#everytime they team up there’s a mind wipe mention OR just… a straight up mind wipe
coffeebooh · 7 months
is… is this selina?
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Those Bloody Girls
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Beauxbaton!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.2k
Request: “I couldn't sleep soooo
Neville absolutely worshiping his beauxbaton gf but his friends think he's full of shit when he tries to tell them about how fucking gorgeous and fantastic she is. And everytime he tries to introduce her to his friends something goes wrong and his friends end up looking at him like he's crazy cuz he's introducing absolutely nothing but air. And separately she has been accidentally meeting all his friends one on one, helping Ron pick up his books in the hall, cleaning off some soot from Seamus face because he looked rather silly, encouraging harry before one of his quidditch matches/Triwizard trials etc and all the while they have no idea that's Nevilles wonderful gf and they all develop a crush on her never telling each other anything so when they finally meet her it's hilarious 😂
Summary: The request says it all
Warnings: None!
A/N: This was such a fun idea. I loved writing this all hail 🦡 anon.
If there was anything Beauxbaton girl's were known for, it was their beautiful looks. They were graceful and diligent, each one graced with the face of an angel, and Neville just so happened to have the prettiest one. They had met during the summer by a complete chain of accidents resulting in one of the greatest blessings he could've ever asked for. Neville was lucky and he knew it, never letting anyone forget.
"Oh bullshit! You're saying she's got a cute face, nice waist, and she can bake? Ha! I'll believe it when I see it, Nev." Ron snorted, Seamus nodding along with him.
"Yeah you expect us to just believe a girl from Beauxbaton of all places chose you? No offense Nev but Beauxbaton girl's have standards and none of us Hogwarts boys meet em." Seamus said, shrugging as he continued to throw rolled up bits of paper in Dean's hair (who still hadn't noticed.). Neville rolled his eyes in irritation, looking to Harry and Dean as well but for once, they were on the same page as the other two.
"Sorry Nev. It's just, a Beauxbaton girl? And from the way you describe it, the most beautiful one in her year if not school?" Harry said, giving him a sympathetic look. 
"Yeah mate. You've gotta understand where we're coming from." Dean chimed, turning his attention back to the assignment in his lap. Neville groaned, glaring at his friends.
"You guys act like I haven't tried to introduce you to her! Every time I try to you guys go and get yourselves into something stupid or I end up busy. Let's all agree that Friday you will meet her, no matter what." the boys all nodded in agreement, not really thinking much of it. After all, there was no girlfriend but if it'd ease his mind, they'd show up.
Ron swore angrily, rolling his eyes in frustration. It was just his luck that he'd drop all his quills and the massive scroll of paper rolling away with his bits of sanity. Normally he'd just collect them and go on with it, not really worrying about time but for once in his god damn life he had made an effort to study for the exam he had next hour and if he was late? All that bloody time would be wasted! However, his worries began to fade as a small manicured (s/c) hand began to gather his quills. His eyes widened as he looked at the girl, mouth gaping.
She had (h/l) (h/c) hair that was an even more vibrant (h/c) in the afternoon sun. Beautiful plush (s/c) thighs (that he'd like to see more from under that little skirt), and not to mention the most beautiful set of (e/c) eyes he had ever seen. But when she smiled? Oh when she smiled, he was hooked. The little emblem on her shirt confirmed his suspicion. Beauxbaton. However what he did miss was the words that were currently leaving her mouth.
"I'm sorry...what?" he asked, causing a giggle to erupt from the girl's mouth. She smiled, handing him the quills that he had dropped.
"I said it's a shame that this happened to you! I hope you aren't too late. I have a free period so I'll carry these to your class for you!" she offered, silence falling over them as he continued to stare at her in awe. His face flushed as she cleared her throat, looking at him expectantly.
"O-oh! Right, yes, thank you. That'd be helpful." He offered her a small smile as he began to walk. The entire time of the walk there, she helped him by quizzing him on the subject and by the time he got there, he felt like he remembered everything!
Everything but asking for her name. He felt like an idiot but for once, it wasn't because of school.
Seamus sat at the cauldron, focusing on the ingredients list. His partner had decided from every other time in potions, that he wasn't allowed to touch anything. They had a perfect grade and didn't want it to be ruined from the likes of him. However, he was growing restless. It couldn't be too hard...right? Wrong, so wrong.
He dropped in a few spider legs, stirring counterclockwise like the book had instructed. However, as it turned an angry red and bubbles began to form, he knew that he had screwed up big time. He tried backing away but it was too late, the potion had erupted in a large explosion, black soot coating his face and hair. Everyone in the class turned to look at him, some laughing while some were utterly annoyed. This was such a common thing that it was a miracle when he didn’t blow something up. He flashed Snape a bright smile, ignoring the way the vein on the man’s forehead twitched and juttered in annoyance.
“Class dismissed.” he seethed out. Before he could issue a punishment, Seamus ran off down the hallway ignoring the harsh yells of the potion’s master. He continued to run and run until he accidentally bumped into a group of girls sending him straight to the floor. His face turned rouge with embarrassment as they laughed at his scuffed appearance but a divine voice broke through the laughter.
“Leave him alone guys! You all go ahead, I’ll catch up with you later.” she said, pushing her friends to go ahead in the other direction. Seamus looked up, admiring how beautiful they were but especially the (h/c) haired one in the middle of them all. She was a walking sculpture, a painting straight from the louvre. She was..
“Hot.” he blattered out, not even realizing his words. His eyes widened as he stood up clearing his throat. Luckily for him she hadn’t heard him, causing him to look up to the ceiling and give a quick thank to Merlin himself. She looked back at him, frowning slightly as she observed the soot on his freckled face. Her eyes lit up as she reached into the small purse on her shoulder, pulling out a silk fabric.
“Can’t have you going around looking all silly! Come here.” she said, motioning for him to lean down. He did so instantaneously, cheeks turning even more red as she licked the small fabric before beginning to wipe at the mess on his face. It was an action his mother had done multiple times but for some reason, he found this to be far more endearing. Her face was close to his, giving him a good look at the light layer of gloss on her plump lips. He couldn’t help but wonder if anyone had ever kissed them before, if she had ever had them wrapped around a-
“All done! I can’t do much for your hair but it’s not that noticeable. I have to get going though, bye!” She said flashing him a smile before walking away. When she was out of sight, he couldn’t help but wonder if that had even happened. Did a beautiful girl really just hold his face and clean it...out of the kindness of her heart? Was it truly possible for someone to look so perfect and act so kind? He didn’t know but he surely did wanna find out. He smirked to himself, standing up straight as he walked down the hall.
“She wants me.”
Harry splashed some water on his face, running a shaky hand through his hair. No matter how many times he’d hop on that broom, zooming around in the sky with the intent to win, he always got painstakingly nervous before a match. He observed his appearance, grimacing at the sickly green undertone to his face. Was he going to puke again? Didn’t matter, he didn’t have time. Sighing he walked out the bathroom, sneaking to observe how many people were in the crowd. His eyes began to wander to the Beauxbaton girls, admiring how pretty they were in the stands. However, what he wasn’t prepared for was for a pretty face to walk over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Harry, right?” she asked, a gentle smile on her stunning face. His breath hitched as he felt himself be taken by a new set of nerves.
“R-right. Yeah that’s me. I’m, I’m Harry.” he internally kicked himself. How embarrassing. One of the most lovely girls he had ever seen and here he was, making himself look like a fool. His nerves were soothed some when he heard her laugh, a sound like beautiful Christmas bells.
“I think we already established that.” she said, grinning even more. She patted his shoulder as she looked at him, eyes full of sincerity. “No need to be nervous. I’ve heard you’re one of the best players on the field! Do your best out there! I’m rooting for ya.” she began walking off, flipping her Gryffindor scarf around her shoulder. Whether she meant rooting for him personally or the team didn’t matter. A determined look took his face as he began to make his way to his team. He was going to win this, for her.
Friday came around quicker than any of them had expected, not like it mattered to them. They all sat around looking at each other, a shared thought running through most of their heads. As if Neville could hear it, he groaned standing up angrily.
“Guys! I swear she’s real! She’s just running a bit late, she’s horrible with time management. Plus, she’s well known amongst her peers so she’s always getting asked to help with things.” he grumbled, staring at them with disdain. 
“Nev, it’s okay you don’t have to keep lying. We’ll get you a girlfriend since clearly you’re going mad thinking that you have one.” Seamus said, prompting the boy to throw his textbook at the boy which hit his head with a loud thud. They all looked up as peach colored owl flew in, dropping a note into Neville’s hand. The boys set up a bit straighter, unfamiliar with the owl. The boy’s eyes scanned the page, taking in the words before nodding.
“Alright, it seems she wants us to come to her. She’s by the fountain in the courtyard! That’s cute, she forgot she was supposed to come to me.” he chuckled fondly at the thought of his forgetful girlfriend before turning to walk. His friends still sat on the couch, stunned that this girl might actually be real. “Well don’t just sit there, let’s go!”
All of them scrambled up and began to follow their lanky friend, mumbling amongst themselves.
“No way. Do you think she’s real?”
“Well I’ve never seen that owl!”
“This is insane. Okay if she’s real, she definitely can’t be as hot as he said she is.”
“Yeah probably one of the more...unsightly Beauxbaton girls.”
Wrong. Terribly wrong. Th-that was her? It couldn’t be. However, as the girl’s big doe eyes lit up it was slowly becoming a big possibility. And as she ran to him, jumping into his arms, that possibility became reality right in front of their eyes. Neville leaned in kissing the girl, holding her up in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss as she pulled away. Her eyes turned to the group of guys, surprise taking over her face. Neville looked back and forth between her expression and the one of his friends.
“You guys alright?” he asked confusedly, setting the girl back on the ground before pulling her into his side. She eyed them carefully before tilting her head.
“Have we met before?” 
“NO!” they all shouted in unison. They all turned to each other in confusion, stepping away from the happy couple.
“You met her too?!” Harry whisper shouted, eyeing the other two. Ron nodded frantically, unable to respond verbally due to the shock and queasiness overtaking him. The beautiful girl from Wednesday was Neville’s girl? Life was not being fair by putting that bird in his hands.
“Like hell I did! She was practically all over me.” Seamus exclaimed, all of them turning to look at the girl who had a lovesick look on her face as Neville rambled on about something. 
“Okay now that one I doubt. I can’t fucking believe this. I’ve been thinking about her all week.” Ron groaned out, crossing his arms angrily. Harry nodded in agreement, grabbing the flask that Seamus had pulled out taking a big swig of it.
“You’re telling me. I did a lot more than think about her if you know what I mean.” Seamus mumbled, eyeing the girl’s rear.
“Sadly I do and I wish I didn’t.” Harry grimaced as the gruesome image popped up in his head. “Come on, we better head back over before they think something is up.”
“My bunny says she met you all earlier in the week! How come you didn’t tell me?” he questioned, watching as the boys practically drooled over her.
“I dunno sorta...slipped my mind.” Harry trailed off, eyes dragging along her exposed midriff.
“Nah I’ll be honest. Bird was too hot and didn’t get her name. ‘S a shame really.” Seamus shrugged, earning a kick to the knee from Harry. “What?! I know you thought it too. Congrats Longbottom, you’ve got a grade A girl there.”
Neville looked down at the smaller girl, smiling some as she looked away shyly at the kind words she was receiving. 
“Yeah, I do.”
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tobi-momo · 3 years
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Your Cupid
a/n: hihihihihidihgl;df im finally posting again!! so sorry to take so long! also- im so so so sorry if this is bad i really wanted to post so i kninda rushed the end, and ik its long im so sorry😭 also i hope you find out soon in the fic and interpret yourself but just to let you know the title is referring to Oikawa, not Iwa.
Pairing(s): Iwaizumi Hajime x reader | Oikawa x reader (PLATONIC)
Genre: Slowburn!!! Romance, Fluff, Angst, Comfort
Warnings: Cursing, i think that's it?
Word Count: 4k
Synopsis: Being childhood best friends with Oikawa meant you weren't going to hear the end of it when it came to volleyball, when you finally agreed to become the Seijoh manager, he suddenly started to regret introducing you to his other best friend, Iwaizumi.
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It wasn’t your choice, being here. You were forced to come, Tooru practically dragging you to the gym while you whine and complain, his cocky smile and fake charm trying it’s best to convince you to stop resisting. You barely know a thing about volleyball, even though always going to Tooru’s games and helping him practice when you were little, you never really caught the whole jist of the sport. He vowed to help you, to always be there when you have questions about it.
So with an elongated sigh, and a pinch to the bridge of your nose, you agree. You would become the manager of the Seijoh Volleyball Club.
The first practice you had attended consisted of balls flying, smacking aggressively on the ground; your eyes not being able to keep up with them, instead finding entertainment in the players instead. Tooru had introduced you to them, each of them holding their hand out for you to grab and shake gently before letting go and subtly wiping your hands on your uniform. He had mentioned another best friend, one that he had been trying so hard to get you to meet, wanting to complete his holy trinity. When you refused to go anywhere he would moan in defeat, collapsing on your bed while fake pouting and turning around to pretend that “y/n doesn’t love me anymore”. You would always just hit him with a pillow after that, resulting in an all out war. You had assumed the other guy refused as well, as Tooru never mentioned if his poor friend desired to meet you.
You guessed even after the ace met you for the first time the desire still never came up, his nonchalant nod and monotone greeting of his name showing proof of that, even before he turned around to walk away without a care in the world. He never took your hand, he never even looked at you; must have been too busy, throwing the ball in the air before running and leaping upwards, smacking the ball on the other side of the court, a loud grunt bleeding through his throat when he misses his target, running to and under the net to receive the ball. You watched him, pupils stuck on the way his body moved so flawlessly through the air, the way his rough, calloused hand hits the ball, making it mold around his palm and forcing it through the air without resistance, the loud slap that echoed throughout the gym when the ball made contact with the polished floors, the annoyed glare he made when the ball didn’t go where it was supposed to.
Snap. Snap. Snap.
“Y/nnnnnnn,” Tooru mewled, his fingers waving in front of your face, his fingers snapping together to grab your attention. His head turns, eyes widening dramatically when he finds what you were so distracted by.
Only regret ran through his mind at that moment.
You had attended most of Tooru’s games, but you had never really paid attention, as your eyes kept drifting towards the scoreboard and the clock, impatiently waiting for the final whistle to be blown. This game however, was different. Your attention was nailed to this game, your hair pulled back and your hands gripping the rotation sheet ever so tightly, your breath coming in hitches when the score rises, the atmosphere becoming so much more intense than you remember.
Awe was painted all over your face as you gaze at your best friend setting the ball so beautifully among the court, it flying towards the wing spiker just in time for him to strike it down on the other side of the net, gusts of wind following after- the hair of the libero on the other team fluffing up as they stare at the number four player. You watch him smirk in victory and his hands balling up in congratulating fists. The rest of his teammates whooped and cheered, patting him harshly on the back, a shared smile between him and Tooru before their knuckles joined in a tiny bump before returning to their sides.
Then, his eyes went to yours. The sweat dripping down his heated face and his heaving chest disappeared after you caught a glimpse of his green iris’. They were piercing; cutting into your brain and engraving themselves in your memory. How were you ever going to get them out of your mind?
You didn’t notice him walking towards you, his arms slightly swaying back and forth as he walked, his quiet footsteps picking up speed only a tad towards you. Then, as your mouth opens in an attempt to speak, the light of his green eyes floods your pupils when the words catch in your throat. “I- you were-”
“Y/n-chan! How’d you think of the game? Being so up close and personal like that has to make a difference from the stands, right?” Tooru’s voice bleeds straight into your hearing, interrupting your stutter. This was one thing you’d have to thank him for later.
“Wait, I’m confused, what’s that for?” You point to an arrow on your clipboard, looking up in confusion towards anyone who would listen. The captain was busy announcing whatever he wanted to the team, making them groan in annoyance and roll their eyes, Tooru only continuing with his story.
“What’s what for?” You heard from beside you, the low grumble of his voice seeping into your ears, making you jump backwards. The palms of his hands move to grip your arms firmly so as to not let you lose balance, his rough fingers wrapping around the flesh of your arm to pull you back up. He only stares, more of a glare, if you were being honest. He looked madly confused, or it may have been his resting bitch face, you don’t know. It wasn’t until you were back on your feet when you decided to speak up again, subtly avoiding eye contact by letting your eyes zip from random item to item, finding purchase on the metal clip of the plastic board you were holding.
“Uhm, I’m just confused about what play this is,” you say, your finger pointing towards the specific circle and arrow you were questioning. His head tilts downward, his eyebrows furrowing as he narrows in towards your problem, a hand on his chin.
“That’s a back row attack.”
“A what?” You question, looking up towards him for an explanation, only finding his eyes still stuck on the paper.
“A back row attack. It’s when a hitter from the back row jumps up towards the ten-foot line and hits the ball on the other side,” he abbreviates, a little hand gesture making its way through the air.
“Oh, really? How would that work? Why wouldn’t the setter just toss the ball to a front row player?” Volleyball gets more confusing everytime you think about it. He glimpsed up at you, took a short breath, then shifted his feet, like he was getting ready for a long conversation; you just stood there, waiting for him to explain a little bit more before taking a quick look around the gym, the cart of balls standing out to your line of vision. You hold a smirk, his head following your movements as you turn around to set the clipboard on the bench and walk towards the cart full of balls, picking one up and bouncing it on the floor.
A single eyebrow raises, but he still follows you to the court. “So, if I were to toss...to,” you put a finger on your chin, pondering, “back there,” you point to middle-back, taking a step towards the spot, “where would I be over here?”
He understood immediately, nodding his head as his legs made their way to you, scaling the court with narrow eyes once he halts beside you. “Well, depending on the play and the rotation, you could be anywhere on the court, so you could toss to them from pretty much any position.” His explanation sounded brief, vague. It was just enough for you to get the idea, though.
“Uh, go stand over there,” he urges, pointing to the middle back position. “Do you know how to hit a ball?” You look at him incredulously, feeling a little embarrassed to say you barely know how to do your approach.
“Not...really?” You compromise, shrugging as you backpedal to the back row position.
“Here,” he jogs up to you, handing you the ball, “take this and go to where I was just now.” You comply, heading over to that position, shifting the ball between your hands. “Give me one.”
“What?” You question him as he pulls his ankle back up towards his back, stretching his quad.
“Toss me one and watch me.” Oh.
You do as told, under-handingly tossing the ball up towards the ten foot line, studying his footwork. His form was perfect, you thought, his right foot leading his approach until he jumps into the air, practically flying flawlessly as his arm comes up behind him at a perfect angle to shoot the ball straight down one of the back corners.
The setter on the other side of the court could see the sparkle in your eyes, the glistening of awe in your face as you admire his best friend. He had a feeling you would like him once you met him, but not like this. The idea of you two suddenly being fond of each other ate away at him, like he was about to lose someone. Maybe two.
Away games were the worst. You hated sharing a small bus with smelly boys who don’t know a thing called “boundaries”. They hover over you, their arms flailing and their mouths running. You were annoyed, to say the least, trying to refrain from rolling your eyes at the boy's antics, crossing your arms to separate yourself from them. You didn’t even get the chance to sit next to Tooru, who got stuck on the inside of Kindaichi, messing around with Matsukawa and Makki.
You were uncoincidentally stuck with the captain’s best friend, Iwaizumi. You didn’t mind him of course, as he would put Tooru’s ego in place and tell everyone to shut up before you explode on them. You didn’t know if he noticed your irritation, your bugged eyes staring out the window, your head leaning against the glass. His head was also turned your way, you guessed to doze off to the moving trees outside, but you didn’t notice the way his eyes focused on your hair, subconsciously trying to count the strands while you look away, your eyelids drooping downwards ever so often.
Your dreary state was interrupted by a plastic water bottle being caught in the air, your nose coming face to face with a hand- the hand of the man sitting next to you, you infer.
“Guys, what the hell did I just say? Stop throwing shit around!” He yells towards his teammates, their playful demeanor turning pensive, their heads rotating away guiltily.
“Thanks,” you mutter, the words barely leaving your throat when he pulls away.
“No problem,” he dismisses, forcing himself to not glance up at you when he shoves the bottle in Makki’s hands.
“Hey- what the hell?” Makki whines.
“It’s yours, dumbass, take it.”
The red marker covering the white page gawked at you, showing you how you weren’t good enough for anything better. You couldn’t look at it any longer, the bottom lip of your frown quivering before you bring the inside of your elbow up to your mouth, muffling your sniffles and absorbing the steamy tears that scurry down your raw cheeks. You were better than this, what the hell is wrong with you?
Hiding in the storage closet wasn’t a good idea, The initial plan was clever, sneaking in there to calm yourself down before practice, needing to keep an optimistic mindset. That plan was ruined as soon as you broke down though, slow, and quiet but clear footsteps closing in on the door, like they were leaning their ear in to listen. Your mind hadn’t kept up with the time, as you hiccupped and sobbed even after the door was opened and light shined through the dark.
“Y/n?” You whipped your head away, refusing to look at them as you deal with your mortification. They scoot in, shutting the door until only a little line of light cracked through. “Y/n, what happened?” They sat next to you, closely you may add, dipping their head down to try and see your face. You avoid them, trying your hardest not to cry in front of them. “Don’t turn away from me, look at me,” they hush, placing their fingertips on your forearms, gently pulling them towards their direction, your head hanging down as your arms are removed from your mouth. “Look at me.”
You sniffle with exhaustion as you drag your head up, finally letting them inspect your glassy eyes, tears continuing to run down without fail. They had felt the hot liquid stream down their thumb as they wiped it away from your face, caressing your cheek as you fret.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You shake your head.
“Do you want my help?”
You nod. And you don’t move away when you find the vice captain’s hand reaching behind your head to cradle it as you whimper in his shoulder.
Study sessions with Iwaizumi became a regular thing. Whether it was him coming to your house and staying for dinner, or it was you falling asleep on his desk, you two never stopped doing it. Even after your grades went back up, the red marker leaving your memory almost completely when you get your new tests back. He gave you a look of approval, nodding his head a single time to show his acknowledgement. He wasn’t surprised when you came up to him and tugged him into a tight embrace, his large hands coming to hold your figure like second nature. He was used to this, your excited hugs and your bursts of energy and your lack of an attention span and your bright and sunny nature. It was funny to him how much other people burn you out, like a dying fire that needs more gasoline.
The second your body hit his, a breath slipped out, creating a little chuckle that filled your ears, the cozy warmth of his chest slightly leaning into you.
“Finally! I finally did it. Proud ‘a me?” You smirk at him, feeling a little full of yourself at the moment.
“Sure, sure, yeah,” he replies, slowly shoving your body off his, your feet stumbling as you let go of him, struggling to find balance. The hands wrapped around your arms keep you firmly planted on the ground, gently letting go the moment you stop moving around. They dive straight into his pockets, his head lifting to see your cheery expression. “You did good.”
You only smile in response, opening your mouth before a hand was planted on your shoulder.
“Y/n-chan! How’d you do? I heard trusty Iwa-chan helped you study!”
“Shut up, Shittykawa,” Iwaizumi grumbles.
“I did really well, thanks to trusty Iwa-chan,” you emphasize, a glare shooting your way once the sound of your voice finds Iwaizumi’s ears. He didn’t like that. Tooru giggled, his hand half-covering his mouth to ‘try’ and stifle his laugh.
“Well, I did amazing too, in case you guys wanted to know.” A cocky grin made its way through Tooru’s face.
“We didn’t.”
“That’s awesome, Tooru!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m amazing.”
“Shut up, Crappykawa,” you and Iwa both chant in unison.
“Aw, c’mon, you guys!”
“I have to admit something, Y/n,” Tooru blurts in your room while he sits on your bed, his head hanging low while his fingers trace the thread patterns of your blanket. You spin your chair to face him, the atmosphere brought down when you see his quiet expression. Oikawa Tooru was never quiet.
“I thought letting you two meet was a good idea, I wanted us to be the power trio,” he strained a chuckle. “I just didn’t know that you two would become more than friends.” Your eyes expand, your breath immediately slowed and your movements coming to a full stop.
‘What do you mean by that, Tooru?”
“You know what I mean,” he waves you off dismissively. “I see the way you look at him, Y/n. I see the way he looks at you. I’m like the biggest third wheel in the world.”
You were confused, shocked. Was what was coming out of his mouth true? Did you really have different feelings about him than anyone else? Did he have them for you?
“I was mad, at first.”
“Yeah. Like, really mad. I didn’t want you guys to have all that lovey-dovey stuff together when I’m right here, you know,” he gestures to himself; your head tilts in understanding, nodding. “I guess you could say I was jealous. It just irked me that you two never wanted to meet and then when you do you immediately fall head over heels for each other, completely ignoring the fact that I was the one to bring you two together.” He didn’t feel left out, like he did before, though. He had watched you two for a while, realizing that you two need him just as much as he needs you and you two need each other. He felt as if this was really who he belonged with. You guys.
You just stared at him, the cogs in your brain trying their best to process his words, your fingers coming together into a fidget. Your wide eyes landed on his, and although his pupils were nailed to the bed, you could see the sadness that didn’t belong. His eyebrows were furrowed in a way that made him look like he was worried, regretful, yet his lips stayed thinned together as his hair dangled in front of him. You could tell he was trying really hard to say this. Even if it was The Oikawa Tooru, he wasn’t invincible.
You try to recall all the times you’ve met with Iwaizumi, all the conversations you had, all the tiny contact you made when your fingers had mistaken each other’s arm or fingers for the textbook, all the times he caught your lingering gaze, but refused to let it go, the times he caught up with you after practice, slightly jogging towards you and stopping once he reaches the same spot as you- you naturally having to speed up every once in a while as his legs were much longer than yours.
“You’re right,” you mumble, your words coming out slow and smooth, your eyes focusing back on him from the blurry space you just dropped yourself in. His eyes have a double-take on your face, moving back and forth from the blanket to your face of realization. “I do like him more than a friend. And it’s because of you.” His back stretches upwards, sitting up straight. “So, thank you, Tooru.” It was now his turn to be utterly stunned- thank...you? “I’m glad you convinced me to join the volleyball club, to meet Iwaizumi, to allow us to have these experiences together, thank you.”
What could he say? “Your welcome”? It seemed unfit for the situation, he figured. So instead of plastering on a confident smirk and showing his “Great King”, he exhales deeply, looking straight into the holes in your eyes. “Just don’t break his heart, yeah?”
You nod in assurance, returning a determined eye. “I can do that.”
The next few weeks passed slowly, like the clock gave an extra two minutes with every second that went by. You had barely seen him, as he walked away from you every time he noticed your presence. He refused to look at you, the back of his head being the only thing to face you during practice. Why was he avoiding you?
“Iwa.” He doesn’t look up at you from putting a ball back in the cart, shutting his eyes before turning around. He stops when your hand grasps his arm, pulling him into a stop. He tugs his arm back, your grip hardening on his flesh, your sharp glare not letting him leave. “Iwaizumi.”
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose while screwing his eyes shut. “What.”
“Why have you been avoiding me?” You bring your hand up in the air with question.
“Why have I been what?”
“You heard me. Now answer me.” Your tone was strict, firm. It annoyed the hell out of him that it made him want to confess.
“I haven’t been doing shit. Stop following me like a lost puppy,” he growls, side eyeing you.
“Excuse me?” Your head bucks back, surprised. With one last tug, his arm is out of your reach as he walks away with his dark demeanor.
Then, he was gone.
You had spent a couple days thinking about it. How the conversations were so short, how he just completely dismissed you. Tooru watched you two go back and forth between bickering, you usually being the one to start the conversation before he tells you to fuck off. He was curious as well. You mean, that’s what you assumed from the conversation they were having in the gym before practice, ceasing your stroll when you hear their voices echo throughout the room, your body hiding behind the door so they wouldn’t notice.
“Iwa-chan, we talked about this, she just wants to be your friend, stop being so mean to her!”
“Iwaizumi, I’m serious. Stop being so cold to her,” the captain’s voice changes, his playful attitude gone in a swift motion, replaced with a scowl when Iwaizumi’s wide eyes find him. “What did she do to make you like this, huh? Such a meanie, Iwa-chan.”
“I’m not,” the number four defends, looking Oikawa up and down before taking a step back.
“Oh, I think you are,” he taunts, “you too were getting along so beautifully, it looked like. What happened? Scared?” He smirks.
“Of what?” Iwa’s eyes twitched, his face flushed.
“Of her not liking you back.”
The ace stammers, his mouth not knowing what words to spit out as he looks his best friend in the face.
He was serious, wasn’t he.
Iwa stood there, gaping at Oikawa’s satisfied expression while stumbling on his words, trying to find the best one to respond with. But he couldn’t. There was nothing he could say at this moment that would change the way Oikawa thinks, because Iwa knows he’s right. He knows.
You were frozen in place, your heart seemed to stop working, you couldn’t tell. Your nerves had stuttered a couple times- you weren’t sure you were even alive at this point. The hand that placed itself on your mouth had fallen to your side, leaving your silent gasps less silent now. Thankfully, they hadn’t heard you, but once you rushed inside with purpose and resolution, the gym door slamming shut, their heads had whipped your way.
“You’re telling me you liked me this whole time?!” You shout to him, walking closer and closer until you arrive right in front of him. His eyes stayed glued to you, confusion stirring back and forth throughout his whole system. He was scared. “Is that why you’ve been a dick to me?”
“I didn’t-”
“Now, now, Iwa-chan, let her talk.”
“Tooru,” you lour, “stop talking.”
“I’ve liked you since I saw that jump serve you did at my first practice, and you’re telling me that you like me too? Even though you’ve been avoiding me and pushing me away and telling me to leave you alone and-”
“You what?”
“What? I like you? Yes! I do! Now can you finally stop acting like an asshole?”
“He means yes, Y/n,” Tooru cuts in while patting the vice captain on the shoulder, laughing it off.
You take a deep breath, running a hand through your hair as you sigh. “Okay,” you exhale, “well, then...are we? Do you-”
“Mhm! He would love to,” Oikawa answers again.
You look at Tooru once more, biting your lip to hide your smile before nodding once towards him.
Thank you, Tooru.
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im so sorry for this mess oh my god
general taglist: @combat-wombatus @toosharkinternet @alpha3113 @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @solar3lunar @hitosushi @zerohawks @katsuhera @awmahleebkg @thisnoodlewritesao3 @realcube @f0leysgurl
haikyuu taglist: @pies-writes-and-more @luvrboykento
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
setting off ; stucky x fem!reader
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status — completed oneshot
word count — 2,463 words
summary — in which steve and bucky get the happy ending they deserve with their best doll.
warnings — implied smut, fluff, talks of starting a family, no curse word i think?
pairing — stucky x fem!reader
a/n — pretty self-indulgent lol,, feedback is appreciated and asks/messages are open!
tagging — @la-cey​ @pedropcl​ @iloveshawnieboi​ @isysen​
masterlist | series masterlist | join my taglist (please follow the rules)
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“Can someone at least give me a hint of where we’re going?” Y/N whined for what would be the fifth time in the last hour. She had been asleep for the first three hours of their travel, but now that she woke up she struggled to return to slumber so instead she ate some snacks as she begged her two boyfriends to give her a faint clue of where they were going.
Steve was currently driving to their destination; he was exceeding about five kilometers the stated speed limit, which was enough evidence that he was excited to reach the end of their trip. Thankfully, the pick-up truck they bought allowed two more passengers beside the driver in the front so she was sandwiched in between the two super soldiers.
“It’s not a surprise if we tell you where we’re headed, doll,” Bucky swatted her thigh playfully, before gulping down the rest of his water bottle. “It still would be,” She argued as she swatted his thigh too, “You can tell me the location of where we’re and I still would be surprised with the actual place we’re gonna be staying at.”
Pissed with her logic, his metal fingers tickled her sides, causing her to attempt pushing his hand away, giggling as she squirmed further into Steve’s side. “Stevie! He’s being mean to me again!”
“Knock it off, you two!” Steve scolded them, chuckling to himself when they settled down immediately and both pouted at him. “Are you sure you’re our boyfriends and not our babysitter?” Bucky giggled at her comment, even pecked her cheek to show how proud he was of her remark.
The former Captain America playfully rolled his eyes as he sighed, “And here I was pulling up to our destination when I should have gone here alone and not show you the present we got you.” Upon registering his words, she sat up straight and twisted left and right as she excitedly asked, “Your present? What did you get me? Please give me a clue! Please, please, please!”
Bucky laughed at her pumped up state, bopping her nose he assured her, “Well the only clue we’ll give is that we looked and searched hard for this gift of yours — we knew you had to have the best one.” Pouting and nose scrunching up in confusion, she turned to Steve and before she could even speak, he was already saying, “What Buck said is true, we hope you like our present.”
Pressing a kiss to Steve’s cheek — she wanted to kiss his lips but didn’t want to distract him from driving — then a short, teasing kiss on Bucky’s lips she reassured them, “You both know I will always appreciate whatever it is you give me.”
Covering her eyes with his flesh hand, the former Winter Soldier smirked, “Well the only way to find out is when you see it. Keep your eyes closed for a while okay?” She whined but was quickly being shushed, “We’re pulling in now and you’re about to see your present!”
Once she felt the car come to a stop, she clawed at the hand that was shielding her from seeing her present as she thought she was permitted to look at it. But as she was being guided out of the truck with the hand still covering her eyes, she felt that maybe it still wasn’t the cue for her to see it.
“Okay stand there, are you alright?” Steve asked after guiding her to stand at a certain angle. “I’m fine, Steve! Now show me already! I’m getting impatient,” She was about to beg their ears off until Bucky slid his hand out of her eyes and she gasped out upon seeing the house. “Here you go, doll. Our brand new home.”
Her eyes became glossy as tears were peeking out, as she turned over to them and choked out, “A lake house?” Steve nodded, wiping the tears off her eyes before they got the chance to spill and kissed her lips, “Yes, doll. Your dream lake house.”
“We chose a secluded one so that way no one can complain when we’re too loud at night,” Bucky’s cocky reply was short-lived since Steve hit his arm which only made their girl laugh and hug them both. The two took her tight hug as a sign that she loved it. Removing himself early from the hug, Steve called, “Come on now! We still need to show you around the house!”
With every step she took, she clung onto each of her boyfriends’ hands tightly. The white coat of the house made her feel even more serene. Having multiple levels, she wondered about how many rooms there were, “How many floors and rooms are there? There seems to be way too many.”
“Five rooms, excluding the game and theater room that is. And there are two stories plus the basement.” Steve recalled as he opened the front door, the sight of the living room immediately greeted her. Soft couches, neat fireplace, and bookshelves beside a vinyl player greeted her. Sitting down on one of the seats, she giggled when the mattress was soft enough that it almost engulfed her completely, “I love this so much!”
Bucky picked her up and hoisted her over his shoulder, “Wait ‘til you see the kitchen!” Placing her back to stand on her toes, he showed her how they fulfilled her dream kitchen of having two refrigerators, two ovens topped with an incredible gas stove, as well as a spacious countertop for when she baked and cooked for them. Smiling, she hugged Bucky and kissed his bearded cheek, “I love it so much! ‘M gonna stay here all the time now.”
Perking up at her statement, Steve smirked as he offered his arm for her to hold on to, “May I show you my favorite part of the house?” Finding it silly with how fancy he was being, she tangled an arm around his, while her other arm stretched out for Bucky to hold on to and his bionic hand laced with hers, “I’d love to see it, Mr. Rogers.”
Opening the black, wooden door, she was shown the master bedroom with a bed large enough to accommodate the three of them. “You cheeky bubba! The bedroom?!” She laughed as she plopped herself down on the soft mattress.
You’d think despite them being centenarians they would be stiff and boring, but the way they jumped in the bed and tickled her sides or rubbed their beards on her neck to elicit even more giggles from her suggested that they were more lively than you would suspect.
“Stop! I concede,” The last word was prolonged into a squeal with the way they were attacking her gently. Taking mercy on her, they stopped as they laid beside her, an arm draped over her figure as they traced her skin with their fingertips.
“I love it,” She spoke, filling the tranquil silence, “Thank you so much for this. I love you both so much.” Bucky cleared his throat and kissed her tricep, “Well this was something we hoped you’d love. And something we wanted to give you, as a thank you.”
Both super soldiers agreed not to mention the little part he slipped up; Steve smacked his flesh hand and groaned a bit. “As a thank you?” She sat up as her eyes shifted over between the two men. They followed her as they sat down too and explained to her, “Buck and I have come to realize how much you have sacrifice for us.”
“The way you stood up for me when the whole Accords happened,” Bucky continued and recalled how she stopped their airport battle when she stopped them upon uncovering the truth and seizing Zemo for discovering his plans. “You fought and stood up for me when everyone else was convinced I was the bad guy.”
Her hand caressed his cheek — her touch had cured him of his terrible association with physical contact. Images of when HYDRA treated him horribly in Bucky’s own time vanished from his mind every time he physically came in contact with someone thanks to her gentle handling of him and her incredible patience. He nuzzled his cheek into her palm, she was about to speak until Steve spoke up, “When we said that we wanted to step down from being Avengers, it was because of you.”
“Me?” This shook her to her core. She knew about their exhaustion with all the fighting that they had to do in order to save the world — everytime they needed to be patched up and taken care of, she’d done all that for them without complaints. But never did she imagine they would quit being part of the team for her, “I’m so sorry if I made it feel like you have to do all this for me.”
Sensing her panicked state, they both calmed her down as Steve rubbed her thighs while Bucky massaged her shoulders to settle her squirming body, “It’s not like that, doll. I should have been clearer with what I meant.”
Managing to relax, she looked up at Steve with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, encouraging him to speak his mind, “Buck and I talked about how tired we are. All this fighting — even though they all were for a good cause, of course — has started to take a toll on us. Not just physically, but emotionally as well,” He cleared his throat as he felt himself beginning to tear up, “It was evident that we badly needed an exit from this lifestyle that was forced upon us.”
“But we somehow got a hint that maybe there would be no way out for us,” Bucky continued when Steve stared at him to go on, Y/N too followed his gaze and looked at him, “That maybe it was set in stone that our fate would be to fight in battle forever.” Her heart clenched and fell into pieces at that thought. “What a cruel fate that would be, love,” She sympathized.
“Then you came along,” Steve resumed with a smile on his lips, “We now found a reason to keep going and fighting. Because we wanted you to live safely and feely.” She thought that what he said would be impossible to top off with the way her heart was beating wildly against her chest, lips pursing as she pouted in adoration. But Bucky wasn’t going to let anyone — not even Steve — outdo him so he pressed a kiss on the top of her head as he spoke sincerely, “We wanted to give you the life you deserve. A life far from danger and uncertainty. So we bought this secluded lake house — giving us the chance to be ourselves and do whatever we want.”
What Bucky said was a close runner up to Steve’s words and she couldn't help but coo at their word as she tried her best to wrap her smaller arms around their hulking figures, “I love you both! So so so so much! I’m incredibly blessed to have the two of you in my life!” Wanting to snap out of their dreamy state, Steve clapped his hands, “Well how about we prepare our lunch.”
Excited at the thought of preparing a meal in her new kitchen, Y/N jumped off the bed with a smile as she scurried off to the kitchen, “I’m gonna make us some sandwiches!” As the two two super soldiers looked at each other after both taking note of how excited their girl was they both thought of the same thing — they made the right and best decision.
After munching down the delicious turkey avocado sandwich with chipotle mayonnaise, they all retired to the deck; both Steve and Bucky were lounging around on one of their chaise lounge chairs as they were clad in their swim shorts while Y/N swam around for a bit on the clear, warm water.
“I can get used to always swimming,” She stated once she reached the top of the pool’s ladder and walked towards them, sitting down on Steve’s lap as she drank some of the iced tea they had prepared. “I, on the other hand, know that I can get used to seeing you in your swimsuit,” Bucky wolf whistled as he openly gawked at her bikini-clad figure.
Despite being with them for quite a few years now and getting used to Bucky’s playful behavior, she still gets bashful when she’s on the receiving end of Bucky’s silver tongue. She clicked her tongue at him as an attempt to weakly silence him, “Bucky Barnes! You and your silver tongue; someday I will catch you off guard the way you do to me.”
Steve decided to join in but unfortunately it didn’t help her cause, “Oh doll, I love you but we all know you get flustered even at the mere thought of flirting at us.” His arms wrapped tightly around her waist as he placed a kiss on her shoulder, as if he was comforting her; which Bucky found amusing as he chuckled. She hit Steve's shoulder as she scowled at Bucky, the two then decided to end their playful banter against their girl.
Upon being signalled to pull his chair closer to where Steve was sat, Y/N played with Bucky's metal fingers as she laid her head on her other boyfriend’s chest, “I love you both. Really, I do,” She lifted her head to kiss Steve’s slightly chapped lips deeply before muttering, “I love you, Steve.” To which he said the same without missing a beat.
“I love you, Bucky,” She declared before leaning over to kiss his lips with the same passion and vigour. “Can’t wait for this new chapter that’s waiting for us,” She sighed out, blissed and content.
Steve’s warm palm caressed her stomach as he spoke with hope, “Who knows? Maybe we can start our family now.” She knew it was something he wanted — even way back in the 40’s he was already hopeful for a family of his own. Bucky, however, always wanting to spite and retort Steve just for the sake of it quickly countered, “Or maybe just adopt a bunch of dogs so the house isn’t too quiet.”
Y/N laughed when both her boyfriends stuck their tongue out and made silly faces to tease each other even more; breaking up their fight, she turned to them and reassured them, “No matter what lies ahead, I know we all can agree that we will venture it together.” And the silence laced with the content smiles they had on their faces gave her the confirmation that indeed, they will go through it all together.
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shiberpostshere · 4 years
The Kiss Thief - Park Seonghwa Social Media AU
20. Chapter Sixteen: Happy Realisation✨ (Meant as a sarcastic remark to the Reader, wishing her Happy Realisation like Happy Birthday)
Previous Part✨      Next Part✨
Masterlist of the AU✨
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Word Count: 2.2K (😳)
The Special Weekly Segment, Weekly Flower Delivery had thoroughly infiltrated your mind with admiration of love and swooning until you remembered that you decided to justify your feelings about Seonghwa, with Seonghwa by talking to Seonghwa.
Oh, Park Seonghwa.
What are you going to say? For starters, you had few options you considered:
1) 'Hey! Crazy story. Remember when I liked you in high school but I think it was childish, so I'd like to know what are your present thoughts about it?'
Fairly normal but quite formal.
2) 'Hello there kind sir. Would you like discussing our past embarassing affairs, mostly the mortifying felony committed by me over a glass of liquor?'
It feels like you're asking for great lord's hand in marriage, one who owns expansive estates in the 1740s.
3) 'Hey, Seonghwa, so you know how we've been spending some time together and I have been thinking about us, together, as in a dating, you know what I mean?'
'You know what I mean?' What are you about to do? Transcend into a rap battle?
At the end, you considered it's best to say what feels appropriate at the given situation.
Hopefully, it's appropriate.
The Dazzling Night group is buzzing excitement of accomplishment after the special segment.
The atmosphere shifting from a rather intimate confession to a declaration of never fading love has successfully set a mood for the team to celebrate the well executed show with chicken and beer by the riverside at midnight.
Yeosang and Mingi leave before the rest and decide to get the food on the way to arrange a seating area for comfortable dinner.
The remaining ride in Seonghwa's car after he frantically arrived at the studio looking fresh and clean.
After a short ten minute ride, you breathe in the gusts of winds, carrying a gentle scent of the river.
The location is a little crowded for the night but might disperse as the clock ticks by.
It isn't difficult to spot the waving figures of Yeosang and Mingi in a quiet corner, keeping a safe distance from other groups for private, mostly chaotic conversations of the group.
Jongho collapses on the mattress within a second of spotting it.
"This is the life of a successful segment planner." He states with a deep inhale.
"Okay bragger, save this for later. I'm hungry." Mingi pushes the boy out of the mattress, rolling him onto the grass but Jongho has no plans of sitting straight.
Yeosang twists open a bottle with fizzle. "We need to make a toast."
The rest of you begin arranging your dinner in front of the widespread, breathtaking view of the river and the brightly lit bridge.
Seonghwa and you begin unpacking the boxes of variety of chicken while Hongjoong pours out drinks for everyone.
"A toast? Why? Are we already done with Dazzling Night for this semester?" Hongjoong comments without looking up.
Yeosang gives him a look. "C'mon, read the mood." He falls back beside Mingi. "Seonghwa loves giving speeches anyway. We love a sentimental mood setter."
You nudge the mentioned boy. "Oh? Then I'm looking forward to it too!"
He plops down and rolls his eyes. "For once can you guys stop ganging up on me?"
Your best friend props up his body lazily, supporting his weight on his arms. "Make a toast, make a toast, make a toast."
You snicker and shake your head at the lack of enthusiasm. "Wow, you surely want him to make a toast."
Hongjoong offers you a small cup of beer. "Okay then, would you like to make a toast instead?"
Taken aback, you study the amount of twinkling eyes settled on you. "Oh, hell no." You thrust the cup at the suggested person.
Seonghwa looks at you with dramatic betrayal written all over his features. "My knight in--" His eyes study your frame, "My knight in jeans and flannel, I thought you'd surely save me."
The entire group bursts out in laughter.
Placing a hand on your hip, you gulp down the contents of the small cup. "Why did the ganging up shift from him" You jab a thumb at innocent looking Seonghwa, "To me?"
Jongho simply shrugs. There's an evident satisfaction displayed in his slackened movements.
You feel comfortable as well.
You're used to, no, you are loving the playful bantering but god forbid, you'll never admit this out loud, especially in front of the teasing devil himself.
"Alright, alright" Seonghwa refills your empty cup and lifts up his big one. "Here's a toast to not even a week into Dazzling Night yet to the most talented group of people making everyone's night, especially each other's by working together and supporting each other. How's that for a sentimental toast?"
All of you raise your plastic cups in unison with a gentle 'cheers' and down the booze in one shot.
Mingi wipes his non existent tears. "Fantastic. I'd like to thank my mother, my father and mostly importantly the baby account I followed on instagram two weeks ago which gives me joy---"
He is unable to finish his speech of 'gratitude' as Yeosang shoves him away with a quick push, making the tall boy almost land sideways on top of sauce pouches.
Throughout dinner, you simply cannot stop smiling or almost rolling over the grass.
It is truly a wild dinner.
One moment Hongjoong slaps away Yeosang's hand from stealing his well deserved chicken wing and another Jongho suddenly belts out a song to honour the evening, earning loud claps from the people seated nearby.
The conversations begin with Seonghwa and Hongjoong reminiscing their first meeting together, makes it's way through the emotional valley but eventually returns to the clowning station.
Time passes by quickly as you munch over different kinds of delicious chickens melting on your tongue with new flavours everytime you grab one from a different box.
Yeosang takes all the credit for the ten out of ten dinner and all the guys agree with the chicken maniac, as addressed by his friends.
As the night gets darker, people start disappearing slowly and you begin to notice the questionable amount of empty beer bottles lying around.
"I think I'm drunk." Hongjoong presses his temple with a wince.
Yeosang grabs the elder's arm and leans into his shoulder with a pout. "Yeosang wants to eat more chicken."
Jongho breaks into a fit of coughs while Mingi throws back his head, booming with laughter.
"Did he just refer to himself in third person?" Eyes wide, you turn to Seonghwa for an answer.
"Yeosang transforms into a cute little kid when he's drunk, he has a low alcohol tolerance." His cheeks are slightly tinted with the pink colour. You don't know if you should be trusting his tolerance either.
"Oh my god, I should totally make a video." Mingi pulls out his phone but Jongho is quick enough to snatch it.
"You don't want to see tomorrow's sunrise?"
Out of everyone, maybe even you, Jongho appears the most sober, as if he hasn't drank at all.
Hongjoong's hand gently pats the drunk one's back. "C'mon, it's getting late, let's go to the restroom and sober up so we can leave."
Jongho leaves his place with a sigh. "I'm going with those three, I think they need some supervision."
Seonghwa places down his refilled cup. "Good idea. I'll stay back with (y/n) and clean up."
You nod. It is indeed getting late.
The three drunk ones trudge towards the washrooms with a normal walking Jongho following behind.
"Let's clean this up, shall we?" You eye the mess scattered around.
As you try to lift your body with much difficulty, a hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you down causing you to yelp.
"But you wanted to talk." You breath hitches for a moment as he turns sideways to place his forehead on your shoulder.
Oh, how you had hoped for him to magically forget about it.
You lift up his head with the support of one finger. "Are you sure you aren't drunk?"
His hands pat his cheeks a few times. "Definitely not drunk." He inches a little closer. "So, tell me."
A chuckle leaves your lips at his attempts to appear sober. "Oh, well, I don't know how to bring this up and I'd rather talk if you will remember this tomorrow as much as I want you to forget."
His shoulders slump. "Oh, (Y/N), is this about our cute little history that you find embarassing."
"What? How did you know that? Wait, who told you---" You blabber out surprised and to deepen the surprise he places a finger on your lips.
"Hey, hey, calm down." His eyes land on the finger and he quickly retrieves it. He clears his throat. "I mean, it is a little obvious. I think it is obvious to everyone but you."
Your cheeks heat up a little at his statement. "Obvious? Okay, since it is that obvious. Yes, yes I am a little embarassed, maybe more than a little embarassed."
Seonghwa tilts his head to the side, an intense look in his eyes. "That's not what I meant (Y/N) but tell me what are you embarassed about?"
Gathering your legs closer to your chest, you place your chin in between the knees. "Well, you know" You let your words trail but draw in a deep breath. "I was fifteen and what happened was silly and ever since we started hanging out together, I feel really comfortable with you and you're really nice. Oh my god, I'm getting nowhere with this." Your feet begin moving in a continous motion.
Seonghwa fixes his posture and sits up straight. "(Y/N)?"
"Yeah?" You look up.
"I liked fifteen year old you. A girl who liked me, often encouraged me even though she didn't understand 11th grade struggles but it's not something that I look back at and make fun of but it's a fond memory that there was a cute girl who liked me back when I was young and too tense for a 17 year old boy." His precise answer tugs a string of your heart.
"Yeah, you were too tense for a 17 year old boy. Remember how you often lectured me like you understand all concepts of the world at such an young age." You comment with an playful smile.
A picture of a young Seonghwa passionately explaining time management like a professor pops up in your mind with a young you listening as if he's reciting a romantic poem. Oh, how smitten you were.
Funnily enough, you still are.
Seonghwa pushes his fingers through his hair with a shy smile, eyes focused on the night sky. "Oh my god. I can't believe you remember that."
You bump your shoulder with his. "How can I forget, you were adorable."
A stange energy is brewing within you. This comfort is unmatched.
He turns to you, fingers suddenly grab your cheeks. "Don't get cheeky with me now." He says in an extremely soft voice.
"Hey, this is not fair. What are you doing?" You get a hold on both of his hand to remove them but fail.
He pulls them a little before letting them go, you rub the sore spots. "You're as much as a troublemaker as you were back then, you just hide it now. Don't you?"
Maybe it's the courage supplied by the little alcohol in your system or maybe it's just him, you grab his face with your hands.
His eyes widen at your actions. "What are you doing?"
You gently bump your forehead onto his. "I'm trying to be bold and knocking some sense into you."
The shocked expression subdues into a serious one. One you hadn't expected to see. "I wouldn't suggest that. What if I really end up forgetting what you're about to do next?"
As soon as he speaks those words, you let go of his face and create a safe distance between you two. "What do you mean? I wasn't going to do anything but bump my forehead with yours! What are you thinking!"
He begins stuffing the empty chicken boxes into each other pretending as if you weren't just inches apart a second ago.
"What if I end up bumping my forehead even harder than you did?" He asks with the most false concern present on his face.
You grab the nearest bottle cap and aim it right at his forehead but he's too quick to catch it. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry."
"YOU stop being cheeky, can't you tell I was trying to flirt with you!" You let both of your hands rest on your hips.
His mouth forms an "O". "I mean, I should definitely do that, I have the right to. It's not like you know that I've been flirting with you all this time."
You freeze for a moment, eyes blinking twice. "You've been flirting with me?"
He throws up his hands in an exasperated gesture.
"Wait, you've been flirting with me? You weren't just having fun making me suffer by being extremely kind and nice yet teasing and--" The long list of conversations run in your mind and then it pings. "Oh."
Seonghwa begins clapping. "Thank you so much for finally noticing."
Your fall down on the support of your knees.
"Oh my god, Park Seonghwa has been flirting with me all this time"
You realise you've said it out loud and wish to sink further into your hands.
"Yes, I have been." His fingers gently ruffle your hair. "Now, clean this up before Jongho comes back and grumbles about it."
You slowly lift up your head and look at him casually collecting the mess, unphased.
"You're not going to let this one die. Are you?" Hesitant, you await an answer.
He chuckles. "Of course not."
"Fantastic." You stand up, unable to shake off the realisation.
Pairing: College Student! Seonghwa x College Student! Female Reader
Genre: Fluff, A teeny tiny bit of smut with a pinch of angst
Synopsis: High school crushes are often silly and forgotten. However, you cannot forget the one senior, you "borrowed" once a kiss from. Years have passed and it's a memory you laugh at but what will happen if you're to encounter the same senior in a much different setting and situation? Especially during your first year of college.
A/N: This user is about to lose her sanity because Tumblr does not save her drafts and likes messing with her already remaining braincells. (I edited this once, I'll edit it again tomorrow)
BUT! THOUGHTS? what do we think after reading this chapter?
After writing this I low-key wanna start a written fic he-he.
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fiftyshadesof-h · 4 years
You are my Remedy (Jemily Fanfic)
Summary: JJ and Emily have spent their whole friendship together trying to deny their lingering feelings, what happens when they make a decision that could change their lives forever.
Content Warning- Description of violence. 
A/N- Hey guys!! I hope you enjoy my new Jemily fic! I haven’t quite decided where I want to go with this fic so bear with me. Try and figure out all of my ships in the story, I have quite a bit. Only the cast of 6 is in the story right now but new characters will be here soon :)))
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“Moments with you, that's when I wish I could stop time.”
Chapter 1-
(Emily's POV)- I got to The Base early today, only after Sergio kept nudging my head until I got out of bed to feed him. The sunrise was like creamer being poured into coffee, the delicate lines slowly blending together as the sun washed over the darkness of the night. When I saw the sky I wanted to stop and stare at it forever, finally pulling my eyes away to get ready. 
My trousers, the same coloring as Sergio, laid just above my hips. I had picked out a red sweater today, the shirt tightening the lower it got. My cleavage clawing its way out from under the low-rise shirt. 
I grabbed a bracelet off my dresser before walking out the front door. I smiled looking down at the piece of jewelry in my hand realizing it was JJ’s small gold chain link bracelet, the light shone off of the intricate designs of it, the bracelet was small and delicate, just like JJ. 
She told me I could keep it when she saw me ogling over it the last time I was at her house. I had a love for JJ’s things, that bracelet she gave me that day was like having a piece of her with me constantly. 
JJ and I were always together, we were like two separate pieces of a magnet that you wouldn’t dare separate, I wouldn’t want it any other way. 
It was boring being at work so early, the normal buzz of voices and fingers typing on keyboards was lacking at sunrise. My eyelids drooped from my lack of sleep. My mind was constantly on JJ but last night I was drowning in thought, I laid there on my pillow, eyes opened wide looking at the ceiling thinking about the possibility of us. 
I can’t believe I'm saying it but I miss hearing Spencer’s statistics this early in the morning, I'm sure the good doctor could come up with an explanation for my fatigued state, better yet an explanation for the overwhelming amount of thoughts in my head. You know, I think if you jus-
I thought about him talking as I lifted up the coffee cup sitting on my desk in the bullpen, slowly inhaling the steam cascading off of the top before taking a long sip. 
The ripple of the warm liquid flowing down my throat had my chest rising and falling in deep breaths. Mmmmm. I hummed to myself in a hushed exhale. 
“Ooooo is it good?” a voice said coming from behind me. I spun around in my chair excitedly, coffee still in hand. My smile was wide when I met eyes with the woman who was talking, Jennifer Jareau, my breathtaking best friend, as she walked down the stairs into the bullpen.
The light came off of her blonde hair like a reflection in a mirror. I nodded my head with a hum. “Mhm, it is, delicious.” I said as JJ came closer her next action was almost too quick to stop, her hands reached forward and took the coffee right out of my grasp. 
“Jayge! You can’t just come prancing in here to steal my coffee.” I tried to sound serious and stern but it was hard to not smile around her. I could never find the words to describe it, maybe I never would find the words but every time I saw her smile I wish I had the power to stop time so that I could live in that moment forever. To see her happy forever. 
(JJ’s POV)- I took a long exaggerated sip, looking up at Emily the whole time through my heavy lashes. 
“All right, all right I need that coffee,” Emily said standing up out of her chair walking towards me, I tried to back away from her but nearly tripped trying to focus on not spilling coffee. 
“Jennifer, I am serious.” Emily said, her lips pressed together in a straight line trying to suppress a laugh. 
“Em,” I said, my hand going out in front of me in protest. “I swear your coffee just gets better and better, maybe I should just have one mor-”.
I gasp as Emily yanks the coffee cup out of my hands playfully, almost causing me to spill.
I shook my head at her laughing. As I was wiping the dripping coffee off my bottom lip, I noticed Emily’s eyes danced across my face and then they landed back down on my lips as I ran the back of my hand along them.
I would always notice when Emily looked down, dared to look down at my lips. Emily’s eyes always avoided my lips, like they were some delicate piece of china she didn’t want to shatter by looking at too hard.
She kept her eyes locked up in invisible chains never daring to let them wander down to my delicate lips. I wonder if she noticed when I did it too, if she noticed that I too would steal small glances at her lips, her eyes, the way she walked wishing, hoping, that maybe one day I’d get to her against my own lips. 
“Hey,” I grabbed the wrist that wasn’t holding the coffee. I smiled to myself then looked up at Emily. “I think it looks good on you. My things always look good on you.” The smirk on my face grew as I mentioned the bracelet that was on her wrist. 
“Hey come on lovebirds, round table in 5.” I heard Dereks’ deep voice coming from behind Emily. I hadn’t even noticed that the rest of the team had arrived, I was so engulfed in Emily's presence. We both laughed at the name ‘lovebirds’. It’s like everyone except us could feel the chemistry.
“Yeah, okay Derek.” Emily said back to him, the words accompanied with a vulgar gesture. I hit Em playfully on the stomach and grabbed on to her shoulder lifting myself up to her ear and whispered, making sure Derek could clearly see us talking. He rolled his eyes walking away from us.“Okay lovebird,” I said, making sure to accentuate the word. 
I gave her a kiss on the cheek, savoring the moment as long as I could, the feeling of her skin on my lips electrified through my whole body, going right to heart and jolting when I finally had to pull away. My heart begged me not to stop, begged me not to take my lips off of her. 
No one ever thought anything of our intimate touches, maybe I thought about those small touches too much, we were just friends. It didn’t matter if I wanted more than that, if we wanted more than that.
As Emily and I walked into the room I noticed Spencer leaning up against the wall one leg crossed over another, his hands on top of eachother fidgeting. Derek on the other hand was sitting in one of the chairs surrounding the large table right next to Penelope, he turned his head to see who had just entered the room he quickly turned his head back to penelope with an exaggerated sigh once he realized who it was. 
“Oh come on, seriously Morgan. Knock it off.” Emily said, her cheerful mood dropping once we walked into the room. Emily went to send Morgan the same gesture she sent him earlier. I quickly realized what her hand was about to do and I slapped it down. 
Hotch must have noticed what she was doing too because his booming voice cut through the tense air. “Agent Prentiss, Jareau, have a seat please.” My head whipped toward him when my name came out of his mouth. I gave him a timid nod before sitting in my seat.
“Garcia, go ahead.” Hotch spoke up again, nodding his head toward garcia. Everyone's eyes went directly to her as she began speaking. “Alright beautiful people, we have a not so beautiful problem in New Orleans, Louisiana. As of this morning there have been 6 female bodies found behind various restaurants.” 
Morgan scoffed. “6 girls and we’re just now being called in, seriously?” Hotch turned his head quickly; his face quickly morphed from a mask of tranquility to one I couldn’t quite decipher, all I knew was that he looked like a lion about to lunge for Morgan to rip his head off. Hotch was always protective of Penelope, they had a strange relationship Penelope was one of the only people who could make Aaron laugh. 
“The first presumed victim,” Garcia continued after Hotch gave her the go ahead. She pointed as the screen switched to a picture of a mangled female body covered in blood, her previously blonde hair now smudged with various shades of decaying blood. 
My eyes widened as they raked down the rest of the photo. “As you can see she had her ring finger cut off, the body part... unfortunately wasn’t recovered at the scene.” She took a harsh swallow, it seemed so odd to me that Penelope was able to talk about such harsh topics, she was that girl that never stopped smiling but everytime she talked about a case a piece of her got ripped away, she denied it, hell we all denied it. 
Hotch cut into Garcia’s speech, finishing it off. “The chief of police in New Orleans thought he had the suspect in custody until another murder occurred.”
“Wheels up in 30.” Hotch said, turning to walk out the door. 
“Here you go,” Garcia said as she walked around the table handing each of us the case files, the sound of her small heels clicking as she walked around the table. “Be safe you guys, I’ll be in my cave if you need.” Penelope blew us a kiss before walking out the door towards her office.
My eyes followed Garcia through the window, I let out a ‘Hmph’ when I saw Garcia turn straight into Hotch’s office. 
(Emily’s POV)- I turned my head towards JJ and noticed her eyes were trained on something outside the room, I turned my body and angled it in the same direction then turned my head to look at JJ. 
The look on her face gave me butterflies in the pit of my stomach. JJ was the first person in a long time that could give me butterflies, I almost forgot what it felt like to get excited to see someone everyday.
“Whatcha looking at Jayge?” I said putting my hand on her knee, she tensed at my touch but relaxed again when she met my eyes. 
Those eyes, they stole my heart. She smiled at me, shaking her head “Oh, it’s nothing.” 
JJ looked down at the hand on her leg and moved her own hand under mine, holding it. My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of us holding hands. Everytime we had any kind of small intimate touch I could feel fire igniting my bones.
JJ and I stayed facing each other for a few more seconds enjoying each other's silence before she pulled her hand away from mine to check her watch. Her brows furrowed slightly. “Come on blackbird, we gotta go.” She said, cocking her head to the side towards the door. 
“Yeah, yeah ok.” I replied in a somber way. 
(Emily’s POV)- The whole plane ride I couldn’t sleep, or read, or focus on anything for that matter, the storm in my mind wouldn’t calm. The winds in my head were filled with whispers of JJ and what we could’ve been or what we can be. 
“JJ I just, I want more of you, I want more of us.”
“I can’t do that for you Emily, I’m sorry, I thought when I told you you’d just- that you’d just forget about it. I wanted you to forget!
The tears in my eyes started to fall when JJ spoke those words. “I love you Jayje. You.” My heart slowly broke apart inside my chest piece by piece falling to the ground below me like shattered glass. 
I threw my hands in her direction. I watched my JJ as she wrapped her arms around her waist, cradling herself as she backed away. 
“Tell me you feel the same way, tell me you feel this.” My voice broke in the back of my throat as I spit the words out at JJ. 
“No, Em, I don’t, I-, I can’t feel that way about you.” JJ’s hand went up to cup her mouth. 
She kept backing up towards my front door. “Jayje don’t leave me please.” I said as I stepped towards her, my heart breaking when she turned her back to me. 
“Stay away from me Emily, just,” Her hand moved to the door knob. “Stop.”
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