#faad: team meeting
babyjakes · 2 years
forever and a day | 26. team meeting.
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summary | a story in which america’s favorite captain gives a new life and family to a five-year-old girl who has suffered well beyond her years at the hands of hydra.
characters | dad!steve rogers, girl/willa rogers (original character)
warnings | AU similar enough to OU to include spoilers to many Marvel movies (Age of Ultron and beyond). action and fight scenes with violence and killing. injuries/mild gore. mature themes related to and semi-graphic depictions of child abuse/neglect, past CSA and CSM, and their aftermath (emaciation, wounds, scarring, etc). medical abuse and experimentation. ptsd/trauma symptoms in a child (developmental discrepancies, de-humanized behavior, detachment, extreme fears). medical treatment of CSM and other aftermath of abuse.trauma-informed therapeutic treatment of ECT. somewhat evil!Tony Stark (eventually).
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Parenting alongside Tony Stark is proving to be much more difficult than I had originally anticipated.
I mean, sure. When he revealed that he wanted to sign on as Willa’s second guardian, I was immediately skeptical. Of course I was. But the way he treated her with such care when we first rescued her really had me convinced that this was all going to work out relatively smoothly. Now, I’m not so sure.
The first real indicator that things might be going south was when Tony got upset with Willa after she was shot at the safe-house and hid it from all of us. I wasn’t in the room when it happened, nor did I hear his comments to Bruce after, but the doctor let me know that he was very concerned, and when I tried to bring the incident up with Tony later, he didn’t want to talk about it.
Then, there was a period of a few days where Tony just didn’t see Willa much at all. Bruce didn’t want him talking to the child alone, and Tony felt insulted that we would suggest he be ‘supervised’ during his visits. While I understood his frustration, at least, to a certain degree, I don’t think the best decision was to ultimately ignore the girl completely.
And then, when the child was finally able to leave her bed more and be out in the common space with the rest of us for the majority of her day, Tony began to display even more questionable behavior, which thankfully the five-year-old was mostly oblivious to; the scientist would just disapprove of various things and express his concerns to me. He still didn’t like the pacifiers. He thought I was too “soft” with her, as he put it. He thought she got too much attention from everyone, in general. He didn’t like that we prepared separate meals for her. He didn’t like the way the little girl acted; he said we were babying her and therefore she was acting like a baby. Which Bruce has had very strong things to say about, on the contrary to Tony’s ignorant opinion. He just doesn’t seem to be grasping the fact that Willa is hurting. She’s been hurting her whole life, and even though she’s safe from her captors, she’s still going to carry that hurt with her wherever she goes.
A few instances have ultimately escalated to where Willa has been exposed to his bad parenting, and each time, I’ve had to remove her from the situation while Bruce or someone else talked Tony down. At this point, it’s clear to me that this is no environment for the child to be living in. Tony has no right to make things difficult for her like this.
Things have been so difficult, in fact, that Bruce has decided to call a team meeting for all of the fiftieth-floor residents to discuss concerns for how we’re going to continue raising Willa collectively. While Tony and I carry the responsibility of her guardianship together, the rest have agreed that Willa is going to be a group project. Peter is the only one missing from the bunch; he’s up watching the girl while the rest of us, the adults, meet.
That’s how we all ended up in this stuffy conference room on the forty-somethingth floor, sitting around a long oval table in cheap rolling chairs. Bruce is at the head, since he is the one who called for the meeting. To his right are Tony, Nat, and Thor. To Bruce’s left, I sit across from Tony, followed by Wanda, who’s across from Nat, and Clint, who’s across from Thor. Bruce brought his notepad, but other than that, we’re all empty-handed. Tony attempted to bring down a little science gadget to mess around with, but Bruce scolded him, reminding him that this is a serious matter.
“So,” Stark clears his throat, breaking the awkward silence. “Are we gonna do anything in this meeting, or what? 'Cause I got a whole bunch of stuff I gotta work on back in the lab, and I’m really starting to think that maybe this is a waste of my-”
“Alright,” Bruce cuts him off as a few faces around the room roll their eyes at Tony’s impatience. “We’ll get started, then. I was just going over my notes to make sure I have everything written down that we need to cover.”
“Notes schmotes,” Tony dismisses, “you’re way too fussy about these kinds of things, Banner. I wish you’d learn the art of 'winging it.’”
“Is that what you decided to do when you committed to raising a child?” Nat asks under her breath. I cough slightly, the sudden jab catching me off guard. The spy looks at the man next to her intensely, not a hint of humor showing on her face.
“Jesus,” Tony breathes out, “tough crowd. I had a bad feeling about this, and you know what, if this is just going to be a writing session for Mr. Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist’s diss track, then I would much rather be-”
“Enough,” Bruce interjects once more. “You were the one who wanted to get started, so let’s go,” he presses, his voice slightly raised in anger. I glance over a little bit to my left to see Wanda’s face looking unmistakably worried. Beyond her, Clint is rubbing his temples, clearly agitated by the genius billion-whatever. “The first thing I want to do is go around the room and let everybody say how they’ve felt the past few weeks have gone with Willa in our care. If you have any concerns or issues you want to bring up, now would be the time to do so. How about we start with Thor,” Bruce suggests, his eyes landing over on the Asgardian.
“Oh, great. So now this is group therapy,” Tony huffs, causing me to glare at him silently.
“Alright, as you wish,” Thor agrees. “As you all know, I have been in and out over the span of the tiny human’s stay. I fear I do not have much to contribute to this conversation, but I will say that I’ve noticed Captain carrying the majority of the burden in terms of caring for the child. In fact, I completely forgot that Tony had guardianship as well, until recently, when the man of spiders reminded me. I, for one, question the man of iron’s ability to care for the girl- or really, to care for anyone other than himself. That is all,” he finishes. Tony rolls his eyes.
“He’s an alien; his opinion doesn’t count,” the dark-haired man interjects.
“Shut up, Stark,” Clint groans, “I’ll go next.” The eyes in the room shift to the archer as he lets out a deep sigh before beginning. “I have a lot of concerns about the way Willa’s currently being raised. I think Steve’s doing a great job, as great as he can, but yeah; I agree with Thor. Tony’s clearly not stepping up to the plate and doing his part. His terrible attitude doesn’t help,” he notes, nodding at Tony, who frowns in response. “I don’t know if Willa’s got any idea that Tony’s supposed to be caring for her, too, but I do know that she’s picking up on Tony’s unfriendly nature. The other day, she asked me, 'Why does the scary guy with the glasses hate Willa?’ And that isn’t healthy for her. Whether or not she knows who Tony’s supposed to be.” I sigh, looking down at my lap. I wasn’t aware that she had asked Clint that; it breaks my heart that she’s able to pick up on Tony’s cold disposition.
“I never said anything about hating her; of course I don’t,” the man tries to defend.
“That doesn’t matter,” Bruce shakes his head. “With kids, it’s not so much about intention. The only thing that’s important is how you make them feel.”
“How am I supposed to control her feelings?” Tony whines.
“I’m next,” Wanda speaks up, ignoring his comment as she sits up slightly in her seat from her previous slouched position. “I’ve loved having Willa here. Even though it’s hard to witness what she’s been through, I think that she really brightens our lives, all of us. Even if we don’t notice it all the time. I personally have felt like I’m doing something greater, even greater than being an Avenger, by just being her friend. I know Peter feels the same,” she says, a hopeful smile on her face. When her gaze connects with mine, I send a smile back at her, her eyes sparkling with affection. “I agree with Thor and Clint,” the girl then continues. “Stark is having an adverse effect on Willa’s recovery. I’ve sat with her several times and tapped into her dreams; they’re all nightmares,” she discloses, causing my heart to ache in my chest. “A good portion of them are back at Hydra. There’s a jumble of other things and people she knows mixed in, too. But second to her time in captivity, her dreams are mostly about Stark. He rejects her, hurts her. Rips her out of Steve’s loving arms. Throws her away. And I believe it’s a direct result of how you’ve treated her,” Wanda accuses, her gaze rising up to meet Tony’s with a hint of crimson anger flickering in her eyes.
“That’s just absurd,” the scientist fires back, “how the hell am I supposed to control what she has nightmares about?”
Rolling her eyes, the girl beside me seethes, “Don’t you find it even a little concerning that you’re so relevant in her terrible array of dreams?
Tony scowls at her, opening his mouth to say something more, but Natasha stops him by jutting in, "Alright. I’m gonna go now. Tony, keep your mouth shut,” she instructs. He huffs at the spy, but thankfully obeys. “I agree with everything Wanda had to say; having Willa here is great. It’s especially endearing to see Steve thriving in a position we’ve all teased him needing to take for so long,” the redhead adds, winking at me. I smirk back at her, appreciating her subtle attempt to lighten the mood. “Obviously Stark’s not doing the whole parenting thing right. I mean, I can’t say I’m surprised. Just disappointed, I guess. If he doesn’t get his act together, I don’t know why he would have to keep guardianship. Steve seems completely capable of doing the job himself. And if he wants someone to co-parent with him, I can bet I’m not the only one in this room who’d be willing to step up to the plate.”
“And what makes you think you can just take my guardianship away?” Tony questions, his voice dripping with sickening arrogance.
“We can ask you to step down,” Clint suggests. “That would be the easiest way, wouldn’t it?”
“And what if I say no?” Tony challenges.
“We can always get in touch with whoever you were working with from Child Services. If you really want to get that messy about it,” Nat threatens.
“Guys, come on,” Bruce interjects. “I know we’re all frustrated with Tony; I’ll be the first one to say that his behavior is completely unacceptable. But we want to aim for growth, for change. Not for involving the authorities again.”
“You think Tony Stark is going to change?” Wanda mutters.
Bruce sighs, running a hand through his hair, clearly not coming up with an answer. Turning back to Tony, a pained look appears on the doctor’s face. “Look, Tony… we’re just bringing these things up to you because we’re worried. We don’t want things to get any worse for Willa, or for you. Ultimately, these guys are right. If you keep having such a negative effect on her, it would be wrong of us to not do something to try and keep her safe.”
“Keep her safe? Keep her safe?” Tony raises his voice, a look of pure rage appearing on his face. “Do I have to remind you that this is coming from a guy who literally turns into a big green monster when he loses his cool?” Bruce’s face hardens at his friend’s petty jab, but Tony just keeps going. “Look, I get that I’m not a super soft cuddle buddy like Steve, but that’s the point! You guys are treating this kid like she’s two! She’s five years old, for christ’s sake! She doesn’t need binkies and sippy-cups and to be carried around everywhere! It’s pathetic! She’s pathetic” he exclaims. “And I’m the only one who seems to get that! She’s been with us for how long, and she’s not even in school yet?”
“Tony, she’s five,” Clint sighs. “Kindergartendoesn’t even start until six.”
“Well, she needs some sort of education,” Tony retorts. “She may be five, but she acts stupider than a fucking box of rocks.”
“Tony,” Nat seethes, looking as if she’s about to go off completely on the man.
“Steve,” Wanda’s soft voice cuts through the chaos. “You haven’t said anything this entire time.” Glancing up, I see that everyone in the room is now looking at me. “Do you want to give your side of the story? How you’ve felt since Willa arrived?”
Taking a deep breath, I nod slowly. “Sure,” I agree, “I was just waiting for everyone else to go.” I feel a lump forming in my throat, but force it down. Now definitely wouldn’t be the time to fall apart, not in front of everybody. “Being with Willa has been… the greatest joy of my life,” I breathe, doing my best to keep from tearing up. “Maybe even greater than loving Peggy, or rescuing Bucky’s division during the war, or winning any fight we’ve faced as a team. And even though I thought originally that Tony and I were going to do this together, I’ve been alright just doing it on my own,” I admit, feeling more sure of myself than ever. “I don’t want Tony to lose guardianship. I believe in him and his ability to grow into a better parent. But the harm he’s causing Willa can’t go on. And if it does, I won’t stop at anything to protect her.” Looking around at my friends again, I see their expressions shifting to ones of respect. Then, my eyes land on Tony. And he’s absolutely fuming.
“I have just as much of a right to fight for what I think is best for her as you do,” the man growls.
“Yes, you do,” I agree with him evenly. “But I think it’s clear who would win that fight, just based on the other opinions in this room, alone.”
“Oh,” Wanda raises her hand, once again breaking through the tension. “I forgot to mention this, I’m sorry. Is it okay to bring something else up?” she asks, looking at Bruce.
Banner nods, and the girl sighs in relief. Tony glares at me, as if to say, 'This isn’t over.’
“I think that Willa’s powers might extend beyond her healing capabilities,” Wanda discloses. “A few times when I’ve read her dreams, I’ve been able to continue looking into her mind once she’s woken up.”
“Can’t you do that with everyone?” Nat asks.
“Yes, but when it happened with Willa, I had closed the door into her mind as soon as she woke up. It was almost as if… she had her own door that was open.” This new idea hits the group hard, and it’s quiet for several moments, all of us taking a second to process what Wanda’s shared.
“You know what, I think I might’ve experienced that, too,” Clint mentions, appearing a little lost in thought, as if he’s still putting the pieces together as he speaks. “Just as we were about to arrive back at the tower, after the incident at the safe-house. She started having a flashback of what happened, and I could instantly tell what it was. It was weird… like, it wasn’t just that I knew. I could actually see it all, myself.”
“So, she has some sort of mind-channeling complex, like Wanda,” Bruce thinks aloud. “Have you noticed anything else?”
“When I sit in on her dreams, sometimes I can open my eyes and still receive the information. Usually, I’ve looked and the glow around her has been red. But other times, it’s been different colors. I don’t know what they mean, but the energy source definitely isn’t mine.”
“You’re saying she’s a witch like you?” Thor speaks up.
“I have no idea,” Wanda shakes her head sadly. “I have a feeling that more abilities could pop up as she grows. If she was born with them, we have no idea how long they could take to show.”
“Okay, so… a weird mutant kid showing signs of emerging powers? Alright, that’s easy; we run tests on her,” Tony cuts in, “set her up in the lab. I don’t have machines that can run anything too crazy, but we could at least get started on her brain, maybe her blood, too. Hey Jarvis?” he calls.
“Yes sir,” the AI responds.
“Start running Project 24,” the scientist instructs. He looks back at all of us, who are startled by his sudden burst of inspiration. “I’ve been working on programs to analyze Hydra’s experiments for quite some time now. I wasn’t granted any access to the other prisoners we found in Seoul, but-”
“Woah, woah, woah, hang on a second,” Bruce finally intervenes. Every face in the room besides Tony’s is painted with worry. “We are not going to use her for one of your- your projects. You were denied access to the others for a reason.”
“What do you mean, we’re not? I’m not saying any of you have to get involved, but the more hands on deck, the quicker we can figure out the kind of power she possesses. This could be a breakthrough into Hydra’s research,” Tony tries, but none of us are on board.
“Tony, we just rescued her from a group of evil scientists who used her as a living experiment,” Natasha reasons. “And now you want to throw her back in a lab and experiment on her some more?”
“This could throw us light-years ahead of Hydra in terms of science,” the stubborn man argues. “They do the mutating, but no one over there is smart enough to make sense of any of it. That’s where I come in,” he smirks. I feel heat rising in my cheeks, but swallow down my anger, knowing that an outburst wouldn’t be the best choice in this situation.
“Absolutely not,” I declare firmly, not willing to negotiate the subject. “We promised her we were saving her from her life of experimentation. She’s our child, Tony. Not our science project.” Tony stares directly back at me, rage glowing in his eyes.
“I don’t think you’re quite understanding the gravity of the situation at hand, Spangles. This could be it; she could be our tool to overpowering Hydra. Don’t you want that, Steve? An end to their torturous ways?” Tony spits.
“Not if it means torturing an innocent child in the process,” I maintain, not willing to be swayed by him at all.
“This is why I don’t think you should have guardianship,” Clint interjects. “She’s an object to you, something you now want to use for your own personal gain. You want to be the one who cracks the code, who outsmarts Hydra, I get it. But come on, Tony. You referred to the girl you adopted as a 'tool.’” Tony turns to him angrily, about to say something in response, but just as he opens his mouth, there’s a knock at the door.
As we all turn our attention to the source of the sound, there’s another round of knocking before the door opens slowly, revealing a panicked-looking Peter, carrying a rosy-cheeked Willa who’s wailing loudly into the boy’s shoulder.
“C-Cap? Mr. Stark? Sorry, I-I should’ve waited after I knocked, but I-” as he’s talking, the child squirms out of the boy’s arms, landing on the ground and running directly over to me, ducking under the table when it’s briefly in her way. Willa crashes into my legs, letting out a sob.
“Hey, sweetheart, what’s the matter?” I instantly hush, my entire demeanor shifting from tense and rigid to gentle and concerned. The girl crawls up onto my lap and burrows her way under my shirt, pressing up against my bare chest.
“What’s going on?” I hear Nat asking Peter, but before he even has a chance to answer, I already see it as I look down at the trembling child being covered by the soft white fabric.
Beneath the loose shirt, the small girl’s body is glowing blue.
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construction57-blog · 4 years
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The most common kinds of tool are whole building energy simulation and CAD (typically 2D) or the progressively popular Building Info Modeling (BIM) which is 3D. 3D BIM software can have integrated tools for Building Services estimations such sizing ventilation ducts or approximating noise levels. Another use of 3D/4D BIM is that empowers more educated choice making and much better coordination in between different disciplines, such as ' collision testing'.
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Property Repairs Barrow In Furness
Building Providers Design Management. Oxford: UK: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1118528129. Archived 2011-08-17 at the Wayback Machine instal.utcb.ro K. Mahmud, U. Amin, M.J. Hossain, J. Ravishankar, "Computational tools for style, analysis, and management of residential energy systems", Applied Energy, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy. 2018.03.111.
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Whilst it is typical for a structure design group to be led by an designer, on structures with extremely intricate requirements a structure services engineer might be designated as the lead designer. The detection of clashes in between and other building elements is a significant cause of hold-ups and variations on site, not simply in terms of the physical services themselves, however likewise gain access to to allow the builders work in connection with those services.
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Progressively, building services engineers are central to the style and evaluation of sustainable systems, assessing the life cycle of buildings and their element services to minimise the resources consumed and the effect on the environment throughout fabrication, construction, operation and taking apart. According to The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE): 'In any new construction project, normally account for 30-40% of the overall cost.' (Ref.
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This may be as an outcome of the following: The collection of more information to feedback information about efficiency in usage will be needed to rectify this issue. NB: will need to be updated and devices changed a variety of times in the life of the majority get more info of buildings, building services engineers need to consider this throughout design development in addition to ease of upkeep and running costs.
Much progress has been made on enhancing building energy performance over the past years by concentrating on the effectiveness of individual structure elements (i.e., appliances and equipment) and, more recently, the efficiency of the structure as a whole. As a middle ground in between element and whole-building efficiency, a structure systems approach considers the interactions of elements within and among structure systems, as well as interactions amongst several structures, and in between the building and the electric grid.
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A structure system is a mix of equipment, operations, controls, accessories, and means of interconnection that use energy to carry out a specific function. Examples consist of HEATING AND COOLING, water heating, lighting, thermal envelope, and miscellaneous electrical load systems. System energy effectiveness is defined as the ratio of the services or functions offered by a structure system to the amount of energy that system consumes, considering the thermal load imposed on (or thermal energy contributed to) other building systems.
Entire Structure Style includes both an integrated style technique and an integrated team procedure. An integrated style method ensures that the interrelationships and interdependencies with all building systems are comprehended, examined, properly used, and collaborated concurrently from the planning and shows stage. Systems effectiveness is one of the strategies utilized to execute Entire Structure Design.
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itunesbooks · 6 years
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drjulierussak · 7 years
Julie E. Russak, MD, FAAD, is an Outstanding Dermatologist, Dermatologic Surgeon, and Melanoma Expert with Russak Dermatology Clinic in Manhattan, New York
Julie E. Russak, MD, FAAD, is a well-versed dermatologist, dermatologic surgeon, and melanoma expert who diagnoses and treats patients at Russak Dermatology Clinic in New York City, New York. She established her clinic in 2013 to fulfill her goal of providing comprehensive medical and cosmetic skin care to her patients. “Her clinical interests and expertise extend to many aspects of General, Cosmetic and Pediatric Dermatology, Skin Cancer and Dermatologic Surgery. Dr. Russak, a melanoma expert, is one of the few doctors in New York City trained to use MelaFind®, the first FDA-approved non-invasive and painless medical device to detect melanoma in its earliest stages.  She also provides dermatological skin-cancer surgery and MOHS on the premises”, states the official website of Russak Dermatology Clinic. Dr. Russak has an impressive professional journey that spans eight years and, in addition to being an excellent dermatologic surgeon and melanoma expert, she is a prominent figure in the medical community through her clinical research, scientific presentations, publications, and aesthetic approach. For more information about Julie E. Russak, MD, FAAD, please visit http://www.russakdermatology.com/.
Furthermore, she is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital. Dr. Julie Russak offers the latest cosmetic treatments that require little to no downtime, including injectables, laser rejuvenation, body contouring and an array of noninvasive aesthetic remedies. “Patients seek Dr. Russak’s unique 3D Facial Restoration method from all over the world, for a naturally lifted and refreshed look.  Dr. Russak is a main resource to the media, including beauty editors, research analysts and journalists”, states her clinic’s website. In order to meet patient demand, Russak+ Aesthetic Center, an extension of Russak Dermatology Clinic, opened in 2015.  “Under the direction of Dr. Julie Russak and her team of aesthetic medical professionals, the new clinical spa places the utmost emphasis on providing skin care procedures that have been clinically proven to produce quantitative results”, states the official website of Russak Dermatology Clinic. For more information about Julie E. Russak, MD, FAAD, please visit http://www.russakdermatology.com/.
Born into a medical family in Russia, Dr. Julie E. Russak moved to the United States to attend college and medical school. After completing her undergraduate education Magna Cum Laude in Biological Sciences and Phi Beta Kappa Honors at the City University of New York Hunter College in New York City, New York, Dr. Russak attended New York University School of Medicine in New York City, New York, and was awarded her medical degree with Honors and the prestigious Marion B. Sulzberger Dermatology Award in 2004. During her undergraduate tenure, she received a prestigious award from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for her studies and excellence in Genetics and Immunology. Her internal medicine residency was conducted at Lenox Hills Hospital (2004-2005) and her dermatology residency training followed at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire (2005-2008), where she served as Chief Resident. Furthermore, Dr. Russak is fellowship-trained in melanoma oncology with world-renowned Melanoma expert Dr. Darrell Rigel (2008-2009). For more information about Julie E. Russak, MD, FAAD, please visit https://www.findatopdoc.com/doctor/8138997-Julie-Russak-Dermatologist-New-York-New-York-10022.
Dr. Julie E. Russak received board certification in dermatology from the American Board of Dermatology and remains at the forefront of her challenging specialty via memberships and affiliations with prestigious professional societies and associations. Moreover, she attained fellowship of the American Academy of Dermatology having met the standards and guidelines required of the nation’s leading dermatologists. As a result of her outstanding performance in the field of dermatology, The International Association of HealthCare Professionals (IAHCP) has selected Julie E. Russak, MD, FAAD, to be featured in the premier publication of The Leading Physicians of the World. Dr. Russak has received numerous honors and recognition of her clinical excellence, including being selected as a New York Super Doctor by The New York Times. She dedicates her spare time to skiing and traveling. For more information about Julie E. Russak, MD, FAAD, please visit https://www.findatopdoc.com/doctor/8138997-Julie-Russak-Dermatologist-New-York-New-York-10022.
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m0ckingjay · 7 years
Jezebel Arlin
Tribe: Nomad Age: 28 Birthday: 25 Feb 1989 Gender: Female Location: Seattle High School: Graduate
Jezebel is currently Resting Jezebel's other character(s): Zoey Shikoba,
Postcount: 221 RP Posts: 23 Last Logged In: 10:37 14 Nov 2014 Started playing: 14 Dec 2009
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Jezebel Arlin had begun charming grown-ups, friends and teachers ever since she learnt how to speak. She had wavy, blonde hair that sometimes came in curls, smooth, fair skin, a cute button nose, a pair of bright baby blue eyes and a mouth with full lips that always presented a wide, cheerful smile. Almost everyone adored her, even in kindergarten, her teachers would pinch her cheek and mutter baby language that was supposed to cheer a kid up, although Jez despised it. Back when she was still a childish kid, she often wondered why people did that to her, and started to frown upon their actions. Her lack of experience had yet to teach her about the philosophy of appearance, beauty and impressions. However, Jez got her vanity when she started elementary school, just when her features started to bloom. Her hair got straighter, longer, and her she grew twice her height, her aqua eyes shinier than before. High school � she was the self-proclaimed fashion trendsetter of St. Victoria�s High at Toronto, Canada. She had a slim waist and body curves at just the right place, a figure many girls in her school expressed envy and jealousy for. Jez became a vain, arrogant brat, and flaunted her perfect figure by donning on outrageous outfits to school, parties, or anywhere at all. Jez loved her body, but if only people knew that she starved herself practically every day to achieve her ideal figure. After high school, Jez and her family moved all the way from Canada to the US, where her mother had taken up a job in Forks, a small town at the Olympic Peninsula. Jez rented her own apartment at Seattle, where she is currently studying in the university there. She continued her wild partying ways, a habit she picked up towards the last years of high school. She turned into the model-like person she had dreamed about for years, and her arrogance grew even more. Working as a part-time waitress at a bar in Seattle called The Hole, Jez often violated the workers� dress code, always coming to work without her uniform, a deliberate prank to show her rebellious ways. However, when she wasn�t going out to parties and shopping trips, Jez preferred to wear an oversized tee and shorts and tie her slightly wavy hair into a bun, and simply relax within the confines of her home.
Jez didn�t really have a happy and perfect family background. All was well back when she was still a crawling baby, perhaps even the perfect family a two-year-old kid could ever wish for. However, ever since her father lost his job as a bank accountant, he started to pick up serious negative habits such as drinking and such, which was a few years after Jez started high school. Since then, she made herself a makeshift faade of a tough cookie, a snob, to hide the aching sadness within herself. Never once did she try to interfere with her parents� arguments, even though she had always wished to do so. She never told anyone about her family affairs, and with that stubborn attitude of hers, nobody in her school ever found out. When her father started to leave home and became a jobless wanderer around the streets or Toronto, Jez�s temper took on an uglier side. She was easily roused and angered, and became a vindictive person. She couldn�t bear the feeling of being let down and called a failure, and would do everything for the sake of her reputation. Later on, she realized the reason behind her temperamental attitude was because she had always blamed herself for her father�s outcome, and even though she still loved her father, she refused to follow his footsteps into a failure. Once, her boiling temper even got her into a pot of boiling hot soup when disagreed with her mother�s lawyer. It was a terrible memory Jez could never ever forget, but one she didn�t regret. Stubbornness is also one of Jez�s traits. Once she gets hold or set eyes upon a desired item, she will try everything she can to possess it. Besides, she isn�t one to take instructions and orders lightly. She hates being treated like a servant, and is hard-headed when it comes to making her own decisions. Jez wasn�t what you would call a �people� type of person. She doesn�t communicate well with people, especially during family gatherings or school reunions. Therefore, she didn�t have many �real� friends (excluding desperate hang-ons during her Queen Bee days) and even then, she didn�t treat them like a true friend would have. In spite of that, Jez was actually a pretty lonely person, that she would admit. She wasn�t fond of meeting new people, but always had a lifelong wish to meet the perfect person she could call her best friend. Underneath the tough faade she frequently wore, Jez considered herself a quirky, serene spirit that keeps a diary underneath her bed to express her disappointments and regrets, as well as her happiness and joy. So far, no one had yet to penetrate the barrier she created for herself to separate from the rest of the world, not even her parents, and Jez was glad to be the only one to know her real self.
Naomi and Sean Arlin led a peaceful life on Seafield Street, a secluded neighbourhood in Toronto of Canada. Naomi Huberman Arlin was a surgeon, whereas her husband worked as a bank accountant. They always had sufficient money in their bank accounts, a house they considered quite large for the size of their family, two working cars still in perfect condition, and stable jobs. It was the type of family everyone dreamed and envied, and the Arlins were constantly surrounded by a crowd of supporting friends. At a bonfire night, Sean promised Naomi, �We will never be apart.� A year later, Naomi gave birth to an adorable baby girl, the couple�s wish fulfilled. The name Jezebel had been stuck in Naomi�s head for a while now, and Rose was named after Sean�s grandmother. Jezebel Rose Arlin was a cute little angel, and the new parents couldn�t be prouder when relatives and friends swarmed into the ward to catch a glimpse of the cherubic baby. Sean and Naomi practically spoiled their kid, giving her the best of everything she wanted. Jezebel learned to speak and walk at a fairly young age compared to her parent�s friends� children. Two years later, Jezebel�s brother, Mason, was born. Being a mere two years younger than Jezebel, the two siblings were sometimes mistaken as twins. They had the same deep brown hair, high nose, and bright blue eyes. The two of them grew up together as best friends, and Jezebel always fulfilled her responsibility as a big sister to Mason. They usually looked out for each other in school, especially when Mason was still a new kid and was often teased by the bigger, older kids in elementary school. From an outsider�s point of view, people would�ve thought they were the perfect role model for siblings, always living together harmoniously as brother and sister, and their parents were equally happy for the family. The first few years of Jezebel�s life, or which she rather liked to call, �Chapter One�, was the perfect life she had ever dreamed of. Back when she was still stuck in the first chapter, she thought they would always stay like this, leading the perfect life everyone always dreamed of. She thought everything would be okay, more than okay, sometimes, and loved how her life had turned out. However, life doesn�t always give you rainbows, sunshine and little balloons, Jezebel grew to understand. The Perfect Life she had been living decided to take an evil twist, and Jezebel�s life was never the same again. High school started, and Jezebel�s good looks and overconfident attitude earned her a reputation located at the top of the social ladder. Arrogance and pride squirmed their way into Jezebel�s mind and she became the haughty Queen Bee of her school back in Toronto. Since then, she hated people calling her by her first name, and demanded they call her by �Jez�. Mason noticed the change in her attitude, and their previous friendship waned until they barely glanced at each other anymore. Mason was sick of Jez�s snobbish ways, and Jez thought Mason was such a coward. The typical teenage sibling rivalry played before their parent�s eyes, but it wasn�t something adults had control of. Nobody knew what Mason was hiding when he started high school. One uneventful day, he was caught with two more kids doing drugs at a secluded lane behind the school during school hours. Jez�s parents were appalled by the sudden news, demanding that Mason had always been a good kid and everything, but in the end, Mason was sent to a Juvenile Centre when they figured out his behavior had lasted for a few months now. Jez felt ashamed of her brother�s behavior and never talked about him again, forgetting she had a brother altogether. However, five months later, it was reported that Mason Arlin had escaped from the centre, and was still currently searched by a search team. Three years later, an economic crisis caused Sean Arlin to lose his job as a bank accountant. The pressure of losing his job and son were too heavy for him to bear, and he was tempted into wild habits. He always left at the crack of dawn and returned way past midnight. The loud rows and quarrels weighed heavy on Jez�s shoulders, and once, she was prompted to run away just like Mason did. Despite everything she did to reunite her family again, her father barely took notice of her and continued being a nameless, drunk wanderer, failed to be stopped even by her mother. In the end, Naomi Arlin had no choice but to move away from Toronto to get away from her problematic husband. Right on cue, Naomi was offered a job at a hospital in Forks, a tiny town in the Olympic Peninsula. By then, Jez had started to abandon her studies and preferred to �hang out� with her friends at clubs and old buildings till the wee hours of the morning. Naomi�s other motive of her move to Forks was to hope that Jez would be able to start over and prevent her from turning into someone like Jez�s father. A few years after Jez graduated, mother and daughter migrated to the United States of America, where Naomi rented a terrace at a neighbourhood in Forks. However, Jez refused to be anywhere near her old life and rented an apartment in Seattle instead, where she enrolled in Seattle University for the sake of her mother. She took up a part-time job as a waitress at a bar called The Hole to keep the cash in her wallet stable. It wasn�t the life Jez had wanted, but it would have to do for the time being, she reckoned.
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