#excuse that the timestamps aren't complete for popcorn fic yet !! she's still a draft obvs !!
omar-rudeberg · 2 years
12, 24 & 44 for the fanfic writer asks
I absolutely love your fics 💛
I absolutely adore you, oh thank you thank you 💛 
12. Your favourite work?
Answered here!
24. How many unfinished works are in your drafts?
Absolutely way too many. I did a wrangle of the amount of words I have sitting in draft a while ago and it was close to 100k, which says all there really is to say about that, oopsie daisy. I can think of like 5-6 works off the top of my head that are completely new fics that are unfinished drafts in my file, plus the couple of WIPs I’ve got going on... 
And then on top of that, I’m working on a lil somethin’ somethin’ with @ungaroyals that (fuck me I promise, Chantel) will get finished eventually. And there’s 8-10 fics sitting in that pile - so oops again?
44. Share a snippet of your current WIP?
Mmm well I have two going at the moment, so you want something from both? I haven’t done this here in a while...
[“mi cotufita” started sharing their screen] - call me up late sequel
I missed you so much 
Wille I'm lying next to you in bed 
I love you so much
Wille you literally just said that to my face 
I did, but I need it here, for forever. 
let the twin flame bruise claim you
“You were so good for me darling, of course you were, like always.” It’s only tangentially comprehensible, but Wilhelm forgives Simon this. It’s been a long night. “So of course you did,” Simon continues, pressing out this last phrase like it’s but another fact of the universe. “I want you always.”
The earth turns. The sun rises. The birds sing. Simon wants me. Simon wants me, always.
Wilhelm trembles again Simon’s next whisper.
“I’m okay though, tonight,” he says, starting to stroke gentle lines into Wilhelm’s upper back. Around and around, Wilhelm feels his fingertips pressing tender, never ending circles. Leaving never ending love, twisted as taut twine tying them ever-more tightly together.
fanfic writer asks
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