#except tomato tomato goes fuckin hard bro
iwontusethis255 · 1 year
the fact the only good soup (tomato) is the only one that doesnt help you when your sick is truly the devils greatest trick
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ffxvthingies · 7 years
how the chocobros dance
NEVER dances in public!
the only exception is citadel events
and even then that’s only if he MUST
It’s to no ones surprise that he’s really good at waltzing and slow dancing
move smooth and percise
but that’s the only time people have ever seen him dance
until Noct came home early and saw Ignis dancing while he was cleaning
to say surprising would be an understatement
Noct just stood there, jaw to the floor, watching silently
iggy was doing a ballet routine with some hip hop mixed in.
the music was some Kpop type group (they’re actually his guilty pleasure)
He looked beautiful dancing!
all flowy and elegent
Noct couldn’t get enough of it (was quickly getting a hard-on due to the beauty)
Then the song ends, Iggy does his final pose
Noct is clapping
Ignis shrieks and leaps back
he crashes into a book case
comics and games are crashing onto him
“what are you doing here, highness!!”
“uhh, i live here? Why did you never tell me you could dance like an actual angle????”
iggy his tomato red with embarrassment
Noct feels bad and helps him up
cleans up the mess while iggy is just standing there too horrified to move
“apologize Noctis, I did not mean for you to see me doing such... things.”
“you’re shitting me right?? Specs you were so good!!”
Noctis demands iggy dance for him more now
it gives him an excuse to go home on time quicker in the hopes of seeing iggy dance
Noctis learns that iggy is the best at both ballet AND hip hop!
which is totally unfair because he looks so good doing both!
Iggy has begun to dance for/with noctis when he knows he had a hard day
he puts on some toons  (which is how Noct learned that iggy not only loves classical music but also rap??? iggy stop having so many interests!!”
depending on the song he’ll dance accordingly to cheer noct up
classical? twirl around and leap while putting stuff away
rap? do some sick fuckin moves while cooking and raps along with the music
kpop? Those are special occasions, where he’ll do a routine from the song
he does it as a birthday present for noct every year
it may be Nocts favorite present ever!
Noct appreciates it always
prompto and gladio are finally allowed to see iggy dance while they’re on the road
each one has their jaw dropped to the floor getting boners
iggy learns to open up around them and becomes comfortable sharing his interests!
Like iggy, he’s not a big fan of dancing in public
but him being the prince means he got all the lessons in ballroom dancing and waltzing
not as good as iggy
but is still up there in talent
it’s a bit hard for him to do it with his leg
but with Gladio’s PT and Iggy’s magical hands
he’s able to dance for a couple of songs before his leg starts to give out
whoever he’s dancing with is always surprised by his talent
he’s graceful and strong when he dances, strict in his movements due to years of training
When Iris came to her first Gala, gladio made noct dance with her
outstretch his hand and ask her like a prince
it was the damned cutest thing!
she was giggling and dancing (poorly) with the prince who was smiling because he’s happy for her!
They dance every gala now
it’s not the best dancing
it’s two kids doing some slow dance at an adults party
but they make the best of it
Noct will expertly spin her around and she’ll giggle
they’ll pretend they’re some long lost lovers and run away hand in hand to the gardens (as an excuse to get away from everybody)
then they hang out and eat fancy foods
Noct likes it when he dances with Iris
but that’s gross boring people dancing
when he’s out with Prom (at the arcade, at home) he turns into a goofy dancer
he moves with the music
bouncing up and down and pumping his fists
hair flapping
its kinda funny to see the prince do this
he also totally dances like an old man
doing some dumb ass dance moves thinking he looks cool
he doesn’t
doing the sparkler and lawn mower
he looks so stupid but they love him all the same
he’s more reserved when he’s around people who are not prompto, gladio, or iggy
claims its because he’s the Prince and it would be a bad image to see the prince dance such a way
it’s because he’s emberassed
but the bros always find a way to bring noctis close and dance with him
People assume he’s not the best dancer due to his size
and they’re right
this boy is too big for most dances
his leggys are too longg and they can’t get the movements right with fast pace music (hip hop, ballet, you name it)
but that doesn’t mean he  has two left feet per say
this boy can waltz like a mofo
he made a deal with lil noct to learn along with him after Noct refused to learn
Clarus and Regis were proud of him and told him as much
that it was good that he was willing to learn and stay with his Prince
but he just REALLY wanted to learn how to waltz!
He’s seen the princess movies
and goddamn did he want to dance with a princess when he was little
he still does
the dork
but he didn’t let anyone know that
they just thought he learned so that his Prince would agree to learn
but that didn’t mean he had to dance well!
he does
he’s incredible
while Iggy is fluid and light on his feet
gladdy is strong and percise
the women who dance with him are amazed!
He’s lifting them and twirling them around like they’re nothing
ALL of the women (some of the men too tbh) are begging to dance with him!
but he can’t share the same enthusiasm
“they don’t even know the basic travel movements! Let alone know what to do to make a lift look GOOD and not just me lifting up a person while the cling to me!!1″
if he’s gonna dance, he’s gonna make it good!
No half assing it!
it makes him not want to dance anymore
they just don’t appreciate the art!
When Iris starts coming to the events, gladio dances with her because he knows its been her dream to dance like a princess
and he does
he spins her around and they dance around the room with her on his feet
everyone’s getting pics because its SO C U T E
Clarus is getting a picture
it  hangs up in his office now
Gladio holding Iris up on his hip, one hand on her back like a gentlmen
the other holding her hand out as he dances around, their smiles bright and carefree
but then he realizes that she’s the perfect excuse to not dance with anyone else!
“Lord Amicitia, would you care for a dance?”
“Apologize, but I already promised my little sister this next dance”
take THAT unappreciative dancers!
Then noct makes him and iggy dance together at a gala
and it’s straight up like in the movies when a circle forms around the main character and love interest
they’re like the perfect match
they’re taking turns leading
the transition is seemless
when gladio lifts iggy continues to dance and its honestly mesmorizing
they get a huge applause when they’re done (gladio is dipping iggy who has a leg wrapped around him, head tilted back and arched beautifully)
but that’s all dancing within gladdy’s element
outside of that
it’s... not the best
again he can’t like do some sick moves because of his size
so he sticks to bouncing on his feet and letting the music guide him
D E S T R O I E S at Dance Dance Revolution
don’t event try
you will lose to this man
no one is sure how he does it
Noct is a close second to his talent
but he just can’t compete with Proms quick reflexes
it is a sight to see him on that thing
he always gets a crowd
always gets money too??? but not like he’s complaining
the most open w/in the group with is dancing
will gladly bounce around to a beat and do some goofy dance move
he’s not very good at just dancing
if there’s no strict dance moves or arrows showing him where to put his feet
he just looks a bit like a drunk college student dancing at all times
but it’s still cute
out of the four he’s the worst at waltzing
he just can’t get the movements down
he goes to quick, mixes his feet up, just not a graceful dancer when it comes to it
“buddy you fucking crush it at the arcade! Why can’t you do a simple box waltz?”
“Because I wasn’t born doing a stupid 1 2 3 box movement noct D:”
he’s not really upset
he knows he’s the best dancer out of them all (at least he likes to think so)
the amount of times both him, noct, AND gladio have tried to convince iggy to do a dance competition with prompto is like... so many
he finally agrees when they’re on the road
it’s at a Haven
away from all signs of civilazation
even then iggy’s bright pink as he’s dancing
Prompto’s just having a great time
but it is a close call
they do a number from the Kpop group (for while iggy is shy about his appreciation for their music, prom absolutely LOVES it!)
it really is a close call
they’re both so concise and fluid
Gladdy and noct call it a tie
until gladdy sends the video he managed to take to Iris
she declares Iggy the winner
amongst ignis being utterly BETRAYED that his bf would do such a thing!
he’s a smug little shit
Prompto just shrugs and congratulates him
but now he tries to make iggy dance whenever he can
he’ll put on some music and challenge iggy
“c’mon iggy! you gotta defend you title as best dancer of the group!!”
slowly iggy starts to open up about dancing
he does a lil jig when driving (safely of course!!1!)
He’ll dance almost always now when he’s cooking dinner
prompto will always dance with him!
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