#evil perversion
dansnotavampire · 1 month
i rly do love bg3 but the fact that there are three fat people and they are a woman who you can talk into dying due to her lust for gold, a man who you can talk into drinking himself to death, and Yurgir, a guy who charms a displacer beast into being in love with him, really leaves a sour taste in my mouth lmao
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wolfieloveswade · 3 months
me at eric kripke right now
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sspoike · 3 months
HOLY SHIT YOUR TAGS ON THE SPIKE WILLOW TARA SET!!! HOW have I never drawn the comparison between Tara and Dru there. It seems sooo obvious reading your tags, much big brain, but I always just looked at daaaw Willow Spike bonding <3
omg THANK YOU!!!!! Something about that Spiral scene feels like such an underrated Spike and Willow connection. I remember my first thought regarding this scene was that his patience with Tara was completely unsurprising. He loved Drusilla. He spent a century caring for her on hand, knee, and foot. I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t even his first time playing “surprise sunshine peekaboo.”
The whole interaction got me thinking about how Spike spent a century in the spot that Willow is in right at that moment, how there was probably a stressful learning curve for him and Dru, shrouded in the mental toll and grief that Willow was only beginning to experience. Without knowing what would come of Tara’s future, I can’t help but think that when Spike looked at Willow, he had a decent idea of what she personally faced.
And then THAT got me thinking about the parallels between William Pratt and early seasons Willow. Them both starting out at earnestly sweet nerds with good intentions, constantly bullied by their peers, growing into their strength and power and self-confidence that kind of kills of bunch of people??? And then inevitably chooses to use their superpower for good??? I mean I don’t really know what to do with these dots but brother I’m connecting them.
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
For a book which makes it explicitly clear that the author has no idea what the Eucharist actually is, Dracula has some really strong Eucharistic themes.
It's like "Dracula, a damned creature, who may look alive but is actually dead, has this endless need inside him which he attempts to satisfy by draining the literal and spiritual life from those around him through the consumption of their blood—but, since he is in fact dead, their life can have no effect on his nature and he ultimately remains empty of life no matter how he tries to fill the void" (GEE, it's almost like he's spiritually dead and trying to consume mortal life as a substitute for the Divine Life from which he has cut himself off!! It's almost like how receiving the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin doesn't help you and is in fact another mortal sin, because you are too cut off from the Life of Christ to receive Him!)
And you get to Lucy and it's like "the blood of those who love her, given to her in love, is a medium which conveys not only life-sustaining strength but also a literal portion of their strength and their love for her into Lucy's body and soul" (GEE. WHERE HAVE I HEARD OF THAT CONCEPT)
And then Van Helsing starts running around committing an unbelievable amount of casual Eucharistic sacrilege with, apparently, the best intentions in the world! And it's just. Stoker. You are so close. And apparently you have no idea.
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weyounthevorta · 3 months
Enemies & Lovers
You will have a wild and decadently hedonistic love affair with one of these men. The others, spurned and spiteful, are now out to exact vengeance on you.
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that-sarcastic-writer · 3 months
Daemons hood of evil is so foul. Mf pulled it up to actually throw his first wife off a horse, to conspire against and actually bring aemonds head to his darling wife (but actually ended up inadvertently decapitating an actual child) and even pulls it up to do naughties with his niece (who is also his future darling wife). Daemons hood knows no peace
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devilsskettle · 1 year
thinking about the way that lady macbeth convinces macbeth to kill duncan and yeah she talks about power and cowardice and what he owes to himself and to her, but at the heart of the whole thing is how their child died and she has nothing else to pin her hopes for the future on. unfortunately the fact that they no longer have an heir is also the driving force behind macbeth’s violent paranoia toward banquo which ultimately dooms them
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obsessivefangirl · 2 months
Boo hoo you find a fanbase annoying, you disagree with things a person did, when people get hurt learn to shut the fuck up actually
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outlanderalien · 1 year
Everyone arguing about whether Giselle is trans or not, or whether trans people should claim her or not due to her being a sadistic pervert forget one crucial thing:
I love her <3
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Maybe we’re getting a protagonist switch. Maybe Dazai will be Chuuya’s Oda
Hm well. They don't have that kind of dynamic (and Chuuya doesn't really need that kind of push that Odasaku gave Dazai) and Dazai isn't the protagonist... but it would be kind of interesting if injuring Dazai (if not outright killing him) would be the event that would kickstart more focus in the main manga on Chuuya and the whole "his will not be an easy path". I previously thought something would have to happen with Mori (I still kind of think that) but this might just be enough to get the ball rolling.
I actually theorized months ago that having Dazai "die" temporarily might be interesting from a story standpoint and for what it means for our characters. If Chuuya believed that he killed him? YIKES. I can't see him handling that well, though no doubt, he'll push his feelings down and soldier on. Perhaps this could set up some Atsushi and Chuuya interactions? Pretty please?
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jazzajazzjazz · 3 months
I always find discussion of All That Remains to be super interesting. I see so many people describe it as the saddest moment in DA2 or even the whole series but I couldn’t disagree more.
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fivepebblerhehe · 2 months
au idea
So I've been thinking up a bionicle au that's kinda like the melding timeline where the Makuta are light guys instead of shadow guys, but they're still evil just with different motives. Also the krahkaan and avohkii swap roles and so do Av and Kra matoran.
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quillkiller · 9 days
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oonyula · 9 months
Could you imagine being one of the first guys to see a military tank in action. You think surely it can't get any worse. It's war. And then they bust out the apparatus
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butchmartyr · 2 years
i know im being kind of a bitch lol but one of my fav tumblr moments is watching someone reblog posts about being a #hashtagFreakPervert and then have a dni that calls normie ass kinks problematic
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wolfieloveswade · 3 months
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