#every fandom ever sucks tho i wish i was content with ocs
lovelikeatruck · 6 months
I wanted to go on a blocking spree on twt but mk fans get super aggressive over that so nvm I guess
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mari-m-rose · 7 years
Magi coming to an end
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I got the news while I was working....which almost makes me unable to continue working lol. It’s weird because I did feel it was ending. Last week’s chapter looked like it, but I gave it at least 6 more chapters....or 8.... So I’m still in shock.
I mean...this is the end of an era for me....the past 4 years came to my mind in slow motion....I was able not to cry at least.
Last year when a couple of friends were already writing about Magi and them, thanking everyone, saying goodbye and having nostalgia as last arc progressed, I told myself I was gonna do the same when the time came.
The time came....NOW...to my disbelief.
So, I’ll try to be brief (spoiler: I failed) and tell the story of Magi and I first.
2013 was probably the worst year I had had in many years. I didn’t have cash to study, and that year was supposed to be the last year of my career. All my friends almost finished their careers back then while I stayed behind and was doomed to study my last year, the hardest year, with a bunch of nobodies. You see, I value much more experiences when I live them with my friends also all my potential is forced to come out when I’m with them, however meeting new people in a career like graphic design in which you have to work in groups and not seeing any of my friends....I was sure the future was gonna be a nightmare (and it was tbh lol in 2015). The thought was enough to give me anxiety like never in my life. Also got some panic attacks: couldn’t breath, couldn’t stop crying and my whole body felt agitated). My friends were so busy in their last year that I couldn’t see them much, my neighborhood friends were already hard to reach before I signed up to uni, my bf was still in Germany (I had a distance relationship with him for almost 4 years, 2013 happened to be his last year there).In short: I felt so lonely, because I WAS LONELY. I also got two jobs: both of them sucked, both of them were low pay, both of them were hard. I distanced from internet friends because of some issues. Lost my passion for fanart and my OCs. Everything was shit. There was nothing to be excited of, no one to pass time with, not even enough money to have fun.  BUT I could do something, which I couldnt do ever since I started my career, which was: watching anime. So I watched a lot of anime, A LOT. AND ofc one of those ended up being: Magi. It was around august or september, second season was airing and me and bf caught up with it and started to watch it weekly. I became impatient tho (which is weird) so I began reading the manga and caught up before season 2 was over.
I FELL ENTIRELY FOR IT. Especially after reading Magnostasdt arc (still my fave arc). It had a weird effect on me, it did not only made me happy, but it also brought back my passion for drawing fanart, it brought back my interest for reading fanfics (hadn’t read one since I was 16), it made me excited for every single week: oh here come the spoilers, the backstage, the translations, wow ♥!! And the people were the kindest people I’ve ever met in my life (can’t say the same about now sadly). It looked like paradise and it was paradise tbh. Almost all the years I spent here were amazing, which leads me to:
Thank you, srsly, all my friends, all the people I met, especially those I met 4 years ago. My followers, everyone who doesn’t talk to me but likes me and has supported me. One of the few reasons I cling to this site even if a lot of people are making it impossible for me to exist here (and my friends have left it), is because I love sharing Magi stuff in general and my art, and how you guys like it ofc. I have never felt so loved in a fandom and I have never felt important in a fandom. Some of you really made me feel too many great things I had never experienced. Thank you so so much. I hope you are blessed a million times more for all the kindness you have given to me.
I feel Ohtaka saved me with Magi. Falling in love with it made all the horrible times that came after 2013 better. It got me out of my hole of self-hate and put me back to work. I srsly wish I could thank Ohtaka in person, for saving me with her art and tell her how much her work means to me... (omg omg omg don’t cry pls).
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I can’t believe this is the end. I will cherish all these memories forever and cling some more to my friends, cling some more to this blog, to Magi itself and to sinja ofc. I will not stop just yet B).  Thank you a million times again AND hope we keep enjoying ourselves in both our happiness, sadness, disapopintment, fear, excitement, whatever you are feeling right now. For me it’s the actual ending of an era and I will celebrate it somehow.
This post  kinda ends here, but right....AFTER I TELL THE STORY OF ME AND SINJA. ♥♥♥♥
It is a really random story. So when I first watched Magi my faves were Sinbad, Alibaba, Hakuryuu and Aladdin (I especially adored Aladdin). BUT bf, browsing the internet found a sinja doujin lol, and he came like: hey look, those characters from Magi, haha. And my reaction was: O M G I DIG THIS SHIT (back then I didn’t know how much I was gonna dig it tho), how did I miss this ship before? And then the ultimate reason to ship them appeared: the tegaki. Ohtaka’s tegaki are such a sinja heaven, all the married couple jokes, their intimacy, how they talk like they are parents of all the young generals. I FELL FOR THEM, but most importantly I fell for Ja’far. JA’FAR ENDED UP BEING MY FAVE. He wasn’t even on the list lol. And through my new Ja’far obsession I tried to gather as much information as I could and started to catch up with all the Magi info I missed through all those years the fandom existed before I joined. And that’s when the actual passion began tbh.
I’m both happy and pained that I still love sinja with all my heart and can’t stop and ofc WON’T STOP.
I will continue creating sinja content and also telling you to do it ♥ all sinja shippers should contribute to our own happiness about this ship sdjvposjop. I hope that after Magi ends you guys stop thinking about canon that much (says the person who creates sad sinja times from canon :^) ), so we continue creating beautiful sinja HCs and stories ♥♥
Anyway if you read till here (wow) thank you ♥ hope you have an awesome day!
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