hgirasol-blog · 1 year
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aly-alisonquispepoma · 2 months
Tercera Semana - Rote E
Quispe Poma Alejandra Alison <3
Exámen Físico - Exámen Extraoral
1. Tipo de Cráneo
Clasificación: Determinamos el tipo de cráneo (dolicocéfalo, mesocéfalo o braquicéfalo) basado en la relación entre el largo y el ancho del cráneo.
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Pasos para Determinar el Tipo de Cráneo
1. Medición del Ancho Máximo del Cráneo: Mide el punto más ancho del cráneo, que generalmente se encuentra entre las protuberancias parietales.
2. Medición de la Longitud Máxima del Cráneo: Mide desde el punto más prominente de la glabela (la parte más prominente de la frente, justo por encima de la nariz) hasta el punto más distante en la parte posterior del cráneo.
3. Formula:
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4. Clasificación del Tipo de Cráneo
Dolicocéfalo: Índice craneal < 75
Mesocéfalo: Índice craneal entre 75 y 80
Braquicéfalo: Índice craneal > 80
2. Cuero Cabelludo
Buscamos lesiones, cicatrices, erupciones o cambios de color en el cuero cabelludo. Evaluamos la presencia de alopecia, descamación o infecciones.
3. Volumen Craneal
Evaluamos el volumen del cráneo para identificar posibles hidrocefalias o microcefalias.
4. Frente: Inspeccionamos la frente en busca de asimetrías, prominencias o retracciones. Una frente bien proporcionada es señal de normalidad.
El tipo facial se refiere a la forma general del rostro y se clasifica en tres categorías:
Mesoprosopo: Caracterizado por una proporción equilibrada entre el ancho y la altura de la cara.
Leptoprosopo: Rostro alargado, donde la altura de la cara es significativamente mayor que su ancho.
Euriprosopo: Rostro más ancho y corto, con una proporción mayor de ancho que de altura.
El perfil facial se evalúa observando al paciente de lado y se clasifican en:
Convexo: La frente y el mentón están inclinados hacia atrás, con una prominencia del maxilar superior.
Cóncavo: La frente y el mentón están inclinados hacia adelante, con una prominencia del maxilar inferior.
Recto: La frente, la nariz y el mentón están en una alineación relativamente recta.
La armonía facial se refiere a la proporción y balance de las diferentes partes del rostro. Para evaluar la armonía facial, se consideran:
Proporciones Verticales: Dividir la cara en tercios (desde la línea del cabello hasta las cejas, desde las cejas hasta la base de la nariz, y desde la base de la nariz hasta el mentón) y evaluar la simetría.
Proporciones Horizontales: Dividir la cara en quintos verticales (ancho de los ojos, distancia entre los ojos, etc.) y asegurar que cada segmento sea aproximadamente igual.
La evaluación de la piel incluye buscar cualquier decoloración, manchas o cambios en el tono de piel. Por lo que se puede clasificar en: Normal, Pálida, Cianótica, Ictérica, Enrojecida, Hiperpigmentada.
Biotipo Maseterino: Caracterizado por una mayor actividad y desarrollo del músculo masetero. Este biotipo suele estar asociado con una mayor fuerza masticatoria y mandíbulas más cuadradas y robustas.
Biotipo Temporal: Dominado por la actividad del músculo temporal. Los pacientes con este biotipo tienden a tener una masticación más vertical y una mayor fuerza en la mordida anterior.
Biotipo Pterigoideo: Predominancia del músculo pterigoideo, implicado en movimientos de lateralidad y protrusión de la mandíbula. Este biotipo puede estar asociado con una masticación menos eficiente y problemas de oclusión debido a los movimientos laterales.
Tacto Ligero: Utiliza un algodón o una brocha suave y toca suavemente la frente del paciente, las mejillas y la piel a nivel de la mandíbula, pidiéndole que cierre los ojos y que te informe cuando siente el contacto.
Dolor: Usa un alfiler o un objeto puntiagudo (asegurándote de que sea estéril) para aplicar una ligera presión en las mismas áreas, preguntando al paciente si siente dolor.
Masetero y Temporal: Pide al paciente que cierre la boca con fuerza mientras palpas los músculos masetero y temporal para evaluar su fuerza y simetría.
Pterigoideo Medial y Lateral: Pide al paciente que mueva la mandíbula hacia los lados y hacia adelante contra resistencia para evaluar la función de los músculos pterigoideos.
Fruncir el Ceño: Pide al paciente que frunza el ceño y observa la simetría de las arrugas en la frente.
Cerrar los Ojos con Fuerza: Pide al paciente que cierre los ojos fuertemente y trata de abrirlos suavemente con tus dedos para evaluar la fuerza orbicular.
Sonreír y Mostrar los Dientes: Pide al paciente que sonría ampliamente y muestre los dientes, observando la simetría en los labios y mejillas.
Inflar las Mejillas: Pide al paciente que infle las mejillas y mantenga el aire mientras tú aplicas presión para evaluar la fuerza de los músculos bucales.
Puchero (Bajar las Comisuras Labiales): Pide al paciente que haga un puchero para observar la simetría en los movimientos de la boca.
Gusto en los ⅔ Anteriores de la Lengua (Prueba del Gusto): Aunque no es comúnmente realizada, puedes aplicar una solución dulce, salada, ácida o amarga en los dos tercios anteriores de la lengua del paciente y pedirle que identifique el sabor.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hiii loved your Pokémon Thenamesh AU! Would you do a second part with the teddiursa fic? Would love to read will happen the next day :D
"Just a checkup," Thena answered the Hearing pokemon, holding Teddiursa on the counter of the check in desk. She leaned forward to whisper, pressing his ears down against his head, "he might need a shot or two."
"Aud," she nodded, knowing why Thena had exercised the secrecy she did. "Audino?"
"He doesn't have a pokeball," Thena sighed, ruffling Teddiursa's fur to distract him from why she had pressed his ears closed. "Gil rescued him just yesterday morning."
The nurse pokemon nodded and held her hand(?) out for Thena to allow Teddiursa to be taken to the examination room, behind the swinging doors of the pokemon centre portion of the ranger headquarters.
"It's okay," she smiled down at the little bundle in her arms. She set him down on the cart about to be wheeled away. "Audino and Blissey will take wonderful care of you. It'll be over before you know it."
"Teddi?" he asked again, those massive eyes watering.
"It's okay," she repeated, letting her hand drift out of his paw as they started taking him out of the lobby. "I'll be right here waiting."
Thena tried to stand at the edge of the counter. They couldn't let trainers into the pokemon centre with their pokemon--everyone would do it if that were possible. And he would have to get used to check ups and examinations without her anyway. It was just a routine exam to make sure he was perfectly healthy.
Thena wrapped her arms around herself, desperately trying to shut out the little voice shouting 'Mama!' for her again and again. She heard the swinging doors open and rounded the corner, "wait!"
"Audino?" the pink pokemon leaned back to look at her.
"I-I'm sorry," Thena stuttered. She had never done anything like this before. She shuffled forward nervously, "I know the rules--I-I do. But...he's just a baby."
"Teddiursa!" the little cub wailed, holding his paws to his eyes.
"Perhaps I could just," Thena turned back to Audino, tears threatening to spring into her eyes as well, "hold him?--while you're doing your examination?"
"I know I'm asking a lot of you," Thena leaned down, closer to Audino and close enough for Teddiursa to know she was there. "But please, just let me be with him."
The pokemon looked up at Thena's pleading face and then over to a passing Chansey. "Audino?"
"Chansey!" the other pokemon smiled at them. If Teddiursa was already in tears, perhaps having Thena there would soothe him enough to be examined.
Thena put a hand on his head, looking at Audino again, "please?"
The pokemon's ears fluttered as she considered her options, but - with crossed arms - she nodded. "Audino."
"Thank you--thank you, I really do appreciate your consideration," Thena beamed at her, scooping Teddiursa off the cart and holding him against her chest. She rubbed his back as he cried into her shoulder. "I'm sorry baby, I'm right here."
"Teddi," he acknowledged, as sad and miserable as it sounded.
"Audino," she waved Thena along, without the need for the cart, which Chansey happily took away with it down another hall.
Thena followed, happy to be as co-operative as possible considering the exception they were making for her and her little cub. "I promise I won't tell anyone you let us do this."
Audino smiled at her as it let her into the examination room, "Aud-Audino."
Thena let out a faint laugh as she sat on the examination table with Teddiursa on her lap. Gil really was everyone's favourite ranger, "mine too."
Audino held out her hands(?) for Teddiursa's. He looked up at Thena first, who nodded. "She's going to make sure you're all healthy."
"Teddiur," he mumbled up at her.
"I didn't make you eat that medicine for nothing," she smiled down at the little bear, tapping his nose.
"Audino?" Thena held Teddiursa up under his arms, letting the Hearing pokemon listen with its extraordinary ears. It tapped the screen attached to the bench, indicating Teddiursa's heart rate and blood pressure. "Aud!"
Thena smiled at the good news. She let the little cub pokemon curl up against her stomach again, "see? That wasn't so scary, was it?"
Thena sighed; he had heard her say the word 'shot'. Not that he knew what it was, and she wasn't looking forward to explaining it to him. "Well, sweetie, it's this little...needle. And it hurts just a teeny-tiny bit."
Thena nodded with the utmost reluctance, "yes, like a Beedrill sting--just a little."
Teddiursa took one look at her, taking in a deep breath to fill his tiny lungs.
"It's okay, it's okay," Thena rushed to comfort him, watching those little cheeks of his puff up with air as he prepared another round of tears. "I promise it's just for a second, and you can hold my hand the whole time."
Audino walked over, needle in hand and everything. She gestured to Teddiursa, explaining how it could squeeze Thena's hands with its paws so it could focus on that instead of the prick of the needle.
"See, honey?" Thena said softly, now feeling a little nervous herself. She held Teddiursa tighter against her, "Audino knows what she's doing. And Mama's right here."
"Ted," he grumbled, unfolding his arms only to squeeze her palm between his paws. "Ursa?"
"Here we go," Thena whispered. She watched his head turn away and his eyes squeeze shut. He squeezed her hand between his little paws with all his might, which made her feel a little better as she watched the needle poke into his scruff. "Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze."
"Teddi?" he opened just one eye, peeking at the nurse and then up at Thena.
"That's it," she smiled down at him. His tears dispersed immediately, beaming up at her. Thena laughed, turning him over in her arm and tickling the fur on his tummy with her other hand, "who's my big brave bear? Is it you?"
"Teddiursa!" the little cub laughed as she tickled him.
Thena barely noticed the soft knock on the door. She looked up as Audino cracked the door open faintly and then looked back at her. "What is it?"
"Gil?" Thena blinked and straightened up, although her hand continued to rub under Teddiursa's chin. "He can come in."
With the patients' consent, Audino stepped aside and welcomed him in.
"Hey, you two," Gil smiled as he walked over to them. His hat was already in his hand, and Thena enjoyed the opportunity to see his hair free and uncovered. He sat down on the examination bench next to her. "How'd he do?"
"Terrified," she answered softly and honestly. She pulled Teddiursa up to her shoulder reflexively, "but we got through."
"Aw, I bet he did," Gil said encouragingly, leaning so Teddiursa could meet his eye. "Were you good for Mama?"
"Hey, buddy," Gil greeted the little bear, reaching over to liberally ruffle the fur between his ears.
Thena blinked, eyes shifting between the two of them. Gil hadn't reacted to being called 'Papa' at all. Maybe he'd even expected it. But then why did she feel so...weird? It wasn't bad, but it was certainly...different.
Thena bristled, looking over at the nursing pokemon who had very obviously heard her heart double in speed within her chest (even from the second Gil entered the room, let alone the whole 'Papa' thing). Her cheeks turned a similar shade of pink to the Hearing pokemon herself. "I'm fine."
Gil tilted his head, trying to figure out what Thena and the nurse were talking about, "hm?"
"Nothing!" Thena was quick to deny, tilting her head to keep him from seeing Audino's little smirk. She loosened her arms, letting Teddiursa move to Gil's shoulder in greeting. "He's obviously glad to see you."
"Hey, it's an improvement," he chuckled, happily letting Teddiursa recount to him what a brave bear he'd been during his very scary doctor's appointment. Gil patted his head. "I'm on my break--you two eat yet?"
Thena smiled, rising to stand with him, "I think some food would be good for both of us."
Gil let her take Teddiursa back, cradling him against her with his big head and even bigger ear nestled against her shoulder and under her chin. "Shall we?"
Audino waved to them, letting Thena out with Teddiursa first. She tapped Ranger Gilgamesh on his arm, complimenting him on his lovely family.
"Oh, uh," he smiled down at her, blushing as he slipped his hat back on, "yeah. I'm a lucky guy."
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abneyhall · 2 years
Premier special event space
Built in 1962 in Greenwood, SC, Abney Hall is a little over 15,000 square feet and sits on 500 acres of land. The house is where Mrs. Josephine Abney lived. A Greenwood native who was a lifelong philanthropist, Mrs. Abney devoted much of her time and effort towards supporting educational institutions, hospitals, charities, and other noble causes. Abney Hall is available to host your special event, whereby family and friends can enjoy the beautiful property where Mrs. Abney lived
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Oroi Abdur punya banyak cerita. Salah satunya kedekatan tanda-tanda di tubuhnya yang bisa disandingkan dengan para raksasa Nin. Tapi bukan saja itu yang menjadi bagian dari misteri tentang Oroi. Koronus bertekad untuk mencari tahu mengapa anak muda itu dicari dan ditakdirkan sebagai bagian dari Nin, bangsa yang sangat tua dan penuh tanda tanya.
Dia dan anak muda itu berangkat ke sekolah para bodyguard di atas bukit. Bukit yang merupakan bagian dari sebuah desa misterius yang tersembunyi dari khalayak ramai.
Koronus ayahnya yang membawanya pada para Savoy. Di desa itu, nama Savoy seperti tidak selalu menjadi hal biasa disebutkan. Orang-orang cukup menyebut Nin jika ada pertanyaan.
Bukan ayah sebenarnya, Koronus agen Elaborat. Elaborat itu Organisasi internasional dan Koronus yang juga mantan seorang Savoy. Ketika menyelamatkan Oroi dari kebakaran hebat di Kampun pergi ke desa tempat para bodyguard itu.
Kampung Saviour dipimpin oleh Lonus. Mangar nama suku Lonus. Ia salah satu nomaden yang memilih menjadikan Bukit Birdie atau orang-orang sesukunya menyebut Bukit Verzie.
Lonus pada awalnya enggan menjadi ketua para bodyguard kampung. Tapi setelah kematian kepala suku Mangar yang seharusnya selalu datang ke bukit setiap ada pemilihan ketua baru. Lonus memilih bersama para penjaga desa itu dan membangun generasi baru para bodyguard.
Suku Mangar tetap melakukan nomaden dan setiap saat mereka atau salah seorang dari mereka datang menjenguk. Lonus menerima Koronus karena mereka pernah sama-sama belajar di Nin. Dia dan Koronus menjaga Oroi layaknya seorang ayah, mimpi mereka ialah mengembangkan sisi Estrel Cell di tubuh Oroi menjadi kekuatan selain bagian tubuh yang diduga memiliki cahaya seperti Zabor.
Menjadi bodyguard sebenarnya bukan cita-cita Oroi, tapi ia merasa menyenangkan ternyata bisa melindungi dan menjaga apapun, siapapun orangnya. Terlepas orang itu kaya atau miskin, baik atau jahat baginya berusaha melakukan tugas sebagai penjaga atau bodyguard ternyata menantang dan menarik perhatian.
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Satu lagi, ketika ia ditempatkan di satu pos. Tempat yang jauh dari Nin atau dari tempat manapun yang sebelumnya pernah ia ingat bahwa ia ditempatkan di sana. Dia selalu merasa bisa melihat hal yang tidak kalah menyenangkan. Tempat favoritnya adalah di Bumi, bukan Bumi yang ada di Nin. Tapi Bumi yang memiliki lima unsur sebagai bagian dari daratan dan airnya. Kelima unsur itu menyatu dalam dirinya ketika ia berubah menjadi raksasa.
Oroi pergi ke Bumi tanpa Koronus. Saat itu keadaannya lebih buruk dan ia merasa Koronus membencinya untuk pilihannya menjadi penjaga di tempat lain. Koronus sejak lama berharap ia bergabung dengan Elaborat. Tapi karena Extraor merasa ia lebih baik meninggalkan Nin dan bergabung dengan organisasi lain untuk tugasnya sebagai bodyguard.
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Lonus menyatakan pilihan seseorang tidak boleh ada intervensi. Ia merasa jika Koronus membenci pasti tidak mungkin. Organisasi bodyguard manapun adalah tempat bertugas yang baik. Hal yang ditakutkan ialah ketika salah satu lulusan kelas sekolah bodyguard di Savoy bergabung dengan Kejahatan Hitam.
Ketakutan ketua Savoy itu adalah ketika Kejahatan Hitam berusaha menyusup dan melakukan provokasi kepada murid-muridnya. Baik ketika ia telah lulus atau masih bersekolah di Bukit Verzie. Perginya Oroi ke Bumi bersama Extraor memang disayangkan, tapi ketika Koronus menjelaskan bahwa setiap orang punya hak untuk memilih dan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menjadi siapapun. Koronus tidak membenci pilihan Oroi, ia bahkan berharap bersama organisasi seperti Extraor semua hal yang ada dalam diri anak muda berarti banyak bagi dirinya sendiri atau siapapun.[]
Rumah Ratapan, sebuah rumah singgah. Bangunan tempat tinggal anak-anak bermasalah di bawah naungan sebuah yayasan. Nama Yayasan Santa Giga berdiri sejak bencana munculnya monster di tahun pertama proyek khusus identifikasi anomali alam di lautan luas yang dikelola Garda Liga dengan nama Oceanus X. Garda Liga sendiri awalnya hanya melakukan penelitian atas kehidupan di bawah laut. Tapi ada yang lebih dari itu ketika penelusuran di kedalaman lautan itu salah satunya proyek khusus yang ternyata berhasil menemukan daerah tertentu yang merupakan pintu akses ke gerbang antar dimensi.
Seorang anak muda juga ditemukan di bawah samudera dalam keadaan terbungkus. Para ilmuan Garda Liga masih mencari tahu misteri sebenarnya. Tentang bungkus yang melindungi tubuh bocah sembilan tahun yang dilindungi monster bawah laut Girigazaiz.
Talitha Kun, pimpinan utama Garda Liga membawa bocah itu ke Rumah Singgah Ratapan.
Oroi Abdur, bocah itu memanggil dirinya sendiri dengan nama itu. Di rumah itu ada banyak anak selain Oroi. Anak-anak dengan masalah. Baik mental atau fisik menjadi bagian utama pencarian. Inti masalah mereka adalah mental dan di sana mereka diupayakan untuk bisa berubah dan bertahan.
Namaku Vincent, aku sering dipanggil Vin oleh petugas rumah singgah itu. Tapi sejak Koronus datang ke kehidupanku sepertinya semakin menarik. Perempuan itu mengaku dari dunia lain dan baginya Oroi Abdur, bagi Koronus sangat berarti.
Koronus adalah seorang dari varian Koronus yang ada di setiap dimensi atau dunia yang aku ketahui berjumlah takterhingga. Koronus perempuan ini adalah orang yang dititipi Koronus dari Nurasa, untuk selalu mengawasi dan menjaga keberadaan Oroi Abdur.
Koronus menyatakan bahwa Oroi yang terbungkus dan dijaga makhluk raksasa bernama Girigazaiz merupakan kelahiran kembali telur yang dibawa musuh Oroi di dunia lain.
Tidak pernah kuceritakan kepada siapapun siapa sebenarnya, Oroi Abdur selama ini. Tidak bisa kubiarkan orang atau siapapun menemukan rahasia Oroi atau Girigazaiz.
Guriza alias Girigazaiz sebenarnya bukan musuh. Dia berusaha menjadi pelindung Bumi dengan caranya sendiri. Aku kira sebagai seorang mantan marinir, siapapun berhak mempertahankan wilayahnya sendiri. Guriza menganggap Bumi adalah wilayah kekuasaan. Ketika portal antar dimensi dibuka paksa oleh Draugnot dan berusaha mencari energi abadi yang dalam ramalan semesta raya berada di Bumi.
Guriza merespon dan Oroi juga bangkit pada akhirnya. Dalam tidur ia membantu Guriza menghadapi para Draugnot. Bencana itu sebenarnya takterelakan karena pada dasarnya baik Oroi atau Guriza menginginkan hal yang sama. Yakni menjaga Bumi, mungkin dengam alasan berbeda. Naluri manusia seperti Oroi karena desanya pernah dihancurkan Estrell Cell.
Kedatangan makhluk seperti Draugnot di Bumi, walau bukan Bumi tempat ia lahir. Tetapi ia mendengar orang kesusahan, terhimpit karena monster-monster Draugnot takpeduli siapapun di Bumi.
Pernyataan itu dari Koronus, ketika ia datang padaku dan mengingatkan usahaku membantu Oroi keluar dari kebuntuannya. Oroi bukan pembunuh, setidaknya perkataan itu dari beberapa orang yang percaya anak muda itu penyelamat dari amukan Girigazaiz. Mereka yang melihat Oroi berubah menjadi sosok raksasa dan berusaha menguasai keadaan.
Komentar dinas kebencanaan lain, mereka berpikir gegara Oroi-lah Girigazaiz muncul menghancurkan setengah kota. Oroi harus diamankan pihak berwenang bukan masuk ke rumah singgah anak-anak bermasalah seperti Rumah Ratapan. Aku mendampingi Oroi dari wawancara dan percobaan masuk ke masyarakat. Tapi masyarakat mana yang mau menerima dia? Pertanyaan itu sekarang yang membelitku.
Karena Oroi sepertinya bukan berasal dari Bumi. Koronus menyatakan itu ketika kami bertemu di pantai. Koronus berharap Oroi pulih ingatannya dan bisa mengingat kehidupannya di Nin. Musuh telah membungkusnya dengan waktu yang sangat lama, hanya karena menginginkan Nin kembali ke tangan mereka dalam kegelapan.
Kejahatan Hitam tidak menginginkan Nin berkembang. Batas-batas menuju dimensi lain menjadi bagian dari keuntungan musuh. Mengisolasi Nirmasa atau Nin adalah cara untuk menguasai dunia para Magical Bodyguard sehingga generasinya hanya mengetahui dunia mereka sebatas lingkaran nenek moyangnya menjadi bodyguard. Mereka tidak mengetahui profesi lain bisa mereka peroleh.
Sampai akhirnya Oroi bergabung dengan para Extraor. Extraor sama seperti Elaborat, aku perlu penjelasan panjang dan luar biasa mengenai keberadaan organisasi itu. Aku hanya seorang psikolog anak, semua di luar imajinasi. Hal-hal ajaib yang hanya bisa dilihat atau dibaca. Jika aku membaca buku tentang dongeng atau tulisan-tulisan fiksi, semua bisa hadir sesuai logika di dongeng tersebut.
Tentang Nin, Extraor atau Elaborat itu dongeng yang sangat berbeda. Apalagi tentang Magical Bodyguard, para pengawal bayaran yang berasal dari dunia lain. Koronus salah satunya, selain sebagai bagian dari Elaborat yang di Bumi ini memakai samaran sebuah perusahaan alat elektronika.
Elektronic Elswhere, selalu ada di mana-mana. Perusahaan itu mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi. Koronus bersembunyi di dalamnya sebagai pegawai teknik perakitan dan perbaikan. Dia datang seminggu setelah Oroi ditemukan di dasar samudera. Dibungkus sejenis lapis demi lapis membran yang kedap udara.
Dalam ukuran tubuh seorang anak, seiring waktu aku selama ini mewawancarainya untuk memastikan ia bisa dicarikan orang tua asuh atau mengadopsinya. Tidak ada yang berbahaya dari anak muda itu, hanya saja dari yang telah terjadi. Anak-anak yang ditemukan seperti Oroi, siapapun yang berasal dari dinas sosial bisa menduga mereka dibuang, lari dari rumah atau dipaksa jadi budak.
Oroi Abdur di awal tinggal di Rumah Ratapan, ia berada di dalam tabung khusus dan nyaris sulit berkomunikasi disebabkan mulut yang masih ditutupi membran yang mengeras sampai ke dalam bagian perut. Tapi ia hidup, karena para ilmuan yang mengangkatnya dari dasar samudera menangkap tanda-tanda kehidupan.
Degup jantung, itu yang pasti menjadi pusat rasa kepenasaran para ilmuan yang sejak kematian Girigazaiz ketika ia berusaha keluar dari lautan setelah penelitian Oceanus X menemukan Oroi di dasar samudera. Aku dianggap kompeten untuk membantu Oroi berkomunikasi, di awal aku hanya peduli pada anak itu bukan keinginan para ilmuan terkait misteri lubang dasar laut misterius.
Girigazaiz serupa ular raksasa, ia muncul sebulan setelah para ilmuan berhasil merobek membran yang membungkus Oroi. Setelah proses penelusuran melalui sinar infra merah dan ditemukan ada sosok tubuh anak kecil di dalam membran basah oleh air laut itu. Lalu puncaknya ialah raksasa yang berasal dari perubahan anak kecil itu yang kemudian menjadi dugaan ancaman bagi dunia. Jika Girigazaiz berhasil dibunuh Oroi yang menjadi raksasa, bukan tidak mungkin jika Oroi kemudian berusaha melakukan hal berbahaya pada siapapun di dunia ini.[]
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"Kapan kau bisa memastikan anak muda itu bisa ke kantor kita?" Tanya Luke, sorot matanya terasa menyala. Pria itu sudah menunggu sejak lama. Luke bekerja dengannya di Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Berusaha memahami kondisi dunia sejak muncul makhluk-makhluk asing yang beberapa kali berulah. Vincent Hill sering berbicara dengan operator senior urusan intelejen khusus Dewan Keamanan PBB ini.
Vincent Hill dan Luke Lance teman satu kampus, Luke awalnya bekerja sebagai penyidik kepolisian. Tapi CIA merekrut Luke dan ditempatkan di PBB sebagai analis. Kekhususan pekerjaan Luke di PBB terkait fenomena di alam semesta. Ia berpikir hal tersebut dianggapnya bisa memicu atau mengundang siapapun yang memiliki niat tertentu.
Peristiwa yang terjadi pada Oroi Abdur adalah hal yang selalu ia harapkan Vin bisa berbagi dengannya. Satu lagi, Vin dan Luke sebenarnya sudah sejak lama bekerja sama untuk hal-hal aneh seperti ini. Mereka melakukannya semenjak masih kuliah. Ini maksudnya yang ia selalu katakan pada Vin ada sesuatu yang hanya bisa dibicarakan di kantor mereka. Ruang bawah tanah rumah Luke, di Myrtle Ave. Rumah lama keluarga Luke yang kini menjadi markas Luke dan Vin.
Luke memang serius memandang peristiwa penemuan Oceanus X di tempat yang sampai kini masih belum dipastikan masyarakat internasional mengetahuinya.
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emmazegarra · 19 days
Blog : Semana 3
Universitaria: Emma Zegarra Mollinedo
Rote: 5 "D"
Cátedra: Semiología Estomatológica paralelo "B"
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El examen del nervio trigémino es fundamental en la práctica clínica, especialmente en odontología y neurología, ya que este nervio es responsable de la sensibilidad de gran parte de la cara y del control motor de los músculos de la masticación.
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El examen del nervio facial (VII par craneal) es igualmente fundamental, especialmente en la evaluación de la función motora y sensorial en la cara
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El examen del cuello es crucial para evaluar la presencia de ganglios linfáticos inflamados, masas o tumores, y alteraciones en la glándula tiroides, lo que puede indicar infecciones, trastornos hormonales o cáncer. Además, permite valorar la movilidad cervical y detectar problemas musculoesqueléticos como contracturas o lesiones. La auscultación de las arterias carótidas ayuda a identificar el riesgo de accidentes cerebrovasculares, y la palpación de la tráquea puede revelar obstrucciones o desplazamientos. También es importante para diagnosticar dolores referidos al cuello, cabeza o brazos, relacionados con problemas cervicales.
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El examen de los ganglios linfáticos y las glándulas salivales es esencial para detectar enfermedades infecciosas, inflamatorias o malignas. La palpación de los ganglios linfáticos en el cuello, axilas e inguinales permite identificar adenopatías que pueden indicar infecciones locales, enfermedades sistémicas o cáncer. En cuanto a las glándulas salivales (parótida, submandibular y sublingual), su evaluación ayuda a detectar inflamaciones, infecciones (como la parotiditis), obstrucciones (por cálculos salivales), y masas o tumores. Además, los cambios en la producción de saliva o dolor en las glándulas pueden señalar trastornos como el síndrome de Sjögren o problemas en el ducto salival.
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rosalia-24 · 19 days
Blog: Tercera semana Catedra: Semiologia Estomatologíca B. Dra. Shirley Lavadenz Univ. Flores Vela Lizbeth Rosalia
Exámen Físico - Exámen Extraoral
1. Tipo de Cráneo
Clasificación: Determinamos el tipo de cráneo (dolicocéfalo, mesocéfalo o braquicéfalo) basado en la relación entre el largo y el ancho del cráneo.
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Pasos para Determinar el Tipo de Cráneo
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1. Medición del Ancho Máximo del Cráneo: Mide el punto más ancho del cráneo, que generalmente se encuentra entre las protuberancias parietales.
2. Medición de la Longitud Máxima del Cráneo: Mide desde el punto más prominente de la glabela (la parte más prominente de la frente, justo por encima de la nariz) hasta el punto más distante en la parte posterior del cráneo.
3. Formula Diámetro transverso X 100 / Diámetro Antero posterior
4. Clasificación del Tipo de Cráneo. Dolicocéfalo: Índice craneal < 75 Mesocéfalo: Índice craneal entre 75 y 80 Braquicéfalo: Índice craneal > 80.
Cuero Cabelludo:
Buscamos lesiones, cicatrices, erupciones o cambios de color en el cuero cabelludo. Evaluamos la presencia de alopecia, descamación o infecciones.
3. Volumen Craneal
Evaluamos el volumen del cráneo para identificar posibles hidrocefalias o microcefalias.
4. Frente: Inspeccionamos la frente en busca de asimetrías, prominencias o retracciones. Una frente bien proporcionada es señal de normalidad.
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El tipo facial se refiere a la forma general del rostro y se clasifica en tres categorías:
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Mesoprosopo: Caracterizado por una proporción equilibrada entre el ancho y la altura de la cara.
Leptoprosopo: Rostro alargado, donde la altura de la cara es significativamente mayor que su ancho.
Euriprosopo: Rostro más ancho y corto, con una proporción mayor de ancho que de altura.
El perfil facial se evalúa observando al paciente de lado y se clasifican en:
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Convexo: La frente y el mentón están inclinados hacia atrás, con una prominencia del maxilar superior.
Cóncavo: La frente y el mentón están inclinados hacia adelante, con una prominencia del maxilar inferior.
Recto: La frente, la nariz y el mentón están en una alineación relativamente recta.
La armonía facial se refiere a la proporción y balance de las diferentes partes del rostro. Para evaluar la armonía facial, se consideran:
Proporciones Verticales: Dividir la cara en tercios (desde la línea del cabello hasta las cejas, desde las cejas hasta la base de la nariz, y desde la base de la nariz hasta el mentón) y evaluar la simetría.
Proporciones Horizontales: Dividir la cara en quintos verticales (ancho de los ojos, distancia entre los ojos, etc.) y asegurar que cada segmento sea aproximadamente igual.
PIEL. La evaluación de la piel incluye buscar cualquier decoloración, manchas o cambios en el tono de piel. Por lo que se puede clasificar en: Normal, Pálida, Cianótica, Ictérica, Enrojecida, Hiperpigmentada.
Biotipo Maseterino: Caracterizado por una mayor actividad y desarrollo del músculo masetero. Este biotipo suele estar asociado con una mayor fuerza masticatoria y mandíbulas más cuadradas y robustas.
Biotipo Temporal: Dominado por la actividad del músculo temporal. Los pacientes con este biotipo tienden a tener una masticación más vertical y una mayor fuerza en la mordida anterior.
Biotipo Pterigoideo: Predominancia del músculo pterigoideo, implicado en movimientos de lateralidad y protrusión de la mandíbula. Este biotipo puede estar asociado con una masticación menos eficiente y problemas de oclusión debido a los movimientos laterales.
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kathansky · 20 days
Dental Imaging Market is growing at a CAGR of 8.7% in the forecast period 2024-2031
Dental Imaging Market Overview: A lot of factors, such as geographic growth, segmentation, and market size by value and volume, are taken into account in the SkyQuest Technology Group research to provide a full and accurate analysis of the global Dental Imaging market. This outstanding research study was created specifically to provide the most latest data on significant aspects of the global Dental Imaging Industry. Numerous market estimates are provided in the analysis, including those for market size, output, revenue, consumption, CAGR, gross margin, price, and other critical factors. The best primary and secondary research methods and tools on the Dental Imaging market were used to build it. Numerous research studies are included in it, including ones on pricing analysis, production and consumption analysis, company profile, and manufacturing cost analysis. The competitive environment is a crucial element that every key factor needs to be aware of. The study explains the market's competitive landscape so that readers may gauge the degree of both domestic and global rivalry. Additionally, market researchers have provided summaries of each significant firm in the global Dental Imaging industry, taking into consideration crucial elements including operational areas, production, and product portfolio. When analyzing the organizations in the study, significant factors including business size, market share, market growth, revenue, production volume, and profitability are also taken into account. The study report uses both qualitative and quantitative data to offer a thorough view of the market. It examines and forecasts the global market in a number of critical industries. The research provides a thorough overview of the industry by segmenting the Dental Imaging market into groups based on application, end-user, and location. A thorough research of each market segment was conducted, taking into consideration current and upcoming market trends.
Dental Imaging Market size was valued at USD 1.99 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 2.17 billion in 2023 to USD 4.23 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 8.7% in the forecast period (2024-2031).
Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/dental-imaging-market  Detailed Segmentation and Classification of the report (Market Size and Forecast - 2031, Y-o-Y growth rate, and CAGR): The Dental Imaging Market can be segmented based on several factors, including product type, application, end-user, and distribution channel. Understanding these segments is crucial for companies looking to target specific markets and tailor their offerings to meet consumer needs.
Product type
Extraoral Imaging systems (Panoramic systems, Panoramic & cephalometric systems, 3D CBCT systems), Intraoral imaging systems (Intraoral scanners, Intraoral X-ray systems, Intraoral sensors, Intraoral PSP systems, Intraoral cameras)
Implantology, Endodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, Orthodontics, General dentistry examinations, Diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders, Periodontics, Forensic dentistry
End users
Dental hospitals & clinics, Dental diagnostics centres, Dental academic & research institute
Get your Customized report @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/dental-imaging-market 
Following are the players analyzed in the report:
Danaher Corporation
Carestream Health
Dentsply Sirona Inc.
Planmeca Oy
Vatech Co. Ltd.
Midmark Corporation
LED Medical Diagnostics Inc.
KaVo Dental Technologies
Gendex Dental Systems
Owandy Radiology
Acteon Group
Air Techniques Inc.
Belmont Equipment
ClaroNav Inc.
E4D Technologies LLC
Flow Dental Corporation
J. Morita Corporation
Sirona Dental Systems Inc.
Villa Sistemi Medicali S.p.A.
Yoshida Dental Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Motives for purchasing this report- - A full understanding of customer experiences, upcoming trends, and growth drivers may be obtained by market category analysis. -Dental Imaging Market participants will be able to quickly decide on their course of action in order to achieve a competitive advantage thanks to the essential information provided in this area. The factors affecting the sales prospect are carefully examined by SkyQuest Technology Group across several important categories. - Analysing market categories can provide detailed insights into consumer experiences, upcoming trends, and growth-promoting factors. A thorough analysis of market manufacturing trends is a crucial component of the study. -These observations offer crucial information on the ways in which market participants are reacting to the most recent developments that are oversaturating the market. -An in-depth analysis of the numerous organic
Buy your full Market Report now: https://www.skyquestt.com/buy-now/dental-imaging-market  FAQs:
1. What are the main vendors' points of strength and weakness?
2. What are the primary business plans of the leading important players for the near future?
3. What will the market size and growth rate be for Dental Imaging in the upcoming year?
4. Which prevailing global trends are affecting the Dental Imaging market shares of the leading regions? What effect does Covid19 have on the Industry right now?
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bestbourbonwhiskeya · 1 month
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The Dental Cameras market is projected to grow from USD 2,295.23 million in 2023 to USD 3,995.23 million by 2032, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.36%.The dental cameras market is experiencing significant growth driven by advancements in technology, increasing awareness of oral health, and the rising demand for minimally invasive procedures. As dental practices evolve, the integration of innovative tools like dental cameras is transforming patient care and clinical outcomes.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/dental-cameras-market
Overview of Dental Cameras
Dental cameras are specialized devices used by dental professionals to capture high-resolution images and videos of the oral cavity. These cameras enhance diagnostic accuracy, improve patient communication, and streamline treatment planning. They come in various types, including intraoral cameras, extraoral cameras, and endoscopic cameras, each serving distinct purposes within the dental practice.
Market Drivers
Several factors contribute to the growth of the dental cameras market:
- Technological Advancements: The development of high-definition and 3D imaging technologies has significantly improved the quality of dental images. Modern dental cameras offer features such as enhanced zoom, superior light control, and real-time image capture, which aid in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
- Increased Awareness of Oral Health: As awareness of oral health and hygiene grows, patients are seeking more comprehensive dental care. Dental cameras allow for detailed visualization of oral conditions, enabling early detection of issues like cavities, gum disease, and oral cancers.
- Demand for Minimally Invasive Procedures: Patients and dentists alike are favoring minimally invasive techniques that reduce discomfort and recovery time. Dental cameras play a crucial role in these procedures by providing precise visuals that help in planning and executing less invasive treatments.
- Growth in Cosmetic Dentistry: The rise in cosmetic dentistry procedures, driven by aesthetic concerns and the desire for improved smiles, has increased the demand for dental cameras. These devices help in designing and visualizing cosmetic enhancements, contributing to their popularity.
Future Outlook
The dental cameras market is poised for continued expansion, driven by ongoing technological advancements and increasing demand for high-quality dental care. As dental practices increasingly adopt digital solutions, dental cameras will play an essential role in enhancing diagnostic capabilities, improving patient outcomes, and supporting the growth of the dental industry.
Key player:
Carestream Dental
Dentsply Sirona
Durr Dental SE
Genoray Co. Ltd.
Acteon Group
Align Technology Inc.
Apteryx Imaging
Envista Holdings Corporation
Asahi Roentgen Co. Ltd.
Midmark Corporation
Cefla Medical Equipment
Owandy Radiology
Planmeca oy
PreXion Inc.
Yoshida Dental Mfg. Co. Ltd.
By Product Type:
Intraoral Dental Cameras
Endoscope Dental Cameras
Extraoral Dental Cameras
By Application:
Dental Diagnosis
By End User:
Dental Clinics
By Region:
North America
The U.S.
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of the Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/dental-cameras-market
About Us:
Credence Research is committed to employee well-being and productivity. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented a permanent work-from-home policy for all employees.
Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
Website: www.credenceresearch.com
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hgirasol-blog · 2 years
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shoppsin · 2 months
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restoresurjical · 2 months
Dental Bone Graft: The Different Types of Dental Bone Grafts
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Dental bone grafts are essential for patients who need to rebuild bone in their jaw, often in preparation for dental implants. Understanding the different types of dental bone grafts helps dental professionals choose the best option for specific needs. This blog will explore the main types of dental bone grafts, detailing their uses and benefits.
Different Types of Dental Bone Grafts
Autogenous Bone Graft
This type involves using the patient's own bone, typically harvested from intraoral or extraoral sites. This method boasts excellent biocompatibility, as it preserves the patient's unique cellular and molecular composition. While requiring an additional surgical site, autogenous bone graft offers osteogenic, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive properties, making them a gold standard in many GBR applications.
Allogeneic Bone Graft
This graft uses bone from a human donor. The donated bone is processed to ensure it is safe for transplantation. This method avoids the need for a second surgical site on the patient but has a slightly higher risk of rejection compared to autogenous bone grafts.
Xenograft Bone Graft
These grafts use bone from another species. The bone is processed to remove all organic components, leaving a mineral matrix. Xenografts are commonly used because they are readily available and can be a good option when large quantities of bone are needed.
Dental bone grafting plays a vital role in restorative dental procedures. Each type of graft has its advantages and considerations. Consulting with bone graft suppliers in UK can help determine the best option. Understanding these options ensures better outcomes and more successful dental implant procedures.
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quiteclear-io · 2 months
Advancements in Clear Aligner Technology: What’s New in 2024
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In the rapidly evolving field of orthodontics, clear aligners have emerged as a popular and effective alternative to traditional braces. As we step into 2024, Quiteclear is at the forefront of these innovations, offering cutting-edge solutions that are transforming smiles across the globe. This blog will explore the latest advancements in clear aligner technology and how they benefit patients seeking a straighter, healthier smile.
The Rise of Clear Aligners
Clear aligners have revolutionized orthodontic treatment by providing a nearly invisible, comfortable, and convenient option for teeth straightening. Unlike traditional metal braces, clear aligners are removable, allowing for better oral hygiene and the freedom to enjoy a normal diet without restrictions. As technology advances, so do the capabilities and effectiveness of these aligners.
 Key Advancements in Clear Aligner Technology in 2024 
3D Printing and Customization
One of the most significant advancements in clear aligner technology is the use of 3D printing. This technology manufactures 3d models as per the stages planned digitally to manufacture a perfectly fitting aligner for each patient. At Quiteclear, we utilize state-of-the-art 3D printing to create aligners that are tailored to the unique dental structure of each individual, resulting in more effective and efficient treatment.
AI and Predictive Modeling
   Artificial Intelligence (AI) and predictive modeling have enhanced the accuracy of treatment planning. AI algorithms analyze dental data to predict tooth movement and create a more precise treatment plan. This leads to shorter treatment times and better outcomes. At Quiteclear, we receive planned files from our clients. Most of the software that are being used by our clients is AI-driven technology ensuring that each aligner set is optimized for maximum effectiveness.
Enhanced Materials
The materials used in clear aligners have seen significant improvements. The latest aligners are made from advanced, multi-layered thermoplastic polymers which offer increased strength and flexibility. These materials provide better durability and comfort, ensuring that the aligners maintain their shape and effectiveness throughout the treatment process. Flexible yet strong materials reduce discomfort and enhance the overall treatment experience. Patients can expect quicker adjustments and fewer refinements, making the journey to a perfect smile smoother and more efficient.
Remote Monitoring and Teleorthodontics
   The advent of tele-orthodontics and remote monitoring has made orthodontic care more accessible and convenient. Using mere intraoral and extraoral photographs using a cheek retractor or as requested by the Orthodontist, patients can now have virtual consultations and regular check-ins with their orthodontist. Such a remote monitoring system allows for real-time tracking of progress and timely adjustments, minimizing the need for frequent in-office visits and ensuring patient compliance due to accountability factors.
Eco-Friendly Initiatives
   Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the dental industry. Quiteclear is committed to eco-friendly practices by recycling both the 3D Models and residue thermoforming sheets. Our goal is to provide a top-notch production facility for clear aligners while minimizing our environmental footprint.
Benefits of the Latest Clear Aligner Technology
Increased Comfort: With advancements in materials and customization, patients experience less discomfort and irritation.
Faster Results: AI-driven treatment plans and improved aligner materials lead to shorter treatment durations.
Convenience: Remote monitoring and fewer office visits make clear aligner treatment more convenient for busy lifestyles.
Aesthetics: Clear aligners remain virtually invisible, allowing patients to maintain confidence throughout their treatment.
The field of clear aligner technology continues to evolve, bringing forth innovative solutions that enhance the patient experience and treatment outcomes. At Quiteclear, we are dedicated to staying at the cutting edge of these advancements to provide our patients with the best possible care. As we look forward to the future, we are excited about the possibilities that these new technologies bring and are committed to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams.
For more information on our clear aligner solutions and to start your own brand for clear aligners, visit Quiteclear today.
Check out the Original Article of this resource
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calanisblog · 2 months
Semana 3
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Dentro del examen físico regional tenemos dos exámenes importantes una de ellas es la extraoral .
En el examen extraoral realizamos los siguientes exámenes:
Examen de cabeza
Examen de cara
Examen de pares craneales
Examen de ATM
Examen de cuello
Examen de ganglios linfáticos
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Dentro de la misma se realiza el examen de cráneo, cara, cuello
Es muy importante saber realizar un registro sobre el cráneo las cuales consta de una parte que es la frente y otra que el cuero cabelludo.
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De igual manera debemos realizar los siguientes exámenes:
Examinar la nariz, el oído externo, estructuras externas de los ojos, el V y VII par nerviosos, y la ATM.
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En esta parte debemos realizar un examen minucioso de cada uno de los pares craneales empezando del nervio olfatorio que es el primer par craneal hasta el nervio hipogloso mayor que es el último par craneal, con la finalidad de saber y conocer algunas alteraciones o patologías que pueden llegar a presentarse
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En este punto debemos evaluar y conocer los siguientes músculos
llamados músculos masticadores:
Musculo temporal
Musculo masetero
Musculo pterigoideo lateral o externo
Musculo pterigoideo medial o interno
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Una evaluación que se realiza mediante la palpación
Una palpación bidigital exobucal y endobucal mediante las cuales podemos saber si presenta dolor u alteraciones .
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De igual manera a nivel del cuello debemos evaluar las siguientes :
La tiroides
La tráquea
Ganglios linfáticos
Inserciones musculares
Glándulas salivales
columna cervical
Todos estos exámenes se las realiza mediante la inspección y la palpación.
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Para el examen de estos ganglios lo hacemos mediante la inspección y la palpación
Dentro de la inspección podemos valorar: La localización, numero, forma, tamaño, consistencia, sensibilidad, movilidad, compromiso de grupos ganglionares, y fistulizaciones.
Dentro la palpación podemos saber la ubicación mediante una palpación exobucal y endobucal bidigital.
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Secretan la saliva: Exocrinas,Mesocrinas,Vierten secreción a cavidad bucal.
Dentro las cuales examinamos el mediante una clasificación:
En cuanto al tamaño: Glándulas mayores,menores
En cuanto a la secreción: Pueden ser serosas, mucosas y mixtas
Las glándulas mayores: glándula parotida,sublingual,submandibular.
Las glándulas menores:Glándulas linguales, genianas,
palatinas, labiales.
Se los realiza mediante la inspección.
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brayan-alvarado20 · 2 months
Blog 3: Examen físico examen extraoral
Universitario: Brayan Alvarado Terrazas
Catedra: Semiologia Estomatológica Paralelo B
Rote: E
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