Dai releases BC Portal song “One Kiss”
CHARM’s Dai has released a new single through BC Portal. Dai made an appearance on BC Entertainment’s wing of Portal in January when he collaborated with Lipstick’s Ruby for the single “Happening” and he made his solo debut last May with the song “Wild Flower”. His newest single, released in audio form without a music video, draws from the classic rock influences peppering his Self-Portrait mini-album. “One Kiss” is a theatrical rock-influenced ballad, in which Dai takes another step outside of the genres and vocal delivery fans are used to hearing from him within the borders of CHARM’s discography. Dai is credited for helping in part to write the song’s lyrics.
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SBS MTV has announced that Knight’s Duri, Lipstick’s Ruby and CHARM’s Dai will be the three new hosts of The Show.
This will be Ruby’s first time hosting a music show, while it’s Duri’s second time and Dai’s third. When asked about their selection for The Show’s MC team, SBS MTV stated that the chemistry between the three label mates was undeniable and would bring something new and exciting to The Show.
The first episode of The Show starring its three new MCs will air on Tuesday, March 2 at 18:00 KST.
1. they all have a lot of time in the industry! it will be a really professional team
2. “happening” must have been a teaser for this! as a vanity, i’ll be cheering for not only ruby, but her collaborator dai and her senior duri as well
3. how did the show get three bc idols like this? they seriously must have saved kim byungchul himself in a past life
4. duri is about to have a solo comeback... bc better plan on giving him full resources for his comeback if they’re going to keep pushing him into music show mcing
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A few days after the release of his BC Portal single, “One Kiss” on July 12, BC Entertainment has released a statement confirming the solo comeback of CHARM member Dai. After releasing a mini-album in September of last year and releasing a collaboration with Lipstick's Ruby in January of this year, Dai has focused on CHARM related activities as well as hosting The Show and BayFM Tonight Under The Cherry Blossom.
According to reports, the mini album will consist of rock elements and is titled I. The title track will be titled “Mine".
1. i’m interested to see what our dai will deliver this time. i still listening to self-portrait. it had such a strong track list
2. this sound suits dai well!
3. the charm members are working so hard lately
4. ah... i was hoping for something like happening again
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Ruby & Dai release BC Portal song “Happening”
Lipstick’s Ruby and CHARM’s Dai have collaborated to release a new single through BC Entertainment’s wing of the Portal digital music project. The two previously collaborated when Ruby featured on “For You Now” off of Dai’s Self-Portrait mini-album last September. “Happening” is a bittersweet guitar-driven track about the end of a relationship, turning what once could have been a “happy ending” into a brief, ill-fated “happening”. Ruby and Dai both appear in the music video, though they seem to exist in different realms with Dai’s scenes centered around a train and Ruby’s centered around a diner.
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Dai releases first solo mini-album “Self-Portrait″
CHARM’s Dai has dropped his first solo mini-album! Dai made his solo debut in April of this year with the release of the emotional ballad “Wild Flower” and the main vocal is now making a comeback with his first song collection. Dai has also been active in solo activities so far this year as a former cast member of Amazing Saturday DoReMi Market and as a current host of Inkigayo and the radio show Tonight Under The Cherry Blossom Tree for Japanese radio station Bay FM.
The title of Dai’s first solo mini-album is Self-Portrait and he uses the mini-album to paint a self-portrait of his own musicality in the form of of breezy classic rock and indie rock-tinged ballads and emotional lyrics. From the mini-album’s opener “O2″ to its conclusion “For You Now”, which features Dai’s labelmate Lipstick’s Ruby, Dai further explores his voice as a solo artist beyond the confines of his group. Dai helped to write the lyrics of all six tracks on the album, lending to his credibility as an artist within his own “self-portrait”.
The album’s promoted single is “Let’s Love” is the pinnacle of the album’s base musical influences. To accompany the polished rock-influenced ballad, the music video focuses largely on scenes of Dai singing the lyrics of longing. Dai will be promoting the track for a month on music shows.
The track list and notable song credits can be found below.
O2 (partial lyrics by Dai)
Let’s Love (partial lyrics by Dai)
Made In You (partial lyrics by Dai)
Starry Night (partial lyrics by Dai)
Self-Portrait (partial lyrics by Dai)
For You Now ft. Ruby (partial lyrics by Dai)
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[NEWS] CHARM’s Dai announced as newest Save The Children ambassador
Representatives of Save The Children have released a statement revealing CHARM’s Dai as their newest ambassador. The goal of the organization is to improve the lives of children around the world, and Dai will be representing the Korean branch of Save The Children. Representatives have stated that having someone of Dai’s status and in his position will not only bring more attention to the cause, but will hopefully influence people around his age to contribute.
Dai himself has donated ₩1,000,000 to the organization and has released a statement through BC Entertainment as follows: “I’m both honored and filled with pride to be apart of such an important cause. Nothing is more important than the children of today because they’ll be the ones leading us tomorrow. I will do everything in my power to help create a better world for our future leaders. I implore all of my fans, as well as anyone else who is able, to find it in their hearts to donate what they can to Save The Children. Every little bit helps. Thank you to Save The Children for this amazing opportunity. I will work hard to be the best representative that I can be.”
[+568, -9] it’s good to see an idol using their platform to be a good example for their young fans.
[+297, -13] he may look cold but he has the warmest heart
[+124, -22] dai is refreshing. he’s so much better than those other idols who only use their fans as atms
[+29, -2] our dai has such a good head on his shoulders.
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COLLA3ORATE releases “Go″
base’s COLLA3ORATE project has released their next special single, “Go”! “Go” is a hip hop-EDM track exemplifying the confident rebellion of youth through its lyrics (which were contributed to by Fuse’s Suji). The music video was filmed on the streets of Los Angeles with a similar theme to the song’s lyrics. The project group includes idols from all three companies that have come together for the formation of base, notably CHARM’s Yuanjun and Dai, Unity’s Jaeyeol, Origin’s Dawon, and Impulse’s Xiwon.
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Dai releases debut solo single “Wild Flower″
CHARM’s Dai has made his solo debut with the release of a new single titled “Wild Flower”! With the release of the single, Dai is the first member of CHARM to officially make his solo debut. “Wild Flower” is an emotional power ballad that uses its five minute run time to show off Dai’s skills as one of the main vocals of his group. The music video is a one-take  performance of the song filmed in Jeonbuk. Dai is listed as one of the lyricists credited on the song and he will be promoting the single on music shows for a month.
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[NEWS] Origin’s Dawon, Fuse’s Minjung, and CHARM’s Dai announced as new Inkigayo MCs
SBS has confirmed the new MCs of Inkigayo will be Origin’s Dawon, Fuse’s Minjung, and CHARM’s Dai. The trio are slated to begin work as the newest MC team of the show on July 19.
Dai will be making his return to Inkigayo’s MC position after leaving it late last year. Among the new MC team, all three have been making strides in their music career lately with Dawon currently promoting his debut solo single “Candy” and Dai releasing his solo debut “Wildflower” in May. Minjung has been announced to be making her solo debut with a mini-album on July 21.
Along with confirming the news, the Inkigayo production team teased that the three idols will be performing a special stage as MCs. The new MC team’s first episode can be seen on Sunday, July 19, beginning at 15:40 KST.
[+1,121 , -35] inkigayo staff has a good sense for visuals
[+525, -56] what did sbs trade to get an origin member to be a music show mc?
[+311, -68] minjung and dai have such cool vibes about them... they’re my favorites, so i hope they become friends
[+302, -19] dai ㅜㅜ charmings loved you on inkigayo, we’re glad you’re back!
[+171, -20] minjung is seriously so pretty... i don’t know much about fuse, but isn’t it worth tuning into inkigayo just to look at her face?
[+21, -24] is dawon gold star’s new favorite now that joohwan had a scandal?
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[INTERVIEW] CHARM’s Dai talks first solo mini-album Self-Portrait
CHARM member Dai made his solo debut in May with the release of “Wild Flower”, which found success on the charts for its emotive ballad sound. As summer turns into fall, Dai has now made a return as a solo artist with the release of his first ever solo mini-album Self-Portrait. Exclusive got to have the first interview with Dai about the release of his first solo mini-album. Read what he had to say below!
You made your solo debut in May with “Wild Flower”. How was preparing your first mini-album different from preparing your solo debut?
“Preparing for my first mini-album wasn’t much different from preparing for my solo debut. The same elements were involved; I did a lot of writing and rewriting with some of BC’s songwriters. I recorded songs over and over again until they were up to my own standard. Of course it took me a while longer to prepare my mini-album compared to my solo debut, so that would be the only difference that I can personally see.”
How would you describe the concept of your mini-album?
“I don’t want to sound cheesy or cliché, but the concept of my mini-album is love. It shows the different sides of love; platonic, romantic, hard and easy. With this mini-album, I wanted to show that singing about love doesn’t have to be tedious and repetitive, and it doesn’t always have to be easy. Love involves hurt too. I think I did a good job at conveying the concept through my lyrics and singing, I hope everyone else agrees.”
Do you believe you’ve shown new sides yourself as a soloist through your first mini-album in comparison to what you show as CHARM’s Dai? If so, what are these sides?
“I do believe that I’ve shown new sides of myself as a soloist with my mini-album. CHARM’s music, for the most part, is really upbeat and fun. When our music isn’t upbeat and fun, it tends to fall a little bit more on the darker, hard hitting side. Neither of those sounds make an appearance in my mini-album. I’ve helped write songs for CHARM before, but I’ve never gone as... lyrically deep with those songs as I have with my own. I think that I’ve shown the true artistic and musician sides of myself through my mini-album, and I hope that everyone can see those sides and welcome them.”
What was your songwriting process for the songs you helped to write the lyrics for on this album?
“Is it strange to say that I don’t have a songwriting process? I tend to just... write whatever comes to my mind first. I don’t always use what comes to my mind first of course, because things go through rewrites and such, but I always write my best lyrics when I’m not trying to force myself to write. The songwriting sessions I had with BC’s songwriters were usually spur of the moment. I would write something, then reach out to them and see if they could come in and listen to it or help me fix a few things. The mini-album was a collaborative effort between me and other talented writers, and I think we did a good job.”
Other than the title track, which is your favorite song on the album? Why?
“My favorite song on the album apart from “Let’s Love” would have to be “For You Now”. It’s one of my favorites because the lyrics hold a lot of meaning to me, and because I was able to work with Ruby noona. Lipstick is a group that I’ve listened to for years and  really enjoy their music. And Ruby noona is a lot of fun to work with, and extremely talented and professional. She made recording the track a fun experience that I’ll always remember whenever I listen to “For You Now”.”
Do you have any other comments you’d like to make to your fans?
“Yes. To my CHARMings, please stay safe and healthy. The weather is changing and it’s very easy to get sick during these times. And thank you for all the support you’ve shown to me and CHARM over the past five years. The reception to my solo work has been really satisfying and makes me want to work harder to show you all a much better Dai in the future. Please look forward to my future activities, both with CHARM and as a solo act.”
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[NEWS] CHARM’s Dai to be the new host of BayFM Tonight Under The Cherry Blossom Tree
BC Entertainment has officially released a statement confirming Dai’s upcoming endeavor as the host of BayFM Tonight Under The Cherry Blossom Tree. The radio show is primarily in Japanese, the upcoming host’s native language, and will involve a wide array of different topics, ranging from pop culture, literature and even romance, that Dai will go into detail on and discuss with the listeners at home. This will be Dai’s first time hosting a radio show.
BayFM Tonight Under The Cherry Blossom Tree hosted by Dai will begin airing on August 10 and will air every Thursday night from 00:00-00:30 KST.
[+499, -14] charm’s doing well in japan these days. this is good for japanese fans!
[+321, -11] bc was missing out by not letting dai promote in his home country more
[+103, -8] i want a charm member to host a korean radio show ㅜㅜ
[+30, -8] ah... i won’t be able to understand, but i’ll find some way to listen anyway!
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[NEWS] BC Entertainment confirms Dai solo debut with single
In the midst of participating on Amazing Saturday DoReMi Market and preparing for a group comeback, representatives of BC Entertainment have released an official statement confirming speculations of Dai of CHARM’s solo debut.
CHARM has been quite a busy group this past year, and Dai’s individual opportunities haven’t been slacking either. After proving himself to be a vocal powerhouse on King of Mask Singer and becoming one of the newest faces among variety stars, Dai will be taking the next step as an artist and promoting his own solo music.
BC has confirmed Dai’s participating on the writing of his upcoming single “Wild Flower”, set to be released on May 18th, 2020.
[+822, -13] our dai is so talented. i know it will be great
[+512, -41] wow, charm is branching out into their first solo debut? it feels like yesterday that they debuted, but now is a good time
[+317, -22] won’t he have just finished promoting with charm’s new subunit then? i hope he’s taking care of himself
[+20, -19] charm should really be focusing on group activities now that they’re doing so well
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Dingo releases new Dingo K-Drama video starring CHARM’s Dai
Dingo K-Drama has released a new video through their YouTube channel.
Ever wonder what it would be like to have an idol as your significant other? This lucky fan was able to experience the fantasy first hand in this upcoming video from Dingo K-Drama’s Youtube channel. Titled “What if CHARM’s Dai was your boyfriend for a day?”, the video follows Dai and a lucky fan throughout a day filled with fun couple activities.
[+348, -19] he seems like the type who would take care of his girlfriend well
[+222, -23] as a dai fan, this was really heart-fluttering
[+90, -59] he’s only setting himself up if he gets in a dating scandal any time soon ㅋㅋㅋ
[+23, -18] dingo is asking the question i ask myself every day...
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[NEWS] CHARM’s Dai joins main cast of Amazing Saturday DoReMi Market
After much speculation amongst fans, BC Entertainment has finally made a statement confirming that CHARM’s Dai will be joining the cast of tvN’s Amazing Saturday DoReMi Market. As one of the younger cast members of the show, tvN hopes that having Dai will bring in another fresh perspective to appeal to the public.
Dai’s first episode of Amazing Saturday DoReMi Market will be aired on February 1st.
[+806, -9] right before charm’s comeback? charming will be supporting you, but please don’t overwork yourself ㅠㅠ
[+614, -14] he was charming when he hosted inkigayo. i’m a wishing well so i tuned in so soojin, but dai seems like a good kid.
[+391, -38] is this a sign bc will be giving him a solo debut this year?
[+68, -28] seriously, what deal does bc have with tvn?
[+23, -36] a lipstick member and now a charm member... are the ratings doing that poorly or did bc have some extra money to spend for the new year?
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[NEWS] CHARM’s Dai, WISH’s Soojin, and Element’s Sun announced as new Inkigayo MCs
WISH’s Soojin, CHARM’s Dai, and Element’s Sun have been announced as a new MC team for “Inkigayo.” Soojin, best known for being one of the Nation’s Girl Group’s members, solidifies her spot alongside vocal powerhouse CHARM’s Dai as making names for themselves individually, while internationally popular Element’s Sun reacquaints himself with home base.
Representatives from BC and Gold Star have confirmed they will be joining together, despite this being the first major MC gig of all the team members. According to SBS, there will be a special stage dedicated to showing the talents of these new MCs. Their first episode will be on Sunday, August 18th at 3:50 p.m. KST.
[+1,120, -34] three charming, clean kids from top companies! inkigayo is lucky to have them
[+914, -27] sun is the oldest by years but had the latest debut. that’s cute ㅋㅋㅋ
[+530, -25] soojin is going to look so tiny between them ㅋㅋ
[+205, -33] charmings, let’s support soojin and sun! they’re our dai’s team now!
[+113, -21] gold star might as well have signed sun as a host instead of an idol ㅜㅜ i love his radio show, but element should come back more often if they want to rise...
[+60, -39] wish is touring and way too popular to be reduced to music show mcs but it wouldn’t be bc if they didn’t milk them for a paycheck
[+6, -22] soojin and dai look so pretty together, right?
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CHARM’s Dai to guest host Weekly Idol
With one of their hosts currently on leave due to health reasons, Weekly Idol has been having different guest hosts to fill in for the missing spot for the past few weeks. The next guest host on their roster is none other than CHARM’s Dai.
CHARM has been extremely popular these days, making a name for themselves in households across the nation. Dai hasn’t been slacking all that much either, having notable performances on King of Mask Singer and becoming the face of Kissing Heart Eyewear, it would have been hard not to see his face over the past few months. With him being the new temporary host of Weekly Idol, it’s a safe bet to say that he’ll charm his way into the hearts of more people than he already has.
The first Weekly Idol episode with Dai guest hosting will be aired September 25th.
[+391, -33] charm should be having a comeback soon~ i hope he’s hosting when the group goes on next. it would be cute!
[+300, -15] charm doesn’t go on variety enough. they all have charming personalities but they get buried in such a big group.
[+211, -23] does anyone know who’s going to be on the episodes he’s guest hosting? i can’t wait to see him interact with other idols!
[+132, -30] i wish bc would give him more schedules to get public attention instead like king of mask singer... he could really charm all of the moms and grannies with his voice.
[+94, -12] i want dai to do an ost for sirius’s next drama. or they could do one together?
[+24, -6] i’ll be watching for dai!
[+9, -20] bc will be quitting charm soon and dai and sirius will be the victors ㅋㅋㅋ
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