#every time i see sakuras war bangs i get pissed off
me banging on kishimotos door at 2am: why did you make sakura’s bangs as a child a symbol of her lack of self-confidence and then have ino help her overcome it BUT then give sakura bangs again during the war arc when she was reunited with sasuke and clearly made to be self-conscious and feel inferior in the face of him and naruto?? why did you literally put the symbol of discomfort back into her design around sasuke - her love interest - when it blatantly contrasts the safety and confidence she gains around ino who helps her overcome that obstacle??? which one sounds more romantic?? which one sound more healthy?? OPEN THE DOOR—
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sean-gaffney · 6 years
Watanagashi:  Changes between the Original and the PS2/3 Version
This was harder, partly as the 07th-mod translations are a constant work in progress, and thus some minor kanji differences aren’t quite differentiated.  As a result, there was some machine translation guessing on my part.  Also, there’s just a lot MORE differences in this arc.
Part 1:
Satoko’s “Keikei hit me!” is changed to “Keiichi-san”.  This honestly seems more to match her characterization.
Some of Mion’s intro to the group is changed, but I’m not quite clear how.  “Come to attention”?
Millionaire is changed to Billionaire for copyright reasons.
K1’s rousing speech to the two boys removes “Little girls!”.  Interesting they remove “Little Girls” but leave “Loli”.  Probably as loli does not have quite the negative connotation it should in Japan.
When K1 gets the doll, the line about him being treated lke a pervert for carrying it around it cut from PS2.
Part 2:
Mion’s line is changed again.  It looks like “Come to order” might be changed to “listen closely/pay attention”.  I sort of like the idea of Mion as a CEO.
07th-mod has translated “carry everyone’s bags” as “schlepping”.  There’s a difference between the original and PS2 of this, but I’m not sure what.  I’m also not sure Yiddish helps here.
All of Mion’s discussion of forcing K1 to wear girls’ underwear and a garter belt with the maid uniform is toned down/removed.
In possibly the lamest censorship in the entire series, “Card Master Sakura” is replaced with Keiichi thinking it was the “famous lipstick brand Sakura”.  The idea that K1 knows brands of lipstick is far less likely than the idea that he watches anime from 10+ years in the future.  I understand it had to be changed for copyright, but man.  It’s also about 20-30 lines of dialogue, including Rika saying she likes Tomoyo best.  It had to be completely rewritten.
More censorship here (this may be the most censored section in all Higurashi), removing all lines of K1 wearing the underwear and garter belt, how it feels, etc.
Mion says it would fit better if it weren’t for the big thing between his legs in the original.  Toned down to “that one body part” in the update.
Keiichi says he’ll get revenge and condemn Mion to a “public shaming” in the original, this is changed to making her wear something crazier and taking her home in the PS2.
Mion has big breasts in both versions, but in the original they’re “about to spill out”, in the update he “might catch a glimpse”.
K1 asks “Shion” if this is her first time being a waitress in the original, but it’s “at this job” in the update.
Part 3:
Chie’s love of curry is described as almost paranoid in the original, this is made “passionate” in the update.
Chie’s curry high trip originally invoked the Michelin guidebook, this is cut for copyright in the update.
Part 4:
The update adds that K1 has been told about the festival before, presumably to correct continuity.  There’s actually quite a lot changed, as he’s made more intuitive and savvy, rather than having Mion and Rena explain the whole thing again.
The thug’s “You fucking bitch” (it apparently is “fucking” in English there) is toned down in the update.
In the original, “Shion” asks if he was surprised when everyone kept showing up.  It’s just “were you surprised” in the update.
Part 5:
The otaku’s conversation was already mildly censored in the original, in the update it’s rewritten to remove any suggestion of actual places.
The “Fatass” insult is toned down.
The otaku says wiping his crotch is Shion’s punishment for spilling on his pants in the original; this is cut from the update.  As is her wiping “right down to my underwear!”.
Most of the otaku’s bathroom discussion, including some fetish stuff, is changed.
More Keiichi fat-shaming cut.  Good.
Rena calling K1 a pervert is changed to a “Hau”.
Keiichi again thinks if he carries a frilly doll around he’ll be called a pervert.  Toned down in update.
Part 6:Nothing!  (It’s a small part…)
Part 7:When asked “what sort of Rena” Keiichi wants to meet, he says one with a “90 bust size” in the original, and that she be OK with him fondling said bust.  In the update this is changed to a “model class body” and waiting on him.  Toned down.
The original has him meeting Tomitake for the first time; in the update it’s shown they’ve met before.  There are several changed lines that spin off from that.
Some toning down of the sullying of people’s souls if demons came to the village.  Not quite sure how.
A reference to the Kindaichi series was changed to “mystery novels” due to copyright and also because it’s Ryukishi07 pretending he’s not in 1983 again.
The dismemberment discussion is toned down once more.
Satoshi goes from ‘disappeared’ to ‘vanished’, which I assume makes sense in terms of Japanese nuance.
Part 8:
There’s a villager described as “bedridden” in the original who showed up at the festival.  He’s even mentioned as being a Kimiyoshi.  It’s toned down to having an illness and getting better.
Another deletion of Michelin for copyright reasons – changed to “food critic”.
The original has Rika saying K1 would do well selling at Akihibara, and there is subsequent confusion.  The update makes it more generic.
When Shion shoves her breasts against K1, he’s called a pervert in the original, not the update.  In the original, Rika says “what about my flat chest?”, in the remake she just says it seems like fun and she’ll do it as well.
Shion’s description of Tomitake and Takano meeting is more “love love” in the original, in the update it’s meeting secretly.
Likewise, they accuse Shion and K1 of having a date, and the kanji is slightly different in the update.  This actually affects several lines.
Again, more toning down of the kanji that’s used to mean “impure” or “sullied”.
Takano says “Momotaro or Superman won’t be showing up to save everyone in this story”.  Superman is removed in the updated version.
Any line that has the demons “eating people” or cannibalism has been cut or changed to remove that.
There’s a LOT of cuts here, removal of the guts and dissection part of the description.  Takano would be so mad.
It also cuts a bit of the “do you hear it” stuff, which is a bit of a loss.
More torture cuts.  I had forgotten how much Takano goes ON and ON.
“Canned flesh” removes the flesh, of course.
“Splendid treasure trove of torture devices” is cut.
“You won’t get a Pulitzer Prize” is changed to “you won’t get a scoop”.  Removes specific reference.
Part 9:
“Mion” telling K1 she was late as she was hung over is just changed to her being late as she stayed up late (which is, well, true…)  This affects several other lines.
“Yakuza” is toned down to “syndicate” throughout.  Expect that a lot.  It happens through the rest of this part.
Part 9 (2):This is purely a voice acting thing, but the Kimiyoshi who calls K1 late at night to ask if he’s seen the Kimiyoshi head is a “middle aged man” in the original, but a “girl who clearly wasn’t Shion” in the update.
Part 10:
Some more hangover censorship.
Something about K1 saying “stay up to read every volume in a manga series” is changed.  Not sure what.
Rena admiring Rika’s uvula is changed to Rena admiring Rika’s huge yawn.   She’s also not allowed to strangle Satoko, just have her hands around her neck.
Part 10 (2):
More yakuza censorship here, and Mion being responsible for property damage, threats and beating up the cops and dam workers is censored to remove the specific illegal acts.
Part 10 (3):Nothing!
Part 10 (4):Ooishi saying that as taxpayers “it’s like drinking our own piss!” is changed to “a soba chef eating his own soba”, which I can see why it was changed but it lacks impact.
A few other kanji reading changes that I can’t figure out.  Not major.
Part 11 (1):Nothing!
Part 11(2):
The original suspects a drug overdose “from a stimulant”, the update changes it to “drug addiction”.
Removal of Gifu, changed to a generic place.
One of my favorite parts of the original, Ooishi wondering if Keiichi saw psychotropic drugs, a poppy workshop, or Soviet and Chinese handguns in the Furude storage shed is completely excised.  Bastards!
Gifu removed again.
Part 12 (1):
I dunno what the word “rendezvous” is in Japanese, but it must be something racy, because it’s changed to “secret meeting” in the flashback here as well.  Does it imply Tomitake and Takano banging away in the woods or something?
Part 12 (2):
Implication the villagers were physically bullied is changed to “looked down on as weirdos”.
The rumor that the village was a haven for those with incurable diseases was cut.
The divorce trial going against the Hinamizawa resident because “they misrepresented their birthplace” was cut, probably to avoid attacking the government.
More removing the fact that Japan discriminated against Hinamizawa in the update.
Removal of the specific place Mion’s grandfather was stationed during the war.
More censorship of “canned flesh” to make it vaguer.
The original said Sohei’s research was more “realistic”, the update calls it “kinder”.  The update seems to be trying to show everyone’s swell deep down, really.
More cannibalism cut.
Part 12 (3):
“Mion” telling “Shion” to call herself a lowly, worthless sow is changed in the update to unbelievable fool.
“Mion” has a very detailed description of how she’ll put nails in K1’s fingers, this is cut from the PS3 (but seems to be in the PS2).
More torture removal.
The description of the stun gun as illegally modified is removed.
Epilogue 1:Nothing!
Epilogue 2:
Ooishi bringing Keiichi a basket of porn is made less obvious.
Ooishi suspecting Rika is a drug addict is changed to her being caught up in “contraband smuggling”.
Tea Party:
The description of this part as an “answer chapter” is changed to “weren’t the mysteries all solved?”.
TIP 1:
The Sonozaki business is much seedier in the original.  “loan shark, a land shark, a strip club, and a brothel” is changed to “financial business, a real estate agent, an apparel business, and in the amusement industry”.
Likewise, Mion having the blood of a loan shark in her is changed to financier.
So, this is complicated, the original has Rika saying she didn’t have money she was loaned from Mion, and Mion threatened to put her “in a bathtub”. The new MG translation made this slang phrase more explicit, saying she’d be thrown into the red-light district.  The PS update removes it entirely, making it innocent.
Likewise, Satoko’s comment about how laughable it would be to die in a bathtuib,. with all its tragic irony, is changed to “being thrown to the ground”, and Rika and K1 mocking her sexual naivete.  The PS update just makes it innocent, with no mocking.
TIP 5:
The description of the bike as a Yamaha is edited to remove the brand name
TIP 10:
Ooishi telling his fellow cops to “clench their asses” is toned down.
TIP 13:
A few minor changes that we’ve seen before:  eliminating the explicit “dismemberment”, removing references to Gifu.  Ooishi’s cigarettes are made more generic.
TIP 22:
Removing references to Russian brand guns and specific drugs.  Also changing “violent organizations” to “black market”, to remind us that the Sonozakis are kinder, gentler yakuza.
TIP 24:
A mention of the JAF is changed to the more generic “repairman”.
One more removed Gifu for the road.
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