#everyone I know who collects funkos keeps them in box and think I’m weird.
toxicrevolver · 1 year
If you get this answer with 3 random facts about yourself and ask the same to the first 7 people from your notes, anonymously or not :)
Okay I’m sorry these answers are kinda long. I’m extra.
1) I collect funko pops and CDS/music in general kinda. I own about 80 funkos now and according to the app it’s worth about $1,300 US dollars. Which I find hella interesting bcs I’ve bought some of my pops for only 3 dollars. I have a Gerard Way funko that I got for 3 dollars, and he’s worth about 50 now since it’s no longer in production. As for cds, I own about 60 and I have 4 vinyl records.
2) I have a cat!! He’s orange and his name is Archduke Passion Fruit Sherbert the Third. I call him Sherbert or Sherb. He also answer to “no don’t eat that” and “chonky man” (he’s very fat). He lives with my younger sibling in Oklahoma bcs I couldn’t take him with me when I moved out.
3) I didn’t technically complete high school. I went through an adult education center (a GED program essentially) to get my diploma. I moved at the end of my 3rd year of highschool (junior year) and my transcripts didn’t move right so the highschool I would have gone to was going to make me restart as a 2nd year (sophomore). I told my mother I refuse to repeat highschool and to let me test out. The highschool refused to let me test out and pointed us in the direction of the education center. Like a week later I had my highschool diploma. I was 16 at the time.
Like I said. I’m sorry these are hella long answers. I over explain myself a lot. But sometimes you need the backstory info for things to make sense. The last time I got this ask (it was forever ago) I said I’d never seen a Star Wars movie. That fact is still true. I also only had 51 funkos last time I answered this.
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acuppellarp · 6 years
Thank you to everyone who signed up to participate! And remember if you missed signing up for this week, you have the option to join in for the final week!
Each character participating in this week’s Secret Santa has (at random) been given a holiday-inspired alias. Below the cut is an alphabetized list of aliases and their respective questionnaire answers.
In just a few moments you should receive via Tumblr IM and a Discord message letting you know which alias your character has been paired with to deliver a Secret Santa gift.
Remember that you have until 11:59PM EST on Friday to submit your gift to the Main or April for your assignee.
On Saturday all gifts and Secret Santa pairs will be revealed via April’s blog.
If there’s any confusion or you have questions, please let us know! Happy gifting!
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Greece, Bali, Amalfi Coast.  No other reason that they all look beautiful and I adore beautiful things.   What’s your go-to drink order? Soy latte.  Red wine.   Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Jasmine! Is there anything you collect? Criterion collection films.  Vinyl records. Shoes.   Do you have a favorite animal? Anything fuzzy and cute.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Australia, Ireland or Amsterdam. No particular reason. Maybe to see a kangaroo in Australia, but other than that, they’ve just always intrigued me. Oh, and accents!  What’s your go-to drink order? Water, usually. Coconut preferred. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Is Mulan considered a princess? Mulan or Tiana.  Is there anything you collect? Not anymore but I collected seashells when I was younger that I still keep in a display case.  Do you have a favorite animal? I wouldn’t save favorite, that’s kind of mean…I love all animals but I am biased towards monkeys and sloths….just a bit but I LOVE THEM ALL!!
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Oh, gosh. I’ve never really thought about it. I’d love to take a road trip of the United States. There’s so much beauty here that I’d love to see. I’d love to go to Seattle, or the National Parks, or to Disney World. I’ve never been! What’s your go-to drink order? I’m a sucker for a good cup of cocoa. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Rapunzel! Is there anything you collect? Knitting needles, vinyls, anything with an owl. Do you have a favorite animal? I’ve been told I’m like a bunny, but I love owls.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? I want to go to every single Disney park in the world What’s your go-to drink order? Long Island Iced Tea, what up. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? My favorite Disney princess is Loki. Is there anything you collect? Funko pops! I have twenty seven! Do you have a favorite animal? Sloths. They’re so cute. I wanna snuggle them.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Los Angeles - I’d love to run into a celebrity or two, Grand Canyon - it looks so gorgeous in pictures!, Disney World What’s your go-to drink order? White Chocolate Mocha Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Ariel, Prince Phillip, Pascal the chameleon Is there anything you collect? Postcards Do you have a favorite animal?  Alpacas are just too cute.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Greece, France, The Caribbean islands. I like sunning on warm beaches, art, and beautiful architecture.  What’s your go-to drink order? Vodka Martini.  Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Megera and Lilo.  Is there anything you collect? Old play scripts.  Do you have a favorite animal? Owls.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Zambia, Paris and Cuba. They’re beautiful places and a couple beautiful stages I’ve always wanted on. What’s your go-to drink order? Horchata with espresso or rum or both Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Aladdin and Maleficent. If I were Aladdin I’d be all up on Maleficent. Is there anything you collect? I used to collect sexy ladies but now just some good memories or whatever Do you have a favorite animal? All Jungle cats
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Glass Beach in Fort Bragg, California because it has SO MUCH gorgeous sea glass and it just looks like a place of dreams. I’ve always been a fan of the beach. It’s my happy place! What’s your go-to drink order? Tequila shots. It’s a bad vice. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Dug from Up! Is there anything you collect? I own WAY too many mugs. Probably pushing to 30 mugs, I’m not sure. But they can’t be just regular mugs. They’re really weird ones. My favorite mug that I own is one where you can stick legos on it! It’s fun on a mug!  Do you have a favorite animal? Llamas. So. Many. Puns.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Nickelodeon Universe inside Mall of America, Universal Studios, and somewhere in Hawaii. Two places to have fun and one place to look HOT. What’s your go-to drink order? Roscato red wine.  Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Disney movies don’t come CLOSE to Dreamworks. So I’m gonna bend the rules and give you Dreamworks. Toothless.  Is there anything you collect? Other than my Ninja Turtles EVERYTHING. Does lingerie count? Cuz I got lots.  Do you have a favorite animal? Snakes or turtles.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Dominican Republic, cause home. France, cause accents. Australia, cause koalas. What’s your go-to drink order? Grande iced caramel macchiato with coconut milk, one pump vanilla. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Disney is stupid. Is there anything you collect? Do broken hearts count? Do you have a favorite animal? No.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Scotland because it is most like Harry Potter, duh. What’s your go-to drink order? Tequila (shots shots shots) Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Goofy, he’s a clown. You gotta love a clown. Is there anything you collect? Silly strings, just can’t bare to part with them. Do you have a favorite animal? Is all of them an acceptable answer? Though I do love me some small dogs and cats.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? The Maldives, Thailand, Bora Bora. I like anywhere tropical, or anywhere I can be in as little clothing as possible. My soul belongs to the ocean. What’s your go-to drink order? Mojito. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Esmeralda or Kida. Is there anything you collect? Magazines, earrings, purses. Do you have a favorite animal? A fox, because I am one.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Hawaii, California, Europe. I’d like to live somewhere completely different from where I’ve been before, if that makes any sense. I think it would be nice to go somewhere tropical, or somewhere it’s always sunny. I’ve been to Europe twice and I love the energy there. What’s your go-to drink order? Medium drip. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Megara or Elsa. Is there anything you collect? Original Cast Recordings of various Broadway shows. I also collect hand wraps for boxing. Do you have a favorite animal? I do! It’s a canary.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Iceland, Tokyo, Africa. Or Australia, maybe? And I’d love to see the Rocky Mountains. Basically, I want to see it all.  What’s your go-to drink order? Tea. English breakfast if I had to choose one. Or water. But on a night out I enjoy a cider or a nice cold amber beer.  Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Jane from Tarzan. Or Belle from Beauty and the Beast.  Is there anything you collect? Lots of things. Dice. Funkos. Board games.  Do you have a favorite animal? Hard to choose just one but I love badgers.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Tbh I always go where I want to travel irl. So I’m going to pick mythical places to go which are for sure: Hogwarts (because it’s a school that’s a castle, how is that NOT 100% fab), Narnia (i’d be able to give them such good fashion tips especially for the snow), and Atlantis (who DOESNT want to see mermaids?!) What’s your go-to drink order? I love to be wined and dined, so duh, wine is a first choice p much always. Also Cosmos. But since it’s winter I also love a good cup of hot cocoa made with MILK (not water), has cinnamon infused, marshmallows properly melted, a NOT stingy amount of whipped cream + sprinkles. Legit the only alway to drink it. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Princess: it’s a tie between Jasmine and ariel tbh. Prince: prince phillip bc he fights a dragon for his girl which is such lesbian behavior. Character: minnie, duh. she’s the OG queen of disney bitches!!! Is there anything you collect? movie props are such a major must collect, records, personalized celebrity autographs, followers… Do you have a favorite animal? I love ALL animals, even gross bugs. But if it was legal to own a Sugar Glider, then i’d have one of those because they’re a fave
Where are three places you’d like to travel? This one really good deli in Brooklyn I haven’t been back to in a while. Their sandwiches are awesome.  Washington State because there’s some great camping spots. Hawaii. Going snorkeling would be pretty cool.   What’s your go-to drink order? Hot chocolate, beer, or water.   Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Hercules.   Is there anything you collect? I have a little record collection, but that’s about it!   Do you have a favorite animal? Every single dog in the world.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? california, for the waves and the legalized activities there, hawaii, for the waves and the babes, and canada I guess, because why not eh? What’s your go-to drink order? i keep it simple— a regular cup of joe is the way to go Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? I don’t know what mulan counts as, but definitely her Is there anything you collect? batfam comics, ducktales comics, some anime funko pops, I might even have a state quarter coin collection but keep that on the DL Do you have a favorite animal? wolves… but also penguins might be a top contender if we’re being honest
Where are three places you’d like to travel? St. Simons, Georgia, Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, and Telluride, Colorado. There are plenty of places I’d like to go but I’ve heard those are some of the most beautiful small towns in America. I like finding the beauty in home. What’s your go-to drink order? Matcha Tea Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Tiana and Merida and Wall E Is there anything you collect? POPs Do you have a favorite animal? Hippocampus
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Bali. Simply because it looks gorgeous. Paris because who doesn’t want to go to Paris? And of course London, think of all the plays I’d get to see at the West End! What’s your go-to drink order? Chai Latté is my to go most of the time. But I do enjoy a good cocktail or two every now and then. My favorite is the Cosmopolitan. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? I’m going to have to go with Tiana. Princess and The Frog is one of my absolute favorite Disney movies. The music is superb and I just love how driven Tiana is. She has a dream and she’s following it, no matter at what cost. Is there anything you collect? Playbills. Do you have a favorite animal? I love quite a few animals. I find Alpacas incredibly hilarious. Have you ever heard them make noises? But I’m really also just a classic cat person.
Where are three places you’d like to travel?  would love to visit Spain. I think the culture is beautiful and so romantic! What’s your go-to drink order? Latte, any day, all day, heck I’d even settle with espresso. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Rapunzel. I like her hair and she’s headstrong. Is there anything you collect? Coffee mugs, rocks, erasers. Do you have a favorite animal? Dogs, for sure.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Europe, I guess? Idk, everyone does Europe after college, right? What’s your go-to drink order? Black coffee or vodka soda. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Tinkerbell. Or Marie from Aristocats. Is there anything you collect? Enemies. Do you have a favorite animal? Horses.
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shishidoryofan · 6 years
Hope Everyone Enjoys. :)
RobStar Week 2018 Day 2: Cosplay
Starfire looked at herself in the mirror.
After a difficult month of finding the right fabric, she had purchased a sewing machine and gotten a hold of many books teaching her how to make her costume just right. To be honest, it was that different from how they would make clothing in Tamaran and she felt proud of her hard work.
Getting the spider symbol right proved to be quite the challenge though. Her design did not look nearly as good as the one in the comics.
The red and white smashed wonderfully on her and since she already had red hair, Starfire did not have to worry about getting a wig or doing anything taxing on her hair.
All that was left was a mask.
Starfire’s new found comic book friends had told her they were called domino masks. At that, she felt embarrassed for not knowing that because her boyfriend always wore a domino mask almost constantly.
The convention was in a week and was suppose to last three days. Starfire really only wanted to go to the Saturday event because the writer and artists of Renew Your Vows were going to be there for a book signing and give away merchandise. She wanted to impress them with her costume.
Starfire was going as Spinneret.
Her chance encounter into the comic book world had happen by accident a few months ago. She was going to the market to get some groceries for a surprised feast when she made the mistake of knocking into some guy. The guy was reading a book as he was walking so he was not exactly paying attention to Starfire, but the bump had happened.
Because of her alien strength, Starfire had accidentally pushed the guy a few steps back with the book jumping out of his hands. Once she realized what had happened, she had quickly flew to pick the poor guy up and grab his book.
When Starfire went to pick the book up, she notice that it was nothing but pictures of people in masks and costume swinging around the city (not to different from what Robin does).
As the guy was shaking his head to try and gain his composure back, Starfire took the chance to flip through the pages of the book. She had heard about these. They were about a group of superheroes just like her and her friends...but they were only fictional.
Before the guy even had the chance to say anything, Starfire quickly brought the book to his face and pointed at it. “Where can I purchase these books?”
And that was the start of her comic book obsession. In particular the Renew Your Vows comics with Spider-Man, his wife Spinneret, and their daughter Spiderling.
They were all so cute together. Starfire just couldn’t help but be drawn into a world where a family of superheroes not only fight crime together, but they also go through real life issues together.  The Spider-Man being cute was great too (though not as cute as her boyfriend).
But Starfire has also tried to keep this new obsession from her fellow teammates.
While it did not bother her, she knew the real superhero community might not be so keen about people writing about fictional superheroes. Of course she did not hear it from them personally, but it was a feeling she had.
Plus she did not want them to think she was more invested in fictional heroes.
Starfire was still admiring her costume in the mirror when she heard a knock on her door.
“Star are you in? Can I talk to you?”
“R-Robin! Hold on!” She dashed to find some robe she could throw on. Starfire had made it her sole mission to not let anyone find out, especially the person who she considered the love of her life.
After over a minute of trying to find a robe and making sure everything was covered, she finally pressed the button to open the door. He had on civilian clothes saved his domino mask.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie. Just the two of us and then we can go to the arcade.” He smiled at her and that made her heart almost explode.
She could not see why they should not go out. There was no crime to fight. There has not been any suspicious activity in the city for a while. Plus, she had a whole week to work on her mask for the convention.
“Of course I would love to!” She exclaimed. “Let me just put something nice right quick.”
It was not until they were at the theater that Starfire remembered the theater was inside Jump City’s Mall…where the mini arcade was also location.
It is also in the mall where her regular comic book store was located.
If she was suddenly acting strange, she sure hoped Robin did not notice.
He held her hand all throughout their walk to to the theater. According to him, they were going to see some spy thriller movie about a guy who goes undercover as a secret agent to take down a spy corporation from within.
Starfire simply nodded and said it sounded fun.
She could not concentrate during the movie. It was not that the movie was bad (though she wasn’t fully paying attention to it), but being in the mall let her to start thinking about her Spinneret costume. She needed a domino mask and there her boyfriend was, with a domino mask covering his eyes.
She stared at him almost through the whole movie. In her head, she was mentally drawing how he looked with the mask and how perfect it fitted his face.
Without thinking, her fingers started to brush his cheek and that’s when Robin turned to face her. “Star?”
Starfire screamed without thinking and quickly turned to the other side so she would not be facing her boyfriend. A few people in the theater ‘Hussh’ her or told her to be quiet. She did not really pay them any mind, but it did cause Robin to pat her on the shoulder.
“Are you alright Star?” He said. He sounded so concerned. “If you don’t like the movie, we can do something else?”
“Tha-That would be nice.”
Anywhere else would be better than sitting in a room for two hours mentally drawing her boyfriend’s face. Not that she would not have any problems doing it under normal circumstance (he was very nice to look at), but she just felt wrong that she was using him as a mental guinea pig for her silly hobby.
After a few minutes of following him, Starfire was so preoccupied with doing something else that she did not realize that the something else requires still being at the mall. The booming neon lights and the sounds of video games being played woke Starfire to the fact that she was going inside the Arcade.
Robin did say he wanted to go to the Arcade today.
When they stepped inside, there was a huge list of eyes starring at them. Being a superhero means you were kind of famous and because the Teen Titans were fans of having fun, the team hung out here pretty often.
“Star look!”
Robin pulled her into room where the music guitar game was at. There the boy who was also playing stopped and smirked at him. He motioned for Robin to take the guitar onside of him as a challenge.
It was challenge Robing easily took.
Starfire stood there in awe as her boyfriend was easily defeating the other guy. She always enjoyed seeing him having fun. When they first met, he use to take things way more seriously and keep things to himself. Now he was freely having fun.
And she was having fun…for a while.
Then the idea came to her. Since Robin was busy playing music guitar, he probably would not notice if she just left him for a bit to go visit the Comic- No!
She shook her head and slapped her cheeks. Today was just a simply crime free evening for her to spend with her boyfriend and that was it. That was it. That was it.
That was really what she wanted to do, but as she kept saying that to herself, Starfire found herself further away from Robin and walking around the mall.
Her new plan was to simply go to the bathroom and freshen up. It was not like she was leaving Robin by himself or anything. She was simply going to wash her face. Sure the comic book was a store she had to pass up, but that was not her destination.
Starfire felt guilty.
Not only has she been keeping her little comic book collection hobby a secret from her friends and teammates, but she has been keeping it a secret from her boyfriend. Robin was going to notice that she was acting strange in the move theater. He was going to notice that she has left him at the arcade.
She should just turn around and go back. Have fun with her boyfriend, play against him in that music guitar game he has gone to love so much and-
“Missy is that you? Come to shop around?!”
That is when Starfire jumps and realizes she is right in front of the comic book store once again.  
Though she has never really said her name, she always had a feeling the owner of the shop recognized her as the superhero Starfire. He was always so polite to her. He would give her recommendations to a different comic book series very often. Of course Renew Your Vows was her favorite, but those only came out once a month.
The owner came walking out to the front of the door. He held up a miniature box and smiled. “I been waiting for you to pass by. We just got these in our shipment just two days ago. I’m not sure how well you are familiar with Funko Pops, but we just got a shipment of the Spinneret ones.” He stretched out his arm to her. “I am giving you one for being such a hero and a dedicated shopper here.”
A very warm feeling almost exploded in her chest. Starfire was ready to give the comic book owner a big hug when suddenly she heard a voice.
Both Starfire and the owner turned their heads to Robin. He was walking briskly towards them and Starfire could tell he had a look on his face. It was not a mad look, but one that was full of concern.
“Are you okay? You been acting really strange lately and then you just ditched me at the arcade.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Are you feeling sick? Is something bothering you and you need to talk about it?”
The owner was oblivious to her little problem. He took Starfire’s hand and place the Funko Pop in the palm of her hand. “Your girlfriend just won herself an exclusive Spinneret Pop for being such a loyal customer. It’s weird but I don’t get a lot of heroes coming to read comic books about heroes. I guess your lives are pretty exciting already.”
Robin looked at the book in her hand. “Comic books?”
Starfire’s face was now turning red. Was he going to be disgusted with her for her hobby?  Did he think she was weird now? Starfire hoped now. She could not take rejection.
The owner chuckled and padded her on the back. “This Missy right here is going to Jump City’s Comic-Con this weekend as Spinneret. Last time she was here she said she was even almost done. Are you going too? Make sure nobody tries to flirt with your girl?”
“Umm..umm.. Star?”
Starfire did not know what else to do in that situation but to just fly away. She hoped Robin could forgive her for running off without him again, but she did not want to see his disgusted look when he realized his girlfriend was one of those people who read comic books.
When she got home to her room in the tower, she just spent two hours just looking at her Spinneret costume.
It was way past the amount of time it would take for Robin to make it back to the tower, and to be honest, she could not tell or knew if he was already here. Maybe he just did not want to talk to her. He was a great person and true leader, so he would obviously still treat her with respect. Respect alone though did not mean he would like her personally.
She wondered how it was for Spider-Man when Mary Jane first found out his secret. Did she not talk to him for awhile. Did they break up? They are married now so she must of have forgiven him.
But her boyfriend was not Mary Jane.
It was almost midnight and Starfire was just starting to doze off when she heard a knock at her door. Her head jumped up and it caused Silky to worm away.
“Star? Are you awake?”
Starfire rubbed her eyes. She slowly got out of bed to go open the door. She took slow steps because it was not something she was looking forward to. Her boyfriend was going to reject her. He was nice so they were still going to be teammates, but that was going to be it.
“I am...opening the door.”
Starfire kept her head down so that she would not look at his face. It was night so the Titans Tower was already pretty dark within the hallways. That gave her the perfect chance to pretend she was talking to a dark void so that the rejection would not hurt so bad.
“Aren’t you going to look at me?” He said.
Starfire eyes stayed looking at the ground. She brought her hands to her chest. “Robin, I am sorry for leaving you earlier. I was ashamed when you found out about my…my weird hobby. But I really like comic books about heroes. I know it is weird because we are real heroes but they make me happy.”
She heard him chuckling. Was he laughing at the situation or at her?
“Star look at me. I’m not made.”
She sighed. Starfire slowly raised her head up ready to face the emotion that was going to show on Robin’s face. That was the plan, but “Robin! You?”
She could not see his face.
It was covered. In fact, his whole head was covered by a mask.
“How do I look?” He turned around so that she would have a full view of his costume, not just the mask. The red and blue fitted him so perfectly. It would match so good with her Spinneret cost-
“You are Spider-Man!!” She pointed one finger towards him before covering her mouths so that she would not wake any of the other teammates. Tears were starting to fall from her eyes.
Robin took off the mask so that Starfire could see his smile. “It took me forever to find a costume that fit me perfectly. Especially at the behind.” He balled the mask in his hands. “It’s not homemade like yours, but now we can go to the convention together as Spider-Man and Spinneret.”
Tears were definitively coming out her eyes now. Without warning, Starfire wrapped her arms around him for a big bear hug. She rubbed her face against his. “This is perfect! Now I just have to finish my mask and then we will be perfect! OH! The badges!” She stopped to look at him. “We have to get you a badge Robin!”
“That shouldn’t be to difficult. But Star?
He padded her head. “No more hiding stuff from each other. We are in this together remember. Promise?”
Starfire’s grip on him became tighter. All of a sudden they were both falling to the floor. Now they were both laughing, mostly at each other and the situation.
“Yes, I promise.”
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I’m laying in bed with my best friend and bored so here goes!
1. What have you eaten today? Strawberry Poptarts, a toasted everything bagel with cream cheese and butter, spaghetti, black olives, rice krispies cereal, quaker rice chip things... 2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant? Corey. It was amusing to say the least. 3. What color shoes did you last wear? Navy blue 4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week? Twin has me crying about 15 minutes ago because we were talking about our weddings and how ridiculous we’re going to be. 5. What is your favorite scent? Eucalyptus mint and Mahogany Teakwood. It smells like Corey’s hair gel which I understand is a weird thing to love over cologne, soap, etc...  6. What is your favorite season? Why? For a long, long time it was always fall. Always a season of new beginnings for me. The weather was gorgeous. I loved the cocoa, bonfires, football games, start of school, leaves changing... But this year, this year it’s definitely been winter. Time has a funny way of changing things. 7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel? I can do both! 8. What color are your nails? nail colored? I’m not allowed to pain them anymore because I live that Barista life. 9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? A freckle.  10. What is something you find romantic? Oh, there’s so many things. I can’t even begin to describe... 11. Are you happy? I am. 12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad? A lot making me happy. I’m with my best friend. I have a job that I love. I have another job that I don’t exactly love but that will help me save up for my future and a new car. It’s a new year... 13. Dogs or Cats? I adore both, but I want a puppy. 15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library? Depends on my mood. I have no desire to go to a club.  15. What is your style? I look a lot like a hipster some days.  16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be? I’m doing exactly what I wanna be. I’m in bed and I’m warm. 17. Are you in a relationship or single? Well I’m not single... 18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? So very many things.  19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with? HA no. 20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? I want to be able to forgive people of my past for the hell they put me and my family...mostly my mom through. I’m still working on it. 21. How did you celebrate last Halloween? I dressed like hermione and handed out candy to the neighborhood kids with twin. 22. Have you recently made any big decisions? I got a second job!  23. Were you ever in a school play? Quite a few! 24. What movie would you use to describe your life? The Perks of Being a Wallflower is the closet thing I can think of 25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? I want to go skydiving, but alas, I have not the funds. 26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…” I have everyone I wish I could share anything with. 27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex? Women are paranoid and overdramatic. 28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex? I’ve found with most that they don’t know when to stop or take no for an answer. They’re bigger babies than women are. 29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week? I got sushi with my two best friends. 30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it? Being 16. 31. How long was your longest relationship? 2 years and three months. 32. Have you ever been in love? I still am. 33. Are you currently in love? Yes. 34. Why did your last relationship end? Incompatibility. Trust issues. Anger issues.  35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it? I’m wearing pearl earrings that were given to me for christmas two years ago by Aprils mom and a silver Irish Claddaugh ring that I bought at the St. Patricks day parade with twin when we were 17. 36. When was the last time you cried and why? I cried about an our ago over the end of the storks movie. 37. Name someone pretty. Twin. 38. What did you receive last Valentines Day? My friend Kelsey gave me a candle and a few other things.  39. Do you get jealous easily? Usually, no. I’ve found recently that that may be changing a little though... 40. Have you ever been cheated on? I don’t think I have. I hope to God I’m not wrong. 41. Do you trust your partner/best friend? With my life. 42. Ever had detention? Once or twice. 43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city? City. 44. What do people call you?  Sierrah, Dr. Watson, Twin, Scooter, Dear, Watson, Sarah, Savannah, Sissy, Daughter, Girl Child, Fresca, Sierra Mist, Sierra Nevada... you name it lol 45. What was the last book you read? Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell 46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? As far as books and Harry Potter goes....I’m a pretty big nerd. 47. What kind of music do you listen to? I have a very eclectic taste. So long as it’s not the rap crap that’s on the radio today and screamo/death metal. 48. How tall are you? 5′ 4″ 49. Do you like kids? Absolutely adore them 50. Favorite fruits? Watermelon, cantaloupe, Kiwi, grapes 51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Jeans 52. What’s your earliest memory? I don’t know if it’s technically my earliest, but I remember laying in one of those pack and play cribs in the foyer/hall  of my granny Watson’s house when I was very small. I distinctly remember the hollow hum of the air conditioning coming through the vents of the house.... 53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you? quite a few... 54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both 55. Do you have a collection of anything?  Books! I also have started collecting the Harry Potter Funko Pop characters (they’re adorable) and I have quite a few miniature figurines of grand pianos. I also have a very deep and undying love for music boxes :) 56. Do you save money or spend it? I save money and blow it all on traveling. 57. What would your dream house be like? I know for a fact I want dark hardwood floors and windows everywhere. I love light. Aside from that, there’s so many possibilities and so many different ways I want to decorate. It just depends on the space. 58. What top 5 things make you the angriest? People who lie, people who question my intentions and integrity, people who treat those of us in retail like we’re the scum of the earth, people who don’t know when to stop, and people with narcissistic attitudes or superiority complexes. 59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face? Puppies, babies, music, a good cup of coffee, my best friends 60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Save the dog, I have two jobs, I can lose one. 61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? It all depends on where I’m at in life. I imagine at 72 I’d have done mostly everything, if not all of the things I currently want to do before I die. I also like to think that I’d tell someone, but I may not for a little while. I’m not afraid of dying, I’m just afraid of what comes after. 62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. The organ that’s keeping me alive. 63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? There’s a place in Sweden I REALLY want to visit. 64. Do you like the beach? Yes 65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special? Many times. 66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it! Marie. 67. Do you talk to yourself? All the time. Alllllll the time. 68. Describe your hair. Medium length, super soft, a deep copper red color with light copper/blonde highlights (It’s a faded version of the dark red with bright red highlights I had a few months ago) it’s also really straight, a few layers to frame my face, bangs that fall just below my eyebrows... 69. What is the meaning of life. If we all knew the meaning of life it would take the wonder out of living. As much as I’d like to know what it’s all for, I think that half the fun is in not knowing. Ask me this again when I’m 80 or something. 70. What is your ideal partner like? My best friend. 71. Do you want to get married? Yes 72. Do you want to have kids? I want two 73. Like or dislike your family? Depends on which part of the family. I like some, hate some, tolerate others... 74. Are you Chunky or Slim? I’m pretty tiny. 75. Would you consider yourself smart?  Yes. 76. What would you change about your life? Not a damn thing. 77. Religious or Not? I’m not really religious, but I do believe in God, Jesus, heaven and hell and all of that :) 78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? Most likely Twin. 79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Nope 80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? quite a few people. I am very loved. 81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? Honestly we’d probably both be asleep. 82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? Of course I would. 83. Do you like when people play with your hair?  Yesssss. It’s one of the best things. 84. Do you like bubble baths? I take one nearly every day. 85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? just once. 86. Have you ever danced in the rain? multiple times 87. Do you trust anyone with your life? Just a couple of people 88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? What time is it? 89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week)  1. Australia 2. Ireland 3. Sweden. 4. Germany 5. Seattle, Washington 6. California 7. Japan 8. Alaska to see the northern lights 9. Somewhere that I could see the entire milky way galaxy at night 10. the Sierra Nevada Mountains 90. How was your day today? It’s only just begun, but so far I’ve only laid in bed so it’s been nice. 91. Play an instrument? I can play a little piano. 92. Describe the what you think of the ocean. I think it’s beautiful. 93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? I definitely believe in ghosts. I’m undecided about aliens 94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be?  No, but that’s how life goes. 95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side? Who doesn’t? 96. When are you vulnerable? In many different situations. I think I allow myself to be most vulnerable and unguarded around Corey and Twin even though I am pretty honest and open with a few more people. 97. How much free time do you have? Right now, more than I could ask for. Next week....none. 98. Do you like to go hiking? I do it quite a lot in the warmer months of the year. 99. Odd or Even Numbers? they’re all numbers to me. 100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities? I would do every single one of those and more.
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