positivedevelopment · 4 months
Monthly Roundup May 2024
The Impact of War on Children Worldwide
"According to Save the Children, in 2022, there were approximately 452 million children – or one in six of all children on the planet – that were living in conflict‐affected areas. As of 2024, we are witnessing unprecedented levels of attacks against children in armed conflict contexts."
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“Untitled” by Bîstyek, a Winnipeg‐based Kurdish artist from Syria who fled that country at 16 years of age. Painting by Bîstyek
"The impacts of armed conflict on children are multi‐pronged and have long‐term consequences beyond the duration of the armed conflict. When children are exposed to armed conflict, denied humanitarian access, displaced from their homes and families and unable to attain education, the ramifications impact the individual child and, at the same time, impact the development of communities and economic growth while perpetuating cycles of insecurity and violence."
Gaza – children in the crossfire, lack of access to education and healthcare
Sudan – forced displacement, lack of education and food insecurity
Colombia – armed violence, recruitment of children and trafficking
"We need to reframe the way we think about and understand children’s participation and protection. Understanding and including children’s perspectives in peace and security can contribute to the empowerment of children as agents of change, bring diverse solutions to intractable problems, and help us to disrupt long‐term consequences of armed conflict that impact children’s identity, belonging and connection to family and communities. The challenge of supporting children’s engagement is not about their lack of capacity but a shortcoming in the imagination of adults to think beyond traditional approaches to peace and security. Building lasting peace and security requires a new approach that addresses the unique challenges that children face before, during and after conflict and one that recognizes that children’s perspectives and protection are at the core of our humanity."
Waiving Away the Problem: How US Presidents Have Let Countries Complicit in Child Soldiering Off the Hook
"For more than a decade, the United States has sent billions of dollars in military assistance and weapons to countries complicit in the recruitment or use of child soldiers, despite a law intended to block it. But there are concrete steps that presidents can take to enhance U.S. child soldier prevention efforts by leveraging the fierce global demand for U.S. arms and assistance."
“There is a strong correlation between elephant habitat fragmentation and crop loss,” says Rinjan Shrestha, WWF-Canada’s leading expert on Asian species. Today, human-elephant conflict remains the number one threat to the already-small Asian elephant population in Nepal. “The answer,” says Shrestha, “is to connect and restore historical habitats for growing numbers of elephants.”
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"Biological fencing, or “biofencing” — the practice of making barriers out of natural, living things — is one way to help guide Asian elephants through their natural habitat without tempting them to wander into cropland."
Bees & Elephants: Villagers in Yunnan turn to beekeeping to bolster conservation of wild Asian elephants
"In recent years, in some rural areas in Yunnan, the local governments and volunteers have been promoting industrial transformation, with beekeeping being a key project. This has not only helped achieve rural carbon reduction but also allowed villagers to work at home, reducing direct contact with elephants."
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❤️ / It is officially #RideforHeart month!!! ❤️ /
For the 4th year I will be raising money in support of Heart and Stroke in memory of my Dad 🎗 This year I am thrilled to be part of the Heartbeat Heroes - VIP Community! As a VIP my fundraising goal is to reach $1000.
As of today I am at 45% of my goal. You may find my fundraising page HERE Thank you so much for supporting me and Heart and Stroke ❤️ I am making every beat count for my Dad ❤️ today and forever.
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madscientist008 · 1 year
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression: History and significance
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Hello, Tumblr! Today is June 4th, which means it’s the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression. This is a very important day to raise awareness and take action to protect the rights and well-being of children around the world who suffer from violence, abuse, and exploitation.
What is this day about?
The International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression was established by the United Nations in 1982, after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon that resulted in many civilian casualties, including children. The purpose of this day is to acknowledge the pain and trauma that children endure in situations of armed conflict, and to affirm the UN’s commitment to safeguard their rights.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), up to 1 billion children aged 2–17 years have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence in the year 20214. Nearly 3 in 4 children – or 300 million children aged 2–4 years regularly suffer physical punishment or psychological violence at the hands of parents or caregivers. Moreover, millions of children are affected by war, displacement, terrorism, and other forms of violence that threaten their survival and development.
The six most common violations that children face in conflict zones are:
Recruitment and use of children in war
Sexual violence
Attacks on schools and hospitals
Denial of humanitarian access
These violations have devastating and long-lasting consequences for children’s physical, mental, and emotional health. They also violate their basic human rights and dignity.
Why does it matter?
The International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression matters because it reminds us that children are not only innocent victims, but also agents of change and peace. Children have the right to live in a safe and nurturing environment, free from fear and harm. They have the right to education, health care, protection, and participation. They have the right to be heard and respected.
By observing this day, we can show our solidarity and support for children who are suffering from violence and injustice. We can also raise awareness and advocate for their rights and needs. We can also celebrate their resilience and courage, and recognize their contributions to building a better world.
What can we do?
There are many ways that we can get involved and make a difference on this day and beyond. Here are some ideas:
Learn more about the issues that affect children in conflict situations, and share your knowledge with others. You can visit the websites of the UN3, UNICEF, Save the Children, or other organizations that work on this topic.
Donate to a charity or a campaign that supports children affected by violence. You can find some examples here.
Sign a petition or join a movement that calls for action to end violence against children. You can check out some initiatives here.
Write a letter or a message to a child who is living in a conflict zone, or to a leader who can influence their situation. You can use this template or create your own.
Create or share art, music, poetry, or stories that express your feelings and thoughts about this day. You can use hashtags like #ChildrenNotSoldiers, #ProtectChildrenInWar, #EndViolenceAgainstChildren, or #ChildrenPeaceMakers.
Pray or meditate for peace and healing for all children who are suffering from violence.
The International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression is a day to remember, honor, and support the children who are facing unimaginable hardships and horrors. It is also a day to celebrate their strength, hope, and potential. It is a day to reaffirm our commitment to protect their rights and dignity. It is a day to act for a more peaceful and humane world for all children.
Thank you for reading this blog post. I hope it inspired you to learn more about this issue and to take action in your own way. Please share your thoughts and feedback in the comments below. And don’t forget to follow me for more posts like this.
Stay safe and be kind,
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debunkingtplflies · 3 years
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Well known activist and TPLF sympathizer warned her followers against using self-incriminating photos of Tigraian child soldiers instead of condemning the use of child soldiers by the terrorist group.
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March 26, Independence Day of Bangladesh
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milimonix · 7 years
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Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Leila Zerrougui, concludes her first visit to Myanmar
Yangon, 16 July 2015 – The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for children and armed conflict, Leila Zerrougui, concluded a five-day visit to Myanmar today.  Her first visit to the country, at the invitation of the Government, aimed to assess the impact of the conflict on children in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1612, focusing in particular on the implementation of the Joint Action Plan (JAP) signed in 2012 by the Government and the Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting (CTFMR) to end and prevent the recruitment and use of children by the armed forces of Myanmar (Tatmadaw).  The SRSG visited Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon, Mandalay and Myitkyina (Kachin state).
In her high-level meetings with key ministries, SRSG Zerrougui commended the important progress made by the Government in the implementation of the JAP.  She welcomed the new directives and mechanisms put in place to address underage recruitment, and noted that since 2012, 646 former child soldiers have been released by the Tatmadaw. The SRSG was encouraged by the openness of Government interlocutors with whom she had frank and constructive discussions.
“Despite this progress,” the SRSG emphasized, “it is critical to close the remaining gaps to protect children and ensure that no one can recruit them.”  In this regard, the SRSG pointed to the need to apply robust age assessment within the centralized military recruitment process, and include the prevention of violations against children in the standard military curriculum.  “A professional army does not need children within its ranks.”
The SRSG underlined the importance of criminalizing the recruitment and use of children, whether it be committed by civilian brokers or military personnel.  She expressed concern about the detention of children who have allegedly ‘deserted’ the army.  “These children should never have been recruited in the first place,” she said.  “Detain the recruiters, not the children.”
In this context, the SRSG welcomed the intention of the Government to sign the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict in the near future, and to include a chapter on children and armed conflict in the new Child Law.
Reflecting on her meeting with former child soldiers, some of whom are living with long-term physical and emotional scars of conflict, Ms. Zerrougui stressed the need to address the root causes that foster child recruitment, including through increasing access to education and employment opportunities.
The SRSG also took the opportunity to enter into dialogue with several of the seven ethnic armed groups also listed for recruitment and use of children*.  During her meetings with representatives of ethnic armed groups, the SRSG expressed the hope that the seven listed groups will enter into action plans to end and prevent the recruitment and use of children under 18.  She called for access by the United Nations to the conflict-affected areas to negotiate action plans directly, to monitor the situation, and to provide humanitarian services.
The SRSG highlighted the importance of including child protection in the ongoing peace process between the Government and ethnic armed groups.  “Addressing common concerns relating to the protection of children can be an entry point for building trust and de-escalating tensions between the parties.  In my experience, this has worked well in other peace processes,” she said.
“I am encouraged by the meaningful dialogue I have had during my visit.  Now I would like to see the Government translate its expressed commitment into proactive measures to close the gaps and fully implement all provisions of the JAP,” said Ms. Zerrougui.  “I call upon all parties to the conflict in Myanmar to immediately stop the recruitment and use of children under 18.  By doing so, they will demonstrate their true commitment to peace.”
children and armed conflict 
United Nations
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waliabdulone-blog · 7 years
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#achildisachild a precious white shiny diamond not a woody figure of Chess with whom you can play your political game for your own benefits, stop it #anUrge! #childrenfirst #childreninneed #childrennotsoldiers #childrennotslaves #childrennotcriminals #childrennotworkers #childrennotforsale #childrenuprooted #childrennotmigrants #childhoodunplugged #childrenatwar #childrenourfuture #childreningram #instachildren #instagramer #webstagramers #sharehumanity (at Nordhorn, Germany)
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Last day at the PNE!! Thank you so much everyone for your support and thank you to all of the volunteers!! Photo: Kate & Ava . #support #PNE #yvr #volunteer #jewelry #jewellery #design #community #giveback #childsoldiers #Salone #SierraLeone #WestAfrica #Africa #childrennotsoldiers #childsoldier #peace #education #love #pnevancouver2018 #photooftheday #shop #shopforacause https://www.instagram.com/p/BnSZXECFjGO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9hq2gnicevwh
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#childrennotsoldiers #redhandday2017
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pope-francis-quotes · 6 years
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12th February >> Thousands of children, forced to fight in armed conflicts, are robbed of their childhood. Let us stop this abominable crime. #ChildrenNotSoldiers @Pontifex
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positivedevelopment · 11 months
Monthly Roundup October 2023
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"All eligible donations are now being matched by the government of Canada.
Gaza is home to more than 2 million people, and half of them are children. Since October 7th, over one million people have been forced to leave their homes to escape the fighting. But nowhere is safe. Food, water, fuel and medical supplies are all running out and access to these resources are severely restricted. Tens of thousands have been injured and the medical system is on the brink of collapse.
Our member agencies are well-established in Gaza and the West Bank and are operating as best as they can, distributing pre-positioned stocks of food, water, and health kits. But these supplies are running out too.
Your gift will ensure that once safe humanitarian access is restored, we can scale up our response swiftly and effectively to deliver food, water, shelter, medical care, and protection to those who need it most. Together, we can save more lives."
Donate today HERE
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Canada demand an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine conflict;
Canada ask that Israel lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip and authorize the creation of a humanitarian corridor and an emergency humanitarian intervention;
Canada ask that Israel meet its commitments under the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law;
Canada meet its international commitment to promote and defend human rights;
Canada take any other measure necessary to protect civilians, both Israelis and Palestinians, and help foster a climate conducive to building a lasting peace.
Sign the Petition HERE
Follow On Canada Project on Instagram HERE for further information on actions you may take.
Gaza Needs A Ceasefire, Now
Sign the Change.Org Petition HERE
6 ways you can support Palestinians in Gaza
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Teaching About the Israel-Hamas War
A collection of resources to help students learn about Hamas’s recent attack on Israel, the dire situation in Gaza, the conflict’s roots, media literacy and more.
New $2M gift bolsters Dallaire Institute’s work to end recruitment of child soldiers
"The Fondation Monbourquette has made a $2-million gift to the Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security that will support the institute in initiating sustainable and effective approaches to global peace and security. Specifically, it will strengthen the institute’s efforts to end the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict and violence and break the cycles of violence."
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'Beasts of No Nation' Author on Child Soldiers in War
"Beasts of No Nation" author Uzo Iweala joins Lunch Break With Tanya Rivero to discuss the book's unique look at child soldiers in war and its milestone status as the first fictional feature distributed by Netflix.
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debunkingtplflies · 3 years
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Recruiting child soldiers is a war crime, and the TPLF is recruiting thousands of them. Why has the international community yet to condemn the TPLF for this?
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(via UNICEF on Twitter) 
60% of recent Rohingya refugee arrivals in Bangladesh are children. 
@UNICEFBD is on the ground providing life-saving support
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Myanmar (part-A)
The information below is based on the Report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (A/70/836–S/2016/360) issued on 20 April 2016.
Conflict continued in Kachin and Shan States and the south-east between government armed forces (Tatmadaw) and armed groups. On 15 October, the Government and eight armed groups, including four listed parties, signed a nationwide ceasefire agreement.
The United Nations received reports of 217 cases of recruitment, of which 95 were verified. Five verified incidents took place in 2015, with three attributed to the Tatmadaw (those recruited were subsequently released) and two to the Kachin Independence Army. Twenty-six incidents verified in 2015 had taken place in 2014. Furthermore, the United Nations received seven reports of the use of children in support functions by the Tatmadaw, including two verified cases in Rakhine State. The Government indicated that action had been taken against 382 military personnel, including 73 officers, for failing to adhere to recruitment procedures. A civilian was also sentenced to a year’s imprisonment for aiding underage recruitment. Credible information indicates that children were recruited and used by armed groups however, five reported incidents could not be verified owing to limited access to the areas. Reports of recruitment involved the Karen National Liberation Army, the Kachin Independence Army, the Shan State Army-South and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army in Kachin, Kayin and Shan States.
The United Nations documented three children held in military detention. Two were released after notification to the Tatmadaw and the other was returned to his regiment pending age verification. In addition, three children were reportedly detained at the battalion level and subsequently discharged.
The United Nations documented 37 incidents of killing and maiming (25 killed and 50 injured), of which 23 were verified and which resulted in the killing of 15 children and injury of 37. More than half of the verified cases were related to landmines and explosive remnants of war (10 killed and 24 injured).
The United Nations verified three cases of sexual violence against girls, aged between 5 and 10 years, by Tatmadaw soldiers. In a grievous case, an 8-year-old girl was raped by a soldier and died after being taken to hospital. The perpetrators were court-martialled for being absent from duty and intoxicated, and two were convicted of rape by civilian courts.
The United Nations received 11 reports of attacks on schools. Three verified incidents were attributed to the Tatmadaw, the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army and an unknown armed group. Six verified cases of military use of schools were attributed to the Tatmadaw.
children and armed conflict
United Nations
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phgq · 4 years
CWC to sign handling protocol on ‘child warriors’ on Sept. 29
#PHnews: CWC to sign handling protocol on ‘child warriors’ on Sept. 29
MANILA – The Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) will mark a milestone in its campaign to promote child protection through a ceremonial signing of the Children in Situations of Armed Conflict (CSAC) handling protocol on Tuesday.
“No child shall be left behind,” the CWC, an attached office of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), said on Monday, as it invited the public to witness their virtual program.
The office is promoting its campaign with the slogan, #ChildrenNotSoldiers.
Republic Act No. 11188 or the Special Protection of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict Law seeks to protect children and ensure that their rights, even in armed conflict situations, are upheld and respected.
With this, the Department of Education developed a national policy framework declaring schools and learners as zones of peace.
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) celebrated the passage of the measure after President Rodrigo Duterte signed it in January 2019.
The law calls children as “zones of peace" and seeks to protect them in situations of armed conflict from all forms of abuse and violence.
It also sought to prosecute persons or groups violating the measure.
“It is our hope that the 10 years of pushing for this law and our success in developing its implementing rules and regulations last year touch and protect more lives, especially those of the children in situations of armed conflict,” CWC said on their Facebook account on Monday.
In 2018, a report published by the Office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict revealed that there was a significant increase in the number of grave violations against children in situations of armed conflict in 2017.
The data includes 30 cases of recruitment and use of children by armed groups -- a large number of which were linked to the terrorist Maute group that started a war in Marawi City, the detention of 12 children for their alleged association with armed groups, 33 verified cases of killing and maiming, three cases of rape in the context of the Marawi siege, 60 attacks on schools and hospitals -- a substantial increase from 12 recorded cases in 2016, and five incidents of abduction.
In 2017, UNICEF and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) completed the UN-MILF Action Plan to end recruitment and use of children, with 1,869 children disengaging from the MILF’s armed forces.
The disengagement of children facilitated their rights to health, education, and protection.
UNICEF continues to follow the situation of these children, as well as their siblings, making family visits and facilitating their access to essential services.
“The passage of this law is timely especially since we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the most widely ratified treaty in the world. Children are innocent, they should not be in any way used as combatants and helpers, or become collateral damage,” UNICEF Philippines Representative Lotta Sylwander said in a statement.
Among the prohibited acts in the new law include killing, torture, intentional maiming, rape, abduction, recruitment of children into armed groups, hamletting, food blockade, arbitrary detention, and denial of humanitarian access.
The age of protection from these enumerated grave child rights violations under the new law, including recruitment into armed groups and government forces, covers all minors or those below 18 years of age. Penalties go up to life imprisonment and a fine amounting to PHP5 million.
The new law is also celebrated for its progressive and gender-sensitive provisions which include guarantees of access to education of girls even in situations of armed conflict as well as access to reproductive health services. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "CWC to sign handling protocol on ‘child warriors’ on Sept. 29." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1116851 (accessed September 29, 2020 at 01:42AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "CWC to sign handling protocol on ‘child warriors’ on Sept. 29." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1116851 (archived).
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