kofrederick · 5 years
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exooneshots · 5 years
One Shot Exo Tao
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Vou de uma ponta a outra no quarto e repito o movimento, uma, duas, três... até perder a conta. Afroxo a gravata que parece me enforcar. Caminho até a mesinha onde bebo dois copos de água, pego um papel para enxugar a água que entornei por conta da tremedeira da mão que não passa. Volto e caminho de um lado para o outro de novo.
- Calma que desse jeito você vai ter um treco. – diz Baekhyun rindo do meu nervosismo.
O olho e continuo andando de um lado para o outro.
- Pare Baekhyun, ele está nervoso. – diz Suho repreendendo Baekhyun.- Tudo bem estar nervoso Zitao, é seu casamento. No seu lugar estaria da mesma forma, mas senta um pouco, você vai acabar amarrotando seu smoking. Até sua gravata está desarrumada. – continua Suho que a conserta.
- Será que vai dar tudo certo? Será que ela vai? – pergunto exasperado.
- Bom, se ela não fugiu antes, não vai ser agora que ela vai escapar. – implica Baekhyun.
- Baekhyun. – diz Suho lhe chamando a atenção.
O ignoro e o vejo fazendo sinal como se estivesse passando um zíper na boca.
- Hey, relaxa. Falta pouco. – diz Kris Hyung entrando no quarto.
- Hyung, você viu ela? Como ela estava? Entregou o colar? – o bombardeio de perguntas assim que o mesmo passa pela porta
- Sim, entreguei e com todo o respeito está muito bonita. – responde.
- Como ela está? – pergunto.
- Não vou falar. Você vai ver assim que a cerimônia começar.– responde Kris me dando as costas.
- Hyung, por favor. Me fala como é. Eu nunca te pedi nada?
- Nunca me pediu nada? - repete o que eu disse olhando para minha cara de pau.
Dou- lhe um sorriso amarelo e encaro meu relógio.
- Já está na hora de irmos não acha não? – digo me olhando no espelho mais uma vez conferindo se nada está fora do lugar.
- A menos que você queria ficar parado no altar 30 minutos embaixo do sol... – diz Kai rindo.
Os encaro após ver que todos começaram a rir da gracinha do Kai.
- Você precisa usar a cabeça Jongin. Tem tapagem, ninguém está no sol.
Vou até a janela e vejo a arrumação das cadeiras para a cerimônia. Os convidados aos poucos se acomodando. Na frente temos um céu bem azul e a praia com a água cristalina quase como uma miragem. Um quadro desta cena ficaria maravilhoso.
Encaro a paisagem por mais um tempo ignorando o burburinho dos Hyung's no recinto. Volta e meia olho pro relógio verificando os minutos que demoram a passar.
25 minutos e meu pai entra no quarto avisando que está na hora. Vou mais uma vez até a frente do espelho e confiro se está tudo certo, passo pelos meninos que me dão tapas nas costas e começam a fazer algazarra até chegarmos no quintal onde todos se recomponhe e caminham até o altar toma do seus lugares.
Sigo até o altar e durante todo o caminho sinto o olhar dos convidados em mim. Meu pai estufa o peito mostrando seu orgulho e olho minha mãe que caminha ao meu lado enxugando as lágrimas não contendo as emoções.
Parado no altar olho para os menino que fazem sinais pra mim. Sorri e volto minha atenção para a entrada. Ouço o piano começar a tocar novamente. A dama de honra entra jogando as pétalas no chão e atrás vem ela.
Com seu vestido branco rendado. Caminhando lentamente até mim.
Não conseguindo conter minha emoções meus olhos se enchem, seco os olhos e a olho de novo. Seu pai a entrega para mim e seguro sua mão, beijo sua testa e vejo seus olhos marejados, passo a mão em sua bochecha a limpando e viramos para o padre.
A cerimônia foi toda regada em emoção, tanto da minha parte quanto da dela. Não conseguindo desviar meus olhos dela aprecio sua beleza. A forma com que o vestido moldou o seu corpo e lhe caiu bem. Vejo os detalhes e imagino quando eu puder retirá-lo de seu corpo, ou seu cabelo trançado que ficará lindamente desgrenhado em cima da cama...
Perante a Deus e aos convidados fazemos nossos votos. A beijo no final de tudo e andamos passando pelos convidados. Passo por todos segurando sua mão mostrando Minha Mulher.
- Finalmente minha mulher. – digo a tomando em meus braços assim que entramos numa sala de espera.
- Sempre fui sua. – diz acariciando meu rosto enquanto me beija.
Pego sua mão e olho a aliança reluzente em seu dedo. Sento- me no sofá e a coloco sentada de lado no meu colo. Admirando sua beleza ficamos nessa troca de carinhosos e de olhares por alguns minutos até baterem na porta avisando que todos já estavam no salão nos aguardando. A ajudo a ajeitar a o vestido e caminhamos até o salão onde vejo os convidados.
Recebidos com uma salva de palmas cumprimentos todos e tiramos as fotos. A todo momento a olho vendo o quão sortudo eu sou ter conseguido esta mulher. Uma música começa a tocar. Caminho até ela e a puxo para dançar, passo um braço em volta de sua cintura e com a outra mão livre seguro sua mão e vou a guiando de acordo com a música. A olho com um olhar apaixonado e com o sorriso que nunca deixa meu rosto. (S/n) descansa a cabeça em meu ombro e a puxo mais pra mim e assim ficamos até acabar a música.
- Acho que já está na hora de irmos.- digo enquanto caminhamos até nossa mesa.
- Mas já? Todos os convidados ainda estão aqui. – diz olhando para os convidados que enchem o salão.
- E daí?
- Tá no meio da festa ainda.
- E nós somos recém casados. Quero ficar sozinho com você. – digo baixo próximo ao sua orelha onde deixo um beijo.
- Oppa, alguém pode ver. – diz enquanto corada olhando em volta para ver se ninguém ouviu ou viu o que acabei de fazer.
- Ninguém tem que falar nada. Como já disse somo casados. – digo levando. – Me acompanha Sra. Huang? – estendo-lhe a mão.
- Okay. Sr. Huang. – me responde envergonhada enquanto segura minha mão .
-Adminis Cris
Obs.: Nenhuma das imagens são de minha autoria, ou seja todos os créditos são de seus devidos donos.
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ovrwxtch-blog · 6 years
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shaima36 · 5 years
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‏‎Happy birthday Tao 🌹🎂🎊🎉🎈#exo #exok #exom #weareoneexo #sh_na_36 #7yearswithexo #exocbx #exol #exotao ‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw73r4mhQ4W/?igshid=27td1diqku1
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kpopgurl91 · 7 years
Little Red Chapter 5
Mi-Nah ran into the house and straight up to her room. She didn't want to face her father after what she saw. Laying face down Mi-Nah tried and failed not to cry into her pillow. Her first date was ruined and now Aaron would never speak to her again. Why couldn't she just have one date. Just one! It's not like she was asking for much. Now everything was ruined and her dad was so scary! She had never seen him like that. It honestly scared her. His eyes seemed to almost glow and she was sure her dad was going to tear Aaron limb from limb.
Luhan, Tao and Kris all sat down stairs. Kris in the over stuffed chair and Luhan and Tao on the couch. Luhan's eyes where wide when he found out what happened. He couldn't believe it. They had been so careful! Even their tempers where kept in check.
"You let her see your Alpha aura?!" Luhan asked wide eyed and disbelief. Kris sighed rubbing his hands over his face. He groaned. "I know!"
"Damn dad." Luhan shook his head.   "I know. I'm not sure if I should go talk go her or, leave her be." Luhan peeked into his sisters mind. "Let us talk to her first. I'll let you know when it's all clear." Kris just hummed. He felt awful! Mi-Nah was his little girl! He was a firm father but never mean. He rarely even raised his voice to his children. Usually one look and tone was all it took. Kris grunted as he forced tears back. He went to finish packing to distract himself.
"Knock, knock" Luhan said as he slowly opened Mi-Nah's bedroom door. Mi-Nah didn't glance up. She was still pouting. Luhan and Tao paid no attention and sat on either side of her bed. "Go away." Mi-Nah's muffled came through her pillow as she sniffled.
"Tao told me what happened." Luhan lied. Mi-Nah responded by hugging her pillow tighter.
"You know dad didn't mean to scare you." Tao gently patted her head.
"Mèimei." Luhan gently shook her. A muffled 'hmph!' was heard as she tried to move away from her brothers hand. Tao and Luhan shared a look. Luhan flipped Mi-Nah over while Tao ripped the pillow from her grip.
"Noo!" Mi-Nah whined reaching for the pillow. "Give it back!" She pouted. Mi-Nah tried to reach for it but Luhan's grip was too strong.
"Why are you crying?" Tao asked. Both boys knew the answer but they didn't want her to know that.
"Dad ruined my date." Mi-Nah crossing her arms she leaned back against Luhan.
"I heard he tried to give you moldy food." Mi-Nah could practically see the disgust on Luhan's face.
"Mèimei why would you want to date someone like that?" Tao asked looking grossed out as well. "You could of gotten seriously sick. Dad would have had to take you to the hospital!"
"He didn't mean to!" Mi-Nah tried to defend. Luhan scoffed. "Of course not."
"It's true! He felt bad!" Mi-Nah twisted in her brothers arms to look at him.
"Mi-Nah anyone would of known it was moldy. It's so obvious."
"What about the amount of times that Dad's been tired? Hmm?" Mi-Nah pressed. "Do you even know how many times I've stopped him from eating bad food!?"
"That's different Mèimei!" Tao spoke with a slight sigh. "Aaron didn't even bother to check and see first. It's like dating 101. Make sure you smell good and clothes don't stink, then looks," Both Mi-Nah and Luhan shared a look before rolling their eyes. Tao spent the most time in the bathroom. Which was saying something because Mi-Nah took her time in the bathroom. "Than preparing food. Either it's everything fresh from the market, or you have enough money to go out. You don't allow pack moldy food!"
"He's got good point." Luhan mummers.
"Okay so he messed up! He's the only guy that's had the guts to ask me out!"
"He won't be the last though." Tao tried to reassure her. "Course, the others will have to go through the three of us."
Luhan scoffed, "As if they could make it past us. No one is good enough for our Mèimei."
"That's right." Tao agreed ruffling her hair. Mi-Nah couldn't help but smile and blush slightly. Even if she was still annoyed. She liked knowing she could rely on them.
"Now for the real talk." Luhan sat Mi-Nah up. She avoided her brothers steady gaze. She knew it was coming.
"I don't want to talk about." she mumbled playing with her hands.
"We're gunna!" Tao spoke firmly. "You know sneaking out was wrong."
"You could of been hurt. Or taken advantage of."
"Or kidnapped."
"Held hostage."
"Alright already!" Minah spoke loudly. She sighed, "It's just, I've never seen daddy so upset. It really scared me."
"You know his anger was directed at Aaron and not you right? Well the scary part." Tao informed her.
"But he just looked so, so, different." She spoke trying to put what she saw into words. It wasn't easy. "It's the first time i've ever been scared of him."
"Dad feels horrible about making you scared. You should go talk to him." Luhan encouraged.
"No way!"
"Yes way!"
"No Way!"
"Yes Way!"
Luhan gave Tao a look. ' Tao, open the door then grab her legs.' Tao nodded and opened the door. Mi-Nah thought he was leaving but boy was she wrong. Luhan stood and wrapped his arms around her middle while Tao grabbed her legs.
"What!?!" Mi-Nah shrieked trying to wiggle out of their grasp. "Aww come on Luhan Gē, Tao Gē! This isn't fair!" She tried to kick but Tao had a good grasp on her legs. Knowing it was useless Mi-Nah gave up and allowed herself to be carried. Once outside the office Tao placed Mi-Nah's legs on the floor. Tao opened the door while Luhan pushed her in. He quickly shut the door behind her.
Kris looked up from a photo of him and Mi-Nah's mom while she was pregnant. He had forgotten about this photo. Mi-Nah looked just like her mom except younger. He had heard the commotion  outside but didn't stop the boys. Mi-Nah wouldn't make eye contact. She looked anywhere but him.
"Come here." He finally spoke. Mi-Nah shook her head refusing to move. What she saw really scared her.
"Do you have anything to say for your actions?" Kris's tone was firmer than he intended. Mi-Nah didn't look up but continued to stare at her feet. "You deliberately disobeyed my rules. No lying, no sneaking out. No. Boyfriends! That means no dates Mi-Nah!"
"Duìbùqǐ bàba" She mumbled. Kris knew it was only half hearted but he'd let it slide this time. Only because he had scared her so bad. She was probably scarred for life now.
"Come here." Kris spoke gentler this time. Mi-Nah shuffled over to her father. Once close enough Kris pulled her onto his lap for a hug. Mi-Nah was a bit stiff.
"Bàba is sorry for scaring you."
"You really did." Mi-Nah mumbled leaning into him more.
"I was just so angry that a boy," He forced himself not to growl. "Took such care poor of my princess."
"It wasn't on purpose!"
"I don't care! He should of tried harder!"
"He's the one who actually tried to. Everyone else doesn't seem interested in me." Mi-Nah pouted.
"That's because Bàba told your brothers to scare them off."
"Any boy that came near you, they spoke to. That's why the boys leave you alone."
"Are you Kidding me?!" Mi-Nah pulled away to better see her dad. "Is that why Tao and Luhan got into so many fights and the reason they didn't get punished for it?"
"Yup." Kris smiled proudly. "Such good sons looking after their baby sister."
"NOT COOL DAD!!" Mi-Nah shouted. "I thought I was never smart, or pretty, or skinny enough. Do you have any clue what that does to a girls mindset?!"
Kris had the decency to look a little guilty. "I'm sorry baby. Daddy was just trying to protect you."
"By making me feel unwanted." She pouted.
"Not on purpose. There are too many bad guys out their. Real jerks who could and would hurt you."
"I know! But you let Tao and Luhan do whatever they want! I keep my grades, I listen the majority of the time and I'm constantly stuck home! It's not fair! They get to do everything and I get to do nothing!"
Kris sighed and rubbed his eyes. "We'll talk about it later alright."
"Fine." Mi-Nah pouted.
"Good. So now for your punishment." Kris spoke. Mi-Nah's mouth fell open in surprise. "Don't think your getting away with sneaking out young lady! So go bring me your electronic devices."
Mi-Nah stomped off and did as her father asked.
"Good. You won't be getting these back until after we move." He held up a hand as Mi-Nah was about to protest.
"Now, I'll make it so you can still go and see your friends but only because we're moving. Otherwise that wouldn't be happening either. Not to mentioned your going to wash the car by hand and pull the weeds and clean your room, the bathroom and my office once everything is cleared out."
"Bàba!" Mi-Nah whined.
"Be grateful I'm not making you clean the entire house. You can start on the list tomorrow." Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6
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sharmeenmanzoor · 3 years
#exo #exosarangja #exovideo #exokaisoo #exochen #exoluhan #exonews #exoot12 #exochanyeol #exordium #ExoPakistan #exoupdates #exobaekhyun #exokai #exoplanetgroup #exolay #exomeme #exosuho #exosehun #exoxiumin #exokris #exotao #exodo #exokyungsoo #dokyungsoo #videos #viralvideos #viral #instagram #exol https://www.instagram.com/p/COr4cgQBDN0/?igshid=qbtg72chf28d
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bridgetokpop · 5 years
Saesang fans really need to stop doing this #kpop #kpopfan #kpopidol #exo #exo_l #exokris #exotao #exoedit #exoedits #exo_tempo #exok #exom https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Mdg_NAzZN/?igshid=cao7xnnx3e9t
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smc0208 · 6 years
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👏👏👏👏👏 #exo #exotempo #tempo #mv #exol #exobaekhyun #exochanyeol #exosehun #exoluhan #exolay #exochen #exoxiumin #exosuho #exokai #exodo #exotao #exokris #weareoneexo #top #👏 https://www.instagram.com/p/BptHM_QlUeq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=whdk6k90c1ur
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natloves17-blog · 6 years
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Love this boy too much ❤️ * * * * * * * * * * #zitao #tao #exom #exo #kpop #huangzitao #zitaohuang #taokpop #taoexo #exotao #taohuang #huangtao #exomtao #zitaoedit #taoedit #taoedits #exomedit #exoedit #exoedits #kpopedit #kpopedits #kpopexo #kpopaesthetic #kpopwallpaper #kpopidol https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZDBHnBU-S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bvm08vhg7n07
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happyvirus87 · 6 years
#growl #exogrowl #exokai #exosehun #exobaekhyun #exochen #exoxiumin #exotao #dance #kpop #favoritesong 😍😍😍😍
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kofrederick · 5 years
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EXO OT12 PT. 1
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k-pyc6002 · 6 years
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#exo #exokai #exolay #exodo #exochanyeol #exobaekhyun #exokyungsoo #exotao #exochen #exosuho #exosehun #exoluhan #exokris #exoxiumin #exoyixing #kai #chen #chanyeol #do #baekhyun #xiumin #lay #sehun #luhan #suho #kris #tao #kyungsoo #exol #exoplanet
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My second favorite Kpop group is EXO. They were 12 handsome guys that impressed me by their music. In my heart, there will always be 12 members forever, even though 3 have left the group... #exok #exom #exol #exo #exokai #exodo #exochanyeol #exobaekhyun #exosehun #exosuho #exolay #exotao #exoxiumin #exochen #exokris #exoluhan
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kpopgurl91 · 7 years
Little Red Chapter 6
The day had come. It was finally time to say goodbye. Mi-Nah, Luhan and Tao had all already said their goodbyes to close friends and family. Everything was packed. The house was spotless. They all did one last final look around the house they grew up in.
"We'll be okay." Kris spoke placing his arm around Mi-nah. She was already tearing up. This had been her home for as long as she could remember. "Think of it, like an adventure. It's fun, exciting, scary and new. Don't know what's going to happen but we'll be there. Together."
Minah nodded and allowed her dad to pull her outside and into the waiting taxi van. They were off to the airport. As the van pulled away Mi-Nah watched her house shrink until she could no longer see it. The boys where lucky, they could fall asleep anywhere. When they reached the airport both boys had to be woken. The three kids shuffled their feet as Kris led them through the airport. It seemed like all Mi-Nah had to do was blink and they were already on the plane. Everyone napped except for Mi-Nah. Her brain just wouldn't stop thinking about how South Korea was going to be so different.
Once the plane landed Kris and his kids gathered their luggage. The man they would be staying with was unable to meet them. Something had come up so Kris grabbed a taxi. He wasn't thrilled about the price but understood. No one had spoken much on the ride, everyone was too lost in their thoughts. When they finally arrived the kids stretched their limbs before freezing mid stretch. The house in front of them was huge! It made their cute little home back in China seem like an ant compared to this log building.
Kris smirked at his children's reaction. He had already been here before so this was nothing new to him. It hadn't changed since the last time he had been here. He took a breath breathing enjoying the fresh air that filled his lungs. Just as Kris unloaded the last of the luggage and about to pay the taxi driver the door opened. A young man opened the front door. Kris handed the man his money before getting his old friend.
The kids where still staring at the massive log house, well more like mansion. It looked about three stories with two fireplaces, a wrap around porch on the second floor and a terries on the third. Different plants and trees where well placed strategicly around the front. While the shutters where panted a deep red, the wood seemed aged yet new at the same time. All in all it was a beautiful place.
"Kids!" Kris waved a hand in front of their faces. Tao and Mi-Nah jumped while Luhan simply turned to face his father.
"You can stare at the house later-"
"House? BàBà!" Mi-Nah exclaimed. "This is not a house! this is a mansion!"
"How insulting." Tao mumbled.
"Are you two finished or would you like to continue being rude to our gracious host?" Kris asked with a raised brow. The kids all turned and noticed the man with a friendly amused look on his face. A deep blush of embarrassment spread across Mi-Nah's face while a light one crossed Tao's.
"Kids this is Junmyeon but everyone calls him Suho." Kris introduced. "Dongseang, these are my kids." He motioned the kids closer. They all moved to stand beside him. Mi-Nah standing a little closer than the other two.
"My oldest son Luhan, Tao and my baby girl Mi-Nah." The the kids each gave a polite nod and nervous smile.
Suho spoke but the kids had trouble understanding. Mi-Nah looked up to her dad for translation.
"He says you can call him samchon."
"Samchon?" Mi-Nah repeated with a weird look.
"It means uncle."
No ones POV
"Hyung," Suho spoke. "Please come in. I'll show you around and to your rooms."
Kris followed pulling his luggage behind him. The kids followed tired from their journey. The ride to Suho's mansion was longer than the flight. The peaceful atmosphere was broken as soon as the door cracked open. The TV kept blaring and then going mute or the channel kept changing.
"Dammit Sehen stop messing with the TV!" Kai growled to his younger brother.
"It's not me!" Sehun exclaimed holding his hands up remote in one hand.
"Your the one with the remote!"
"I haven't touched it look! I'll prove it." He set the clicker down and nothing happened. He then picked it back up.
"See! Nothing!" He held the remote. The TV changed channel again. This time to a children's program. The two where unaware of the snickers coming from their hyung who sat across from them.
"Idiots." He scoffed with a shake of his head.
"What the heck!?!" Sehun exclaimed.
"Give it to me!" Kai tried taking the remote from his brother's hand.
"I'm your hyung! Now give it!"
"I'm your hyung." Sehun mocked. A fight broke out causing Chen to burst out laughing. Not a minute later a herd of elephants was heard coming down the stairs. That herd of elephants ended up only being two boys. One had a large grin on his face as he flew down the stairs while the other had a mustache drawn on his face and what looked like the beginning of a patch eye only half way done.
"CHANYEOL GET BACK HERE!" Baekhyun shouted. He was a head shorter but wasn't far behind.
The two zipped past a fuming Suho and into the living room. Kai and Sehun where still wrestling for the remote while Chen cheered them on. Chanyeol looked back causing him to trip over one of his dongsaengs out stretched leg. This gave Baekhyun a chance to jump onto Chanyeol.
"Excuse me for a moment." Suho spoke through clenched teeth. He strode into the living room before swiftly closing the doors behind him. Of course that didn't stop his voice from carrying through the closed doors.
"THAT IS ENOUGH!!" The boys froze at their dads tone. "CHEN BE SILENT AND HAND OVER THE SECOND REMOTE! KAI, SEHUN SIT ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE COUCH. HOW CAN YOU NOT GRASP THAT YOUR BROTHER HAD A SECOND REMOTE!?!" Both Kai and Sehun scrambled to get up tripping over the other.
"BAEKHYUN GET OFF OF CHANYEOOL! AND CHANYEOL HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT BAEKHYUN EYELINER IS NOT MAKEUP!" The boys tried and failed not to laugh at Suho's last line. Baekhyun just glared while the others continued to crack up.
"Alright enough!" His tone had the others clamming up. "Our guest have arrived to a zoo!"
"It is like a zoo around here." Sehun mumbled. The other snickered while his father glared.
"We have guest and they come into a mad house! They haven't even gotten past the foyer! Now all of you will be on your best behavior! You will apologize for being so rude and carry up their luggage while I show them around. Then you will freshen up for dinner and set the table and if your not on your best behavior, so help me none of you will eat for a month!"
The boys all nodded but remained where they sat.
"Now, come and apologize." He ordered them. "A single warning and your all going to grounded. Also Chanyeol your going to replace Baekhyun's eyeliner."
Chanyeol sighed but nodded. None of the boys had moved.
"What are you all waiting for?! Off your butts and over here now!" Suho orders. He took a breath to calm himself before opening the doors to a mixture of expressions.
Author Note
Alright I hope everyone enjoyed this update. Sry for the delay and I'm leaving it on a cliff hanger. Mi-Nah and the boys still have other Exo members to introduce. That will happen in the next Chapter. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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kaisoopuppy · 7 years
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Alpha and Omega (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Tl86K7zdpE
One already lost his hope of ever finding his soul mate, the other didn’t even think he has one. But the scent was too strong.
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k-pyc6002 · 6 years
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#exo #exokai #exolay #exodo #exochanyeol #exobaekhyun #exokyungsoo #exotao #exochen #exosuho #exosehun #exoluhan #exokris #exoxiumin #exoyixing #kai #chen #chanyeol #do #baekhyun #xiumin #lay #sehun #luhan #suho #kris #tao #kyungsoo #exol #exoplanet
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