#evil carm is so fun to watch
i found an evil carmen scp MAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH once i get in an edity mood im sooooo going to make evil carm edits
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mengyan · 4 years
Okay bestie I’m still trying to process all the 🪟😀 and other trauma from book one plus I want to avoid reading about tedros as long as possible so take some sge Carmen au hcs!
We all know Carmen is a trouble maker and (with the help of player) at least once a week they’ll sneak into Good and pull some harmless prank just because she can and because well it’s fun. The Good faculty know that it’s them because what other Never can get in and out of Good that easily without leaving a trail besides Carmen especially that often. So eventually Julia secretly confronts Carmen about it and asks for Carmen to stop doing this because it’s only a matter of time before Good faculty can prove it’s them and Julia doesn’t want Carmen getting in trouble over some “stupid pranks.” So for a while the tricks stop. Until Carmen becomes aware that some of the more stuck up and prestigious Evers are giving Julia hell for “Dating that beastly never witch.” And Carmen doesn’t really care what some Evers have to say about her but messing with their Jules?? Oh absolutely not. So Carmen is like “Jules I know you don’t want me messing with the Evers because you don’t want me to get hurt but there is NO WAY I’m letting them get away with this” while her finger is glowing bright red the whole time (fingerglow follows emotion right?) So Julia takes Carmens hand in hers to calm her down, but this time Julia doesn’t stop them this time Julia helps (she’ll reason it’s because of the #1 ever was helping them there was no way Carmen could get caught but really we know why, plus it’s just some harmless pranks right?)
kenz bestie, respectfully, i am going to start crying-
ignoring the 🪟😀 and 🙄🧸, these are such excellent additions to the sge carmen au *bangs gavel on table* i’ve approved them as canon! now let me just cry over these for a second:
player and carm causing chaos together is enby solidarity so true
chief is definitely always complaining to the evil faculty about not controlling their “black sheep” better and that no one is allowed to keep disrupting classes etc etc but then evil is just like “ok then get better security lol” and chief has guards posted at the sewer tunnels and at all of the doors every night for that reason... but she still never manages to catch them
julia has to admit that destroying half of hansel’s haven and selling the candy to evers in exchange for good’s spellbooks and materials that evil doesn’t have access to is clever (idk- maybe carm needs something from the groom room for a spell), as well as having a shit load of candy to yourself to snack on during studying instead of the evil school’s gruel is great, but that doesn’t mean she particularly approves of the fact that the school can punish carmen for it once they have proof.
and so carmen makes a small mistake on one of her pranks- a piece of her coat fabric caught on something- and eventually word gets out that she’s the one behind the pranks, and that’s when the rude comments about carmen starts
carmen truly does not give a fuck about what the pretentious evers think of her, as you said, but then BOOM they come after jules and carmen practically lights her lunch on fire from how quickly her finger burns red. she drops the sandwich julia gave her to share to the table, and jules and player stop eating as well, watching her stand up and stomp over to the offending evers.
the dialogue happens, julia stands up to take her hand. player gets up too, rushing up next to them, and the three of them leave the field to plan the next heist.
(but not before carmen flicks fire at where the students who insulted julia are. julia pretends she doesn’t notice.)
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#7 - The Black Chateau
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Setting: this is surprisingly one of my favourite hubs from the game. this is Paris at its prime: the music, the details, the cafes in the street, the little boats, the whole aesthetic is a mood. yeah, there’s danger around every corner, but it’s still the most romantic city in the world and we get to explore it. even its nightclub aspects give it that turn of the millennium, euro club let’s do coke in the bathroom scene. the interiors in this episode give me life, honestly. stoney, candle-lit underground tunnels that are connected to the nightclub is so Scooby-Doo but also France, and the theatre-related interiors showcase a certain grandeur and stand out on their own. i’ll also remind you that this is Sly’s home. we never get a definitive reason or backstory on the gang’s switching from railroad car to that huge safehouse they couldn’t possibly pay rent for, but this new version makes an appearance in Sly 3, so it’s safe to say that this is the gang’s home (although the concept art indicates that SP had plans for something else: https://inspector-montoya-fox.tumblr.com/post/182678860237/inspector-montoya-fox-cool-concept-art-for-band). anyway, having the first proper episode take place in Paris is perfect for the tutorials because there’s the comfort of failing whilst being at home. and this is what The Black Chateau truly is: a tutorial. as jam-packed with action and bedazzlement! as it is, it’s a crash course. and it works because it’s a perfect hub for learning the ropes with Bentley and Murray gameplay. other than that, i’d like to add that Sly 2 takes a new approach with its hubs. instead of having Sly make his way to the baddies by literally blasting himself to their lairs via canons or rockets (...), the gang tries to lure the baddies outside. you’ll notice that Dimitri, Rajan, the Contessa, Jean Bison and Neyla all make appearances before their bossfights, the former 3 also coming into close contact with us within the hub (eavesdropping, following, pickpocketing). this all being said, the gang’s way of luring the baddies outside is altering the hubs and the peacock’s collapse kicks it all off majestically (we then move on to bridge bombings, shooting planes, demolishing dams, etc.). amazing stuff.
Characters: i won’t be referring to Sly and the gang like i did with Sly 1 except if they have a turning point/revelation, so the Characters section will mostly be reserved for the baddies and Neyla or Carm. nonetheless, i would like to acknowledge Matt Olsen’s voice acting because he perfectly captures Bentley’s anxiety when out in the field. and now..... Dimitri. where to fucking start? the lizard is a star. his sleazy posture, how he’s a gay heterosexual, how strongly i’m able to imagine his scent of cheap cologne and Marlboro Golds. and the crime of using a demonic, robot owl’s tailfeathers to print counterfit cash suits him perfectly. he might not be your favourite character, but you have to admit the pimp is as well fleshed out as Mz Ruby, and that’s all because of the dialogue and the voice acting. fucking perfection. the dialogue is so well written, full of his nonsensical phrases and mannerisms, he literally engraves his mark onto the player’s brain, like i can hear him talking about clocks or whatever at will. having him go first was such a good choice because he makes a lasting impression whilst keeping it very ‘neighborhood crime’ with the counterfeit, in comparison to global drug networking. as we’ll find out by the end of the game, he too played a part in the Klaww Gang’s plans, but having his own counterfeit sidegig (which he prioritised, surely) is so him. however, what never made sense to me is his power, that static shock he shoots during his bossfight? is he a mutant lizard? like, Rajan controlling lightning i get, Contessa mastering hypnosis i get, but this is..... what?? i’ll let it slide because of his sick dj mix but still..... and then there’s Neyla. she retains her mystique even if she gives us a reason behind her assistance. the whole thing hits different when you know what she’s up to because lines like ‘Now, legally I can't enter Dimitri's nightclub without a warrant... but I happened to have obtained a key to his backdoor... which a person like yourself can use however he pleases.’ come across as seductive and evil, and we watch Sly fall for it (all of it) because she knows how to pamper his ego. prior to her big reveal (the first one at least), the way with which she moves and handles herself has us think that she’s Sly’s female counterpart, and therefore competition for Carmelita (as outdated as that sounds...). Carmelita’s presence in The Black Chateau is muted, almost non-existent. she only pops up at the end cutscene and SP masterfully uses her absence in order to play up Neyla as a potential ally and girlfriend, despite my thoughts on Carmelita having a bigger presence in the Monaco extension which was scrapped.
Themes: the theme of duality, first and foremost. Dimitri is complete and utter gutter trash, but is supposedly a high-class artist as well. he’ll scream and screech but is also one heck of a host, even if the world perceives him as a washed out artist. the level’s interiors are separated into two categories: underground and non-underground. the underground parts represent Dimitri’s true nature, a sleazebag and a crook, whereas the theatre and the club present him as a pristine pimp and professional nightclub owner. the two clash because of their nature, stoney and shady rooms for crime vs grand and majestic rooms for art. duality can also be seen in the Sly and Neyla partnership, the birth of a (short-lived) alliance. Paris as a theme instead of a location, because of such a dominant presence. this is not just any city we’re in. SP respects Paris and this is further proven by the fact that it’s the beginning and the end of the game. the fact that it’s a catalyst belongs in the final episode’s analysis, but in The Black Chateau the city is also a theme because it embodies humble beginnings, the warm comfort of going through trial error whilst at home. and it’s not exaggerated and pushed into kitsch, à la Sly 3′s Holland where the cheese acted as trampolines... what i mean by Paris as a theme is the emphasis on art and charm, showcasing Europe (because Prague is also a European city but is used as a basis for the trademark spooky level). nighttime and pleasure are two that go together. nighttime is used differently in every episode, or location. you’ll notice that this is the only episode in the game where the night sky is the traditional navy, dark blue (instead of purple, green, red or baby blue as seen in later episodes). it’s a traditional night for a heist, nothing out of the ordinary. it goes together with the theme of pleasure because Dimitri’s establishment is a nightclub and defines the episode to a certain degree. pleasure is interpreted as danger disguised as oblivious fun. the nightclub isn’t the common criminal base and the funky pink walls and disco balls come into contrast with the threat of the Klaww Gang’s operation. even the gang falls for it, trusting Neyla without second thought and failing to pick up on the greater scope of things. they think of it as easy fun, joking around while on the job. lastly, the motif of lights. Paris is known as the city of lights and all of the hubs (interiors included) capture this. the opening cutscene even mentions ‘the flashing lights’. it circles back to the pleasure theme because it can be seen as a distraction and a malicious trap to fall into oblivion (yes, i’m a writer).
What I Like: i freakin love Paris. everything about the setting’s execution, its detailing, the music and the hubs. all of it. i love how the hub is a circle, allowing you to run around in an endless loop, the rat guards striped shirts and red berets, that water tower Bentley enters. everything is just so European and petite and cute, like a well constructed Playmobil set.
What I Don’t Like: hmmmm............... although i love the title’s enigma, i’d really like to fucking know what the ‘Black Chateau’ represents or is connected to??? also, i wish we could explore more of the nightclub? like while it’s open? the episode’s strength lies in its interior missions, the best of the bunch being Theater Pickpocketing, where we get to explore the stage, the balconies, backstage, the dressing rooms, etc. i fucking love that mission and wish we could get more, instead of Murray throwing rats at those annoying security alarm machines that just happen to be violet.....
Quote: either Behold the majesty of gravity and inertia! or I have no idea what you're saying. And your suit sucks or anything Dimitri says because... Dimitri
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Merry Christmas, Carm
Hey, all, and hello specifically to @agentzakura, because I’m your secret Santa, and this is your Christmas present. It’s just some old fashioned Hollstein Christmas fluff. I hope you enjoy it!
Carmilla Karnstein never liked Christmas. Before she was a vampire, Christmas was spent at lavish parties where Carmilla was expected to socialize and be the perfect daughter who would attract a rich, gorgeous man that Carmilla’s father would sell her to. After she was turned, Christmases were spent with Mother discovering new and amazing things, but it was marred by going back to Silas every twenty years to sacrifice girls to the anglerfish god.
Laura Hollis loved Christmas. Before she moved to Silas, Laura and her dad would spend an entire day putting up the Christmas decorations, drinking countless mugs of hot cocoa and singing along to carols.
When the two moved in together, Laura would try and force the Christmas spirit, no matter how many times Carmilla complained. Festive sweaters were worn, and decorations were put over every free space of the apartment. A sensible Christmas stood in the corner of the living room, every branch covered in ornaments and lights twinkling.
Every year, Carmilla would roll her eyes and complain, but secretly, she loved watching Laura excitedly bake cookies and dance along to, “All I Want For Christmas Is You.”
So, when Carmilla turn onto her side and instinctively reached for Laura’s side of the bed, she wasn’t surprised when there was no one there. She flopped onto her back and looked on her bedside table to see a mug of coffee right by the picture of Carmilla and Laura in Florence, the then-new engagement ring bright on Laura’s ring finger.
Carmilla caught herself smiling as she sat up and grabbed the mug to take a sip. The coffee was still warm, so Laura must have snuck in recently to set it on the table. Carmilla also noticed a sweater at the foot of the bed, and she rolled her eyes, knowing the sweater would have some dorky Christmas pun on it.
She would still wear it, though, and she would spend all day making fun of it.
Carmilla got out of bed and put on the sweater before leaving the room.
There were whispers and giggles coming from the kitchen, and Carmilla stood in the doorway to watch her family.
Laura was at the stove, flipping pancakes, and their three-year-old Dorothy was sat on the counter next to the stove, her legs kicking gently and her teddy bear held against her chest. Dorothy was rambling about anything and everything, and when she noticed Carmilla, she stopped mid-sentence and said, “Mama!” She almost fell off the counter in her excitement, but Laura caught her quickly.
“Mommy,” Dorothy complained, wiggling a bit, “I wanna go to Mama.”
“Do you remember the rule we have about when you’re sitting on the counter?”
Dorothy stopped wiggling, and she had a guilty look that reminded Carmilla of every time Laura got herself into a rough spot and Carmilla had to help her.
“I can’t get down on my own.”
Carmilla smirked watching Laura be the strict parent, because she also knew that Dorothy had probably already had hot chocolate and a few cookies this morning.
“Because I could hurt myself.”
Laura put Dorothy back on the counter and pressed a kiss to Dorothy’s forehead, “Exactly. So, you could ask Mama to help you down.”
Dorothy turned to Carmilla, and Dorothy could ask for anything and Carmilla would say yes, because her eyes and pout, so similar to Laura’s, were lethal. “Mama?” Dorothy asked, reaching her arms out, one hand still holding her bear, “Down?”
Carmilla set her empty mug by the sink and moved in front of Dorothy, “I think you’re forgetting something, munchkin.”
“There we go.” Carmilla picked Dorothy up off the counter, and Dorothy wrapped her arms and legs around Carmilla, her teddy bear resting against Carmilla’s back.
Laura finished the last few pancakes and moved the plate of them over to the table, Carmilla following behind her listening to Dorothy talk about her morning.
“And Mommy said we had to wait to open presents,” Dorothy huffed as Carmilla put her in her seat.
“I’m more surprised Mommy could stop herself from opening all the presents,” Carmilla joked, smirking at Laura across the table as she sat. Carmilla remembered early Christmas mornings before they adopted Dorothy where Laura would wake Carmilla up before it was light outside and insist that they do presents.
“Very funny, Carm,” Laura rolled her eyes, but she was smiling, “And even after I bought you another hour of sleep while we read Santa’s letter together and cooked.”
“Yeah, Mama,” Dorothy said.
“Whose side are you on, kid?”
Laura laughed while putting a pancake on Dorothy’s plate and cutting it up. She poured a bit of syrup over the pieces and brushed some hair out of Dorothy’s face, “That’s the correct side to be on, Dor.”
Dorothy stuck her tongue out at Carmilla and started to dig into her breakfast.
“Well, I guess all the presents under the tree are mine now,” Carmilla said with a shrug, eating some of her own pancakes.
Dorothy leveled Carmilla with a glare that was more adorable than threatening, “You wouldn’t.”
“I don’t know. Ask Mom. I used to be evil.”
“Carm,” Laura said, nodding her head at Carmilla’s joking.
“And I’ve been eyeing that big box over there,” Carmilla continued, motioning to the tree and the biggest box with Dorothy’s name on it, “It looks like it could be a pretty amazing toy.”
Of course, Carmilla already knew what was in the box. Her and Laura bought the big toy set a while ago and hid it in their room before wrapping it and putting it out the night before.
“Mama, that’s not very nice.”
“All you have to do is join my side, shortcake.”
Dorothy turned to Laura then, “Sorry, Mommy, but presents are on the line.”
“That’s okay, sweetie,” Laura took a napkin and cleaned some syrup off of Dorothy’s cheek, “I understand.”
The small family finished their breakfast, Dorothy wondering aloud what Santa had brought her, and it was hard to keep her away from the presents as she finished her food. By the time the plates were being cleared, Dorothy could barely sit still in her seat.
“Can we do presents now?”
Carmilla looked at her daughter shaking in excitement, and she thought again about how similar Dorothy was to Laura: excitable and energetic and a smile bright enough to light up an entire room.
“Alright, munchkin. Come on.”
Dorothy hopped out of her chair and rushed into the living room, dropping down by the Christmas tree and waiting for Carmilla and Laura to tell her to start. When she got the go-ahead, Dorothy dug into the presents, Laura taking pictures and videos to show everyone later.
Carmilla and Laura opened a few presents as well, and they each got something from Dorothy that Laf and Perry helped her make.
After all the presents were opened, and while Dorothy played with all of her new toys, Carmilla and Laura sat snuggled up on the couch, Carmilla with a new cup of coffee and Laura with hot chocolate in her favorite Tardis mug. Carmilla kissed Laura softly, basking in the warmth of being surrounded by her family, a family that she never thought she would have.
“Merry Christmas, cupcake,” Carmilla whispered against Laura’s lips.
“Merry Christmas, Carm.”
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unnursvanablog · 3 years
The TV shows I have watched in 2021, part 1.
Shows I finished:
The Uncanny Counter: Exciting, full of humor and heart and found family, and the character is so lovable and pulls very hard on your heartstrings. That is the strongest aspect of that show, for me. There's a lot of talk about human greed and corruption and other things as that is how the demons in the show feeds, which I sometimes felt a little too heavy handed and the shows spend a bit too much time on that aspect of the plot, but the story manages to be pretty fast-paced, does not drag on too much and there is always some tension there to grab you, so I was never bored.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, s4: This show was so self-aware of itself; both in terms of their flaws and what made them great that they actually managed to be a pretty chill and fun watch. But as the series progressed they somehow lost that spark and the ability, took itself maybe a bit too seriously and yet not serious enough so a part of it was just too silly and some things felt like they were trying to hard to be bold and dark but failed.
Mr. Queen: Shin Hye Sun's amazing performance in the lead role makes Mr. Queen a pretty decent and fun show. It's rather light, funny and exciting. The drama would not be the same without her. It did drag a bit, especially in the beginning, or feel a bit all over the place. A fun, light fusion sageuk.
Signal: I can understand all the praise this show has received and I enjoyed it, but they also never hooked me in the way that I did. But then again this isn't my type of genre and a lot of these types of shows don't manage to do so.
Extraordinary You: At its core, this is a very ordinary teendrama about love and friendship and finding oneself. The drama does a lot of these things incredibly well It's not perfect, but it's so sweet and with a huge heart behind it where you can feel all the emotions the characters are feeling and all of the character, or almost all of them, are so lovable. The concept of it is quite neat, and it does manage to do something new, while also just telling a very standard teendrama story.
Dickinson, s2: It doesn't look or feel like your standard period drama with it's use of modern popmusic and other things are used to make everything a bit surreal and not quite normal. Death comes to visit or someone uses modern slang that pulls you out of the story, but in a good way. It adds to the carm of it. I think the episodes are strangely fun and work well in their absurdity and I hope we get more series of these episodes because I think they just have room to grow.
Merlin, s1-3: The first three series of these episodes are just really good adventure family show. It has this fairytale vibe to it, which I really enjoy. They are never trying to be more than they are, although they sometimes rush through things, but I really do appreciate how light and fun this fantasy show full of adventure and magic is considering how dark and bold some of these new fantasy shows post-GOT all feel. I miss this sort of feel-good fantasy.
The Office, s1-4: It's taking me a while to get me through this show. I do not know if it's out of all these memes I've seen and I feel like I've already seen a lot of these jokes or if that humor isn't really my thing. I like it well enough and often have it on in the background but I am not often in the mood for it. I do not think they are that funny.
Crash Landing on You: I was was not that into this one. The characters were good and I found many things interesting about this drama, but the romance and just the story itself dragged on for such a long time. The episodes were some over an hour long and it did not have enough story for that. So towards the end I was really bored.
Alice in Boarderland: This was a real roller coaster ride and the story is something I espect more from a Japanese movies than dramas (though I may not have seen enough Jdramas). The story was fast and constantly surprising you. Really good, the story was so gripping and full of twists and interesting characters. Bloody and brutal, but in a good way.
Vincenzo: Vincenzo surprised me so much, but I was not expecting this entertainment when I started it. A strange mix of soap opera level drama, comedy and legal drama that works somehow so well together. Very colorful, wacky and fun characters, one of the most entertaining bad guys I have watched in a kdrama in a long time. I was always looking forward to watching the next episode and the story never seemed to drag or drop in intensity or action throughout it's run. Could well end up being my favorite drama of the year. Pure and simple entertainment that I will not easily forget.
Sisyphus: The Myth: I need to stop torturing myself through the Park Shin Hye drama just for Park Shin Hye. This drama had a really great idea behind it and it started of pretty well, but I thought the mystery in the episodes dragged on for a long time and just wasn't that well put together or that exciting to watch. This was more romance than science fiction and I was not feeling the romance here and I found the lead male character so boring.
Age of Samurai - Battle for Japan: At first I thought it would be a drama, but it turned out to be a documentary. Really interesting history which I really immersed myself in.
The Lost Pirate Kingdom: I felt like I knew about a lot of these events that this documentary talked about through the tv show Black Sails that it might have damaged the suspense a bit. Sometimes I felt like I was getting a really detailed recap of that show. Still quite fun.
Wandavision: It was just like I expected a Marvel tv show to be. It was great fun, great action and fun characters. The episodes take advantage of a slightly slower story that TV shows offer compared to movies, but still have this Marvel feel to them. Marvel knows its audience very well.
Lost Cities with Albert Lin: I got Disney+ and enjoyed so many of the documentaries that were on there. I loved learning about all the lost, secret treasures and cultures that history has to offer, that are almost hidden from modern view.
Lost Treasures of the Maya: Albert Lin has some great series on Disney + that are really fun to watch. He's almost like the modern Indiana Jones. I devoured his shows over the course of a few days.
Drain the Oceans: So much fun learning all that's hidden on the ocean floor. I did not watch all the episodes in this series, but I went between the episodes that had more to do with ancient history and things that I'm interested about.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: It went a slightly different route and had more to say than I honestly expected from a Marvel tv show. And while it did have a rather slow start it manage to say everything they needed and wanted to say and manage to build these characters well enough so that this origins story of the new Captain America is well set up and established for the next phase of Marvel cinema. It was very fun and exciting.
Navillera: really heartfelt show that truly did tug at my heartstrings every episode. The story is really emotional and sincere without being too sad or depressing. It never drags you down, but much rather gives you a bit of hope and wholesome vibes.
Not Yet Thirty: Very short but fun stories about three friends. The pacing wasn't the best, it felt a bit rushed, and I didn't think they divided the time between these friends that well, so parts of it felt underdeveloped and boring to watch.
Shadow and Bone: a rather traditional YA fantasy story and maybe a bit lacking in depth here because there was a lot going on and it only had eight episodes to tell it all. But the characters were really fun and there was always a lot of excitement going o.. And thanks to the Crows  there was always something that surprised me at every turn and it was just so fun how they wove it all together. Came out much better than I thought it would and I'm really excited for what's next.
Youth of May: I did not expect much from this drama at first, but it still surprised me how light it was, despite the Gwangju uprising being one of the topics it covered. The story got darker as time went on, but it never got too hard to watch or too sad. It was really well done and the despite how short it was compared to many other kdramas it never felt rushed or anything.
The shows I dropped:
Lovestruck in the City: The characters were just so boring, especially the male lead. And the format that the episodes were trying to have - almost like they were filming a documentary - just did not work for me.
Royal Secret Agent: I love period dramas and I find Myungsoo really cute. But there was just nothing really going on here and the story felt like it was trying to be more clever than it actually was and the characters didn't seem to be going through any type of character development. It was just kinda boring.
My Father is Strange: While cute and cozy, these types of stories aren't really my cup of tea. They just don't seem to hold my attention that well.
Beyound Evil: Might give them another chance, because even though I'm not very fond of crime and murder mysteries like this, I have heard almost nothing but praise for this drama and I'm a huge Yeo Jin Goo fan. The mystery didn't hook me that much though, but maybe I just didn't get far enough into it.
Doom at Your Service: I do not know what it is… but this kind of paranormal romance does not really work on me even though I love fantasy and I like rom-coms. I prefer ghosts and such to these immortal supernatural beings... unless it is the main female character who is supernatural and lonely. The romance of a immortal male and a human female just doesn't seem to work for me.
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rwbyremnants · 7 years
THIS CHAPTER: Blake/Yang/Carmine: Striptease, roleplay, costumes, consent play, grinding, clothes-ripping, fingering, sixty-nine, anal fingering, perineum play, analingus, catnip, strap-on sex, double-penetration, cuddling.
NOTE: By the end... of the year... this will be done, damn it! Even though I have a cold right now, I'm editing! And I'm writing a new fic! And going to ask someone to beta an old fic!! AAAAH!
==Chapter 29
================== BONUS 04: Blake Versus The Grimm
A weekend at last. After a week of exams, Blake was more than happy for the two days ahead with no studying, no homework, no stress. So much so that it gave her an idea to bring a significant stress relief.
So far, all her fellow teammates had been in various situations that definitely were not typical. Multiple teammates sating different urges, submitting themselves completely. It was the ultimate form of trust. Blake hadn't been the subject of such acts. At least, not yet. That was all about to change, thanks to a plan she had formed the past few days. A plan to not only make it up to Yang for having the choke-chain pulled on so hard that many times, but to satisfy the Faunus’s own desires to be roughly handled, to be subjected to such different forms of pleasure. Yang was not yet aware that she was curious about being ‘put in her place’ in the bedroom, even if only there; it had been something she was starting to become aware of through a few of the most recent interactions.
But Weiss was still exhausted when Blake asked her about joining in. She didn't fancy going for yet another round so soon after her past three ventures, and seemed even more leery about doing anything like that with Yang so soon after their argument. That was understandable; they all needed a brief break from each other. And Ruby was off the table, for obvious reasons.
That left another alternative, which worked out in her favour, since it meant leaving the dorm room and heading into Vale proper.
Carmine had remained in contact with the two since their last venture in the bedroom. There was the odd night out, messaging constantly, some even rather naughty messages being sent back and forth between the three of them. Mostly, she had moved on with Velvet, and things were going well in that department, but they had all remained a very unusual kind of friends. Of course, when Blake messaged her about having one last fling, for the sake of helping Yang and Blake try something new, she jumped at the chance. She even invited Blake to use the apartment at her leisure.
Which they did. Even if Yang wasn't due to arrive for another hour, Carmine and Blake had been idly chatting as they set the apartment up. The majority of the room was cleared so there was plenty of space to move. That was intentional, of course. But next was another thing that Carm had suggested: fancy dress. Having prepared a number of outfits on the bed for Blake to choose from, Carm was sitting on the bed nearby while she viewed the various outfits, commenting on each one. But there was one conversation she wanted to have.
"So… this whole Dust thing… Yang isn't pulling my leg, right? Can she genuinely make herself have a dick at will?"
"It's not quite that simple," Blake laughed as her shorts hit the floor. Normally, she'd have a bit more modesty than this, but Carmine had already seen her in all her glory on multiple occasions. "When she uses it, there's still a time period in which she has to adjust. And she still has to take the antidote to reverse the process - it's not like saying a magic word."
"Oooohhh, right. So it takes a while to kick in." Unable to help herself, Carm did raise her eyebrows at the display before her, glancing Blake's figure up and down with a small smirk. She had indeed seen Blake naked numerous times, and had one or two photos saved of it as well; but the sight was irresistible every time.
But her curiosity was also powerful. A girl with a penis was something entirely new to her, and she couldn’t pretend she didn’t want to at least have a look. "...You… think she'll have it tonight?"
"It's pretty likely. Yang asked me if I cared if she took it again a couple days ago, since we’re supposed to be going camping soon and I think she’s planning to get me alone, but we haven't hooked up since then, so I don't know for sure." Once stepping out of her boots, she began to roll her usual tights down and off. "Why?"
Shrugging her shoulders, Carmine offered a small smirk. "Kinda curious. I mean, I've been with guys before and I'm not attracted to them at all. But this sounds interesting. Like a ‘best of both worlds’ situation."
The smirk that played around Blake's mouth was a knowing one. As she reached up and began to unravel the bow that kept her ears hidden from the world at large, she needled her, "You seem to have a lot of… interests."
Straight away, Carmine was nervously biting her lip. Yet again, that uncontrollable desire for them was worming its way back. Although she adored Blake, and would even if they weren't present, the ears did something more for her. But snapping back when she realised what Blake had said, she spoke to cover the fact that her cheeks were heating up. "I guess so. Hey, a shy girl's allowed to use the internet regularly, right?"
"Who said anything about the internet?" Blake laughed as she finally finished with the rest of her clothes, and reached for the far-from-modern undergarments she had laid out on Carmine's bed. "But hey, I'm not judging."
As Blake pulled the clothes on, Carm found herself watching the actions rather dreamily. She couldn't deny it was a treat. "Oh! By the way," she began, pointing to the rest of the clothes laid out. "Don’t worry if they get ripped. If you're into that, of course."
At that comment, Blake straightened up halfway through clasping her bra. "Oh… I, um, yeah. I was gonna pay you if any of them are. If not, you can keep them if you want - or I could just buy them all from you. Whatever."
"Hey, don't sweat it. They were just old Halloween costumes, and were cheap as hell." But as Blake reached over for the rather revealing top, one made to deliberately impersonate some form of damsel, she got up off the bed herself, pacing over to the wardrobe. "Right then, what kind of thing shall I go for?"
"Well, I've been thinking about that. You could wear another one like mine... or another one like Yang's." Pulling up the billowy skirt that reached almost to the floor once it graced her hips, she glanced over her shoulder at the redhead. "I mean, or whatever. Your choice, really."
"Hmm…" Looking through her wardrobe, she flicked between each of the different hung up outfits. Nothing really stuck out, at least not to these interests. "What if I went for... some kind of Mad Queen or something before you and Yang start, to throw her off the scent, and then while you two are getting started…" She deliberately looked back to Blake for a moment, just to see the look on her face. "I can get changed into the same thing as Yang, then join you?"
"Interesting. I like it." Then she began to lace up the corset that went over her loosely-hanging tunic - with its plunging neckline. "Are you going to use any... special equipment? Besides just the costume."
It backfired. Now Carm was the one turning completely red as she thought of that possibility. Deciding to distract herself with the task at hand, she pulled out a rather long white coat. One that certainly gave an heir of royalty. It was one of her normal clothes, but it would do if she was to do a quickchange later.
"U-Um... Well that's..." She was mumbling, obviously flustered. "Up to you, I mean, I won't... mind either way."
As she began to don a few assorted bits of costume jewellery, Blake's smile grew slightly more mischievous.
A little less than an hour later, Yang had arrived on her trusted Bumblebee, mainly for Blake's benefit when they headed home tomorrow. She knew the feline Faunus adored the thrill of being a passenger. As she checked her scroll's message yet again, she made her way through the apartment complex toward Carm's home, rereading the message she'd received earlier to make sure she hasn't missed anything. It was just a simple invite over for a drink - so Yang thought, anyway. Yet the request to not wear heels seemed to stick out. But she didn't even have to knock on the door before Carmine opened it, straight away gesturing for her to come in. Not even a single word was spoken when Yang obeyed.
"Dude, what's up with the silent treatment? It's like you're some kind of evil genius or something inviting me to your secret layer." "You could say that." Carmine smirked. As Yang took her boots off in the foyer, she was handed a set of clothes by Carmine. A black, rather furry appearing jacket, one which was littered with small white markings on its back. Some rather small black shorts to match it, and most unusually, a White Fang mask.
"So, Yang... How do you fancy a bit of roleplay?"
There were sounds of shifting in the main room. From her vantage point, Yang could see nothing, but there was the distinct sound of glass clinking against glass, then being muted entirely; perhaps something breakable being put away.
"From the way you're handing me a change of clothes, seems like I have no choice," Yang commented with a snort, nodding as she took the set right away. She had suspected fun was in order when Carm messaged, but not what kind of fun. This was entirely a surprise. Finding herself staring at the mask while she slid her jacket and shirt off, she had to ask, "White Fang member? Ain't that in poor taste?"
"Oh, no no. The mask is just because it works with the costume. You're gonna be a Grimm." Carm had stepped back to admire the view, leaning against the wall as she eyed Yang's form while her clothes were being removed. Though from the way Yang was turned, she couldn’t tell if there was “a little extra something” or not. Deliberately speaking up so the woman on the other side of the door could hear, she continued to explain, "Here's the scenario. I'm a wickedly Mad Queen, who's asked the fair maiden to marry me, but alas! She refused. So me, being furious with the rejection, have vanished her out to the forests. Although… she doesn't suspect there would be rather… needy and hungry monsters out there."
"Sure hope none of them are close!" said a high-pitched voice. There were a limited number of possibilities of who it could be, even though the person in the other room was affecting a very slight accent - and going into the falsetto range.
Tilting her head again at the costume, Yang began to smirk. This certainly was going to get rough if she was going to pretend to be the very monsters they fought. She could only hope Blake was prepared. But Carm had already slid her coat on, opening the door slightly to leave, but not before facing Yang one more time.
"Oh... If she ever says 'I will marry the mad queen', then that's the safety phrase. We'll get started, you come in when you're more… ferocious."
And finally, she entered the room with Blake again. Now things had been assumed, Carm looked to the feline with a wicked smirk, pacing around the room and toward her. "Aha, I've found you yet again, my lady."
Blake turned to look at them, one hand pressed against her stomach - perhaps because of the tightly-laced bodice. The white peasant top with its short sleeves showed a generous glimpse of cleavage, smooth globes of flesh catching the flickering candlelight. Below the tight leather, a violet skirt reached just above Blake's bare feet. Silver bangles adorned her wrists, ankles, and fingers. Even the bow on top of her head had been replaced with a simple scarf, though the telltale peaks easily displayed where her ears were hiding.
"Oh - oh, what might this beast be which you have brought?!" she demanded of the 'mad queen'.
"He's my pet." Thanks to her knowledge of the Dust from Blake, she decided to humour her in that sense, just in case the tale wasn't true at all. But as her mad queen paced around the room, making her way to her 'throne' - being the singular sofa - she took a comfortable seat straight away, tilting her head as she stared back at her prisoner. "And he's very hungry. And unfortunately for you, disobedient wenches are his favourite thing to eat. Isn't that right?"
When she looked back to Yang again, she had only just put on the mask, quickly flailing to try and neaten her hair to make room for the fake ears on the top. She was clearly not in character yet from the sounds of muttering 'this again?' under her breath. All that took was for Carm to clear her throat, and make her look straight back up.
"O-oh! I mean... Grrrr..."
There was some effort in suppressing a chuckle, but Blake managed it. Then she clutched at her neckline again, backing up a step. "You... plan to eat me, foul beast? But I can't be very appetizing..."
"I sure am-"
"No, he's not hungry in that sense." Carm interrupted Yang. It just didn't make a good Grimm role if she was going to stand there talking. Not only that, but Carm wished to build up the suspense into their play. "Grimm don't necessarily eat. They hunger for… other desires."
Blake's hand played across her throat in a manner that was almost as seductive as it was "frightened". "Then... you would feed me to this monster? My body?"
"Exactly." Now she had crossed her legs gracefully, placing her hands on her knees to make herself appear more sinister, more like a Queen in fact. "And I want to watch these events, of course. I have to have some entertainment, don't I?"
Yang had taken that as her sign to move forward, arching her back and standing on her toes to give herself more of a creature-like appearance. The mask meant Blake was unable to see her eyes, but her mouth was only showing a sinister grin. And another sign that played into the role was obvious below. Carm didn't notice it, but there was a slight bulge beginning to form in the shorts Yang was made to wear. That easily, she was getting turned on.
Nor did Blake notice it - at first. Not when her entire focus was on the game they were about to play. Yes, her own sex had been heating up ever since she donned the elaborate costume, but that was because she knew the eventual result would be playing into her desires. But Yang? There was no reason to believe she would already be aroused, not when she had literally just arrived.
But the game was afoot. Widening her stance, Yang braced to move at a moment's notice, hands out to either side to help her maintain balance. Maybe it was just imagining how the scene would play out that was turning Yang on. Or maybe... Maybe she had been prepared for such events. Perhaps it was because of their last encounter that she had taken the Dust mixture; her vulnerable sex had made her all too easy to subdue. At least, to her own way of thinking, it had. The Dust took a while to kick in, so would explain why it was only showing now.
But as soon as Carm clicked her fingers, the game had began. Yang made a dash toward her, trusting in Blake's instincts as a fighter for her to be able to avoid her straight away. Carm of course was clueless to their huntress training, so it would prove to be quite the display for a non-huntress. And seconds later, Blake was dashing just past Yang with the speed borne of years of training, though careful to suppress her instincts to turn and fight. That was not her role today; she was to be prey, nothing more. To make the game interesting for her lover.
And interesting it was. With each dodge and turn, Carm found herself even clapping with excitement, laughing at the two's antics as they leapt and ran across her apartment. She really was in for a treat it seemed!
Crouching toward the floor for a moment, Yang kept her eye contact on Blake's. Even if she was unable to see her eyes, Yang was smirking throughout. A clear way to show she was enjoying this. Small gestures such as these were acceptable through their play, and were essential in making sure each were comfortable.
From the crouching position, she leapt forward again, aiming to either land on Blake, or on her hands to a roll. And indeed, Blake darted to the side, leaping over the corner of the bed to bounce off the wall and run towards the kitchen. Though she was getting quite worked up - in more ways than one - it would not do to simply give in. That wouldn't be satisfying. Maybe she would if things went on too long, but not right away, for sure.
"Come on, pet! Don't you want to sate your hunger? Catch her!" Carm cheered, continuing to clap her hands.
Yang of course did roll from where she landed, flinging herself back to her feet to chase Blake once again, making a quick dash for the kitchen. Thankfully, Blake and Carm had put all items away so she didn't have to worry about damage. But their chase wouldn't be much longer, as she noticed Blake was in the corner. She couldn't run much longer. The “Grimm” filled the doorway of the kitchen. Blake was braced against the back wall, hands upon it and chest heaving. She hadn't broken into a sweat - and wouldn't ordinarily, as this light warmup was nothing for her. But she did look energized.
"Please, I... I beg you, see reason!" she asked again breathlessly, still with a slightly affected accent that made her sound as if she was straight out of some stage production. As best she could, Yang only attempted to imitate a growl, 'circling' her pray as she stalked from side to side, trying to prevent her escape. But thankfully, she was saved by a different command.
"Aww come on, pet. If you're going to have your way at least bring her in here so I can see it!"
Which provided the perfect distraction. The moment Yang's focus wavered, Blake crouched and sprang off from the wall, running at the "Grimm" full tilt. Her violet eyes gleamed with determination. Which of course made Yang fall back against the opposite wall. Her 'prey' had gotten away, even when she had her cornered! She wasn't going to let Blake get away with that. When Blake was back in the living room, she quickly dashed straight toward her, leaping yet again as Blake's back was turned, aiming to take her to the ground with her and pin her down.
This proved to be the end. Though Blake did her best to throw herself to one side, one of Yang's arms still caught and dragged her to the floorboards.
"AH!" she gasped out as they landed, turning her head aside to prevent injury to her face. "You... get off, let me go, you fiend!"
And they were of course, right in Carm's view point. Right there for yet display. To which she could only clap about again. "Bravo! Bravo! Now then, pet. I think you've waited long enough..."
"Grr..." Yang only growled in response, positioning Blake's hands to pin them down above her head, her other beginning to stroke over her body, and all over her clothes. As she shuffled herself upward over Blake's body, she leant in toward her face. Both to add the intimidating factor, but also so she could whisper, "Kay, so, monsters like to tear things... you cool with me ripping this?"
Blake nodded very briefly, not wanting to break character. If Yang had more questions about the clothes, they could discuss it later. Then she more loudly howled, "Mad Queen, you are without mercy! Call your beast off!"
"Oh absolutely not! Things are just getting started…" Carm was content with watching Yang's display for her.
Now that Blake had given the command, she could act as a true monster without any delay, digging her nails and fingers into the fabric of the skirt and pulling as hard as she could. The material certainly was cheap, considering how easily it ripped in her hands. Because of it, she 'clawed' more and more of it, until she was left with scraps.
Next was the shirt. But as Blake lay on her stomach, there was no way to get it. So instead, she leant in toward her again, lips ghosting just over her ear letting Blake feel each breath, and hear her whisper. "Roll over..."
"NNnhhah!" Blake let out loudly, struggling - and not just pretend-struggling. She hoped her actions would make it clear what type of play they would be doing; it wasn't all over but the consummation. She intended to present her battle partner with a legitimate challenge.
Of course, Yang didn't give up. If seductive persuasion didn't work, then continuing her role as a monster would have to do. Positioning her legs either side Blake's body, she released her hands, grasping her shoulders instead to pull her around to the position she wanted. The instant Blake was in such a compromised position, facing her 'attacker', she lowered herself onto her, pressing her full bodyweight down on top of her. And once again, she pinned her hands down either side her head, growling lowly.
Now Blake could feel the huge throbbing length through Yang's shorts, and she shuddered. It was going to be one of their more rough sessions - and she still was less comfortable being taken by it than she was playing around or jerking it off. All of that was about to go out the window, it seemed.
And it was her own damn fault, after all. She and Carmine had set this up - perhaps partly because she wanted to give Yang something to make up for their last session, but also partly to overcome her own misgivings. By now, sweat had broken out across her chest and at her temples, and she was still breathing hard with the weight pressing down upon her. But she would not give in, she would not end their play.
"Stop," the Faunus growled herself, maybe with a slight tinge of honesty into that word while jerking from side to side. It only made her feel the heat through their shorts yet more. "You... you can't do this, you monster!"
"Oh, but he can!" From her distance, Carm couldn't notice the worry on Blake's face. Not the genuine worry, anyhow. She could see only the characters getting into their roles completely, and could only grin at it.
But Yang could. She knew her and Blake had only done this once before when she had taken the Dust. And now they were repeating it under rougher circumstances, when Blake would have to accept her at full force from the off to keep the character. She couldn't let that happen.
"M-mad Queen?" Even though she was keeping eye contact with Blake, she was asking her 'master' a question; "Am I allowed to play with my food first?"
Bracing for impact, Blake merely waited out their situation. She didn't want to tip things one way or another by speaking up to Carmine; if she ended up being taken roughly, and finding herself ill-prepared, it would be on her own head.
"I didn't think pets were meant to talk, Grimmy?" she reprimanded from her comfortable seat. Not that she meant it; this was all good fun for her. But when Yang's gaze met hers, she could somehow tell she was serious about this. "Hmm... Very well then, you can 'play' with her."
"Thank you, master." Turning back to Blake again, the smirk was returning to her face. She released her hands, moving on to prepare her. One hand took off the scarf that was covering her feline ears, and the other was ghosting herself over the shirt, grasping at times to try and find the perfect place to tear it.
But the 'play' part had began, as well. Even with Blake's underwear remaining intact, just as Yang's shorts were, she began to push her hips forward against Blake's, her own crotch area rubbing up against hers each time with only a few layers of clothing to stop them. It was a slow, gradual pace, but in her current position, her current character, dry humping was the only way she could possibly think of getting Blake ready.
"NNNhhh!" Blake growled, grasping at the wrist that was taking off her scarf. It was true, she normally hated her ears being exposed, but in this case it was mostly showmanship; Yang was more than allowed. Meanwhile...
Heat was building between their twin sets of hips as Yang ground down onto her. It was beyond ready, and she herself was coming around to the idea of taking it inside, no thanks to the gentle, continual grinding. Still, she could not go easily, and dug her nails very slightly into Yang's forearm. Yang only growled even more in response, baring her teeth down at the woman below her. Once both hands were free, she grasped a hand full of the shirt's material in each hand, pulling roughly to rip it clear apart from her chest.
Now that she lay on scraps of clothes and underwear, Yang could drink in the sight even more, purring in delight to herself. She only wished she could speak to Blake more to ask about their play, about what she was comfortable with. Suspecting it still wouldn't quite be being taken roughly, one hand drew away from the shirt, quickly diving down and pressing itself firmly against the building heat between Blake's legs, beginning to rub firmly.
Immediately, Blake's back began to arch and a moan forced itself through her gritted teeth. Now that her chest and ears were exposed, she felt even more urgency to fight against Yang's - the Grimm's - advances. Both hands came up and pressed into her shoulders, trying to force the brute backwards even as the warmth built exponentially from the blonde's attentions.
But Yang didn't move. She only continued to ravage her lover, rubbing even faster against the wet layer of fabric between her fingers and her heat. How she did want to just lower her shorts and force herself in. But not yet. That wouldn't be acceptable. Leaning her head in toward her, she began to nibble at her 'prey's' neck, licking and sucking wherever she could, claiming her as her own. Even if in the end Blake belonged to her 'master', there was no reason her current role wouldn't have this factor.
The teeth and lips on her neck only made her grunts louder, made her strain to escape. Not that she expected to be able to, but she wanted to put up a good fight. Wanted her lover to feel satisfied with their struggle. And the struggle was certainly preparing her for what would come next. How long had it been since she felt quite this wet? Even during their previous play, she had mostly just felt amused at the situation their "pet" was in, despite how good Yang was at giving head. Now, it was all about both of them finding pleasure.
Both of them, plus one more that was. One who was beginning to grow impatient it seemed, as she called up to them both, "Come on now, what's the hold up, pet? I thought you were hungry, not in a playful mood!"
Hungry. For their play, they were using that word in a different sense to eating. But what if it meant that, as well...? At least, that thought was crossing Yang's mind as she continued to bite and nibble her neck, starting to head down her collarbone. The hand began to come away from her sex once satisfied it was wet enough, moving to hold onto her legs as she made her decent down her body, it was just a matter of how to keep Blake down.
Which, of course, would not be easy. The minute Blake could sit up, she did, and began to crawl away to one side. Privately, she sort of wanted to keep lying there and let Yang continue with her "project", but staying true to their game was also important. How Yang would pursue her following held a lot of interest for her.
But able to feel Blake's attempts at escape, she growled even lower. She needed to keep her pinned somehow. But if she was to be eating, how would she do that?
And then it clicked. She could keep Blake pinned just as she had before, with her body. Holding her legs down firmly, she shifted her body out from between Blake's legs, quickly turning herself around to straddle her from the other angle instead, sitting herself on Blake's chest instead. It wasn't as satisfying as she thought, considering she was still wearing her shorts so couldn't force Blake to deliver the same treatment just yet, but it did well to keep her in her place.
"Oh..." Carm commented as she watched the situation unfold, where Yang was moving Blake's underwear to one side to expose her completely, and seeming to stare down at it. "S-So you are that kind of hungry after all..."
Feeling herself pressed down against the floor by two strong knees, Blake let out a loud wail of pure frustration; they had tested the sound levels before initiating this game so they would know precisely how loud they could be without making the neighbours uncomfortable.
And then there was the cock hovering over her, dangling down toward her face. It was hidden by fabric, of course, but the arousal made it impossible to mistake for anything else. Images of another cock in such a position swam into her memory, and she had to suppress a little giggle thinking about how cute Ruby could be sometimes. Her head tossed back and forth, trying to escape the looming “threat”. She knew she couldn't avoid it forever... but she also wished Yang had taken off the shorts. There was no reason that, playing the role she was playing, she would remove them herself.
Yang also knew this. But in her haste to keep Blake pinned down, she had forgotten entirely. If she was to receive in this encounter, she'd need a hand.
Which thankfully came in the form of her master, who got up from her seat at last and paced over to them. At first, she was having too much fun simply standing above Blake, smirking down at her from above; it was pretty interesting watching something like that play out. But soon enough, she knelt down, tapping one of Yang's legs to make her move from Blake's shoulder.
"Honestly, Pet. How could you get your meal ready and not do the same for yourself?" But as she grasped Yang's black shorts, and began to shuffle them downward as best she could, exposing her rear, and then the sight of which she couldn't believe. In the place of a vagina, which Carm had seen before, Yang had a cock. A hardened, fully-functioning cock. One which seemed as if she had it since birth.
"Holy shit, it's real," she couldn't help but say, looking in closer.
Blake did break character long enough to smirk up at Carm's expression. Seems explaining things wasn't quite enough to prepare her. Then she shifted back and forth a bit, feigning attempts to get free. "You... you won't touch me with that!" she said theatrically. "I'm not here for your pleasure!"
Shaking her head, she tried to force herself back into character, still unable to help herself as she glanced between Blake and the cock so close to her hand. She debated whether or not to try touching it, but in the end only kept pulling the shorts downward, tapping the other leg so she could take them off her completely.
"O-oh. But you are. And you are going to satisfy my beastie here, just as he is for you."
And with that, Yang was getting back to her character, pressing her fingers against the heat yet again. She still didn't want to rush into things just yet, not until Blake was ready to take her cock into her mouth by her own means. At least from this angle, she could do that when ready without breaking the character all too much.
Secretly, Blake wanted Yang to take the initiative. It was so wonderful to know that her battle partner cared for her this deeply, but the waiting was making her nervous. What if she tried this, and was no good? What if Yang hated her trying it, and went back to Weiss instead? The thoughts were silly, but she couldn't keep them at bay entirely. And then there was Carm, gazing lustily at the cock. Partly disgusted, partly intrigued. Part of her wanted Carm to test the waters... wanted to watch that happen. But that wasn't why they were there, and it wasn't her place to bring it up, anyway.
Taking the first move instead, thanks to her impatience, Yang leant in between her legs, pressing her tongue into the wetness below to sample. Even if she managed to lower her cock toward Blake's face again, she was still making the first move to try and put her at ease. If she was honest with herself, this intense level of play wasn't the best thing to get Blake used to this. But things could be discussed later.
"AH!" Blake gasped when the tongue came into contact with her soft sex, back arching slightly. As her lips fell closed... they found something trapped between them.
Entirely by accident, she had Yang's arousal in her mouth. Just the barest bit of the end, yes, but it was more than she had been expecting moments before. It was quite warm, and salty; she didn't mind it terribly. Now she was definitely glad she had practised with her lover’s sister, as uncomfortable as the thought might have been before. Still she held perfectly still for a few seconds, testing the sensation and how she felt about it.
"Hmm..." Unable to help herself, Yang sighed at the sensation she felt. Blake had taken the bait, or she assumed so at least. Continuing to lap up the juices of her lover below, she lowered her other end slightly more, having assumed Blake meant to take it in her mouth.
Much to Carm's pleasure, shown as she sighed, "Oh Blake..." She gently started stroking the Faunus's hair, petting over her ears. "You look... So brilliant as prey."
A deep sigh issued from Blake as she felt the length sliding past her lips. In a moment, it might begin to get harder to take, despite her practice. But Carm watching her made her feel a compulsion to do well - to perform.
So perform she did. Hands raising up, she drew Yang's hips down very slightly more, forcing yet more of the hot arousal into her throat. It protested, but she ignored the feelings, merely focusing on breathing through her nose as she welcomed its presence. However, she also took the occasion to dig her nails into Yang's flanks. She would not be getting off unmarked.
And with each dig of her nails, there was a clear groaning of pain against her sex. But she didn't let it slow her down. In fact, it only made her want to speed things up, to give Blake more 'punishments' for her wrong-doing. Pressing her head in further, she began to lick the length of her lips even harder then last time, focusing on the clit at the bottom of her stroke, then the entrance at the top.
The Faunus squirmed under such ministrations, finding it harder and harder to keep from groaning out against the intrusion in her throat. She knew that would lead to a very unfortunate scene if she allowed it to interrupt her efforts. So she redoubled them. Doing what she could to loosen her throat and take as much of the Grimm's cock as she could, she began to slide up and down it, bobbing her head up to take “him” in. Mostly it would have to be up to Yang to do the thrusting, as it was not easy from her angle, but she hoped setting the pace would help.
And it did. Fairly confident Blake was going to stay put, she moved her knees off Blake's body and to the ground, just above her shoulders. More than enough to lower herself significantly so she could begin to thrust into her mouth. Slowly, in and out, keeping the pace Blake had set for herself. She dared not go any faster.
Above, she was adding more to the mix. This time, she lapped mainly at her clit this time, two of her fingers had parted the lips around her entrance, making it fairly visible for her to then push two fingers inside of it.
Again, the nails dug deep into flesh and muscle as Blake braced herself against the onslaught of sensations. The tongue on her clit, the fingers entering her... it was so much! She would be climaxing before too long if things kept up at this pace! But she wasn't to be outdone. Her lips created suction around the member as it found its way deeper and then dragged back out, glistening in the low light.
Yet more moans against her clit were made by her Grimm attacker. She was enjoying this, and each sensation against her cock was bringing her closer to that point. And so soon, too! But Blake was to come first. In more ways than one. The fingers began to pump in and out of her body, each time she entered, she tried to curl them against one sensitive spot in particular. One place she knew she could always drive Blake wild. They had experimented with it before, but this was the first time she'd use it while also keeping the attention on her clit.
One thing she hadn't noticed in that time, Carmine had ventured off into the back room. As agreed with Blake earlier, she was off to assume another role, going to change her clothing just for it.
But Blake herself had become too docile, and for too long. She was allowing herself to be devoured by the "beast", letting the actions drive her closer and closer to orgasm, and needed to take her revenge - at least to some lesser extent. Therefore, she rubbed one of her fingertips along the wet length as it slid out of her mouth, just for a moment... before drifting it up to press against the tightly puckered hole above.
Right away, Blake would be able to feel an instant clenching. Once again Blake was attacking that area of her, one that she had grown to love getting attention. Blake knew her weakness like the back of her hand, and that could prove deadly. Her role wasn't going to let her get away with that. And so she ramped the speed of her fingers right up, diving in and out of her quickly while she continued to circle her clit over and over. Not only that, but she began to thrust faster into her mouth, giving little amount of time for her to build up. That's what a true monster would do, after all.
That truly and completely defeated Blake. Not only did her orgasm begin to build to a crescendo that she could never hold at bay, but she also could no longer think, could not make herself try to further antagonize Yang's body as she was dominated. She simply gave in, letting Yang do all the work to bring them both to their end.
Except for her finger. That stayed exactly where it was, pressed up against Yang's forbidden opening - not advancing, not retreating. It was the only consolation.
"Mmmm.... Mmmm!" The more Yang was being teased on her forbidden opening again, the more she continued to moan against Blake's clit. She wasn't going to let her get away with it tonight. There would be ways of getting revenge, very easy ways. Especially if Blake was to be taken by two of them.
But she wanted to finish this activity first, so ramped up the pace of her fingers and her thrusting again. Finally letting her lips leave Blake's clit, she concentrated more and more on the curling of her fingers, trying to speak between her obvious moans.
"You're mine... A-All... M-Mine!"
And Blake was all hers. Her moans began to fill the air, even around Yang's girth, as she orgasmed against the relentless fingers that kept prodding up against her most sensitive insides. Her toes clenched and back arched, her eyes screwed shut. This was what they had both been waiting for, and it had arrived in a splash of brilliant colour.
And the tightness of Blake's lips had also increased, right on her girth as she thrusted in and out a few more times. Then she too had reached her end. After one more firm thrust, she felt her length throbbing into Blake's mouth, releasing the first helping of seed for the evening straight into her throat. Thankfully not too much, despite being the first. Seemed her body was preparing itself for later.
But once the flood of endorphins had stopped, she drew her length out of her mouth, resting to her side instead as she flopped over, panting for breath again. Her thighs dragged Blake onto her side as well, and she lay with the meaty sections of leg on either side of her head, content that way for the time being. It took some fighting, but she managed to swallow most of Yang's essence, just a bit dribbling down her cheek and onto the leg below.
"Oh god..." A few swallows and she managed to speak again. "We... I mean, time out, right? From... the game."
Taking a few more deep breathes, Yang nodded in agreement. But upon realising Blake would be unable to see such a nod, she moved her legs away from Blake's head, rolling only her back so she could sit up properly.
"D-definitely," Yang sighed, taking a moment to remove the mask and place it by her side. A few moments later, Blake's hand drifted up to the indents in her partner's haunches, ghosting over them gently.
"I didn't really hurt you, did I? I'm... everything was so intense!"
Unable to help but laugh lightly, Yang looked down with a tired-looking smile. Even if they were up for more soon, that had taken a lot out of her. "Are you kidding? That was great! And... Well, I can see you kinda enjoyed it, too..." She pointed up at her own lip, mirroring where the remains of Yang's juices were dribbling out her mouth.
"Did you, now?" Just barely able to see Yang's actions from between their bodies, she giggled quietly - and a little bashfully.
"Sorry... I didn't mean for there to be so much." Which was true; that was an awful lot of essence to have wound up in Yang's mouth. Just how turned on had she become from their nigh-dangerous foreplay?
"Not as though you can help it." In fact, to tease Blake all the more, she could be heard smacking her lips together quite loudly, running her tongue around her mouth in an attempt to muster up the taste again. "Hmm... Tangy, a li’l salty maybe, and sweet..."
Flushing scarlet, Blake pressed her face against Yang's nether regions to hide. "Yang, stop!"
"Mmm... And kinda like tuna, but I'm not surprised. Blake-taste..." All the while she was grinning smugly, unable to help herself as she began to gently stroke over Blake's back, drinking in the partial nudity of her. "But I find Blakes look even better then they taste."
Now she was becoming truly embarrassed. Due to her race, she wasn't used to being lavished with such praise - and as Yang was essentially her first bed partner, she was even less used to it in this regard. It was an odd feeling, burning shame accompanied by more love than she had ever felt. It humbled her.
"Then... you can have as much as you want, whenever you want," she told Yang's perineum. "Forever, if you're okay with it."
She was more than okay with it. The more time was passing, the more Yang was starting to question their entire situation. She liked Weiss, and deeply cared for her. No matter what, that fact would never change. But Blake… she loved Blake. Whether or not she was 'the one' was still debatable, but the fact she was considering Blake in that way meant a lot, since she hadn't considered anyone as such before.
But Yang being Yang couldn't admit that. At least, not yet. So she could only smirk. "You know, unlike men, my dick doesn't have a mind of its own so can't answer that question."
Grinning, she pressed her lips even harder against the stretch of skin, feeling the rigid muscles that connected Yang's erection to her body. "Doesn't it? You seem to think with it a lot - even when you technically don't have one."
Biting her lip slightly as she felt the sensation of Blake teasing her skin, Yang couldn't help but continue to grin, resting her head against Blake's inner leg. "Just because I somehow managed to get laid a few times before all this doesn't mean I'm obsessed."
"Fair enough." But she felt the slight shiver running through Yang's body at her touch. Though it took some effort from her angle, she managed to move one of her hands down to grip Yang's anatomy - which, as it turned out, was still hard as a rock. "Wow, this is... I can't believe you want more after all I just swallowed."
"And there's still some dribbling down your lip, if you haven't noticed yet." She chuckled again. Even with Blake's crotch so close to her face, she simply didn't care. If anything, she more thought of it as cuddling. That was obvious when she wrapped one of her arms around her lower back and stroked delicately. "And I had a little... medicinal help."
Humming quietly at the gentle touch, Blake again kissed the smooth skin below her lips. This was paradise. Even the knowledge that Yang had taken another Dust mixture to maintain her current state of "awakening" only made it better; it was an artificial state of arousal, but it was one Yang had entered into voluntarily. She wanted to be with Blake twice in one evening.
However, there was something else she felt a curiosity about: Yang seemed to really enjoy her gentle kisses along that region between butt and balls. As she just barely began to stroke the wet cock again, she ran her tongue along the skin, pressing in slightly as she did so.
"Blake? What are you doi-iiiiiaaaaahhhh…" As soon as she felt the tongue touching her skin, lapping the length of skin up and down, she felt herself beginning to melt away in Blake's arms. Or more, her legs. It was such a strange sensation! Not her crotch, but not her rear end either. Why did that feel so good?
"You sure- mmm... sure Carm is okay with this bit while she's not here?"
"She'd better be," Blake said into the soft tissue. "I mean, you're mine - and she has Velvet now, I hear." Then she raked her teeth over it very briefly, just to see what sort of reaction she might get.
"Mmm! Y-You..." She couldn't help but tense even more, shuddering in pleasure that was being given. She had no choice but to completely submit, forgetting the game entirely. "Are... Insatiable..."
"Look who's talking," she chuckled as she gave the arousal another squeeze. With each nip of her teeth, she could see the skin above flexing - the tiny hole pinching itself shut.
What would that be like? Yang had taken the tail-plug there already, and hadn't expressed any hatred for the sneaky finger earlier. And they had both performed orally on each other's sexes already. Was this much different?
No. That was far too dirty, far too unpleasant of a notion... even though the scent wasn't turning her stomach the way it ought to have. Perhaps it was solely because it was Yang rather than any other being on the planet. She licked a little bit closer to it than before, testing the waters - testing her own resolve. There was still time, still plenty of room to turn back.
"HGG!" Between the odd gasps and sighs, Yang found herself tensing up yet again. Blake was so close to her rear with her tongue, did she even realise?! But then again, this was the same place she admitted to both Blake and Carm that she enjoyed attentions to that area, right in the middle of a drunken drinking game. Even Weiss knew about it after the ‘Fluffykins” incident. Now that was coming to bite her on the backside - or more, to lick it.
Which happened almost immediately afterward. Testing the waters, trying not to go too far too fast, Blake’s lips pressed gently against the bunched skin, feeling it slick and firm beneath them. Just as quickly, she withdrew and waited to see what Yang might do.
"B-Blake!!" she called up, finding her skin tensing again out of sheer surprise. How did the nervous quiet girl which she was destined to be battle partners with turn into someone so open for trying these various kinks and movements? And yet, judging from the moans of pleasure that were following, she didn't mind at all.
But as she was beginning, the door to the back room had began to open again. Carm was on the move again. But this time, she had a surprise ready...
As Blake's tongue flitted out to brush against the entrance for the first time, testing the flavor and sensation, she heard the footsteps... and sensed something foreign on the air. Something intense that she couldn't quite place yet. Oh well; that wasn't her focus.
Yang's other opening was delicious. That was the very last thought she expected to have; at best, she had been hoping for "this is tolerable enough to keep trying." Instead, she found herself legitimately looking forward to trying it again. What was this sorcery?!
But as Carm made her way back into the room, now dressed in identical attire to Yang, she was to pay witness to the sight before her. Blake and Yang in a tangle of limbs, Yang moaning gradually at the sensations of pleasure through her. Sensations caused by Blake licking her rear end.
But there was another change to Carm: her scent. A specific perfume that had a mint-like fragrance. To Yang, it barely smelled like anything at all. But to Blake, it would be extremely strong.
As Blake lapped at the opening, the scent began to overtake her, and she felt her head spinning. Was that coming from the opening in front of her? Surely not - but then again, she had never spent any real time tonguing someone's ass before. It wasn't at all bad. In fact...
"Mmhh," Blake moaned into the skin as she finally started worming her tongue deeper, no longer content with just the outside skin. She wanted more. More, right away, before anything else could happen.
"Well well well..."
As soon as Yang heard Carmine's voice, she immediately put her mask back on, attempting to get back to her role again now that her master was back. But when Blake was continuing to lick and prod her ass, that was becoming impossible.
And Carm could only smirk, leaning down by Blake's side. She knew exactly what was happening to Blake. And it was her doing. While out and about, she had picked up a special type of perfume to use on her. Catnip. Though it would smell minty to anyone else, it was stated the product could have a variety of effects on feline Faunus. Particularly, giving them extra arousal and pleasure. It played into the role well.
"So we broke you at last... Now you only want more, don't you, prey?"
By now, her tongue was already deep inside Yang's rump, flicking back and forth. She couldn't answer, she couldn't stop to form the words needed. She had to act. Her legs were flailing back and forth now, even though she herself wasn't being pleasured - and she didn't notice. She only knew she was enjoying herself despite the unusual act, and that she had no real wish to stop anytime soon.
"Pet, how about you set our prey up so she can please us both?"
With a faint nod, Yang tried as best she could to push at Blake's legs, trying to adjust her position so she could continue to lick, but also to free her up for Carmine's helping. Once free from the tangle of limbs, it allowed more than enough space for Carmine to crawl over, unzipping her shorts to reveal a phallus of her own. A red one, to match her colour. Fake, of course, but it did the job of matching into the Grimm outfit.
"Now then, Prey... How much more pleasure do you want? Tell me."
Not that Blake could see the costume change - but she could hear the lewd intent in Carm's voice. Sense her nearness. The only way she could make her desire clear was to moan into Yang's hindquarters and wriggle her body back and forth.
Why was she behaving that way? It might have to do with the minty scent that was beginning to mingle with the dark, rich one coming from where her mouth was currently located. Or perhaps not. Blake neither knew nor cared at that precise moment.
Yang had no idea what was happening anymore. Blake seemed beyond reason, beyond any control. She wasn't talking, not in words at least. Only moaning and trying to get more and more. It was like she had become the animal instead. What had gotten into her? She couldn't deny though, each lap at her ass was bringing her closer already yet again.
Nodding to herself, Carm placed her hands on one of Blake's rear cheeks, pulling it apart to expose the sodden sex yet again. She expected her new trick to work, but not this well. She was completely drenched, even after Yang had just finished her. Unable to resist, she pressed two fingers against the opening, running them around teasingly.
Another moan sounded, one higher-pitched than was common from the Faunus. She was eager - chomping at the bit. Her thighs fell open as if they had been merely waiting for that to happen, hips raising up into the fingers as her tongue went deeper still, gouging at Yang's inner walls. Hungry. She was so hungry for some reason, and only the skin beneath her tongue could satisfy the craving.
And the fingers. Those were satisfying an entirely different type of hunger.
"You want this, don't you?" Carm smirked, drawing her fingers away to put the head of the fake phallus up against her wetness instead. Slowly, she began to push forward, beginning to guide it between the sodden lips. Her body was accepting it so easily. "Maybe you want us both to take you, huh? Imagine it... Both of us taking these openings here, pounding away... I bet you'd be so happy, huh?"
But that thought was beginning to make Yang think also. For reasons she couldn't fathom, Blake was going completely wild for all this. And yet, she was supposed to be the one in the middle. Maybe Blake would enjoy the attentions Carm described. When she thought about it, it certainly seemed appealing to be doing that.
But the deeper Blake's tongue headed, the louder she was calling out, the more she was grasping at the carpet to try and keep herself from finishing. Not again, yet.
However, the Faunus would not relent. The thick length forcing its way deep into her body elicited a strong reaction, true, but it also made her stroke Yang faster, caused her tongue to whiplash back and forth in the sensitive inner sanctum as she moaned in pleasure. Even though she was confused about why she kept trying to shift her own hips from side to side, it simply didn't seem important. Not while there was Yang's ass to devour, and her cock to milk a second time.
"H-Hold on! I-I'm gonna... Nyaaaa!"
Yang had to keep a hold of herself again as she eased one of her hands onto Blake's, particularly the one that was pumping her cock faster and faster. If she had any hope of lasting, she had to stop Blake's actions. As much as she hated to do so. Prying the fingers off her, she held her hand in hers instead as she slowly shuffled forward, away from Blake's lips.
But when she did so, Carm tilted her head. Stopping her entry into Blake's body, she drew back instead, keeping a hand on her rear cheek to keep her down. "What? What's the matter?"
"Nothing, just... Whoa, holy..." She had just caught Blake's dazed expression. Each time she blinked, something was becoming more and more visible. Her pupils. Blake's were usually human like, unless she was in seriously bright light, then they turned to slit. But this time, they were huge. So huge in fact she could barely see the whites in her eyes, only yellow around them. "Carm, what did you do?!"
But the woman in red could only giggle. "Catnip perfume! Don't worry, she's not hallucinating or gone completely. They said at the store it just makes cat Faunus' into complete horn dogs."
Which was partly true. However, it was a bit more extreme than their redheaded friend was letting on. As the tip of the implement just barely stimulated Blake's sex, her back squirmed back and forth, mouth hanging open as her hand shot out for the cock that had suddenly been denied her. She still wasn't talking, too focused on actions rather than words.
Jumping back in sheer surprise, Yang narrowly avoided the hand that was coming in to grasp her again. She couldn't deny, she was somewhat worried about her, especially because of the squirming. Was she really still with them mentally?
"Hey, don't worry!" Carm encouraged, placing her fingers close to Blake's opening again, rubbing teasingly to give her something to focus on. "Think of it as a... premature Heat. It's only temporary. Isn't that right, Blake?"
Blake's eyes flicked to Carmine for the first time at hearing her own name, drinking in the sight before her. The furry jacket and cock hanging out of the shorts, smooth stomach between. Blake reached up to grip her own chest as she licked her lips, still relishing the lingering taste of her partner. Her hands weren't busy enough. They needed toys - even if those toys were attached to her person.
"Mmmmhh," she sighed as her thumbs and forefingers applied light pressure. "I'm... mm, this... nnnhhh..."
"Good girl." She grinned, continuing to stroke her as she looked back to Yang. She seemed to enjoy teasing Blake in this way, and using this chance to talk to Yang about their plans was making it all the better. "So what do you think she'll like then? Dee-pee? Or should we spitroast her or something?"
But Yang could only continue to think on what Carm first described. Both of them, both of them tag teaming on Blake's openings. Would that even be possible? Sure, she had seen it done in porn, but reality was a different story. That didn't mean they couldn't try.
"What if we did both take her?" She began, having to run her hand through her hair to try and calm herself down. The lingering pleasure from Blake's actions added to these thoughts wasn't helping at all. "Like... If we held her up between us? You could take the front, I could give her a lil' payback for licking my ass."
All of it would have sounded fantastic to Blake - who wasn't really listening. She was enjoying the four hands upon her body, the feeling of the phallus just teasing her entrance without doing its job. Squeezing her chest in frustration, she began to scoot downward a little at a time, hoping her body would come into more solid contact with the shaft.
"Ah ah aaaahhhh." Right away Carm backed off, taking the shaft away from her completely. She was having far too much fun winding Blake up, teasing her more and more while she was in her pleasure filled state. It felt evil, but she couldn't deny, the look on Blake's face was a wonderful sight. Backing onto her knees, she began to stroke the fake phallus teasingly.
"Here's what's going to happen," she instructed, looking to Yang as well so she could inform them both. "The prey here is going to lay down, and let me have my turn with her for the evening. While my pet here..." She looked toward Yang. "Will go fetch the lubricant from the top drawer and get herself ready, and when she's done that she can watch for a little while. How's that?"
Blake nodded vigorously, forced into thinking and listening instead of just acting on blind instincts. "Yeah... yeah, have your turn... Mmmmmhhh, I need it!" Her leg whipped out to one side, toes stretching to touch Yang's cock. It was almost near enough that she could, and after a moment of straining she felt one toe brush her thigh before the leg fell limp.
"Oooh, someone is a very eager one," Carm continued to tease. At long last, she was crawling forward, taking her turn to nestle herself between Blake's legs, to lay on top of her body. She could already feel the fake phallus pressing against Blake's crotch, considering the other end was pressing into her as well. What she didn't tell either of them, was this strap-on had two ends, meaning both herself and the other would get satisfaction. A must-have if she was to be taking Blake this way. "So, kitty cat, you ready?"
And seeing Blake in this way made Yang filled with both arousal, and jealousy. Everything in her inner being was screaming that it should be her in Carm's place, should be her taking Blake again until she was satisfied. But that sensation she could vent out when it was her chance to act. For now, she simply got to her feet again, making her way to the back bedroom to get the lube as instructed, leaving the two to their devices.
Blake's eyes were wild as she stared up into Carmine's, as she leaned in to lick her cheek. Then she drew back and grinned up at her as the phallus began to line up with her opening, as it grazed her lips. "Hnnhhhh," she moaned up at her, arching her back. She was so ready that it seemed as if she couldn't wait any longer.
"Good then." Guiding the head to the entrance she could feel down there, she began to push forward almost immediately. The pace was slow, at first, but Blake seemed so eager she simply couldn't wait! So she didn't. Within a few seconds she had already pushed herself inside, and began to thrust at a moderate pace.
But what to do with her other hand? Of course, it returned to her favourite spot of Blake. Her ears. Where straight away she began to scratch at them lightly, gauging her reaction below.
"MMMhhhhh!" Blake moaned out - not at Carmine's entrance, but at her attention to her ears. The light scratching caused her spine to whiplash and her limbs to flail gently. When the hands met the fur on the back of the costume jacket, she gripped it tightly for stability, then leaned up and sank her teeth into the neck of the woman above her.
"AAAAH!" It was sheer surprise that made Carm yell so loudly. Especially from how hard the bite was. Perhaps the ears plus the catnip was too much for her to handle this time around. But she was enjoying it at least. So she continued, scratching all over the top of her head as she continued the pace. "Ooooh, someone is such an eager kitty."
"Mmhmm," she replied in the affirmative, tongue licking all over her neck as she rolled her hips up into the ones above her, even as one of her heels came rocketing back to slam into the back of her thigh. The actions almost seemed at odds with each other, but they weren't - not for someone operating on pure instinct.
It was like she was trying to take it into her own hands. Each movement of her hips back up against her, she felt the strap on shifting deeper into her, and deeper into her own body. Blake really did need this, even after her most recent finish. So she began to ramp up the pace a little more, rolling her hips right back against Blake's in each thrust.
"Mmmfff!" she moaned out, the scratching being reduced to simply petting. "G-Good... girl..."
The other heel came back to strike Carmine's thigh now, but with the absence of scratching Blake did not bite her again, instead merely kneading her lips against the skin of her neck and up to her jawline. The repeated action of the artificial phallus filling her and withdrawing was creating a storm of emotions within her, and all she wanted was for it to continue.
"Yes," she breathed against her ear eventually. "You... you f-feel... nnmmmhhh, and SMELL so good!"
"I do, don't I?" She smirked, placing more of her body weight into Blake's chest to keep her pinned to the ground. Not only that, but it helped her apply more power to each thrust, give her more of what she needed. Attempting to hold her moans in, she moved her head close to Blake's ear, whispering. "Breathe it in... Let it take you away..."
"Is already... nNNYAAAOOWW!"
The sound was so close to that of a cat that it might as well have been. Ankles rubbing up and down Carm's haunches, she squealed and arched her back into the thrusts, welcomed them readily as her teeth grazed either side of her earlobe. One of her hands trailed up from the currently-furry back and gripped the actual hair of her current partner, clutching tightly.
This felt so good to her. Below, Blake was submitting completely, allowing her to pound harder and harder into her. In fact, she was grasping at her to try and get more of it! They may as well have both been animals considering how desperate the whole act seemed. Each time it pushed into Blake, it pushed straight back into her, causing her to let out her own series of moans and squeals of pleasure. She wouldn't be all too long till she'd reach her own limit either.
As the Faunus's end grew close for the second time, her fingers tightened and jerked hard on the hair, drawing the scalp attached backwards. Again, her teeth sank into a new spot, digging in yet more than the previous time - and she growled, deep and hard. Her hips began to come up to meet Carmine's so hard and fast that they made slapping sounds each and every time. The wetness trapped there only amplified the noise. This climax was going to be an explosion when it arrived.
"Whoa... I came back at the good part."
Yang had just returned from her journey to fetch the lube, watching as her girlfriend was grasping at another woman so tightly, biting firmly into her flesh and letting herself get drilled by a fake phallus. Not just that, but she was helping to make each thrust more intense. It was making her arousal twitch even more, desperate to have more attention this evening.
But Carm was to have her turn first. And while Blake had been biting her, she had let out some even louder moans into the air, having to grit her teeth to prevent herself screaming to the high heavens. But she could feel it, she was close, just as Blake was.
"D-Don't hold back, Prey," she purred, pounding as quickly and hard as she could into the woman below. "C-Come for us!"
"NNHHHhhhhhH!!!" The orgasm rolled over her almost in the same instant that it had been asked of her. Keening into the rafters, she let it bowl her over like a freight train, legs shooting out straight as she was pounded into, fingernails still gouging into the scalp of the "beast" atop her. It was glorious, even moreso than it had been under the ministrations of Yang's agile tongue.
"Aaah! Y-YYYEAH!" Finally Carmine yelled out just as loudly, delivering one more firm thrust that she felt being mirrored inside herself, feeling the waves of pleasure searing through her body. All while Yang was watching no less!
Finally, once the shockwaves had settled, she slowed to a halt, taking that moment to roll over as she stated. But first, she slowly drew herself back out of Blake again, giving her a second chance to calm down.
However, it seemed Blake had no interest in calming down. She made a small noise of disappointment at being exited, reaching down to grasp the slippery length. In fact, she rolled fully on top of the redhead, pinning her to the floor and grinning darkly down at her.
"Mmm, more. I want more... do you want more?"
Blinking in surprise, Carmine began to grin back up at her as she stared into the still dilated pupils, wrapping her arms around Blake to keep her in position. "More, huh? Wow, this is working way better than I thought."
"I can cover the 'more' part, babe." The pet name was something Yang couldn't help. From watching the two's display together, the slight jealousy still remained. Blake was her girlfriend, hers. Even if Blake was in no state to bicker or think about it, she hoped that it would help her know she was closeby for support. After all, this was to be something far more extreme than what that had done before.
Kneeling down behind Blake's backside, she took the tube of lubricant into her hands, resting it against her backside as used her other hand to pull the cheeks apart, exposing the tight ring of muscle. At first, she pressed a finger against it, trying to see how Blake would react.
"WHA?!" Instantly, she whipped around to stare backward at Yang, all else forgotten. "I- what are you doing? That's not... I d-didn't think we would be trying that on ME tonight!"
Not moving her finger, she looked around to Blake's gaze. Seemed before she really didn't hear what they were planning. That made her worry all the more. "W-We thought… you'd like to have us both… y-you know."
"But that's m-my..." A moment later, she fell silent as her every slight quiver brought more sensation from the single fingertip that was pressing in at her. Even though she had helped Weiss toy with Yang back there before, done it to Yang herself a moment ago... and watched video footage of an entire cock slamming into Weiss even while she had male anatomy, somehow, she had never truly contemplated this happening to HER.
How did she feel about it? Scared, more than anything. But it felt good so far. Intense, and something she hadn't been expecting, but "bad" would not have been the word she used to describe the sensation. Far from it. Her curiosity was getting the best of her, even as she continued to mistrust the idea.
"Will... it hurt?" she asked in a whisper, still shifting her hips back and forth, testing the sensation of the sole finger.
"Only a little, maybe, but if I get you ready enough… probably not at all." She punctuated that by taking her finger away for a moment, only for when it was placed there again, it to be covered in lubricant. This time, she ran it around the muscle itself, hoping to loosen it as much as she could with this first helping.
It was an instant reaction - her entire spine kinked and her head threw back to stare up at the ceiling, eyes even wider than her dilated pupils. This was so foreign to all the types of pleasure she had experienced so far... and then she caught herself thinking it. Pleasure. This was not an awful, unwelcome experience.
"Ooh," she managed to breathe. "That's... is it always like this?"
"To me it is." Yang began to smile, slowly working the finger into the tight ring itself. Seeing how Blake was coming undone with each of the movements she made, she could only pull the cheek apart even more, keeping her exposed to the air. "We can still call it off and do something else if you're not up to it. We don't mind."
At first, she was all set to protest. Her lips even started to form the words asking Yang to stop. It would have been easy. But she couldn't; her body had a taste of this newfound path, and wanted to finish exploring it. So instead, she merely backed very, very slightly into the hand that was so busy teasing her virgin orifice.
"Oh..." She looked down to Blake, who was showing her initiative to get more. The catnip really was doing the trick, considering all it took to convince Blake was a finger poking at her there. But she delivered, pushing more inside with ease, beginning to ease it in and out to get her lube it even more.
"UNNHHH!! Oh, that's so awful!" Blake growled, bracing against the floor with her fists. Was she going to be able to stand this? Hopefully so, or else they were both in for a world of remorse afterward.
Meanwhile, she could still feel the artificial cock below her sex, rubbing gently. True, Carm was doing nothing with it at the moment, but the phrase "You'd like to have us both" came back to her. Both. At the same time. Was that in her immediate future?! That seemed to be what was implied. Certainly when Carm only continued to rub it against the sex above her, still able to feel how truly wet she was. There was still time for Blake to call things off, and no matter what, the safety word remained unchanged. She was safe, and the two women would never force this upon her if she didn't want it.
Pushing even more of her finger inside, Yang felt the first knuckle slide in with ease, and she only continued to delve even more within, loosening the muscles and pushing lube inside. As her first time, she couldn't rush. It needed plenty of liquid.
There was not a hint of displeasure from the willing Faunus as the finger slid past the defenses, deep within her body. It was beyond her imagining that she could be allowing such a thing to happen, yet there she was, practically begging to have such an awful part of herself penetrated. After a few seconds, she pushed back again, forcing the finger all the way to the second knuckle.
"AH!" she gasped out weakly. "So... so much!"
"W-whoa!" That surprised Yang even more. From how much she was trying to back herself up onto her, she could tell Blake was ready. And so she finally began to draw out again, knowing she would soon be accepting her cock into that area.
But first, that needed lubricating. Squeezing a small amount onto her cock with the tube, she waited till she had her finger back before running the length of it, rubbing it against her skin to make it wet and slippery. Mixed with the pre-fluid from when Blake was licking her rear end, that didn't serve any problem at all. In fact, it was very quick.
"You ready then, babe?" Yang asked. "Because I'm gonna go in first, okay?"
"Wha?" Still panting from having nothing in her ass at the moment, she wasn't sure she quite understood the implication. "With your finger again? Or..."
No, that couldn't be it. Yang definitely meant she would be going all in. Her cheeks clenched involuntarily when she thought about it - the very idea! However, her arousal was pulsing so hotly and her head was spinning from the concoction that Carm had sprayed on herself. Refusal was not an option; she needed to get off, and she needed to do it now without stopping for a lot of bellyaching about "too soon" and "doesn't go there."
"Okay... Here we go."
Leaning in, she began to press up the sopping wet head with an equally sopping wet entrance. Just as she suspected, she was sliding in with little protest from the muscles, only the occasional twitching. But she knew her partner trusted her, trusted as she pushed forward more and more...
Then the head slipped in.
"OH GOD!" It was an involuntary shout as she felt so much in such an odd place. Why did it feel so strange? So ... the word "good" didn't really apply, but perhaps "pleasurable" did. Beyond all reasoning, this thick length penetrating her most closely-guarded defenses was something she didn't mind nearly as much as she thought she would.
From below, Carm could just see the dilated eyes, still barely seeing. She could tell Blake was still in a state of immense pleasure as she was experiencing this new feeling. And perhaps she could help. She began rubbing her phallus against Blake's heat to keep the pleasure high, all while Yang continued to push herself forward.
But she wasn't doing that very fast at all, mainly for her own benefit even! "G-god! You're so... T-tight here!"
"Nnhh," Blake groaned in disbelief at the dual sensations. They were so different, and yet they both sent her into the realm of passions via different avenues. Did she really have Yang's cock in her ass? That was so much less believable than the other. Even crazier, she felt her skin stretching to admit her, almost welcoming her into the depths of her body.
Holding onto Blake's hips, she slowly sank herself further and further into her lover, unable to help but shudder at how good it felt around her. So warm, so tight. Weiss was tight before, yes. But this was different somehow. "H-How is it?" she asked, having to stop herself from moaning again as she pushed deeper.
The only reply was another growl of mingling outrage and satisfaction. Blake couldn't answer - it was too much. However, her thighs did drift even further apart, to give both women an easier time of penetrating her.
Sighing contently, Yang continued to make progress, pushing her wet arousal into the prepared opening more and more. Until after a few moments, her hips met Blake's backside. And there she let it sit for a moment, occasionally wriggling her hips side to side just to adjust to the tightness.
Below, Carm continued to stroke her sex with the phallus, still debating whether or not to do more just yet. So she simply began to pet over her ears. "Good girl... Gooood girl."
Immediately, Blake's arms trembled. The ears were going to be the death of her - or they were as long as Carm was involved! In her arousal-clouded mind, it was necessary for her to do something about this. Shifting her weight slightly, she reached down and grasped Carmine's chest as much as she was able through the furry jacket.
"Nnnfff!" Now it was Carmine who was shuddering. Attentions to her chest were the last thing she expected, even if Blake was on top. But it wasn't unwelcome. In fact, she even left Blake's ears alone a moment to unzip it completely, and expose her lace bra to her. If it was to give her something to focus on, she was all for it.
And no doubt she'd need it, considering Yang was gradually moving her hips backward again, beginning to draw herself out. But she couldn't help but worry... Would Blake really be able to handle this? She barely could when it was the plug and Weiss, and she'd had fingers there prior. Would Blake really be able to handle two phalluses drilling into her from either side?
So far, there had been no indication that Blake couldn't - even if she was twitching and shivering all over, groaning with each new and bizarre movement she had to weather. But there had not been a single utterance of the safety words, no other indicator that she truly wished them to stop. Her fingertips began to poke at the bottom of the bra, moving much slower and clumsier than usual. They were enjoying the creamy skin of her stomach, but they wanted more. And they would have it. Soon.
Seeing the nod Yang gave from above, Carm reached down to grasp her strap-on again, positioning it right against Blake's entrance. It was time to see if she really could handle it after all. But first thing's first, she needed to let Blake know it was happening. "Okay, this is it." She looked into the wide eyes again, asking softly, "Are you sure you're ready?"
"Huh?" was all that came from her lips as they hung open, panting and sweating, entirely out of her mind. The words sounded important, but she couldn't focus on them - not with two phalluses trying to fight their way into her body. Maybe it was because it was Carmine saying it. Although of course Carmine was involved, ready to enter her wet sex; she didn't mean as much to Blake as Yang did. At least, that's what the blonde bruiser assumed.
So before she pushed forward any more, Yang leant up against Blake's body instead, supporting herself with one hand, and hugging Blake's chest with the other. Pressing a soft kiss against her neck, she repeated Carm's words. "You sure you're ready, Blake?"
A low moan and a shiver accompanied the hand gliding across her chest, but she smiled vaguely. "Mm... yeah. Blake is ready." Hearing her refer to herself in the third person was strange, and did give her pause. But she brushed it aside. Somewhere deep down, she knew it was due to the perfume Carmine was wearing - it addled her mind, turned everything on its ear. After they finished and the scent was gone, she would go back to normal. She hoped.
Keeping her held closely, she began to push back into Blake's rear end again, slightly faster then last time to prepare her for that sensation. But that wasn't all the pleasure to come in these few seconds. There was far more to come from the phallus below that was pushing its way into her. Thanks to Blake's own wetness and arousal, Carmine's movements to push inside her were completely flawless. Blake accepted her with ease and little to no resistance. Only difference was, she felt a lot tighter this time around, thanks to Yang taking up her backside.
And even though she had began to draw back out again on the first thrust, Yang let herself remain still a moment when she next met Blake's hips, wanting to make sure completely that her girlfriend was okay before she began thrusting.
Which was hard to say. Blake had entirely collapsed atop Carmine, half-screaming out in mingling surprise and uncertainty. However, clearly she was wetter than she'd ever been, and her body was begging to be ravaged. She just couldn't move, couldn't do anything more useful than lie there and try not to lose her mind entirely.
Now Yang was supporting both herself and her partner, trying her best to keep her arm around her as she slowly thrust in and out of Blake. Compared to the speed Carm was taking things below, it was far slower. And it had to be. Blake was so tight, and from the pleasure that still mingled from earlier, she was worried she'd finish too soon if she went any faster!
But Carmine continued at the moderate pace, still looking up at the girl's reactions, still occasionally moaning out as she felt the phallus push straight back into her. These were definitely things she'd have to try again. Maybe if Velvet were to invite Coco back some time...
Meanwhile, Blake was quickly dissolving into a mess of sweat and wails. The fight she had been able to put up before when it was just she and Carm was gone without trace. How could her body even handle this abuse?! It threatened to make her lose consciousness, and she had never been so overstimulated that it even came close to that reaction before!
However, she knew she loved it. Even though she wasn't sure she could ever handle it again after tonight, it was an incredible, all-consuming amount of pleasure that couldn't easily be reached through other means. And she would never forget it.
Yang was finding it hard to hold on already. Every time Carm thrust in and out of her, she could feel it against her own cock, against Blake's inner walls. Surely this was hurting if she could feel it as well? But Blake was only wailing with pleasure more and more, drenched in sweat. She must have been enjoying it. And after tonight, she was sure there wouldn't be much that Blake would be unable to handle in the bedroom.
Also wrapping her arms around Blake was Carmine. Both of Blake's partners were holding her tight, embracing her against themselves. Both taking either of her entrances, one slowly and gently, one with a quicker, harder pace. And she could feel it pushing into herself still.
"B-Blake! Yang! I think… t-think I'm gonna...!"
"HMMMAH!" Blake wailed out as her hands gripped Carmine's chest from under the bra. She couldn't even focus enough to remove it properly, merely wormed her hands underneath. But her own end was coming at lightening speed. If Yang finished inside her... it would be a horrifying thought, but also an arousing one. All she wanted was to feel that now, to feel both of them spasming on either side of her while she came harder than ever before. She needed it.
"F-fuck me!" she managed to grind out harshly. "Fuck m-me harder!"
"H-Harder?!" Both of them asked in unison, quickly glancing toward one another questioningly. Should they? Carmine was already thrusting in and out rather hard in the first place, but if Yang were to do so as well, surely it would cause her harm? But Blake wasn't saying anything else. She was still accepting the two phalluses thrusting into her easily, still enjoying each pound either of them delivered. Maybe the last would be what she needed to be truly satisfied.
With either of them nodding to one another, they agreed. Carmine gripped at Blake's back tightly, giving her the leverage to thrust up into her harder, faster. Just as Blake had asked. And Yang only mirrored the actions, using the hand that was caressing Blake's chest to hold her tightly as she ramped up her speed. Time and time again, she could feel Carmine's phallus pushing up against the skin, feel it making her tighter. But this was what Blake asked for. What she needed.
The sound of reaction that came from the Faunus was a terrible one that spoke of pain and hatred, but there were no accompanying words, no request to halt their activities. Blake was into it. The cock pounding her ass felt so foreign and unacceptable, but the one giving her more traditional pleasure somehow balanced things - even as both of them together were too much, it was too much of something she was beginning to understand.
Not long after that, Blake felt her orgasm welling up like a tidal wave. There would be no holding it back, so she didn't even try, and merely threw her head back to wail at the top of her lungs as the dam burst.
Just as Yang's was. With a few more firm, hard thrusts into Blake's rear, in addition to the thrusting the other side she felt, Yang was done for. Though she tried to bite her lip to keep herself moaning to the high heavens, she found herself moaning out against it almost as loudly. Her cock throbbing rather harshly inside Blake's body as it let loose a second helping of seed for the evening, straight into her darkest opening. Though the thought made her shudder in horror, it was also a main factor that added into her pleasure. The taboo of it all.
And below, Carmine was faring no better. Although she was still gripping Blake tightly, still thrusting harder and faster into her to try and push herself over the limit, no doubt Blake would probably reach hers first.
Which she did - the instant she felt Yang pouring into her depths, in fact. There could be no more holding back after that, and she had no power within her to try. Wave after wave of pleasure rocked her body as the two cocks continued to pump in and out of her, as the one in her hindquarters pulsed angrily... as wetness deposited itself in there.
What kind of sick person did this make her? Surely ordinary people didn't enjoy that sensation, didn't welcome it or derive more pleasure from it. But there she was, sobbing brokenly and growling as the world's largest orgasm destroyed her body... and all because she was being filled by two phalluses at the same time. Her fingers involuntarily pinched Carmine's nipples as she tried to ride it out.
And finally Carm was also at hers. The thrusting stopped when she pushed it in as hard as she could, keeping it deep inside her to ride out the waves of her own pleasure. The small amount of pain was interesting, and for some reason, it seemed to really help her. Shuddering yet again, she felt herself finally beginning to come down from it all, enough to draw herself out of Blake's body yet again, releasing her to lay on the floor, completely exhausted.
Yang, however, didn't want to withdraw yet. She still kept ahold of Blake, cock remained firmly inside that opening. As she held her so tightly to her, she caught her own breath by breathing in and out, and would do nothing more until Blake told her to.
After a few seconds, Blake began to push herself back against Yang's unyielding rod. In a way, it did still feel good to have it in there, but she also wanted some relief from the constant assault on her senses. That didn't mean her body was listening, though. "So... so big," she panted.
With a few more deep breaths, Yang held onto her tightly, finally drawing her hips backwards and away from her rump. It did feel nice to be in there the time she was, but now they were exhausted, there was no reason for it to remain. It slid out of her body with a wet sounding pop, falling slightly limper than it was before they had begun. The effects of a certain pill were still remaining, but that didn't mean she wanted more. Twice in quick succession was more than enough.
"Ohhhhhhh," Blake groaned when it exited. "Oh wow, that's... I've never felt..." There wasn't much more to say. "How... how do I look back there?"
"Lemme jus' put'cha down and I'll tell ya." Easing her grip off of her, she allowed for Blake to fall into Carmine's arms instead, where she was embraced straight away by the redhead. Of whom, despite breathing deeply, was now looking toward her eyes, trying to check if the effects had worn off or not. At least that way she could learn if to use it again or not. Yang was doing as she was asked, sitting back onto her knees again to gaze at the rear of her beloved. And pulling a cheek to one side, she instantly began to blush.
"W-Whoa..." She could barely believe how wet Blake still was. Both on her sex, and in her backside. It didn't help that Yang was to blame for the latter, but it was still a sight not to be taken lightly. In fact, she debated whether or not to take a photo herself. "Wet, Blake," she answered truthfully.
"Really?" she half-laughed dazedly. "I... you really opened me up, part of me d-didn't think you would, but... wow..." A few breaths later, she managed to ask, "You... okay down there, Carm?"
"More concerned about you, but from the looks of things, you seem to be back with us again." She was speaking mainly about the sight of her eyes. By the time Carm got a good look, she could see the whites again. Blake was well and truly coming down from the effects at long last. "But wow, that was amazing! H-How did you stand all that?"
But the more Yang stared at the state of Blake's backside, the harder it was to resist. And she couldn't. She needed to remember this moment, after all, it may not arise again for a long time. So, taking her scroll from her pocket, she tried to keep the cheeks apart as best she could, taking a couple of photos of the area. "Heck, you can look at the state of this yourself in a mo, Blake."
"Huh?" Then she heard the telltale sound effects of photos being snapped, and her head ticked up slightly. "H-hey! We didn't discuss you being allowed to..."
Then again, this was almost fair compensation for her lesser role in Weiss's "picture vengeance". It was a bit disturbing for her personally that she had used Ruby's photos in that way, even if Ruby had already given consent, but that was between the three of them. None of her business. However, she hadn't warned Yang, so having her own gaping asshole caught in images was a punishment that fit her mild offense.
"Hey, the way I see it, I gotta have something for when I'm home alone over the Dustmas break." Finally shuffling away from the two however, she could still feel her heart beating faster than normal. She was yet to catch her breath properly yet, and she suspected the other two weren't yet rested either. After all that, they had probably earned it. As she nipped into the bathroom to wash up, she asked, "So, who's ready for bed?"
Blake raised a weary hand that immediately flopped back down. Her power of speech was nearly gone by now, and she was dry as a bone. But she was also enjoying Carmine's ample warmth beneath her - and the lingering scent of the perfume, which was no longer overpowering her every thought.
"I take that as... everyone." When there was no further response, Yang finally made her way back to the two. Obviously her girlfriend was in no state to walk, still exhausted and dazed from three orgasms in one sitting. So she managed to lift her up off Carmine's body, and then into her arms. It wasn't a problem at all for the blonde bruiser.
Following close behind of course was the redhead. She knew from the beginning that despite the three of them all engaging together, it would be Yang and Blake to share the most attention. In fact, it was agreed on; especially since she had her own lover now. She would enjoy cuddling them, perhaps sleeping in the same bed with the two, but knew deep down when things came to it, it would be those two who would be sharing the most romance together.
And in fact, she smiled at the thought. "You know, you two really are a cute pair."
"Thanks," the Faunus sighed as she was draped across the bed linens. "I'm... wearing nothing but a bodice, so I should look... pretty cute..."
"I meant you and Yang." She laughed. A half-dazed Blake was simply too funny to her. Even if she was trying to be sincere to them. "Like, I know when we met it was before you two were a thing but, I'm really glad you have each other. Because you really suit one another."
"You're one of those people that gets super sappy after sex, aren't you, Carm?" Yang smirked, hopping onto the bed on Blake's right, allowing for Carm to do so on her left hand side. But as she began to undo the small laces over Blake's corset to get her ready for bed, she began to smile dozily. "Yeah... I guess we are a cute couple. But I bet you and Velvet are, too."
"Carm and Velvet, sitting in a tree," Blake snickered as she was completely undressed. Then she reached down and grasped the still-hard length of her partner. "Really? All that fun you had with my ass, and it still won't go down?"
"Aaa-hah! Careful that's sore!" But Yang was in no state to stop her, only enough to sit still by her side until Blake got the idea.
Carm couldn't help but keep staring from the other side however, looking right down at Yang's part now that she could. "It really is real… sheeze, the Dust thing really is real. Do you know what kinda things this can do for the world? And you guys are using it to bang like rabbits?"
"Hey, you're the one banging a rabbit."
Chuckling, Blake continued to stroke it gently, playfully, but not gripping it tighter than was strictly necessary. "She has a point. Hey... do you want to try it out?"
"Try what out?" But when she looked between the cheeky glances of both Blake and Yang, it clicked and she gasped, "NO! I am happy with my hoohah, thank you very much!"
"No, no!" But now Blake was laughing in earnest as she twitched it back and forth. "I just meant touching it! Gosh, I'm not a drug pusher - unlike SOMEBODY with some pretty unique perfume!"
"Oh..." Turning red yet again, she hunched up her shoulders in embarrassment. But seeing as Yang wasn't moving, she shuffled a little closer, reaching a hand over to brush one of her fingers across the head of it.
Which made Yang wince. "S-sore… just… don’t go crazy, okay, you two?"
Grinning darkly, Blake teased her very gently. "Aww, you use your dick too much? Poor baby." But she withdrew until her fingertips were on either side, just barely holding it still, so that the underside of the shaft was fully exposed for Carm to explore.
"Hmm… so weird." Carm then did as expected, running a couple of fingers along the underside of Yang's cock, testing at different firmness with her pleasure to see how it felt. Hard. Harder then quite a few of her toys in fact. Testing the waters even more, she wrapped her hand around it, giving a cheeky stroke...
Until Yang winced yet again. "O-okay, okay! Yeah I admit it, I used it too much! Ouch..."
"Spoilsport." Blake withdrew her hand entirely, glancing up at Carm. "You can keep torturing this blonde if you want to, though. I think she secretly still loves it."
"N-no, I really… Nnnn...." That was up for debate. Considering Carm was stroking rather firmly. It didn't help that she was still hardened thanks to the mingling effects of the Dust she'd taken. But it was when Carm brushed the head yet again she finally drew back. "N-nope, too much, all done."
"Aww, such a shame." Carm giggled, taking her hand away from Yang at last as she snuggled up by Blake. "I don't think dick is for me, though, unfortunately. But it was nice to have a test."
Nodding, Blake rolled over slightly to curl around Yang's form, making sure her limbs were draped over her far away from the still-erect member. "This beats trying it out with an actual guy though, I bet..."
"Well duh, let's be real here. If I just did that on a guy he'd be asking me to finish him off with my mouth or owe him something later." She rolled her eyes. Even though she was at Blake's side, she was sticking to her own side, giving the two their fair share of cuddling space with one another.
Which Yang seemed grateful for as she hugged back into Blake, kissing her forehead. But not before adding, "Don't tell Blake, but I think she prefers me with it, really."
"Hey!" Blake reached over to gently flick the head. "You take that back, I don't honestly care which way your anatomy is arranged!"
"OW! No fair!" She was about to reach back and grab the pillow to hit her, but seeing how exhausted she was, she decided against it. And instead just nuzzled by her side that bit more. "You're lucky you're one of my girlfriends."
"One of?" Carmine asked, smirking as she looked to the two of them. "I knew you guys, or Yang at least, were poly, but just how many girlfriends do you have?"
"J-just two. Blake and Weiss. In fact, it was more Weiss who started this whole thing when she was dating me and-" Yang stopped short. Was she really about to admit she was in a polyamorous relationship that included her own sister?
For her part, Blake glanced between the two of them - and seemed to decide to cover Yang's story. "And me. I mean, not that I'm really dating Weiss! We just have all three fooled around once or twice. Like you have with us, Carm."
"Damn... How the other half live! Maybe I can sort something out with Velvet's special friend; some time for us. I mean, I get this feeling from Velvet that I’m not quite doing everything she needs yet, but… it’s early days."
"Go ahead. I heard Coco can be pretty frisky." Though listening, and facing Carmine to talk to her, Yang’s hands were continually petting Blake's hair as she lay in her arms. She expected her to be absolutely exhausted after the events that took place, so she humbly accepted her role as a body pillow and heat source. "I don't think, from the looks of things, we'll be doing all too many three-ways for a while though. Think this kitty needs her rest."
All that came from the Faunus was a quiet sigh of contentment. She was already drifting off, eyes closed and face nuzzled against Yang's currently-hairy chest. The look on her face wasn't particularly happy or sad, but she did look quite sated. Peaceful.
After a few minutes of silence from them both, Carmine had been watching the two in their loving embrace. Yang never stopped stroking and petting Blake, nor did she stop occasionally nuzzling her head down to kiss her forehead. She could only wonder... "So, do you and Weiss cuddle like this, too?"
"Nah. This is defiantly a recent thing, with Blake as the only victim."
"I see..." Looking down at Blake again, Carm couldn't even tell if the Faunus was awake or not anymore. She hadn't moved, hadn't said a word. As far as she knew, she was asleep. And that meant it was alright to speak up. "Look, I'm trying, I really am… but I don't get it. From how you've described Weiss to be at times in messages, it just seems like it's fooling around all the time. But you and Blake have something special. You cuddle, kiss, I can actually see you two being your perfect pair. Why risk a good thing just so you can bang two girls?"
Yang sighed. "That's actually been coming up a lot lately." It was the truth, for far more reasons she could explain to Carm in a single sitting. The relationship was becoming strained, Weiss clearly sought after her sister, and Yang... Yang sought after Blake alone. That's why she was always jealous whenever Blake was 'active' with Weiss alone, or even Ruby on that single occasion. Because of how she cared for Blake. "Weiss is great, I can't fault that. She's hilarious, and incredible in the sack, but she's no cuddler. Not with me, anyway. I want someone who is. Someone like-"
"A certain Blake in your arms?"
Despite Carm's smirk, Yang rolled her eyes at that comment, soon nodding. "Yeah. Someone like her. Calm, sweet, affectionate, and someone I just feel... happy with." Turning to face Blake again while she stroked her, she asked, somewhat rhetorically, "Is it stupid to wanna say I'm in love with her?"
That made her glow with happiness for her friends. “Not stupid at all. I’ll miss these little romps, sure, but… I could feel the same way about Velvet, maybe. Just need to go on more than a few dates to really be sure.”
“Yeah,” Yang laughed, and they both shared a grin. After a brief moment, she whispered, “Can you keep a secret?”
“Of course.”
“We got this camping trip coming up. And, um, I really wanna tell her then. It’ll be hard to say goodbye to banging you and Weiss, I guess, but this is more important. And then we’ll see if Blake wants to make this monogamous or not. I just want her to know she’s the one.
Carmine’s eyes grew as round as dinner plates. “Oh my GOD!”
“But you can’t tell anybody – especially Blake. Promise, okay? But maybe now with telling you, I won’t chicken out.”
“You better not,” she said with a pretend-scolding voice. “A sweet kitten like her deserves to be treated right. If you won’t do it, I will.”
Yang knew Carmine meant it, too. Some people were multiple pet-owners, and some weren’t. So she resolved that she and Blake really would be girlfriends by the end of their night in the Emerald Forest – or at least, they would if it was what Blake wanted, too. And there was only one way to find out.
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