positivedevelopment · 4 months
Monthly Roundup May 2024
The Impact of War on Children Worldwide
"According to Save the Children, in 2022, there were approximately 452 million children – or one in six of all children on the planet – that were living in conflict‐affected areas. As of 2024, we are witnessing unprecedented levels of attacks against children in armed conflict contexts."
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“Untitled” by Bîstyek, a Winnipeg‐based Kurdish artist from Syria who fled that country at 16 years of age. Painting by Bîstyek
"The impacts of armed conflict on children are multi‐pronged and have long‐term consequences beyond the duration of the armed conflict. When children are exposed to armed conflict, denied humanitarian access, displaced from their homes and families and unable to attain education, the ramifications impact the individual child and, at the same time, impact the development of communities and economic growth while perpetuating cycles of insecurity and violence."
Gaza – children in the crossfire, lack of access to education and healthcare
Sudan – forced displacement, lack of education and food insecurity
Colombia – armed violence, recruitment of children and trafficking
"We need to reframe the way we think about and understand children’s participation and protection. Understanding and including children’s perspectives in peace and security can contribute to the empowerment of children as agents of change, bring diverse solutions to intractable problems, and help us to disrupt long‐term consequences of armed conflict that impact children’s identity, belonging and connection to family and communities. The challenge of supporting children’s engagement is not about their lack of capacity but a shortcoming in the imagination of adults to think beyond traditional approaches to peace and security. Building lasting peace and security requires a new approach that addresses the unique challenges that children face before, during and after conflict and one that recognizes that children’s perspectives and protection are at the core of our humanity."
Waiving Away the Problem: How US Presidents Have Let Countries Complicit in Child Soldiering Off the Hook
"For more than a decade, the United States has sent billions of dollars in military assistance and weapons to countries complicit in the recruitment or use of child soldiers, despite a law intended to block it. But there are concrete steps that presidents can take to enhance U.S. child soldier prevention efforts by leveraging the fierce global demand for U.S. arms and assistance."
“There is a strong correlation between elephant habitat fragmentation and crop loss,” says Rinjan Shrestha, WWF-Canada’s leading expert on Asian species. Today, human-elephant conflict remains the number one threat to the already-small Asian elephant population in Nepal. “The answer,” says Shrestha, “is to connect and restore historical habitats for growing numbers of elephants.”
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"Biological fencing, or “biofencing” — the practice of making barriers out of natural, living things — is one way to help guide Asian elephants through their natural habitat without tempting them to wander into cropland."
Bees & Elephants: Villagers in Yunnan turn to beekeeping to bolster conservation of wild Asian elephants
"In recent years, in some rural areas in Yunnan, the local governments and volunteers have been promoting industrial transformation, with beekeeping being a key project. This has not only helped achieve rural carbon reduction but also allowed villagers to work at home, reducing direct contact with elephants."
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❤️ / It is officially #RideforHeart month!!! ❤️ /
For the 4th year I will be raising money in support of Heart and Stroke in memory of my Dad 🎗 This year I am thrilled to be part of the Heartbeat Heroes - VIP Community! As a VIP my fundraising goal is to reach $1000.
As of today I am at 45% of my goal. You may find my fundraising page HERE Thank you so much for supporting me and Heart and Stroke ❤️ I am making every beat count for my Dad ❤️ today and forever.
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destanimichelle · 8 years
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October 29th ! 9:30 am ! Wake Forest Innovation Quarters - Bailey Park ! Come join ! Link for donations is in my bio ! 💕 #TeamDestaniStrong #everybeatcounts
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darylrosemd · 8 years
#FitBit challenge accepted 👊💪⌚🏃 #StepByStep #Day1 #OneStepAtATime #HealthyLiving #EveryBeatCounts #BringingSexyBack #PokemonGo
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musiqworks · 9 years
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itsyamandrey-blog · 9 years
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Hi guys! #everybeatcounts T-shirts are still available! Message me for orders or visit Every Beat Counts page on Facebook..Thank you for the support! ❤☺
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positivedevelopment · 5 months
Monthly Roundup April 2024
❤️ Heart Failure Awareness Week, May 5 - 11 ❤️
This week highlights the importance of sharing information to help raise awareness, increase public knowledge, and provide a better understanding of heart health. Follow @canadianheartfailuresociety and visit heartfailure.ca to access downloadable resources 🩺
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For the 4th year I will be raising money in support of the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada ❤️/ Donations received between now and June 30th will be matched until $500,000 in gifts are received. You may contribute to my page HERE Once again I have set an ambitious goal of $1000. Thank you for supporting me, and Heart & Stroke, in memory of my Dad 🎗
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Many children must live with the trauma of war. Here's how to help them
Conflict in Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan has led to millions of children losing family members, fleeing their homes and being caught up in the fighting themselves. The effects could last for decades.
"In particular, they say, from the get-go, the international community needs to not only focus on acute humanitarian needs like food and shelter, but also on the longer-term requirements of providing community and family support, trauma-informed mental health and social services and lasting infrastructure like stable living conditions and medical care."
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BIG STEPS FORWARD: A PATH TO ELEPHANT CONSERVATION IN NEPAL "For Asian elephants, who need lots of space to roam, landscape-level conservation means securing and protecting existing habitat fragments and corridors in the Terai Arc Landscape so they can regrow naturally and resist further degradation. This will rebuild safe corridors for elephants to travel and avoid human contact. It also involves using the latest technology — such as motion-sensing cameras, satellite GPS tracking, molecular genetics and conservation drones — to map elephants’ migratory behaviours and monitor corridors. These game-changing tools also help us understand elephants’ use of space and keep an eye on the success of our conservation efforts."
NASA is tracking endangered animal habitats from space
"The rapid decline of many iconic animal species due to habitat loss presents one of the most critical challenges in modern conservation. NASA, an organization typically associated with space exploration, has emerged as a valuable partner in the fight to save endangered animals. By utilizing cutting-edge satellite technology, NASA provides vital data on endangered wildlife habitats, informing and driving conservation strategies around the world."
Elephant conservation: Habitat preferences to mitigate conflict
"African savanna elephants, now classified as endangered, struggle with the relentless expansion of human settlements into their native range. A NASA study offers insights into elephant habitat preferences, particularly in less protected zones where conflict of with humans is more likely. The researchers found that elephants consistently favor dense forests, especially near waterways. Unfortunately, these same areas are often targeted for tourism infrastructure. Armed with this knowledge, conservationists and land managers can work together to identify areas where development poses less risk to elephant populations, striking a balance between economic needs and conservation goals. The experts can also strategically prioritize the protection of the dense forest habitats that elephants rely on for survival."
How you can get involved
Consider the following ways to get involved:
Targeted donations
Consider volunteering your time or skills.
Raise awareness
The power of your voice
Fact-based advocacy
Make informed choices
Sustainable consumption
Scrutinize business practices
Reduce, reuse, recycle
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Monthly Roundup May 2023
We Breathe Together: Adhel Arop Tells of the Child Soldiers of South Sudan
"Adhel Arop explores her mother’s experiences as a child soldier in South Sudan and their lived experiences afterwards, including the intergenerational effects of trauma, in a new documentary series funded by an Explore and Create grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. Her series, Katiba Banat: Sisters in Arms, will also feature the stories of other former soldiers with whom her mother, Amel Madut, has maintained contact."
“I come from trauma. I understand that from my experience. I’m an artist, so I can express things that others might find hard to do. And I’m grateful that I can.”
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“Creativity is all I am. Communicating, art, storytelling—it’s what I feel I can offer the world. It’s a vehicle for healing. Sometimes just speaking, feeling, acknowledging, giving time and attention—it really can change people.”
June is Ride for Heart
For the 3rd year my brother and I will be raising money in support of Heart & Stroke in memory of our Dad. Our goal is to complete 100 kilometers and raise $1000 by the end of June. You may sponsor us HERE
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All donations made between now and June 30th will be matched 3x by a generous anonymous donor - tripling your impact! Thank you for your support ❤️/
June 1-7 each year is National CPR and AED Awareness Week, spotlighting how lives can be saved if more people know CPR and how to use an AED.
Cardiac arrest can strike anyone, anywhere, at any age, without warning. 35,000 cardiac arrests happen each year in Canada. Learn CPR and how to use an AED: https://bit.ly/45DT5Cy
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All Canadian kids should know how to save a life!
"Training school children with CPR and AED use will create a generation of lifesavers in the community, who will grow into adults that are more likely to provide help in an emergency situation."
"By signing th[e] petition you are helping organizations like CARE (Cardiac Arrest Response and Education) and concerned citizens to convince provincial governments to mandate this lifesaving training in all schools across Canada."
Sign the petition HERE
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