#f&r!michael langdon x reader smut
ahsbitch · 4 years
Yes, Mr. Langdon---Fire & Reign!Michael Langdon x Reader
Word Count: 3228
Summary: Reader is F&R!Michael’s assistant, who is always quick to do whatever he asks. Michael wants to see how far she’ll go to do just that. 
Warnings: NSFW, lots of swearing, masturbation, Reader gets a facial, bootlicking, degradation, humiliation ish?, some Mean!Michael, but also kinda Soft!Michael at the end bc I’m soft and lonely at heart, that’s all I can think of idk
A/N: Hi I’ve literally never written any AHS stuff before so I apologize if this sucks but I really hope it doesn’t  
Being the personal assistant to the Antichrist was definitely not the easiest job in the world.
But when held in comparison to your time in restaurant service, it definitely wasn’t the hardest either. 
At least here, you rarely had to deal with obstinate customers. Most people were too frightened of your boss, Mr. Langdon, to yell or be rude in his presence, which you were constantly in, and on the occasion that they were rude or stubborn anyway, he had a tendency to give a little wave of his hand, incinerating them before your very eyes. 
No, the rudest and most needy person you typically had to deal with was Mr. Langdon himself. 
The rude came and went in waves. He could be cruel, demeaning, downright evil at times. He acted, in short, much like one might expect the Antichrist to. But sometimes, he could be charming, gentle, occasionally even sweet. 
The neediness came and went in waves too, although it was more often very subtly present than anything else. Usually he was commanding, powerful, clearly in charge. But sometimes, although still commanding, he could be almost childlike in his confusion and frustration. 
He was kind of an asshole, but he wasn’t the worst boss in the world. There was something about him that was compelling, that made you feel a great desire to please him. He was always specific about what he wanted, and you always complied, no matter how out of the box, how insulting, how simple or extreme, how kind or how demeaning. You said yes to everything he asked you. 
And he had begun to take great notice of it.
“Fucking, fuck, dammit to hell, this fucking, son of a bitch!” 
You sat at your desk just outside of Michael Langdon’s office, transcribing a giant tome of text as instructed by the Cooperative, and listening to your boss curse loudly at inanimate objects. 
You should probably get up, check on him, but you decided that until he reached the point of breaking things-
“Fuck!” He shouted, and then there was a bang and a very, very loud crash. 
Yeah, until he started doing stuff like that. 
You rose with a shake of your head, knocking sharply on his door three times. 
“Come in,” Michael sighed, and as you walked in you took note of the shattered computer against the opposite wall of his desk, turning back to look at your boss with his head laying against said desk, hands gripping at his golden curls.
Dammit, he was frustrated. 
Frustrated Michael could be particularly difficult to deal with. 
You stood before him, hands folded neatly in front of you, smiling pleasantly even though he wasn’t looking at you yet, “You sounded like you might be in need of assistance, Mr. Langdon. Would you mind fixing your computer?” 
He grunted quietly, giving a little swirl of his hand, although he didn’t lift his head, and you stepped out of the way as the technology flew back into place, drifting into its original position. 
“Very good. Now, if you don’t mind, could you tell me what’s wrong?”
“I’m not a child, Y/N,” Michael growled, and you bit your tongue gently to resist the urge to laugh. 
Moving to the side of the desk, you smiled to yourself at his little temper tantrum, “Of course not, Mr. Langdon. I am merely at your service.” 
“Of course you are,” Sitting up finally, he turned to you, and you were amused to see the pout that sat on his lips, the intimidating man looking suddenly very young, more his own age, “The mouse won’t work.” 
“May I?” You didn’t wait for him to agree, already wiggling the mouse once and then moving to the wires of the computer, fiddling with them quickly before sliding the mouse back to Michael, “That should do it.” 
“What was wrong with it?” He glanced up at you, voice gruff, although you could hear a hint of curiosity.
You shifted where you stood, trying to mask your discomfort, “Just, uh, just technology stuff.”
“Y/N,” Turning in his chair, Michael pinned you in place with his gaze, and you were unsure whether this was metaphorical pinning or not, with how frozen you felt, “Tell me what was wrong with it.”
“Yes, Mr. Langdon,” Trying to keep your smile in place rather than let a grimace take you over, you grit your teeth in preparation for him to do something violent, “The mouse wasn’t plugged in all the way. It’s a fairly common issue. Happens all the time.”
You tensed, but to your surprise Michael didn’t yell or break something or curse, like he usually did when he felt a sense of ineptitude. Instead, he laughed, and normally that would’ve scared you even more, but it was such a warm and gentle laugh that you felt yourself relaxing ever so slightly as he spoke, “Of course it was. Tell me, Y/N, is there anything wrong with you?”
Shrugging, you let yourself perch on the edge of his desk with a giggle, “Plenty of things, believe me.”
“Tell me some?” 
“Yes, Mr. Langdon,” Pausing, you mused over your words, testing each on the tip of your tongue before you said it, “Let’s see. My left foot is bigger than my right. I think jealousy is a very ugly emotion, and I hate it, but I have a lot of insecurities, and often find myself jealous of people around me in spite of my best efforts. Um, I read cheesy romance novels in my free time even though the writing usually makes me cringe. When people ask me what type of lipstick I use I always lie because I don’t want anyone else to have lips that look as good as mine. Oh, and even though I exclusively call you Mr. Langdon out loud, I will confess that in my head I usually refer to you as Michael. It’s faster, y’know.”
Chuckling softly once more, Michael nodded, “Those don’t sound too bad, as far as problems go. You’re lucky.”
“I prefer to think of myself as adaptable.”
“Fair enough,” He grinned, but something dangerous glittered behind his eyes, “You can go now, Y/N.” 
“Yes, Mr. Langdon,” You flashed him a small smile before hurrying out of the room.
Michael watched you leave, musing over your words. 
How far, he wondered, how far could he go with his wishes, before you gave in, before you said no. 
Why the hell wouldn’t you say no to anything?
It was beginning to drive Michael crazy, watching the way that you gave in to whatever he asked, even when he was being absurd. 
You spent a full day doing all your work in nothing but your underclothes, simply because he asked. 
You gave sat on his lap through a whole meeting with other members of the Cooperative, your superiors, simply because he asked. 
You let him order you to do tiny things. Hand him pens that were two inches away from his fingertips. Kiss the floor where his chair had been sitting. Adjust the brightness of his computer screen for him only to come back and adjust it to its original brightness approximately two minutes later. Simply because he asked. 
What wouldn’t you say yes to? 
He was musing over this as he waited for you to return from a coffee run.
There you were, carrying two paper cups, a pleasant smile on your face. 
Always that same damn smile.
“I have your hot chocolate, Mr. Langdon,” You set the cup in front of him on the desk, “Thank you again for allowing me to get myself a drink.”
Michael glanced up at you, frowning, “Y/N, I always let you get yourself a drink.” 
Shrugging, you raised the cup to your lips and took a sip, “I know you do, Mr. Langdon. But it feels right to thank you. You’re a good boss.” 
Maybe not so much, He thought to himself as he twitched his hand, watching you drop the cup almost in slow motion, watching as the lid came off and your drink spilled just a bit onto his lap, just a bit onto his legs, cursing as the rest came splashing down onto his shoes. 
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” You gasped, staring at your now empty hands in shock.
Sneering at you, Michael snapped twice, “Don’t just stand there, Y/N. Clean up your mess.” 
“Right, I’m sorry, Mr. Langdon, let me go get-”
“No,” He grabbed your wrist, not allowing you to move away, and you turned back to him in confusion as he continued to tug you closer, “Get onto your knees, open your mouth, and clean up your mess.” 
Holy fuck.
Ignoring the way your face burned, you averted your eyes, whispering, “Yes, Mr. Langdon,” As you dropped to your knees.
Where exactly were you meant to go with this? 
Michael raised his foot, nudging your chin with it until you looked up and met his gaze, his eyes holding something dark and urgently, compellingly dangerous, “Well? Get to work, Y/N.”  
“Yes, Mr. Langdon.”
Before you could even think any further, he had touched the toe of his boot to your mouth, pushing gently against your bottom lip until you opened for him. 
He was a remarkably clean person, and beyond the taste of your coffee even the shoes themselves didn’t taste particularly bad. 
Probably because they cost more than your apartment. 
You moved slowly at first, but as Michael brought his hands down to wind tightly through your hair, you sped up. You lapped at the droplets of coffee, over the grooves of his laces and up to the sharp, pointed toe of the boot, and when you were done with one you switched to the other. He gripped your hair tightly, guiding your head, forcing you to bob up and down as you cleaned his shoe, and you wondered vacantly to yourself if he did the same thing while he was getting a blowjob. 
“Good girl,” He praised as you worked, his voice softer than you expected, and even Michael seemed surprised as he cleared his throat, his tone becoming darker, “You’re not bad at this. Do you do this often?”
Pausing your ministrations briefly, you shook you head, “No, Mr. Langdon.”
You were back at it immediately, feeling him tug at your head.
Michael was trying hard to sound intimidating, and of course he did, he always did, but there was something shockingly gentle behind his voice even as he growled, “Good. I should be your first priority. Tell me, do you enjoy this?” 
You had finished against his shoes, pulling away, and he released your head as he examined them, smirking at your heavy breathing, at the way you panted your answer, “Would you, uh, do you want me to enjoy this, Mr. Langdon?”
Narrowing his eyes, a frown etched across his face, “What? I mean, no. No, I don’t want you to.”
“Then I don’t,” You shrugged, rocking backwards.
Fuck, you were going to kill him. 
“What if I wanted you to?” 
“Then I would.”
Clearing his throat again, Michael stared at you for a moment before patting his thigh, “There’s coffee on my pants, as well. You’ll need to take care of that, too.”
“Yes, Mr. Langdon.” 
He didn’t touch you this time, instead bringing his hands up, reclining further back in his chair and resting his head against his palms as he watched you. 
Starting at the cuff, you stroked your tongue up his pant leg, pressing absentminded kisses occasionally as you went. By the time you’d reached the tops of his thighs, Michael was straining forward ever so slightly, dragging the chair closer to you with one ankle hooked around his desk, and then meeting up with his other ankle to lock behind your back. 
You took the hint, mouthing along the outline of his cock.
Holy shit, he was huge, and you hadn’t even seen it unconstrained. 
He hissed, quietly, his hips bucking forward as you licked your way up to his zipper, clamping your teeth onto it and tugging down without much thought. 
“Stop,” He said firmly, almost laughing as you scrambled back, “Don’t be greedy.” 
“Sorry, Mr. Langdon,” You dropped your gaze and licked your lips, tasting the remains of your coffee. 
“Is this...” Trailing off in thought, Michael guided your face upwards once more, forcing you to make eye contact with him, “Is this embarrassing for you, Y/N?”
“Do you want it to be embarrassing for me?” 
“Stop that,” He snapped, his grip on your chin tightening, “Stop bullshitting me. Give me a real answer. Truthfully, is this embarrassing for you?”
Tapping your fingers along your thighs, musing over your answer a moment, “Truthfully? Of course it is. A lot of the things you have me do, especially lately, I find humiliating.”
There it was. Now would you finally give in, finally reject a request? 
He didn’t say anything, just reached into his boxers and pulled out his cock. 
Neither of you spoke, staring at each other instead, and hesitantly you reached for it, flinching as Michael slapped your hand away just as you brushed your fingers against him.
“I told you not to be greedy.”
“Sorry, Mr. Langdon.”
After a moment more, Michael nodded, wrapping his own fist around his cock and beginning to pump it. You watched in fascination as moved, at the way his long fingers wrapped around his thick, long, perfect cock. 
“Y/N,” Snapping you out of your daze, Michael paused to spit into his hand, moving rubbing along the head of his dick before returning to his former position, “I want to jerk off onto your face. I want you to sit there, and watch me, and I want to finish on your face, and when I’m done, I want you to thank me, and I want you to leave it there. Leave it for the rest of the day, so everyone can see how desperate you are to please me.”
Surely, surely you would say no to this. 
“Yes, Mr. Langdon.” 
A growl made its way out of his throat before he could stop it, and he sped up his pace as he watched you fold your hands in your lap, adjusting your knees a little, staring up at him through your fluttering lashes. 
Snarling, Michael grunted, “You’re pathetic, do you know that?”
Did he want you to answer? 
“Keep your pretty little whore mouth shut, got it?” He spoke like he could read your mind, and you decided he probably could as you clamped your teeth shut, nodding quickly as he continued, “Fuck. You’d do anything I asked you to, huh? If I told you to kill someone, you’d do it without question, wouldn’t you? Hell, you’d kill yourself without question, if I asked you to. I think you like feeling humiliated. I think that your pussy gets wetter and wetter every time I tell you what to do. I- shit- I’m your fucking boss, and you’re on your knees for me before I can even finish telling you that’s where you need to be. It’s absurd. You probably want me to fuck you right now. You’re probably wishing I would let you open your mouth so you can swallow me down, you’re so desperate to get a taste of me.”
He was getting closer to finishing, you could tell, his rhythm getting faster and faster, his words becoming more sharply articulated. 
Michael kept going, almost like he was talking himself into cumming, “You can’t wait for me to finish, can you? You can’t wait to feel completely possessed by me, like I’ve somehow claimed you. You can’t wait for everyone who you see to stare at you, full of disgust and confusion. You want it, don’t you? Don’t you?”
“Yes, Mr. Langdon,” You nodded, shutting your eyes as he let out a low, shaky groan, his warm cum coating your face.
Fucking hell.
You opened your eyes slowly, carefully, unsure of whether or not you should move. You watched as Michael stuffed himself back into his pants, zipping them quickly, and then he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, holding it out to you.
You didn’t take it but blinked up at him, staring, “I, um, I thought you said to leave it.”
Clicking his tongued, Michael started wiping your face himself, his touch incredibly light, “I thought you’d say no. Tell me to stop. Maybe report me to HR.”
You flicked your eyebrow up, an amused smile settling on your lips, “Do we have an HR for the apocalypse?” 
Chuckling mirthlessly, he raised the handkerchief to his mouth and spat lightly, cleaning your face more intently, “You could say no, do you realize that? Why don’t you ever say no to me?” 
You closed your eyes as he rubbed across the bridge of your nose, dabbing delicately at your eyelids. 
“Have you ever seen The Princess Bride?” You asked, finally, as he moved to your hairline. 
His brow furrowed in confusion, “I, uh, no? No, I’ve never seen it.” 
“Yeah, I didn’t think so,” His hand moved to your cheek and you leaned into it before you could stop yourself, humming as his thumb moved to run across your skin, “You should watch it sometime. Before you do the whole ending the world thing and kill me and pretty much everyone else in the world and inevitably ruin Netflix. Forget about that. Let’s just say it’s because I’m afraid of you, yeah? You scare me, so I do whatever you say.”
Hesitating for just a moment, Michael pulled his hand away, eyes closed, frowning, “Is that what The Princess Bride is about? Being afraid of your boss?”
You laughed before you could stop yourself, and you found yourself wishing that he would touch your face again, although you didn’t dare say so, “Not quite. Just, uh, forget about The Princess Bride. It doesn’t matter.”
He nodded, folding his handkerchief and slipping it into his pocket without opening his eyes, which you found oddly impressive. 
You kept waiting for Michael to say something, to look at you, to move, to do anything, but he wasn’t and he didn’t and so you stood, and started to move away. 
“Wait,” He spoke finally, and you felt as though you’d been in silence for hours although you knew it must’ve only been a few moments.
“Yes, Mr. Langdon?”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Michael opened his eyes, looking at you carefully, “I mean, the apocalypse. It’s not going to kill you.”
“It’s not? I thought only members of the Cooperative, and the people rich enough to buy a ticket, I thought they were the only ones who were going to make it.” 
He wrapped his hand around your wrist, just as he had before, but this time it wasn’t aggressive, wasn’t rough. He was very gentle, his fingers skimming along the veins, pausing to feel your pulse thump against him, “And you. There will be a place for you in the new world, Y/N, I promise you that.”
And then Michael had released your wrist and turned away, and you made your way out the door and back to your own desk with a soft, “Thank you, Mr. Langdon.”
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Michael Langdon:
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langdxn · 4 years
How would different stages of Michael react if the reader accidentally called him “daddy” during sex?
Is there ever such a thing as accidentally calling Michael daddy? 👀
Grunge!Michael freezes in motion, his length nestled halfway inside you when he stares at you quirking an eyebrow. “You mean that?” He grins from ear to ear and leans in to kiss you before it finally hits him, and the power goes straight to his head. He takes hold of your shoulders and flips you over until you’re straddling his waist, slipping his hands down to cradle your hips. He growls like a beast while his eyes roll into the back of his head — “Ride me and call me daddy again, baby girl.”
Hawthorne!Michael is pleasantly surprised you’ve worked out his weakness so quickly, the corner of his lips curls ever so slightly and his eyes narrow as he snaps his hips harder into you, fighting the urge to cum on the spot. “Good girl, and who does this pussy belong to?” You better hope you’re not on top when “daddy” slips off your tongue, otherwise he’s flipping you over and piledriving you into the mattress for the rest of the week, Seven Wonders practice or not.
Sojourn!Michael wasn’t expecting to be quite so turned on by you calling him “daddy”, so he gazes deeply into your eyes, pulling you in for a searing, haunting, lingering kiss. “I love you so much,” he gushes, leaning in to press his chest against yours, maintaining intimate contact with your entire body. It takes him a minute to remember he’s still inside you, so he slowly rocks his hips into yours, languid, curled thrusts that ensure his cock hits your walls in just the right spot. “Say that again for me, baby.”
F&R!Michael doesn’t even miss a beat. “You’re damn right,” he hums as his thrusts become sharp and staccato, reaching to curl his fingers around your throat and applying a dangerous amount of pressure on your airways. He drinks in the ecstasy flickering in your eyes as your blood races to your head, he revels in your gasps for breath and he adores the way your walls flutter around him with every perfectly choreographed whip of his hips. “Now be a good girl for daddy and cum all over my cock.”
The name “daddy” tumbles out while you’re sinking down onto Outpost!Michael’s cock, head thrown back and unravelling on top of him, and it hits him like an instant aphrodisiac. His eyes widen and bleed to black in an instant, his nails scratching fervently down your spine before wandering to knead at your breasts. “That’s my girl,” he purrs softly, breathing in the vision of you melting as you grind onto him. He pulls himself up to wrap his arms around you, holding you flush against him and gently kissing your forehead. “Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.”
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
The Magic Words Is:
F&R! Michael Langdon+Inscure! Reader
(A/N): Hello there, lovely!
This suckety suck...
But also I don’t like keeping my things to myself and also... honestly... you have read worse from me, so...
This came up when I was talking with @blakewaterxx and she jokingly said, after I apologized a few too many times that if I kept doing that she would make Michael punish me... and I took it a bit more seriously than I should have... 
So here comes this...
Have fun reading it!
Let me know what you think, and I also let’s hope this doesn’t die as my all my fics lately... I am just too done to deal with that right noq!
WARNINGS: Dom-Sub Relationship, Spanking, Punishment, Sexual Themes, Mention of Sexual SItuations, Nudity, Mention of Self-Harm.
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It wasn’t that Michael despised that you had this kind of gentleness and frailty to you.
No, he actually enjoyed it.
But he couldn’t tolerate anybody else taking advantage of it.
Aside him, obviously.
It was mostly because it would show some kind of emotion he had defined as weak since it would show your submission to someone else…
… that wasn’t him.
That morning: Jeff and Mutt had tormented you for the entire morning under Michael’s attentive gaze, and although he had wanted to intervene, he couldn’t do much, mostly because you personally didn’t want him to intervene in your work life, but also because he had wanted to see how far this would all go.
To see if you would fight them back.
Through the entire morning you had bended yourself to Jeff and Mutt’s will, the two cokeheads taking extreme advantage of your willingness to please, till it brought you over to the edge of a big psychotic attack, since their coke-burned brain thought that you could much more than it was humanly possible.
But you instead of shutting them off or fighting them off… you had continued on undergoing their humiliations, but worse of all, apologizing for any mistake they made you notice, although half the time it wasn’t your fault, and the other half… you didn’t do it on purpose.
He hated whenever you would apologize with no reason for it.
He desperately had tried to force that attitude away from you, in a calm way, simply trying to make you notice the error of your way, but apparently it wasn’t enough.
He had to use something that would get into your little insecure mind.
He had called you after lunch, making sure that the two cokeheads watched as his arrival accidentally burned their newest stash of purest coke and he made no secret of his link to you.
You never wanted to let your relationship be out in public, so this was a big no against all your rules.
“It wouldn’t be professional” you chanted gently, whenever the argument would be brought up, as he looked at you confused, mostly because he knew how much you liked being taken over the desk at work, but he didn’t dare intervene on such things, preferring to leave you the control of it.
But he had had enough, today.
“Mr Langdon, what did you need me for?” your eyes shone already bright as you closed the door behind you and he settled on his work-chair, preparing yourself to a session of hard sex, knowing all too well that Michael was a man that liked to be pleased at his own orders and commands and who requested extreme discipline.
“(Y/N)” but something broke your mental scenario as you heard him calling you like that.
You usually roleplayed since it was a kink you both shared, mostly if something was going down in the office, but whenever he called by your name not only it meant he wasn’t in the mood to play, but he wanted the true “(Y/N)”, not some doe-eyed and sex-starved secretary as in your shared fantasies.
It also, most of the time, meant trouble.
“Michael” you knew better than to answer with anything other than his name, since it shared some kind of deep intimacy Michael ached for, more than the sex and the thrill.
“… you do realize what you did today, don’t you?”.
You actually didn’t but you also knew that if Michael was using that tone you had done something bad for sure so there was no use in pretending.
“I don’t know, sir, but I am sure that it was something bad” because whenever you were Michael’s “good girl” he wouldn’t have that flaming look.
“Then why don’t we go over your morning?” he replied, mentioning for you to sit onto his lap, something that made you huff a breath of relief, although you knew it wasn’t over.
But the fact that you were allowed to touch Michael was something that made you truly happy, and wouldn’t always be allowed during your punishments, making everything even more hurtful.
“… I came in early as always…” mostly because it would be just you and Michael and more time than not, before he had to give an important discourse, he would love to have a quickie with you, so you had to be there for him… or you might get punished.
(One time you hadn’t been able to come at work because of a terrible stomach flu and hadn’t even been able to raise from the bed to tell the Cooperative that you would be taking a sick day and Michael had strangely surprised you to your apartment.
You had half-expected him to want sex or anything, but he had just explained to you all the research he had done on how to cure stomach flu, parading yourself with an entire pharmacy, and asking whether you felt up to eat something so that he could order someone to cook it for you.
You had tried to excuse your terrible state, but Michael had ignored all your “sorry”s and just pushed you again in bed, gently pushing away your sweat-filled hair from your forehead, meanwhile he cooed you to sleep and relax).
And from that memory you realized what you had done wrong.
“…is this because I said ‘sorry’ too many times?” because Michael had shushed you every time it would happen, mostly when it was about things you couldn’t control, like Jeff and Mutt’s stupidity.
He smirked, but his smile was in no way reassuring.
“Oh, don’t I have a smart girl on my lap?” he praised you and gently leaned down to kiss you, his hand securely lacing though your hair pulling on them lightly, but enough to make you moan in his mouth “… then you’ll know what you get for this”.
You nodded, already trying to make your way to his laps, in order to lay with your tummy flat against his them, but he kept his hold onto your hair tight, keeping you in place.
“… but first I need you to tell me what you did wrong and why it is so wrong”.
His tone was extremely honeyed, and he made sure to look at you in the eyes, another technique that you couldn’t stand, since when he had first met you, you would barely be able to hold his gaze, and although it still embarrassed you, mostly during sex, you had gotten better.
And Michael didn’t mind the little blush on your cheeks.
He actually cherished it.
“I showed no concern for my own physical and mental health, letting those two idiots…” Michael’s grin grew bigger, since before him you wouldn’t have even brought yourself to think even something remotely wrong about your colleagues, but he had influenced you, in some way…
… well it truly showed that he could corrupt even the purest of souls.
“Continue, (Y/N)”.
You trembled at the mention of your name, and he gently pushed a kiss onto your forehead: the stillness in his movement acting as some kind of calm before the storm.
“… and I let them bully me, and most importantly I acted as if it was my fault for every mistake they had done, hence apologizing uselessly and degrading myself to a position that doesn’t belong to me”.
“What is your natural position, lovely?” he asked and grabbed strongly onto your chin, making you face him, feeling the slight warmth of your heated cheeks.
“By your side, on your lap or down on my knees…” you replied, without thinking, something that pleased Michael to his oblivion, since he was rather glad that his pet knew her place “… solely belonging to you”.
“That is a good answer, sweetheart” he mumbled, but his gaze didn’t show any kind of mercy and he didn’t help you in the slightest as you pushed yourself to face the desk, moving your body so that your arms could rest onto it, meanwhile you moved away from Michael’s lap, pushing your toes to meet the ground and stay there.
Then your spread your thighs, although you didn’t dare to remove your skirt.
It was a frilly thing that Michael had gotten you for a day-event you had attended with him.
He hadn’t minded too much about the design or the price the most important thing to him was the easy access of the entire thing, barely needing for Michael to raise it and push your underwear apart to enter you.
…had you worn panties.
Which didn’t happen today.
Michael snickered at your improper condition and gently mouthed a small kiss onto your shoulder, over the silky fabric of your blouse, and then he blew some soothing air in your ear, making you shiver, the perfect occasion for him to remind you to stay still.
“I’ll need you to count…” he whispered in your ear, gently palming your perfect ass, a little lighter than the rest of your body, almost as a proof of your innocence, which he couldn’t wait to taint “… or I’ll lose the count and end up being a bit too rough, understood, lovely?”.
You nodded, but to Michael it wasn’t enough and pulled again on your hair.
“… yes, sir” you mumbled, and he welcomed your obedience with a caress on your lower back, which, although had some kind of calming effect, it didn’t make you less aware of what was going to happen.
“They’ll be fifteen slaps” he explained to you, meanwhile he got the skirt completely out of the way and you gripped onto the edge of his desk “… one for each time you said ‘sorry’, today“.
You rolled your eyes (you were almost thankful that he couldn’t see your face) at the thought that he had actually counted them.
You knew it pissed him off, but you didn’t expect him to get this serious about it, although it all worked in your favor, seeing as you could already feel wetness between your thighs and arousal pool in your stomach, making you quite excited.
You already knew it would have been a tough session, it always happened when you weren’t roleplaying.
But you were ready for it.
You almost ached for it.
“Understood, sir”.
The first slap was always the hardest one, and not because Michael could be vicious, but more because of the surprise effect it always had, not matter the fact that you knew it would be coming.
You swallowed and Michael hung his hand back, waiting for your response which came in a low squeal, mumbling “one” and a “thank you, sir”.
He smirked satisfied and leaned closer to you, who immediately shifted lightly away from him, again for the surprise and anxiety than for the actual hurt, which was soothed by his big hand, gently palming it.
“Good girl…” he mumbled in your ear, before he laid there a kiss, his hair tickling your shoulder.
The praise and the tickling sensation made you giggle, but another slap shushed you, pushing you further away on the desk.
The came an another.
And a fourth one.
Fifth and sixth where were you got used to the feeling, the constant burn of your ass, dulling a bit the following hits, meanwhile wetness kept on dribbling from your cunt
As you went to reach your tenth slap, you were lightly overwhelmed, since Michael had slapped your cunt instead of your ass, on the previous, making you yelp at the pleasurable pain and you were sure that one of your manicured nail had etched itself on his desk, at the sudden wave of pleasure.
You tried to calm your breath but the tenth was too sudden, again hitting your clit and setting it on fire and you screamed more out of instinct than actual thought:
Yellow was the color to make Michael slow down and he did, gently pushing himself away from you, meanwhile you took some deep breaths, trying to shift away your focus from your cunt and ass, both aching, but for different reason, hence making you even more confused and overwhelmed.
Michael brushed some strands of hair away from your face and solely in that moment you realized they were drenched with sweat, and your bottom lip being not only swollen from your compulsive biting, but also wet due to the saliva that had gotten on it.
“Was it too much” he asked, trying to keep his tone even and neutral.
He wanted to seem distanced, as he always did when you would either say your safe-word.
He thought that he could pretend he didn’t care, but you knew all too well he did.
He would hug you a bit too tight after those session, worried that you might run away.
“No, I just need a breather” you commented as soon as you regained your voice, calming yourself from the messy sensations going through your body, trying to focus on regaining control over it, meanwhile Michael gently caressed your back.
“I am ok, you can start again, sir” you commented once you felt comfortable again, gently setting down so that you wouldn’t get stabbed in the stomach by Michael’s laptop onto the desk.
He set himself up behind you, again, but before he went on to carry on the rest of the punishment he pulled you against him and not only you felt his breath against your ear, but you understood that you weren’t the only one affected by this situation, feeling him gently press his hard length against you.
“Do I have to avoid something, (YN)?” again your name meant that he was serious, and you just shook your head, but Michael needed again vocal confirmation.
“No, I am fine” and when he searched your eyes, you added “... seriously”.
At the start of your relationship you had used the harsh sex and the punishments as a way to cope with some awful things that had been going through you, hence it had been extremely painful for you, enough that although you should have safe-worded, you hadn’t.
This had reached a point that broke you internally, and Michael had known it…
… and he had brought you back from it.
He knew that he was supposed to be happy of your broken and corrupted soul, but he had realized that you didn’t deserve it.
And that was the moment he had realized that he loved you.
And would cherish you and protect you to the end of the world.
“… then you have five more, don’t you”.
You nodded your head eagerly, opening your mouth to answer him and he made you close it with a harsh slap, although he avoided your cunt this time, hitting the fullness of your blossom, so the hit was less painful.
The twelfth wasn’t, since he hit were the skin was more red and hurt, and you were sure that his handprint would already show on your ass and they would remain for even the following day.
You didn’t mind it.
The thirteenth was also strong and the fourteenth was slowed only by Michael’s own hand hurting, and it stilled on your ass, slowly moving to cup your cunt, making you gasp lowly and you closed your eyes at the sudden sensation of pleasure, already ready for the fifteenth slap to end this torment.
Would you have to beg Michael for the sweet release, or would he have given it to you as a reward?
“Sometimes I wonder whether I am truly punishing or indulging your little flaws” he mumbled, against your ear.
You could feel his hand being left in the air, halfway through meeting your ass, and you closed your eyes, squeezing them together, already ready for the pain.
But the fifteenth slap was a simple pat on your ass.
Which didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt, since your ass was irritated and swollen, but wasn’t what you expected, showing you a softness which was unusual with Michael, but you knew he held just for you.
It was what had brought you back after you had been thoroughly broken.
Michael wasn’t careful with you as a china-doll but he surely knew better than you your body.
“… but I also can’t deny that this has some kind of allure to me too” he said as he cupped your cunt and collected some wetness from there, swiftly turning you around and pushing you onto the desk, his laptop effectively burying and marking your back, but you didn’t care.
Not as Michael tasted you as if you were his favorite meal, gently swirling his tongue around his finger in a show of tongue that almost got impressed in your mind, and made you ignore his question.
This time a light tap was delivered to your thigh making you bite down onto your tongue and Michael sent you a harsh glare, although he did repeat what he asked of you.
“Why did I punish you pet?”.
“Because I put my health to risk, undervaluing myself” you knew it.
It was hard to fight that sense when you just felt so damn insecure all the time.
But slowly Michael was making it all better.
“It wasn’t you who was bad, was it?” he mumbled, gently pushing his fingers away from your thighs, moving onto your inner thighs, meanwhile he came closer enveloping you gently, being careful to avoid brushing your ass.
“No, it wasn’t me who was bad, it was my actions that were bad”.
“… and bad actions always have consequences” he finished softly, before he suddenly sank to his knees, between your thighs, a truly magical sight “… but good ones do also have some consequences. Are you ready pet for your reward?”.
Well this time, all you could say was “thank you”.
Tagging some of the few that are on my taglist:
@blakewaterxx @emmyrosee @1-800-bitchcraft @rocketgirl2410 @ladynuwanda @frenchbread4ever @lovelylangdonx @kaetastic @lathraios @rosegoldrichie
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infernwetrust · 3 years
In His Office [Michael Langdon x Fem Reader]
Summary: A recent change in your shift allows for you to have lunch with Michael at his brand new dealership.
Warnings: SMUT, SMUT, SMUT. Swearing. I think that’s about it.
WC: 2.5k
A/N: This idea came to me recently today lol. We all know Michael Langdon isn’t a stranger to a little office sex. I imagined this one with F&R Michael. Thank you for reading! -Juno
Michael walked around his dealership, hands clasped behind his back as he silently studied his employees at work. Not wanting Michael to always stress over his job as the anti-Christ, you convinced him to pursue something else that he was interested in. Why not start a business, he had thought. He decided that he would own a decent sized car lot, divided into 3 sections; luxury, middle-class, and pre-owned vehicles. The business took off well as he constantly won awards throughout the year whether it be for most sales or outstanding customer service.
He could feel the eyes burning into him as he walked passed, from employees and customers alike. He knew he was attractive. He knew that some of his workers wanted to screw him, but he paid their nasty thoughts no mind. He dressed in all black as usual. A black button up shirt that hugged his figure perfectly, tight black jeans, sporting the Michael Kors belt you had gotten him for his birthday, and his favorite pair of black dress shoes to go with it. He never went anywhere without wearing the platinum chain, which proudly displayed his last name, around his neck. That was also a gift from you.
His hands shifted behind his back and his thumb brushed against his wedding band, causing him smile a little bit as he finished walking the floor, returning to his office and taking a seat at his desk. He looked down at the wedding band, reminding himself of the passionate encounter that the two of you had shared a few nights ago.
"Michael..." you whispered against his lips as he lay comfortably between your legs.
"Hmm, my love?" he questioned, his blue eyes meeting yours, his lips not moving an inch away from yours.
"I want you to wear your ring while you make love to me. I want to see it. I want to be reminded of your commitment to me." He smiled against your lips because funny enough, it was something he always thought of too. Normally he would take it off to avoid it flying off his finger due to any sudden hand movements while the two of you got lost in each other.
"You don't have to tell me twice."
"I have your weekly sales report, Mr. Langdon." his lovely Ms. Mead said, walking into his office and gently placing the folder on his desk. He smiled warmly at her, taking a bite of his now cold bagel before moving the folder closer to him. It was only right that he made her head of the financials. She was so good with numbers and always had Michael's files correctly placed together.
"Now you know you don't have to call me that." he said to her. "Michael, Mike, even son, works just fine for me."
"I know." she said. "But we're in your place of business, my dear. I will always address you with respect."
"You're too good to me, you know that?" All she could do was smile. "Took care of me when no one else would, never left my side, always provided for me. I won't ever be able to thank you enough." She was going to say something else when Michael's front desk receptionist walked into his office, his shirt drenched in coffee.
"Jeremy what the fuck happened to you?"Michael questioned, furrowing his eyebrows as one of his first impression's of his establishment was now completely a mess. "You can't fucking greet people like that. What type of business do you think I'm running here?"
"There's a woman, in the lobby." he began, out of breath. "She keeps demanding that I direct you to her office and that she's your wife. I think she's crazy, but I tried letting her know that you're a very busy man and that she'd have to call in advance to meet with you, but she wouldn't take no for an answer." A smile crept its way across Michael's face as he snapped his fingers, restoring Jeremy's outfit back to its original state. Yup. That was you.
"Yeah, that sounds like my wife." Michael said, grinning alongside Ms. Mead. "Perhaps you should of listened to her the first time."
"But sir, I was just trying to-,"
"Ah ah. I've heard enough. Walk her back here and make sure you get nothing else thrown on you for the rest of the day or your fired. Am I understood?"
"Yes, sir." Jeremy said lowly, turning to exit Michael's office and get you.
"These fucking new hires, huh?" Michael questioned, looking at Ms. Mead.
"You let Jeff and Mutt do the hiring when you really should pass that job along to Gallant. He would make sure the right people were working here."
"That he would. That he would..." Michael agreed, rubbing underneath his chin. And then you walked into the room. With a recent shift change, you now got off at 2PM, which means you were able to meet Michael for his lunches that he took at 2:30. He stared at you, smiling devilishly, running his fingers across his bottom lip.
"You're lucky I don't fire you my fucking self." you said to Jeremy as he escorted you in.
"My apologies, Mrs. Langdon." he said, with his head low.
"Yeah, whatever. You can get out now." He wasted no time, quickly leaving the room, accidentally bumping into the side of the door, causing the 3 of you to giggle. "Ugh, Michael, don't tell me you're still chewing on that bagel I sent you to work with." You walked over to his desk, engulfing Ms. Mead into a tight hug, which she gladly returned before planting a kiss on your cheek.
"I'll leave you two, to it." she said, giving Michael a nod before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her.
"Why so bossy today?" Michael questioned, sitting up in his chair and resting his hands on his desk, admiring your unique figure.
"Between work today and your stupid front desk agent, I'm just ready to eat lunch with you and for you to come home."
"It was that bad today?"
"If I could throw my computer out of the window with no consequences, I would." Michael chuckled, grabbing his bag of Panera Bread. You knew his favorite. Turkey Bacon Bravo, with avocado, extra, extra, avocado. Cheddar Broccoli soup and a Coke.
"You and me both, my Queen." Michael grabbed a remote, the one that control the shades in his office. He lowered them, half way, just so that no one walking by would be able to peak in at the two of you. "Staying with me until I get off at 5 or do you just want to take my car and go home and then come back for me?”
"You know I am. I've missed you terribly today."
"Is that why my front desk boy ended up covered in coffee?" The two of you looked at each other with a grin. "A temper just like mine. Mrs. Langdon, I love it, just as much as I love you."
"I love you too." you responded. "My temper is how I keep things in order."
"Mmmm." Michael hummed. "Tell me about it."
After lunch, Michael returned to his duties, going over his sales reports, moving things where they needed to go, and sending out emails and reminders. You loved watching him work. You loved how fast his fingers moved a crossed the keys and how his gaze never broke away from the task at hand. You were mainly focused on his outfit choice for today. You had no idea he would be leaving the house in an outfit that pointed out ALL of his features. Though he was soft, you could still see the full outline of his length through his jeans when he sat down. His chest, outlined against his shirt perfectly, you could just make out his nipples. The size of Michael's thighs drove you insane, that you couldn't help but come over in the chair you were sitting in and start rubbing them.
His focus still didn't break and while you knew he preferred to stay focused on his work, today it didn't seem like he cared. He allowed you to rub his thigh, his breathing slightly increasing as he typed up a inventory report. When he paused for a moment, wanting to crack his knuckles, you took the opportunity to spin his chair around so that it was facing you. The both of you immediately made eye contact, but no words were spoken. You could read his face and he could read yours. You were both on on the same page. He grabbed another remote, this time the stereo remote, turning it on, leaving the music at a reasonable volume.
Your hands were already fumbling with his belt as you got it unclasped. You quickly unbuttoned his jeans, Michael kicking off his shoes and moving them to the side. You pulled them down, bringing his boxers down with his, revealing his semi-hard cock. And all you did was touch him. You knew how much Michael craved you, both intimately and non-intimately. He was weak underneath your touch most of the time. You got on your knees in front of him, hands on his thighs as you slowly took him into your mouth. He let out a Godly sigh, leaning his head back as you got to work on him.
"Ssssh." you said, popping him out of your mouth. "It seems to be a busy day for you. You don't want your customers to know what's going on behind your office doors do you?"
"And what if I do?" Michael questioned, his cock twitching from missing your mouth.
"Well let's pretend you don't. No noises. Can you do that for me, daddy?" Michael's jaw clenched at the name and he bit his lip slightly. Silent Michael was sight to see. While extremely audible Michael was one of your favorites, nothing beat looking up at him and watching as he expressed his pleasure with his face and body.
You took him back into your mouth, slowly bobbing your head up and down on his length. Michael's jaw dropped. He desperately wanted to moan. He wanted you to know how good you were making him feel, but he kept it quiet. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, never taking his eyes off you. He didn't bother to take it off, his chest and torso for the most part exposed, his chain landing perfectly in the middle of chest. You licked up and down the sides of his shaft, using your hand to stroke circles around his spit glazed tip. The sound of the wetness drove the both of you crazy. Your own arousal soaked through your panties.
Putting him back in your mouth, you sucked on just his tip, using both of your hands to stroke the rest of his length. Looking up at him, he looked so beautiful. He was breathing heavily as he peered back down at you, running his hand through his hair, his hips starting to thrust upwards in your hand to try and match your pace. His foot found its way between your legs and using his big toe, he slowly rubbed it across your clit, causing you to moan lowly around him, the vibrations ripping through him.
You were sucking faster now, moving your hands faster. He gripped both sides of his office chair, before deciding to let them go, wanting his hands wrapped up in your hair instead. You moved your hands, knowing what he was wanting to do. Welcoming it. And you loved watching him do it too. His thrusts in your mouth started off slow and gently, before they became rough and fast. You looked up at Michael again, who was now breathing so rapidly you thought that maybe he could be hyperventilating. You could see him mouthing the word fuck over and over and over.
He stood up abruptly, pulling you up with him before smashing his lips onto yours, immediately sliding his tongue into your mouth, the two of you fighting for dominance. He was quick to rid you of your clothes before pulling his shirt all the way off. With a quick wave of his hand, everything that was now on his desk, was on his office sofa, neatly stacked so that he could return to it lately. He picked you up, setting you down on his desk.
"Now can you do the same for me?" he asked, quickly sliding into you, catching you off guard. Sensing your impending loud moan he quickly put a hand over your mouth. "No noises yes? Or I'll stop and we'll have to finish this at home." You nodded against his hand and he slowly moved in and out of you at a rhythmic pace. You pulled him by the back of his neck, closer to you, putting your lips directly against his ear. His hands roamed all over you, squeezing your breasts, playing with your nipples as he gradually increased the pace at which he fucked you. Your hands travelled up and down his back when suddenly he grabbed them, pinning them above your head.
You swore the desk was inching farther and farther away from the area it resided in as he now pounded into you relentlessly and you could help but let out a cry of pleasure, or at least you tried to, but Michael knew you all to well. He used his powers to keep you quiet, your mouth wanting to make noise, but nothing but breaths and pants coming out.
"Poor, girl." Michael said between breaths. "Dishing out challenges you can't even do yourself. Now look, I have to use my powers to keep your mouth shut. Pathetic. You enjoy being my little office toy?" You nodded vigorously. Not only had your shift change allowed you to have lunch with Michael, but it was just the fact that you were now able to spend the rest of his work filled day with him, sex or no sex.
"That's what I thought." he continued, his pounding becoming sloppier and sloppier as he neared his climax, you not following too far behind. When he let your hands go, they immediately found their way to his hair, giving it a sharp tug to which he inhaled sharply to stop himself from cursing. You grabbed him by his throat, pulling him back down towards you as you neared your orgasm, foreheads pressed against each other with nothing but pure love and lust in the both of your eyes.
You let go first, squirming violently against Michael, who sloppily kissed you following his own release shortly after, breathing and panting loudly in each other's mouths. You both rode out your orgasms until the pleasure was completely gone.
"This shift change is going to be so much fun." Michael said as he rested his face in your neck.
"So much fun, Mr. Langdon. So much fun." you said back.
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @theneverendinghunger
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heavymetalover · 5 years
last updated 01/10/20
**all posts contain smut**
Xavier Plympton Masterlist:
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One Shots:
Strangers In the Night (Xavier x fem reader)
Michael Langdon Masterlist:
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One Shots: 
All the Good Girls Go to Hell (F&R!Michael x fem reader)
The Hand That Feeds (Outpost!Michael x fem reader)
Heart-Shaped Box (Sojourn!Michael x fem reader)
Heresy (Hawthorne!Michael x fem reader)
> Call Me Daddy (Stepdad!Michael x fem reader) <
Duncan Shepherd Masterlist: 
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One Shots:
Coming Down (Duncan x fem reader)
992 notes · View notes
alphabetatoes · 5 years
my masterlist
its still a lil under construction but god BLESS im almost done
updated 3.16.19
~ michael langdon
    can't take the heat?
    not good enough
    show me how much you want me
    out of this world
    michael at a trampoline park hc's
    michael fingering reader under the dinner table (SMUT)
    jealous michael
    domestic michael
    michael and pregnant reader (1) (2)
    a game of chess
   michael and cocky reader (1) (2)
    cuddling with michael
    studying for midterms
    comforting michael
    sex in the outpost
    giving michael a massage
~ tgwdlm
    errands: a look into what happened the day emma brought prof hidgens his gorceries
    college!au: part one of a series I’m thinking of starting where the cast are all competing for roles in their drama department’s installment of Workin Boys (a new musical created by prof hidgens)
    alexa: my own timeline of events and a closer look into professor hidgens’ life before the apotheosis
~ jared kleinman
~ connor murphy
    waitress!reader (pt 1) (pt 2): headcanons inspired by waitress where connor meets reader at a diner and how things progress
~ misc    
    the lake house 
    locked in: 
    random bmc/deh hc's:
~ michael mell hc’s
~ peter parker
   x reader hc’s: general headcanons for peter and reader
H O U S E  O F  C A R D S
~ duncan shepherd
    anything but political: start to a series where reader is claire underwood’s daughter and must engage in a fake relationship with duncan shepherd in order to help her mother’s political campaign
    this little game: one shot where reader and duncan engage in a game attempting to create drama at a gala, where they use their wits to catch crime in the act
    the gala:
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holylangdon · 7 years
UPDATED: 11/19/18
T A T E   L A N G D O N
Let’s Talk About Death
Sex With Tate Langdon*
Love Me Like You Do (SMUT)
About A Girl
All Apologies
Kiss It Better
I Wanna Be Yours (SMUT)
Violet Forgiving Tate*
Asking You Out*
Violence (PLAYLIST)
Tate Having A Witch SO*
Small Things*
Dating Pre-Death Tate Langdon*
Count Me In (SIBLINGS)
Stop The World, I Wanna Get Off With You (SMUT)
Something In The Way
Past Lives
Getting High*
V I O L E T  H A R M O N
Female Robbery (SMUT)
Santa Baby
Violet Forgiving Tate*
The Cigarette Duet (PLAYLIST)
N O R A  M O N T G O M E R Y
Sex With Nora*
C H A R L E S  M O N T G O M E R Y
Dating Charles Montgomery*
K I T   W A L K E R
Sex With Kit Walker *
Boyfriend Kit Walker*
L A N A   W I N T E R S
Sex With Lana Winters*
Unchained Melody (PLAYLIST)
Dating Lana Winters*
M A R Y  E U N I C E
Mary Eunice Having A Crush On You (Non-Possessed)*
Mary Eunice Dating A Taller SO (Possessed)*
K Y L E   S P E N C E R
Shape of You (SMUT)
Nine In The Afternoon
Boyfriend Kyle Spencer*
Sex With Kyle Spencer 2.0*
Kyle W/ SO’s Boobs)*
Kyle’s Frat Brother Walking In During Sex*
What You Need (SMUT)
Poly Relationship W/ Kyle and Zoe*
Sex W/ Post-Death Kyle*
Girls Like Me (Scoliosis)
Couples Costumes on Halloween*
Overnight Sensation
I Didn’t Just Kiss Her (SMUT)
Sex With Post-Death #2*
Will He (ANGST)
Electric Feel
If That’s Not Love (FLUFF)
Z O E  B E N S O N
Poly Relationship W/ Kyle and Zoe*
Season of the Witch (PLAYLIST)
C O R D E L I A  G O O D E
Dating Cordelia Goode*
It Takes Time (Mother!Cordelia w/ Cheating!Michael)
M A D I S O N   M O N T G O M E R Y
Girlfriend Madison Montgomery*
M I S T Y  D A Y
Stars (SMUT)
Dating Misty Day*
Halloween w/ Misty Day*
Remedy For A Broken Heart
J I M M Y  D A R L I N G
Sex With Jimmy Darling*
Boyfriend Jimmy Darling*
Shy!Reader x Jimmy*
Drops Of Jupiter (SMUT)
SO Having Scars On Their Face
Kisses in The Wind (SMUT)
D A N D Y  M O T T
Sex w/ Dandy Mott*
E L S A  M A R S 
Being Elsa Mars’ Daughter*
J A M E S  M A R C H
Ready Or Not
Boyfriend James March*
Teenager James March*
Good Mourning
Marrying James March*
SO Being A Singer*
SO Being Drunk*
Finding Out His SO Is Pregnant*
Finding His Back Scars*
Lover To Lover (SMUT)
T H E   C O U N T E S S
Angel On Fire (w/ Donovan)
Heartbreak Hotel (PLAYLIST)
Dating The Countess*
Come As You Are
Angel On Fire (w/ The Countess)
Sex With Donovan*
Turning His S/O*
S A L L Y   M C K E N N A
Sex With Sally McKenna*
T R I S T A N  D U F F Y
Sex With Tristan Duffy*
Boyfriend Tristan Duffy*
Marrying/Honeymoon With Tristan Duffy*
R O R Y  M O N A H A N
Dating Rory Monahan*
K A I  A N D E R S O N
Sex With Kai Anderson*
Dating Kai Anderson*
W I N T E R  A N D E R S O N
Let It Go
Flesh To Flesh (SMUT)
Moonlit Majesty (SMUT)
Dating Winter Anderson*
M I C H A E L  L A N G D O N
Little Hell (SMUT)
The Michael Thing For Kyra (FLUFF)
Hell is Too Close (SMUT)
Do You Wonder (FLUFF)
Dealing With The Devil (LIGHT NSFW)
To Hell With The Devil (SMUT)
1: Loving Someone / 2: Somebody Else / 3: Love Me
NSFW Alphabet*
Pleaser (Priest!AU, SMUT)
Baby, You’re a Haunted House (SMUT)
Psycho Killer (SMUT)
Strange Magic 
Drunk On Halloween (SMUT)
Black Magic Woman (Afflicted!AU)
Cling To Me 
Sex w/ Michael Langdon*
Dating Michael Langdon*
First Wonder (Male!Reader SMUT)
Nearly Witches (FLUFF)
House of The Rising Sun
T H E  E V A N S
How They Would Sound In Bed*
Taking Your Virginity*
What They Would Dress Up As On Halloween*
On Halloween*
How They Would Wake Their SO*
How They Would React To Their SO Fighting Someone*
2K notes · View notes
langdxn · 4 years
“If you leave the house wearing that then the second you get back home I’m going to bend you over that bed.” w/ F&R! Michael.
Oh my ovaries 💥💥 Thank you for this major girl boner, anon!
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With a stack of Cooperative paperwork on Outpost construction and a number of unread emails from Mutt and Jeff at Kineros Robotics, you safely assumed Michael wouldn’t even notice you sneaking out for a friend’s housewarming party.
Casting a brief glance in his direction, his eyes idly flicking from line to line on a page of endless text on his laptop, you skirted past his office toward the front door.
“If you leave the house wearing that then the second you get back home, I’m going to bend you over that bed.”
What gave you away? Was it the clanking of your Jimmy Choos on the immaculately polished floorboards? Was it your keys jangling as you picked them up from the sideboard? Or was it simply his intuition?
You froze at the door, mouth agape as you processed his words.
“Wha—what was that honey?” You called out innocently, slowly stepping back toward the office doorway.
“You heard me just fine, Mrs Langdon.”
Emerging before him, you leaned dramatically against the doorframe, one leg propped up against the wood so your crimson silk dress flowed over your knee. You grasped a handful of the cool material, holding it in front of you.
“What’s wrong with this, dear husband?”
“There’s nothing wrong with it,” his honey-like tone dripped slowly as he raised from his desk and stepped toward you. “Quite the contrary.”
He paced closer with his hands clasped behind his back, expensive boots chinking with every footfall before he stopped an inch from you , lips hovering against yours and his soft breaths grazing your cheeks. He stared at every inch of your face, intently observing the layers of flawless makeup and tilting his head to examine closer.
“Red eyeshadow,” he described, glaring at the curve of your nose up to your brow accented by a brilliant scarlet shadow. “Interesting.”
“It’s... something I’m trying out,” you nervously shifted your feet, awaiting his next observation. He raised a hand to pinch your chin and lift your head up for a closer inspection, this time his glare fell on your ruby red lipstick. Tugging gently on your chin to open your mouth, Michael moaned under his breath as he watched your lips form a relaxed ‘O’ shape.
“I think this would look better wrapped around my cock,” he hummed. “Don’t you?”
You nodded weakly as your gaze locked with his, those familiar baby blues boring into your soul as his hand trailed down to the valley of your breasts. Your breaths became sharp and staccato, straining to ignore the temptation to discard your plans and pin Michael down to his desk for the rest of the evening. Sliding his light fingertips over your silken dress, Michael’s tongue darted out to lick his lips.
“This would look much nicer hanging from the chandelier, wouldn’t you say darling?”
Clearing your throat and nodding again as your back arched into his touch, his hand traversed agonisingly slowly down to your hips, pausing tentatively for a moment as his fingers rested in the curves of your skin that he was so familiar holding. He blinked frantically, hoping you hadn’t seen the temporary chink in his armour. His palms brushed down to grasp the hem of your dress, hitching it up in one fluid motion enabling his fingertips to trail towards your heat.
Your one defence from his electric touch were the black lace panties you selected that afternoon, the very same pair Michael found instantly irresistible whenever he caught you wearing them.
You swallowed hard and panted rapidly as he lifted your dress to see your underwear, anticipating a passionate clinch with Michael taking you there and then against the doorway. Instead, as his gaze fell on the lace, already dampened beneath your entrance, he dropped your dress and stepped back while the silk tumbled to your knees and swirled idly.
“I trust you’ll have a pleasant evening, Mrs Langdon.” Michael’s stern tone accompanied his hands returning to clasp behind his back. “Call me when you plan on returning and I’ll have a car pick you up.”
You froze on the spot, glaring at Michael as he left you hanging, practically dripping from his advances.
“Uh—umm, okay...” you sighed despondently, flattening your dress and preparing to walk out with your head dipped low.
“Oh and darling,” Michael added as you turned you on your heels to see him sinking into his office chair.
“Make sure you’re not wearing those panties when you walk back through this door.”
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langdxn · 4 years
Okay, I have a request: smut with reader, Michael and Duncan and the breeding kink of both!!
Oops this is 2k words long but I was having a little too much fun! Thank you so goddamn much anon, this request was beyond amazing 🖤🖤🖤
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Of course, the Shepherds sold their souls to Satan in exchange for salvation when the end of days came to pass. Annette revelled in the privilege that membership of the Cooperative provided — relocating from DC to Outpost 3 would simply have to be an agreeable move for her clan when the apocalypse came knocking.
To give thanks for their fortunate situation, the Shepherds hosted a formal gala for their fellow soon-to-be survivors and their saviours. One of the final times you would have to entertain republicans and Satanists together, at least above ground anyway, you decided now was the right time to bring your unconventional relationship with a Shepherd and the Antichrist out of the shadows of masked Cooperative meetings.
As Ms Underwood excused herself from your company, cradling her swelling bump, Duncan swallowed harshly and cinched you into him by the waist. His fingertips dipped protectively into the red dress draped over your figure, a gown your two boys deliberated over for many hours before you left your apartment that morning. Somehow, you’d managed to land the two most well-dressed men this side of the moon and they almost revelled in deciding your attire for you. If it were up to you, jeans and a t shirt would suffice. Luckily enough, it wasn’t up to you.
“What’s the matter, Shepherd?” You asked with a forced smile for your company, breathing a sigh of relief as the President drew further and further from earshot. The blonde made her way over to Michael, currently circulating with a group of republicans with Ms Mead in tow.
Duncan’s hand landed with purpose on your silk-covered abdomen, fingers spread wide over the plane of your stomach. Gazing up at you beneath lust-hooded eyes, his piercing blue eyes consumed the sight of you before him - glamorous, sophisticated, flawless.
“Can we try for a baby?”
Your neck craned back slightly, computing his question.
“You mean that?” Your response was admittedly quite loaded, testing the waters in case Duncan was joking.
“More than anything,” he husked, leaning forward to bump foreheads with you as you both gazed at his hand fixed to your stomach. His silent contemplation as he skimmed his fingertips over the silk spoke louder than any words that could leave a Shepherd’s tongue.
“What about Annette?” You sighed deeply, your hopes dashed by your realisation that your relationship would never be accepted by Duncan’s supposed family.
“Her opinion doesn’t matter, she’s not even my mother. Besides, she’s always wanted grandchildren, biological or not.”
“What about Michael? What do we tell him?”
Duncan’s head drooped.
“I—I hadn’t thought that far ahead yet. I’ll think of something, we could talk it over when we get home tonight?”
Glimpsing Michael leaving Ms Mead’s side from the corner of your eye, you hurriedly composed yourself and batted away Duncan’s adoring hand.  Hands clasped behind his back, the handsome blonde made his way towards you with a grin creeping across his lips.
“You two look thick as thieves over here,” Michael jested, leaning in to plant a peck on your cheek before curling his arm around your waist, resting on Duncan’s. “What have I missed?”
“N—nothing,” you stuttered, flattening the silk over your stomach. “We were saying how well Ms Underwood looks tonight.”
“Yes, she does,” Michael glanced back to the President as she made idle small talk with Ms Mead, hand resting on her bump. Michael’s gaze snapped back to you, then down to your flat stomach. “On that note, I have a proposition for you, kitten.”
Michael’s wide hand travelled to your abdomen, clutching at the valley of your pelvis.
“Can we have one?”
You shot a bemused look back at Duncan and the brunette reciprocated. You both snickered under your breath and looked back at Michael.
“What? Was it something I said?”
As you bundled into your shared apartment, Duncan impatiently pinned you against the front door, frantically traversing your body with determined hands. You melted into his manic touch as he skilfully slipped your dress straps down your arms, the once elegant ball gown reduced to a puddle of silk at your feet. Michael placed a concerned hand on Duncan’s shoulder, leaning into the gap between you.
“Mr Shepherd, do you seriously believe you’re going to get her pregnant up against a door? You really want us to explain that to our kids?”
Duncan let out a disgruntled huff, shrugging as he grabbed your bare thighs and hooked them around his waist to carry you to the bedroom.
“You know what, Michael? I can already tell you’re gonna be the boring dad.”
“Easy boys, or I’ll change my mind about bringing a baby into this family.” You chuckled softly against Duncan’s shoulder as he barged you both through the bedroom door, pointing a joking finger at the blonde pacing behind you.
“Now there’s no need for that, baby girl,” Michael sighed, fiddling with his belt and casting aside the expensive leather while unlacing his boots at the bedroom door. “He knows I love him, don’t you Dunc?”
Planting you gently down onto the sheets, Duncan nudged your thighs apart and stepped back to admire the vision of you beneath him.
“Of course I do, honey,” Duncan purred, standing aside while discarding his tuxedo jacket. “So much that I’m going to let him knock you up first.”
“How generous of you,” Michael chuckled, his dress pants pooling around his feet with a whoosh as he kneeled between your legs, reaching for a pillow to place under your hips while carefully sliding down your panties. “Are you comfortable, baby girl?”
Throat thickened with anticipation, you nodded weakly and curled your legs around Michael’s waist to draw him in.
“See, Duncan might be the forceful, impulsive one in the bedroom,” he muttered while littering kisses into the nape of your neck, hands gently reaching down to line himself up with your already dampened entrance. “But he doesn’t know much about conception.”
A tut came from the tall brunette beside you, shedding his pants and boxers before settling beside you and brushing your hair back from your face.
“Coming from the Antichrist who lost his virginity to the girl he’s now trying to impregnate,” Duncan snarked with a grin, lust-blown eyes fixed between your thighs as Michael’s tip softly nudged your folds open.
“Which means I’ll be a loyal father to our child,” Michael smiled down at you as he eased his rigid length into you with a deep grunt. “You’re going to be the most amazing mother.”
Back arching desperately into his languid motion, you hissed through clenched teeth with the delicious stretch of your walls around his girth.
“Fuck, you’re always so tight,” Michael moaned as his eyes roved to the ceiling, pouring himself inside you until he filled you completely. “We’ll need to stretch you out before you can push our baby out.”
As Michael maintained a passionate, rocking pace, your head threw back into the pillows and both hands grasped handfuls of the silken sheets beneath you, broken gasps blended with gentle mewls spilling from your tongue. A decided silence fell upon the room around your explicit moans, your sideways glance landed upon Duncan gazing blissfully at Michael making love to you, palming hungrily at his own rock hard member. You reached out to curl your fingers around his base and offer the brunette some relief, to which he jerked his hips into your touch and smiled through his frustration.
“You’re doing so well for daddy,” Duncan dipped to kiss you deeply, his stubble scratching a soft burn into your cheek. “Take his cum like a good girl and I’ll fill you up again afterwards.”
“Don’t worry Dunc,” Michael reassured between smooth curls of his hips. “Our girl’s so tight and fertile, I won’t be able to last much longer.”
Keening desperately, your free hand traversed the contours of Michael’s bare chest to quell the taut pressure building in your core.
“Please fill me up, Michael,” you purred softly, feeling the stirrings of his orgasm twitching through his length between your folds. “Give me everything, fuck a baby into me.”
“Oh fuck, baby,” Michael moaned, balling his fists into the pillow beside your head, a lust-blown glaze over his eyes as his thrusts sharpened furiously. “Keep talking like that and I’ll make sure you’re pregnant again as soon as our first baby arrives.”
Accepting his challenge willingly, you hooked your legs tightly around his waist and drew him flush to your chest.
“Keep fucking me like—like this and I’ll be begging you to get me pregnant for the rest of our lives.”
Cupping his face in your hands to pull him in for a deep kiss, you moaned gratuitously into his mouth as you gave in to your walls fluttering desperately around his length.
“Cum with me baby, knock me up.”
With an animalistic growl, the overwhelming pressure in Michael’s cock burst free, releasing rope after rope of hot cum deep inside your cunt. Duncan whimpered desperately as Michael’s hips stuttered frantically, the blonde eagerly riding through his climax as the slick sound of soaked, slapping skin accompanied his cum dribbling around his base.
“Fuck, we should give you a baby more often, baby girl,” Michael sighed contentedly as he slipped his cock out of your folds in sheer exhaustion, falling to the bed beside you as you lay spread open, his arousal seeping onto your thighs.
Duncan gasped, lunging forward to take his place between your spread legs and gliding the tip of his flushed cock through the white trails escaping your cunt.
“Langdon, you won’t knock her up at all if you waste your cum like that,” the brunette sighed, wasting no time pouring his coated length through your swollen entrance. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll make sure you’re pregnant this time.”
Duncan’s thrusts were instantly jagged and fierce, having excited himself far too much watching Michael dominate you, who was now a panting, crumpled heap of limbs beside you planting sloppy, grateful kisses up your arm. The blonde reached down to your core and thumbed at your overstimulated clit, revelling in the jerks and shakes traversing your body with every swipe of your sensitive spot.
“Gotta hand it to you, Michael, she’s so fucking tight,” Duncan’s strained groans caught in his throat died out beneath the cacophony of lurid squelches accompanying every motion inside you. “Our girl really needs us to breed her, don’t you baby?”
Unable to form a response, you cried out as Duncan pounded relentlessly against your sensitive spot. His hips jabbed harder as he waited impatiently for a response.
“Y—yes daddy,” you whined pitifully, winding your hands around his neck to welcome your second orgasm. “Please breed me, plea—please breed me.”
“That’s my girl, cum all over me,” Duncan purred obscenely, restrained yelps escaping him with every pound against your walls that jittered feverishly around his girth. He ventured a flat palm to your abdomen, drinking in the ripples of your taut skin as his cock pistoned against them. “Let daddy knock you up good.”
Your orgasm shook terrific tremors through your legs, leaving you wailing in Duncan’s ear as he clenched his thighs to unleash his climax with a blissful groan. Spilling frantically deep into your core, your walls trembled weakly, slicked with both loads of cum pounded into you.
“Fucking hell,” Duncan’s voice soared as his eyes met the ceiling, a final jerk of his hips ploughed deep within you. “If you’re not pregnant now, I don’t think you ever will be.”
“There—there’s only one way to find out,” you stuttered through your hazing overstimulation, stars dancing across your vision as you remembered Michael’s intuitive powers could easily tell you if your boys had succeeded in tonight’s plan to impregnate you.
You and Duncan glanced over to Michael, who reached forward to place a hand over your abdomen as his eyes rolled into his head to read the feelings within your womb.
“It’s definitely working,” Michael smiled. “But a few more wouldn’t hurt.”
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langdxn · 4 years
The reader coming to visit F&R!Michael at work and he lets her sit on his lap while he works, and she teases him n stuff which ends with her getting fucked over his desk👀😩
I know this trope has been overdone so much so I’m taking it a little differently... 🖤 (gif credit unknown, sorry!)
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Your knock on his office door startled Michael back down to earth from mind-numbing Outpost planning.
“The fuck—who is it?” His call was snappy and seething through gritted teeth, barely lifting his head from his laptop as the door swung open behind him.
The clack of your heels as you paced in made his heart drop.
“Baby, I’m so sorry,” he sighed softly, rinsing his face in his hands. “I lost track of time.”
“It’s okay,” you cooed, clacking your way toward his seat and draping your arms over his shoulders. “You’re a hard-working man, Mr Langdon.”
“This work isn’t worth missing date night with my beautiful wife,” Michael groaned, holding your hand as it flowed over his collar and planting a kiss to your soft fingers. “I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.”
“How about now?”
Your hands snaked down his chest, trailing teasingly over the buttons on his crisp black shirt.
“I—I’m just trying to finish this one thi—“
“You don’t have to do anything, sweetheart.” Sauntering around his chair, you towered over Michael before sinking into his lap, crossing your legs and settling comfortably. His palms rested on your thighs only to discover they were bare, his fingers brushing over your skin to meet the rising hem of your coat.
“You’re... you’re wearing...”
“Nothing under the coat, darling,” you confirmed with a grin dancing in the curl of your lips, leaning forward to peruse his laptop screen. “Now what were you getting on with before I so rudely interrupted you?”
“Haha, seriously?” Michael snorted dismissively, playfully slapping his hand on your leg. “The fuck am I supposed to work now?”
“Easy, just carry on as if I’m not here.” Looping an arm around his neck and leaning out of his way, you gazed at Michael hoping he would return to his concentrating pose, the Antichrist edition of the Thinker with his chin resting on his fist.
Instead, Michael cocked an eyebrow at you and pouted gently.
“You’re the devil,” he scoffed, agonisingly prizing his hands from your thigh and slamming them to his keyboard.
“The devil’s wife,” you corrected him obediently before dipping into his chest and pressing your cheek to the nape of his neck.
Michael succeeded in signing off two strongly-worded emails before you not-so-innocently shuffled your thighs on his lap, fidgeting softly and letting a sigh tumble from your lips. In return, Michael growled under his breath and cleared his throat.
“That didn’t take you long, princess,” he murmured, typing away the urge to break his concentration.
“What didn’t?” Your coy tone wasn’t fooling either of you but it afforded you another chance before his self control shattered.
“Baby, please...”
This time, you waited on another sternly-tapped email and a call to an Outpost construction manager before trying your luck again.
“Baby,” you cooed lightly, ghosting your fingertips down Michael’s shirt and resting them atop his belt buckle, tapping away impatiently at the metallic obstacle standing in the way of your perfectly-planned seduction. “What would you say to a scheduled work break in, say, one minute?”
You could practically hear Michael’s eyes rolling into his head as you tucked your finger beneath his obstructive pants, his hips weakly bucking into your touch.
“That’s it, Mrs Langdon, stand up.”
“Yes sir,” you complied almost too easily, immediately leaping to your feet. As Michael rose to meet you, he twirled his finger to gesture you to spin on your heels.
“You know what this means, don’t you princess?” Michael’s honeyed tone poured into your ear as he gathered your hair and brushed your locks over one shoulder, leaning in to pepper butterfly kisses into your neck while his hands laid waste to your coat, pooling at your feet.
“Yes, sir,” you fawned, melting into his tender touches knowing full well they’d soon turn into vicious grasps, white knuckles clenched around your throat and livid welts blooming across your backside.
“Lay down on the desk for me, baby girl.”
You obliged, resting your cheek against the cool glass of the table. In sure and certain knowledge of his next move, you linked your hands together and held them behind your back, expecting Michael to wrap his belt around them in a flash.
“Good girl,” he cooed.
The clanking of his buckle sounded softer than usual, slower, tentative. The whoosh of his dress pants tumbling to his feet sounded graceful, delicate, sensual. The hand that rested on your cheek as he lined himself up with your already glistening entrance was gentle, respectful, kind.
Michael’s hips keened towards yours ever so slowly, dipping his tip between your folds at a glacial, teasing pace and bottoming out so gently that you cried out weakly.
“Mi... Michael, why aren’t you—“
“Fucking your brains out?” He finished your sentence with confidence, punctuating with a smooth glide of his length almost all the way out of you, leaving only his tip lightly kissing your core.
Michael leaned down to press his chest flat against your spine, his teasing breaths ghosting over your exposed neck.
“Because that’s exactly what you wanted me to do,” he whispered, curling his hips to pour his shaft inside you even slower. “You teased me gently, so I’m returning the favour.”
“Michael, please...”
“‘Please’ didn’t work for me earlier, sweetheart,” Michael growled lowly, lips spreading into a smile against your skin as he drew his hips back and softly entered you again. Squirming meekly beneath him, your back arched wildly into his tender motions begging for more friction.
“So you’re going to lay there like a good girl and let me make up for that missed date.”
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langdxn · 4 years
How would different stages of Michael react if the reader told him she is pregnant?
okay why would you play with my breeding kink like this 🥵🥵🥵 want a full blurb for one of these or Cody’s other characters? hit me the fuck up
Grunge!Michael is admittedly a little overwhelmed at first, he doesn’t think he’s mature enough to look after a baby. But the moment he drops to his knees and lands his cheek on your tummy, he utterly melts. The lack of visible bump yet doesn’t matter to him, he can feel the new life inside you and he looks up to you with adorable doe eyes. Everything he says for the rest of the day is a cute, innocent question. “We’re having a baby?” He asks in the softest voice, barely containing his excitement. “I’m gonna be a dad?” He’s a very responsible father so he’s often passed out on the couch reading parenting books, trying his hardest for you and your baby. Oh and pregnancy sex. As soon as you’re too big for missionary, he’ll ask you to ride him so he can hold your bump with the biggest smile on his face.
It’s easy to dismiss Hawthorne!Michael as a non-paternal stage but I think he’s quite the opposite, he’s facing his formative years head-on and he’d love knowing that the powers he’s manifesting will carry on with his child. Dispelling all your concerns that a baby would distract him from the Seven Wonders, pregnancy gives him purpose and he becomes fiercely protective of you. “I’ll always look after my girl and our little one, I promise.” He races to your dormitory after class and lays down with a cheek gently pressed on your bump, listening intently to the little heartbeat like it’s the greatest music he’s ever heard. Secretly he’s hoping for a baby boy just like him, but he’d be an equally protective father to a girl too.
Sojourn!Michael has his doubts but the mere thought of seeing you round and swollen with his child just gives him chills. Once you’ve explained that he’s capable of being a perfect father, he never leaves your side unless you demand it and even then, he’s heading to the corner shop to bring you craving supplies. Your sex during pregnancy is gentle and slow, rocking hips, deep and steamy kisses, feather-light strokes and soft declarations of adoration. “You look so beautiful carrying our child.” When you’re in public, he likes to plant a palm on your bump and stroke your baby’s home so the little one knows their dad is with them. The day your baby arrives and he holds your creation in his arms, he leans down to kiss you so deeply and whispers, “Can we try for another as soon as possible?”
The thought of you having F&R!Michael’s baby is electric to him. He can be found drifting in and out of consciousness in Cooperative meetings trying to figure out when and where your baby was actually conceived, you know, just so he knows what works next time you’re trying for a sibling. He’s so grateful you’re giving yourself to him, hushed “thank you”s rolling off his tongue as he holds your bump at night because he can’t sleep otherwise. He adores the freedom of being able to cum inside you for nine straight months but the secret is he loves the pregnancy risk any time, in fact it’s more a challenge than a risk. He loves showing you off wherever he goes, he loves the buzz he gets from people staring and whispering. “Look baby, they know I made you pregnant. They know you’re carrying the future Antichrist.”
Let’s face it, Outpost!Michael is meant to be a dad. Your pregnancy is far from a surprise, he’s been trying every possible technique to get you pregnant for a while now — lying you down on your back to cum inside you properly, pillows under your hips, ensuring you don’t sit up for at least 20 minutes after sex. He’s utterly devoted to you anyway but while you’re pregnant, he’s a touchy-feely, clingy baby. “I wish you could be pregnant all the time.” He’s already fully planned the nursery in his old dorm at Hawthorne and when he’s not nose-deep in Cooperative paperwork, he’s in there making a cot. Have I mentioned he LOVES pregnancy sex, he’s perfect at the slow and sensual lovemaking when you need his gentle touch. Outpost!Michael has a plan when you’re feeling down about your round bump, so he spreads you out on the bed, one hand stroking your bump and the other pumping curled fingers inside you to make you cum so hard you’ll forget your insecurities.
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langdxn · 4 years
Praise kink w/ F&R! Michael ?
DAAAMN this does things to me 💕💕💕 Thank you lovely anon!
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Despite being the Antichrist, Michael Langdon could be nothing short of an angel in the bedroom. Especially after a long day of Cooperative meetings and firing reprimands at the infuriating Mutt and Jeff.
Michael craved obedience and he wasn’t afraid to show his approval when you delivered.
Which is exactly why when he came through the apartment door that night, he needed relief. Fast.
“You’re such a good girl,” he purred as you sank to your knees before him, pressing him against the front door and swiftly freeing his length from his black slacks. “Have I ever told you that?”
“Once or twice, daddy,” you hummed as you licked a stripe from his base to the tip of his cock, veins already standing to attention and twitching sensitively against your lips.
Michael’s fingers raked softly through your hair, one hand nestled deep in your locks and the other smoothing your hair back from your face. As your lips wrapped gently around his tip, you sucked lightly to heighten the sensation as you twirled your tongue over his slit in lazy concentric circles.
“Fuck, you feel so good, princess,” he groaned as his eyes journeyed to the ceiling, hips bucking towards you as you slowly dipped down to take him to the back of your throat.
“I know you can go deeper than that, baby,” he commanded as you complied, hollowing your cheeks and flattening your tongue to slip further down his length, deep moans buzzing through your mouth. “That’s it, keep going, take me down the back of your throat like a good girl.”
The undeniable constriction of your gag reflex knocked on your door but there was nobody home, tears pricking your eyes as you eased your jaw open wider and edged down further until your nose bumped his abdomen. Reaching your limit, you nuzzled into his skin and dipped your jaw to take him completely, the delicate vibrations making Michael’s head swing back and bash against the doorframe.
“Fu—fuck,” he drawled between laboured breaths, reassuringly stroking your hair and keening his hips into you. “You always take me so well, baby girl.”
Gazing up at Michael unravelling under your control, his piercing blue eyes blown with lust and a proud smirk curving his lips, you ramped up the speed of your head bobbing up and down his cock, tongue swirling along the underside of his length.
“You know just how to drive me crazy with that mouth of yours, don’t you princess?” His hips jittered frantically as he failed to control his orgasm, determined to last longer despite your furious pace working on his cock.
“Baby I’m—I’m gonna—“
He stuttered furiously and clasped the back of your head as he toppled over the edge of his climax, at least until you slowly leaned back on your heels, leaving his tip with a crude pop as your lips formed a devious grin.
Michael froze, staring down at you perplexed.
“Honey, what was… I was just about to—“
You eased yourself up to your feet, reaching for his hand to lead him away to the bedroom. “I think that belongs somewhere else tonight, don’t you daddy?”
Michael cocked an inquisitive eyebrow, practically falling over himself to keep up with you as you pulled him through the hall.
“That’s my good girl,” he growled. “I’ve taught you well.”
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langdxn · 4 years
Do you think Micheal Langdon would find pubic hair disgusting? Like how do you think he would want it?
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Oooft on the contrary, I think pubic hair is a big thing for Michael! 😍
Grunge!Michael couldn’t actually imagine you without it, any amount of hair you have is part of you. When he peels away your panties and exposes your hair, he needs a second to compose himself before diving between your legs and growling like an animal. He’d be bereft if you came out of the shower totally clean shaven, he’d probably mourn your hair for a good few days, stroking the soft expanse above your clit as a means of teasing you for teasing him. He may be a rebel child but there are a few things in this world he relies on - Ms Mead’s cooking, Doc Martens and the perfect existence of your pubes.
Hawthorne!Michael is a big fan of landing strips. It’s like a gateway, a big neon Las Vegas sign to what he considers his. When you step out of a bath, you find him waiting by the door with his arms folded. “Drop the towel,” he commands, impatience pouring through every rasp of his tongue. Once you’ve obeyed, eventually, he sinks to his knees and taps your thighs apart. Dipping a curious finger around your folds and tracing the outline, his gaze wanders up your naked form and meets your eyes. “Good girl.”
Sojourn!Michael adores pubic hair - the more the better. He’s partial to ever so slightly brushing his fingers over your hair, savouring the twitches the sensation sends through your lower body. He falls in love with the burn through his palm as he traces circles over your clit, his eyes dart to the back of his head when he feels the sensual tickle when he’s on top of you and your hair tangles recklessly with his own. He doesn’t care for styles, whatever turns you on turns him on and it turns him on a. fucking. lot.
F&R!Michael would happily take a personalised shave any day. His initials are pretty simple to shape just below your panty line, so much that he only has to remember the ML styled into your curls and he calls off the Cooperative meeting, racing back to your shared apartment to shove you back on your bed, settling between your thighs and burying himself in your hair. His eyes burst with lust, mumbling sweet nothings against your pubic bone until he draws up to your face - “this is all mine, you are all mine.”
It’s easy to think of Outpost!Michael as a clean shaven man but he secretly loves a corny heart shape. Seeing you get creative with your pubic hair instantly gets him hard through his velour pants — when you jokingly trim flames into your hair it turns him into a feral beast that spends the next 24 hours pounding you into the mattress. He won’t admit it but the time you perched on his desk, suggestively playing with your hair to distract him from his Cooperative paperwork, is the hottest thing he’s ever seen. That’s why he sacked off work just to punish you over said desk for being “such a needy girl.”
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fckinsupreme · 5 years
Favors - Fire and Reign!Michael x Reader
Description: You work for Mutt & Jeff at Kineros Robotics. Michael Langdon, the rumored Antichrist, saves you from the constant harassment you face in the workplace. You owe him a favor, and it comes in the form that you least expect.
Word count: 8.3k
Warnings: Oh man, where to begin. Uhhh. Mentions of sexual harassment, unprotected sex, public sex, being recorded, female masturbation, titty fucking, overstimulation, daddy kink, dirty talk, squirting, face slapping, genital slapping (brief), degradation, name calling, humiliation, oral sex (female receiving), it’s basically just fucking filthy, y’all.
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A/N: Sorry if anything like this has been done!! Like my last fic, Lesson, I was somewhat inspired to write this after a dream that I had. It was also partly inspired by some anons I’ve been getting, so whoever you are, thank you! I hope y’all like it! 
No copyright infringement intended! Any rights belong to proper shareholders and they deserve the ultimate credit.
If you want to skip straight to the Smut Fest, it begins about halfway through!
Credit to @duncan-shepherd for the gif!
Working at Kineros Robotics hadn’t been your dream job, but you knew that it would have to do for awhile. Despite the fact that you were a fresh college graduate, the company had miraculously accepted you due to the intern experiences you’d racked up during university. Kineros Robotics wasn’t the type of place you imagined you’d be, however. You always saw yourself in an office-type setting, sitting at a desk all day while typing away on a computer. It wasn’t too far from what you were doing here at Kineros, but it was still a far cry from what you’d typically pictured in your mind.
Every morning, you were tasked with bringing coffee to the two bozos you worked under, Mutt and Jeff, and it was something that always filled you with the worst dread imaginable. Almost immediately after you started your job there, the two would harass you every time you brought them coffee or came in for your next assignment. Not in a teasing, banter-type manner, either; it was completely inappropriate, and made you highly uncomfortable. They would comment about the low-cut tops you would wear, how amazing your legs looked in the skirts that you adored, how your hair looked sexy pulled up into a bun or ponytail. On almost every occasion, they would stare you up and down like you were the most appetizing meal they’d ever seen. It made you feel sick to your stomach, every single time. On multiple occasions, you would dip into one of the bathrooms and cry, wishing that you could pull out and find another job elsewhere. You’d tried to find another opportunity, but there were none; no one else would hire someone with so little job experience. You were stuck here for God knew how long, and you weren’t sure how much more of it you could take.
Until the day he came into the picture.
Michael Langdon had been a mysterious figure. From the moment the two of you met, you knew something was strange about him. It was a vibe he gave off; almost dark, repulsive, evil, but also a bit seductive. You couldn’t find it in yourself to stay away, and would actively seek him out when you could. He had been the most beautiful man you’d ever laid eyes on, and you loved admiring him from afar. The way his perfect blond curls fell around his face, the way his brows furrowed when he was focused on something, the way his long, flawless fingers would turn pages of a file he’d been looking at, all made him appear as though he’d stepped out of a Renaissance painting. You couldn’t deny how you fantasized about him, how you wished he would bend you over his desk and fuck you until you were reduced to a speechless, cum-filled mess. Those thoughts always brought you to orgasm at night, lying in your bed with your vibrator or fingers working desperately between your legs. It always filled you with such shame, the fact that you were getting yourself off to your bosses’ new boss. It was the type of shame that made you feel embarrassed for about five minutes, before you were turned on again and wanted to go for round two, or three, or even four. When it came to Michael, you found that you couldn’t be wholly satisfied.
Rumor had it that he was the Antichrist, and that only added more fuel to your lustful fire. You weren’t sure if you actually believed it or not, but Mutt & Jeff seemed thoroughly convinced that he was. You’d overheard them one day, talking about how Michael had destroyed one of their robotic assistants with seemingly-magical flame. It sounded like a bunch of nonsense to your ears, but stranger things had been known to happen--especially with Michael around. Things had a way of mysteriously disappearing, other objects would appear out of thin air or move on their own, and people had quit without just cause. Maybe all of it was purely coincidental, but your intuition told you that it was somehow Michael’s doing. He was definitely pulling the strings around here now--in more ways than one, it seemed.
The two of you barely spoke to each other, until one day when all of that changed.
You’d taken Mutt and Jeff their usual morning coffee, and you’d been wearing a particularly revealing dress that day. The tight red article with the black shawl hadn’t been the best choice to wear to work, especially where two assholes were trying to get into your pants on a daily basis. You hadn’t worn it for them, though. Hell, you didn’t even wear it for yourself. You wore it for Michael, wanting him to finally take proper notice of you and, by some stroke of luck, manifest your desires into reality. But that plan had seemingly backfired when Mutt and Jeff descended upon you like two dogs to a bone, and you sat the coffee down on one of the desks and began to back toward the exit.
“I have to get to work,”  you said, but neither of them were listening.
“You can stay for a little while,” Jeff said. “You can watch us work on our latest model. It might be helpful.”
“Yeah,” Mutt chimed in. “We kinda based her on you.”
“I really should--” you began, but you’re cut off by a male voice somewhere behind you.
“That’s enough. Leave her alone.”
You knew that voice; it haunted your every fantasy and every dream. Turning slowly, your eyes widened in shock when you saw Michael standing in the entrance. He didn’t look pleased; instead, he looked disgusted and angry. His eyes were fixated upon the two men, and you swore that you could see fire burning in those baby blues. He finally looked at you, making a come-hither motion with his finger before turning his gaze back to Mutt and Jeff. You scrambled toward him, and he pushed you behind his back in a protective manner. You weren’t sure why, but that very gesture sent a shot of arousal directly between your legs. Your thighs pressed together in a subtle manner, trying to alleviate the dull throb that was settling in your core.
“Don’t ever do that again,” he warned, his tone venomous as he shifted his gaze between the two. “I mean it. You’ll be sorry if I ever witness or hear of it. Do you remember that little robot girlfriend of yours that I destroyed when you first met me? That will be your fate if you continue to act like a couple of assholes.”
Ah, so he did set fire to one of their models. That was all the confirmation you needed to hear on the Antichrist front, and you had to admit to yourself that it was hot. You weren’t quite sure why that was so exciting to you; maybe it was the taboo of it all, maybe it was the fact that evil, or seemingly evil, beings were sexy as hell. All you knew was that you couldn’t take your eyes off of Michael, noticing how even the back of his head was gorgeous. What you wouldn’t give to run your fingers through that perfect head of curls, to tug on them, to feel them tickling your inner thighs as he ate you out…
No. Now was not the time, nor the place, for that type of thinking.
You smiled behind him, the lower half of your face concealed by his shoulder as you observe the other two men. They’re stunned, so much that they can’t even form a proper sentence. They gape at Michael, then at you, before falling completely silent and going back to work in embarrassment. Michael continued to stare them down until he was certain that they got the message, turning to face you with a hard expression. Then, he took you roughly by the arm and practically dragged you from the room.
“What are you doing?” you questioned, your (e/c) eyes trained upon that beautifully chiseled face. “I could have handled that myself.”
He barked a laugh, eyes narrowed slightly as he pulled you against his strong chest. You can’t help but wonder what he’s doing, or why he’s doing it, but then you feel his mouth at your ear. His breath tickles you, and you have to suppress the shudder that’s threatening to ripple down your spine. His teeth tugged your earlobe between his teeth, and you let out a soft, barely audible whine.
“I know exactly what you’re thinking,” he whispered in your ear, his massive hands perched upon your waist. “You’re aroused by what I just did. I’m not surprised; after all, don’t you think of me at night, when you’re all alone in your bed? Touching yourself under your blankets like a common little whore. Isn’t that right, Y/N?”
You were frozen and absolutely speechless. How did he know about that? Was he spying on you? No, that wasn’t it, and you damn well knew it. He was the Antichrist; you were more than aware of that little fact now. Somehow, being the way he was, he could pick up on your innermost desires and your secrets. You knew that lying wasn’t going to get you anywhere, especially when the truth was glaring him in the face. However, you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right. You were going to deny it until you were blue in the face, if it meant protecting your precious ego.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said, trying to squirm out of his grasp.
His grip tightened on you, and you swore that you could feel his semi-hard cock pressing against your thigh. “I think you do,” he replied. “I know I’m not crazy, Y/N; I can smell your pussy from here. It’s hot for me, and we both know it. Denial will get you nowhere; acceptance will get that needy little pussy railed until you can’t walk straight for a fucking month.”
Your lips had parted, and you resisted the urge to moan aloud. “You just saved me from two harassers back there,” you said, surprising yourself with how level your voice had been. “What do you think you’re doing right now? Isn’t that the definition of sexual harassment?”
Michael hummed for a moment, then released his hold on you. “Have it your way,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Maybe I was going to fulfill your desires, but since you don’t want me to…”
You whined at the loss of contact, and this brought a smug grin from Michael. “I still don’t know what you mean,” you murmured.
“As I said,” Michael said, tucking his hands behind his back. “Have it your way. You’re welcome for what I did back there, by the way.”
You groaned as you watched him walking away, wondering if you really did just let a good opportunity slip through the cracks. It wouldn’t take long for another one to crop up, however.
Three days later, you were trying to adapt to your changed environment at the lab. Mutt and Jeff had finally stopped badgering you, but one of the other women at the facility, Ms. Venable, was still riding your ass about anything she could think of. You hadn’t really noticed how much of a bitch she was toward you before, because you’d been too preoccupied with Mutt & Jeff’s harassment. But now, since they’d started being more respectful toward you, Venable took it upon herself to pick up the slack. Michael had been ignoring you for the most part, since that encounter after he remedied your Mutt & Jeff problem, and you wished he could help you with Venable as well. What you wouldn’t give to watch him put her in her place, to make her submit and ease her mistreatment of you. You knew he was more than capable of it now; you just needed him to catch her in the act, as he did days earlier with the two coked-out idiots.
On that third day, Venable had purposefully knocked her coffee onto the floor, and then blamed you for it as you moved from her desk. You knew that you hadn’t spilled it; for some reason, she’d always had it out for you, and this only proved it even more. You wondered if she was jealous of you, but you couldn’t figure out a reason why. All you knew was that you’d had enough, and you weren’t about to take anymore of her shit--or anyone else’s. Fuck this job, fuck the entire climate in this place, fuck it all. You were done with being treated like either a piece of meat or a doormat, or like you were less than anyone else who worked there. You picked up the now-empty coffee cup and angrily threw it at Venable, which resulted in her shouting in surprise before turning on you with an equally-enraged look in her eyes.
“Wilhemenia,” came Michael’s voice, and your heart began to leap in your chest as you breathed in relief. “You’re being a bad, bad girl.”
Michael strided over to you, giving you a knowing look before his blazing eyes trained upon the other woman. Venable looked horrified by Michael’s presence, and you had to bite back a laugh at her obvious fear. Good; it served her fucking right, always treating you like you were nothing but a mere, incompetent child. Michael took two steps forward, leaning over Venable’s desk so that their noses were practically touching. You could tell, even from where you were standing, that he meant business, and Venable was already trembling in sheer terror.
“Let’s get one thing straight,” Michael practically snarled. “You don’t treat her like she’s nothing but dog shit on the bottom of your fucking shoe. You should be grateful that you have such an obedient little bitch working here, yet you’re acting as though you’re the queen around here. I have news for you: You’re actually not. You don’t run things around here, nor are you her boss. Technically, both of those positions fall to me.”
“But she’s--” Venable began, and Michael silenced her by holding up a hand.
“Enough,” he hissed. “You heard me. She technically works for Mutt & Jeff, not for you. They work for me, which makes me her boss as well. If you don’t want to fall in line of your own accord, Ms. Venable, I’ll make sure that you do. Do we understand each other?”
She nodded frantically, and Michael bounced back with a grin. He pointed at you, then looked back at the shaking redhead at the desk. “Apologize.”
“I-I’m sorry, Miss Y/L/N,” she said, wringing her hands anxiously. “I-It won’t happen again.”
“Make sure that it doesn’t,” you said courageously. “Ever again.”
Michael, now satisfied, moved away from the desk and made his way to you. He took your hand and started guiding you from the area, and you shoot a look over your shoulder at Venable. She was watching the two of you with a stunned expression, and you couldn’t help but feel joyous over what Michael had said to her. Hopefully, that would be the end of her abuse, and you could finally enjoy the peace you were desperately seeking. Michael kept walking until you were both out of sight & earshot, pushing you against the nearest wall in desperation once he was certain the coast was clear.
“You look so good today,” he said, his eyes trailing down to your visible cleavage in the low-cut black top you’d chosen to wear that day. “I could just ravish you against this fucking wall right now.”
A violent shiver cascaded your spine, and you grabbed the back of his neck with a soft whine. You wanted him closer to you, wanted him to take you and make every single fantasy come true right there in the hallway. He started indulging you, his lips finding your neck as your head tilted to the side for better access. He located the sensitive spot on your skin, nipping at it for a moment before sucking harshly. A moan fell from your lips, and you had to bite the lower one to keep yourself quiet. Your hand plunged into his silky hair, twisting your fingers as his lips trailed to your cleavage. His mouth explored every inch of exposed skin, and you felt your panties pooling with even more desire for him.
“Y/N,” he purred, biting the top of one of your breasts. You could feel him smiling against you, and you wondered what he was thinking. “It’s time to get back to work.”
There it was.
He let go of you, adjusting your shirt with the smuggest grin you’ve ever seen on another person. You stared at him, shocked and almost disappointed, as he drew you against him. There was no mistaking it this time; he was hard, and you could feel it bumping your leg. Another throb coursed through your core, and you whimpered needfully. Michael clicked his tongue and then, without warning, he grabbed hold of your pussy and began rubbing it through your pants.
“Tonight,” he whispered as you mewled delightfully, rutting against him for more friction. He let go after a minute, a smile plastered to his full lips. “Stay after closing. Meet me in Venable’s area. Don’t even think about leaving, or not meeting me there as soon as we close. You will be sorry if you disobey. Think of it as owing me a favor, for all I’ve done to help you.”
You couldn’t stop thinking about Michael for the remainder of the day. Work had been hell, because you were unable to focus and had to keep starting over on every task. Your mind would always wander to the last thing he’d said to you, and you were curious as to what he meant. Why did he want to meet you where Venable worked? You’d hoped that he was finally going to fuck you, but why would he ask to meet you there, if that was the case? Why not ask to go home with him, or meet him elsewhere outside of the workplace? Unless--
No. That thought was too dirty and too shameful to even entertain.
You counted down the hours until closing, and practically bolted to Venable’s area once everyone else had cleared out. You were surprised to see Michael already waiting with his back to you, and you couldn’t help but feel a brief moment of horror. What if he thought you weren’t coming? Wasn’t he a little early? Was he already planning a punishment for you, because you were a few minutes late? You shook those dreadful thoughts from your head before cleaning your throat, announcing yourself to him. He turned at once, a grin on his lips as he motioned for you to come closer.
“Y/N,” he said. “I was beginning to think you’d left and disobeyed my orders.”
“Sorry,” you murmured, depositing your purse and laptop bag on the floor before making your way to him. “I didn’t think you’d be here yet.”
“I said at closing,” he replied simply, his hands finding your waist as he licked his lips. “Mmm. Such a good girl, following my commands.”
You fought back a whimper, your eyes trained upon his as your lips open. His praise caused your stomach to tighten in arousal, that familiar ache pulsating throughout your entire lower half. “O-Of course I did. You’re my boss, aren’t you?”
“That’s correct,” Michael said, his tone even as his eyes scanned over your cleavage. He nodded toward your chest, drawing back with a calm smile. “Take off your shirt.”
Your brows shot up in surprise, and you blinked rapidly at him. Did you just hear him correctly? Why on Earth would he want you to take off your shirt, in sight of the security camera in the room? You knew he could get into trouble for just touching you as he did, but then you remember who he is. Of course there wouldn’t be consequences for him; how could there be, when he was the Antichrist? He could get away with anything, and you weren’t sure if that thought pissed you off, or turned you on even more.
“Excuse me?” you managed.
“Take off your shirt,” he repeated. “I won’t ask you again. Consider this part one of the favor you owe me.”
You didn’t like the sound of his voice as he uttered those last words. His tone was absolutely lethal, and you know better than to not follow through. Besides, you really wanted to do it, and who were you to deny what you both desired? You grabbed the ends of your black top, pulling it over your head and discarding it to the floor. Your black, lacy bra was revealed to him, your hardening nipples poking through the thin fabric. Michael noticed right away, closing the space between the two of you as he rubbed one between his fingers. You moaned, arching slightly and pressing your thighs together to quell the worsening ache between your legs.
“Naughty girl,” he chided, grabbing one of your bra straps and snapping it against your skin. You yelped in surprise, your hips rolling upward in response. “You wore this for me, didn’t you? You didn’t wear it for those two coke-head assholes; you wore it all for me.”
You could only nod, not caring anymore about your pride. He was right, and you were both more than aware of it. Of course you hadn’t worn it for Mutt or Jeff; you disliked them with every fiber of your being. Something told you that Michael was actually jealous of them, and you felt dizzy with arousal at the very thought. Your breath hitched, his large hands making their way to your back as you anticipated his next move. He caressed the skin there, causing you to gasp at the sensation, before he unhooked your bra. You looked at him, eyes on his as he pulled the bra from your arms and threw it aside.
“Perfect,” he murmured as he studied your bare breasts, his hands beginning to toy with them. “Do you know what I’d like to do to them?”
“Suck on them?” you asked, a (b/c) brow raised. “That’s what most men like, anyway.”
His jaw was hard-set as you spoke, and you shivered under his gaze. “No. While that idea is very nice and very tempting, I had something else in mind.”
He jerked a thumb toward Venable’s desk, and you studied him in confusion. He repeated the gesture, and you wondered what he was wanting you to do. It took a moment for it to click, and your eyes widened in shock as you shook your head quickly. Your earlier thought, the one that you wouldn’t dare think about, was actually on its way to coming true. “No. Michael, there are cameras in here.”
“So?” he asked, tweaking your nipples between his fingers as you gasped in pleasurable surprise. “Who cares?”
“I care!” you cried. “I could lose my job, if someone sees.”
“You won’t,” he assured. “If they try, I’ll reduce them to a pile of ash. Do you really want to disobey me, princess? You know what happens to people who don’t do as I ask. So, get up on her desk and lie flat on your back. Do it now, and maybe I won’t punish you severely for your disobedience.”
You scrambled toward the desk without another word, clearing off some of the items for more room. Michael unzipped his black pants, letting them pool around his ankles before stepping out of them and kicking them aside. You noticed that he was already hard, the outline of his erection straining against his silk boxers. He yanked them down to join his pants, and you felt your pussy clenching at the mere sight of his exposed cock. He was massive, bigger than any man you’d ever been with in the past. He was thick, long, veiny, and perfectly constructed;. you could see no flaw whatsoever. It occurred to you, in that very moment, that Michael Langdon was a truly perfect being, a true dark angel sent to Earth from Heaven--or was it Hell, in this case?
“Michael,” you breathed. “Fuck.”
He was smug, grinning at you before climbing onto the desk. He straddled your torso, and you knew straight away what his plan was for you. You felt your cunt pulsating with want, and the sudden urge to start touching yourself was as strong as it had been all day. You didn’t touch yourself, however; you wouldn’t dare at this point. Instead, you salivated as you studied his dick, bobbing obscenely as he positioned himself into a proper, comfortable position on his knees. His cock was in front of you now, lined up with your breasts as he planted himself firmly on both hands. He placed his cock between your breasts once he was settled, the heavy weight of it against your sternum causing you to moan with need.
“I want you to push your tits together for me,” he instructed. “Both hands, and keep hold of them until I say otherwise. Understand?”
You nodded, and did as you were told without a moment’s hesitation. Your hands smashed your breasts against his cock, which elicited a loud, pleasurable groan from Michael. It had been a long time since you’d allowed a man to fuck your tits, and none of them had ever come close in size or ability to Michael; you already knew that to be true. You watched hungrily as he started thrusting, the sensation of his large cock between your sensitive breasts causing you to moan delightfully. You tilted your head back to look at him, admiring how beautiful he was with his face twisted in ecstasy and golden hair spilling into his eyes. He looked like an angel, one that strived for living as sinfully as possible. After all, who else would look as ravishing while committing sin? Only the Antichrist, that was who.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this?” he questioned. “How long I’ve desired fucking these perfect tits? It’s all I could think about from the moment I met you. Remember that tight little tank top you wore on the day we met? Your tits were practically spilling out of it. Do you know what I did, right after we spoke? I went into my office and jerked off to the thought of sticking my cock between them.”
You whined at his words, arching your back as his thrusts became jerkier and more sloppy. You wondered how much longer he was going to last, and you wrapped your hand around the base of his cock as a test. You started jerking him off in time with his thrusts, wondering if he would retaliate or berate you for doing something without his permission. He stopped at once, shifting so that he was hovering over you. He reached down, slapping your face and grabbing your throat, his eyes fiery and dangerous.
“No,” he hissed. “Don’t do anything without my permission. If you listen and be a good little girl, you’ll get a reward after I cum. If you don’t? Then you can walk out of here with nothing in return.”
A loud, drawn-out whine fell from your lips, but it soon turned into a moan as you he let go of your throat and moved back into position. You pushed your tits together again once he laid his cock between them, feeling him twitch almost immediately. You used your thumb and forefinger on each hand, rubbing your nipples as you kept a strong hold on your breasts. He began moving at a faster pace, and it didn’t take long before he was cumming all over your chest with an appreciative groan. Some of it splashed onto your throat and into your hair, but you weren’t paying any mind at that point. That was the hottest thing you’d experienced in quite awhile, and you weren’t about to complain. You relaxed against the desktop, panting along with Michael, his fingers gathering some of his seed and holding it to your lips.
“Taste,” he ordered. “I want you to taste what you did to me.”
You didn’t hesitate, grabbing his wrist and sucking the cum from his fingers. He tasted so good, surprisingly sweet, and you mewled gratefully around him. Your eyes slipped closed, tongue swirling innocently around his fingertips. You slowly open your eyes to look at him after a few seconds, reveling in how lust-filled his oceanic hues were. They were completely fixated on you, and you hollowed your cheeks for a moment before deep-throating his fingers. You gagged teasingly, moaning as he growled in response. He couldn’t take it anymore, and pulled his fingers from your mouth while you whined in protest.
Still wanting more of his cum, your fingers collect more of it from your upper chest and draw them toward your mouth. He forcefully grabs your wrist and redirects it to his own lips, gripping tightly as he does so. You watched in awe as he removed his own essence from his fingers, and it caused another bolt of arousal to shoot to your already-aching pussy. You were more than aware of how wet you were at this point, but you were too far gone in your desire to care.
“You’ll get your reward a little later,” he said, sitting back and getting off of the desk. He dragged Venable’s chair so that it was right in front of you, plopping down and gesturing toward your clothed lower-half. “Take off your pants and your underwear. We’re about to enter phase two of your favor.”
You sit up, legs shaking in need as you tug off your pants and your lace, cheeky panties. Michael took the underwear, completely soaked through by then, and pocketed them with a smirk. You didn’t question what he was doing; instead, you exposed your dripping cunt to him, feeling a bit humiliated over how wet you truly were. You were leaking onto Venable’s desk, and the thought made you feel so deplorable. It also wasn’t helping that the security camera had been trained on the two of you the entire time, and you felt both filthy and oddly horny over the thought of someone seeing this at some point. It was almost embarrassing, but Michael was feeding off of it; you didn’t have to be a mind reader to know that. It was written all over his body language, over how he was presenting himself to you while knowing that you were possibly being watched, either now or later. He was a fucking asshole, but you wouldn’t have it any other way; you were just as turned on by it as he was, after all.
“Show me,” Michael said, crossing his legs as he settled further into the chair.
“Show you what?” you asked, sitting up on your elbows to get a better look at him.
“Show me how you touch yourself when you’re all alone,” he replied, arms perched upon the rests on either side of the seat. “I want to see how you get yourself off to me.”
You swallowed, feeling very nervous all of a sudden. You didn’t know why; after all, this was a man whose cum was drying on your skin and in your hair, and one that you’d craved since you met him. There was a thought in the back of your mind, one that kept nagging at you about his preferences. What if he didn’t like how you touched yourself? What if that made him unhappy? Then again, maybe he would show you how to do it properly, if that was the case. You didn’t have much time for hesitation; if you did, he would surely get angry and you would mostly definitely be in for a whole world of regret.
Pushing the negative thinking from your mind, you decided to get down to business. One of your hands slowly trailed down your body, wanting to add to his growing anticipation. He examined you, eyes devouring your every single move as your fingers edged closer to your soaking cunt. You spread your legs a bit further apart, wanting him to see all of you as your fingers finally land on your core. Your digits ghost over the outer lips, hissing softly as you felt the slippery wetness that had accumulated there. You looked at him, his eyes glued to your cunt as he growled impatiently.
“No teasing,” he demanded. “I know that isn’t how you do it. You always dive right in, because you’re too fucking horny for me to have any sense of build up. Go on. Make Daddy proud and show him how you do it.”
Nodding slowly, your fingers traveled from your outer labia, to your entrance, and finally, to your clit. You sucked in a harsh breath, exhaling shakily as you start rubbing the small bundle of nerves. Your back arched, and you can hear Michael’s breathing begin to pick up as your fingers circle the area around your clit. You moaned filthily, your free hand playing with one of your breasts as you squeeze the nipple. Michael sat forward in the chair, wanting to see everything you were doing to yourself because of him. You were more than aware of his new position, and you smirked to yourself as you squirmed needfully. Your fingers massaged the inner lips of your pussy, more wetness oozing out of you and onto the desk below. Your eyes squeezed shut, head tipping back as more dirty sounds fill the air around the two of you.
“Show me,” he rasped. “Show me what else you do. I know this isn’t everything, you little cumdoll.”
Your (e/c) eyes snapped open at the derogatory nickname, taking in the marvelous sight of him before you. He was still settled into the chair, licking his lips as he watched your fingers moving over your slick folds. You continued working your lips open before pushing a finger inside of yourself. You cried out, your free hand moving from your breast to grip at the hard, smooth surface of the desk. You made a fist, trying to grab anything below you for leverage, knuckles blotched white as you shoved your finger in to the last knuckle. Michael’s breathing began to hitch, a growl-like “fuck” falling past his perfect, plump lips.
“You’re so wet,” he commented, towing the chair a bit closer and meeting your eyes as you pump your finger in and out. “Listen to that. Do you hear how disgusting and obscene that sounds? You’re such a dirty girl, aren’t you? Dirty for me, and only me.”
The squelching, filthy, downright sinful sounds of you finger-fucking yourself had been hard to ignore. Michael pointing it out had only humiliated you further, but it added fuel to your burning arousal for him as well. It also tightened that coil in your stomach, the one that had been threatening to break free all day, and you aren’t sure how long you’d be able to keep this up. You were dangerously close, your body writhing and bucking instinctively with every touch and every sensation of your own hand. Your thumb began playing with your clit, and you could feel Michael’s gaze practically burning a hole in you now.
“Say my name,” he demanded. “Add another finger. Come on, I fucking know that you can do better than this. Show. Me.”
You complied at once, inserting a second finger inside of yourself and moaning at the pornographic sound it made. “Michael,” you mewled. “Mmm...Daddy…”
“That’s a good girl,” he said. “Keep it up. Fuck yourself on those pretty fingers for me. I want you to make yourself cum thinking about me, just like you do every single night. Don’t you dare hold back; do it exactly as you do when you’re at home and your sinful little thoughts turn to me.”
Your stomach coiled even further, and you can feel it preparing to snap. You pressed a third finger inside, despite not having permission, but Michael didn’t seem to mind. He was enjoying this, watching you work yourself to orgasm because of him and only him. You pumped and curled your fingers, rubbing that sweet spot inside of you as your thumb worked relentlessly against your clit. You brought your other hand back to your breast, rubbing the nipple as hard as you can manage while continuing to play with your pussy. You squirmed in delight, pinching and pulling the sensitive nub as Michael snarled in response.
“Cum,” he hissed. “Do it. Show me the mess you can make.”
Those words, coupled with everything you were doing to yourself, sent you into complete overload. You came forcefully, screaming his name and gushing all over the desk’s surface. Your body vaulted and convulsed, legs shaking violently and eyes closed as you fucked yourself through your orgasm. Your body was a tremor, your moans hoarse and full of nothing but euphoria as you rode out your high. You were breathless, breathing heavily as you withdrew your fingers from your pussy. Michael stood from where he was seated, grabbing your saturated, sticky fingers and holding them to his lips. He placed all three of them inside of his mouth, moaning vehemently as he took in your taste.
“All mine,” he said once he removed them, kneeling in front of your still-open legs. “This pussy, this ass, those tits, this body...all of it is mine now. Those two nerds think they have some kind of weird claim to you, even though you never gave them the light of day? If they could see you now. If only they could see what a shameless, needy little cockslut that you’re being for me. They wouldn’t know what to think, would they? You’re all mine. ALL mine.”
You didn’t argue. Mostly because you knew there was no point, and also because you were too blissed out to even speak. He gripped your thighs, pressing open-mouthed kisses over the insides before leaving a few hickeys in his wake. Teeth sink into your lower lip, taking in how utterly breathtaking he was in that position. More wetness spreads through your core, mostly from the excitement of what’s to come but also partly due to how focused he is on making you feel good. You reached down, one hand winding in his soft hair as he worked from the top of your thighs to the groin on each side. He hooked your legs over his shoulders, bringing your pussy closer to his face as he hummed in appreciation.
“So wet,” he pointed out again, licking over the outside of your cunt as his eyes bore into yours. “Mmm, it tastes much better from the source. It’s as sweet as nectar, did you know that? Tell me who you belong to, whore. Tell me who owns this beautiful fucking pussy.”
“You do,” you whimpered. “Please, Michael. It’s really sensitive--”
“Don’t whine,” he barked. “Take what I give you, or do without. You should be thankful that I’m even doing this at all, you fucking brat. This is your reward for being so obedient earlier, as well as part three of your favor; don’t make me regret it.”
You fell back against the desk, not willing to protest anymore. Michael wasted absolutely no time, delving deeply into your pussy and devouring you like you were the first meal he’d had after a long illness. Your hips bucked slightly, pulling his hair as he pushed all of the right buttons with his skilled tongue. Your body was still shaking from your last orgasm and that, coupled with him exploring your sensitive, overstimulated cunt, felt almost too good to bear. You desperately crave more of him, and you spread your legs as wide as they will go to allow him better access.
“Michael,” you moaned, nails digging into his scalp as he pressed his tongue inside of you. “Oh, fuck--”
“So fucking good,” he said, icy blue hues on your face as he gripped your thighs tightly enough to bruise. You were certain that there would be fingertip-shaped marks there tomorrow, and the thought only excited you more. “Such a sweet little princess pussy you have, pet. Tell me, are you Daddy’s good little whore? After all, who else would wet their panties and dress like a common slut, if not to please me? Say it. Say, ‘I’m your good little whore.’”
“I’m your good little whore,” you repeated, your free hand flying down to join the other in his blond curls. “Please, Michael.”
“Please what?” he questioned, pulling your clit between his lips and giving it a hard suck. He pinned your hips down, holding you against the desk at his mercy, your body beginning to tremble with desire. “What do you want from me, princess?”
“Fuck!” you nearly screamed, attempting to push your hips further into his face for more. “Please don’t stop. I’m begging, please don’t stop what you’re doing. I’ll do anything for you to keep going.”
“I don’t plan on stopping until you cum for me again,” he stated, fingers pushing your lips open as far as he can manage. His tongue explored the areas now exposed to him, areas that you weren’t even sure you had before. You pulled a fistful of his hair so forcefully that it brought him back to your clit, and kitten-licked it for a moment before resuming his earlier actions. “You hot fucking bitch. Are you going to make a mess on Daddy’s face? All over that cunt Venable’s desk?”
You nodded rapidly, your (e/c) eyes meeting his cool baby blues as he ate your pussy like it was the last time he’d ever get the luxury. He pulled your inner labia between his lips, sucking generously before finding your clit again. He sucked as hard as he could, and you knew that he was just coaxing another orgasm out of you. It was his silent permission, his plea, and you didn’t need to be told twice. You cried out his name repeatedly, like a prayer, squirting all over his face as your second climax hit. It rocked your whole body, your eyes rolling back as your nails tore at his scalp and pornographic noises spilled from your mouth. Your fingers ripped some small strands of his hair out, and it was enough to make him groan filthily against your overcharged pussy.
“That’s my good girl,” he cooed as the aftershocks washed over you, his tongue licking up any excess cum on your skin. “You did so well, making a mess like I asked.”
A dazed grin painted your features, and he released his hold on your hips. You whined from the loss of contact as he stood, watching through the haze of ecstasy as he discarded the remainder of his clothing. He was hard again, his cock bobbing with every movement he made. He climbed on top of you, throwing your legs over his waist and rubbing his erection against your super-sensitive clit. You tried to push away from him, but his iron grip held you firmly in place as he shook his head.
“Michael,” you groaned. “No more. I can’t--”
He reached between the two of you, slapping your pussy as harshly as he could muster. The wet cracking sound, coupled with the pain, caused you to cry out in a mixed moan. Michael smirked, completely satisfied with what he’d just done. “You can, and you will. Besides, I think you’re just dying for my thick cock inside of that needy cunt. I know you are; after all, why else would you fuck yourself on your fingers, if not for the fact that you want me to fuck you?”
You could only nod, knowing how correct he was and being too tired and too horny to fight it. Your legs tightened around his waist, and he took that as a sign to plunge inside of you. Your nails dug into his back, head falling against the desk in your filthiest moan yet. You could feel the stinging burn as he stretched your walls, clenching instinctively as you tried to adjust to his massive girth. He was moaning in your ear, pushing himself deeper until he was in to the hilt. You gazed up at him, your eyes heavily lidded before you looked toward the camera in the corner. You wondered if someone would come for both of you, but you dared them to try. Michael would burn them to a crisp before they even opened their damn mouths, and you knew it. But not before he gave them all an even bigger show, fucking you so hard into the desk that it collapsed under the momentum. Now, you almost wished someone would come in and bust you, if that was the scenario that would happen.
“Michael,” you sighed pleasurably. “Please.”
“Mmm, what do you need, pet?” he asked. “Tell Daddy what you want.”
“Fuck me,” you pleaded. “Thrust, move, just please. Please fuck me.”
“You want me to pound that slutty pussy?” he drawled, pulling out almost completely before slamming back inside of you with a strangled mewl. “Is that what you want?”
“Yes!” you cried, gripping his back in an attempt to draw him closer against you. “Michael!”
He chuckled, beginning to slowly fuck into you. You hummed, rutting against him impatiently, but one stern look from him made you stop. It didn’t take long for him to build a rhythm, gradually increasing in speed with each thrust. You wiggled beneath him, one hand in his hair as the other remained on the back of his shoulder, and he shuddered pleasurably at the contact. He soon found a quick, rough pace, the sounds of sex filling the room as your skin slapped together. You yanked at his hair, brushing some of it from his eyes as he peered at you. He pressed his lips to yours in a sudden kiss, and it didn’t take long for it to turn hot, messy, and downright filthy.  You could taste yourself on his tongue, and you drew him closer as your tongue pushed deeper inside of his mouth. He responded by pulling your lower lip between his teeth, biting so hard that a small bead of blood formed. He simply licked it away, thrusting so vigorously inside of you that you became worried about sliding off of the desk altogether.
“Michael,” you sighed against his lips.
“Fucking whore,” he replied, pulling back from the kiss. A string of saliva connected your lips to his, but neither of you did anything about it. You let it break on its own, and Michael’s movements became sloppier as he twitched inside of you. “Do you want Daddy to fill up this filthy pussy? Do you want to go home with my cum leaking out of you? As shameless as you are, I wouldn’t be fucking surprised.”
“Yes,” you said. “Please, I want it all. I want you to cum inside of me and make me an even bigger mess than I already am. Please, Daddy.”
“So depraved,” he panted, reaching underneath you to prop your hips up a bit more. “What a depraved little cunt you are.”
The new angle allowed him to hit directly into your G-spot, and you swore that you could see stars bursting over your vision. You clenched around him, the tightness in your stomach building and building until it finally exploded. You were cumming for the third time, your liquid coating his cock in fresh wetness as you moaned his name. Your nails scratched down his back, drawing blood, while your free hand yanked at his hair again. He watched as you unraveled on his cock, and the sight of it sent him to his own orgasm. He came deeply inside of you, painting your walls in his thick, sticky seed, collapsing on top of you as he tried to collect himself. He pulled out, and you felt his cum leaking out of you and onto the desktop.
“Fucking hell,” you said, chest heaving and a dazed grin on your face. “That was...wow.”
“I know,” he says smugly, sitting up and admiring his work. “Look at that. You’re oozing all over her workspace.”
“I should clean that up,” you said, sitting up and swinging your legs over the edge of the desk.
“No,” Michael said. “Don’t. Leave it. I want her to see exactly what happens when you fuck with me, or with you. Maybe this will teach that uppity, queen-bee bitch a lesson on who she fucking works for and what happens when you act like you’re in charge.”
You shivered at the thought, and a smirk tilts your lips upward as you stood to retrieve your clothes. “Yeah, and maybe the security guards will show her the tape, too. Just so she can see what actually went on in here.”
“I’ll make sure that she does, trust me,” Michael stated, following suit and grabbing his own clothing from the floor. “Y/N?”
“I want you in my office, first thing tomorrow morning. I think I need you to show me a few more things that we didn’t get to cover tonight.”
You hooked your bra back on, adjusting it accordingly before pulling your shirt over your chest. “Like what?”
He sauntered over to you, fingers ghosting over the dried cum on your chest with a thoughtful grin. “I want you to show me how far you can take my cock down that perfect little throat of yours. Maybe, if you do it to my liking, I’ll let you ride me. You’ll get a chance to show me just how good of a cockwhore you truly fucking are.”
Taglist! (if you want to be added in the future, let me know!)
@littledemondani, @diamcndscarred, @svjourn, @icylangdon, @queencocoakimmie, @codyswhore, @sebastianshoe, @rocketgirl2410, @hisgirlwonder, @lokixadcmxaddict, @sherlocklaufeyson, @disa, @hxdesworld, @w0nder-marie, @hplotrfan, @holylangdon, @losers-club6, @langdonsdemon, @melodylangdon, @idespac, @femaleantichrist, @kiiteiru, @chaoticevillangdon, @lotsofhunny, @dcvilrising, @maso-xchrist, @lvnabanana, @femaleantichrist
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fckinsupreme · 5 years
Consequences - Fire & Reign!Michael x Fem!Reader
Description: Michael Langdon was always breathtaking, but when he walks into a meeting wearing an equally-beautiful outfit, how can you resist looking away? It also doesn’t help that Michael notices you staring, and makes sure that you regret it.
Word count: 6.6k
Warnings: Orgasm denial, face-fucking, cunnilingus, dirty talk, spanking (with belt & hands), gential slapping (with belt & hands), choking, face slapping (brief), degradation, name calling, fingering, it’s just really dirty, guys.
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A/N: This fic is more of an extension of this ask, sent in to me by @kiiteiru! This took me 84 years to write, I’m sorry for the long wait for some of y’all! I hope you like it :)
No copyright infringement intended! Any rights belong to proper shareholders and they deserve the ultimate credit.
Also, this takes place sometime after Fire & Reign, and sometime before the Outpost!
Credit to @spellman for the gif!
“Does anyone know what this meeting is about?”
You looked over at Jeff, one of your co-workers at Kineros Robotics, who had spoken around a mouthful of peanuts. The other employees, too few since Michael Langdon’s arrival at the facility, seemed just as clueless. All you knew was that Michael and that odd robotic mother of his, Ms. Mead, were calling an emergency meeting in the conference room. They had requested that everyone be present, and to be gathered around the table at noon sharp. The atmosphere of the room was one of tension and anxiety, and you couldn’t help but wonder if it was warranted. A meeting was a meeting, but this felt...different, somehow. Almost as if something terrible was looming just on the horizon for today.
You fidgeted in your chair, suddenly nervous about the prospects of the meeting. You were aware of who Michael was, what his nature had been, and about his grandiose plans of ending the world. You were also more than familiar with how devastatingly handsome he was, and those feelings of lust you felt toward him always made you feel morally compromised. You knew that was he something meant to be feared, the monster that hid in every dark shadow just waiting to strike. Even still, he was an evil being in quite a beautiful package, and you honestly didn’t mind the possibility of losing yourself in that type of sin.
He was evil, wasn’t he? You couldn’t be entirely sure, but someone who would kill billions of innocent people in a nuclear apocalypse couldn’t be a good person. But, maybe you had him all wrong; at least, that’s what you’d hoped. You had always been told to beware the most beautiful people, but with Michael, you were drawn to him like a moth to a flame. How could you ever resist staring at and fantasizing about him, especially when he looked so damn good? It was dirty, it was wrong, but somehow, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop. Michael was your kryptonite, it seemed; the ultimate weakness that would inevitably lead to your downfall.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as the conference room door opened, and Ms. Mead strolled in. She was in her usual all-black ensemble, her short dark hair gelled back in her typical style. She positioned herself at the head of the long table, hands clasped together in front of her. She scanned each employee with cold, unreadable eyes, getting a final head count before nodding to herself. She stood tall, shoulders drawn back confidently as the door swung open once more.
Your breath caught in your throat as Michael came into view from the doorway. Gone were his black trenchcoat, the dark jeans and shirt, the fancy gloves, the expensive silk scarves. Today, he was wearing a sheer black, striped top, with matching long sleeves, black ruffles at the neck & wrists, and a long, dark cape clasped shut with a fancy, decorative silver chain. His pants were still black, but were a bit looser and dressier than his usual choice. Shiny dark boots adorned his feet, and several rings--some large and taking up space below his second knuckle--decorated his elegant fingers. His blond curls were just as messy, yet as perfectly styled, as they always had been. He strode into the room with such commanding energy, that no one could take their eyes off of him. But Michael wasn’t looking at them, and pretended as though he hadn’t noticed their comical ogling.
Instead, he was looking at you.
Michael’s gaze on you was so penetrating, so fucking intimidating, that you looked away immediately. One of your co-workers, a girl around your age, was completely entranced by him. She was sitting up straight, twirling her hair around her finger as she bit into her lower lip. She was hypnotized, and you couldn’t stop the intense pang of jealousy at the sight. Michael, however, wasn’t giving her or anyone else the time of day; he was still fixated on you. You didn’t have to look up to see that, for you could feel his eyes on you. It was a burning, gnawing sense that you felt deep within, and you began to wonder what was running through his mind. Whatever it had been, your gut was telling you that it couldn’t have been good.
“Thank you all for coming,” Michael began, and you willed yourself to give him your attention. You didn’t meet his eyes directly; rather, your gaze shifted to the table in front of him. “This will be brief, but it is of the utmost importance.”
You dared yourself to finally meet his eyes, sighing in relief when you saw him scanning everyone else but you. Mutt squirmed uncomfortably in his chair, Jeff was still eating peanuts (albeit much more slowly), and Ms. Venable was leaning forward attentively. Something told you that she wasn’t interested in what he was saying, however; you could practically smell the desire oozing from her. You couldn’t judge or blame her, though, not when you had been experiencing the same thing for months now. How were you supposed to focus on the topic at hand when Michael was wearing that? There was an ache settling in your core, and you wiggled a bit in an attempt to alleviate the pressure.
“As you know,” Michael continued, his icy gaze returning to you. Your stare was averted, cheeks flushed in a soft pink hue. “The apocalypse will be upon us soon,”
The reminder sent a jolt of fear through your entire body, and you gulped audibly. No one had noticed because they were too busy ogling Michael, captivated by his sex appeal. None of them seemed to be scared about the impending doom. Of course they weren’t; how could they be afraid, while being transfixed on the most angelic man in existence? He was truly was like an angel in their minds, eradicating humanity and rebuilding the world anew. It was fucking insane, and almost cult-like, but you were as much a part of this as everyone else here. There was no stopping it, so why not embrace your fate--and Michael himself?
As if Michael had sensed your unease--and, honestly, he probably did--he grinned at the small crowd. You glanced up, only to see that he was still focused on you. Instead of looking away, you decided to maintain eye contact. You couldn’t find it in yourself to stop staring; part of you was afraid, and the other part was completely pulled in by his alluring gaze. It felt as though he was drawing your soul to him, to claim as his own for a gift to his father. 
He wouldn’t do that, though...right? 
“Don’t worry,” Michael assured, his tone dripping with false sweetness. You blushed as his oceanic eyes bored deeper into your (e/c) ones, and you shifted your eyes to your own lap. It seemed as though he were speaking directly to you with those two little words, and you began to feel uneasy. “The very few of you who remain here have been assigned to the various outposts we have set up. This meeting is to give you the location and number of your outpost, so that you & your immediate families can prepare and arrive on time.”
Ms. Mead began handing out pieces of paper--outpost instructions, no doubt. When you receive yours, you see “Outpost Three” written in big letters at the top of the paper. Below were directions on how to get to the printed location. You were delighted to see that Outpost Three was in California, meaning you wouldn’t have to travel to another state for refuge. You placed the sheet of paper in front of you, your eyes finding Michael after a moment. He was observing you, almost predator-like, and your cheeks transformed from slightly pink to deep crimson. He smirked at you, standing erect and clearing his throat amidst the chatter that filled the large space.
“If you have an issue with your assigned outpost,” he said calmly, “then you can die with everyone else. These decisions are final, and you should be grateful for this opportunity. Any questions?”
Everyone stirred uncomfortably, completely silent. Michael clapped his hands together, then said: “Dismissed. Except for you, Y/N. We have other matters that we must discuss before you can resume your daily work.”
Now, all of the people in the room were watching you. Venable studied you distastefully, while Mutt & Jeff appeared to be highly concerned. You gave the two of them a trusting smile, one which said, “it’s okay,” but was it? Why did Michael really want you to stay behind? Maybe he needed some insight into something, or maybe he wanted to ask if you could help Mutt & Jeff with any remaining outpost assignments. Kineros employees & their families got in for a small fee, but others had to buy very expensive tickets. Perhaps those hadn’t been assigned or categorized yet? That had to be what Michael wished to talk about; there was no other explanation.
Ms. Mead seemed genuinely confused, however. Her eyes flickered to Michael, brows furrowed slightly, and Michael rested his hands upon her shoulders in a reassuring manner. He nodded, and she mirrored the action, glancing quickly in your direction before filing out of the room. You remained seated, eyes on the floor as you tried your hardest to avoid him. The fact that he was wearing such a sexy outfit, coupled with being alone in the room with him, had only added to your growing excitement.
“Stand, Y/N,” Michael commanded stoically. “Now.”
You did so, bringing yourself to your feet on wobbly legs. You kept your gaze to the ground, adjusting your dress so that it didn’t stick to the back of your thighs. Michael took a few steps toward you, and your heart began to hammer in your chest as he grew closer. You could practically feel the heat radiating off of his body, and before you knew it, he was coercing your head upward with an unseen force. Now, you had no choice but to look at him, and his face was right in yours.
“Look at me,” he hissed. “You had no issue staring at me during the meeting. Little bashful lamb, unable to stop her lustful temptations for her own boss. It’s so fucking deplorable that it’s laughable.”
“Everyone was looking at you, though,” you pointed out, a nervous lump forming in your throat. “You were speaking. Isn’t that the polite thing to do? Look at the person who’s talking and give them your undivided attention?”
To your surprise, Michael began to laugh. “You’re right, but none of them were being as shy or as sinful as you. I can read your thoughts, Y/N. I know exactly what you were thinking, and your mind was loud and clear as soon as I walked in here.”
Another wave of heat rushed to both of your cheeks and to your core, and you tried looking away. Michael wasn’t having it; with his mind, he forced you to keep your eyes on him. Tears prickled in your (e/c) hues, threatening to spill in your shameful, vulnerable state. Michael was triumphant, as if he wanted this to happen. One heavily-jeweled hand found your throat, wrapping around it without squeezing. His touch caused you to shiver, your eyes taking in the sight of his sheer-covered chest.
“I knew you’d never be able to resist this outfit,” he purred, applying the softest pressure to your throat before letting go. “A slut like you? There’s no way you wouldn’t lust for it. As it turns out, I was correct in that assumption. I was going to let you go if you’d behaved yourself and not gaped at me as though I were fresh meat. Since that didn’t happen, then we need to arrange a little punishment for you.”
He couldn’t be serious. Was he actually going to punish you for something so trivial? How were you supposed to know about his little “no staring” policy? He couldn’t expect you to not look at him when he was wearing something so elegant, so stunning, something that made him look like an even bigger sex god than he already was? Then again, he had admitted to wearing it to get a rise out of you on purpose, which meant he’d been planning this well in advance. Quite strategically, too, from the appearance of the clothing.
That fucking asshole.
“I don’t have time for this,” you said, taking a step toward the door. “I have work to do.”
That had been a mistake. Michael immediately flicked his wrist, sending you flying into the table. You hit face-down with a groan, and he was already upon you before you had a chance to process what had happened. He flipped you roughly onto your back, grabbing your throat more forcefully than he had previously, and pulled you into a sitting position. You gasped around him, wheezing as your hand clawed at his relentless grip. He smiled sadistically, his free hand cracking down on your thigh as you let out a strangled yelp.
“I think I need to make one thing very well known,” he breathed. “You work for me. You are mine to do with as I please. You do not get to disobey me, or act as though you’re superior to me. There’s no free pass or exceptions to that rule. I am the spider, and you, my dear pet, are the fly.”
He released your throat, and you gulped air into your needy lungs as you coughed. You rubbed the skin he’d had hold of, the skin already blooming in bruises as your pussy began to clench. All you could do was nod in response, his hand slowly traveling up your thigh. You shivered at the sensation of the cool metal rings on your hot skin, biting your lip to suppress a moan. You met his eyes, caught in his gaze as he hummed appreciatively, his large hand sliding further up your leg.
“I’ve always noticed how much you’ve stared at me in the past,” he stated. “Do you want to know why I’m punishing you for gawking today? Because out of everyone who works here, you are the biggest whore. Do you know what happens to little whores who get wet pussies for their boss?”
“They get punished?” you said flatly.
“Precisely,” Michael answered, his hand creeping under your dress and resting just below your cunt. You whined and tried to rut into his touch, but Michael slapped your other thigh in response. “Shh. That isn’t being a good girl, now, is it? I’ve lured you in, even more-so than I already had. I don’t intend to let this go to waste. Do you want to know something else?”
You nodded, lips parted as he moved in for a kiss. Only, the kiss never came. Instead, his fingers began ghosting over the soaked gusset of your panties, mouth hovering mere inches from yours. You desperately wanted to close the space between you, to kiss him and find out how his lips tasted. Temptation nearly prevailed, but his next words had stopped you deep in your tracks.
“You aren’t even worthy of looking at me, you pathetic slut.”
Under any other circumstances, you would have been angry and appalled. With Michael, however, you knew the statement was true. No one was worthy enough for him, and you were more than aware of that little fact. He was too perfect, too beautiful, for anyone of this world. But you also knew that he wouldn’t want to punish you, if he didn’t deem you fit of at least some of his attention. What the punishment would entail, you hadn’t any idea. You wondered, for one sick moment, if maybe he would kill you or revoke your outpost privileges. You soon got your answer when he spoke again.
“Off the table,” he ordered, stepping back and gesturing toward your dress. “Turn around, bend over, and hike up the dress. Remove your panties now.”
You could only do as he asked, standing as you tried to balance on jelly-like legs. Your pace must have been too slow for Michael’s liking, because he struck you with a ring-clad hand and forced you face-down onto the table. He ran the same hand over the curve of your ass, which drudged a moan from deep within your chest. He grabbed hold of your flimsy panties, ripping them on one side and discarding the remains. Your dress was pushed up, exposing your soaking cunt to him. He smirked, running his finger over your groin before trailing them to your mound, and finally settling below your bellybutton.
Then, without a single warning, Michael’s other hand is brought down against your bare ass. A loud crack resounded through the room and you whimpered, already craving another hit. It felt too fucking good, and you couldn’t help but briefly fantasize about how much rougher he could get. Michael was growling behind you, his hand kneading your stinging asscheek as you groaned in appreciation.
“Useless whore,” he mumbled, spanking the opposite cheek. “Tell me, did you enjoy my outfit choice today?”
You gave him a quick nod, but Michael responded with a swat so hard that tears immediately sprang to your eyes. “That isn’t an answer. Speak!”
“Yes!” you nearly screamed.
“Yes, what?” Michael probed, delivering another hard blow to your ass.
“Yes, I love it!” you howled. “I love it so much!”
“Hm,” Michael hummed, back-handing your rear before grabbing hold of it roughly. “What do you love about it?”
You tried to turn and look at him, but his free hand immediately tangled in your (h/c) locks. “What did I just say, not even five minutes ago? You. Don’t. Deserve. To. Look. At. Me. You’re lucky that I don’t make you lick the bottom of my boot, you depraved little whore. Believe it or not, I’m actually going easy on you.”
A shiver rippled down your spine, and you whined as Michael cracked his hand over your backside again. Your arousal dripped down your thighs, coating your entire pussy in its sticky wetness. Michael noticed, his hand leaving your ass to fully explore your waiting cunt. You mewled, arching as two of his fingers found your clit. He then spread your lips open with those same fingers, your mouth open as desperate whimpers fell from your lips. You bucked toward him, craving more of him, but Michael ceased his movements at once. He delivered another blistering hit on your ass, a lethal growl filling the room.
“No,” he hissed. “You didn’t answer my question. What do you love most about my outfit?”
“Do I have to say the obvious?” you asked, a smirk plastered to your face. “I mean, you’re displaying your body for all of us to see, right? Oh, I’m sorry, I meant for me to see.”
Michael yanked your head up so hard and so quickly, you wondered if your neck would snap under the momentum. You didn’t have to see him to know that he was pissed, and your lower stomach began tightening in anticipation. Whatever he had planned, you knew that you were in for it. You could feel the cuff of his wrist tickling your skin as his touch landed on your thigh, and he withdrew altogether after a few short seconds. You were ready to protest, when you heard the unmistakable sound of his belt being undone and removed.
“Being a little smart-ass isn’t in your best interest right now,” Michael stated, the leather of the expensive belt snapping against his palm. “Since you won’t answer me in a straightforward manner, I guess I’ll have to get it out of you another way.”
You held your breath, waiting for what was to come. You knew better than to turn around and see what he was doing, but you didn’t have to in order to know what was going to happen. Sure enough, Michael brought the belt onto your ass, causing you to scream in both pain & delight. You pushed your ass toward Michael, needing that roughness again, and he was happy to oblige. He cracked you once more, twice, three times, four times, and you enjoyed each one more than the last. Your ass was burning, stinging, and most likely redder than blood under his ruthless assault. You were grinning all the while, completely unfazed by how harsh he was being with you.
“I’m going to ask you one more time,” Michael growled, his mouth at your ear. You can feel the distinct outline of his erection through his dress pants, pressing just below your ass “What do you like most about the outfit?”
“I can see your body!” you cried, not daring to test his patience any further. “I can fantasize about you even more, and I can imagine holding onto your bare chest for leverage as I ride your cock. I don’t have to rely on my own imagination anymore, since i know what your body looks like now. I mean, some of it, but I think that goes without saying.”
You could feel Michael tensing as you spoke. He rubbed his clothed cock on one of your soaking thighs, purring seductively in your ear. “What else? What else does this needy body want from me?”
“Nothing,” you lied.
As it turned out, lying had been an even bigger mistake than trying to leave earlier. Michael delivered a rattling, painful blow to your backside with the belt, causing your teeth to grit immediately. He forcefully turned you over, hoisting you fully onto the table. He stared you down hungrily, grabbing one of your tits and squeezing as hard as he could.
“Bullshit,” Michael seethed. “Little liars get punished, did you know that? Do you think I’ll let your lying slide, because I’m the son of Satan? You’re wrong, and you should have just fucking listened.”
There was no time to question what he’d meant by that statement. Before you knew what was happening, Michael had torn your dress down the middle, destroying it completely. Your bra met the same fate, and you were now naked and at his frightening disposal. He took in the sight of your bare breasts, massive hands grabbing them and pressing them together. His plump lips wrapped around one nipple, and then the other, alternating between them and sucking generously.
“Michael,” you mewled, taking a fistful of his blond hair and giving it a needful tug.
He let go of your breasts, watching in aroused awe as they moved obscenely with the release. “You aren’t allowed to speak my name until you’ve earned the privilege. All you have to do is be honest, but you can’t be bothered. So, I think you need another lesson.”
Michael propped your thighs up, and you could feel more wetness seeping from your cunt as you waited for him. The whole thing had been incredibly humiliating, yet exciting, and you studied Michael with fascinated eyes as he retrieved the belt. You already knew what was coming, but had no time to fully register that reality before the belt collided with your pussy. You cried out, a mixture of pleasure and pain, hands clawing desperately at anything within reach.
“Poor little baby,” Michael mocked as two tears slid down your cheeks. “Tell me what I already know, and I’ll stop. I want to hear you say it.”
He whipped the belt over your aching cunt again, and you bit your thumb to hold back the squeal resting in your throat. “I...I…” you began, body shaking as you met his expectant eyes. “I want...to kiss over your chest and touch you everywhere that you’ll allow.”
“And?” Michael asked, the leather bearing down on your abused cunt again.
“I…” you said, swallowing hard. “I want you to fuck my pathetic mouth, like the true whore that I am.”
You whined, shaking your head. What more did he want from you? Apparently, the answer had been a lot, for he snapped the belt over your pussy with enough force to send you sliding a bit on the table. You could feel how swollen your cunt now was, how sore and stinging each blow had been, but you were enjoying it. In fact, you were more aroused now than you had been all day, and you weren’t sure how much better--or worse--it was going to get.
“And I want you to eat me out, then fuck me until I can’t walk!” you cried. “There, are you fucking happy now?!”
“Not quite,” Michael mused, drumming his fingers against his chin thoughtfully. He sat the belt aside, pulling you up and getting rid of your ruined clothing. It joined your equally-destroyed panties, and Michael’s lips ghosted yours at once. You wondered if he was going to kiss you this time, but instead, he nuzzled his nose against yours with a gentle purr.
“Does your pussy hurt, kitten?” he cooed. “Did I make it sore?”
You nodded, and Michael continued. “What about that ass? Is it sore, too?”
“Yes,” you breathed, and Michael instantly brought you to your feet.
He spun you around so that you faced away from him, and you braced yourself against the table. He sank to his knees, coaxing your legs apart to give himself more access. Soft lips pressed to the ugly, reddened skin of your mistreated ass, soothing the inflamed skin with each touch. He held your hips firmly in place, fingertips pressed into your flesh to assert even more dominance. You moaned as he left open-mouthed kisses on each asscheek, spreading your thighs further as his tongue trailed over your needy, sensitive, burning cunt. He lapped at your entrance, humming gratefully as your juices coated his tongue.
“I’m going to take care of you,” he said as you moaned filthily, his tone dripping with faux gentleness. “Sit in one of the chairs for me.”
You obeyed, not willing to risk another punishment. This had hurt, but there was no way you could complain--not when it felt too damn good at the same time. Still, you didn’t want to show weakness in expressing that it was so painfully wonderful, so you complied with his request. Not only that, but his sudden shift from angry & commanding to sweet & gentle had been highly concerning. However, you decided to enjoy this new side to him, whether it was sincere or not. It wasn’t every day that you had an encounter with Michael Langdon, and what if you never had another chance? It was best to just take it all as it came to you, and savor every last second--the good, the bad, and the dirty.
No sooner were you seated in the chair, that Michael had knelt between your open legs. He drew you a bit closer, maneuvering your thighs over his shoulders and gripping each of your hips in his strong grasp. He wanted to make sure that you were in place and unable to move, and it proved to be a good idea as you began to squirm. The fabric of the shirt felt oddly arousing against your flesh, and you met his eyes with pure ravenous lust. He ran his hands over your hips, trailing both to grab your breasts as he pinched each nipple. Your back arched, your hands on his own as your eyes closed and your head lolled in pleasure.
“Sit back,” he ordered. “I’m going to make you feel so good. Your poor slutty cunt is all red and swollen, but don’t fret. My tongue will remedy that for you.”
Michael wasted absolutely no time. He dove right into your pussy like a starving man, hungry lips devouring your inner lips as if his life depended on it. The sudden contact was stinging at first, a fire spreading from your sore pussy into your insides, but you wouldn’t trade it. His mouth was utterly divine, perfect lips sucking your inner labia and roughly kissing around your entrance. He traveled to your outer lips, flicking his tongue around the skin there before settling his mouth over your clit. He’d been right; the pain seemed to dissipate, his tongue seemingly consuming any trace of it altogether. He was truly magical, his mouth hitting all of the right spots as you moaned pornographically and wiggled into his grip.
“Michael,” you whined, one hand holding on for dear life within his hair. “God…”
“Don’t speak that name in my presence,” he barked, and you sucked your lips in to keep quiet. “The only God here is me, do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” you gasped, crying out in ecstasy as he plunged a finger inside of you. You felt the metal against your sensitive skin, and it only made you mewl even louder than before. “Only you.”
“Good slut,” he praised, shoving his finger in to the last knuckle. “What a tight hole you have. Surprising, considering the fact that you’d let absolutely anyone have a peek under your skirt. Including your own boss, because you couldn’t control your lust after seeing his outfit. What a naughty bitch you are.”
“Please,” you begged, giving his curls a rough yank. “More.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Michael taunted, giving your pussy another smack with his free hand. “When and if I’m ready, you’ll get what you want.”
“But--” you protested, but one stern look from Michael made you fall silent.
His hand returned to your breasts, squeezing the left one roughly. He shoved another finger deeply inside of you, curling both digits against that sweet spot. You clawed at his scalp, feeling his lips enveloping your clit as he fucked you with his skilled fingers. You knew that you should have been quieter, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care anymore. Apparently Michael hadn’t minded, either, for he didn’t slow his movements whatsoever. Every curl of his fingers inside of you, and every sensation his talented mouth left behind, only made you grow louder in volume. His tongue swirled your clit, lusty blue eyes trained on your face as he absolutely devoured your sweet cunt.
“Delicious,” Michael growled, rubbing your G-spot with the pads of his fingers. Your eyes rolled back, filthy sounds pouring from your lips. “You taste just like fucking strawberries and whipped cream.”
You could only croak a barely-comprehensible reply, his other hand working one of your nipples as he rolled it between his fingers. He buried his face deeper into your pussy, seductive gaze still transfixed upon you as he did so. The other digits scissored inside of you, working you open in preparation of his cock. Something told you that you’d never be fully ready for him, but you felt a certain degree of honor that he deemed you worthy enough of this much. You bucked toward his face, clenching around his fingers as your breathing became more ragged. You anticipated your orgasm, couldn’t wait for it to consume you, but instead you were met with a nasty surprise.
“That’s enough for now,” Michael said, smirking as he removed his fingers. They were a sticky mess, slightly pruned at the tips. He licked them, sucking them into his mouth and cleaning them completely before standing. He dusted off the knees of his expensive pants, pointing to the floor with a commanding gaze. “On your knees.”
All you could do was gawk at him. You couldn’t believe what he’d just done, and you had half a mind to get up and walk out. You weren’t stupid, though; you knew that your disobedience would likely spell your demise. Despite the fact that you were desperate for an orgasm, and even angry that he’d denied you of having one, you still wanted to oblige. You already knew what he wanted, and the thought excited you more than it rationally should. Besides, what was the worst that could happen at this point?
So, you dropped to your knees before him, taking in the sight as your eyes trailed up his body. The long cape still hung from his shoulders, the fabric of the shirt nearly glistening in the fluorescent lighting. He truly looked godlike, invincible, and just as beautiful with lust written all over his chiseled, cherubic face. You met his eyes, your own full of false innocence before one of his hands found your throat.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he demanded. “Innocence looks good on you, but i know that you are far from it. Open your fucking mouth.”
You did as instructed, tongue hanging out as you eagerly awaited. Michael unzipped his pants, sliding them and his black silk boxers to the floor. He was now exposed to you from the waist down, your hands on his hips as he forcefully grabbed your hair. You barely had time to register his massive size before he thrust into your mouth with a satisfied grunt. His cock filled you up, your jaw unhinged to its near-limit as you took in his girth. You gagged, wide (e/c) eyes meeting his yet again.
“Good fucking girl,” he murmured. “Take it all, like the fucking cockslut you are.”
Michael’s grip remained tangled in your hair, and he began to rock mercilessly into your throat. You choked audibly, still gazing at him as he used you like his own personal sex toy. Your earlier musing of how he looked like a god began to ring even more true, especially now. His blond curls tumbled into his eyes and framed his face, his puffy, moist lips were parted with sounds of pleasure, his black top accented his chest perfectly, and the cape billowed ever so slightly with each movement he made. The sight alone made you reach between your legs, running two fingers over your glistening folds. That action only angered Michael, and he pulled out to slap his slickened cock over your cheek.
“Did I fucking give you permission to do that?” he thundered, smacking his shaft against your opposite cheek. “Hm?”
“No,” you whimpered and, before you could utter another word, he’d shoved his cock back into your mouth with gagging force.
“You haven’t been paying attention,” he chastised. “You aren’t supposed to do anything unless I tell you that you can.”
You moaned around him in reply, sending vibrations through his cock. Your eyes closed for a moment as he fucked into your mouth repeatedly, the actions causing a dull, raw ache to settle in your throat. Drool dribbled from your mouth with every thrust, and your vision began to blur with tears. You trailed your hands over his hips and upward, taking in the material of the shirt beneath your fingertips. You yearned to feel it against your naked body as he fucked into you ruthlessly, and the very image sent a fresh wave of arousal between your thighs. You glanced up at him dejectedly, eyelashes fluttering and eyelids growing heavier with every movement he made inward.
“Hot little thing, aren’t you?” Michael rasped, his fist tightening in your (h/c) locks as his thrusts grew sloppier. “I’ll bet you want me to cum in your mouth, hm?”
You held up a thumb to indicate “yes,” hollowing your cheeks around him as he continued fucking your throat. Michael gave a few more hard thrusts before withdrawing, pumping his cock in front of your face. You watched in needful awe, tongue out to collect any cum that may splash toward your mouth. But that was apparently the wrong thing to do, because Michael slapped you with the heaviest ring-clad hand and growled dangerously as he stilled his working wrist.
“Close it,” he demanded, resuming his actions as he spoke. “You aren’t getting any of this in your mouth. Not today.”
Pathetically, you closed your mouth, waiting to see what he’d do next. It didn’t take long to find out, his cock shooting sticky ropes of hot cum onto your face. It dripped over your nose, your cheeks, your chin, and you mewled appreciatively in return. Michael was moaning filthily through his orgasm, and all you could do was sit back and watch him. Panting, he gazed down at you through his euphoric haze, an evil grin on his lips as he admired his handiwork. He pulled his boxers & pants back on, smoothing out his shirt and giving your head a condescending pat.
“We’re done here now,” Michael stated, making a shoo motion with his hand. “Go back to work.”
You couldn’t speak, and you were unsure whether you were sad, angry, disappointed or all three simultaneously. All you could do was stare at him in disbelief, feeling his seed dribbling all over your face. He moved toward you, kneeling before you so that you were fully facing each other. He fisted some of your hair in his hand, a wicked smile painting his features.
“You want to cum, don’t you?” Michael questioned mockingly. “You want to cum around my thick cock? On my tongue?”
“Yes,” you replied, groaning as your eyes fell to his now-concealed cock. “Please. I need it more than you truly know.”
“I know,” Michael boasted, standing with a cocky smile. “It’s too bad that isn’t going to happen. Stand up.”
You did as you were told, looking at him pleadingly. It was so unfair; he could have his release, but you couldn’t have yours? What a selfish fucking prick. All you wanted was sweet relief, to cum at his mercy and have him claim you as his own. But that wasn’t going to happen; you knew that he’d meant what he said. You could beg until you were blue in the face, and it wouldn’t change his mind. This was, unfortunately, as good as it was going to get for the time being.
Michael tucked some stray strands of hair behind your ear, tsking softly. “Only the worthy are allowed on my cock,” he said. “You haven’t proven yourself to be anything more than a pathetic slut. Earn it, and then we’ll talk.”
He winked at you, coming to his feet and striding toward the door. Before exiting, he turned to you with an impish smile. “Don’t wipe my cum off. I want you to wear your shame for the remainder of the day. I want everyone to see what a disgusting cumdoll you are for me. How you’re nothing more than a slutty little cumrag for your own boss.”
Your eyes blew up in terror, and Michael’s grin widened. He nodded toward your torn clothing, hand on the doorknob. “I’ll send Ms. Mead in with a change of clothes for you. I do look forward to our next little meeting, Y/N. Work hard enough, and next time will be a reward rather than a punishment.”
With one final wink, Michael departed. You were left alone, still trying to process everything that had happened. You weren’t sure if you were humiliated or turned on by wearing Michael’s cum on your face, and also by having his mother figure seeing you so naked & vulnerable; you had a feeling it was a mixture of both. 
One thing was very clear, however. You were going to earn a spot in Michael’s bed--or lack thereof--and you were going to start now by being obedient and following his every command. You weren’t going to be a brat, and you would serve him in whatever ways he desired. The urge to touch yourself only grew stronger as your thoughts raged on, and it was almost impossible to ignore. You tried your best anyway, not wanting to give up already.
Michael hadn’t said that you couldn’t do it, but you had a feeling that he didn’t have to. After all, wasn’t no permission also a "no” answer?
@littledemondani, @diamcndscarred, @dcvilrising, @venusxxlangdon, @ringpop-poppy, @icylangdon, @ccodyfern, @cocosfern, @langdonsinferno, @svjourn, @queencocoakimmie, @codyswhore, @sebastianshoe, @rocketgirl2410, @hisgirlwonder, @lokixadcmxaddict, @sherlocklaufeyson, @disa, @hxdesworld, @w0nder-marie, @hplotrfan, @holylangdon, @losers-club6, @langdonsdemon, @melodylangdon, @idespac, @femaleantichrist, @kiiteiru, @chaoticevillangdon, @lotsofhunny, @maso-xchrist, @lvnabanana
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