#excuse the two typos lmfao i was stoned
wrixie · 1 year
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> Introducing Juniper Lane Olevera | Age: 26 | Pronouns: She/Her Traits: Over-Achiever, Creative and Romantic
> Growing up as the eldest of three, Juniper aimed to be the best role model she could be for her sisters. She worked hard to get her culinary degree from Foxbury Institute and land work in 4 star restaurants. This introverted chef/baker is looking for someone to take her away from her over-pouring amount of work and show her what love could look like. Could that someone be you?
Likes: True Crime Podcasts, Reading, Physical Affection, The Smell of Leather, Baking, Gourmet Meals, Long Hair, Jazz Dislikes: Soggy Cakes, Hot-Headedness, Being Yelled At, Polyester, Massages, Stand-Up Comedy, Horror Movies
Fun Facts About Juniper:
Has a culinary degree
Can’t drive
Allergic to pet dander
Has Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Doesn’t go a day without talking to her dad
Has a nail biting problem
Hopes to own a bakery someday
♡ Contestant Entry Guidelines:
Must be young-adult or adult
Humans are only being accepted this time!
Must have at least one negative trait
Can be any gender
Cannot have the romantic trait
Skills don’t matter!
Should have Likes + Dislikes (if ya like)
Maxis-Match or CC free
Must be comfortable with changes such as eyes, skinblend + lashes as I have my own defaults and preferences as well as outfit changes to fit into my game style
> Remember to at me @wrixie or use #junipersBC to make sure I see your entry + ask if you have any questions
ADRIANA MORENO - @rainymoodlet
AZURE KEAHI - @rheallsim
INDIA LYON - @pearlean
KINGSTON LEARY - @acuar-io
NAVEEN MUTANI - @squeezesublime
SHA WEST - @alltimefail-sims
SILAS CLINE - @townieandy
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curvyqt · 7 years
Admittedly, I enjoy english class. I always have enjoyed english class, even when my teacher/professor wasn’t the best. I like to write (unless its an annoying topic) and I love reading. I love english class because it’s never set in stone. In an english class you can learn about grammar, how to perfect your writing, current events, etc. I’ve always felt most comfortable in english classes compared to other classes because it’s a class I always do well in. I especially love when topics come up in english class that allow group conversations and opinions and debates. It wasn’t until this year that an english class has ever made me feel uneasy. We were talking about how language changes and how we speak and write changes throughout time, and i was like heck yeah it does!..but then..
It all started when my english teacher said something to the effect of “you can't use they in a singular sentence”
Example: A student should bring *their* own notebook and pencils to class. 
My English teacher said that was wrong. He said the sentence should have a specific pronoun because it is a singular sentence.
Example: A student should bring her own notebook and pencils to class. 
 So i raise my hand and I’m like, “Well what is someone uses they as a pronoun?” And he’s like..”yeah, see, thats the problem now-a-days. People want to use they as a pronoun so it kind of messes the sentence meaning up.” He goes on to say how he's fine with ‘TRANSSEXUALS” (eye roll) but using they in a singular sentence, pronoun or not, is incorrect in grammatical language. 
And it’s like a balloon is quickly deflating in my mind because didn't this man just say the English language is always changing?? Did we not just discuss how it’s a beautiful thing how language adapts to our world today as we carry on through life? Oh but let me not forget the best part. My english teachers little lesson has now fueled they large testosterone filled heads of the group of boys that sit in the middle of my class. 
Laughing they say, “they as a pronoun?? what??? ahahahah” 
(random but) We were talking about about something in class and sharing our thoughts on different things and i cant even remember what the conversation was about and then another boy shouts out, 
“like how when you just touch some girls, they cry rape??” 
My head shot up and i had to give everything in me not to say “DO YOU HEAR WHAT YOU JUST SAID???” 
In another class my english teacher is talking about something and says the words “non-consensual sex” Again, I am left speechless. There is no such thing as non-consensual sex. Sex is consensual. Anything else is rape.
I digress. 
Then today another similar topic flares up about using the word “Ze” in replace of “he/she” and adapting it to the English language. Usually, I’d be happy, because I love topics like this. Yes. Give the people what they want. Yes. Make this world a batter place. And then I remember that I’m sitting in THIS english class, with these people and I get nervous. Uproar from the boys in the middle of the class once again. 
I can't help it. i can't hold it in.
I say back in a voice almost as loud as his, “A person who doesn't identify as he or she???” He gives me a blank stare back. I follow up by saying, “obviously you’re not worried about it because you don't care/don’t know how it feels.”
My english teacher defends me (wow thanks for once) and says “Now that’s true. None of us know what its like.” Again I’m like lmfao hold on. Who says that everyone in this class identifies as he/she??????? I can't. 
I mumble “dumbasses” under my breathe as the clock strikes 8:58am and we are dismissed. 
They make me feel so uneasy. I don't understand how you don't get that people aren't all the same. Not everyone is a cis, straight, white boy who has not one care in the world. People are different sexualities. People don't have to have their sexuality all figured out. There are not just two genders. The world is not just he/she, gay/straight. It just leaves me to wonder why these people feel so comfortable voicing they hateful speech? Donald trump? or was it just my english teacher opening the door for them? I don't know. But i hate it. 
The worst part is no one else in my class says anything. Are they too afraid to speak out? Do they not care? Is it too early in the morning to argue in their opinion? Or do they just actually agree with all of these shit opinions coming from these shitty boys? I’ll never know, unless one of these days someone finally joins me. I’m also pretty sure that half the class takes me for a super feminist, probably lesbian/or something weirdo. Which i could really care less about. 
I have always been such a nice person, quiet most of the time, a good student. However, something I can say for sure about me is that when something upsets me or I know something is really wrong, I always speak up. Ask my boyfriend. He always has to tell me to calm down or to be quiet because I always stand up for him/us, even when it could probably get me into a literal fight. I don't care. I’m so tired of all of these bigoted ass people. So tired of being surrounded by them. Sometimes I don't even know that they’re like this and it bothers me so much. (Yes i’m talking to you, girl who sits behind me and laughed at what the boys said. thought you were cool, i was wrong.) 
Well i guess ill stop ranting now because my hour break in-between classes is almost over. Excuse any typos or anything because i don't have time to read this again before i post it.
rant over. 
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