#face claim: Emma Roberts
showmeyouricons · 3 months
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multi-royalty-arc · 2 years
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kit-walk3r · 1 year
Why the Internet Shouldn’t Just Forgive Emma Roberts
(This is going to be such a long post, I do apologise in advance)
So, some of you might have seen that transgender actress Angelica Ross (Pose, 1984, Double Feature) made several tweets a couple of days ago detailing ongoing issues she had with Ryan Murphy. In addition to this she also tweeted that someone had been transphobic to her on the set of American Horror Story.
Will also tell you about the transphobic remarks my co-star said to my face, and the racism I complained about on set that they said was “free speech”.
There was a lot of speculation as to who the co-star was who made these transphobic remarks, and Emma Roberts’ name was one that popped up a lot (especially since Angelica tweeted a gif of Julia Roberts, Emma’s aunt, after posting about a transphobic co-star). Angelica then revealed on an Instagram livestream last night/this morning that it was in fact Emma who made the transphobic remarks. Here’s what Angelica stated what Emma said:
… And John [the director] is like ‘okay ladies, that’s enough. Let’s get back to work.’ And she then looks at me and she goes ‘don’t you mean lady?’
This is very clearly a transphobic comment, especially from Emma’s reaction/what she does afterwards (Angelica said that she covered her face and turned away).
It was pointed out on twitter from a clip of Angelica, Billie Lourd, Cody Fern and Gus Kenworthy reacting to the premiere of AHS 1984 that there had been transphobic behaviour on set.
Angelica: we are watching for all the transphobia on set.
Billie: always
Angelica: me and Billie are like ‘that’s transphobia’!
Angelica and Billie: we will come for you (in the nicest way)
So from just this clip it is said/suggested that there had been transphobic behaviour on set. There’s also one person notably absent here: Emma. They claimed they were watching the premiere together ‘as a family’ but admittedly the highest billed star is absent. Either Cody or Gus go “where’s Emma?” And laugh afterwards at one point, too.
This leads on to another thing Angelica touched up on in her livestream: Emma’s behaviour and relationship to the rest of the cast and crew. One thing Angelica said was that the first thing she saw Emma do was yell at the director, supposedly trying to make him cry. Angelica follows that by saying Emma always had to make sure that she was ‘number one on the call sheet’ and that she was the one in charge, including making sure her trailer was where she wanted it. This is already toxic behaviour. Moving on from that, Angelica starts talking about Emma’s relationship with the cast. It sounds like from what was said on the livestream that people weren’t very fond of Emma on set. She said she was playing ‘psychological games’ with them and that people supposedly wanted to fight her because of her behaviour. Doesn’t look very good on you if your co-stars aren’t fond of your presence, does it?
Angelica tells a story about how Emma asked them all how much they were earning that season. No one really answered her so she ended the conversation with “as long as you’re not earning over $100,000 per episode” and walked off. So from this and the earlier comment about her wanting to be top billed it’s clear that Emma wanted to be the most important person there and would not have been happy if someone was earning more money than her. Entitlement and selfishness. Even though she has always come from a famous and wealthy family she still seems to need to make sure she earns the most money and is the most famous and popular. But she’s also boasting. $100,000 is a lot of money to earn per episode and chances are her other co-stars (who may have needed that money more than Emma) are not earning that much. She’s boasting and wants people to know how much she’s making from the show. There’s no need but she’s doing it anyway.
Phew. That’s the stuff about the 1984 drama from Angelica’s livestream. But there’s one more thing from that livestream that I want to touch up on. Something that disturbed me. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a clip of this but I’ve heard multiple people (including the person who originally posted the videos) say that Angelica revealed that Emma would laugh and make jokes about getting arrested for hurting her then boyfriend, Evan Peters.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Emma would joke about her domestic abuse arrest.
This is disgusting behaviour, and apparently her own mother questioned why she was bringing it up and joking about it. Domestic abuse is not a joke and making light of the time when you were arrested for hurting your partner is not a right.
So yeah, if you weren’t aware in 2013 Emma was arrested for domestic violence against Evan after their neighbours in a hotel called the police after hearing loud arguing. Evan was found with a bloody nose and a bite mark and Emma was arrested. Evan didn’t press charges and Emma was released a few hours later.
After the news came out Emma’s PR team (‘sources close to Emma’ TMZ calls them) said that they were both hitting each other and that the only reason Emma was arrested was because she had no visible injuries. They also declined that Evan had a bite mark, which was something that had actually prior been confirmed by the police in a statement. This might just be speculation but doesn’t this sound a little like damage control? Denying injuries that the police stated Evan had and claiming they were both hitting each other sounds like a way of trying to push the blame off Emma as much as they could. Just saying 🤷‍♀️
(There’s a tweet of the infamous Evan hugging Emma whilst she’s crying photos which has zoomed in and highlighted what could be other injuries/bruises on Evan. It’s interesting to look at).
Yes, there’s the bruises on Emma’s legs and according to a lot of Emma fans that’s enough proof that Evan was supposedly the instigator and Emma was the victim. I’m not saying that the bruises on her knees are not from the altercation, just that it’s a lot easier to bruise your knees in everyday life than it is to get a bloody nose and bite mark and that this is not the conclusive evidence that Evan was the instigator that a lot of fans make it out to be.
This part is more a complaint about Emma’s fans as opposed to Emma herself but it’s still about her domestic violence arrest so it’s fitting to include it. There’s a lot of lies/misinformation that gets spread around about the DV situation. People on twitter claim that they’ve seen the police report and that it said Emma was defending herself. This is false. No police report has ever been accessed. People say that Evan started it. This is false. There is no evidence that Evan started the physical altercation but since he was the one found bloody it points more in the direction of Emma being the instigator. People say that they were both abusive. Mutual abuse is not a thing. But by saying that they were hitting/abusing each other then you’re still claiming that Emma abused Evan, so where’s her ‘cancellation’? People say that Evan can’t be a victim of domestic violence because he’s a man and taller/bigger than Emma. This is false. Extremely false. Men can be victims of domestic violence too, even at the hands of women. Just because Evan is taller and has a bigger build than Emma does not mean that she can’t physically hurt him. She clearly has. Men can be hurt by women. Don’t minimise their experiences.
I wish I could say that the 2013 arrest was the only physical/abusive story in relation to Emma but unfortunately there is (potentially) more. Blind items are essentially pieces of information that are submitted to gossip sites whilst keeping the identities of the celebrities they’re about anonymous (but it’s usually kind of obvious to guess who they’re about). There have been many blind items about Emma and Evan’s relationship and sadly some are violent. One states that she threw a glass at his head (you can see his maybe shaved head here) and another says that he woke up to her pacing the bedroom with a knife. There’s others about the two of them where they’re not violent but still show Evan being mistreated in their relationship and there’s also a fair few about her sleeping with James Franco whilst in a relationship with Evan. You can find a list of all Emma blind items here. Yeah, blind items should be taken with a pinch of salt but the large amount of blind items about Emma and her treatment towards Evan is concerning and kind of speaks for itself.
So, we’ve covered that Emma was transphobic to her transgender cast member, rude to the rest of her cast and abusive towards her ex boyfriend. What else?
There’s how she treats regular members of the public. There’s horror stories all over the internet of people’s interactions with Emma. Baristas and hospitality workers have some of the worst stories, about how she’s rude and aggressive, hates waiting and will even get angry if they don’t recognise her. Fans have had negative experiences where they met Evan and Emma together and whilst Evan would talk to them and take photos she would just stand their annoyed. People who have worked on sets with her have said that she’s a nightmare to work with. This tweet shows a compilation of just some of the tweets and comments about people’s experiences meeting Emma.
Well, that’s all the dirty laundry on Emma Roberts. Now, what’s the point in this post? What does the title mean?
Well, Angelica Ross tweeted that Emma apologised for her transphobic comments.
Thank you @ RobertsEmma for calling and apologizing, recognizing your behavior was not that of an ally. I will leave the line open to follow up on your desire to do better and support social justice causes with your platform.
And a large portion of the internet has gone from holding Emma accountable for her actions and acknowledging that she’s not a good person to suddenly worshipping her again and acting like she’s god’s gift. I’m so happy that Angelica has been able to get this sort of closure and an apology, I really am, but I just thought that her leaking that Emma was transphobic towards her would open people’s eyes to the type of person Emma is. She’s got a history of being a bad person, and people were finally opening their eyes to that. Unfortunately, they’re starting to blind themselves again and are going back to thinking she’s great.
Emma has never been held accountable for any of her negative behaviour. No one has ever held her accountable for the abuse with Evan, no one has ever held her accountable for how awful she would be to cast and crew. Angelica calling her out for being transphobic was finally a step in the direction for Emma being held accountable for her past actions which have had detrimental effects on other people, but they’re not.
Whenever you bring up Emma getting arrested people rebuttal it with ‘they were hitting each other’ or ‘Evan started it’ or ‘it was years ago, let it go’ or ‘she’s a mother now, she’s changed’. People always come to her defensive and either shift the blame onto Evan, just say ‘she’s changed’ or outright deny it. These people are protecting not a good person by doing this and their denial that Emma isn’t problematic leads to the issue of her not being held accountable.
If you bring up people’s anecdotes about negative experiences meeting Emma they instantly call them fake. Apparently everyone who says they met Emma and had a bad experience is a liar. No one’s allowed to have a bad experience with her otherwise you’re just trying to defame her.
This is a woman who was abusive towards her partner. This is a woman who was transphobic. This is a woman who treats people ‘beneath her’ like shit. And no one has ever held her accountable for any of this. Instead she’s almost protected by the internet, with people coming to defend her of you say even the slightest negative thing. This is not good. This is not healthy.
Why should Emma get a free pass? Why shouldn’t she be held accountable for her actions? Why should she be able to get away with everything she does? Answer: she shouldn’t. But she does. Because she’s an icon ✨ she’s mother ✨ she’s the moment ✨
She’s not.
Emma Roberts treats people awfully, but the internet chooses to neglect that. Emma Roberts is rude to her co-stars and crew, but the internet chooses to neglect that. Emma Roberts was abusive towards her boyfriend, but the internet chooses to neglect that. Emma Roberts is a bad person, but the internet chooses to neglect that.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months
Once Upon A Time OC Masterlist
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Name: Alissa Thorn
Story: Dear Reader
Enchanted Forest: Priscilla Page ( Fables )
Face Claim: Kathryn Newton
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Name: Angel Dearly
Story: Long Live
Enchanted Forest: Anita Dumas / Anita Radcliffe
Face Claim: Ellie Bamber
Love Interest: Roman Taylor | Roger Radclfife ( @the-witching-ash )
Angel Dearly wouldn’t say that she was unhappy with her life, but she was bored.  Instead of being a famous fashion designer in New York or Paris, she was a waitress in Storybooke, still living with her grandmother.  There were some good moments, of course: walking Perdita, baking pies, talking to the sweet music teacher who visited Granny’s every day when he finished work, but every day felt the same, and Angel spent her life feeling like something was missing, yearning for something more.  And then Emma Swan comes to town one day, and the life that Angel Dearly was so used to would never be the same again.
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Name: Angel Dearly
Story: Folklore
Enchanted Forest: Anita Radcliffe
Face Claim: Ellie Bamber
Love Interest: Graham Humbert
Angel Dearly wouldn’t say that she was unhappy with her life, but she was bored.  Instead of being a famous fashion designer in New York or Paris, she was a waitress in Storybooke, still living with her grandmother.  There were some good moments, of course: walking Perdita, baking pies, talking to the Sheriff when he came for his morning coffee, but every day felt the same, and Angel spent her life feeling like something was missing, yearning for something more.  And then Emma Swan comes to town one day, and the life that Angel Dearly was so used to would never be the same again.
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Name: Antonietta Caccialanza
Story: Overture
Enchanted Forest: Sugar Plum Fairy
Face Claim: Anne Hathaway
Love Interest: Graham Humbert
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Name: Ariana Galanis
Story: The Girl Who Died
Enchanted Forest: Ariadne Bayern ( Bluebeard's Wife )
Face Claim: Nicola Coulghan
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Name: Bradley Cushing
Story: The Game Afoot
Enchanted Forest: Sherlock Holmes
Face Claim: Freddy Carter
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Name: Calleigh Sheridan
Story: Overture
Enchanted Forest: Clara Stahlbaum ( The Nutcracker )
Face Claim: Elle Fanning
Love Interest: Marius Hoffman
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Name: Carmilla Rossmore
Story: Love Eternal
Enchanted Forest: Lucy Westenra
Face Claim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Libby Kocsis & Will Hopkins
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Name: Corrina Mills
Story: Rite Of Spring
Enchanted Forest: Persephone
Face Claim: Ana De Armas
Love Interest: probable Graham Humbert
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Name: Declan Jones
Story: Bury Your Bones
Enchanted Forest: N/A
Face Claim: Thomas Doherty
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Name: Dove Thorn
Story: Dear Reader
Enchanted Forest: Robin Page ( Fables )
Face Claim: Natalie Alyn Lind
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Name: Eilwony
Story: Rabbit Heart
Enchanted Forest: Eilwony
Face Claim: Kiernan Shipka
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Name: Emmanuel Roberts
Story: I’m Still Here
Enchanted Forest: Jim Hawkins
Face Claim: Brenton Thwaites
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Name: Eve Dearly
Story: Folklore
Enchanted Forest: N/A
Face Claim: Mackenzie Foy
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Name: Evelyn Thorn
Story: Dear Reader
Enchanted Forest: Hillary Page ( Fables )
Face Claim: Florence Pugh
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Name: Findlay Maguire
Story: Folklore
Enchanted Forest: Fiyero Tigelaar
Face Claim: Jonathan Bailey
Love Interest: Angel Dearly
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Name: Gabriel Whittaker
Story: Folklore
Enchanted Forest: Klaus White
Face Claim: Nicholas Galitzine
Love Interest: Lavender Dunbar
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Name: Goldie Thistle
Story: Follow Your Heart
Enchanted Forest: Thumbelina
Face Claim: Sabrina Carpenter
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devoutjunk · 10 months
Novel Syllabus 2024
This coming year I think I'm going to be on here more often than I am on twitter or elsewhere, and as part of that, I'm going to start documenting the process of writing my novel more actively. I want to return to/resurrect the momentum and energy I had while writing the first draft and be more intentional about setting aside time to work, even when it's difficult. Below are my writing goals for the coming year as well as my reading list of texts for inspiration, genre/background research, comps, etc. Would welcome any suggestions of texts (any genre/discipline) pertaining to Antigone, death & resurrection, Welsh and Cornish myth and folklore, ecology & environmental crisis, and the Gothic.
Writing Goals
Reach 50k words in draft 2 overall
Finish a draft of Anna's timeline
Finish a draft of Jo's timeline
Polish & submit an excerpt for the Center for Fiction Prize
* = reread
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & The Apocalyptic
The Memory Theater (Karin Tidbeck)
Who Fears Death (Nnedi Okorafor)
Urth of The New Sun (Gene Wolfe)
Slow River (Nicola Griffith)
Dream Snake (Vonda McIntyre)
Black Leopard, Red Wolf (Marlon James)
Notes from the Burning Age (Claire North)
Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino)*
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)*
The Last Man (Mary Shelley)
The Drowned World (J.G. Ballard)
Strange Beasts of China (Yan Ge, trans. by Jeremy Tiang)
City of Saints and Madmen (Jeff VanderMeer)
Freshwater (Akweke Emezi)
The Glass Hotel (Emily St. John Mandel)
Pattern Master (Octavia Butler)
Sleep Donation (Karen Russell)
How High We Go in the Dark (Sequoia Nagamatsu)
The Magician's Nephew (C.S. Lewis)*
The Golden Compass (Phillip Pullman)*
The Green Witch (Susan Cooper)
The Tombs of Atuan (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Black Sun (Rebecca Roanhorse)
Gideon the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir)
Lives of the Monster Dogs (Kirsten Bakis)
Brian Evenson
Sofia Samatar
Connie Willis
Samuel Delaney
Jo Walton
Tanith Lee
A Wild Swan (Michael Cunningham)
Til We Have Faces (C.S. Lewis)
Gingerbread (Helen Oyeyemi)
Circe (Madeline Miller)
The Owl Service (Alan Garner)
Literary Myth-Making, Mystery, and the Gothic
Nights at the Circus (Angela Carter)
Frenchman's Creek (Daphne Du Maurier)
Possession (A.S. Byatt)*
The Game (A.S. Byatt)*
The Essex Serpent (Sarah Perry)
Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë)
The Secret History (Donna Tartt)*
The Wild Hunt (Emma Seckel)
King Nyx (Kirsten Bakis)
The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco)
The Lottery and Other Stories (Shirley Jackson)
Beloved (Toni Morrison)
The Night Land (William Hope Hodgson)
Interview with a Vampire (Anne Rice)*
Sexing the Cherry (Jeanette Winterson)*
Night Side of the River (Jeanette Winterson)
Bad Heroines (Emily Danforth)
All the Murmuring Bones (A.G. Slatter)
The Path of Thorns (A.G. Slatter)
Gormenghast (Mervyn Peake)
Prose Work, Perspective, and Stream of Consciousness
The Chandelier (Clarice Lispector)
The Waves (Virginia Woolf)*
The Years (Virginia Woolf)
The Intimate Historical Epic / Court Intrigues
Wolf Hall (Hilary Mantel)*
Menewood (Nicola Griffith)
Dark Earth (Rebecca Stott)
A Place of Greater Safety (Hilary Mantel)
The Mabinogion (trans. Sioned Davies)
Le Morte D'Arthur (Thomas Malory)
The Collected Brothers Grimm (Phillip Pullman)
Angela Carter's Collected Fairytales
Mythology (Edith Hamilton)
Underland (Robert Macfarlane)
The Wild Places (Robert Macfarlane)
Wildwood (Roger Deakin)
Vanishing Cornwall (Daphne Du Maurier)
Lonely Planet: Guide to Devon & Cornwall
A Traveler's Guide to the End of the World (David Gessner)
The Lost Boys of Montauk (Amanda M. Fairbanks)
A Cyborg Manifesto (Donna J. Harraway)
A Treasury of British Folklore (Dee Dee Chainey)*
The First Last Man: Mary Shelley and the Postapocalyptic Imagination (Eileen M. Hunt)
Antigone's Claim (Judith Butler)
Theories of Desire: Antigone Again (Judith Butler)
Ecology of Fear (Mike Davis)
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rededgerp · 1 year
Some face claims we'd love to see grace our dash are Andrew Garfield, Glen Powell, Ashton Irwin, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Emma Watson, Henry Golding, Jared Padalecki, Alex Gaskarth, Matt Smith, Max Irons, Robert Pattinson and many more. Come check us out and join us today.
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ouatnextgen · 1 year
Character Profile: Leo
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Name: Prince Neal Leopold Nolan of Misthaven
Other names: Leo (primary nickname)
Squirt (by Emma)
Uncle (by Hope, to annoy him)
His Royal Annoyingness (by PJ)
Snowflake (by Snow)
Kiddo (by David)
Age: Eighteen
Height: 5’10
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Cis Male (he/him)
Face Claim: Lucas Till
Sexual Orientation: Biromantic Asexual
Species: Human
Father: Prince David “Charming” Nolan of Misthaven
Mother: Queen Snow-White Blanchard of Misthaven
Sibling(s): Emma Swan
Prince Benjamin Nolan of Misthaven
Other Family: King Leopold of Misthaven (maternal grandfather)
Queen Eva of Misthaven (maternal grandmother)
Robert Nolan (paternal grandfather)
Ruth Nolan (paternal grandmother)
Prince James of Graybane (paternal uncle)
Killian Jones (brother-in-law)
Henry Mills (nephew)
Hope Swan-Jones (niece)
Occupation: Student at Storybrooke High (Storybrooke), crown prince of Misthaven (EF)
Home: Storybrooke, Misthaven (occasionally)
Favorite Color: Gray Blue
Powers and abilities: Swordsmanship, archery
Weapons: A sword and shield
Songs: Hear Me- Imagine Dragons || Human- Rag’n’bone Man || Wake Me Up- Avicii
Likes: Prince Philip II
Birthday: May 6th, 2013
Zodiac: Taurus (Practical, resourceful, confidant, energetic, tidy, stubborn, unforgiving, excessive)
Personality Type: ISTJ (Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging)
Leo tends to be reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. He composes his actions carefully and carries them out with methodical purpose.
Description: Neal means “hero” in Celtic, and his preferred name, Leopold, means “lion” in German. He has his father’s dark blonde hair as well as his facial structure, paternal grandmother’s brown eyes, and his mother’s nose.
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In the name of the father
Young Belfastian Gerry Conlon (Daniel Day-Lewis) admits that he was in London at the time of the incident. He also admits that he is not a model citizen, having committed a petty robbery while in London. He does however profess his innocence when it comes to the bombing of the Guildford Pub in London in 1974, the event which killed several people inside. A self-professed non-political person, he and his three co-accused, dubbed the Guildford Four, are thought to be provisional members of the I.R.A. Their self-professed innocence is despite each having signed a statement of guilt which they claim were signed under duress. Their case includes having provable alibis for the time frame of the bombing. And eventually, Joe McAndrew (Don Baker), a known I.R.A. member, admits to the bombing. Dubbed the Maguire Seven, seven others, primarily members of Gerry's extended family including his father Giuseppe (Pete Postlethwaite), are accused of being accessories to the bombing. Following on the work initiated by Giuseppe, Gerry works on a campaign to prove their collective innocence, this work with the assistance of compassionate lawyer Gareth Peirce (Dame Emma Thompson). As Gareth works on this campaign, she is faced with obstacle after obstacle placed by Robert Dixon (Corin Redgrave), who led the initial investigation and questioning of the four accused on behalf of the Police.
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stxriesfromasharchive · 7 months
Ash's Chaotic Muses List
I'm trying to give as many possible references and shortcuts to find my muses as possible, so here is a list I will occasionally reblog / edit when I need to that features all of my menaces and buttheads, both oc and canons. A reminder that all canons are heavily divergent and headcanon based. All muses, unless stated clearly otherwise, are available and open for shipping (of all types) and are au, meaning unless discussed none of them will intersect with each other. No muse has a complete bio page as of yet, but please feel free to ask me anything you would like to know regarding a butthead of mine.
Abel Teller Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Farmer / Rancher. Sons of Anarchy. FC: Luke Grimes. Age 26.
Berlioz Bonfamille Human. Non-Binary (he/him ; they/them). Pansexual / Panromantic. Musician. Disney’s Aristocats (modernized). FC: Timothee Chalamet. Age 24.
Carlisle Cullen Vampire (“impure”/turned), Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Doctor. Twilight. FC: Peter Facinelli.
Cassandra Pentaghast Human. Cis Female (she/her). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Seeker/Right Hand of Divine Justinia V. Dragon Age: Inquisition. FC: Jaimie Alexander.
Cullen Rutherford Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual/Heteroromantic. Commander of the Inquisition Forces. Dragon Age: Inquisition. FC: Charlie Hunnam (temporarily ; may be changed).
Death (Deacon Crowe) Nephilim (half-angel half-demon). Cis Male (he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Protector of Earth/Humanity. Darksiders series. FC: Mads Mikkelsen (human form).
Dorian Pavus Human. Cis Male (he/him). Homosexual / Homoromantic. Mage (necromancy specialty). Dragon Age: Inquisition. FC: To Be Determined.
Duchess Bonfamille Human. Cis Female (she/her). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Music Teacher. Disney’s Aristocats (modernized). FC: Annabelle Wallis. Age 43.
Edward Cullen Vampire (impure/turned). Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic. English Teacher. Twilight. FC: Robert Pattinson.
Emmett Cullen Vampire (impure/turned). Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Gym Owner/Bartender/DJ. Twilight. FC: Michael Malarkey.
Fury (Scarlet Blair) Nephilim (half-angel half-demon). Cis Female (she/her). Pansexual / Panromantic. Protector of Earth/Humanity. Darksiders series. FC: Jessica Chastain (human form).
Gabriel Van Helsing Werewolf (bitten). Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic. Monster Hunter. Van Helsing 2004. FC: Hugh Jackman.
Iron Bull Qunari. Cis Male (he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Warrior. Dragon Age: Inquisition. FC: Jason Momoa.
Judith Grimes Human. Cis Female (she/her). Sexualy fluid. Leader of the Commonwealth/caretaker. The Walking Dead. FC: Emma Watson. Age 25.
Marie Bonfamille Human. Cis Female (she/her). Bicurious. Singer (specifically opera). Disney’s Aristocats (modernized). FC: Elle Fanning. Age 24.
Rick Grimes Jr. Human. Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic. Second in command of the Commonwealth/Farmer. The Walking Dead. FC: Roland Buck III.
Sam Winchester Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Hunter. Supernatural. FC: Jared Padalecki.
Strife (Jones Gunn) Nephilim (half-angel half-demon). Cis Male (he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Protector of Earth/Humanity. Darksiders series. FC: Idris Elba (human form).
Thomas Teller Jr. Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Veterinarian. Sons of Anarchy. FC: Garrett Hedlund. Age 24.
Toulouse Bonfamille Human. Cis Male (he/him). Homosexual / Homoromantic. Artist. Disney’s Aristocats (modernized). FC: Cameron Monoghan. Age 24.
War (Warren Godfrey) Nephilim (half-angel half-demon). Cis Male (he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Protector of Earth/Humanity. Darksiders series. FC: Henry Cavill [as Geralt from the Witcher] (human form).
Abraham Thompson Human. Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic. Professional Thief and Con Man. Crime based. Face Claim: Sebastian Stan.   
Arin Morrison Human. Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic (leaning towards men ; demiromantic with women). Doctor / General Surgeon. Fandomless. FC: Justin Hartley.
Benjamin Weston Reed Hybrid (half-vampire half-human). Cis Male (he/him). Semi Bisexual / Semi Biromantic. Agent of Chaos. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Nathaniel Buzolic. Son of Ethan Weston ; half-nephew of Mabel Weston Blacksmith. Second Generation.
Darkcaster Dark Witch /Dark Alter Ego. Non-Binary (she/her/they/them/he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Dark!Alternate of Jade Willows, only purpose is to create and cause misery and suffering to feed from. Born from an ancient curse. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Katie McGrath (mainly in her role as Morgana le Fay in Merlin) ; Colin O’Donoghue (male presenting).
Ethan Weston Vampire (pureblood/born). Cis Male (he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Artist/Painter. FC: Daniel Gillies. Father of Benjamin Weston Reed ; half-brother of Mabel Weston Blacksmith.
Gabrielle “Ellie” Willows Witch. Cis Female (she/her). Uncertain of her orientation and preferences. College Student (studying botanical science) ; part time florist. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Elizabeth Gillies. Daughter of Jade Willows ; niece of Katrina Willows. Second Generation [aged up to 24]
Helena Chester Human. Cis Female (she/her). Bisexual / Biromantic. Occupation various, formerly a lawyer (for her estranged mob crime family). Partial Crime based. FC: Sophia Bush. 
Isaac Keath Werewolf (bitten). Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic. Underground/Illegal Fighter. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Joe Manganiello.
Jack Gray Mason Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Private Investigator. Crime based. FC: Dylan O’Brien. Son of Kimberly Mason ; nephew of Kole Mason ; older brother of Sonny Mason. Second Generation [age up to 24].
Jade Willows Witch. Cis Female (she/her). Bisexual / Biromantic. Florist and single mother. Supernatural (genre). FC: Katie McGrath. Good!alternate ego of Darkcaster. Older sister of Katrina Willows. Mother of Ellie Willows.
James Score Watterson Hybrid (half-werewolf half-human). Cis Male (he/him). Closeted Bisexual / Biromantic. No Employment ; hunting his father. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Chandler Riggs. Son of Will Score. Second Generation [aged up tp 24]. 
Jason “Sonny” Gray Mason Human. Cis Male (he/him). Homosexual / Homoromantic. University student (studying visual arts). Fandomless. FC: Colin Ford. Son of Kimberly Mason ; nephew of Kole Mason ; younger brother of Jack Mason. Second Generation [age up to 22]. 
Katrina Willows Human (main verse) ; Witch (alternate verse). Cis Female (she/her). Pansexual / Panromantic. Stripper/Exotic Dancer/Prostitute. Fandomless (main) ; Supernatural (genre) based (alternate verse). FC: Meghan Ory. Younger sister of Jade Willows ; aunt of Ellie Willows.
Kazvrall Half-Orc. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Demiromantic. Paladin (Oath of Redemption). Dungeons and Dragons / High fantasy based. FC: Kit Harington.
Kimberly Mason Human. Cis Female (she/her). Bisexual / Biromantic. Homicide detective. Crime Based. FC: Genevieve Padalecki. Mother of Jack and Sonny Mason ; younger twin sister of Kole Mason. 
Kole Mason Human. Cis male (he/him). Semi-closeted Bisexual / Biromantic. Bartender. Fandomless. FC: Jensen Ackles. Older twin brother of Kimberly Mason ; uncle of Jack and Sonny Mason. Father of Molly Mason (single!dad verse).
Mabel Weston Blacksmith Hybrid (half-vampire half-werewolf). Cis Female (she/her). Demisexual / Demiromantic. Photographer. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Shelley Hennig. Younger half-sister of Ethan Weston ; half-aunt of Benjamin Weston Reed. 
Matthias  Demon. Cis Male (he/him). Crossroads demon / soul collector. Supernatural (genre and tv show) based. FC: Nathan Parsons.
Molly Mason Human. Cis Female (she/her). Orientation undecided. Employment undecided. Fandomless. FC: Lily Collins. Daughter of Kole Mason (alive in single!dad verse which will be her main verse setting). Second Generation [aged up to between 19 and 22].
Oakley Chambers Human. Cis Female (she/her). Bisexual / Biromantic. Chef & waitress. Fandomless. FC: Crystal Reed. 
Phoenix Maine Gifted Human / Pyromancer. Cis Female (she/her). Bisexual / Biromantic. Circus Performer / Dancer. Fandomless mostly (Marvel/DC friendly). FC: Katherine McNamara.
Rex Howard Werewolf. Cis Male (he/him). Closeted Bisexual / Biromantic. Heir to his Pack’s Alpha / leadership status. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Tyler Hoechlin.
Shane Black  Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual/Heteroromantic. Contract Killer/Mercenary for hire.  Crime based. FC: Frank Grillo.
Silas Drake Cybernetically enhanced Human. Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual/Biromantic. Vigilante/former military soldier turned brainwashed killer/Mechanic. Sci-fi based / crime based. FC: Joel Kinnaman. 
Will Score Werewolf (born / pureblood). Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual/Heteroromantic. Self Employed. Supenatural (genre) based. FC: Norman Reedus. Father of James Score Watterson.
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I love Evan but it's not fair to constantly drag Emma for their mutual altercation. She has a child and seems to be a loving mother nowadays. This has been over ten years ago and she seems to have moved on to become a better person, caring for a two year old son and trying to protect him as much as possible. That shows to me that she is capable of loving and caring for another person and she is not the demon everyone tries to portray her as. We don't know what really happened between them, we must not forget he is still a man and often times men are the first aggressors and provoce the woman til the point that the woman lashes out. It's just not nice if the person who you want to have a conversation with walks away or doesn't react for example. It's provocation in a way and I understand if Emma felt disrespected.
how is it “not fair”? first off, i question the character of anyone who hops online and says they love someone, but then proceeds to give a bunch of excuses and character references for the person who assaulted them. nope. hello emma minion! let me do what you and the rest of her fans are incapable of, and dismantle your baseless and downright offensive “argument”.
mutual altercation - says who? not the police or witnesses. cite a source that is not emma roberts PR person who was not in the hotel room. evan had physical injuries, emma didn’t. emma was arrested and could have faced charges, not evan. stop spreading misinformation and trying to lay blame on the verifiable victim in this situation. you saying something doesn’t make it so, and continuing to repeat these claims with no evidence to back it up only proves that you have a made up scenario in your head that you want to be true, so you say it like it is a fact in hopes that uneducated people will latch on and believe it.
what evidence do you have that emma has changed for the better, and even if she did, how does that absolve her of what she did to evan? and what does her being capable of loving her son have to do with her beating her former boyfriend? her being capable of loving her own child has literally nothing to do with her being abusive towards evan. we all understand that emma can be capable of loving a human that literally spawned from her snatch and still get mad and hit her lover. please be real.
also, we do know what happened. it just doesn’t suit your narrative so you choose to ignore the facts that are openly available to the public. emma physically beat evan to give him a bloody nose and bit him. what happens “often times” has nothing to do with this case, and what you described is not in any way an excuse or defense. someone walking away when you’re having an argument is not cause to beat them. feeling disrespected doesn’t give you the right to put your hands on someone. if this is the way you actually think, you need to look inward because this is not an acceptable mindset. you have absolutely no coping skills if the moment you become emotionally frustrated you start feeling justified to assault someone.
i genuinely hope that you educate yourself on the subject of domestic violence, and stop being a harmful person who victim blames, perpetuates lies, and purposely muddies the waters all to defend an awful woman and unremarkable actress. she is in fact a demon and so are her minions who defend her abusive behavior. 🙂
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showmeyouricons · 3 months
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jozstankovich · 1 year
for the ask game: 100% !!!
100%. Does your character resemble anybody famous?
A few of my ocs have famous/mildly famous face claims lol
Win Lewis - Kailee Morgue Delilah Edwards - Emma Roberts Aevryn Davey-Swift - Emily Rudd Ji-ae Yeong - CHUU Julia Stevens - Kristen Stewart Jesse DeLaurenta - Avan Jogia Josie Parker - a mix of Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman Sera Darling - Olivia Holt Thompson Blum - Tom Waits Phifer Montivan - Ruby Rose Lorelai Trevelyan - Lily Collins
[ oc questions ]
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enviedriches · 3 months
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Basic Information:
Name: Brooke Thompson.
Age: 25.
Place of Birth: Fox Kingdom.
Current Home: Ana-Kainga, Kingdom of Dijeuni.
Affiliation: House Snow.
Occupation: Works at Training Camp.
Skeleton Bio:
Brooke has a slightly shaded past, but when she left her old kingdom and arrived in this one she'd promised herself that she would leave it behind her. Little did she know that bits of her past actually took place in this kingdom. Naive to this, however she was rather excited when she was invited near instantly to help Montana and Xavier work at the training camp. With a history of archery behind her she actually worked well with it, though the sword play wasn't really her area of expertise.
Brooke is a kind heart, gentle soul with a naive nature about her. She is overly trusting of people, believing that they all in fact have good in them. This has led her astray a time or two, yes, but overall she does find great peace and prosperity in who she is and feels that life couldn't possibly be better. After all, in a dank and dreary world, it's difficult to still find reasons to smile sometimes.
Brooke is House Snow, because she's not about people being forced into hardships when it can be avoided. She doesn't believe that anyone is above anyone else, she also finds that if led by good, good will prevail and while she doesn't look at Grimhilde and see evil, she does look at Snow and see peace, and prosperity.
Face Claim: Emma Roberts. The face is not negotiable.
This role is open.
Credit: Chaca.
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wealthtv · 5 months
mw fcs and cc
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if  there's  any  doubles  my  apologies  -  just  take  it  as  our  members/us  really  wanting  those  ones.
for  faces:  cody  christian,  daniel  ezra,  drew  starkey,  ayesha  madon,  thomas  weatherall,  michael  b.  jordan,  adeline  rudolph,  morgan  holmstorm,  sandra  oh,  apo  nattawin,  becky  g,  victoria  pedretti,  erana  james,  keith  powers,  michael  evans  behling,  samantha  logan,  savannah  lee  smith,  victoria  justice,  cierra  ramirez,  hande  ercel,  aslihan  malbora,  jonathan  bailey,  jessie  mei  li,  lizeth  selene  (!!!!),  jacob  elordi,  barry  keough,  ni  ni,  oscar  isaac,  jessica  chastain,  gabrielle  union,  oliver  jackson-cohen,  rami  malek,  mena  massoud,  lana  condor,  jane  de  leon,  kathryn  bernardo,  ario  bayu,  dylan  wang,  nicola  coughlan,  yuki  kato,  shioli  kutsuna,  serena  motola,  oktay  cubuk,  ji  changwook,  greta  onieogou,  daniel  ezra,  alex  aiono,  michelle  yeoh,  keanu  reeves,  putri  marino,  riz  ahmed,  emma  d’arcy,  janelle  monae,  lucien  laviscount,  yoghurt  nattasha,  zendaya,  tom  holland,
for  career  claims:  huang  zitao,  emma stone, sandra oh, rihanna ( discography or fenty line or both), lewis  hamilton,  lionel  messi,  han  cong  &  sui  wenjing,  keanu  reeves,  leonardo  dicapprio,  niki  zefanya,  jung  hoyeon,  yuzuru  hanyu,  tessa  virtue,  ellen  pompeo,  jonathan  bailey,  house  of  the  dragon  cast,  mitski,  noah  kahan,  nba  players,  nfl  players,  will  smith,  zendaya,  halle  bailey,  travis  kelce,  call  her  daddy,  ghost  files  /  buzzfeed  unsolved,  paris  paloma,  ryan  gosling,  mika  flanagan,  kristen  stewart,  robert  pattinson, jacob elordi.
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x-ceirios-x · 8 months
jensen ashfair
bio, character sheet
face claim images
Jensen arrives back in New York with Maryse, Robert, and Max after the events of City of Bones. He’s not their biological child, but he’s as close to it as he could be; he and Max are basically attached at the hip, as well, so he goes places with Mayrse and Robert when they have business. Early in the book, Alec, Isabelle, Clary, and Rowan go to the City of Bones to save Jace after receiving the distress signal from the Silent Brothers; Jensen, who is particularly apt with runes, assists in preparing them for the mission and promises to keep Max and himself out of trouble until everyone comes back. He’s young and doesn’t understand most of the situation at hand, just that he’s being pushed out of the ‘big kids’ group again. This same feeling is why he blows up on Jace, Rowan, Isabelle, and Alec later because they, specifically Rowan, keep pushing him out of their ‘adult’ conversations and it frustrates him to no end that he’s only four years younger than them and isn’t allowed to be involved.
Jensen came through the Portal with the New York Institute, being pretty much carried through when the Forsaken attacked. He’d never been in a serious attack like that and was, frankly, terrified, but to his surprise, Rowan was the one to pull him from the fray and get him to safety. He clung to Max afterward, neither of them having seen anything like it before, and kept their noses buried in their comic books while the rest of the party continued around them. The teenagers didn’t want anything to do with the young kids so they stayed in the corner.  They spent a lot of time bored and alone, but Jensen enjoyed hanging out with his dad when he was back at the house. Surprisingly, he also knew some of the comics they were reading and even gave them little sketches of the characters he did when he was bored during meetings at the Gard.  Demons attacked and they stayed at the house where it was safest, or so they thought. Rowan and Isabelle left to gather more weapons, leaving them alone with Sebastian. In the darkness, he watched him kill Max, depriving him of his best friend and supposed-to-be future parabatai for the rest of his life.  During Valentine’s final attack, the children were stuck with Aline and Lian, babysitting everyone that was too young to fight. There were too many people for him to be comfortable; in situations like that, he would usually spend the time just as he did at the party: with Max, in the corner, reading or talking about things that only mattered to the two of them. Instead, he sat in the corner, staring off into space. A girl about his age wandered over and sat next to him. She just started talking, and eventually, he did too. She was the first person he’d spoken to: Emma Carstairs. They hung out again at the party after the battle, as everyone was putting the city back together. 
Jensen is only heard from once, when he sneaks out of his room to find Simon on the Institute grounds, just to ask him about reading a manga he was interested in. He is still struggling with the death of his best friend, Max Lightwood, and spends most of the book alone in his room, struggling to find enjoyment in the things he used to enjoy with him. So, when the Shadowhunters return to the Institute and don’t see him, no one is concerned. The uneasiness returns to the Institute when it’s several hours later and he is still missing, as is Jace and Sebastian’s body. 
sixteen., 8.2k
jensen turns sixteen and tries his best to accept the fact he's growing older without most of the people he wishes were there to see it. the new york institute, among other friends and family, tries to make his day a little better.
run to the things they said could restore me, 3.2k
frustrated with the search for camille, magnus takes a break from the institute’s search for her and reconnects with members of the ashfair family he hasn’t seen in ages. he is finally able to face aric, who sheds some light on the full story of his wife’s death and the children’s move to new york.
letters: emma and jensen
a handful of letters/fire messages between jensen ashfair and his friend emma carstairs. takes place between the end of city of glass and the beginning of city of lost souls
chapter rewrites
city of ashes, chapter 5: sins of the fathers
city of glass, chapter 11: fire and sword
city of fallen angles, chapter 12: sanctuary
city of lost souls, chapter 19: love and blood
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byneddiedingo · 11 months
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Tallulah Bankhead in The Cheat (George Abbott, 1931)
Cast: Tallulah Bankhead, Harvey Stephens, Irving Pichel, Jay Fassett, Ann Andrews, William Ingersoll, Hanaki Yoshiwara, Willard Dashiell, Edward Keane, Robert Strange. Screenplay: Harry Hervey, based on a silent film scenario by Hector Turnbull. Cinematography: George J. Folsey. Film editing: Emma Hill. 
Tallulah Bankhead is the only reason to see the cornball and somewhat racist The Cheat today. Bankhead made only a handful of films, and only one or two of them -- chiefly Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat (1944) -- are any good. The Cheat was an old Paramount property, originally directed by Cecil B. DeMille in 1915, that was dragged out of mothballs to be remade for Bankhead. She plays Elsa Carlyle, happily married to the broker Jeffrey Carlyle (Harvey Stephens), but given to spending and gambling beyond their means. Faced with a debt she can't pay, she turns to a wealthy socialite just returned from spending time in "the Orient," Hardy Livingstone (Irving Pichel). Livingstone has picked up all sorts of sinister Asian artifacts and manners, and keeps dolls representing his sexual conquests in a cabinet. He brands the dolls with his own insignia. It soon becomes clear that he plans to add an effigy of Elsa to his collection, and when she spurns his advances he brands her, too, with a hot iron applied just above her breast. (Some production stills and posters show Bankhead baring a shoulder instead of her chest.) She shoots Livingstone, but only wounds him, and when Carlyle arrives, followed by the police, he claims to have fired the pistol. A trial ensues. Even contemporary reviewers found the movie old-fashioned and noted that the audiences laughed in all the wrong places. There's some impressive camerawork directed by George J. Folsey, but also a rather kitschy Thai-Balinese dance number choreographed by Ruth St. Denis. Bankhead does what she can with the material, which isn't enough, and she and director George Abbott returned to Broadway, where they had more success. 
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