#except it's kind of cyberpunky
liinos · 1 year
Lexie Liu music is literally Different... I don't think anyone else could pull it off quite like her but I do think companies (sm) need to start hiring her bc she knows how to make MUSIC!
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cybernightart · 1 year
From what I know the cyber demon Genji skin is apparently from an alternate reality where he is now completely robotic and has no human parts left except for his consciousness and soul. This I know because of a video on gaku space's yt where he said that when he was recording The Voice lines for the cyber demon skin he was told this was an alternate universe Genji who was entirely replaced.
And considering it's a even more cyberpunk universe compared to the already cyberpunky current OverWatch, I think it would be really cool especially considering this season's theme if we had gotten either an omnic mercy or a cyborg mercy, and when I say cyborg mercy I mean it very cyborg mercy being mostly robotic parts with some human elements remaining.
Plus then you can have cyborg/omnic Gency!
And they would both have very light themed stuff because mercy obviously has a giant glowing angel wings which in one of the cinematic cutscenes in storm rising literally flash bangs people. And then cyber demon Genji his whole thing is about light and light coursing through his veins etc etc. Also considering both of them (I'm picturing mercy having a similar situation to Genji where she started off human but has eventually replaced almost everything including her face) don't have mouths they could just kind of gently head butt instead of kiss, even better if there's like a little electric zap when I do it.
Then there could also be a cute thing where as Angela is struggling to come to terms with her cybernetic body, genji's there for her the whole time and takes her to see zenyatta so she can help her like he helped Genji.
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noro-noro-noro · 1 year
had a dream that was really long. how much can I get before it goes away? anyway summary: i'm from the alternate pixel dimension & i have to undergo seven trials of color. we got to 3
anyway i was originally from a slightly more cyberpunky futuristic dimension that lay directly along the normal one. everything in that dimension was made of like pixels like Minecraft blocks.
that part started bc aliens paid us to operate giant Mecha to defend against something for them, but didn't train us at all - we just had potential. somehow. but it was not great tbh. and we were on the younger sife and sort of irresponsible.
anyway I escaped.my.mech or I was done for the day & was running through cyber town or whatever. it looked like Laketown from the hobbit except that everything was made of variously sized 3d pixels. I also had a grappling hook so I could get to higher up zones easier. the whole thing kind of felt underground bt at least on the top floors with their rickety walkways and everything, there was a crack above with sunlight pouring in.
anyways I also got some kind of message that the ancient ones or something needed me to master the 7 colors powers. it kinda felt similar to the seven deadly sins or whatever but it was what it was. the first fight was kind of easy - I broke a large minecraft block sized pixel with the tool I was given and hid my body in the black void outside of the map while the rabid dog woman thig that was my first opponent, the yellow one, sniffed abd tore at the ground - but it was always just out of reach. my soul floated untethered innthe center of the arena. eventually I won.
I don't remember the second boss, I think it was the green one. it teleported me to the real world, the middle of a small grocery store & I had some experience talking to real people and interacting, but I don'tremember the challebge itself. the third boss was the red one and she looked like lust fma. she trapped me in the human world on a time limit but hinted I'd need to build the contraption to return. also she'd appear in reflections to mock me. not like mirror reflections but anything with shine - the metal hooks that products were hanging on, a pot that was for sale, the back of a shelf, etc.
there weren't any permanent portals - if you weren't born to wield the powr of colors, you had to be moved by them or maybe craft a temporary device with a colored UV light that corresponded. this time the grocery store was full of terribly behaved kids from summer camp, but a couple other people were helping me trt to build it, & and turns out one girl wss from my dimension too but she'd been stranded here aftee the pixels shorted out abd briefly glcreated the color that moved her here. she hadn't been here for long at least! so we crafted tge thing while trying to fend off the curious but really really annoying kids, held hands so the light would take both kf us, and rhen the lught teleported itself abd what it was attached ro back hone instead of shining on us. first we scrambled to make another one, but we were not gonna find the right shade of color in the store, but one of the camp counselors that was fed up lived in an area that vorreaponded almost exactly to our universe so the barrier was naturally thinner there, and they had a secret hidden door undee the secobs floor staircase where thwt had a mirror painted red and when only a spotlighr qa in we coild go through. there was like an old lady that lived up there, but when the door was unlocked the red woman was holding her hostage and was like think I'd just let you cheat? prove that you did it right . and we argued our case fairly well and I think she was fine with it in the end
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wasyago · 3 years
updated regularly
Recks AU is a Hermitcraft (s8) Alternative Universe based around the principle "what if all the redstoners were engineers and all the builders (with some exceptions) were robots of some kind, in a cyberpunky setting".
#recks au - general tag
#recks oc - separate tag for your OCs
#recks!character name - character tags ( recks!grian , recks!scar , recks!impulse , recks!mumbo , recks!pearl , recks!jellie , recks!tango , recks!etho , recks!doc , recks!ren , recks!false , recks!xisuma , recks!ex , recks!gem , recks!joe , recks!iskall , recks!stress )
Grian Impulse Mumbo Pearl Doc Ren False Tango Etho
Grian's Lifting Abilities
The Size Of A Football
The Story Of GoodTimesWithScar
A Cat And Her Robot
Blood Brothers (tw graphic description of injury)
Spotify (not updated)
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bonkusdonkus · 4 years
Does anybody know if there’s an official in-world description for what a spell slot actually is? Because as I haven’t seen one. It’s just. A mechanic in the game, to control how many spells you can cast, as far as I know. At the end of the day, it all comes down to how you interpret it into your world.
You could just say spell slots are simply how much magic you have. It’s not a very complex explanation, but it gets the job done. When you use them up, you can’t cast any more spell because you just don’t have enough magic left in you to fuel them, and cantrips are just spells that use so little magic that it doesn’t matter. Leveling up and getting more lots is just your internal pool of magic growing as you use it, kind of the same your muscles getting stronger as you excersize them.
If you wanted to get a bit funky and really wrap your magic into your lore, what if it was a legal thing? What if all magic users had register a license with the government/mages guild/church/or some other extremely powerful authority figure, and your spell slots were how many spells you’re authorized to use? Maybe as you level up, your license gets upgraded, authorizing to use more magic? This might be a fun idea in a dystopian or cyberpunky themed campaign, where The Man is always watching, judging and weighing your worth from afar.
Another idea for really wrapping your magic into your world, is that magic all comes a singular source, and you chanel it through a focus of some kind, like a crystal, or a talisman made from bits of a magical creature. When your focus runs out of juice you’re just out of luck, and can’t cast anymore. (Except for cantrips, obviously.) I guess think of it kinda like Materia from Final Fantasy VII. Magic comes from a big central source, and you’re just tapping into it a bit with your focus. I’m can’t really think of a way to explain how leveling up would work, so I’m gonna move on and leave it to your imagination.
I think my favorite idea though, is that spell slots are a way to measure how much magic your body can take before things start to go... Very, very wrong.
Magic is power. It is the cosmic force of the universe, it is everywhere, it’s in everything, and it is infinite. By casting a spell, you are taking hold of the magic inside you, and shaping it to your will.
But by doing so, you’re taking a massive risk. The power of magic is infinite, you however, are not. Your body can only take so much magic before it starts to fall apart at the seems, like a nuclear reactor during meltdown.
The number and power of spell slots you have is basically your tolerance level, which goes up as you slowly master magic, while cantrips are spells so small they barely use any magic and are therefore much safer.
If you really wanted to double down on this idea, you could even allow your players to cast spells without spell slots, but at a terrible cost. Maybe some big nasty damage rolls? Or a ton of exhaustion? I don’t know, get creative!
I honestly don’t know if any of these ideas would work in game, I’m hardly an expert, so I suppose take them all with a grain of salt. But spitballing ideas is fun, finding ways to explain mechanics in game is cool, and this has been on my mind for a while now. So that’s why I made this thing! I hope you enjoyed my ideas, or at the very least they got you thinking of your own!
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
100 Days of Comics! 044/100: The Punisher 2099 #4 (1993)
Today’s rummage brings us Marvel’s attempt at a cyberpunk AU, Marvel 2099. I was almost alarmed because there’s a Wolverine on the cover and I just went through two Wolverines but the cover is not what it appears.
So I know jack about the Punisher 2099 except he appeared in Contest of Champions and then Punisher Contemporary killed him. I know only a little more about the 2099 line. I read a few scattered issues of Spider-Man 2099 back in the day.
We start off with Punisher 2099 (Jake Gallows) having a nightmare and begging Thor to save his mom. Because Thor is worshiped one-hundred some years into the future.
And then Thor flies past Gallows’ window, bids greetings to Gallows, and probably gets a peep at his dong based on panel layout.
Except its probably not really Thor for realsies. Because outside, the Heroes Day parade has started and everybody is dressed as superheroes. Comparatively a lot of Wolverines and Daredevils.
Heroes Day is organized by Barrio Man and celebrates the Lost Age of Heroes. Because all the characters you know and love are dead because this is cyberpunk, damnit.
As the weather station reports that there’s ozone today so people can go outside without hats, Gallows heads downstairs into his secret prison to feed his secret prisoners.
Apparently that’s one way Gallows is different from Castle. And kind of ironic considering their names. Frank Castle just murders criminal. Gallows, named after a means of execution, locks criminals in a secret prison he built under his house or something.
One of the prisoners pretends that his foodmotron is broken to trick Gallows into opening his cell and then gets into a scrum with him. He didn’t expect to win but he manages to grab a nail while Gallows is distracted.
And then Gallows kicks his ass and throws him back into his cell. But dude has a nail now and that will probably lead to an escape attempt for realsies.
Gallows also has a bludgeon called the power bat that can alter its density. It defaults to hard rubber but Gallows likes hitting people with titanium steel.
Gallows wonders what the point of keeping these criminals locked up is. He doesn’t personally believe that these people can be redeemed. Maybe the psychiatrist at the future cop HQ is right and Gallows is going a little crazy.
Also, Jake Gallows is a cop.
At Public Eye HQ the psychiatrist just got permission to conduct a surprise home visit to see how Jake Gallows is holding up after the death of his family. She thinks he’s reacting too well to it.
Gallows himself comes in to report to the chief that he’s totally getting close to finding out who this Punisher fellow is. But then he overhears that the Cybernostra are moving in on the Decred Barrio with bulldozers in a land grab.
But the Public Eye don’t have any subscribers in the Decred Barrio (because you have to subscribe to the police in cyberpunk future, they’re not a public service) so the Chief declines to get involved. Doesn’t feel good about it but that’s the job. “Heroes don’t get paid -- they get shot. Their wages are bullets in the chest.”
But Jake Gallows puts on his Punisher outfit and heads off to protect Heroes Day.
Barrrio Man is giving a speech about the values the heroes stood for: courage, honor, comradeship, humanity (doesn’t mention but ‘punching your friends in the face once a year’).
Punisher 2099 tries to warn Barrio Man about the Cyber Nostra but Barrio Man says he’s the spirit of the community and cannot die. He’ll deal with the Cyber Nostra. On the other hand, Punisher is a man of extreme violence and will only make the situation worse. Barrio Man asks him to go.
Punisher has to respect his wishes but regrets it. He thinks of them as good people.
And then the Cyber Nostra attack with bulldozers. They immediately start knocking over houses.
When Barrio Man tries to stand in their way, they just slap a super-driver on his spine. Which apparently delivers neuro-electric energy straight into his nervous system and muscles and makes each step he takes double what the last one was.
So before long he’s soaring above the street. He spots Punisher and begs him for help but then SPLUTTs against a wall.
Barrio Man is dead.
Punisher gets punishy.
And embarks on a futurey spree of violence. Including using one of his crotch teeth as a grenazer. Apparently an auto-targeting laser shooting drone. The future sure has a lot of ways to kill people.
The boss of this group of Cyber Nostra manages to get away and Punisher starts to go after him but he’s stopped by a Storm cosplayer. She says that killing and excessive violence are wrong and not the way of the superheroes of old.
Gallows grouses that “Yeah, I’m so wrong, I only saved your sorry butts.”
Cosplay Storm continues that Barrio Man doesn’t want any more bloodshed. Since Barrio Man is currently imitating a pizza-
Nope, he’s standing right behind you!
Barrio Man is the spirit of the community and therefore cannot die. If the body is killed, another will wear the mask.
Gallows kind of gets it. Strength of the community and all.
But they have to ask him again to leave because they cannot believe in or condone lone vigilantes. But they do thank him for saving lives and the Heroes Day paraders wave goodbye as he walks off.
And even though they don’t like how he did it, Gallows feels good about helping the Decred Barrio inhabitants. He’s starting to feel like maybe there is a point and worth to what he does.
And then next issue, his prisoners break out.
I’m not sure what to make of this. I’m not really a huge Punisher fan generally and cyberpunk Punisher is sort of confusing. He puts some people in secret jail, others he just kills. He’s a cop but in the future cops are under the pay of big corporations.
It is a credit to him that he respects and even somewhat admires the Uncred Barrio’s belief in the ideals of the old superheroes. Although the old superheroes definitely believe in punching their way to justice a lot of the time.
I guess there wasn’t much of a way to give a darker and edgier and cyberpunkier edge to Punisher. He’s already the edgiest. He spent his last hours on Earth pre-Secret Wars killing people because he’d feel bad if they got killed by the cessation of existence instead of bullets. He once punched a polar bear so that it would eat someone for him.
Gallows being tasked with tracking down himself is an interesting if not unique twist.
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wasyago · 3 years
Hi I’m a little late to this but what’s the recks au :0? Is it based off of some media or just original ?
recks au is a hc au based around the principle "what if all the redstoners were engineers and all the builders (with some exceptions) were robots of some kind, in a cyberpunky setting?". it's not based around any specific media, but inspired by a lot of different cyberpunk/sci fi settings
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