#every time something was wrong with him Joyce took him in and he had to go through this
elekinetic · 2 years
dear max.
i did not read the letter you wrote to me, and i am not sorry. i think i know you well, because you are my best friend, so i think you will be upset for not giving up on you. for not letting you go. i do not care about that.
they will not let me turn on the heater in your room. the doctor said something about needing to keep the medicine cold and i did not argue with him. but i know you like to be warm, so i brought you some blankets. some are from mike’s house, some are from lucas’. joyce took me to the store because hopper and i had an argument, and joyce said it would be good for me to have some fresh air. the air in hawkins is not fresh anymore, but it doesn’t matter. i found a blanket that was blue. i hope you like it.
california was like you said it would be. it was warm and dry, even in the winter. school was… school was hard. maybe it wouldn’t have been different if we stayed in hawkins. maybe girls would still be mean, but at least we would have each other.
i missed you every day. it is okay if you didn’t miss me as much.
i do not know when this will be over. i keep searching for you, and i cannot find you. i can feel you though, like the way i feel henry, but better. lighter, if that makes sense. dustin showed me how to use a compass for patrols, and i think it is sort of like that. we are like magnets.
i am sorry i could not save you the first time. i will be sorry forever, i think. lucas says i should not blame myself, but i know he feels the same way. i tell him you would not blame either of us and he agrees, then says you would blame yourself instead. you are wrong.
wherever you are, please hold on. i am coming to you, max. this time, i am bringing you home. i promise.
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angelynmoon · 8 months
Ted is not a monster, no matter what the police think, Karen's injuries are her own fault. She should not have pushed him, he's so tired of her nagging, of Holly's crying, of Mike not listening.
Nancy is a lost cause, has been since she began dating that Byers Boy.
The Byers always were Bad eggs. It didn't surprise Ted when Joyce lost her youngest. It was a little surprising when he showed up alive, Ted had figured that someone had killed the boy.
Ted wished Nancy had stuck to the Harrington boy, he was a good sort, and even if he was like his father, at least the money he came from would make up for it.
Ted was angry that Hopper had arrested him, was angry that when he discovered when Steve Harrington of all people had Holly, not the Ted wanted her, she was too needy and had been mistake, an accident but Karen wouldn't consider an abortion.
Ted sat on the cot in his cell, he was alone, Hopper having to step out for a moment.
And then the lights flickered.
Ted scowled, "That's not funny."
The lights did not stop flickering, flickering faster and faster until every light bulb burst in a shower of sparks.
Ted flinched at the sudden darkness.
"Hello?" He called, standing.
There was a long momrnt of silence before Ted feltt something right next to him, he could feel it's breath at his ear.
"Hello Ted." Harrington's voice said.
Ted breathed a sigh of relief.
"Steve, Son, you scared me." Ted said as he turned to look at Steve and froze at the sight of a Monster.
"I'm not your son, Ted." The monster with Steve's voice said "and you should be scared. You hurt Karen. I like Karen. She was nice to me, even after Nancy left me."
"She asked for it." Ted defended himself.
The monster bared it's teeth, too many, too wide and Ted had the distinct feeling he'd said the wrong thing.
"My father said the same, the creature that are my Spawn said the Same thing. Nothing asks to be hurt." The monster saud.
"Please, don't hurt me." Ted begged, falling to the his knees.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Ted." The monster said.
Ted let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you." Ted started.
"I'm going to kill you, until the rivers of the Down Below run pure. You don't get the luxury of a quick death. Not after what you've done to my family."
The monster lunged and Ted did not have time to scream before the grey walls of the Station cell disappeared
When he became aware again Ted felt cold and something grey white was falling from the Sky.
Something screeched and Ted flinched.
Something dove at him and bit into his body, tearing him up until darkness came.
Ted woke up, something snarled and lunged, digging teeth into his arm, dragging him along until something cracked in his head and darkness came.
Ted, woke up to teeth in his throat, darkness came.
Ted woke up. Something nibbling at his toes before slowly moving up his leg and leg body until he was fully engulfed slowly his body began to to boil until finally, thankfully, darkness came.
Ted Woke up, Steve sat beside him on a Rock, a dark, poluted river flowed next to the vines that surrounded them.
"Please, Please make it stop." Ted begged.
Steve looked at him, eyes dark, empty.
"No." The monster said.
Something swooped, threw Ted up and swallawed him whole.
Darkness came...
Ted woke up...
Ted woke up...
Over and over until the Rivers of blood ran dry until the air purified.
But that took a very long time.
So um it's been quite a while since I worked on this, but here you go.
@addelyin @merricatty @lesbiabrobin @apuckishwit @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @darkwitchoferie @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @adhdsummer @purpleanimeoverart @space-invading-pigeon @lilaclilyroses @nohomoyesbi @plantzzsandpencilzzs @korixae @subversivecynic @flusteredcas @persnicketysquares @freddykicksasses @little-trash-ghost @cupcakesnwhiskey @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta @planetsoda @paintsplatteredandimperfect @irregular-child
@lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @steddieassheg0es
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Some softish wedding vibes for the lovely @flowercrowngods sorry this took all day
The wedding was beautiful. A cosy little affair in the forest surrounding the Byers-Hopper cabin, just The Party and their immediate family. The guests had a myriad of mismatched chairs decorated with pretty tulle bows, the aisle strewn with wildflower petals collected by the kids, fairy lights strung from the trees casting a warm glow over the dusk ceremony.
The older teens of the party had been on decorating duty and they’d done a great job, even if Steve did say so himself.
Joyce looked stunning in her simple, lace summer gown, Hop beaming and wiping tears from his eyes as Jon walked his mum down the aisle.
Claudia sobbed loudly, Dustin tutting but handing her tissues, shhing her every now and again, making everyone hide a smile behind their hands when she'd wailed "it's just so beautifulllllll!"
Murray had officiated, dressed in ceremonial robes and actually on his best behaviour for a change. Will was Joyce's man of honour, El was Hop's best woman, Steve had never seen either of them look more radiant.
Steve had been roped into dress shopping by El and Max because although she was doing much better, Max's eyesight wasn't what it once was and Steve was apparently the only one with any fashion sense. He was glad he'd gone with them because the three of them had had so much fun, both girls had picked beautiful dresses without really needing his help at all, not that it stopped him smiling to himself as they spun happily in front of the floor length mirror, letting the skirts flow around them, or from taking them both for new records and ice cream, that Dustin had thrown a two hour fit for missing out on.
Then somehow the mum's had talked him into taking all the boys to hire tuxedos, not that he'd minded but Eddie had tagged along when he heard from Dustin that it was going to be a fun road trip with new records and ice cream, and seeing him spin out of the dressing room, all high on life from being with the kids and out of Hawkins, his hair tied up in a messy bun had taken Steve's breath away. Luckily he'd managed to cover it up with a laugh when Dustin had popped out next dressed in a white tux, strutting around because he thought he looked like Elvis.
So they all looked gorgeous and it was all just very sweet and picturesque and romantic.
Although Steve could've done without Mike snarking in his ear at every opportunity, snapping his name like his nanny used to when he was misbehaving, except Steve wasn't doing anything wrong. In fact the first time he'd been told off he'd been up a ladder hanging lights, the second time he'd only walked out the cabin, now dressed in his suit, trying and failing to get his tie perfect. The third time he'd been stuffing cake in his mouth in a rush because his and Max's song had just come on but he was torn between moving and eating, so he'd sloppily thrown the cake in his mouth, frosting pouring out the edges of his lips. Steve didn't get his reaction, yeah it was a little gross but Max was laughing so who cared.
So as soon as the song ended and El came back to dance with Max, Steve grabbed Mike by the collar and dragged him into the cabin.
"Okay, what's your problem? You've been at me all day!" Steve demanded to know, hands on his hips.
Mike spluttered and grouched incoherently, something about Eddie, him being a person, which was just perplexingly obvious. And for someone who'd had a lot to say all day, he suddenly wasn't saying anything, but Steve knew if he just waited Mike out, he'd eventually get his thoughts out in a coherent sentence. Except Will came dashing into the cabin, eye's lighting up when they landed on Mike, grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him back out into the party, before he ever had a chance.
Steve sighed rejoining the reception, mingling and chatting and trying not to be too obvious as he watched Eddie, maybe he'd said something to Mike, maybe he'd noticed the way Steve hadn't really been able to keep his eyes to himself, since, well since forever really but he'd definitely been more consciously aware of his lingering gazes since he'd woken up in the hospital with a joke and a groan, and they'd only become more incessant since he'd first seen him in that damn tux. Christ, Steve get a hold of yourself!
He just hopes he wasn't making Eddie uncomfortable, he didn't think he was because every time Eddie glanced over, it was always with a big smile, the one that started soft but grew until his dimples were showing when Steve smiled back, so he was almost sure that probably wasn't it, surely he'd look away like Robin did when men letched over her.
The next time Mike snapped at him, he was only dancing with Robin, not closely and certainly not well. Dancing In The Moonlight by King Harvest was playing, it was a song they all knew and loved and listened to whenever they all hung out. Robin had dragged him to his feet, just as he'd sat down with Wayne to chat about next weekend's game, and forced him to dance, waggling his arms around and doing all the silly moves until he couldn't help but join in.
Steve's eyes immediately snapped to Eddie, who was sitting by the edge of the makeshift dance floor, looking more miserable than Steve had ever seen him, even when he was a wanted man and on the run. Steve handed Robin to Mike, who protested about being forced to dance, but Robin had had a few glasses of wine and didn't seem too fussed about who she was dancing with, so long as she had a dance partner.
Wayne had his arm slung over the back of Eddie's chair but Eddie was slouched forward head in his hands forlornly watching everyone dance instead of joining like he usually would. Wayne and Steve shared a smile as he headed towards them, Wayne jumping up with a mumbled excuse, disappearing over to the buffet table to chat with Claudia.
Steve loved how he never needed words with Wayne, it was like he could read Steve like a book, had since their first meeting in Eddie's hospital room, he'd just given Steve a hard stare and for a second he thought he was about to get a smack or at least thrown out but Wayne had just given him a soft smile and pulled out another uncomfortable plastic chair for Steve to sit with him at Eddie's bedside.
They'd been fast friends, bonding over stories of Eddie, sports and an adoration of cheese of all things. Wayne even called him son, like he did with Eddie but that was probably just because there hadn't been a weekend since Eddie left the hospital, where Steve hadn't been at their new government bought apartment, screaming at the tv or the radio with Wayne, Eddie huffing and rolling his eyes and bemoaning that he was being forced to put up with two sports fanatics.
But Steve quickly learned the easiest way to settle Eddie was through his stomach, staying after the game to make fresh pizza or four cheese gnocchi or manicotti, from recipes he'd stolen from an old trunk in his attic, watching with pride as both Munson's wolfed down his food, was the easiest way to make Eddie beam at him.
Eddie hadn't noticed Steve coming over, didn't even perceive his presence until there was nothing but a pair of legs directly in his eyeline, forcing Eddie to look up at him.
"Hi," Steve said tentatively, Eddie's smile settling quickly back into place but not quite meeting his eyes.
"Stevie," Eddie greeted, aiming for normality but just the fact that he hadn't drawn out the e gave him away, "nice moves," he teased, sounding a bit too grouchy to be playful.
Steve adored that about their dynamic, the playful mocking, the poking and tickling and doing whatever they could to make the other bite back or laugh hysterically or both but it felt less like their playful banter and more like a defense mechanism, like maybe Eddie was mad with him.
And maybe it was something about the soft warm lighting or the giant strawberry moon peering down on them or the fact that they were at a wedding but something felt bigger, heavier but at the same time incredibly delicate like one wrong move could destroy them both.
"Dance with me," Steve murmured instead of teasing him back, holding his hand out for Eddie to take. Eddie furrowed his brows and blinked owlishly at him, Steve couldn't help thinking he looked adorable but if he let his introspection go on too long, he'd be lost for the night. Steve wafted his hand impatiently, trying to snap Eddie into the present but he only blinked slowly at his outstretched hand too.
"Aren't you dancing with Robin?" Eddie eventually asked hesitantly, which confused the living bejesus out of Steve because surely he couldn't mean…
Steve shook his head vigorously trying to send that mental image back to the pits of hell where it belonged, glancing purposefully over to the dance floor, he could see Robin'd got her arms around Nancy's neck blushing deeply as she babbled constantly. He knew she hadn't quite been able to look at Nancy the same way since they'd visited Creel together but Nancy had her arms securely around Robin's waist, listening intently and grinning and maybe, just maybe…
"I think she's content with her new partner," Steve mumbled, knowing full well that Eddie knew Robin almost as closely as he did, knew that Eddie could see what he saw and that whatever he was doing was some kind of avoidance technique, "dance with me."
They'd danced before, alone and in front of the party, there was no reason for Eddie to be nervous, didn't stop him looking anxiously around Steve's legs at the dancefloor, "There's people," Eddie muttered dejectedly.
Steve glanced over his shoulder and then back to Eddie, with a confused frown, "You mean all the people who love and care about us?" he asked affectionately.
Eddie snorted and huffed, "You," he corrected shortly.
Steve's brows furrowed deeply, "Huh?"
Eddie sighed, rolling his eyes, "All the people who care about you," he clarified grumpily.
Oh no, he's gone down the rabbit hole.
Steve sighed heavily, "Okay, that's not even close to the truth, but for the sake of not arguing, if they care about me, they have to care about you," he informed him.
Eddie sniggered, "Why, you gonna beat 'em up if they don't?" Eddie tried to tease but it came out too flat.
"No," Steve sighed, hooking his finger under Eddie's chin and forcing him to look at him, "anyone who doesn't care about you, doesn't get to care about me. These people are my family but if it came down to a choice of them or you, I'd pick you every time," Steve admitted sincerely.
Eddie's breath hitched but he didn't say anything, looked like he might cry if he did.
Steve decided it was time to just use his trump card, "Dance with me. Please."
And just like that Eddie jumped to his feet dragging Steve onto the dancefloor, because Eddie never denied Steve anything when he said please, not that Eddie ever denied him anything really but it was like a little button that overpowered all Eddie's apprehension and theatrics.
"Can I stay with you please?"
"C'mon Eddie, up, Owens says it'll be good for you to go for a little walk. No? Please?"
"Could you just keep talking until I fall asleep please?"
"Can you pick Dustin up tonight please?"
"Could you bring milk when you come over please?"
"What's wrong Eds? Talk to me, please."
They got situated just as the song changed to a much slower one, At Last by Etta James. Appropriate, Steve thought gleefully. Eddie just stood there, a little shell-shocked and unsure but not running away so Steve gently took his hands and put them on his waist, circling his own around Eddie's neck, except Eddie had his arms perfectly straight keeping a space between them.
"What're you doing?" Steve asked, fond amusement in his voice, it wasn't like they'd never been close before.
"Leaving room for Jesus," Eddie replied, Steve recognised it as an autopilot response, Eddie long lost to his mind, but Steve couldn't help it, the bubble of laughter just burst right out of him. Sometimes Eddie was just inadvertently funny and when Steve laughed he'd stand there like he was replaying the conversation until Eddie was laughing too at his own comment but Eddie's face crumbled, trying to pull away but Steve just held on tighter.
"Hey, no, Eds. I wasn't laughing at you, just maybe we're a bit old for Jesus to need to dance with us. C'mere," Steve said, pulling Eddie closer, wrapping his arms more tightly around him, swaying slowly to the music.
The look in Eddie's eyes as they listened to the song told Steve all he needed to know about why Eddie had been avoiding him, why he was only looking his way when he thought Steve wasn't looking, why he was being so evasive, how he'd managed to spiral so far that he thought he and Robin, ugh, Steve can't even think it.
Even Mike's snapping made a whole lot more sense, "Stop messing with Eddie," boy really needs to learn to stop grumbling, "he's a person, he has feelings!" Mike could see Eddie pining and had taken it on himself to try to stop Steve doing whatever mundane task that had Eddie yearning.
It was probably the sweetest thing Steve had ever seen Mike do for someone who wasn't El or Will, even if it pissed Steve off that he'd always be a cad in Mike's eyes, that he just assumed that Steve was a bad guy (when he's done nothing but throw himself in front of him and his friends time and again to protect them) that he was purposefully leading Eddie on, being intentionally enticing just to hurt him.
Not that it mattered what Mike thought, he could only hope that it was all his biases and not that Eddie hadn't been venting to the kids, all that mattered was that that wasn't what Eddie thought of him.
The whole atmosphere of the night had changed, everyone had slowed and quietened, couples solely focused on the person in their arms. But Steve felt the ground under his feet change, drew from Captain Steve the guy who'd thrown the first punch at Billy to protect his kids, felt Sir Steve crawl up his throat, the Knight who'd gone into battle against an all-powerful beast and brought his comrades out of the pits of hell because he'd seen now, seen clearly for the first time in god knows how long and he couldn't just go back to pretending, not without giving this is best shot. And thank god for Etta James because she was going to help him, because he could do this, he could be brave and fight for what he wanted for a change.
He had a horrible singing voice but Eddie already knew that, told him so often and in many imaginative ways.
"I found a dream that I could speak to, a dream that I can call my own," he sang quietly, trying to copy Wayne's looking into your soul look, trying to let Eddie see that his feelings are reciprocated, classing it as a win when Eddie grins, blushing deeply and mushes his face into Steve's neck.
"I've found a thrill to press my cheek to, a thrill that I've never known," he continued, nuzzling further into Eddie's neck because now he was this close it was like he couldn't get close enough.
"You smiled," Steve murmured against his skin, unable to wipe the lovesick smile off of his face. He and Eddie had always been close but they both knew this was different.
Originally it started with helping him limp around when he'd refuse to use his crutches, then when Wayne had to go back to work Steve started staying the night so Eddie could sleep without having to worry about waking up alone after a nightmare, he'd only spent the first few hours on the sofa before Eddie woke up screaming, sweaty and shaking, Steve hadn't even thought about it just clambered in behind Eddie pulling him flush against him, shhing him and running his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face, he didn't bother with the sofa again after that, they just shared Eddie's bed, soothing both their nightmares with the others presence.
But they've had time and distance from their trauma since then, most of them have been to therapy and they're all doing better, they can sleep in their own houses, in their own beds, they can all actually sleep for eight hours and wake up well rested. But he and Eddie stayed as close as ever, it's rare that they're never not touching, if Eddie's tired he'll attach himself to Steve like a backpack. They hug, they hold hands, Eddie even kissed him on the cheek one time, Steve's pretty sure it was an accident but he'd been so busy trying to hide the blush that'd sprung to his cheeks to really read the situation, maybe if he had they might've got here sooner because looking back Steve's not really sure how he missed all the signs, Eddie sits in his lap on movie nights for god sake.
"You smiled," Steve sang, pulling back to look at Eddie, to look at the adorable endeared grin and the pretty blush he can't hide because his hair's all tied up, still neat as a pin, showing just how much hairspray Claudia had used to hold it in place.
"And then the spell was cast," he crooned, because it was, from all the way back in school when Eddie would taunt the other jocks but there was never any bite in it when it came to Steve, his teasing came with a smile he never saw directed at anyone else, and he still remembers how it would make him preen a little and how he'd always feel a little peppier for the rest of the day.
But it felt like magic when they met for real, not the king and the jester but Steve and Eddie, battling the unknown side by side, Eddie smiling real smiles, teeth and dimples, all for Steve, because of Steve. And then of course he'd just had to be the hero and Steve had swore at him the whole way to the hospital because he'd been so mad but after days at his bedside, the first time he woke up and smiled at Steve, he knew from that moment on he was done for.
He'd just never thought they could have this, never dreamed Eddie would feel the same way so he buried that feeling deep down, enjoyed his friendship, relished being someone Eddie could rely on, being his confidant and still even when Eddie said "don't punch me but…" Steve had been too scared to rock the boat, didn't want to lose what they had because just because Eddie was interested in men didn't mean he was interested in him.
Who'd've thought Mike Wheeler would've been the one to make Steve see what was right on the end of his nose.
"And here we are in heaven," Steve trilled, resting his forehead against Eddie's trying to calm his heart before it beats right out of his chest, because there's butterflies taking flight and Steve's never in his life been nervous about a kiss but this one feels monumental and he can feel it coming and he wants it now and he also wants to wait and let this moment last forever.
"For you are mine," Eddie crooned, sounding more like a question. And as much as Steve always melts whenever Eddie sings, the fact that Eddie's still questioning his intentions, after he declared that Eddie's the most important person in his life, after what they're currently doing, just makes Steve realise how long Eddie's been his, how blind they've both been, how they've both been so wrapped up in what they can't have neither of them noticed it was right there for the taking.
Steve beams at him, let's Eddie see the way he makes him feel, the way he's always made him feel, nods like he's agreeing to a marriage proposal, deliriously happy and tear streaked.
"At last," Etta sings into the moonlit evening, as the boys seal their promise with a kiss.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 2 years
Checking on You–Steve Harrington
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I was busy making the kids something to eat while Joyce and Johnathan were comforting Will. Hopper was talking about what to do and where to send help. I looked into the other room, my eyes falling on Steve. He had his arms crossed over his chest. Then I saw it.
He reached up with one hand and grabbed his nose before refolding his arms. My heart sank as I knew exactly what he was thinking. I watched him turn around and walk out the kitchen door. I quickly put the sandwiches on plates and gave them to the kids. I wiped my hands on a towel before chasing after him.
"Are you okay?" I asked softly as I walked out onto the veranda. I instantly shoved my hands into my back pockets.
"I'm fine," he said with his back still to me.
"Steve," I whispered. "Please talk to me. You're my best friend. I know you better than anyone."
"Then if you know me so well," he said angrily as he quickly turned around, "then why are you asking me? You should already know."
As soon as the words left his mouth and his angry outburst went away, his face dropped. He took a step toward me and tried to grab my hands but I wrapped my arms around myself.
"I do know you," I mumbled. "And I think I know what's going on."
"Really?" Steve asked under his breath.
"It's just," I hesitated. "What if you. . . It might be because. . . Actually, never mind."
I tried to leave but he grabbed my hand. I held my breath as he pulled me closer.
"Please tell me," he whispered, "because I can't figure it out for the life of me. So if you know, please tell me, Y/N."
"Watching Will's family rally around him is painful for you," I confessed.
"Why would it be. . ."
"Because it reminds you of the type of parental and family love that you don't have," I said as I slowly lowered my voice. "I'm sorry," I stuttered. "That was way across the line. I shouldn't have said that. I'm probably wrong. I'm so sorry, Steve. I'm gonna go."
Before I could leave, Steve pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around him.
"You're right," he whispered, "but also wrong."
He broke our hug, instantly grabbing my hands. He slightly started swinging them back and forth.
"What do you mean?" I whispered.
"You were right when you said it was painful for me to watch Joyce and Johnathan and the other kids work to take care of Will," Steve explained. "But you were wrong when you said that I don't have that type of love in my life."
"I didn't mean it like that. . ."
"I don't have that type of love from my parents," Steve said, looking down at our hands. He smiled as he lifted his head and looked at me. "But I do have that type of love. From you."
"Of course," I said, suddenly nervous. "You've been my best friend since like, ever. I hope that I help you feel that kind of. . ."
I held my breath when Steve pulled on my hands and brought me closer to him.
"Family love?" Steve asked, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Are you sure that's the kind of love you want me to feel?"
"What kind of love would I want you to feel?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
"The stereotypical love," Steve whispered with a small laugh. "You know, best friends who know each other better than anyone else. Then that friendship slowly turns into something else."
"What does it turn into?" I asked shakily.
"Real love."
I sucked in a surprised breath when Steve leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine in a hesitant kiss. Of all the times I daydreamed about Steve finally kissing me, I didn't expect him to be so hesitant. His reputation at school was that he moved fast and knew exactly how girls wanted to be kissed.
Once the shock finally wore off, I slowly started kissing him back. The second I started kissing him, his hesitation disappeared and he deepened the kiss.
Steve broke the kiss, both of us struggling to catch our breaths. He leaned his forehead against mine, slightly rubbing our noses together. He gently massaged my hip, his fingers every once in a while slipping under my shirt and touching my cold skin.
"Y/N," he sighed, "I know this isn't the best time but we need each other. We need to keep each other safe. I can't lose you, Y/N."
"You won't," I whispered.
"If I did. . ."
"You won't," I repeated. I stood on my toes and pressed my lips to his. Steve instantly deepened the kiss, backing us up against the outside of the house.
"I love you, Steve," I said, breaking the kiss.
"I love you too," Steve chuckled. He smiled as he tightened his arms around me. "Thank you."
"For loving you back?" I teased.
"For checking on me."
"I'll always check on you," I shrugged. "It's kind of an instinct, I guess."
"You've got good instincts, Y/L/N."
"Only when it comes to you, Harrington."
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Thankful (Dad!Eddie x Mom!Reader)
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You and Eddie celebrate Melody’s first Thanksgiving with the Hawkins crew.
Warnings: none
WC: 1.7k
Part I | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Taglist: @dylanmunson @tayhar811 @princess-eddie​ @briasnow-blog @eddielives1986 @lost-in-contingency @eddiesprincess86​
“Are you ready?” You hear Eddie whisper through the bedroom door; the man was never good at keeping his voice low. “C’mon, let’s go surprise Mommy!”
The record store is closed on holidays, which means Eddie’s home, which also means that you can sleep in. Motherhood is more exhausting than you had anticipated. It’s one thing to pull an all-nighter once in awhile to finish some work or have a movie marathon; it’s another to wake up every two hours to feed, change, or rock a screaming baby.
Your husband has been nothing short of an angel: balancing work, a newborn baby, and a wife who feels like she’s falling apart physically and emotionally. You take care of Melody while he’s at the store, but he’s holding her as soon as he gets home so you can take time to rest. 
You open one eye as the door opens and slip on your glasses. Eddie’s still in his pajamas, but he’s got Melody in an outfit you haven’t seen before.
“Hi, my loves,” you greet them sleepily. “Happy Thanksgiving.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, Mama Munson,” Eddie replies, carefully shuffling towards you. “Mel wants to show you something.”
“I hope it’s not another diaper explosion,” you give a small laugh, sitting up to get a better look at your little family.
“Nope. Had one of those already this morning, but Super Dad took care of it,” he grins proudly. “This is much better.”
He hands you your little baby, her dark blond curls tickling your chin as you pull her close for cuddles. She’s wearing an orange onesie with a cartoon turkey on it, and the text below it reads “My First Thanksgiving.”
“This is the most precious thing I’ve ever seen!” you exclaim as she takes your finger in her tiny fist. “Eds, where did you get this?”
“What are you talking about? You gave birth to her!” he teases, kissing your forehead.
“You know what I mean!”
“Ohhh, her Thanksgiving outfit,” Eddie says, making you smile even wider. “One of my regulars gave it to me last week. Been hiding so we could surprise you.”
“I swear, every time I think this kid couldn’t get any cuter,” you kiss her little fingernails, and she looks up at you with her wide eyes. “Right? Every time Mommy thinks you couldn’t be a more adorable little baby, you prove her wrong!”
Eddie’s heart leaps watching you be a mom. The last few weeks have been hard on you, but he’s so impressed with how naturally you fell into motherhood. On more than one occasion you’ve questioned whether or not you can do this, but he reassures you that the feeling is normal, especially when sleep deprived. And while you’ve had no shortage of visitors, you haven’t really left the house.
Today, however, the three of you are going to the Hopper-Byers house to celebrate with everyone—and you mean everyone: Jim Hopper, Joyce, Will, Jonathan, and Eleven will obviously be there, as well as Steve, Nancy, Andy, Robin, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Max. A full house.
Eddie crouches down so he’s eye-level with his daughter. “What’s that, Melly Bean?” he asks, cocking his head towards her. “You want Mommy to come out to the living room so we can watch the parade together?”
You roll your eyes and laugh. “Only for my little turkey,” you place her back in his waiting arms so you can stretch. “And because I have to get up anyway and make a casserole to bring to Joyce’s.”
“I thought Joyce said not to bring anything?” He furrows his brows.
“Well, I’m not going over empty-handed,” you reply. “Besides, it’ll feel good to cook something again.” Your friends and neighbors had brought food to you after Melody was born, and you’d been subsisting on that and take-out since you got home from the hospital.
Eddie nods. “Okay. Just take it easy.” You give him a warm smile, appreciating his concern without being overbearing. God, you love him.
You wrap the hot casserole dish in tinfoil just as Santa Claus makes his way down 34th Street, signaling the end of the parade.
“Look, Melly!” Eddie coos, though she’s sound asleep against his chest. “That’s Santa! He’s gonna come to our house next month and bring you so many gifts.” He looks over at you sheepishly. “Speaking of which, I should probably pick up some extra shifts.”
You feign ignorance for your own amusement. “Whatever for? I thought Santa was bringing everything for her.”
“You’re so lucky I’m holding her, or I’d throw a pillow at your head.” Instead, he opts to stick out his tongue, making you giggle.
“C’mon, let’s bundle her up and…Eddie!” you cry out when you see that he’s still in his pajamas, with his hair mussed and his face unshaven. “How are you not ready yet?”
“I think a better question is, how are you ready?” he gawps.
“I showered and got dressed while the casserole was in the oven,” you explain. “Just need to throw on some makeup, cover up these bags under my eyes, and I’m good to go.”
“Fuckin’ Wonder Woman, I’m tellin’ you, babe. That’s what you are,” he muses, standing slowly and putting Melody in her bassinet next to the couch. He walks back to the kitchen and presses a sloppy kiss to your temple. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, stinky man,” you wrinkle your nose dramatically as you pretend to lean in for a kiss but lick his lips instead. He retaliates quickly, pulling you close to him and licking your ear.
“You’re gross,” you mumble as his jaw drops.
“Me? You started this!” he retorts.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, babe. Now go get ready.”
You pull up to the house half an hour later than you’d hoped, but considering you had a four-week-old baby, you were impressed that you weren’t tardier. Eddie throws the car in park and shuts off the engine, and immediately you hear a voice call, “They’re here!”, followed by a parade of people vying to be the first to hold Melody.
“Whoa! Hey, guys!” Eddie calls as he steps out and opens the rear door to get the baby. “Just give us a sec to get settled in and then you can fight to the death for her.”
You sling the diaper bag over your shoulder as Eddie unhooks the car seat. Melody stirs slightly and lets out a cry.
“Sorry,” you mutter as you make a beeline for the front door, “she might be hungry.”
Joyce pushes through the crowd to get to you. “Breathe. It’s okay. Babies cry,” she rubs your back gently. “You’ll feed her, and she’ll be good as new.”
You take a deep breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth, and nod. “Thank you.”
There’s a soft tap on your shoulder as you walk in the house. “Uh, Y/N?” Mike Wheeler says. “I can give her a bottle, i-if you want. I used to help my mom when Holly was a baby.”
You’re reluctant to accept help, for the sake of your own pride, but you relinquish some control and smile. “That would be amazing, Mike.” The boy visibly relaxes as you bring him over to the kitchen so you can prepare the bottle.
Eddie places Melody in Mike’s arms, and she takes the bottle immediately. “She’s so cute,” Mike remarks, making silly faces at her while she drinks.
“Once that bottle is done, give her to me,” Dustin demands, and Max scoffs at him.
“You already got to meet her when she was born!” she argues, pushing him out of the way.
“Not my fault I’m a better friend than any of you are!”
“Hey, who says I’m giving her up?” Mike calls back from the sofa.
“Sheep!” Eddie’s voice stops their bickering immediately. “Here’s the deal: Wheeler’s gonna finish feeding her, then we’ll go in alphabetical order by people who haven’t met her yet,” he emphasizes, earning a glare from Dustin. “That means Eleven, then Jonathan, Lucas, Max, Robin, and Will.”
“So not fair,” Dustin mutters, but doesn’t put up more of a fight.
“Also, there’s a rule,” you add teasingly. “If she poops while you’re holding her, you have to change her diaper.” Surprisingly, no one seems fazed.
For the first time in nearly a month, you’re able to have adult conversations and eat a meal without having to tend to Melody. It feels strange, like a piece of you is missing, but you learn to enjoy the moments of freedom.
It’s Hopper’s turn to hold her, and he’s standing next to Eddie, who’s eating a slice of pie. You overhear a part of their conversation:
“Having a daughter is the best feeling, isn’t it?” Hopper asks him, waving a finger at Melody. She’s so good, you think with a smile.
Eddie nods vigorously. “I can’t believe that I get to be her dad. I feel like I don’t deserve it,” he admits.
Hopper glances over at Eleven before replying. “I know the feeling,” he agrees, “but trust me when I say that if anyone deserves this, it’s you.” You blink back tears, half because you don’t want to be crying at Thanksgiving, and half because you don’t want to get caught eavesdropping.
Joyce uses her hip to gently bump yours. “Look at our guys,” she says. “Almost hate to steal her away from them. Almost.” She marches over and motions for her husband to hand her the baby, heart melting the instant she holds her.
Eddie makes his way over to you, placing his empty plate on a nearby table. He brings his arm around your waist, and you rest your head on his chest.
“You good, baby?” he murmurs into your hair.
“Mhm,” you say. “I’m just really happy.”
He squeezes you even closer and brings his gaze back to his daughter, cooing in Joyce’s arms. “We made the cutest kid ever, didn’t we?”
“Oh, absolutely,” you agree. “Makes every other baby look bad.” You look up at him and he bends down slightly to kiss you.
Instead, you lick from his lower lip to the tip of his nose.
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cherubharrington · 2 years
Murray’s Matching Service
Steve Harrington x reader
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I saw someone on here use a nickname instead of using y/n and I like that a lot better. If you know who did do that, please comment so I can give credit. Or if that was you! Also the name came from a stranger things video about Murray lmaoo.
Robin was trying to sniffle her laughter but she couldn’t help it. Steve glanced at her with an annoyed expression on his face. He really didn’t like where this was going. Murray was rubbing his chin and nodding his head. Hopper had an amused smile on his face.
“You don’t like her.” Steve gave him a questionable look. “You’re in love with her.”
“Let the master work!” Murray scream yelled, Steve rose his eyebrows and stood silent. Robin burst into laughter. “I saw it, the way you look at her. Like she hung the stars on the sky herself. It’s it’s crazy kid, this is kind of a full circle moment for me.”
Steve looked over at Joyce, hoping she’ll find a way to make this stop. But even Joyce had a smile on her face. Steve looked at Murray again, she wasn’t going to save him on this.
“So there’s a way for you to get them together?” Robin asked, her hands on the counter. She was invested in this, surprisingly so.
“If I can get these two together.” Murray said pointing at hopper and Joyce. “And Jonathan and Nancy. Sorry about that kid.” Murray said, patting Steve on the back.
“Uh none taken?”
“Then I can get anyone together. Especially those two, they just need a push in the right direction.” Murray said, Steve was beginning to regret ever saying anything in the first place.
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
You were busy with a uni assignment when you heard the walkie go off. Dustin voice booming from the voice box.
“This is a code red! I repeat a code red! Nyxie! Do you copy!” You instantly grabbed the walkie. Hoping against hope this wasn’t anything to do with the upside down.
“Yes, I copy. What’s wrong?” You said, your heart was beating out of your chest.
“Meet us at the cabin, the cabin okay?!”
You quickly grabbed a few of your upside down kit, which included Steve’s hair spray you stole from him, a lighter, a gun and some first aid kit. For Steve, he was always getting hurt. Then you ran out to your car.
You squinted as you looked out into the cabin. Your gut feeling was telling you something suspicious was happening. You sighed and grabbed the bag you had, rushing to the door. You knocked rapidly against the wooden door. Hopper opened it instantly, a big grin on his face.
“Hey! Nyxie! What brings- I mean we have uh- there’s a red code. I mean a code red.” He said, you raise your eyebrows at him.
“Please don’t tell me it’s a false alarm. I literally brought this.” You said, gesturing towards the bag you had with you. Hopper shook his head.
“It’s definitely a code red. Come in.”
Once inside, you saw everyone sitting around in his cabin. Steve nowhere in sight. You looked around, confused.
“You’re here!” Dustin says, a big grin on his face. It slowly drops seeing the grave look on your face.
“What’s wrong? What happened? Please don’t tell me Steve got hurt.” You said, your anxiety was building block by block. You were scared, he wasn’t present. What if Vecna got him?
“Hey, hey, nothing like that. We just needed you to Uh talk.” Hopper said, trying to cool down your nerves. Your brows furrowed for the thousand time you’ve been there.
“Talk?” You asked.
“Talk. Come on Mike, let’s go.” El said, getting up from her spot from the floor. Everyone around the room began to disburse.
“Hey! Where is everyone going?”
The lights went out for a second, fear filled your heart like a water tank at full blast. Then before you knew it, Steve Harrington was right in front of you. You took a step back and closed your eyes. Letting out a shaky breath. He was fine, he was fine. Everyone was fine.
“Hey, can you look at me please?” He asked, his eyes were looking at you as if you hung every star on every planet. Or maybe that’s what you hoped he was looking at you as.
“Dustin said it was a code red. I didn’t see you with them. I thought you got hurt. What’s going on?”
“I asked them for help. For us to talk.”
“You know from the moment I met you. I knew that you were going to change my life as I knew it. You’re probably thinking that’s insane. Steve. We barely knew each other. How could you have possibly known that.”
You noticed he was walking closer and closer to you. You held your breath, your heart was beating out of your chest.
“I knew that because I knew how I felt about you. I knew I was developing a crush on you. But now it’s grown so big, I think- I think-.”
Before he could say anything else, you met him half way. Up on your tippy toes and grabbed his face. A smile was plastered on both your faces. Your lips met and you were kissing him. The bag long forgotten. You were kissing the boy you fell in love with. Who had fallen for you too. It didn’t feel real.
“Yes! See! Never ever doubt my ability to get two people together.” Murray said, coming out of hiding. As did the rest of the party. You laughed and turned to look at Steve.
“Yeah I know, he was my best bet.” He said, his voice annoyed. You laughed again as you wrapped your arms around his waist. His arm wrapped around your waist.
“Finally!” Dustin said. “You finally got a girlfriend!”
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liaa--qb · 1 year
The Viper and Nightingale game
[Dark mean Aemond x strong niece] Part 3
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Chapter 3 :Her reminiscence 2
Summary : Rheawina recalls her sweet and sour childhood moments. (We will go through their childhood memories )
Chap 2 :
Chapter 3 :
Rhaewina couldn't help but giggle. "My grandsire is your father too, Aemond. Speaking of the king that way is rather disrespectful. You might end up in trouble," she teased him, her clownish grin on full display. Aemond sighed " First a corpse must be able to walk properly in order to punish me, and before that I doubt he even remembers I exist or not."
Aemond shaked his head, his irritation evident. Many times, she pondered why he spoke of his father in such a manner. Children ought to revere their parents, as she did with her mother and father. Besides, he should take pride in having a king for a father. He was kind and merry, unlike the queen, unlike most others, especially the queen, who was kind and extraordinarily beautiful but also stern and strict. She didn't permit the children to have too much fun. Her grandsire enjoyed playing with her and regaling her and Heleana with stories, showering them with exquisite gifts, especially necklaces, which she adored.
Seeing Aemond in a somber mood troubled her because when he was sad, he wouldn't even engage in conversation with her. She replied, "Yes, you know, I fear he might actually be losing his memory. Just this evening, grandsire was calling Ser Criston 'Alicent' and telling him he looked dreadful in armor. He even said to him that 'your mustache is growing, my queen what is happening to you'.
Aemond asked, flabbergasted, "What?"  They exchanged bemused glances for a moment before breaking into low laughter.
Aemond playfully tapped her head. "You are a true clown," he said, struggling to contain his amusement. Rhaewina twirled around him in an eccentric dance and exclaimed, "Well, if you fancy me as a clown, then I shall be the Clown Princess Rhaewina!" 
Aemond's gaze took on a different quality. It was tender yet inquisitive, carrying an undercurrent of relief and deep contemplation. She had never seen him like this before. He responded softly, "If a clown is as lovely as you, then why not? "
He gently grasped her wrist and drew her closer. At that moment, she yearned to embrace him tightly. Tenderly taking hold of her tiny hand, he confessed, "I'm sorry, niece. I couldn't bring you anything for your nameday except this"  Drawing nearer, he placed a loving kiss on her cheek. Rhaewina felt an overwhelming urge to jump and dance like a mad person. Her friends stood there, watching.
Joyce and Felicia wore expressions of displeasure. Rhaewina noted this and was determined to prove them wrong and stir their envy.
She moved closer, cupping Aemond's cheeks, and planted a kiss on his cheek as well, to which Aemond recoiled, startled. He exclaimed, "What are you doing? No one has ever touched me like this except my mother."
Rhaewina laughed, saying, "But I did, and I will. It's an apology for not bringing anything for your dear niece."
Aemond groaned and replied, "Alright, you win. But what is that scent emanating from you? Do something about it. I'm not saying it's unpleasant, but it's quite overwhelming, to be honest. I can't quite describe it."
Rhaewina continued cheerfully, "It's beautiful. It's lilies and seawater. I adore it, and I'm going to wear it every day now."
Felicia suddenly appeared from behind, offering a polite greeting to Prince Aemond after a long absence. She added, "Maris has been longing to see you. She also mentioned that she'd love for you to visit the Baratheon palace again."
Aemond, visibly irritated, responded, "My courtesy to all of you princesses, but I have no intention of returning to that place anytime soon"
Joyce chimed in, attempting to defuse the situation. "Let's not spoil the nameday of our precious clown princess, Flora."
They all shared giggles, but Aemond's retort caught them off guard. "My apologies to you, princesses, but mind your tongue when referring to her as a clown. I understand your teachings at home may not be as refined as those in King's Landing, but I believe your mother must have taught you that lower-class individuals should not speak disrespectfully of those from the crown family. She is the daughter of my sister, Princess Rhaenyra, and the granddaughter of the king himself. While she may be exceptionally kind, that doesn't give you the right to forget her true status."
The atmosphere grew tense after Aemond's cutting words toward the girls. Felicia felt a mixture of anger and shock. They exchanged glances, lowered their heads, and bowed to Aemond, offering their apologies. "We apologize, Prince Aemond. We will ensure this never happens again. We were simply teasing our dear friend."
Felicia, not one to back down, probed Aemond's sensitive spot. "Yes, Prince, we're truly sorry, but Maris was inquiring about your dragon. We were keen to see your dragon, especially after the magnificent Sunfyre. A Targaryen riding a dragon is a majestic sight though. Is there any news regarding your dragon, Prince, or is it still..."
Aemond retorted, "How brainless of your friend Maris to think I would ever settle for a hatchling, just like my cousins and nephews. I would never consider such an embarrassment. My desires lie elsewhere. If a hatchling were ever born to me, I'd put an end to it myself. As for being as magnificent as Sunfyre, I'm uncertain, as I believe dragons have more purpose than merely looking pretty to impress common folks. But I promise you, my dragon's roar will be as majestic as its presence, and it will reach your friend and her entire family, even if I'm flying far away from them. She'll certainly know."
Joyce intervened, steering the conversation towards dinner. "Now, let's depart for dinner. We're all hungry. I hope you'll join us soon, my prince, and our little nameday princess."
Aemond with fake forceful smile replied, "Certainly, my pleasure. Go and enjoy your meal."
Rhaewina found herself in a mix of emotions, tense yet secretly delighted at how Aemond had silenced those who were teasing her. She remained silent, her head slightly bowed, but a broad smile graced her lips. Aemond turned his gaze toward her, studying her intently. He spoke, "You allow these foolish, lower-born people to taunt you? Aren't you ashamed? How can you associate with them? Perhaps your friendships and groups are entirely superficial for you. Do you even have any true friends?"
She was content, but his words were beginning to tread a fine line. She decided to respond, "No, no, it's not as bad as you're making it out to be. They are my friends, and we do tease each other and play around. Felicia, for instance, helps me with my hair and brings me lovely gifts. We simply had a little argument and spat; she started it. Aemond, nobody is 'lower born.' That's a harsh way to put it. They all belong to respectable and affluent houses."
Aemond, bending down to her height, leaned closer and whispered into Rhaewina's ear, "Listen, you little clown. If nothing else, consider the crown. You're a princess showing both Valyrian and Targaryen lineage behind you. You shouldn't even engage with anyone beneath your station, let alone befriend them. Friendship is a distant notion."
She was about to voice her disagreement, but Aemond silenced her by gently placing his finger on her lips. "I won't entertain any arguments," he asserted. "Next time, they shouldn't dare treat you poorly in front of everyone on your nameday. Believe me, if I were in your place, things would have been very different."
She understood what he meant but didn't want to revisit those memories. She was enjoying this moment, the sensation of his fingers brushing her hair behind her ear and cascading down to her shoulders. Aemond added, "If I ever witness such behavior again, I won't hesitate to intervene. I hope you grasp what I've explained and start conducting yourself as a princess, not a follower," he said, poking her chin gently with his fingers.
She nodded in agreement, and as Aemond started to move away, he turned back and playfully taunted, "And do something about that scent; it's starting to irritate me. It better not be there next time, or I'll have you wash it off thoroughly."
She giggled, inwardly determined not to part with the fragrance. "No, I won't do that. I love it, and it's my favorite. If you dislike it, that's your problem," she quipped before running away, her heart brimming with happiness. She knew now, without a doubt, that he was the one for her. The way he had stood up for her affirmed it—Aemond is her future husband !
Another day -
Rhaewina was elated, lost in her play with Heleana in ground, when her attention was abruptly stolen by the escalating brawl among a group of boys. Intrigued, she drew closer until she realized that her brothers and cousins were locked in a heated skirmish with some other local boys, and Aemond stood at the center of it all.
A scuffle ensued; someone grabbed Aemond, and in response, he forcefully pushed the aggressor to the ground. Aemond proceeded to exchange punches, but her brother Jace intervened, stepping between Aemond and the other boy, and took a hit himself in the process. Jace started yelling at Aemond, and for a moment, it seemed like the situation might escalate further. However, one of the boys who's supposed to be Aegon's friend managed to halt the argument. Aemond forcibly pushed Jace aside and continued walking away.
They had fought again, and Rhaewina knew all too well what topic had ignited Aemond's fury – his dragon. But why did he care so deeply? Did it truly matter that much? Why did he behave as though lacking a dragon diminished his worth ? Not everyone needed to ride a dragon. To her, a dragon was not some coveted prize; it was a matter of destiny.
If one was meant to have one, it would come to them naturally. Yet, it didn't inherently make someone greater. Other virtues held far more significance. Aemond's intense attachment to this issue remained a mystery to her.
She watched as Aemond approached her path. Her intention was to halt him and uplift his spirits. She stepped toward him with a cheerful voice, "Aemond..." But she was abruptly brushed aside by his unyielding shoulder, causing a sharp pain in her nose, as he continued on his way, his anger unrelenting.
His demeanor was so intense that it seemed he could unleash fury upon anyone who crossed his path in that moment.
Later after some hrs, she decided to see him, hoping to see Aemond in better mood. She knew precisely where to find him when he was seething with anger. She strode through the silent, forgotten corners of the Red Keep. To the average observer, it might seem odd that she was venturing into such eerie solitude, but she had a purpose. There, in a fit of rage, he stood, pummeling a massive, unyielding rock until his knuckles bled.
This desolate space had once been a practice ground for war training during Maegor's reign. In days past, it had been alive with activity, but it had long since been branded as cursed by the superstitious. Training grounds had been relocated, leaving this area to decay. It was not entirely barren, still adorned with old war equipment and various other relics, particularly those used for ceremonial purposes before being discarded here. Nonetheless, few dared to tread these forgotten paths regularly.
Startled by the approaching footsteps, Aemond paused his frenzied punches for a moment. "What are you doing here? Go away and play somewhere else," he grumbled without even turning to identify the intruder. Rhaewina was taken aback and slightly fearful; he hadn't bothered to check who it was. In a sweet tone, she responded, "How did you know it was me?"
Aemond sighed with irritation, resuming his punches. "Maybe I wouldn't have cared if you didn't reek of that...whatever foul scent you're wearing whole time. It's repugnant!"
Despite her growing frustration, she kept her tone gentle. "The scent isn't repugnant; it's beautiful. But your mood is decidedly sour." She continued her cautious approach. "What happened back there? I saw you were in a fight."
It was amusing how she should have been with Jace and Luke, her brothers, but here she was, the first to reach him. Aemond abandoned his punching for a moment but then picked up a decayed, hefty sword, using it forcefully against a large rock, his voice dripping with disdain. "Those lowborn fools had the audacity to claim that a boy without a dragon is like a eunuch—no manhood to speak of. These wretched bastards dared say this to me, the prince" 
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
So some of my friends have never seen Buffy and we're watching through it. I haven’t seen it since I was a kid, so there's a lot I don't remember.
We're on season 6 right now and I'm just-- what the fuck yo???
I know the show was technically supposed to end after season 5, but still, holy hell season 6 is a nightmare. I'm mad about everything honestly but I specifically wanna call out how Spike gets treated???
Cause like. What. The. Fuck???
They call this dude for everything. Like the moment something goes down they call him to help and he comes running every time. Makes sure Dawn is safe, takes care of anyone injured and makes sure they get to safety, is the other strongest fighter, knows a shitload about the supernatural world and if not where to find it. He's generally super fucking useful, and he's usually pretty damn cool and friendly with them unless someone's a dick first.
So WHY do most of the characters treat him like hes still horrible?? He literally spent the entire last season helping them. He took a freakin torture session from a GOD and nearly got dusted to keep Dawn safe. He also helped take care of Dawn after Buffy died.
Yet most of the group act like he's only out for himself and like he's just fucking evil all the time!
I remember being pissed when he got frozen out of Joyce's funeral too. They clearly had a friendly relationship, they watched soap operas together ffs. Spike routinely got called in to protect her and Dawn and did so without hesitation. There were plenty of times he and Joyce just shot the shit because he actually genuinely liked her. And yet he's not allowed to mourn her???
I don't get how you can depend on someone so obviously but then act like they're not part of the group??
Especially since its pretty fuckin obvious when they hurt his feelings. Its not like he tries to come off as cool and unaffected, he wears his heart on his sleeve. He's actually probably one of the only characters to routinely demonstrate actual emotional intelligence and empathy.
It just... irks me to see him get treated like dirt routinely when he's been doing his best to show them he's friendly for years now.
And like "he tried to kill them" isn't really a good enough reason in this story?? Anya tried to kill them, and is an ex-demon. She's still welcomed into the group. Angel too, tbh and he did FAR more emotional damage. But like even though he's not around for long after, they still talk about him fondly and Buffy keeps in contact with him over the years. Amy tried to kill them too and she got brought back with all the over looked just fine too.
It just feels massively unfair and it pisses me off because there's not a good basis for it based on how his character changed. Even Spuffy, as much as I adore the ship, went all kinds of sideways largely due to Buffy being deadset on the idea that Spike could only be bad for her and treating him like it.
Yes, he rose to the bait and he shouldn’t have. But like. Imagine how painful its gotta be to have someone you love telling you how awful you are and how they could never truly love you because you're wrong somewhere deep in your core, and then sleeping with you anyway because you're hot therefore good enough to fuck, just not to love. That's FUCKED my dude.
It don't know what the hell their beef was with Spike but I hate it.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Big Bad Wolf, Chapter 5
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings:  being drugged/drink spiked, mentions of grooming, slight angst, manipulation, jealousy
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“I didn’t do anything wrong,” Jacob said defensively, “I was just trying to help her upstairs.  She’s drunk.  I mean, I’m sure all of you can see that.  Hell, ask, (Y/N)!  She’s been sipping on the eggnog that Mr. Levinson made all night.”
Your dad and Andy looked at you as they all stood outside trying to figure it out.  You had fallen unconscious, and Lloyd had scooped you up, so that he was holding you bridal style close to his chest.  You had managed to tuck your face against his neck; your light snores sending a shiver up and down his spine as your lips brushed over his throat.
“She’s beyond plastered,” Lloyd said quickly, coming to both your defense and the younger Barber’s destruction, “Barnes heard her.  She was mumbling that your son was trying to trick her into taking her virginity.  He was trying to get her to go upstairs.  She didn’t want to go upstairs with him and she was begging me not to make her.”
“Oh, that’s rich, coming from you!” Jacob spat, “you’re a god damn angel, aren’t you, Lloyd?”
“What’s that supposed to mean, huh,  you little shit?”
“You sick fucks have been grooming the girls in the development for years!” he said firmly, glaring at the half circle of older men, including his father, “(Y/D/N) has been secretly seeing Joyce’s daughter while she’s off at college for two years now.  Mike was seeing Ashley, but that fell apart when she found someone her own age in one of my frat brothers.  You’ve been going after Viv since she was sixteen, dad.  And you.  You’re trying to steal my girlfriend out from under me with the help of psycho robocop and the rest of them.”
“We’re not grooming anyone!” your dad said firmly, “Tammy and I hit it off at the summer barbecue a few years ago, and she asked me on a date.  (Y/N) doesn’t even know that I’ve been seeing her.”
“And Mike and Ashley didn’t work out because of their age, which you already pointed out,” Lloyd said smugly.  You shifted in his arms, whimpering, and he frowned, lowering his voice, “you little jackass.  We’re not grooming anyone.  Relationships happen with adults, Jacob.  It’s more than just people gaslighting their significant others.”
“And I’m not grooming anyone either,” Andy began, his own anger rising when he looked at his son, “your little friend Viv is the one always coming up to me.  I’m polite, but I don’t engage her antics.  You say that I’m chasing her down, but I’m not.  I’ve turned down every come-on she throws at me!  And you know it!”
“You’re all sick,” Jacob growled, not wanting to listen to it, “I’ve heard the way you talk about all of them.  You’re d-“
“Doing what?  Talking!” Andy seethed, glaring at his son, “yes, we talk about them…they’re women and they have obvious interests in us, so we discuss it.  But that’s it. It’s just words, Jacob.  What you’re doing is real-life actions.  You spiked your girlfriend’s drinks in the hopes that she’d sleep with you!  Is that something that you’re learning is an okay thing to do while you’re away at school?”
“He’s lying!”  
“She’s not even coherent right now, Jacob!  We all know she wouldn’t drink on her own!”
“Oh yeah, because she’s so innocent!”
“Don’t go turning this around on her, you little shit!  (Y/N) is a good girl, and she doesn’t go out doing things to be spiteful like you do.  She’s always giving up her time, offering to help someone in the neighborhood,” your dad growled at Jacob.  He took a few steps towards him, but Andy stepped between the two of them, “come on Andy, let the kid finally fight his battles.  He’s nineteen.  He’s not a child anymore.”
“I’m not going to let him talk about my little girl like she’s some trashy whore,” he seethed, glaring at the younger man, “he wants to pick some fights, well that’s fine with me.  Let him fight me, Andy.”
“I’ll kick your ass, old man!”
“HEY!” Andy said quickly, “the two of you need to stop.  Now.  We’re not going to be fighting.  No one is going to be fighting.”
“Everyone needs to cool off,” Lloyd agreed looking at the rest of the men, “(Y/D/N) I’m going to take (Y/N) home and get her tucked in.  Andy…you should probably take Jacob home.”
“I’m not leaving my girlfriend alone with you, you sick fuck!”
Jacob glared at Andy for a few moments before turning his attention towards his unconscious girlfriend.  He gave a heavy sigh and turned on his heel, heading back towards his dad’s house.  Andy looked at your dad, “I’m sorry (Y/D/N)…I-I’ll talk to him in the morning.  He’s drunk. Don’t take too much of what he said to heart.  I don’t know what’s gotten into him since I dropped him off at school.”
Your dad nodded and Andy followed Jacob into the house.  Then your dad looked at Lloyd, “thanks for being there, Lloyd…I know that (Y/N) is grateful even though she’s not sure of what’s going on.  She obviously felt like she could reach out to you when she asked for your help in the first place, and I’m glad that you were there to help her.”
“Shouldn’t have done that…” Lloyd shrugged, referring to Jacob, “what that little punk did is wrong on so many levels.  I know Andy is our friend, but I hope that both of you have a sit-down conversation with him.  As for me, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to be there to help.”
“Well, I’m grateful for it regardless.”
Lloyd nodded his head towards your house, “wanna unlock the door so I can tuck her away for the night?  I know Tammy is probably going to show up soon, right?”
Your dad nodded, “we’re going to go for an evening drive to see the lit-up houses on Elm…”
“I got (Y/N).”
Your dad smiled once more and allowed Lloyd into the house, before seeing his girlfriend pull up.  He was quick to get into her car, leaving you and Lloyd alone in your house. 
The older man made his way up to your bedroom, and gently went to let you down on the bed, but you clung to him, you face burying itself in his chest, “don’t let go.”
“You’re home (Y/N)…you don’t have to worry about Jacob…y-“
“Don’t leave!” you begged yet again, “want to stay with you.”
“I can stay until you fall asleep,” he offered.  You whimpered, clinging to him again, but now your legs wrapped around his lithe waist.  He felt a shiver run up his spine about the compromising position he was now in.  He could feel the warmth of your clothed core against his own pelvis, “(Y/N).”
“I wanna lose it to you, Mr. Hansen.”
Lloyd’s eyes widened as the words sunk in, “wh-what?”
“I want to lose my virginity to you,” you mumbled, your hips rolling to meet his once more.  Lloyd closed his eyes in an attempt to collect himself.  He knew that you were beyond blackout drunk, but the way you felt against him felt all too riight, “so sweet…and nice…and cute…I wanna ride your face…and then I want you to fuck me silly!”
“Sweetheart, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Wanna feel those big strong hands squeezing my ass…wanna feel this!” you giggled, your hand going between your bodies so that you could stroke his half-hard cock before cupping his balls, “wanna feel you empty those big heavy balls in me!”
Lloyd took a shaky breath as he unhooked your legs from his waist, “you don’t know what you’re talking about, sweetheart…y-you’re drunk.”
“Drunk off my lust for you!” you replied drunkenly as you sat up, “god you’re so pretty Mr. Hansen…I bet you’d make pretty babies…we’d make such pretty babies together.”
“I wanna suck your cock,” you whimpered, trying to crawl to him on his hands and knees.  The older man watched as your hands fumbled with his chinos for a moment before he took a step back, pushing your hands away from him.  You were all over the place, and not at all in a right state of mind.  But you pouted at him when he backed off, “please, Mr. Hansen?  I won’t tell…god…I just…I want you so bad.”
“You don’t want me,” he said quickly as he shook his head, “you’re drunk, sweetheart.  You just want to fuck someone or something…I’m a broken ma-“
But he was cut off when your lips met his.  Instinctively, his eyes fluttered closed, and he took a step forward towards you.  His resolve was crumbling quicker than he ever wanted to admit, and he knew that if he did it and followed through, he wouldn’t be able to keep up his charade, but then he backed up once more, “I-I can’t do this.  We can’t do this, (Y/N.)  You’re drunk.  This-this is wrong!”
“I want you,” you whimpered softly, “d-don’t you want me, Mr. Hansen?”
“Fuck…of course I do!” he admitted, “but not like this…I-I’m married, (Y/N).  You’re drunk.  This-this isn’t how I wanted this to go!  This isn’t h-”
“Tell me what to do,” you begged, cutting him off in a desperate plea to him, “I-I’ll do whatever you want!”
“You need to go to sleep,” he practically begged in response, “I-and I need to leave.”
Chapter 6
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @buckysteveloki-me, @eralen, @chemtrails-club, @bean-is-reading
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erikiara80 · 1 year
Terry and El’s flashbacks are different
In S4 we saw El’s birth from her POV and... it’s interesting. Because it’s different. And not just because we’re seeing the scene from her POV.
That, plus the fact that every scene with Kali (who keeps showing up in Terry’s flashback) is sus (here and here) imo suggests that what we’ve been seeing for three seasons is not what it seems. And just like with the rainbow room scene or other things in this show, I don’t think that the differences are inconsistencies and the writers being lazy. 
That flashback is so important that we’ve seen it at least three or four times. They would know how to recreate it correctly.
So imo there’s a reason if Terry and El’s memories are different: what we’ve seen is not what really happened.
Also, correct me if I’m wrong @chirpsythismorning and @shippingfangirl013​ but it’s strange that Hopper has this newspaper in his cabin. Joyce clearly said that Terry had to wait for twelve years to finally know that her daughter was still alive. She and Hop had a whole conversation about that. But the article tells a different story.
“...culminating in the abduction of Ives’ baby daughter in the mid-1970s”
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That can’t be 1971, right? Must be 1976, when Will and El were five. That year is important. And even if this was another timeline, it doesn’t make sense. In no timeline El was born in the mid-1970s. This is extremely sus. 
And maybe it’s connected to the original timeline and... Terry’s real baby, who is not El? Maybe they mixed Terry’s memory of her baby with El. Maybe she did have a miscarriage but with all the timeline/time-loop mess, memories changed. 
S2 is also the season of Your timeline is wrong, so...
Terry’s flashback
She needed an emergency C-section. The room is dark. No windows behind her. And she sees her baby just for a moment.
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Then she wakes up in her room. She was brought there while she was asleep and her sister waited for her to wake up. No time to bring a baby to say hello and then take it away from her.
Again, no window behind Terry. The windows are behind Becky.
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First thing Terry says when she wakes up: Jane, where’s Jane? Becky: I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Terry: No, I saw her. Becky: No, no, she wasn’t breathing. Terry: She was crying! I heard it... He was there (Brenner)! He took her!
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No window behind her. That’s the most important detail, imo. 
El’s memory and the window behind Terry
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So, in El’s memory, Terry was in her room, awake, with a window behind her. The scene is clearly different.
In Terry’s memory, she saw the baby just for a second, and the baby couldn’t look at her and hear the Hi, Jane. I love you. But for some reason, that’s what El remembers 
Also, I know one could say, there could be more doctors we didn’t see in Terry’s flashback, but the more differences there are, the more sus the scene becomes.
These are two different women.
Terry’s flashback
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El’s memory
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Could it just be the make up? Maybe. But I think the window is enough to say that the their memories are different.
Also, this could be out of order, but I think El only remembered just a few seconds, and it’s interesting, because in her memory, Brenner has no mask
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But he wears it in Terry’s flashback, when he has the baby in his hands. We see him take it off only when he looks at Terry
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One more thing, possibly the craziest one, if true
When El remembers her birth, we see the scene from her POV. We see what she sees. But (you blink and you miss it) the very first thing she sees is something in the womb. A baby. One could say, it’s her, of course. She’s seeing herself. Possible.
But if this scene is about the people she sees... then why should this be different? Why should she see herself? Maybe she wasn’t. She was seeing another baby. Her twin. Imo, Will. Also, I really think there are two babies crying (one is calmer than the other)
So maybe this is what this memory is about. Not the altered part, but the hidden truth that El somehow remembers, despite all the manipulation: her real family. Her brother Will
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I love found family so much, but this would be also beautiful.
El seeing another baby in the womb would be a parallel with one of the movies that inspired S4. Inner space. The story of a navy aviator (played by Dannis Quaid) who volunteers for a secret miniaturization experiment. He is placed in a submersible pod and both are shrunk to microscopic size. At some point, he ends up in his girlfriend’s body, where he finds out she’s pregnant with his child.
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Also, when El wakes up after remembering the massacre and her birth, for some reason she stares at this doctor... and remembers her birth again. To me, this doctor looks a lot like Will, so maybe, she’s starting to make the connection
(screenshot by chirpsythismorning)
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In conclusion: I don’t think the writers are lazy. They know their show, they keep using old lines and make parallels between characters all the time. They know there was no window behind Terry, but they decided to put one behind her in El’s memory. Imo, because it was the simplest way to show us in such a brief scene that those memories are different.
So we still don’t know what really happened, and this could support the theory that Terry is not really El’s mother.
Here the theory that Joyce and Hopper could be Willel’s parents (with the links to all the posts connected to the theory) 
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mel-is-sanonymous1994 · 4 months
Kisses Taste Like Candy
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Part 2
again I don't live in Ireland or even pretend to.
I have also posted this on AO3 I posted this part there first.
Orla McCool x Michelle Mallon
“It isn’t forever it’s just until we all go back to school.” I said.
“You aren’t going back Michelle, you’ll still see Orla.” He pointed out.
“No I won’t. She and I don’t run in the same circles when the other girls aren’t here, she’s got dance class and the shelter, then she also teaches step aerobics at the gym.” I said countering him.
“Derry isn’t that massive, you are bound to run into each other sometime, and besides Orla didn’t seem too bothered by it when it happened, I think you’ve just worked yourself up about the whole thing.” James said.
“I’m not gonna explain it to you again. There are rules between friends and especially with Orla.” I said with my arms crossed. We heard the girls laughing through the open window.
“She’s not a child Michelle, she’s actually really smart I know her general attitude and taking every joke seriously can be misleading but she understands feelings and what stuff like that means. Talk to her or I’ll tell them all you lied.” He threatened before walking out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I sighed and laid down in my bed, falling asleep instantly. When I woke up it had only been 30 minutes, stupid dreams. I needed to get out of the house. I put some pants on and a sweatshirt before leaving the house. I was mostly wandering but didn’t realize I was walking to Erin’s house until I was already knocking on the door.
“Michelle? The girls aren’t here? Shouldn’t you be with them actually?” Gerry asked answering the door.
“I wasn’t feeling too well so I stayed behind, is Mary home?” I asked. He looked confused at first.
“Come on in.” He said inviting me in the house.
“Mary’s in the kitchen.” He said. I nodded and made my way into their kitchen.
“Michelle? I thought you’d be with the others.” She smiled before looking at me fully. Once she saw me it’s as if she could sense everything that I’ve been thinking and going through in the past week.
“Have a seat love, I’ll put the kettle on and you can tell me why you look like you’ve been crying for a week straight.” She said with a polite smile. I noticed Gerry had sat down in the living room but still close enough to provide help if needed. Once she set the kettle on the stove she sat down next to me at the kitchen table and put her hand on mine. The floodgates opened once again. After several minutes I finally calmed down and the kettle screamed.
“I’ll get it you two talk.” Gerry said standing up.
“What’s happened?” She asked me rubbing my back lightly as I calmed down.
“So you know how Claire is a wee lesbian?” I asked.
“Yes.” She replied.
“Well when I went to university I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” I said remembering the first time I had been with a girl it had actually been my first time all together.
“Keep going.” She said when she noticed Gerry had started to whistle in case he heard something private that someone’s father shouldn’t hear.
“I liked it a little more than I thought I would, I still like the fellas but I would say the girls are pretty equal.” I said as I took deep breaths.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, if I’ve learned anything it’s that it doesn’t matter, as long as you are happy.” She said giving me a proud smile. I took a deep breath.
“The other night Jenny Joyce had a party and she suggested we play spin the bottle like she could smell the lesbian on me and round after round I was safe until it was my turn, I had hoped it’d land on one of the random dudes that Jenny had invited but it didn’t.” I said speaking faster.
“It landed on Orla?” She asked.
“I tried to skip her Mary I really did but you see this ballbag was sitting next to me and the rules were that the person next to you had to kiss the person instead and he was honestly really creepy and I didn’t want him anywhere near Orla.” I said explaining myself once again.
“Michelle breathe.” She said. I took another deep breath.
“Erin explained everything that happened Michelle.” Mary said.
“She doesn’t know everything Mary, she doesn’t know what I thought in my head. She doesn’t know what I did.” I said with tears still in my eyes.
“I basically assaulted her!” I yelled.
“Ach you did not!” She shook her head.
“I did, I had my tongue in her mouth Mary, she wasn’t even paying attention when the rules of the game were being said, I’m sure she didn’t even know what we were gonna do. I don’t think she was expecting me to shove my tongue down her throat either. She is traumatized I’m sure.” I said as the panic began to bubble once again.
“Why don’t you drink your tea and breathe.” She said. I took a sip of the hot liquid and tried to calm myself. After about 10 minutes Mary excused herself and I sat at the table by myself for a minute. Gerry approached me.
“I know I’m just Erin’s da but can I put my thoughts out there?” He asked. I nodded.
“Orla’s is an amazing lady. All you wains are incredible but her heart is massive, I think you need to talk to her and explain everything I know that sounds hard but I’d hate to see you avoid your friends because you are afraid you’ve hurt them in some way.” He said with a smile. He patted my shoulder and walked away. I was so lost in my own thoughts I didn’t hear Erin and Orla walk in.
“Michelle? I thought you were sick!” Orla gasped.
“Obviously she’s not Orla.” Erin rolled her eyes and sighed.
“I should go.” I said.
“Hold up a minute, you two need to talk and neither of yous are allowed to leave this kitchen until you’ve talked.” Mary said shooing Erin out of the kitchen. Gerry followed his daughter. Orla looked confused.
“Do you need me to stay?” Mary asked. I shook my head.
“What are you on about Aunt Mary?” Orla asked as she sat down and pulled candy out of her pocket.
“Michelle here came over to speak to you Orla dear.” She replied. Orla shrugged but sat back in the kitchen chair as she sucked on a Lolly. Once Mary had left the room I took a deep breath.
“So what did you eat?” Orla asked.
“What?” I asked confused.
“To get sick? The last time I got sick I had Finnoulas, it was hard to go back.” She sighed.
“I wasn’t sick.” I said ashamed.
“Why would you lie?” She asked genuinely.
“I was avoiding you, all of you.” I said not bothering to sugar coat it, that wouldn’t be fair to Orla.
“What did we do? Was it Erin? I know she can be a bit much sometimes but she means well.” She said leaning forward placing the sucker on the table. I stood up and grabbed a small plate from the cabinet to set the candy on so Mary’s table doesn’t get ruined. I picked up the cherry flavored confection and placed it on the plate before sitting back down.
“No it wasn’t Erin.” I said. I should just spit it out but I found it hard to find the words.
“Was it me? Listen, I know sometimes I take things a bit too literal and get confused about little things but I promise I’m trying to get better, Ma’s got me in these classes and working with the animals helps a bit.” She said. The sound of tears in her throat broke my heart. I moved to sit next to her and placed my hand over her hand much like Mary had earlier.
“It wasn’t any of you Orla, it was me. I did something bad.” I said.
“What did you do? Is it worse than stealing the board from the chippy? Or when you brought a suitcase full of vodka on the bus to Belfast?” She gasped. I shook my head at the memories.
“I kissed you.” I said pulling my hand back away.
“Och Michelle that’s not a crime.” She smiled.
“What?” I asked in disbelief.
“It isn’t illegal to play tongue tag with your friend, at least as far as I know.” She said grabbing the sucker once more and placing it in her mouth.
“It’s tonsil tag Orla.” I said trying not to laugh at her.
“But I haven’t got my tonsils.” She said. I shook my head.
“I know I’m just saying I went further than the game is intended to go and I’m sorry.” I said.
“No need to be sorry Michelle.” She said shrugging.
“Im sorry what?” I asked confused.
“I didn’t mind, at first it was different, I’ve never felt the texture of someone else’s tongue, only my own when I curl my tongue at the kittens at the shelter, but once I got used to that and the taste of tequila on your tongue it wasn’t horrible” she said. I was at a loss for words.
“I also had to get used to the smell of your hair, there was so many textures, smells, and tastes all at once my brain got a bit fuzzy but once I focused on the pressure of your hand on my face it was fine.” She smiled while pulling the sucker out of her mouth.
“So you aren’t traumatized by the fact that I kissed you?” I asked.
“No. Are you?” She asked.
“No, actually I liked it, a lot. I didn’t know cotton candy lip gloss could be so addicting.” I blushed.
“I am not allowed to eat it anymore Aunt Mary had a whole fit about it when she found out.” She said. After another silent minute she spoke again.
“That was my first time kissing someone, and it was more fun than I expected. I have been thinking about it a lot. Erin writes about kissing in her diary and I have been trying to compare but I can’t quite remember all of the details it happened so fast.” She scrunched her nose.
“I panicked, the alcohol and everything went straight to my head and I thought you hadn’t kissed back because you were uncomfortable.” I explained.
“So you ran and hid because you thought you hurt me?” She asked.
“Yes and no, at first I did run because I thought I hurt ye but I stayed away because of how kissing you made me feel.” I said.
“And how does it make you feel?” She asked still sucking on the sucker.
“It happened so fast I can’t be sure.” I lied. I knew exactly how I feel, I always had a soft spot for Orla but it changed into something else entirely when I came back to Derry, I looked at her differently than before and even at the party I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. All of the sudden my thoughts were interrupted by lips crashing into mine. My eyes were still open, shock painted in them until I felt Orla’s hand caress my cheek and my eyes closed in contentment. She brought her hand down to my neck where she placed her thumb just below my chin and her fingers had intertwined in the hair at the nape of my neck. I opened my mouth a little as she nudged my chin up with her thumb and she took this as permission to let her tongue in. She mimicked what I did at Jenny Joyce’s party only this time there was no alcohol on either of our tongues only the taste of the cherry sucker which is now my new favorite flavor. Mary cleared her throat from the living room and I pulled away reluctantly. Orla kept her hand in place and put her forehead on mine breathing in and out against my face as she tried to catch her breath.
“You alright Orla?” I asked.
“Just trying to get my brain to float back into my head, are you alright Michelle?” She asked as she pulled away to look at me clearly, her brown eyes studying every bit of my face.
“Never been better.” I said.
“Did that clear up your feelings at all?” She asked. I nodded as she stuck the sucker back into her mouth. I teasingly grabbed the stick and pulled it out of her mouth before shoving it in mine with a smirk.
“So it did, how about you?” I asked.
“Kissing you is the best thing I’ve ever done.” She said. I blushed.
“I’d have to agree. Would you like to do it again sometime?” I asked flirtatiously.
“I’d like to do it all the time.” She said seriously.
“Well not in my kitchen girls, have some dignity.” Erin yelled.
“Gerry will you give Michelle a ride home?” Mary asked.
“Of course, let’s go.” He said grabbing his coat.
“Can i ride along?” Orla asked.
“I don’t see why not.” He said. Orla stood up and set the cherry sucker back onto the table and grabbed my hand as we left Erin’s house feeling lighter.
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miaisagirllover · 1 year
starcourt mall
chap 2 of my fic “it almost worked” you can read the first chapter on tumblr or ao3
When Will woke up, everything seemed normal. He just ate breakfast, made some progress on a summer project and drew some sketches of his room. He also called Max to apologise for shouting at her a few days ago. She accepted it and they had a nice chat for a few minutes. But then at dinner, his mom wanted to talk to him. Will knew the signs, she was a bit more quiet and was staring at him from across the table. After a few minutes, she finally asked him something.
“Will, can I talk to you for a bit?” Joyce asked.
“Sure, Mom.” Will replied wearily, knowing what it might be about.
“I’ve just noticed that you’ve been acting a bit odd after, y’know, last October. And I just want to let you know that you can talk to me about anything on your mind,” She paused for a bit “But try leave the boy issues with Jonathan.” she added humorously.
Will seriously contemplated telling her about how the exorcism failed. This was just too big to hide, and what about the long-term? What if he hurt his mom,brother or friends? He was about to say it, but then that voice again spoke up. *No*, it demanded, *don’t tell her*. Will took a moment to think.
“Do you mind if I go to my room quickly? I’ll be quick.” he said hastily.
“Will, honey, what’s wrong?” Joyce enquired
“Mom! I’m fine, can I just go for a bit?” Will shouted.
Joyce was taken aback. Usually Will was quite sweet and quiet, so what had happened for this major personality change?
“Alright,” Joyce replied “But please don’t shout at me like that again.”
“Sorry, Mom.” Will sounded much more meek than before.
As soon as he left and went into his room, he started shaking. He didn’t know whether it was because he had just shouted at his own mother or because he was cold. Maybe it was both, Will didn’t even know himself anymore.
He’d never had an attitude like that, especially to his own mother for fucks sake, except now he did have one with because Will didn’t even have full control over his body and it had the potential to ruin all his friendships. But for some reason, he couldn’t tell anyone what was going on. Every time he tried, some instinct in his head just stopped him. Maybe it was some selfish self-protection. After a few minutes, Will decided to leave the bathroom and just try to convince his mother that he was all fine.
“So, are you sure you’re ok now?” Joyce asked.
“Yea, do you mind if I go to Starcourt?” Will requested.
“Sure, just remember curfew at-“
“9:45, I know,” Will interrupted “Bye, Mom.”
Will then left the house to go get his bike and ride it to the mall. He wanted to get there early to talk to Mike. Outings like these were some of the only times he got to talk to him because most of this summer, Mike was making with El and too “busy” to hang out. Will never understood how someone could be busy with just kissing. It should take just 2 seconds for a smooch and 10 seconds (and that is the pure maximum) for a makeout. How do guys do that with girls for hours on end?? Everyone that Will knew was in a relationship. His brother was dating Nancy, Lucas was with Max now, and Mike couldn’t keep his lips away from El. Maybe even Dustin had met a girl at science camp.
After 15 minutes of biking, Will finally reached Starcourt. Since it was the evening, the mall was lit up with its name in bright neon lights. Next to the bike racks, Lucas and Max were talking with eachother. Mike wasn’t there.
“Hey guys!” Will greeted
“Oh hey, Will, do you know where that dumbass is?” Max asked
“I didn’t see Mike, probably busy kissing El.” He answered, laughing a bit. He’d only known Max for 10 months, but they’d got on really well. And if there was one thing anyone should know about Max Mayfield, it was that she and Mike didn’t get on well. Will didn’t know the specifics of their rivalry, as he was in the hospital for most of it, but he knew the general idea; Mike didn’t want her in the party but Max wanted to join.
A car then pulled into the parking lot and 2 people came out. It was Mike and his sister, Nancy.
“Mike?” Lucas sounded extremely confused “Why the fuck is your sister here?”
“Our parents thought that he was spending too much time at Hopper’s cabin with El, so they asked me to take him.” Nancy replied “Plus, I need to do something here at the mall so it’s convenient for the both of us.”
“You just wanna talk to Steve and try get with him again!” Mike sneered
“Mike!” Nancy snapped “You know I’m dating Jonathan. You’re just mad that I’m preventing you from taking an hour detour to make out-“.
“Can we just go to the movie please? We’ll be late.” Mike firmly interrupted.
“Alright then, you guys can leave and I’ll follow on after.” Nancy said before whispering, “Jackass”
Will honestly thought Nancy had a point about Mike. He had barely been able to call on the phone or radio him on the walkie-talkie. At least Lucas and Max would be talking to each other, giving him and Mike some space to talk a bit.
It only took a minute for them to get to Scoops Ahoy so that they could use a secret corridor to get to the movies (granted, they were running through the crowds of mall-goers). Once they got to Scoops, they were dryly greeted by Robin, Steve’s coworker.
“Hey dingus, your children are here.” She drawled “Hey, Mike, where’s your sister?”
“Why do you need to know?” He replied
Just about as Robin was going to answer, Steve opened the door, letting them through the corridor.
“If anyone hears about this, you’re all-“
“Dead, we know” The party retorted
The kids honestly weren’t too discreet with going into the cinema. Anyone could’ve followed them and found out where they entered from, but that didn’t matter. Lucas was borderline running through the people in the seats.
Perfect, Will thought. Lucas and Max were a row above him and Mike. Maybe he could talk to him during the ads or after the film. His attention was diverted by the room going dark and the movie starting. But after a few minutes, the screen paused before going dark. Everyone in the cinema, including Will, started shouting in disappointment. But then a feeling suddenly came over him. It was coming from his neck, but it quickly spread all over his whole body. It felt like spiders were crawling on him, like he was drowning and burnt all at once. Will immediately started to get worried. The only time he had felt like this was on the field. It was the worst feeling he had ever had. But someone noticed Will’s zoned-out expression.
“Will, are you ok?” Mike asked.
“Yea, I’m fine.” Will said, but then suddenly he felt like he needed to leave now. He got out of his seat and ran out of the cinema. As he was leaving, he was shouting at people to move. Usually, he would always say “sorry” and “excuse me”, but he couldn’t bother with all of the pleasantries right now. Where would he go now? Considering that he was starting to feel like vomiting, Will decided to go to the bathroom.
Great, it was empty. He rushed into a stall and knelt at a toilet. It took only a few minutes before he started throwing up more than he ever had in his life. Then the lights started to flicker, and he knew what that meant. Will hid in the corner of the stall, until it stopped. But when it did, someone started speaking, to him. The voice wasn’t familiar, nor was it human, but it seemed to know him.
Give in, Will, you know you should, what else do you have to lose? Your life has been a train wreck, but I could help. And every part of Will’s body was saying no, that he should resist. What did this thing know about his life? But that instinct, the same one that prevented him from telling anyone the truth, it was saying something different. Will decided to exit the stall and see what this thing was, but when he did, no one was there. It was just him. But just before he was going to open the door, an excruciating pain shot through his body. The last thing he remembered before passing out was being balled up on the floor from pain, and 2 people running in.
“Will! Are you ok?” “What happened?” “Are you hurt?” “Should we take him home?”
Will opened his eyes, with the aftertaste of vomit still lingering in his mouth. The first thing he saw was that he was still in the bathroom, just not alone anymore. He saw 2 blurry figures, one with raven black hair and the other with flaming ginger hair. They were Mike and Max.
“What happened?” Will groggily asked his friends. All he remembered was pain, passing out and waking up.
“We wanted to check on you ‘cause you gone for so long and we looked here and saw you convulsing. You were saying something about ‘not this time’ and ‘give in’ but maybe you were just out of it.” Mike tried to keep his voice stable, but he clearly wasn’t hiding it well. He was as pale as a ghost, and was shaking even when holding Will’s hand.
“Where’s Lucas?” Will enquired. He wasn’t anywhere in his field for vision.
“We sent him to get Steve and Robin,” Max replied “And don’t even try say that you’re okay, you were muttering weird shit and having a fucking seizure.”
Just as she said that, Robin came through the door, with Lucas swiftly behind her
“Steve left early today, something about a chick and a date, so it’s just me. How are you feeling? Do you need me to get,like, an ambulance or anything? Because your friend said you had a seizure and those can be very serious.” Robin very quickly said. Will couldn’t take half of what she said in because of the speed of her talking.
“Guys, I swear I’m fine. Can I just go home a bit early, I’m tired.” Will lied unconvincingly
“Sure you can go home, but I’m coming with you.” Mike said firmly. Will decided that was fine. As long as Mike didn’t tell his mom, everything would be fine. Everyone filed out of the mall, except Robin, who needed to finish her shift. Max and Lucas grabbed their bikes and left first, giving Mike and Will some space to talk.
“So, are you sure you’re ok?” Mike asked as they rode their bikes “Because whatever happened in the bathroom looked a lot like what happened near those tunnels last year.” Will immediately felt a sense of worry go through his body.
He’ll find out, lie to him, that voice suggested. It was louder and more present now. Will hadn’t… No he couldn’t have.
“Mike, I get that you’re concerned, but i’m fine now.” Will answered “Remember, I had the Mind Flayer steamed out of me, and El closed the gate, so everything’s fine.”
“Will, you’re hiding something from me, I can tell. You can tell me anything, we’ve been friends since kindergart-“
“Yea, well sometimes it doesn’t feel like that, does it, Mike?” Will muttered.
“Huh? What did you say?” Mike asked.
“Nothing, anyways we’re at my house, bye Mike.” Will replied, before hopping off of his bike and going into his home.
“Hey, you’re back early, are you ok?” Joyce asked.
“Yea, I’m fine, I just wanna sleep. Long night.” Will replied. He kicked off his shoes before rushing into his room. He decided to look through his drawings to try calm himself down. Drawings of the party as their DnD characters, campaign ideas, sketches of Mike. Will went onto his bed to just think. Why did he start shaking on the floor, saying some weird shit? Max said that he was saying “give up” and “let me in”. He didn’t let it in, did he?
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bylertruther · 2 years
thinking out loud here so don't mind me ok prepare for ur regular serving of a wall of rambles with no punctuation just me typing my every thought as i think it<3
bUT OKAY so . i think it's good sometimes to be ur own devil's advocate abt ur beliefs to see if they still hold up for u n stuff right so i was thinking of how i believe tht will is the one tht shaped the upside down into hawkins and i was like hm. well. what if el did tht when she opened the gate? but then i was like mmmmm press x to doubt bc her thing is that she's the gate opener n closer. she's a seeker. she finds people n makes that connection. and when henry takes her power he says tht he does it because he wants to be able to open gates himself. so... i don't think that's her thing. just like him, she can only move what is already there—she can't change its form.
henry talks all the time abt wanting to Reshape and Remake the world, so... clearly... he's interested in Creation! he specifically uses these words repeatedly. n brenner tells el when she opens the gate that "it's" reaching out to her bc it wants her. so if henry reached out to will time n time again.... n took him.... n didn't want to kill him but DID want to kill eleven as well as everyone else.... then it has to be for a reason. if the upside down is stuck on the day he went missing & didn't look like that before AND the duffers keep pointing to Will, Will, Will, who's henry's perfect foil and also a wizard and a creator himself bc he's an artist.... and the duffers got scared for a second when jamie showed them his pin board with will at the center bc they thought he knew something... and will and henry are STILL connected somehow despite there being no more particles within will and henry had to wait for mike to leave for him to strike.... and will's disappearance is the outlier bc the "monster" had telekinesis, teleported from outside the shed to behind will inside of it, messed with the phone lines, stalked him patiently, followed him from mike's house which isn't near the lab at all, targeted him despite will not bleeding from anywhere, and then never hurt or ate him in the upside down only sought to keep him trapped there n later took him to the library where he was found in a position much like the victims we see in s4 in henry's mindscape.... i mean...
and that's not even mentioning how will used the lights to communicate bc there's no way he touched all of them at once that fast and at that height unless he's the flash or something lmao, or how he appeared in joyce's mind once, or the lights tht lit up in a circle in his room, or how he was able to remain hidden at the house n survive despite the monsters knowing he was there and even being there just seconds after him in his exact place, etc etc....
so like. unless this is all just an extensive series of red herrings there is just. i mean. i just do not see how he Wouldn't have the power of creation... or whatever other power besides just true sight... because henry doesn't like humanity, so what other reason would he have to make will the ONE human that's worthy to stand by his side?
and how did he even know will? how did he find him at mike's house? what's at the library that that's where will was taken to and that's where the rifts in s4 connect? there's something there and it's not just that will was at the wrong place at the wrong time bc none of it adds up. that wasn't a regular wild demogorgon that took him, because the "monster" did not act like every other demogorgon we've seen. and then later on, he was targeted AGAIN. he was CHOSEN not once, but twice. and there has to be a reason! and considering henry's motives... i don't see how it could be anything other than will being the missing piece: his way of reshaping and remaking the world in his image. he needed eleven so he could open gates himself. he needed the mind flayer because it gave him unimaginable power and the ability to overtake and control others. now, he needs someone to be able to Create and all signs seem to point in will's direction.... hm.
but i could be missing something. thoughts, anyone? 🤔📝
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holmesversion · 1 year
I was listening to 'tis the damn season, so here go a little of jancy for your guys:
After the events of season 4 and the victory over vecna, everyone begins to rebuild their lifes and try to get back to normality. Nancy and Jonathan decide to break up after an important conversation, the two still love each other but nancy is ready to move on, go to college and walk her own path. Jonathan still worry about leaving his mother and brother, if something happened while he were away he would never forgive himself.
The whole conversation starts as Nancy finally finds out about the lie about the acceptance letter and can no longer keep quiet about Jonathan not being himself anymore, she knows something is wrong and can't wait for everything to magically resolve itself. Jonathan feels bad, he doesn't want to lie to her and he doesn't want to be high all the time either, he knew he was using it as an outlet it was all so confusing and he was so sensitive but now he knows what's right for him, and as much as he loves Nancy, he knows he has to let go.
They remain friends, a few years pass. Jonathan went to college in indi and set up a small photography business. Nancy is now a trained journalist and works for a big company in chicago.
After years, nancy finally returns to spend christmas with her family and friends, she wanted to go back sooner but she knew she would never leave again if she did, she didn't regret her choice but it was hard being out there alone in the world.
The kids aren't so kids anymore. Steve and Eddie worked their shit out; Mike was still annoying but that was (secretly) what she loved about him; Robin came with her new girlfriend from college; Hopper and Joyce now married welcomed everyone; Her sister and parents were there too, now that they are divorced their relationship had improved a lot, and finally Jonathan.
He seemed more mature and happy, but after a few hours of conversation and a bottle of wine they knew they would always be the same. They didn't try to stay away, in fact they went out almost every day in the week. Nancy told stories about college and how she finally received the knowledge she deserved in her new job and Jonathan showed what have changed in the city and tell how good it is to have his own business.
On one of these walks they remember how things were and wonder what it would be like if they had done everything differently, but the two come to the conclusion that they did the right thing and also that they still love each other.
Nancy dated a few people during college but no one ever really understood her, and Jonathan still shy when it came to romance. It’s a matter of time before they kiss, all happening thanks to meddling teenagers and a mistletoe.
The next day Nancy wakes up in Jonathan's arms and after a mature conversation they decide that they should enjoy the holidays together, after all they were adults right? they could handle the whole situation.
The holiday is excellent, they realize how much better they function now that they are more mature and how much else nothing has changed. Jonathan is still the same sweet guy that Nancy fell in love with and Nancy still a brave and kind woman but then it all ends, Nancy has go home and Jonathan knows he has to let her go again.
Nancy once again leaves heartbroken, wishing things were different this time, and know that she would have stayed if Jonathan had asked but he is a good person and would never do such a thing.
A few days go by with Nancy thinking what if.. one day she returns home from work only to find Jonathan sitting on the steps of her apartment building with two suitcases in hand. He smiles as soon as he sees her and she could have sworn her heart melted. They stayed like that, static until Jonathan took the initiative to go to her, still smiling. Nancy only noticed that she was crying when she felt Jonathan wipe her tears gently, she tried to speak, ask if what was happening was really what she thought but Jonathan was faster again, he kissed her softly and finally said: my family is fine now. I can move my business anywhere, but I've finally accepted that I can't live without you, Nancy wheeler. She smiled and kissed him and this was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.
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itsthestutterforme · 2 years
Indenial (Jim Hopper x black!reader) [1/3]
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Summary: You’re afraid that Jim still has feelings for Joyce. He’s willing to do anything to prove you wrong. Will that be enough?
Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, angst (tears, heartbreak)
“I said I was sorry, baby,” Jim states, looking over at you for a second before returning his gaze to the road. You hummed in response and watched the outline of the tree tops blurring together. “The silent treatment, really?”
Jim forgot about your date, again. He stood you up because he was helping Joyce, again. “I don’t have anything to say to you, Jim.” You said nonchalantly. He pulled the car into park and took the key out of the ignition. You hopped out of the car and walked to the house.
“Y/N,” you shook your head but he caught your wrist anyway. “Come on, talk to me.” “What’s the point? You don’t listen to what I’m saying anyway,” you yanked your arm away. “Hey, hey!” He stood in front of you to block you from walking away.
“I hate fighting with you, baby. Can we please just talk this out?” His warm hands ran up and down your arms, he felt the goosebumps littering your skin. “You’re freezing,” he took off his jacket. “I’m fine,” “Don’t play that with me,” he reprimands as he draped his thick, sheriff’s jacket over your trembling frame. “There you go,” he closes the jacket around you and rubbed the sides of your arms to warm you up.
You sighed in relief at the warmth and his scent of pine, your air turned into smoke in the cold Indiana night. Guilt weighed on your chest. “Hop, I..” you trailed off and looked down at your feet. He takes your chin in between his pointer finger and his thumb to lift your head up to meet his gaze.
“You didn’t have to-“ he kissed you and nibbled at your bottom lip when he pulled away. “Of course I did, you’re my girlfriend.” “I just miss you,” you said softly. “I miss you, too, darlin’. I’m so sorry I forgot about our date. You look gorgeous,” his hands slid to your hips and squeezed, digging his thumb into your pelvic bone.
You don’t want to leave him. You loved him too much. But you don’t know how long you can deal with this. “Come on, let’s go inside. You must be freezing.” He offered.
You came home early from break when you heard Bauman’s voice booming from outside. You treaded lightly so the porch stairs wouldn’t creak like it normally does. “It’s obvious from the way you act around the each other, how often you argue, the way you steal glances at each other when you think the other isn’t looking. It’s more than chemistry.” He states, annoyed with the pair in front of him.
“Well at least someone had the balls to say it,” you stated, walking through the door. Hopper’s hand drops from his face at the sound of your voice. You looked to Bauman then to Joyce. Both had a look of shame on their faces. “Baby,” Jim starts. “I’ll have my stuff out tomorrow,” you closed the door and retreated back to your car.
“Y/N, wait!” Jim called after you. You heard his hurried steps behind you and turned around before he could get ahold of your arm. You stared at him for a moment and raised your eyebrows to challenge him to say something. “Bauman doesn’t know what he’s talking about, baby. I want you. I love you.” “No, he’s the only one that has enough common sense to see what’s going on here. I’m just a place holder.”
He lifts his hand to touch your shoulder; he would rub the sides of your arms and give a squeeze to your shoulder that calms you down every time. His warmth always made you feel at home.
“Don’t touch me,” his face scrunches, your words stabbed at his chest. “You’re not a place holder,” “Yes, I am. I’m here to keep you busy until Joyce finally realizes her feelings for you,” “She doesn’t have feelings for me. I don’t have feelings for her. You’re the one for me, Y/N/N.” “Stop lying to me!” You pushed at his chest but he barely moved.
“Tell me the truth for once,” you said softly, tears brimming in your eyes. “I.. had feelings for her, yes. I was pining over her, yes. But that was all before you. When you came into my life, it was.. it made me feel like all was right with the world.” Tears trailed down your cheeks as he continued.
“You’re my home,” “Do you know what it’s like? To be so deeply in love with someone and watch them fall for someone else? And they won’t even admit it to themselves.” He shook his head in disagreement. “I wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy, Hop.”
“I love you,” he croaks. “Hop, we found something.” Joyce calls hesistantly. His gaze never left yours. “Now you have all the time in the world.” You turned to leave but he catches your hand and kisses the edge of your palm. “Jim, stop it.” You reprimand, trying to pull your hand away.
“Please don’t make it harder than it already is. Let me go,” you took a shaky breath and wiped your tears with the back of your sleeve. “Please, Hoppy,” he chokes out a sob at the nickname he hated but learned to love. He inhaled the scent of your floral perfume on your wrist and held on for a few more seconds before letting go.
You stared him for a moment, more tears leaving your eyes. “Goodbye, Jim.” You took quick steps back your car and slid into the passenger seat. It took every fiber in Jim’s body not to run after you. Especially when he saw the outline of your body shaking in your car. You clapped a hand over your mouth, attempting to get your breathing under control passed your sobs.
You turned over the ignition and reverse away from the dead end sign before pulling off.
It felt so odd being at the house you lived at before moving in with Jim. You never put it back on the market. You always felt like shit for not selling the house. You could always use the money but.. you just weren’t ready to completely give your life to someone. To you, giving up the house was giving up your way out.
Not like Jim would do anything to scare you into leaving. He was perfect, but he was in love with someone else. You wiped your eyes before more tears could escape and walk over to your landline. You dialed your mom’s number and sat on the floor below the phone.
“Hello?” She answers. “Hey, momma,” “Oh hey, suga, it’s been a while since I heard your voice, sweetheart. How are you?” She greets. “Not so good, Mom.” “What happened, sweetheart?” She asks. You let out a breath of air before saying, “I separated from Jim,”
“Oh honey, what did he do?” “There was someone else,” you heard her gasp and the sound of her shuffling about. “He cheated?” “No, he didn’t cheat on me. He just.. he had feelings for someone and didn’t want to admit it to himself.” “I’m sorry, baby. You want me to send your sisters over there?” She offers.
You took some time to think. “I don’t know if that would be the best idea, ma.” “Why not? We’re stronger together,” “I just… I can’t help but think if there was something else I could have done-“ “Listen to me very closely. You. Did. Everything. Right.”
Jim was on the other side of the door, listening to the whole conversation. He’s been on your porch for a while now, trying to come up with the right thing to say. It’s only been five days but it was the worst five days in his life. He barely got a lick of sleep; there was no point without your head resting on his chest.
But it was just starting to dawn on him that he was the reason why you were suffering. He was the reason you were sobbing loudly to your mother. The one that hurt you. Your voice rings in his head. “I wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy, Hop.” Maybe it was time for him to let go..
Your head snapped towards the creaking outside the door. “What happened?” your mom asked over the phone. “I heard a sound outside,” “You want me to call the police?” “Just wait a minute, ma,” you set the phone down gently and grabbed the bat as you advances towards the door. You heard the creak again before you swung the door open.
To your surprise, there was no one there. You peaked your head out and saw no one. “Hm,” you huffed before going back inside and locking the door. Jim waited a few minutes, he sighed in relief when he saw you for the first time in days.
His heart sank once he noticed how puffy your eyes were. He wanted nothing more than to hold you and apologize until he was blue in the face. He wanted you kiss your red nose and smooth his hands over your fluffy, 3c hair. But he couldn’t, so instead he ran a hand over his face and pulled off your street.
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kozmicxblues · 2 years
Stranger Things Masterlist
I'm keeping a running list of the fic I've written. You can also go through the #eeriewrites tag to find anything I've shared here or the #st4 tag for my headcanons and other ST posts.
How Do I Get You Alone? (T)
COMPLETE Dustin rolls his eyes and pushes off of the counter. "Your shift's almost over, right? Wanna hang out?" Steve scoops up the fallen movies. "I would, but I've got plans. Me and Eddie are meeting up at the diner." "Oh, that's cool. I'll just come with you." Steve pauses his work and looks over his shoulder at Dustin. He's got a pinched look on his face, like he's thinking something over. Dustin knows that can be a real struggle for him. "Uh... I don't... I don't know if that's a good idea." 5 times Dustin accidentally crashes a steddie date (+ 1 time Steve crashes a Hellfire Club meeting)
Time Keeps Moving On (M)
WIP When he turned around, Max was on the ground clutching her knee. Even from a distance, he could see the blood dripping down her leg from behind her fingers. Billy glanced up from his car and took in the sight before him. Then he ashed his cigarette and went back to work. That’s all it took, really. The sight of Billy Hargrove’s cold eyes as they glazed right over his bleeding sister. Eddie was digging the first aid kit out of the hall closet before he’d even made the conscious decision to go out. When the Hargroves move into Forest Hills Trailer Park, Eddie finds the younger sister he never knew he wanted. Unfortunately, she comes as a package deal with the former King of Hawkins High.
she took a look at my palm (and said you're in love) (T)
COMPLETE “Now, let’s look at your heart lines. Yours is chained. You’ve had a rocky love life, haven’t you?” “I guess that’s one way to put it.” He certainly wasn’t going to air out his series of failed relationships – stemming from his abandonment issues and the fact it took him nineteen years to realize he couldn’t connect with any of his dates because he was going after the completely wrong gender – in front of a complete stranger and a group of children. He definitely didn’t want to be discussing this in front of Eddie. He’d put too much effort into hiding the crush that had steadily developed over the summer before it could ruin their friendship. But any hope of avoiding that had clearly died the moment Steve stepped through Madame Loretta’s gaudy curtain beads. Steve and Eddie take the kids to a fall festival
make 'em turn their heads every place we go (T)
WIP Steve has always dreaded going home for the holidays. He's tired of putting himself back in the closet for the sake of his judgmental relatives. He's ready to stand his ground this year. Luckily, he knows just the right man for the job. In other words, a steddie fake dating au
You Still Catch My Eye (T)
WIP There’s a wave of excitement coming from somewhere in the bar. It’s almost midnight, the night ticking by even faster than Steve had realized. When he turns back from the clock, Eddie is already looking at him. He decides to be brave. “Kissing someone at midnight is supposed to be good luck, right?” Eddie smiles. “Right.” He sighs dramatically. “It would be a shame to start the year off with bad luck. Don’t you think?” Steve’s had about all the bad luck he can stand. He could do this. He’d faced down a junkyard full of monsters with nothing but a bat. He could let himself kiss a boy.
It's a Strange Magic (G)
WIP “Haven’t you ever wondered about the stuff that happens in our house? Like why Mom tries to pretend Halloween doesn’t exist? Or why she gets weird about us talking, watching, or reading anything that has the word ‘magic’ in it? You had to fight with her for months before she let you play D&D. Or about why stuff flies off of shelves every time Holly has a tantrum?” “No,” he lied. “Well, I have. And now that I know the truth, I’m not gonna stay here and turn all boring like you. If Joyce doesn’t start my training tonight, I’ll lose my powers forever.” Nancy stomped past him. “What do you mean, boring like me?” Mike chased after her. Halloweentown AU
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