#evil hypno lloyd
blursed-ninjago-ideas · 10 months
Mystake divorced the Fsm au and the whole Oni hypnosis thing
Garmadon when he’s cured of the overlord and devourer’s venom is just getting dragged back to the nest by Mystake
In Mystake’s words “Was all that hypnosis resistance training as a pup useless for you? Even Lloyd can put up a better resistance and he’s half human! Your wife too and she’s human! Boot camp for you!”
Garmadon tired af from getting his ass kicked by his son as destiny demands doesn’t even notice his mother’s hypnosis and just goes down easy
So it’s just a seemingly little human woman dragging around what might have been the destined conqueror of ninjago for a nice week long hibernation until he’s nice and healed up to Mystake’s standards.
Wu thinks he can escape the nest and mother’s boot camp but no she just glares at him and he falls in line.
Better to not get put into hibernation against his will and just let it happen
Lloyd follows after because he’s concerned for his father and also Gammy promised dessert for dinner
Misako needs to go grocery shopping and clothes shopping too. It’s been so long since she’s actually been allowed to do some nest keeping and it’s nice.
Garmadon has certainly filled out due to carrying the mega weapon and he’s probably been starving as a result of his rather dangerous lifestyle.
A nice warm bath as well he reeks.
The entire oni hypnosis au was so spontaneous and unplanned that it's a mess that probably needs revision, but I like the repeating theme of it being a nurturing thing. I find it hilarious, subversive, fascinating, and cute.
(And Garmadon gets an earful about not calling his mother either. No, being trapped in the underworld and on a destiny assigned quest to conquer the world is not an excuse.)
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yummyangst · 5 months
Yknow what? I love you! *Makes bloyd/pjo au)
Lloyd hummed as he walked to the much-too-tired boy, Benthomaar, his orange camp half-blood shirt stained with mud. He held his sword in his hands (he had just returned from training the kids).
Benthomaar, his eyes semi-open, yawned and noticed the blonde making his way over. "Lloyd, what're you doing here? I thought you were," The son of Athena was interrupted by his own yawn. "Training the children?" He asked. Lloyd chuckled and sat down next to him, twirling his hair between his fingers.
"Training stopped early today; one of the kids told me that you hadn't slept last night." Lloyd explained with a stern tone, putting Benthomaar's already sleepy head on his shoulder. Children of Hypnos had that effect, making people sleepier than normal. Benthomaar groaned, but couldn't find the strength within himself to get up. Lloyd smiled, his 'evil' plan was working.
"I...I just got a bit stressed. Being head of your cabin isn't fun." Benthomaar rubbed his eyes, one already closed and the other falling close behind. "I know, I know...How about you rest your eyes for a moment and we cuddle in my bed?"
"Hm...your bed is comfy..." Bentho murmured. That was enough for Lloyd, as he instantly picked the other up and started walking. Benthomaar curled up in his arms, and once he opened his eyes again, Lloyd was tucking him into the irresistible soft blankets that Lloyd somehow owned. Lloyd pecked his forehead, then nestled under the blankets himself. "You better have a good nap, smartie." He playfully demanded as he let Benthomaar cling onto him.
He only heard a little, already-asleep murmur in response.
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 4 years
Reverse Prompt Time! (Personal Prompt: Evil Hypno Lloyd)
Trigger Warnings: Mind Control, mention of drinking (it’s just someone wondering if they have a hangover no actual drinking occurred in the making of this fic)
Kai jolted awake, disoriented. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he tried to take in his surroundings, but it all seemed too bright for some reason, blindingly so.
Groggily, the master of fire sat upright, finally registering where he was—it was his room on the Bounty. Which...was strange, as last he could remember he was back at the monastery...what had happened?
Trying to recall anything in the way of an explanation, Kai drew a blank. It was like part of his memory had skipped, like a broken record, leaving an unsettling gap.
And a splitting headache. With how he felt, the red ninja honestly wondered if he’d somehow gotten drunk, because he was pretty sure he’d heard hangovers be described like this. But then again, he couldn’t remember drinking anything (and if he had gotten drunk everyone would probably have killed him for doing so, so it probably wasn’t that).
Kai shook his head, letting out a soft groan. Well, whatever this was, maybe the others would know what had happened and could fill him in? That seemed like his best shot.
(Something felt wrong about all of this.)
Unsteadily, feeling like the world was spinning around him, he got to his feet and managed to stumble over to the door, holding his forehead with one hand as a wave of dizziness hit him.
“Hey, g...guys?” he called out, his voice slurring slightly for some reason. Seriously, why did he feel so out of it?! It was getting annoying...and a bit paranoia-inducing, if he had to be honest.
“Kai?!...What’s the matter?” he could hear Lloyd call from down the hall.
(Why did he sound so...surprised?)
“Lloyd? Do you...know why I feel like I...just...got hit by a bus? No, wait...that...doesn’t sound right...” Kai could barely think through the sharp, ringing pain in his head, and it bled through into his words.
Lloyd was silent, but the red ninja could make out footsteps coming towards him, and soon his adopted little brother was standing in the doorway, a concerned look on his face.
“That sounds painful,” the master of energy said with a slight grimace. “Can you...remember anything?”
Kai shook his head. “If...I could, I...wouldn’t be asking...” He winced as another jolt of pain hit him. “Agh, it...it’s making it...”
“I could try to help,” Lloyd offered, causing the master of fire to give him a confused look. “Oni hypnosis, remember? I bet I can dull the pain.”
Right—he’d almost forgotten the green ninja had that ability, because it didn’t come up very often.
“Honestly...try anything you want, it...really hurts...”
The blonde gave him a grin, almost a...dark grin? Why would he...Kai could barely keep his thoughts straight with the pounding ache assaulting his head, and try as he might just couldn’t connect the dots in front of him.
“Got it. Just watch, okay?”
Wait...didn’t Lloyd’s eyes usually glow green when he did this? Because they looked red this time...and it felt uncannily familiar...
“You’re feeling very calm now, very relaxed, all the pain and confusion is draining away...”
As he heard this, the throbbing started to subside as the master of fire felt a sudden haze clouding his senses, like his head was being filled with cotton.
He did feel calm now. Overwhelmingly so.
Drooping slightly, Kai’s gaze remained fixated on the glowing crimson orbs in front of him, unable to look away, and his own eyes started to glaze over.
“You like this feeling, don’t you?”
Absently, he nodded, a dazed look on his face.
“Y-yeah...hey, Lloyd, I think...I think I...”
“Oh, we’re not done yet, Kai.”
The words seemed to amplify and echo, tugging at something inside him.
(This whole situation suddenly felt all too familiar.)
“Just let me take over for now.”
And then it clicked, and Kai realized what was wrong with all of this, finally remembering why he must’ve felt so weird earlier.
And his eyes widened in fear, a spark of alertness returning.
“W-wait, no, what are—n-not—not again—“ he managed to stutter out before Lloyd suddenly silence him with a hand over his mouth.
“Kai, it’s alright, you can trust me. It’ll all be fine. You only have to calm down and listen to me.”
The forced relaxation was oppressive now, forcing his limbs to go limp against his will. Struggling against the blond’s grip on his face, keeping him quiet and forcing him to keep eye contact, the red ninja tried desperately not to succumb again to his brother’s control.
But he’d willingly let it start to take hold. He stood no chance.
And he couldn’t fight it.
“Do you hear me? Nod if you can hear me.”
With a shudder, Kai finally felt the hypnosis, felt the dominating force on his element, reassert itself completely, and he nodded.
“Good. I don’t know how you managed to slip out of it, Kai, but you can’t let that happen again, understand?”
“I understand, Lloyd...”
“But there is a bright side to this—there’s apparently after effects, so if anything like this does happen again I can handle it easily. After all, you ended up walking right back in.”
Lloyd was pacing through the room now, but then stopped and turned to the master of fire with a wicked smirk.
“So I think I’ve got it all covered.”
(There were a lot of ideas Ivy threw at me for options under the general prompt of “Something for the Evil Hypno Lloyd AU, but her last idea, Kai temporarily snapping out of it and having to get put back under, made me go YES so here we are!
Hypnotic Hangovers—who’d have thought? Me. That’s who.
Lloyd takes a different approach than the first time because honestly he had the perfect lead-in to do it without Kai noticing till it’s too late.
And just—I, freaking LOVE, this AU? Like, a heck of a lot.)
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minglermail · 3 years
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i hope everyone had a good holiday season !! 🖤 its a little late cause ive been SUPER busy with work but i did another toonblr christmas party pic !
feat. my toons bearly pawsible, fiver, mike o’mallard, lloyd longears ANND
@melodylandmouse ‘s balthazar “tim” nilrem + jackie + cooper, lucy’s lady wacko, @sealipup ‘s rubber ducky, @shtickerbook ‘s pippa , bender’s mothsona, @hypno-goggles bubbles + coconut + silver, @junehs joyful roxy, @jellybeanbank ‘s nhung, @pumpkinswirls casper, bee’s aunt hazel, miles’ vincent, @tiredtoons bonne + speak no evil, @valentoony ‘s toonsona, @loonylabs ‘s maple, @jasperdazzle ‘s champ, the random dog’s tommy, lili’s lilian, @panicatthebeanfest ‘s quark , @bliss-bayou ‘s betti spaghetti, @errorix ‘s error, avery’s capt. max, @astronomarten ‘s toonsona, @sellbotfactory ‘s fairy floss, rob’s vapor grape, salem’s astron, @cattington ‘s cattington, @broom-service ‘s pumpkinberry, @monochromebrrrgh ‘s cookies and cream, my brother’s moon water, july’s JC glitterfluff, @lowtoonz ‘s ark, @ripgraphitegulch ‘s monique , and @laffboost ‘s heather !!
i think i got everyone! have a great new years!!
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zebra-all-the-time · 4 years
hey. . . what ur fav au?
How dare you how am I supposed to choose.
So many so many p(´⌒`。q)
Evil!Hypno Lloyd (@blursed-ninjago-ideas)and Banished Kai @revlischarm and @anxiousworm) and Limelight (@rinas-ninjas) and Hocus Pocus (@captainbetonit) and all of the other ones I didn’t mention because the discord I’m in is primarily for making aus and everything they make is my favorite, I just can’t remember then all 😅
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
(Mint) @person asking for mind control: specifically Evil Hypno Lloyd, if you really want some angst.
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maneatsbooks · 4 years
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Covid-19 has been a grim daily grind through statistics and curves (flattened or not) and light relief has been scant. Even television seems grittier nowadays.
So, my reading list needs one or two little light aperitifs to lift the mood – books so slight and effervescent they linger only as long as their tipsy mood lightens your heart – a panacea for the dearth of mirth these days.  Here’s my Top 10:
1: THE DUD AVOCADO by Elaine Dundy
Sally Jay Gorce is a woman with a mission. It’s the 1950’s, she’s young, and she’s in Paris. Having dyed her hair pink and vowed to go native in a way not even the natives can manage, she’s busy getting drunk, bedding men, losing jewellery and living life to the full.
‘Here was all the gaiety and glory and sparkle I knew was going to be life if I could just grasp it.’
A wonderful cocktail of a book, as light and airy as a champagne bubble.
2: RIGHT HO, JEEVES by PG Wodehouse
If the world is not quite the shade of peachy keen you would like and you’re feeling a bit ooja-cum-spiff, manservant Jeeves has the perfect pick me up to restore your mettle. You could start with almost any Jeeves and Wooster novel, but this one contains some of the juiciest Woosterisms:
‘I don’t want to wrong anybody, so I won’t go so far as to say that she actually wrote poetry, but her conversation, to my mind, was of a nature to excite the liveliest of suspicions.’
Like a Buster Keaton version of Waiting for Godot, this wonderful novel in which practically nothing happens has been one of my favourite reads of 2020. Best friends Leonard and Hungry Paul are two zen-like 30-somethings swimming with the indifferent tides of their lives.
Gently humous and genuinely affecting, this book is perfect to help understand the importance of human moments amid the clamour of modernity.
4: COLD COMFORT FARM by Stella Gibbons
Young, modern Flora Poste is sent to live with her remote country cousins, the Stakadders, in remote Sussex – Judith, her preacher husband Amos, their sons Seth and Reuben, several cousins and the redoubtable Aunt Ada Doom.
Miss Poste imposes her life-affirming no-nonsense ‘higher common sense’ in an attempt to redeem the lives of her relatives to wonderfully humorous effect. Will Flora be able to over come Aunt Doom’s fear of ‘something nasty in the woodshed’?
5: ME TALK PRETTY ONE DAY by David Sedaris
A collection of essays by the inimitable American humourist, David Sedaris, including the title story where he hilariously attempts to learn French.
“On my fifth trip to France I limited myself to the words and phrases that people actually use.
From the dog owners I learned ‘lie down,’ ‘shut up,’ and ‘who shit on this carpet?’
The couple across the road taught me to ask questions correctly, and the grocer taught me to count.
Things began to come together, and I went from speaking like an evil baby to speaking like a hillbilly.
“Is thems the thoughts of cows?” I’d ask the butcher, pointing to the calves’ brains displayed in the windows. “I want some lamb chops with handles on ‘em’.
6: GOOD OMENS by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
How we all miss Sir Terry and his askew view of the universe. Whilst I was never a huge fan of the Discworld novels, this novel is an artform in itself. As co-author Neil Gaiman states, Terry is an early riser, and Neil a night-owl, so this story was written in the few hours each day when they were both awake.
The ultimate nature-versus-nurture story in which the antichrist is born in a perfect English village and an angel and a demon, both of whom have grown very fond of humanity over the last 4,000 years, must team up to stop the apocalypse.
7: I FEEL BAD ABOUT MY NECK by Nora Ephron
Journalist, writer and filmmaker, Nora Ephron had funny bones. Writer of Silkwood, Heartburn, When Harry met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle, here she turns her gimlet eye on her own aging process with a wicked sense of fun.
“Here are some questions I am constantly noodling over: Do you splurge or do you hoard? Do you live every day as if it’s your last, or do you save your money on the chance you’ll live twenty more years? Is life too short, or is it too long?
Do you work as hard as you can, or do you slow down to smell the roses? And where to carbohydrates fit into all this?
Are we really all going to spend out last years avoiding bread, especially now that bread in America is so unbelievably delicious?
And what about chocolate?”
8: THE MEANING OF LIFF by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd
“In Life,” wrote Douglas Adams, “there are many hundreds of common experiences, feelings, situations and even objects which we all know and recognise, but for which no word exists. On the other hand, the world is littered with thousands of spare works which spend their time doing nothing but loafing about on signposts pointing at places. Our job, as we see it, is to get these words down off the signposts and into the mouths of babes..”
Blithbury n.: A look someone gives you which indicates that they’re much too drunk to have understood anything you’ve said to them in the last twenty minutes.
Ahenny adj.: The way people stand when examining other people’s bookshelves.
Listowel n.: The small mat on the bar designed to be more absorbent than the bar, but not as absorbent as your elbows.
9: DEATH AND THE PENGUIN by Andrei Kurkov
Viktor Zolotaryov is a frustrated writer whose short stories are too short and dull. When a newspaper edito offers him a job as an obituarist, he agrees. His brief is to select high-profile Ukranian people and prepare obituaries in readiness for the possibility they might die. And then the do.
Viktor’s strange new career is watched with melancholic disapproval by his pet penguin, Misha, adopted a few month earlier form the impoverished city zoo.
A sourly absurdist fable, Andrei Kurkov has written a black comedy of post-Soviet chaos where ambulance drivers must be bribed to bring you to hospital (U.S dollars for preference) and everything is for sale – including a child’s heart for penguin heart surgery.
All of Tom’s friends are superheroes, and he’s about to be married to one: the Perfectionist. But on the day of their wedding, the Perfectionist’s ex-boyfriend, Hypno, hypnotises her by making her believe that Tom is invisible. Now the Perfectionist, boarding a flight to Vancouver and thining Tom left her, is moving away for good. And Tom has until the plane lands to make her see him again.
Told in flashback and ending Richard Curtis-style at the airport AMFAS is a beautifully quirky story of rediscovery.
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monalisamarie · 6 years
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Maker of my Sorrow | Eliza Rickman
[Oh, oh - Lord knows where did he go  Keeper of my heart’s joy, maker of my sorrow   Dealer of my heavy hand  Healer of my wounded heart]
:The Nobility:
Death -uncanny to Ralph Fiennes- Lord of Hell, King of the Underworld. Despite the ridiculous amount of bureaucratic nonsense Hell is truly a monarchy. He is not to be confused with Satan or true evil. He works with the Angels of Divine Light for a balance. “I’m not the only one setting fire to villages and demanding infanticide just to boost my own ego.” -Death Has a beautiful wife; although she is “away for the season” (;)) “Although is incredibly terrifying, and does eat souls for breakfast I wasn’t kidding about that one”- Geibel. Lives in the Palace of Night along with Night, Darkness, and Hypnos. Along with Eros (not to be confused with Aphrodite’s son Eros II, but still related.) He also tends to take his winters in Hell, while spending the summers out on Earth causing “trouble”, Chronos does the same, but he just kind of comes and goes whenever he pleases, still they keep a room for him.
Night (Nyx) -uncanny to Soo Joo Park- Is literally night, her sister Hemera lives on Earth or the Divine Light. They don’t speak anymore. “Hemera can be such a bitch, especially in the warm months on earth. What? Does she own them?! No, if Chronos knew, that uppity—“Nyx.
Darkness (Erebus) -uncanny to Jacquelyn Jablonski- So named for the waystation of the dead, or was it the other way round? No one knows they’re literally older than time. Or just as old, and he hates getting into those kind of philosophical arguments. Cousins to Nyx and Hemera, she is pretty quiet, although is just as snobby as Night she oftentimes when in a pinch will throw her direct relation to Death and Chaos into the offender’s face. That usually shuts them up pretty fast. No one wants to cross either.
:Civil Servants:
Chaos -uncanny to Conor Mclain- if you’re looking for the personification of evil, you’ve found him. Martial to the Fields of Punishment, he is head of the legion of the dead, superior to the Grim, the Demon Command Squad, and myself. (along with the other field agents and Wraiths.) “I don’t normally report to him, but since my “disturbing outburst” I’m to periodically give updates on my missions until my cursory probation ends.”- Geibel He is truly twisted, and thrives on the horrific actions and finds glee in the cruel and unusual punishment of those damned, and those who have yet to be judged. He loves humanity, loves to toy with their morality and their perception of reality. You’ll oftentimes find him planning truly disgusting experiments to “test the human spirit”. “10/10 would not recommend”-anyone. Has an equally as horrific girlfriend Melinoe; coordinator to nightmares and madness, they work very closely together.
Lethe -uncanny to Sasha Luss- a close friend to Geibel, a truly kind spirit she’s one of the rivers in Hell she wipes the memory of the dead that drink from her, usually to the aid of the soul, but not always. Working very closely with Hypnos they aid in the discharging of souls from either prison or their initially prescribed station. Whether that be on to the Meadows or with the Divine Light.
Styx -uncanny to Harry Lloyd- the occasional significant other to Geibel, they met through Lethe when she was escorting a soul to judgement. Their romantic exchanges were never close to any kind of relationship, but they often vacation together and keep a very private life. Is the Cousin of Lethe, and is subsequently related to the other rivers of Hell (Phlegethon, Acheron and Cocytus). He has a dark past, oftentimes the living will come to the edge of the underworld to beg promise from him, most of the granted wishes end in the promised’s death. He is old and possesses many unknown gifts, which makes him so enticing to the living. Some may call him a dark or cursed wizard.
0 notes
Can we get a snippet for the Evil Hypno Lloyd AU? Jay wonders himself out of the hypnosis when he is doing an errand with Cole or smth and what would happen
Here we are!
Jay wasn’t really thinking about anything in particular. What he wanted for lunch, his latest project, the disappointing ending to a game he recently finished, just a lot of trivial things.
Cole was walking next to him silently. They were just peacefully walking home after running a quick errand. Nothing alarming at all.
Back at the bounty, unknown to Jay, Kai had broken out of his trance. Lloyd was having trouble getting him back under control and hadn’t noticed Jay quietly slip out of his own enthrallment.
Jay hadn’t noticed it either. He just kept walking with Cole while his thoughts wandered.
It wasn't until his thoughts hit the subject of his girlfriend that he finally felt some confusion.
“Hey Cole?” Jay asked.
Cole made a hum of acknowledgment and Jay continued.
“Where….where’s Nya?” Jay asked.
He couldn’t remember where she was or why he hadn’t seen her in so long.
Cole shrugged.
That confused Jay more.
“Cole, I’m serious. Where is she? I don’t...I don’t remember where she is.” Jay said.
“I don’t remember either.” Cole said, still calmly walking.
“Wha...What!? Cole, what’s wrong with you! Cole! Cole look at me!” Jay snapped.
Cole hadn’t even looked at him! Something was wrong and Cole was acting so nonchalant about it! Like he wasn’t even concerned that Nya was missing and that neither of them could remember why! That was certainly a problem they both should be freaking out about!
But Cole wasn’t phased. He kept walking forward. Jay reached out and yanked him back, about ready to physically beat the sense into him.
That was when Jay saw the red eyes.
He let go of Cole and took a large step backwards. Cole just stared at him in mild confusion.
Why were Cole’s eyes glowing red? What could possibly cause that!? Was this related to why he couldn’t remember what happened to Nya?
“Cole….what’s going on?” Jay asked cautiously.
“Lloyd’s waiting for us.” Cole said, turning to start walking again.
With a gasp, Jay remembered.
Lloyd had hypnotized them all! Nya had managed to get away and was still hiding. Jay had gotten free a few times, but it was never long enough to remember. This was his first real chance to escape, hopefully find Nya.
But Cole was still enthralled.
Did Jay risk it and try to snap Cole out of it too, or did he take his chance to run while he had it?
Ninja don’t leave people behind if they can help it. Jay had to at least try to wake Cole up.
But if he couldn’t do it quickly, then he was going to prioritize getting out. He could always come back for Cole and the others.
With that choice made, Jay grabbed Cole again and shook him.
“Cole, snap out of it! Lloyd’s controlling you! You have to wake up!” Jay yelled.
Cole didn’t react much at first. After a few shakes, he pushed Jay off of himself.
“What are you doing!?” he asked angrily.
“Trying to snap you out of it! Come on, Cole! Wake up! We have to find Nya!” Jay tried, getting ready to give up and run.
“Nya?” Cole asked, his hand finding the side of his head.
He blinked a few times in confusion.
“Nya got away, Cole. We have to go. We can’t let Lloyd get us again!” Jay begged.
Finally Cole’s eyes flickered back to normal.
“J...Jay? What….did Lloyd?” Cole babbled.
Jay gave him a moment.
All at once, Cole seemed to remember what happened, if his face was anything to go by.
“...oh.” was all he said.
Jay could figure out if he was more horrified or disappointed when he said it.
“We have to go.” Jay said, pulling Cole away.
“That...that won’t work.” Cole said in a defeated tone.
“What do you mean!?” Jay asked.
“Lloyd isn’t just using his Oni hypnosis, Jay.” Cole explained “There’s a reason Nya was the only one that got away. Lloyd’s using our elemental connection against us! As soon as he realizes we got free he’s going to clamp down again.”
“What!? So we just give up!?” Jay yelled.
“No. No.” Cole agreed “We just have to think of something before he realizes we-”
There it was.
Jay felt something seize up in his chest uncomfortably.
“He found out.” Cole whispered.
The best why Jay could describe the feeling was the worst anxiety attack he’s ever felt. Everything felt wrong and his body was panicking about it. Thinking of a plan in those conditions was going to be hard.
“Jay, we don’t have long.” Cole said, scratching at his arm in discomfort.
“I know! I know!” Jay yelled, starting to pace. “So it’s our elemental powers that’s screwing us here, right?”
Cole nodded, forcing himself not to run straight to Lloyd like his instincts were screaming at him to do.
“Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok.” Jay chanted. “So, is there way to get rid of them? Or something like that? Some way to stop our powers?”
“Stop our powers?” Cole asked, thinking it over “Like vengestone?”
Jay’s eyes went wide.
“That would work, wouldn’t it!?” Jay yelled “If we could get some vengestone!”
“But we’re not going to be able to do that right now. Lloyd’s almost here!” Cole said fearfully.
“We’ll have to remember for next time.” Jay said.
“Hopefully there will be a next time.” Cole added.
“Hey guys.” Kai said. “Sorry, but you’ve gotta come home now.”
“It would be unwise to resist.” Zane added.
“Come on guys. Can we do this the easy way? Please?” Lloyd asked, with big, pleading, red eyes. “I already have a headache from getting Kai back under.”
The impulse to drop their weapons and surrender was strong.
As dangerous as he was, they could only see a helpless little kid they needed to protect. They couldn’t help but be concerned for Lloyd. He was tired and in pain. Their instincts screamed loudly about it. The idea of fighting him felt repulsive.
They would still try, but it was done with too much reluctance to be effective.
It was almost relieving to be caught. They’d help Lloyd nurse his headache later to make up for it.
There it is! Hope you liked it!
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It’s not great, but it was fun to write! A give you an Evil Hypno Lloyd snippet!
Keeping his friends enthralled was hard. Lloyd had never done it for so long, nor had he ever done so many at once. It was easier with the guys since he could pull on their elements anytime they started to resist him, but it was taking some getting used to.
Jay’s mind was so fast and restless. Lloyd didn’t want to subpress him just to make him easier to control but keeping his thoughts on a leash was a learning curve. Jay had wandered out of his enthrallment without noticing a few times. Luckily, whenever he did, he always made the same mistake.
“…Wha….Where’s Nya?”
And that was Lloyd’s cue to adjust his grip on Jay’s mind.
Zane was tricky. He had a mechanical brain, which needed to be treated differently. Nothing too hard, but Lloyd hadn’t exactly practiced the skill. He found keeping Zane busy seemed to help avoid him worming his way out of Lloyd’s control. If he had something else to focus on, he didn’t question it. In time Lloyd would probably be able to keep him under even with an idle mind, but he needed to build his skill.
Cole wasn’t too hard to keep under, but he was the hardest to get back the few times he did slip through. Stubborn and strong, it took a lot out of Lloyd to enthrall him again. He had to be careful not to let his hold on the others slip when he did.
He was getting better at pulling on their connection though. He wasn’t limited to one at a time he found. He could push through a distress signal and all four of them would have the instinct to come protect and comfort him. It made it hard to run away.
Lloyd couldn’t help but curse his rotten luck that Nya had gotten away, and she didn’t have any destiny assigned connection for him to exploit to track her down or bring her into the fray. He’d have to figure something out on that front.
But he was tired. He’d spent the whole day learning how hard it was to maintain his oni hypnosis.
As difficult as it was, it was also comforting. He had a pulse on each other them. He could feel each of their minds.
Jay and Cole were playing games in the next room and Cole was losing. Jay was worried that Cole was about to close the gap and Cole is trying to not pay attention to the scores and focus. Zane was cooking dinner, humming happily and enjoying his quiet.
Kai, Lloyd didn’t need his powers to know about, he was sitting right next to him, reading a magazine.
Kai hadn’t wavered once. He had stayed properly enthralled through the whole day. Lloyd was grateful for it. He may not have been able to catch Jay and Zane after he exhausted himself getting Cole back under without him.
Lloyd relaxed, finally feeling like he could rest. It had been a long day.
Kai twitched. Like he was uncomfortable and trying to adjust his position.
A second or two.
He did it again.
Lloyd tried to get a read on what was going on in his head while Kai stood up.
He had a confused look and that was about when Lloyd figured out that he Kai has slipped out of his hold.
Lloyd was starting to panic. He could feel the other’s picking up on it and heading over to check on him.
“Kai?” Lloyd asked.
Kai hadn’t broken out yet, Lloyd didn’t know what to expect.
“Lloyd? What….Something happened….” Kai said.
Lloyd gulped.
“It’s ok, just look at me.”
Try it gently first, like with Jay. He seemed confused like Jay.
“No…no….Something is wrong.” Kai said, starting to push his hands through his hair and pace.
“Let’s put these away first.”
Try to switch his focus, like with Zane. Kai was thinking it through like Zane.
“No! Something is wrong, Lloyd!” Kai ranted, stomping his foot.
Lloyd didn’t want Kai to be like Cole. He had already had a long enough day.
A knock on the door.
“Are you alright in there?” Speaking of Cole.
Lloyd quickly tightened his hold on the other’s, just in case Kai made too much trouble.
“Am I?” Kai mumbled.
Something felt familiar to him. Something about being alone with Lloyd. Something being wrong. Cole showing up and then Lloyd….Lloyd….
Kai remembered.
“Help me with Kai!” Lloyd yelled as soon as Kai started to run.
He managed to push past Cole, but Zane was able to trip him before he got out of reach. Kai struggled and twisted with a fury
“Let go! Let me go! Guys snap out of it!” Kai yelled as he tried to squirm away.
“It’s ok, Kai.” Lloyd said, making his way over.
“No, it’s not, Lloyd!” Kai snapped. “You have to stop!”
“No, I don’t!” Lloyd yelled with power in his voice.
Kai cringed. He couldn’t hold his own against it.
“Look at me!”
Kai shuddered while his head turned and eyes opened, only to stare right into Lloyd’s red eyes. Things started tilting back and forth.
“You’re under my control and you will stay that way!”
Kai couldn’t even focus on the words anymore. The voice was just so loud and forceful.
“Answer me.”
All his thoughts stopped.
“Yes, Lloyd.” He said, no resistance left.
Finally, Lloyd could feel Kai slip back into place. He sighed in relief.
“You can let him go now. It’s fixed.”
Jay, Cole, and Zane set Kai down and stood back.
Kai stood himself up, almost unsure of himself.
“You scared us!” Cole said.
“Yeah….sorry….won’t happen again.” Kai said as he rubbed the side of his head.
“I’ll get back to dinner.” Zane said before walking away.
“You two going to be ok if we leave?” Jay asked.
“Yeah, I got him.” Lloyd said, letting Jay and Cole leave to return to their game. Cole was now winning.
Once they were alone, Lloyd decided to push one more command onto Kai before letting him relax.
“You’re going to come tell me if you ever feel like that again.”
“Ok.” Kai said. Nodding plainly.
There. That should work. A failsafe. If Kai started to slip out of his enthrallment, he was obligated to come tell Lloyd to his face. Which would make it so much easier to putting him back under.
Finally, Lloyd relaxed. He’d had a long day.
I decided to start adding a bold on the lines where Lloyd is using his power. Anyway, this was my self indulgent snippet I wrote for my own enjoyment.
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If Lloyd does fall under emp!Garmadon hypnosis, I just can't unsee Harumi reaction
Harumi : wait I don't want him in the team ! That wasn't the plan !
Emperor Garmadon just being like
"But weapon!!! and pack bond!!! He baby oni!!!"
OOOOHHHH!!!! What if oni parents normally use hypnosis to control and protect their young? And oni are considered children until they gain enough power to defy their parents? So Garmadon is acting on instincts to control Lloyd?
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Ohh, um, what if evil hypno lloyd hypnotized himself a la reflection like the old hypnobrai general did?
Too hilarious!!! XD
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In emperor garmadon and hypnotized lloyd au
Emperor Garmadon after he calms down from his instincts and being brought back in a few weeks, he pretty much has a massive hangover where he regains all his mental faculties. Misako just calms and comforts him after his rampage.
Garmadon: What the hell happened misako and why I am wearing my old armor? Wait why are we on top of Borg tower and why is Lloyd glaring at me and wearing a crown? The last thing I remember is Chen and the cursed realm? Then I was in the departed realm? Also misako are you pregnant and whose the girl in the vengestone cage?
Misako: The spoiled jade princess Harry no harumi was a cult leader of a group who worshiped you in your devourer days and they brought you back from the dead with those oni masks. You went on an oni instinct fueled rampage and conquered ninjago. Lloyd tried to stop you but you overpowered him and hypnotized him and basically gave the poor big an vaction and did some father son bonding. You also kidnapped me but it really wasn’t kidnapping since we were married. You proclaimed me empress and I pretty much ran our absolute monarchy while you were the muscle. You built quite the nest and insisted on continuing on our bloodline I was willing of course and we’re now expecting a second child. So don’t even think of running off for some harebrained guilt induced scheme, we’re abdicating the throne and we’re going to rebuild your monastery. You’re also gonna apologize to lloyd for hypnotizing him for all those weeks and you’re going to father him again.
Happy ending!!! ^v^
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In the emperor garmadon and hypno lloyd au
Lloyd after being unhypnotized
Lloyd: So what we were doing while I was under your control?
Garmadon: Normal things a father and son would do. We hunted a leviathan, I taught you how to tie knots, and we burnt an empty building that was due to be blown up anyways. You also grew some horns and drank a bit of blood.
Misako: Don’t forget you also declared frisbee golf ninjago city’s official sport.
Golf dad Garmadon confirmed.
-[R] <I'm helping Ivy with some of these asks, cause there is a lot>
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Emperor garmadon and hypnotized lloyd au
Misako sipping on a strawberry daiquiri in said lawn chair and wearing the a crown resembling garmadon’s horns and helmet. Harumi is imprisoned in the vengestone time out corner.
Misako: Your father after being brought back from the dead went really into his oni instincts much more so than when we were concieving you and when I was pregnant with you. He put you in a hypnotized state and you’ve pretty much been on a coma like vacation. Your dad has also been really amorous and I think he’s trying to help me make a little sibling for you. Something about securing the bloodline or other nonsense but it’s kinda nice. I’ve also been able to keep your father from acting too awful in regards to this absolute monarchy. I made sure he didn’t summon the colossus of course and it turns out I’m empress now and can get away with murder too. I’m pretty much the real power behind the throne after I got that little brat in the cage arrested for treason. I knew my political science degree and my time as a overlady would come in handy. At least your father is snapping out of that disgusting oni mask revival induced rage and madness. He should be normal in about another week or so tops according to mystake.
oop there it is!
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Would Emp!Garm drop the hypnosis when He or Lloyd slept? Would he force the 3 of them (so Misako too) to sleep huddled together like a pack thing.
Lloyd tries to sneak out and gets pulled back in with a hand from Emperor Garm.
"You're getting all 9 of your hours of sleep, boy."
Lloyd: used to getting 5 on average, "what?"
I don’t know!!! 😭
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