#exoprimal roadblock
real-s4lmonid · 9 months
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he gives off good grill vibes
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fennwox · 7 months
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Me: wow i was total garbage this game, i can't believe my whole team carried me...
Game: MVP
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kc5rings · 10 months
Alright, I’m still waiting to see if they stick the landing but at 50% of the way through the story I’m enjoying myself enough to actively shill for Exoprimal
Y’all, the marketing around this game did it SO dirty, it’s wild.
I went into this expecting some pve crumbs in a pvp focused game, I knew and accepted that as I was really just chasing the high of early OW days when I truly loved playing Reinhardt, getting to protect my team and live the Wall power fantasy with Roadblock
What I did not expect, was a PvE mode that evolves in relation to the story you unlock through completing matches. Nor did I expect to actually get invested in said story!
It’s simple (so far) with well trod character tropes for the genre, calm and cool leader, soldier with a chip on her shoulder, eccentric tech expect etc, but all written with the feeling of someone who actually likes this genre of sci-fi and not as an irony poisoned nod and wink to the player. It’s cheesy but earnest, being roughly 1 part Pacific Rim to 1 part Starship Troopers
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There’s also just so much more story than I expected, the above image is the story map at roughly 50% complete, each of those blue icons around the outside are clues awarded after a match, data, that corresponds with deeper overarching mysteries represented by the inner rings. Collect enough relevant data, which can be audio logs, text or video, and one of the inner ones unlocks that then has a cutscene to contextualize all the data.
It’s a drip feed story that has me doing my next match to find out what happens instead of only grinding for currency or a suit upgrade. It’s not groundbreaking narrative but the dialogue is snappy and the characters are fun, so I’ve stayed invested
As for the gameplay itself, I’ve been playing for several days and touched pvp maybe 3 times. The first match you play is random (so I got pvp there, and the other two times were scripted moments in the story that took place during a match because again, the gameplay evolves with the story
The first few matches are , frankly, a bit of a cakewalk. Medium hordes of fairly easy to deal with fodder, a few larger threats thrown in. Nothing difficult and the mvp nearly invariably goes to one of the more AoE specialized DPS with supports or more single target focused DPS with not much to chew on
Cut to later missions like the ones I did before work that throw multiple specialized enemy types at you that operate at different ranges and demand everyone do their job or you get overrun. Tanks have to hold back the tide or duel with one large threat, AoE DPS need to keep the numbers on small enemies down, healers work constantly to both heal, damage and debuff while single target DPS need to surgically remove major threats such as one later mob that spawns at a distance and can silence your entire team unless it’s weak spot is hit
Commendation screens shift sharply at this point, being largely supports, tanks or DPS who really excelled. The fights are a damage race at the end of the day, but each class is rewarded strongly for playing their role and selfish play pretty much just gets you dead
There are other modes/challenges that can pop up in a match that I won’t spoil here, but have ended up beating some of the most fun I’ve ever had in a hero shooter period, making each match just a little bit more exciting because you know at any moment things could change dramatically. Going from trying to blitz the challenges in order to beat the team you’re racing to just trying to survive as you hear the words “Carnage Module Online” from the AI running these wargames is always a thrill
It’s not perfect, the pvp is…. There, but nothing to write home about even accounting for my personal exhaustion with pvp. It’s also got the seemingly obligatory battlepass mess, though (so far) it’s only cosmetics. Everything that’s gameplay related (suit upgrades/unlocks) is earned through gameplay, even a fair few of the cosmetics can be bought with match currency so the pass is far from necessary
All of this is just me saying that Capcom barely marketed this game and focused almost entirely on the least interesting aspects of it. So I’m marketing it for them because it’s the team based PvE I’ve been begging for for ages
And you get to Punch Dinosaurs
With Power Armor
Which rules
So consider at least taking a look at the game and join me in some Dino punching and together we can help this game last long enough for Roadblock to get a good skin
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mothaus · 10 months
I had brain rot for Exoprimal when it came out on gamepass. I finished the story and boy did it take two tried to beat the final missions. Nimbus did make it easy to just throw out the holo to revive. I'm excited for the Alpha variant of Roadblock because looks similar to Cherno Alpha. Which one of Tanks I play. Haven't gotten the hang of Murasame yet, but he seems to be like a DPS tank to me.
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awesomenerdscorner · 1 year
Let's Chill- Exoprimal Open Beta Test: Roadblock Gameplay
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spiritgamer26 · 2 years
[CP] Combattants en armures futuristes et créatures préhistoriques
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En 2040, un péril inédit et imprévisible menace la planète entière. Des dinosaures surgissent de nulle part et dévastent des villes partout sur le globe. Aux prises avec les créatures les plus féroces de l'histoire, l’humanité se tourne vers la puissante société Aibius et sa technologie révolutionnaire. Leviathan, son I.A. de nouvelle génération, est en effet capable de prévoir les lieux d'apparition des dinosaures et de déployer des Exocombattants dans la zone compromise. Equipés d’Exosquelettes de combat dernier cri, ces courageux guerriers représentent l’ultime espoir de l’espèce humaine.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LzvvAGND0Y&feature=youtu.beExoprimal propose une expérience multijoueur inédite axée à la fois sur la coopération et sur la compétition. Dans le mode principal du jeu appelé Survie Dinos, des équipes de 5 membres s’allient pour affronter d'innombrables dinosaures dans une course contre la mort et la montre, tout en tentant de remplir les objectifs avant une équipe rivale. Une variété d'objectifs dynamiques maintient les joueurs sur leurs gardes et garantit le caractère unique de chaque parties. Les Exocombattants devront rester constamment sur le qui-vive lors de chasses, de livraisons de cargaisons précieuses ou de sièges désespérés contre des vagues incessantes d’ennemis. Les équipes adverses ont même la possibilité d’attaquer directement leurs adversaires et d'entraver leur progression. Bien qu'Exoprimal soit orienté multijoueur, la narration n’est pas en reste. Les joueurs peuvent profiter de la riche histoire proposée et de ses personnages hauts en couleur en débloquant de nouveaux pans de scénario et en reconstituant le mystère derrière les invasions de dinosaures.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9_-DS_uloc&feature=youtu.beLes Exocombattants sont toujours en infériorité numérique et doivent travailler efficacement de concert pour compenser leurs faibles chances de survie. Leurs Exosquelettes se déclinent en plusieurs classes, chacune jouant un rôle distinct sur le terrain. Les modèles d'assaut tels que le tireur d'élite Deadeye ou le Zéphyr, plus orienté vers le contact, excellent dans mise hors d’état de nuire de nuées d’ennemis. Les tanks, comme le porteur de bouclier Roadblock, et les catégories de soutien, comme le vital Witchdoctor, permettent de garder tout le monde en vie pour continuer le combat. Chaque modèle est doté d'un armement unique et de capacités spéciales. Les joueurs peuvent même passer d'un Exosquelette l'autre à la volée pour s’adapter à n'importe quelle évolution de la situation, aussi désespérée puisse-t-elle paraître…Exoprimal est un jeu d’action multijoueur futuriste, coopératif et compétitif, prévu en 2023 sur PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One et PC (Steam). 
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awesomenerdscorner · 1 year
Let's Chill- Exoprimal Open Beta Test: Krieger, Barrage, & Roadblock Gameplay
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