#everyones sounds incredible :)) i love the vocal direction they went with on this song sm!!
lagtrain · 9 months
after listening to neo an unhealthy amount, i can safely say that it is by far my favourite prsk anni song ^_^
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neophele · 1 year
hows everyone feeling about ay-yo ?
((it might be a surprise bc ive only written for dream but 127 are actually my ult group shdjfjfj )) pls feel free to share hehe, my thoughts are under the cut but they might be a bit incoherent cos im tired and mostly just ranting ....
ngl i love it for the most part, the chorus feels a bit lack luster, it didn't really keep up with the verses in terms of the chill kinda swag in my opinion (it starts good then loses itself a bit idk) but the rest of the song? especially the second verse?? YES. super sexy vocal kings bridge?? YES. kinda Punch vibes [which imo punch went underappreciated cos she had to follow up Kick It which was a) super catchy b) public friendly and c) super in your face hypeness] which super slay.
song: 7.5/10 !
but that kinda laid back confidence as opposed to the in your face confidence of songs like 2 baddies and kick it is what i rly like hehe, tho idk if it has that Pow Pow feeling title tracks usually have? maybe after watching a performance i'll feel differently?
the overall vibe and especially the beat for the verses are gorgeousss though, it's really my style and the rap parts ESPECIALLY ((did i say that already?)) the styling is simple and okay, nothing new or groundbreaking ... but we did get spikey almost punk tyong which i like hehe
styling: 5.5/10 !
lastly this might be controversial but .... even though the mv is super pretty it seems a bit ... low budget ? maybe ? like it's pretty but feels like concept-wise a bit.... lost. the only thing that seemed pretty cool to me was the shot of Jaehyun in the tunnel that seemed like a 007 kinda homage, but nothing else felt super 'wow !' yk? though in general, I think 127 MV's haven't been as good since regular though, especially concept-wise... like compare how their MV's started off, firetruck had a clear direction other than just looking good; limitless had a super clear retro vibe; cherry bomb wasn't super theme oriented like firetruck but had incredibly clear styling and vibes; touch was cutesy and clearly meant to be pretty and lighthearted; regular portrayed the concept SO WELL; and then simon says, superhuman, and highway to heaven all felt a bit... empty... Kick It delivered a bit more but in terms of 'a concept' but really relied on the good styling and one or two good sets, and then other than favourite, everything else feels a bit wishy-washy... like 2 baddies had a concept but it still felt a bit like it could've been done better. idk .... SM mv's have been going downhill a bit for a few years in my opinion ....
MV: 4.5/10
then as for b sides:
DJ - i like the rap parts but the melody feels very familiar? almost too familiar? in a way ..... didn't leave a huge impression but i think it's one that will grow on me with more listens hehe
Skyscraper - def prefer it to DJ, but didn't like jaehyun's flow in the first verse (it's very similar to his rap part in lemonade around the 30 second mark which i also don't like, it's just a preference thing cos i don't think it suits his voice or style, and it's just a flow i don't like lol) It did feel like the song could've been like a minute shorter? i don't think anything after about the 3 min mark added much to the overall sound [vocals are gorgeous don't get me wrong, it just felt a bit redundant....]
love the continuing of the whole video game sound kinda vibes permeating the whole album :]
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demonlullaby · 3 years
A comprehensive review of my favourite k-pop releases of the first half of 2021:
(G)I-DLE – I burn
Title track: HWAA
Despite being released earlier in the year, I burn is still absolutely one of the most memorable albums of 2021 for me. I’ve followed (G)I-DLE since debut, but it was after Queendom and Lion era (and then Oh my god not long after) that I think they began to show their true potential, and this release is nothing short of a masterpiece. HWAA is the single I wasn’t expecting but I needed: everything from the icy but charged atmosphere, the haunting percussive vocals, Soyeon’s rap verse splitting the song in two, the simple but extremely effective choreography… It worked so well for me, and definitely made me fall even more in love with the group, and especially Minnie’s stunning vocals.
The rest of the album isn’t just a no skip – all the songs are genuinely so good and well thought out. Some are mellow and melancholic, and my personal favourites are definitely Moon (mainly because of Minnie’s vocals – I seriously need a solo album from her – but also Yuqi’s strong pre-chorus, slightly reminiscent of Senorita era). However Dahlia definitely takes the place as my favourite song on the album. Something about it is so sentimental, yet gives a feeling of strength and resilience. Minnie and Yuqi really left an impression through the whole album, and as always I can only applaud Soyeon’s immense talent in producing and songwriting; she’s really the backbone of (G)I-DLE.
Dreamcatcher – Dystopia: Road to Utopia
Title track: Odd Eye
Dreamcatcher delivers every single time and with Odd Eye once again they did not miss the mark. The song has everything I wanted: the trademark Dreamcatcher rock sound, beautiful vocals (Siyeon’s adlibs, anyone?), Dami’s unique rap verses and, of course, absolutely mind-blowing choreography. Dreamcatcher are truly insane to watch on stage, and I do think they all deserve more credit on all aspects – discography but also vocals, dancing and performing. SuA is my favourite female k-pop dancer, so you bet I have watched every single fancam of hers that is out there. It’s also incredible how everyone in the group is very strong in not just one area – main dancers can sing like main vocalists and vice versa. The album was, as expected, gorgeous. I feel like all b-sides deserve to be talked about because I loved every single one so much. Wind Blows has one of the most beautiful pre-choruses in their discography (also, if I didn’t mention it already, I was absolutely over the moon about having Handong back) and the hook is literally meant to bang your head to it. I LIVE. Poison Love is yet another example of how Dreamcatcher excel in whatever genre they decide to try; while their title tracks usually borrow a lot from rock music, their b-sides explore more synth pop, r&b and house or trap styles. Overall an extremely solid comeback, and I expected nothing else from them. They’re truly a different league.
Hyuna – I’m not cool
This was HYSTERICAL. This release was purely Hyuna in her truest, strange and always charismatic form: from the odd progression of the song to the extremely over the top aesthetic and wardrobe. I was obsessed from the start and still am. I cannot express how happy I am to see her thrive and back to making music she loves. Flower shower was kind of a letdown for me, but oh did this mini album make up for it. I wasn’t expecting such a difficult choreography from her, but Hyuna knows how to own a stage, and it really shows what a pro she is because she is always able to fill the whole place with or without back-up dancers. I feel like I’m not cool was more about telling a message – Hyuna’s flourishing and colorful identity – than it was about vocals or rap, and I really liked that. I also enjoyed the rest of the mini, although I think I’m in the minority who still prefers I’m not cool over Good girl.
Cherry Bullet – Cherry Rush
Title track: Love so sweet
This is going to be a quick, but well-deserved mention. I still don’t know too much about Cherry Bullet besides their previous title tracks, but Love so sweet was truly a breath of fresh air and one of my most replayed songs of the year. I think all cute concepts lovers are extremely grateful to them for this release, and they executed it perfectly from concept to performance.
Kang Daniel – Paranoia
Hearing this song for the first time was like getting a punch to the gut, and honestly I feel like I still haven’t entirely recovered. Before Paranoia I listened to Daniel pretty casually, knew some of his songs but not all of them, but this song sunk its claws in me and literally dragged me into the fandom so hey, I guess now I stan? Everything about it ticked every box. The music video was spectacular, and the song itself has an extremely haunting and dark feeling, also paired with truly gorgeous lyrics. I feel like it was a brave and personal release. It was different and raw and I could feel the deep and true emotion behind it, and relate to it as well. Still one of my absolute favourite songs of the year.
SHINee – Don’t Call Me
For some reason it feels like it’s simultaneously been ages since this release and yet also like it just dropped this morning. Just SHINee things, I guess? I was excited beyond belief to get a new full SHINee album after the boys’ much awaited return from the military, for reasons that go from musical to pure and simple affection. It was so good to see them come together again, perform on stage, talk about their music and style backstage. I think all SHAWOLs needed it – I definitely did. I know a lot of people weren’t very into DCM, but to be honest I loved it at first listen. I think SM delivered a beautiful and whimsical music video that went perfectly with SHINee’s trademark uniqueness. They’ve always been known to stray away from trends, try new and sometimes odd styles, and this is exactly what they did this time as well. Even though it was a very different track from their previous ones, it still had an unmistakable SHINee flavour to me. I was also obsessed with all of Key’s verses in the song for MONTHS. I feel like the album as a whole could have been a little more, as some tracks were played safe, but I do have to mention queen Body Rhythm, which is the sultry but classy SHINee style in a perfect 3.12 minutes of a song.
Sunmi – TAIL
OH MY GOD. I was so unbelievably excited for this release and Miss Sunmi did not disappoint. She is and probably will always be my favourite female soloist in k-pop, but even though I enjoyed both pporappippam and Lalalay a lot, I felt like something was still missing there. I believe Sunmi needed some time, after leaving JYP, to find herself and her sound again, and to me that’s exactly what she did with Tail. She has her own brand of sexy, which somehow manages to be both subtle and very in your face. I loved the storyline of the song and music video, and Sunmi’s voice is just perfect for such a sensual and mysterious concept. The choreography was also not simply complex but also extremely clever, and a true example on how to use back-up dancers to an artist’s advantage. Rather than overshadowing Sunmi, which often happens with some soloists out of sheer number, they made her shine even brighter. A special mention here goes to the stylists: they kept the theme for every stage but somehow never made it boring. And overall, it’s Sunmi’s incredible stage presence that makes her songs really come to life on stage.
PIXY – Wings
This debut took me completely by surprise and had me OBSESSED. I replayed the song continuously for a whole week, watched the music video several times (which I usually don’t do) and oh my, that choreography. Wings is probably in my top 10 gg choreographies now, especially including the extremely haunting intro they performed on some stages. Overall I think it was a brave and interesting choice to go for a horror concept straight from debut, and I saw a lot of potential in the girls, especially as dancers and overall performers. While I didn’t personally like their next release, I’m still definitely keeping an eye on them because of this phenomenal debut.
Title track: Feel Like
I fell for Woodz hard and fast. This song has that delicious dirty r&b sound that tickles me in all the right places, mixed with some more urban influences, and I feel like sultry soul is where Woodz truly excels. I had been keeping an eye on him because I had really enjoyed Love me harder, but I didn’t know if he was going to go in a more mainstream direction after that… and he did the complete opposite. He gave slow sensual vocals, an instrumental from the GODS, a beautiful retro and almost Wild West vibe and the wardrobe was on point. The other two songs in the mini were honestly just as good, moving in the direction of an even more contemporary r&b with a gorgeous taste of synthwave and dreamwave in Rebound.
Purple Kiss – INTO VIOLET
Title track: Ponzona
10/10 best debut of the year and I’m not accepting other opinions. I had high expectations for Mamamoo’s juniors and they SURPASSED THEM. Purple Kiss came out with a dark and mysterious concept and a song to match, and I feel like the group is extremely balanced, which is rare to see: vocals, rap and dance all have one or more members who absolutely excel in that skill, and it makes their performances beautiful and very professional, despite just being rookies. Like all 4th generation groups there is a definite focus on performance but, for once, I felt like this time the vocals didn’t have to take the backseat for the performance to shine, and I really appreciated it. I am especially interested in seeing how Swan will develop as a vocalist, since she’s so young but already so extremely talented; I am in love with how unique her vocal tone is. The title track stole the show from the rest of the album, which was also very good but could not compete with how incredible Ponzona was. Regardless, I feel like Purple Kiss immediately established their place in the industry with their debut, and I can’t wait to see more.
Baekhyun – Bambi
Ah, what a bittersweet goodbye. And yet what an absolutely flawless one at that. Baekhyun has been my favourite k-pop male vocalist probably since the first time I heard him sing, so yeah, it’s hard to think we won’t get any more new music from him for almost two years. Bambi was, after the incredible and well-deserved success of his previous releases, a gorgeous, sleek and mature level up into pure artistry. The instrumental is stripped down to the essential and yet for that very reason it hits much harder, and the song can’t help but follow Baekhyun’s voice wherever he wishes to take it. I loved hearing him showcase both his incredible upper AND lower register, and he probably had my favourite music video of the year – minimalistic, elegant, sexy. It made me think I would really like to see a collaboration between Baekhyun and Woodz someday in the future… anyone else? I also loved the album as a whole. Something I’ve noticed with Baekhyun is that every time, even delivering amazing title tracks, the rest of the album is always still just as beautiful. Maybe I’m just too in love with the man’s voice, but to me every single track on the album was memorable and beautiful in a way that felt a lot like longing.
ENHYPEN – Border: Carnival
Title track: Drunk-dazed
The day this album came out, ALL I DID was listen to it over and over. The sound in all of the songs follows a very interesting and coherent story progression, and besides visuals and choreography, the music was the most fascinating part of this release for me. From the intro it felt extremely atmospheric, which was helped by the narration, and the transition into the title track was seamless. I love that ENHYPEN have a very clear and unique concept and are going against the trend that we’re seeing from most 4th generation boy groups. Drunk-dazed was a continuation to Given-taken in storyline and music, but also an upgrade, and everyone has improved so much and so quickly it genuinely left me shocked. I was especially impressed by how much more refined and controlled Jake and Sunghoon’s vocals now sound, and delighted to see that not only Niki had more lines but they even gave him a small dance break. He’s always the highlight of ENHYPEN performances for me, and I do really believe he’s going to become one of the most legendary dancers in all of k-pop. The music video was my favourite of the year in a tie with Baekhyun’s Bambi: the cinematography was sleek and movie-like, Sunghoon’s acting beautiful and never overdone, and the imagery both haunting and gorgeous, mixing cold marble and blood in a way that reminded me a bit of the music video for BS&T. The album as a whole was also one of the most memorable releases of the year. Fever allowed ENHYPEN to perform a more sensual concept, still in a youthful way that felt appropriate for them, and all the choreography was beautifully intricate. I feel like it’s a general consensus that Heeseung shone the most in Fever performances; he always gives 1000% on stage and it’s genuinely captivating to watch. While Not For Sale is not my favourite sound for them and just in general, it’s still a fun song and makes it so that, while keeping stylistic coherence, the mini appeals to a very broad audience. Mixed Up became my new n.1 ENHYPEN b-side at first listen: something about it is so passionate and determined, and gives off the same exact vibe I get from the boys’ performances: youth, hard work, fierceness.
BIBI – Life Is a Bi…
Title track: BAD SAD AND MAD
SHE BROKE ME. This album made BIBI shoot up in my list of best soloists and she landed somewhere in my very sacred top five. She has an indie and r&b vibe paired with class and extreme relatability, and I could seriously listen to her sing forever; her tone is new and unexpected, not only in sound but also in storytelling. The songs on the album felt honest, raw, truthful. Unfiltered. Umm life, the first song on the album, is also probably my favourite. It hit me in a very personal way, and I feel like I’m not the only one who saw herself in the lyrics and overall feeling of it. With this album BIBI touched on a lot of difficult and often taboo topics, and the music video for the single (literally… BDSM) was both visually tongue in cheek and, lyrics wise, sad, poetic and rich with complex imagery. I loved seeing BIBI perform on stage and I watched all of her interviews too. There is something about her absolutely unbothered attitude on and off stage that fascinates me, and the way she performs shows how deeply she really feels her music. She put out an incredible album with tracks that were all thought provoking and well-thought out.
Title track: In the morning
Okay, look. I know everyone is out there saying the lyrics were cringy or the sound didn’t fit ITZY or whatever else, but ITM and Sorry not sorry are still some of my most played k-pop tracks of the year so, say what you like but DAMN ARE ITZY’S SONGS CATCHY. To be quite honest I didn’t know what to expect after the disappointment that was for me Not Shy, but In the Morning not only delivered, it went beyond expectations in a way I couldn’t have imagined. ITZY managed to showcase all of their strengths and also their infectious charm and energy. Every performance was new and entertaining to watch; I love Lia’s vocals, Ryujin is the real definition of center and I was also captivated by Yuna’s energy and bubbliness, but also her professionalism at such a young age. Yeji stood out the most to me and proved that, at least in my opinion, she’s without a doubt the ace of ITZY in dance, vocals, rap and more. I wish JYP would give more spotlight to Chaereyeong’s dancing, however, as I feel she hasn’t been able to fully showcase her abilities yet. The choreography was extremely strong as usual and, unlike previously, I was finally able to enjoy some of ITZY’s b-sides, particularly Sorry not sorry, KIDDING ME and SHOOT!,all of which I loved. What ITZY ultimately brings to the table is an energy that’s impossible to resist and that I think no one else in 4th generation possesses.
Oh my girl – Dear OHMYGIRL
Title track: Dun Dun Dance
Someone get this song out of my head, please. Seriously. This release grabbed me and catapulted me in the world of Oh my girl and hey, I’m not complaining. I was desperately waiting for a fun, summery release that did not feel like it was a rehashed version of a 2020 song, and this was IT. The song came with a very tasteful, light and romantic album which contains some of my new favourite gg b-sides, like Who comes who knows or Swan. The performances were impossible to stop watching; the girls took a concept that is known to work and has been done so many times and still managed to give it a fresh and personal feel, and I loved all of it. The choreography fit so well with the song and the group’s image, and something I particularly loved was the styling (give me all the crochet tops please) and just overall how much fun it looked like they were having on stage. Thank you Oh My Girl for officially starting the summer of 2021!
YUQI – A Page
Title track: Bonnie&Clyde
I can’t stress just HOW ANGRY I still am that this wasn’t promoted in Korea and was barely performed even in China. Is Bonnie&Clyde the best song of 2021? Most likely. So someone explain to me why CUBE acted like Yuqi’s solo debut wasn’t the huge deal that it was (kind of like they’re doing with Soyeon now, to be honest). I frankly do not get their decision to not capitalize on it more, because they could have made a fortune with proper promotions but, moving on. TWO SONGS AND MY ENTIRE YEAR WAS MADE, MISS YUQI DID. THAT. I don’t sing, and I learned the lyrics to both songs. I’ve never played the piano before in my life, but you can bet your ass I spent 48 hours watching tutorials and now know how to flawlessly play Bonnie&Clyde on the keyboard. Yuqi has one of the most gorgeous voices in k-pop and just pop in general, and the potential all (G)I-DLE members have is INSANE. Her concept was strong, empowering and with hints of pain and, mostly, survival and resilience. I didn’t feel a choreography was necessary and I still think it’s pretty ridiculous how some people are so mad that Bonnie&Clyde, a song made to highlight Yuqi’s vocals, had a very simple dance performance. I cannot wait for the day we get a full album from Yuqi and we can see her perform on music shows.
Taemin – ADVICE
Genuinely, I do not want to talk about this album AT ALL. I have very complicated feelings about Taemin enlisting, what his artistry has meant to me through the years and the hell this man’s voice has got me through, and I still feel almost uneasy listening to this album. Restless. Advice was a risk for Taemin. He took a step away from his style both musically and in choreography, and it felt new and a little disconcerting, but deep down still extremely Taemin. It’s undeniable that Taemin includes in his art a strong element of, to put it simply, genderfuck; he represents both genders at once and also neither (I am in full support of recognizing “Taemin” as a new official gender identity :D) While the Move-Criminal-IDEA triad is still unshakable and probably impossible to top, Advice was something that, as a long-time fan, I needed. The album was as beautiful as I’ve come to expect from all of his releases (I believe I called Strings “slow, passionate sex” and I stand by that statement) and I have too many feelings I don’t quite want to figure out whenever SAD KIDS plays. As always, SHINee and Taemin’s music is more than just music or performance to me, and the reasons are many and complicated. All I really know is that Taemin’s voice manages to shake something very deep within my soul (throwback to when I first listened to IDEA and started full-on sobbing) and I am grateful to him for being the incredible artist he is.
EVERGLOW – Last Melody
Title track: FIRST
My girls!!! I am so proud!!! I feel like no one is giving EVERGLOW nearly enough credit for the growth they’ve done both as a group and as individuals. They started with BBC as an interesting but still somewhat lacking group, full of potential; having supported them since the very first day, I feel nothing but extreme pride as I watch their FIRST stages. They all look more confident and every single one of the girls absolutely owns the stage. I feel like finally Onda’s dancing was properly showcased (and I may have watched one too many fancams of hers because ?? Have you seen those shoulders??? *fans self*) and both Mia and Sihyeon’s vocals shone beautifully. They have grown up and become incredible performers, not just capable but extremely strong. In my opinion EVERGLOW have the most intricate and exhausting choreography amongst all girl groups as of right now, and this comeback they’ve shown they really are able to stand out in the midst of the industry oversaturation that is 4th gen. My only – but very real – complaint is: who the hell is writing their b-sides and why do they always sound so mediocre? I want to have a talk with the producer who thinks it’s ok to make C- songs just because they also delivered an A+ single. Also, EVERGLOW full album when?
TXT – The Chaos Chapter: FREEZE
Title track: 0X1=LOVESONG
HELLO??? WHAT WAS THIS?????!!!???????
Look, I didn’t even listen to TXT much before this; I just casually knew their title tracks and nothing more. Then they come back with emotional rock music, absolutely insane choreography and flawless live vocals??? OK GO OFF I GUESS????? (Can you tell I’m still in shock and absolutely not over it? You probably can)
This was most definitely the release that surprised me the most; I listened to the title track when it came out just to quickly check it out, to see if it was catchy and if I wanted to add it to my playlist, and then proceeded to listen to it about 50 more times before I moved to the rest of the album, and did the same with every other song (special mention to Dear Sputnik and Frost for literally being the best k-pop b-sides in history). I learned the dance down to every detail, marveled at Taehyun’s vocals, the hypnotizing way Yeonjun moves on stage and just overall their chemistry as a group and the impressive level of individual talent everyone in TXT has. It’s very rare to find groups where all members have such outstanding vocals, dance and performance, and I’ve been in a TXT loop since this release. Officially added to my stan list. What an incredible album.
Title track: illa illa
This was… a lot. iKON was, back in the day, one of the main groups that got me into k-pop, and B.I’s departure from the group – if you can call it that – took part of the fandom with him, including myself. So, a lot of us set to waiting. I had trust B.I would eventually come back fully as a musician. He’s always been an inspiration to me and the snippets he let us see on Soundcloud before making his comeback reminded me how much his music is able to truly touch me. And then this album dropped.
B.I is without any doubt my favourite lyricist in all of k-pop, and it is even more impressive that he has been able to produce, write and arrange for his own group, other groups and now for himself as a soloist. Some of the lyrics in this album, especially for Waterfall and illa illa, keep staying with me through my days – I’ll keep building sandcastles even though I already know they’ll eventually come crashing down – and I was able to relate to him not only as a fellow artist but also, very deeply, as a person. This album felt personal to me and many others, and Hanbin did not hold back – he never does, but especially not this time. Waterfall opens the album true to its title: it pours out angry, tired, hurt, and it just keeps pouring. It speaks of wounds not yet healed and lays down the truth that, in life, some wounds do not ever truly heal after all. Following it is illa illa, which with the first few notes already introduces a few hopeful piano keys and B.I’s equally hopeful voice. It feels tentative, like seeing an end to the darkness but being so used to it that you can’t quite believe it. It feels like accepting and maybe, finally, moving on. The album goes from deep to playful to hip-hop heavy tracks and back to r&b, and I was also very happy to see B.I and Lee Hi collaborating again, as she’s also one of my favourite artists. I needed this ray of hope.
TWICE – Taste of Love
Title track: Alcohol-free
Was I skeptical when I first heard the title? Yes. Did I fall head over heels for this song as soon as I saw Twice first perform it? Also YES. This is this year’s summer song, period. The last one/two years have been years of discovery for Twice, of maturing, finding an updated but still authentic sound that fits them, and this album feels very much like Twice but also showcases their growth. Alcohol-free is the perfect title track, and I swear once I listen to it or even just think about it then I’m stuck singing SWEET MIMOSA PINA COLADA for the rest of my week. All the stages were phenomenal, and I swear I probably died and came back to life several times while watching Nayeon perform. I love how the song highlighted Tzuyu’s vocals better than most Twice title tracks, although I am still very tentative about Jeongyeon’s return. But at the end of the day, if she’s made the decision to come back then all we can do is support her and hope she keeps getting better. This era also gave us iconic Twice interviews and shows (who gave Momo the right to be so funny, seriously?) and overall felt almost like a new beginning, finally seeing the group as a whole for an official comeback again. I also think Taste of Love has some truly excellent b-sides that capture the summer feeling perfectly, without ever feeling repetitive or basic. I especially loved how catchy Scandal is with its whispered intro, the sensual and intimate feeling of Conversation and the perfectly captured naivety of young romance in First Love.
ONEWE – Planet Nine: Alter Ego
Title track: Rain To Be
I did not expect ONEWE to release my favourite k-rock album of 2021 and surpass even DAY6, but boy am I impressed. I feel like, given the chance, they could really take Korea by storm, and I really hope RBW starts to give them decent promotions and distribute their
budget a little better. This was just overall a gorgeous album with an incredible title track. It came out almost two weeks ago but I still play it several times a day because I absolutely can’t get over it. ONEWE’s take on rock is indie and very emotional; Rain To Be feels desperate in its passion, and the vocals are so soulful and honest the song manages to feel both exciting and heartbreaking. Also the bass. Just. THE BASS. It’s a beautiful album from start to finish, and I might or might not have cried a few times while listening to COSMOS. The music video managed to be epic while keeping an incredibly simple concept, and I loved the visual of them getting slowly submerged by water as the song reached further and further heights. I really hope at least one person reads this and gives ONEWE a chance and listens to their songs, because they’re relatively new to the scene but I feel like they already have left a very memorable impression on the k-rock music scene.
To conclude this review, here are my most played k-pop tracks of the year so far:
ONEWE – Rain To Be
ITZY – In The Morning
YUQI – Bonnie&Clyde
Jessi – What Type of X
ITZY – Sorry Not Sorry
Baekhyun – Bambi
Key ft. Doyoung – COOL
Hyuna – I’m Not Cool
ENHYPEN – Drunk-dazed
WOODZ – Feel Like
Kang Daniel – PARANOIA
ATEEZ – Sunrise
Henry – Thinking of You
CLC – No
SEVENTEEN – Light a Flame
Stray Kids – My Universe
WONHO – Open Mind
Sunmi – TAIL
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lostinshawnsmemory · 5 years
SM Imagine: Khalid’s Sister - Shawn x Black Reader
A/N: When @mani-lifes posted this, I jokingly replied with “I want this fic, I need this fic, might fuck around and write this fic.” I guess I wasn’t joking.
Tumblr media
Word Count: 3.1k
Reader’s POV
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited,” you stated from the back seat. Khalid turned to you from his seat in the front of the car and wiggled his eyebrows. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him. You were fortunate enough to have a few weeks off from college to come to LA and go to the studio with him, something you didn’t get to do often. The fact that your brother was a super famous, Grammy-nominated artist was shocking because he was always your annoying brother Donnel to you. 
You weren’t the only one who was excited. Khalid was practically vibrating in his seat. You didn’t know anything about this particular session, but there was clearly something special about it that he wasn’t telling you 
“So how far is this studio anyway?” All you knew was that you were on your way to Malibu which was pretty far from your hotel in West Hollywood according to Google Maps. “It’s only an hour away. Stop complaining.” “I wasn’t complaining Donnell!” you accused calling him by his middle name, something you did whenever he was getting on your nerves, which he somehow always did. “I was simply asking how far away the studio was.” 
“Yeah right.” you could hear the sarcasm in his voice. 
You rolled your eyes again and turned to look out of the window marvelling at the ocean as you drove down the Pacific Coast Highway. Being in college in the middle of Georgia and living in El Paso, meaning you rarely got to go to the beach so being so close to a large expanse of water was always exciting. 
You couldn’t help but sit up when you noticed you were approaching a building an hour later. “Is this it?” “Yes Y/N. We’re here.” 
The first thing you noticed was the trees. The studio was located on a hill surrounded by lush greenery and it had a perfect view of the ocean that took your breath away. You were by no means a creative person but you could see why someone would want to come here, it was a calming space that allowed for that kind of freedom. 
When you got out of the car, you made a show of stretching when you got out of the car, only to exaggerate how tired you were to your brother who didn't even notice because his eyes were glued to his phone. “Great! He’s here.” he muttered locking his phone and placing it in his pocket. “Who’s here?” you questioned but Khalid had already started walking towards the building when he looked over his shoulder and said “Shawn Mendes.”
You couldn’t help the surprise that flashed across your features. “Shawn Mendes?” You knew who he was, everyone knew who he was and you were a fan of his music so now you were doubly excited. You knew that Shawn and your brother were friends but had no idea a collab was in the works. It then dawned on you why Khalid was so jittery and excited in the car. 
As you walked into the studio, the first thing you noticed was the sound of someone playing guitar, even though it was pretty aimless strumming, you found it calming.  There were 5 other people in the room who turned to look at you with warm smiles when you entered the room. 
“Shawn! Hey Man!” Khalid all but yelled. Shawn immediately put down the guitar he was holding and ran towards your brother. The two hugged each other like they hadn’t seen each other in weeks and considering how much your brother travelled, that was probably the case. He then turned to you and stared at for a few seconds before shaking his head and waving somewhat nervously. “Hi, I’m Shawn.” You returned the wave, “Hi I’m Y/N, his sister.” you said as you jerked a thumb at your brother who beamed. “I thought it would be cool for her to come along and see the recording process.” “Great!” Shawn nodded. “If it’s cool with you, then it’s cool with me.” 
You looked around the space and let out a low whistle.  “Wow. This place is...”
“Stunning right?” Shawn finished. 
“It really is.” you nodded.
“Oh!” Shawn smacked his forehead. “Where are my manners?” He turned to everyone in the room who had been watching your exchange “These are the incredible writers that I work with. Teddy Geiger, Scott Harris, Geoff Warburton and Nolan Lambroza. And this is Joel Little, our producer.”
“Hi” you waved to everyone in the room and they all responded with ‘Hi’s’ and waves of their own. After introductions were made, the two artists got down to work. 
“Ok” Shawn clapped his hands together. “I don’t know exactly what this song is going to be, but whatever it is. I don’t want it to be superficial. We have to make a statement. We have to move.”
“Agreed.” Khalid nodded. “ This song could easily be one of the most important that we’ve written, so it has to be something substantial. Something that has substance.”
Shawn looked up at the ceiling. “Recently I’ve felt overwhelmed with the world recently. Khalid and I spoke about what’s been going on in the world recently and I’ve felt scared that everything that’s going on would take my youth away.”
You could see the wheels in his head turning as he said the words. He picked up his guitar and strummed a few chords.
‘You can’t take my youth away
Soul of mine will never break. 
As long as I wake up today
You can’t take my youth away.’
It was the most amazing thing you’d ever seen. Almost instantly, the room flew into motion. Scott picked up a guitar and started strumming along with Shawn, who was walking around the room playing the same chords he started with.
You’d seen your brother’s creative process but watching him with Shawn and the writers in the room was something else. They were like a well-oiled machine feeding off each other's ideas. Shawn was literally bouncing off the walls while the song started taking shape. That was until they hit a wall a few hours into the session. You were seated outside on the back porch listening to Shawn and Khalid complain about the bridge.
Shawn ran his hands through his hair,  “What should we do with the bridge?” 
“Not sure.” Khalid answered leaning his head on the chair, staring up at the sky. 
“Well,” you answered looking between the both of them. “How about repeating the pre-chorus and singing the chorus again but with more…..umph.” you waved your hands absentmindedly. At that moment Shawn looked at you like you had cured cancer. “That’s what the song is missing!” He instantly ran inside to tell everyone else, his excitement palpable. When he disappeared inside, Khalid turned to you a completely shocked. “Look at you” he smirked. You responded with a noncommittal shrug. “I’m just thinking about what might sound good. That’s all.”
A few hours and many takes later you sat in the studio with Shawn and Khalid listening to the song, or what had been done. It was 60% done and everyone was working tirelessly on the song. Shawn was in the booth laying down some vocals for the backing track and you were awe of his creative process. He was involved with every step from how the guitars sounded to the way the vocals were laid on top of each other. When you combined that with your brother’s penchant for letting go creatively, it was a match made in heaven. Their voices blended beautifully and the song was powerful while also being soft and thoughtful.
One thing you didn’t expect was to be so involved in the process. You thought you would sit in the room and watch everyone else work but Shawn kept asking you for your opinion on the song and how it sounded. Even though you weren’t musically included he made sure you were a part of the process The song felt like it was very much your song as much as it was Shawn’s and Khalid’s. 
By the time the song was done, it was way past midnight and the writers had long since gone home. It was just you, Shawn and you brother sitting outside listening to the faint crash of the waves. You sighed, breathing in the ocean air. “Why here? What was it about this space that made you want to record your album here?” 
“Just look at it” Shawn shrugged. “It can be really hard to slow down and be creative when you’re  being pulled in a thousand different directions, so it made sense to come somewhere where I could detach and really think about what I wanted this record to be.” In the corner of your eye, you could see Khalid nodding along. ‘Sometimes you need to detach, to get that creative energy back.” he added.
“Ah! So that’s why you were ignoring my calls.” you quipped. “Got it.” At that moment Shawn burst out laughing and soon enough all of you were laughing. When the laughter subsided, you sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes until you said “What are you going to call the song?” Shawn looked over at Khalid, “What do you think we should call it?” “I was thinking we call it something that reflects what the song is about. How about Youth?” he replied. “Seeing as it has to do with all the shit in the world taking away our youth.”
“I love it!” Shawn smiled and you had to admit that he had a gorgeous smile. It started at the corner of his mouth and lit up his entire face. You could tell that he was content in that moment. And you couldn’t help but feel the same. “I love it and I’m positive that everyone will too.”
You weren’t sure but you thought you could see Shawn blush.
Shawn’s POV
“Shawn we need to think about who is coming on tour.” Andrew stated. You were in a meeting with your team about your upcoming tour and this was where you’d struggled. There were so many incredible artists you wanted to come on tour with you and it was a hard decision.
“What about Khalid?” 
Loads of names had been thrown around and Khalid’s was one that kept coming up. You knew that going on tour with Khalid would be unforgettable. He was one of your best friends and whenever you were together, you always had a great time. Your mind went back to the Youth recording session and eventually, your thoughts landed on his sister. Even though you’d only met her that one time, you couldn’t stop thinking about her. Apart from the fact that she was stunning, she was also hilarious, her laugh was contagious and anytime she laughed you found that you always started laughing along with her. She was also thoughtful. She’d said that she wasn't musically inclined but having her in the studio meant you had a different perspective and could look to her when you needed a fresh set of ears. She had left an impression and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to see her again. 
“Shawn!” Andrew was waving a hand in front of your face. “Should I make the call?” You nodded enthusiastically. “I would love to have Khalid on tour.”
Going on tour with Khalid was one of the best things you could have done. You loved what you did for a living and having one of your best friends with you made it even better. It felt good to tour with someone who was your age and could relate to you more than most. 
This was easily the most fun you’d had on tour, it didn’t even feel like he was opening for you. It was just as much his tour as it was yours and the fans loved him. Every night before your set you’d stand on side stage and listen to them sing every word and scream just as loud for his as they did for you. 
When the show was over, you’d both sit in your dressing and talk, sometimes about the show, sometimes about new music that you were both working and other times about your personal lives. You listened intently anytime he brought up his sister. You tried to ask as many questions as you could about her without sounding weird or desperate but you wanted to know about her. From your conversations, you knew that Khalid had a great relationship with his sister, not unlike yours and Aaliyah’s. And that was when you had a brilliant idea, 
“We should invite our family to the last show.” You were almost done with this leg of the tour and it only made sense to have your nearest and dearest with you to close the show. “We could fly everyone out, including your sister.” The second you said those words you wanted to take them back. You didn’t know if Khalid knew about your crush on his sister and even if he did, you didn’t want to make it obvious, but based on the looks he was giving you, it was too late for that. You knew based on the look he was giving you that everything you felt was written on your face. 
“My sister?” he said with a smirk. “It would be pretty cool to have her come to one of the shows.” 
“Yeah.” you cleared your throat in an attempt to calm the rush of emotion you felt whenever her name was brought up. “Not just her though, having your whole family here is bound to be unforgettable.”
“But, you really want to see my sister.” he said with a raised eyebrow. 
“That obvious huh?” you felt your cheeks getting warm. 
“Dude. I could tell when you first met. You’re usually good with new people but you just kept staring at her and stumbling over your words.” he crowed, clearly taking pleasure in your discomfort.
You sighed. “I know I’ve only met her once, but there’s something different about her.” 
“Okay, I’m going to shut this conversation down.” Khalid said getting up from the couch he was sitting on “You are talking about my sister.” He started to walk out of the room but stopped at the threshold and turned before walking out “I’m sure she’d love to come to the show.”
You were nervous about this show. It was your last show of the European leg and you were playing in front of the largest audience yet.  You were suddenly aware of the fact that 20,000 people were currently filing up the o2 Arena in London but that wasn’t why you were nervous. It was because she was going to be watching. 
Khalid’s entire family and a lot of his friends had flown out for the show and had landed yesterday morning but you hadn’t seen her yet. You found yourself pacing the halls of the backstage area hoping to maybe catch a glimpse of her but you had no luck. You had an hour until the show started and you needed to get ready. You were about to walk to your dressing room when you heard her distinct laugh.
She rounded the corner with Khalid and their parents in tow laughing at something that her brother said. As if she sensed your presence she looked up and locked eyes with you and you felt a jolt of electricity go through you. 
“Hi Y/N.” you smiled her. “H-how was your flight?”
She returned your smile. “Our flight was great.” she indicated to her parents who you’d forgotten to acknowledge. You quickly rectified your mistake and gave each of them a hug. 
“Are you excited for the show?” you asked. 
“So excited.” Y/N responded. “It’s been a while since I heard Khalid sing, and this would be the first time seeing you perform.
“Thanks.” you replied, feeling even more nervous than you did a few hours ago. “I- I hope you guys have a great time.” You were about to say something else but you heard your tour manager Cez call you name letting you know that you needed to get ready.
“Sorry. I’ve got to go,” you apologised as you started running towards your dressing room. “but I’ll see you after the show!” you called over your shoulder, which wasn’t the smartest idea as you lost your footage and slipped almost falling face-first with the concrete floor but luckily you caught yourself. You turned around to see Y/N laughing so hard that she had to wipe the tears from her eyes.  You felt yourself blush as you tried to play off your embarrassment. “Enjoy the show guys!” you waved awkwardly as you walked away but you smiled as you heard her, “You’re going to be amazing Shawn.”
Reader’s POV
The concert was amazing. You always loved seeing your brother perform, he always got lost in the music. He loved to perform and the fact that he got to do it every night filled you with joy. He’d always send you demos of songs he was writing and Free Spirit was the one that stuck with you. It was surreal hearing him sing it in London of all places and seeing 20,000 sing his words back to him brought tears to your eyes.
By the time Shawn got on stage the screams were deafening and while you knew he was a good singer you weren’t expecting was how energetic he was on stage. You couldn’t help but scream and jump when he yelled at the crowd to do so. It was easily one of the best nights you’d had in a long time.
When Shawn and Khalid both sang Youth and you were instantly transported back to when you were in the studio while they recorded it. You felt a sense of pride hearing it bounce around the arena. Even though you didn’t write it, you had a hand in the process, albeit a very small one and you were proud of it.
When the show ended you were standing backstage with your parents and your brother when Shawn came up behind you. “Hey Shawn.” you said turning around to face him 
“Hey Y/N. What did you think of the show?” 
“Absolutely incredible!” 
His cheeks warmed at the compliment turning a shade of soft pink. “Wow Y/N thanks. So um-I was- um.” he stuttered, running his hands through his hair. “A couple of us are going for drinks in a few to celebrate the end of the tour leg. Would you like to come?”
You stared at him for a few minutes enjoying his nervous twitching before answering
“I’d love to.”
@justbeingoceana @rulerofnocountry @bugheadfanatic @thotmendes @mani-lifes @sinplisticshawn @shawnssnack @sean-mendezzzzz @momenraul @tisvanessa @zionsvalentine
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shcjfrance · 6 years
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by Lavanya Singh
If you think about how long Shinhwa has been around, you don’t need to look past their 14th anniversary press conference, where member Jun Jin put things into perspective for everyone: “The members of Girls’ Generation were in elementary school when we were in SM Entertainment. Jessica and Hyoyeon wrote us letters back in the day.”
That was six years ago.
On March 24th, Shinhwa celebrated their 20th anniversary. Rightly, the band is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest-running boy group in the world that hasn’t disbanded or had a member leave in 19—well, 20 now—years. A closer look at the band and its popularity, however, pegs Shinhwa as artists who transcend numbers and charts, and who have found permanence in an otherwise transient industry.
The six members of Shinhwa debuted on March 24, 1998 under SM Entertainment, performing the single “Resolver” on KM Music Tank. To say that the band had a rocky start would have been an understatement—accusations of being a copy of label-mates H.O.T and the controversy following the Sokcho water accident that overshadowed the promotions of their song “Eusha Eusha” soon sparked rumours of disbandment. With the exception of some songs, the group’s debut album did not chart well, leading people to speculate that the band may have been a bad investment for SM.
With their second album “T.O.P,” however, came an edgier concept and mainstream success. “T.O.P.” won Shinhwa their first major music award for “Best Music Video”, and the trajectory only went upwards after that.
As both fans and writers, we know how much modern K-pop owes to the so-called first wave of Korean music. Not only was the era a fantastic prelude to the all-encompassing force of nature that K-pop would eventually become, but the artists who defined that wave also left behind a legacy that would inspire and drive the future generations. Seo Taiji and the Boys, for example, gave Korea quite possibly its first tryst with R&B, and member Yang Hyun Suk later established one of South Korea’s premier entertainment companies, YG Entertainment. S.E.S, one of K-pop’s early girl group successes and the first girl group from SM, would later go on to inspire numerous other girl groups.
For as long as they’ve been around, therefore, it’s only inevitable that Shinhwa’s legacy be an ode to their popularity. What’s surprising, though, is knowing just how much contemporary idol and fan culture owes to the band and their fandom, “Shinhwa Changjo”. (The name means “making a legend”, aptly complementing the band’s own name meaning ‘myth’ or ‘legend’.)
In 2002, while still under SM, the band released their sixth studio album, thus officially becoming the longest-running act in K-pop. A year later, while reviewing their contracts, SM offered to renew contracts with all members except vocalist Dong Wan. Rather than splitting up, Shinhwa decided not to renew their contracts with SM, and departed from the company as one unit, signing later with Good Entertainment. As somewhat of an unspoken trend in K-pop, artists who leave one company for another often experience a wane in popularity. Shinhwa, however, is one of the only bands in K-pop whose members went on to have incredibly successful careers despite a company change and the mandatory military enlistments. In fact, their first Daesang(or Grand Prize), for the seventh studio album Brand New, came in 2004, almost a year after leaving SM.
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But just because they left the label that formed them didn’t mean Shinhwa broke away from SM entirely. In 2013, member Min Woo looked fondly upon his time at SM, saying: “[Founder] Lee Soo Man is truly an amazing person. From each member’s hairstyles to everything we did on stage, he took care of us meticulously. He used to talk to all of us about every little thing.”
Following their mandatory military enlistments, Shinhwa became the first K-pop group to establish their own entertainment company in 2011. For a while, the band was locked in a legal battle with SM Entertainment and Joon Media (formerly Open World Entertainment) for profits and use of the name ‘Shinhwa’. The case was, however, settled in 2015, and Shinhwa Company (which had been dubbed ShinCom for the duration of the case) came into existence.
Shinhwa was also one of the early trendsetters in the industry in terms of musical control. While their creative license was limited under SM, the members participated actively in the production of their albums after leaving. By that time, most members had released solo music and found their personal styles. The result was an eclectic combination of sounds on future albums, making the band a truly versatile act.
It’s not just their music and their exceptional team spirit that set Shinhwa apart, though: the band was the first in the industry to break away from the mainstream style of the time. When much of K-pop focused on trendy skinny jeans and bright colors (think SHINee’s “Replay” era), Shinhwa adopted a much more sophisticated style with clean-cut suits and cropped hair—quite uncommon for popular acts at the time.
Also uncommon was Shinhwa’s dedicated fandom, Shinhwa Changjo, who, honestly, were fandom goals before the term went mainstream. Shinhwa Changjo are credited with starting the popular rice wreath trend—it was member Hye Sung’s fandom who first sent rice wreaths to support his solo concert in 2007. Shinhwa’s fandom was also the first to have planted forests in support of their idols.
Part of the reason why Shinhwa remains a groundbreaking act in K-pop is, as
The Atlantic
put it, their “smart self-awareness.” In an industry that’s sometimes too full to the brim with new acts, Shinhwa chose to evolve and mature in their own timeline, striking an attractive balance between age and trends. The result? Hilarious variety shows and appearances where the members didn’t, and continue to not, hesitate in poking fun at themselves, all topped off by the very refreshing devil-may-care attitude that came with spending years in the industry (I will never be able to hear the words “Do you smell something burning?” without laughing.)
In fact, despite their seniority in the industry, age hasn’t ever been something that’s held Shinhwa back: the band has embraced their late 30s with fervour and humour, even going so far as to admitting that having a “battle of stamina with younger groups” is pointless. Now that they don’t have the “weapon of youth”, they’ve turned their focus on charms that suit their age. There’s the cheeky SNL Korea broadcast where the members dress up as exhibits in a museum—only the exhibits are their younger selves from a decade ago—with visitors standing around, confused about who they’re supposed to be. There’s the sarcastic “Idol Retirement Insurance Plan” skit, where the members sold insurance plans to idols in the climax of their careers that included obsessive fans to stalk them and make them feel young. Or, if you need something else, there’s the infamous “Farting chorus” broadcast—which is exactly what it sounds like.
That’s probably the most endearing part about Shinhwa—with the passage of time, they made their own interpretations of what they were supposed to be, both as individuals and as a group, and molded the expectations to fit them than the other way round. As a unit, it makes them relatable. They never shy away from sharing both their successes and their struggles—the members have always been vocal about arguments among themselves, but have also been quick to admit how their long bonds have made working together easier. In a recent interview about their 13th studio album, member Jun Jin put the feeling into words: “If it weren’t for Shinhwa, Jun Jin wouldn’t exist.”
It isn’t just the marvelous teamwork; it’s also the fact that Shinhwa has never been a group that downplays their concerns, both as artists and businessmen. Group leader Eric expressed his anxiety about working in an industry where Shinhwa is one of the only groups left from the first generation: “We have no role models, nowhere to get advice. I think we have to grasp our future direction ourselves as we continue to work.”
They’ve also never had qualms about admitting to concerns about their company—Eric once talked about how Shinhwa realized that running a company was different than being an idol when they had to monitor how much money they spent on meals. Somewhere down the line, Shinhwa shed the skin of idols and became human, which brought them to closer to their fans.
Speaking of which, part of the reason why they remain popular favorites is also their relationships with their fans, which has always been more like that of bickering best friends and less like the typical fan-idol interactions. In fact, the group has never been hesitant to call out fans on their behavior. As a story about their first fan-sign goes, member Dong Wan told the fans that “Shinhwa is definitely not responsible for your lives.” He received some flak for that, but Dong Wan defended himself, saying that the “fans’ love could sometimes be over the top.” It was an example of how Shinhwa were mature since their early days, not caring about gratuitous fanservice and establishing a relationship of mutual trust with their fans.
K-pop is an ephemeral industry: every burst of fame and omnipresence is followed by a plateau where new groups come in and take over, and fandoms are inherited down the generations. Yet, Shinhwa is one of the only groups from the first generation of K-pop to not only continue making music, but to be loved by fans and the industry alike. They remain among the groups for which the word “groundbreaking” rings utterly true—because of their acceptance of the changing times; because of their self-deprecating and brilliant humor; and, most importantly, because of their steely resolve to always be one unit for themselves and their fans. They never take themselves very seriously, and that’s what makes them so endearing. If you’re just starting out with Shinhwa, check out the remake of their music video, “All Your Dreams,” which was released on the 20th anniversary of their debut.
What’s your favorite Shinhwa song? Let us know in the comment section below. Be sure to subscribe to the site and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr to keep up with all of our posts.
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Si vous pensez à depuis combien de temps Shinhwa est présent, vous n'avez pas besoin de regarder après leur conférence de presse du 14e anniversaire, où le membre Jun Jin a mis les choses en perspective pour tout le monde: “Les membres de Girls' Generation étaient à l'école primaire quand nous étions à SM Entertainment. Jessica et Hyoyeon nous ont écrit des lettres dans le passé.”
C'était il y a six ans.
Le 24 mars, Shinhwa a célébré son 20ème anniversaire. À juste titre, le groupe figure dans le Livre Guinness des records comme étant le groupe de garçons le plus ancien au monde qui n'a pas été dissous ou dont un membre n'a quitté le groupe pendant 19 maintenant 20 ans. Cependant, un examen plus attentif du groupe et de sa popularité place Shinhwa en tant qu'artiste qui transcende les chiffres et les classements, et qui a trouvé sa permanence dans une industrie par ailleurs passagère.
Les six membres de Shinhwa ont débuté le 24 mars 1998 sous SM Entertainment, interprétant le single "Resolver" dans l'émission KM Music Tank. Dire que le groupe a eu un début difficile aurait été un euphémisme - les accusations d'être une copie de ses coéquipiers H.O.T et la controverse suite à l'accident de Sokcho qui a éclipsé les promotions de leur chanson "Eusha Eusha" ont bientôt suscité des rumeurs de licenciements. À l'exception de certaines chansons, le premier album du groupe ne s'est pas bien placé, ce qui a amené les gens à spéculer sur le fait que le groupe aurait pu être un mauvais investissement par SM.
Avec leur deuxième album "T.O.P", cependant, est venu un concept plus incisif à la tendance et un grand succès. "T.O.P." a donné à Shinhwa leur premier prix majeur de musique pour "Meilleure Clip Video", et la trajectoire n'a augmenté qu'après cela.
En tant que fans et écrivains, nous savons ô combien la K-pop moderne doit à la soi-disant première vague de la musique coréenne. L'ère était non seulement un prélude fantastique à la force omniprésente de la nature de ce que la K-pop deviendrait finalement, mais les artistes qui ont défini cette vague ont également laissé un héritage qui inspirerait et guiderait les générations futures. Seo Taiji et les Boys, par exemple, ont probablement donné à la Corée son premier rendez-vous avec le  R & B, et le membre Yang Hyun Suk a ensuite fondé l'une des premières compagnies de divertissement de Corée du Sud, YG Entertainment. S.E.S., l'un des premiers groupes de filles de K-pop et le premier groupe de filles de SM, inspira plus tard de nombreux autres groupes de filles.
Aussi longtemps qu'ils ont été présent dans la scène musicale, il est inévitable que l'héritage de Shinhwa soit une ode à leur popularité. Ce qui est surprenant, cependant, c'est de savoir à quel point l'idole contemporaine et la culture du fan doivent au groupe et à leur fandom, "Shinhwa Changjo". (Le nom signifie "faire une légende", complétant avec justesse le propre nom du groupe signifiant "mythe" ou "légende".)
En 2002, alors qu'il était encore sous la direction de SM, le groupe sortit son sixième album studio, devenant ainsi officiellement l'acteur le plus ancien de la K-pop. Un an plus tard, lors de l'examen de leurs contrats, SM a proposé de renouveler les contrats avec tous les membres, à l'exception du chanteur DongWan. Plutôt que se diviser, Shinhwa a décidé de ne pas renouveler leurs contrats avec SM, et a quitté la compagnie comme une unité, en signant plus tard avec Good Entertainment. Les artistes qui quittent une entreprise pour une autre connaissent souvent une baisse de popularité en tant que tendance tacite de la K-pop. Shinhwa, cependant, est l'un des seuls groupes de K-pop dont les membres ont connu des carrières incroyablement réussies en dépit d'un changement d'entreprise et des enrôlements militaires obligatoires. En fait, leur premier Daesang (ou grand prix), pour le septième album studio Brand New, est arrivé en 2004, presque un an après avoir quitté SM.
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Mais ce n'est pas parce qu'ils ont quitté le label qui les a formés que Shinhwa s'est complètement détachée de SM. En 2013, le membre Min Woo regardait affectueusement son temps à SM, en disant: "[Fondateur] Lee Soo Man est vraiment une personne incroyable. Des coiffures de chaque membre à tout ce que nous avons fait sur scène, il a pris soin de nous méticuleusement. Il avait l'habitude de nous parler de tout et de rien. "
Suite à leurs engagements militaires obligatoires, Shinhwa est devenu le premier groupe K-pop à établir sa propre compagnie en 2011. Pendant un certain temps, le groupe a été engagé dans une bataille juridique avec SM Entertainment et Joon Media (anciennement Open World Entertainment) pour l'utilisation du nom 'Shinhwa'. L'affaire a toutefois été réglée en 2015, et Shinhwa Company (qui avait été surnommée ShinCom pour la durée de l'affaire) a revu le jour.
Shinhwa était aussi l'un des premiers faiseurs de tendances dans l'industrie en termes de contrôle musical. Alors que leur licence créative était limitée sous SM, les membres ont activement participé à la production de leurs albums après leur départ. À ce moment-là, la plupart des membres avaient sorti de la musique en solo et trouvé leur style personnel. Le résultat a été une combinaison éclectique de sons sur les futurs albums, faisant d'eux un groupe vraiment polyvalent.
Ce n'est pas seulement leur musique et leur esprit d'équipe exceptionnel qui distinguent Shinhwa: le groupe est le premier dans l'industrie à sortir du style traditionnel de l'époque. Quand une grande partie de K-pop se concentrait sur des jeans skinny à la mode et des couleurs vives (Shinee "replay" era), Shinhwa adoptait un style beaucoup plus sophistiqué avec des costards et des cheveux coupés courts.
Shinhwa Changjo, le fandom dévoué de Shinhwa, était également inhabituel et, honnêtement, qui était le fandom modèle avant même que le terme ne devienne courant. Shinhwa Changjo est connu pour avoir lancé la populaire tendance des couronnes de riz - c'était le fandom du membre Hye Sung qui avait envoyé des couronnes de riz pour soutenir son concert solo en 2007. Le fandom de Shinhwa était aussi le premier à avoir planté des forêts pour soutenir leurs idoles.
Une partie de la raison pour laquelle Shinhwa reste un acteur révolutionnaire de la K-pop est, comme l'atteste The Atlantic, leur «conscience de soi intelligente». Dans une industrie parfois trop pleine pour de nouveaux actes, Shinhwa a choisi d'évoluer et de mûrir dans leur propre ligne de temps, de trouver un équilibre attrayant entre l'âge et les tendances. Le résultat ? Spectacles de variétés hilarants et apparences où les membres n'ont pas hésité à se moquer d'eux-mêmes, tout cela étant surmonté par l'attitude très diabolique et rafraîchissante des années passées dans l'industrie (je ne serai jamais capable d'entendre les mots "Est-ce que tu sens quelque chose qui brûle ?" sans rire.)
En fait, en dépit de leur ancienneté dans l'industrie, Shinhwa n'a jamais connu de retenu avec l'âge: le groupe a embrassé la fin de la trentaine avec ferveur et humour, allant même jusqu'à admettre qu'avoir une “bataille d'endurance avec des jeunes groupes” est inutile. Maintenant qu'ils n'ont pas «l'arme de la jeunesse», ils se sont concentrés sur des charmes qui correspondent à leur âge. Il y a l'émission insolente de SNL Korea où les membres s'habillent comme des expositions dans un musée - seulement les expositions sont eux-mêmes plus jeunes d'il y a dix ans - avec des visiteurs qui se tiennent debout, confus au sujet de qui ils sont supposés être. Il y a le sketch sarcastique "Idol Retirement Insurance Plan", où les membres ont vendu des plans d'assurance à des idoles dans le climax de leur carrière qui incluaient des fans obsessionnels pour les traquer et les faire se sentir jeunes. Ou, si vous avez besoin d'autre chose, voici la tristement célèbre émission "Farting Chorus" - c'est exactement ce que ça donne.
C'est probablement la partie la plus attachante de Shinhwa - avec le passage du temps, ils ont fait leurs propres interprétations de ce qu'ils étaient censés être, en tant qu'individus et en tant que groupe, et ont modelé les attentes pour les adapter à eux même et non à l'inverse s'adapter aux attentes. En tant que groupe, cela fait que les gens arrivent à s'identifier Ils n'hésitent jamais à partager à la fois leurs réussites et leurs luttes - les membres ont toujours parlé ouvertement des arguments entre eux, mais ils ont aussi été prompts à admettre que leurs longs liens ont facilité le travail en équipe. Dans une récente interview au sujet de leur 13ème album studio, le membre Jun Jin a mis le sentiment en mots: "Si ce n'était pas pour Shinhwa, Jun Jin n'existerait pas."
Ce n'est pas seulement le merveilleux travail d'équipe; c'est aussi le fait que Shinhwa n'a jamais été un groupe qui minimise leurs préoccupations, à la fois en tant qu'artistes et hommes d'affaires. Le chef de groupe Eric a exprimé son inquiétude de travailler dans une industrie où Shinhwa est l'un des seuls groupes de la première génération: «Nous n'avons pas de modèles, nulle part pour obtenir des conseils. Je pense que nous devons nous saisir de notre orientation future alors que nous continuons à travailler. »
Ils n'ont jamais hésité à accepter les inquiétudes concernant leur entreprise - Eric a dit un jour comment Shinhwa s'était rendu compte que diriger une entreprise était différent d'être une idole quand ils devaient surveiller combien d'argent ils dépensaient pour les repas. Quelque part sur la ligne, Shinhwa a laissé la peau des idoles et est devenu humain, ce qui les a rapprochés de leurs fans.
En parlant de cela, une partie de la raison pour laquelle ils restent des favoris populaires est aussi leur relation avec leurs fans, qui a toujours été plus comme celle des meilleurs amis se chamaillant et moins comme les interactions typiques de fan-idole. En fait, le groupe n'a jamais hésité à appeler les fans sur leur comportement. Comme une histoire sur leur premier session d'autographe, Dong Wan a dit aux fans que "Shinhwa n'est certainement pas responsable de votre vie." Il a reçu des critiques pour cela, mais Dong Wan s'est défendu, disant que « l'amour des fans est parfois hors des limites du raisonnable ». C'était un exemple de la maturité de Shinhwa depuis ses débuts, ne se souciant pas de fanservice gratuit et d'établir une relation de confiance mutuelle avec leurs fans.
La K-pop est une industrie éphémère: chaque éclat de gloire et d'omniprésence est suivi d'un plateau où de nouveaux groupes entrent et prennent le relais, et les fandoms sont hérités à travers les générations. Pourtant, Shinhwa est l'un des seuls groupes de la première génération de K-pop à non seulement continuer à faire de la musique, mais à être aimé par les fans et l'industrie. Ils restent parmi les groupes pour lesquels le mot «révolutionnaire» sonne tout à fait vrai en raison de leur acceptation des temps changeants; à cause de leur humour désapprobateur et brillant; et, plus important encore, en raison de leur détermination à toujours être un groupe pour eux-mêmes et leurs fans. Ils ne se prennent jamais très au sérieux, et c'est ce qui les rend si attachants. Si vous débutez avec Shinhwa, regardez le remake de leur clip, "All Your Dreams", qui a été publié à l'occasion du 20ème anniversaire de leur premier album.
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kpopgerapitico · 7 years
Song of the Week
Yes its late enough that it is Monday for some people, but tiredness will not stop me. Especially since I already procrastinated this for like an hour of YouTube videos.
Honorable Mentions:
Jun.K might not have a put out a banger with his newest track, but Moving Day is like falling into a trance. Calming, with elements that are unexpected, but pass you by because you’ve reached a fugue state. Or maybe that’s just me. The video though, we can agree that it is a mix of a trip and a weird calm.
For the first holiday song of the season, the Barberettes have you covered. White Blanket sounds like any number of Christmas songs, which both is great from a nostalgia point of view, and bad for keeping me interested. I will give the feature of Gilgu Bonggu credit for not sounding incredibly sad like they usually do.
Goal has my least favorite thing ever with the chorus: autotune as a melody. I HATE it. But Microdot is good, so that helps a bit I guess.
BLK is old to debuting, for the most part. I love the visuals of Hero. Not so much the song, but the visuals had me that happy. It felt as well produced as a good SM box set. Maybe it’s a sign of how much technology has come, that even a fairly cheap video can look like it had a big budget.
If we are talking visuals, I can’t leave the rotating cuts of jeebanoff’s Timid out. I love the cuts on the beat, even more so when those cuts are just an angle change of the camera. It adds a lot of interest to what is basically a basement.
I could in theory like Minue’s Gravity, if I wasn’t so aggressively cringing. I feel like I’ve gone back a decade, both musically and visually.
If I were ever to run a react channel, I would have bunch of people watch Rain’s Gang just to see their faces. Mine went on a journey while watching it. The hook sounds like a Rain track. The whole rest of the song though? Oh boy . . . Don’t make me describe it, just watch for yourself. And then watch the choreo video and gasp with me about all the super cool ground work Rain and his people are doing. Like the drop every chorus.
I need to preface this with the fact that if you asked me who the best vocalists are in Korea right now, Kwak Jin Eon would be pretty damn near the top. Remains does nothing to change my mind. It is a little bit too predictable musically for me, but damn it all if Kwak Jin Eon’s voice voice doesn’t draw me in. I’m really glad he is back.
If you ever wonder the fastest way to my musical heart, it is literally anyone singing in front of a band. Of almost any type. So of course, I immediately like Hey Men’s Jelly. Will I like it two months from now? Probably not, considering I probably won’t even remember it.
Another name to put next to Kwak Jin Eon’s is Huh Gak. Who is back with Only You (or Idiot, in direct translation). And again, it’s not really my style, but the vocals are so on point, I can’t bring myself to care, especially when the chorus comes around. Also, Ong Seungwoo slow dancing alone is my sad song aesthetic, so it is ticking off a lot of boxes.
To round out our list of amazing vocalist comebacks is John Park with Smile. And out of the three, I think it is my favorite. It is sweet, plain and simple. And you can’t help but sway to the beat.
I’m a sucker for an acapella intro. Here’s another great one. It’s enough for me to pay attention to the rest of the song, which unfortunately suffers from the singer switching tones enough, that I can’t tell which one is his. Or maybe which one belongs with the song. The vocals are damn impressive though.
I was really undecided about a winner this week. First of all, everyone needs to listen to Rain, so we can all be confused together. I refuse to go through it alone. But, with all the ballads, choosing one is hard. Especially with such great vocalists. And everything else was pretty meh.
So, I kept with the ballad theme, but instead of one of the big boys that came to bat this week, I chose a female duo I had never heard of. Wish is nothing revolutionary, or all that different. In fact, it makes Smile look complicated. But, for some reason I cannot escape it, and the compelling vocals of Sweden Laundry. Wish is a song that probably gets even better if you understand the lyrics. But with really really good singers, you don’t need to understand what they are saying. They sing, and you feel, and in the end, language isn’t a barrier. Ballads are the best way of showing this. And Wish is a perfect example.
Edit: Jackson’s Okay is also damn good. Props him for good music, that is in multiple languages. Props to JYP for letting his artists do solo work that isn’t through him. Props to everyone involved.
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