#every argument against her is so stupid and is made with bad faith interpretations of her character
cabinetduo · 9 months
not to be bitter but that whole "sunny copying Leo" thing is literally not even real like it's literally made up, every instance of sunny "copying" Leo was a coincidence EXCEPT for the time where they were going diamond for diamond. anyone saying "oh its on purpose! she's copying her for the drama!" is stupid and anyone hating the most precious princess in the whole wide world needs to literally get a job
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no--envies · 3 years
I've seen people suggest LXC is as guilty as everyone else for WWX's downfall and the murder of the Wen remnants, either because he knew they were just a bunch of weak and old people and didn't care, or because he was too naive and he should have gone to the Burial Mounds to investigate for himself.
With this post I aim to analyse the events leading to WWX's downfall from the point of view of characters who acted in good faith without having all the necessary information. I'm bringing LXC as an example because he's one of the less culpable in the whole matter, but similar considerations could be made about several other characters.
First of all, as far as we know LXC didn't personally take part in the first siege of the Burial Mounds, since the novel states that the Lan Sect was led by LQR.
Back then, during the first siege of Burial Mound, Jin GuangShan led the LanlingJin Sect, while Jiang Cheng led the YunmengJiang Sect; Lan QiRen led the GusuLan Sect, while Nie MingJue led the QingheNie Sect. The former two were the main forces, the latter two could’ve gone without.
(Chapter 68)
The other three main sects were led by their respective leaders, so why was the Lan Sect the only one that was led by someone else? My own interpretation is that LXC wanted to stay with his brother while he was recovering from his injuries and he didn't want to be an active participant in the siege that would kill his brother's beloved, despite personally disapproving of WWX's actions. One could argue that letting LQR lead the Lan Sect in the siege still meant giving his tacit approval, which is not wrong, but what should be considered is that the cultivation world didn't plan a siege against WWX because he had taken a bunch of prisoners of war and sheltered them in the Burial Mounds, but because he had killed hundreds of cultivators at Qiongqi Path and a lot more at Nightless City.
Before WN lost control and killed thirty people at Koi Tower - the time he and WQ had gone to turn themselves in - the situation wasn't so dire for WWX yet. The Wen siblings' sentence was still being discussed by the sects. WN mentions that LWJ spoke up for him and his sister back then (chapter 89), which suggests the Lan Sect as a whole hadn't taken an antagonistic stance against WWX yet. LWJ probably tried to bring what he had seen of the Wen remnants and their peaceful settlement as proof that they hadn't done anything to deserve being sentenced to death.
Unfortunately, after that WN lost control of himself and attacked the cultivators who were present at the discussion, which gave even the Lan and Nie Sects a reason to hold a grudge against WWX, since some of the victims were from their Sects as well.
“The Ghost General really is fierce… Said he was there to give himself in, but then he suddenly flipped out. He slaughtered again, this time in Koi Tower.”
“Wei Ying, though, he shouldn’t have made him if he can’t control it. Created a mad dog and he didn’t leash it. Sooner or later, he’s gonna be faced with a qi deviation. With the way things have been, I doubt the day is that far away.”
“How unfortunate for the LanlingJin Sect.”
“Things were even worse for the GusuLan Sect! Over half of the thirty-or-so people were from their sect. They were clearly only there to help calm things down.”
(Chapter 77)
A few of the QingheNie Sect’s disciples died in the hands of Wen Ning as well. Nie MingJue spoke coldly, “What arrogance.”
(Chapter 78)
The text explicitly states that the cultivators from the Lan Sect who were present at Koi Tower were only there to "help calm things down", which means they weren't trying to accuse WWX and the Wen remnants. At the time, the Lan Sect's general stance about WWX appeared to be mostly neutral (the same could be said of the Nie Sect). LWJ's own attitude toward the Burial Mounds settlement could be considered mostly neutral as well, at least until WN and WQ (and then WWX) really needed his help.
An argument I’ve seen brought up often is that, if everyone had known the Wen remnants were just farming and living as ordinary peasants, a lot more people would have chosen to help them. However, the main issue wasn't how they were living in the Burial Mounds (which nobody knew except JC, LWJ and maybe LXC), but their role in the war. Not only were they all cultivators from the Wen Clan, despite being very weak, but WQ was favored by WRH, which made her involvement in her sect's crimes even more likely despite her good reputation. Nobody had heard of her killing anyone, but how could they be sure? Besides, the Lan Sect didn't owe any debt of gratitude to the Wen siblings. The Wen Sect had burned the Cloud Recesses and killed LXC and LWJ's father. NMJ held a personal grudge against the Wen Sect because WRH had killed his father, plus his own black-and-white morality made him judge WQ for not opposing WRH in any way. LXC and NMJ had no reason to go out of their way to help WWX and the Wen remnants, but before the bloodbath of Nightless City they didn't do anything to harm them, either.
We also have to take into consideration the world MDZS is set in; that is, a fantasy version of ancient China where revenge is absolutely justified and is considered an act of justice. Even wiping out entire Sects in revenge isn't necessarily condemned, since JGY did that for the alleged murder of his son and nobody criticized him for it until they learned of all the crimes he had commited and realized those people had most likely been framed by him. Xue Yang was obviously despised by everyone for what he did to the Chang Clan because his revenge was considered exceedingly disproportionate to Chang Cian's offense. Xiao Xingchen illustrates society's point of view on the matter very well when he says cutting Chang Cian's finger or even his entire arm would have been entirely reasonable.
So, as long as it was deemed proportionate to the offense, revenge was justified. Putting all the Wen survivors who had taken part in the war into a labor camp was considered a justified punishment in universe. The sects refused to admit the guards had actually abused the prisoners, suggesting that was going too far, but taking revenge against them by putting them in labor camps was totally accepted. Even WWX - who the novel portrays as morally correct most of the time - doesn’t condemn it. He himself used very cruel and ruthless methods to take revenge against his enemies during the Sunshot Campaign, so it would be kind of hypocritical if he opposed their punishment post-war. He does point out that people consider every Wen cultivator guilty by association just for being part of the Wen Clan, without really caring about the actual crimes they have committed, but he only rescues the cultivators from WN's branch, who he knows didn't take part in the atrocities committed by the Wen Sect.
Murdering the Wen remnants settled in the Burial Mounds was wrong even in universe because they were innocent. They hadn't killed anyone during the war and the Wen siblings' help was absolutely essential for WWX and JC when they were on the run. Without them the Jiang Sect wouldn't even exist anymore. This was a huge deal considering the importance of debts in universe and could have swayed public opinion in their favor. NMJ criticized WQ for not doing anything to actively oppose WRH during the war, but the thing is that she had. She had sheltered the Jiang Sect's heir and head disciple, the same people who contributed to the Sunshot Campaign as one of the main forces.
The problem is that no one knew about this except WWX and JC themselves. JC, who had the authority and credibility to defend what WWX had done in the prison camp, didn't show much conviction the one time he tried to speak up for him, so the other sects probably assumed he was just trying to excuse his right-hand man's inexcusable actions and that WWX had become too corrupted by his demonic cultivation and was too unpredictable and dangerous. When JC went to investigate what WWX was actually doing in the Burial Mounds, he came back saying WWX had defected from the Jiang Sect and was an enemy to the cultivation world (chapter 73), apparently confirming WWX had finally lost it because of all the resentful energies he used and was a potential threat to them all.
However, a really important thing to consider is that the cultivation world waited two years to besiege WWX. They didn't immediately charge to attack him or believe all the rumors about WWX. The sects definitely behaved like sheep, but they weren't that stupid. They knew most of the things that were said were probably exaggerated rumors, so they were just observing the situation and waiting to see what he would do. LXC, NMJ and the other cultivators who weren't in bad faith (those who weren't driven by their greed, ambition, resentment or jealousy) were all part of this general category. They had no reason to doubt JC's words, who was a fellow sect leader and WWX's close friend, and many of them had seen for themselves how threatening WWX had acted during the banquet at Koi Tower, when he said nobody could stop him if he wanted to kill someone, so they had no reason to believe WWX's reputation was being unfairly tarnished.
During the two years WWX spent in the Burial Mounds and nobody really knew what he was up to, a lot of rumors were spread about him. Some people thought he was trying to build an army of fierce corpses with their consciousness awakened like WN; others suggested he wanted to found his own sect of demonic cultivators and even took disciples, like the banners in Yiling seemed to indicate. They considered WWX a potential threat, but not enough to actually take action against him. The fact that LWJ waited months before going to check the situation in the Burial Mounds is very telling. He knew the cultivation world was at a standstill with WWX, so despite being worried for WWX he knew there wasn't any immediate danger for him. He might have been too busy with his own sect matters and going wherever the chaos was, but we've seen how LWJ behaves when he thinks WWX is in grave and immediate danger. The way he acted during the night of the bloodbath of Nightless City shows it very well: LWJ did his best to help as many people as he could, but WWX was his priority.
Of course, having only partial information doesn't excuse the sects for everything. They definitely had their faults regardless of how much they knew. They should have given WWX a chance to explain himself about the ambush at Qiongqi Path and the incident at Koi Tower instead of deciding to besiege him. They didn't even care if he was actually guilty or not of cursing Jin Zixun, or that he was the one who had been ambushed on the way to his nephew's full-month celebration. All that mattered to them was that he had lost control and killed hundreds of cultivators, including the Jin heir. They took this as proof of how dangerous and uncontrollable he was, which wasn't completely unfounded. He was dangerous when he wanted to be and he did lose control. Taking this information without all the context we as an audience are aware of - that he was only trying to repay a debt and didn't want to harm anyone, that Jin Zixun provoked him so much it was almost inevitable for him to lose control - doesn't look good at all.
Again, the sects did behave like sheep. The novel portrays WWX as the hero and his decision to rescue the Wen remnants as morally correct. Most of the cultivators who contributed to WWX's downfall were a bunch of hypocrites who couldn't see past their own self-righteousness. But characters like NMJ and LQR are portrayed as generally righteous people, so the fact that they took part in the siege proves not everyone was in bad faith. Nobody really knew why WWX had rescued the Wen remnants and his reasons for wanting to protect them, or why he had invented demonic cultivation in the first place. They just knew he did very questionable things like digging up graves during the war, that he acted arrogantly all the time and even started killing their own people. We as an audience know why he did all these things, but they didn't.
Also, after the bloodbath of Nightless City it was objectively hard to defend WWX's actions. He wasn't clear-headed at all that night and when he activated the Tiger Seal he was already in a half-unconscious state. His overall situation was too much for anyone to be able to stand it, but this doesn't mean what he did was right. The fact that he destroyed the Tiger Seal after returning to the Burial Mounds suggests not even he was proud of all the people he killed that night. WWX isn't infallible and makes mistakes because he's human like anyone else, despite being an overall heroic and selfless person. Even LWJ, who was the only one that still trusted WWX's heart and morals, couldn't really justify what he did at Nightless City. He only told LXC that no matter right or wrong, he was willing to face all the consequences with WWX anyway (chapter 99), because he understood his true nature and knew his outlook and values were the same as his own. But most people didn't know him as well as LWJ did. From the sects’ point of view, the bloodbath of Nightless City was the ultimate proof that WWX was the scourge of the cultivation world.
I'm not trying to say LXC is perfect or that he couldn't have done more, but we should take his own point of view into consideration when we judge his actions (or non-actions). LWJ didn't do much more than him during WWX's first life and what he did ultimately wasn't enough to save WWX (I don’t think it’s his fault, he was in an objectively difficult position), but the fandom doesn’t criticize him as much as they do with LXC, because after WWX came back LWJ's support for him was flawless. But LXC wasn't in love with WWX. He hadn't observed him since he was a teenager like LWJ had done because of his huge crush on him. We shouldn't underestimate the importance of debts in universe and how information in general can affect people's perceptions. Even LWJ stayed mostly still during WWX’s first life because he didn't have all the information and didn't know why WWX had left the bright broad road to start cultivating with resentful energies.
WWX is the protagonist, the hero of the story and the character whose point of view most of the novel is narrated from, so it's easy for the audience to empathize with him and understand his perspective. It's really interesting that even WWX has a good opinion of LXC and NMJ (and mostly respects LQR) despite their role in his downfall. It's not just because of his forgiving nature, since we see him criticize the hypocrisy of the sects a lot of times, but because he recognizes they were in good faith and they had their reasons for behaving like they did, despite the mistakes they might have made.
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Episode 19 Review: She Was One of Us
{ YouTube: 1 | 2 }
{ Synopses/Recaps: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
{ Screencaps }
In the last episode, we saw Jean Paul’s lawyer and Alison’s fiancé Dan depart from the main island, at the behest of Jacques. This means that now all major characters save Vangie are on the isle of Maljardin, prisoners detained guests forced to partake in the funeral that Jean Paul reluctantly agreed to hold for Erica while he waits for her to return from the dead.
We open in the crypt, where Raxl and Quito are leaving flowers on top of the cryonics capsule. Raxl starts talking about how she wants Erica’s soul to “depart to the Great Serpent,” which Jean Paul overhears when he and Alison enter. “You don’t seem to have much faith in the last rites of Christianity,” he remarks. (Look who’s talking!) Jean Paul explains briefly to Alison that Raxl’s religion predates Christianity (which she calls “the new religion”), which soon devolves into yet another “Erica is dead forever and should be buried”/”Erica will rise again” argument. I’ve lost count of how many times he and Alison have argued about this, but I think we’re up to Argument Number #389723. They’re both determined to beat the dead horse until it’s reduced to a pile of smashed bones suitable only for fertilizer.
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Colin, are you reading the Teleprompter?
She says that she wishes that he would have Erica put in the ground, and he responds that technically she is. I would call him a smart-ass, but the way he delivers the line doesn’t come across as sarcastic. In fact, at this point on the show, Jean Paul doesn’t seem to have a sense of humor. Jacques is the witty, sarcastic one, and Jean Paul is the serious one with the one-track mind that can only think of Erica. Later on in Desmond Hall, they try to give Jean Paul a sense of humor by having him make a joke every now and then, but it doesn’t work because it goes against his original characterization. Maljardin-era Jean Paul doesn’t joke around and rarely even uses sarcasm.
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Despite his humorlessness, he is a joy to look at in this episode. Here he is earlier in the scene with Alison, putting flowers on the capsule and looking just dashing.
Anyway, Jean Paul sends everyone out of the crypt, so that he can have a few moments alone with the capsule. He clasps his hands together as through praying, although whether it’s to the Christian God, the Great Serpent, or himself is unclear because he stays silent.
Back in the great hall, Alison asks Dan and Matt some more about Raxl and Quito’s religious practices and learns that, because their religion considers Christianity heresy, they may refuse to take part in the funeral despite loving Erica. (They attend, anyway, although they do perform their own rites/ritual separately beforehand.)
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Alison, the thought of that seems to please you a lot.
Holly comes downstairs and, after a recap conversation with her mother and Tim, goes to see Matt. She starts out by telling him that she’s wary of attending any funerals until her own (because of the quarrel that occurred at her father’s), but then mentions another reason why she doesn’t want to attend and why she couldn’t sleep in the previous episode:
Holly: "Look Reverend, you're going to think this is way off, but last night, I had a very strange nightmare."   Matt: "What about?" Holly: "About me. Like...some kind of a warning."
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Raxl, presumably on Holly.
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She lights some incense and then a message appears in the writing box where Quito wrote something a moment before. A message from the Serpent about Holly, perhaps?
Holly: "Suddenly, there was this woman, like a priestess, who seemed to be in a temple, she was standing over me with a strange kind of headdress and she looked like my mother." Matt: "Your dreams are beginning to sound like a B-movie. Go on." Holly: "Well, then she said, 'Those who are part of this evil must pay the price.'"
She asks him what the dream means. He declines to answer because he’s not an authority in dream interpretation, but insists that she attend the funeral despite her worries. Because he can’t answer, I shall try to provide one for him based on some of the research that other fans have done on Ian Martin’s original plans for the Maljardin arc.
(WARNING: The YouTube and Maljardin Blog links in the next four paragraphs contain spoilers for later Maljardin episodes.)
For the first nine weeks of Strange Paradise, all episodes were credited to Ian Martin, a veteran actor and soap opera writer who appears to have been quite emotionally invested in the story, as there is evidence that he may have based Erica on his first wife Inge Adams, who also died young. I’ve read a rumor that Krantz Films owner Steve Krantz and his wife Judith (who later became a famous and influential romance novelist) may have ghostwritten some episodes, but there is no evidence to support the presence of any ghostwriters in this period of the show’s history.
Nevertheless, as the Maljardin arc went on, a discrepancy started to appear between the episode summaries in newspapers and the actual content of the episodes that aired starting in Episode 30. Strange Paradise historian Curt Ladnier has written many blog posts on these “lost episodes,” comparing the newspaper listings with the aired episodes and analyzing the changed plot points. Ladnier attributes the changes to executive meddling, requiring Martin to rewrite episode scripts when he was already writing five per week.
One of the most notable changes to these scripts was the omission of a new character named Tarasca, whom the newspaper summary for Episode 42 describes as “a native high priestess in love with Jacques, a French buccaneer.” Because Elizabeth dreamed about being her in the original version of that episode, we can safely assume that the priestess in Holly’s nightmare who resembled her was Tarasca. Also, given that this show mostly uses dream sequences as a means of showing events that happened in the past, we can also infer that, at some point, she sacrificed a young woman who looked identical to Holly, meaning that Martin was most likely planning on writing a 17th-century counterpart for her as well.
Several other early episodes hint at (or appear to hint at) the character of Tarasca and her connection to Elizabeth Marshall, including a cryptic line in Episode 12 where Jacques promises Elizabeth a “change” while she is on Maljardin. For more information and some more speculation about Tarasca’s role and backstory, see this video. I’m a little obsessed with this aborted storyline and have been waiting since October for a chance to discuss it, so, from now on, I’m going to reference it often and provide my own thoughts as to how I think it would have played out.
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Erica’s funeral. Why is no one wearing black save for Dan and (obviously) Raxl and Quito? At the very least, Alison should be, because she takes her sister’s funeral more seriously than anyone else.
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Jean Paul, I know what you’re thinking, but Reverend Dawson’s not talking about the possibility of Jacques resurrecting her. You really do have a one-track mind.
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Jacques: “I do believe Holly needs me to jack her up by the bootstraps.”
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Holly’s response to seeing Elizabeth chatting with Jean Paul. Really, Holly? Your mother marrying the richest man in the world *who adores you* is probably the best thing that could possibly happen to you.
After the funeral and a couple boring scenes about Holly’s subplot (there are a lot of references to the stupid Holly portrait in this episode), we see Dan confront Jean Paul about whether the guests can finally leave the island. Even though Jacques re-hired him last episode, he claims to be looking for a new job and he wants to make Alison leave the island with him and return to New York. Before Jean Paul has time to object, Jacques crashes the after-funeral reception, which he treats as a party. Ignoring Dan’s question of whether he and Alison can return to the mainland, he opens up the bar and commences trolling his detained guests:
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So not suspicious. ;)
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Tim: "With your permission, sir, I would like to propose a toast. To the departed. To Mrs. Desmond!"
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Jacques: "Cheers--I mean, thank you."
He also pressures Alison into staying, giving her Dr. Menkin’s lab to use for her research. He then brags to Dan that none of the other guests want to leave and insists that he, too, can if he wants, but he will have to do it himself because it’s too late for Quito to sail him back:
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After the reception, Jacques returns to the crypt and gloats a little to Erica about how he has now imprisoned everyone on Maljardin. The handsome devil once again makes it clear that he doesn’t intend on freeing her and that she, too, is his prisoner. And, of course, he has some pun with it, as one might expect:
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Can’t criticize this one, because even Shakespeare made it and I think it’s funny. I like puns, sometimes, just not terrible puns like the “pose” one from last episode.
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Not even a detained guest anymore?
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I think I just broke my comedy drum set. ;)
Coming up next: Another episode with a flashback to Maljardin in 1689, which means another two-parter. I also have a special essay in the works about the copyright status of Strange Paradise in the United States, which may surprise you. (It certainly surprised me.) Stay tuned for all these posts, as well as the Bad Subtitle Special for Week 4 after the Episode 20 review.
{ <-- Previous: Episode 18   ||   Next: Episode 20, Part I --> }
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eekispyykes · 5 years
Those Who Left Sparta to Fight Abortion.
Indicting texas and evangelicals for a debate of human rights 
By Michael Bench  
Drug prohibitions are the assured disrespect of law what texan staffed detainee centers offend for border policy.  Where abuse of authority is exercised for political legacy soon the very opposite comes to pass.  A hardline on immigrants today becomes a welcome mat for south Americans tomorrow. In the big scheme of things, Its okay because they're Americans too; NAFTA was shortsighted. Injuns would have just one new thing to smile about. It would be worth it.  The United States government under trump is assuring a weak future policy since the border has been an ebb/flow pattern of bitterness. One day the Mexicans are invited. The next they're ejected.
Lately soap and toiletries are one element of South American detainee's troubles ; being refused basic first world hygiene. Another matter is trump's ICE turns a blind eye to the sex criminals hired and now abusing detainees. Texas isn't a newbie to the sex abuse charge either. They've been raping and condemning young girls/women to cult compounds by their own choice of silence.
There is room to condemn the border policy here on behalf of the asylum seekers. Most media outlets have kept it a focal story. Now texas must pay a price for what can now be observed relaxed standards of its managment and persons that amount to a population of perverts waving a christian flag. Perverts isn't a strong word when you put it next to protestants but it's sufficient to emphasize the worst of perversions is hypocrisy.  Rape, incest, emotional abuse/neglect of children; All of these are very bad. Standing out from them is one perversion naming all virtues of 'a good society'; ' a society of traditional values". For that, I welcome a hefty hurricane season to hand Texas it's vile manner in spades.  They can send their antiMuslim Ape boy on the beach to welcome them in.. Y'know.. that beach flea that beat his chest in a drunken stupor. Anyone got a zoo cage; texas's refusal of evolution seems to find them devolving into much less than people.
For decades mormon and protestant deviants have made use of the word of christianity as their buffet of pleasure. Televangelists prey on cable tv audiences to get their third commercial jet. Texas education doesn't register their evangelical ideals do not prepare children for the real world. Instead, a percent of male residents instate offer standard Lonestar exploitations of females to a role of servitude inside and outside the family tree.
The family tree is one the focus of my column. The Yearning for Zion and Waco compounds are among a record of Texas males using the words of christianity to bait their hook for underage sex slaves and their loyal parents. A state like Texas was the center of the Roe V Wade trial but Roe v Wade generically addressed the right to abortion and now seems a bland nod against undisclosed incest rights.  Today's abortion bans are also making no exception for rape or incest. Bans following a trend in protestant, baptist and evangelical circles to have their teen girls pledge their virginity to their fathers.  Be worried that family churches soon become bastardized clans child rape. Be ready to cry wolf and leave a trail of breadcrumbs and kibble so the pack of wolves know where to feast. In there!!  sickem.. A perverse circular family tree formed around Jesus story-time, opportunist Trumpian lust and Petroleum lobbies.
Liberals are a nonuniform family. Most have a developed means respecting Nature and rational thought. It’s a developed trait in stark contrast to those who need to pray about stopping at the traffic light in time.   Texas and southerners nearto baptists seem to be devolving into klan radicalism of many types. Fanatical religious sects must be considered also a symptom of tribalism. Tribalism is what tribal democracy falls to after human interference in the wires; often worse. Our problem witnessing racists and fascists try to revive their will among notchristian conservatives has a name more specific than 'divided country". United States naturally sinks towards tribalism under the dual kingship- partisan gerousia. Sparta's history has a unique place in this debate.
It's easy to point at Spartan Race and say " Hey, we're getting more Spartan". That’s an argument a republican congressmen would attempt. In the legislature the party system's majoritarian control of elections has effectively made a council of elders. Separately, the activities of the parties .. when deadlock is dramatized or state views not uniform.. are handled by a select few. " A Gang of Twelve", "A Gang of Eight". The American Government is exploited by Party Ephors challenging or obliging the Presidency. The Presidency is usually considered the head of his/her party while the Senate Leader of the opposite party is the patriarch of their own dogmatic kingdom.  Sparta ended up deserted. A place where John Cougar Mellancamp would summarize " Genníthika se mia mikrí póli (Γεννήθηκα σε μια μικρή πόλη)".  He was born in a small town. From country to small town. Hmm. How does that happen? Hypocrisy and the feral sapien condition(FSC). Don't call it the human condition anymore. They who won't make choices toward the society ; hoarding/profiteering instead.. are a feral condition. Republicans continually iterating United States 'a christian nation" are spraying more territorial pissing in their rhetoric than zealotry. The feral condition; aka fascism.
Let's say you have a stable, by-the-book government that continues to be responsible for it's actions/portions, effective, and organized. Let's say in that ideal government you have an upper caste of Citizens that are fair judges.  Both King's plans are brought to fruition always. Here in the United States the kingships waste money on either one or two directions that are incompetent. Staggering ad/campaign money volumes keep the media debate parked to keep arguing it.  United States is going the way of a B-rate Sparta. The democrat-republican syndicate never agreed to protect a neutral political space for the public; a region polluted by protestantism. The protestants of the public don't like offering neutral zone respects either.
If the people start leaving the "Perfect Sparta" what can you decide of this? I'd say the people are the problem. They want the gray area to bribe themselves ahead. It's not to suggest bribery isn't happening but the face of the country is clean; by all parameters the system succeeds . If the people abandon it, I have to expose the possibility people only require 'leading"  and "brow beating" because they would choose the easy path for themselves. Some of the 'precious fetuses' are of this type of person; born of two of these types of people. They who undermine good social systems by impatience, too uneducated to dialog in state priority, too sectarian for their own recognition. Republicans today want recognition so they can redesign facts into untruths for their own ease.  Loyalty is what antichoicers pledge to these fetuses in hopes they will be the type of idiot to pledge loyalty back to them.. not integrity in self.. when born. Loyalty breaks good systems as well.  Loyalties to secrecy. The subacademics in highschool that skipped homework, gymclass and home ec to make videos of shooting firecrackers out their butt. When you have a society of those types praying together to 'beget a quiverful" of likeminded idiots… any republican candidate giving them attention and tasks are considered really great.
Protestantism has born it's own perversions. Protestants, evangelicals and baptists have become the new catholics with renewed catholic pride. Conservatives have a defensive pride relying on identifying right wing to amount the totality of satisfying their 'rightness; in all debates.  "Fascists of declaring themselves right perpetually".  In United States, they mistake faith an activism rather than a discipline. Free speech seems to extend the distances they can wander in deed and thought from their staunch interpretations of a saviour story. Conservative's freedom seems to extend what they do in their bedrooms with their wife, bootycall, computer or random nonwhite pedestrian abducted at gunpoint.  The concept of the United States where all people are equal white catholics and protestants willfully abandon. The Liberals and Progressives who do believe that also practice population growth limitations with birth control and abortions. No matter how many christians are born to argue 'not being christian is being wrong", the real world is on Earth and the flat world is no more. The abortion of every species is now riding on the stupidity and ignorance of the republican party.. and campaign strategies. Yes, campaign strategies of raising important topics and then doing nothing such as the Joe Bidens. Today the republicans want to raise abortion as an important topic..
The republican respect for life ends at the Citizenship of the person; even if they were raised catholic or protestant. The republican respect for life ends at the election result. The republican respect for life ends at the exploitation of the 2nd Amendment. The republican respect for life ends at the Health Insurance donors envelope. The republican respect for life ends at the convenience of their discipline to not grope or rape an intern or office staff. The republican respect for life ends at international alliances with Saudi Arabia. The republican respect for marriage ends at trump, vitter, barton, desjarlais, sanford. With these people still in office and members of the republican party, it falls on the public to teach republicans what it means to vote. "Have a belief, vote your beliefs. Don't fall for rhetoric about power and pie in the sky dreams of entitlement".  A republican party that won't enforce it's wedge topics on its own members/candidates are not penning legislation for the public. An ink that won't be respected.
This week republicans walked out of Oregon legislature debates of cap and trade. It was coordinated with their supporters arrival posing as protestors. Everyone who can think knows the opposition about abortion isn't about faith or life rights. Republicans work for the profit hospital industry to assure abortion, neonatal surgery, and even expensive unnecessary Caesaerean sections on the service menu.  The hospital industry already broke their pledge to medicine for convenience 'bills'. They pay doctors less for vaginal birthsthan surgical intervention. Ah fer Cripe's sake.. whats more natural than vaginal birth and why aren't republicans yelling over their wallets about this??
 Anti choice and most other republican planks are about yelling about something to distract progress. The fairweather Spartans just left the country. The republicans are more of a loitering type confronted with a serious problem. If they leave the United States.. they'll be further at risk of abandoning their radicalism when they have to adapt. Antichoice yells about the life of a fetus but stands around repeating the rhetoric fed to them by fox knowing its lies. So it's lies then. Lies and repetition and winning at all costs. Without a script for a new corporate governance they might as well be abortions. They'll lose as the underclass anyway. They're losing right now via contributed support to the tradewar.
Michael Bench has an MSci in Exercise Physiology and GradCert in Gender Studies. His Specialty is Consumerist caused body dysmorphia in the fashion industry. Michael’s new book is “Native Supremacy” now available on Amazon. 
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