#every time we pass mod pizza we both point like lol... me...
mod2amaryllis · 5 months
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Yeah hi can I get uuhhhh boneless pizza please
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... are you kidding?
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lazulii-rain · 6 years
don’t mind me, i’ve decided to start keeping a physical log of my experiences in life just to get them down and have a place to record the beautiful events transpiring. i doubt anyone will read these but me, but if you are reading this, sorry to drop you in the middle of my life lol. should have started at a more focused point. BUT ITS ALL TOO BEAUTIFUL AND JUST FOR ME ANYWAY
ill be totally writing a recap of everything since the moment we met and probably before, a chronicle of my life so i can go back because my memory suuuucks and i don’t want to lose a moment of this.  (BAE, Before Anyone Else. It’s very special to usss and i’m the first/only person my hunny has ever called that. i used to use it ironically but now only use it for my Bae. c: ) 
OKAY. 08/18/18...heh (oops forgot to post when i finished writing it. lol)  My love has a day off today; so I was excited to spend my day with him, but also aware of the fact I wouldn’t get a lot of what I had to finish completed. I design logos, t-shirts and tattoos, have a few projects on the go that I need to work on. But he is more important in my opinion. awoke really early to the annoying Luna (black tabby who belongs to my roommate) EATING PEACHY’S FOOD. (also roomates orange tabby, but not really his bc her previous abusive owner abandoned her and he complained about having her... So we kind of bonded. she used to be a super anxious kitty until attaching to my Bae and I.)  First time I got up and shooed her away, but that woke Bae up. and when I heard her back at it I whipped a wooden spoon at her from the bed, so that he was not disturbed. Gave up after that and drifted back to sleep because hunny flung his arm & leg over me, so I was trapped as heck and loving every second of it (tho my face was kinda buried so I couldn’t breathe lmaoooo)  When he woke up, we were both in funny sassy moods, I showered while he played guitar and drank his coffee, as I was waiting to go get one at Tim’s. We got chicken wraps because I was so hungry I literally couldn’t decide what to get, I wanted everything, so he chose for us loool. ♥ cutie. He managed to make a giant sploosh with his coffee all over one of the tie dye shirts I made him for his birthday, by squeezing the coffee too tight (He is clumsy yet capable of longboarding fullspeed holding a pizza and an open coffee.... lmao.. how does that work? :P) and he had a funny looking shirt for the day but it’s okay because he is adorable no matter what. There was also victims of his spill all over the floor and table, for losing a tiny bit of coffee it was an impressive blood bath. I had an iced coffee obviously because it was hot outside, he’ll get a hot coffee even in like 32C degree weather, because he’s satan like that looool. On the way to the bus stop I was concerned that there was a strange vibe and we both confirmed our desire for an authentic, respectful, loving adventurous life together, and my worry quickly faded. He put his arm around me and we vaped and drank our coffee, our bus came pretty instantly and we were off. Our friend wrote a very insightful and inspiring story about mediation and consciousness, but I had a few things I didn’t agree with/wanted to add onto, so I am in the process of writing out my review on it as he’d like to publish it.  Stop 1. Bae’s cellphone company store so he could re-activate his phone. He has such an old plan that it doesn’t exist anymore, but gives him a way better deal than what is offered currently, and it was grandfathered in on a loyalty plan so they can’t change it, but they can make it difficult to renew every month. lol. so he has to go in and call someone at the store to manually enter the plan specifications so he can activate. they put him on hold for ten minutes and we decided to just leave and stay on hold adventuring until we were answered. ANOTHER WHILE PASSES and they go off-hold, only to be like lol i’ll call u back in 20 minutes this is gonna be a process.... oh,. lmao. ok so.  Stop 2. The vape shoppp. Somehow Bae knew exactly where to go with no map from wherever we were, when I literally had no idea where we were until we rounded the corner and were basically there. HOW?! I’ve been there so many times and yet get lost so damn easily. I am directionally challenged af, but getting a lot better with it esp. in this city. lol. We didn’t need juice, but went to go see kev as he had given me an IOU and half off the juice on my mum’s death day, and I had forgotten my debit card!!!! >:( he was nice to me tho because apparently i always brighten their day with my vibezzzz and we are becoming closer friends and trust each otherr. very grateful. ALSO THAT DAY (aug 16) i went the wrong way from the shop, because i was disassociating all day, and when i finally found my way to a bus stop, took it the WRONG DIRECTION and ended up somewhere in the city i’ve never been, and because my bus pass was also not with me and i paid like 1.75(all i had) of the 3.75 fare, and asked him to give me a transfer because i needed to go the opposite direction, he tried to say i was scamming him or something NO BITCH I NEED TO GO HOME AND HAVE HAD A TERRIBLE DAY AND JUST WANT TO GET ON THE FRICKEN BUS HOME. I growled that it was my mom’s deathaversary and i am not from here because i moved a few months ago, and he was like “ok i’ll give u a break this once..” like wtf! ugh  it was a strange day but i made it. ANYWAY. back to today. We had some fun talks with kev about RDA’s, and a new mod box but they only rly carry kits which we didn’t want for Bae. So we paid the IOU and went on our way. En route to next stop, we saw the Shaw sign and walked along this BEAUTIFUL RIVER that I remember dearly from me and Bae’s first week/visit together in person (we met and fell in love online).... I was squealey and so excited, wanted to leap into the river but realized that it was totally nasty so decided to enjoy the walk instead, lol. We saw a cute duck folding its neck to put its head on its body. LMAO. Bae was like quackquackquacckkkkk. Quack attack. XD I mentioned that I really love this area and inquired if the MAGICAL SPIRAL STAIRCASE was near here; because I also remember running valiantly up that with intensity during our first week. He laughed and was like “Ya. we’re near it. It’s almost like I planned out this walk ;) “ HEHEHEHEHEHEHEE So we got to the staircase and as I went to leap up it as fast as I could, he STEPS IN FRONT OF ME and starts walking super slow. hahahahahaha. wtf. obvi trying to make me run up the broader edge as i adore running rly rly fast up the narrow loop of the spiral staircase, so i did and pretended i was an airplane, usually its a dragon but this time i was like nyoooom. lol.  so when we got to the top i was giggling my butt off and mentioned the plane thing, and hunny was like “or you know, an eagle riding an upcurrent” and i was like OMG MORE ACCURATE! he’s brilliant tho even for silly things like that. ♥ we walked thru south-asian fest to go to city hall for a bus pass, and when i saw Asian (I don’t know anything about geography ever) i was like OMG SUSHI BAE?!?!?!!?!?!?! and he was like hehe , no love, SOUTH asian fest. i looked around and was like oh, no sushi. :( but still cool music and culture! noted that this is some people’s whole adventure, and we are passing thru but still it’s only a tiny fragment of our adventure!  Stop 3: Took a quick stop to grab me a new bus pass only to find out it’s a government building and closed on the weekends. lmao. SMOOTH. but it’s fine because we actually saw these really cool sculptures inside of dragon-scale and tentacle-like patterns, aztec rock-like patterns, and one kinda plain one that had a cute dog on top. Kind of like square-ish uneven poles. very cool! ALSO  in one of the accessable rooms, there was a huge art exhibit that, at first glance, looked like a toddler went nuts with toy cars, cardboard, lego, paint and other childlike items, but upon close inspection we realized it was very in-depth metaphorical, substantial political and environmental statements. We laughed more, stayed longer, and took more pictures than I expected we would when first walking into that room.  Slyly sighed and giggled at each other as we watched other people walk into the room only to quickly circle the exhibit and leave, without actually investigating or considering the significance of the creations.  (MY COTTON IS BURNING AND I CHANGED IT LIKE 2 DAYS AGO...random)  i had to pee and saw the cutest little black girls observing themselves in the mirror with their beauuutiful dresses on, as they were attending a wedding happening in the area, and i complimented them on their outfits. The older of the two said thank you shyly, and when her younger (I presume sister) asked for clarification, not able to speak fluent english yet, the older girl explained in her language, and the little one beamed a smile and said “thank you!” WARMED MY DAMN HEART.  Bae & I went on our way to the next stop, while waiting for a stoplight to change, I looked over at some random building, gasped in awe, and whipped out my phone to take a picture, saying “I may be a resident of this city but i will always act like a tourist”. This man crossing the street conjunct to us saw my wonder at such a small event, smiled ear to ear, and looked back at the building I mentioned even though he has obviously lived here a long time. When I turned around, I saw a Beautiful Monument that had one word in English, “Dignity”, and one in French, “Egilate”. I said to Bae that I assume “Egilate” was French for dignity, but the same man who saw me and smiled about my passion turned around and said “it means Equality :) “ I was very thankful for his knowledge and obviously instilled some passion back in his heart with my excitement at the world around me. As my hunny always says, “stop and smell the roses.”   and we saw some beautiful apartments and i photographed the numbers so we could find out prices, as we intend to move into our own roommate-free place ASAP. Living with this guy isn’t exactly private or nest-like, or inducing of healing/aligning. We are working hard on that to be safe and in a place we can work on our dreams together. Including a loft, a place with nice balconies, and we saw an older place that was dingy at first glance but no, actually had MARBLE OUTSIDE WALLS. wow. musta been top notch back in the day. Stop 3: we went to the weed dispensary to get some pot for hunny, because although i miss toking intensely i can’t anymore but he’s still a proud stoner and i looooooove him for it. he ended up getting a quarter of 2 different indicas’ northern lights and grape god flower, as well as blue dream crumble for 25% off. grabbed a coil for his dab attachment for his vape as well which was on suprise 420 sale. it was like 4:28 and apparently after 4:20 every day something random goes on sale; no customer or employee knows what it is; its just a suprise if anyone gets it completely. and it happened to be the exact item my hunny needed to get. coincidence? ;)  we went to timmies a few times downtown, i cant exactly remember the order of when or why, but the first time, hunny bought me an iced coffee and a large icey water because i was desperately thirsty and needed liquid. the second time i grabbed him a coffee and myself another iced water cause i am apparently always thirsty. lmao. looked for torches for his dab rig so he can enjoy, we decided to go to canadian tire(but realized later on the bus that it was closed, thankfully before our stop for home, so we just went str8 home.) we went to freedom again and bae got his service back bc apparently the guy on the phone fixed it and never called backkk....... lol.  My Bae decided to take me to a bong shop, for “apparently no reason” Just to mess around and have fun....lol..... we got there and there were beautiful glass cabinets filled with showcased, amazing, meticulous handmade pieces. Pendants, pipes, bongs, all of it so beautiful.  He grabbed a one-hitter that glows under UV Light, slime design, and we went on our way after good chats with the very passionate shopworker.  We went to find a place for Bae to smoke some weed, and ran into a cute community garden with honeybees and carpenter bees stuffing their faces in flowers. As well as a group of finches playing and wiggling their butts in the dust. Very adorable, we took a video and then hunny chased them away haha.  Cool mural that appeared quite old, some hilarious facial expressions that I snagged close-ups of. When we got home, I made him a piece of the lasagna I cooked for his birthday, and made myself a cream-based pasta with onion because I was lasagna-d out. (it was like a 10 lb beast of a lasagna) I wanted to grab a few beers while I hung out, so hunny gave me 5 bucks to make sure I had enough for two. When I went out I realized I forgot my vape and surely it was safe at home, so dealt with not vaping on the trip. On my bus ride home, the ding for stop request appeared normal as I sat in the very back by the speakers, but out of nowhere it made the LOUDEST Most terrifying screech noise and I jumped/winced. Everyone looked at me and laughed a little in solidarity, I moved a few seats because sure enough it happened again, thank gosh I wasn’t right by it that time.  When I got home, my vape wasn’t anywhere that I thought it was. I freaked a little and started crying, didn’t even wanna hit Bae’s vape because it wasn’t my baby; this is when I realized how attached I was. He beelined to a spot under my clothes and found it in like .5 seconds, how, I have no idea. I was sooo grateful for his radiance and helpfulness as always. ♥ IT WAS A GREAT DAY.
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purplesurveys · 7 years
How do you feel about fire drills? They’re necessary at least for us since the Philippines has been a hotspot for earthquakes recently - but I just get so lazy every time classes have to be cut off because we have to gather outside and deal with sirens and firetrucks. Do your socks usually match? Yeah, I make sure they do. The idea of them mismatching is unsettling for me. Would you date your best friend? I already am. It’s turned out pretty damn well, I think. Whats your favorite weather like? I love love love when it’s dark and the air is cold. Rain or no rain is fine - I live mostly for the cold. How do you determine if a band is good or not? What do you look for most? There’s no one thing I’m looking for, really. As long as I find the song catchy and finding myself wanting to listen to it, and even that’s unpredictable every time. Are you addicted to anything? If so, what? No. That’s a sensitive word… What’s your favorite movie genre? Horror, drama, romantic comedy. Have you ever had an inside joke based on a quote from a movie, book, etc? Sure, I may have a few of those with Gabie. What do you want to do as a future career? I’m not looking for a particular path anymore at this point. Just something useful I can do with my journalism degree would be great. If you were pregnant right now what would you do? Who would be the father? Highly impossible. But in a very hypothetical sense, I would keep the kid. Whether I would raise it or give it up for adoption is something I can’t see anymore; but abortion isn’t an option for me. As for the father, fuck knows lol. Would you rather bake or cook a meal? Bake. It’s more precise and more prone to mistakes, but I have more fun doing it and at least I don’t have to deal with being splashed on with oil. If you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be? Job security. LOL. I’m getting so old so fast. What’s going to be the first song at your wedding? I really REALLY love Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine. Twilight did a good job making it such a feelsy song. But I don’t know if that’s still suitable for a wedding ten or fifteen years down the line haha. What’s something only you think is cute/funny? I don’t think there is anything; there’s always at least one other person who agrees with me when it comes to things like that. What do you find attractive in the opposite sex? Our guy friends sometimes treats us food, which is nice. Otherwise, none. Do you ever compare yourself to members of the same sex? Like in general? It’s unavoidable. What’s the perfect snack when you want to relax? Pizza. Would you rather have a few friends over & order in a pizza or go out? I always love going out with friends. Staying in with pizza is only good if it’s happening at Chelsea’s house. They have a veranda reserved for parties, her dad is a jokester and her mom makes food for us too so it’s always fun. Not to mention she has the sweetest 1 year old German Shepherd, too. If you could change any situation in your life what would it be? Having a conservative, homophobic family. Like if they tilt their views *just a little bit*, it would greatly help. Do you listen to music while you work/study? Nope. That doesn’t work for me. Describe a person you wouldn’t be able to live with? Someone who starts their sentences with, “well not all men…” “what men like is…” anything of the sort. I’m kind of heated about that now, since I’m seated at Starbucks and have no choice but to listen to a woman give such misogynistic advice to her fellow woman friend who has husband issues. Definitely not someone I’d want to ask advice from. What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time? I like watching videos on YouTube. They provide enough distraction for me. If you could learn the subjects you wanted to what would they be? World history, geography, biology, Spanish, Korean. What’s a weird food only you like to eat? I eat mayonnaise with my tilapia, and thought it was normal until my friends were repulsed when they saw me eating it. If you could relive one memory what would it be? This is different on any given day, but right now I’d want to go back to any good memory I had in high school. Those geneuinely mean a lot. What super power do you want most of all? Time travel, but to be invisible for all of it so I don’t mess anything up. Is there a celebrity that you’d be willing to have a one night stand with? Hahaha. I always say I’m game for Kristen Stewart, but I think I’ll be too intimidated for real. Describe the perfect concert-lineup, arena, weather, w/e? I have a vast taste in artists, so I think if they'reput together it would really suck. Like I’m pretty sure putting Kendrick Lamar and Against Me! and St. Vincent in one show will never work. Do you like family restaurants or really fancy ones? I like both. Great food is what I’m here for. Are you more of a city person or a country person? why? City, because I’ve never experienced living in the province (closest thing the PH has to what the US calls ‘country.’) I’ve been around long enough to be fully reliant on internet and electricity and kitchen appliances that moving to the province would entail a really big adjustment. Do you want to live in your current town the rest of your life? Hell no. I’ll get a job, save up enough, and move out the first chance I get. What’s a negative thing about your town? Nothing ever really happens here. It’s the city right beside Metro Manila where everything takes place, so this is just pretty much where everyone passes through. Nothing special. A positive? Everyone lives near each other so that’s convenient. Would your rather drown to death or burn to death? Drown. They say burning is the most painful way to go, so I’ll have to pass on that. How many years longer are you hoping to live? 81. What song describes your typical mood? Or your current mood? I don’t think there’s any song that says “I have to pee and the table beside me is way too noisy. Also when is Gabie coming back?” If you found out today your best friend was gay what would you do? I found that out three years ago. I simply told her 'okay,’ because it’s the sort of thing that should be normalized. Congratulating is fine, but I prefer not to do that especially with Gab. I know she wouldn’t like if I made it a big deal and told her congrats, I’m proud of you, happy for you, etc. Describe the perfect kiss or date. I’m dying to have a fine dining date. With our actual hard-earned money. Do you have a special material item you hold sentimental value to? There are lots of items I view that way. Would you ever throw a dart at a map and go where it lands if you could afford it? Yes, if I had the time and money. Where would you hope it lands? (Continued from last morning) Chicago, although I have to have a good aim to hit just Illinois lol. Do you take care of yourself or do your parents help you out financially? I don’t have a job as of yet, so they take care of everything money. If you could get a pet for free today-what kind/what name? A golden ret named Theo. If you won 100 million dollars what would you do with it first? LOL maybe settle everything my parents have to (house, cars, etc.) because I’m sure they will nag me as if I owe them anything. Once they’re off my back I’ll probably save the rest of it, since it’s stupid and impractical to just run away with it. How many people have you slept with? One. Does true love wait? Hold on there, Disney. I mean yeah I guess it does but idk this is too poetic lol. What’s a huge turn off? Being too Catholic, based from 19 years of experience in a predominantly Catholic country. Or smoking. I can’t pick. Do you dig people with lots of body mods? Tattoos, yeah. If you could pick up on any instrument what would you choose? PIANOOOOOO. Any language? Japanese would be a huge help. Also want to learn Korean and Spanish. If you had your own business, what would it be? Nope nope nope. Do you ever wish you had a family business to become a part of? Kind of, yeah. It would admittedly be more convenient because at least I have something to fall back on if something doesn’t work out. What’s the most gruesome way you could come up with to kill someone? I dunno, look up people like Ed Gein or John Wayne Gacy or that dude who used a pre-recorded tape before he murdered his victims. Ask them. Do you think anyone deserves to die that way? Just those serial killers and anyone as heinous as they were. If you had to fight for survival, what would your weapon of choice be? Meh. Maybe the invincible tanks from GTA San Andreas so I can be untouched. Omg! Zombies are attacking. Where do you go, who do you find, whatta ya do? I’ve watched The Walking Dead long enough to know that I just wanna be one of the first to go lol. What’s in it for me in the end? All I will see are guts and undead loved ones and broken down cars and expired food. What cellphone is the best in your opinion? I dunno. I’m happy with my iPhone, but Apple can be so problematic and I know it’s not the best one out there. I’m sure there are better models, but just don’t know enough about phones to pick which one. Do you flip your pillow over to lay on the cool/cold side? Sometimes. I never picked it up as a habit. Stop playing with yourself! What are you going to do now? Finish my breakfast then maybe another survey.
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