#excuse my vulgarites
harmcityherald · 2 years
I did, of course, reach my post limit so it affords me time to write something that's been on my mind. Twitter. lets take a minute and step back to see a bigger picture, if you will. A social media website that was a victim of a hostile takeover by a billionaire capitalist to clear out antifascist or left leaning ideologists like myself and let me tell you I jumped ship pretty quickly. Now I understand you may be weary of hearing about old muskbucket and the twitter titanic but really, hear me out. He did a hostile takeover to vacillate his right wing cronies. we all know it, I say it out loud. Under the guise of "free speech" (which is a phrase many fascists use but rarely afford to others)
then a few weeks later and old trumpidump comes out saying his main platform is gonna be trans rights. which then in florida the Guantánamo kid starts banning books and going after trans rights starting with the young because that's how they did abortions. now....if a billionaire can be coaxed/forced (because I think he was actually) to buy a whole damn website just to burn it down OR make it the bastion of the far right voice, then who is to say they won't be coming for us here at tumblr? we fucking stand for everything they are against. I could go through a list of what I mean but you have to see what I mean. scroll thru your dash and imagine desantas reading it. ok. keep up now. because pretty soon they gonna put the choke hold on us. right now, the supreme court, packed with fucking nazis, is gonna decide if a social media site can be sued for what you do and say on it.
when they came for facebook I didn't care cause it sucks.
when they came for twitter I didn't care because I wasn't part of that....
but then they came for tumblr.....
sound familiar? it fucking should.
If they are going to ban the fucking velveteen rabbit what makes you think they would allow their kids to kick about on the most pro-everything left leaning website to ever exist in these "united states" hmm? lets even go beyond that and include all the western leaning countries. I wholeheartedly recommend every minor to not allow their parents, teachers, clergy, or anybody else with no shoelaces know they have a tumblr. I know that's harsh as shit, innit. well its the same clandestine war they are waging against you. Im saying it now, while I can. While im still allowed to say it.
bla blah you're paranoid, you see that shit everywhere.
that's because it IS everywhere. I would tell you to wake the fuck up but christ, don't call nobody woke. that'll start a fight in the dollar store line any day.
so to cut my rant short.....lets all keep our eyes on the ball. Don't let it consume you as the dreaded election approaches, I will be guarding my own mental health and peace paramount because Im old and close to death. they love that, I can't vote against them then. But you youngins sure can AND you have the power to drive this ship now and I for one would be tickled pink to die on trans island. can you tell Im from the 70s? lol. their most vilified citizen, I like to think. nixons nemesis. reagans nightmare. but all bullshit aside, think about it. think about what we have here, a free exchange of ideas and likes. the fucking freedom to read marx, to each other if we so desire. to know real history. and maybe just maybe to vote every fucking billionaire off the planet. Im telling you to look out because they don't like that. not one little bit.
all I can think is somehow tumblr has once again miraculously flown under the radar. how? I dunno. I bet there's a thousand "nazi computers" scraping the web for everything we freely talk about. We must be on the radar....but why are no V2 rockets coming? they holding a card to their chest? waiting for the right time? wait till the Guantánamo kid finds out about us. They want to torch and shoot up synagogues, drag shows and black churches, why the hell would they allow this website to be near their kids? why not?
pssssst. hey kids......looks left and right....Im a socialist. pro lgbtq pro feminism and Im not a fucking racist. and I would die for my principals and for your existence.
thats why gotdammit.
#excuse my vulgarites#it is my frenchness coming out#hey it worked for eva#trust me on this#you ARE on the radar#ima post my thoughts because I can. danger? yes. but when you hear about good men who did nothing?#well that wasnt me#this is your punishment for the dam post limit#my punishment for being a man of principals#a hippy with principals imagine that#yea I still call myself that pre rock pre goth pre electronic I was a self proclaimed hippy#pops fucking hated that. and that bitch LITTERALLY fought fascists#drive this ship drive it better than we did#you have an uphill battle but as always truth and justice should win in the end#funny we dont say that no more truth and justice#take a guess why#so all you youngins shove truth and justice right down their throats#oh....and beatnik really. which for the youngins is a subspecies of hippie you'll find that in your encyclopedia Galactica chapter 4#feel like im stuck in a loop of all in the family and YES im the commie son in law#he directed princess bride btw so make of that what you will#just imagine calling myself nixons nemesis when i was in school ida got killed in the boys room by a teacher no doubt#AND thats what I mean. so when I say think about what u got cause we didnt have that. what won us that freedom? the fuckin 60s#civil rights movement gave us this and they are tearing it apart peice by peice#like cloud atlas baby im the guy on the bike#thats why im always in danger#ideas make you a target but silence makes you a slave#thats a pretty pickle innit#plz remember anyone under 45 is a youngin to me lol#zips off on his cyberbike waving the middle finger#old but not dead yet and GOING TO VOTE as should you all.
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