#shes so so so good and then they just repeatedly ruin her ughhhhhh
me banging on kishimotos door at 2am: why did you make sakura’s bangs as a child a symbol of her lack of self-confidence and then have ino help her overcome it BUT then give sakura bangs again during the war arc when she was reunited with sasuke and clearly made to be self-conscious and feel inferior in the face of him and naruto?? why did you literally put the symbol of discomfort back into her design around sasuke - her love interest - when it blatantly contrasts the safety and confidence she gains around ino who helps her overcome that obstacle??? which one sounds more romantic?? which one sound more healthy?? OPEN THE DOOR—
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Back to you: Chapter 21- Helium
*** Ok guys this is IT!! I know, I said Thursday, then Weds... But I just can not wait!!! Are you ready?***
Summary: Aria makes her decision between Liam and Leo. Tariq has been found but is it good or bad news? Someone gets hurt. Thing’s aren’t always as they appear and there are twist and turns in every direction!
Rating: Mature 
Chapter/song inspiration: Helium - Sia 
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Taglist: @bobasheebaby @scarlettedragon @katurrade @alicars @speedyoperarascalparty @annekebbphotography @greyeyedsmile14 @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @xxrainbowprincessxx @hopefulmoonobject @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @laniquelovely @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08
**I wanted to play tough, thought I could do all this one my own, but even Super Woman sometimes needed Superman’s soul.**
The night before
Madeline Threw the pillow over her head trying to drown out the noise. The constant beating on the wall from what she assumed was the head board, the screams and moans were all to much for her. If she could rip her ears off she would. She contemplated banging on the door but if she knew Leo it would only fuel his fire to make Aria scream even louder. SHUT UP  she screamed. Finally after an hour it stopped. Madeline was pissed. “They will pay for that.” she mumbled to herself.
The next morning Aria woke up in Leos Arms. She looked over at him sleeping and smile.  His untamed messy dark blonde hair was adorable, she wanted to run her fingers through it. She studied his face, the stubble that grew in over night on his chin, his strong jaw line that lead down to the slight dip in his chin. Those soft full lips she loved to kiss. She could see his strong muscular shoulders peaking out from the covers. She felt a feeling washed over her, something that made her feel safe, happy, fearless and like she was home. In that moment she knew, it was him, it had always been Leo, he was home for her. 
She wanted to tell him, but she owed it to Liam to talk to him first. She closed her eyes not letting the inevitable conversation ruin this moment. She opens her eyes to a pair of sparkling blue eyes staring back at her. “Good morning beautiful. ” he leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I could get used to this, waking up looking into your big beautiful brown eyes.” he stroked her cheek. “Mmm that sounds nice. ” she cuddled up with him, inhaling scent. Sweet and crisp, like a perfect mix of the ocean and a cool spring day. 
Beep beep beep
Ughhhhhh they groaned in unison. It’s already 12:00 pm Leo, we have to meet Jonesy at 2. “Ok, ok fine, you win.” They jumped up, Aria went back to her room to shower. She pulled out a pair of dark jeans and a flowing black tank top. She fidgeted with her fingers in anticipation. This was it, it was what they were waiting on, Tariq’s location. They were finally going to clear her name. She felt a nauseous feeling in the pit of her stomach, her nerves were an absolute wreck Aria fought back the urge to vomit. She was pulled back into reality when Leo knocked on the door. “Are you ready?"Leo asked as he held out his hand. Aria took a deep breath. "Hey, calm down, its going to be ok.” He assured her. 
They entered the meeting room Leo had reserved. Bertrand and Maxwell were already there, with a middle aged man, balding at the top, a bit heavy set. He reminded her of an older, heavier Bastien. “Jonsey, how are you today?” Leo smiled as he reached out and shook his hand clasping him on the shoulder. “I am well sir, thank you for asking. You must be lady Aria. ” Jonsey held his hand out to shake her hand. “Yes, pleasure to finally meet you.” Aria shook his hand as they sat around the table. “Ok lets just get right into this.” Jonsey started, Aria gripped Leos hand hard. “We located Tariq in California, Los Angles to be exact.” He finished. “Splendid, Maxwell make plane accommodations we shall leave at once.” Bertrand insisted. “Hold on,hold on. There’s more.” Jonsey cut Bertrand off. “Go on Jonsey. ” Leo instructed. “As I said we located him. Im sorry to say, Mr Tariq, well he was deceased upon discovery. A single self inflicted gunshot wound. Local police have ordered a toxicology report to determine if he was under the influence of anything.” Jonsey told them.
 Aria’s blood ran cold, she froze, unable to speak.Consumed by many thoughts. Tariq was dead, he was gone and there was no way to clear her name now. The thoughts screaming at her on repeat in her head. Tariq is dead, hes gone. Tariq is gone. “I’m really sorry, once I receive a copy of the toxicology report ill be in touch.” Jonsey said, snapping his briefcase shut.  “This does not leave this room, none of you are to tell Liam, I want to be the one who does. Do you understand?” Aria spoke up eyeing each of the men sitting there. They  all  agreed. “Thank you for your time.” Aria shook Jonsey’s hand “if you’ll excuse me.” Aria took off as fast as her feet would take her she pressed the up button repeatedly “come on, come on.” she bounced on her legs impatiently. Finally the doors open and let her in. She reached her floor and set out into a sprint to her door. She fumbled with the key card before swiping it and letting herself in. The urge to throw up growing with each passing minute she darted to the bathroom barley reaching the toilet. Sobs rattled her body as she curled up on the floor. Alone, she felt alone and defeated. She would be always the new York whore, there was no fixing herself in the public eye. She screamed out, sobs consuming her.
Two hands wrapped around her, “shh shh its ok baby, I got you. I’m here.” Leo soothed her. She laid sobbing in his arms for what seemed like forever , he never tried to force her to talk, or move, he just rubbed her hair and let let her get it out. She sat up “why did this happen? I’m nothing, nothing but a no good American whore. ” she wiped the tears from her eyes. Leo gently grabbed her face. “Look at me Aria, you are perfect. You are amazing, compassionate, fierce, and strong. Who the fuck cares what a bunch of asshole nobles think, we know the truth.” Leo said. “You are everything to me, and I will always defend your honor.” “Where do I go from here? What do I do?” Aria whispered.“Stay with me, here In New York, move in with me.” Leo requested . Aria gave him a slight smile “OK.” “Yeah?” Leo beamed. “Yes Leo I will move in with you.” He kissed her with so much love and happiness, it took her breath away. “I need to have a conversation with Liam first. Will you meet me here at 5?” Aria asked. “Of course, I will see you soon. I love you, So much.” Leo gave her a kiss before heading to the door. “I love you too.” 
Aria brushed her teeth and splashed cold water on her face trying to lighten the redness and the swelling of her eyes. Here go’s nothing she muttered to herself before heading out the door. She slowly took herself to Liam’s room and knocked. Her heart was in her throat. She was there to tell the man who loved her that Tariq was gone. And he was stuck marrying Madeline. “Aria? Hey what’s wrong come in. ” Liam took her hands leading her in. “Liam I need to tell you something. ” her voice shaking. “What is it Aria?” Liams voice calm and steady she knew he was masking his true feelings. “Tariq. Tariq is dead. We will never be able to clear my name.” The tears were spilling again. Liam’s body fell into the chair. “Its over Liam, your stuck marrying Madeline. There’s nothing we can do.” Aria sobbed. Liam stammered, his once stoic ficade gone. “No, no. Its not Aria no my love please.” He grabbed her hands. “You can come with me, I will make you a duchess, you can stay in Cordonia.” Liam begged. “Liam I can not be your mistress, I am so sorry.” Aria cried. “Aria please, please come with me. The royal jet leaves at 5. Please my love. I can not bare to lose you.” Liam stood on his knees, begging her not to leave. A king on his knees, he was better then this and she knew it. She loved Liam but she loved Leo more, she could not bare to break his heart even more, she could not tell him the other reason she had to end things was because she chose his brother. “I have to go.” Aria leaned in, kissing him softly. Before leaving him there alone.
 She wiped the tears from her eyes. She spotted Leos door cracked from down the hall. He must have left it open in case I need him. She thought to herself as she headed for his room. She peaked inside. Seeing Madeline standing facing Leo. “I love you Leo.” and then Madeline leaned in and kissed him.
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