#except from the mashup makers <3
septembersghost · 2 years
Nothing beats falling cardigan tbh. I am usually not a fan of mashups but holy cricket........that was literal perfection. It was the song that made me wish they never dated. Their voices work so well together and if you didn't know the songs,you would probably think it is a collab. It's a shame that it's not popular enough
this one? 💚
i'm still not over the imagery in the cardigan video echoing moments from the falling video to the point where it looks intentional, but was probably entirely coincidence? what, i ask the universe, was the reason?!
here's why i think there's a particularly captivating, almost old hollywood romance aspect to their story (and i always feel like i should be clear i don't say this in a current "shipping" type of way, but it is really an intriguing artistic question) - had they not dated, maybe they could've musically collaborated platonically instead, and it would be brilliant because their voices are so beautifully complementary (it's wild how good mashups are, imagine if they created something with intent that was real!). but. if they hadn't dated, and kept coming in and out of each other's lives, and each other's music, they also wouldn't be who they are. not even personally, but professionally as well. that great unspoken dialogue wouldn't be there. what is the album taylor creates following red if not for him? she likely would've pivoted into pop anyway, but that album would not have been 1989, at least not as we know it. (a couple of red tracks vanish too.) suddenly we've lost style and ootw (goodbye to question...? now as well) and ayhtdws and iwyw and hygtg and this love and i know places and wonderland. what replaces them? we'll never know. does any of the trajectory of her life stay the same? is 1989 even as massive? does she meet the same people, go to the same places? her entire career and catalog and life could suddenly shift on their axis. this is true across taylor's life, eliminate one experience, good or bad, and her path changes, but because 1989 was what it was, and serves now as a kind of crossroads, it stands out.
the same goes for harry in many respects - for example, made in the am no longer has certain songs, but far more than that, HS1 is now a *fundamentally* different record. when he goes solo, what does he create? how does it change him and his approach, his emotions, even the core of his songwriting? it's the epitome of - if one thing had been different, would everything be different today? (and i'm not saying the 1 is about this situation at all, but the wondering what-if still makes that a good way to describe it.) i wish we could hear what they might've made together, and yet i love what they actually have made separately. i wish they could work together at some point, but understand why it's impossible.
it's a little bit of a great love story that was never told, and it's a little bit of a potential musical meeting of talent that never happened, and it's a lot...choices and youth and the mystical way the chips fall.
timing is a funny thing.
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ellynneversweet · 3 years
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Whichever side of the ‘Dante counts as fanfic’ debate you fall on, you’ll think better with a coffee in hand. These mugs feature a mashup of mid-century paperback and contemporary site design and two original logos, overlaid with meme-tastic summaries of The Divine Comedy in four versions (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, and Omnibus) that should not under any circumstances be mistaken for study guides. Available on Redbubble.
Additional pictures and transcriptions of the back text below the cut:
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Inferno Part 1 of The Divine Comedy Dante_Alighieri The Bible, Classical Rome RPF, Greek Mythology
   Dante Alighieri&Publius Vergilius Maro, Paolo Malatesta/Francesca da Polenta,  Dante Alighieri (OC), Virgil,  Homer, Charon, Lucifer, Ulysses, Diomedes, Nimrod, Cerberus, Jason (The Argonautica), Julius Caesar, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, Cassius, King Minos, Thaïs, Nicholas III, Brunetto Latini, Farinata degli Uberti, Pietro della Vigna, Count Ugolino, Archbishop Ruggieri of Pisa, Filippo Argenti, Ezzelino III da Romano, Guido da Montefeltro, Bertrand de Born, Master Adam of Brescia, Mordred (Arthuriana), Ganelon (The Song of Roland) burn book poetry, afterlife!au, philosophy, theology, self-insert protagonist, everyone you love is dead, ensemble cast spanning all of recorded history, angst, damnation, torture, gore, vore, BEES, hell freezing over, demonic possession, rains of fire and rivers of blood, shapeshifting, rocks fall everyone’s already dead, dead dove do not eat, never meet your idols, rap battles, cool motive still adultery, in which the author borrows heavily from Aristotle, Boniface VIII has sacred offices if you have coin, calling out the Church, author doesn't believe in the Church's Temporal Power and will die on that hill, demonic ass-trumpets, suspiciously specific prophecy, Florence is empty and all the assholes are in Hell, Pisa’s magistrates are as crooked as their bell tower, face God (until He twists your head around) and walk backwards into Hell, abseiling off Satan’s back hair, stars in their multitudes
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
Lost in the woods on Good Friday, Dante encounters a ghost.
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Purgatorio Part 2 of The Divine Comedy Dante_Alighieri The Bible, Classical Rome RPF, Greek Mythology 
  Dante Alighieri&Publius Vergilius Maro, Dante Alighieri/Beatrice Portinari Dante Alighieri (OC), Virgil, Beatrice Portinari, Cato the Younger, Manfred of Sicily, Belacqua (OC), Rudolph I, Ottokar II, Philip the Bold, Henry III, Currado Malaspina, Nino Visconti, Oderisi of Gubbio, Guido del Duca, Marco Lombardo, Adrian V, Hugh the Great, Statius, Forese Donati, Bonagiunta Orbicciani,  Guido Guinizelli,  Arnaut Daniel, Cimabue  burn book poetry, afterlife!au, philosophy, theology, self-insert protagonist, everyone you love is dead, ensemble cast spanning all of recorded history, waiting for God(ot), making amends, saints and sinners, redemption, courtly love, confession, second chances, hurt/comfort, mountain climbing, spiritual boot-camp, it’s not technically torture if they don’t have a corporeal form, but being told to walk through a wall of fire is still pretty alarming, student surpassing the master, in which the author posits that sin is just love inverted, pride vs humility, envy vs generosity, wrath vs meekness, sloth vs zeal, avarice vs moderation, gluttony vs temperence, lust vs chastity, suspiciously specific prophecy, magically-induced memory loss, gardening in Eden, stars in their multitudes
As ants, in their dark company, will touch their muzzles, each to each, perhaps to seek news of their fortunes and their journeyings.
Dante and Virgil come to the shore of Purgatory at dawn, and once more start to climb. Dante learns of challenges he has yet to face, and rediscovers a love he’d thought lost forever. 
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Paradiso Part 3 of The Divine Comedy Dante_Alighieri Dante Alighieri/Beatrice Portinari
  Dante Alighieri, Beatrice Portinari, Piccarda Donati, Constance I of Sicily, Justinian I, Charles Martel of Anjou, Cunizza da Romano, Folquet de Marseilles, St Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, Gratian, Peter Lombard, King Solomon, Dionysius the Areopagite, Orosius, Boethius, Isadore of Seville, The Venerable Bede, Richard of Saint Victor, Siger of Brabant, St Bonaventure, Cacciaguida, Joshua, Judas Maccabeus, Charlemagne, Roland (The Song of Roland), Godfrey of Bouillon, King David, Hezekiah, Trajan, Constantine I, William II of Sicily, Ripheus the Trojan (The Aeneid), Peter Damian, The Virgin Mary, Peter the Apostle, St James the Greater, John the Apostle, St Bernard, The Everlasting Gardener burn book poetry, afterlife!au, philosophy, theology, self-insert protagonist, everyone you love is dead, ensemble cast spanning all of recorded history, suspiciously specific prophecy, extensive discussion of virtue, Deus Ex Machina, HEA, meeting the man behind the curtain, revelation, further up and further in, all dogs go to heaven (except Cerberus), improbably large marching band formations, ineffable astronomy, O, swear not by the moon th' inconstant moon,  stars in their multitudes 
Loveliness which, even as we climb the steps of this eternal palace, blazes with more brightness; were it not tempered here, would be so brilliant that, as it flashed, your mortal faculty would seem a branch a lightning bolt has cracked.
Virgil returns to Limbo. Dante prepares to meet his Maker.
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The Divine Comedy Dante_Alighieri the complete work: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso The Bible, Classical Rome RPF, Greek Mythology
Dante Alighieri&Publius Vergilius Maro, Paolo Malatesta/Francesca da Polenta, Dante Alighieri/Beatrice Portinari Dante Alighieri (OC), Virgil, Beatrice Portinari, Homer, Charon, Lucifer, Statius, Ulysses, Diomedes, Nimrod, Cerberus, Jason (The Argonautica), Julius Caesar, Judas, Brutus, Cassius, King Minos, Thaïs, Nicholas III, Brunetto Latini, Farinata degli Uberti, Pietro della Vigna, Count Ugolino, Archbishop Ruggieri of Pisa, Filippo Argenti, Ezzelino III da Romano, Guido da Montefeltro, Bertrand de Born, Master Adam of Brescia, Mordred (Arthuriana), Ganelon (The Song of Roland), Cato the Younger, Manfred of Sicily, Belacqua (OC), Rudolph I, Ottokar II, Philip the Bold, Henry III, Currado Malaspina, Nino Visconti, Oderisi of Gubbio, Guido del Duca, Marco Lombardo, Adrian V, Hugh the Great, Statius, Forese Donati, Bonagiunta Orbicciani,  Guido Guinizelli,  Arnaut Daniel, Cimabue,  Piccarda Donati, Constance I of Sicily, Justinian I, Charles Martel of Anjou, Cunizza da Romano, Folquet de Marseilles, St Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, Gratian, Peter Lombard, King Solomon, Dionysius the Areopagite, Orosius, Boethius, Isadore of Seville, The Venerable Bede, Richard of Saint Victor, Siger of Brabant, St Bonaventure, Cacciaguida, Joshua, Judas Maccabeus, Charlemagne, Roland (The Song of Roland), Godfrey of Bouillon, King David, Hezekiah, Trajan, Constantine I, William II of Sicily, Ripheus the Trojan (The Aeneid), Peter Damian, The Virgin Mary, Peter the Apostle, St James the Greater, John the Apostle, St Bernard, The Everlasting Gardener burn book poetry, afterlife!au, philosophy, theology, self-insert protagonist, everyone you love is dead, ensemble cast spanning all of recorded history, angst, damnation, torture, gore, vore, BEES, hell freezing over, demonic possession, rains of fire and rivers of blood, shapeshifting, rocks fall everyone’s already dead, dead dove do not eat, never meet your idols, rap battles, cool motive still adultery, in which the author borrows heavily from Aristotle, Boniface VIII has sacred offices if you have coin, calling out the Church, author doesn't believe in the Church's Temporal Power and will die on that hill, demonic ass-trumpets, Florence is empty and all the assholes are in Hell, Pisa’s magistrates are as crooked as their bell tower, face God (until He twists your head around) and walk backwards into Hell, abseiling off Satan’s back hair, waiting for God(ot), making amends, saints and sinners, redemption, courtly love, confession, second chances, hurt/comfort, mountain climbing, spiritual boot-camp, it’s not technically torture if they don’t have a corporeal form, but being told to walk through a wall of fire is still pretty alarming, student surpassing the master, in which the author posits that sin is just love inverted, pride vs humility, envy vs generosity, wrath vs meekness, sloth vs zeal, avarice vs moderation, gluttony vs temperence, lust vs chastity, suspiciously specific prophecy, magically-induced memory loss, gardening in Eden, extensive discussion of virtue, Deus Ex Machina, HEA, meeting the man behind the curtain, revelation, further up and further in, all dogs go to heaven (except Cerberus), improbably large marching band formations, ineffable astronomy, O swear not by the moon th' inconstant moon,  stars in their multitudes 
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albatrossisland · 5 years
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Since my last post, I’ve been taking the time to read some more WIPs and holy shit you all, we are a talented bunch!
So here’s another batch of stories that are in progress but are definitely worth a read.
Cloudbusting by disappointed-turtle - There are only two chapters of this modern AU about sailing, and the first chapter is a long flashback, but just, wow. I was speechless after the first chapter, where we’re with a teen Brienne and the world she grows up in. It’s awful, and so heartfelt, and a great foundation to build a romance around, and I cannot wait to read more.  
Constant as the Northern Star by @pretty--thief - Brienne and Jaime on Deep Space 9!!! Yes, this story is only at the beginning but goddamn, what an utterly inticing mashup of my interests. And the title is from my absolute favorite Joni Mitchell song. I never stood a chance, and thank the maker, it’s really off to a great start.
A Ghost Here Amongst the Living by @kurikaesu-haru and extra-credit - Oh boy, this fic is about as niche as it gets. It’s 1) a haunted house mystery 2) set in roughly Victorian era 3) with serious Flowers in the Attic homages. It’s also a totally gripping story about growing up in traumatic circumstances, and how that can warp the people (and the environment) living in that mess. Super angsty, and more than halfway done, and so good! If any of that appeals to you, you should definitely check it out.
My Heart is Holding on to You by @agirlnamedkeith​ - I have a lot of emotions around this fic that is definitely not happening. It’s post book canon, and Jaime has come to Tarth about ten years after the end of the war. What happened to them is slowly doled out as they meet again and work out some feelings. I adore second chance romances, and this is no exception. 
The Shadows We Lead by @ladyinredfics​ - This is almost a cheat, because there’s only one chapter left of this fix-it (Brienne prevented Jaime from leaving Winterfell, and the story takes off from there), but I love it because I have NO IDEA how it’s going to end, and I’m absolutely OK with it. 
She’s Beauty, She’s Grace (She’ll Punch You in the Face) by @slipsthrufingers - Hands down, one of the best modern Briennes I’ve read. It’s a Miss Congeniality AU that tosses out all the stuff that’s troubling in the movie (I never bought that a grown ass woman wouldn’t own a hair brush!), and makes a gripping read about a woman coming into her own power (not necessarily beauty) while hunting down a serial bomber. And Varys is the Michael Caine role, and he’s so well written, I just want more and more.
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Hello! I was thinking of drawing my mc one of these days but I'm very bad with clothes, I was wondering do you have any kind of (time) reference or movie references for the outfits? Also If you could describe CC and AL (male version) appearance a little more, in case I wanna draw them two (yeap those two are my favs)
I’m SO glad that I can finally rant about clothes. Get ready for a much longer post then you asked for.
At the beginning of the game, The Ravos court favors clothing inspired by the Tudor era (16th century mostly). Which means dark colors, especially red and blue and green if you’re feeling adventurous, with embroidery ranging from simple to detailed. These clothes are heavy with lots of layers and pretty restrictive. There are exceptions to this but I like to use the more darker examples for the game.
(Divine doll has a Tudor doll maker so it makes for tool to design your mc!) 
Later on in the game you can actually choose to influence the courts fashion and change the style to a baroque/Rococo (18th century) mashup.  Which means less restrictive, more lace, and a lot more color! (Which Madeline will personally thank you for) Think of a more toned down Maire Antoinette but without the wigs and those super wide Panniers because I made this world so I get to cherry pick historical clothing.
There are some of my most favorite examples!
Example 1
Example 2 (but in a light blue)
Example 3
This website is also great if you want a lot of references!
As for Cassius and Ashton, I actually played around with divine dolls a while back just to see how close it would be to my imagination (Answer: not that much). I can post them later if you guys want to see them but as for now,
Cassius: He’s very tall (6′4) with a muscular build and broad shoulders. Cassius has very strong facial features (especially his jawline, ooh boy), black hair that reaches his neck, fair skin (though he starts getting a tan while he’s in Ravos) and gray eyes .
Ashton: He’s average height (5′10) with a more lithe build, verging on lean with pale skin. His face is more sharper and angular (have you seen those cheek bones!?). Ashton’s famous for his light copper (short and curly but he usually slicks it back) and bright green eyes.
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thisguyatthemovies · 6 years
You say you want an evolution?
If predatory aliens really are headed to Earth to further evolve by highjacking our DNA, can they hurry up and do it before there’s another “Predator” movie?
“The Predator” – the fourth in a series that started 31 years ago; the sixth if you include the two “Alien/Predator” mashups – hit theaters recently, and many people will see it, regardless of a plethora of negative reviews. Including this one.
Shane Black, who had a role alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original “Predator” (almost universally regarded as the best film in the series), directed and co-wrote this time. And though he knows his way around these types of movies (he wrote the “Lethal Weapon” scripts and wrote and directed “Iron Man 3”), what he has given ardent followers of the franchise is a mess. But not even an interesting mess. Just your garden variety mess.
Take the plot. Please. “The Predator” mixes several story lines, none of them particularly appealing.
There’s Quinn McKenna (Boyd Holbrook), a sniper for the military who has “first contact” with a predator, disables it and then thinks it a good idea to take some of its armor and mail it back home. This brings us to plot point No. 2, McKenna’s autistic 11-year-old son Rory (Jacob Tremblay), who opens the package and starts using the equipment like a virtual reality video game, thus summoning more predators to Earth and making him their target (the implication that those on the autism spectrum are the most advanced form of humans). Also in the mix, a scientist (Olivia Munn) brought in to study the genetics of the captured predator before things, of course, go horribly awry and she, like everyone else, is left to shoot anything and everything.
Throw in a ragtag team of disturbed former soldiers, a government agent who is at first trying to make sure Quinn McKenna is killed but then enlists his help, and a late-in-the-mix story about how “good” predators are trying to reach Earth to save everyone from the “bad” predators, and you get a sense for how much is going on in this movie. And yet there is so much going on that seemingly little happens.
Except … dialogue. The characters talk. All. Of. The. Time. A few lines here and there are about scientific mumbo jumbo, and we get brief snippets (but nothing more) of each of the (too) many characters’ back stories. But mostly it’s profanity and rapid-fire quips that miss the target more than they hit it.
The result is sigh- and groan-inducing. The most talkative scenes are exhausting to watch and listen to. Because there are so many characters to get to, a scene in a bus (Quinn McKenna is being transported to a place where he and the other PTSD-ravaged former soldiers will be killed by the government) seems to go on for weeks. It’s laced with off-color jokes straight out of a high school locker room. And the group includes a former soldier with Tourette’s (are you already laughing?), which at least gives him an excuse for making f**k or a variation thereof every other word to come out of his mouth. The other characters just say it a lot so that, you know, we get it that they’re tough guys.
The bus scene also introduces us to a former soldier played by the always funny Keegan-Michael Key. Only he’s not funny here. You must work to make Key not funny, but the makers of “The Predator” apparently put in the work.
Even during the unnecessarily relentless dialogue, the action never stops. Black kicks things into high gear from the get-go and never lets us catch our breath. Trouble is, most of the action takes place at night, and that, coupled with the frenetic pace, creates a kind of visual white noise effect. Following along can be difficult.
Making matters worse, almost everything is in CGI, and it’s not particularly good CGI by today’s standards. This despite seemingly everyone under the sun having worked on this movie’s graphics. Chances are you know someone on the CGI team. (The credits even include a note on how many jobs were created in the making of “The Predator,” which seems a way to say, “Please don’t criticize this movie.”)
The acting? Not notable, even by action movie standards, which isn’t exactly a high bar to clear. Holbrook is good at playing the nasty “dude bro” (much like he did in “Logan,” only here he is the good guy). Trevante Rhodes (“Moonlight”) has a nice turn as one of the crazy soldiers, having put a bullet hole in his own head, only to walk himself to the hospital. Tremblay seems in over his head, but he’s just a kid.
While Oscar certainly won’t be calling anytime soon, Munn and her character fare the best, though her role seems to diminish as the movie sprints along. She more than holds her own with Quinn McKenna and his band of solider misfits, not only in the killing department but with their nasty dialogue.
Munn made news before “The Predator” opened, rightly calling out Black for having included in the cast a friend who is a registered sex offender. Black at first said he was trying to help actor Steven Wilder Striegel; once the inevitable Twitter firestorm kicked in, he backtracked (doesn’t everyone?) and said the friend in question had lied to him about what his conviction was all about. Munn was upset that her fellow cast members didn’t rally around her, not at first, with at least one publicly wondering if Munn could have waited until after the film’s debut as to not damage its box-office hopes.
20th Century Fox responded to Munn by deleting the scene that included Striegel. After watching “The Predator,” one can’t help but think it’s unfortunate Striegel wasn’t in every single scene.
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pulsdmedia · 3 years
The Week Ahead 1/16-1/22
We love to indulge, we love to laugh, and we love to treat ourselves. This week is about doing all of the above in New York City, so get out of your pajamas, face the day, and reward all that hard work with something special...
$49 Delicious Caribbean Bottomless Brunch For Two
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Sure, a trip to the Caribbean seems far off, until you step foot in Fats Duvall's Rhum Cafe! You’ll adore the SoHo locale's colorful & cozy scene that feels like home away from home, ideal for a fabulous brunch. Expect weekend delights infused with homemade Latin-Caribbean spins by Chef Monique Cadavona, and a cocktail program by drinks connoisseur Linda Garcia (Clover Club). Standouts to devour include Kreyol Shrimp & Grits (creamy cheddar grits, shrimp, peppers, onions, cherry tomatoes), the Easy Lox (lox, two poached eggs, roasted red potatoes, bacon bits), and Fat’s Smash Burger (Pat le Frieda beef, cheddar, bacon, fried egg, lettuce, tomato, onion, salsa verde). Swig from endless pours of cocktails including Bloody Marias while you get major wanderlust...
A Concert of Gershwin, Ravel, and More
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Pianist Aaron Diehl’s dual brilliance in jazz and classical music make him the ideal collaborator for The Knights in this sensational program probing the interconnectivity of these two sound worlds. Diehl joins the ensemble for a pair of works that explore it best, Gershwin’s iconic, irresistible Rhapsody in Blue and genre-crossing trailblazer Mary Lou Williams’ Zodiac Suite. The program also features The Knights’ coupling of Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 with selections from Ravel’s Baroque-inspired but thoroughly modern Le Tombeau de Couperin, reflecting new light on a Bach jewel.
50% Off Tickets To A New York Times Critic's Pick Interactive Comedy Show
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Ready to lol and get immersed in the classics? A New York Times Critics' Pick and praised by Time Out, Trip Advisor, Slate Magazine, and more, Drunk Shakespeare is part comedy show and part theatrical mashup. This $29 pulse gets you a Balcony Ticket to this absolutely hilarious show, where for 90 minutes a cast of 5 actors present scenes from Shakespeare’s plays with an improv flair. The twist: one of the actors will do five shots before they perform!Watch the hilarity and mayhem ensue from a vaulted perch with this $39 pulse for a Mezzanine Ticket. Or opt for a view from the best seat in the house with this $49 pulse for a Stage Side Ticket. Debauchery, merriment, craft cocktails, and endless laughter await...
Carnegie Hall Presents a Performance by Maxim Vengerov & Simon Trpčeski
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Maxim Vengerov has everything you want in a violinist: sensational technique, luscious tone, and a passionate heart. Experience all of it and more when the Grammy Award and Gramophone Artist of the Year winner performs Franck’s passionate sonata, a moody Prokofiev masterpiece, Ysaÿe’s technically daunting Caprice, and more.
45% Off 2 & 3 Treatment Spa Day Packages With Refreshments, Tribeca
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Luxurious doesn’t even begin to describe the exceptional scene at Eden Day Spa, a Tribeca haven that’s a New York Magazine Critic's Pick and an oasis for clientele that includes Nicole Kidman & Kevin Bacon. Get the 2 Treatment Spa Day that includes an 80 Minute Essential Massage and Foot Mask, followed by herbal teas and soft drinks as you relax.Make a day of it with the for a 3 Treatment Spa Day that comes with an 80 Minute Essential Massage, a 35 Minute Rosemary Calming Facial, a Foot Mask, and the aforementioned refreshments. Eden Day Spa's masseuses will soothe aches, pains, and knots. Aestheticians are set to effectively zero in on trouble spots on the face when administering cleansing, hydrating facials to achieve maximum glow, while a foot mask draws out toxins and gives your toes that extra sparkle. Head-to-toe perfection...
Japanese Artisans and Makers Market
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IPPIN PROJECT is popping up at The Makers Guild with their Japanese Artisans and Makers market. The studio focuses on Japanese-born traditional lifestyle products and introduces them to the world. Stop by and shop their beautiful Japanese artisan-made collections from tableware to home decor!
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Computer requirements
<Windows> Supported OS Windows® 10 Windows® 8.1
<Mac OS> Supported OS Mac OS X v.10.10 - 10.11 / mac OS 10.14
<Hardware requirements> At least 200MB free space on the hard disk At least 512MB free space in the memory (RAM) *Perform the update after closing other application software. *Disable the computer's sleep setting.
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fic-dreamin · 7 years
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I'm late to the party, but... As the author mentions in the Author's Note in my version of this book, the Dresden Files is a sort of mashup of various genres. An experiment, if you will, that ends up being deemed Urban Fantasy. A very good mashup, at that. Clearly, Harry's character is the real difference maker. A gentleman, bound to a code he could break at any time but doesn't, he's a resourceful (and morbidly funny) wizard who manages to get out of the tightest spots with quick thinking. Go to Amazon
Really enjoyable read! I had seen the (unfortunately) short-lived sci-fi channel show a long time ago and really liked it. Finally got around to picking up this book and was not disappointed (the show was pretty good but as usual the book was better). Go to Amazon
Happily, Another Fantasy Author I Can Add to My Collection...My Book Collection That Is... Wish I'd discovered Jim a little sooner - as this, my first taste of his writing genius - brought me unparalleled enjoyment. His hero's self-deprecating sense of humor and gift for sarcastic commentary have me adding him to the top of my "book characters I want to seduce" list, while Jim's technical know-how of White Lodge Magick kept me from having to scream corrections out loud and sending my imp to bedevil him. Good on you, Jim! Although I purchased the kindle edition - as I do with every author that I need to vet before they are allowed to take up residence in my third dimensional bookshelves - I will be adding as many fine quality hardcovers with Jim's name on their covers that I am able to find. A singular honor, Mr. Butcher...a singular honor... Go to Amazon
Magical Mayhem in Chicago Harry Dresden's a uniquely down-on-his-luck Chicagoan: not only is he behind on his rent, he's a bit of a wash-out with women despite being tall, dark, & at least not overtly ugly. Worse, he's a wizard in a world that doesn't believe in wizards. Okay, so that last part's hard to believe given the kind of mayhem Harry manages to produce. Even in a rainstorm Chicagoans would likely notice an electric blue demon scuttling down the street, or a battle with lightning bolts.. Harry's landlord would definitely take exception to the destruction of his apartment, and I suspect Harry's neighbors would have a word or two to say about the destruction of the building's one elevator. In LA, maybe, you could get away without a demon being noticed, but Chicago? Not... Still this book zings along at such a magical pace that I'm not just willing to forgive the obvious but I've already ordered the series. Go to Amazon
Awesome read I really enjoyed this read. My best friend had bragged about it the whole 3 years I've known her. Even got me to watch the TV show. Yes, I did it backwards. Watched the show THEN read the books. whoops. Anyway, I was laughing the whole time reading it, and I honestly think Harry could be less of a screw up and the writing was sometimes just droning on, I thoroughly enjoyed reading book 1. I will likely get book 2 and go from there. I hope they're all just as entering as this one. Well done. Go to Amazon
Underdog x10, fun as heck to read I've had people warn me that the first book might not be the best way to introduce readers into the world of Dresden but, if it gets better than Book 1, then I can't wait. Go to Amazon
Great Premise, Bad Story One wizard goes against his order and exposes the reality of magic to the public by offering his services for hire. A private investigator with a magic wand. As an avid fantasy book reader I usually love stories like this. Go to Amazon
Oh Harry! Oh how I loved this book! Storm Front was fantastic. I'm so glad I read this book and will continue with the series. Harry Dresden is a great character, I loved his personality, wit and charm. The story was fast paced and full of action. Great writing and all consuming! Thank you Jim Butcher! Go to Amazon
How did I miss this? Was enjoyable, a good first book. Can't wait to read the next, as i'm sure they get better and better Funny, fastpaced, break-neck-speed urban fantasy The PI Magi Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden Great read! Moving on to book 2. I really enjoyed this beginning to what I imagine will be an ... a little to adult for me Jim Butcher has built an amazing world where magic is slowly recognized as being a ... Four Stars
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