shrapnel begins to find a home in these spots, digging in and breaking it apart from the outside, likely jacking every system up within seconds. There’s a lot of damage about to be done, he knows that much as he eyes a larger piece headed for the front. Right where you are. 
He feels a weight in his chest sink down to his stomach, the unfamiliar feeling causing him to lurch into action. It hurts, he realizes. It hurts bad. The thought of truly losing you seems to reach inside his chest and squeeze his beating heart to a stop. Something inside him blisters, and every thought from his head that isn’t about you suddenly disappears, and every one that is, is suddenly enhanced. In a flash, he can see every second he’s spent with or around you since that day that your kind soul chose to risk your life to save his son’s. 
He remembers the first time he caught a glimpse of you, the way his breath was stolen from his lungs for the first time in his life as he found you on the floor, coddling his son like he was your own. Something had melted within him in that moment, his heart making room for you without consulting him first. 
The feeling had scared him, if he was being honest. 
So he got his shit together, and he snapped at you. Told you to get Grogu out of here, that he would find you later. You’d looked scared at first, but after he repeated himself, you were on your feet, immediately putting all your needs aside to help him. What kind of woman did that? 
He made sure to keep the nasty crooks he was dealing with at the time away from you and the kid. He was desperate to keep his son safe, but for some reason, adding you—a stranger, mind him—to the mix, doubled his concern. He didn’t understand why at the time. 
When he had the pirates down and tracked you to the alleyway you were taking coverage in, he couldn’t help but to admire you for a few seconds before revealing himself. The way your brows furrowed with worry, the way you held Grogu with such confidence and tenderness, the way you spoke softly to him even though you were scared out of your mind, it was this combination that almost brought him to his knees. 
The kindness and care that emanated from you then was enough to have millions falling in line behind him. You were a goddess, he was so sure of it. That was when he realized there was something wrong with him. He wasn’t supposed to feel this way, especially when he didn’t even know you. 
He had silently scolded himself and attempted to snap himself out of his trance, stepping out in front of you as you frantically looked behind you. Maybe a little too close in front of you, because the next step you took sent you straight into his chest.
Unfortunately, that did nothing to help his predicament. Your scent easily infiltrated his helmet, hypnotizing him in a way that was harder to just shake off. 
He had seen the way your body prepared to run again, so he reached out and grabbed your wrist to keep you with him. That was the first time he got a good look at you, when you looked up at him with those big doe eyes, full of fear that quickly turned to relief as you realized it was just him and not a threat. 
His stomach had flipped, which is the first time he could recall it doing so. 
He wanted to get to your level, ask if you were okay, but instead, he held his hand out like a dumbass. He also hadn’t realized that he was simply incapable of doing something like that. He’d asked—okay, demanded—for the kid, and you’d looked almost embarrassed as you reached to pass him over. 
And that’s when he heard the sounds of pirates gaining on him, and reached out to pull you to him before he could think about it. Your body felt way too good against his, even through the layers you both had on. He remembers one of the biggest threats in that specific moment was his own hardening cock working against him. 
You protested, and he slapped a hand over your mouth to silence you, giving you instructions to get to his ship. You listened to him then, and he knew he didn’t stand a chance after that. You ran off for the crest, and after a few grazes and a shot to the leg, he was off after you, throwing himself into the hull. 
He was losing blood from the injury on his leg, but he still managed to get the ship into the air and away from the immediate danger. It was only once he was out of the atmosphere that he let himself back down the ladder to find you sitting with a sleeping Grogu in your lap. 
He had hobbled over to a crate, digging out a medkit, and did his best to ignore his feelings—and the urge to pass out—as he tried to patch himself up. You, of course, saw his struggle, and had put Grogu up to come help him, even though he had not been necessarily kind to you. 
You looked so good sitting there between his legs, meticulously cleaning and bandaging his wound. He tried not to get caught in the features on your face, the different expressions that crossed it as you worked through the process. He had found himself wishing he could memorize each one of them individually. 
That night, the most he gave you was a ‘thank you’, and you were grateful anyway. He was barely able to remember all the details, but he remembered enough to be comfortable with you staying on the Crest. 
As the days went by, he had quickly, though reluctantly, come to realize that he deeply enjoyed your company. At first, when he noticed that he often found himself gravitating to wherever you were, he tried to ignore it, to play it off as coincidence that you always ended up in the same place as him. For some strange reason, each time he had the urge to go into the hull to look for something in storage—usually something that wasn’t really necessary at the moment—you were already there. Everytime he took a trip to the kitchenette for a ration packet—even though he was well aware that he wasn’t hungry—you were sat at the little table, already eating a pack yourself or feeding little spoonfuls to the kid. 
Eventually, he caught himself. It had only been a few weeks at that point since you had joined him and Grogu on the crest, but he could already feel the urge to protect you, to claim you as his own, to have you in his sights at all times. When he came to terms with that fact, he made up even more excuses to cover it up. It was instinct. He had just gone too long without human interaction, he was just naturally protective, the list went on. He did pride himself for a little while, for the way he was able to hold back from you, though it was a harder task than he would like to have admitted. 
Not only did he have the urge to keep you safe, he also had a nagging want to bend you over a crate and fuck you into oblivion everytime you passed by him in the hull. Fortunately, he had a sound enough mind to refrain from doing that, but he couldn't help but to place his palm on the small of your back each time, gently urging you past him. Unfortunately, just that action was enough to have him stiff in his pants, suddenly in dire need of solitude so he could find his quick release instead of holding one of his hands in front of his crotch for the next hour. 
Every now and again, he would get bold and tease you the slightest bit. Just to see if you would do something about it. Slip comments that could pass as flirty. Watch you for a little longer than what was normal because he knew you would tell after a minute. Sit in his Pilot’s chair with his legs spread and his half-hard bulge on display. Okay, that one definitely had you flustered. 
So yes, other than that minor detail, he did good at first, kept his distance, made it seem like he didn’t want to talk to you, didn’t want to even look your way. He did feel bad about it for a while, and had to convince himself that pushing you away was for your benefit as well as his. If he backed off and showed no interest, maybe you would back off too and he wouldn't have to spend his time avoiding you. 
No such luck.
If anything, the stoic persona he adapted for you only pulled you in. When he ignored one of your questions, you would ask two more. Every time you told him that you were going to do something, he would nod, giving you the smallest form of acknowledgement he could think of, but it never stopped you from doing it. 
You were the kindest, gentlest person he had ever met. You stayed with him and Grogu, going with him to different parts of the galaxy to watch the kid while he brought in bounties. You never asked for anything, and you never asked to leave. 
He remembers the first time he let himself show you affection. How could he not have? You probably saved his life. Again. 
He had landed you on a frigid planet to track down a bounty, and that had been his first mistake. He knows his armor is enough for most conditions, but apparently not for temperatures below freezing for a long amount of time. 
By the time he was hauling the crook he had hunted down with him back to the crest, he couldn’t feel his fingers or toes. Every part of him had ached, and he felt on the verge of passing out. Even through all this though, he hadn’t failed to spot the snowman out in the clearing that only could have been your doing. The top was shaped like a Mandalorian helmet instead of a ball, and he had smiled despite himself, and despite the way his lips cracked painfully as he did so. 
He took the bounty into the crest, shoved him into a carbonite chamber, and that was the last thing he remembered before he lost consciousness. He had woken up to your worried face hovering over him, your fingers pressed to the pulse point on his throat. 
He didn’t even have the energy to react, or maybe it was just that your presence put him at ease. Either way, he did nothing more than lay there and gasp, trying to suck in the air he had lost in his unconscious state. 
His first thought was that it was warmer. 
You had taken care of him, warmed him up. And you started rambling about how scared you were to lose him, and how you were worried that he would be mad because you turned the heat on even though he wanted to conserve energy. 
He was too stunned by you to really pay attention to much else than the way your lips wrapped around each word as it spilled from your mouth. He wiped a tear as it fell from your cheek, and he could see the shift within you as he did so. 
That was the first night he allowed himself to hold you. He blamed it then on being too physically and mentally exhausted to think properly. And in his defense, he doesn’t remember much else from then purely because of that fact. But he does remember the way he felt at home for the first time in much too long. 
He was gentle that next morning when he woke up with you still atop him. He knew you were awake, but he played into your game anyway. He had this urge to give you whatever he could to make you smile. He wanted to thank you, to make sure you knew he could never really be mad at you for anything. 
But then came the crash from the front of the ship. He knew immediately that it was pirates. All at once, he felt the softness he was showing toward you, and the vulnerability that came with it. And that scared the hell out of him. 
He hopped up and instructed you to stay with Grogu in his bunk. You did, of course. You got yourself situated and he was just about to open the gangplank, when the crooks got to it first. Before he could think about what he was doing, he had whipped around and shot the control panel to the bunk, concealing you and the kid. He had almost the entire group down when he heard the bunk screech back open. 
He took the last one out by smashing his head between his own helmet and the paneling of the Razor Crest. When he bolted back into the crest, he found you balled up, protecting the kid with your entire body, as a pirate reached for you. 
He had the creature dead on the ground before he understood what happened. When he looked back up at you, there were tears in your pretty eyes. The sight made his stomach twist into a nasty knot. He had you in his arms, the child rested between you, within seconds. 
He wanted to hold on to you forever, but he knew that wasn’t an option. He needed to get this mess cleaned up so you didn’t have to look at it. You shouldn’t have to look at ugly things. He helped you down from the bunk, watching that you could stand on your own feet without assistance. 
He nudged the body at your feed to the side so you wouldn’t trip, and something fell out of the pirate’s pocket as he did so. His chest clenched as he recognized the item. A bounty puck. But what made his blood run cold was the sight of your face on it. He pulled his hand back from you in shock, and bent down, scooping up the crook, and the bounty puck, before you could see it. 
A panic started to settle in his brain. Should he tell you? How many people were after you? How was he going to keep you safe? 
He barely heard you telling him that you were putting the kid back down through the frantic thoughts running through his head. He remembers nodding, too stunned to do much more than that. It was his fault. He didn’t keep you safe. He put you in harm's way. 
This was exactly why he shouldn't get close to you, or let you get close to him. 
He’d busied himself with cleaning everything up and disposing of the bodies while you were in the fresher, and then went to let you know that he would be going out to find some fuel. Your tone was clipped with annoyance when you spoke back to him, and he felt a twinge of hurt despite himself. 
He tried so hard not to let you have an effect on him, but you always did. 
He’d stood outside the fresher door, debating what to say. Should he apologize? He wanted to. Badly. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. So he told you he would be back soon, and he left. 
That was the same day he came home to find you with your hands shoved in your panties, moaning his name as you worked at your cunt, and he thought he was dreaming. Surely he had been ambushed and knocked out on his way to town. 
There was just no way that a sweet, gentle thing like you could find him attractive in any sort of way. Especially with the way he acted toward you earlier. He was quiet and brooding, yet you must have sensed the humanity in him even through your frustration. 
He had stood there shocked as he watched you get yourself closer and closer to the edge, trying to talk himself out of what he knew he wanted to do. And just as you were about to come, he made his presence known. Din is not a weak man, but he was in that moment. 
He watched the horror and embarrassment on your face as you realized you had been caught just as you came on your hand. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, the flush of your face and the glow of your skin. He’s still surprised he didn’t come in his pants at the sight.
You’d let him have you that night. He still doesn’t understand why, but he’ll never fucking forget the way it felt. He was able to use his hands to bring you pleasure, and then you thanked him by doing the same for him with your gorgeous mouth. That same mouth that talked so sweetly to Grogu, that let little jokes slip, that distracted the kriff out of him on the daily. 
Even after all that, you’d fallen asleep with him again. You’d passed out fairly quickly, but he’d stayed awake a little longer just to savor the feeling of your body in his arms. It gave him time to really think about what he’d just done. The things he just changed. It gave him enough time to realize how stupid he was for giving in. 
Which is why, the next morning, he got up and left the bunk before you woke up. It wasn’t a few minutes later that he heard you trying to pry the broken bunk door back open, which had frozen itself shut. He waited a moment to see if you could get it up yourself, but eventually took pity on you and lifted it himself. 
As badly as he wanted to, he’d said nothing to you. Just stepped to the side so that you could get down. It made his stomach ball up in a way that he’d never felt before, but he couldn’t break the promise he made to himself the night before. That he couldn’t let himself get close to you, that he needed to continue being cold, because that’s just who he is. Right?
You were determined up to that point, he’ll give you that, you’d never seemed to let him bother you before. So when he saw the look on your face when you came face to face with him and realized that he’d be continuing his facade, he could have sworn that he could hear his heart crack. It took everything in his power to not gather you into his arms and console you, tell you that you did nothing wrong, that everything was okay between you. He realized then that he had gone too far, that it wasn’t fair to keep switching up with you. But he couldn’t stop now. 
He hated himself in that moment. Hated himself for being the one to make you feel pain when he wanted to be the one to protect you. But that was exactly the problem, he couldn't have you and keep you safe. If anyone ever found out that he had feelings for you, and hurt you to get to him, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
He’d walked away then, even though he wanted to stay. It was selfish and even in that moment he knew it was the wrong option, but he couldn’t stay. You found him up in the cockpit a little later, clearly upset. But instead of trying to help you, he informed you that he would have to go out in search for fuel again. It was hell pretending like nothing happened, but he genuinely thought it was for the best. He knows now that he was a damn fool. 
As he crunched through the thick layers of snow a few hours later, he tried to rid you from his thoughts. He needed to focus on the task at hand and he knew he would have plenty of time to kick his own ass later. He needed to get off that planet within the day, because with the fob he found on the pirate by his bunk yesterday, there’s no way he could afford to keep you in one spot any longer than that. He had no doubt in his mind that he was the reason you’re in danger. He needed to get you back to Nevarro so he could fix the mess he’d stumbled upon. He didn’t want you to be stuck as a bounty for any longer than absolutely necessary. 
Luckily, he was able to find fuel and was on his way back to the Crest before he knew it. He commed you to have you open the hatch once he was close, and you thankfully complied. As the ship came into view, so did the lump of snow that you’d built a snowman out of. He didn’t like the ache that made its way into his chest just then. He did his best to ignore it as he approached the ship. 
He had found it odd that you had left one of the knots up on the ramp but he brushed it off as he stepped into the Crest. You had probably just forgotten, it was a little late, later than you usually stay up, so you were likely tired and probably went to bed after he hung up the call. After he closed the ramp he called your name anyway, and when you didn’t answer either time, he figured his assumption was right, and that you had fallen asleep. So when he found you awake and scrambling around in his bunk, he was confused to say the least. 
You had looked panicked and had knocked right into him before he even had the chance to move out of your way. You hadn’t even given him a chance to ask what you had been doing before you started explaining yourself, well, trying to anyway. Something about Grogu’s ball and looking for hours. Din knew you were lying, he can usually tell when someone is lying, and you might just be the worst liar he had ever met. 
Even if you had sounded even the tiniest bit convincing, he would have found out sooner than later because when he climbed up into the cockpit after finally refueling, the ball you had been talking about was right where it was supposed to be—screwed into a control on the dash. It felt like a twist in his gut to know that you don’t trust him enough to tell him the truth about what you were doing, but he didn’t want to push it any further, so he let it go. What really got to him, though, was the way you had almost looked scared of him when he found you.
It shocked him to the core, and he had stood there like an idiot, stuck in place with guilt. Sure, he had been a little cold to you, but he thought for sure that you knew he would never even think of hurting you. He can’t imagine ever wanting to lay a harmful finger on you, he would gladly sacrifice himself before he let that happen. You are so good. A genuinely kind person, and he is…not. 
He has taken so many lives, put so many more on the line, and you have done nothing but spread kindness. He is nobody and he knows that he would worship at your altar should he ever get the chance. Never in his life had he met someone who had made him feel the way you do, made him think the things he does. He knows he should have said something, made sure you know the truth, but he didn’t know where to start. Would you have listened to him if he did? It doesn’t matter now, because—like an idiot—he’d just accepted the fact that he must have messed things up more than he initially thought. 
He’d forced himself to shake it off before he took one more peek into the hull to make sure you were asleep so he could set the course for Nevarro. As soon as the Crest made its way out of the atmosphere, he locked the door to the cockpit and released the pressure on his helmet, taking it off and setting it down in the left of the two seats behind him. 
His head immediately felt clearer. He hadn’t taken it off since before he last left the Crest, and though he has a built in purifier, he can’t help but feel like the air gets a little stale after so long with it on. After he took a few minutes to calm down and enjoy the fresh air, he looked down to the navigation system which told him it would take about three days to reach Nevarro. He remembers wishing it could be sooner, but he was willing to take what he could get. He knows that as soon as he’d land, his plan would consist of going right to Karga to demand he take you off of the bounty list. His main goal was just to keep you safe until he can make that happen, well aware that it was his fault that you were on there in the first place. 
He figured it out pretty quick, the reason for your wanted status. Someone had seen you helping Din and the kid on your home planet, and had gotten into contact with the empire, offering your name for a reward. He knows that you didn’t do anything before he had picked you up, you’re too good, too pure to cause anyone any kind of harm. He may not have known you well, but he knew you well enough for that to be obvious. There's no way he would have left you alone with Grogu for even a second if he thought otherwise. 
It definitely helped that you were so good with the kid, taking care of him as if he were your own. Watching you play with or feed Grogu did something to Din, as much as he hated to admit it. The first time he saw you caring for the child, the domestic sight awakened something in him that he had no idea even existed. 
He recalled then watching you, settled in the doorway behind you as you played with the kid. Much to his chagrin, the picture had quickly morphed into you and Grogu surrounded by other small children. All of them were a mixture of you and him, some with his eyes, some with your hair. He’d imagined your belly full and round with his child and thought that you somehow looked even more beautiful. 
He saw himself standing behind you, his bare hands on your shoulders, not a scrap of armor on as he watched you feed giggling children spoonfuls of broth. He had given your shoulders a small squeeze and you looked up, gazing lovingly into his naked eyes before he dipped down and slotted your lips together. He had snapped himself out of that fantasy almost as quick as he had thought it up, but that night, he masturbated to the thought of taking you to bed and fucking you full of his cum over and over until it took. 
Din felt an unfamiliar lump in his throat as he had forced himself yet again to stop thinking about you. He only left his helmet off long enough to scarf down a ration pack before putting it back on and making sure the ship is on autopilot. When he stood up, planning to make a much needed trip to the ‘fresher, he felt a weight settle in his gut. It was heavy and it felt a whole lot like guilt. He still couldn’t seem to get past the hurt and hint of fear in your eyes when you looked up at him after he caught you in his bunk. 
It’d only been an hour and it was already haunting him.  He wasn’t able to take it. He’d stalked back down the ladder with intentions of apologizing. He’d needed to tell you the truth. Maybe then you would’ve been able to trust him again.
When he spotted you, you were asleep in your cot, and his shoulders sagged a bit. He walked your way anyway, just to check if you are really asleep. He didn’t want to wake you if you were. Halfway to you, he saw you flip over as if he had startled you. He’d stopped in place and watched as you sat up and quickly looked him up and down. When your eyes fell back to his helm, he forgot how to speak. 
You looked like you hadn’t slept at all, and your eyes were red and puffy like you had been crying. He felt his heart squeeze at the distraught look in your eyes. His first reaction is to sweep in and take you into his arms, to hold you and wipe your tears from your cheeks. He wanted so badly to comfort you and tell you that everything would be okay, that he would make it okay, but when he took another step in your direction, you flinched away. 
Din won’t ever forget how his heart dropped to his stomach, knowing you really were scared of him. The reality of it hit him like a ton of bricks. You didn’t want him. He didn’t understand, you seemed so interested before he had left to find more fuel. He knew that it had deterred you when he left you in his cot alone the morning after you gave into each other, but he didn’t do anything that might have changed your mind in that sense. Unless maybe he had been too rough... Had he hurt you in some way? 
He wanted to say something, but he, again, didn’t know what. Would you even have wanted him to say anything? He should’ve at least asked you if he had done something wrong—other than the obvious which he knew he should apologize for—but the words become stuck in his throat. He only stood there for another minute before he decided to leave you alone. Maybe you just needed some time? Not likely. He fucked up, he ruined it all, and he deserved whatever you wished of him in that moment. He had settled on nodding in your direction and had headed for the fresher, ignoring the pain spreading internally. 
He didn’t talk to you again until three days later when he landed on Nevarro. He was a mess at that point—sleep deprived, depressed, dehydrated, and hungry. You were already hitting him hard and he’d still had you at that point. He hadn’t failed to notice, however, that you almost looked worse than he felt. Like you hadn’t slept at all. 
You had started to get jumpy around him, easily frightened at every little sound or jolt of the ship. You avoided him more than ever and “slept” more than ever. It seemed like you wanted off of the Crest, but he knew you wouldn’t be able to have your freedom with a bounty on your head. He needed to get to Karga and fast. 
He had a plan to get back to you and come clean about everything, and then after, if you still wanted to leave, he would let you. Just the thought about killed him, but he would rather you be happy and content somewhere else in the galaxy than miserable with him. 
So he gathered his pucks, made sure you would stay on the Crest, and set off to meet Karga. He met him in the usual cantina and took a seat after handing Grogu off to the man across from him. He was able to get to the point fairly quickly, successfully avoiding the usual small talk by presenting your puck. 
He wasted no time in explaining the situation, though he obviously kept out the more…intimate details. It took some convincing for him to get Karga to believe that you were really innocent, but he eventually gave in. He knew better than to think Mando would lie to him. 
The deal was that he would go back to the ship to grab you, and then he would bring you back to “turn you in”. Once he did that, he would refuse the money he would have gotten from your price, and Karga would be able to erase your record from the registry. It seemed like it would work.
Well, it seemed like it would have worked if you had been there to retrieve, at least. It wasn’t until he got back to an empty ship that he realized he was a blinded idiot. The panic that he had felt in that moment was immeasurable. He thought for sure that you had been taken, but after reviewing some camera footage from outside the Crest, it was easy to rule that out. 
You’d been able to evade him for weeks—which he honestly wasn’t too surprised about. You were fucking smart, after all.
But he never could have thought he would be in the situation he’s in now. Your life is in immediate danger, and there’s nothing he can do about it. He now watches helplessly as the large chunk of ship in front of you pummels your way. He doesn’t even think about it before he’s moving your way. 
He catches a glimpse of your body, unconscious and floating due to the broken air seal around your ship. You’re beat up and your clothes are almost rags. He feels an unfamiliar wetness run down his cheek just as he reaches you. There’s probably only a few seconds before the fuel tank ruptures in the spice runner’s ship and you’re both dead. That is, if the debris doesn’t reach you first.  
His ship is pretty banged up, and even as he uses it to block your ship from danger, he knows it won’t survive the impact. He’s right, of course, he realizes as soon as the ships collide. He’s knocked from his seat as the front of his ship is absolutely demolished. He’s at a loss as for what to do, but he doesn’t regret trying to save you for just a few more seconds. 
Everything is so bright and loud. The explosions coming from all three crafts, the alarms blaring from detected damage and breach. Din feels a crushing amount of fear and weakness, which is something he never thought he would experience in his adult years. It feels like he’s that little boy again, hiding alone and helpless in a cellar as his parents are killed above him. He wants nothing more than to give up, but he can’t. Even if he wanted to, he can’t.
Just then, he spots an opening in the side of your craft, and he knows what he has to do. With all of this strength, he opens his gangplank, jumps from his ship, and propels toward the makeshift entrance of yours, determined to get to you before the lack of air in space takes you from him forever.
He works quickly, though with shaky hands. One second to send a distress signal to Nevarro, another to release the seal on his helmet, then one more to finally grab you and pull you to him. 
Whatever happens, you’re making it out of this.
Thank you for reading!! Taglist is open!
Series taglist: @oscarissac2099 @millercontracting @m0unta1n @1dk-tbh @anoverwhelmingdin
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