#except not really but i dont have a tag for sprite edits
purpleisdebeste · 6 months
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in stars and time colour alts
there's a lot of metaphors here but in true isat fashion i will leave them all unexplained
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doubleminor · 4 years
50 questions game
 thank you so much for the tag, linnea (@lajnias!)
what is the color of your hairbrush? purple!
name a food you never eat? broccoli bc belgh
are you typically too warm or too cold? hmm im usually cold! but recently i’ve been too hot 😥
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? starting to study for my power systems exam tmr )’:
what’s your favourite candy bar? kit kat!!
have you ever been to a professional sports game? ye ye! ive been to baseball, hockey, and basketball games.
what is the last thing you said out loud? i’ll be quiet.
what is your favourite ice cream? mmm chocolate chip cookie dough is always really nice!
what was the last thing you had to drink? coca cola
do you like your wallet? yesss it’s this cute little cardholder form nautica that i’ve had for yearsss
what is the last thing you ate? french fries!! best
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? lmao i haven’t bought new clothes in about two years
what’s the last sporting event you watched? i watched the beginning of game 6 of the stanley cup finals last night
what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? regular salted butter popcorn or bust
who is the last person you sent a text message to? my classmate!
ever go camping? no thank you at all
do you take vitamins? yes? ish? kind of
do you regularly attend a place of worship? i should be, but uh. no im lazy
do you have a tan? nah
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? chinese except can we make it asian food in general not just ‘american chinese’ food that i’m assuming this question is asking?? 
do you drink your soda through a straw? only if we’re at a restaurant
what colour socks do you usually wear? black, ive got two pairs of white socks and two pairs of not white/black socks only, the rest are just black socks!!
do you ever drive above the speed limit? who doesn’t?
what terrifies you? spiders 
look to your left, what do you see? a bag of lays chips
what chore do you hate most? sweeping
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? my friend nat!!
what’s your favourite soda? coca cola, then sprite, then mountain dew
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru if i’m by myself, sometimes dine in when i’m with friends
what’s your favourite number? 14!!
(mysterious question that ash deleted and is now lost forever but i found it on sray’s version of this!) who’s the last person you talked to? my roommate i love her a lot !!!
favourite cut of beef? ummm man idk most beef is good anyways
last song you listened to? empire state of mind by alicia keyssss
last book you read? the russian five! i’m assuming this excludes my textbooks bc if it includes my textbook then uh digital and analog communications (8th edition)
favourite day of the week? saturdayssss
can you say the alphabet backwards? ye
how do you like your coffee? i dont do coffee
favourite pair of shoes? dont have one, i guess sneakers bc i wear them all the time??
time you normally get up? mondays, thursdays, fridays, and alternating wednesdays i wake up at 7, the rest of the time probably noon asdfdks
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunset!
how many blankets on your bed? one
describe your kitchen plates? aint got any
describe your kitchen at the moment? kinda small? idk its just the residence hall apartment kitchen on campus
do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? still underage for half a month 
do you play cards? im terrible at cards, but i like uno
what colour is your car? dark brown/green
can you change a tire? no HAHAH i should be able to but i’ve got noodle arms
your favourite state? solid
favourite job you’ve had? ya girl just accepted her first full time job so that one!
tagging: @esaslindell, @nickcaamanos, and anyone else who’d like to do it.
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dykeserket · 3 years
so i was planning on taking a week off to work on some inner project things to help it run smoother in the future but then i didnt do that [or i didnt work on it. i know what i have to do and its all listed out :p] for a few reasons but anyway im getting back into it!
current top priority is getting hs playlist collection done. its a playlist that has every single hs playlist on 8tracks in it so that when i go to add a playlist to a collection i dont have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see if its there or go searching. instead i just look at the top and if its in that collection than i know its in one collection. if im correct i have about 2800~ playlists in collections total and the hs collection [i really have to figure out a name for it god damn] has about 1100 split between two [every 1000 im making a new collection just in case to many playlists fuck something up]
ive sorted all playlists into different major groups [with the current exception of relationship playlists. any playlist involving 2 or more charactes fall under this catagory. im going to develop another system for this just to split them up further so its not so. clunky]
the only ones left to go through and add to the major collection are:
the only huge group left is the relationship playlists. going through these groups will be a couple more hours but then when i finished im moving on to working on the character collections
i have the masterlist post all written out and its in my drafts and im slowly editing it. however there are characters which i have not gone through and made collections for. so i will need to do that. when thats done im going to start creating the relationship masterlist
there will be two versions of this, one will be sorted by groups and the other will be sorted by popular to least popular [aka most playlists to the least]
this is so people can choose which sorting system works best for them and they dont get overwhelmed. and by people i mean me.
after i create these masterlists and have it updated with the relevent information im going to start working on filling in the blanks of these posts. by that i mean theres definetly going to be characters/relationship playlists that i have missed either by just missing it in the tags/not putting in the right tags to see it/or the biggest issue of people making playlists but not publishing them. so its still visible on their account just not in any of the tags.
so im going to be going one by one through every single person whos made a hs playlist and see if they have anymore on their profile, aswell as their likes/collections they made. YES that sounds kind of insane and YES it will be incredibly time consuming and difficult task seeing as theres over 5000 hs playlists in the hs tag. however and i determined and i am autistic.
so after [or maybe before it honestly depends on my mood] thats done i will then rewrite my pinned post/post the masterlists and begin working on the listening and archiving part again. ill probably take requests which will be first come first serve style where if someone shoots me an ask to do a relationship/character i will. like ill keep it in a list and just work my way down. unless its for smaller collections that only have like. 1 playlist. then ill just do that straight away.
ohhh i just got an idea of what if i have in my pinned post a currently working on: [insert collection] oh thats a good idea. actually i just remembered i was gonna transfer this project to another sideblog so it wont be confusing and people have easy access to everything.
whatever. as always, anyone whos read this far i hope youre doing amazing!
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