#everytime i gotta watch a show i gotta get obsessed for 2 weeks and make it gay
thunkinator · 4 months
is anyone else scared to talk to their friends abt tv shows n such cause u have no idea if theyre gonna match ur freak or not
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shootingcookielover · 3 years
Summary: 5 times Techno traded with gold and the one time he didn't.
It's basically just a five + one fic. We got Techno in here, Philza, Ranboo, Niki, Tommy and a bit of Wilbur.
Egg in the end.
Implied character death.
Tommy discovered it, because of course it was Tommy. The boy had had a thought - a rare occurrence already - and a correct thought at that - even rarer.
He'd accompanied Phil to the Nether exactly four times now, and everytime he'd seen the older exchange gold with the natives. Had seen how the piglins would chase after the shiny metal and seemingly without giving it a second thought exchange it for something.
Now, despite popular belief Tommy wasn't stupid; he knew a thing or two. For example, he knew that Technoblade, his oldest brother, was a piglin-hybrid.
He thought it odd that Wilbur hadn't come to the same conclusion as him yet, but blamed it on being smarter than the musician.
For just a few minutes before he executed his plan - or rather, experiment - he stood. He looked.
He watched Technoblade. The older was sitting on the couch - which was rare, as he usually preferred to be alone in his room - reading a book.
Tommy didn't know what book and he didn't care.
A grin played around his lips as he pulled out what he referred to as 'the Bait'. It was a gold ring he'd stolen from Philza when the man wasn't looking.
He stepped into the room and Technos eyes flickered up briefly; a suspicious look settling on his face for a moment.
"Eyyyy, big T!", Tommy exclaimed, to dissuade the older from thinking on the situation too much. He didn't want Techno to figure out what he was doing, after all, that might ruin the experiment. "How are you! How's the wife?"
Techno rolled his eyes before settling them on the book in his hands again. "I don't have a wife, Tommy."
The younger laughed, grip on the gold ring tightening. He was closer to his brother now, just a few steps away.
"Yeah, big man, just one of the many things I'm superior at than you! Having a wife! Because I definitely have wife!"
"M-hm. And when are we meeting this 'wife' of yours, exactly, Tommy?"
The blond bristled a bit. "Well, never with that attitude! She doesn't want to meet you anyway! And I don't want you to meet her! You'd probably bore her to death with your stupid obsession with ancient Greece!"
The older brother looked back up at Tommy. "I'll have you know---", his gaze settled on the ring Tommy was offering him.
Without any hesitation Techno grabbed it, calloused fingers holding it delicately. He inspected it closely, before he slipped it on his finger, grabbed the book he was still holding and handed it to Tommy.
"---the Greeks were a respectable civilization with a lot of fascinating mythology!", He resumed as if nothing happened.
For a moment there was silence between the two brothers.
Then Tommy broke out in hysterical laughter.
"Tommy I swear to God if you tell anyone about this, I will personally end you.", Techno promised.
Not at all deterred by the serious note in his brother's voice, Tommy jumped back from the couch and yelled out: "WILBUR! Wilbur guess what Techno did!"
"Oh no you don't!", Techno vaulted over the couch's armrest, but he was too late, Tommy was already sprinting down the hall, almost at the staircase.
"Tommy, get back here!"
Tommy was quick on his feet and just fast enough that Techno couldn't catch up to him.
When he reached the upper floor Wilbur was already standing in the hallway, intrigued amusement playing on his face.
"Come in here, quick!", He yelled and pulled Tommy into his room, just before Techno could get the youngest.
As quick as he could Wilbur locked the door.
Techno threw himself against the wood - without as much strength as he would need to break it down. Phil had specifically warned them not to break anymore doors.
"Tommy, I swear if you tell Wilbur I will--"
The boys inside Wilburs room ignored the angry ranting and the fists hitting the door.
Wilbur was grinning as he leaned against the door to keep it closed with his weight. "What did you do?! I haven't seen Techno this upset since the book prank of 1876!"
"That was a week ago!", Techno remarked, though he went ignored.
"Okay, okay, okay", Tommy's face was basically a massive grin at this point. He showed Wilbur the book Techno had given him. "You see this?"
"A book? We already did that, Tommy."
"No, no, no, no! This book-- I mean! You know how piglins trade shit for gold?"
Wilburs eyes widened as he seemed to catch on.
"I gave Techno a ring and he traded me this! He didn't even look like he thought about it, he just did it!"
Techno put his hands against Wilburs door, palms against the wood.
He took a deep breath. This isn't worth the punishment that would follow breaking a door.
He stood there for a few seconds more, voices in the back of his mind chanting incoherent words and sentences he couldn't really make out yet.
You know what? Screw it, it's definitely worth it.
He threw himself against the door, full-force this time.
The wood gave in against Technos muscular frame. Wilbur stumbled away from the door, falling to the floor.
Tommy was already at the window he and Wilbur climbed out of a lot.
"You get back here, you gremlin!", Techno yelled.
He stepped across Wilbur, but the younger brother grabbed his ankle.
The unexpected action led to Techno face-planting into the floor, just out of reach of Tommy.
"Let me go!", The piglin-hybrid exclaimed, kicking out towards Wilbur.
The musician grabbed ahold of Technos entire leg, while he yelled out to Tommy: "Run, I'll buy you some time!"
"I appreciate it!", The youngest yelled, already outside on the roof, sliding down the tiles.
"No, Tommy--!"
Techno kicked out again, aiming for Wilburs face, but the musician dodged.
"I won't let you get him, Techno!"
"Just let me go!"
Wilbur let go of Technos legs, hands instead going up to his face.
The piglin hybrid scrambled to his feet.
With the awkwardness of someone who hadn't had to climb out of a window before, he followed his brother outside.
"Tommy!", He yelled, but the boy had already disappeared into the nearby woods.
There was no way Techno would get him now, at least not until Phil returned.
An upset grumble built in the back of his throat as he climbed back into Wilbur's room.
His gaze landed on the musician, his hands now covered in blood.
"Hey, you, uh, okay? I didn't kick you too hard...", He shuffled in place awkwardly, "...right?"
Wilbur chuckled. "Nah, I think it's just broken."
"Just broken?!"
When Phil returned home, he heard both Technos and Wilburs voices from the living room. He didn't, however, hear Tommy's voice, which was deeply concerning.
The blond was loud, always.
He stepped into the living room to find Techno bandaging Wilburs nose.
"What's going on?", He questioned. He knew his boys played rough a lot, but so far it hadn't ever been bad enough to warrant actually concern. "And where's Tommy?"
"Eh, the gremlin child is probably just in the woods. He'll be back.", Techno replied while pulling the bandage a bit tighter.
Wilbur winced a bit at Technos movements. "Yeah, it's probably fine.", He agreed.
The last of Phil's worries were scattered when Tommy slammed open the front door and yelled: "Techno broke Wilburs door again!"
"Really, mate?"
Philza, despite living with Tommy, Wilbur and Techno for years, didn't find out about this particular quirk of Technos until much later.
Tommy and Wilbur hadn't yet gone off to the Dream Smp.
Phil and Techno were on Hypixel when he found out. The two of them were taking a break from the endless fighting on the server by relaxing in the flat Techno had rented there.
The piglin-hybrid was sprawled on the couch, clearly exhausted, when Phil noticed it.
He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes focussed on the younger man's hand.
"Mate, what's that ring you got there?", He questioned.
"Eh?", Techno lazily raised his head before glancing at his finger. "...which one?", He then asked, seeing as he had a rather big collection of rings decorating his hand.
"This one right here.", Phil replied and reached out, only lightly touching the one he meant.
He knew how possessive Techno was of his things; particularly the ones made of gold.
Techno examined the ring for a second before shrugging. "Tommy gave it to me, traded it for some book.", He finally replied, laying back on the couch.
"...that's my wedding ring, mate."
"Tommy gave you my wedding ring and you gave him a book?"
Techno pulled his hand against his chest and examined the ring closer. "Wha-- I didn't know it was your weddin' ring! I thought it was just some random jewelry, he'd picked up or somethin'!"
Short silence prevailed between the two.
"...you can have it back.", Techno finally said. Except, he was obviously not okay with giving it up, judging by the possessive gaze he leveled at the thing, or the way his fingers curled around the item in question.
"Nah, mate, it's alright you can keep it.", Phil couldn't help the smile pulling at his mouth. "What did you say about trading?"
Technos gaze took on a mortified quality immediately. "No, Phil, please--", but it was too late.
Phil had pulled a gold earring from his inventory and held it out to Techno. He had bought the thing specifically for the younger man anyway, the opportunity was perfect.
The piglin-hybrid's gaze became transfixed on the metal. A few grunts escaped him as he pulled it from Philza's grasp.
From his own inventory he produced emeralds that he thoughtlessly handed to the older man.
The gold nugget disappeared into his inventory.
Phil couldn't help but laugh as he also stashed away the emeralds.
An embarrassed blush spread across Technos cheeks. "We'll never speak of this again."
"Sure, mate.", Phil was still laughing.
Ranboo had been living with Techno for a few weeks now. Well, next to Techno, technically.
The point was, Ranboo had been hanging around the piglin-hybrid a lot lately and he had noticed something. Something he'd noted down in his memory book in the section he dedicated to 'Friends'.
Techno is fascinated by gold.
Whenever Ranboo pulled out anything remotely gold, the other would get transfixed by it.
One time, Ranboo had forgotten his crown at Techno's - he almost hadn't gotten it back.
So, with that in mind, Ranboo had crafted the piglin-hybrid a golden necklace. It wasn't the best piece of craftsmanship - Ranboo hadn't really made jewelry before. Not that he would have been able to remember if he had.
Still, the necklace looked good enough and Ranboo was actually kind of proud of it.
So with the gift in his inventory he made the short trip to Techno's cabin.
His hand trembled a bit as he knocked on the door. He told himself it was just the cold, but he knew it was the nerves coiled tightly in his stomach. He had given Techno gifts before, most notably the enchanted netherite axe he'd recently made, but somehow this felt... Different.
He pulled his hand away and took a step away from the door, anxiously swaying back and forth on the balls of his feet. His tail nervously thumped against the fence behind him a few times.
The door finally opened, revealing a somewhat dishevelled looking Technoblade.
"Ranboo?", The piglin-hybrid observed.
Ranboo startled. "Yes! I, uh, I made you something!", He exclaimed. His eyes traveled along Techno's tired frame, the bags beneath his eyes. "But- but I can come back later for you're-- if you're busy."
Techno already shook his head before Ranboo even finished his sentence. "You're fine. Come in. You want tea?"
The piglin-hybrid stepped into the house, back turned towards Ranboo.
It made the enderman hybrid feel warm, that Techno trusted him enough to invite him in, to share tea with him, to turn his back on Ranboo.
The enderman hybrid pulled the door close as he stepped in. "Sure!", He chirped.
Edward greeted him from his place by the fireplace and Ranboo replied with his own greeting.
"What kind do you want?", Techno asked from the kitchen while Ranboo sat down at the table. "I have... Black tea, chamomile and... I think this is green tea?", There was the faint sound of sniffing. "...yeah, I don't know what this is, actually."
"Oh, uh, chamomile is fine!" Ranboo answered, his nerves making him clench and unclench his hands periodically.
He was overtly aware of the gold necklace in his inventory. Despite the inventory not being a physical thing, like pants pockets or a bag, Ranboo could feel it weighing him down.
Not that he wasn't excited to present the other with his gift, it just... Made his anxiety act up.
After what felt like eternity Techno came back to the living room, carrying two steaming cups. He placed one in front of Ranboo, before he sat down with his own.
To Ranboo's surprise there was a straw placed in his cup. He couldn't help but stare at the thing.
Techno cleared his throat and Ranboo looked up at the piglin-hybrid.
Techno seemed to be... Embarrassed.
Ranboo hadn't known the Blade could be embarrassed.
"I uh. I thought since you're part enderman you might not want to drink directly out of the cup, because of the water allergy and stuff, so I uh. Added the straw."
If Ranboo could have blinked, he would have, but as it was he could only look between the cup and Techno. The warmth from before, that Techno's trust had ignited, flared to life with a vengeance.
Ranboo wrapped his hands around the cup and smiled at Techno. "Thank you! That's... Not many people think of that..."
"We hybrids gotta look out for each other.", Techno replied with a shrug and took a sip from his cup.
The smile remained on Ranboo's face as he stared down into his cup, almost transfixed by the straw.
So thoughtful.
He himself often forgot to take precautions when he drank water, leading to a lot of tiny burn scars decorating his mouth, similar to the tear trails on his cheeks.
"So, uh, you said somethin' about a gift?"
Ranboo looked up at Techno.
The words registered and Ranboo remembered. "Oh! Right!"
He quickly reached into his inventory and pulled out the necklace.
He held it out to Techno.
"I know it's not the best, but I did my best! I, uh, saw how much you liked gold and you already have so many rings, I figured you might like a necklace!"
Ranboo clamped his mouth shut to stop himself from rambling.
Techno didn't seem to even register half the words that had spilled from the enderman hybrids lips.
His eyes were fixed on the necklace. He carefully reached out and took it from Ranboo's hands.
Seemingly without thought he pulled an ender pearl from his inventory and pushed it into Ranboo's hands.
"Uh?", Ranboo again wished he could blink with bewilderment, but he couldn't. Instead his ears and tail flicked, while his eyes moved from the pearl to Techno, back to the pearl.
The piglin-hybrid put the necklace around his neck, still staring at the golden chain, apparently oblivious to Ranboo's confusion.
Eventually Techno looked up again and registered Ranboo's bewilderment.
"Ah! That. It's a piglin thing." Techno explained quickly with a flick of his wrist. He wanted to dismiss the topic and not make a big deal out of it; Ranboo could see the embarrassed blush dusting the others cheeks.
Being a hybrid himself he understood what Techno meant perfectly. He didn't question it further, instead opting to just put the enderpearl in his inventory. "Uh, thanks!", He finally said, wincing at his own words. "...I guess!"
Techno shrugged. "So, tea, right?"
"Are Phil and Ranboo not coming today?", Niki questioned as she set down the tray of muffins she'd brought.
Techno shook his head. "Nah, they're just late.", He explained.
"Oh." Niki glanced at the mysterious chair that had been empty for every meeting so far.
Who could it belong to?
She shook the thoughts off. It didn't matter. She sat down in her own chair before offering Techno a muffin.
The piglin-hybrid took it gladly.
"Your bakin' is really good.", Techno muttered through a mouthful of muffin.
Niki laughed. "Thanks, Techno."
"No, really, I love these."
She smiled as she leaned back. A bit of boredom weasled it's way into her mind and she began fiddling with her bracelet.
It was made of gold and shimmered delightfully in the sim light of the meeting room.
Techno, who had been enraptured by the muffin a second ago, was suddenly much more transfixed on the piece of jewelry. His chewing became much more calm and deliberate. His eyes followed the bracelets every move.
"...you good, Techno?", Niki questioned as she pulled the arm with bracelet closer to herself.
The piglin-hybrid slowly nodded and swallowed the bite of muffin. "...'m fine.", He replied, gaze still locked on the jewelry.
"....do you want this?", Niki eventually asked, since Techno's attention didn't once shift from the bracelet.
"Heh?", Techno looked up at Niki's eyes briefly, before he looked at the bracelet again. "No, no, it's yours, I wouldn't... Want it anyway."
Niki laughed lightly as she unclasped the bracelet. "It's fine, Techno, really. It's not important or anything, it's just a bracelet."
The piglin-hybrid took the piece of jewelry and handed Niki the half-eaten muffin he held in his other hand.
He put the bracelet on and when he met Niki's gaze an embarrassed blush spread across his cheeks.
"A piglin thing?", Niki questioned as she took a bite of the muffin.
Techno shrugged. "Yeah."
The necklace feels heavy around his neck, the ring like it's cutting into his finger. The bracelet burns against his wrist and the emeralds hanging from his ears seem to weigh much more than they should.
His fingers wrap around the handle of his axe; it was a familiar movement, something he'd done millions of times.
Not that he remembers any of those times.
All he has are the broken remnants of a life that he isn't part of anymore.
The distant sound of laughter sometimes echoes through his memories, but more often than not there are screams, distant, yet seeming so much more real than the happy moments he sometimes catches glimpses of.
The only thing that truly feels real, that he truly remembers, is the one thing he can't have anymore. Not really anyway.
The earrings feel so, so heavy. The necklace feels like it's burning a hole into his skin.
The bracelet feels too tight suddenly, the ring like it's desperately trying to brand his finger.
His grip around the axe's handle tightens.
He doesn't remember them, any of them.
Phil's hands pushed the weapon into his hand frantically. He didn't understand.
"Run!", He had been told and so he had run.
But he knows they need his help.
"Techno!", Ranboo had screamed, his voice devolving into incoherent enderman noises as it wrapped around his lanky frame.
If only he could get up. If only his limbs would move.
If only it wasn't so cold.
He knows he's the only one who can help.
"I thought-- I thought you were immune?"
Tommy laughed. It was his laugh, but it wasn't. It was the same, yet it was different. So, so different.
"Techno, big man, big T!", The teen replied, eyes glinting red. "Nobody is 'immune' to the egg! That'd be like being immune to the air!"
His steps are light and quick; different from back then, back when he wasn't... This.
It doesn't matter.
Because they need him.
The vines had wrapped her up, covering her mouth, her limbs. Preventing her from making any move.
Tears trickled down her face, tears that slowly came to a halt.
He felt horror deep in his soul as he watched her eyes turn a deep, dark crimson.
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I am bisexual.
When I was in the 4th grade, at age 11, I met this really cute girl. She was about, what, 4'6 ft tall? She was actually my classmate, but I was always socially awkward. It's a long story, but we eventually became friends. She was REALLY smart and hardworking (in our school, if you're an honor student, you're REAALLY smart.) while i was lazy and average. Of course, back then we were still children. (Btw let's refer to her as "Maki" instead) We both loved anime, and we were total weebs. At that time, I was obsessed with Hetalia. I influenced her to watch it, she was a shugo chara fan. Anddd so she also got addicted.
Anyway, I was pretty fond of drawing, and people saluted me for my skills. Maki worshipped me like a God no im sERIOUS and called me "sensei", because i gave her lots of tips. She overestimated me too much. To the point where she neglected her studies just to talk to me. Although, I myself did not notice that. She always told me that she never had a true friend, and I was her first friend. She always told me that she loved me, and that we will forever be friends until we die. 
Her mother started to notice the big drop of our grades, and blamed me for it. She also started talking back to her, although Maki said that she did that back before we were friends.
Fifth and sixth grade came by, (i am from asia, 6th grade is our last year in gradeschool, but we still remain at the same school.) and her mother's anger at me grew, for Maki's behavior became "worse", as Maki explained. She forbid her to see me, and I was hurt. But she still constantly followed me, we were inseparable. 
Her mother even asked for a transfer of section in 6th grade, just for her to get away from me. But that didn't work either.
I didn't understand, she still remained an honor student, so what's wrong? I was hurt.
So one day, I confronted her. I wasn't rude, if that's what you're thinking. But she screamed at me and demanded at me to leave her daughter alone right in front of the school's catholic church. She called me a demon. Everyone in the school was looking at her with shame, and looking at me with pity. I shaked the tears off, I didn't want her to see me cry. I left afterwards in tears, it wouldn't stop. The only thing that cheered me up was a friend that went with me in the car (because no driver). She was my childhood friend (first friend too. We've been friends for almost 12 years) let's refer to her as Aka.
I never realized I was bisexual until freshman year came. But that's where the real thing comes.
At that time, the school year was ending, and I told her that maybe we should be apart
I had two reasons for saying that.
One, is because I didn't want her to get hurt anymore. Her mother abuses her. It just hurts me to see her hurt, and yet still smile. 
Two, is because I felt odd. I think about her everytime, I go nuts when I don't get to talk to her for a day. I felt so crazy that I didn't know what it was. I had a crush on a boy back then at 4th grade, but the feeling was different somehow. I was so confused. 
When I told her to break it for the 3rd time, we did. But afterwards, we came by again. She told me that she was so sad. I didn't know what to feel, so I smiled at it. It was March. 
My weeaboo phase ended at that month.
I started to watch different things like the vampire diaries...etc.
Afterwards, I have come to the thought that I had feelings for her, so I told her that we should be acquaintances starting our first year of highschool.
When we found out the people we will be classmates with, I told her to be friends with a certain person (lets call her Eli?)
And so she did.
But, I realized how jealous I was after nearly a month.
She made a bunch of friends, while I...made nothing. But that's not why I was jealous
I was jealous because I wasn't with her everyday like we used to, it's not the same anymore. I felt ignored. So I sent her a message. And she answered with
"Heya~ Recieved ur text but ddnt recive load, im NOT trying to ignore you though, i thought we were aquaintances and yes i knew u helped me a lot and i appreciate u for that but you dnt hav d right to tell me whether to make friends or not, because we have our own lives n i do wat i want when i wanna do it n i wanna make friends so what? I actually did make lots this first few weeks of school already. Plus i dont think we can relate to each other anymore.. I love hetalia & anime still but u've gone out of d fandom n went to TVD n PLL, im not really interested in that though,sorry.I still belive dat anime could be real while u think their jst living in ur comp screen. Im not trying to judge ur opinions because i respect ur opinions owo scouting is actually fun though, its not boring nor tiering at all, its pretty fun >w< i luv it. Believe it or not i still miss you but i dont think we can relate. I hav 2 study everyday n night, my grades matter to me, so please dnt say im trying to ignore u by not going to fb, i jst hav 2 study thats y. I cant be on here all the time n i barely hav time to get on here because im trying to make up for my failing ones.. n my phone dsnt lyk recieving load idk y. btw i sti believe my friends wnt leave me and yeah thats all i gotta say bye see u :)"
I felt offended..somehow
So I confronted her, told her that I wanted us to be friends again. But she didn't want to, for she already got a new set of friends. And of course, I wanted to cry. But I didn't want to show it. 
I wanted to shout. 
There was another message, it was her apologizing for offending me. Of course, I didn't see that message. But I confronted her the day before, I think she was offended. No...she IS offended. I felt baddd 
I don't want to reveal anything else, but I sent her a total of 20+ apology messages through deviantart and facebook from July to March of 2014. 
I was seenzoned, and there was so reply.
I cried every night.
I felt so obsessed, stalking her through every site.
I was friends with Eli, and I asked her about what Maki thinks of me. She said that Maki didn't want to talk about it, but she disliked me. Ouch. 
Although, Eli DID say that Maki had an older brother and an older sister who was married, but I knew those were big lies. She only had one sister, which was younger than her. I can't believe she lied, she wasnt the type of person to lie.
At January of 2014, I met a guy from the higher batch (can we call him vans). He made me realize that I was bisexual, that I loved Maki.
So, at April of 2014, I sent her my last message. I even confessed to her that I had a crush on her.
But at October (or so) I sent her another message through deviantart, admitting all faults.
I didn't expect her to reply, but when I checked my deviantart page again, she replied.
I'm too lazy to look up what she said, but she said that she forgave me, asked me how I was, and all. But she sent another message that said that we couldnt be together again, but we are good now.
I was so happy that I cried, screamed, and burried myself in the pillow. Literally. 
Until now, at sophomore year, I still see her. We're still not classmates, and our classrooms are far from each other, but each time I see her..my heart still tends to ache.
We are from different clubs (she is from the english club, while I am from the art club. If the art club wasn't so full, I think we would've been clubmates.)
Next school year, I have a horrible feeling that we will be classmates, due to the fact that I am pretty sure we took the art course. Our school will sort us by course next year, and I'm not sure what I will do if I were to be her classmate once more. Will I breakdown and cry in front of her? Or smile at her, and fall for her all over again? It's not fair. I still want to see her. 
I hope her mother will accept me one day, and I will be able to be close to her once again. I am okay with being "just friends", I just don't want to be apart from her. I hope she understands. 
Maki, if you're reading this, thank you. Thank you for letting me experience being loved, feeling loved. I'm sorry for being such a horrible person back then. Thank you so much.
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lazylarry · 7 years
Look who's stalking now!(ZEN x MC)
//So yea, I had this idea while watching 2 men and a half.. I'mma just start.//
It's been months since you've put a stop to your addiction. What addiction? Well, ZEN, of course! You were so addicted.. no, so obsessed with him that you couldn't help yourself but observe him. Yes, observe him. Always a few steps behind him. Always there to see what his next move was! You used to have a nice collection of photographs. What photographs? Of him, of course!
You used to track him down with the help of Seven. From time to time you will send ZEN food, gifts, sometimes you yourself showed up at his door. Most of the time you would just observe his reaction from the bushes. Ah, those were the times! But you are over it!
*4 months ago*
"MC, will you stop following me already! It's creepy!" ZEN had a bad day and he noticed you at his window. He opened the window to make you stop following him. You were doing that for quite a while now, ever since you got into the RFA 3 months ago.
"Oh, calm down! Why don't you tell me what's wrong?" You said as you climbed inside and closed the window behind you.
"I'm busy, so so so freaking busy! I can't relax! And I'm also stressing over the fact that you are stalking me!" He explained as he paced through the room. "Why you gotta be so persistent? Why you gotta always be there to watch me? I understand that my beauty is making you do all of these insane things, I would do the same if I were you. Poor girl.. But! Enough is enough. I can't go like this anymore! I nearly had a heartattack last week because you snuck inside my house just to bake me a pie! I'm starting to become paranoic."
"Oh, sweetie! But I'm not stalking you!" You shushed him.
"MC, can't you see-.." You put your finger on top of his lips.
"It's okay, ZEN, it's okay. Let it all out. After all this is the end. I am leaving you." You smiled softly.
"You? Leaving me? But I am the one-.."
"Oh, denial.. Of course, take your time. It's gonna be alright. We'll always have those cold dark nights to remember." You caressed his cheek and turned your back. "This is goodbye, ZEN. From now on we'll be just normal friends." You headed towards the door.
"What? Wh- wh- wha-? Pft, what?" ZEN was confused. "Stop looking for me ever again! You're confused and deranged!"
You waved at him and left his house.
*back to the present*
You were out in the park for your daily jog. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just the fact that someone had their eyes on you. It didn't bother you at first, but it started to freak you out when you heard footsteps behind you. You stopped to turn around, but saw no one. You shook it off and headed towards home.
On the way home the same sensation of someone following you kept bugging you. When you heard the footsteps again you ran home without looking back.
You were living in a complex that was secured with a lock that only the ones that lived there could open with their cards. At the entrance was also a security guard so you weren't worried that someone could actually come get you.
You entered your flat, threw your jaket on the couch and headed to the bathroom to take a long hot shower to relax your muscles. After the shower you went in the living room with a cup of hot chocoa and decided to look out the window, it was one of your favourite things to do. The sight from your flat was breath taking. As you looked out the window you noticed a mop of white hair in front of the complex looking up at the windows. It was ZEN! When he noticed you he panicked and ran away. It took you on surprise too. You went to the couch and sat there to calm down.
Why was he here? You won't know unless you ask him. But should you even bring it up? Nah, maybe it's best to let it slide. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
At least that's what you thought. You started to be paranoid everytime you went out. You always felt that someone was following you. Everytime you looked out the window ZEN was right outside looking up at you. What was going on? You got a text.
'I liked your black dress. I would have liked it better if you would have wore it just for me.'
It was from ZEN! Your heart jumped a little. You didn't know if you were supposed to be happy or concerned. You thought you got over him and that he didn't want you near him. What was happening all of a sudden?
9 notes · View notes
em44owls · 7 years
Joshler Fic
I Think I Lost My Halo- “When the boys end up lab partners at the start of last semester, Tyler finds a new good little Christian boy to lead astray, and Josh finds new reasons to feel guilty. But if it's so wrong, then how can being with Tyler feel so right?” (96041 words) 18/18
Isle of Flightless Birds- “It wasn't a soulbond. It couldn't be. Because they hadn't met. But this boy in Josh's dreams with the hazel eyes almost black with fear felt more real than the chair Josh was sitting on. And the pain in his wrist felt as if there should be healing lines. And the emotions washing over him didn't always fit. (75837 words) 15/15
My Treehouse Is On Fire- “Tyler's apartment complex gets evacuated at 3am because of a fire and he ends up talking to some pink haired guy wearing a hoodie and boxers.” (61372 words) 43/43
Million dollar man- “josh just needs a good story to keep his less than thriving journalist job, and tyler probably has enough dirty laundry to break the news.” (56278 words)
We're Young, We're Dumb, and We Don't Care- “In which Tyler leaves home for his reasons, and meets Josh who left school for his own” (49099 words) 48/48
Tyler and Josh vs. The World.- “An angel and a devil in a suburban Ohio high school. What could go wrong?” (48748 words) 58/58
falling for you, literally, three times- "I don't wanna be responsible for getting you into trouble." "Ah, I have a feeling you'll be doing a lot of that, Tyler Joseph." Tyler moves to London and finds himself falling for Josh, quite literally, and Josh wonders whether the shy new kid is exactly what he's been waiting for.” (43130 words) 17/17
Still high with a little feeling- “Josh offers Tyler to be his pet in the mafia, not knowing it’ll lead to something different.” (40658 words) 12/12
Innocent High- “Josh Dun, a Sex ED teacher at Columbus High, is receiving letters everyday from an unknown source. The letters are rather...sexual.” (39961 words) 51/51
Josh hates his job.- “It's not that he doesn't like helping omega's in need or that he can't manage the tasks, it's just that it's hard to watch them go when they don't need him anymore. He wants an omega that stays.” (33861 words) 14/14
every little thing is gonna be alright- “Josh is kinda stoned, Tyler is kinda broken, and this is the start of something kinda beautiful. (the chapters are all connected drabbles and are out of order. the chapters are numbered in the title in the order they should be read in! sorry for any confusion)” (31890 words) 15/15 
Take Care of You- “Business trips hardly feel like trips at all when you hardly leave your hotel room. Tyler hadn't planned on seeking company, but it seemed like making a friend for the week would be the most convenient thing, even if he was a little pricey.” (31180 words) 5/5
I Will Make You Believe You Are Lovely- “It's Josh's 18th birthday and he's finally going to receive his Soul Mark and find out who his Soul Mate is.” (30230 words) 13/13 
Entertain Mit’s always sunny in ohio- “Uh, my date—my date is, uh.” Tyler stutters, feeling his cheeks flush. “Spill, Tyler.” Maddy leans forward, her elbows resting on the table.“Josh,” Tyler blurts out. (26781 words)
~long way down- “a knock at the door leads to more than what Tyler was expecting, and it ends up being the one thing that saves him.”  (26013 words)
Let Me Take Care of You- “Josh is the Tyler is his boyfriend. Some of his teammates don't like that.It's almost exactly as high school as it sounds” (21140 words)
Into The Wild- “Two boys from two completely different worlds collide and things get interesting. Trust is shared. Feelings develop. And none of them suspects what the future brings.” (21734 words) 5/5
Safe- “Tyler is one step away from losing hope. Josh happens.” (21504 words) 
I'm trying to sleep- “Tyler is abused by his dad and bullied at school, until Josh comes along and gives him the love he always needed.” (21381 words) 22/22
I Don't Wanna Fall Away- “Lately, Josh has been having these weird, inappropriate thoughts about his best friend. He doesn't know how long he can fight them, but he doesn't want to risk their friendship either.” (21313 words) 14/14
Blue neighborhood- “brown eyes with colored hair covered in tattoos and piercings makes Tyler forget the differences between wrong and right.” (20903 words)
Wild Geese- “No offense,” Josh replied, unfolding his arms. “But the straightest thing about me is my middle finger.” In which the summer before college becomes the summer of Tyler, and Josh learns how to care.” (20598 words)
Her name is Tyler- “Josh didn’t typically pick up other guys in a bar and take them home but then again he also didn’t see many guys wearing a soft pink skirt.” (20147 words)
you belong to me (you must obey me)- ”hating someone more than Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun hate each other is not possible. but what are those strange feelings they get?” (19435 words) 16/16
Fanfic reading- “One, Josh has a secret: he's obsessed with reading Joshler fanfiction. And not the PG stuff either.” (19247 words) 2 works
Caught in the Act- “Tyler and Josh are best friends. Tyler and Jenna are happily married. But all hell breaks loose when Tyler finds them in bed together.” (18909 words) milk and honey- “Tyler doesn't like to be touched. Josh shows him he can touch him without using skin.” (17938 words) It's as good as I can be (This is all that I can be)- “Tyler struggles with the meaning of being religious as well as his developing sexuality” (16575 words) Bro.- “Tyler moves to Los Angeles, where he discovers his next door neighbor has gone from punk to hunk, and oh nooooo he's falling for him.” (15828 words) When You Really Gotta Go- “Just some really great Joshler omorashi” (15960 words) 10/10 Don't Leave (When Winter Comes)- “Josh and Tyler live in an unfamiliar city, far away and disconnected from the local culture and the homes they once knew. Tyler performs in grimy, alternative bars, and Josh idolizes him. They get involved, but Tyler seems hell-bent on destroying himself and everything in his path. Josh is really earnest and tries to hold on for the ride.” (15788 words) 7/7 Mustard- “The one where Tyler sits on street corners and plays his ukulele for money and Josh hates his life.” (14828 words)
He’s Got The Midas Touch- “So Josh, do you know why I called you in here?” Tyler starts.Josh closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before replying, “because I accidentally sent you a dick pic?”Tyler looks visibly surprised, he stops pouring his glass of wine when he sees the nervous look on Josh's face. “Accidentally?” (8838 words) 2/2
Screen- “Tyler is a camboy and Josh is an awkward young man.” (6432 words)
Cold Mocha- “Josh finally agrees to fuck Tyler.” (5712 words)
got caught under the covers- “Or, 5 Times Tyler and Josh Got Caught, and 1 Time They Didn't.” (5195 words)
get down on your knees and tell me you love me- “Tyler gets a new job as an assistant at a huge publishing company, and he doesn't make a good first impression on the boss' son.” (4570 words)
Fluffer- “Originally, Tyler applied as a camera assistant.” (4193 words)
everytime you come around (i feel like glitter)- "I accidentally grabbed your notebook and i found a crap ton of gay writings/doodles and they're amazing. Wait, are those combinations of our names all over the pages?" (4137 words) 2/2
Liquor- “Tyler likes instructions, Josh needs them.” (3857 words)
a little taste of heaven- "Can I touch you?" came the question. Tyler sighed, the sound turning into a sweet whimper. He nodded affirmatively, letting go of his own cock and placing his hand on the pillow instead, giving Josh better access” (3533 words)
Snowed In- “No power, no heat, no clothes, no problem.” (3490 words)
 Entertain Me (under lips)- “After three years, Tyler knew subtlety was dead. So when Josh poked Tyler's thigh and said, “I'm horny.” (2769 words)
Perfect Symmetry- “Josh likes his drums, but he also likes Tyler’s hips.” (2648 words)
Cedar Point- High School AU, Smut (2606 words)
A Milano- “After all the running he's done today, Josh is eager to get back to his tent for some alone time. Good thing Tyler's only a phone call away.” (2397 words)
get naked (i got a plan)- “Meeting fans after shows is great and everything, but sometimes you just need some private time with your boyfriend first.” (2005 words)
lights low, mouth open- “josh is a slob when it comes to the theater and tyler is just trying to do his job.” (1978 words) 
Variety- “prompt: "dom tyler with shy josh and dirty talk !!" (1846 words)
scarlet harlot [because you’re mine]- “He doesn't want to admit it, but this whole situation is slightly hot: Him bent over a sink, Tyler tugging his hair.... In which Tyler dyes Josh's hair and also gives him an orgasm.” (1810 words)
It’s not what it looks like- “Tyler underestimates the time Josh is supposed to be home at.” (1776 words)
Use me until ever little piece is gone- “Tyler is willing and adores being used for Josh's pleasure Josh is dominant and adores how Tyler lets him fulfil his darkest fantasies” (1761 words)
yellow- “has anyone ever told you that you’re beautiful?”- Josh  “n-no.”-Tyler “you’re absolutely beautiful.”-Josh (1695 words)  
100 kinks.- “100 kink challenges". they start off cute and fluffy and gets more kinky as i go.” (14688 words) 6/? 
Indecent- “Tyler loses his virginity on his birthday in the back of a pickup truck.” (1453 words) 
somber- “Come here and kiss me some more.” Tyler says then, and it takes Josh by surprise, going over the sentence in his head, trying to figure out if it’s a simple joke between friends or not.” (1433 words)
room with a view- “They really didn't mean to put on a show like this.” (1399 words) (a series)
the best things happen at the worst of times, tyler thinks- “tyler Loved jenna. it took him too long to realize he loved josh more.” (1321 words)
angel- “tyler is a 50 year old ghost who haunts joshua's house, but is an absolute adorable lil' peach that joshua adores, but pouts when the brunet catches him doing something embarrassing.” (1183 words)
sweet- “ty and j turn into soft pants and delicate groans after a show.” (1102 words)
Dare me- “Tyler choked on a sip of his drink. Did he hear that right? Did Josh really say that?” (1181 words)
Fuck Fake Friends- “Fuck fake friends, we don’t need them, the only thing they’re good for is leaving.” (1136 words)
grinding Together with occasional Touch of  enamel- “Some pure Tyler and Josh being Tyler and Josh” {sex, masturbation, and smut} (1013 words)
It’s our hearts that make the (dubstep) beat.- “Tyler likes to play games and make challenges. Josh has only one rule when it comes to music during sex. Tyler is a little shit.” (982 words)
Caught in the shower- “Where Josh thinks dirty thoughts about his best friend in the shower and Tyler catches him.” (683 words)
Frozen Still- “Josh's lips tasted like champagne and new (670 words)
Pretty Sounds (Stick Around)- “You know what I want to do today?" (622 words)
Wendy’s- “Josh is popular but doesn’t realise it. Tyler’s always new.” (439 words) 
Frottage- fics with frottage in it
Already Read...//
(Part 1) Almost - “Five times Tyler almost told Josh he loved him and the one time Josh told him.” (2702 words)
(Part 2) Angry - “Five times Tyler gets angry with Josh and the one time Josh gets angry with Tyler.” (1510 words)
(Part 5) Care - “Five times Josh falls asleep and the one time Tyler almost does too.” (2111 words)
Nobody looks up anymore - “ Tyler staring up at the sky. Josh comes up to see if there way anything wrong.” (1302 words)
Friction - “Tyler needs something that Jenna can’t offer up and they turn to Josh for some help. Aka Josh is a-o-k with tying Tyler up and fucking him” (3418 words)
And Then There Was Pink- “Josh finds himself in Tyler’s flower shop and Tyler finds himself seeing color.” (6581 words)
1. Kissing - “Tyler has the sweetest and fullest lips Josh has ever seen, and he loves taking complete advantage of that.” (175 words)
Detention- “Josh and Tyler get trapped alone together inside their schools building when a vicious snow storm hits their town.” (5528 words)  
He’s Got The Midas Touch- “So Josh, do you know why I called you in here?” Tyler starts.Josh closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before replying, “because I accidentally sent you a dick pic?”Tyler looks visibly surprised, he stops pouring his glass of wine when he sees the nervous look on Josh's face. “Accidentally?” (6021 words)  
i get around- “Josh really hates parties.” (1882 words)
Million Dollar House- “Tyler loved to paint, and Josh's body was the perfect canvas.” (1395 words)  
Careful What You Wish For- “What’s more awkward than having front row tickets to your friends having sex?” (2233 words)  
The one with no electricity- “The electric goes off in Josh's and Tyler's apartment and Tyler is scared of the dark...” (1054 words)
Truth Hurts (Literally)- “Tyler drinks this weird foreign liquid and now he can't keep his big fat mouth shut.” (3361 words)  
Doritos - “Tyler picked up his packet of Taco Doritos before walking out into the living room and sighing when he saw Josh, who was sitting on his phone once again.” (589 words)      
14. Sex toys- “Ty...deeper...please..." His rasp is without pain but sweetly desperate.” (403 words)
24. Rimming - “Tyler holds to his chest like he’s forgotten what air is and whispers the sweetest blasphemies as Josh pays worship to his body.” (464 words)
94. Giggly sex- "Babe, we're already boyfriends. You don't have to pick me up. I'm yours!" (344 words)
Cheat - ”one finds the other one cheating.” (608 words)      
Mentors- Josh mentored Tyler and they like date and Tyler leaves his house because of his fucked up family. Oh and Josh was like dating Debby in the beginning woo (sarcasm)  (43659 words) 36/36
30 Day Smut Challenge (Joshler)- 30 days of smut basically. (36663 words) 29/30 
Brat- “Tyler is feeling ignored by Josh, so when they go to a bar Tyler kisses Brendon so Josh’ll see and punish him.” (706 words)
Hopeless | Joshler- “one where josh finds a boy in the school bathroom and knows he as no other option” (759 words)
Baby Boy- “Tyler has a diaper fetish.” (330 words)
Truce- “In the future, anyone can apply for assisted suicide. Josh works helping people end their lives in a peaceful, painless way, and he's okay with it. But it hurts so much when a brown eyed boy comes asking for his assistance.” (3162 words)
Get Through This Together- “Tyler and Josh are the type of people who can call each other 'best friend' after knowing each other for about 2 months. They share everything from food to their bed to their wildest dreams. They've even developed a routine together. Sadly, that routine gets shaken by something they weren't expecting…” (2971 words) 
The X-Files Fic- “In which Josh delves into the world of X-Files fanfiction, and decides that there needs to be X-Files fanfiction starring him and Tyler. But it’s totally not gay, okay guys? Just a story about him and his bro solving crimes about aliens and maybe they kiss sometimes.” (4782 words)
The Red Bull Fic- “The milk fic only with joshler and Red Bull.”  (3465 words)
itty bitty- “Tyler finds Josh on his heat. Josh needs his teeny tiny cock played with and a massive cock to fill his dripping hole.” (2509 words)
Come On and Work it All Out- “Tyler and Josh wake up only remembering their own name, and try to figure out who they are.” (2665 words)
85 Percent- trans Josh gets pregnant on Tyler’s wedding (2991 words)
oh boy, did tyler fuck up.- "it's not like he actually wanted to sit in an almost empty emergency room in his local hospital a saturday evening, sipping on watery coffee that barely counts as lukewarm with a dildo stuck in his ass" (3753 words) 
Something Wicked This Way Comes- “Tyler is an urban witch. Josh is a bounty hunter. A lot of shit goes down.” (15440 words)
Frozen Still- “If he left this party knowing that Josh had been sitting alone, available, not having kissed anyone at all… he wouldn’t forgive himself for the entirety of the new year. This, Tyler thought, as Josh rested his chin against his knees, was a boy who should be kissed.” (1021 words)
there’s only one virgin left and that’s you- “tylers the last virgin in a sex crazed high school that even awards you points for the amount of people you get with. tyler thinks it's dumb and plans on keeping his virginity till he graduates, but with everyone after him it seems like a challenge.” (1306 words)
Lead Singer- “Tylers the energetic lead singer Josh didn’t expect to be fucking.” (940 words)
Discovering The Waterfront- “Tyler lives in a sexless village, where the very concept of even having a sex drive has become obsolete. Josh moves in from the city and changes that.” (9947 words) 5/5
He Belongs to the Game- “In which Tyler is kind of a stripper, Josh is kind of an asshole, and they both kind of figure it out.” (3207 words)
Handful- “adorable first date gone wrong.” (fluff) (3012 words)
Never Gunna Give You Up- “Prompt: Tyler goes into rut, and Josh helps him through it.” (2149 words)
gets off on being down- “tyler would do anything for attention.” (1352 words)
Fire In Every Sign of Winter Marasa- “Dude, I'm freaking out.” That’s a complete understatement.” (6262 words) 3/3 
Decode- “Josh is punk. Tyler wears floral skirts. They fuck on a bet.” (4337 words)  
Fifty shades of pink- “When Jenna's away the boys will play, but what happens when they lose track of time.” (2894 words)
Lights On- “Prom night is coming up, and Tyler knows that his date might have certain… expectations. The only problem? Tyler’s never done anything with a girl before. Fortunately, Josh has.” (4525 words) 
Show me what you've got- “Joshua dun is in love with his brother-in-law, Tyler. It's disgusting and wrong but he can't help it. It's worse when Tyler takes advantage of it.” (4118 words) 2/2 
Bold & Fearless In The Risks We Take- “The first time they met, Tyler made Josh bleed. But as blood brothers, the friendship endures all life's growing pains.” (42176 words)
Spicy cycle (dirty laundry)- “There were many tweets warning others ‘don't share the pics. You’re an asshole if you do. Be respectful!' but it didn’t take Tyler too long to uncover the first of the photos. Everything changed after that.” (26584 words) 7/7 
bold and fearless in the risks we take- “tyler doesn’t remember much of what transpired to have him walking down the side of an empty road well past midnight, gently clutching his broken nose, fingers dripping with his own blood.” (72677) 22/22 (never finished; Read: 3/16/18)
i wanna make you mine (but that's hard to say)- “in which tyler's an idiot who chooses to study for exams at two in the morning and josh wants to be cranky but tyler's lips are kinda distracting” (1290 words) 
let me love (let me touch)- “The atmosphere was light, the moon shone through the curtains, and there wasn't a thing that Tyler wanted more than to make his boy feel good.” (1289 words)
this love- “josh is trans and having a bad dysphoria day. tyler tries to help him out.” (1260 words)
Stateless- “Send me a pic. And then I'll help you out.” (1288 words)
Soul Love-”Tyler and Josh have a swap.” (1189 words)
No homo- sex on tour bus while tyler says no homo ironically. (1166 words) 
Idk what to title this- “In which Josh likes to take it and Tyler likes to give it.” (1165 words) 
you're the holiest thing i know- “Tyler is nervous. Josh is the biggest sweetheart in the world.” (1156 words) 
A Little Time Off- “Josh just wants to have a lazy day off watching cartoons, but Tyler misses him a little too much” (1146 words) 
In His Arms- “Tyler has a nightmare. Josh gives him a hand *cough cough* to help him sleep.” (1134 words) 
He keeps me warm- has exhibition and sex. (1104 words) 
Sweet Lovin'- “Tyler wants cookies and Josh's love.” (1025 words) 
Famous Last Words- “The one where Josh has Tyler cum trained.” (1015 words) 
keep my eyes closed and try to feel all of the effects- “Josh needs Tyler to help him with something.” (1013 words)
grinding Together with occasional Touch of enamel- “Some pure Tyler and Josh being Tyler and Josh” (1013 words)
Fluff blowjob stuff- “Tyler is an intern at the bakery where Josh works and they're so gay for each other and after closing time, things happen” (1010 words) 
In Tents- “Tyler's mind doesn't think all the way through at midnight.” (1421 words) 
I think I lost my halo- “A one shot where Tyler misses Josh desperately and decides to Skype him.” (1408 words)
Every You, Every Me- “Tyler no longer wanted to nap - he wanted to kiss Josh until both of them came in their pants.” (1357 words) 
you're out of the band- “josh 'helps' tyler after he is told he is out of the band, and maybe finds his way back in after he 'helps'.” (1335 words) 
Texts for Josh Dun- “Josh gets a text from an unknown number.” (1314 words) 
Light Me Up Inside- “It's Tyler's birthday, but an unexpected snow storm and the dropping temperature has him and Josh canceling their plans to have a little fun inside.” (1296 words) 
we do believe what's on tv- “tyler drunk calls josh. one thing leads to another, cause that's always how these things happen, right?” (1707 words) 
you give me lovin' (that good kind of lovin')- “phone sex b/c tyler and josh are away from each other for some reason.” (1661 words) 
Naked Noises- “Crappy motel porn.” (1670 words) 
I can do that- “Tyler sees him at church.” (1619 words) 
you're the reason i'm alone and masturbate- “He doesn’t have a problem with masturbation; put a bunch of horny guys in their twenties together on a bus and you’re bound to hear someone at least once. It’s just, Josh could at least try to act like he wasn’t jerking off almost every single night.” (1540 words) 
Why not, we're buds- “When Tyler wakes up to Josh moaning his name, he gets hard himself. He asks Josh to fix it for him. Because why not? They're buds.” (1595 words) 
Øn his knees- "Gonna ride you, but you can't touch me," Tyler smirked before looking Josh right in the eyes, "you can cum whenever you want to." (1500 words) 
Secret Ways- “Tyler has a humping kink. Josh is okay with it. They're both a little desperate for each other.” (1440 words) Warm and wet- “Tyler wants to make Josh squirt” (1428 words)  
It Feels Better (Biting Down)- “Tyler masturbates for the first time ever in the most awkward, yet strangely hot way possible.” (1490 words) 
Get Through This Together- “Tyler and Josh are the type of people who can call each other 'best friend' after knowing each other for about 2 months. They share everything from food to their bed to their wildest dreams. They've even developed a routine together. Sadly, that routine gets shaken by something they weren't expecting…” (2971 words) Variety- "dom tyler with shy josh and dirty talk !!" (1847 words) Halo- “He's got an early class tomorrow and he doesn't know why he came here but now there's a drink in his hand and he can't turn back.” (1828 words) knowing everything is fine- “Tyler is a powerbottom, and Josh is a meek lil nugget.” (1824 words) odi- “Tyler smirked. "Why? Is Joshie gonna cry?" He said in a baby voice, his bottom lip coming out into a pout. Tyler's tongue was sharp. So sharp he once brought Josh to tears, and he never let Josh forget it.” (1793 words) Incomplete- “Tyler brushes his thumb over Josh's mouth. Josh doesn't stir, but Tyler wishes he would, because he needs something to tire him out. They could indulge in something simple like pillowfights or jumping on the bed until it groans.” (1778 words) Surprise, surprise- “Tyler wants to surprise Josh, but he falls asleep.” (2121 words) Perfect Symmetry- “Josh likes his drums, but he also likes Tyler’s hips.” (2648 words) your taste is so inviting (now i'm living in a dream)- “Josh and Tyler take a shower together after a muddy game of soccer and Josh can't fathom why he suddenly wants to put his dick in his best friend's asshole.” (2645 words) Loud and Quiet- “At such a close proximity, Josh suddenly catches a whiff of something vaguely familiar. He chases it to Tyler’s hair and inhales discreetly. Josh blinks. “Are you...are you high?” (1851 words) Fetish: Joshler- “Josh is sick of being alone and can tell by Tyler's posts that Ty is missing him too. After two weeks of separation and anger, Josh goes to Ty's house and works out his pent up frustration.” (1964 words) had me shakin' (just mine all mine)- (1949 words) It's not what it looks like- “Tyler underestimates the time Josh is supposed to be home at.” (1776 words) Use me until every little piece is gone- “Tyler is willing and adores being used for Josh's pleasure Josh is dominant and adores how Tyler lets him fulfil his darkest fantasies” (1761 words) We are so fucked- “This is my first work on archive so go easy on me. Okay so Tyler and Josh are teenagers who are madly in love but are convinced the other is straight so Jensen and Jared the cutest couple in school try to make them come together but will Tyler's worried that his past will get in the way But Josh has a secret of his own that might be just a little bit strange.” (1643 words) 4/4 And You May ask Yourself- “He’s never been with a boy before. But this isn’t just any boy. It’s Josh.” (1717 words) Clumsy- “Josh applauds Tyler's knot work; it's gotten better since last time and he can barely move his wrists at all. It's when he hears the soft patter of socked feet on carpet does he start to fumble.” (1717 words) periwinkle suits you [who i adore]- “Josh likes to secretly dress up in pretty lingerie. Tyler accidentally sees Josh's pretty panties when he's drunk.” (1451 words) 
Your Body Is My Wonderland- “Tyler is such a special person…he’s so soft and angelic looking…so fragile and pure. And yet at the same time he’s the pure embodiment of sin.” (1471 words)
Ferris Wheel- “Josh and Tyler take a break from their busy tour lives and head to a carnival. Tyler treats Josh with all the drinks he wants, which backfires. Aka the pee kink fic where josh gets fucked in a Ferris wheel then a bathroom” (1465 words) 
i get around- “Josh really hates parties.” (1882 words)
so where do we begin?- “Sometimes Tyler thinks of Josh as something a little more than just his best friend, and when Josh walks in on him with his hands down his pants moaning his name, things get a little awkward.” (1928 words)
House Of The Lord- “Sundays are meant to be spent in the bathroom, panting, and guilty.” (1940 words)
Back to school- “Tyler has some other desires he's been suppressing — desires to also be with men — more specifically, his openly gay college roommate, Josh. Desires he's ready to fulfill.” (2018 words)
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Kizu Rambles and Some Meta Discussions (feel free to add any thoughts to continue the conversation):
So this is mostly just a list of my thoughts as I finally get to the Kizu movies I’ll be adding as I watch.
○ Part 1: Tekketsu-hen “Iron-Blooded” • The slow jazz combo with the fanservice kills me. I’m dead. • Dude, I’m super vibing the character designs for this. Like Hanekawa is so fucking cute, but not in an overwhelmingly cutesy way that I’m personally not a huge fan of. • This definitely gives a different feel to the Monogatari Series if you started on this first, which I knew some people have. • Araragi looks so much more fashionable here (probably from the style change). Like I can’t get over his peace necklace right now. • God, Shinobu, well Kiss-Shot in this case, crying breaks my heart. • Seriously though, this is so beautiful. I love the character designs for this soo much. Gosh. • Not gunna lie, I miss the long monologues. I have always loved character driven, dialogue heavy pieces of works. • They’re really playing up the horror aspect of this as expected. It’s neato. • Knowing context means everything you see makes a lot more sense and is way sadder too, like the name and the head rubs. Also, Kiss-Shot is soo fucking cute♡ Best girl~ • I know Shinobu speaks in an old-timey manner, but these subs are laying it on thick though the quality is great. 👌 • I understand this is a prequel, but damn if you think I won’t cheer from seeing Oshino Meme. I miss that man. Also, man I cannot get enough of this art style. Definitely art inspo♡♡♡ • Man, this is soo good. God, understanding the finale of their exchange and watching Kiss-Shot just silently bare it leaves the viewer with so much tension and drama, or at least for me. • The ending theme 👌👌👌 Now onto part 2!
○ Part 2: Nekketsu-hen “Hot-Blooded” • Oh shit bois, ohh shit. A fight! Like jkay, not yet. • Dude, the Aikido for Dummies part kills me. • I saw the baby hand, and all I could think of was the Deadpool movie. • Dramaturgy gave up really quickly. I wanna know why he hunts other vamps. • Every fanservice scene this time is super over dramatic in the movies. I’m crying. Also, Hanekawa seriously got the cutest lingerie. Like girlll~ • Kakakaa, the leg scene. Ahahahahaha~ • I really do prefer the designs in this for the vampire hunters than the og ones. Ngl. • Thanks, Araragi, for asking questions I’ve been wondering like about the limbs 👍👍 Better than leaving it as some weird mystery. • My dudes, I’m living for the Bake music remakes are♡ • I know it uses a lot of jazzy music, but I’m crying at the sexy jazz that starts planning as Oshino looks at Araragi. I know there’s a ship for it out there. • Dude, young teen Shinobu doing some nice acrobatics here got me feeling those Breath of the Wild Zelda vibes~🌹 The pointy ears help with that image. • Super confirmed: I’m weak to Jazz. Reminds me of Transistor music. • Their conversation about running away from reality, and Hanekawa looking down reminds me of a meta I read about how people can probably start seeing oddities not only from having a trauma, but also from choosing to avert one’s eyes from reality, allowing them to shift their gaze into that realm in which oddities exist. Once you’ve seen one, it’s hard to leave that ‘night world’ since you can’t unsee what’s happened once before. I really like that explanation for oddities since it seems to fit the most. Oshino often describes how oddities are what we make of it; that they basically have to live by their reputation, our perspection of them. Makes sense why Shinobu isn’t acting like an oddity because she wasn’t being viewed as one anymore. • Always nice to see a gratuitous body shot of guys lately. It’s nice to see the sexy fanservice not limited to the girls. Also, thanks half sleepy grumbles of Shinobu about how being a vampire makes you hot. It was amusingly adorable, and also informative about why Araragi is fucking shredded! I always wondered why he was so ripped. • ‘Course I’m just checking to see how human you are. *slowly strokes every ab* Yuuuuuppp, suuuper humab. *circles some more* Wow, so human. Glad to know they’re both lusty after each other’s bods • The part I paused at when Hanekawa falls into the chair after being accused of touching other men’s bods frequently show that she is thicc 👌 Or at least she is from the angle. • I just did this awful screech laugh when he did the sexy lean down on chair and go, seriously thanks, like a typical fucking bishounen. Then Hanekawa’s reaction. I’m dying, Squirtle! Makes the weirdest fucking character ever, but also makes him super weirdly endearing and weirdly hot. Thanks NishiOisiN. 👍👍 • I’m CACKLING~! A glasses girl porno. Why always so specific? Like I’m not into loli’s so lemme grab this hot, sporty milf mag, hmm, just like that one woman, hmmmm. I’m super enjoying the :3 face Hanekawa makes as she glances at him knowingly. More cat-like pre-cat. • Teen Kiss-Shot has such a nice aesthetic, but jesus fuck that head imploring scene, like girl has no chill. I’m always uncomfortable with those types of horror-y scenes. • All I can think everytime I see that ridiculous big ass cross is something along the lines of, ‘lol, I’m not overcompensating all.’ • Forrealz, like how isn’t that cross hurting Mr. Half-Vamp himself, Episode? Real questions. Also, his life and crazed looks kill me. • What the fuck, Episode!? That explains why Hanekawa seemed so put-off when she saw him again in Tsubasa Tiger! Bro, she’s human, chilllll~ Also, must every brilliant character have a Kakyoin moment? Honestly this could be a Jojo reference for all we know since we know NisiOisiN enjoys his references, including those to JJBA. • Oshino really plays up his true neutral nature here. Okay, lemme correct myself, I think he’s more chaotic neutral or even chaotic good then true neutral which is more Gaen. • Again with the head plunging. Geeze. I love this literal use your brain. • I’m gay for young adult Kiss-Shot. She’s hot. Best girl 👌 • You gotta props Araragi for being smart, even if he’s really dense. Also, the more human, the deadlier. I really wanna know why they’re hunting Kiss-Shot down. • Hanekawa was wild during Golden Week. Also, dick in pants, Araragi. He’s totes gunna worship those panties. • This explains even more Tsubasa Cat, and his obsession with dying for her. Her selflessness (ish) influences the development of his own. Did she already like him? Like I am curious why she helps him since she’s not as saintly as he think she is. • Guillotine Cutter is a right up ass. Man, I wish we can get more Koyomi Vamp fighting scenes in Monogatari, but alas he’s half human for now. • I love these titular character arcs barely show the characters. Yeah~ It’s not uncommon, but damn, lemme see my vamp girl! • Ending theme is super jammy♡ French music is so pleasant to listen to~ I’m now on part 3! I do really enjoy the standalone nature of these. I wish they would air them in theater like Kimi no Na Wa did. (And also completely caught up for the first time in years since I’ve started since I have such a bad habit of starting and not finishing even if I really like it. Honestly, all I wanna do is rewatch this series over and over again to analyse every part. Also, gotta read those light novels~)
○ Part 3: Reiketsu-hen “Cold-Blooded” • When??
To be continued…
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