#everything about him turns me all mushy 🫠
matts-self-soda-ships · 11 months
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mooshs-crack-headcanons · 11 months
What fucks me up the most about 1098 is something I don't see many people bringing up
So we have the very fucked circumstances around Bonney's birth, right? Everything that happened to Ginny is beyond fucked and capulates exactly everything that's fucking wrong about the Celestial Dragon "system" and the World Government.
Then you have Kuma, just imagine dealing with this trauma AND having to have heard your wife - who was on death's door as she's on the phone with you and your closet comrades - tell you she's dying of a terminal illness and it's a miracle she even had the chance to talk to you for the last time, you leaving to teleport to where she is in desperation to save her ultimately missing her last I love you and her probably dying ON CALL given how we see the den-den mushi receiver still in her hand after she's already gone, THEN finding Bonney, her daughter, and the million fucking horrific things that must go through your head for her even to be able to exist, then swearing to your dead wife you will raise her as your own. Think about how fucked that is.
But then, turns out Ginny's illness was genetic. And Bonny now has it and can no longer be exposed to sunlight. The kid's make fun of her over it - over something she can't control. Then it turns out she has only five years to live because no normal doctors can find a cure, ultimately and I'm assuming leading to Kuma going to Vegapunk to find a cure and maybe that's how the Government finds him and only lets the treatment happen in exchange for Kuma working for them as Warlord - the last part being only a theory for now.
So you have all of that, right? But you know what's the kicker for me?
All the stuff about Ginny, Bonney only just found that out when she looked in Kuma's bubble. She didn't know beforehand.
I mean why would she? She's actually twelve, a child, only appearing older due to her fruit and probably having to appear older to be a pirate and all the stuff being a pirate entails for her own safety to at least appear to be an adult - which I'm heavily guessing she only did become a pirate in the first place just to find her dad, which is really really fucking sad. But she's a kid, Kuma - also probably dealing with the World Government and Warlord shit at the same time and pre-pacifista - would've never told her at this age. This is a fucking heavy topic, and to learn that not only Kuma isn't her biological dad but she's also... part Celestial Dragon is something that should take a lot out of anyone and with her apparently crying all night after seeing the bubble, now it just makes even more sense. But even still, she loves her dad - not some fucking monster who enslaved her mother, her actual dad who loved and raised her and most likely agreed to being a World Government genie pig in exchange for treatment to save his daughter's life.
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Only so few chapters so far and I'm personally already considering it my favorite saddest, depressing, gut wrenching backstories. And general this flackback just adds so much to all the pre-established stuff we already knew about Kuma. It's the type of flashback that puts so many things in place just 🫠 it's fucked up and sad but I absolutely live for these types of flashbacks like I'm crying, disgusted, my heart ripped out but damn Oda. You really didn't pull punches, huh?
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