validating named locations
Update! Ross says the named location type for external labs is "External lab".
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validating named locations
You can (and should!) use the named location validation to validate any named locations in your ingest, EVEN IF those locations aren’t the “location of record” in the database. The way this will most often come up is when ingesting data from an external lab. The location on the data is the location where the sample was collected, let’s say plotID. But you’re also ingesting the lab’s name, usually laboratoryName. In entryValidationRulesParser, put [NAMED_LOCATION_TYPE(External lab)]. Don’t use an LOV to validation the external lab name.
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External lab locations for ingests
The controlled term “externalLabNamedLocation” can be used as the required namedLocation field in a table where data are uploaded by external labs. Useful if the lab is only returning a sampleID, for example, but not reporting the site from which the sample was collected, and you still need a namedLocation field. It’s auto-populated based on the lab’s login. 
entryValidationRules = “Web-UI generated”, noDataOutcome=NA, and make sure to add an LOV of laboratoryName to your workbooks.
UPDATED 10/5/2016 this is no longer relevant in the new system 
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