#excuse this crossover post that has ended up in the House M.D. tag
I haven’t seen anything about how similar Prowl and House are…
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…so now you’re all gonna hear about it from me >:)
Prowl is to House as Ratchet is to Dr. McCoy.
House is the king of committing medical malpractice in the name of personal interest and the good of his patients.
Prowl is the king of committing war crimes in the name of the good of Cybertron and personal interest*.
*There is a whole post I want to write about this later.
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^ There were very few significant differences I could think of.
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve laughed while watching House M.D. because I was reminded of Prowl. I love both of them so much. lol
Prowl fans: If you want to know what Prowl would be like as a doctor, check out House M.D.
House fans: If you want to know what House would be like as a giant alien robot strategist, look no further than Prowl.
Some quotes by House that could have also been said by Prowl:
“If nobody hates you, you’re doing something wrong.”
“It’s nothing personal. I don’t like anybody.”
“I take risks; sometimes patients die. But not taking risks causes more patients to die, so I guess my biggest problem is I've been cursed with the ability to do the math.”
The last one is especially Prowl.
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