#everytime i see this creature i think of that photo of the dog so yeah :)
hazelnutnebula · 2 years
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i dont even go here (yet) but i like the sopping wet silly creature
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ranty-ramblestein · 3 years
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And this final post is everything I did on Harvey’s Island (which continues under the cut), which is just getting a masculine haircut and talking to Katrina.
I wonder if tripping is back?  (Without wearing the mask or holding a balloon, I mean.)
pic 1: So apparently Harriet is really into puns? I definitely didn't remember that! pic 2: "Uhh, it's not really the style I'm going for right now..." Croissant said, checking it in the mirror Harriet gave him. pic 4: "Thank you," Croissant sighed. pic 5: "I know, I just need the right outfit for it!" Croissant smiled, shaking the hair around so it thwacked his head.
(a.k.a also what I did when I got my hair cut short, everytime.  It’s so fun to have your hair swing around fsr??  My hair is just past my shoulders now, so I have to do it really fast to get the hair to rise up and hit my ears, which hurts my neck...) pic 7: "Well, the Lloid that was here already told me what shop would be going here...” Croissant snorted.  “Oh yeah, they do that,” Harvey realized. pic 9: "Will do!" Croissant smiled. pic 10: Which Katrina does under the cut~
paraphrased Katrina: “The brown dog is walking along the sand.” (Though we can’t access the shore on the Island...)
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“Oh, that’s no good,” Croissant winced.
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Damn, she has him pegged as a pooped-on dog, lol
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“Thanks! I’m sure this collective’s future is also bright!” Croissant smiled.
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The way she worded the friendship thing makes me think she tests for a single resident that will befriend me?  Or I chose a Resident, and she tells me how luk goes with them?  Not sure, I didn’t go for it!
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I don’t remember the red dialogue bubble being in the trailer, so I had to get a shot of it. Also, Croissant’s eyes definitely hurt from that sudden flash of light!
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C.J. and Flick! Also, I love how the Passport Photo shows up in her ball!
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“Wait, they share an island all to themselves, like Harvey here?” Croissant blinked, surprised. (Well, she just said they’re living with a bunch of creatures, so not all to themselves!)
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Well, at least I don’t trip!
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I was originally going to go for Redd today, but after seeing what Kicks sells here, I just had to send him here! He already had about a thousand bells donated towards this stall... I wonder who did that?
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What weird food combinations do you enjoy? I’m willing to experiment mayonnaise with most food. I also dip my fries in hot fudge sundae and because I’m Filipino I have to have my fried chicken paired with banana ketchup. Where do you get your news? Usually from the Twitter and Facebook handles of my go-to news outlets. My dad is also the only one who turns on the TV in the dining area so whenever he’s home and watches the evening news I get to hear the reports as well. What social stigma does society need to get over? HIV/AIDS, dating or marrying the same sex, tattoos... even breastfeeding is a fucking stigma lmao. So many people are babies. What is the best/worst prank that you've played on someone? I hate being the victim of pranks so I never pull them on anyone. What was the last photo you took? My dog jumping up to ask for food last night.
What makes you roll your eyes every time you hear it? Lately our president has been wanting to give nightly addresses on TV every midnight so when I hear another announcement from the government I just roll my eyes because I know it’s gonna be another hour-long speech that not only has absolutely zero substance to it, but made everyone unnecessarily stay up that late. What are you currently worried about? I’m worried about my remaining academic requirements. With the suspension of online classes and the lockdown being extended until April 30 (which is virtually the end of the semester), I have no idea what’s gonna become of our academic calendar and my grades – and the status of my graduation.
A notable school in the country already mass-promoted (read: passed) all their students and is planning to give tuition fee refunds since only two months of the sem were used. It’s honestly the most responsible thing to do for now and I hope all other universities follow suit.
Do you think aliens exist? I believe we aren’t the only ones alive out here but I also don’t think they look like the creatures books or movies have made them out to be. What mythical creature do you wish actually existed? Meh, was never a fan of anything mythical/mythological. What are you interested in that most people aren't? Pro wrestling. In my 15 years of being a fan I’ve only found literally a handful of people (at least who are also Filipino) who shared the same passion or amount of interest as I have. It’s just never been a popular topic or fanbase here so I never get to bring it up – and I’m afraid to bring it up because people seem to judge anyone still into wrestling these days. What's the most ridiculous thing you have bought? My most pointless purchase was a pink bar of soap with lettering that says “Gay Bar.” It’s a novelty item at best and I never needed to buy it, but I had money that day so I did and now it’s gathering dust in one of my drawers. What sounds hit you with major nostalgia every time you hear them? The PS1 start-up noise is a big candidate. If given the oppurtunity to open a museum, what kind would you create? They have museums about everything now, so I think it’d be a good idea to turn to my roots and make an ancestral house instead and have it in our home province. My family has a rich history and it’d be a waste if we allowed ourselves to forget. When was the last time you immediately regretted what you said? I think last night? We were having pork belly bought from outside for dinner and I was talking about how good it tasted and that it was the best thing I’ve had in a while. I forgot my dad has been cooking us a different meal every single day since the quarantine started and they all have tasted amazing as well. After I realized what I said I felt like shit and immediately downplayed the pork belly so that he didn’t feel left out. What's the silliest thing you've seen someone get upset about? My mom is a champion of this list lmao, there’s so much stupid shit she’s thrown a fit over. The most ridiculous one happened last year when my sister sprained her ankle and my mom would not help her walk around and even walked faster than the rest of us. It was like she was purposely leaving us behind, which confused and pissed me off. Anyway I was left assisting Nina as she hobbled on. Eventually I caught up to my mom and asked her to slow down and to be with us and to help my sister walk. Apparently it was enough to piss her off and the whole ride home she was yelling at me and legitimately sobbing about how humiliated she was when I called her out because she thinks people overheard and are judging her for it. I mean if you’re afraid of getting judged isn’t that proof you know you did something shitty?
The sermon also turned personal and she started screaming about how I was a horrible daughter and that I’ve never done anything right, and that I was a disappointment, and that I was straying further from God everyday and she could see the horns growing on my head. How’s that for abusive? What was the best thing that happened to you today? I finally finished the level I’ve been stuck on in Mario Kart 8 and now I’m officially done with the game. I’ve never finished any video game before so it feels pretty bitching!!!!!!!!! Do you consider yourself a good cook? I don’t even consider myself a cook. What's the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about? ^ The thing I just talked about, even though it wasn’t technically an argument because my mom didn’t let me talk throughout.
The next dumbest thing I could think of is probably when my grown-ass aunt fought me back when I was 13 on whether Beyoncé lip-syncs or not. It was a random family discussion and I was just talking about how much I like Beyoncé and she not only stole my thunder by picking a fight with me, but she also made me feel bad about something I loved lol. She was so insistent that she lip-syncs and was so hungry for an argument, I didn’t understand why?????? so I just dropped it and rolled my eyes at my dad. IT’S SO DUMB RIGHT What did you google last? Information I needed for an article I’m currently writing. What fashion trend makes you cringe or laugh everytime you see it? Skirts paired with either denim jeans or leggings, and short vests. All the Disney stars wore them and it was the epitome of fashion for us at the time aaaahhhhhhahahahahaha. What's your favorite holiday movie? LOVE ACTUALLY. For sure. I’d also say It’s A Wonderful Life but it has some very low points that ruins the Christmas-yness for me. How ambitious are you? I’m pretty ambitious and also a bit of a perfectionist, but I’m also aware of my limits and I don’t always jump onto tasks feeling confident. I know what I’m capable of so if I’m faced with something I know other people can be better at, I’ll consciously be less ambitious at it cos I usually let my insecurity get in the way. What was the biggest realization you have had about yourself? As someone who’s always thrived on being an introvert, the last few months and years have taught me that I CAN talk to people if I have to? And they’re not scary? I had little hope for myself prior to my internship - but it ended up being fun and I met a lot of awesome new people. I also never thought I’d get to write articles solely because I hate interviewing people - but my sources have all been nothing but nice to me. I guess what I’m trying to say is I’ve always doubted my ability to talk to people and dive in to unfamiliar scenarios, but when I do either it’s always turned out to be great experiences for me.
What topic could you spend forever talking about? If we’re going for what’s been the most recent hot topic, it would be the government’s incompetence in dealing with COVID-19 so far. Which way should toilet paper hang, over or under? Over. What word is a lot of fun to say? I dunno. I don’t think of words in terms of how fun they are to say. Maybe curse words? HAHAHA If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? Assuming the internet is nothing to worry about, I’d watch all the series I’ve long planned on watching but can’t because Netflix does a big pull on the entire household’s connection. Are you usually early or late? Early or on time. There is no ‘late’ for me. What do you wish you knew more about? The future. Not knowing the answers to it is so irritating/boring to me. What is the most annoying question you've been asked? Asking if I go to rallies/am an activist/am part of the NPA just because of the school I come from. None of those things are bad at all, but I’ve always been annoyed at the stereotyping. How different was your life 1 year ago? I wasn’t graduating yet then. And I was OUTSIDE MOST DAYS because there wasn’t any fucking virus. What movie title best describes your life? Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, except I literally have to be stuck at home. What was the last lie you told? Telling my groupmates I had some family stuff at home to fix before getting started on our group project, but really I had to take a bath first because I wanted to feel fresh while working. It’s a minor lie, but it still made me feel bad. What type of music do you listen to? It’s usually varied but my go-to genres are indie pop, electropop, alternative rock, punk rock, *some* indie, R&B, and pop.
Are you a good listener? Yeah, it’s why I prefer to be one than a talker. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? Cookies and cream or some peanut butter/chocolate concoction. Do you think you're brave? I can be. Just not about everything. What are you most grateful for in your life? The relatively comfortable life we live considering where we live. And that covers everything from the food we eat, the schools we’ve been sent to, where we get to travel (or the fact that we can travel at all), etc.
What was the worst phase in your life? My rebellious, no-one-understands-me, angsty teen phase when I was 12-13 and my time readjusting in college when I was 18-19. What is a relationship deal breaker for you? Verbal abuse. What are some things that give you complete peace of mind? Staying in coffee shops, driving at midnight, views of the skyline at night, staying on the rooftop at night and being under the stars... I just like a lot of things about the night. Would you like to explore another planet? Yesssssss. Who was your favorite cartoon character as a child? Spongebob. Cosmo from The Fairly Oddparents comes at a close second. What would you do if you were the president of your own country? Right now? I’d assure people everything was being taken care of – mass testing, support for doctors, provision of PPEs and free transportation for frontliners, making all the senators (who are all expectedly not doing anything, save for one) work their asses off, put part of the P275B fund to assist middle- and lower-class people who can’t  – instead of imposing shoot-to-kill orders for the military to anyone criticizing the government or rambling about absolutely fucking nothing in nation addresses.
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irphanfic · 7 years
Moonshot - Chapter 7
I’m back! I don’t know how I managed to finish this chapter this week but somehow I made it so I’m pretty happy!
Hope you enjoy it and any type of feedback is welcome!
summary: Phil had a feeling that this Friday was going to be different.
That didn’t mean he was ready to meet his favourite baseball player, Daniel Howell, while he was cleaning the windows of a building.
or the au in which Phil is a shy window cleaner and Dan is a famous baseball player. This is their story.
words: 4.1k
no trigger warnings
Read on ao3 - (x)
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Between Books
Phil was in heaven. He was sure he had died and gone to heaven the moment Dan and him kissed in the jellyfish’s room. And then again in the manta ray hallway. And then back at Dan’s doorstep, where he could tell both of them hadn’t wanted to say goodbye.
He had enjoyed seeing Dan in such a carefree mood, smiling the whole time, his eyes sparkled everytime a new fish appeared in his line of vision; relaxed from his baseball player ‘persona’. Even though Dan was pretty honest when it came to fame, Phil was sure there were some traits about his personality that he hadn’t been able to show the world, and this was one of them.
Dan also opened up about his childhood, about how being a professional baseball player had never been in his future plans but he could have never asked for more, how he likes to go back home and see his family and dog but cannot as much as he likes to and a few other things Phil was sure very few people knew about Dan.
It had been such a perfect first date it was unbeliveable and Phil was glad he had managed to capture some of it. They both had taken pictures of sea creatures they’d spotted, but more than once Phil was drawn by Dan’s presence, just looking at his backside or profile contrast with the blueness of the tanks that Phil couldn’t resist and took a few pictures without Dan noticing. He even sent them to Dan after their date, hoping he wouldn’t be mad at Phil for taking them without permission, but Dan was fine about them (even thanking him with some heart and fish emojis) that he even posted a picture on his Instagram, not giving any hints about his date but clearly making everyone see this 'new’ side of him.
Speaking of photos, at first, he hadn’t thought about the fact that their privacy could be invaded by photographers or press, just being happy next to Dan was enough. But what if being spotted with someone like Phil was bad for him? Dan had always dated other famous people and Phil was just… Phil. A window cleaner slash wannabe author. Either way, Dan reassured him that it was fine, as long as Phil was comfortable, of course.
Phil was glad Dan took into account his shyness. He wasn’t sure what would happen if they appeared somewhere, would he be uncomfortable? Nervous? Upset? Happy? Phil wasn’t sure yet, so once it happened, it happened, and that was it.
But Wednesday was gone now, letting Thursday in and Phil had to go back to his present life, where he had just finished watering the houseplants and was checking for new emails, refreshing the page every now and then to see if any of the editorials to which he had sent his manuscript wanted to publish his story. He had sent a few of his oldest stories some months before, but none of them were 'interesting enough’ or it wasn’t 'what they were looking for at the moment’ for them, making Phil feel a bit frustrated at all his attempts.
A ping from his phone alerted him, picking it up from the table, seeing it was a new message from Dan and instantly smiling. 'Don’t make any plans for this Friday. And yes, it’s a date.’
Phil could already feel his cheeks heating up. Why did he have to blush so easily!? Dan Howell asked him on a date and even though they had already been on one, Phil was squealing inside (and maybe on the outside too). A second date with Dan sounded great. More than great.
'Okay, what a shame I’ll have to raincheck my plan of eating an unhealthy amount of Doritos on my couch while watching anime to go with you.’ Phil joked, getting an immediate response from Dan, continuing their conversation till Dan had to leave, promising to text later.
Without Dan distracting him,, his mind started filling up with unanswered questions, 'Where will Dan take him? Would they go somewhere so public like the aquarium again? What if it rained? Was it safe to go outdoors tomorrow?’
Setting all those thoughts aside, Phil left his phone back on his deck, picking up his laptop and refeshing the email page once again, only to see its’ inbox still empty.
He could only hope for a miracle now.
“Why did I do that?” Dan groaned loudly to himself just after exiting practice, remebering what had happened this morning.
As soon as he woke up he was still thinking about his and Phil’s date yesterday. Dan didn’t remember being so comfortable with a… crush? No. Friend? Surely after those kisses the friend barrier was already far away… What were they?
That question aside, he really wanted to go on another date with Phil, see if he could clear out their situation of where was their friendship? heading to, so he did. Sleepily, he picked up his phone and texted Phil, knowing that after lunch on Fridays he was pretty much free.
As soon as Phil sarcastically answered him, he continued their conversation, having to rush out of the door to arrive on time.
Now, hours later he had just remembered a little thing…
Where would he take Phil on the date? He hadn’t thought about that detail.
'Great thinking, Dan. Ask him on a date and take him nowhere, you are great at this romance thing!’ He really had to stop texting while his brain was still not properly functioning.
“What? What did you do? Wanna tell me?” Eric asked back, startling Dan back to reality.
Dan jumped a bit and sighed, not having noticed Eric next to him. Maybe he should explain to Eric all this mess?
“I might have sent a text without much thought to someone this morning and now I’m pretty much in trouble?” Dan questioned. He knew he would came up with some idea sometime, but Phil had agreed on going on a date tomorrow and he was pretty much freaking out.
“Okay… was that text that bad? Is that person going to block you or something?” Eric questioned.
“No, it’s just… I wanted to…” Dan stopped mid-sentence. Did he really want to explain everything what was happening with Phil to Eric. Dan thought he deserved it after he had helped him with that panic attack… “The story is a bit long, you have time?”
“Yeah, let’s go. We can grab a coffee.” Eric said, walking towards his car so they could drive to a nearby café.
That’s how he and Eric found themselves deep in thought on a popular cafeteria on a sunny Thursday after practice.
“Okay, have you thought of anything while you were telling me about Phil, yet?” Eric asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
“The only thing I know is that the aquarium is out for sure. We went there yesterday for our first date,” Dan said, blushing a bit as he remembered how a great time he had had, “and coffee too. As I told you we meet in person for the first time on a little café so I don’t wanna repeat it.”
“From what you told me Phil likes books and wants to be a future author, right?” Dan nooded along with what Eric was saying. “What about a bookshop? They have just opened a new antique vintage-y bookshop just down this neighbourhood and they have many classic and new novels.”
Dan’s eyes widened instantly. That was it! A bookshop! Phil would love that! And Dan liked to read too, not maybe as much as Phil but he was sure he would enjoy it anyway.
“Eric, I… Thank you so much, really. I don’t know what I would do without your advice.” Dan said, honesty clear in his voice.
“You’re welcome, Howell. I mean, from all you have told me you really like this Phil guy, right?”
“You have no idea how much, Eric.” Dan exhaled dramatically, briging one of his hand to his hair, messing his curls in the process. “I want to take this further, you know, ask him to be my boyfriend, but I’m a bit scared to do so. What if I lose him as a friend? I never felt this connection with someone, I don’t know how to explain it, but…”
It wasn’t like the world would end if Phil said no to being his boyfriend, but it was the first time Dan felt something so strong for someone and he wanted to make it right this time.
“Even though I’m pretty sure that if you ask he will say yes, Dan, you need to start following what your heart says so, not what your mind tells you. Otherwise, you will be scared forever.” Eric said to him, patting him on the back a few time before standing up from his uncomfortable chair, “C'mon, think about it on the ride home, I will drive you.”
Dan just nooded, starting to think of any way that he could ask Phil to be his boyfriend.
“Martyn? Can you talk?” Phil asked as soon as he heard a greeting form the other line of the phone. Dan was picking him up for their date in around ten minutes, so he guessed he had a bit of time to calm his nerves by speaking to his brother. He had done that also on their first date and it kind of worked so, what if he tried again?
“Yeah, is something wrong?” Martyn said, voice a bit cracky.
'Stupid phone reception.’ Phil said to himself. The flat was so badly designed the signal could only be reached by almost on the street, that meant going almost outside and the best next option was the front door.
“No, but wait, I’m gonna go into the entrance hallway for better reception, I cannot hear you well.” Phil rapidly walked to it, instantly noticing the difference, “Okay, you can talk now.”
“You were the one calling me, you talk!”
“Right okay, um… I have another date with Dan and I’m a bit nervous. Distract me please.” Phil quickly said, rushing the words so much that Martyn almost couldn’t understand.
“Oh, another date already? Where are you two going? Are you going to kiss under the stars now? Or in front of a bridge?” Martyn teased. Ugh, older brothers. Phil kind of regrets telling him all about the date.
“I don’t know where he is taking me! And… and what if I don’t like it? I mean, I…” Phil panicked, trying to calm himself as he paced around the narrow entrance.
Phil noticed Martyn’s silence on the other side, he was about to ask if something was wrong when he heard a much serious voice. “Phil, don’t worry about that, okay? The place doesn’t matter, the only thing that should is that you are comfortable spending your time with Dan.” He must have sensed Phil’s nervousness before and was trying to be a nice older brother. And even if Phil didn’t want to admt it, Martyn was right.
It was Dan’s comapany that mattered. Phil would enjoy being with Dan everywhere, even if that meant spend 10 hours seein cars go by. He would be happy with Dan by his side.
“Thank you Martyn. You are right, but distract me a bit more please?” Phil asked again. Even if he was a bit more relaxed he could still feel tickles in his stomach.
“Okay. Following the Dan subject, let’s talk about baseball!”
Phil almost groaned but didn’t. His brother couldn’t leave the baseball subject for a minute since he ahd started talking to Dan, telling him to ask Dan about the Rocky Planets. A thing Phil had totally refused to do.
“The Rocky Planets are playing their first game of the season soon, tickets are almost out… you wanna try and get a few?” Martyn always asked the same thing before every Rocky Planets game. Phil had tried a few times and couldn’t go, the tickets were too expensive and he couldn’t spend so much on a baseball game if he wanted to eat for like two weeks.
“Martyn, you know I cannot spend that much money. I would love to see the Rocky Planets play, you know that. See them play for once at the stadium since I have never been there, but I can’t.” Phil sighed. “Maybe if I saved a bit of money I could, but I mostly use all my salary for everything.”
“Phil…” but before Martyn continued Phil cut him off, continuing his speech.
“And I would love to go and maybe surprise Dan. If everything ends up going fine with him, of course! I’m not saying it won’t go badly, but it could somehow… It’s just our second date I’m sure I could mess it up before something even remotely serious…”
“PHIL!” Martyn’s loud voice startled him from his rambling.
“Yeah, sorry. I…” but he couldn’t speak much more since a loud doorbell sound echoed around all the walls of his flat.
“Dan is here.” Phil said, mostly to himself, not even realizing Martyn was still on the phone.
“Well, have fun little brother! Speak to you tomorrow!”
“No, no! Martyn don’t you dare hang up…” but the line was already dead, leaving Phil still more nervous than before. 'Thanks for nothing, Martyn.’
Phil didn’t want to keep Dan waiting, so he pocketed his phone, hand-ironined his red bomber jacket a bit, rearranged his glasses and cleared his throat before opening the door with a smile on his face, even though the freaking zoo he had in his stomach wasn’t going away.
“Hi!” he greeted Dan, who was sporting a soft smile behind a small bunch of flowers, making Phil smile instantly. “Is that for me?” Phil asked, pointing at the bunch.
“Of course, I though you could have a colourful spot around all your houseplant collection” they both laughed at Dan’s remark, “It’s more of a thank you for last time so yeah, here.” Dan handed him the bunch, which Phil gladly picked up, sniffing it.
“I’ll put this in water and we can go, okay?” Phil said as soon as Dan nooded at him.
Phil quickly managed to arrange a vase with water and displayed the flowers in his kitchen table, proabably thinking of moving them to his bedroom when he came back from their date. He wanted to be reminded of this every single day he woke up, to be honest.
“Let’s go, then!” They both headed into the street as soon as Phil closed his front door, instantly brushing hands that Phil decide to lace together so they wouldn’t get lost in the busy street.
They walked slowly, trying to make the most of their touch of hands, dodging the many pedestrians that got in their way not minding if anyone stared, lost in their little bubble as they talked and laughed about random topics.
“We are almost here,” Dan suddenly said, pointing at the right turn that was ahead of them, “I think you will like the place. I have to confess I didn’t have this place in mind when I asked you on another date and I really hope you haven’t been here yet but yeah… this is it.” Dan finished as they turned to the right, ending up in an alleyway where Phil could spot a small bookshop.
The outside was painted a dark green, with big crooked brown letters hanging on a pannel, decorated with a few round bubble shaped farily lights. Right by its’ entrance there were two wooden shelves, a woman stood by the left one, searching for some paper book or newspaper looking around the thousands in there.
It was truly Phil’s dream place.
“You like it? I though that as you dream is to be an author, what a better place to be than a bookshop, uh?” Dan’s soft voice startled him, making Phil look at him with a surprised expression.
“I… I love it Dan. It seems so nice! Can we go in, please?” Phil knew he was acting as a child wanting to go into a candy shop, but he guessed bookstores for him were the equivalent of one.
“Sure,” was all Dan managed to say before Phil tugged him in, crossing the entrance and instantly gasping at the amout of shelves filled with old and new books, a strong smell reaching his nostrils, reminding Phil how much he loved books.
Phil walked through the narrow passages, drawing his fingers through the hard-covered books stopping at the horror/sci-fi section, his favourite genres of all, spotting a few novels he had been wanting to read for a while now.
“They have a few armchairs on the second floor of the bookshop if you just want to read,” Dan said to him, seeing as he had picked a few books already in both hands.
Phil looked down at the books and back up at Dan, realizing he was on a date with him, not wanting to leave him here alone, it would be a rude thing to do so. “No, I can read them other time, I don’t wanna ignore you the whole time. If this is a date you should enjoy it too!” Phil knew Dan liked to read, but he wasn’t as passionate as Phil towards books. Maybe spending three hours reading on worn out armchair wasn’t that appealing to Dan.
“What about we sit and you read to me? A few chapters at least. I really like hearing you talk, Phil.”
Phil, as it turned out, blushed at the comment but nooded, climbling up the small stairs that headed towards the dark blue velver armchairs scattered around with a few coffee tables also around.
It was surprisingly empty, just a few students around, making notes on their computers who didn’t even lift their heads as Dan and Phil walked by the far end of the floor, seatting across eachother in the old cushioned chairs.
Phil didn’t waste a minute and picked up a book from the pile he left on the small wooden coffee table in front of him, dangling his feet around the armrest of the armchair, resting his back againt the other, his soft and low voice instantly filling the little space Dan and him were in.
He got lost in the words that tumbled from his mouth carefully, creating different tones for the different characters that were starting to appear as he got further into the story, really liking how it was easily developing.
Phil continued reading, passing the pages with his fingers, loving the feeling of paper beneath his fingers and before he knew it he had almost reached the middle of the book, realizing they had maybe spent a few hours already there. Him reading and Dan listening.
“End of chapter 4.” Phil read, instanly blushing again as he spotted Dan with his phone out, taking a picture of him as he looked like a big child. Phil was sure his glasses were almost falling from hin nose, his red bomber jacket hunched in a few spots due to the posture he was in as he moved his feet around the air back and forth, right and left, right and left.
“Dan!” he almost shouted, laughing a bit and dragging the 'a’ of his name, knowing he couldn’t be mad at him after he had done the same thing at the aquarium.
“You look too damn cute, I couldn’t resist!” Dan said grinning.
Phil felt his face turning pink again, hiding behind the open book he had been reading not wanting Dan to see his rose coloured face so many times in a day. He hated how easily he blushed!
He heard Dan laughing softly from the other side, followed by a few steps meaning he had gotten up and was walking… “Don’t hide, please”
Phil noticed how Dan lowered the book form his face, picking it up and closing it, setting it down next to the others that were still in the pile as Dan sat in a free space of the coffee table, looking straight into Phil’s eyes.
“I love it when you blush, Phil. Pink suits you, you know.” Dan said, chuckling, making Phil blush more if that was even possible.
“I don’t like it, it makes me look like a tomato all the time!” Phil complained, crossing his arms against his chest and looking down to his lap.
“Come here, you.” was all Phil heard Dan say as he felt his fingers on his chin, moving Phil’s face closer to Dan’s, kissing his pouty lips with a few pecks, the kisses gradually growing longer as they moved their lips in snyc slowly, enjoying the other’s lips on theirs.
Phil sat up straighter, posing his hand on Dan’s soft cheek and guiding his head, not deattaching his lips from Dan’s as he bit his lower lip for a deeper kiss.
They were so caught up in their kiss they didn’t even realize one of the workers had entered the floor, ushering everyone out as it was almost time to close, only separating from each other as they heard a few awkward sounding coughs coming from the other side of the floor.
“Excuse me gentelmen,” Phil separated from Dan, both of them looking at eachother before turing thir gaze at the voice, “we are closing soon, if you could leave this floor it would be great. Thank you.”
The worker disappeared quickly, almost running down the stairs, a bit embarrassed she had just witnessed the both of them kissing not so platonically.
“We should go,” Dan said, his voice deep making Phil just want to kiss him again.
Phil nooded repeatedly, not trusting his voice after those kisses. As he had done a few hours before, he grabbed Dan’s hand again and headed them both down the stairs. Once they had reached the main floor Dan stopped.
“What’s wr…?” Phil didn’t manage to say anything more as Dan cut him off.
“Wait,” Dan said, stopping and turning back up the stairs, coming back down with the book Phil had been reading to him.
Phil watched as Dan made it to the register, paying for the book and waving a quick goodbye to the still embarrassed worker that was pilling up a few books that had been scattered around.
Lacing their fingers once again, Dan lead them both outside the bookstore, taking a few steps in the direction they came from.
“I’m glad you enjoyed the first chapters of book, it’s really good.” Phil spoke as soon as they exited the alleyway, “I had been waiting to read it for a while now, I think you will get a better experience now that you can read it for yourself.” Phil said, pointing at the novel.
“No, I bought it for you.” Dan stopped in the middle of the street, putting himself in front of Phil so he could look at him, “Yeah, I enjoyed it, you voice is relaxing and you know how to involve someone in a story but… I liked more the way your eyes lit up everytime you started a new page, how you manage to appreciate every inked word. You had the same expression as me when people tell me that you can see in my eyes that I love playing baseball, and that’s true and I want to see it many times more, with this book or with every other.”
Phil didn’t know what to say, he was completely speechleess. Dan had practically confessed he wanted to keep meeting Phil and enjoy his company as much as he could. “Dan… thank you. I don’t know what…”
“There is no need. Here, take it,” Dan handed Phil the novel, who brought it to his chest, clutching it tightly as it was going to escape from his hands, “that way you can still read it to me but in a more comfortable seat. Promise?”
Phil smiled widely at him and nooded. He would love to keep reading books to Dan even if he had to seat on a chair made of spikes, he didn’t care.
Only a few more words were exchanged while they walked back to Phil’s flat, the sunset painting the path in orange and red tones, guiding them through the few people still left on the street, finally reaching their destination and managing to steal a few goodbye kisses before the night settled in.
Chapter 8
A/N: For this chapter I was inspired by the Shakespeare and Company bookshop that is in Paris. (Check it on Google, it’s cool) I was there for a semester and I didn’t know that it was there and I found out when I came back to Spain so yeah, I wanna go back and visit so bad!
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