#every day 🤢
zuzuzuko · 7 months
the "he should have been at the club" meme except it's Tim Drake and NO he absolutely should NOT have been at the club. He was 13 someone get his ass out of the club 😭
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Huge news everyone I have noticed TWO new Ray guitars tonight: a white strat and a red SG
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tomdutch · 2 years
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throwback to this glorious day when tom actually went outside for fun and not just for work
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bewitching-666 · 1 month
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oh dear god please take all of rahul's pain and give it to sandeep reddy vanga
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mbrainspaz · 1 month
Leaving work today I had my windows down, enjoying the freedom & fresh air, and so of course while I’m stuck at the light I smell a giant cloud of skunk waft in. In the moment I was too tired to give a fuck so at full volume I yelled “can’t ya fucking wait to light up at home, stanky ass bitch!” Chick in a red sedan zoomed around me with her manicure and blunt out the window and I flipped her the bird. Was she a coworker? Statistically likely. What’s she gonna do—report me to HR? Fat chance since they’ve got a zero tolerance policy.
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stardustvanfleet · 6 months
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the twindown is absolutely excruciating ❤️
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wisdomsdauqhter · 2 months
I did not expect that buying a mp3 or cd player would be this difficult or expensive in the year 2024
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bylertruther · 2 years
bad boy mike fics are always good fun yeah but have you all ever considered writing something where will is the mischievous little rascal from the wrong side of the tracks that listens to loud music and always has little rogue paint splatters on his hand-me-downs or charcoal smudges on his cheek n says the most out of pocket shit under his breath that no one ever hears except for eleven and mike and yet no one believes him when he repeats what will said bc will jus looks so sweet tht obviously he would never say tht mike and mike is the more strait-laced kid that lives in a three story house at the end of the cul-de-sac with his purposely and perfectly disheveled and brand new get-up that gets flustered whenever will suggests they do something they maybe shouldn't but ultimately agrees without question because hello in what world could he ever look into those big hazel eyes of will's and somehow say no? it's literally impossible and he never regrets it even if they do get home late which of course makes hop chew him out when he catches them even though it was will's idea to begin with but again no one ever believes him n it's not like he'd rat him out anyway and coming from such different backgrounds they really shouldn't fit but they do and they're inseparable and even if it's messy cozy and all too lived-in mike feels more at home at the byers-hopper house than he ever does in his castle filled with ghosts and honestly probably for the first time ever actually and obviously they'd make their own adventures for when life gets to be too much bc will feels like he's drowning and mike feels like he's invisible and it's just will with his sketchbook and mike with his leather journal and they talk about anything and everything and share things they've never ever said to anyone else before and ofc when they talk about the future it's always about where they'll go to college together and how they're obviously going to dorm together and get an apartment afterward bc they're undoubtedly going to escape this shitty little town one day and they're clearly Something but also maybe too scared to Be something and . and. is anyone gonna write this or am i gonna have to be a big boy and do it myself 🙄
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get-starfingered · 1 year
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So glad the fandom has no control over the canon of this series, istg these takes are so bland and would ruin Jojo's.
#not to be That Guy but this person clearly didn't understand/care for the story Araki was telling with both parts 5 & 6 respectively#low hanging fruit finding some rando spouting off about how they want to scrap stone ocean but hey#no it would not have been more impactful for any of dio's kids to have ended the joestar curse actually#wtf are you on#''the joestars should have been completely helpless against their foes & fate unless they possessed some of their enemies' DNA'' 🤢#and although giorno reflects both dio and jonathan in his design his story and hos characterization the whole point of his adventure was#defining himself and achieving his goals without being held back by the entrenched workings of society/the mob + his past home life + fate#Jolyne's journey is (in part) about severing a fate she did not consent to and that had fractured her life seemingly beyond repair#giorno has nothing to do with her journey & he (having brando + joestar blood) is not ''more worthy'' of ending the curse#to branch off into yet another tangent: i've become annoyed by the constant nattering of fans regarding giorno not meeting pucci as#ungalo et al did. pucci's gravity wasn't gathering every single one of dio's spawn to one point#it specifically drew to him the children who had fallen into lives of disorder/dismay/disrepair. those who are lost#it wasn't just ''all of dio's blood whoops araki forgot giorno 🤪'' it was following the themes of part 6#but of course many jojo fans are notoriously allergic to seeing the themes of each part & care more about fan service than anything else#might make a bigger post about this one of these days lol
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stinkrascal · 2 years
absolutely cannot believe that someone whose url is “conservativetradlife” followed me and thought to interact with me. ma’am what are you doing here
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just got my first new pair of eyeglass frames since junior high and im trying to get used to them but i. am gonna barf
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ihophashbrowns · 1 year
i wanna know what it is abt pink aesthetic that attracts perverts lol
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arabela25 · 1 year
are you going to make gifsets of each semifinal's entries? or have you already posted something similiar?
I'm planning on making a few gifsets/edits for the semi finals but I'll probably only post them near the contest date
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ptolemaeaea · 1 year
loooove the fact that business & econ folks r voting for & tagging the which major is the most obnoxious/least sexy poll post w their own major . bc it's true
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dbphantom · 11 months
Do you think these 4 people know that at this point I've pack bonded with them and would kill and die for them if they asked
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#Every day I refresh my tabs and every day I scream internally#Right now I'm betting on us either getting a trailer for the new episodes or a movie/game with It as the main draw OR#Or we are getting a first look at the new opening#I don't know what else could be a special announcement because I would think premiering an episode early would be a mess schedule-wise#So a trailer for a movie/game/the next few episodes would make sense#But also the new opening has been in the works for months at this point. So this would be the perfect time to show it#Cruddy rambles#I'm trying to maintain my expectations to 'I will be disappointed if I expect the best scenario'#But also being realistic in what this special announcement is and what they're gonna show#I really think it will be a trailer or the new opening. I think that'd be perfect while not showing the full episode it'd still build hype#And just show people what they're there to see and what they're promoting (G5)#Like come on don't tell me we wouldn't all lose our minds over a teaser trailer featuring G5 showing us it fully animated for the first time#Because in Film Red we just got static G5 Luffy. Which was dope BUT I want to see how he's gonna move.#And even if it isn't relating to the upcoming episodes seeing a game/movie get announced with G5 as the main draw would be so fucking hype#I loved film red don't get me wrong but I think they're gonna announce another movie soon#And what perfect time to do it!! G5 is gonna be in the anime soon so a whole movie based on rubberhose antics would be so fucking fun#And hey I'm in the minority here but I do love the one piece games despite them being super simplistic#And I would kill for a game where you can play as Nika. I would KILL FOR IT#I will say tho my worst fear is what G5 will have CGI components#They've been using them a LOT in Wano and it's so obvious every time and well 🤢 they don't look good...#It's too smooth and obvious and sure that *could* lend to the whole unnatural rubberman vibe Nika gives off but like...#You have a whole genre of non-CGI animation to be inspired by!!!! If they forgo rubberhose and make it even partly CG I *will* cry
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