#exer Campbell
whibeet · 6 months
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recent sketches🧐🧐
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jd-brainrot · 7 months
im fucking dead.
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anything to make my day happy
they are so cute I might explode on the spot
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the-bread-lord3 · 5 months
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undeserved-halo · 1 year
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floralcavern · 6 months
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This fandom seriously just… frustrates me to the point where I’m writing this rant. 
This fandom does not understand flawed and complex characters. 
And, uh. Let’s talk about that. 
How they treat David and Exer:
The amount of bias this fandom holds for Exer and David is astounding. “Oh, the gay boys! They’re so sweet and wouldn’t hurt anyone!” (Paraphrasing, obviously, but this fandom does seriously put them on a pedestal)
When David and Exer were introduced, from very early on, they were shown to be heavily flawed characters. 
Exer is responsible for the entire story. He tricked Jackson to going to the girl’s changing room, which is what kicked off everything. Jackson getting bullied and harassed, Jackson eventually having his name cleared, Jackson not trusting the REDs, Jackson eventually learning about Exer’s powers, Exer having his powers found out, etc. This all started because Exer fucked with Jackson. He gaslit him to hell and back, he harassed him, he was jealous that Jackson was getting close with Brenda, his ex who he felt very possessive over. 
And David? David is a follower. He hears people saying “Jackson did something bad” and he immediately turned on Jackson, not hearing him out. Gossiping about him, talking shit to his face, letting people bully and harass him. And I understand that it was his sister, so he’s bound to feel more protective. But what happens when he learns it was actually Pamela who was ‘harassed’ by Jackson? He doesn’t care. 
And that moves me to David and Exer’s treatment of Pamela. Exer, like with Jackson, gaslit the shit out of her. He bullied her, called her a witch, called her creepy and a stalker and a liar. And he did this even though he knew she was right. He let people bully this poor girl to the point where she’s a loner with no friends and is picked on every day. 
I’m not saying Exer isn’t a good character. He actually has one of my favorite character arcs! But quit putting David and Exer on pedestals. Quit acting like they didn’t have any of the bad shit Jackson’s did to them coming. 
Speaking of Jackson…:
 Holy shit. This fandom is ruthless to Jackson Smith. And for no gosh damn reason. 
“He’s mean to Exer and David!”
Did you miss the whole ‘Exer and David harassing him in the same way they did to Pamela’ thing? They literally ruined all of his friendships and his social status. Jackson was just the new kid trying to fit in and they never gave him that chance. 
“He’s so emo and cringe!”
He is literally so depressed that he has to go to therapy. Exer and David bullied him so he is constantly guarded and has serious trust issues since they were his friends. 
“He’s using the diary to control Exer’s life and ruin it!”
Season 3 premier shows otherwise. He’s only testing out the diary to see what it can do. You telling me that if you didn’t have a magical diary that can control the universe centered around someone, you wouldn’t test it out? Don’t you lie to me. And he hasn’t even done anything horrible. In fact, he uses the diary as a way to try and help Exer and David after William kicked David out of the house. He may not like Exer, but he has good morals. He’s not going to let someone who is suffering be open to any harm. That’s why he used the diary to try and protect them both. And when it backfired, he decided to stop using the diary. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt or for anything bad to happen. 
“He beat up David!”
There we go again, putting Exer and David on pedestals. Guys, you’re blowing it way outta proportion. Jackson was in a fist fight with Exer, David tried to intervene and got kicked in the face. You know how people tell you don’t try to stop two dogs fighting unless you want to get bit? That’s what happened here. 
Jackson is literally just a traumatized kid. He lost his mom at a young age g age and moved to a new place and was hoping to make some new friends. His ‘friends’ immediately turn their backs on him and harass him. He learns one of them is behind everything that caused this? Ya, don’t tell me you wouldn’t be fucking pissed either. 
We are the audience. We have more insight to these character’s mind and situations than Jackson does. Put yourself into his perspective. 
Anyways, thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Make sure to pet Lucy-furr on your way out. 
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strawbug0 · 6 months
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Quick drawing for seasons 3 :]
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Okay I’m adding these ones here too. My first (presumably not last) tribute to the Jackson’s diary fandom!
I just read and, I just liked and, just sketched down the first target
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agnes-draws · 1 year
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bisexuals world domination
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catdumpster · 1 year
so we’ve all seen paola’s new dexer drawings….but what happens next?
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dexer week ||day 7: free day!|| the background is Not a PNG, it’s just checkerboard 😭
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whibeet · 6 months
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official art redraw⭐ (original - @/burdiedraws on insta)
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Jackson's Diary things I've made today because Season 3 has been released
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eightates · 3 months
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Summer, Love and Lattes
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flufallo · 5 months
What possessed me to make these 😭
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