#fa fates
circusislife · 2 years
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chiangyorange · 4 months
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This place is a message…and part of a system of messages…pay attention to it!
isles echoes so much of s1 that it felt like a show play. theres something harrowing as an unknown entity. nothing primordial like the light and dark, or maybe it is. isles wasnt a True universe in the way that mianite seasons 1 and 2 were. it was called mianitian isles. something close, something similar, but not quite the same as the others
it wants to be adored by silly little mortals who will devote themselves to its cause. it wants to be human, but only the shape of one. it wants to be greater than mere mortal beings. it wants to be indescribable.
sounds kind of like it wants to be a god
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emotsper · 10 months
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this makes absolutely no sense but here it goes i guess 😭
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jshinmoe18 · 5 months
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komashkathesilly · 1 year
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wherever theyre going i hope theyre having a great time
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sesamenom · 6 months
@general-illyrin @tar-thelien @who-needs-words I think you all mentioned being interested in the reverse gondolin au - is anyone interested in helping with wrangling the timelines, especially the second age stuff? Here's the current outline:
(Edit: anyone feel free to help out if you're interested!)
YT 14365 - Birth of Lomion
YT 14373/FA 1 - Death of Argon
2 - Aredhel adopts Lomion
300 - Birth of Idril
316 - Turgon & Idril kidnapped by Eol
400 - Turgon & Idril rescued. Death of Eol
465 - Finrod more-peacefully passes throne to orodreth while on Quest. Everyone except beren still dies
472 - Nirnaeth. Turgon named High King of the Noldor.
476 - Turgon abdicates official title. Aredhel named High King of the Noldor.
496 - Tuor comes to Gondolin
502 - Wedding of Idril and Tuor
503 - Births of Earendil and Elwing. Idril begins to have foresight dreams about the Fall.
506 - Second Kinslaying. C^3 dead, celebrimbor stays in gondolin. Aredhel denounces the oath/kinslaying and disowns C^3
Elwing survives & is found by Oropher & Thranduil // Galadriel & Celeborn. oropher, thranduil, oropher's wife, and thranduil's then-gf // galadriel & celeborn take Elwing to Gondolin as refugees. The Silmaril is left hidden in the woods of melian's domain.
507 - Elwing comes to Gondolin.
509 - Idril captured by Morgoth. Idril reveals the location of Gondolin in exchange for an Oath to not harm her family (Turgon, Tuor, and Earendil). Idril rescued.
510 - Gondolin prepares for war with Morgoth.
513-522 - Siege of Gondolin. Deaths of Duilin and Rog. Gothmog slain by Aredhel the Huntress. First use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor in defense of Gondolin. House of the Hammer of Wrath destroyed.
523 - Maedhros believes a Silmaril is with Elwing at Gondolin.
525 - Earendil weds Elwing. Lomion weds ???. Adoption of Gil-Galad
532 - Births of Elrond and Elros.
538 - Third Kinslaying at Gondolin. Death of Amras. Elrond and Elros kidnapped by Maglor. Deaths of Elwing and Turgon. Second use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor. Deaths of Maedhros and Aredhel. Lomion named King of Gondolin and High King of the Noldor. Deaths of Salgant, Penlod, and Tuor. Earendil named Lord of the House of the Wing.
540-549 - War declared between Gondolin and the Feanorians of Himring over the Third Kinslaying and kidnapping of Princes Elrond and Elros.
549 - Elrond and Elros recovered. Feanorians and Gondolin severely weakened. Celebrimbor // Gil-Galad declared heir to the High Kingship.
552-554 - Second Siege & Fall of Gondolin. Third use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor. Deaths of Ecthelion, Glorfindel, Egalmoth, and Turgon. Idril and Celebrimbor lead survivors through the Secret Way.
555 - Gondolithlim refugees arrive at Sirion.
556 - Idril departs for Valinor.
558 - Earendil searches for Valinor.
560 - Havens of Sirion destroyed by Morgoth. Gondolithlim/Doriathrim survivors scattered. Elrond and Elros rescued (as adults) by Maglor.
572 - Morgoth controls Beleriand. Earendil and reembodied Elwing come to Valinor and rally the Host.
575-617 - War of Wrath
618 - Maglor claims the Silmaril from Eonwe's camp and casts himself into the Sea. Death of Maglor.
620 - End of the First Age.
1 - Founding of the Grey Havens and Lindon under High King Lomion
2 - Elros becomes the first King of Numenor
c. 500 - Sauron returns to Middle-Earth in the East.
650 - Eregion is founded
1000 - Galadriel is given Vilya; Lomion wields Nenya
1170 - Annatar comes to Lindon and Lomion turns him away. Lomion warns Celebrimbor of Eregion of his suspicions.
1200 - Annatar comes to Eregion. Celebrimbor takes him in to monitor.
1250 - Celebrimbor creates the Seven; Lomion creates the Nine.
1410 - Annatar is kicked out of Eregion.
1600 - The One Ring is forged. Sauron remains in hiding.
1610 - Sauron begins to gather and prepare armies in the East.
1673 - War of the Elves and Sauron begins.
1675 - Sauron invades Eriador.
1677 - Fall of Ost-in-Edhil. Celebrimbor and Lomion remain at the House of the Mirdain. Death of Celebrimbor in battle // Fourth use of the Three in battle. Sauron does not learn of the Seven. Founding of Imladris.
1678 - Sauron defeated by the Numenoreans and the Elves of Lindon.
1679 - Sauron flees to Mordor. First White Council held.
3147 - Civil war in Numenor.
3225 - Ar-Pharazon seizes the Sceptre.
3228 - Elrond claims the Sceptre. Ar-Pharazon disowned. Tar-Miriel named Ruling Queen.
3232 - Sauron taken to Numenor as a prisoner.
3274 - Elrond kicks Sauron out of Numenor and outlaws the morgoth cult.
3310 - Morgoth cult publicly reappears.
3319 - Downfall of Numenor. Tar-Miriel leads a greater force of the Faithful away.
(green // blue means two main options, red means i need to think about it more)
The main details I'm figuring out right now are
does Celebrimbor still die at Eregion - I don't think he's getting captured/tortured, but he could still die in the battle. On the other hand, he could probably survive by using Narya & Lomion using Nenya, but that would definitely have repercussions further down the line
how does Idril's deal work - I'm currently thinking of Idril exchanging the location of Gondolin for her family's guaranteed safety, because it seems in character for Reverse Idril? But on the other hand, even if I limit it to immediate family at the time of the oath (tuor, turgon, earendil) then idk where turgon dies? Maybe Maglor can kill him but that seems kind of random
where and how does Turgon die
how does Prince Elrond's character even work
how does Numenor still fall when factoring in Prince Elrond - I'm thinking that the morgoth death cult gained enough traction during the time sauron was there that even after Elrond kicks him out, the cult still sticks around and reemerges later? The Fall still happens, but they never go to attack valinor and there's a good deal more Faithful (maybe 40-60%?)
#silm#silmarillion#not art#reverse gondolin au#basically elrond is giving me a Lot of trouble here#i tacked an extra 30 years onto the FA (so the SA dates are mostly shifted up by 30 years to balance it out; hence elros being king in SA 2#this means e&e were adults during the Fall of Gondolin and the war of wrath and all#so instead of 'kind as summer' elrond of the last homely house in rivendell#we have gondolithrim veteran/dragonslayer Prince Elrond of Imladris Stronghold#and later the Bastion of the Faithful of Numenor#ironically enough he turned out way more feanorian when not raised by feanorians#instead of sirion e&e's defining Childhood Trauma was the gondolin kinslaying#in which mae and aredhel duel to the death while screaming at each other about fingon's fate and the Oath#and argon and elenwes deaths on the helcaraxe#also elwing fully died trying to protect them in this one#and then e&e were like 20something and sons/grandsons of two Lords durign the FoG so obviously they ended up fighting there too#and then again at the war of wrath#and by the mid SA elrond has already lived through so many wars he's running rather low on hope#so Prince Elrond still tries to be kind but is also substantially more willing to threaten people if need be#after eregion he founds imladris as a haven but also an impenetrable fortress#he saw the fall of gondolin and he knows that rivendell couldn't last forever#but he believes he can make it last long enough to defeat sauron first#or at least push him back so that the refugees of eregion can rebuild and survive#meanwhile celebrimbor takes up the last homely house role#but yeah Prince Elrond is pretty interesting#he intervenes more with numenor bc hes watching them self destruct and knows (bc foresight) exactly what would happen#so he tries (eventually in vain) to prevent it by disowning and exiling ar pharazon#and later exiling sauron around the time of the burning of nimloth#but it's too late and the morgoth cult already gained enough traction#on the other hand there's a lot more Faithful led by tar-miriel
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duskstars · 2 months
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anhane week 2024 day 3: fishing / soulmates 🎧
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re-re-redline · 24 days
-General Headcanons: Yamanami Keisuke-
-No Spoilers for GudaGuda 7-
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Foreword: Freed from the clutches of NPC Jail is none other than the Shinsengumi’s softest man! To celebrate his arrival, here’s his General Headcanons! Oh and I’ll be releasing his sprites throughout the event week too as I work on my To-do List and other things.
But that’s enough from me right now! Here you go!
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Do not let this man’s soft, kind and affable demeanor fool you. He can absolutely take you and everyone else for that matter in an argument. Be it screaming match or friendly debate, it doesn’t make a difference, he will meet your energy and you will regret going low on him if you decide to take it that far. He isn’t one to fold unless you can actually prove he’s wrong, to which he’ll concede and actually admit he’s mistaken. That’s not to say he’s completely obstinate or anything of the sort, he only really locks in like that when things get heated, much to his own disappointment. If you ask Sannan, it’s one of his worst qualities. Something he doesn’t like to see in others and something he really doesn’t like in himself. Though the people around him more or less call it ‘strong conviction’ rather than bullheadedness, which he still doesn’t agree with. In not heated arguments, he’s much better and more often than not the dispute will be resolved peacefully. It’s just…some people Hijikata really set him off, y’know?
Note: If you don’t believe me then look at his angry sprites. That man WILL throw down.
The second he found out that Chaldea had both a book club and a poetry club was the same second he joined. In life he wrote poetry, so I’d imagine that he’d keep up the hobby in his second one too. He does get a bit embarrassed reading his own stuff aloud but gets over it relatively quickly when he gets to know the other members. On the book side of things, he’s pretty hyped to have so much literature in one place that he can just…walk to, in a reasonable amount of time.
This man will not, under any circumstances, leave his room—or wherever he’s sleeping at—until he does his hair in the morning. This is the first thing he does when he gets out of bed and nothing will stop him from completing this task. Neither god nor man can stop Yamanami from tying his hair up before he leaves and he won’t be caught dead with it untied. The exit to a time loop could be Sannan not doing his hair and—well, shit! I guess he’s stuck there forever! …Just kidding. I think he’d stomach one day with his hair down to escape a time loop, it’s not that deep. Though it is enough to where he can confidently say that he can count on two hands the number of people who have seen him with his hair down. It’s always tied up in some fashion and the day will come where you think you got him and he’ll just smile and point at the singular bobby pin holding back a section of his bangs. Boom, he’s got you on a technicality. If you—for some reason—decide to make it your life’s mission to see this beautiful man with his hair completely down then you will find yourself embroiled in the world’s longest running game with Okita and Saito snickering in the back. Those two have seen him with his hair down and they aren’t telling you shit! They will play it up like it’s the eighth wonder of the world to add salt on the wound when you fail.
Note: His fastest time is thirty seconds and he occasionally attempts to beat his record.
He’s great with kids and you’ll often see him and Okita playing games with Jack, Nursery Rhyme, Bunyan, and Janta. While he can’t play too hard due to the arm injury that he sustained, he does play a mean game of hide and seek. If Yamanami is one of the people hiding, when he’s one of the last people left then he’ll throw by sneaking up behind you and grabbing your shoulders to scare the shit out of you. While this may seem like a mean spirited play on his part, the laughter from the other hiders at your screaming will give them away, so it’s really just his subtle way of helping you end the game. If he’s the one seeking then I hope you have a really good spot because you’re dealing with the Shinsengumi’s best seeker and he’s not one to be slacking. And yes, puppy eyes do work against him but its success rate is 42% so don’t expect to be saved very often.
Note: It should be noted that him and Okita don’t play tag together. Ever. If you ask Sannan about it, then he’ll simply say that Okita never asked. If you ask Okita about it then she’ll simply say that she’s not feeling it at the moment, which is what she says every time you ask. If you ask Saito about it, then he’ll put a hand on your shoulder and offer you the sage wisdom that some things are best left alone.
Yamanami takes really good care of his glasses. He has two cloths on hand and even has the spray too so as to keep the lenses clear when he’s out and about. Our guy knows all the alternative ways to keep the lenses and frames clean, so he will educate you if you’re doing something unholy like using fucking Windex on your glasses. On another note, he did get his prescription soon after he materialized and does have a spare in case his original ones break. He’ll be mourning their loss for a while. He tried contacts but found the feeling to be weird and mainly keeps them somewhere as the ‘I have no glasses but I must read’ emergency pair when both his original and spare break. Oh yeah, and I believe him to be farsighted. His two other ascensions have no glasses, and those are the ascensions where he’s very clearly dressed to kill (haha) so it would stand to reason that his eyesight without his glasses must not be that bad or he’s farsighted. As someone who can’t see shit 3 inches in front of her face without her glasses, I can’t imagine fighting someone who I can barely see. Life or death situation, I’m still with the coke bottle glasses! So I headcanon Sannan to be farsighted since it’d be the less debilitating thing to have in battle and it makes more sense when he takes it off for his 2nd and 3rd ascensions since he can see just fine far away without them.
Sannan, as implied by the bags under his eyes, doesn’t get that good of a sleep most days. It’s not having nightmares or anything dramatic like that, it’s just that he can’t relax enough for sleep to actually get a grip on him. Being submerged in darkness with the silence ringing in his ears sets the stage for a certain three words to take the floor. Coulda, woulda, and shoulda. This man has a lot of regrets and he can’t help but ruminate on how things would’ve turned out for him and his friends if he had just done better. If he was more wise, more assertive, more strong, more…everything—maybe if he wasn’t himself, then maybe that life would have ended more sweetly. Maybe, maybe, maybe. The myriad of possibilities of how things coulda been if he woulda done what he shoulda from the start, they plague him. That’s why this man has bags under his eyes, because he’s torturing himself for hours on end every night for shit he knows he can’t change. It’s awful.
Please, please, for the love of all that is cool beans, PLEASE make sure he sorties occasionally. Once a week, or once every two weeks—doesn’t matter. Just make sure you bring him out onto the battlefield. Do not regulate him to just filing papers. His mental health will tank and you will have a front row seat to watching a flower wither before your eyes. He’ll get depressed being all cooped up inside while everyone else is out there fighting and bringing you victory. He’ll start wondering if the reason you don’t send him out is because of his injury and it only gets worse from there as time goes on. Is it because he ran away? Is it because of the things he took part in? How about the things he let happen? Did someone tell you something about him? Do you think he’s too weak? So on and so forth until the end of time. He’ll try being nice about it and subtly ask you to have him on your comp next time but then he’ll follow it up by saying that, of course, it’s up to you and you’re the boss so…yeah. Get him outside on the field, doesn’t matter for what—proofs farming or bone farming, doesn’t matter—just get him out there and make him useful. And don’t you dare look at him with that pitiful look in your eyes either. He knows it well and it hurts him more than any physical wound ever could.
When he was alive, he earned—under the Hokushin Itto discipline—a license that basically told everyone that he knew all that there was to know about Hokushin Itto-ryu and is permitted, legally, to teach it. Which means that you absolutely can ask Sannan to teach you swordplay if you so choose. He, at first, would be astonished that you’d ask him of all people to teach you when you already have legends like Sasaki Kojirou, Tomoe Gozen, and Yagyu Munenori to teach you much more than what he learned. I mean, he’s just some dude. Why choose him? If you are persistent then he will relent and you’ll obtain Sannan as your teacher. He takes his new position very seriously and is committed to teaching you how to handle yourself well in battle, it could be the difference between life or death, after all. That’s not to say his gentle demeanor has vanished in favor of something more stern, no, if anything he seems kinda happy to be doing this. Though, it should be noted that, on rare occasions where you’re practicing on your own while supervised, you could turn around and catch a glimpse of Yamanami’s wistful expression looking through you. He’s quick to correct himself and give you a wave, but a tint of pain can be seen in those plum colored eyes.
Note: It’s not possible, but do try to keep the fact that Yamanami’s training you under wraps for as long as you can. The inevitable consequence is Okita randomly popping up sometimes mid training session to ‘quiz’ you on what you’ve learned so far. And by ‘quiz’ I mean ‘spar’ and by ‘spar’ I mean ‘knock you on your ass in under 5 seconds.’ Thankfully it doesn’t occur too often and Oki isn’t just going to beat you up and leave either, she’ll pitch in with your education too and tell you stories about the old days at the Shieikan. Saito and Hijikata will leave you be and’ll only participate in your training if you ask, with latter being harder to convince.
No one is quite sure how this happened, but through some means Sannan has gotten a bit into metal music, which is a stark contrast to his more easy listening and ambient music taste. Quite a few people think that Nobu is the one responsible when it was actually Tomoe. But not just any metal music, folk metal and symphonic metal. It can’t be TOO metal-y, it has to be diluted. To best show you what I mean, I’m going to list an example. 夜ごとの闇の奥底でfeat.LIQU@ by Undead Corporation. (aka. Yogoto no Yami no Okusoko de) For that matter, quite a few of UC’s works fit the bill too like 天涯 (Tengai) or 常世想兼神 (Tokoyo Omohikane no Kami) hit the spot as well. And while the mix of traditional instruments with metal is pretty great for him already, what Yamanami appreciates the most about these songs are the lyrics. Oh my gosh the lyrics are amazing. You can look up the translated lyrics here, here and here but they have that level of poeticism and wordplay that I just know that Sannan would appreciate.
You may recall that I earlier stated that Sannan has an arm injury. While I won’t quite get into how it happened for fear of spoiling the new event, I will tell you how he lives with it in Chaldea. It hurts from time to time and while it’s not that bad, it can flare up to an almost unbearable degree if Yamanami pushes himself too hard. And the thing is… As much as our megane friend here is the voice of reason in the Shinsengumi, the fact of the matter is that he’s just as liable to fall into the same traps everyone else fell into. Just look at him argue with Hijikata! He’s no better and he knows it. That in mind he can and will push himself past his limits and he will pay for it dearly on the pain scale, it might even cause him to pass out if the situation’s that bad. Though I wouldn’t worry about it too much since those are extreme circumstances. Still, you should keep an eye on him because the only complaints he’s going to give about his arm are the ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ type of complaints that don’t really stand out among what’s going on in the field. Thankfully, Yamanami does have painkillers to help but he often forgets them in his room, so make sure to have some Tylenol and snacks on hand for when that happens, ‘kay?
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Endnote: And that’s that! You can’t see me right now, but I’m oscillating into a different plane of existence from the sheer excitement! I can’t wait to have him buff my Hajime-chan for solo comps in the future! Once I grind those godforsaken spirit roots, I’ll have him fully ascended! Ugh, and I’ll also have to grind proofs for his skills too… Man, I hate being in mat hell…
But that’s enough of The Misery of Re-Re-Redline, I’ll be seeing you all very soon and good luck on your rolls!
Bye for now!
—Redline, over and out!
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coe-lilium · 1 year
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Bhima Ascension art
Bless pako. That's all.
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actual-haise · 10 months
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Went through the horrors on FGO recently but at least got Shinpachi earlier and man I was literally talking to a friend about how they gotta let the Type Redline artist draw a servant at some point (please check that out it fucks SEVERELY) and HE DELIVERED He's SO peak
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np5enkidu · 1 year
honestly i'm really happy that arjuna gets to be in another non-fgo game, not to be rude but i really dislike how wadarco draws him and rei wataru just does it a lot better
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dimensional-fatty · 8 months
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random fate arts
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
Io che decido di seguire la lezione online da casa vs sempre io perfettamente consapevole che non seguirò un cazzo
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empty-dream · 8 months
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For one's prayer of salvation—
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Bonjour, fandom italiano di Hetalia
Sto pubblicando su Efpfanfiction una fanfiction a capitoli su Hetalia, ma ho visto che nell'ultimo periodo il fandom è un po' smorto là dentro🥲
Se vi interessa, potreste darle un'occhiata per favore e darmi i vostri pareri? Grazie milleee💖
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Link della fanfiction:
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arcanespillo · 16 days
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Scampia/Poggioreale. 'no al turismo dell'orrore' — 'le vele non sono uno zoo'
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