#f: saruhiko
lisutarid-a · 4 days
[Gakuen K] Fushimi Saruhiko Route Translation
First exam
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: (Hmmm, what a pleasant morning)
Saya: (It feels too nice and makes me sleepy, maybe because it's spring…)
Saya: * yawns* Fuaa…
Saya: Ah, sorry!
Munakata: No. It's okay. …Ah, it's you. Just in the right place.
Saya: ?
Munakata: There is something I need to talk to you about, сould you come to the President's office after school?
Saya: Okay. Understood. I will head there right after class.
Munakata: Please do. See you then.
Saya: (I wonder what he wants to talk about…)
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Saya: *knock knock* It's Konohana Saya from the second year.
Munakata: Please. Come in.
Saya: Sorry for the intrusion.
Munakata: Sorry for calling you out before our club activities.
Saya: No, it's okay. Um, what do you want to talk about?
Fushimi: *knock knock* It's Fushimi from the second year.
Munakata: Come in.
Fushimi: Sorry for the intrusion.
Fushimi: …I didn't realize you were busy. I'll come back later.
Munakata: No, that's fine. What is it about, Fushimi-kun?
Fushimi: Here's a report on the daytime incident.
Munakata: Incident? Please give me the details.
Fushimi: Yes. Today at 12:35 pm. A student informed that there was a disturbance in the school store.
Fushimi: We immediately went to the scene of the incident to take control of the situation and to confirm the cause of the disturbance…
Fushimi: It seems that too many people gathered to buy “Pom Pom bread (A popular apple bread sold in limited quantities)”, which is a limited quantity menu item for purchase.
Munakata: …Pom Pom bread?
Saya: (I wonder what kind of bread "Pom Pom bread" is…)
Fushimi: No one was injured, it seems that the main cause was the Red club that increased the fuss. That's all I have to report.
Munakata: Thank you. It seems we should increase security in the school store on limited menu days from now on.
Fushimi: Well, I guess so. Especially since those guys from the Red club cannot be suppressed by ordinary students.
Munakata: By the way, Fushimi-kun.
Fushimi: Yeah. What is is?
Munakata: The limited “Pom Pom bread” that you mentioned earlier…
Munakata: Please find out when the next shipment will be.
Fushimi: Understood.
Munakata: …Are you interested too? In “Pom Pom bread”.
Saya: Y-Yeah. I've never heard of this name before.
Munakata: Then, let's buy some when they're delivered.
Fushimi: Well, I'm done with my report, so if you'll excuse me.
Munakata: Fushimi-kun. I have something to tell you as well.
Fushimi: To me as well?
Munakata: Yeah, I have something to say to you both.
Saya: (I was so impressed with “Pom Pom bread” that I forgot that Munakata-senpai had called me in to talk to me)
Munakata: Konohana-san. You will have the first exam soom.
Saya: Y-yeah. I heard that everyone in the Blue club has good grades, so I am going to do my best.
Munakata: That is a good spirit. The members of the Blue club have to have an average 90 points or they will be dismissed from the club.
Saya: Eh! Is that so?
Fushimi: That's a joke.
Munakata: No, I'm serious.
Fushimi: I've never heard of such a rule.
Munakata: Yeah, because I made it just now.
Saya: (Just now…!?)
Munakata: But her transferring was an irregular one. In light of that…
Munakata: Let's say that in order to pass the exam, the average total score for two people must be 180 points.
Munakata: If it would be less than that, I will ask you to leave the club with honor.
Saya: Both of us to leave the club…!?
Saya: Does that mean that even if Fushimi-kun's average score would be 100 when mine would be 79 points, he would still have to leave the club…?
Munakata: Yeah. I guess so.
Fushimi: Tsk…
Saya: F-Fushimi-kun. Sorry I got you into this…
Munakata: I hope the two of you will work together and do your best.
Saya: (Munakata-senpai looks so happy…)
Fushimi: Oi, don't dare score less than 80 points.
Saya: Uhm. I'll start studying from today and try to do my best.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
i think yata called yukari the f slur once, didnt he? wouldnt it be funny if yukari met yata again after him and fushimi started dating lol
In fairness to Yata it's entirely possible that was a translation choice and not what he actually said. Hopefully Yata learns it isn't nice to use those kinds of words against people though, like I imagine that being something where it's just Yata picking up words from other people and not thinking too hard about them. Like some time post-ROK Yata's waiting for Fushimi outside a bar for a date when he accidentally runs into Yukari, who was picking up makeup next door. Yata starts to apologize before he realizes who he just ran into and then he's like wait you're—you're...that fruity guy from jungle! Yukari is more amused by this than anything, I imagine him teasing Yata lightly wondering if the little boy from Homra is threatened by Yukari's beauty. Yata grumbles that don't you have any pride as a man and Yukari doesn't see what a man's pride has anything to do with beauty, Homra people like Yata respect fighting skills don't they and Yukari is well aware of his own strength compared to Yata's.
Yata's just about to say something that will get him in trouble when Fushimi shows up grumbling that he was busy at work and if Yata's not coming for drinks he's going home. Yukari is unexpectedly pleased to run into 'Saruhiko-chan' again and Fushimi clicks his tongue, palming a knife as he wonders what Yukari is doing here. Yukari says he was just picking some things up and Yata ran into him and starting insulting him, Fushimi looks over at Yata who's like okay when you put it that way. Yukari does think it's very cute that Fushimi and Yata are having drinks together and Yata immediately puts a protective arm around Fushimi's waist as he's like Saruhiko is my boyfriend and don't you forget it.
Yukari takes in that boyfriend and is like my, and to think you were throwing around words like that when you have a boyfriend. Yata has no idea what having a boyfriend has to do with what he said to Yukari and Yukari sighs like those words are meant to be derogatory to gay people you know. Yata's like 'dero-what' and Fushimi supplies 'it's an insult, Misaki.' Yata stumbles over his words all wait I didn't mean it that way, suddenly worried that Saruhiko is insulted too (though honestly Fushimi is probably bored by now and wants to leave). Yukari tuts at Yata, like it seems you need to learn to watch your manners more. Fushimi finally tugs Yata away because he wants to have his date already but Yata's all upset, like so was I upsetting you too by saying that stuff. Fushimi shrugs like it doesn't really bother me and I don't care if you insult Yukari, but you could find better words for it next time instead of parroting those idiots from Homra who don't think before they speak.
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strfe · 8 months
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spell out your url using characters you love from any media. then, tag as many people as there are letters in your url (or however many you'd like!) inspired by the song titles dashboard game.
S : squall leonhart ( final fantasy viii ) go figure T : taishakuten ( onmyoji ) R : red xiii ( final fantasy vii ) F : fushimi saruhiko ( k ) E : emil ( nier )
tagged by : @opyre tagging: @speedchasing @nazorneku @imarahuyo @hopeflower @rosahope ( no obligation of course, just thought i'd actually follow the rules ™ for once )
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animegirl1363 · 16 days
Title: Cherry Magic: I Hope my Feelings Reach You
Summary: Fushimi gets hit by a strain that causes him to hear the thoughts of those he touches.
Fandoms: K Project
External: AO3
Based on this ask by Ridas
Why is it always him? Today Fushimi got hit by a strain power. Only problem, it hasn't manifested yet. While in the medical vans, He uses his PDA to search for information in the Scepter 4 database. Nothing came up which annoyed Fushimi even more. Back at headquarters Munakata informed him that the strain power is unknown because those effected had reported nothing happening to them.
Fushimi rolled his eyes and handed his reports to Munakata. During that brief interaction their fingers brush together.
'Excellent job as always Fushimi-kun.'
Fushimi clicks his tongue.
"Excellent job as always Fushimi-kun" Munakata say aloud this time.
"You don't have to repeat yourself." Fushimi grumbles.
"Oh? But I did not repeat myself." Munakata gives him a keen look.
"Never mind." Fushimi says as he walks out of the office. He rubs his temple feeling a headache coming on. Something tells him the coming days days will get on his nerves.
Akiyama places coffee near Fushimi as he is working. Their shoulders brush against another.
'I hope Fushimi-san get some rest. He look tired.' His lips are not moving.
Fushimi blinks and shakes his head at the phenomenon. Then it hit him. He is able to read the thoughts of people he touches. 
"Fushimi-san?" Akiyama says questionably. "Is everything alright?"
"I am fine." He replies getting back to work.
'This is no big deal.' he tells himself. He hate physical contact anyways so avoid people, with an excuse no less, is the best thing ever to happen to him. Although if other people knew, they would probably start acting weird around him. Which would make work difficult. There was no winning, so for now he decides to keep it to himself. After all the power will wear off eventually.
Today he was going to work with Hidaka. As he was walking in the hallway, someone lightly tapped his shoulder.
'How are you faring with you new ability Fushimi-kun?' The captain thinks much to Fushimi's annoyance. How was Munakata using his powers better than Fushimi? He hated it, but it was his power damn it!
Fushimi reachs his office and find Hidaka waiting for him. Fushimi did not think he would have to deal with the tall oaf this early in the shift. "Wait outside I will be ready in a moment."
Fushimi relays his orders and Hidaka brushes past him in glee. 'I'm so happy I get to work with Saruhiko-san again today!'
'Even in your head no one gave you permission to call me by my name!' Fushimi gave Hidaka his most intense glare he could muster.
Not coming into contact with people should have been the easiest thing ever. It was becoming to obvious just how much the little touches matter in the big picture. All day his fingers were brushing up against people when he recied paperwork from them.
'I should feed him more Anko. Fushimi is looking skinnier than usual.' Awashimi thinks as she hands off some papers to Fushimi. Who hands them off to Hidaka.
'Fushimi-san looks so cute today. And Awashima-san's boobs look extra bouncy today.' Fushimi threw Hidaka a look of absolute disgust.
'Maybe I should freak out Hidaka by saying random words in the room.' Goto thinks. Fushimi felt bad for Hidaka.
'Fushimi-san is scarier than usual today. His face is terrifying.' Doumyouji thinks. Fushimi wanted so badly to chase him.
The morning was exhausting. Hopefully he could get through the rest of the day without any issues as long as Hidaka kept his distance.
Hidaka pats his shoulder. "Fushimi-san! Let's give it our all today!" 'I could daydream about kissing him all day.'
Fushimi quickly pulls away. "Let's go."
They had to do business at another building. Hidaka could have sat anywhere else in the van, he ops to sit right next to Fushimi. Much to Fushimi's annoyance. The peaceful ride was not peaceful for Fushimi. As their should kept bumping against each other. So Fushimi got a front row seat to Hidaka's current fantasies. He did not need to know about Hidaka's 'Work Trip With Fushimi-san' song, okay! thought he would perfer that over the more lewd fantasies Hidaka has of them.
'Ah~ Saruhiko is really amazing.'
Fushimi look up at Hidaka, this time with a more innocent expression. "What?"
"Oh, I didn't say anything." Hidaka says. Which earns him a click of Fushimi's tongue.
Hidaka grew concerned and places a hand on Fushimi's forehead. Hidaka's thought were full of genuine concern and Fushimi's face starts to get red. Which makes Hidaka even more concered. Fushimi can't handle someone being this worried about him. He eventually slaps Hidaka hand away and puts some distance between them.
They arrive at the building. Fushimi hurriedly gets off the van. Hidaka approaches him grabbing both of Fushimi's shoulders to steady him.
'I wish Fushimi-san would take better care of himself. That just means I have to take care of him even more!'
Fushimi slaps Hidaka away, seemingly flustered.
"Fushimi-san, I can't stay quite any longer. You need to rest!" Hidaka blurts out. "Let's go back to Scepter 4."
Aggravated, Fushimi lets out a sigh. "Why do you keep bothering me about this?"
Hidaka puts a hand on Fushimis's shoulder and both his thoughts and words line up with each other. "Because I care about you!"
Fushimi looks away. "You don't have to worry so much. It's a pain if you care too much."
Fushimi was not sure if that last part was for Hidaka or himself.
"It isn't a pain for me to care," Hidaka smiles as his thoughts finish his sentence. 'Because you are the person I like.'
"So when will this go away?" Fushimi grumbles.
"Ah yes. It goes away when you stop being a virgin." Munakata says.
Fushimi cursed his life.
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ao3feed-renga · 2 years
Blackout #1
Blackout #1
by Shin_Soumisa1
Everyone is enjoying the very first day of another year of college. Both students and teachers alike are going to dive right into another year, head-first.
That's when a blackout happens.
Words: 1682, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Blackout Anniversaries
Fandoms: The Music Freaks (Gacha Life/Club Series), SK8 the Infinity (Anime), 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, K (Anime), All of Us Villains Series - Amanda Foody & Christine Lynn Herman, World Trigger (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, F/M
Characters: Luke (TMF), Xander (TMF), Fushimi Saruhiko, Hasegawa Langa, Kyan Reki, Kikuchi Tadashi, Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Yata Misaki, Alistair Lowe, Gavin Grieve, Kusanagi Izumo, Awashima Seri, Izumi Kouhei, Tachikawa Kei
Relationships: Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki, Kikuchi Tadashi/Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki, Luke/Xander (TMF), Gavin Grieve/Alistair Lowe, Gavin Grieve & Alistair Lowe, Awashima Seri/Kusanagi Izumo, Awashima Seri & Kusanagi Izumo, Izumi Kouhei & Tachikawa Kei
Additional Tags: Shin Soukoku Big Bang, renga, Skiboarder, lovedog, Sarumi Fest, izuseri
From https://ift.tt/jrmKasO https://archiveofourown.org/works/42627189
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nyandereneko · 4 years
I’m prob not gonna make anything specific for the week because I didn’t plan on it and I have a bunch of other stuff to do BUT just for the record I consider myself to be biromantic asexual and so are all of my f/os. Every single one of them. Even if they’re of varying degrees of attraction/lack thereof on the spectrum or they prefer certain genders over others, I hc them to identify the same as me for my own comfort and security and it just makes me feel better lol
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sayneverno · 5 years
misaki has some little freckles and saruhiko loves to kiss them
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boyreport · 5 years
if ur saruhiko fushimi feel free to get into my dms
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hnmcig · 2 years
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— • BLACKCOFFEE | k project ☕️
H: headcanons / I: imagines / F: fanfic
💐 fluff / 🥀 angst / 🌵 hurt-comfort / 🌻 smut/ 🍁 dark content
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nothing yet...
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
16:16 [I] 💐
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
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nkakeru · 3 years
you chose >> black coffee!
       go back or stay ?
key: [a] angst | [h/c] hurt/comfort | [f] fluff | [m] mature | 
(s) scenario | (h) headcanon 
isana yashiro
yatogami kuroh
daikaku kokujoji
Souh Mikoto
Kushina Anna
Kusanagi Izumo
Totsuka Tatara
Yata Misaki
Kamamoto Rikio
Chitose Yo
Dewa Masaomi
Fujishima Kōsuke
Bandō Saburōta
Akagi Shōhei 
Solt Eric
Scepter 4
Munakata Reisi
Awashima Seri
Fushimi Saruhiko 
Akiyama Himori
Yūjirō Benzai
Kamo Ryūhō
Dōmyōji Andy
Enomoto Tatsuya 
Fuse Daiki
Goto Ren
Hidaka Akira
Hisui Nagare
Mishakuji Yukari
Gojo Sukuna
Hirasaka Douhan
Iwafune Tenkei
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ofsavior · 3 years
ship bias list:
Note that this is not an entirely comprehensive list, because I’m always open to ideas (especially in the context of development). I’m a chemistry-based shipper, but if anyone needs a starting point these ships are ones that I have ideas for and would be interested in exploring.
All ships can be platonic or familial, but romantic ships will be specified.
P = Platonic ; R = Romantic ; F = Familial ; E = Enemies
Shouto & Momo  // P and/or R Bakugou & Momo  //  P and/or R Iida & Momo  //  P and/or R Denki & Momo  //  P and/or R Jirou & Momo  // P and/or R Kendou & Momo  //P and/or R Shinsou & Momo  // P and/or R Tokoyami & Momo  // P and/or R Any of the other Class A students  // P; potential for romance Any of the Class B students  // P; potential for romance Aizawa & Momo   // father figure Tamaki & Momo  // brother figure
Monoma & Any Class B characters or Bakugou for the lol’s  // mostly P Ochako & Monoma  // P and/or R Tsuyu & Monoma  // P and/or R Momo & Monoma  // P and/or R Shinsou & Monoma  // P and/or R Eri & Monoma  // sister figure
Tsurugi & Mikuni  // P and/or R Tsurugi & Yumikage  // P and/or R Tsurugi & Mahiru // F Tsurugi & literally anyone who makes him happy
Ophelia & Lawless  // R Licht & Lawless  // P and/or R open to ideas.
Bishamon & Kazuma // R, slowburn Bishamon & Yato // P and/or R; potential for Enemies Bishamon & Kofuku // P and/or R Bishamon & Older!Ebisu // P and/or R Bishamon & Younger!Ebisu // F
Nine & Twelve  // P and/or R Lisa & Twelve  // P and/or R Twelve has two hands... so both Nine and Lisa open to crossovers.
Avatar: the LA
Ty Lee/Azula  // P and/or R Jet/Azula  // Idk what this dynamic would be... but it would be interesting obviously open to all other dynamics too, but only Ty Lee for romance.
Fairy Tail
Mirajane & Erza  // P and/or R Mirajane &  Cana  // P and/or R Mirajane & Minerva  // P and/or R Mirajane  & Jenny  // P and/or R Mirajane & Juvia  // P and/or R Mirajane & Evergreen  // P and/or R Mirajane & Laxus  // P and/or R Mirajane & Gajeel // P and/or R Strauss siblings and Yukino family dynamics pls
Loke & Lucy  // P and/or R Loke & Gray  // P and/or R Loke & Cana  // P with potential for R Loke & Mira // P with potential for R Loke & Yukino // P Loke & Gray & Cana  // P and/or R
Erza & Jellal  // P and/or R Erza & Gray  // P and/or R ; possibly one-sided on Gray’s part Erza & Lucy  // P and/or R Erza & Laxus    // P and/or R Erza & Juvia  // P and/or R Erza  & Minerva  // P and/or R Erza & Gajeel // P, (maybe) R?, and potential for rivals Erza & Sting  // P ; big sis vibes; maybe one-sided on Sting’s end? Erza & Rogue  // P
Sting & Yukino  // P and/or R Sting & Rogue  // P and/or R Sting & Minerva  // P and/or R
Gray & Juvia  // P and/or R ; slightly picky with romance here Gray & Cana  // P and/or R Gray & Lucy  // P and/or R Gray & Wendy  // spare little sis???? Gray & Rogue  // P and/or R Gray & Jellal  // P and/or R ; one-sided on Gray’s part Gray & Sting  // P and/or R ; they would be a great buddy comedy Gray & Rufus  // partnership! partnership! Gray & Yukino  // P and/or R Gray & Minerva  // P and/or R ; he’d probably be into her but in a lowkey ‘too cool for this’ way Gray & Lyon  // gib brothers Gray & Ultear  // gib siblings Gray & Meredy  // P and/or R Gray & Laxus  // two bros sittin in a hottub -; would like to see them be closer
Edens Zero
Weisz & Rebecca // R and/or R Weisz & Shiki  // P and/or R Weisz & Hermit  // P and/or R Weisz & Laguna  // P and/or R Weisz & Homura  // P and/or R
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Kashima & Hori // R and/or P Kashima & Mikorin // R and/or P Kashima & Chiyo // R and/or P
K Project
Saruhiko & Misaki // P and/or Romantic Saruhiko & Hidaka // P and/or Romantic Saruhiko & Anna // P Saruhiko & Reisi // F
Izumo & Seri // P (rivalry) and/or R Izumo & Mikoto // P and/or R Izumo & Tatara // P (potential for R)
Keith & Lance  // P and/or R James & Lance  // P and/or R Allura & Lance  // P and/or R Pidge & Lance  // P and/or R
DC Comics
Kori & Jason // P and/or R Kori & Dick // P and/or R Kori & Victor // P and/or R Kori & Roy // P and/or R Kori & Rachel // F; potential for R if chemistry is there.
Roy & Donna // P and/or R (exes too) Roy & Jason // P and/or R Roy & Wally // P and/or R Roy & Dick // P and/or R Roy & Garther // P and/or potentially R Roy & Hal // F Roy & Dinah // F
Your Turn to Die
Joe & Sara // P and/or R Joe & Ryoko // P and/or R
Jayce & Viktor // P and/or R Jayce & Mel // P and/or R Jayce & Caitlyn // P and/or F
Caitlyn & Vi // P and/or R Caitlyn & Jinx // Enemies, potential to explore more
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Mikosaru time please
But Omega saru helping alpha mikoto calm down with his scent. Like saru has a really nice and calming scent for someone who is willing to let the world burn down. Maybe one day mikoto is feeling agitated and antsy from the red power and everyone knows it and can smell it, so when a strain problem arises everyone but mikoto, saru, and Anna go, as Anna and saru are his babysitters but saru just can't stand the smell or that looming fear from it and he can see it making Anna feel antsy too, so he says f it and releases some of his own scent to calm mikoto while telling him through gritted teeth to cool his jets. And it somehow ends with all three in a nest just relaxing.
Honestly just wish for it to end with family fluff. I hope you have been feeling good
Can you imagine how much Fushimi would hate having a ‘nice and calming’ scent, like just being an omega pisses him off on its own but also having this lovely floral scent is like the last straw XD Maybe for that reason Fushimi always tries to keep his emotions neutral, like trying very hard not emit any scent at all because the last thing he wants to hear is how nice his scent is (imagine Niki teasing him about this all the time, like what a sweet little omega my monkey is with his pretty scent). He does occasionally use it after he and Yata move in together though, like he’s gotten into the habit that whenever Yata’s being too much of a loud idiot Fushimi will let out a little scent to calm him down and hush him up. Because of this Homra’s kinda accidentally aware of it, like imagine after the fight with the twins from Side Red Yata’s pretty pent up and Fushimi lets out some scent without realizing it. Kusanagi makes a comment about it being a nice smell and a good way to calm things down as Fushimi makes a face, Totsuka says see even King is more relaxed, to think Fushimi has that kind of power.
So then imagine one day maybe Homra’s been dealing with a few different issues that’s required Mikoto to do a lot of burning and he’s on edge, like he’s even summoned his Sword a few times and it’s clear to everyone that his power is not wanting to cooperate today. Totsuka can help calm him somewhat normally but say he actually had to like go out of town on an errand so he isn’t around and Mikoto’s Red power is just going wild to the point everyone is aware. A Strain situation comes up and Kusanagi decides it’s something the rest of them can handle, telling Mikoto to stay at the bar and get some rest. As the rest of the group gets ready to head out Kusanagi asks Fushimi to stay behind, Fushimi scowls and Kusanagi says with Mikoto in this state he’d rather someone with sense stay behind and help watch Anna. Fushimi clicks his tongue but mutters out a ‘fine,’ probably not thrilled at the idea of having to stay behind with Mikoto.
He sits himself in a corner of the bar while Anna sits on the couch with Mikoto. There’s this tense feeling in the air and it’s even making Anna frown, Fushimi can’t concentrate at all himself because he’s just hyper aware of Mikoto’s current mental state. Not really knowing what else to do, just wanting to relieve some of this pressure that’s making his whole body on edge, Fushimi releases some of his scent. Imagine Mikoto just gives this sigh and it’s like the weight in the bar has lightened almost instantly, Fushimi can see Anna relax too. He intends to stay away from them but imagine Anna holds out a hand and says ‘Saruhiko.’ Fushimi grumbles out a ‘what’ and Anna says that Saruhiko is helping Mikoto to calm down. Mikoto says it’s fine behind her but the air is still stuffy. Fushimi finally clicks his tongue and slides off the chair, cautiously moving to stand by the couch as he releases a little more scent. Without a word Mikoto reaches out and drags him onto the couch and now Fushimi is nice and trapped between Mikoto and Anna. Anna looks at Fushimi and says Mikoto is relaxing now, Fushimi irritably mutters  that he can see that, squirming a bit before just surrendering himself to be cuddled on the couch for a while. 
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jusvibbbin · 3 years
Fushimi Saruhiko x Reader
//For an anonymous requester! Sorry it took me so long but I hope you enjoy!
Fushimi spotted his target right away. Across the street from the bench he was sitting on, there stood (Y/F/N). A suspected HOMRA sympathizer. He smirked slightly. They had no idea what they were in for. Fushimi would stop at nothing to get the information he wanted. 
He stood and started across the street as they walked inside a small shop. He lingered outside for a moment, pretending to window shop as he observed them. (Y/N) was organizing books on the wall before moving into a back room. Fushimi entered the shop and a bell above the door jingled gently. 
“Welcome! Give me just a moment,” (Y/N)’s voice came softly from the back.
“No problem. I’ll just look around,” he answered, inspecting the books on the wall and the other knick-knacks around the little store. 
Some kind of antique shop.
(Y/N) emerged from the back and smiled at him.
“How can I help you?”
“I’m looking for a gift,” he said, glancing at the back room.
“Oh? Is it for someone special?” they asked, coyly. Fushimi was slightly taken aback.
Were they… flirting with me?
“It’s for… my mother,” he answered hesitantly. Why was he so caught off-guard? This person was just another criminal to be questioned. A source of information to be used and discarded. 
“What does your mother like?” (Y/N) asked as they began to walk around the room.
“I’m not sure,” he replied and they gave him a quizzical look. 
“If you don’t know what she likes then why come here? Most people who come in here are looking for old books or specific types of antiques. Or...” they started, finishing flirtatiously, “Were you secretly looking at something for you?”
For a moment Fushimi was completely flustered inside. People didn’t hit on him, they were intimidated by him. He managed to hold his composure, but he had a sneaking suspicion that (Y/N) knew he was out of his element. What on earth was wrong with him?
“She mentioned antiques but didn’t say exactly what,” he covered quickly, barely thinking about his answer. He kept finding himself distracted beyond measure at the way the sunlight caught in their hair.
Remember your assignment.
(Y/N) nodded, thinking for a moment or two.
“I might have something but I’ll need to find it,” they said as they walked over to the bookshelf and started searching.
“I’m not in any hurry,” Fushimi said, his bright blue eyes following them closely. He was about to ask a question but they beat him to it.
“So do you live around here?”
“Why?” he asked, squinting slightly at them.
(Y/N) turned to look at him innocently. “I was just wondering if my ads in the paper were working or if you’ve just seen my shop in passing. It’s not like we’re in the most popular part of the city.”
Fushimi’s gaze softened just a bit. “I live near here. I walk to the park often.”
“Bird watcher or something?” 
“You could say that.”
“Well if you live so close, then you could come by again,” they said with a slight smirk. He remained silent, but he decided he would return again once his assignment was finished.
(Y/N) huffed and put their hands on their hips. “It’s not over here.” They bent down to look at the shelves closer to the floor and Fushimi averted his eyes.
You can’t afford to get distracted.
“You must have a pretty sweet job if you can spend time on hobbies,” (Y/N) said nonchalantly.
“I work for the city,” he said quickly. He was having a hard time not peeking a bit at their bent over form and found himself slightly flushed. After a few moments, (Y/N) straightened up again, with a frown on their attractive face.
What am I thinking?
“It might be in the back,” they said and started their way over to the doorway, pausing to look at him. “Are you coming?”
Fushimi jumped at the chance to investigate the back room and swiftly followed. To his disappointment, the back room was simply that. A room. No space big enough to hide someone and no documents or items looking particularly out of the ordinary. He even inspected the walls for a secret compartment but there appeared to be none. He was utterly confused.
Was his sudden interest in (Y/N) shielding obvious clues from him?
But that didn’t dispute the fact that there was nothing there. 
As he stood there feeling confused, (Y/N) shoved a book into his hands.
“Finally found it! I think if your mother is an avid antique collector, she’ll really enjoy this. It’s a first edition of ‘Jekyll and Hide.’ Hardcover and in great condition.” They beamed at him and he felt his heart flutter slightly. This sweet shopkeeper was just that. Scepter 4 must have mixed up the addresses or the shops. There was no way that (Y/N) had anything to do with those idiots from HOMRA. 
They walked back to the front of the shop and Fushimi paid for the book.
“Have a wonderful rest of your day sir,” (Y/N) called after him as he walked outside. He thought about the cute shop keeper and the way they looked at him. No fear, no awkwardness. They just saw him as a person and for once, he enjoyed it.
He flipped through the book and saw the receipt wedged in the middle of the book. He pulled it out to read some writing at the bottom.
‘Call me, cutie! (XXX)XXX-XXXX - (Y/N)’
Fushimi smiled a bit and stuffed the receipt into his pocket before walking away towards Scepter 4 headquarters. 
(Y/N) smiled and waved at Fushimi Saruhiko as he walked out onto the street. They waited for a minute or two before picking up the phone and dialing.
“Yata? It’s me. You were right, Scepter came snooping. No, of course they didn’t find anything. But I made some interesting discoveries of my own.”
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♥ ✘☺
Stalk My Mind || Always Accepting!
Since no muse was specified, Mun’s going to respond!
♥ - Name something that makes you happy?
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The first one might be predictable, but I love, love, LOVE to see notifications in my Ask box and RP answers! I’m still a tiny blog around here and as such they’re rarer than it looks. Even more than that, I get super hyped when I see the message that someone I followed has followed me back. There’s lots of mutuals-only blog I’ve followed who have yet to grace me with their blessings.
I remember this one blog who had soft blocked me back when I started and I was so sad because it was my favorite blog around here. I was depressed about it for weeks. And then, all of a sudden, I saw they had unblocked me!? and they accepted to RP with me now?? I was so happy I was smiling all day.
Maybe it’s a bit unhealthy that my happiness depends so heavily on something that belongs on the internet. But considering how my real life is, the escapism I find here and all its related ups and downs make me feel more alive than that. And I’m gonna stop here before I get into gloomy topics haha.
✘ - A pairing in a fandom that everyone else seems to love that you dislike?
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Oh boy, I hope I don’t get roasted for this... There’s a few I guess. I can think of 3 off the top of my head?
K Project: IzuSeri
I used to like this ship, like.. a lot. I wasn’t invested into it but I enjoyed it. But then when I read what the authors said about it, I changed my mind. So, according to GoRA, Seri and Izumo are at best “complicated friends”. They also sorta implied that Izu/Miko is canon, but anyways... The reason I stopped endorsing IzuSeri is because IT’S SO DAMN RARE to see a Male/Female pair that is strictly platonic without them being A) related or B) mere acquaitances without chemistry. GoRA did a great choice by putting a male and a female character with lots of good chemistry and yet keep them as just friends. It’s so fucking. Precious!! As an asexual especially, I find their friendship really encouraging and heartwarming. I’ll protect their platonic bond with my soul if I have to.
Also K Project: MikoRei
This one is probably the second most popular ship and I can certainly see where the fans are going with it. But the more I think about the two of them, the less I see it working. Yes, they have great sexual tension. Yes, they “flirt” in some sort of way. And don’t get me wrong, Munakata and Mikoto are SUPER IMPORTANT for each other. This is super apparent when you read R:B especially, where Munakata’s inner turmoil and identity struggle is revealed alonside Mikoto’s own battle against his inner demons.
And yet, when I picture them actually together? It just doesn’t work man. They’re great in the “building up” of the ship, but I can’t picture them dating. Mikoto doesn’t like to do any of the things Munakata enjoys, and vice versa. One is super passionate and full of curiosity. The other is lazy and just wants to sleep on the couch. Dude, they’d get on each other’s nerves all the time because their lifestyles just don’t fit together. That’s why I struggle to RP this ship. It’s all great while they’re still rivals and fight together with lots of hot quips at one another, but take their weapons away and tell them to go on a date and it’s over.
Lastly, Fullmetal Alchemist: Ed/Winry
Not much to say on this one. I just don’t think they work together. It’s bland and kinda corny, moreso with how it was made canon. I don’t see how it happened at all. Yeah, they’re childhood friends, and...? Edward went through a lot more shit with other characters (who I shan’t name) who I could see him work with a lot better. So meh.
☺ - If you could pick one OTP, which one would you pick?
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I’m so biased with this one it’s not even fair.
I hear you ask, “Don’t you mean SaruMi?” Yes and no.
Yes I mean Saruhiko and Misaki of course, but I kinda prefer Misaki on the top role... granted, I think they both make pretty fine switch.
The reason for this is because a lot of fans only watch the anime and have this distorted idea of Saruhiko as this psycho yandere with dom tendencies and the ultimate seme (trust me, I lost count of the amount of times I’ve been asked to RP this as a Fushimi RPer...), which I really disagree with.
If you’re into doujinshis, my favorite is “Ganbare Nai!”, and it depicts the perfect idea of how these two would work as a couple in my opinion. Yes, Saru is bossy, and certainly not an uke. But neither is Yata. I absolutely dislike the other doujinshis where Yata is basically “girlyfied” into this abonimination all “UwU Saruhiko b-baka” and shit. Yata is a guy, he’s manly, he’s a thug. He’s domestic, yes, and cares about Saru who is absolutely unable to take care of himself, yes. But he does so as a guy. SaruMi more often than not turns this perfectly balanced male x male pair into a “male x male but one acts like a girl” trope that grates at my nerves until I cry blood tears.
So for ease of understanding and to not make people believe I’m into THAT kind of mutation of the ship, I prefer to say I’m into MiSaru more. And yes, it’s my absolute OTP. I could write essays about them man. I need to stop typing before I do.
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@pristineblue​ said:
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” / Saruhiko :eyes:
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“No, there isn’t.”
Of course he was caught staring -- of course he was. Saruhiko clicked his teeth, looking away with his cheeks puffed out ever-so-slightly.
“It’s just --. . . Hot in here.”
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nyandereneko · 5 years
So with the dawn of the new Studio Trigger furry anime dropping this Spring and the trailer and stuff that just came out yesterday I’ve thrown every remaining sliver of caution to the wind and I’ve been discussing furry shifter/kemonomimi AU for my f/os with a friend...and I know I’ve mentioned really being into that/mythological type AUs before so they can all be extra hot and have animal traits like Nova...so anyway until this anime gives me a new f/o (not even entirely convinced it will, despite the premise none of the character designs I’ve seen so far have SUPER stuck out to me, but that could always change ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) this blog and anything I make is probably gonna be heavy on discussing/mentioning/making things for furry AU and nothing else.
#ck.txt#dear followers#should delete#will delete#can i finally commit w/out FEAR wringing my heart out every 5 seconds?#probably bcuz i really cant understate how much i adore this concept#it may sound strange but like i know some ppl prefer/only ship w/ one specific iteration of their f/o...and im not saying im doing that#or changing/dropping anything ive already done or established#but i usually feel like thinking abt/making stuff for an au like that doesnt matter bcuz like...who cares and its kind of random and-#-nonsensical and unnecessary. but of my main f/os only like saruhiko dazai and maybe felix arent ALREADY like this lol??#oh and ren and yuki my b#so just saying im gonna think abt and make content for them as kemonomimis...as kitsune and demons and supernatural creatures#that’s essentially what it is spn creature au lol...and i dont have to justify it#i know that and if i like it and i think its fun and i wanna write fic abt snuggling up on saruhiko’s big fluffy fox tail or playing w/-#-dazai’s big fluffy ears then like. who cares. if the ppl i talk to regularly know abt it that should be moderately good enough bcuz i can-#-engage w/ them and its the same as breaking canon in any other way#i dont know why i get so torn up and anxious abt it but i gotta quit that and flesh out these AUs for myself and just say fuck it#so anyway all my f/os are kemonomimi now and their verses will reflect this accordingly thanks#saruhiko and dazai are fox/kitsune as they should be and ren is prob just a demon w/ horns and big fluffy black wings :3c#i may leave yuki and felix out of it for now (altho felix would obviously be a cat) bcuz im not focused on them AS directly#and if i can stay focused on this for a while maybe ill commission some special art for my bday :3c to reflect my furry interests fkshdksbfs
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