#everafterhigh x reader
Reader insert
(Ghost Hunting)
Madeline Hatter:Cool it you two!
Michaelangelo:We can't fix this if you both can't get along!
April O'Neil:How about Leo and Raven should get along, before i start treating them like my children
Briar Beauty:You know you actually made a point there
April O'Neil:Really?
Briar Beauty:No, i was just being sarcastic
April O'Neil:You mother-
Y/n L/n: Hey hey hey! No cussing! Remember the last time you cussed infront of Mikey?
April O'Neil:Fine! Jeez!
Donatello:Bad news guys we're being haunted
Apple White:What!?
Farrah Goodfairy:Not what i had in mind
Splinter:You took the words right out of my mouth fairy
Farrah Goodfairy:Farrah
Faybelle Thorn:Well in that case, *starts to fly away* buh-bye
Leonardo+Y/n L/n:Hey!
Leo creates a portal to where Faybelle was going to fly away and she teleported right back to the lair and bumps into Holly and Poppy
Holly O'Hair:You can't just leave!
Poppy O'Hair:Yeah! We need you to stay here!
Lizzie Hearts:Please stay or else...
Faybelle Thorn:Or else what?
Lizzie Hearts:Or else....OFF WITH YOUR HEAD
Y/n L/n:Lizzie i love you like a sister, but please don't yell, it hurts my ears
Raphael:For once i agree
Meeshell Mermaid:What was that?
Briar Beauty:Leo, check it out
Leonardo:What!? Why me!?
April O'Neil:You got us into this mess, it's only fair
Madeline Hatter: Don't be scared just do it
Leonardo:Fine! But if i die i'm gonna haunt the HECK out of you
Raphael:Just imagine, in a hundred years people might not scared of you
Leonardo:Shut up Raph
*to be continued*
The end, It's just the beggining
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Hi can you do a imagine where the reader is Ashlynn Ella twin sister and is new in Ever after high?
So imagine this:
Ashlynn stood at the front entrance, waiting for you to arrive. Since you were her twin sister, there could only be one Cinderella, but since Ashlynn was dating Hunter, your parents thought that it was time for you to go to Ever After High. Ashlynn saw the carriage arrive and ran down the steps to give you a hug. You giggled and hugged her back. 
“I missed you!” she said. 
“I missed you too! I’m so excited to be here!” you replied. She helped your bags into the dorms and gave you a tour around the place. She may not become the next Cinderella, but she’s glad that she gets to see you again. 
Sorry, if this is bad. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen EAH and I’m kind of lazy right now
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Hey! Can I request a eah chase Redford x fem apple little sister reader? With the reactions of the wonderlandians and the royals?
Hope you enjoy!
Chase Redford x Fem!Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Pure cloud made fluff with a bit of crack 
Rating: SFW 
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Now it’s been awhile since I’ve watched EAH and I can’t remember if Chase is a Royal or a Rebel, but if he is, then I can see you as a rebel.
Apple isn’t happy that your a rebel and neither is your mother, but this isn’t about them. All that matters is that your happy. 
I think the most supportive person of your relationship is Maddie. 
Chase strikes me as a guy who likes to watch musicals and will sometimes take you to some as dates
Tea dates are a must! 
He’s kind of a buff guy and cuddles with him are fucking amazing!!! He’ll wrap you in his arms like a burrito and you’ll fall asleep almost instantly 
In conclusion, Chase is the best boyfriend you can ask for and you would be happy to marry him. Please do marry him! He’s so sweet 
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Raven with an S/O who, despite being happy with their own story, is more than happy to help her change hers for the better.
I fucking LOVE Raven! She's so pretty!
So imagine this:
Raven was stressing out about how she wanted to change her story so that she and Apple could both have happy endings. You didn’t have that bad of an ending but you still wanted to help Raven in any way you can. 
“Why do you want to help me?” Raven asked. 
“Because you’re my girlfriend and I love you,” you smiled. She giggled and the two went back to figuring out and alternate ending for Raven.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Apple's S/O helping her with homework
I just found out that Apple wears glasses!
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You can see them in front of the pillow!
But imagine this:
Apple had accidentally broke her glasses and there wasn’t anyway to fix them, meaning that it was hard for her to do her homework. You being the amazing S/O you are, you helped Apple the best you could with her Crownculus class homework and her other classes. 
“Do you think I should get contacts?” Apple asked.
“Hmm...I like you better with your glasses,” you said.
“Really? I hate wearing them. I always lose them and they always break.”
“Well, I won’t force you to continue wearing glasses. I just think you look pretty with them on.” She smiled and kissed your cheek.
“Thank you, love. Now, let’s get back to studying!” she said. 
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Maddie's S/O being able to understand her when she goes into riddles
The only time Maddie is able to understand riddlish, is if you're from Wonderland or cursed with a babble spell. And here you were, from Wonderland and cursed with a babble spell. She’ll do anything to help break the spell because of how much you hate it.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
hi can i request a madeline hatter x reader?
I'm gonna do some headcanons. I hope that's okay
Madeline Hatter X GN!Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Pure cloud made fluff
Rating: SFW
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When you’re with Maddie, every day is a fun day. 
She will do everything in her power to make you smile. 
Most of the time, you’re never gonna get homework done with her. 
She supports you in every way. Whether you’re a Royal or a Rebel. Doesn’t matter to her. You’re still you. 
She knows the best teas to help you sleep, cure a sore throat, anything that’s bothering you. 
She loves you and will always love you
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
U,V, W and Y for Apple
U, V, W, Y w/ Apple
Warnings: NSFW Alphabet
Rating: NSFW under the cut
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U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
I believe that Apple is a switch leaning sub so she doesn’t like to tease that much
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Apple is kind of quiet and makes little whimpers. When she’s close to her orgasm that’s when she starts to moan.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She likes food play. Just mainly anything that involves apples. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
She has a low sex drive but is always willing to take care of you when you need it
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Kingdom High Chapter 23
Warnings: you know what to do
Rating: SFW
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At school, people heard someone's panicking voice as the MirrorNet was down.
“The MirrorNet! It's down!” Briar said loudly. 
“I-I can't update my MyChapter page!” Cedar said as she tried tapping her MirrorPad.
“I can't share the cute shoes I found online!” Ashlynn said as she clasped her face in her hands.
“I can't tell everyone about the hexcellent new band playing at the Red Shoes Dance Club tonight!” Briar said. She turned to Raven and put her hand on her chin. Raven pushed Briar’s MirrorPad out of the way.
“Or...you could do those things by talking to each other?” she asked. 
“Except that Professor Rumpelstiltskin's online-only test is due by sunset today!” Apple said. 
“Ooh, I forgot about that. Okay, let's panic!” Everyone ran off, screaming. 
In the Mirror Labs, Dexter, Fuyuko, and Kurota tried at the internet but they had no luck.
“It looks like someone's hogging all the bandwidth!” Dexter said. 
“We need to find out who.” Fuyuko said. 
“Humphrey, you stay here and sort out these cables while we search the school!” Kurota said. 
“Sure. Leave it to Humphrey Dumpty to put it all back together again,” Humphrey said as he climbed down a ladder. 
~Le Time Skip~
“933, 934...” Daring counted. 
“Daring, are you using the MirrorNet?” Dexter asked as he put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. 
“I sure am! I'm uploading a couple thousand hi-res pics from my new photo shoot.” Dexter turned Daring’s MirrorPad off and walked away. “Oh, that was rude!”
~Another Time Skip~
“Melody, are you downloading any large files from the MirrorNet?” Fuyuko asked. 
“Just every recorded remix of—” Melody said and Fuyuko turned the MirrorPad off. “Hey!” 
~Another Time Skip~
Blondie was in the Mirror Labs downloading recorded versions of students' Legacy Day rehearsal speeches when it was suddenly switched off.
“Oh! Ah, uh!” she gasped. She spotted Kurota at the far back with an unplugged wire. “That is so not just right!” 
~Back In The Halls~
“The MirrorNet is still slow as a troll,” Sakura said as she tapped on her MirrorPad screen. 
“And we only have another two hours to take our test!” Akaya said.
“There's only one thing to do: go to the heart of the MirrorNet!” Dexter said. 
~Another Time Skip~
“Now we're gonna find out what's been actually-” Dexter said. He and the students walked past and found someone pulling out the wires. “Oh!”
“Professor Rumpelstiltskin?” everyone asked. 
“You're the one who's been slowing down the MirrorNet?” Fuyuko asked. Rumpelstiltskin laughed.
“But-but why?” Kurota asked. 
“Let me guess: so you could fail us; give us detention—” Hana started. 
“And make you spin my straw into gold!” Rumpelstiltskin chuckled. 
“That's not gonna happen now that we know your little secret!” Daicha said. 
“What do you say you cancel the test and give us a little more time to study?” Aashni asked. 
“Wha...gah!” Rumpelstiltskin shook his fists. “Fine!” 
“And I think it's only fairest that he fixes what he broke!” Adreanna said. 
~Last Time Skip~
“Ow! Ooh! Ah! Gah!” Rumpelstiltskin yelped. 
“Aw, don't go to pieces on us, professor!” Humphrey said, confidently. 
“Ow! Eeh! Ah!” 
Akaya was speechless after hearing the news of her mother and her memories. But what broke her heart was Sora hiding this from her. She was told that her mother died after giving birth to Sayo. She couldn’t even look at him the same. He lied to her. He lied to her sister. 
“You told her, didn’t you?” Sora asked Xemnas. 
“I only did what I thought was right. She deserved to know,” Xemnas said. 
“Fuck you.” And with that, Sora walked away not wanting to be near Xemnas. 
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