#call me up late
royalwilmon · 2 years
i NEED u to write the first wilmon meet up and their first kiss PLEASE. also merry christmas <333
today is the one year anniversary of me posting cmul. thank you thank you thank you. here is a little treat, so long overdue.
we all will be together (call me up late irl #13)
this is part of a series of drabbles that give a closer look at what is going on behind the screens of call me up late. i want to do a bunch of these over time so please let me know which parts of cmul you want to see more from!!
“It’s a beautiful day for a sleigh ride. Actually, we’ve just stopped down in Bjärstad. Right now, I’m outside this charming little-”
“No, you’re not. Oh my - no. No no no no.”
“Ha! Simme-”
“There’s no way you’re really - fuck.”
“Are you okay?”
“Tripped over - just putting on my… Ayub, stop laughing, I just… Oh, I see, they’re in on this, too. Fuck.”
“Ha. Get your damn coat on, Simon. I’m getting chilly out here.”
“Wille, what-”
“I’m serious. Hurry it up. I want to kiss you.”
“I’m almost… - oh, I thought you were kidding. You really brought a horse.”
“Not just any horse! Don’t you recognize him?”
“It’s your long-lost lover! Rousseau! Reunited at last!”
“Figured I’d ask Felice for one more favor since I already owe her my entire life.”
“He’s actually a really nice guy, this Rousseau. I don’t think he’ll kick you again. But this time, I’m here. I’ll protect you.”
“So, are you just going to stand there in your doorway, or are you going to - oh, okay.”
───※ ·❆· ※───
Simon ran. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, nearly tripping on the small patch of grass that was slick from recently fallen snow. 
Pausing in front of Wilhelm, finally, Simon felt like he couldn’t breathe. Partially because of the physical feat he had just accomplished – getting dressed and scrambling out the door in record time. Partially because Wille was just about the most beautiful human being he had ever seen, and he was real. So real. He was standing on the street outside Simon's house, wearing a long dark peacoat with a checkered scarf. Clearly, Wille hadn’t been lying about getting cold, as his cheeks were flushed, the tip of his nose a bright pink color. It was adorable. He was perfect. He was Wille.
Simon opened his mouth to greet him, maybe offer a quip or two about the horse, just some sort of verbal icebreaker, but really, there was no ice to be broken. It was Wille, just Wille. 
The boy on his phone. Except, he was real, living and breathing, inches away instead of miles. Here.
Disbelief overpowered his senses. All he could do was stare, mouth hanging open, words lost as his mind rapidly clouded. 
Simon didn’t really need to think about what to say. In actuality, he really wasn’t even given a chance. 
Before he could even get his bearings, two large, cold hands covered his cheeks. Wille’s hands. Touching him. 
And then Wille’s lips were on his. 
The first kiss was forceful – a fierce press of lips that smushed Simon’s nose and honestly kind of hurt. Simon’s mind and body were still jarringly disconnected, physically trying to react to being kissed, like, really actually kissed, while emotionally processing the fact that the boy he loved through the phone was finally here, at his house. Simon found his hands lifting to touch, needing the tangible confirmation that this was real, while simultaneously trying to counter the force against his lips with his own. 
The kiss wasn’t great. It was uncomfortable, the angle was awkward, and Simon’s nose would probably ache for a while. Still, Simon’s first coherent thought was that he wouldn’t have wanted this any other way. He couldn’t help but smile – one that grew into a Cheshire grin as he felt Wille’s mouth mirror his, smiling against his lips. They separated a little, for the briefest of moments, before Simon leaned into Wille’s lips again, making the kiss softer, sweeter. The exact type of kiss Simon had been imagining in his mind repeatedly since that fateful day when he misread Henry’s handwriting and entered a number or two incorrectly. 
Wille’s lips were cold, but each press of his lips warmed them, and even though the winter weather was harsh today, Simon’s body felt red hot. With love on his lips, Simon felt so close to Wille. His heart had been feeling this way for months, but it was such a new feeling for his body. One that he didn’t think he could ever get enough of. 
Simon kissed and kissed and kissed him. Wille’s hands migrated from Simon’s cheeks to his neck to his waist, holding him steady. Simon was grateful for that because otherwise, he might have just floated away altogether. Meanwhile, Simon’s hands worked their way up Wille’s chest before clinging to his shoulders, pulling him closer. Simon needed him closer. After so long of distance being one of their numerous obstacles, he wanted to tear it down completely, leaving nothing. Not even an inch.
The problem with eliminating the space between them was that it made breathing somewhat tricky. Reluctantly, Simon collapsed on the heels of his feet, letting out a warm huff of air when he couldn't fight his lungs any longer. Still holding Wille close by the shoulders, Simon let his head fall on his chest, before moving his arms to grip Wille in a hug. Closer closer closer. 
“Hi,” Wille laughed, and it sounded so sweet in Simon’s ears, no longer muffled by grainy cell phone audio. Wille shifted slightly to return the embrace, and Simon felt so surrounded by him. By his body, his warmth, his love. Simon felt a light pressure at the crown of his head where Wille had pressed his lips, kissing Simon’s hair with the sweetest tenderness. 
And that was just about the loveliest thing Simon had ever experienced. So, Simon just had to kiss him again in return.
“Hi,” Simon finally replied when they parted a good while later. 
Wille smiled. And then Wille kissed him again. 
It felt… familiar. Simon didn’t fully comprehend why, as everything about this was so new. He had never been kissed by someone like this – by someone that loved him. Someone he loved in return. He had felt like this before, though. With Wille. He felt like this when he would FaceTime with Wille for hours and hours and hours. He felt this feeling whenever Wille would suddenly get quiet and look at Simon, really look at him. Simon thought that kissing Wille felt like being in love, and he knew that emotion very well. 
Still, there were little surprises – things that his imagination never quite reached. The unfamiliar smell of Wille’s cologne. The way he found himself balancing on the tips of his toes to reach Wille’s lips fully. 
“You’re taller than I thought you’d be,” Simon observed. He had to tilt his head up just a little to meet Wille’s eyes. At this exact moment, they were looking down at Simon with so much warmth, that Simon thought he might melt into the snow below his feet. 
“Am I?” Wille asked, amusement beginning to spark in his smile. 
“I think so,” Simon nodded. 
Looking down just a bit to see Simon, Wille’s bangs had fallen, now brushing softly against Simon’s cheek. So many moments before, separated by distance and screens while on video calls, Simon had seen Wille’s hair fall in front of his eyes. Simon had ached to be able to traverse through the phone and fix it, to be able to feel it soft beneath his fingertips. Now, with Wille actually within his reach, he was able follow through on his urge to reach up and brush Wille’s hair out of his face, tucking the loose strands carefully back in place.
Being able to actually act on this impulse was something Simon could hardly comprehend. 
“I can’t believe you’re real,” Simon breathed, bewildered. 
Wille raised an eyebrow at him with a teasing sort of skepticism. “Did you think I was catfishing you? After all this time?” 
“No,” Simon said, letting his fingers drop from Wille’s hair to play with the scarf around his neck as he spoke. “But I was almost convinced I had dreamed you up. These past few months were just my imagination playing tricks on me.” 
“It feels like that for me, too,” Wille whispered in response. As cliché as it sounded, Simon swore his heart skipped a beat or two.  
“Kiss me again,” Simon stated, looking Wille deep in his eyes. “Kiss me so I know this is real.” 
Wille nodded, reaching a hand up to hold Simon’s chin gently as he covered Simon’s upper lip with his own. Each touch feather light and gentle, Simon still felt like he could be jostled awake at any moment, and this precious little dream would leave him. Just like it had before.
Simon frowned when Wille pulled away. “Hey. I’m not convinced yet.” 
“Something tells me you’re not going to be convinced any time soon,” Wille laughed. Simon loved the sound of Wille’s laugh. It was bright, warm, and contagious. 
“Probably not,” Simon confirmed, licking his lips and biting down yet another smile. “Will that be a problem?”
“Not in the slightest,” Wille answered, before leaning in again to attempt to convince Simon further that this was all actually happening. 
This time, they let the heat behind their kisses begin to spark into a flame. The movement of their lips grew curious and hungry, finally letting their tongues enter the equation with a tentative air of exploration. 
Just as Simon wrapped his arms up around Wille’s neck to tug him closer, the horse looming large behind Wille let out a sudden whinny. The noise startled Simon, and without thinking, he jumped and let out an involuntary frightened shudder.  
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Simon hissed, glaring at the horse as he stumbled backward. Rousseau, much to Simon’s dismay, was glaring right back. It had all started as a joke, of course, but it did feel like the damn creature did have some sort of vendetta against Simon. Exhibit A was the nasty kick to the rear back in September, and Exhibit B was interrupting his reunion with his boyfriend just as things were getting good. 
“You really are scared, aren’t you?” Wille grinned, stepping forward to where Simon had retreated. He immediately reached to rest his hands on Simon’s arms, a comforting gesture that made the spike of anxiety from the horse melt away like it was never there in the first place. 
The way Wille followed him, making sure they were touching again just as soon as they had separated, made something twist in Simon’s chest. Simon realized then that Wille felt it too – the gravitational pull between them that had spent the last four months tugging at their heartstrings, bringing them closer and closer together. Now that they shared the same physical space, Simon felt the constant urge to tumble into that gravity. 
Leaning into Wille’s touch, reveling in how whole it made him feel, Simon was able to still his mind enough to attempt to maintain the conversation. “Where did you think all this disdain for your ridiculous horse agenda came from?” 
“Do you…” Wille’s teasing smile dissipated in an instant. Simon felt Wille’s gaze on every inch of his face, clearly trying to discern what it was that Simon was feeling. Simon didn’t think he’d ever had someone care so much about his emotions, and he felt his blush deepen on his face the more Wille looked. “Sorry, do you want me to stop? With the horses? Like, all the jokes, and–”
“No, I… No. I mean, if you…” Simon stammered, tripping over every sylable. Of course, Wille had to go and be all earnest about it. It was just as endearing as it was frustrating. 
Simon hated how the cool and aloof personality he maintained dissolved into a blubbery mess in person. He had been practicing his poker face via FaceTime, but face to face, it was even more challenging. He loved the horse jokes. Obviously, he loved the horse jokes. But the whole key to it was making sure Wille didn’t know that. If this boy weren’t so damn charming and funny and irresistible, then maybe Simon would be able to fight his smile better, but he just couldn’t help himself.
With Wille, he was annoyingly transparent.  
“I knew it! That beautiful face of yours!” Wille beamed, thoroughly delighted by Simon’s wordless admission. “You can’t hide behind texts now, love. Admit it, Simon, you love my horse jokes.” 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. The jokes can stay, but I want to be clear when I say I am not getting anywhere near that particular horse ever again,” Simon said, pointing at where Rousseau stood, still staring Simon down with his evil, ancient eyes. 
“Not even for a little sleigh ride?” Wille asked, his smile melting into something more complex, maybe a little disappointed. Oh no. This wasn’t what Simon had intended. “I thought we could… Well, we don’t have to, but–”
“Wille,” Simon interrupted quickly. He smiled warmly and reached to fix Wille’s hair again. He loved how he could almost feel Wille’s anxiety calm under his fingertips. “I was just teasing. I would love to go on a sleigh ride with you.” 
“Okay,” Wille breathed. Simon leaned in to leave one short, sure kiss on Wille’s lips, and when they parted, Wille was smiling again. “Okay, cool.” 
Wille turned around to face the sleigh with an excited twinkle in his eye. Simon wanted to bottle that twinkle, thinking it was probably bright enough to power a small city. 
Wille reached out a hand to Simon, and Simon eagerly took it, lacing their fingers together and squeezing tight. Simon took a deliberate moment to look down at their hands. He noticed how their fingers laced through one another so beautifully, and marveled at how well they fit together. Hand in hand, the two of them were one. A team. They had faced so much hardship together already, yet Simon felt like he’d be able to take on all that and more as long as he had Wille’s hand in his, exactly like this. 
They would start with conquering a one horse open sleigh, apparently. 
“Do you know how to… drive this thing?” Simon asked, eyeing the contraption with obvious hesitation. 
“Uh…” Wille trailed, mischief clear in his tone. 
“Wille. No, Wille, I am absolutely not getting on that thing if–”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” Wille exclaimed, holding up his free hand. “Yes, some very nice people from the stables showed me the ropes.” 
“Don’t you need to… have a license or be like… board certified in order to operate a sleigh?” 
“What, don’t you trust me?” Wille asked, indignant. 
“It’s not you that I don’t trust,” Simon stressed, motioning to the creature in question. 
Wille rolled his eyes. “He kicks you one time…” 
“It hurt!” Simon exclaimed. “Very badly!” 
“I won’t let anything happen to you, love, I promise,” Wille assured, which did put Simon’s genuine nerves at ease a bit.  “And there are some members of the staff who will be following close behind. Just in case.”
“Oh.” Simon followed the trail of Wille’s gaze until he saw a large car (with the trailer behind it that must have carried the horse to Simon’s house). Three people dressed up in uniform stood there, watching Wille and Simon from a distance. 
Simon’s skin crawled a bit as he realized he was being watched, and even more when he thought about how this would probably be his life now, as long as he stayed with Wille. 
There was something about it that felt scary to Simon. The need for security, and what that meant in the grand scheme of things. There was some sense of discomfort bubbling underneath the surface that would definitely need to be discussed with Wille in greater detail, sooner rather than later. 
Still, in this exact moment, it was all overwhelmed by the romance. The sleigh itself was simpl and smal with just enough space for the two of them to sit side by side. It was lined with jingle bells that had been ringing along with the wind. The dusting of snow covering the earth looked perfectly in place, joyful and festive.
The gesture of a romantic Christmas sleigh ride was grand, like something out of a story book. Try as he might to be cynical, there was always going to be a part of Simon that still could be swept up in this kind of fairy tale romance. Even though the horse was making him genuinely nervous, his heart was pounding in his chest with love outweighing the anxiety tenfold. 
“Ready?” Wille asked, already starting to walk to the sleigh with a spring in his step. 
“Mmm,” Simon hummed in response, but didn’t follow Wille. 
“Are you coming?” Wille questioned, one foot already on the sleigh. 
“Yes,” Simon said, but he still didn’t budge. 
“Are you sure?” Wille raised an eyebrow. 
Simon exhaled. “No.”
Wille turned around and made his way back to where Simon stood frozen, returning to hold Simon’s arms, calming his nerves once again. The mischievous twinkle in Wille’s eye returned. 
“Do you want me to carry you?” 
Simon laughed. It was silly, but the mental image of Wille scooping him up and carrying him was too tempting to pass up. “Maybe.” 
That was more than enough for Wille, who wasted no time in scooping Simon up in his arms. Simon barely had time to react, clambering onto Wille, wrapping his arms around his neck, and holding on for dear life. 
Simon could definitely hear Rosh and Ayub’s deranged laughter coming from the direction of his house. He was never going to hear the end of this. 
“If you drop me, I swear, I’ll go back inside and let you freeze out here.” 
“I won’t drop you,” Wille assured. Simon trusted him. 
Wille then carried Simon the few paces it took until they were standing right next to the small sleigh. Gently, Wille lifted Simon’s body up and onto the seat. He then climbed up and over Simon so they sat side by side. To Simon’s disappointment, Wille needed to use both of his hands to control Rousseau, so Simon made do by linking his arm through Wille’s and curling up into his side, leaning his head on his shoulder. 
Simon closed his eyes as they rode, partially because he definitely didn’t really want to be looking at the horse. Partially because this already felt so much like a dream. 
They talked a little, but mostly Simon was content just sharing the physical space with Wille. Curled up into Wille’s side, it felt so much like he fit there. Belonged there. 
That feeling filled Simon’s heart, expanding in his chest until he just had to say it.
“I love you.”
He said it softly, barely audible. Before, when their communication was purely digital, Wille never would have been able to hear it. Now, however, Wille would be able to feel the movement of Simon’s mouth as he spoke. He could feel each word radiate through his body as Simon uttered them, lips pressed close against Wille’s bicep. 
Wille heard him. Loud and clear.
“I love you, too.”
It felt a lot like riding off into the sunset. 
It wasn’t that simple, of course. As much as they had gone through to get where they were now, Simon knew there were going to be countless obstacles yet to come. It was never going to be easy, but now, Simon had Wille to hold his hand. 
And really, that was the best Christmas miracle Simon could imagine. 
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nenayaquisieras · 7 months
Simon has always been confused on why you gift him toys. Sure, most of the gifts you gave him were some of the things he liked. Bourbon, masks, gloves, make up for him to smudge his eyes with, some daggers and knives. Things that we're useful for him, just him. But later, you gifted him a toy airplane. He makes a comment about it, saying he is not a child anymore and you were better off giving it to Johnny instead.
"No, this is specifically for you, take it."
When he gets to him room, he walks toward his trash can, opening it with the tip of his boot. He gives one more look at the toy, his mood souring before throwing it into the trash. He goes on about his day, training, signing paper work, drills. Doing anything to ignore the pain stinging memories that the toy brought back. Emotions that were buried thousands of feet deep it could reach hell itself. Later, he lies awake in bed, staring at the ceiling, avoiding looking at the cylinder shape that's calling for him in his peripheral.
He pulls the covers off vigorously and stomps over to the trash can. He is standing over it like he's trying to intimidate it, as if it was an enemy he's trying to get rid of in battle. To anyone else, the scene would look comical.
He sighs to himself and reaches down to take out the toy he so cruelly threw away. He sets it on his desk and quickly walks toward his bed, facing away from his desk.
The next day, he wakes up feeling different. He swears he sees his room more vibrant, more lively. That energy follows him through out the day, having his other teammates notice his rather bright mood.
You catch him in the hallway. Pulling him aside to ask him about the paper work you left at his desk this morning. Of course, he notices the way you smile brightly, more so than usual. But he notices that you're not looking at him. More like looking at something next to him.
"What's got you so cheery?"
You turn to look up at him, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"I just..." You take a quick glance at the spot next to him, before bringing your eyes back upon his.
"I just hope you liked your gift." The same bright smile appearing on your face.
He stares at you, examining your words. Your expression.
You think you see his eyes crinkle a bit.
"I liked it."
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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class swap design masterpost for convenience (from top to bottom: bard!riz, cleric!gorgug, sorcerer!kristen, barbarian!fig, artificer!adaine, and rogue!fabian)
#dimension 20#fantasy high#fhfy#fhsy#fhjy#riz gukgak#gorgug thistlespring#kristen applebees#figueroth faeth#adaine abernant#fabian seacaster#my class swap stuff! oh yeah I think I got a tag for that I'll call that#fh class quangle#gna slowly go back and get that tag on relevant posts too. for organization's sake#even tho I didnt really intend this blog to be that kinda blog lmao. we were all just gonna be out here dealin with that at our own pace#anyways uh! they! u know all the lore for the designs already I put em in tags. but otherwise this also collects like the#color keys kind of for these. mostly the things that change between designs#doing this did make me realise half of these are a Lot more consistent in color keys than the other half lol#like kristen's palette stays pretty much the same. and fabian's. the hit's mostly in the construction#a lot of this is overall like an exercise in remembering what high schoolers would actually wear and how to work in Costume pieces#on this point at least I straight up have No relevant recollection lmao all the basic education establishments I went to have uniforms#and outside of school I was. well kind of a shorts and tee guy. so#on that topic I feel like fabian's is the furthest stretch lmao. like if a guy in high school wears the same bright yellow raincoat#to school every day that's like. people would Not like that guy. fabian really is saved by being cute and a rogue#he will still have stans when he's deep in his fishing arc in junior year he's the manic pixie dream bf#anyways uh. things to do! stuff to get done. sleep first tho. have a good night lads#I have not caught new nsbu yet! seems I mostly catch them like two to three days late nowadays.#so please uhh. don't reply on my posts with nsbu spoilers? we are all excited and having fun but that's rude#ok thank u. signing off for the day have a good night#!!
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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kaybadoobee · 2 years
i dont drink, but man would i give everything to down a bottle of red wine with taylor swift while having a deep conversation in front of a fire place. it just sounds so therapeutic
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yooboobies · 5 months
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angel sunshine for an angel sunshine | for @huhfeatjhope
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ryllen · 22 days
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hellspawnmotel · 18 days
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can I interested you in some strange old men on this fine evening
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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Consoling cinnamon roll 🥐
Shop, Patreon, Commissions: linktr.ee/mezzy
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royalwilmon · 2 years
it’s been one year since i published cmul and i’m feeling all sorts of things about that.
how would we feel about a cmul irl tonight?
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royaltea000 · 10 days
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Pose practice! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
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puppyeared · 10 months
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doodles of my fav sillies
anton belongs to @poicyss
#my brain is a barbie dreamhouse and theyre all just living in it#im especially fond of the second one because my mom used to hold me like that all the time <3#im drawing them a lot lately because im being crushed by the horrors and have to compensate for it somehow#homemade comfort blorbos......#watch me draw anton inconsistently bc i can never decide if i wanna draw him close to how he actually looks#or yassify him and give him soft fluffy hair and kind eyes and defined features. head in my hands#i dont really have a lot of drawing ideas for them bc they dont have like. a canon storyline or anything methinks#its just stuff me and bow toss around and giggle abt thru messages lol. maybe ill draw infant vincent one of these days#i just come up with stuff and draw them doing it. it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside#cuz like anton works for lobocorp as an abnormality BUT hes super duper chill and cute and does his funny little tasks so its fine#AND hes unkillable. auggie is an oc ive had since like 6th grade and i smushed them together. and vincent was for fun but i got attached#i dont have much of a read on anton either bc i think hes meant to be more of an insert character??? if im using that right#on one hand i dont think too hard abt anything being ooc since im not taking it seriously. on the other hand i just hold them in my hands#and stare into space until i can come up with something to draw since i dont have much to go off of. but its fun to build on small tidbits!#i think bow called it an au so i guess??? its an au????? im not really sure. bow if youre reading this im just willy nilly#the only thing i know for sure is that they boink like rabbits. im talking gomez and morticia levels of boinking#maybe ill go back and look at my old doodles for them and redraw em lol#myart#my art#my oc#oc#friend oc#augusta#anton#vincent#sillies family#doodles
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simmonsized · 3 months
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A Day in the Life of Private Michael J Caboose, Post-Restoration.
It's three days late, but this is my comic for #makeaterriblecomicday. I became possessed by the idea, and could not stop until it was complete. I haven't drawn rvb in a really long time, but I had a lot of fun!
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emdotcom · 3 months
Yeah, so while I was on my "I'm going to read into Vanny/Vanessa as much as possible" journey, I noticed an odd quirk in her animations in how she moves. At first, I thought it reminded me of a ballerina, 'cause she's kinda tip-toeing, & she has this way of keeping her head & chest in one place as she moves, but I looked again & realized --
That's not ballet! She's doing a tight-rope act. Like, look at this one:
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This is like standing up on the wooden boards before you do the actual tight-rope walking, & the ring leader is hyping you up as you do some fun movement for the crowds. &, then, these:
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These are all instances where she walks with one foot directly in front of the other. In that third, she's doing the "woaaah" wiggly-ass balance movements & everything, as if she's swaying up at the top of the tent, even though she's down on solid ground.
Idk, I feel like the way her feet are placed isn't accurate (pretty sure they should be pointed left & right, not both forwards...) doesn't make this 100% correct, but I like it. It also connects back with her first SB teaser, wherein she's up in the rafters.
#em.txt#security breach#fnaf sb#vanny#vannessa#okay but you can read more into this. tightrope acts are almost always associated with circus performances#& we know afton enjoyed himself a circus themeing -- made the whole circus baby peanut gallery & he was also a massive clown#see he's like molding her into one of his performers where he is the ring leader calling the shots#& she is the tightrope walker that the crowd watches with baited breath to see if she falls or makes it across#tightrope walking has also been associated with walking a line between two different worlds or extremes#so on one end she wants to obey afton & comply in killing & on the other she wants to hold onto her life as it was#& she's in the middle trying to not step too far to either side or else she's gonna fall & there is no safety net for her#there's also like. in ruin the vanni mask obscures reality. the vr world is completely different.#if vanny's mask has that tech in it then she's constantly stuck in vr. to her it may actually not look like#stable ground. it may look like she's miles up in the air about to fall. because that's what the glitch needs her to see#because if she saw that wherever she next planted her food foot was safe stable ground she might not be so anxious to keep on#moving down this path#wait hold on is this all an optical illusion & I'm seeing it wrong is it the angle#IT'S TOO LATE THE POST IS MADE HIT POST#did i just pull a matpat misread a minor detail & extrapolate unintended overly detailed info#that is inherently untrue bc the detail it's based on isn't there/is incorrect?#see this is why the game theory channel should have gone to me i can do this matpat bullhonkus no prob bob!
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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my love is mine all mine
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macksartblock · 4 months
One of my favourite bits from this ep was when Freddie mixed up gen Z/alpha lingo and immediately got called out on it. Then his defence was gen Z’s trying to adapt to new slang because they’ve realized they’re not cool anymore.
Freddie what are you talking about
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