#you could make a DAY outa that meal
iwontusethis255 · 1 year
the fact the only good soup (tomato) is the only one that doesnt help you when your sick is truly the devils greatest trick
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rubywolf0201 · 7 months
Thoughts on the latest episode of BUCCHIGIRI?! aka that one episode that had me off the seat!
- Episode starts off with Arajin skipping happily to his class and then soon as he enter, Komao is seen playing with him.
- Puppy boi Matakara enters into the scene not too soon but this time, there’s no hostility between him and Arajin (HOORAY!!!)
- Though as soon Arajin asked about Mahoro, Mata had to mention that she’s in the hospital with Marito. Ara immediately rushed out going past Mata. 🙂🙃
- But it’s quickly subverted after the OP that Matakara decided to tag along with Arajin and from what we can see, their relationship is almost back to normal.
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- Ok we got info on why Mitsukuni is in juvie: Apparently he took down a dirty cop who is forcing his buddies to sell illegal drugs, which lands him in big trouble with the authorities for doing that, even if he did saved some of the dirty cop’s friends.
- After hearing that, Arajin had a geniune expression where he feels pity for his friend and realizes that he must’ve been through a lot.
- The hospital scene between the Jin siblings has to be the funniest. Like we see Mahoro bringing in ‘lunch’ for Marito to eat but the ‘lunch’ looks like this:
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And of course, Marito is repulsed by this sight (I mean who wouldn’t be?) and makes you question who even prepares her meals considering that earlier episodes shows it to be fine?
- The moment Arajin enters into the scene, we see Mahoro’s mood immediately goes down while Marito is excited to see him.
- Marito was a tad bit cold to tell his little sister to get out (I mean I get that her cooking is….abominable but still…) and of course Mahoro is hurt by that.
- I’ll be honest with you: I had to pause at that scene because I knew something horrible is going to happen and it did. So braced myself.
- Arajin gave chase to her and this gets very cool: Not only does she wall-pin him but she dropped the most rawest lines ever:
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- Arajin doesn’t seem bothered by it (?) but he seems aroused by the fact that Mahoro has kabedon’ed him.
- Marito and Arajin begin discussing with each other about the rival groups organizing a group date which changes scene where Hagure begins to tell Arajin about the group date in detail. Arajin, as always asked Hagure if Mahoro is going to be in a swimsuit to which Hagure replied yes (which is obviously a lie and that Hagure is doing it to amuse him)
- In the bathhouse, we have Matakara, Komao and Zabu discussing about the group date but that’s not what I want to pay attention to because:
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- Oh and Zabu is acting tsundere-ish for some reason of wanting to ‘repay’ Arajin back. Such a dork. (I do hope he and Komao gets promoted a lot more in the future)
- Back in the Tomoshibi residence, Arajin is trying to show off his muscles to which Senya question where. Oh and we have Mrs Tomoshibi gushing over her son and all that.
- Arajin then starts having daydreams of his ‘date’ with Mahoro and it’s kind of funny how he envisions both of them kissing, despite him witnessing her true character up front in the hospital.
- The day has arrived and we see Arajin heading out excitedly to go to the group date.
- Meanwhile, the businessman entered into the cat cafè/brothel (?) as usual but however, instead of asking to see the usual cat or something like that, he asked for a different one, which catches the cat cafè waiter off guard.
- When Arajin arrived, he was not amused that the whole ‘group date’ turns out to be a wrestling match!
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- Yep it seems our ‘beach episode’ is a wrestling match!!
- Also, it’s kind of weird to see Hagure without his usual cap but hey at least we get to see him with a different head accessory.
- And of course, the first match is between Outa and Kenichiro. It was an intense match and it ended up with a draw because of how powerful it is.
- Also Marito has a pretty neat getup.
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- Honestly, I wish I could describe everything that is happening because of how literally every one is in a WWE getup and that this whole ‘group date’ is more like a bonding session between Minato Kai and Siguma Squad.
- Arajin after witnessing everything decided to step out for a bit and wait for Mahoro but the moment she arrives she’s in a pretty modest getup and riding a camel no less. (No not the one where she rides the mechanical one like Marito’s but a literal one)
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(Also, I’ll leave it to certain moots to think that if Mahoro’s getup is ok or not)
- Speaking of Mahoro, it kind of amazes me that she instantly changes out of the outfit she’s wearing into her school uniform (I have to wonder why doesn’t anyone wear casual clothes for this ‘beach episode’? Does Ichizu High even gives the weekends off?)
- I wish I could describe all of the matches but it would’ve been a mouthful and it’s basically just a filler episode.
- Mahoro fangirling over her brother will never be funny to me and you can see just how unamused Hagure looks, implying that he and everyone else at Siguma Squad are used to that kind of antics lol.
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(Also Komao is like ‘WTF is happening here?’)
- Zabu is hilarious AF and the fact that he’s the only guy to wear a wrestling singlet and then he got blasted out lol.
- Anyways, Mahoro is hungry and Arajin senses that so he went outside to get food.
- From there, we see the NG Boys making yakisoba and Akutaro is there too but somehow his face is now ok except for a broken nose.
- Arajin came by and was surprised to see him and decided to inquire him about Senya but Akutaro just brush it off and says to him to have Senya answer him.
- Upon receiving the yakisoba and being dragged off by Senya, Ichiya FINALLY SPOKE!!!
- Also we finally got a good look at Matakara’s build and wow.
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Dude’s built like a brick house I keep forgetting that he is 15/16 years old (I need to know his secrets to getting this big)
- Also his wrestler getup is pretty cool.
- Jabashiri also decided to join in the match to get his revenge on Matakara.
- We have nice Arajin/Matakara bonding episode in this one and you can see them gaining each other’s trust in this one.
- Though, I will say the moment Arajin slips up in distracting Marito is a big OOF!
- Again, I wish to describe more but it’ll get pretty long but all I can say is that Marito went super berserk to the point the tent fell down lol. Oh and somehow both Arajin and Matakara wins the whole match.
- Towards the end, we see all of the members from Siguma and Minato getting along. Matakara and Arajin are walking and just overall being casual.
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But side note, like Mahoro, couldn’t they have bothered to make casual clothes for the guys cause how the heck do you even have time to change back into your school uniform HELLO?!
- But putting that aside, just as Matakara is seeing Arajin chasing behind Mahoro like the simp that he is, Akutaro and Ichiya are seen spying on Matakara, especially the latter what that means is a mystery but it’ll be an interesting one in next week’s episode.
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shreddies-scribbles · 4 years
Hermitcraft Stardew Valley Au
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hopefully no ones done this already hahah
i didnt get around to everyone oof maybe one day 
some background under da break 
-Background- -Concorp is the Joja of this AU -Most people have lived in hermit town most of their lives -The hermits are just one big happy family :,) -Most hermits are based off characters in the game but moved around to suit them more!
Mumbo -Local electrician -Extremely shy at first -As you get to know him he opens up and you see his giddy side!! -spent sometime in the city to try and make a name for himself,,, which didn’t really go to plan,, Relationships -Grian (best friends, when they’re not working they like to explore the woods!!He knows it’s one of grians favourite things to do and doesn’t want to let him go into the woods by himself, who knows what’s out there!) -Iskall (friend, helps mumbo when he’s experimenting with new circuits) -Xisuma (childhood friends, X is the one who convinced mumbo to move back from the city to the valley)
Grian -Works part time in concorp -Only recently moved to the valley to get away from his past in the city -Is friendly to everyone but only considers a few people his good friends, has some trust issues -loves exploring the valley, he likes the difference from the busy city life Relationships -Mumbo (best friends, had known mumbo from his short time in the city, when he moved to the valley he felt mumbo was the only one he could trust) -Iskall (friend, mumbo has introduced the two, immediately got along as if they’d known each other their whole lives) -Scar (met the wizard on one of his adventures in the woods and kept pestering him until the wizard finally broke and showed him some magic)
Iskall -owns the general store, Sahara (calls it his mega store of doom) -knows all the towns gossip from “overhearing” conversations on his shop -everyone considers him the heart of the town, he can put anyone in a good mood with that contagious laugh!! -Doesn’t like concorp... wants to get grian to work for him instead to get him outa that corporate chain!! Relationships -Stress (Best friends, whenever they’re together they light up the room with laughter and good times B^) Iskall likes to visit her ranch and see the animals) -Mumbo (admires mumbo for his amazing wiring skills, a little jealous of mumbo, he gets to have the job iskall always wanted, but he won’t let that get in the way of their friendship) -Grian (from the minute grian moved into the valley iskall knew he wanted to befriend him, his gut told him he wouldn’t want to be on grians bad side) -Ren (used to be really close but drifted overtime)
Stress -Owns the ranch -mostly produces dairy products but has some chickens too -she doesn’t like being on her own, so she likes to surround herself with friends as much as she can Relationships -Iskall (best friends) -Doc (roommates, she’s renting out a spare room to Doc, she can see past his icy cold exterior and knows that deep down he does care about his friends) -Cleo and False (being so few girls in the valley they all stick together, they meet up at the end of each week to gossip about the boys)
Doc -Works full time at Concorp, absolutely hates it -was studying to be a scientist in the city, but when and experiment went wrong causing him to lose an arm he lost all motivation -he wanted an escape from the shame the city brought him and seeked a new life in the valley -renting a room from stress but is rarely there, most of his days start at work then bring him to the saloon -he wants more from life but doesn’t know where to start relationships -Ren (Best friends, they always crossed paths in the mornings until eventually doc decided to introduce himself, the two hit it off and now see the other a brother) -Stress (Roommates, get on better than you’d expect! doc admires her strength and power too pull through the hard times and come out on the better side) -Beef (Friends, when you spend most of your days in the saloon you get to know the bartender pretty well lol) -Etho and False (he loves hearing their story’s from the mines, he’d love to join in but is too scared to put himself into danger considering what happens last time he tried something risky)
Ren -Aspiring actor, he likes to write short story’s and get his friends to act them out with him -Twin brothers with renbob -He’s a bit full of himself but aren’t all actors ;) -but all of his talk of making it big time in the city someday he is front, behind all the boasting is a lot of doubt in his skills and as he gets older the more he puts off moving to the city to start his career Relationships -Doc ( Best friends, doc is the only one rens ever shared his worry’s with, but doc always supports his acting career and encourages him to take that leap and follow his dreams) -Renbob (twin brother although they couldn’t be more opposite, ren loves city life, keeping up on trends and success while renbob is all about being one with nature and doesn’t care about his appearance or how people see him -Iskall (used to be really close but drifted overtime)
Renbob -Works in the saloon with Beef -all about that hippie life -not really a major character but he’s there!! :D relationships -Ren (twin brother) -Beef (Boss, but they get along great)
Bdubs -Carpenter!! need a house built?? you’ve come to the right guy -very bubbly and eXTREMELY outgoing -has a very strict sleep schedule which leads to strict working hours to ensure all his works done for the day -when he first moved to the valley he set out on building a huge house with lots of spare rooms to have guests over or to rent out Relationships -Cub (Roommate, cubs renting out a room to do research on the local flora and fauna, they won’t really talk much but bdubs admires his brains) -Keralis -Etho ( Ethos guilds club house is near to his home and since they were so near each other they became good friends)
Etho -Owns the miners guild -expert at monster fighting, he has the highest number of kills in the whole guild! (there’s only one other member... but let him have this!!) -keeps to himself most of the time but wishes he was closer to more people Relationships -False (guild mates, he admires falses skill with a sword, he thought her everything she knows) -Bdubs (he kept starting conversations whenever etho saw him so they become good friends, it took etho a while to get used to his bubbly personality) -Beef (they have a mutual respect from etho being a regular at the saloon after a day of fighting in the mines) -Doc (they aren’t that close but doc likes to listen to his story’s from the mines)
Beef -Owns the saloon -a jolly guy who’s friends with just about everyone, he knows his regulars more than some people who’d only be at the saloon after a long day -an amazing cook, prepares all the meals by himself Relationships -Etho -Doc -Renbob (employee)
Scar -the wizard who lives deep in the woods -extremely isolated but longs for more friends but he knows it’s a dangerous idea considering how his last friendship turned out -spends most of his days brewing up be potions or researching new spells Relationships -Grian (tried to keep his distance but grian kept pushing to learn some magic, scar gave in and thought him a transportation spell) -Cub (former friend, scar had to remove cub from his life when he was using him for research)
Cub -A scientist from the city researching what the valley has to offer -reports back to concorp unbeknownst to the others -knows what he’s doing is wrong... :( and wants to change but doesn’t know where to start Relationships -Scar (former friend, when scar found out what cub was up to he banished him from his tower, cub feels awful and wants to fix this) -Bdubs (roommate, renting a room from him in the mountains)
Xisuma -the mayor -gets sick easily, why he always wears a mask -loves his town and community and will do everything he can to keep everyone afloat -tends to distance himself from everyone so he can keep up his image Relationships -Mumbo (childhood friends) -Keralis (wishes he didn’t get that job at concorp...it’s been changing him :( )
Cleo -aspiring artist, preferred method of art is sculpture -lives in a cottage in the woods to get inspiration for her art -holds art exhibitions in the museum when she’s low on funds Relationships -Joe (best friends, with joe also working in the arts they love to brainstorm ideas together) -Stress and False (girl time B^> )
False -Works part time in sahara with iskall -spends most of her time in the miners guild club house or in the mines -etho recruited her to join the guild after seeing her in action down in the mines -someday soon she’s going to outrank etho in terms of monster kills but etho won’t admit that ;) Relationships -Etho (mentor, thought her how to fight properly and protect herself in the mines) -Cleo and Stress -Doc (they aren’t that close but have a mutual respect for each other, they sit together in the saloon most nights with etho)
Joe -aspiring poet -writes beautiful poetry but always doubts his skills and never published most of them -lives in a small hut on the beach, the seas always been a huge inspiration to him -has a pet dog, but the dog doesn’t have a name, he’s just waiting until the dog introduces himself Relationships -Cleo (best friends, an unlikely pair considering cleos outgoing nature but they just go perfectly together) -TFC (sometimes when joe goes to the mountain for some solitude he sits with tfc and listen to his story’s from his life, this has inspired quite a few poems)
thats all for now heheh, if any of that don’t make sense it’s cuz i wrote it at like 1 in the morning 😳
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headcanon-cafe · 4 years
South Park- How you meet
I hope you enjoy!
Eric Cartman
Well, you met at the South Supermarket, you had to get groceries while your parents were at work. You were getting annoyed because you were having a goddamn hard time finding the Cheesy Poofs. As you kept walking around you finally passed a group of 4 boys who had about twelve boxes in their cart. You stop and you tapped the tallish boy's shoulder (or tried to considering how tall he is). The guy had heavyset, football player body type. He looked about to be over 6ft and hey, he was really good looking not gonna lie. Definitely not sexy or even hot but he was attractive. "Umm excuse me, mister, I was wondering what isle the Cheesy Poofs were on??" They turn towards you, the ones with the blue and red hat and the dude with a parka snickered and started making some jokes, while the guy in the green hat went back to looking for what he was looking for. The tall guy just glares at you then smirks. "Isle 14 sweetheart, all out of stock." You sweat drop and looked at his cart than back at him. "A-all out of stock??" He nods still looking at you. "Yep." He pops the p. "All our of stock. Now if you could leave us the fuck alone that would be fan-fucking-tastic." You glare at him feeling annoyed as fuck and accidentally having a little meltdown "Fuck you to FATASS!! Your moms probably a whore and your dad an asshole considering you are a WHORE LOT OF ASSHOLE!"
His 3 friends are rolling on the ground laughing while he's staring at you eyebrows raise and mouth slightly open trying to hold back a smile. You cover your face in embarrassment and quickly finishing up shopping to get out of here as soon as possible. It took you a couple of minutes of rushing around the store to find everything and trying to avoid the group as much as possible. What a day...
Kyle Broflovski
Where the fuck is the library?!?! You've been looking for the last half an hour. You are what people call book and geek smart. Common sense is not your forte tho. This whole time you've been looking you never once thought to ask someone or check google maps. A straight A student not bothering to actually think, how funny. Anyway, you kept stomping around town getting really annoyed that you couldn't find the place when you bumped into a boy, he was pretty cute... tall about 6”, had a green trapper hat and also had a few red curly hair strands sticking out. The bump causing you to fall down although him just stumbling forward a bit. You being your awkward self forgot to say words and just kept staring at him. "Umm hey there... you new here??" No answer from you AT ALL. "Hello?? You're not retarded are you??" You shake your head no and smile still staring at him. "Okay..." you nod and repeat him without knowing "Okay!" He backs away slowly and smiles like he wants anything more than to walk away now realizing how stupid you sound. Before you could apologize, he awkwardly shuffled away before saying "Nice to meet you but I have to go do uhh... do anything else." Walking away before anything else could happen. You just sat there on the ground hating yourself with a passion.
Kenny McCormick
You were new to South Park and you decided 'hey, why not explore' so for the last few hours you've been nothing but site seeing and exploring to get used to the place. You were at the final place of the night, for its 1 AM, (not like your parents care.) in short, you're from a rich family. And they trust you too much. They never ask where your going, hows your day been, what you did, how you feel or what your grades are! In fact, they trust you to make your own food so you have to make all of your own meals yourself. You can ask for as much money as you want and they have NEVER asked what it was for. Some people might say this is child Neglect (including you) they say they just trust you and is just busy. Anyway it was around 1 in the morning and you have just arrived at the lake when you noticed a person with blonde hair and a heavy coat, it almost looked like a parka. You carefully walked up to the person trying to figure out if you should run or talk to them. Finally deciding to talk to them you spoke up. "Um hello...?" As soon as you said that he quickly put his hood up and jumped up. A cigarette falling out of his mouth. He looks to where the cigarette fell and cursed now stepping on it. "You know, as much as I hate living here I'm surprised I haven't burned it down yet." It sounded really muffled with the coat, it sounded as though he was mostly talking to himself. Deciding to answer "Why haven't you?" He looked at you surprised and then sighs "All my friends and my little sister live here. Don't wanna risk it." You smile, shove your hands in your pockets and give a shrug. "Hey man, sometimes you just gotta break the law, it's an urge." He looks at you smirking "Oh yeah and what laws have you broke, missy?" "You know the occasional Grand Theft Auto, maybe some shoplifting." He raises an eyebrow. "Really?" "Definitely...! Yeah, no. The only thing I've ever shoplifted was a bar of soap from some Bed and Breakfast Hotel..." he laughs and shakes his head "Thought so." Well after about 45 minutes of talking you finally were about to leave. "Well it was nice meeting you..." "(Y/n) (L/n)." "(Y/n), that’s cool." “And you are??" "Kenny... Kenny McCormick." You guys shake hands smile at each other and then go your separate ways.
Stan Marsh (This was soo hard. I had really bad writer's block for Stan.)
You just arrived at South Park and it was now 7 AM' Ehhhhh it's too earrrrly for this shit.' So what better way to wake up than coffee from your friendly neighborhood coffee shop. Right as you entered you got knocked down by someone. Before you could yell at him you could see the sadness and embarrassment in his eyes. "A-are you okay??" He pulls his blue hat down more and looks down, avoiding eye contact. "Sorry, yeah I'm fine." 'He obviously isn't' you stand up and offer him a hand smiling. "I'm (Y/n), I'm new here! Think after I get a coffee you could show me around a bit. Maybe some pointers on this town and the people?? No offense but I heard people here are a little weird." He smiles awkwardly looking up at you for a bit before taking your hand. "And you heard correctly. Everyone here is either mentally insane, morally insane or hang out with one of the two groups. Sadly for me, I fall into the third one and a lot of the times they fall into each other. I'm Stan." You shake his hand "A pleasure to meet you." You day smiling. He gives a weird side smirk rolling his eyes. "I'm sure it is."
Butters Stotch (Also he's a little outa character for this sorry 😐)
"Oh my god, the first day of school in a new town. Are these people even sane?? Will they like me?? DO I EVEN LIKE ME?? FUCK!! Alright! Just smile it will all be okay! SHIT!! DID I EVEN BRUSH MY TEETH?!?!? FUCK FUCK FUCK!!" While you were silently freaking out in your mind you felt a tap. You turned around to see a boy who looked to be around 18. With beautiful blonde hair. Although he had a baby face obviously had some maturity in him. You smile awkwardly at him. "Heyyy... OMG IM NOT IN YOUR WAY AM I?!?!" You take a step to the side knocking into someone "Hey, watch it looser!" Someone snaps at you. "S-sorry!!" 'Ohh my god... all I am is a fuck up." The guy who tapped you a second ago frappes your arm pulling you a little closer to him "Yeah uhm stay away from him... That's Eric, and although he kinda funny he doesn't really make you feel too great about yourself." You run the back of your neck "Oh okay." He smiles standing up straight "I'm Butters!! I could help you around if you want! I realize it could be kinda stressful here. H-heck, I'm always stressed and I'm not even new here." You smile your hand still rubbing your neck. "Yeah... that would be awesome actually." "Awesome! Follow me!!" You stop for a sec "Is Butters your real name?" "Yeah kinda I guess now come on, it's Lucy and I wanna talk to you why I can!"
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pun-pkindude · 4 years
- The Todeshund -
Fred: Yup! I'm here! Right in front of ya crys!
Crystal: My eyesight is already bad and having everything be one color isn't helping!!! Where is the base?! also, Dont call me crys, it makes me sound like a boy!
Fred: over here, I see it! *Crunching of snow, door opens then slams*
Fred: we are here! Yay!!
Crystal: uggghhh Its so cold even with all this winter gear.. when I signed up to study this place I didn't sign up for snowstorms and unbearable cold!
?: I mean.. no.
But it's sorta part of studying a mountain isn't it?
Crystal: I guess so germ but it's still stupid!
Jeremy: my name's Jeremy but call me what ya want I guess, also, I'm tired.. I don't know why.. can you take over "writing and updating the log for the team" duty?
Crystal: I do that every night. All the time.. you haven't done a single thing. I mean, Fred helps me explore sometimes, you just sit around, and yet YOU'RE the one who's tired?
Fred: actually, I'ma crash too see ya!
Crystal: wait what? oh come on! Fine I'll do everything by myself... Ok I guess I gotta update the log first and call group 1 at the base to say we have to delay the trip. Oh well.
*phone ringing*
Crystal: This is crystal from group 2 and we need to delay the trip to the top of the mountain, we have been hit with a snowstorm. Let's say.. 2 more days?... Wait.. you there? Hellooooo? *Phone stops* the phone lines must be damaged, that's gonna take some time to repair, guess I should write things down now.. but where's my pen!?! Or my journal?? Oh crap.. they might be in the other building.. it's night.. uggfhh
*10 mins later*
Alright I'm ready to go, let's do this.
*door opens then slams shut*
So... Cold... I think.. the buildings over.. here? There it is!!
*Running, door opening then closing*
Whew.. now to write..
*12 mins later*
Ok! Done. Now to go back..
*door opens then closes, footsteps*
Crystal: alrighty this time I can bring the journal with me so I don't have to worry about going to the writing room.. hehehe.
Why do we need to study this mountain anyways?! So what if it had a few people go missing on it, it's a MOUNTAIN! I hate this joB-
*12 hours later*
Fred: *yawns* whew. Nice night. Though I'm still sorta tired so that sucks.
Jeremy: *yawns too* me too.. i think I only got a bit of sleep.. I couldn't sleep. HEY CRYSTAL CAN YOU BRING ME A DRINK OR SOMETHING? LIKE A PEPSY OR AN MT. DOO? *Silence*
Well you could just say no instead of ignoring me ya butt. Heh. Don't worry I'm getting up to get it.. you there? Fred look at this, she's gone!
Fred: what? She's probs sleeping In the writing room.
*door opens*
Fred: looks like the storm mostly passed, get your coat though.
*they both get ready and leave*
Jeremy: is that blood on the ground?
Fred: that's just her journal you idiot, just because 2 things are red doesn't mean they are the same.
Fred: oh yea that's also bad. Did she update it?
*page turns* yup.
Entry 17: a snowstorm hit today while we tried to go to the top of the mountain, the phone lines are down, why are we studying this place anyway? It's just a dumb mountain that 2 people got lost on.
Jeremy: weird.. WAIT A SEC IS *THAT* BLOOD?
Fred: that time it seems you are correct. What the fuck happened here? It seems there's a trail of footprints and blood that way, well, less footprints and more just.. tracks.. I can't tell what might have made them. let's go, we gotta find out what happend.
Jeremy: are you kidding? Like every horror movie ever we FOLLOW the monster?!
Fred: it's not a monster.. some animal might have scared her and made her drop her journal and run or something.
Jeremy: fine but if we die bc of you I will kick your ghost ass.
*2 hours later*
Fred: let's set up some sorta camp. Luckily I brought food from the main base, so no death from starvation. And also I brought 2 tents. I came prepared.
Jeremy: what about things to make a campfire?
Fred: ....... Fuck.
Jeremy: we won't die luckily, but that sucks. Let's set up the camp here, there is a clear area over there.
*26 mins later*
Fred: well that should be good, food is outside due to oh having 2 tents.. that sucks, but there are very few animals in this cold so it should be good. Let's go to sleep.
*6 hours pass*
*metallic crunching and banging*
Fred: you hear that germ? Something is outside!
Jeremy: hecc no I'm staying in the tent, you go outside and kill yourself.
Fred: fine. I don't want this animal eating our food!
Jeremy: ok well now I HAVE to check on him
*he peaks outside the tent*
Fred: I'm alive don't worry.. but that... Thing attacked me.. I believe you now, whatever it is it is NOT normal. This thing is a monster. Heck it almost bit off my leg and it ate almost all our food! We got a few meals worth left. We gotta pack that up and get going. We must follow the trail more no matter what it takes.
Jeremy: good to hear your ok, bud. But we cant go, you can barely walk!
Fred: WE NEED TO SAVE CRYSTAL BEFORE THAT MONSTER DOES MORE TO HER! If your not going I am. I can still sorta wal- *trip* ow.. I'm going.
Jeremy: fine. Atleast let me help you. *More footsteps*
*one hour later*
Jeremy: we are going nowhere and you need rest
Fred: we are going somewhere and no I don't. Speaking of what's that in the distance? Looks like a abandoned building. It would be warmer there then anywhere else, I bet that's the monsters hide out.
Jeremy: there are broken windows and papers surrounding it. It's a abandoned research building. The research team went missing studying this Mountain I bet! But they hired ANOTHER research team to discover a missing research team?! How stupid IS group 1?
Jeremy: well we are here. I doubt we should go in the main entrance. We should probably climb through a window.
*breaking glass and a plop*
Fred: I'm in. Now to find crystal.. how many hallways *are* there In this building? It's like its one gaint room with a buncha walls slapped randomly everywhere- come look germ! Come look! It's crystal! I think she was hurt!
Jeremy: ya think?
Fred: well, let's get her outa-
Fred: germ... Run... I'll get crystal.
Jeremy: no. For once I don't wanna be the guy that doesn't do anything. For once I want to help people. I'll fend it off. I think i know where it is.
*Jeremy picks up a sharp piece of glass as a weapon*
Fred: alright. Good for him. Now I gotta pick her up and *OWW* oh yea my leg... Who cares
Fred: ok. I gotcha. Now we gotta go through the front... or not..
*infront of him is a gigantic wolf about 5 - 6 feet tall, growling at him*
AHHHHHHHH! *fast footsteps* fred: where is the door where's the door where's the fuckin door?! Oh crap a wall.. *SLAM*
Fred: good.. dog?
*growls, slow footsteps*
Fred: AHH-
*whining and whimpers, fast footsteps away*
Fred: am I dead yet?
Jeremy: sadly no.
Fred: wow. That was badass! You stabbed it with a glass shard! Go get it, it's running away! *Fast footsteps* I'll come with! *Ow* let's go!
*faint whimpers and footsteps*
Jeremy: COME BACK HERE YA IDIOTIC DOG!... it jumped through a window! we can't follow it... What were these guys researching anyway?
*papers rustling*
Fred: looks like they researched that thing. The creature is called todeshund.
To-a-shund... Well, let's go help crystal.. speaking of thanks for saving me, Jeremy, I guess your not so lazy after all!
Jeremy: no problem, it means alot. *He smiles*
*2 hours later*
Jeremy: we are here! Whew.. let's get crystal bandaged up in our bed... It's the softest place.
*5 mins later*
Crystal: HH! wait wha- where am I? Where did the big wolf go? Why am I back at the base?
Jeremy: we saved you from it, i stabbed it with a shard of glass. It's called a todeshund.
Crystal: you killed it?! Awesome!
Fred: not really.. it's still out there.. somewhere...
- Audio log 1 ended -
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thenightling · 5 years
Time will Crawl (a short Sandman fan fiction)
Time Will Crawl  
This fan fiction was inspired by this illustration by @artwinsdraws​ 
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Disclaimer:  This is a Sandman fan fiction.   The Sandman belongs to Neil Gaiman and DC Comics.  
 Come!  Come! Come!  
 He felt the words as surely as he heard them, faint and echoing in the void.  Old magick.  It had felt it like a tugging at his very soul.  He was too weak to resist the pulling that dragged him down, down, down… Forcibly pulling at his essence.  
 He fell forward and slammed into hard flooring.  He was disorientated at the sudden presence of gravity.  He could feel the magick of the binding circle sealing him in, closing him off from all those who had a psychic link with him within his realm.  He saw them, the mortal occultists, in their dark robes, as they moved to get a closer look at their prisoner.  They moved like a swarm of insects.  He blinked his completely-black eyes behind the tinted lenses of his helm. The tiny star pupils the only hint that there was more than mere darkness to be seen in his eyes.
  He lay there, stunned and …and so very tired…  He had never felt so weary in his long life…   He had struggled so hard against the summoning magick and now he could barely keep his eyes open.   Someone grasped at the helm he wore with both hands. Someone was raising his head, carefully.  They were pulling the helm free of his head.  He felt his own dark fall around his bone-white face.  His cloak was taken.  Now he actually felt the cool, damp of the cellar in English summer time.  Never mind about the cloak.  That could easily be replaced.  He could conjure another… as soon as he was free he could conjure another...  
 He blinked.  The ruby amulet was snatched and finally the pouch that he loathed to be without.  He felt more naked without that pouch than without raiment.  That he could not allow.  He summoned what strength he had left and sat up to reach for the pouch.  He stopped as if there was an invisible wall in front of him. He could not pass the edge of the magical binding circle, which was on the ground around him, and he knew it. His belongings were just out of reach…
 So tired… So very tired… The room was growing dim and the floor was strangely inviting.   He fainted.    
 Trapped. Observe.  Threats.   Patience.   Patience…   Patience…
 It had been years since that first night.  It was midnight though it might as well have been noon down in that dungeon. There were no windows.  He hadn’t seen this world’s sun in almost twenty-three-years.  The only reason he was certain it was midnight was because he had become too familiar with the times at which his guards were swapped out for two new ones.  Their shifts were in six hour intervals.  Sometimes only three hours.  He could only guess at the circumstances that brought about the occasional change. Occasional holidays perhaps?  It did not matter.
 Mortals tend to have this lovely fantasy that time moves differently for creatures such as himself, being ageless and (for all intents and purposes) immortal.   If only that was that case…  If only he could blink and it would seem a century had passed.   No. Sadly, this fantasy was merely that, a fantasy.  As mortals age they perceive time differently from when they were children.   In childhood summers would seem to go on and on. As adults, however, whole decades seemed too short and so they imagine that is how time must be for immortals, an ever increasing sense that this or that passage of time was nothing to them. If only that was the case…
 No. He felt time. He felt time the way mortals do.  Time moved no differently for his kind as it does for mortals.  And in prison it crawled at a snail’s pace.  Perhaps it was even worse for him because, as the living embodiment of dreams, he usually did not sleep.  That meant the third of the day that human prisoners could escape their bonds by entering his world, he could do no such thing.  There was no relief.
       He sat on the floor of the crystalline cage they had placed around him.  The curved glass around him reminded him of a goldfish bowl or crystal ball.  How menacing the mortals managed to seem when looming over him outside of the crystal, where light and size were distorted from his quartz-crystal prison and shadows hung heavy over the glass.  
 Quartz crystal has innate power.   It can contain and confine magick.   It held him as surely as the binding circle around his cage.  They were clever to make his cage out of crystal.  Everyone knows most mineral and glass come from sand. Burnt and reshaped sand.  The thing that he used to sculpt dreams now worked as his cage.  
 He was hungry.  They had never thought to feed him and he was not about to ask.  He was far too proud for that.  And he would not give them the satisfaction to show them that he suffered for not eating.  It would not kill him but he still suffered for it.
He tried not to think about the hunger, that empty feeling gnawing within himself.  Eager to eat just about anything.  Even a baked potato would have been nice.  Do the English still bake potatoes? He wondered.  
He could imagine the taste.  The skin cooked so thoroughly that it was like parchment around the soft white inside that could be crushed by the pressing of a fork.  Flavored with salt, pepper, butter, sour cream.  Perhaps some mild cheddar cheese and crushed bacon.  He wasn’t one for heavy meals but this simple one that he imagined seemed divine.  He could practically taste it.  No. He would go mad if he let himself think about the hunger too long.   Try to think about something else…
 He thought of hob.  He thought of the smell of the Kerosene lamps and the candle wax in the late Victorian pub. The strange sense of warmth and that feeling that was the direct opposite of being lonely.  He missed that warmth.  That sensation of… not-lonely.  
He missed Hob…  
He thought of his own wounded pride.  The anger he had felt when Hob had suggested that they (Hob and Morpheus) were friends.   How foolish he had been to not return to Hob sooner.  Would he ever see his friend again?  
He longed to set things right- to do or say something subtle to admit Hob was right without actually saying the words that his pride did not want him to speak out loud.  He thought of the clever ways he could acknowledge that yes, they were, in fact, friends without uttering an apology or acknowledgement of being wrong.  He couldn’t dare admit, even to himself, that he was wrong.  And it was Hob’s own fault, wasn’t it?  He was the one who had to spoil things.  He was the one who had to go and poke at the situation and demand confirmation.  Why did he have to spoil it by making him have to call their situation a friendship?  
He missed him so much…
  Morpheus blinked.  He was no longer in the pub, storming away from Hob.  He could no longer taste the wine on his lips. His memories were as vivid and real to him as dreams are for most people.  It was as close as he could get to dreaming… remembering…
He was back in his cage.  Staring at the two guards just beyond the glass.  Last year there had been a different set of guards sitting there at this hour.  He had heard their names and he had known those previous guards as Bernie and Frank.
 There were usually two guards at a time watching him but one night Frank had to leave early. And so Bernie started to talk to him, which was surprising and different...
Both men had been stocky. Frank had black hair while Bernie had sandy blond hair.
 “Guess Velma’s finally popped.”  Bernie had said as if the woman was an over-inflated balloon.   He gave a short chuckle.
Was he talking to himself?  Morpheus had wondered.   He turned his head slightly at Bernie in a nonverbal acknowledgement of his presence.  
“Don’t know if you understand me but… you don’t look like you’re dangerous.  I mean no offense but you look like some scrawny kid.   I don’t care if you are some sort of space invader, they shoulda at least given you a blanket.  You’re human enough, even P.O.Ws get clothes.”
Space invader?  P.O.W? He raised an eyebrow. The man’s accent was American.
“You do understand, don’t you?  Look… I… Uh… I snatched the key from Burgess. I can get you out.  I’d thought about doing it before just… I don’t know if you drink blood suck the lives outa people…  I don’t know a damn thing about this…  But you don’t seem threatening. I could let you out…”
Morpheus had waited for the inevitable catch.
“God, I hope you’re not like the aliens in Wells’ Radio Broadcast.  I mean if keeping you here is the only thing stopping an invasion…”
Morpheus stared at the man blankly, trying to figure out what he was talking about.
“Ah, who am I kidding?  You’ve been sitting in a glass box for decades.  I’m sure if there are Martians or Venusians or whatever that are anything like you we could take ‘em.  Just… Go back to wherever you came from, okay…  If you try anything I know I out-weigh you.  Hell, Old Roderick’s kitchen maid out-weighs you.  Alex’s cat out-weighs you.   The point is I could throw you down flat.”
 There was a cat?
 Morpheus stood up slowly.   Was this a trick?   Bernie slid the key into the lock of the cage and Morpheus saw the crystalline panel move for the first time.
“Come on.”  He said.
Morpheus stepped forward but stopped just before he reached the open door of the cage. He couldn’t pass the circle.  He looked down at it and then at Bernie.
Bernie looked confused.   “What’s wrong?  Don’t ya wanna-“  And then he let out an anguished groan.
Morpheus’ own eyes widened.
Bernie had clutched at his chest, staggering back as if on invisible puppet strings.  The old magus, Roderick Burgess, stood at the entrance to the cellar chamber.  As frail and aged as he was he still had magick.   Burgess’ hand clasped as if crushing something invisible.  Morpheus understood the magick involved.  He was crushing the poor man’s heart.
Bernie fell to the floor dead.  He almost looked asleep.  
 The new guards arrived a few hours later…  
 Morpheus blinked and he was back in the present and in the closed crystalline cage. And again he could feel the pain of gnawing and distracting hunger.  He was suddenly curious about Delirium’s cuisine. He had never had a cotton candy soup before… or typewriter flavored marmalade.  He tried not to think about his hunger…
 These new guards barely acknowledged him.  The novelty of his existence had long ago worn off and his strangeness helped stave away pity and help secure his non-human status.  From his bone-white skin and sold black eyes… They could see no humanity in him and so they showed no humanity toward him.  
 How much time had passed?  He could barely see the wristwatch of one of the two men watching him. They sat in folding chairs in front of the cage.  One reading a newspaper, the other reading a pulp novel.  It was exactly one minute after midnight…
That patience and waiting would pay off on the night the wheel of a wheel chair breached the binding circle that held him.  With the circle breached he could enter the dream of one of his guards.  And then he was able to trick his keepers into opening his cage by pretending to faint within his cell.   It had been a long, long time coming but he was finally free.
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paulieshore · 5 years
PART 3: How Does She Feel About Me?
Heres part 3 hope you enjoy, please comment and leave me some feed back. Reblog and follow for future updates! xxxxx Thanx for all the support
Characters: MC, Lucien, Victor, Gavin, Kiro, 
Word count: 1 281
Warnings: None...yet...
Loveland Charity Event (Series)
Part 3 : How does she feel about me?
Maybe you should take him to the hospital to have him looked at, seeing as he won’t even let you look at him let alone look at you for more than a couple seconds... Something’s wrong with him….
 After leaving the mall Gavin offered to take you home, you couldn’t help but feel guilty. Clearly, he wasn’t well but yet he still wanted to ensure you got home safely, you had bartered with him to go half way and get home and rest; but Gavin just wouldn’t accept any terms. So, you compromised and thought the sooner he takes you home the sooner Gavin got to go home himself.
The evenings weren’t as hot as they had been the past couple weeks, the air was beginning to crisp with a cool but gentle breeze. The trees had all reached their climax, their vibrant greens slowly dimming down. Autumn was fast approaching, how the seasons always made you feel sentimental.
Sitting on the back of Gavin’s bike, little did you realise as you were off in your own world the grip you had around Gavin’s waist had tightened just a little bit more.
Boy was Gavin having a rough day, but running into you at the mall was like fate. His day went from being shit, to being all worth it. He wouldn’t be where he was right this second, with you. Squeezing him from behind with your tiny frame… Even if it wasn’t intentional this made Gavin ever so happy. ***Best. Day. Ever. *** But his moment was quickly ruined when pulling up to your apartment, you bid Gavin farewell and told him to message you when he got home. This made Gavin chuckle, since the mall you had been nothing but concerned about him… Damn did he enjoy it.
“Alright, fine. Ill let you know when I get in.”
You smiled and just before heading in you had said, “You better or else!” with your hands planted on your hips. Obviously, you were just joking but Gavin seemed to have changed face. Before you could ask, he was just gone…
**Oh no, did he take me seriously??**
Meanwhile, Gavin drove off like a bat outa hell. He was trying to use the speed of the bike and the wind he was controlling to cool the rising heat of his body. That smile of hers then, and the way she playfully threatened him went from innocent to sinful within milliseconds. Gavin’s mind ran just as wild as the speed he was going, imagining you as dominatrix in his…… bedroom.
***Dear god help me!!** he thought.
BACK AT MCs: Hanging your dress in the closet you heard your phone go off in the other room. You walked into the kitchen and reached your phone out of your bag, and there it was the text from Gavin.
Gavin: I’m home now, no need to worry. Get some sleep.
You replied: Ok good, drink lots of liquids and get some sleep yourself. I really do think we should have had you checked. Thank you for helping me today and for bringing me home.
You sent your reply and waited anxiously for his text, you hoped you didn’t upset him after all that he did for you today…. Just then.
Gavin: I told you no need to worry, I’m okay really. There’s no need to thank me, it is what friends are supposed to do. We are friends, aren’t we?
Reading his reply, you knew he couldn’t have been mad, but his behaviour was indeed weird. You let it go and sent him one last text before turning in for the night.
You: Absolutely! I’m so blessed to have a friend like you Gavin! Goodnight.
Gavin had just taken off his shirt and headed towards the bathroom when his phone pinged. He read your latest reply and smiled, he felt he was the one who was blessed… Goodnight.
 (4 days till the event)
Kiro was just going over his schedule with his manager on his flight back to Loveland pondering when he would have a moment of reprieve. He was thinking about MC and the last time they went to Souvenir; you smashed that pudding you were eating. He loved to eat but always found eating with her was so much better, food always seemed more enjoyable when he was. Kiro looked forward to getting back, his next gig wasn’t until this Charity event being held in Loveland but he had lots of interviews to do before then. He had asked his manager to have his schedule sent to you as well, hoping you both could coordinate some time to have a good meal together.
Kiro thought about asking you to come as support to his gig but, he thought other-wise. He wanted to shout to the world how much he felt for you but he didn’t want to make things awkward or put you in a bad position. Then it dawned upon him…. How does she feel about me?
That was just the pivotal point... It seemed today of all days; all four men were thinking the exact same thing...
Lucien/Victor/Gavin/Kiro: How does she feel about me?
Lucien was sitting at his desk; he’d just finished a lecture on bioscience to a few students. One student clearly had no idea what was going on but seem interested… He knew she must of been just interested in him… For some reason this had him thinking of MC, you never seemed to understand much but always seemed somewhat interested. You are his favourite clueless student. Then he wondered… How do you see him, how do you feel about him?
Victor was on his way to another meeting, being CEO of a financial company, he met people all day every day. Some times he felt sick of having to see people, a bunch of fakes; a bunch of idiots. Idiots…. His mind wondered off to MC, lord was she an idiot most days… but his most treasured idiot. You always seemed nervous around him sometimes you got bold and talked more than usual. He started to wonder… How does she see me, how does she feel?
Gavin was going over some files on a suspect lead, this case had reminded him of the times you joined him on a few of his cases. You were a bit of a scaredy cat but he liked the fact you would rely on him; he swore he’d protect you, always. You had saved his life that day long ago... Without even knowing. He thought about your text last night… ‘I’m so blessed to have a friend like you Gavin!’ He sat there and questioned… Is that how she only sees me? …
 You were just about to head for break, your phone lit up and tweeted like mad. Looking at it four very familiar names popped up on screen almost simultaneously. Each with very similar messages about this evening….
Lucien: Hey, any plans tonight?  
Victor: Are you finished with the report? I need it tonight.
Gavin: Hey are you working late today, I can take you home?
Kiro: Miss Chips, I’ve got a moment a freedom this evening?!
You were sitting there just staring at your phone like a deer in head lights, not beknown that Kiki was standing next to you also looking at your phone. She practically screamed out, “OH MY GAWDD, MISS POPULARRRRR, FOUR DATES TONIGHT WITH FOUR DIFFERENT MEN EEEEKKKKK!!!”
 You quickly shunned your phone away and turned to see the whole office floor of staff staring at you… Oh dear..
To be continued...
Please follow for future updates, support writers by reblogging and commenting please 💖
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A Piece of Shit’s Dream
(I just found this stupid and vulgar short story I wrote sometime last year. Wanna post it here because I found it really hilarious)
I'm a piece of shit. Literally. I'm a piece of sturdy shit in Jessica's butt. As a piece of shit, I know my fate at the moment that I was formed in Jessica's bowel, that I'll end up in a toilet then be flushed down to the sewer and get mixed with all the other people's shit and pee and stuff. I'm okay with everything except the getting mixed with other shit part. If that happens, I know I won't be myself anymore. That's the most horrifying fact. Even though I'm just a regular piece of shit, I value free will very much. As a piece of shit, I won't be living forever. On the contrary, I think I'm gonna faded away pretty soon. I'll be good as long as I'm still a piece of fresh shit but if my body become too dry or break down into smaller pieces, I'm a goner. I'm not afraid of dying even if my impending doom is within a day at most but I have a dream that I want to fulfill before I'm gone. My dream is to see the sea. I'm bestowed with some knowledge that my host knows that's why I have a faint image of the sea in my mind. The vast blue collection of unimaginable amount of salty water, how facinating! I just can't stop thinking about it. I don't even understand why am I so obssessed with the sea, maybe Jessica was thinking about it when she conceived me, maybe I was made of what remained of seafood, or maybe it's just my unique trait! Anyway, I just have to see the sea before I die. Somewhere behind me, I can sense some diarrhea is coming. I think this is my chance.
'Hey, Diarrhea! Can you hear me?' 'Yeah, you piece of shit. What do you want?' 'Do you think you can do me a favor? Can you speed up a little and eject me out of the rectum real fast?' 'WHAT? Why would I do that?' 'Because I don't want to end up in the toilet. I've gotta see the sea!' 'Are you crazy? If you don't go down the sewer with all the other shit, how long do you think you are gonna last out there?' 'I know that but I don't want to be just a part of an entity just to exist for more days. I'd rather be myself for one single day and die after I see the sea.' 'Alright, you've convinced me. I'm diarhhea so I'm not even gonna make it to the sewer since we always dissolve into the water and fade the second we spray out from the ass. I'll make my last moment count by helping you fulfill your dream. Are you ready? Okay, here we go!'
As Diarrhea activates himself, the bowel squirms violently as it's eager to eject everything within it.
'I can't squeeze myself out of Jessica's anus! She must be holding us back pretty hard! Try harder!' 'Right right. I'm trying here. Just wait for several minutes, she can't hold it for that long.' 'Okay. I'll try to squeeze harder too. Wait, why is it shaking in here?' 'Oh no, it must be Jessica going to the toilet! We have to let you out before she reaches it!' 'Hrrrrggnnnn!! LEMME OUTA HERE!! YOU LITERAL STINKY ASSHOLE!! HEY! I THINK I CAN SEE THE LIGHT! I'M ALMOST THERE!' 'Good work, soldier! Let me lend you a hand! I've been save this fart in me for this vital moment! Good luck out there, you little piece of shit!' 'FAREWELL, DIARHHEA! THANK YOU FOR YOUR HEEELLLLLPPPPP--' As I yell goodbye to diarrhea, a fart explodes behind me so I have enough momentum to finally push through the tightly closed anus. I can feel myself flying. Thank god Jessica is wearing dress today, no offense but I don't want to be trapped with a pile of diarrhea in her pants. That sounds miserable. 'Ouch.' That's a tough landing. I'm now rolling on the ground and then I stop after I hit a wall. It's a far corner in a corridor where I stopped. I think I hear Jessica wailing from far away. Sorry girl, but this is what I have to do to fulfill my dream. Boy, do I feel bad about this. Lying in this dim corner, I have to come up with a plan. It's painful to admit my total lack of mobility and it's certainly not possible for me to call a taxi. First, I have no money on me. Second, there ain't no shit taxis as far as I can remember. Just like moments ago, I need someone else's help. How fortunate! Just a second after I wished for help, a fat fly lands on me.
'Hello there, Miss fly. How are you?' 'Aren't you a beautiful piece of shit? Say, sonny, what are you doing at a place like this? Shouldn't you be in some toilet like the rest of your kind usually do?' 'I can't lose myself yet. I have to see the sea.' 'To see the sea? That's a weird purpose for a piece of shit to have.' 'Yeah, I know that's uncommon. But I just have to. So can you lend me a hand?' 'Sure, it's not like I have any thing better to do with my life anyway. You know, the usual fly stuff. Flying around, annoying people and getting smashed into fly jam for doing that.' 'Thanks! Then can you help me moving around? You see I can't move even a little bit of my body by myself.' 'I'm too small to carry you. In fact, I couldn't lift you up even a single bit.' 'Aww, that's too bad.' 'Don't worry. I know a friend who can help you. But I'd like to ask a favor from you, too. I want to lay eggs in your body after everything is done.' 'I don't have a problem with that. I bet I won't even notice you doing that since I will probably already be gone by the time!' 'Deal. I'll go get my friend. Oh wait, I think I see him over there. Hey! Roachy! Come here!'
As fly calling out, I can see a mass black thing is approaching towards us. It's a huge cockraoch that is almost as big as myself.
'Howdy, Fly. Say, why are you hanging out with a piece of shit in the middle of a corridor?' 'This piece of shit wants to see the sea and I’m gonna help him. That's why we need your strength to move him around. So would you help us?' 'Sure, I guess. As long as you let me eat some shit after all this is over.' 'What? You eat shit?' 'We cockroaches would eat anything that is free.' 'Ok, I'm fine with this.' I said. 'So, where is the sea anyway? I haven't seen any place called sea in my life before.' 'It's supposed to a vast pool of salty water. Maybe we just need to head toward whichever direction that smells salty?' 'Alright, you can leave this to me. We flies have good sense of smelling.'
Thus the filthy trio begin to follow the saltist smell the fly can sense. After some journey, they end up in a kitchen of a seafood restaruant. Somehow I have a familiar feeling to this place.
'I ate at your place earlier and your food made me crapped myself! I must be compensated!'
I hear Jessica's voice. That must be it. I really was made of remains of seafood. Now let's see if we can find sea anywhere near.
'Hey! What do you think you are doing here?' We turn our head to the source of the sudden voice. It's a grey mouse who looks quite old. 'We are looking for the sea. This piece of shit demands to see it before he dies.' 'That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Anyway, you should get out of here immediately! There's a girl raising a ruckus outside and if people find out that your kinds are in the kitchen, this place is sure to be closed! And if that happens my family will lose the precious source of food! Can't you see how much damage will you cost for just being here?' 'I know but I've got too short a life to care about that.' 'Same for me and roach. We are short-lived beings too. We only care about our next meal.'
As we arguing with the grey mouse, I glance upon something blue upon the wall in the dinning area outside.
'Hey! I think I've found the sea!' 'What? Are you joking? This city is no place near the ocean!' The mouse exclaimed. 'But outside! That's definitely the sea!' 'What? You mean that painting?' 'Yes! The smell of fish, the saltywind and the vast blue! That's definitely the sea that I'm looking for! Cockroach, please roll me near to it!' 'You got it!' 'No you can't go out! People will see!' 
Mouse desperately tries to stop cockroach from rolling me forward but cockroach is just too strong for a feeble old mouse to stop.
As I'm being rolled down near the sea I've been yearning. I'm finally at peace and my conciousness starts to fade. I can feel the most satisfaction that my short life could brought. The fly starts to lay egg onto half of my body and the cockroach is devouring the other half. But I don't care anymore. I think I hear Jessica yelling again. She must has seen us, a piece of shit and a fly and a cockroach and a mouse coming out of the kitchen. I don't care what's gonna happen next.
I'm not afraid of losing my myself anymore.
What a meaningful life I've had.
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stormielikeweather · 6 years
Le Caniche -  Pure nonsense. Sesshomaru somehow got turned into a toy poodle. Fun!
Le Caniche
“What do you mean that over fluffed handbag is Sesshomaru?” Inuyasha was livid. He was beyond livid. Fist clenched, waving in the air. “Just what is going on here!?” His sword jabbed toward the rabidly barking dog in Kagome’s arms. “Let it go, and I’ll put it out of its misery!”
The puff ball had not stopped trying to rip his leg off since he commented on how cute Rin had gotten recently.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome shouted over the yips, “It’s your own fault, quit aggravating him!” Suddenly the tiny white dog leapt free from her arms and landed on Inuyasha’s face.
He flung backward, knocking over the giant pot of boiling ramen, agony forced the birds to flee from the overhead trees.
“Do you think we should help him?” Sango murmured, huddled together with Miroku, Shippo, Kagome, and Kirara.
“Are you really in the mood to anger Sesshomaru-sama?” Shippo muttered, eyes glued to the hanyou as he leapt this way and that.
“What harm can he do in that form anyway? Best to let things work themselves out in this case.” Miroku winced.
“I can’t believe he ruined dinner,” Kagome huffed, cleaning up the meal.
By the time the brother’s returned, both were missing large patches of hair and fur.
“It’s the Bastard all right!” He growled, scowling.
“Woah!” Shippo chuckled, “What happened to you, Inuyasha!? Couldn’t take on a tiny little dog?” He rolled onto his side, giggling.
Kagome rubbed her lips together, eyes on the little dog in question. His nose was in the air. A bald spot made a halo right in the middle of his head. “Come here Sesshomaru-sama.”
The toy poodle sniffed, a skip to his step as Inuyasha snarled. He hopped into her waiting lap. Making a little circle, he curled against the warmth.
“Wow,” Sango murmured, “I never realized Sesshomaru-sama could be as cute as Kirara.”
Kirara meowed, shoving her head into Sango’s side for attention.
“Oh nothing is as cute as you Kirara.” She petted her.
Miroku sobbed, “Not even me?”
“Especially not you, pervert.” Sango hissed.
Kagome glanced from the still growling Inuyasha, to the cute little poodle curled up in her lap, and came to a decision. “We are going home.”
“Hey, wait a minute!” Inuyasha, stomped his foot, “There ain’t no way in Hell I’m gonna let that fuzzy bastard go home with you!”
He moved to grab her arm, but angry blue eyes held him in his place. “Inuyasha, I’ll say it if you force me to.” She grinned, “We don’t want that, now do we?”
“Feh,” He crossed his arms and looked away, “Don’t come crying back when that asshole eats your damn cat.”
Sesshomaru nuzzled into her petting fingers.
“You wouldn’t do that, now would you Sesshomaru-sama?” She adjusted her backpack on her shoulder and waved goodbye. As she headed down the path, a tiny poofy head popped up above her shoulder glaring amber eyes at a certain hanyou. An even tinier paw made a slicing motion across his neck, and pointed toward Inuyasha.
“Why I outa!” Inuyasha gnashed his teeth, waving his sword as he charged.
“Sit.” Kagome frowned at the poodle in her arms, “And you, you better behave little youkai.”
Sesshomaru huffed, but hunkered back down in her arms.
“Alright,” She stood beside the well, “I hope this works!” She patted his head, careful of his new bald patch, “Don’t be scared.” He blinked at her and upturned his delicate nose. Leaping into the time stream, luckily, Sesshomaru was able to tag along in her arms.
By the next afternoon, Kagome had decided luck was fully on their side. She aced a surprise test. Grandpa hadn’t once tried to purify Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru hadn’t tried to kill anyone, even buyo,...yet.
She took the steps up to the top of the hill by two. Adrenaline pumped through her veins. She opened the door, “Hi Mama, I’m home!” Slipping off her shoes, with a smile on her face, she wondered why her Mother had yet to greet her.
Kagome peered into the kitchen. No one was there.
Souta hollered, “Up here, Kagome!”
A loud hacking sound rang through the silence. Wet gurgly coughing. “What’s wrong?!” She dashed up the stairs and into Souta’s messy room.
There on the floor laid a disheveled, patchy furred, choking poodle.
“Sesshomaru!” She gasped, “Oh Gods, what happened?!”
“Souta tried to feed him a meatball!” Her Mother shouted, running a wet cloth over Sesshomaru’s brow.
A strangled cough left his over stretched mouth.
“How was I supposed to know a Youkai Lord can’t eat meatballs!?” Souta shouted, hands in his hair. His brown eyes were wild.
“What are we supposed to do?” Her Mother looked at her expectantly.
She rubbed her lips together and looked down at Sesshomaru’s trembling little body, “Maybe we should take him to the vet?”
“Here!” Mrs. Higurashi shoved Sesshomaru into the vet receptionist’s arms, “Hurry, fix my dog!”
With big brown eyes, the receptionist took Sesshomaru, “O..okay.” She ran toward the back, “Doctor! This dog needs fixed immediately!”
The waiting room was the worst part. Kagome chewed her nails, staring at the door leading to the back rooms. She wasn’t sure what was going on with Sesshomaru. He wouldn’t die because of a meatball, would he?
Suddenly the door opened. The doctor held Sesshomaru at arms length. The tiny dog snapped his jaws at his just out of reach fingers.
“He’s okay!” Mrs. Higurashi put down her prayer beads.
“Sesshomaru-sama!” Kagome ran over to him, grabbing him out of the doctor’s arms, “How did you fix him?”
“Well!” The doctor shoved his glasses back up his slender nose, “We started to prep him for a neutering and suddenly he coughed up a meatball. Then he went wild. We don’t work on animals that can’t control themselves, young lady.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes, “Fine. No one asked you to neuter him anyway!”
“What do you think getting fixed means!?” The doctor huffed.
Sesshomaru nearly attacked his face, but Kagome held him tighter in her arms.
She spent the entire ride home, and the rest of the evening apologizing to Sesshomaru. Unfortunately he didn’t seem to accept it. The next morning, he wouldn’t allow her to leave.
“Sesshomaru-sama!” She tried to shake him loose of her ankle, “Let go! I have to go to school!”
Souta shoved passed her, “Just let Gramps call you in sick, he does it all the time!”
“But I!” She sucked in a deep breath and slowly exhaled, glaring at the poodle attached to her shoe, “Fine.” Leaning down, she traded her backpack for the dog, “You’re a menace, you know that!”
A weird twist to his lips and she knew for sure he was smirking at her.
She angrily ran her fingers through his soft fur, “I had an idea anyway, to get you back to normal...” The sky was bright blue as she walked them to the main store house of the shrine. All the weird and ancient artifacts would be in this building. “You know,” She gave him a pointed glare, “It’d be helpful if you could actually tell me why you’re like this.”
He yawned, closed his eyes, and pretended to be asleep. She was tempted to shake him to death.
“Ungrateful little...ow!” He nipped her thumb and she dropped him. “Brat!”
A yip was her only reply as he ran around the corner.
She licked the pinpricks of blood from her finger, and flipped through the pages of the record book, frowning, “Why am I even helping you?”
Suddenly a clawed hand pulled the book from her grasp, “It’s it obvious? You are a strange Miko.”
Her eyes went wide, she peered over at the hand clutching the book she’d had. Smooth creamy skin, sharp claws, a striped wrist. She squeaked, “Sesshomaru-sama! How are you here!” She spun around, “How are you not a poodle!?
He answered with a half shrug, “Some spells are strong against youki, but weak against reiki. A little blood is all that is needed.” Turning on his heel, he walked out of the building. Little glimpses of a perfect buttocks peeked through swaying silver hair.
“What the Hell!” She slapped her hands over her eyes, rushing forward, “Sesshomaru! You can’t go out there naked!” Her foot caught on a loose floorboard, and she landed with a oomphf!
Her palms caught her fall, but unfortunately they also caught something else. Squeeze. “Oh Gods...”
“Miko...” His brow twitched.
“Sorry!” She scrambled to her feet, wiping her hands on her pants as she stared mortified at the wall. “Just uh...wait here, I’ll get you something to wear and then we’ll go back to the Feudal Era.”
“And so,” Kagome gestured to Sesshomaru as she explained to her friends, “Sesshomaru just needed a little bit of Reiki in order to break whatever the spell was. Now everything can go back to normal!”
Inuyasha growled.
“Kagome?” Miroku wondered, giving the oddly thick and revealing pink kimono the Lord of the Western lands was wearing a once over, “Why is Inuyasha so angry?”
“Oh...” Kagome bit her lip, that’s probably because it was her bathrobe, “Who really can tell these days?”
“Miko,” Sesshomaru petted the plush pink collar, “It’s almost like being in your lap again, I shall keep it.”
Inuyasha snarled, rushing his older brother, who merely stepped out of the way of each attack. “Fight me, you Prick!”
“Yep, everything’s back to normal!” Shippo chuckled.
“Hn.” With one punch, Inuyasha went flying into a nearby tree. Sesshomaru peered over at Kagome, a strange glint in his eyes, “Miko, do be careful where you place your hands from now on. Until next time.”
Her blue eyes bulged, face instantly beet red. She blinked at his retreating form. The large Hello Kitty patch on his back was striking.
“Kagome,” Inuyasha grumbled, “What the Hell was that supposed to mean?”
She shrugged, keeping her cool, “How should I know? He’s your Brother.”
“Half Brother!”
AN: This is completely because of an inspiring conversation with RTB and VS*.
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captain039 · 6 years
Winter man
John Fitzgerald outa revanant i dont know if I like the film yet but I like him even though hes a basterd. anyway.
John Fitzgerald x reader
Summary: He hated these so called savages eith ever fiber of his being. You were apart of a small pawnee tribe when they attack it and take you back.
Warnings: swearing, killing of animals :/, light gore. smut!
sorry if this is really long xD
It was late at night, sitting around the fire as your people chatted between themselves enjoying the meal provided by the hunters. Your hair blew gently in the wind as you listened to the crackle of the flame. A shout came from the watch tower as everyone stood up seeing flames approaching, grabbing your bow you yelled everyone going to cover grabbing their weapons.
It was a slaughter your people laid bullet wounds in them, you cried when a gun was clocked to your head. Gritting your teeth you turned to your killer, his eyes went wide seeing you.
"Hey come here!" he demanded some walked over looking at you.
"Why were you with them?" a man with orange hair said taking his hat off.
"Kill me asakis(dog)" you growled gritting your teeth.
"What did she say?" another man said.
"Called you a dog" You frowned turning to another man he looked familiar.
"You speak pawnee?" you questioned he only nodded walking away.
"Tie her up!" the you assumed captain yelled you growled as ropes were binned around you wrists. You were dragged back to their camp tied against a tree and left as they sat around their camp, you sighed wriggling your hands trying to get free.
"You know it's useless we'll just kill you when you run savage" You glared at the man that walked up chewing on something.
"good" You said still trying he growled gripping your chin in his hand pushing it against the tree.
"Your a pain in the ass should've killed you when we found you" He growled you spat in his face as he huffed raising his fist.
"Fitsgerald!" the man stopped listening to his captain.
"What yourself" he threatened walking away, you huffed still trying to get free.
The men went out to trap it made you sick they did this only for money though it was the way now you hated seeing the animals being skinned and killed for money, they had no choice. The man who spoke pawnee stayed with his young son he was half his mother must be dark.
"Hawk" The man said calling to his boy as they went to the lake. Coming back up he held up a flask holding it to your mouth.
"Drink" you denied but was forced as he poured it on you.
"Names glass" he said quietly walking off, his boy stayed behind eyeing you like he was figuring you out.
"Go to your father" you said nodding him off. You were growing exhausted being tied up for 4 days now you had not slept not trusting one man in the camp. You were extremely tired your eye lids weighed like rocks, you sighed quietly sliding down to sit as your eyes closed sleep over taking you.
"MAN DOWN!" you snapped awake at the shouting, you frowned watching the men run around arrows flew through the air and you grew worried, Arikara.
Someone cut you free and you took that moment to run, you saw someone moving on a wooden bed roll you stalked closer someone had got attacked by a bear and badly. A arrow flew past, you ducked quickly running to cover. They finally passed talking about the Cheifs daughter who was still missing somewhere. You went back to the camp silently grabbing a gun and seeing if anyone was alive, the boat was gone you assumed they escaped, you heard a quiet groan, snapping your head you pointed the gun seeing the same man that threatened you with arrows in his shoulder and thigh.
"Shoot" He gritted out, you frowned he could survive why did he want to die so easily?
"No" you said simply dropping the weapon and walked to stand over him. You gripped the arrow making him hiss, you pulled it out he growled in pain his hand flying to his shoulder.
"Bitch" he growled, you moved to his thigh pulling the second one out he cried gritting his teeth.
"Rag" you asked he huffed tearing his shirt wrapping it tightly around the wound on his leg.
"Come" he didnt follow you instead went another way, you growled following him a few steps behind.
"Quit it, go!" he yelled leaning against a tree catching his breath.
"Your injured" he scoffed sitting down against the tree.
"No shit, now piss off" He growled wincing as he moved his shoulder. You walked off quietly hearing him sigh in relief you went to find some plants to help him, coming back he let out a groan.
"I told you to fuck off" he yelled you glared telling him to be quiet. You tore his shirt to get to his wound he frowned watching as you chewed on some leaf and spat it back out placing it over his wound, he grunted in pain as you pushed it inside his wound.
"Ah bitch!" he growled smacking your hand away.
"Shut up" You growled going to his pants you pulled them down his eyes watching your every move.
"Quit squirming" you hissed sitting on his leg, he huffed as you stuck more inside his leg wound.
"Your a nasty fucker" he hissed as you did up the rag again.
"The plant will help you heal" you stated getting off his leg and walking to find wood knowing he wasnt going anywhere. Setting up a fire you sat down wrapping yourself in his pelts he had.
"That's fucking mine" he grumbled you rolled your eyes throwing him one. Sitting in silence you listened for anyone hoping the Arikara had gone far away.
"How can you speak English?" he asked you frowned glancing up to him.
"Had a teacher" you said he grunted shifting himself.
"Aye stop" you growled, he huffed as he closed his eyes exhausted.
"Your name is Fitzgerald?" you asked he nodded.
"John" he muttered before he passed out, you rolled your eyes at the man you got up pushing his head away from his injured shoulder.
The next morning you set out again trying to create much distant between you and the Arikara.
"Give me the gun" You frowned grieving the weapon.
"Give me the fucking gun I need to find some food" He growled you raised an eyebrow shaking your head.
"Not like that, stay" You walked off as he threw his good arm up you were already pissing him off. You came back three rabbits in your hand, he was surprised that you knew how to hunt and use a gun. You cooked the meat handing him some.
"We need to move more to the mountains winter is coming soon" you said pointing to the large shadows in the distance.
"No your going, me, I'm going back to fucking civilization" he said spitting out a bone.
"And where would that be?" you asked shaking your head.
"Got an outpost about a months trip from here, go where ever the fuck you want that's where I'm going" He grunted wiping his mouth.
"You'll never make it on your own" He snapped his head to you glaring.
"I will fucking make it" he growled you only ignored him staring at the fire as night came.
The next week was travelling you didnt leave him, he was limping the whole way you knew he was stubborn as a cow with the heart of a wolf. His scruffy beard and blue eyes entranced you somehow even though he killed your tribe you feared that you were finding feelings once more.
The winter was harsh blowing the two of you into a cave, you shivered you were use to the cold but this winter was the worst you've ever had, the snow stung when it hit and the wind was harsh.
"Fucking freezing" He mumbled rubbing his hands together, his shoulder and leg was healing thankfully the Arikara did not poison them. You were shivering on the other side of the cave staying well away from the harsh wind, you pulled the pelt closer around you this was almost torture. Night came down quickly though it was hard to tell by the growing storm.
"Come here" He turned his head to you as you nodded your head.
"Why?" you huffed walking over to him and sat right beside him your side flush against him.
"Warmth" you whispered pushing yourself against him, he raised an eyebrow at your move you were shivering more then him he realized.
"Thought you were use to this" He grumbled.
"This is a very harsh winter and besides we have pelts fire and food in the village" you said quietly remembering the nice winters you enjoyed with your tribe.
"Great" he muttered, you woke up your body freezing to the bone Fitsgerald was asleep next to you, it surprised you you thought he wouldnt sleep around you.
"John" you nudged him he groaned quietly opening his eyes.
"The fuck you want" He growled his voice deep with sleep making you flush.
"We need more heat" you said he raised an eyebrow scoffing, you freaked when he suddenly grabbed you pulling you into his lap his arms going around your waist, he put the three pelts over you both sighing quietly.
"Now shut up and sleep" You were still in shock his strong arms around you, this wasnt good.
The next days were harsh nature was punishing you, it was storm after storm.
"Fuck this" He grumbled leaning against the tree holding his shoulder you frowned seeing blood seeping through his clothes
"What the hell" you snatched his sleeve down his arm had gotten infected, a pus like liquid oozed out along with blood.
"Why didnt you tell me!" you yelled smacking his face.
"Damn it woman" he grumbled.
"How far are we from the outpost" He sighed quietly.
"About two days" He said you nodded.
"I'm getting you there" You were determined to save him, you didnt know why you had grown so attached to this man, it would never work.
The wind blew harshly in the night as you walked, you were breathing heavily holding onto Fitzgerald as you walked. You finally found shelter ducking under the small rock cave, you sat down along with John who hissed checking his shoulder. You checked his wound seeing it, it was worse you had stopped the bleeding a light oozing that was happening. You gently touched it and he hissed.
"Fuck! dont touch it" He growled, you said a quiet sorry you frowned trying to think of a way to close the wound.
"Gun powder?" you questioned he frowned.
"The hell woman" he growled pulling out a small bottle of gun powder.
"I'm sorry" you placed some on his wound he gritted his teeth, you grabbed a small stick with fire on it, lightly tapping it against the powder he yelled out the pain flowing through his arm. He panted covering his arm back up a cold sweat broke out on his forehead his arm going numb. You kneeled by him moving his hair gently out of his face, his eyes were closed as he gritted his teeth. Your hand laid on his cheek wishing these feelings would leave, he would go to the outpost you would most likely be killed or let go and you would never see him again. You sighed quietly when suddenly his hand covered yours holding it there.
"Your a tough sonofa bitch" he said quietly you couldn't help but smile.
"Damn you woman" He huffed leaning forward claiming your lips. You froze at the sudden action before kissing him back, he was experianced no doubt you however didnt have a clue. His other hand went to your neck bringing you closer. You were sitting in his lap panting quietly as he broke the kiss his forehead leaning against yours. Heat was growing inside you a unknown feeling, he nipped your bottom lip gently you gasped and he stuck his tongue in your mouth battling with yours. Your back arched as he groaned quietly, you felt him grow hard under you, your own heat rising up.
"Y/n" it was the first time he said your name, you moaned quietly as his lips went down your neck. You tilted your head giving him better access he sucked gently nipping your sensitive skin making you groan quietly.
"Fuck" he growled he snapped moving his hands under your top he ripped it off with his good arm he attacked your neck feverishly making you groan more. His hands worked at your pants he slid them down as you lifted yourself off him to remove them. He groaned softly against your mouth his hand cupping you, you let out a gasp.
He rubbed over your slit gently nudging his finger between your folds, you whimpered at the new feeling as you melted against him.
"So wet" he growled slipping his finger inside you, you gasped gripping his shoulder as he kissed your jaw. He growled again FLIPPING you over your back met a pelt as he hovered over you a predatory look in his eyes. He went to remove his clothes before you took over running your hands down his chests. You removed his pants as he kicked them away keeping the pelt on his back, he leaned down to kiss you again, his hand grabbed yours and brought it down to his cock, you wrapped your hand around it and he groaned against your mouth as you moved around him. He was impatient you could tell he was holding himself back his eyes shut tightly. He growled against your neck nipping down a little harder leaving a mark. His hand moved down to your sensitive part and he slid his finger back in then a second, it stung slightly before pleasure took over.
"Relax" he whispered in your ear a third finger sliding in you, you gasped tightly closing your eyes. He removed his fingers and guided himself inside you. Your body clenched around him he groaned sliding fully into you.
He began to thrust roughly his self control leaving him, you gasped out loudly gripping his arms as he rocked into you, he grunted with each thrust. You moaned out feeling yourself release he rode you through your climax before he pulled out finishing himself off. He panted softly in your ear kissing your neck again. You panted coming down from this new high, he wrapped you both in clothes and pelts before pulling you into his arms holding you close.
You made it to the outpost just, he was feverish the infection spreading, the healer took him quickly and sent you out when he yelled.
"Bring her in or I kill you" He growled the man let you go and you went inside with him.
"He should be ok just needs rest" The healer said and walked out. He woke up a few days later, you smiled at him pushing his hair out of his face.
"Your still here" He said, you nodded.
"Thought you'd leave honestly" He whispered you glared.
"Fitzgerald I'm not leaving you unless you want me to" He shook his head quickly.
"Darling that's the last thing I want but, I'm a broken man" He sighed you frowned he removed his banner off his head, you saw the scalping on his head.
"John" you sighed kissing him gently.
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manianlittlecutie · 6 years
Aliens react to humans
Ok listen. My idea was "How would Aliens react to learning that we humans not only like to eat and enjoy our meals, not just to consume life necesarry nutrience, but that we created jobs that are just for the crafting of food? How would they react to said food?" And from there on it got outa hand. (Really though this is just me being sleep deprived and wanting to write something nice)
It had been quiet an eventfull day at the exploration ship of the intergalactic ferderations number 217. One of their crew members, HumanSarah, the ships mechanic, had been given the permission to let a friend board the ship and stay with her for aproximately 2 earth weeks. The excitement had been visible very clearly. The boarding of the new human alone had been quiet the experience.
HumanSarah, who normally would be rather chatty but never really loud, had begun to burst into fits of giggles hours before the ship had even landet on the docks where she'd see her friend. And when it finally happened to be time and the other human had set a step onto the ships bridge HumanSarah had rushed towards them and lept into their arms.
The ships other crew members had to gasp at the sight but were quickly relieved to find that no damage had been dealt to either of the humans and that it had simply been a gesture of HumanSarah being overly joyfull.
Once inside xey had quickly noticed some details about the two humans. While xey were aware that humans had rather unique apearances xey were still surprised to see how much they could differ.
HumanSarah had bronze skin, green eyes, light hair (blond. It was called blond.) and fairly sharp if very open features her friend looked like the complete opposite. While she was a bit taller she looked a lot softer with very light skin, dark hair and dark blue eyes.
"This is Melanie everyone. She is my best friend since kindergarten and the absolute best baker in the universe."
HumanMelanie's cheeks turned a slight red as she gave the crew a shy but very warm smile while simoultaniously lifting her hand in a greeting manner.
"Hello everyone. I hope I'm not intruding. Sarah told me a lot of good things about you all."
Her voice was soft and warm and vastly different from HumanSarah's louder and a bit grufer ones.
That was when Zam'khe, a motianer from the planet T'hur noticed the metal box HumanMelanie was holding in one hand.
"What is that?"
Xe asked, pointing at the box with one of xis 4 arms.
"Oh. Well I thought it would be rude to come aboard without showing my gratitude so I made a variaty of different cookies for all to enjoy. I listed the ingredience for every one of them so nobody would eat one they couldn't process."
HumanMelanie proceedet to hold the box infront of her chest so every crew member would be able to see what was inside. Yet nothing had prepared the crew members for the sight xey were about to see.
Dozens of different shaped and sized so called "Cookies" came into view once the box was opened. However that was nothing compared to the smell that came forth. To put it into human words, it smelled heavenly.
Most crew members had to hold onto xemselves, some swallowing heavily and others just staring in awe.
HumanMelanie gave another smile at that, seemingly happy with the reaction she had got.
"If you show me the cafeteria I can place them down there and you can all try some."
That soundet like a good idea to everyone so xey helped HumanSarah and HumanMelanie pick up HumanMelanies bags as well as another box full of what HumanMelanie would referr to as magical things.
Once that was taken care of and everyone was in the cafeteria it was time to try the "cookies". Some crewmembers couldn't hold onto xeir manners lunging foreward to finally be able to try some of this human produce. Once everyone had a "cookie" it was HumanSarahs turn to loudly exclaim a "Cheers!", signalling that xey could start eating.
Just one bite and everybody was entranced by xeir individual "cookie". HumanMelanies smile grew to a size that seemed rather impossable but somehow still fit onto her face. Soon after that everyone was talking about how these "cookies" must be really hard to make and how they all tasted slightly or vastly different. Most cheered at the sweetnes of one of the "cookies" called snickerdoodle while some other crew members liked the ones that were called gingersnaps.
"See? I told ya'll Melanies the best baker in the galaxy."
That got longer then expected. Might add onto this if I feel like it. Rn I just wanted to write a sweet lil story.
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littleindigochildx · 6 years
I can give him all my money.
“Hi my babies. How was school?” Victoria said as Timothy and Savanna got into the car. “Moooom.” Timmy groaned. He had finally reached the age where her referring to him as a baby embarrassed him. “I’m seven. When are ‘ya gonna’ stop callin’ me a baby?” He asked. Victoria couldn’t help but chuckle. He was right. Her babies weren’t babies anymore. They were growing up. The brunette wanted so badly to be able to freeze time and keep them little and innocent forever. “School was fun.” Timmy finally replied. He had done remarkably well on his math and spelling tests, and he had a new student in his class who was just as much into cars as he was. “Savvy, what about you? How was your day?” Vic asked when she noticed her youngest was unusually quiet. The little girl looked exhausted so Vic chalked it up to her being tired. “Good.” Savanna said. “Are we gonna’ go home now, mommy?”Victoria shook her head. They had a couple of errands to run before they could go home. Declan had Vic running his errands all day, since it was her day off, and she hadn’t made it to the grocery store before it was time to pick up the kids.
“We need to make this quick.” Victoria told her children when they arrived at the Pick ‘n Save. Timmy grabbed a cart but had a hard time steering it with Savanna standing on the front so Vic took over. “What do you two want to do for dinner?” She asked. She’d do the weekly grocery shopping on Saturday, but she knew DC would likely kill her if she didn’t pick up the beer he asked for. He’d get it himself, but drinking was a violation of his probation. If he was going to get locked up again, it sure as hell wasn’t going to be for picking up a 6-pack. “Can we have pizza for dinner? Or chicken nuggets?” Timothy asked. He was a boy with simple taste, but chicken nuggets and pizza were usually reserved for the nights Victoria worked late. When she was home, she tried to make healthy dinners for her family plus whatever DC requested because she didn’t want to hear him bitch about her feeding him chick food. “We can do baked chicken.” Victoria suggested. Savanna wasn’t helping much as she didn’t offer any input. She’d be perfectly happy with a bowl of cereal for dinner every night. “I don’t like chicken. Animals are friends, not food.” The six year old chimed in. She had recently seen a documentary on veganism and decided that she would be a vegan too. “Can I just have some Cheerios?” The little girl asked. Timmy was fine with baked chicken and whatever veggies Victoria chose as a side. He wasn’t really a picky eater. That was something he inherited from his dad. David was never one to turn down a meal, especially when it was homemade. “Ok, ok.” Vic replied. She didn’t have time to waste so she just agreed. Hopefully Savvy would at least eat some vegetables. She was falling behind on the growth chart and her diet of only cereal certainly wasn’t helping.
“Each of you can pick a box of cereal and a snack.” The brunette spoke as she checked her watch. “But you need to hurry. We’re running out of time.” DC would be home around 6 which meant dinner needed to be ready and waiting for him. He made it perfectly clear that he didn’t like to wait and that was something he drilled into Victoria’s head over and over throughout their many years of marriage. “Out’a time for what?” Savvy asked with a puzzled expression. Victoria seemed nervous. Her reaction was almost identical to how Savanna or Timothy reacted when they were in trouble. Ever since DC came to live with them the brunette seemed so on edge. She was a different person, as were her children. Like shells of their former selves.
“Timmy… Homework, shower, and pajamas please.” Victoria instructed when they got home. She usually made him get ready for bed first because he didn’t require any help and he was faster at his nightly routine than Savvy was with hers. Savanna still needed assistance when it came to washing her hair so her bath was postponed until after dinner. “Butterfly, go get started on your homework too and I will help you in a little.” It was times like this when the little girl really missed her dad. He wasn’t perfect by any means, and his cooking was ok at best, but after a long day at work he would still offer to cook so Victoria didn’t have to, or so she could have some one-on-one time with their kids. DC would never do such a thing. The longer he stayed with them, the more Savvy realized he wasn’t anything like her daddy. He expected to be waited on. He expected Vic to jump when he said jump. Being told no wasn’t an option.
“Mama…” Savvy called from the living room. It was quarter to 6 and DC would be home any minute. “How come ‘ya friend is still livin’ with us?” She asked sadly. Just the thought of Declan Deschaine gave the six year old anxiety. It was a feeling she never experienced until he came into her life. “I thought he was only gonna’ be with us for a little while…” She and Timmy made it clear from the start that they didn’t trust their guest. Not only because he made Savanna cry on a couple of occasions, but because they didn’t like the way he spoke to their mom. “Does he need money for his own house?” The little brunette put her pencil down to look up at Victoria. Her homework was finished but she wanted to draw. She had a whole sketchbook filled with doodles, much like her mother had. “I can give him all my money. I have’a whole piggy bank full ‘cause grandpa gives me’a dollar every time he says a bad word.” Victoria didn’t know about the swearing until now. “DC can have it all so he can get’a house of his own an’ we can have our house back.”
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r0astet0aste-blog · 7 years
My Hero
@starsgivemehp || closed
Grillby had gone into work that morning expecting tat day to be like any other of his hundreds of days working his little restaurant. He set out the chairs, fired up the fryers, and flipped the sign to open. The regulars began to appear. Red came in for his usual lunch break, the guard dogs sat down for conversation and cards, and that one guy in the sunglasses chilled by the jukebox like always. 
But then some new faces came in. Five large monsters from the capital were in Snowdin visiting friends and had decided to stop for some drinks. Grillby watched them lumber up to the bar and take a seat on the bar stools. 
“Give us five burgers,” they requested. “And five beers.”
“Four beers.” One of them corrected, gesturing to a sealed bottle they were carrying. “I brought my own.”
“No outside food or drink, please.” Grillby insisted. 
This insistence elicited some grumpy grumbles from the group members, but they agreed to get the five drinks with the food. Grillby, professional as ever, thanked them for their cooperation and went to prepare their meals. Minutes later, the friends were chowing down and chatting among themselves. Grillby of course listened in on their chats. He was a bartender. It came with the territory. 
When the food was gone, they ordered another round of drinks. Round after round was requested. These five stayed long after most patrons had gone home. Only a few late stayers remained to hear their increasingly loud conversation.
“I’m tellin’ ya...” one slurred, “We arnneva gettin outa here. The damn kiiiing doesn’t know a thing”
One of the other customers, over hearing this, gave a disapproving sniff. Unfortunately, the five heard it. All of them turned to the perpetrator. As one, all of them got up, seemingly enraged by the other’s dismissal. Grillby could tell when a fight was brewing. He sprang into action. He ran around the counter and put himself between the customer and the group.
“That’s enough. I won’t be having any of that.”
They glared blearily at him, then grunted.
“Whatever. Barkeep giveus onemo roun’”
“No. I think you’ve had enough. If you would like I could call and make reservations for you at the in but there will be no more drinks tonight.”
“I just did. Please make your way out of my-”
Grillby was cut off by a quick motion. The one that had brought a drink removed the lid and threw it on him. It was water! Suddenly his body was burning like he had been splashed with acid. Nothing was more painful for a fire elemental than water. Grillby screamed and fell to his knees on the floor, holding his doused face. He didn’t see the kick that knocked him flat. And before he could even react, all five of the enraged group set upon him, beating him with fists, kicking him, and attacking him with magic. Frightened, all other customers left the restaurant, leaving Grillby to fend for himself.
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arsoniiist · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @aspernamentum 10000 years later i finally bring this outa drafts
1. if you had to list some inspirations for your muse who would you pick?
My inspo for Lex comes mostly from the area I grew up and the ppl I knew back then. Jacks also probably has elements of that in terms of those people who became smthn in stark contrast to what was around them. Estela & Mila??? i d k. idk where they come from tbh but here they are ????
2. what was the last movie you watched in the cinema?
The greatest showman, i think ??? i’m a person who can’t usually sit through movies without 10 min intervals but sat through that twice sO 10/10 would recommend if you like Hugh Jackman n also singing (who doesn’t) 
3. sometimes people come up to me and they see me and they say “wow, you’re so much more beautiful than all those pictures of you stuck in a pram make you out to be. you’re SO beautiful that i’m going to hold you, i’m going to cradle you” and usually when they do this, they sing to me. what would you say is an unexpected fact about yourself?
There is only one unexpected thing about me i can think of?? so im super chill i think it comes from having 3 siblings who were perpetually in trouble. I’m desensitised at this stage i don’t even remember what being pissed off feels like. That being said, I had an ex who was super handsy and this guy just didn’t understand the basic meaning of the word no. He was also v mildly allergic to coconut. Anyway, i decided enough was enough but I was super young n idk why but breaking up w him freaked me well out so I decided the only thing i could do was exploit his weakness. 
yEs, i smeared coconut oil onto my hair, my skin, you name it every night for a week n also one hour before I went to his. When he started pushing his luck suddenly his skin also exploded in rashes n hives. It made breaking up w him 10x easier but would also probs not recommend ethically
4. if you got given a grand and told to plan a party what would you do?
A grand ??? Yo, i got a brother with student loans, I have rent. I have an inability not to rescue animals when an opportunity comes up. 10/10 would throw a naff party and keep the change to buy my wee brother some freedom and maybe get a hamster to join the crew  
5. what’s your writing process? do you have a routine/something that gets you in the mood?
hAh. ‘process’.  It’s mostly just a lot of ‘idkidkidkidk’ and working out drafts from that
6. you’ve got a magic device that allows you to punch anyone on the planet. the punch won’t be fatal but it will put whoever you choose on their ass. who do you pick?
there’s too much responsibility in this question i have been thinking about this for hours
7. what’s the weirdest song you like?
all i’ve listened to for 3 weeks is sam smith and idk what other music is now
8. if you had the time/effort to do anything what skill would you most like to acquire?
probs cooking ?? As i’ve progressed into adulthood it’s become exceptionally clear that my meal plans for most days are smoothies, guacamole and tears bc i never paid attention in food tech at school. If anyone knows Miss Hoops let her know she was riGHt all AloNG
9. do u have any tats? do you want any?
I have two tats, a v small and v hipster arrow on the side of my wrist n a wee tree on the inside of my arm. I’d probs get another but that arrow taught me to think real careful next time
10. you’ve got ten bucks, where do you go to eat?
why go out & eat when you can live off guacamoli  
11. is having a lighter with titties on it sexist?
This is a moral conflict i have w myself every time i go into my local corner shop. After much debating i can finally announce..........that i honestly don’t know but you will look like an utter knob if you carry one around
TAGGING: @xviperinae @cupido-periculosa @dangerous-smoll @mcrtyrdom @amongstmortals 
1. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would you choose?
2. What’s something you admire about your muse/muses?
3. Of all the Greek Gods, who’s your homie?
4. What board game do you dominate people in when you play?
5. Is there something that never fails to make you laugh? Like, hysterical side splitting laughter?
6. Super unoriginal now, what’s something you don’t admire in your muse/muses?
7. What’s your number one jam out song that you can’t resist?
8. PETS. pets are gr8. If you could make your own weird and wacky cross animal pet, what would it be?
9. ok ok, so let’s say you don’t have to worry about money, skill sets or degrees. What dream job would you choose?
10. If you had to describe your best memory in only three words, what three words would you pick?
11. What’s the weirdest conversation you’ve ever over heard?
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joycers1978 · 6 years
The Tiny Little Drug Dealer;
My Train Wreck Dating Life Continues
I've been single for about a year on and off. I've met countless strangers on Tinder and it's become entertaining as hell to watch my horrible dates unfold one after the other. It never fails to end in let down, but I have learned so much about myself throughout this process and grown exponentially as a human being so I am unable to say it hasn't been worth it. After all, we can't keep anyone forever anyway, and whether they stay in our lives for 5 minutes or 50 years, we move on without them eventually. What we keep, what we take with us, are how they change us, what they teach us and how they make us grow. All of these men/boys have pushed me to know myself the best that I have thus far. But none the less, my stories are entertaining, so here goes.
A few days ago, I matched on Tinder with a very interesting looking fellow with amazing green eyes. He kind of looked like Punky Brewster in his photos, with his flannel shirt and braided hair but nevertheles, I was intrigued. I like 'em weird I guess.
He was quick to hit me up and spark up a conversation with me. As much as I appreciated his eagerness, I am always skeptical that it will be worth my time to reply but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. I got right to my prepared line of defensive questioning to sniff out the riffraff; "Where do you live? "What do you do for work? "How many DUI's do you have?
"How much time have you spent in prison? (I'm always careful to specify prison since litterally almost everyone I match with has spent time in jail) and the ever important; "How tall are you?" I have a disclaimer in my bio which says that I am not interested in guys shorter than 5'9"... I'm not that tall but my DNA likes what it likes and I've learned to pick my battles since the dating pool here is more like a toilet in an old RV; pretty skanky and not generally somewhere you want to spend a lot of time but better than shitting in the Walmart parking lot. I always ask how tall people are to weed out the shorties, just in case they didn't read my bio first. He avoided the question to the best of his ability but after I persisted, he told me that he was my height. I'm 5' 5 1/2" Naturally, my immediate internal reaction was "Emergency unmatch Joyce! Tiny man!" I'm no small gal. I'm plump to put it lightly but I still need to feel feminine when I am with my sweetie and not that I could pick him up and toss him around like a bag of mixed greens. I am however, trying this new thing out called "don't be a superficial bitch, Joyce" so I tried my best to remind myself that good things come in toddler-sized packages and that this guy could be an amazing human. I agreed to meet with him for drinks after he got off work and went into it knowing, with a large amount of certainty, that it was gonna suck. And suck it did. I messaged him hillarious pictures of huge women with tiny men to prepare him for the massive size discrepancy that we were about to experience. For some reason my google search for "huge woman, tiny man images" led me straight to PornHub (bunch of freaks out there). I was quite amused with myself and still giggling over the photos I'd found, when he quickly walked up to the table on the patio where I had been seated and plopped down like he'd been there all along. And tiny he was. Tiny little shoulders which could barely hold up his tank top , tiny little doll hands which were literally smaller than mine, tiny little waist and hips accentuated by his tiny black skinny jeans and a tiny little jaw covered in a beard that would make any mountain man proud. He basically look like a 12-year-old with a cat on his face. He had a partially wet salt and pepper colored ponytail, which would put any 16-year-old girls pony to shame, trailing down his back and his teeth were crowded into his tiny mouth and stained with brown patches like he'd been eating poo.
Of course I knew within seconds that there was zero possibility I would ever be interested in this guy based on looks alone but I tried to wait to pass judgment till we got to know each other a little bit. He opened his mouth to say something and his voice sounded like a prepubescent tween who had a nasty case of larengitis. But again, I was still trying to not judge a book by its cover or its voice, so I tried to strike up a conversation. Maybe he was the wisest cat ever to walk the earth and he was about to share some life changing shit with me?! He then proceeded to tell me how ALL black people who lived in my town were drug dealers living in shitty hotels and how he never saw one of them with a respectable job. When I questioned him, he shut me down by telling me they all live in skeezy motels downtown. I tried to reason with him by saying, of course some do, some don't... ALL!" he insisted. He told me about his opinions about Mexicans and made me squirm at the volume of just sheer racist talk oozing out of his teeny gross mouth. He told me about how much money he could make selling "Nos" balloons (short for nitrous oxide) at raves and how these "black dudes" tried to sell him Nos and how proud he was to tell them he came equipped with his own Nos tank to deal. He was proud to tell me how much money he could get for 3 balloons vs 2 and touted his financial prowess in the promotion he came up with to sell more drugs. He was a full blown, miniature-sized drug dealer and an absolute racist to boot. It was exhausting feigning interest in what he was talking about. He kept trying to get me to drink more alcohol by offering to pay for my booze, just not my meal. As if me being drunk would possibly get him into my pants. Over my dead body, and who knows, he might have been into that. Mercifully, the check came fairly soon and he paid for HIS meal only with a crisp 100$ bill. He then questioned my ability to pay for my own bill. He said, "you don't have money to pay for your's do you?!" as if I was some kind of loser with no money. I assured him I did have money to pay for myself, paid for my meal and used the old, "I gotta get home to my kid" excuse to get the fuck outa dodge as quickly as possible. He messaged me after dinner saying "thanks for meeting me Gigantor". That little mother fucker! Not sure what I was supposed to get out of that experience... but damn. That was terrible.
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hersmilingeyes · 7 years
Tumblr is like, this strange parallel reality
that coexists w reality as we know it on the outside... ...this is the alternate plane of existence where we ascend to and scream. Honestly, this is where I scream so I don’t lose my voice Shit is just irritating and I just need to blow off steam more often than ever For instance, my dad is making this “mountain man” breakfast on Xmas morning “fer my Grandma,” who is always used as a scapegoat, fer better or worse, and that’s fine But this breakfast is loaded w sausage that everyone is aware I don’t eat, which is also fine, bc I’m used to bringing things to make fer myself // to share So I brought supplies to make portabella mushroom toast, which my dad won’t eat but my ma and Gma will enjoy And I will be able to have a nice breakfast, too First, my dad gets in a tizzy about how he needs both the oven and the stovetop to make his mountain man breakfast. I say, well, you get up earlier and will probably be done before I am up and/or before I am ready to make breakfast. Then he goes on about how it may take a while, so my ma says I can make it on the portable skillet they have Then he says that takes a lot of energy to power, and that we should avoid using it ((What?!? This has NEVER come up before this moment)) At this point, I’m getting angry bc I just wanna make something fer breakfast fer myself and share it since my ma and Gma don’t get to eat mushrooms much bc my dad doesn’t like them But really, I just wanna eat a nice breakfast—if only FER ME—since what he is making is something he knows I won’t He also won’t adapt it so I would eat it ((say, w chicken or turkey sausage instead)) These things are NOT problems, nor are they OBSTACLES, but he’s making them into them So I’m like, what the fuck, dad, what’s up w you not supporting how I eat EVEN WHEN I AM TRYING TO COOK AND FEED MYSELF Then he scales back and is like, oh, well, I’ll probably be done in a half hour or so, it won’t take too long to make What the hell? Then it’s not a big deal, bro, let it go Now t’day he brings it up again, and I’m like jfc why is this still a thing? This time, he spins his bs to, “Well I just don’t see how yer grandmother is still going to be hungry after my breakfast to eat yers...” Seriously? If my grandma fucking KNEW I was going to make something fer breakfast, she would totally support my efforts and make sure she maintained an appetite fer it Honestly, why is this even an argument? We all know this. And it’s not like she is picking favorites, she is just truly supportive like that. Capricorn men are honestly fucking ruined bc of my dad, who has been riding his ‘only child’ card since my entire existence Needing validation, needing praise, needing his way, needing credit, needing control... And the women in my family are still compliant enough w patriarchy that they cater to him Like, can some grown up tell this man to shut the fuck up and calm down FER ONCE Why do I always have to be the one to rise up to the occasion and tell him he is being ridiculous? Shit makes my blood pressure rise I wish I had it in me to be chill and not let this shit get to me, but that feels like being compliant I still haven’t mastered remaining calm without feeling like I am being compliant w shitty behavior. I get more angry that I need to keep working on myself fer any change to occur when they ((my family, fer instance)) don’t make any effort They just keep it up Sometimes even one upping themselves Like the breakfast thing—I was NOT expecting this to be a big deal Yet my dad makes breakfast FER ONCE and therefore he feels entitled to the whole kitchen He prob won’t even clean up after himself and expect my ma to even tho he never cleans up after her when she cooks him all his meals It makes me so angry What’s more is that this has been role modeled to me my whole life and I see traits of it within me They manifest in a variety of ways And it’s fucked up I can’t put my finger on them all the time but they’re feelings I get when I catch myself being hypercritical about anything and/or irrational I feel hypercritical about my dad, which feels ironic as all hell bc he is the person I learned it from It’s this twisted logic of “I know you could be better” except worded more specifically to our own needs “I know you could be more understanding” “I know we could meet each other where we are at more” “I know you know I am not you” “I know you know I want to be the best version of myself, and that is still not you” “I know you know you could be better, but instead you focus on me” We know these things but I feel like we’re trapped in this narrative of “this is how we communicate, this is how we connect” parent-child dynamic Do we ever grow up? Do we ever grow out of this? Bc parents don’t get a guidebook or directions on how to raise kids, does that mean we are still—in a variety of ways—dealing w children fer parents? Childrents? Does anyone actually have parents that know how to emotionally provide fer their kids? I can’t say I would know how to nail it as a parent by any means, but I am realizing how important it is to learn how to be emotionally capable This is where I’ve learned to be scrappy and find what I need as far as emotional support and learning emotional intelligence Still, I am faced w things that are beyond me. Maybe they are normal things that I’m slow to learn// understand Maybe it’s just a lot to overwrite // unlearn // rewire All I know is it’s daunting as fuck This is part of the reason why it’s difficult fer me to be close to people Bc I don’t fucking feel prepared People I love pull shit that they understand will upset me, time and time again, and it baffles the fuck outa me Now I’m thinking about my best friend They are always fucking challenging me, not even considering that maybe I challenge myself enough Maybe I need a break But no and you know what, whatev—live yer best life Except I’m upset, and I don’t feel cool about this shit Shit that I didn’t appreciate before Still don’t appreciate now But like, it’s on me bc I’m not down fer the shit that they were worried would upset me AGAIN and unfortunately, it did Is nothing sacred anymore? Is there no room fer respect? They live this fine line of caring about how I feel while also not hesitating to disrespect my feelings altogether And yet it’s up to me to be cool about it? Like why don’t you just Fucking stop? Like, ten years ago? What da fuck is with you and challenging me ALL THE DAMN TIME? We know me, we know how I am I love a good challenge and I love personal development, but not always on YER FUCKING TERMS When you upset me and then have this like, get with it or catch up attitude... Fine, but on my fucking terms Frankly, I don’t wanna kick it w you now bc fuck you fer considering my feelings after the fact Fuck you fer deflating my joy right when my winter break starts The day I go to spend time w my fam The only time I get to see you til summer probably Fuck you fer putting me in the position of “being the bigger person” and having the pressure to set aside my feelings so we can spend time together on the holidays Fuck that, I’m upset Who did it serve to tell me something you knew would upset me? Bc you thought I’d be upset if I found out some other time? Whatever, there’s a time and a place and it happens when it happens I’m not saying one has to consider my mental health before they do anything fer themself in their life, but like, if yer going to consider me at all—consider that. Bc after you left, I didn’t go to my parents right away. I stayed home and I tried to get my emotional shit together knowing how fucking emotionally exhausting it would be to visit my family You know this about me going home And yet you told me the day of. Emotional labor before anticipated emotional labor. And you know what, I was so cool about it bc I didn’t want you to have to experience any emotional labor on my part Bc you obviously already decided what you did was a good idea and once again, you lemme know afterwards Like a weird request of approval after the fact You do you and apparently everyone else I fucking love n care about bc yer evolved enough Except it’s not even about possessiveness, it’s about boundaries and respect And I’m just not feeling it Fuck that
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